AAnniisshhiinnaaaabbeegg TTooddaayy A Monthly Chronicle of White Earth Reservation Vol. 26 No. 9 White Earth, Minn.
[email protected] Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Photo by Vicki Gerdes/ Detroit Lakes Tribune White Earth Tribal Home Health received the Community Spirit award from United Way during a ceremony on Aug. 19 at the Holmes Theater in Detroit Lakes. Accepting the award from left are Deb Killian, Mina Spalla, Sally Simonson, Lindsi Darco, Lisa Braun and Shirley Holzgrove. WE Tribal Home Health honored at event The United Way of Becker County held its Since they first began offering the vaccines annual Celebration of Heroes on Aug. 19 at the to the public in 2020, White Earth Home Health Holmes Theater in Detroit Lakes. The annual has successfully vaccinated 16,458 people, and event honors the “everyday heroes” that work directly contributed to the high vaccination rates behind the scenes to make our communities a of the counties where the vaccines were offered. better place to live. “When the vaccine became available to The members of the White Earth Tribal White Earth, the tribal council made the call to Home Health organization were collectively offer the vaccine to non-Native residents of honored for their efforts in offering free doses of Mahnomen, Becker and Clearwater, as well as the COVID-19 vaccine to both Native American nearby Norman and Polk counties because the and non-Native residents of not only council believes, ‘We should be good neighbors Mahnomen, Becker and Clearwater counties, during these times of need and it is the right which all contain part of the 900,000-acre reser - thing to do,’” said 2020 United Way of Becker vation, but also the neighboring counties of County President Anna Schmitz, who presented Norman and Polk.