Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Land East of Lime Tree Holiday Park, Buxton 20th October 2016 On behalf of Mr Robert Hidderley Author: Richard Billingsley BSc (Hons) Ecology Illustration and Diagrams: Danielle Jeynes MA LMLI DJOGS Landscape Architect and Ecology Services 79 Green Lane, Pelsall, Walsall, WS3 4PD, Tel: 01922 442665, e-mail:
[email protected] 1 2 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Purpose of Survey 4 1.2 CIEEM Guidelines 4 1.3 Site Location 4 1.4 Site Description 5 1.5 Local Designations 6 1.6 Peak District Biodiversity Action Plan 6 2.0 SURVEY METHOD 7 2.1. Desktop Searches 7 2.2 Site Survey 7 2.3 Scope 7 2.4 Limitations 8 3.0 RESULTS 8 3.1 Phase One Survey 8 3.2 Protected, Priority and Notable Species Recorded During Site Survey 9 3.3 Photographic Survey 9 3.4 Desktop Survey 12 4.0 SURVEY ANALYSIS 13 4.1 Protected and Priority Habitats 13 4.2 Landscape Value 14 4.3 Value to wildlife 14 4.4 Implications of the development for biodiversity value (threats and opportunities) 14 5.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 15 5.1 Summary 15 5.2 Recommendations 15 6.0 REFERENCES 16 APPENDICES 17 APPENDIX A: Recorded Flora 17 APPENDIX B: Site Survey Fauna Records 18 APPENDIX C: Staffordshire Biological Records Data 1km Radius 18 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Mr Robert Hidderley a survey was conducted by Ecologist Mr Richard Billingsley BSc hons (Ecology) on and around a field on the eastern edge of Lime Tree Holiday Park.