Fighting Words Battle Your Opponent with 8-Letter Bingos About FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR Compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

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Fighting Words Battle Your Opponent with 8-Letter Bingos About FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR Compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club Fighting Words Battle your opponent with 8-letter bingos about FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s ADMIRAL AADILMR high-ranking naval officer [n -S] AGGRESS AEGGRSS to commit first act of hostility [v -ED, -ING, -ES] AHIMSAS AAHIMSS AHIMSA, Hindu principle of nonviolence [n] AIDLESS ADEILSS helpless (defenseless) [adj] AIKIDOS ADIIKOS AIKIDO, Japanese art of self-defense [n] AIRBASE AABEIRS military base for aircraft [n -S] AIRCREW ACEIRRW crew of aircraft [n -S] AIRDROP ADIOPRR to drop from aircraft [v -PPED, -PPING, -S] AIRFIELD ADEFIILR airport (tract of land maintained for landing and takeoff of aircraft) [n -S] AIRPORT AIOPRRT tract of land maintained for landing and takeoff of aircraft [n -S] AIRSHIP AHIIPRS lighter-than-air aircraft having propulsion and steering systems [n -S] AIRVACS AACIRSV AIRVAC, evacuation by air ambulance [n] AIRWISE AEIIRSW skillful in aviation [adj] ALCAIDE AACDEIL commander of Spanish fortress [n -S] ALCAYDE AACDELY alcaide (commander of Spanish fortress) [n -S] ALCAZAR AAACLRZ Spanish fortress or palace [n -S] AMATOLS AALMOST AMATOL, powerful explosive [n] AMMONAL AALMMNO powerful explosive [n -S] AMTRACK AACKMRT amtrac (military vehicle equipped to move on land and water) [n -S] AMTRACS AACMRST AMTRAC, military vehicle equipped to move on land and water [n] AMTRAKS AAKMRST AMTRAK, amtrac (military vehicle equipped to move on land and water) [n] ANGARIA AAAGINR angary (right of warring state to seize neutral property) [n -S] ANGERLY AEGLNRY in angry (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) manner [adv] ANGRIER AEGINRR ANGRY, feeling strong displeasure or hostility [adj] ANGRILY AGILNRY ANGRY, feeling strong displeasure or hostility [adv] ANLACES AACELNS ANLACE, medieval dagger [n] ANLASES AAELNSS ANLAS, anlace (medieval dagger) [n] ANTHRAX AAHNRTX infectious disease [n -ES or -ACES] ANTIAIR AAIINRT directed against attacking aircraft [adj] ANTIARS AAINRST ANTIAR, arrow poison [n] ANTIFAS AAFINST ANTIFA, opposer of fascism [n] ANTIGUN AGINNTU opposed to guns [adj] ANTIJAM AAIJMNT blocking interfering signals [adj] ANTIWAR AAINRTW opposing war [adj] APPEASE AAEEPPS to bring to state of peace or contentment [v -D, -SING, -S] ARCHERS ACEHRRS ARCHER, one that shoots with bow and arrow [n] ARCHFOE ACEFHOR principal foe [n -S] ARCUATE AACERTU curved like bow [adj] ARMADAS AAADMRS ARMADA, fleet of warships [n] ARMIGER AEGIMRR one who carries armor of knight [n -S] ARMLOCK ACKLMOR hold in wrestling [n -S] ARMORED ADEMORR ARMOR, to furnish with armor (defensive covering) [v] ARMORER AEMORRR one that makes or repairs armor [n -S] ARMOURS AMORRSU ARMOUR, to armor (to furnish with armor (defensive covering)) [v] ARMOURY AMORRUY armory (place where weapons are stored) [n -RIES] Fighting Words Battle your opponent with 8-letter bingos about FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ARSENAL AAELNRS collection or supply of weapons [n -S] ASKARIS AAIKRSS ASKARI, soldier or police officer of eastern Africa [n] ASSAGAI AAAGISS to pierce with light spear [v -ED, -ING, -S] ASSAILS AAILSSS ASSAIL, to attack (to set upon violently) [v] ASSAULT AALSSTU to attack (to set upon violently) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ASSEGAI AAEGISS to assagai (to pierce with light spear) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ATAGHAN AAAGHNT yataghan (Turkish sword) [n -S] ATALAYA AAAALTY watchtower [n -S] ATLATLS AALLSTT ATLATL, device for throwing spear or dart [n] ATTACKS AACKSTT ATTACK, to set upon violently [v] AVENGED ADEEGNV AVENGE, to exact retribution for [v] AVENGER AEEGNRV one that avenges (to exact retribution for [n -S] AVENGES AEEGNSV AVENGE, to exact retribution for [v] AVIATED AADEITV AVIATE, to fly aircraft [v] AVIATES AAEISTV AVIATE, to fly aircraft [v] AVIATIC AACIITV AVIATION, act of aviating (to fly aircraft) [adj] AVIATOR AAIORTV one that aviates (to fly aircraft) [n -S] B 7s BAILOUT ABILOTU act of parachuting from aircraft [n -S] BALEFUL ABEFLLU menacing [adj] BANDAGE AABDEGN to cover wound with strip of cloth [v -D, -GING, -S] BANZAIS AABINSZ BANZAI, Japanese battle cry [n] BARBING ABBGINR to furnish with barb (sharp projection) [v] BARBUTS ABBRSTU BARBUT, type of helmet [n] BARDING ABDGINR BARD, to armor horse [v] / BARDE, to bard (to armor horse) [v] BARLOWS ABLORSW BARLOW, jackknife [n] BARONGS ABGNORS BARONG, broad knife [n] BARRAGE AABEGRR to subject to massive attack [v -D, -GING, -S] BASHERS ABEHRSS BASHER, one that bashes (to smash) [n] BASHING ABGHINS act of beating [n -S] BASINET ABEINST medieval helmet [n -S] BASTION ABINOST fortified place [n -S] BATTERS ABERSTT BATTER, to beat repeatedly [v] BATTLED ABDELTT BATTLE, to fight (to attempt to defeat adversary) [v] BATTLER ABELRTT one that battles (to fight (to attempt to defeat adversary)) [n -S] BATTLES ABELSTT BATTLE, to fight (to attempt to defeat adversary) [v] BAYONET ABENOTY to stab with dagger-like weapon [v -ED, -ING, -S or -TTED, -TTING, -S] BAZOOKA AABKOOZ small rocket launcher [n -S] BEANING ABEGINN BEAN, to hit on head [v] BEARDED ABDDEER BEARD, to oppose boldly [v] BEATERS ABEERST BEATER, one that beats (to strike repeatedly) [n] BEEBEES BBEEEES BEEBEE, pellet [n] BEHEADS ABDEEHS BEHEAD, to cut head off [v] BERSERK BEEKRRS fierce warrior [n -S] BESIEGE BEEEGIS to surround (to extend completely around) [v -D, -GING, -S] BETRAYS ABERSTY BETRAY, to aid enemy of [v] Fighting Words Battle your opponent with 8-letter bingos about FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BILBOAS ABBILOS BILBOA, bilbo (finely tempered sword) [n] BILBOES BBEILOS BILBO, finely tempered sword [n] BILLETS BEILLST BILLET, to lodge soldiers [v] BIPLANE ABEILNP type of airplane (winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers) [n -S] BIRCHED BCDEHIR BIRCH, to whip (to strike with whip (instrument for administering corporal punishment)) [v] BIRCHES BCEHIRS BIRCH, to whip (to strike with whip (instrument for administering corporal punishment)) [v] BIREMES BEEIMRS BIREME, ancient galley (long, low medieval ship) [n] BIVOUAC ABCIOUV to make camp [-CKED, -CKING, -CKS, -S] BLAGGED ABDEGGL BLAG, to rob with violence [v] BLAGGER ABEGGLR one that blags (to rob with violence) [n -S] BLAMMED ABDELMM BLAM, to make loud sound like that of gunshot [v] BLASTED ABDELST BLAST, to use explosive [v] BLASTED ABDELST BLAST, to use explosive [v] BLASTER ABELRST one that blasts (to use explosive) [n -S] BLIGHTY BGHILTY wound causing one to be sent home to England [n -TIES] BLITZED BDEILTZ BLITZ, to subject to sudden attack [v] BLITZER BEILRTZ one that blitzes (to subject to sudden attack) [n -S] BLITZES BEILSTZ BLITZ, to subject to sudden attack [v] BLOWUPS BLOPSUW BLOWUP, explosion [n] BOKKENS BEKKNOS BOKKEN, wooden sword used for training [n] BOLASES ABELOSS BOLAS, bola (throwing weapon) [n] BOMBARD ABBDMOR to bomb (to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles)) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOMBERS BBEMORS BOMBER, one that bombs (to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles)) [n] BOMBING BBGIMNO attack with bombs [n -S] / BOMB, to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) [v] BOMBLET BBELMOT small bomb [n -S] BOWHUNT BHNOTUW to hunt with bow and arrow [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOWSHOT BHOOSTW distance arrow is shot [n -S] BOWSMAN ABMNOSW bowman (archer (one that shoots with bow and arrow)) [n -MEN] BRAVOES ABEORSV BRAVO, hired killer [n] BRAWLED ABDELRW BRAWL, to fight (to attempt to defeat adversary) [v] BRAWLER ABELRRW fighter (one that fights (to attempt to defeat adversary)) [n -S] BRIGADE ABDEGIR to group together [v -D, -DING, -S] BRISANT ABINRST BRISANCE, shattering effect of explosive [adj] BROADAX AABDORX broad-edged ax [n -ES] BRUTELY BELRTUY in brutal (cruel; savage) manner [adv] BRUTIFY BFIRTUY to make brutal (cruel; savage) [v -FIED, -ING, -FIES] BRUTISH BHIRSTU brutal (cruel; savage) [adj] BRUTISM BIMRSTU state of being brutal (cruel; savage) [n -S] BULLETS BELLSTU BULLET, to move swiftly [v] BULWARK ABKLRUW to fortify with defensive wall [v -ED, -ING, -S] BUNKERS BEKNRSU BUNKER, to store in large bin [v] BUTCHER BCEHRTU slaughter [v -ED, -ING, -S] BYRNIES BEINRSY BYRNIE, armored shirt [n] C 7s CALIBER ABCEILR diameter of gun barrel [n -S] CALIBRE ABCEILR caliber (diameter of gun barrel) [n -D, -S] Fighting Words Battle your opponent with 8-letter bingos about FIGHTING, WEAPONS, ARMOR, WAR compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CAMAILS AACILMS CAMAIL, piece of armor for neck [n] CAMIONS ACIMNOS CAMION, military truck [n] CANGUES ACEGNSU CANGUE, ancient Chinese punishing device [n] CANNONS ACNNNOS CANNON, to fire cannon (heavy firearm) [v] CAPTAIN AACINPT to lead or command [v -ED, -ING, -S] CAPTIVE ACEIPTV prisoner (one that is imprisoned) [n -S] CAPTORS ACOPRST CAPTOR, one who takes or holds a captive [n] CAPTURE ACEPRTU to take by force or cunning [v -D, -RING, -S] CARABIN AABCINR carbine (light rifle) [n -S] CARNAGE AACEGNR great and bloody slaughter [n -S] CASERNE ACEENRS casern (barracks for soldiers) [n -S] CASERNS ACENRSS CASERN, barracks for soldiers [n] CASQUED ACDEQSU CASQUE, helmet [adj] CASQUES ACEQSSU CASQUE, helmet [n] CATCHER ACCEHRT one that catches [n -S] CATCHES ACCEHST CATCH, to capture after pursuit [v] CATERAN AACENRT brigand (bandit) [n -S] CAVALRY AACLRVY mobile army unit [n -RIES] CHABOUK ABCHKOU type of whip [n -S] CHABUKS ABCHKSU CHABUK, chabouk (type of whip) [n] CHAMADE AACDEHM signal made with drum [n -S] CHEDITE CDEEHIT explosive [n -S] CHUTIST CHISTTU parachutist [n -S] CITADEL ACDEILT fortress or stronghold [n -S] CIVVIES CEIISVV CIVVY, civilian (nonmilitary
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