December 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2895 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- Last year, along with 15 of my colleagues I doing his job. However, in my mind, Jameson, VERSARY OF THE BHOPAL GAS wrote to Prime Minister Singh to express sup- and all of the men and women who volunteer DISASTER port for the people of Bhopal and urged him to serve in our Nation’s Armed Forces are he- to personally meet with survivor groups to ad- roes. Dedicating themselves to protecting the HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. dress the long-standing demands for justice. freedoms and values we all cherish, they often OF NEW JERSEY We expressed our hope that the Indian Gov- give up much of themselves—and that is par- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment would pursue Union Carbide and ticularly true for those who have served in Monday, December 7, 2009 Dow Chemical for their civil and criminal liabil- combat. Corporal Jameson Charest is a very ities in the country. special young man who certainly deserves our Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today We argued the victims of the Bhopal trag- respect, our gratitude, and our admiration. He to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the edy were right and deserving in their request is a source of inspiration to all of those fortu- Bhopal gas disaster. On December 3, 1984, for a commission to execute social, economic, nate enough to know him. 27 tons of deadly gases spewed out of the and medical rehabilitation, implement an envi- For now, Corporal Jameson Charest has Union Carbide plant, forming a cloud of poi- ronmental clean-up of the polluted land, and come home and it is certainly cause for cele- sonous gas over Bhopal, India. As a result, provide funding for clean drinking water. bration. I am so proud to stand today and join 8,000 people lost their lives. In total, the dead- Today, thousands remember the lives lost in his parents, Karen and Denis, as well as all of ly effects of this disaster have left 20,000 dead Bhopal and protest the current inaction and those who have gathered this evening to wel- and another 20,000 with chronic illness. lack of responsibility associated with the Bho- A 2003 study by the highly regarded Journal come our hero home and to wish him all the of the American Medical Association found pal disaster. I hope that my colleagues will join best as he continues his service as a United that children born to parents affected by this me remembering the lives that were need- States marine. disaster still suffer the effects of Union Car- lessly lost because of Union Carbide’s neg- f bide’s poisonous gases. In fact, a Greenpeace ligence and the devastating effects that con- tinue to plague the people of Bhopal. HONORING JAMES HARDEN ‘‘PAT’’ report documented the presence of chloro- DAUGHERTY form, lead, mercury, and a series of other Although this may be the 25th anniversary chemicals in the breast milk of nursing women of the Bhopal disaster, people are still dying who live near the factory. from the horrible affects of the chemicals that HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Just this past June, a report by the Bhopal Union Carbide’s plant leaked. I remain dedi- OF Medical Appeal and the Sambhavna Trust cated to fighting for the rights of the survivors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Bhopal disaster and ensuring that those Clinic found that the water in and around Bho- Monday, December 7, 2009 pal still contains unsafe levels of carbon tetra- in Bhopal today receive the assistance needed chloride and other pollutants, solvents, nickel, to live in a clean and healthy environment. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise and other heavy metals. Therefore, it is not f today to recognize a remarkable American. Mr. James Harden ‘‘Pat’’ Daugherty, a long- surprising that populations in the areas around HONORING CORPORAL JAMESON Bhopal have high rates of birth defects, rapidly time resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, was CHAREST UPON HIS RETURN drafted into the U.S. Army during World War rising cancer rates, neurological damage, and HOME FROM SERVICE IN IRAQ mental illness. II when he was 19 years old. He was as- It is simply unbelievable that Union Carbide signed to the U.S. Army’s 92nd Infantry Divi- refused to acknowledge which chemicals and HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO sion, known as the Buffalo Soldiers, which gases were leaked for fear of legal liability. OF CONNECTICUT was the only -strength unit comprised This left doctors to treat patients with no IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of to fight in the European Theater. The division fought German and knowledge of how to proceed or what treat- Monday, December 7, 2009 ment to use. Union Carbide’s use of unsafe Italian troops in northern Italy, suffering thou- and untested technologies led to one of the Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is with sands of injuries and deaths. Mr. Daugherty worst chemical disasters in world history. the greatest joy that I rise today to join the watched some of his best friends die right be- Rather than acknowledge the devastation they more than 300 family and friends who have fore his eyes. He was decorated with the created and fully pay for the damages, Union gathered to welcome home Corporal Jameson Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement and Carbide decided to walk away. Charest of Wallingford, Connecticut. I have the Combat Infantryman Badge for out- However, in 2001 Dow Chemical Company, known Jameson’s family for many years. His standing performance of duty in action. based in the United States, purchased Union mother, Karen, served as a Congressional The Buffalo Soldiers were great American Carbide and acquired all of its assets and li- Aide in one of my Connecticut colleagues’ Dis- heroes who waged a fight for freedom abroad abilities. To this day, Dow Chemical refuses to trict Office and I often had the opportunity to even as they were denied freedom at home. shoulder the liabilities and obligations that it work with her. There are no words to describe After the war, they returned home to face rac- took on when it purchased Union Carbide. how proud we all are of his outstanding serv- ism, segregation, job discrimination and wide- Dow should clean up the factory site, which ice to our nation and, most importantly, to his ranging injustices. At age 23, upon returning continues to contaminate the local environ- fellow marines. from war, Mr. Daugherty felt compelled to doc- ment and should go beyond simply providing Jameson enlisted in the United States Ma- ument his wartime experiences as an African compensation to the victims. Dow should also rine Corps and was deployed to Iraq, where American. Earlier this year, coinciding with the fund the necessary medical care and research he served a 7 month tour. During his tour, he 65th anniversary of D-day and the election of studies necessary to treat victims and offer earned both the Purple Heart and the Combat the first African American President, Mr. them the chance to live fruitful lives not Action Ribbon, when the vehicle he was in Daugherty published his firsthand account as plagued by chemical affects. was destroyed by an IED. Needless to say, a in his memoir, Buffalo Saga. I believe that the Indian Government has a when word spread of his injuries, we were all Following the war, Mr. Daugherty resumed role to play in ensuring that the survivors of concerned for his health and safety. Fortu- his studies with the aid of the GI Bill and re- the Bhopal disaster and those that continue to nately, Jameson has recovered and is ready ceived his bachelor of science from Howard face its deadly effects receive dignified care. to return to service. Though home on leave for University and his master of public health from Despite an order from the Supreme Court of the next several weeks, Jameson will report to Columbia University. India that clean drinking water should be sup- Okinawa on New Year’s Day and, in May, will Mr. Daugherty was an educator in the Dis- plied immediately, more than 25,000 people in report to the Pentagon. trict of Columbia public schools, where he or- Bhopal are forced to consume water known to Jameson will be the first one to tell you he ganized an after-school tutoring program and contain dangerous contaminates. is not a hero—that he is simply a marine, taught students in math and reading. In 1964,

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.001 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E2896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2009 he was the first African American to serve as Because of this lack of water pressure the National Award for being involved with the Health Educator for the District of Columbia city does not have the capability to effectively most innovative Job Corps Program in his last Health Department. He was the first African fight a fire of size within city boundaries. Big 3 years with Edison Job Corps. American to be elected to the Montgomery Bear exists within the San Bernardino National When ResCare took control of the Edison County, Maryland Board of Education and Forest one of the most high risk zones for Job Corps Center in November 1995, the cen- served for many years on the Board of Visitors wildfire in the State of California. It has also ter was rated 100 out of 109 and had an ex- for the Maryland School for the Deaf. led to rampant power consumption to move ceedingly poor image in the community. Mr. From 1966 to 1994, Mr. Daugherty worked water through the system making Big Bear Mathews was able to improve the perform- for the U.S. Public Health Service in a variety Lake the second highest rate payer in the re- ance of the center to over 110 percent of the of positions. He was committed to improving gion. Department of Labor standard. Under the the Nation’s health care, particularly the un- This bill will modify an existing authorization helm of Mr. Mathews, the program rose to derserved—rural and urban poor and minori- for Big Bear Department of Water and Power prominence, ranking 21st out of 123 in the ties, coal miners, migrant workers, and incar- and reduce the previously authorized amount country. cerated individuals. For his dedicated and tire- by $3,000,000. By establishing relationships with companies less efforts, he received numerous awards Amount: $9,000,000 like Aamco Transmission, Roto Rooter, and and recognition, including the U.S. Public f AT&T, Mr. Mathews revolutionized Edison Job Health Service’s ‘‘Administrator’s Award for Corps Academy’s vocational training and Excellence.’’ The Mississippi Medical and Sur- RECOGNIZING THE DEPLOYMENT made it into a model program that Job Corps gical Association honored Mr. Daugherty for OF THE TENNESSEE ARMY NA- programs nationwide are seeking to imitate his ‘‘dogged determination and work with di- TIONAL GUARD’S 278TH AR- and follow. vergent groups in a leading role to establish MORED CAVALRY REGIMENT While the death of Mr. Mathews comes as many community health centers throughout a great loss to Job Corps, it comes as a great- Mississippi and the South in the 1960s and HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN er loss to the State of New Jersey. His efforts 1970s—a time when racial injustice was one OF TENNESSEE and advocacy for youth issues will be greatly missed, though his legacy will live on through of the main barriers that separated black IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his accomplishments and work. Americans from adequate health care.’’ Monday, December 7, 2009 In 1975, Mr. Daugherty was one of five co- Madam Speaker, I sincerely hope that my founders of ‘‘Blacks in Government’’ and Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, two colleagues will join me in celebrating the life of served as the first chairman of the national or- days ago, thousands of Tennessee’s finest Mr. Lee Mathews, as our State remembers his ganization. This organization was formed to men and women boarded buses and began determination and excellent service. address the needs of African Americans in the first leg of a long journey that will eventu- f ally lead them to the other side of the globe. public service with the goal of promoting ex- HONORING RONALD MCDONALD cellence in public service, equity in all aspects Tennessee’s largest National Guard unit, the CHARITIES OF THE CENTRAL of American life and opportunity for all Ameri- 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, has re- VALLEY cans. ceived its orders and begun its deployment— Montgomery County, Maryland, declared first to Camp Shelby, MS, and then on to Iraq. The 278th has proven itself to be an essen- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH July 28, 2009, ‘‘James Harden Daugherty Buf- OF CALIFORNIA tial part of our Nation’s Army. Without the cit- falo Soldier Day.’’ Mr. Daugherty also was rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognized for his contributions by Maryland’s izen-soldiers that make up today’s National Governor and was recently interviewed by Guard, our ability to defend ourselves and our Monday, December 7, 2009 Smithsonian Magazine and National Public allies would be severely diminished. A long Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Radio. deployment is very difficult, however, and for today to commend and congratulate Ronald Mr. Daugherty is a man of courage and in- many of these soldiers this is not their first de- McDonald Charities of the Central Valley upon tegrity who has been a role model through his ployment. I hope these soldiers know how val- 25 years of service. The organization will cele- inspirational life of service to our Nation, espe- uable, essential, and honored their service to brate its 25th anniversary on Saturday, No- cially to the underserved and needy. Mr. our country is. vember 14, 2009 at the Third Annual Red Daugherty’s desire to share his story in his I specifically think today of Troop A, 278th Heart Ball held in Fresno, California. memoir allows all of us to benefit from his ex- Support Squadron, based in Lobelville, Ten- Ronald McDonald Charities of the Central periences. nessee. These fine men and women were ap- Valley operates the Central Valley Ronald Madam Speaker, I am honored to recognize propriately honored by their community on De- McDonald House that is affiliated with Chil- Mr. James Harden ‘‘Pat’’ Daugherty for his life cember 4, and I know will fulfill the high ex- dren’s Hospital Central California. The current of achievement and service. pectations placed upon them by their com- house was built in 2001 and is adjacent to f manders and perform admirably. Children’s Hospital. The 3-winged home has I ask my colleagues to lift up the 278th ACR 18 bedrooms with multiple recreation and re- EARMARK DECLARATION in prayer, to honor the sacrifice their service laxation rooms. The house provides services represents, and support their families in every for the families of the patients at Children’s HON. JERRY LEWIS way possible. Hospital. These services include home cooked OF CALIFORNIA f meals, private bedrooms and bathrooms, play- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rooms for children, recreational activities, IN HONOR OF LEE MATHEWS toiletries and laundry materials, emotional sup- Monday, December 7, 2009 port and clothing when necessary. It has been Mr. LEWIS of California. Madam Speaker, I HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. found that being just steps away from their am submitting the following: in regards to my OF NEW JERSEY sick child, along with the services offered, re- bill, H.R. 1854 to amend the Water Resources IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duces a tremendous amount of stress for fam- Development Act of 1992 to modify an envi- Monday, December 7, 2009 ilies and the patients. Further, children who ronmental infrastructure project for Big Bear are near their families while ill are more likely Lake, California. Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to heal faster. Agency: Army Corps of Engineers to honor the life and work of Mr. Lee Mat- Currently, the Ronald McDonald House runs Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Big Bear hews, the Director of Edison Job Corps Acad- at 99 percent occupancy. In recent years, hun- Department of Water and Power emy in Edison New Jersey, who passed away dreds of families have been turned away. With Address of Requesting Entity: 41972 Garstin November 29, 2009 at the age of 57. Mr. Mat- fundraisers, amazing support from the commu- Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 hews served as an anti-drug advocate and nity and a recent 8-acre land donation adja- Description of Request: The city of Big Bear spokesman for youth issues in his position as cent to Children’s Hospital, the Ronald Lake delivers its potable water from 70 year Director of Edison Job Corps Academy, and McDonald House is looking to create a larger old 2-inch diameter pipes that have led to de- previously in his position as Director of the home in the future to meet the increasing de- clining water quality at the faucet, massive un- South Bronx Job Corps Center. Both institu- mands for the services that they provide. accounted for water loss, and most dan- tions were nationally recognized, and Mr. Mat- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend gerously—low water pressure. hews had himself been recognized with the and congratulate Ronald McDonald Charities

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.003 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS December 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2897 of the Central Valley upon its 25th anniversary TRIBUTE TO A CALIFORNIA record (PHR), has emerged to further of service to the community and the families of WATER ICON: THOMAS J. GRAFF strengthen the health care system by engag- patients at Children’s Hospital Central Cali- ing individuals directly in their health care ex- fornia. I invite my colleagues to join me in HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO periences. Active consumer engagement wishing Ronald McDonald Charities many OF CALIFORNIA promises better patient health outcomes, re- years of continued success. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duction in health care costs, and greater pa- tient safety. For these reasons, I am proud to Monday, December 7, 2009 f introduce the Personal Health Records Act of Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, I rise 2009 today with my colleague Representative HONORING GABRIEL AND LOUISE today to honor the life of Thomas J. Graff, DAVID REICHERT. AMATO AS THEY CELEBRATE who passed away on November 12, 2009, We are all concerned with rising health care THEIR 50TH WEDDING ANNIVER- after a courageous battle with cancer. Tom will SARY costs. Portable, Internet-based PHRs can be a be remembered as the dynamic force that critical piece of the process of improving the helped shape the way that the State of Cali- quality and efficiency of the health care sys- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO fornia and the Federal Government manage tem in this country. With PHRs, patients can water and protect the environmental resources OF CONNECTICUT both electronically import and export pertinent of the State. Tom worked for and founded the medical information to their health care pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES California office of the Environmental Defense viders. As a patient travels between multiple Monday, December 7, 2009 Fund in Oakland. His water achievements health care facilities, the patient’s complete were based on an ability to work effectively medical record can be easily accessed at the Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is my with water users, legislators, conservationists, nearest computer, thus decreasing health care great pleasure to rise today to join the many economists, and the public. He was known for cost through limiting the number of repeated family and friends who have gathered to cele- his insightful thinking, writing and ability to laboratory and diagnostic tests. brate the 50th wedding anniversary of Gabriel translate complex water issues into under- and Louise Amato—quite a milestone for this standable dialogue that legislators and the PHRs also engage patients in their medical wonderful couple. Gabe and Louise are more public could understand. care decisions by allowing them to personalize than just my dear friends—they are family— The water and environmental communities their medical history, medication lists, and al- and I am so happy to have this opportunity to have lost a valuable champion, a true leader lergies from a click of their mouse at their congratulate them on this golden anniversary. and a good friend. In a world today where home. Patients can avoid repeatedly having to Gabe and Louise met as teenagers—Gabe hard feelings and rhetoric seem to capture the fill out the proverbial office room clipboard re- was 17 and Louise was 14—at a Catholic headlines, Tom worked to find the common peatedly. Additionally, PHRs can give patients Youth Organization. It was kismet and the two ground and opportunities for sound water a vehicle for personalized communication with soon became inseparable. They later married management. Tom’s shoes will never be filled, their providers, thus allowing them to receive on Halloween in 1959. Louise was an educa- but we can set a path to continue to follow his reminders, as an example, for preventive care, tor for more than 25 years and Gabe, after philosophy of finding solutions for our complex or receive information about medications they serving in the United States Army for 2 years, water issues. have been prescribed. worked for the APA Transport Company for ‘‘Along with much of California, I have been In order to maximize the potential of PHRs, nearly 30 years. Together they raised three informed and inspired by Tom Graff since the the Personal Health Records Act of 2009 beautiful children, Laurie, Cheryl, and Marc. mid-1970s,’’ said Tim Brick, chairman of the would define the critical components to be in- Some of my fondest memories include my board of directors for Metropolitan Water Dis- cluded in PHRs, including past medical and cousin Gabe and his wife Louise—they are trict, Los Angeles, California. ‘‘Tom truly rec- surgical history, medications, and allergies. both so energetic, vibrant, and full of life. ognized the value of water and fought to en- The legislation also requires the Office of the Gabe continues to be an active athlete playing sure that the environment gets its rightful National Coordinator to develop guidelines re- basketball and bowling every week. He once share. Long before others, he was a beacon garding the technological standards for inter- won the golden ring for bowling a 300 game in promoting conservation, water transfers and operability between PHRs and electronic and just last week came close to repeating environmental protections as solutions for health records, and makes recommendations that feat when he bowled a 299. And, though California’s great water systems, the Colorado for the incorporation of PHRs into community she retired a few years ago, Louise is still en- River, the Central Valley Project, and the and behavioral health programs. As health gaged in the community. State Water Project. The development of poli- care provider adoption of PHRs is paramount to their success, Medicare and Medicaid reim- Anyone who knows them can tell you that cies and programs to ensure a sustainable bursement through the American Recovery Gabe and Louise are a special couple. They Bay-Delta will be his greatest legacy.’’ and Reinvestment Act would be available for are fierce friends—never far from those who We owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. providers that demonstrate meaningful use of need a helping hand. I cannot think of a time Graff, and I wish to express my sincere sym- electronic medical records through the inter- when I could not turn to them when I was in pathy to his family as well as the extended operability of electronic medical records with need and I have no doubt that you would hear family who have endured the loss of their PHRs. similar stories from all of those fortunate loved one. I ask that all Members join me to enough to have benefitted from their friendship honor this icon for his life’s work. Since PHRs will change the landscape of over the years. f how confidential, health care information is ob- Today, as Gabe and Louise celebrate their INTRODUCTION OF PERSONAL tained across the nation, issues of privacy, se- 50th wedding anniversary and reflect on the HEALTH RECORD ACT OF 2009 curity, and patient safety are incorporated into life they built for themselves, they can be PHR development from the onset. While the proud of the many ways in which they have HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of touched the lives of others. Parent, friend, 2009 addresses many of these issues, the OF RHODE ISLAND mentor, and, most importantly, spouse, Gabe Personal Health Record Act further evaluates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Louise have supported each other and all issues pertaining to PHR privacy, utilization, of those around them with a generosity, kind- Monday, December 7, 2009 and patient safety. ness, and compassion that is impossible to Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, the pas- The Personal Health Record Act aims to describe—it can only be felt. sage of the American Recovery and Reinvest- empower individuals to have a greater involve- It is with the warmest of hearts that I rise ment Act of 2009 will expedite the adoption of ment in their medical care decisions. This en- today to join their children, Laurie, Cheryl and electronic medical records throughout the gagement will lead to better health outcomes, Marc; their eight grandchildren, Christopher, health care sector nationwide. Creating an not only by giving health care providers a Lindsey, Justin, Sydney, Erica, Sera, Marc, interoperable information technology network more complete picture of a patient’s medical and Katie; as well as the multitude of family for health care will decrease health care costs history, but also by providing a tool through and friends who have gathered today to wish and increases patient safety. While the imple- which the consumer can actively engage in them a very happy 50th wedding anniversary mentation of electronic medical records were their health care. and all the best for many more years of love an internal feature of this act, another new I look forward to working with my colleagues and happiness. and innovative technology, the personal health to pass this legislation.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.007 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E2898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2009 EXTENDING CONDOLENCES TO The 2001 tax law phases out the federal es- proportionately impacted by the Federal estate FAMILIES OF SLAIN WASH- tate tax in 2010 but then reinstates the tax in tax. That is why I supported H.R. 4154. Under INGTON OFFICERS 2011 at the level it was in 2002—$1 million for the 2009 estate tax guidelines, nearly all small single filers and $2 million for those filing a businesses and farms are exempt from paying SPEECH OF joint return. This fluctuation in estate tax rates the tax. Only a small fraction of all estates in HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN has caused a great deal of confusion for busi- America—9,600—are expected to owe Fed- OF RHODE ISLAND ness owners and farmers who are partici- eral estate taxes in 2009. For farmers, USDA pating in estate planning. In order to provide data indicate that, after deductions, approxi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more certainty to those individuals, the Con- mately 554 farm estates throughout our Nation Wednesday, December 2, 2009 gress has been working to set a permanent would be considered taxable. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ex- estate tax rate that would exempt nearly all We should strive to reduce the number of press my deep sorrow and most sincere con- but the very wealthiest Americans. farms and small businesses that are subject to dolences to the families of Sergeant Mark Through the years, I have voted to eliminate the Federal estate tax. As I have mentioned, Renninger, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Ron- the estate tax or to maintain suitably high ex- I have cosponsored legislation to do just that. ald Owens, and Officer Greg Richards. These emptions to better shield farmers and small And, to make clear my view that we should four officers, who so honorably served the business owners from the burdens of the tax. strive for higher tax exemptions, I was one of Lakewood, Washington, Police Department, This year, I cosponsored H.R. 3905, bipartisan only 21 Democrats to vote with Republicans were tragically gunned down as they began legislation written by Congresswoman SHELLEY against the Rule to consider H.R. 4154 in the their shifts last Sunday morning. BERKLEY (D–NV) that would permanently ex- House of Representatives and was one of I, like all Americans, was shocked and horri- empt estates valued at less than $5 million for only 18 Democrats to vote with Republicans to fied to hear of this brutal crime against four single filers and $10 million for joint filers and send H.R. 4154 back to the Ways and Means uniformed officers. Having grown up around set the tax rate on estates valued above that Committee so that it could be improved. law enforcement as a young police cadet, I amount at 45 percent on a decreasing scale to know firsthand the challenges and dangers of 35 percent over the next ten years. At the end of the day, though, both of those the job, and the selflessness of those who I have also cosponsored H.R. 3524, the procedural votes failed and we were left with wear the uniform and dedicate their lives to Family Farm Preservation and Conservation two choices—either pass a bill to give farmers protecting their communities. Estate Tax Act, which was introduced by Con- and small business owners more certainty or I come to the floor today to add my voice to gressman MIKE THOMPSON. This legislation sit back and do nothing, which would allow the all those expressing their grief and their out- would add a provision to the federal tax code rates to become more painful to farmers and rage over these senseless killings, and I want allowing farmers and ranchers to defer pay- small business owners over the next 2 years. to send my thoughts and prayers to the offi- ment of the Federal estate tax as long as the To me, that choice was easy. H.R. 4154 is a cers’ families, especially the children these land is owned within the family and remains in step in the right direction and I look forward to public servants have left behind. They will agricultural production. H.R. 3524 would also working with the Senate on this important leg- need untold strength in the coming days, but defer the tax for land placed into a conserva- islation. I know they will find all they need and more tion easement. The measure would represent in the memory and example that their coura- a win for farmers, for conservation and hunt- f geous parents have left for them. ers, and for all of rural America. That is why HONORING DIRECTOR ROBERT Let us remember always the service of not it is supported by groups like the National PARKER only these four officers, but of all those who Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the National wear the uniform and make our safety their Corn Growers Association, the National Coun- first priority. cil of Farmer Cooperatives, the National Milk HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART f Producers Federation, the National Pork Pro- ducers Council, the Dairy Farmers of America, OF FLORIDA PERMANENT ESTATE TAX RELIEF and the Agricultural Retailers Association. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR FAMILIES, FARMERS, AND While I would have preferred the House of SMALL BUSINESSES ACT OF 2009 Representatives to consider one of these well- Monday, December 7, 2009 written bills, the House of Representatives has SPEECH OF considered a different measure, H.R. 4154, Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. HON. IKE SKELTON the Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor a true Farmers, and Small Businesses Act of 2009, leader and a dedicated public servant, Miami- OF MISSOURI Dade Police Department Director Robert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which would permanently extend the estate tax levels at the current, 2009 rates. Parker. Thursday, December 3, 2009 It is very important for families, farmers, and After honorably serving his country in the Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, nearly all businesses to have greater certainty with re- Army, Robert Parker continued his service by American families do not qualify for the Fed- spect to estate planning. Groups representing joining the Miami-Dade Police Department in eral estate tax. In fact, under the law as cur- a good number of Missourians expressed to 1976. With his hard work and dedication to the rently written in 2009, 99.75 percent of estates me their views on this issue. The Dairy Farm- police department and to the residents of are exempt. ers of America, which represents nearly south Florida, he was able to earn his way The Federal estate tax has been amended 18,000 dairy producers in America, urged through the ranks, eventually being appointed many times through the years—most recently Congress to ‘‘take action now on this impor- as the director in 2004. in 2001 as part of the Republicans’ omnibus tant measure’’ and to ‘‘support H.R. 4154.’’ As director, Robert Parker was in charge of tax cut legislation. That measure gradually in- The American Farm Bureau Federation, while the eighth largest police department in the creased estate tax exemptions and lowered neutral on the bill, indicated the ‘‘need for cer- country with more than 4,700 sworn and non- estate tax rates between 2001 and 2009. tainty in estate tax law and the importance of sworn personnel serving almost 2.5 million In 2002, people with estates valued less maintaining the stepped-up basis.’’ And, the residents and visitors. than $1 million ($2 million for joint filers) after U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s larg- deductions for expenses, debts, and bequests est business federation representing more Director Parker’s retirement culminates a to a surviving spouse or charity were exempt than three million businesses and organiza- long and illustrious career serving and pro- from paying the Federal estate tax. Those with tions, wrote that Congress should ‘‘expedi- tecting the residents of Miami-Dade County. estates above that value were taxed at a rate tiously approve a permanent estate tax solu- The Mortgage Fraud Task Force initiated by of 55 percent. tion to provide certainty for family-owned busi- Director Parker’s department has become a In 2009, people with estates valued less nesses and farms.’’ The Chamber further indi- national model of success in targeting mort- than $3.5 million ($7 million for joint filers) cated that ‘‘H.R. 4154, the ‘Permanent Estate gage fraud crimes. after deductions for expenses, debts, and be- Tax Relief for Families, Farmers, and Small Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in quests to a surviving spouse or charity are ex- Businesses Act of 2009,’ is a step towards this thanking Director Robert Parker for his dedi- empt from paying the Federal estate tax. goal.’’ cated service to the great people of south Those with estates above that value are taxed As a rural Missouri Congressman, I under- Florida and wish him and his family well in his at a rate of 45 percent. stand that farms and small businesses are dis- retirement.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.011 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS December 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2899 INTRADO 30 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Over 1 million VoIP subscriber records; HONORING THE MARCHEGIAN SO- Provides 9–1–1 services to more than 28 CIETY OF NEW HAVEN AS THEY HON. BETSY MARKEY million members of the deaf community; CELEBRATE THEIR 100TH ANNI- OF COLORADO Processed an estimated 3 billion 9–1–1 VERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES calls to date; Processed more satellite calls to 9–1–1 than Monday, December 7, 2009 HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO any other service provider; OF CONNECTICUT Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. Madam Speaker, Processes an average of 500,000 updates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I rise today to congratulate Longmont, Colo- to the 9–1–1 system daily; Monday, December 7, 2009 rado, based Intrado on the occasion of the Employees have more than 1,200 years of celebration of their 30-year anniversary. combined experience in public safety and tele- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is with Founded by two Boulder County sheriffs, communications; great pleasure that I rise today to congratulate George Heinrichs and Stephen Meer, Intrado Holds licenses for over 45 U.S. and foreign the Marchegian Society of New Haven as they has played a key role in helping to define, patents, with over 100 pending. celebrate their centennial anniversary—a re- build, and maintain the country’s complex Intrado’s success has come in large part to markable milestone for this very special orga- emergency communications system. Today its leadership, dedication and perseverance nization. Intrado provides the core of the Nation’s 9–1– helping the public safety community. I want to Founded in 1909 by 36 men who had come 1 infrastructure, supporting over 200 million thank them for all they have done to contribute to the United States from the Marche Prov- calls to 9–1–1 each year. to Colorado’s economy and to the advance- ence of Italy, the Marchegian Society was Intrado’s history of emergency communica- ment of 9–1–1 and congratulations on this mo- born out of a sense of responsibility to their tions excellence is based on a strong founda- mentous occasion. fellow Marchigianni. They wanted to provide fi- tion consisting of unmatched knowledge of f nancial assistance for their fellow members in emergency communications and public safety the event of illness, death, or accidents—not operations; proven experience in the design, THE TEXAS AGRILIFE RESEARCH an uncommon occurrence at the turn of the deployment and operations of highly accurate, AND EXTENSION CENTER century. Though the majority of the high-volume communication systems; solid Marchigianni came from agrarian back- reputation as a trusted and neutral custodian HON. TED POE grounds, they were skilled artisans who were of sensitive data and; passion for saving lives. OF TEXAS family oriented, industrious and proud of their Their extensive involvement in all aspects of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work ethic. While they quickly assimilated into American society, the Marchegian Society pro- the current 9–1–1 network has given them a Monday, December 7, 2009 unique perspective on how the system must vided them with a way to celebrate their evolve to support new technology, new system Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, for 100 shared ancestry, culture, and traditions. requirements and citizens’ growing expecta- years, scientists at the Research and Exten- The original members of the Marchegian tions. Intrado’s customers include public safety sion Center in Beaumont, Texas, have worked Society met in a building at the lower end of agencies and the majority of the fixed wireline to provide economic security to agricultural Minor Street in the Hill section of New Haven, carriers, wireless carriers and VoIP service producers in southeast Texas. The center was Connecticut. In 1923, the society purchased providers in the United States. Additionally, created by the Texas legislature in 1909, and its present home on Cedar and Minor Streets. the nation’s 6,000+ public safety answering was charged with developing rice production The acquisition allowed the organization to ex- points, PSAPs, rely on Intrado services for ef- and management programs for the Texas pand in size and led to the formation of the ficient 9–1–1 voice and data delivery. With the upper gulf coast. Today the center occupies Marchegian Club for the purposes of social largest dedicated 9–1–1 call delivery network ca. 960 acres near Beaumont, 113 acres in endeavors. In 1924, a group of 132 women in the nation, Intrado can provide a broad Eagle Lake, and 18 acres near Ganado, and founded the Societa Femminile Marchegiana range of customized and scaleable solutions. is 1 of 13 research and extension centers af- which functioned under its own bylaws until a 9–1–1 is fundamental to telecommunications filiated with the Texas A&M University System fusion pact was passed in 1936 giving the service. To meet this market requirement, and Texas AgriLife Research, the State’s pre- Marchegian Ladies Society an equal partner- Intrado helps telecommunications service pro- mier research agency in agriculture, natural ship with the men—an act of equal rights for viders ensure their subscribers’ 9–1–1 calls resources, and the life sciences. women well before the concept became a na- are delivered to the correct public safety an- The Texas AgriLife Research and Extension tional issue. swering point (PSAP) over the dedicated 9–1– Center at Beaumont is the preeminent center The construction of the present building was 1 network along with the caller’s accurate lo- in developing high quality, high yielding rice completed in 1936 and the new facility pro- cation information and call back number. As varieties, economically competitive and envi- vided an outstanding space which soon be- communications networks converge and 9–1– ronmentally sustainable rice production and came the social and cultural center of the 1 callers become more mobile Intrado has a management systems, rice water conservation community. Minstrels, musical shows, bowling proven track record of both anticipating and programs, cellulosic bioenergy crop production contests, card games, bocce tournaments and pioneering the solutions needed to keep pace systems, and cutting-edge internet-based weekly dances were among the many activi- with subscribers’ demands for ubiquitous ac- crop, pest, and environmental resource man- ties and charity events held there. The society cess to 9–1–1. agement decision programs and databases, remained a very progressive organization and Intrado’s contributions to the evolution of the providing economic well being to thousands of continued to care for its members, providing 9–1–1 infrastructure include numerous techno- families in southeast Texas. sick and death benefits as well as cemetery logical and operational improvements as well The center scientists work extremely closely plots for those members who could not afford as being responsible for more 9–1–1 tech- with Texas rice producers and rice producers one. The Marchegian Society provided a so- nology ‘‘firsts’’ than any other commercial enti- across the U.S., and maintain research pro- cial and financial safety net for their members ty in the country. grams with scientists from across Texas and and, when the nation called on communities to Operates the largest dedicated 9–1–1 deliv- from California, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indiana, sell war bonds during World War II, the soci- ery network, with the highest data integrity Missouri, and Mississippi. Current international ety held numerous rallies to support the level in the country; research partners include scientists from Aus- cause. The pride that they have shared, from Responsible for the ultimate delivery of over tralia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Phil- generation to generation, in their community, 90 percent of all 9–1–1 calls in the country; ippines, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, which their work, and their nation—that sense of Connected directly or indirectly to more than has lead to the development of economically family—is what has made this organization so 6,000 public safety answering points in the competitive and environmentally sound man- special and what has enabled it to continue its country; agement systems that benefit Texas, the U.S., mission for 100. The Marchegian Society is a Supports over 200 million calls to 9–1–1 an- and the world. community treasure. nually; The Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Today, as members gather to celebrate, I Maintains over 350 million records under Center at Beaumont is a showcase of agricul- am honored to have this opportunity to stand management; average of three records per tural and environmental research in the Upper and extend my sincere congratulations to the U.S household; Gulf Coast and looks forward to serving the Marchegian Society on their 100th anniver- Over 240 million wireline telephone records; needs of Texas, the Nation, and the world into sary. I have no doubt that the Marchegian So- Over 120 million wireless records; the next century. ciety will continue to be a source of pride for

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.014 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E2900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2009 our community and continue in their mission to cility began and the new hospital was re- IN HONOR OF THE ANCIENT preserve, protect, and celebrate the strong named Children’s Hospital Central California. ORDER OF HIBERNIANS DIVISION and special traditions of Le Marche. Today, Children’s Hospital has a service 4 ANNUAL IRISH FAMINE MASS f area that covers 10 counties in central Cali- fornia. The hospital treats more inpatient HONORING THE GUILDS cases than any other pediatric hospital north HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. of San Diego, making this hospital the second HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH largest children’s hospital in the State of Cali- OF NEW JERSEY fornia. It is a 338 bed facility, and is 1 of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA 10 largest hospitals of its type in the Nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The hospital performs over 9,000 surgeries Monday, December 7, 2009 Monday, December 7, 2009 annually. The Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today Care Units have some of the lowest mortality Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise to recognize the Ancient Order of Hibernians rates in the nation, while treating some of the today to congratulate the Guilds of Children’s A.O.H., Division 4 and their Great Irish Hunger Hospital Central California upon 60 years of sickest children. The Craycroft Cancer Center at Children’s Hospital is a full member of the Annual Mass and Memorial Dedication. On community service, philanthropy, and advo- Saturday, November 14, the A.O.H. will hold a cacy for the hospital. The Guilds will celebrate nationally recognized Children’s Oncology Group, and sees more than 100 new cases mass and immediately following take part in a their 60th anniversary on Thursday, November processional walk to Friendship Park in 12, 2009, in Fresno, California. every year. The Wilson Heart Center has pio- neered cardiac care for half a century, and Keansburg, New Jersey, for the dedication In 1949 five women, Agnes Crockett, Gail and blessing of ‘‘The Great Irish Hunger Goodwin, Helen Maupin Ross, Carolyn Peck performed one of the first open-heart surgeries in the area. It is also the first pediatric hospital Monument.’’ The monument was designed by and Patty Randall, recognized a common west of the Rocky Mountains to be awarded artist Phil Sloan and A.O.H. Division 2 Presi- need for a dedicated pediatric hospital in Cali- Magnet Nursing status and received re-des- dent Jack Sullivan. fornia’s San Joaquin Valley. As the five ignation in 2008. women moved forward with their vision, they The Ancient Order of Hibernians was found- With the vision and ingenuity of the first five realized this would need to be a community ed in 1836 in New York City and is a nonprofit women, the Guilds have helped to make Chil- project, and the idea of a ‘‘guild’’ system Catholic fraternal organization whose mission dren’s Hospital what it is today. For the past emerged. Since then, the Guilds have had two is to promote friendship, unity, and Christian 60 years the Guilds have been the largest fi- primary objectives; to raise financial support charity among its members. The original order nancial contributor to the hospital, raising al- and to develop ongoing community support for existed in Ireland for over 300 years and was most $22 million. The hospital has used these Children’s Hospital Central California. created to help protect the lives of Catholic funds to expand both services and the hos- On January 28, 1949, the first public meet- priests in occupied Ireland after the reign of pital. In June 2009, the Guilds voted to sup- England’s King Henry VIII. ing was held to discuss a ‘‘hospital for children port the largest single donation to the hospital, only.’’ By September the first Guild, Llanada a $4 million commitment for the continuation American chapters of the Ancient Order of Guild, was established and the initial fund- of the Guilds Child Abuse Prevention and Hibernians were created for similar reasons raiser for Valley Children’s Hospital was held. Treatment Endowment. In 60 years funds like protecting the clergy and the Catholic With Mrs. T. Wayne Simpson as President, have been raised through the fundraising ef- Church and its followers while providing aid to Llanada Guild raised $5,477 at a fundraiser forts of all of the Guilds; Llanada (established the community at large. The A.O.H. admirably held at Giffen Ranch. In just 2 years, the Guild 1949, disbanded), Kings (established 1949), seeks to promote and preserve the Irish Herit- had raised well over $3,000. La Feliz (established 1949), Los Rancheros age through art, music, dance, and culture. On September 12, 1951, a ground breaking (established 1949), Pleasant Valley (estab- The services that they provide are important ceremony for the hospital was held. It was lished 1949, disbanded), Alegria (established assets to my district and provide unique diver- through the fundraising efforts of the original 1950), Corcoran (established 1950, dis- sity that is dearly valued. Guilds that Valley Children’s Hospital was con- banded), Las Madrinas (established 1950), The Great Famine or Great Hunger created structed in Fresno, California on donated land. Panoche (established 1950, disbanded), Rio widespread starvation and disease which, cou- Fourteen months after the ground breaking Reyes (established 1950, disbanded), Sequoia pled with a mass exodus from Ireland, caused ceremony, Valley Children’s Hospital was (established 1950), Tenaya (established the country’s population to drop by more than open for patients. The first patient, a young 1950), La Caridad (established 1951, dis- 20 percent. It is estimated that approximately girl with a stomach ache was admitted on No- banded), La Tienda (established 1952), Holi- 1 million people died and 1 million more left vember 12, 1952, and the first surgery per- day (established 1953), La Comida (estab- Ireland during that period. The A.O.H. will formed at the hospital was an appendectomy lished 1953), Children’s Service (established honor and remember those devastated by the on the young girl. 1950s, disbanded), Los Ninos (established famine with a memorial mass, as well as bless During the early 1990s Valley Children’s 1950s, disbanded), Selma (established 1950s, their newly erected monument which will stand Hospital started the plans for a new, state-of- disbanded), Las Amigas (established 1950s, as a memorial to the lives lost and forever the-art facility. After settling on a 50-acre site disbanded), La Sierra (established 1999), La changed by the Great Hunger. in Madera County, just north of the Madera- Visionaria (established 2007), Del Corazon Madam Speaker, I sincerely hope my col- Fresno County line, planning and construction (established 2008) and Los Ninos Hispanic leagues will join me in thanking the Ancient of the new facility took almost a decade. For (established 2008). almost 50 years, Valley Children’s Hospital Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend Order of Hibernians for the work they do in provided medical and emergency services to and congratulate the Guilds of Children’s Hos- supporting my constituency, as well as honor children through out the San Joaquin Valley at pital Central California on 60 years of giving. the memory of those affected by the Great the same facility. On August 31, 1998, at 1 I invite my colleagues to join me in wishing the Hunger that struck Ireland over 150 years ago. minute past midnight, the move to the new fa- Guilds many years of continued success.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.016 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS December 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2901 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Judiciary Conservation and Design Program Act Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, To hold an oversight hearing to examine of 1994, S. 1397, to authorize the Admin- the Department of Homeland Security. istrator of the Environmental Protec- agreed to by the Senate on February 4, SH–216 tion Agency to award grants for elec- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- 2 p.m. tronic device recycling research, devel- tem for a computerized schedule of all Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs opment, and demonstration projects, S. meetings and hearings of Senate com- Economic Policy Subcommittee 1660, to amend the Toxic Substances mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- To hold hearings to examine creating Control Act to reduce the emissions of tees, and committees of conference. jobs in the recession. formaldehyde from composite wood This title requires all such committees SD–538 products, a proposed resolution relat- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Judiciary ing to Army Corps study for Espanola To hold hearings to examine mortgage Valley, and a proposed resolution relat- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- ing to the General Services Adminis- mittee—of the time, place, and purpose fraud, securities fraud, and the finan- cial meltdown, focusing on prosecuting tration. of the meetings, when scheduled, and those responsible. SD–406 any cancellations or changes in the SD–226 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs meetings as they occur. 2:30 p.m. Housing, Transportation and Community As an additional procedure along Commerce, Science, and Transportation Development Subcommittee with the computerization of this infor- To hold hearings to examine research To hold hearings to examine the Federal mation, the Office of the Senate Daily parks and job creation, focusing on in- role in overseeing the safety of public Digest will prepare this information for novation through cooperation. transportation systems. printing in the Extensions of Remarks SR–253 SD–538 Foreign Relations 10 a.m. section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Monday and Wednesday of each European Affairs Subcommittee To hold hearings to examine strength- Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security week. ening the transatlantic economy. Subcommittee Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, De- SD–419 To hold an oversight hearing to examine cember 8, 2009 may be found in the Finance aviation safety, focusing on Federal Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. International Trade, Customs, and Global Aviation Administration (FAA) safety Competitiveness Subcommittee initiatives. To hold hearings to examine exports’ SR–253 MEETINGS SCHEDULED Budget DECEMBER 9 place on the path of economic recov- ery. To hold hearings to examine data-driven 9:30 a.m. SD–215 performance, focusing on using tech- Indian Affairs Homeland Security and Governmental Af- nology to deliver results. Business meeting to consider pending fairs SD–608 Energy and Natural Resources calendar business; to be immediately Oversight of Government Management, the To hold hearings to examine the role of followed by a hearing to examine S. Federal Workforce, and the District of grid-scale energy storage in meeting 1690, to amend the Act of March 1, 1933, Columbia Subcommittee our energy and climate goals. to transfer certain authority and re- To hold hearings to examine the dip- sources to the Utah Dineh Corporation; SD–366 lomat’s shield, focusing on diplomatic to be immediately followed by an over- Foreign Relations security today. sight hearing to examine Department To hold hearings to examine Treaty Be- SD–342 of the Interior backlogs. tween the Government of the United SD–628 States of America and the Government DECEMBER 10 Veterans’ Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain To hold hearings to examine the nomina- 9:30 a.m. and Northern Ireland Concerning De- tions of Robert A. Petzel, of Minnesota, Environment and Public Works fense Trade Cooperation, done at Wash- to be Under Secretary for Health, and Business meeting to consider S. 373, to ington and London on June 21 and 26, Raul Perea-Henze, of New York, to be amend title 18, United States Code, to 2007 (Treaty Doc. 110–07), and Treaty Assistant Secretary for Policy and include constrictor snakes of the spe- Between the Government of the United Planning, both of the Department of cies Python genera as an injurious ani- States of America and the Government Veterans Affairs. mal, S. 1214, to conserve fish and aquat- of Australia Concerning Defense Trade SR–418 ic communities in the United States Cooperation, done at Sydney, Sep- 10 a.m. through partnerships that foster fish tember 5, 2007 (Treaty Doc. 110–10). Foreign Relations habitat conservation, to improve the SD–419 To hold hearings to examine the new Af- quality of life for the people of the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ghanistan strategy, focusing on the United States, S. 1421, to amend sec- fairs view from the ground. tion 42 of title 18, United States Code, To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SD–419 to prohibit the importation and ship- tions of Grayling Grant Williams, of Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions ment of certain species of carp, S. 1519, Maryland, to be Director of the Office Business meeting to consider the nomi- to provide for the eradication and con- of Counternarcotics Enforcement, and nations of Jacqueline A. Berrien, of trol of nutria in Maryland, Louisiana, Elizabeth M. Harman, of Maryland, to New York, Victoria A. Lipnic, of Vir- and other coastal States, S. 1965, to au- be an Assistant Administrator of the ginia, Chai Rachel Feldblum, of Mary- thorize the Secretary of the Interior to Federal Emergency Management Agen- land, all to be a Member of the Equal provide financial assistance to the cy, both of the Department of Home- Employment Opportunity Commission, State of Louisiana for a pilot program land Security. P. David Lopez, of Arizona, to be Gen- to develop measures to eradicate or SD–342 eral Counsel of the Equal Employment control feral swine and to assess and Judiciary Opportunity Commission, Patrick Al- restore wetlands damaged by feral Business meeting to consider S. 448, to fred Corvington, of Maryland, to be swine, H.R. 509, to reauthorize the Ma- maintain the free flow of information Chief Executive Officer of the Corpora- rine Turtle Conservation Act of 2004, to the public by providing conditions tion for National and Community Serv- H.R. 2188, to authorize the Secretary of for the federally compelled disclosure ice, Adele Logan Alexander, of the Dis- the Interior, through the United States of information by certain persons con- trict of Columbia, to be a Member of Fish and Wildlife Service, to conduct a nected with the news media, S. 714, to the National Council on the Human- Joint Venture Program to protect, re- establish the National Criminal Justice ities, and Lynnae M. Ruttledge, of store, enhance, and manage migratory Commission, S. 1624, to amend title 11 Washington, to be Commissioner of the bird populations, their habitats, and of the United States Code, to provide Rehabilitation Services Administra- the ecosystems they rely on, through protection for medical debt home- tion, Department of Education. voluntary actions on public and private owners, to restore bankruptcy protec- SD–430 lands, H.R. 3433, to amend the North tions for individuals experiencing eco- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- American Wetlands Conservation Act nomic distress as caregivers to ill, in- fairs to establish requirements regarding jured, or disabled family members, and To hold hearings to examine five years payment of the non-Federal share of to exempt from means testing debtors after the Intelligence Reform and Ter- the costs of wetlands conservation whose financial problems were caused rorism Prevention Act, focusing on projects in Canada that are funded by serious medical problems, S. 1765, to stopping terrorist travel. under that Act, H.R. 3537, to amend and amend the Hate Crime Statistics Act SD–342 reauthorize the Junior Duck Stamp to include crimes against the homeless,

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M07DE8.000 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E2902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2009 S. 678, to reauthorize and improve the 2:30 p.m. DECEMBER 17 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 10 a.m. vention Act of 1974, S. 1554, to amend fairs Commerce, Science, and Transportation Disaster Recovery Subcommittee the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Business meeting to consider pending To hold hearings to examine children and Prevention Act of 1974 to prevent later calendar business. delinquency and improve the health disasters, focusing on a progress report on addressing needs. SR–253 and well-being of maltreated infants 2:30 p.m. and toddlers through the development SD–342 Foreign Relations Homeland Security and Governmental Af- of local Court Teams for Maltreated In- East Asian and Pacific Affairs Sub- fairs fants and Toddlers and the creation of committee Contracting Oversight Subcommittee a National Court Teams Resource Cen- To hold hearings to examine principles To hold hearings to examine an overview ter to assist such Court Teams, S. 1789, for United States engagement in Asia. of Afghanistan contracts. to restore fairness to Federal cocaine SD–419 SD–342 sentencing, and the nominations of Intelligence Energy and Natural Resources Rosanna Malouf Peterson, to be United To hold closed hearings to consider cer- Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee States District Judge for the Eastern tain intelligence matters. To hold hearings to examine S. 1470, to District of Washington, William M. S–407, Capitol sustain the economic development and Conley, to be United States District recreational use of National Forest Judge for the Western District of Wis- DECEMBER 15 System land and other public land in consin, Denny Chin, of New York, to be 10 a.m. the State of Montana, to add certain United States Circuit Judge for the Energy and Natural Resources land to the National Wilderness Preser- Second Circuit, Paul R. Verkuil, of To hold hearings to examine S. 2052, to vation System, to release certain wil- Florida, to be Chairman of the Admin- amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to derness study areas, to designate new istrative Conference of the United require the Secretary of Energy to areas for recreation, S. 1719, to provide States, and John Gibbons, to be United carry out a research and development for the conveyance of certain parcels of and demonstration program to reduce States Marshal for the District of Mas- land to the town of Alta, Utah, S. 1787, manufacturing and construction costs sachusetts, Richard G. Callahan, to be to reauthorize the Federal Land Trans- relating to nuclear reactors, and S. United States Attorney for the Eastern action Facilitation Act, H.R. 762, to 2812, to amend the Energy Policy Act District of Missouri, and John Leroy of 2005 to require the Secretary of En- validate final patent number 27–2005- Kammerzell, to be United States Mar- ergy to carry out programs to develop 0081, and H.R. 934, to convey certain shal for the District of Colorado, all of and demonstrate 2 small modular nu- submerged lands to the Commonwealth the Department of Justice. clear reactor designs. of the Northern Mariana Islands in SD–226 SD–366 order to give that territory the same Joint Economic Committee 2:30 p.m. benefits in its submerged lands as To hold hearings to examine the chal- Commerce, Science, and Transportation Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Amer- lenge of creating jobs in the aftermath To hold hearings to examine certain ican Samoa have in their submerged of the recession. nominations. lands. 210, Cannon Building SR–253 SD–366

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:02 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M07DE8.000 E07DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS