on International Child Protection 35

Members of the International CANADA Hague Network of Judges Justice Jacques CHAMBERLAND, Court of Appeal of Quebec (Cour d’appel du Québec), Montreal (Civil List as of November 2013 Law)

ARGENTINA The Honourable Justice Robyn M. DIAMOND, Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Common Law) Judge Graciela TAGLE, Judge of the City of Cordoba (Juez de la Ciudad de Córdoba), Córdoba CHILE

AUSTRALIA Judge Hernán Gonzalo LÓPEZ BARRIENTOS, Judge of the Family Court of Pudahuel (Juez titular del Juzgado de Familia The Honourable Chief Justice Diana BRYANT, Appeal de Pudahuel), Santiago de Chile Division, Family Court of Australia, Melbourne (alternate contact) CHINA (, Special Administrative Region) The Honourable Justice Victoria BENNETT, Family Court of Australia, Commonwealth Law Courts, Melbourne (primary The Honourable Mr Justice Jeremy POON, Judge of the contact) Court of First Instance of the , High Court, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region AUSTRIA Deputy High Court Judge Bebe Pui Ying CHU, Court of First Dr. Andrea ERTL, Judge at the District Court of Linz Instance, High Court, Hong Kong Special Administrative (Bezirksgericht Linz), Linz Region, Hong Kong


Ms Myriam DE HEMPTINNE, Magistrate of the Court of Doctor José Guillermo CORAL CHAVES, Magistrate of the Appeals of Brussels (Conseiller à la Cour d’appel de Bruxelles), Civil Family Chamber of the Superior Court for the Judicial Brussels District of Pasto (Magistrado de la Sala Civil Familia del Tribunal Superior del Distrito Judicial de Pasto), Pasto BELIZE COSTA RICA The Honourable Justice Michelle ARANA, Supreme Court Judge, Supreme Court of Belize, Belize City Mag. Diego BENAVIDES SANTOS, Judge of the Family Tribunal, First Judicial Circuit (Juez del Tribunal de Familia, BRAZIL Primer Circuito Judicial), San José

Judge Mônica Jacqueline SIFUENTES PACHECO DE CYPRUS MEDEIROS, Federal Judge – Federal Court of Appeals (Juiz Federal – Tribunal Federal de Apelações), Brasilia The Honourable Justice George A. SERGHIDES, Doctor at law, President of the Family Court of Nicosia-Kyrenia, Nicosia With geographical responsibility for: the Federal District of Brasilia and the Federal States of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, CZECH REPUBLIC Bahia, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pará, Piauí, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, São Paulo and Mato Judge Lubomir PTÁC ˇ EK, Regional Court Ústí nad Labem, Grosso do Sul. Branch Offi ce in Liberec, Liberec

Judge Jorge Antonio MAURIQUE, Federal Judge – Regional DENMARK Federal Court of the Fourth Region (Juiz Federal – Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Judge Bodil TOFTEMANN, City Court of Copenhagen do Sul (Københavns Byret), Copenhagen Newsletter With geographical responsibility for: Rio Grande do Sul, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santa Catarina and Paraná. Judge Antonia Josefi na GRULLÓN BLANDINO, Court of

BULGARIA Children and Adolescents, National District, Civil Chamber The Judges’ (Tribunal de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, Distrito Nacional Judge Bogdana JELIAVSKA, Vice President of the Sofi a City Sala Civil), Santo Domingo Court, Sofi a Volume XXVolume 36 The Judges’ Newsletter


Dr Arturo MÁRQUEZ MATAMOROS, Provincial Judge of Judge Belia Olmeda TORRES MERLO, Judge of First Instance the Court of Appeal of El Oro (Juez Provincial de la Corte de for Children, Children’s Court of First Instance of San Pedro Apelaciones de Justicia de El Oro), Machala Sula (Jueza de Letras de la Niñez, Juzgado de Letras Primero de la Niñez San Pedro Sula), San Pedro Sula EL SALVADOR Judge Anny Belinda OCHOA MEDRANO, Judge of First Lic. Evelyn Roxana NUÑEZ FRANCO, Magistrate of the Instance for Children, Second Children’s Court of First Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Instance for the Department of Francisco Morazán (Jueza Justice (Magistrada de la Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo de Letras de la Niñez, Juzgado de Letras Segundo de la Niñez, de la Corte Suprema de Justicia), San Salvador del Departamento de Francisco Morazán), Tegucigalpa

Lic. Ana Guadalupe ZELEDON VILLALTA, Fourth Family HUNGARY Court of San Salvador, Integrated Judicial Centre of Private and Social Law (Juzgado 4 de Familia de San Salvador, Centro Judge dr Márta GYENGE-NAGY, Judge of the Szeged Judicial Integrado de Derecho Privado y Social), San Salvador Municipal Court, Szeged


Ms Piret RANDMAA, Judge, Harju County Court, Tallinn Judge Kristún KRISTINSDÓTTIR, Reykjavik District Court (Héradsdómur Reykjavíkur), Reykjavik FINLAND IRELAND Justice Elisabeth BYGGLIN, Helsinki Court of Appeal (Helsingin Hovioikeus), Helsinki The Honourable Ms Justice Mary FINLAY GEOGHEGAN, The High Court, Dublin FRANCE ISRAEL Judge Isabelle GUYON-RENARD, Deputy Judge of the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation (conseiller référendaire The Honourable Judge Benzion GREENBERGER, District à la première chambre civile de la Cour de cassation), Paris Court of Jerusalem


Judge Jean-Pierre SOBOTCHOU, Presiding Judge, Cour de Judge Gabriella TOMAI, Judge, Tribunal for Children and Cassation du Gabon, Libreville Adolescents of Caltanisetta (Tribunale per i Minorenni di Caltanissetta), Caltanisetta GERMANY KENYA (Non-State Party to the 1980 Convention) Judge Martina ERB-KLÜNEMANN, Judge of the Family Court, District Court of Hamm (Richterin am Amtsgericht, The Honourable Lady Justice Martha KOOME, The High Amtsgericht Hamm), Hamm Court, Nairobi

Judge Sabine BRIEGER, Judge of the Family Court, District LUXEMBOURG Court of Pankow-Weißensee (Richterin am Amtsgericht, Amtsgericht Pankow-Weißensee), Berlin Mr Serge WAGNER, Advocate-General (Avocat général), General Prosecutor’s Offi ce of Luxembourg (Parquet général GUATEMALA du Grand-duché de Luxembourg), Luxembourg

Judge Brenda Josefi na GIL MAYEN, Judge of First Instance MALTA for Children and Adolescents, Guatemala City Metropolitan Area (Jueza de primera instancia de la Níñez y la Adorescencia The Honourable Mr Justice Robert G. MANGION, LL.D., Newsletter del Área Metropolitana) (primary contact) Judge of the Family Court, Civil Court (Family Section), Courts of Justice, Valletta Judge Jesús Otoniel BAQUIAX BAQUIAX, Judge for

The Judges’ Children and Adolescents and for Adolescents in Contact MEXICO with the Criminal Law (Juez de la Niñez y la Adolescencia y Adolescentes en Confl icto con la Ley Penal), Quetzaltenango Lic. Adriana CANALES PÉREZ, Magistrate of the Third (alternate contact) Family Chamber, Superior Court of Justice of the Federal Volume XXVolume on International Child Protection 37

District (Magistrada de la Tercera Sala Familiar, Tribunal PANAMA Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal), Mexico D.F. Lic. Edgar TORRES SAMUDIO, Court of Children and Lic. Dionisio NÚÑEZ VERDIN, Judge of First Instance in Adolescents of the Chiriquí Judicial Circuit (Juzgado de Niñez Family Law (Juez de Primera Instancia en materia familiar), y Adolescencia del Circuito Judicial de Chiriquí), Chiriquí Jalisco Lic. Delia CEDEÑO P., Judge of Children and Adolescents Dr Lázaro TENORIO GODÍNEZ, Judge of the First Family of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama (Jueza de Niñez y Chamber, Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District Adolescencia del Primer Circuito Judicial de Panamá), Panama (Magistrado de la Primera Sala Familiar, Tribunal Superior de City Justicia del Distrito Federal), Mexico D.F. PARAGUAY Lic. Oscar Gregorio CERVERA RIVERO, President of the Second Family Chamber, Superior Court of Justice of the Professor Dr. Irma ALFONSO DE BOGARÍN, Magistrate Federal District (Presidente de la Segunda Sala Familiar, of the Criminal Court of Appeals for Adolescents, Capital Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Distrito Federal), Mexico D.F. District (Magistrada del Tribunal de Apelaciones en lo Penal de la Adolescencia de la Capital), Asunción MOROCCO Abg. María Eugenia GIMÉNEZ DE ALLEN, Judge of the Court The Honourable Judge Abdelouahed JAMALI IDRISSI, of Appeals for Children and Adolescents, Central Department President of Chamber, Supreme Court of Morocco (Président (Miembro de Tribunal de Apelación de Niñez y Adolescencia del de chambre, Cour de Cassation du Maroc), Rabat Departamento de Central), Asunción

The Honourable Judge Zohra FOURAT, Judge for Children, PERU Court of First Instance of Benslimane (Juge pour mineurs, Tribunal de première instance de Benslimane), Casablanca Dra. Luz María CAPUÑAY CHÁVEZ, Superior Judge, First Family Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (Vocal NETHERLANDS Superior de la Corte Superior de Justicia, Sala de Familia, Poder Judicial), Lima Judge Johan VISSER, President of the Family Law and International Child Protection Division of the District Court POLAND of The Hague, The Hague Justice Agnieszka WISNIEWSKA-KALUTA,́ Regional Court Judge Annette C. OLLAND, Senior Judge, Family Law and of Piaseczno, Piaseczno International Child Protection Division of the District Court of The Hague, The Hague ROMANIA

NEW ZEALAND Judge Andreea Florina MATEESCU, Bucharest Tribunal, Vth Civil Section, Bucharest (primary contact) Her Honour Chief Judge Jan-Marie DOOGUE, Chief District Court Judge, District Court of New Zealand, Wellington Judge Anca Magda VLAICU, Bucharest Tribunal, IVth Civil Section, Bucharest (alternate contact) NICARAGUA RWANDA Mag. María José ARÁUZ HENRÍQUEZ, First Family District Judge (Juez Primero de Distrito de Familia), Managua The Honourable Justice Marie-Thérèse MUKAMULISA, Judge, Supreme Court of Rwanda, Kigali NORWAY SERBIA Judge Anne Marie SELVAAG, Trondheim District Court, Trondheim Judge Djurdja NESKOVIC, Judge of the High Court, Belgrade Judge Torunn Elise KVISBERG, PhD, Sør – Gudbrandsdal District Court, Lillehammer Judge Maja MARINKOVIC, First County Court, Belgrade Newsletter


The Honourable Mr Justice Tassaduq Hussain JILLANI, Senior District Judge FOO Tuat Yien, Family and Juvenile The Judges’ Judge, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad Justice Division, Subordinate Court, Singapore Volume XXVolume 38 The Judges’ Newsletter

SLOVAKIA For Northern Ireland

Mr. JUDr Július HANDLOVSKÝ, Judge, District Court Košice The Honourable Mr Justice Ben STEPHENS, The Royal I, Košice Courts of Justice, Belfast

SLOVENIA For Scotland

Judge Tadeja JELOVŠEK, District Court Judge specialised in The Right Honourable Judge Lord S. Neil BRAILSFORD, Family Law, District Court of Ljubljana, Ljubljana Senator of the College of Justice, Outer House, Court of Session and the High Court of Justiciary, The Supreme SOUTH AFRICA Courts, Edinburgh

The Honourable Mrs Justice Belinda VAN HEERDEN, Sheriff Deirdre MACNEILL, Sheriff Court House, Edinburgh Supreme Court of Appeal, Bloemfontein For British Overseas Territories SPAIN Bermuda The Honourable Judge Francisco Javier FORCADA MIRANDA, Family Court of First Instance No 6 (Juzgado Mrs Norma WADE-MILLER, Puisne Judge, Supreme Court de Primera Instancia N° 6 de Zaragoza), Saragossa of Bermuda, Hamilton

SWEDEN Cayman Islands

The Honourable Judge Ann-Sofie BEXELL, Stockholm The Honourable Justice Richard WILLIAMS, Family Law District Court (Stockholms Tingsrätt), Stockholm Division of the Grand Court, Grand Cayman


The Honourable Judge Marie-Pierre DE MONTMOLLIN, The Honourable Justice James GARBOLINO, Former Cantonal Judge, Cantonal Court (appeal) of the Canton of Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, Roseville Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel With geographical responsibility for: French and Italian The Honourable Judith L. KREEGER, Circuit Judge, Eleventh speaking areas. Judicial Circuit of Florida, Miami

The Honourable Judge Daniel BÄHLER (Oberrichter), The Honourable Peter J. MESSITTE, United States Federal Cantonal Judge of Appeals, High Court (appeal) of the Canton District Judge, US District Court for the District of Maryland, of Bern (Obergericht des Kantons Bern), Bern Greenbelt With geographical responsibility for: German speaking areas. The Honourable Mary W. SHEFFIELD, Presiding Judge, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Circuit Court, Rolla

The Honourable Madam Justice Allyson RAMKERRYSINGH, URUGUAY Family Court of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain Dra. María Lilián BENDAHAN SILVERA, Magistrate of the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND First Session of the Court of Appeal of Family Aff airs (Tribunal NORTHERN IRELAND de Apelaciónes de Familia de 1° Turno), Montevideo

For England and Wales VENEZUELA

Lady Justice Jill BLACK, DBE, Judge of the Court of Appeal, Judge Carmen Elvigia PORRAS DE ROA, Magistrate, Vice- The Royal Courts of Justice, London President of the Social Chamber of Cassation and Coordinator of the National Jurisdiction for the Protection of Children The Honourable Mr Justice Andrew MOYLAN, Judge, and Adolescents , Supreme Court of Justice (Magistrada, Newsletter High Court Family Division, The Royal Courts of Justice, Vicepresidenta de la Sala de casación Social y Coordinadora London Nacional de la Jurisdicción de Protección de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, Tribunal Supremo de Justicia) Caracas The Judges’ Volume XXVolume