E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2009 No. 1 Senate The sixth day of January being the cates, the Chair is advised, are in the State of Montana as a United States Senator day prescribed by House Joint Resolu- form suggested by the Senate or con- from said State to represent said State in tion 100 for the meeting of the 1st Ses- tain all essential elements of the forms the . The six-year term commences on January 3rd, 2009. sion of the 111th Congress, the Senate suggested by the Senate. If there be no Witness: His excellency our Governor assembled in its Chamber at the Cap- objection, the reading of the above cer- Brian Schweitzer, and the official seal here- itol and at 12:01 p.m. was called to tificates will be waived and they will unto affixed at the City of Helena, the Cap- order by the Vice President (Mr. CHE- be printed in the RECORD. ital, this 10th day of December, in the year NEY). There being no objection, the mate- of our Lord 2008. rial was ordered to be printed in the By the Governor: BRIAN SCHWEITZER, PRAYER RECORD, as follows: Governor. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- STATE OF TENNESSEE fered the following prayer: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM STATE OF ALASKA Let us pray. To the President of the Senate of the United CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX–YEAR TERM Eternal Lord God, our shelter from States: To the President of the Senate of the United life’s storms, as we begin the 111th This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- States: Congress, we ask for Your guidance. vember, 2008, was duly cho- This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- vember, 2008 Mark Begich was duly chosen Lead our Senators on a path that will sen by the qualified electors of the State of Tennessee a Senator from said State to rep- by the qualified electors of the State of Alas- bring blessings, as they seek to honor resent said State in the Senate of the United ka a Senator from said State to represent Your Name. Forgive them when they States for the term of six years, beginning said State in the United States for the term lean too heavily upon their wisdom, on the 3d day of January, 2009: of six years, beginning on the 3rd day of Jan- forgetting to look to You, the author Witness: His excellency our governor Phil uary, 2009. and finisher of destinies. Bredesen, and our seal hereto affixed at Witness: Her excellency our governor Nashville this 8th day of December, in the Sarah Palin, and our seal hereto affixed at Lord, thank You for the opportunity Juneau this 8th day of December, in the year to serve You and country and to daily year of our Lord, 2008. By the Governor: of our Lord 2008. contribute to building a better world. PHIL BREDESEN, By the Governor: As our Nation waits with expectancy Governor. SARAH PALIN, during this transition time, help us to Governor. remember that Your sovereignty is STATE OF WYOMING STATE OF DELAWARE changeless. Remind us to have con- CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR UNEXPIRED CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX YEAR TERM fidence in our future because we know FOUR-YEAR TERM To the President of the Senate of the United and depend on You. To the President of the Senate of the United States: We pray in Your wonderful Name. States: This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Amen. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- vember, 2008, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was duly vember 2008, John Barrasso was duly chosen f chosen by the qualified electors of the State by the qualified electors of the State of Wyo- of Delaware a Senator from said State to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ming, a Senator from said State to represent represent said State in the United States for said State in the Senate of the United States The Vice President led the Pledge of the term of six years, beginning at noon on for the unexpired term of four years, begin- the 3rd day of January, 2009. Allegiance, as follows: ning on the 3rd day of January, 2009. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Witness: His excellency our governor, Dave the said State, at Dover, this 29th day of No- United States of America, and to the Repub- Freudenthal, and our seal hereto affixed at vember in the year of our Lord two thousand lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the Wyoming State Capitol, Cheyenne, Wyo- eight, and of the Independence of the United indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ming, this 12th day of November, in the year States of America the two hundred and thir- of our Lord 2008. f ty-second. DAVE FREUDENTHAL, RUTH ANN MINNER, CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION AND Governor. Governor. CREDENTIALS STATE OF MONTANA STATE OF GEORGIA The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM lays before the Senate two certificates TO THE UNITED STATES SENATE of election to fill unexpired terms and To the President of the Senate of the United I, Brad Johnson, Secretary of State of the States: the certificates of election of 32 Sen- State of Montana, do hereby certify that This is to certify that on the 2nd day of De- ators elected for 6-year terms begin- Max Baucus was duly chosen on November cember, 2008, Saxby Chambliss was duly cho- ning on January 3, 2009. All certifi- 4th, 2008, by the qualified electors of the sen by the qualified electors of the State of

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:28 Jan 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.000 S06JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE S2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2009

Georgia to be a Senator from said State to the City of Springfield, Illinois this First day STATE OF OKLAHOMA represent said State in the Senate of the of December, in the year of our Lord Two CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM United States for the term of six years, be- Thousand and Eight. To the President of the Senate of the United ginning on the 3rd day of January, 2009. By the Governor: States: Given under my hand and the Great Seal of ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH, This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- the State of Georgia at the Capitol, in the Governor. vember, 2008, Jim Inhofe was duly chosen by city of Atlanta, the 15th day of December, in the qualified electors of the State of Okla- the year of our Lord Two Thousand and STATE OF WYOMING homa a Senator from said State to represent Eight. said State in the Senate of the United States By the Governor: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM for the term of six years, beginning on the SONNY PERDUE, To the President of the Senate of the United 3rd day of January 2009. Governor. States: Witness: His excellency our Governor Brad This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Henry, and our seal hereto affixed at Okla- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI vember 2008, Mike Enzi was duly chosen by homa City, Oklahoma this 20th day of No- CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX YEAR TERM the qualified electors of the State of Wyo- vember, in the year of our Lord 2008. To the president of the Senate of the United ming, a Senator from said State to represent By the Governor: States: said State in the Senate of the United States BRAD HENRY, This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- for the term of six years, beginning on the Governor. vember, 2008, Thad Cochran was duly chosen 3rd day of January, 2009. by the qualified electors of the State of Mis- Witness: His excellency our governor, Dave STATE OF NEBRASKA sissippi a Senator from said State to rep- Freudenthal, and our seal hereto affixed at CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM resent said State in the Senate of the United the Wyoming State Capitol, Cheyenne, Wyo- To the President of the Senate of the United States for the term of six years, beginning ming, this 12th day of November, in the year States. on the 3d day of January, 2009. of our Lord 2008. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Witness: His excellency our governor Haley DAVE FREUDENTHAL, vember, 2008, Mike Johanns was duly chosen Barbour, and our seal hereto affixed at Jack- Governor. son, Hinds County, Mississippi this 18th day by the qualified electors of the State of Ne- of December, in the year of our Lord 2008. braska a Senator from said State to rep- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA By the Governor: resent said State in the Senate of the United HALEY BARBOUR, CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States for the term of six years, beginning Governor. To the President of the Senate of the United on the 3rd day of January, 2009. Witness: His excellency our Governor Dave States: Heineman, and our seal hereto affixed at STATE OF MAINE This is to certify that on the fourth day of Lincoln, Nebraska, this 8th day of December, CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM November, 2008, A.D. Lindsey O. Graham was in the year of our Lord 2008. To the President of the Senate of the United duly chosen by the qualified electors of the By the governor: State of South Carolina a Senator from said States: DAVE HEINEMAN, This is to certify that on the fourth day of State to represent said State in the Senate Governor. November in the year Two Thousand and of the United States for the term of six Eight, Susan M. Collins was duly chosen by years, beginning on the third day of January STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA the qualified electors of the State of Maine, 2009. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM a senator from said State to represent said Witness: His excellency our Governor Mark State in the Senate of the United States for Sanford, and our seal hereto affixed at Co- This is to certify that on the fourth day of the term of six years, beginning on the third lumbia, South Carolina this twenty-fourth November, 2008, at the general election, Tim day of January, in the year Two Thousand day of November, in the year of our Lord, Johnson was elected by the qualified voters and Nine. 2008. of the State of South Dakota to the office of United States Senate for the term of six Witness: His excellency our Governor, By the Governor: years, beginning on the third day of January, John E. Baldacci, and our seal hereto affixed MARK SANFORD, 2009. at Augusta, Maine this twenty-fourth day of Governor. November, in the year of our Lord Two In witness whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and caused the Seal of the State Thousand and Eight. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA By the Governor: to be affixed at Pierre, the Capital, this 18th JOHN E. BALDACCI, CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM day of November, 2008. Governor. To the President of the Senate of the United M. MICHAEL ROUNDS, States: Governor. STATE OF TEXAS This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM vember, 2008, Kay Hagan was duly chosen by CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM To the President of the Senate of the United the qualified electors of the State of North States: Carolina a Senator from said State to rep- To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- resent said State in the Senate of the United States: vember, 2008, John Cornyn was duly chosen States for the term of six years, beginning This is to certify that on the fourth day of by the qualified electors of the State of on the 3rd day of January, 2009. November, two thousand and eight John F. Texas, a Senator from said State to rep- Witness: His Excellency our governor Mike Kerry was duly chosen by the qualified elec- resent said State in the Senate of the United Easley, and our seal hereto affixed at Ra- tors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts States for the term of six years, beginning leigh, NC this 25th day of November, in the a Senator from said Commonwealth to rep- on the 3rd day of January, 2009. year of our Lord 2008. resent said Commonwealth in the Senate of Witness: His excellency our governor Rick By the Governor: the United States for the term of six years, Perry, and our seal hereto affixed at Austin, MIKE EASLEY, beginning on the third day of January, two Texas this 19th day of November, in the year Governor. thousand and nine. of our Lord 2008. Witness: His Excellency, the Governor, By the Governor: Deval L. Patrick, and our seal hereto affixed STATE OF IOWA RICK PERRY, at Boston, this third day of December in the Governor. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM year of our Lord two thousand and eight. To the President of the Senate of the United By the Governor, STATE OF ILLINOIS States: DEVAL L. PATRICK, CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Governor. To the President of the Senate of the United vember, 2008, Tom Harkin was duly chosen STATE OF LOUISIANA States: by the qualified electors of the State of Iowa This is to certify that on the Fourth day of a Senator from said State to represent said CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM November, Two Thousand and Eight Richard State in the Senate of the United States for To the President of the Senate of the United J. Durbin was duly chosen by the qualified the term of six years, beginning on the 3rd States: electors of the State of Illinois, a Senator day of January 2009. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- from said State, to represent said State in Witness: His excellency our Governor Ches- vember, 2008, Mary Landrieu was duly chosen the Senate of the United States for the term ter J. Culver, and our seal hereto affixed at by the qualified electors of the State of Lou- of six years, beginning the third day of Janu- Des Moines this 24th day of November, in the isiana a senator from said State to represent ary, Two Thousand and Nine. year of our Lord 2008. said State in the Senate of the United States Witness: His excellency our governor, Rod CHESTER J. CULVER, for the term of six years, beginning at noon R. Blagojevich, and our seal hereto affixed at Governor of Iowa. on the 3rd day of January, 2009.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:18 Jan 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.007 S06JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE January 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3 Witness: His excellency our Governor, Witness: His excellency our Governor, fixed at Topeka, Kansas this 26th day of No- Bobby Jindal, and our seal hereto affixed at Theodore Kulongoski, and our seal hereto af- vember, in the year of our Lord 2008. Baton Rouge, this 18th day of November, in fixed at Salem, Oregon this 4th day of De- By the Governor: the year of our Lord 2008. cember, 2008. , By the Governor: By the Governor: Governor. BOBBY JINDAL, THEODORE KULONGOSKI, Governor. Governor. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA STATE OF NEW JERSEY STATE OF ARKANSAS CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM To the President of the Senate of the United To the President of the Senate of the United To the President of the Senate of the United States: States: States: This is to certify that on the fourth day of This is to certify that on the fourth day of Know Ye, That Whereas, It appears that November, 2008, Jay Rockefeller was duly November, 2008, Frank Lautenberg, was duly Mark Pryor was duly elected to the U.S. chosen by the qualified electors of the State chosen by the qualified electors of the State Senate, in and for the State of Arkansas at of West Virginia, a Senator from said State of New Jersey, a Senator from said State to an election held on the fourth day of Novem- to represent said State in the Senate of the represent said State in the Senate of the ber, Two Thousand Eight. United States for the term of six years, be- United States for the term of six years, be- Therefore, I, Mike Beebe, Governor of the ginning on the third day of January, 2009. ginning on the third day of January, 2009. State of Arkansas in the name and by au- Witnes: His excellency our governor Joe Given, under my hand and the Great Seal thority of the people of the State of Arkan- Manchin III, and our seal hereto affixed at of the State of New Jersey, this 4th day of sas, vested in me by the Constitution and the Charleston this 17th day of December, in the December, two thousand and eight. laws of said State do hereby certify that year of our Lord 2008. By the Governor, Mark Pryor was duly chosen by the qualified By the governor: JON S. CORZINE, electors of the State of Arkansas to the of- JOE MANCHIN III, Governor. fice of U.S. Senate In and for the State of Ar- Governor. kansas for the term of six years, beginning STATE OF MICHIGAN on the 3rd of January, 2009. STATE OF ALABAMA CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM Witness: His excellency our governor, Mike CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM To the President of the Senate of the United Beebe, and our seal hereto affixed at Little States: Rock, Arkansas this 5th day of December, in To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- the year of our Lord 2008. States: vember, 2008, Carl Levin was duly chosen by MIKE BEEBE, This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- the qualified electors of the State of Michi- Governor. vember, 2008, Jefferson B. Sessions, III, was gan a Senator from the State of Michigan to duly chosen by the qualified electors of the represent the State of Michigan in the Sen- STATE OF RHODE ISLAND State of Alabama a Senator from said State ate of the United States for the term of six CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM to represent said State in the Senate of the years, beginning on the 3rd day of January, To the President of the Senate of the United United States for the term of six years be- 2009. States: ginning on the 3rd day of January, 2009. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Witness: His excellency our governor Bob the State of Michigan this 1st day of Decem- vember, 2008, John F. Reed was duly chosen Riley, and our seal hereto affixed at Mont- ber, in the year of our Lord, two thousand by the qualified electors of the State of gomery this 25th day of November, in the and eight. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations a year of our Lord 2008. By the governor: Senator from said State to represent said By the Governor. JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM, State in the Senate of the United States for BOB RILEY, Governor. the term of six years, beginning on the 3rd Governor. day of January, 2009. STATE OF KENTUCKY Witness: His Excellency our Governor Don- STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM ald L. Carcieri, and our seal affixed on this CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM To the President of the Senate of the United 4th day of December, in the year of our Lord States: 2008. To the President of the Senate of the United To all to Whom These Presents Shall By the Governor: States: Come, Greeting: Know Ye That Honorable DONALD L. CARCIERI, This is to certify that on the fourth day of Mitch McConnell having been duly certified, Governor. November, two-thousand and eight Jeanne that on November 4, 2008 was duly chosen by Shaheen was duly chosen by the qualified the qualified electors of the Commonwealth STATE OF IDAHO electors of the State of New Hampshire to of Kentucky a Senator from said state to CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM represent said State in the Senate of the represent said state in the Senate of the To the President of the Senate of the United United States for the term of six years be- United States for the term of six years, be- States: ginning on the third day of January, two- ginning the 3rd day of January 2009. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- thousand and nine. I hereby invest the above named with full vember, 2008, James E. Risch was duly cho- Witness: His Excellency, Governor John H. power and authority to execute and dis- sen by the qualified electors of the State of Lynch and the Seal of the State of New charge the duties of the said office according Idaho a Senator from said State to represent Hampshire hereto affixed at Concord, this to law. And to have and to hold the same said State in the Senate of the United States third day of December, in the year of Our with all the rights and emoluments there- for the term of six years, beginning on the Lord two thousand and eight. unto legally appertaining, for and during the 3rd day of January, 2009. JOHN H. LYNCH, term prescribed by law. Witness: His Excellency our governor C.L. Governor. In testimony whereof, I have caused these ‘‘Butch’’ Otter, and our seal hereto affixed at letters to be made patent, and the seal of the Boise this 15th day of December, in the year STATE OF COLORADO Commonwealth to be hereunto affixed. Done of our Lord 2008. at Frankfort, the 3rd day of December in the By the Governor: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM year of our Lord two thousand and eight and C.L. ‘‘BUTCH’’ OTTER, To the President of the Senate of the United in the 217th year of the Commonwealth, Governor. States: STEVEN L. BESHEAR, This is to certify that on the Fourth day of Governor. STATE OF KANSAS November, 2008, Mark Udall was duly chosen CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM by the qualified electors of the State of Colo- STATE OF OREGON To the President of the Senate of the United rado a Senator from said State to represent CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States: said State in the Senate of the United States To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- for the term of six years, beginning on the States: vember, 2008, Pat Roberts was duly chosen by Third day of January, 2009. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- the qualified electors of the State of Kansas, Witness: His Excellency our Governor Bill vember, 2008, Jeff Merkley was duly chosen a Senator from said State to represent said Ritter, Jr., and our seal hereto affixed at by the qualified electors of the State of Or- State in the Senate of the United States for Denver, Colorado this Twenty-ninth day of egon, a Senator from said State to represent the term of six years, beginning on the 3rd December, in the year of our Lord 2008. said State in the Senate of the United States day of January, 2009. By the Governor for the term of six years, beginning on the Witness: His Excellency our governor BILL RITTER, Jr., 4th day of January, 2009. Kathleen Sebelius, and our seal hereto af- Governor.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:28 Jan 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.004 S06JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE S4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 6, 2009 STATE OF NEW MEXICO the Vice President; and they severally The legislative clerk called the CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM subscribed to the oath in the Official names of Mr. LEVIN, Mr. MCCONNELL, To the President of the Senate of the United Oath Book. Mr. MERKLEY, and Mr. PRYOR. States: The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- These Senators, escorted by Ms. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- tions. STABENOW, Mr. BUNNING, Mr. WYDEN, vember, 2008, Tom Udall was duly chosen by (Applause, Senators rising.) and Mrs. LINCOLN, respectively, ad- the qualified electors of the State of New The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk vanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- Mexico a Senator from said State to rep- will read the names of the next four dent; the oath prescribed by law was resent said State in the Senate of the United Senators. States for term of six years, beginning on administered to them by the Vice The legislative clerk called the President; and they severally sub- the 3rd day of January, 2009. names of Mr. BIDEN, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Witness: His excellency our governor Bill scribed to the oath in the Official Oath Mr. COCHRAN, and Ms. COLLINS. Richardson, and our seal hereto affixed at Book. These Senators, escorted by Mr. CAR- Santa Fe´ this 7th day of December, in the The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- year of our Lord 2008. PER, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. WICKER, and Ms. tions. By the Governor: SNOWE, respectively, advanced to the (Applause, Senators rising.) BILL RICHARDSON, desk of the Vice President; the oath The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Governor. prescribed by law was administered to will call the names of the next group of them by the Vice President; and they Senators. STATE OF VIRGINIA severally subscribed to the oath in the The legislative clerk called the CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM Official Oath Book. names of Mr. REED, Mr. RISCH, Mr. To the President of the Senate of the United The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- ROBERTS, and Mr. ROCKEFELLER. States: tions. These Senators, escorted by Mr. (Applause, Senators rising.) This is to certify that on the fourth day of WHITEHOUSE, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. November, 2008, Mark R. Warner was duly The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk BROWNBACK, and Mr. BYRD, respec- chosen by the qualified electors of the Com- will call the names of the next four tively, advanced to the desk of the Vice monwealth of Virginia to be a Senator from Senators. the Commonwealth to represent the Com- The legislative clerk called the President; the oath prescribed by law was administered to them by the Vice monwealth in the Senate of the United names of Mr. CORNYN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. States for the term of six years, beginning President; and they severally sub- ENZI, and Mr. GRAHAM. on the third day of January, 2009. These Senators, escorted by Mrs. scribed to the oath in the Official Oath In Testimony Whereof our Governor has HUTCHISON, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. Book. hereunto signed his name and affixed the The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Lesser Seal of the Commonwealth at Rich- BARRASSO, and Mr. DEMINT, respec- tively, advanced to the desk of the Vice tions. mond, this twenty-fifth day of November, (Applause, Senators rising.) two thousand eight, and in the two-hundred President; the oath prescribed by law The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk thirty-third year of the Commonwealth. was administered to them by the Vice will call the names of the next group of TIMOTHY M. KAINE, President; and they severally sub- Governor. scribed to the oath in the Official Oath Senators. Book. The legislative clerk called the STATE OF MISSISSIPPI The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- names of Mr. SESSIONS, Mrs. SHAHEEN, CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR UNEXPIRED tions. Mr. UDALL of Colorado, and Mr. UDALL TERM (Applause, Senators rising.) of New Mexico. To the President of the Senate of the United The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk These Senators, escorted by Mr. States: will call the names of the next group of SHELBY, Mr. GREGG, Mr. SALAZAR, Mr. This is to certify that on the 4th day of No- Senators. Domenici, and Mr. BINGAMAN, respec- vember, 2008, Roger Wicker was duly chosen The legislative clerk called the tively, advanced to the desk of the Vice by the qualified electors of the State of Mis- names of Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. President; the oath prescribed by law sissippi a Senator for the unexpired term INHOFE, and Mr. JOHANNS. was administered to them by the Vice ending at noon on the 3rd day of January, These Senators, escorted by Mr. President; and they severally sub- 2013, to fill the vacancy in the representation from said State in the Senate of the United BURR, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. GRASSLEY, scribed to the oath in the Official Oath State caused by the resignation of Trent Mr. COBURN, and Mr. NELSON of Ne- Book. Lott. braska, respectively, advanced to the The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Witness: His excellency our governor Haley desk of the Vice President; the oath tions. Barbour, and our seal hereto affixed at Jack- prescribed by law was administered to (Applause, Senators rising.) son, Hinds County, Mississippi this 18th day them by the Vice President; and they The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk of December, in the year of our Lord 2008. severally subscribed to the oath in the will call the names of the next group of By the Governor: Official Oath Book. Senators. HALEY BARBOUR, The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- The legislative clerk called the Governor. tions. names of Mr. WARNER and Mr. WICKER. f (Applause, Senators rising.) These Senators, escorted by Mr. John ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Warner and Mr. COCHRAN, respectively, OFFICE will call the names of the next group of advanced to the desk of the Vice Presi- Senators. dent; the oath prescribed by law was The VICE PRESIDENT. If the Sen- The legislative clerk called the administered to them by the Vice ators to be sworn in will now present names of Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KERRY, Ms. President; and they severally sub- themselves to the desk in groups of LANDRIEU, and Mr. LAUTENBERG. scribed to the oath in the Official Oath four as their names are called in alpha- These Senators, escorted by Mr. Book. betical order, the Chair will administer Daschle, Mr. THUNE, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- their oath of office. Domenici, Ms. MIKULSKI, and Mr. tions. The clerk will read the names of the MENENDEZ, respectively, advanced to (Applause, Senators rising.) first group. the desk of the Vice President; the f The legislative clerk (Kathleen Alva- oath prescribed by law was adminis- rez Tritak) called the names of Mr. AL- tered to them by the Vice President; RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY EXANDER, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BAUCUS, and they severally subscribed to the LEADER and Mr. BEGICH. oath in the Official Oath Book. The VICE PRESIDENT. The majority These Senators, escorted by Mr. The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- leader is recognized. CORKER, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. BAKER, Mr. tions. f ENZI, Mr. TESTER, and Ms. MURKOWSKI, (Applause, Senators rising.) respectively, advanced to the desk of The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk QUORUM CALL the Vice President; the oath prescribed will call the names of the next group of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest by law was administered to them by Senators. the absence of a quorum.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:18 Jan 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JA6.002 S06JAPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE