Baltimore-Washington 8 Rooms Aad All Brick; Bath; Modernbaywindowyard; the Lot Has a Frontage of 37 Feet; the House $200 CASH and a LJTTLE a MONTH

Baltimore-Washington 8 Rooms Aad All Brick; Bath; Modernbaywindowyard; the Lot Has a Frontage of 37 Feet; the House $200 CASH and a LJTTLE a MONTH

C- ** FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOR SALE.HOUSES. FOE SALE.HOUSES. FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOB SALE.HOUSES. 7 FOB SALE.HOUSES. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. It. "<* »t. tl.OO. 1 Wk.. CM I am.. rr FOR 9A.LE.$18,000.THE FIXEST BEfilDEN'CB FOB SALE.A SPLENDID, GOOD LOCATION. FOR SALE.A WASHINGTON HEIGHTS FOB SALE.NO. 18W 1ST ST. N.W. / FOR SAIvE.HOC8E WITH LOT 21X100. « Ittw. It. BOc. »t tl.OO. I wt.. C M. I .tt.ML SA »OK O.N EAST GAIIITOL ST. CtooTenleat to Libmry Low price. A FIBST-CLAS& BHSIDENCB BABUAIM. 15.500. / Worth knowing (boot. FOR SALE - AN VNC8UAL OPPORTIMTT. {IHtI-BMOORE * HILL (Ioc.), 717 HTH ST. N.W. and Capital; southern exposure; firoUfe o**r Only $4,100. AT A SACRIFICE. Very handsome; brownatooe to parlor wMdowv; Well-contracted, modera ft-room brick; cellar 7-room bow, new steel roof, one acre ground: 2l> fee-t by depth of 100 fee*; four stories and Ob u itaw west of Bth >t. On aceooat of pument comtot due the owner 3 stories. attic; 4 rooms on a fioor. A furnace; located Dear main car line. PRICK outbulldlnn; floe water; center Tillage; l«.»rd SMALL HOMF. AND INVE8TMBNT. Mgh cellar; attractive stone and brick front; WELL PLANKED. will sacrifice on* of .he beat constructed homaea HOUSE. WELLBl'ILT #4,800. The owner will accept SK2.B0 PE1 walk to door: price, (2.000; bait ca»li. balance $2,700. 13 large rooms, tileJ batiis, pantry, linenContaining1ST 7LOOB.Parlor, back parlor, dlntac room, on Waabington Haighta, wot of 18tb It., facing STONE It FAIRFAX, l«48 New Torfc «Tf. MONTH. COVERING PHINOIPAL AND Ali. IN ten Tears; Immediate poaaesalon. Addr<f» \V. a. rooma and kitchen. 2D FLOOB.4 bed roomi when commeted tare TEREST. JU8T A LTITU) OASH NEEDED T< COLLI New Hampshire ave.: 8 and bath; r*ote<l closets and cupboards; bouse beautifully dea^ pastry aontb; price. $8,750; aoW, FOB 8ALB.EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT. OWN X8, Attoruej at Law, Vienna, Va. for I1H .V) per inuntb; will bring more. Trila Is a rated; new b©<-water heating plant. Splendid aad bath; TWO STAIRWAYS; rear porcbea; all jeara ago. for |U,M. The woodwork, beating, SPLENDID ABBANOESIBNT. IT. house. location room* newly papered. Dry cellar under «attra Ac., are of the very highest order; the honae BLUNDON. O'BRIEN A BELT (Inc.). 1290 O N.W cbeap for physician. _ Convenient location. rOB JOSEPH I. WELiEB, booae; FURNACE BEAT. Lot 18 boat, aboat IS rooms, 8 Oath rooms, hot-water beat,cootalna3 n>hr as «sn fel-2t «UL»I MM AIJ. NORTH WRHT HOME. fe2-3t 002 F St. n.w. 100 deep; altar. atairwaja, alectrie lights, large closets aad FOR " Keoalmyton. frfooaa home, in tboronth « * Realty Broker, Thi» how wm boJlt aj day's labor far former SAUB-WIDR, BIO ROOM HOtJSE. » . » " w Side Ilfbt. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1S42 New Tork at«. If ran wish to steoi* a gatroiae bargainpantries.k owner's home; S storks; parlor, back WASHINGTON HQOUTS. nw, »»»w »*»/ W,IB* 94.0W. FOB £UIJE-*5,2A0. NEW BOCSE CW EAST a thoroughly well-conat.'octed bouse this Is year parlor M VIA B-!1a ^11 »-* «A OAFITOL ST. NEAR LINCOLN PARK. FOB 8ALE.A TBKX OBEAP BOOSE 1«.W. dlDlu room, pantry aad kitchen on first floor; T*»iiwv. vuMt W PCH iwr IVI uwrc. 4V FOB SALJt. Wwl located io tbe Don turret- lot 21x105: SO WELL CONSTRUCTED. 3 atorlea, collar; opportunity. 4 bad rooms and bath on M; front and rear wmii; well-planned homt; lit'-floor kitchen; hot romltttoa. This U something unusual, perfiH-tami sod larve cellar, 8 rooms and tiled bath; 8TOXK A FAIRFAX. 1S*> New Tort «T«. water urn colonial house, containing 14 room*; > Twostory New m * lot southern west 9th lot to over lw reel fonuic*; K it. d.w., facing York 18x100; exposure; ofstairways; heat; food atley. AccommodatingI Ml* of floe will surely b* (old at one*. Furnace beat. reception hail; hot-water beat; lot «T«. FOR ground; Blind* sod atirubbcrr; wltblo room »table. Terms 8TONE * FAIRFAX. 1343 New Tort BALK.A WIDE HOUSE. at., aooth of T. tuj dlituct of will nM deep to alley; plenty of tor A MODERN UOU8E. STONE * FAIRFAX. ISOStw York are. BLUNDON. O'BBIEN ft BOiT (Inc.). 1290 G N.W driving the city; be DETACHED HOME.WEST CONN. AVE. to rait purchaser. FOB SALE.$4,000. f«l-it JOSEPH I. WEIZ-EB, Near North Oapt. at. BK8T RK8IOONT SECTION. FOB SALS.LOOK AT THIS. ; |12,<fc>0. _ NEAR MASS. ATE. AND 22D ST. FOB of the BUILT BT OWNER KOR HOUR. Contain* 12 fe2-3t Realty Broker. 802 F st n.w. room*. 4 on a floor; porcbes; WEU/ BDILT; A stone's throw from mansions, sooth. 15,775; resting for 848.60; a 10-room brick SALE. ~ttOhdwlmt corner properties In rooms and haih; fliw repair; large rooms: Juat Ilka 10,300 booses; better construction. 27 Facing dwelling! koose; two OT bath rooms; MAGNIFICENT HOUSE.ONLT »#,000. tooth and eaat exposure*; hour contain#Petworth; ruoma on KOR SALB^t4,4fiO. NEW DWEULJ>fO IN MASS. FEET FkONT. lot on a LOT 10 tiled lame tiled heat: four flrat floor, Incmdlnghotwater CAR LINES. Two stories, STONE A FAIRFAX. 1»42 New York »T«. 1* rooms, three STEAM HKAT; 30x106; cumberedHOT-WATERst. wast 90X100; room*; bath; mtAr ruomi; both; wide veranda*; largo library with open fireplace; unusually large AVE. S.E. SEAJt thla la hatha; boat; 111,000. Of 16th St. kaatcr; cellar; laaadry; lat-floor kitebra; locate.1 pate around front of with ceHar, bay-window brick house; 6 large FOB 8ALE.A SNAP. leaa than coat *>f improvements. STOW * 1848 New Tort are. FOB 8ALH. flowfa; lurpe porrh booae; coal and A brick hooie on 7th it. rent* 8TOXE * 1342 New York ait. FAIRFAX. a $40,000 residence. Within 20 minutes'adJoinsrooms, tiled bath and kitchen; gas n.w.; MOJO; FAIRFAX, NORTHWEST SECTION. One of the handaomoat home* In Bennington; ride of the Tbla la a ranges; furnace best. Will rent at $30 per mo. price, 13,100. IjOt alone worth more: 33x135. FOB SALE.NEW FOB 8ALE-NEW, NICK. NORTH Or RHODE ISLAND AYR. U treasury. gem. JOSEPH I. WEUjBR, STONE * FAIRFAX. 1843 New York aro. COLONIAL BE8IDENCB. $5,000; renting for 835; vary pretty 8-atory O'BRIEN N.W city convenience*; lirfe groondi; r*n» Weat of Connecticat uc.; containing 14 rooma bar-window cellar under entire BLPNDON, * BELT (Inc.). 1210 G to *ecur* beautiful borne at a Toryopportunity NEW YORK AVE. NORTHWEST. fe2-3t Realty Broker. 602 F1 St. n.w. SALE-STORE AND DWELLING. and 8 bath rooms; lot to a brick; hooae; fel-lt reasonable orlce. FOB large public allejr. FURNACE HKAT; TILED BATH; food-alsed FOR 8ALK. $5,000. FOB 8ALE~*4,7»>. CORNER HOC3B BETWEEN 7th at. n.w. Price. 927,000. The owaer bad thla booae lot; near 14th st. FOB SAL£.GREAT BARGAIN. THIS. Originally »ol<1 for $0,000. Ow»r'i Ill-health S.E. A boalneaa stand. Buy for laTeatmert. A built for lila home. Everything la flist-elaaa.carefully a new located near lornI 8-room booae; lara* groonda; all modem lor aomr. * EAST CAPITOL. ST. ANI> PA. AVE. Only good BTONB * FAIRFAX, 1348 New York aee. Practically bouse, rau»en immediate FBie. onui abort walk from Cong. Library; frootage nearly neat-appearing building; $3,000. 8TONE A FAIBFAX, 1842 New York are. " and 8 8TH. N.W.; raated for *40.50; boltt abou eeolencea; located at lit. Rainier; property cootwill 7 momH and bath; attic; southern exposure.outalus STONE A FAIRFAX. 1842 New York are. FOB SALE.$3,860. mr; 10 itHa bnt. VEK1( be sacrificed. Attractive front. 20 feet; three stories, with 8 rooms and bath; FOR SALE.4BEAT SNAP. HOT-WATER HEAT. rooms; cellar; TBRRRM. tvuonc ViiTCW, KI UIU11UHL uucwawv. INVESTMENT. REDUCED TO RICH-APPEARING PROPERTY. ft LITTLE. FOB SALE-FINK *6.250. LARGE TILED BATH. fel-St 71.1 14th at. n w. MODERN N. H. AYR RESIDENCE. JOSEPH I. WBLLBB, $0,000; renting for IW a month; new dwelling; Sold when completed a few yeara ago for DOUBLE REAR PORCHES. Price. $7,000. fe2-3t Realty Broker, 602 F at. n.w. near 14th at.; I atoriee: cellar; fnrnacc. 90,000. Owner anxious to cet BUTNDON, O'BRIEN * RELr (Inc.), 1230 U N.W MARYLAND, D. REDUCED $6,500. cr*ran m. vait>vat 1u9 vm tm4 away. ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. VIRU1NIA. C. UOMB8. Attractive fr«>nt of Roman brick, with FOR SAL*.»B,5G0. R ST. N.W. NKAU 1ST 8T. EAST PAYMENTS. prot>ertles: No. 1 stock and dairy faronSUBurban^ *tone trimming*; 0 room* and bath; HOT-WATERbrown» tod bjiT-window brick dwell FOB RENTING FOB STORE 1710 15TH ST. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE-LOOK AT THIS. IT IS EXCEF II price*, all (Up*, all bargain*. State wmta. ^ on Two-story cellar, SALE.»3,860. $». T«T handsome, fell three-story red tlonal. In e*tenal*e overhaul 2 000 plana to HEAT, 18 feet wide; four rooms first floor, inc. with 8 iargr room* and tiled bath; and dwelling on »tii it. u.w. near U 10 bar-window FOR SALE. 11.500 Juat pent wlwt from. If too iU to wll. library; cellar under entire bouse. Houaeincluding rent for STONE New Tofk 1H. brick; rooms; TWO (2) BATHS; aU light, In*; northwest, near 14th at. car; 19 feet froat Ilat with ua. Some ottr of our mr.ny customers will beat; rear double porch; would farmice ic FAIRFAX, 1343 cheerful rooms: side INVESTIGATE THIS OFFER.

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