1J:, «' It Y 3 Jul 1998
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I CODE No NPDDD0798310 P.FILE No. 10141 RECEIVED AT I PDNPA OS MAP No.1 069 GRID REF 1117 6986 1 Jul 1998 APPLICANT clo AGENT PLOTTED Mr C Lomas HJSR Architects 22 Jun 1998 Primitive Hall Oak House JFB Main Street 483 Buxton Road ENTERED BY Chelmorton STOCKPORT NR BUXTON Cheshire LMR Derbyshire CERTIFICATE POSTCODE SK179S1 POSTCODE SK2 7HQ A Tel No. Tel No. 01614836121 PROPOSED LAND USE HSLD APPL TYPE Full PROPOSAL Extension to dwelling EXISTING LAND USE LOCATION The Methodist Chapel (Primitive Hall), Main Street PREVIOUS APP PARISH Chelmorton ADVERT DATE 17 Jul 1998 LAST ADVERT DATE 7 Aug 1998 PLANNING OFFICER CONSTRAINTS Conservation Area JK TCP3JcD.j~FT CONSULTATIONS DATE SENT DATE REPLY 1J:, «' It y 3 Jul 1998 . Chelmorton Parish Council DELEGATED Derbyshire Dales District Council 3 Jul 1998~/'i Ves Derbyshire County Council (Highways) 3 Jul 1998 Built Environment 3 Jul 1998 DEEMED REFUSAL OATE 26 Aug 1998 13 WEEKS DATE 5 Oct 1998 COMMITTEE m,CISION e,~ Dilte Q,l:::fA~et1?f AI'PEAL nato!"dg"ld Ue,;ision Date ENFORCEMENT RECORD CARD This card should be filed immediately in front of the decision notice which in tum should be in front ofa set of approved plans. IP. IDilL] NP/DDD/O 798 /3 10 The following amendments have been formally agreed by the planning officer since the issue of the decision notice: DATE DETAILS The following conditions have been formally complied with since the issue of the decision notice: DATE COND.NO. DETAILS SITE VISIT RECORD DATE INSP PROGRESS DEPARTURES I~M Rocf~\vb l~laCM m Ii) j)j ~cri 1tO tv1' ,Ct1/ill CbW;\~ ? ,:3 0~ KEY DATES TO NOTE KEY FACTORS TO WATCH DATE DETAILS DETAILS Carl Lomas Primitive Hall Main Street Chelmorton Derbyshire SKH9SH Sandra Harrop I Mr Keeley Site Inspector Development Control AldemHouse eEAK D1SIPl'-'.r NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY BaslowRoad DATE FIE:::;): Bakewell Derbyshire DE45lAE Your refSHILWIP.I0141 Our refPrimitive Hall-Chelmorton 4th Feb 2000 Dear Ms Harrop I refer to your note ofthe 3l" January regarding the wooden fence to part ofthe front ofthe development at Primitive Hall. The wooden fence is a temporary structurefollowing:- • The collapse ofthe old stone wall. • The tarmac work ofthe carparking area in front ofthe development. • The tarmac work ofthe pavementsfollowing electricity cable work. Design ofthe new metalfence. gateposts andmatching stone work has been ongoing and we hope it to be finished by Summer this year. I hope this addresses the issues you have raised. • Tel: 01629 816200 Fax: 01629816310 E·mail: [email protected] Web: www.peakdistricl.org Minicom: 01629 816319 Aldern House. Baslow Road. Bakewell. Derbyshire. DE45 IAE NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY- Mr C Lomas Yourr~ Primitive Hall ourre:·~.10141 Main Street Chelmorton Date: 31 January 2000 Near Buxton Derbyshire SK17 9S1 Dear Mr Lomas Re: The Primitive Hall, Main Street. Chelmorton I refer to the above property which has recently been converted and extended. From a recent visit to Chelmorton it was noted that the access to the property has been altered and the wall and gate have been removed and have been replaced by wooden fencing. Our records show Mr John Keeley the planning officer who dealt with your planning applications contacted your architects 'In June 1998 regarding the removal of such boundary walls. A copy of the letter is enclosed. Planning application NPIWED/1294/550 for the change of use to a dwelling, requested details of the alterations to the front boundary wall to create a vehicular access and details of the parking space on the north-east side of the access. These details should have been forwarded to this office some time ago. To date they have not been received. I would therefore be obliged if you could either contact Mr Keeley at this office to discuss the matter or submit the above details for approval within the next 28 days. If you have any queries on any of the above please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours sincerely Sandra Harrop Site Inspector Development Control K:\oEVCON\LOMAS5.00Cl31/01/00 10:38IL..W Member oj the Association oj National Park Authorities Holder ofCouncil of Europe Diploma 'iii'. , , National Park Officer: Christopher Harrison Assistant National Park Officers: Conservation: Ken Parker Planning:John Anfield Recreation: John Thompson Secretary and Solicitor. Kevin Francis Chid Finance Officer: Peter Swaby Coring (or a Living Landscape -PLANNING DECISION NOTICE Peak District National Park Authority Caring (ar a Living Landscape Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE451AE Tel: 01629 816200 Fax: 01629 816310 E-mail: [email protected] To: Mr C Lomas P.10141 c/o HJSR Architects Oak House 483 Buxton Road STOCKPORT Cheshire SK2 7HQ THIS NOTICE RELATES TO PLANNING CONTROL ONLY, ANY OTHER STATUTORY CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACTS & GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER In pursuance of the powers vested in the Peak District National Park Authority under the above Acts and Order, and with reference to your application for full planning permission, detaiis of which are as follows: Office Code No. NP/DDD/0798/310 Date received: 1 July 1998 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: The Methodist Chapel (Primitive Hall), Main Street Parish: Chelmorton THE DECISION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PERMISSION FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT in the manner described on the application and shown on the accompanying plans and drawings is GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun within 5 years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted plans, numbered 2139/10, D, subject to the following conditions or modifications: (i) The gable of the kitchen extension shall be recessed 450 mm back from the north east gable wall of the original chapel. .' 3. Within 3 weeks of the date of this consent a detailed drawing of the north-west elevation of the extension shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. 4. All window and door frames shall be recessed a minimum of 75 mm (approximately 3 inches) from the external face of the wall. Reasons for conditions: 1. To comply with Sections 91,92, and 93 of·the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (which requires the National Park Authority to reconsider the proposal afresh after a period of years). 2&4 To ensure a satisfactory detailed design, which is in character with the local building tradition arid the character of the National Park. Continued overleafl 7 ~_\-,-,--33L..-"!.8' Signed Date _'1-=6 _ Attention is called to notes at the end" of this Decision Notice Form Tep3 P.10141 NPIDDD/0798/310 3. For clarity and for the avoidance of doubt. STATEMENT OF APPLICANT'S RIGHTS ARISING FROM THE REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION OR FROM THE GRANT OF PERMISSION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS Appeals to the Secretary of State If you are aggrieved by the decision of your local planning authority to refuse permission for the proposed development or to grant it subject to conditions, then you can appeal to the Secretary of State for the Environment under Section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. If you want to appeal, then you must do so within 6 months of the date of this notice, using a form which you can get from the Planning Inspectorate at Tollgate House, Houlton Street, Bristol, BS2 9DJ. The Secretary of State can allow a longer periOd for giving notice of an appeal, but he will not normally be prepared to use this power unless there are special circumstances which excuse the delay in giving notice of appeal. The Secretary of State need not consider an appeal if it seems to him that the local planning authority could not have granted planning permission for the proposed development or could not have granted it without the conditions they imposed, having regard to the statutory requirements, to the provisions of any development order and to any directions given under a development order. In practice, the Secretary of State does not refuse to consider appeals solely because the local planning authority based its decision on a direction given by him. Purchase Notices If either the local planning authority or the Secretary of State for the Environment refuses permission to develop land or grants it subject to conditions, the owner may claim that he can neither put the land to a reasonably beneficial use in its existing state nor render the land capable of a reasonably beneficial use by the carrying out of any development which has been or would be permitted. In these circumstances, the owner may serve a purchase notice on the Council (District Council, l.ondon Borough Council or Common Council of the City of London) or, where the land is situated in a National Park, the National Park Authority for that Park in whose area the land is situated. This notice will require the Councilor Authority to purchase his interest in the land in accordance with the provisions of Part VI of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. NJSR Architects Vour ref: BPH/KBC/2139 Oak House 483 Buxton Road Durref: tLW/P.1D141 Stockport Cheshire SK2 7HQ NP/DDD1798/31 D Date: 11 November 1998 Dear Sir Extension to the Methodist Chapel. Main Street, Chelmorton I refer to your letter of 7 September 1998 enclosing drawing Nos 2139/1 DE and 11 E. I am pleased to confirm the Authority's acceptance of these drawings in discharge of your clients obligations under conditions No 2 and No 3.