

OPEN FORUM Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report November 2018 - PCSO Andrew Potter had sent apologies and the following written report; Newton Ferrers - 2nd, report of harassment [via text message] CR/110544/18. Noss Mayo - no reported crime. Skate park - two young parishioners had written to the Parish Council about the possibility of building a skate park within Newton Ferrers possibly at Butts Park. One of them attended the meeting in support of his request. They suggested it would encourage a healthy lifestyle and a good place to have fun. There was a park for younger children but nothing for older children. It would stop children riding and skating near/around roads and having to spend a lot of money each month to go to the nearest skate park in . They would like to be involved and suggested funding applications to the National Lottery or from developers as a result of their local building projects. Land adjacent to Lochalsh – a neighbouring resident spoke in support of objection to the proposed development 3241/18/FUL, a copy of which had been submitted to the Parish Council before the meeting. Woodland had been cleared the preceding summer but the ecology report in support of the application showed a photo of how the land looked prior to the woodland clearance. Responses to previous planning applications in the area had shown there to be enough houses and that the road, which was very narrow in the proposed development area, was at capacity. The development would overlook their property. Walkers would be unable to walk along the road when development was taking place. There was a query as to whether the land had a right of vehicular access over the private road. Mobile Library – a parishioner queried how long the mobile library service would remain in operation and whether there could be a transport service to the library in Ivybridge. The parishioner was referred to the Ivybridge Ring and Ride Service. Public transport – a parishioner advised that the bus service to Noss was able only to get to Bridgend 28 November - 12 December due to the notification of road closures. Gigaclear had then not undertaken the work of which Target Travel appeared to be unaware. Reinstatement of the service to Noss Mayo after 12 December was not immediate - the parishioner calling Target Travel herself to advise. The parishioner suggested that it was the Parish Council’s responsibility to monitor and advise the bus company. The Chairman advised that the Parish Council would be reliant on parishioner feedback and did not have the resources to continually monitor the bus service. RYDA - an RYDA representative referred to the responses to an article the RYDA had placed in the Parish Magazine regarding the proposed public toilet closure by District Council (SHDC.) The comments received by the RYDA had been collated, sent to the Parish Council and copied in to Cllr. Baldry. The Parish Council had been copied in to the RYDA response to the planning application for land adjacent to Lochalsh (3241/18/FUL.) With respect to Riverholm (3643/18/TPO) it was suggested the Tree Plan appeared comprehensive. The Tree Officer had been on site. It would be illegal to do anything on site during the nesting period. The RYDA had copied the Parish Council in on their responses to the lodged planning appeals. The Vice Chairman referred to the public toilets proposed closure. The fault did not lie with the Parish Council. SHDC was thought to have used incorrect figures. The Chairman suggested that it was hoped that the RYDA would read the Parish Council minutes to remain fully informed. Dementia Friendly Parishes Around the Yealm – Mrs. Liz Hitchins, chairman of the organisation, attended and spoke of the latest news. It was pleasing to note the liaison between Mrs. Hirst and the Parish Council, together with the organisation being on the agenda for each Parish Council meeting. The organisation was in its seventh year and had just become a charity. The Council was thanked for its support and its grants. In the past year the Parish Council together with the other four parishes had been promoted nationally and internationally including mention in three major documents produced by the Alzheimer’s Society, House of Lords Select Committee and a poster produced by Plymouth University for the European Alzheimer’s Conference in October in Barcelona. The organisation was viewed highly across the U.K. as a good model. The organisation was attempting to change attitudes to dementia sufferers in airports with a national reference group investigating potential improvements. The Council was encouraged to look at how it could raise its profile to be more dementia friendly e.g. appropriately coloured signage/matting in public buildings and with public open spaces / footpaths being more easily accessible. The organisation coordinator would be drawing up a checklist for parishes in the new year. Thanks was offered to Mrs. Hirst for acting as Parish Council representative. Mrs. Hitchins confirmed to Cllr. Green that the organisation had written to SHDC to object to the public toilets proposed closures as had the Dementia Alliance comprising 19 parishes around Ivybridge.

179/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Blackler, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Tubb, Mr. Hussell and Mr. Lyndon.


180/18 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. Cllr. Green declared an interest in relation to the planning appeal for Barnicott.


182/18 MINUTES - the minutes of the 8 November Parish Council Meeting were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign.

183/18 VARIATION OF AGENDA - RESOLVED; matters relating to pre-planning/planning enforcement and maintenance quotes should be considered in committee. (Vote; unanimous.)

184/18 DISTRICT COUNCIL (SHDC)c 184.1 Councillor reports i) Cllr. Blackler - had sent apologies and the following written reports; Press release; “A new multi million pound contact has been approved by South Hams District Council for recycling, waste and cleansing services enabling the Council to save over £3 million pounds over the life of the contract and improving our environmental impact. The new services will be delivered to a high standard from 1st April 2019 as part of a new partnership agreement with a private company. This is a brave new step for the South Hams who have provided these services through the Council’s own workforce for many years. The decision was made following a very intensive and thorough tendering process lasting almost two years. This included robust market testing giving full consideration to every single element of the current services to ensure best value and best quality for residents. The staff who currently collect the waste and recycling and clean the district will transfer to the new partner company, whose name will be announced on the 18th December following the formal 10 day legal “standstill” period. South Hams District Council have ensured that their valued workforce will continue to provide services with protected terms and conditions and without the need for redundancies. The future service will offer householders the opportunity to recycle even more of our household waste from the kerbside from September 2020.” Cllr. Blackler’s notes; “At the full Council meeting on Thursday (6 December) it was agreed to continue with discussions/participate on forming the South West Mutual Bank, the People’s Bank. £50,000 to be SHDC share, other Councils also involved. Money in s106 account is constantly being monitored in relation to Affordable Housing. In answer to questions at the Full Council meeting on Thursday:- Amount spent on outside consultants so far this year £164,933. Legal advice £53,941. Planning professionals £46,360 Agency staff £443,362.” ii) Cllr. Baldry reported – - Refuse and cleansing services. Full Council had approved the privatisation of refuse and cleansing services the previous Thursday. From 1 April 2019 a new contractor would be undertaking the service - which should remain unaltered. There had been some opposition. Queries had been raised as to how a private contractor could undertake the service at a profit and save money for SHDC whilst providing the same service. Any attempt to bring it back in house after the elections in May 2019 would cost a 14% premium. There had been no in - house tender bid. - Peer review. Cllr. Baldry had given evidence in two capacities – as a non- executive member and as leader of the opposition. The full report was due at the end of January. Some feedback had been received. The quality of SHDC officers had been found to be very good. Planning had not been good. Whilst SHDC and West Brough Council officers worked well together comments were made that relations at councillor level should be improved. It was suggested SHDC needed to put customers back at the centre of the service and should work more with other organisations e.g. health and . 184.2 Public Toilets – the RYDA had sent 13 objection comments received in response to an article they had placed in the Parish Magazine regarding the proposed closure of the WCs in Newton Ferrers. A further letter of objection had been received from a parishioner. Mr. Lyndon had conducted an informal survey on the bus. Out of the 18 passengers all had objected but none had used the facilities. Cllr. Baldry advised that he and Cllr. Green had been against the closures in tourist areas for health reasons. The Executive Committee had decided that some public toilets would remain open e.g. Noss Mayo, some would become pay on entry and others should be taken over by Parish Councils or closed e.g. Newton Ferrers. Cllr. Baldry advised that if the Executive Committee was thought to be wrong on procedure, the decision could be called in. There were a number of reasons for this including the lack of consultation and the position taken by Cllr. Gilbert. The issue had been discussed by the Scrutiny Committee the day before and it had been decided that there should be further consultation with some Parish Councils. Inconsistencies in consultation had been acknowledged. Cllr. Gilbert had been unable to attend the meeting due to other commitments. SHDC officers had been instructed to write to Parish Councils to re-


open dialogue. The matter would be reported back 7 February. Cllr Baldry suggested that the Parish Council should let him know if the Council had not heard from SHDC by 2 January. The Chairman suggested that Newton Ferrers had been given a zero rating for tourism/retail. Cllr. Baldry suggested that the position of the WCs may not have been considered to be in the tourist area of the village. The Chairman advised water usage had been based on summer opening of 8 months and not 12 months. Even on those figures the WCs had been only £20 below being classed as medium usage. The Parish Council would look at other medium usage public toilets which would be remaining open and compare figures. Cllr. Baldry suggested most of the figures could be challenged. Business Rates would not affect Parish Councils as SHDC would be paying Business Rates for 2019/20 in their entirety. It was agreed Cllr. Green and the Chairman would investigate the figures further in the interim in readiness to hear from SHDC. 184.3 Communities Together Fund – Parish Council had not been able to proceed with the joint application for flashing speeding signs as they had not met the necessary Devon County Council Highways SCARF criteria. The Local Highways officer had however advised that as more parishes bought their own, there were fewer parishes to share the DCC owned signs, which meant rotation was likely to be more frequent. There had been two last minute requests for support from Parish Council and South Hams CVS; i) South Hams CVS intended to put in a bid for a grant to increase the access to voluntary & community health and social care support in the Western Cluster (Ivybridge) area to meet the needs of the people. Newton Ferrers had been specifically mentioned. ii) Wembury Parish Council - were hoping to get their Wembury Guide digitalised. They wished to use it to advertise local events/ businesses and to include Brixton and Newton/Noss. There would be no cost to the parish. Given the deadline, members of the Parish Council had been consulted in respect of the applications and the members responding had agreed to support both.

185/18 PLANNING 185.1 Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan - the transfer of the N3P website to the Parish Council website had been completed. The Chairman had emailed SHDC to enquire if the Planning Inspectorate had been made aware of the Neighbourhood Plan. She had also asked if planning officers applied the Neighbourhood plan to applications where there were repeat variations/reserved matters, where the original application had been granted before the Neighbourhood Plan had been ratified. A meeting with Mr. Whymer was awaited. The Chairman reiterated that where the Parish Council considered planning applications, the Neighbourhood Plan should be the first and foremost consideration given that it was “owned” by the Parish Council and had been voted upon by the community. 185.2 Community Land Trust – Ms. Adams advised that things were moving forward. An application was to be made to the Community Housing Fund in January. A lettings plan was being drawn up - consideration being given to plans drawn up by other Community Land Trusts. A couple of pieces of land were being investigated. Planning decisions 185.3 Land adjacent to Parsonage Farm 3679/18/NMM - application for a non-material amendment following grant of planning permission 3139/16/OPA.SHDC; Granted. A parishioner had enquired about planning consent being given before the details of mitigation and enhancement schemes had been agreed. She suggested that in these situations precise wording of the conditions attached was crucial in order to ensure that all the essential requirements were met, hence the need for condition 5. She enquired whether planning consent had been given in this circumstance. She enquired if the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan had to be submitted and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority which appeared to be the case for condition 5. She also wished to access the recommendations from section 4 of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal to ensure this reflected the content of condition 5. Her enquiry had been referred to the planning officer who had advised that the original application 3139/16/OPA was an “outline” application. This approved the principle of development and access, with all other matters to be determined at a later date as part of a “reserved matters” application. Before any building works could begin, the applicant must submit a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan to SHDC which they must agree in writing. 185.4 81 Court Road 2962/18/VAR - variation of condition 3 (use restriction) of planning consent 37/1707/12/F (conversion and reconstruction of the garage to an annex for family use) to allow short and long term lets. SHDC; Granted. 185.5 Herons Reach Court Wood Road 3141/18/HHO - householder application for single storey extension to existing bungalow. SHDC; granted. 185.6 Court House, Yealm Road,3027/18/TPO - TPO work. SHDC; Part conditional consent/part refusal. 185.7 Woongarra Lower Court Road 2948/18/VAR - variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning consent 2948/18/VAR (in connection with 37/1051/13/F demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling.) SHDC; Granted. 185.8 Land at The Fairway 2929/17/VAR - READVERTISEMENT (revised plans received.) Variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 1372/16/FUL to allow for changes to plans of plots 1 and 2. SHDC; Granted. 185.9 Yealm Hotel 104 Yealm Road 1771/18/FUL - part reinstatement of former historic jetty at existing quay of former Hotel. SHDC; Granted. 185.10 Kirrin 31 Court Road 3268/18/HHO - householder application for construction of single storey study and improvements to kitchen, garage and bedroom over. SHDC; Granted. 3/13December2018………………………………………………..Chairman

185.11 Land at SX55294781 Stoke Road Noss Mayo 3255/18/FUL - erection of a dwelling with associated access and landscaping. SHDC; Refused. Planning applications received including; 185.12 Lochalsh Lower Court Road 3241/18/FUL - erection of dwelling with associated parking. DECISION; Objection; The Parish Council wished to question whether permission was given to clear this site. The Design and Access statement stated that Lower Court Road was an adopted county highway and the only means of access to the site. This was incorrect. Lower Court Road was a private road and vehicular access to the site needed to be agreed with the residents. Neighbourhood Plan Main Objection: N3P -1 Village Settlement Boundary. This site was shown quite clearly to be outside the Village Settlement Boundary and in designated Undeveloped Coast. Exceptional circumstances and essential local need which could not otherwise be met had not been demonstrated. Additional comments and reasons for objection: N3P - 4 (c ii). A construction management plan had not been provided for a site which would be difficult to enter and exit and for which permission must be obtained for access. N3P - 5 Movement and Parking. (a) The approach road would be capable of accommodating the volume and size of additional traffic that would be generated. The applicants would be required to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that this was the case through the use of independently validated evidence. (d) Parking spaces - garages would not normally be counted as parking spaces (addition provided by the Examiner). (e)There was no provision for visitor or delivery parking. N3P - 9 Protecting the Landscape (a) The site was in an Undeveloped Coast and AONB designated area which should be afforded the highest status of protection. Listed view 23 former Yealm Hotel and Environs – Evidenced N3P-2, Appendix E11 – n photos and Appendix E5. N3P- 12 Principal Residence Requirement. There was no mention of this obligation in the planning application. In objecting to the above the Parish Council would also rely on: JLP - DEV 25 Undeveloped Coast and Heritage Coast. Development … would not be permitted except under exceptional circumstances. CS9 Landscape and Historic Environment – within the AONB conservation and enhancement would be given great weight. CS10 Nature Conservation DP2 Landscape Character DP5 Conservation and Wildlife DP7 Transport Access and Parking DP11 Housing Need. (Vote; unanimous.) 185.13 Riverholm, 103 Court Road 3643/18/TPO - work to Tree Preservation Order trees. T1 -8 Oak-fell, T9 -12 Oak - veteranise, remove all small sycamores, all but one beech tree and approximately 70% of Holly trees. Mr. Rogers had commented in writing before the meeting that on viewing the site from Court Road as a parish councillor, the oak trees mentioned had, in the past, been pollarded at the crown by the previous owner. He was against the removal of any oak trees that were in an AONB and TPO area. He suggested that the tree clearance and subsequent planning application 3241/18/FULL could not be overlooked. This should be borne in mind with the current application. He was against the removal of any TPO. British oak trees were in decline. It was important that the Council take care of the TPO which had been put in place for a reason. The Tree Warden and SHDC Tree Officer had made a site visit the preceding Tuesday. The Tree Warden’s comments were noted. DECISION; Objection. The Parish Council did not see the benefit or need for the proposed work to be undertaken. (Vote; unanimous.) 185.14 Sail Away Bridgend 3650/18/HHO - householder application to replace two existing store buildings with a new single boat store, sail loft and workshop. (Re-submission of 37/2402/15/F.) Concerns were raised that the development was outside the Village settlement Boundary and in a designated undeveloped coastal area. It was not essential to meet a local need with a potential for it to be turned into accommodation. Other views were to the effect that it was a replacement structure for which planning permission had already been given prior to the Neighbourood Plan. DECISION; No objection subject to; Neighbourhood Plan N3P-4 (c ii.) This was a difficult site to access from the main route into and out of Noss Mayo and a construction management plan should be prepared before any approval was given. Previous approval 37/2402/15/F condition: the outbuilding hereby approved shall only be used incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house ‘Three Corners’ and shall not form part of a separate unit of accommodation. Reason: in the interests of the amenities of the area. The Parish Council asked that this condition was applied to this application. (Vote; five in favour, 2 against) 185.15 Toad Hall 28b Court Road3724/18/HHO - householder application for modification of existing loft bedrooms DECISION; No objection subject to the Listed Buildings Officer having no objections and any neighbour concerns regarding overlooking are/had been addressed. (Vote; unanimous.) 4/13December2018………………………………………………..Chairman

185.16 42 Creekside Road Noss Mayo 3332/18/VAR - READVERTISEMENT (revised plans). Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning permission 2635/17/HHO. DECISION; Objection; Privacy and Overlooking Officer decision to application No 2635/17/HHO was Conditional Approval on following the plans with the two following questions specifically answered: Was the proposal acceptable with regard to any significant overlooking/loss of privacy issues? YES Had the proposal been designed to respect the amenities of neighbouring properties avoiding unreasonable loss of light or an overbearing impact? YES The above variation would not address long term concerns of the neighbours that the flat roof area would never be used and such plans would never have received initial approval. The Parish Council supported neighbour concerns which were not satisfactorily addressed by this further planning application. (Vote; unanimous.) 185.17 Point House Road to Passage House Noss Mayo 3927/18/HHO - householder application for removal of existing timber sheds and replacement sheds, general garden landscaping including provision of paths and raised vegetable planters. The Chairman advised that the applicants were known to her but that she did not consider herself to have an interest/pecuniary interest in the matter. No objection. (Vote; unanimous.) Planning appeals 185.18 8 Perches Close, Membland, APP/K1128/W/18/3212025 - erection of self - build dwelling (resubmission of 2477/17/FUL.) DECISION; to write to the Planning Inspector reiterating the Parish Council’s objections and to make the Inspectorate aware of the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan. (Vote; unanimous.) 185.19 Barnicott, Bridgend Hill, APP/K1128/W/18/3214032 - construction of new dwelling with associated vehicular access and landscaping. DECISION; to write to the Planning Inspector reiterating the Parish Council’s objections and to make the Inspectorate aware of the Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan. (Vote; 6 in favour) Cllr. Green took no part in the debate or vote. 185.20 Brook Bakery, Riverside Road West, APP/K1128/W/18/3213669 - householder application for refurbishment and renovation of the existing cottage, and replacement of dilapidated rear extension with new rear extension and roof terrace. The notice of appeal had been received after the meeting agenda had been served. The latest date for submission of any further representations was 9 January. The deadline for comment was before the next Parish Council meeting 10 January. The appeal was in respect of non - determination by SHDC. It was agreed no further comment was necessary. 185.21 Review of 's National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty – Cllr. Green advised that this was the first time this level of review had been undertaken since the AONB had been established. Responses to the survey could be undertaken as individuals and the Parish Council. It was agreed to delegate response to the consultation by the Parish Council to the Chairman with the assistance of the Vice Chairman. 185.22 Development Management Committee – no matters had arisen. 185.23 Tree Warden - Mr. Chris Woodd- Walker would be retiring as volunteer Tree Council Tree Warden for the parish as from 1 January 2019. The Clerk had been in touch with the South Hams representative for The Tree Council. It was agreed to advertise the position and to thank Mr. Woodd - Walker for his help. 185.24 Trees - Cllr. Green suggested a review of the areas in the locality of Court Wood, in particular Lower Court Road, for potential Tree Preservation Order areas. This was in light of the recent extensive tree clearance in the area. It was agreed to contact the SHDC Tree Officer to suggest a site visit in the new year with Cllr. Green and Mr. Carter.

186/10 SKATE PARKS RESOLVED; To vary the agenda to bring forward consideration of correspondence relating to skate parks. (Vote; unanimous.) The Council considered a request from two young parishioners for a skate park in Newton Ferrers as outlined in Open Forum. The Vice Chairman had conducted some research into suppliers and the costs of construction. Members considered the playing field/play park at Butts Park commenting that there was insufficient room and noise nuisance considerations for adjacent residents. There was a possibility of land for a community facility at Collaton in the future. There were potential Section 106 monies available to improve recreational facilities. SHDC could be approached to vary the area where the monies were spent. Members also considered the number of children to whom a skate park would appeal feeling that the numbers could be limited at this time. It was agreed to write back to the parishioners to advise that their letter had been considered very carefully, but that at present, the Parish Council was unable to identify any suitable available land.

187/18 ADMINISTRATION 187.1 Events – no applications had been received. 187.2 i) Ferry Wood - Mr. Carter had made a site visit to ensure the land had been correctly identified. He had spoken with the adjacent landowner. RESOLVED; To accept that the land tinted red on the plan attached to the letter from HM Land Registry dated 31 October 2017 DN686079 was correct and that no alteration to the title was needed. (Vote; unanimous.) ii) Triangle at The Green – the transfer had been completed. Registration of ownership would take two - three months. iii) Noss Fountain – the Clerk was waiting to hear from Wolferstans regarding the potential for the area to be registered as a Village Green. 5/13December2018………………………………………………..Chairman

iv) Gigaclear wayleave agreements - there was no update. 187.3 Budget 2019/20 - the budget working group had met to discuss draft cashflow forecast to 31 March 2019, anticipated routine income/expenditure for 19/20, draft earmarked/general reserves schedule and draft budget. The documents had been circulated to Parish Council members prior to the meeting together with the cashbook accounts. The documents and budget proposing a 5% increase in the precept request were approved in principle, to be finalised at the Parish Council meeting in January. The updated Council Tax base number of Band D equivalent was expected before Christmas. 187.4 Audit 2018/19 – the Clerk had received a recommendation for an alternative internal auditor who would conduct the audit on site. Mr. Peter Vassallo had advised that he would, in principle, be interested in doing the audit but would like to meet with the Clerk in January/February time to see how the financial controls were operating. The all-in cost of the audit would be £170.00. RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from Mr. Vassallo to conduct the internal audit for the Parish Council for 2018/19 in the sum of £170. (Vote; unanimous.)

188/18 CORRESPONDENCE 188.1 Dementia Friendly Parishes - Mrs. Caroline Hirst had sent a report which had been circulated. Details of the monthly activities were given. To know more about Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm or if they could help; Maxine Tel; 07450206312 188.2 Grant applications – i) Ivybridge Ring and Ride – 78 Ring and Ride shopping and well- being trips had been provided to people in the parish last year. RESOLVED; to make a grant of £150 to Ivybridge Ring & Ride Service. (Vote; unanimous.) ii) South Hams CAB - 129 people in the ward of Newton & had been helped in 2017/18. RESOLVED; to make a grant of £150 to South Hams CAB (Vote; unanimous.) iii) Brookings Down Wood - a group of sycamore trees needed to be felled and brushwood cleared in close proximity to the tennis courts. There was reserve provision within the budget to make a grant to Brookings Down Wood of £350. RESOLVED; to make a grant of £350 to Brookings Down Wood (Vote; unanimous.) 188.3 Yealm Community Energy - Mr. Parry - Smith had attended part of the Community Fund Awards Meeting being held that evening in which Yealm Community Energy was distributing £20,000 of profits from the first year of operation of the community owned Newton Downs Solar Farm. Fifteen applications had been received from village halls, schools and community groups. Mr. Parry - Smith confirmed awards had included those to the River Yealm Regatta, Village Halls, Community Land Trust and for exercise activities. 188.4 Mass swim event - the Parish Council had been contacted by an organisation who wished to put on a small, mass participation sea swim event at Noss Mayo involving a swim from Cellars Beach to the village. The Parish Council was prepared to support the idea in principle subject to the event organisers obtaining consent from the River Yealm Harbour Authority, compliance with all safety /insurance requirements and keeping the Parish Council advised. 188.5 Skate Park - min 186/10 refers. 188.6 Consultation on school admission arrangements 2020/21 – there was no comment. 188.7 Collaton post box - the partial removal of the post box at Collaton had been reported to the Royal Mail with a request for clarification.

189/18 COUNTY COUNCIL 189.1 County Councillor’s report - Cllr. Hosking gave the following report; i) Potholes - Devon County Council (DCC) had received 18.745 million pounds for potholes. Work would be undertaken in early spring. ii) Transport - DCC, County Council, Somerset County Council together with Plymouth and unitary authorities had come together to form Peninsular Transport Management looking into transport infrastructure and opportunities. iii) Winter Services Task Group - a meeting would take place 19 December. The group would be talking to a leading insurance company to encourage them to offer a package to Parish Councils to cover volunteer salt spreader drivers. iv) School warning signs – Cllr. Hosking and Mr. Nick Colton, the Local Highways Officer, were investigating funding options. v) Gigaclear - the meeting was now taking place 7 January 2019. In the interim road closures would only apply where there was a clearly suitable diversion or traffic lights. Cllr. Hosking was advised that there had been difficulties with bus companies not being advised of road closures and amendments to closures. He advised Gigaclear should be keeping bus companies notified. Cllr. Hosking advised that some of the wayleaves used by Gigaclear had not been fit for purpose. vi) Grit bins - Cllr. Hosking was advised that all grit bins were full at present. vii) Parking enforcement - Cllr. Hosking advised that both the Parish Council and parishioners could request parking enforcement through the DCC website. He suggested times, dates and periods could be identified. The Clerk advised that this had been done when she had reported difficulties at the bottom of Newton Hill. DCC had advised that they would investigate when next in the area and deal with any vehicle found in contravention. The intelligence would also be used in future beat and attendance planning and management to try and avoid reoccurrence. They had advised that they were not a reactive service and the issue would be looked at by their


officers when next scheduled to attend the area. Cllr. Hosking advised that builders could apply for parking permits for duration of works. viii) Government Spending Review – Cllr. Hosking would report in January. 189.2 Gigaclear – min 189.1 refers. 189.3 Highways/Transport i) Parking enforcement - a parishioner had asked for an update regarding whether the Parish Council could fund additional parking enforcement time. This had been raised with Cllr. Hosking in December 2017. The Parishioner had been advised, at that time, that parking enforcement issue could be reported to DCC online using their “Report a problem facility.” A member advised that there had been a parking enforcement officer in the parish within the last 2-3 days. Min 189.1 refers. ii) Bus stop at The Green – a parishioner had asked for an update regarding hatched lines in front of the Pollexfen Archer bus stop. This had been raised with DCC Highways at a site meeting in January 2016. The Local Highways Officer had subsequently advised that hatched lines for this purpose would not be authorised. iii) Winter – DCC Highways had advised that the new Snow Warden, Mr. James Watkinson, would need to undertake some training. The Clerk had advised DCC of the new appointment to enable the Snow Wardens’ Register to be updated. The new grit bin for Butts Park had been approved and it was hoped it would be in situ shortly. iv) School warning signs – min 189.1 refers. v) Court Road closure - Western Power had advised that they had made application for road closure from 11- 15 February 2019. It was agreed to seek clarification of access provision for residents.

190/18 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – cheque payments were checked by the Vice Chairman authorised and signed in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Clerk and listed in Minute 191/18. Payment was authorised for emergency work undertaken by South Hams Garden and Property Services to remove a partially broken tree branch at Noss Green.

191/18 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS Balance in Unity Trust Deposit account balance 30/11/18 £25063.21 Santander Current Account balance at 30/11/18 £59272.87 The balance includes: Monies held in respect of the Butts Park Play Park Improvement Project £1838.32 Monies held in respect of the maintenance of the Revington Memorial Seat £390 Big Greenspace Challenge £59.43 Monies granted by Parish Council/ Revelstoke Community Trust/RYDA/Community Rights Programme for Neighbourhood Plan £413.39 The following cheques were authorised totalling: £3450.83

Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 2544 Martin & Sons Ltd Grant contribution for additions to the War Memorials £128 2544 Newton & Noss Village Hall Hire fee NNPC Meeting 13 December 2018 £30.00 2545 S.McDonough Net salary November £1,256.28 2546 Newton & Noss Village Hall Grant contribution; Christmas tree and lights* £30.00 2547 WI Community Hall Grant contribution; Christmas tree and lights* £30.00 2548 RSL Chartered Building Surveyors Sports Pavilion Survey £600.00 2549 The Society of Local Council Clerks Annual subscription £175.00 2550 Sports Pavilion 4 August-12 November 2018 £18.05 2551 CPRE Annual subscription £36.00 Newton Voss and steps/ Kilpatrick's Steps cleaning 2552 AJ Watkinson November £97.00 2553 South Hams Garden & Property Services Grounds maintenance- November £554.50 2554 South Hams Garden & Property Services Butts Park playing field signage £40.00 2555 South Hams Garden & Property Services Butts Park play park tunnel- sanding £16.00 2556 South Hams Garden & Property Services Noss Green - emergency broken tree branch removal £40.00 2557 RYHA Contribution to WC cleaning costs June-Dec 18 £400.00 Total £3,450.83 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments:£60 total to date;£420 BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance November £292.91 November 7/13December2018………………………………………………..Chairman

DD EDF Sports Pavilion £10.00 DD Hoot Hosting N3P website hosting £20.00 DD Ricoh Printer/copier lease and copy charges £184.99 DD B & CE Holdings Ltd Pension payment £42.42 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00

192/18 MEETINGS ATTENDED: 192.1 Harbour Authority – Mr. Carter advised that the Harbour Master had left. The position would be advertised 3 January 2019. Mr. Dearn, the previous Harbour Master, was covering on a part time basis. 192.2 Halls – Mr. Parry - Smith advised that Newton & Noss Village Hall had been offered an award of £4,000 by Yealm Community Energy (Community Benefits Fund) towards solar panels for the south facing roof of the Revelstoke Room. As a planning matter, the Listed Building Officer had advised that this should not be a problem. Ms. Adams advised that there were no reports for the WI Hall.

193/18 MAINTENANCE 193.1 Maintenance working groups, i) Sports Pavilion/playing field – the survey had been undertaken that morning. The written report was awaited. Revelstoke Rangers had been requested on three occasions since October to provide their insurance renewal documents and reviewed risk assessment. There had been no response. The Council was referred to the Licence terms. It was agreed to contact the former club secretary/treasurer to see if they could assist. Enquiries would also be made about some damage to the ceiling in the visitors’ changing room. ii) The Green/Dillon’s Green - the risk assessment for Parish Council land at The Green had been updated following completion of the land transfer of the ‘triangle’ and approved by the Vice Chairman and Ms. Adams. The Local Highways Officer had met the Clerk and Vice Chairman on site following which a draft signage policy had been circulated to the Parish Council. The signage policy was agreed. It was not thought necessary to have a Parish Council sign on the triangular area. The Local Highways Officer had suggested the triangular area may be a more appropriate place for the fingerpost currently on The Green. Members agreed that the fingerpost should not be moved from its current position. iii) Play parks – Butts Park Play Park – the Clerk was waiting to hear from the Primary School about a possible planting/nature event at the play park. Big Greenspace Challenge Funds were currently £59.43 and funding from the improvement appeal stood at £1838.32. The Wet Pour had been delivered. Noss Play Park – there was no report. iv) Noss Recreation Areas – no report. Tennis Courts – Mr. Parry - Smith had met two of the Tennis Club on 7 December to look at access. The conclusion had been that when the fencing was overhauled, which was the next project planned, the door into the courts would be widened. It was suggested that the slabbed path up to the courts off the road could be constructed into a graded slope. As far as the requirements for disabled access to be provided, Mr. Parry - Smith believed it would be in order to leave the existing entrance as it was and, when repairs or improvements were needed, then it should be incorporated at that stage. The fence post on the uphill side needed to be replaced before long as the base was rotting. 193.2 Noss Voss Steps – it was understood DCC was seeking quotes for the repairs. The Clerk had been in touch with SHDC on a couple of occasions to see if it would be in order for the TAP funding allocation to be used to contribute. 193.3 Other areas for consideration – i) Kilpatrick’s Steps – DCC Highways had been advised of the lack of highway fencing on the river side near Kilpatrick’s Steps ii) Area by the Malthouses, Bridgend - a recent landslip near the slipway had been reported to DCC Highways.

194/18 MAINTENANCE QUOTES - one quotation had been sought for grass cutting and tree inspections for the new land at The Green. RESOLVED; To accept the quotation from South Hams Garden & Property services for 19 grass cuts per annum at £10 per cut, sapling trimming in September at £25 and tree inspections for the triangular grass area at The Green at a total cost of £215 per annum. (Vote; unanimous.)

195/18 PRE-PLANNING APPLICATIONS/ PLANNlNG ENFORCEMENT – The latest planning enforcement list from SHDC was considered - in particular the age of some of the matters being investigated. A letter from a parishioner regarding replacement of septic tanks by sewage treatment works with subsequent noise nuisance was considered and noted. . Meeting closed at 9.25pm
