Deterring Wartime Atrocities Deterring Wartime Jacqueline R
Deterring Wartime Atrocities Deterring Wartime Jacqueline R. Atrocities McAllister Hard Lessons from the Yugoslav Tribunal How can the interna- tional community deter government and rebel forces from committing atroc- ities against civilians? Long after liberated Nazi concentration camp survivors held up the ªrst sign declaring, “Never Again!” civilians have faced genocide during civil wars around the world, from Bangladesh to the former Yugoslavia, and more recently in northern Iraq. Sexual violence, torture, and forced dis- appearances are among the other horrors that civilians continue to endure in wartime. In the 1990s, international ofªcials sought to respond to such suffering by es- tablishing a new generation of wartime international criminal tribunals (ICTs), starting with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993. The ICTY paved the way for the establishment of the perma- nent International Criminal Court (ICC) ªve years later. Unlike earlier ICTs in Nuremberg and Tokyo, as well as more recent war crimes tribunals in Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, East Timor, Lebanon, Bosnia, and Kosovo, the ICTY and the ICC are mandated to prosecute international criminal law violations committed in the context of active armed conºicts. In granting the ICTY and the ICC such authority, their founders hoped that the tribu- nals would deter combatants in those conºicts from perpetrating violence against civilians.1 Nevertheless, more than twenty-ªve years after the ICTY opened its doors, international justice scholars continue to debate the role of wartime tribunals in deterring atrocities against civilians, particularly in ongoing conºicts. Skep- tics contend that, in the heat of battle, combatants are unlikely to perceive a Jacqueline R.
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