[ | | " III

• .:."'2::',2"" ::.... IIl1 1 1 / N0wS~win; ~,, Hang gliders, p. 3 h.m.-.nd flonsl ©uls.ln,.,.-;. ,n-,.| , ..... llilq ll / s Politica| t debate, p. 4 At IheKALUM MOTBL. [ | : Serving Terrace, Kitimat, the Hazeltons, StewartandtheNass | PP P. 5 .Hwy. 16Wee i, Terrace [ |VOLUME " '| Adivisi°n°f'T°temTVCenfretld" Softball_ourney, i '~ 635-2,362 __~g %,.__ .... 71, NO. 34 Price: 20 cents . .,MONDAY JUNE 20, 1977 ,) k4554L°kefsoAve"63~T.e;;°¢;'B'¢'VaGIP8, Spider Man, p..88 Ferry board Kitimat line I I ' , nmsI if'-' . . • Political move favors Rupert I t .~ff By ANDREW PETTER Herald staff writer

The decision by the Social Credit government to provide a ferry service between Tsawwassen and Prince Rupert rather than Kitimat is "politically I based", Kitimat mayor George Thorn said Sumday. Thorn was responding to "In my opinion they the announcement made by should lookafter their own," B.C. Ferries general he said, referring to the fact m~ager Charles Ga.ngher that Skecnn is represented that a twice-weekly by Social Credit MLA Cyril Tsawwassen-Prince Rupert Shelford. run for passengers, cars and drive-on freight will begin Contacted by the ]Herald, this fall. Sheiford said that he "didn't Feeder services will also exactly agree' with Thorn's he provided to Namu, assessment but added that it Klemtu, Port Simpson, was "not altogether va'ong" Kincolith, Alice Arm and either. ~"~' Stewart, but not Kitimat. "I'm very disappointed," A Kit~nat service could be stated Sbelford. added in 1979, Gallagher The MLA said that he had said. .~d. ed for a Tsawvassen- But Thorn told the Herald at route and that he that he did not "have much would now be writing to fs/ith" in a promise that far Davis outlining the rea .s~..s off. why the Prince Rupert The mayor said that the proposal "won't work.'" announcement came as a "Truckers don't want to complete surprise to him, end up in Prince Rupert," especially in light of a he said, alleging tkat the recent announcement by government "mustn't have Transportation Minister looked into it very, Jack Davis that a $72,000 cerefiflly." study of .coast' transportation services of Terrace, would be undertaken this council'.s industrial SUlmner.. development and tourist -~The~. lsnodoubt.in my_ nCM0t~oth-~Ualttoe~ said "" ~h~id tl~t (tht d~isl0n) iS lh " 'de mh ,,seeks to polltleally based," he said, be quite poU al." Thorn stated that previous " "We would like to see a studies had shown that north-south route from Kitimat was the logical port, Vancouver to Kitimat, to serve as the hub for a Terrace and up through the : FIRE DESTROYS "viable transportation Yukon," be said. corridor" north; While Terrace would also "That's why I was benefit from east-west I.O.O.F. HALL optimistic when I heard traffic to Prince Rupert, about the" most recent Cooper said that he felt that study," he said. "I felt sure the Kitimat route would No one was injured in a fire that gutted the that Kitimat would come out have been better for • 'rear portion of Oddfedow's hall in the 4500,bloek well." Terrace. of Lakelse Avenue on the weekend. Pointing 'out that Prince Cool~.r pointed out that Rupert had once been a the road from Prince RuPert Twenty-nine members of the Terrace fire strong Soered seat, Thom to Terrace is "unreliable" in department ' were called in about seven p.m. charged that "they are the winter and is much' Saturday. The men took an hour to get the blaze playing games to secure it longer than the Kitimat- under control and another hour to fully again." Terrace link. extinguish it and clean up. A department spokesman told the Herald that the firemen's efforts successfully prevented the Right-to-work flames from spreading to Twin City Meats Ltd. next door and from destroying an adjacent house. not for CUPE He said that the hall was very old and is VERNON, B.C. ((~P) -- create a "donnybook" in the probably a "write-off." Delegates to the annual legislature. convention of the British Mrs. Sanford saidthe laws Terrace firemen fight to contain a blaze which broke out at the Oddfellow's Hall Saturday' evening. The fire Thedepartment is still investigating the cause Columbia divison of the give workers no rights and department is still investigating the cause of the fire and an announcement is expected today, of the fire. Canadian Union of Public no work, but only the right to (photo by David Hamilto.n) Employees voted work for less money and ~,_1 unanimously Sunday to have their unions broken oppose any attempt by the apart. B.C. government to in- Winning BREZHNEV-GISCAFID MEET troduce right-to-work Pointing to the southern lqgislation, U.S. states where right-to- "The legislation gives work exist, she said they numbers Russian tries to shift French tilt workers the option of joining serve as an example that' the a union or paying union ;law is not somethivg that HALIFAX (CP)"-- Twelve MOSCOW (Renter) -- at the end of May, Brezhnev charges--voiced by senior indicatiori in Moscow that the Soviet Union, and also dues. B.C. should have. : ImC~ms became Instant million. Soviet leader. Leonid accused the United States of military and political fig- Brezhnev ' would meet have expressed Comox New Democratic The colivention also voted !: Jdres Sunday when their num. Brezhnev flies to Paris hindering the development ures in France as well--that French Communist leader disagreement with the Party MLA Karen Sanford, to support workers on strike ' Im~ were drawn In the Loto today, hoping to slow of detente by adopting an the Soviets have embarked Georgcs Marchais during manner former Soviet the NDP labor critic, said against the Hotel ~nada Ioflery staged In. Hall. France's gradual swing into "unconstructive" line in on a large-scale military his stay in Paris. president Nikolai Podgorny that if the government Vancouver. Delegates fox while 33 others won the mainstream of the strategic arms limitation build-up. French Communists have was dismissed last month moves to bring in right-to- agreed to consider financial i $1oo,ooo. Western alliance. (SALT) negotiations. GIVES NO HINT Voiced, concern over the from the Soviet party's work laws, strong opposition support for the strikers if There has been no treatment of dissidents in powerful political oureau. 1he ticket numbers winning The three-day visit will be He said Soviet concern attempts to stop it will they asked for it. $1 million were: 6386912, Brezhaev's first overseas about the arms race "has '.'. |$16941, 3869075, 6411307, irip since he took the title of grown because of the line ~i 3170946, 7475837; 83142434, head 'of state, as well as taken on these questions by Herald staff writer Northwest Rail agreement these international mining :i 3dI~S915,3885958, 7851155, 2744677 Communist par~ chief, the new American being negotiated by the interests have wanted all lad ~609333. The 70-year old Brezhnev administration" which he Former Skecna NDP- former government along," Dent charged. "will be stressing to said is "patently geared to MLA Hartley Dent says included a Stikine-Terrace "That is, to sneak these There were eight winners of President Valery Giscard obtaining unilateral that .he suspects that, rail link which would have huge amounts of copper SteO,O00 connected with the d'EKalng of France the advantages for the United international mining ensured that the copper out through the side door of regular rdrawlng and 25 winners value--in the Soviet view-- States." interests have influenced would have been processed British Columbia with the of $100,000 whose tickets were of the special relationship Brezhnev returned to this the Socred government to in B.C. consequent economic loss marked "extra". between Moscow and Paris. theme last week in another Stikine cop_per downplay the need for a "But the new Social to B.C." French political parties-- direct appeal to ' French Terrace raft link into the Credit ~overnment Dent said it is his, The regular ticket, numbers including the Communist opinion with answers to Stikine Valley. dropped thin agreement "suspicion that these winning 41100,000 were: 1829744, party-- have voiced questions submitted to him Dent told the Royal with obscene haste, and companies have influenced ~t$65920, 5634501, 1611963, growing concern about by the Paris newspaper Le seeks Alaskan the present government in 3916136, 6735071, 2182486, Soviet internal and external Monde. Commission looking into negotiated a new northern ~)19719. llle operations of the B.C. • rail agreement which Victoria into down playing policies. He declare@ that it is the Railway last week in plays down the importance the Terrace link." In a television address to North Atlantic Treaty The former MLA told the 1110 "extra" winners of $100,. French and Soviet viewers ' port:Dent Prince George that he was of a rail line from Terrace !~ 000, were those holding tickets Organization (NATO)--to approached in 1973 by to the Stikine," he said. Commission that B,C. Rall numbm'ed: 2436088, 3093776, which France belongs representatives of the At the same time, the should build a rail llnk i! 44i501~, 3583533, 3013484, although it withdrew from Hudson Bay Mining and mining companies have between Terrace and the ' 1665255, 4108465, 3615244, . Weather the military structure in the Smelting Company been ~ushing for a rail link Stikine "and that the :l 2 6 7 2 6 9, 420813S, 1464876, 1960s--and the United States concerning development from the Stikine to a Port government be urged to 1585791, 3099208, 3245252, Yesterday's High: 19 Low: which are responsible for a plans for the Stikine' site on the Alaska direct mining compandes 3542296, 1745379, 1897376, 12 new spiral in the arms race. copper minin.g properties. Panhandle. in northwestern B.C. to 3 • 9 3 2 O 2, 4287875,. 252477S, His remarks are Dent salo that the" "I think that this is what ship through B.C. ports." 3562986, 2529177, .121450,1, 3726492 Today's predictions: High: considered.here as directed i lind 41281J76. 20 Low: 10 at countering Western , ( 4 ~

PAGE A2, THE HERALD, Monday June 20, 1977 CANNERIES Fish jobs lost RICHMOND, B.C. (CP) -- probably another 100 ment investigation into the workers at other plants matter and met Jim t~,.,t. A United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union ~von't be called to work this Nielsen, environment t. •season," he said. minister and Richmond' spokesman said Sunday at MLA, Saturday to discuss it. .,~ least 600 seasonal workers Anderson, a year-round Union president Jack will be out of work because employee for nine years, Nichol saidthe company is a Delta Food Processors Ltd. saidbe received 24-hour lay- profitable one and "their is winding down operations off notice Friday following decision to quit now is at its two local fish plants months of rumor about an and rice .mill. nothing short of scan- imminent closure. daloes." Morris Anderson, union "Queen Charlotte is shoreworkers vice- Company president president and truck driver Harold Gavin refused smothered by its own at Queen Charlotte comment Sunday. corporate bureaucracy as Fisheries Ltd. in this one component of a giant Vancouver suburb, said TWO OTHERS CLOSE food conglomerate and its. Sunday that he and 21 other Anderson said Canada failure to operate this year Rice Mills in Richmond and is a shameful disregard for production workers were its corporate responsibility laid off Friday and eight Bingham Fisheries Ltd. on maintenance workers Will Vancouver harbor, both to the industry, the be gone Monday. owned by-Delta Food community and to the Processors, are also dosing. workers who have produced "It's sure a tragedy, 500 the profits over the years." canner}, workers and "11re umon wants a govern- Unemployment worry

Kitimat grads presented themselves in a the bleachers at the rear of the gym. Full splendid candlelight ceremony in the fflted details on the graduation will be available • ignored by Socreds Mount Elizabeth gyinnasium Friday. As each group of four in tomorrow's edition of the Herald. (Photo students stood on stage their candles were by Brian Gregg;) VERNON, B.C. (CP) -- had in fact made politically in the fight placed on the table at right and they filed to Karen Sanford, New unemployment worse. - against any right-toworK Democratic Party labor She said all the Socreds legislation. critic, said Saturday the are interested in doing is -! Social Credit government is balancing the books and doing: nothing to alleviate making sure they take care TORIES' the unemployment problem of "their own". ~ ~'~" ~ in British Columbia. As an example, she cited Speaking at the the removal of succession STAND. convention of the B.C. duties, which has been division of the Canadian criticized as helping only DISLIKED i -i Union of Public Employees rich people. (CUPE) Ms. Sanford said Ms. Aanford called on VANCOUVER delegates to get involved (CP) -- ), ? the provincial government l~erreSsive Conservative Joe Clark was told Sunday that his party ..will Body recovered get little sup~rt from me 300,000 members of the Chilliwack, B.C. (CP) -- mishap while Randy Brown, Canadian Wildlife Feder- RCMP identified Sunday a 16, suffered a bruised rib. ation if it stalls amendments Canadian Forces cadet who A spokesman said 13 to the federal Fisheries Act drowned Saturday when cadets, all from the now before Parliament. three rafts overturned on Vancouver area, were Bill 0tway, manager of the Chilliwack River as Alex taking part in a rafting the British Columbia Malczynski, 16, of expedition on the river 50 Wildlife Federation, said Vancouver. rn~es east of Vancouver Sunday the message was Police said Bruce when the rafts struck a log sent in a telegram to Clark !!i~?~'~':"!: .. " ":; ' Mender, 14, of Bumaby, jam and the cadets were during the weakend. B.C. broke his ankle in the 'thrown into the fast-moving He said the B.C. / water. federation and its counterparts in Ontario and ~~ i~ Saskatchewan. are ppset Ray sends rail cars with a Conservative ~ ~ \" announcement last week• that the party will likely not to farmers' rescue support the amendments ' i \ which define habitat for fish KELOWNA, B.C. (CP) - the entire industry would be and fish species. ,~ Liberal 'Senator Ray pleased. Bill Jarvis (PC--Perth Perrault said Saturday that Bernhardt had told the Wilmot), Conservative Agriculture Minister caucus earlier about freight environment critic, said the Eugene Wbelan will order difficulties experienced by legislation would not be 1,000 refrigerated rail cars the growers. supported after environ- as soon as parliament No further details were ment ministers from B.C., approves the $45 million available about the Alberta, Ontario and Nov _J cost. government purchase or Scotia said they could not Perrault, speaking at a what firm viould be filling support the bill. touring federal • Liberal the order. I III Members of city council ..~ caucus meeting, said the rail ears should ease freight also met with the touring kabalarlan GRADUATION DAY problems experienced by caucus Saturday and fruit growers. Alderman Fred Maeklin philosophy The graduating class of Caledonia Senior Secondary Caledonia Charles Bernhardt, asked that the federal received the applause and congratulations of school Your best duds can be the embodiment of moccasins, to collect his degree. Patrtcia president of the British government pay the full Prn4mtt e. Public lecture officials, families, and friends at Friday night's your heritage. That was demonstrated (Tish) Webb (above) wore the flag of B.C. Columbia Fruit Growers costs for cleaning the Tues. June :11 7:00 pm ceremonies. clearly at Friday's grad ceremonies in ingeniously wrapped as a long dress and Association, said the Eurasian milfoil weed The ceremonies mark the end of twelve or more Terrace. At .left is Lloyd McDames, a hood. She said it was a mark of her new announcement was infestation from Okanagan Tm'race.Armlm., ~ars of schooling, and the beginning of bigger and native Indian, who attended the independence from school. tremendous news and that lakes. :L tter things for all the students. ceremonies in furl Indian dress, includi,ng Mayor Dave Maroney of Terrace told the graduates that "education is not a question of how many years of school you've had." "When the school doors close upon you forever," he said, "it's not the end, it's just the beginning." Many share Frank Hamilton, superintendent of School District 88, also told the graduates that they were only at the start of their lives. Education in the high schools has given students "a Hughes estate beginning," he said, in the form of reading and writing .skills, and.some.skil.ls for further learning. He said he MONTGOMERY, Ala. The settlement, subject to nopea smaems naa come away from Caledonia with (AP) -- Heirs of court challenge because of nequlng "a good self-image" and "humility in dealing with industrialist Howard suits filed in several states others." Hughes have agreed to a over the authenticity of a divmion of his estate in an number of purported All the speakers cautioned the grads to be careful out-ofcourt settlement, a Hughes wills, was .reached :~ when they were celebrating not to mix drinking and Montgomery newspaper "to prevent years of li- driving. reports.. tigation," the Journal said, Alabama Journal reporter quoting lawyers of the heirs. "You are very valuable human beings," Hamilton Virginid' Gibson wrote in a Under the agreement,nthe it'snot a big deal, but said. "Please remember that.., have a good time, but copyright story in a joint largest share of the estate-- remember that." edRion with the 23 and five-sixtha per cent-- Montgomery Advertiser would go to Hughes's aunt So dressed in their best, they collected their that the agreement was Annette Gano Lummis of diplomas and handshakes and, afterwards, the hugs signed last weekend at a Houston, the news.paper it's a good dealt and smiles of parents. ~ " ! Destin, Fla., resort. said. ?. Trial is scheduled Aug. 15 in a Clark County, Nev., During statement periods in court on a petition by Annette Lummm seeking to invalidate the socalled which a TD customer's minimum "Mormon will" Estimates of the value of PCA balance is $200 or more, ii the Hughes estate have ranged from a $168 million TD cancels the normal 16¢ charge appraisal by Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, per cheque, automatically. Inc., of New York last t March to $2.5 billion by other sources. TORONTO DOMINION B the bankwhere peopto m,3k~ tile. rill|hEnce DMLICATESMEN GROCERIES 4633 Lazelle 636-7231 10 AM-10 PM ,, Y D'AYS A WEEK THE HEHALD, Monday Jtme20, 17/7. PAGE ,(I

EX "- ' - -- ~Orl., DEASE • TEN?ION.LIKEL YTOPIC . ummer. ,, , Tee,.. W,d.

BCR I earing ,n Terrace today ' Summer Saving Saleo=,, Continues, Herald staff writer Lillooet,. Williams 'Lake, exchange for an ~81 million, reasoning. Today, the three will bear representations from the until Wednesday S PM. The Royal Commission Quesnel, Prince George, federal loan.." " The commission, which I I state of Alaska and the investigating British Fort. St. John, Mackenzie, It seems that', railroad was appointed Feb. 8 by Oo-op Malathion ' ~' gen.ra,,...,,c,d. for farm, Columbia Railway will hear and Fort Nelson. official,'were n'ot consulted Premier Bill Bennett, is municipality of Stewart. homo end garden. Effective on files, briefs from nine The meetings have given before: the government inquiring into all sapects of Tomorrow, the Kitimat- mites, ap.hlds, mealy i~gs, thrlps, Iuafhpppers S oz. ,.. ;1.66 organizations when it holds the public an opportunity to move. One contentiouspart B.C. Rail, includmg its Stikine regional district will hearings in Terrace today express its views on the of the agreement, which relationship with the submit the first brief, Oo-op DiazJnon ~r=d a~,t,um ,iqu,d ,..=:c,de and tomorrow, fuf~e direction of the 65- BCR officials termed government and its impact followed by submissions concentrate' for control of most Insects found In gardens, The three-member year-old railroad, which "totally unacceptable," on the province's economy. from the Prince Rupert flowers and frolf trees. 8 oz. Each handed Canadian National The Royal Commission is chamber of commerce, the $1.69 commission has been provides 5,525 jobs and was city of Prince Rupert, the holding public hearings the tool for the development Railways righthighly over favorable BCR headed by /dr. Justice Lloyd Oo-op Oaptan McKenzie of the B.C. district of Terrace, the throughout the province as of the province's northern Northwest chamber of An effective central for many plant diseases. part of a two week tour of development. B.C: Raft officisls simply Supreme Court. His fellow Used ~, a wetabte POwder.. 1 lb." ,..,...$2,19 towns served by the Top issue during the • commissioners are commerce, the Skeena- provincially-owned rail Terrace meeting is expected told the commission they Vancouver businessman queen Charlotte Regional sy~tem~ to be the decision by the welre not" party to Syd Welsh and Dave District, and tho Mining Vapour Fly Strip Association of B.C. Besides today's Terrace provincial government to negottailona that ladle the •Chapman, former Provides up to 12 weeks protection against flying Insects, ,.., I;1.72 ssssion.heat~ngs have been halt construction of the agreement and were ~nable provincial member of the The hearings are beln or will be held [n Squamish, Deass Lake extension in to explain the government's federal antHnflation board. held in the Terrace He~e~. MTD Wheelbarrow LIGHTNING AND SMOKE Man sized utility wheelbarrow. Strong clear oll finish wood handles. Heavy steel undercarriage. 2" x 3" ball bearing sfeel wheel, seml.pneumMIc These effects are no illusion tire. Capacity: 4 cu. ft. Theatre ,.o. I;34,88 workshop I By JOANNE AMES Mahogany Herald staff writer Aspenite Twenty people learned how to make forked interior Prehung lightning this weekend. They also learned how to Sheathing make someone 'appear' Door Units with a puff of smoke and a 2' 6" X 6" 8'" lightning flash, how to 4,s.s/w, $5 26 2' 8" X 6" 8" peep 'y. , They weren t at a witches coven. They were attending a two-day workshop .on i' staging sponsored by the 4,8.'//15"i$5 .99 Terrace Little Theatro and led by Dr. Norman Young of the U.B.C. theatre department. Oo-op Latex Semi-Gloss As well as teaching the magic art of illusion, or Flat Exterior Paint ~ ~~m otherwise known as deceiving the audience, Dr. For era on oil properly primed wood, masonry or . ~m,, ,m, ~,, Young covered some very metal surfaces. ('.~vors . to 50@ .. ft. Per ~~Ld practical aspects of theatre Oallon,,Comes In a wide range of colours, staging. Techniques for moving flats - and they are necessary because the six to ;10 I 99 gallon ...... eight foot canvas and wood •structures can be very awkward - and sots were ~O¢; covered. -" ~ OapfiAIk/d Painting for' 'textural differences in scenery was ! W6od Stains described. Walls andtroes • A g~d quality stain Ideal for all exterior wood can have a 'three- surfaces. Easy to apply becauseof Its heavy dimensional' look about body and no drip qualifies. Coverage: pp. them if they are painted proximately400 squarefeet per gallon. with varied textures and Redwood colours. / Lighting, including the GreenwoodBrownwood Sli.88 use of spots, colors, and Each Gallon special effects, was Up, up and away discussed extensively at the Last weekend's third annual hang gUding meet was Terrace and fffthwas Glen Cryderman of Toronto. Hang workshop. accident free, whlehis strived for above all else. Placing glider flyers from across Canada have discovered The use of black light was Extension Oord first was Jeff Blake, of lnvermere, B.C., who landed en Thomldll Mountain is the best place in North America also touched on, with special for the sport. The umber of partlcipan~ Increased th!s target. Secend was Toni Schmldt of Vancouver, third attention paid to the use of 100ft. 3.wirecord with mouldedconnectors. For was Lance Edgson uf Lacembe Alto. who is also a former year from 30to50. Organizers stress sate~y re'st. ~rnom lure paint to make used with lawn mowers, hedgetrimmers, etc. champion for duration, fourth was Harvey Herner ef by Brian Gregg) gruesome delights like I I skeletons visible • on a darkened stage. OFF U.S. COAST With the Northwest Summer School of the arts' upcoming production of ,.o, I;9.88 Macbeth in mind,

Herring chokers .in protest participants at the I workshop asked Young how t to handle armor and how to ASTORIA, Ore. (AP) -- Head on the north Oregon Indians get their share of fishermen say the the important commercial restriction will cost them up make real sounding swords Double Hibachi At least 20 salmon trollers coast, said spokesmen for for soldiers. were cited Saturday as the fishermen. fish. to 18 per cent of their annual Norman Green, 48, of The commercial take. They also asked q~estions The completely portable Hibachi lets you enloY about 20o fishing boats barbecuing at home and away. Aluminum grills Astoria, a commercial It . about how to make not too dropped lines in restricted with atalned wood handles. Gretes and draft waters to protest the fisherman for 18 years, said common pieces of furniture: he thought the fishin was a a kings throne? ppenlngs assureeasy starting and even I~mlng. government's fishing ban Size: 10" x 7". off much of the Pacific SUCCESS. Fraser run .fish Young looked over the Northwest coast. theatre facilities in Terrace, No arrests Or 'violence The area was closed to both the R.E.M. Lee were reported; however, as salmon fishing from June 16 Theatre and the Terrace commercial fishing boats to June 30 by the Pacific .for U'S, Indians Little Theatre's building, ,.o, $4.99 from Washington, Oregon: Fishery Management and made suggestions for and northern California Council, which said the SEATTLE, Wash. (AP)- Indian Affairs, said the new ways to use the ~arried out the fish-in that closure was needed to Washington Treaty Indians Indian catch mandated by facilities. initially was scheduled for protect the annual salmon will be allowed extra fishing the new "regulations will He had ideas for run,and "preserve and time this year'on the huge come out of the American improvements in both Socket Sot F~i_day..~LaWye,o b"roadcast le g al restore the species." salmon runs returning to perflon and won't interfere 'buildings that did not advice over ship-to-skore The fishing prohibition Canada's Fraser River, ~viththe Canadian catch. involve ex~nsive materials 21 piece h" end V4" drive socket wrench set. radio as a handful of boats stems from a federal court under federal regulations He said Canadian officials~ or drastic alterations. S.A.E. sizes. All the accessories you nora. were boarded by United ~ ruling that Indians with scheduled to be released had refused American The workshop was termed Complete with metal box. States Coast Guardmen and treaty rights in Oregon, Monday, the Interior, requests for.addi~onal time "excellent" by Elaine cited by officials of the Washington and Idaho are Department says. for the treaty mdi.'ans. Fliesehman, one of the National Marine Fisberies entitled to half the salmon participants. Service. and steelhead runs onthe 'Indian Treaty tril~ had No election ,,She said that Young Each Set Ic-T '~ • I~ / "" '1t The boats "were spread , Columbia.. River. The said last week that they ;9,88 out for three miles all ~llong councu sam the Dan was would fish the Fraser River • . ._,:, ',.._.Jr, packed a lot of information -theheandary"atTillamool(' issued to insure that the run under their own UlIUI OUiI~ into the two.day period," = ,, regulations unless the and kept the sane light by ~j ~ Blur~C:n:mepi. i SHELFORD" ' federal government stepped Feoeral_ .I~I~.WN.A, t*'lmess B.C..(CP)~r Mimste: telling. an,dotes from his EXPECTS = to protect their treaty own years of theatre work rights. [o.=~mPL~°l°P~C_.te~ as a stage manager and ' :' ! • election probably won't .... ' Ith rack GAS They said the' federal ~m/Ybee~rfo.re June or July of - ~ ~ Homecanner e ACTSHORTLY " regulations were needed ==" ==" "°"°"" "°'°" , • ' because regulations Skeena MLA Cyril Shelford says that he expacts established by the "That would be four years " CALGARY(CP)- The i Transport Minister Jack Davis te introduce a bill •International P,oifie and the usual time for an' Italian community in |1 =;7 regarding independent gasoline stations "next week." Salmon Fisheries ztlzu~ttnn " nnid the Liberal sou~ern Alberta has raison But Shelford told the Herald that he wm not ~e Commission didn't allow for ~lP'fo'r"Skee~.-~ ...... about $9,950 to help rebuild - i| 97 satlsflediftbelegislatloninnothing'inorethanablllof additional time for Indians, • Compaanolo, speak.i~ in areas of northern Each I rights for service stations, as they had in the I~t. an interview as she vimted devastated by an earth- ~ . member's,~'_,arlierinthesossion, bill which calledShelfordintroducedaprivate for "postage stamp" countries,By treaty the hetwean Fraser the River two ofthe a city federal wtth Liberalother members caucus quakemane, lastpresident year. Alberto of Ro-the TERRACE COOP ASSOCIATION whole sale gasoline rates across the province. The ' runs ere shared equally by tour, said she has National Congress of Italian proposed legislation woul.d .have prevented oil American and Canadian considered quebecPremier Canadians for the prairie companies from operating mmr own stations, fishermen. ' ' Reae Levesque the real region, said the money will Mon,-Thurs. O:O0 a,m,--e:eO p.m. Frldal. SsOO a.m,4iO0 p,m, Sbelford ssid that he would not he hapPy unless beth Spee Waldrip, a.ctlnll .leador of the opposRion in be used to help rebuild" Rrovislons are included in the government bill. director of the regional Canada for the past seven homes, a hospital and a Saturda~= O,O0 l,m,-6,00 p,g, ,, office of the Bureau of-year., school. . PAGE A4, THE HERALD, Monday June 20, 17J7 Voice of the readers . theherald Emotional ,response to park,ng meters,. Dear Sir: • We must keep in mind that recent court " public were more considerate and obeyed ensure that these veople who are erea.tiNI decisions forbid the use of chalk marks on rules voluntarily, instead of having to the prublent wo~d i~.Y for the.solutio~, havebasicrulesofconnmoninstallationof and they. woulo also nenenc mini Published by We are interested in the public reaction a vehicle tire sidewall. This means that increased revenun being made available Sterling Publishers Ltd. to the proposal of this Office regarding the we must write down the location, parking meters and to improve .the streets. installation of parking meters in description and licence number of every The proposed solution to these ve.~ng Terrace's downtown core. It would vehicle that is parked on city streets and problems is, unfortunately, parking Another benefit of meters is that a PUBLISHER.,, GORDON W. HAMILTON appear that our initial judgement of that return to those vehicles one hour later to meters. We say unfortunately, because ~rOortionof revenue generated would come /~A~AGING EDITOR... ALLAN KRASNICK reaction, as stated before the proposal determine whether or not it has remained like most by-laws and regulations, the m out of town, reducing the burden of KIYINtAT NLANAGER,.. W.S, 'KIM' KIMBLE became public, was very accurate. in the same location for a period of time in problem would not exist ff the general taxes on the local residents. We hav~ CIRCULATION &~,NAGER.,. JACK JEANNEA We suggested at that time that there excess of that allowed. public were more considerate and obeyed enclosed, for your ~formatlon, the repo~| would be an emotional reaction, made The second major problem in a non- rules voluntarily, instead of having presented.to Council which may assist y~ Published every weekday at ~12 Kalum St. Terrace B.C. A with littel knowledge of the facts meter system is cost; there is no l~ssible have basic rules of common sense and m determmg an alternauve smuuon to the' member of Verified Circulation. Authorized as second class pertaining to parking control. People in way that the revenue generated via fines courtesy enforced by government one propomi above. mall. Reglstratlan number 1201. Pcetsga pald In cash, return general have a tendency to see things in a would cover the cost of providing a patrol agencies. postage guarant~cl. simplistic way and react rather than person. In summary, we wish to stress the considering the alternatives When That means that this service would The installation of parking meters and following facts: NOTE OF COPYRIGHT something of thin nature arises. We would have to be subsidized from ~eneral subsequent hiring of a patrol person to appreciate public consideration of the revenue (your tax dollar). This m turn ,Ynforce the regulations has several We nell someform of parking control., The Herald retains full, complete and ~olv cepyrl0ht In oght following points. means that more taxes are required, a benefits• the only method of providing that .centrol In any advertisement produced and-or any editorial or We noted that most people agree that small amount to be sum, but still an without increasing cos, to .aweaay photographic content published In the Herald. Reproduction there is a problem with downtown parking additional burden. The first of these benefits, in our overburdened taxpayers ~s th~ Is not permlffed without the wriflan permission of the and that the problem requires a viable It also means that those people who do opinion, is that there would be no cost installation, patrol and utilization of Publisher. solution. After researching possible not own cars or who do not L~rk in the involved for those who do not use the parking meters, .whic.h can, in fact, solutions for two years; including foot problem areas have to subsidize those downtown streets for parking. Not only i~duce taxes within me Municipality, patrols, as were used last year, we have that do. In addition, we note that the non- does the revenue from meters pay me which brin~s us to the point of defining tl~ come to the conclusion that the cheapest, .meter system means that the Terrace total cost of installation, maintenance and basic decision before Council at this time; most efficient and most equitable method Taxpayers are digging into their own patrol, but they return funds in excess of do we increase Municipal costs to provide Prince Rupert of enforcingparking regulations is pockets to provide parking for non those requlredto pay for the service as an inefficient system or do we pro~de an through the use of parking meters.. Terrace residents. shown in the attaced documents. efficient system that may reduce the tax There are several problems inherent in The proP0sedsolution to these vexing burden on the local citizen7 non-meter systems that must be problems is , unfortunately, parldng We have suggested to Council that the poor choice considered, one of which is the afnount of meters. We say unfortunately, because revenue generated by more efficient T. G. Chestermen time consumed in determing whether or like most by-laws and regulations, the parking patrol be allocated to street or Ucence Officer The provincial government's decision to begin a not a vehicle is overparked. "problem would not exist i~ the general parking related programmes. Thin would District of Terrace year-round ferry service from Tsawwassen to Prince Rupert rather than to Kitimat is dearly a short-sighted and politically motivated maneuvre. OCCUPATION And it stinks! As has been pointed out by seven studies and repeated time and again by Mayor Them and the Political medics. Kitimat council,' Kitimat is the only logical choice as a terminus for serving the northwest. spread thoughts Firstly, Kitimat is three hours closer to Tsawwassen by sea. A Kitimat-Tsawwassen ferry By TOM KARSAY Communists during the would be much faster, would not need to provide TRACY, Que. (CP) -- Chinese civil war and More than two weeks after became a national hero tO overnight accomodation, and would therefore be 1,200 workers at Quebec the Chinese. far more financially viable. Iron and Titanium Corp•, The Confederation, of Secondly, Kitimat serves an immediate (QIT) occupied the National Trade Unions population base three times greater than Prince company's giant iron (CNTU)~ which has been Rupert. smelter in this industrial supportS, the local union.in town 40 miles east of Tracy, has said it als0: Thirdly, the road links from Kitimat to other Montreal, the two sides say opposed the physicisnr they are no closer to pbliUcalviews. northern centres are more reliable and are shorter reaching a settlement. . • Gilles Lamoureuz, than the avalanche-ridden route from Prince A Quebec government- president of the CNTU- Rupert. sponsored medical affiliated Union of ~ slid examination of the workers Titanium Workers, says tim Fourthly, with Kitimat serving as a depot for has run up against company doctors are brii~inn[l goods, daily feeder runs could easily be established accusations that the doctors whatever their personq! to provide excellent passenger and freight service "are more interested in views. to Rupert, the Charlottes and points north. •spreadin~ communist Dr. Bernard Pouliot, who propaganua ' ,than in heads the X0-member Is it any wonder then that Mayor Them was checking the workers." ofgovernment d~tors, say! "shocked" by the government's ill-considered IM4 Itor " . Jean Frere, QIT director their political views am announcement? A¢l~wo~ ., of administration, says the irrelevant. company has decided in TESTS SUPERVISED Certainly not. advance that it will not He said one of the most accept the findings of the important tests---, And especially not when one considers that only government doctors. ~irometric examlnati~ one week ago, Transportation Minister Jack Davis Frere said QIT is bothered Which gauges the workers! announced a $72,000 study into westeoast b/~yphotographe of Norman lung capacity--has, been. thune hennaing on the carried out on eqmpmen; transportation services. walls of a clime set up here borrowed from th,.~ f-e~-~ for the examinations.. health and welfare That study is due to be completed by the end of Bethune was a Canadian September. The new service is supposed to start in department under the. ,h -- there goes the neighborhood" physician who helped the. supervision of federal the beginning of October. officials, assuring that test results will be accurate. ' Why then the rush to commit the government to World of science Lamoureux says: "~ an irreversible decision before the facts are in? company is jus~ trying tO distract attention from tM Unless, of course, Davis and the Socreds don't real issue," he says. care about the facts. Unless politics, not the needs Do birds have a special sense? real issue, according to the of the northwest - are their prime consideration. WING become so numerous, says shies-is that they do not see, theories are evolving from recently analysed report~ union, is working coi~UtioU ACA, N.Y. (AP) -- one authority, Prof. William hear or feel things in the renewed scientific efforts. from balloonists and found at the QIT smelter. Is this another Socred "seat-of-the-pants" I•JOE Rel~rters given a union- decision to put politics before people and the facts? Scientists still don't know T. Keeton of Cornell way that humans do. SENSE INFRA-SOUND that ordinary sound how birds find their way in University, that "in some Understanding navigation This ' spring, Cornell penetrates the silent skies gulchkl tour of the occupied' plant saw an inch-thick The evidence indicates that it is. the world •even though they ways we are more confused depends on combinations of researchers reported that more certainly than it have blurred their vision, than ever." factors that vary with caged pigeons--the guinea .spreads along the groun.d. layer of anthracite dust The people of this region have had enough of eliminated landmarks, Scientists have made weather conditions, the pigs of the avian behavior covering the foundry flour~ Davis' games. removed their peers and progress in the last six or season, the species, theages laboratories-- can sense Another recent Workers soy that when the played tricks with time, seven years and are far past of birds and the experience infra-sound caused by breakthrough, by Corneli plant is in operation the dust If it's a choice between the economic future of light and sound, the stage where instinct is of individuals among them. vibrations that human ears scientists, is evidence that is dispersed into the air, this region and the petty politics of Davis, there is When the swallows return the acceptable explanation This complexity, said Dr• can't detect. Such sounds birds, like bees, detect ~reaaldngti~eit difficult tO see end no choice. each year to Capistrano, for bird behavior. Keeton, discouraged may travel thousands of ~holarized light, enabling Calif., researchers return Part of the problem in investigators because their miles without fading• em to orientate Tracks for a trolley ~m Davis must go. He has been wrong too many from the field with new understanding how birds observations failed toyield Prof. Donald Griffin' of themselves by the sun even which materials are morea times. theories. But'clues have find paths across pathless uniform results. But new Rockefeller University on partially overcast days. inside the plant were obliterated by the dust. I Dialogue Partisan activities Politics and religion SELDOM cheapen philosophies AGREE ,as an important blend By DAVID RICHARDSON ~ovince and for that matter in but extensions of on~ and the George Bernard Shaw By ANDREW PETTER obligations. A socialist who espouses Associate editor e country and the world. same fundamental force. There on'ce observed: Politics Herald staff writer But who are these maniacs b.ro.therh.ood and equality will be In British Coltonbin, the New is little room for such md religion...what else is end hacks? Certainly they are nmculed..l~ca.use he or ~ Leaving aside philosophies Democratic Party represents understandifig in a mind ~Here to talk about? Sociologists and others have not by-and-large remarkable, no~ ca]~aole o.t applying mere and party politzcs for the "socialism" in conventional burning with partisan political Andrew Petter and remarked that religion and Yet they do include in their prmci'plesper:ectlyinhii or her moment, the word 'socialist' terms. And like every, other fever• politics have become the two number such people as Albert own me, implies one man who has come political party, the NDP m full of David Riehardson, two great taboos .of our culture. Schweitzer, Bertrand ,Russell Yet, without it, co-operation is Sunilarly, a Christian will be to recognize that the survival professional "hacks" who form a pretense and relationships editorial staff members Many in our society have put and Dr. Martin Luther King. chamzed for not always being and well-being of human the inner workings of the break down into• mere of this newspal~r, would political and religious concerns King, in his day, was individuals depend upon co- machine. associations. . .. not disagree. B/it If there to one side, Preferring instead to. considered beth., a'..religions ~bl,e, tc "'turn the ofh~ cheek." operative relationship within a Clever, aggressive, ' :' So, oft:mfine, there is no real is one constant lh the focus on 0he-to-one r e-Jationships m:aniiic ands politickl hatE. He balanced society. competitive almost to the point difference between the political. and short-term goals. embarrassed people because he SucS' eriticidm~,, b'etravs a The term has quite another relationship between While refraining from arguing chose to apply religious and .negativeframe of mind. "JUst of mania and tethered to hacks on the' left and the Andrew and David, it's meaning perhaps, to a'political political theory, these people T~litical hacks on t he right. the shortcomings of such an political principles to his Decause humans have scientist, but then, academics strive single-mindedly to get ey are players on different that they seldom agree on attitude, what is most perception of life in the United [imitations does not discredit n can be as painfully their party into power, One can teams in the same game and the religious or political unfortunate is the tendency on States. persons honest attempt • to unimaginative as journalists. sense in them a contempt, not alternatives they offer the issues. the ~art of some who are not "Why can't Martin put all that improve the world, regardless pelt tally or religiously inclined stuff to one side and enjoy of his or her personal After all, a society is, at its only for the "other" political public are shadows without This is the first in an shortcomings, most fundamental level, .~rties, but for the electorate substance. occasional series of tel rate those who are. himself o.nce in a while," one relationship. To he truly =tself. "Socialism" requit'es People who choose to openly can imagine one of his The mass in ~ Society has human, it requires the Lacking depth and heart, public dialogues between discuss political and religious neighbours saying. relationship and relationship these two friendly traditionally been resentful of interaction and co-operalion of these propagandists are requires depth and affection, issuesare frowned upon Yet, in retrospect, one can see those who have espoused new individuals in a manner which theoretical socialists more (.not merely the interchange of antagonists. The subject socially. These who work that King's mania and heckery ideas of-pushed for change. ensures the survival of the group interested in polemics than ideas) among all members of a is, at once politics and especially hard on behalf of produceda profound, beneficial and the fulfilment of needs in the direct personal relationship. society, not just among those of religion. their beliefs are accused of and lasting effect on the face of It's Ume we as a socle~ individual. We would take a true This is understandable since "like" philosophy. The series will be bein~social outcasts: religipus the world. matured and realized that socialist as one who understands deep human relationship untu sucl~ rela'tionship mamacs or political hacks. . Another method often used to People of an raligions and resumed when Pmdrew It is consulered in bad taste denegrate those who participate thin. requires a touch of selflessness, becomes the basis of our society, and David start talking to palitical strip~ have a r~ht to Therefore, it must be noted an understanding, if only socmlism will remain a for anyone to allow their in religion and polities is to hold believe and act'as they do. that there are no socialists, or at intuitive, that we are not hypocritical imitation of the real each other again. spiritualor political convictions them up against a higher They should be encouraged, least precious few, in this isolated, autonomous entities, thing. -The editor. to. interfere with their social standard. not ridiculed. •_ I I TIIE IIERALD, Monday June 20, 1977, PAGE AS Terrace teams share t=onors At girls' softball tournament

Two Terrace teams Shared top, honors Smiday in the annual Terrace Invitational Girls Softball Tournament. The Bantam Cancel All-Stars went undefeated durin~ the two-day tournament over.powerin~ the opposition easily with scores as high as 67-5. _ In the final @me Sunday, the Cancel team down~ Kitimat 10-9 to finish withthe perfect record. Kitwan~a and Kitimat both ended up with 4-1 records but Kitwanga was awarded secondplace on the basis of runs scored. In the squirt division, Vic Froese ?r.ue.kin8 from Terrace racked up 45 runs S~turday ~d Sunaay to.win ~ne ~ropn.y.. All three teams in that category won ~wo 8ames, nu~ Houston and Bob's Swingers compiled only 42 runs and 35 runs respectively. • In Pee Wee competition, H0us~on took the title, with Camperland from Terrace holdin8 down second s~t. Houston downed Camperland 11-9 in the championship contest Sunday. Thirteen teams took part in the tourney w~eh began Saturday mornin~ at 10 a ,m. and concluded Sunaay at 7:45 p.m. The Cancel Bantams piled up their 67 runs against an unfortunate Houston team, but it was only one of three routs perpetrated by the powerful home club. Thomi~ll also felt the sting, 50-3, while Stewart went down 35-5.

Squirt chamPions

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Photos by , Good sportsmanship David


High hopes


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Happy losers

! (

PAGE AS, THE HERALD., Monday June 20, 17/'/

TERRACEo,);;)-OO; / ' c KITIMAT R?,?,, ,.. E,, , ,, ,,

...... : ...... i 1Q 14ale W=nt=rl 33. For Sale - Misc. 48. Suites for Rent 49. Homes for Sale 57. Automobiles ' 58. Mobile Homes

TAXI DRIVERS The Herald, 3212 Kalum Street ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. Flowering almonds, flowering CEDAR PLACE • BY OWNER trailer. Let a professional sell it 100"X125' lot. $19,000 or best Refrigerative Contracting and Full time, part time. Class 4 i crabs ready to bloom, lilacs, for you. offer. To view phone 638.1401 P.O. Box 399 Terrace, B.C licence and police pet-mit APARTMENTS Phone ~ - Terrace household repairs." Phone 635. fruit trees & berry bushes, a 4931 Walsh Avenue A unique home with stained Copper Mountain after 5:00. (P- 5876 or 638-1231..(ctf) required. Contact manager, broad selection of flowering & lass windows, 3 bedrooms, a Enterprises Ltd. 8,9,11,13,14,16,10,19,21,',,3,5) l~h~r~e632.5706" - "K[tlmat Terrace Taxi - 635-2242. (cff~ Suite 113 'Subscription rates: Single Copy ornamental trees, shrubs & finished basement, with wet 635.4373 20 cents. Monthly by carrier For NutrI.Metlc products (all evergreens particularly suited Terrace, B.C. bar, 2 natural stone fireplaces, DL 0060SA df 12x~ Parkwoed, 2 bedroom, Three Dollars ($3.00). organic) call Ruth at 635.24O4. CONFIDENTLaJ- for our northern clim.ate. 635-7056 children's playground and utility room dining room Yearly by mall In Canada, (p.4,~14,19) SECRETARY required UPLANDS NURSERY - New 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites greenhouse. 1972 Dodge Van, partially separate from kitchen, ch,'na $40.~0. Seslor Citizens $20.00 per immediately to Manager, where you'll find "The Beauty for rent. Fridge, stove, Drive by camperlzed,S299S. Phone 635- ceblnet and buffet, carpet yoar. Federal Business Development of Nature for your Home." drapes, carpet, rec area, 4818 Halllwell 4328. (eft st) throughout. Well kept yard, Yearly by mail oulside Cenads (~olden Rule: Odd jobs for the Bank, Terrace. Duties include Corner of-Halliwell & Kalum sauna and pool table, with or phone utility shed, most furnishings, preparation and maintenance of 638.1403 SS1.00. Jobless. Phone' 635-4535.. 3238 Lake Drive in Terrace.'Oper~ security enterphone and For Sale 197t Econoline Van. reasonably priced at $10,500. Authorized as second class mall Kalum. (cff) confidential staff records; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Men. to Sat. elevator. Absolutely no pets. E200. V.B Auto, Good condition. Ideal for young couple or by the Post Office Department, internal accounting functions Closed Sundays. 635.2683. (.~-ff) retired couple. Phone 635.6820. and some supervision. Typing, Older 1200 sq. ft. split-level, 3 Best offer. Phone 635.7672. (c. Oltawa and for payment of bdrm. home for sale. Nelson 18) Set-up and skirted In Terrace 'postage In cash. KILGREN EXCAVATING dictsFhone and shorthand skills Trailer Court. (c-16) required. Excellent staff For sale 30'x1 4' Frame" For rent In Thornhlll. One Road, New Rome. Needs min()r Oesslfleds due 24 hours prior to Small cat work, 420JD. Land. Building; 2 Tong Groove floor bedroom furnished apartment, repairs. Ideal starter, home. 1974 Blazer, 44,000 miles. desired day of publication. $2.00 scaping, backfilling, stump benefits and working condition. $4200.00. Phone Bill at 635.4390 For sale 12x663 bedroom 1975 Salary Commensurate with and roof; g0x200 lot, 2 vacant S140 per month. Slnbgles only. Owner eager to sell. Make aP. f~r tlrst 20 words, 10 cents each removal, clearing. Truck, lots adjacent, perfect supply of Phone 635.2065. (p.14) ' offer. Will accept lot or mobile after 6 pm. (c.14,13,16,17,18) Glendale Elmonte trailer set up word thereafter. NO refunds on tandem axle. Hyab 17' iFlat- experience. Please forward In Timberland Trailer Park resume to undernoted address water. 3847 Pine ave. Thernhlll. I~rhe on trade. Call 112.562-~$1 classified ads. deck, 20' tandem axle fl'aller. For rent July 1st, .2 bedroom or 635.7353 to view. (ctf) Going South? Enjoy air. with 2 Jaw shacks and covered Phone 635.3112. Ask for Wayne. or telephone Mr. Kartasheff or 12x10 shed, T.V. antenna, fuel suite. Frldge and stove. Con. • conditioning. 1975 Chevelle patio unfurnished, will furnish It Mr. Cousins at 6,15.4951, 8 A.M. - 1. Coming Events (ctf) tank, 3'x4'x7'6"xYe gauge. 200 tral ly located. No pets. ~%~.947t. Mallbu Classic. 18,000 miles. desired. Phone 635.7645. (c.19) 4 P.M. for appointment. amp Hobart Welder, operated (stf) Phone 635.4384. (ctf) 4,548 Lakelse Avenue by 2 cyh Wisconsin air cooled THE ANSWER TO THE Weight Watchers meeting held ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. 6(:. Rec. Vehicles Class A Electrical Con- Ten'ace, B.C.. mofor. $400, General Electric 1 bedroom suite (new) floor HIGH COST OF HOUSING 1976 Pontiac Venture S.J. every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the VaG ~Pa. automatic dryer, SSO, 12V= ft. 1971 Volkswagen Camper, Knox Unltod Church Hall, 4907 tracting. Free Estimates.. 10ollshor $20.00, clothing for 16 P.S., P.B., Lowmlteage. Bucket Phone 635.$876or 638.1231~ (cff) (c-14) factory built wood and yr old boy; ladles winter coat A beautiful Domfab home, seals. Automatic. Stick Shift. new tires, shocks, carpets, Lazelle Avenue. flbrogless boat. S150. Phone 635. $15.00. Spin dryer ("Melle" completely packaged for S16,000 Phone 635.6391, 635.3229after 5. Insulated, propane,, low 7079. (p-$,1) mileage, excellent condition, Terrace Dupllceto Bridge Club Position available for Foam pillows $2.50 each. (p14) delivered to your lot (assembly (p-14) 19. Help Wanted licensed barber in S chair shop optlonol). Exclusive Colortlt must sell. Phone 632.4477after 5 will. commence play each p.m. (p.171 located in busy mall, Kamloops. 1947 Erooupe 2 place airplane. For rent In Thornhill. One Syktom. These luxurious homes 7,1 Dodge Sportsman Van. Tuesday nlghtat 7:30. PJay will Exceptional wages. Phone 374. "~,rchase outr!ght or SO percent be In room 4, CaledonTa High NORTHWEST bedroom furnished apt. ,$140per include solid oak kitchens, well: Under 20,000 miles. 318 For Sale: 1976 Okanagan COMMUNITY COLLEGE !162 - Barber Style Centre, 450, e. Phone 635.4328. (c~f mr) month. Singles only~ Phone 635. to-wall carpets, sliding patio Automatic. P.S., P,B., 'Phone Camper and 1974 Chev P-U with: School. All bridge players are Lansdowne St., Kamloops. invited to attend. For 2065. (p.14) doors, mahogany Interior trim. ~15.4S,18.. [c.15) 454 CID engine. "must be solC partnership or Inforr~afion No~:thwest College requires For Sale Outstanding architecture. as one unit." Reduced for quick phone 635-73,~. (cff) Instructors for the following ;Z4. Situations Wanted Garrarp automatic turntable 49. Homes for Sale Sev'lnge and features that will 1962 Ford pickup. Good sale. Very clean & well looked Night School Programmes et with shore cart $S0.00. Rockwell delight you. Standards far cQnditlon. Phone 635.4828. (ctf after. Can be viewed at 2801 Thornhlll Calorie Counter~ the Terrace Campds In - WORK WANTED • lV= HP Industrial router like Near new 4 bedroom home on exceed minimum CMHC and mf) cromer St. after 6 pro. (ctf) meet every Tuesday, Thornhlll September, 1977. Bulldozing, basement digging, new, best offer• Clulef street. Wall to wall NHA requirements. A Elementary School, 7:15 p.m. landscaping etc. Backhoe work, 16'w x 32'1 x 10'h tent carpeting. Frldge, stove, deep reasonable lot available for 1971 Vega, 3.speed standard, 8' camper, 1975, three-way New members welcome from' Blueprint Reading for "rote-tilling, post hple digging. complete with mosquito screen freeze and drapes. Further $9,500 In the Thornhlll area. only 47,000 miles, $1100 or best frldge, 'stove, furnace, phone Information phone 635.6451. (c- 635.4534. View 3806 Doby. ('p- Terrace and Thornhill. C~rpentry Phone all around and liner for winter Sand two dollars for our colour offer. Phone 635.3433. (p- Basic House Framing 635;6782 months. Has holes and 14,15,16,17,18) brochure. 10,11,12,13,14) 11,12,13,14,15) t Loyal Orcler of MooSe Ledge No. Automotive Electrical (~) Insulation for 2 wood stoves. Is Ed Carder, Authorized lg20, Terrace, B.C. Moefln~ Tune.Up in excellent condition. Best Large fenced yard back and Dealer 1976 G.M.C., short box, 4x4, -8' Caveman camper. Stove, front with fruit trees. Prlvate oven, sleeps 4. 3 way power field every 2nd and 4th Industrial First Aid 32. Bicycles, Motorcycles offer. Phone 635.3172 after 3:30 Minstrel Island, B.C, V0P silver and maroon colour, roll Thursday every month at 8 p.m. Introductory Bookkeeping pro. (p-lg) sldewalk. Garage. Newly bar, and extras. Phone 635.5691. hook.up, slldlng front wlndo, 4 Phone 63,¢6641. (d-f) • Buslneas Management redecorated 2 bedroom house. 1LO (ctf) hydraulic lacks. $1200. Phone (p.22) 635.6656 after 5. (c-13,14,151 Medical Typewriting . macs 38 Wanted - Misc. Movlng and must sell. Good buy INCHES AWAY English Grammar at $20,500. Phone 635.2743. (c- New 335 Cummins Block with "1971 - 27it. Empress Motor 16) cam followers. $1500.00. Also CLUB EO~IPM~NT Wanted, a rear end for 68 51. Business Locations Home. Equipped for large Meet every Tuesday night at Persons Interested In teaching Mercury ~/=ton. Phone 638-8276. good condition 8x40 foot In. young family. In the Skeena Health Unit. Fo~ any of these Night School ~ ~LE~ (ctf) sulated van trailer $3000. Phone Courses are Invited to contact HOBBY FARM • Offlcetor rent. Phone 635.2600 . full bathroom more information phone. 635. 632.3521. (p.10,11,12,13,14) - washer & dryer 2847 or635.3023. Mr. Dick KIIborn or Mr. Fred ~ ~glltgl~glll" "Wanted to buy. 1800 c.c, 12x56 mobile home; and 12K56 days or 635.6937 nights. (c.15) I .4,000 watt generator Wilson at 635-6Sll or write to: ~ ~ " Mazda or Courier engine~ or complete addition con~alnlng 3 1972 Dodge Van, partially. ~ ~/rhe monthly forum of the bdrms, fireplace & wall to wall. OFFICE SPACE temporized, $2995 without:-~. ~a~cg.~itlgn.er Kfflmlt N.D.P. Club will be on Northwest.. Community ~A== rl~i~ |"r, truck6,15-2603. of sama (ctf) w|th geOd engIne' carpet on V2 acre on school bud trade. Phone 635.4328. [ctf mf) - 413 cu. in. Dodge motor and June rite 21st Rlvorlodge 7:30.;. Collage - run. Fenced and landscaped, FOR LEASE chassis 1his forum Is very Important, P.O. Box 726 green house, c~lcken house Ford Econellne van, long First offer of 317,000or closest them will be presented a Ilet of Terrace, B.C. Wanted; Tent that sloops 4 to complete with chickens, "large "1800sq. ft. downtown Terrace. offer as of June 23, 1977. Call Smaller areas available• model, standard six, ~ood nomlnatlone for the next V8G 4C2 6 peoplv. Also camping garden aree,~small fruits, berry condition, new tires, low Jim Sherstan, Kltlmat, 632- executive so a good turnout Is equipment all In good condlton. bushes and fruit frees. Open to 635-4636 mllesge, fully cemperlzed 7447." (O16) very necessary. There will also (c.19) Phone 636-9323. (cff) all reasonable offers. Call 638. Manag~ $93,000. Phone 635.2145. (p- be a sbewln9 of films of Interest. 635-6384 between 7 and 10 p.m. and 13,14) For sale. 13 ft. 1975 Triple E Once again these forums are I qnds. (stf) trailer; Like new. Has all ex- No. 92 (NlSllgl) -- 39. Boats & Engines open to the public and are not 19611 Barracuda. Formula 5. tras. Phone.632-6991 after 5 pm. boring, It lea piece for talk and For sale 1974 XLt17S Nonde, For sale 17' 1974Glastron with 52.. Wanted to Rent 340. Holly double pumper. Many (p-161 discussions and In those School District No. 92 (Nlshgo) 85 HP Mercury outboard, Four bedroom home on quiet new parts. Good running con. troubled times you need an requires a general Maintmence 1800, 1974 CT 90 Honda, 200 Street near schools. Living miles, $650; 1969 Volkswagen trailer and accessories. Phone Wanted I:o rent Immediately; dltlon. Phone 635-3938. (p;13,14) 68. Legal outlet and what bethr place to Superintendent to work With ! 638-1e79. (p-18) room, dining and kitchen, 2 Beetle, also. Phone ~15-24,¢t baths, family room, carport, a 4 bedroom house with some do It than at our forums. For and train Native NIshga people acreage, fireplace, garage, • SEALED TENDERS, marked IMermatlon ph~e the following' after S. (p.12,141 landscaped fenced yard and Transfers - Plates - Sales Tax. Re.lighting for Highways In theoperatlon and main- 48. Suites for Rent sh.ower, preferably with a See Wightman & Smith numbers: 1.6385, 1.7039, 1-2486. tmance of schools, teachers etorege shed. 636-3596. (p- Maintenance Establishment, 33. For Sale- Misc.. 14,tS,18,~) washer and dryer hook.up.. Will AUTOPLAN agent. 4611 housing and student group I 1 / I 1 give references. Please phone Terrace, B.C., will be accepted Lakelse Ave. Terrace. Open; by the Honourable the Mlnleter, AL-C'OHOLI CS homes sltoalsd et Alyensh, 635.635i and leave name and Saturday. (cfff) ANONYMOUS Greenville and Klncollth In the SAVE DOLLARS Suites f0r Rent J For Sale 4 bedroom, near r.ew number. (stf) Department of Public Works, c. Monday, Thurs., Saturday. Nasa River Valley op. On factory- rebuilt engines call house, with rec room. Phone o Foreman of Works, Ministry ,Sears tod;~y for corqplete In- 1972 Toyota Calico; 4 sl~ed; of Highways and Puhllc Works, Phone proximately 60 miles north of Keyst'one Cour / after 6 pm, 635-3559. " (o 55. Property for Sale 631-1021 Terrace B.C. formation. Do if yourself or. Apartments. Office No.| 1,2,3,4,6,8,14,16,18,19,22) power assisted brakes; radio; 4827 Keith Avenue, Terrace, tach; good clean condlt'on; B.C. VaG 1K7 up to 2 p.m. July 6,lS-7425 The lob encompases the Installation arranged. Fast ?.4611 Scott. One, two| 280acre farm wlth year.round tallowing scope of work: delivery. Put It on your Sears $1650, or offers. Ph. 635.3470. 8, 1977 Account. Phone 635.6541. and three bedroom creek, In Driftwood area. very (df) Tendering documents may be B.C. Heart Foundation In maintenance of buildings, Three bedroom house and productive land showing ox. Memorial Oonltlons may. ~e (C4,9,14,18,1,6,11,16,22,21 apartments. obtained from Ministry of services, equipment and large storage building on large oellent return. S miles from Public Works, 4027 Kelth sent to Terrace Unit, Box 22, Smlthers. 847-3165. (c- grounds. For Sale: NCR Cash Register, 635'5224 lot. Room far garden and 1973 Ford crew cab. 1973 Ford Avenue, Terrace, B.C., VaG 1K7 Terrace, B.C. • development and Im- 6,8,9,11,13,14,16,18,19,21) 3 ton pick-up, 1970 Ford f:100, 8 department total, recon. i animals. Asking 522,S00. Phone and also viewed at Go,~ernment plementation of • °'preventative bedrc~c,n 635.7480. (p.13,16,21,4,9) 1972 Datsun pick-up. Call 635- Agents Office, Terrace, BC. on dltloned, very reliable type of Three duplex close 90' x 180' lot, 12' x 60' trailer, Parents maintenance" and an "el. to town on' quiet street. 6636 or view at 2609 skeena St. and after June 17, 1977. " in Crisis flclency of operation" program. machine. Wlntorland General 10' x 16' Jouy Sehck, has 24' x 44' (ctf) Store, 3210 Kalum St. Terrace, Available July 1. References The lowest or any tender will Are you making your own life •supervlsloo of Janitorial per- shop, cement floorf 12' x 24' net necessarily be accepted. 635-4636. (ctf) required. No dogs. Phone 635. 2 bedroom house wlth large lean.to on rear of shop. One. end your children's miserable? sonnel and their work Includlng 7063. (C-11,12,13,14,15) fenced yard back and front with For sale 1968 Ford Station (c.13,14) P.I.C.'s goal Is to ~elp you orderlog and distribution of block from golf course. Call 635- wagon. Good ¢ondltlon $300. fruit treas. Newly redecorated. 7889. (p-14,15,16,17,18) become the loving constructiv~ supplies, cleaning aids and 2" Reject lumber. $20 per Large 3 bedroom duplex plus Private sl.dewalk-garage. Phone 635-3'143 (c-17) ! parent you really w~nt to be. equipment. thousand board ft. only. Price family room; good location; Moving and must sell. Good buy All. enquiries absolutely Skesna Forest Products. (ctf) 70 site, 10 Acre Mobile Home Terra0e i*i • management and placement close to schools; reasonable at $20,500. Phone ¢)5.2743after 6 Park; public water, sewer. 17 confidential. Phone Mary or rent; available Immediately. pm~. (C-16) 58. Mobile H.omes or redletrlbutlon, as required by For" sale; one stove. Good sites now completed; 100 -v Equipment John : 635.4419 or Jane -. 635. staff changes, all furnlshlnge Phone 635-3517 after 5. (ctf) I condition. Phone 635.5365 offer percent occupancy. 40O7. (ctf) end household effects In Must sell. Excellent con- 6. (ctf) For Sale: 3 bedroom house Exceptional potential. F.P. Sales Ltd. i teachers housing . HILLSIDE' LODGE 389,500, terms. Box 235, dillon, 1973 Imperial mobile Kermode Four .Wheelers For Sale, weaner pigs. 635. 4450 Little Avenue with Utility room. Fenced and home. Washer, dryer, frldge, SALES • asaesment, development and landscaped with garden plot. Vanderhoof, b.C. V0J 3A0. (p- Meetings 1st Wednesday of each administering of budget funding 2603. (ctt) Sleeping rooms, housekeeplqg 11) stove, factory made Joey shack, month at 8 p.m. In the meet!ng units, centrally located. Fully Low taxes, near school. Prlc~ laundry room, Bay windows. SERVICE for: to sell at $26,S00. Phon3 635.2806. Will pay transport cost to town. PARTS room at the Sandman Inn. For (a) maintenance personnel furnished. Reasonable rates I~y 70 Site, 10 Acre Mobile Home fIJriher information phone 635. day or week. Non.drinkers onl~t.. (p.8,9,10,11,12,13,14) Park; public water, sawer, 17 SI2,000. Call 633.2421, collect - and supplies For Sale one all'furnace and Nass Camp. (c.9,11,13,14,16,18) (b) Janitorial personnel and oneO0gal hot water tank. Phone Phone 635.6611. (cff) sites now completed; 100 f. percent occupancy. 635-6384 Nqeetlng -- Terrace B.P.O.E. supplies 635-5490. (c.16) Family home on one acre on 3 bedroom suite for rent wlth Exceptional potential. F.P. (Elks Lodge). First and Third (c) minor capital expense bench beasts 1800 sq. ft. of $89,500, terms. Box 235, Fully furnished double wide Thursday of month. O.C~R.P. frldge and stove. $185.00. Phone comfortable living. 3 bedrooms, mobile home with 3 bdrms, and projects .For some real-bargains In usec 638-1646or 635-7502 after 6 p.m. Vanderhoof, B.C. V0J 3A0. (p 4639 6reig Ave '(Ladles of the Royal Purpi~) • The Maintenance 5uperln- women's and children's ' 2 bathrooms, rec room, 14) 11/= beth. Situated on one acre 'Second and Fourth Mends);' of 11rodent will be. employed by ~:lothlng, household items and (o14) firepiace, landscaping, corner lot on Gagnon' Rood, ,Month. School District No: 92 and Its toys see the selection at the workshop and much more. Try 56. Business Opportunity New Rome. Asking price Terrace, B0 elected Board of Trustees. He Kitlmat Workshop at 660 W. 2 bedroom apartment for •your offer. 638.1790. (cff) $26,000. Phone 635.3279. After & DLN 01249A 14. Business Personal shall report directly to the Columbia St. aT Rlverlodge rent. Frldge and stove. $125 Established business, ~n. [p14) Secretary.Treasurer. Salary Open 9 to 4 week- month. Wesferhoff apartments. minimum gross $400,000 plus will be in the area of Slg,000- ~lays...donations welcomed. Nelson Rd., New' Remo. 635- Owner leaving soon. Priced growth potential, operating Put your skills as a I~ousewIfe 690,1. (C.13,14,15) S$$ SAVE THOUSANDS $$$ Into earnings. A Professional S20,00O annual basic with (ctf) to sell. A cozy 3 bedrooms profit must pay prlnclpah benefits, accomodatlon and modernly built home In interest and off.premises ON PRE-OWNED MOBILE HOMES Homemakers course will be management. Send details to held in Terrace. veblcle allowances negotiable. Thornhllh Features a lovely Rogleter Now Experience and. successful past SELLING mural In Ilvlngroom; Box 748, Vanderhoof, B.C. VOJ 12x68 Diplomat For further Inf,'motion call performance In similar fields of Hay -- Straw olinton Manor tlreplace; dlnlngroom with 3A0. (p.14) 12x58 Cista.Villa 635-6135 work described will be a Western 8, patio doors; sundeck; at. Furnished or unfurnished studh tractive bathroom; workshop; For Sale, Wild Duck N~lsl. 10xS8 Frontier requirement for applicants to English Tack or 1 bedroom apartments. laundry room. This 1800Sq. ft. this lob. 7 newly renovated units, These homesmay be viewed at the Greenacres Grooming Equipment Security enterphone. Phone home sits on two-thirds acre, laundry,• office, storage space, Webb Refrigeration 635-5617 turnlshed or unfurnished. also 2 bedroom house on 1 acre. Mobile Home Park in Terrace. Please reply with full resume 638-1032 635-2482 ~ SOUCtE~.21m (ctf Taxes $51.00 only. To view Unlimited expansion, or i to: or phone 635.3986. (C-13) Mr. John G. McMynn C.A. r 636-4321 retirement Income. 3100,000. For particulars call: Secretary.Treasurer • Phone 635.3242 or write R.R.No. Don Purdlecollect @ School District No. 92 Auction - Pitt Meadows 12617, FOR SALE: 2 Terrace. (C-12,13,14,22,1,2) at 562-4341 203rd St., June 28th - I1 A.M. for 3 bedroom Ruw Housing Suites. 3 bedroom modular home, Authorized (Nlshga) Harlend (Hal) Johnston • Farm Full basement, 1V= baths, half Full basement on 2 acres In Prince George Scrvlce Depot Lokelse Avenue machinery, vehicles, block from schools, 5 minute $34,900 57. Automobiles Repairs to Refrigerators Terrace, B.C. machinery, livestock. Ruskin. walk from town.. Suitable for Phone 635-3469 COMMONWEALTH MOBILE HOMES Freezers, Washers, Dr~yers, VnG lP6 logging equipment. Phone 530. fandlles. $250 per month. 6. or 1962 Ford Pickup, Good Box 77 ': And Ranges Clsalng date for pesltlen Is June 9081 or ~3.6360. Auctioneers • month lease. Apply Suite 108, 679.3961 condition, Phone 635.4328. (ctf. OLN 026O31 Prince George (Ctf) 25, 1977. Stewart Bros. (p.14) 4530 Scott. (ctf I (ctf- Ju, Jul) mr)

(o16) I THE HERALD, Monday Jt~e 20, 19 t, PAGE A7 FOR BLUE JAYS Scott makes thing happen TORONTO (CP) -- John American League baseba~ Dempsey fielded the ball: runners came in to score, home run, and his third RBI a five-hitter for the Scott likes to make things game. but his hurried throw sailed Scott also delivered the in the two games. PBitchedlue Jays to improve his happen and the fleet-footed A two-base throwing error over the +head of first winning run with a base hit Ewing's hit Sunday raised record to 5-6, said the Toronto outfielder got his by Dempsey off a Scott bunt baseman Lee May and Scott in the fifth, scoring AI the Blue Jays pinch-hitting cushion his team-mates chance Sunday. in the third led to the first raced around to third, even- Woods from second. Howell •average to .405, tops in the provided him with as the-y "I like to run," said Scott, Toronto run and a bad throw 'tually scoring -on Bob followed with a double to American League. pounded out 14 hits. made who raised his batting trying to pick Scott off third Bailer's single to right. bring Scott home with the Thd win snapped a six- things easier for him. average 19 points to .262 in the seventh brought home PICKOFF FAILS second run of the inning. game Toronto losing string The only time Lemanczyk with three hits in four at- the final two Blue Jay runs. With Scott at third base Toronto got its other two and showed the Blue Jays to ran into difficulty came in bats, scored three times and The 25-year-old native of and Roy Howell at second in runs in the sixth on pinch salvage one victory in the the fourth inning as the WHA is dyillg drove in a fourth. He also Jackson, Miss., purchased the seventh, Dempsey hitter Sam Ewing's two-run threegame series. The Orioles got a double from ve Baltimore catcher from Hawaii of the Pacific attempted to nab Scott single. The hit gave Ewing Orioles took Friday's opener Tom Shopay and singles by 'I'm sure glad AI (our editor) decided t, call my. ~ ck Dempsey fits on 'the Coast League last October, straying off the bag, but his his third' hit in four plato by a 5-3 score and posted a 4- Billy Smith and Ken column OCCASIONAL outbursts, becat ;e that's basepaths as the Blue Jays pushed a bunt about 10 feet throw eluded third baseman appearances for the week- 2 win Saturday. Singleton to produce mew whatthey are; and very occasionally. Bu every so duml~! the 0rioIes 7-1 in an down the third-hase line. Doug DeCinces and both end, including a Saturday Dave Lemanczyk, who lone run. FANS SINGLETON TWICE often I get an idea, so here goes. The single, which The WHA is dying. 68. Legal extended Singleton's Although they seem to be set to go fo another confecutive-game hitting year there are many signs that indicate I te league PUBLIC NOTICE streak to 10, was the only cannot continue for too much longer. Sox sock it to Yankees ball he got out of the infield What else can one conclude when look zg at the This Is your notice that the as Lemanczyk got him on ~nderslgned carrier*has made By THE ASSOCIATED hitting 16home runs in three League East by 2zA games replaced as strikes twice. most important factors - the facts? ' he WHA app|lcetlon to Increase all rates PRESS games, 18 in four games and over Baltimore Orioles and Cleveland's manager Toronto manager Roy amateur draft took place as usual with ely nine and.or charges by 14.4 percent, Denny Doyle's throe-run 21 in five games. New York. Sunday morning, came up a Hartsfield, forced to watch teams partcipating as the Pheonix Roe runners, applicable between points home run was one of five double-winner in his debut, the final inning from the situated within the Province of the San Diego Mariners and the l :innesota homers hit by Boston Red All that power backed the hit his first home clubhouse after being Fighting Saints became defunct. But the. :'s only a British Columbia and are Sex as they pounded New three-hit pitching . of run•s•,lemce Aug. 9, 1975, in the THORTON HOMERS ejected from the game for named In Canadian York Yankees 11-1•in an Ferguson Jenkins, who fourth inning off Ed Home runs by Andre arguing a pla~ at first base small point. Frelghtways Limited freight Figueroa, 7.6, breaking a 1-1 Thorntcn .and Larvell • The most significant factor is that he WHA tariff CFL No. 2. American League basebil retired the last 17 batters he Blanks helped the Indians in the mghth, said Subiect to consent of the Motor game Sunday, setting three faced in pitching the Red tie. Reliever Dick Tidrow Lemanczyk was full value "didn't draft the NHL's no. 1, no. 3 picks until the Carrier, Commission, the major-league hitting Sox to their ninth victory k. was the victim of the others, beat Detroit Tigers 4-2 in the for the win. fourth round. proposed changes will become recorns. their last 10 games. The bpdy.Carbo in the seventh and first game of their Hartsfield was thrown out Dale McCourt, the St. Catherine Fine ips high- effective August I, 1977. Bernie Carbo, Jim Rice, sweep of the thres-game ee, Yastrzemski and Scott doubleheader, then Jim after Doug Ault's potential scoring centre, was picked first in the NI L by the Copies of the proposed changes and weekend series with the in the eighth. Bibby pitched a four-hitter double was wi_p~l out when In other American League Detroit Red Wings who finished so far L .hind the may be examined at the office George Scott also homered Yankees put Boston in first as the Indians took the the Orioles made an appeal other NHL teams that some hockey fans uggested of the undersigned and at our as the Red Sox set marks by place in the American action, Jeff Torborg, who second 4-0. ' • play at first base and Terminals .at Burns Lake, umpire Art Frantz ruled the that the NHL should give them two fi st round Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Fort Toronto base runner had choices. In the WHA draft McCourt was ,icked by Nalmn, Fort St. John, Prince missed the bag. the financially-troubled Indianapolis Ra 'ers who George, Prince Rupert, "Ibave a lot of respect for are so poor they can't pay attention. That .hould be Smlthars, Terrace and Smith fed up with being hit umpires who have a dif.ticult a real bargaining battle, ha, ha. Vancouver, B.C. job," the Toronto skipper Up to July 15, 1977 any By THE ASSOCIATED Angeles Dodgers outfielder, was restored, Smith, EXPOS BEAT REDS The NHL's third pick, Robert Picm ! of the said. "But he was in a bad Montreal Junior Canadiens, was chose t by the representation respecting PRESS' who twice within eight days Reuschel, Cubs manager Elsewhere in the National to call it. (First proposed changes may be n)ade Reggie Smith has had has touched off bench- Herman Fra'nks and catcher League on Sunday, Washington Capitals of the NHL and by :he Avco to the Superintendent of Motor coach) Harry Warner enough, clearing brawls by charging George Mitterwald were Philadelphia Phillies heat was in a hatter positon and Cup champion Quebec Nordiques of •. WHA. Carriers "I'm tired of fighting, but the mound after being hit by ejected. Atlanta Braves 4-2, San Departmetn of Transport he said he fault) touched Picard has sl~own very little enthusia: m about I will do anything to protect pitches. • Reuschel contended he Francisco Giants swept joining a powerful team, especially from ~e WHA. and Communications myself," declared the Los "I refuse to be a target for was not throwing at Smith. Pittsburgh Pirates 8-0 and 8- the bag. Motor Carrier Branch anyone," Smith added. "I "It was a slider that got 6, Montreal Expos defeated "If Harry hadn't made a The juniors this year seem to be of a different McLarnn Centre will not be intimidated." inside," he said, then he Cincinnati Reds 8-4, New move, I wouldn't have." breed. Many of them have expressed theL' feelings 4240 Manor Street 68. Legal Smith, who went after conceded, "I wanted to let York Mets topped Houston The Blue Ja~s play host to about the two pro leagues, and most preferred the BURNABY, B.C. V5G 3X5 John Denny of St. Louis him know I was out there." Astros 8-2 and San Diego Cleveland Indians tonight in' BRITISH COLUMBIA the opener of a three-game NHL. They are very leery of the WHA ~nd their CANANDIAN FREIGHTWAYS HYDROANO Cardinals in a National Padres beat St. Louis series. Rookie Jeff Byrd is ever-present problems. LIMITED POWER AUTHORITY league baseball game last The fight overshadowed Cardinals 6-2. scheduled to make his first McCourt, Canada's top ranked junior ~st year, Post Office Box 2570 Saturday, set his sights on the matchup of National major league appearance Rick Reuscbel of Chicago League division leaders in In Saturday games, has been quoted as saying that he's alwa] ; thought CALGARY, Alberta T2P 2M7 Invites tenders for Equipment for Toronto with AI of playing in the NHL. "All I could do wa wait for Rental on an "as required" "All Cubs on Sunday after which home. runs by Lee Houston edged New York 4- Laey and Ren Coy backed 3, made his Fitzmorris pitching for the day and now it is here." He added th t he was (c.14) found with Operator" basis for Reuschel hit him on the Cleveland. period approx. 1 August 1977to right ankle in the third the four-hit pitching of Cincinnati ' debut a not considering any offers from the WB ~. Tenders coll for School 3O S.eptember 1977 for Houston inning of the Dodgers 3-I Dodgers ace Don Sutton, 8-2. successful, one by beating Not only have many qfot~e~l~_~ors st~..t~. ,~,]~IL District No. 92. Nlshgo proposed. Skeena 500 kV T.L . vietow ...... Les,~ngclesnowleadstha Monttea|6-0, SaaFrancisco Red+,s as the~: prefel;ence they. abe~ave, indio,~ed,~at West by 7½ games over downed PittsbUrgh' 7-5~, ...... RenovatiOns td:" Board OffiCe,.. ,' "l'n~-tired of being thrown they would rather be drafted by the weal =.r teams New Aiyansh B.C. ' Reference No. O7.3613 at," said Smith, "so I felt Cincinnati, while Chicago Philadelphia defeated General tenders are Cleslng Date: 13 July 1977 that's what I had to do." holds a 5½-game margin Atlanta 8-5, Los Angeles so they would get lots of ice time. requested from contractors for Smith's charge cleared over Philadelphia in the topped Chicago 3-1 and San wln Most.notable were Barry Beck, Mark :' ofthouse renovations and alternation to Sealed tenders clearly marked hath benches. When order East. Diego downed St. Louis 4-1. and Brad MaxweLl, all of the WC]-] Js New the existing old two class day as above.referenced will be Westminster Bruins, who said that they opod the The score was tied 1-1 at roomsl Taft Street, New received In room 1026, B.C. N[~.,'s weaker teams would draft them. Hydro and Power Authority the time of the fight. Lacy Alyansh. two the Plans available at School Building, 970 Burrard Street, hit his third home run of the Beck got his wish when he was draft+ d by 'District No. 92 offices, 4543 Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1Y3 until season in the first inning, The Terrace Red's Colorado Rockies. Maxwell was draft( l by the L akelse, Terrace, B.C. Phone 11:00 AM local time, 18 July Kitimat soccer while the Cubs tied it in the remained in'a tie for first Minnesota North Stars. Their WHA teen ; are the 635.9101. 1977. second when Bobby Murcer lace in the B~dkley Valley financially weak Calgary Cowbc ,s and Bidders shall submit sealed Two goals by Teddy Jackson in th~ first half were walked and eventually Details may be obtained from asebaU League, Sunday, Birmingham Bulls, respectively. tenders by Tuesday June 28, enough to give Photo Supply a 2-0 win over Northwest scored on an infield out. as they swept a double- CONCLUSION: Most of the upcomin " juniors 1977. To: the office of the Purchasing Blacktop in recent Kitimat Junior Soccer competition. header over the lowly John G McMymne Agent, 10th Floor, 970 Burrard Joe Barges and Robby Dunford led Photo Supply The Dodgers took the lead seem interested primarily in playing tl~ game. Sec. Treasurer Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6Z Moricetown Grizzlies, 12-4 Obviously, money is a factor but the V HA-NHL defence to the shutout. in the fifth against Willie and 8-6. of School District No. 92 1Y3, telephone 663.2577 and 663- In other action, Nechako Sharks bowed to Nechako Hernandez, who had WAGE WAR IS ALL BUT OVER. The WJ A teams ~Lakelse Ave. 2,~0. Fire Birds 3-1 in the six to nine year class, while replaced Reuschel. John The Houston Bees won are not financially stable enough to bar, ain with Terrace, B,C. Nechako Norenk was blanked by Nechako Luso Gates heat out a bunt, was both ends of their double- the majority of the NHL teams, as they t we done (c.14,15,16) (c-14) Canadians 4.6. balked to second, took third header and so remain in a first place tie. Full details in the past. Too many teams have shell( i out the Whitesall Green Jets edged Kitimat Kiwanis 3-2. on a sacrifice and scored on "big bucks" to get one or two superstar , hoping 1 Last week, the Luso Canadian rolled to an Lacy's double. Cey's 16th on all Bulkley Valley i For Water Wells and ~*PumpJngSystems | impressive 8-0 win over Kitamaat Village Kiwanis, hon~e run, leading off the baseball action in that these players will "make" their fr ~nchise. while Kildaia KT Sports were equally impressive with sixth, capped the scoring. tomorrow's Herald. i "One player does not a franchise make. ' call ' l' a 7-0 shutout over Whitesail. I Northwest Blacktop nipped Nechako Sharks 1-0 and All West Glass downed Photo Supply by an identical GOODWIN DRILLING J score. Nechako Emporium Builders defeated Kitamaat standings Ali takes a 1all Village KC juniors 2-0. ": BEVERLY HILLS, parents, Cassim Clay St., Dealers for Starite PressureSystems. j By THE CANADIAN PRESS • and Mrs. Odess~ Clay. / Callf.(AP) -- Amid security In from Jap~ for the Natlcmal League American League reminiscent of a ca,, Evenings East East ceremony was n irtial arts ' 635-4073 / W L Pct. GBL W L Pct. GBL presidential visit, heavy- expert Antonio ~oki, who (pI3,1S,6,11,16,21,S) l Super jock weight champion Ah fought in 197 . Chicago 39 22 .639 -- Boston 37 25 .597 -- Mohammad All wed model Dozens of nev ~men and Philadelphia 34 28 .548 5V= Baltimore 35 28 .556 gV= Veronica Porche in a returns St. Louis 34 29 .540 6 New York 36 19 .554 2V= private civil ceremony Sun- All fans were tu ned away ,Plfllburgh 32 29 .525 7 Milwaukee 31 35 ,470 S from the hallro m at the WALTON, Ky. (AP) -- Montreal 27 34 .443 12 Cleveland 28 31 .475 7Ya dayw'ith Superior Court Beverly Wilshire where the Now Open New York 28 36 .438 12V= Detroit 27 35 .435 10 Steve Cauthen is heading West Toronto 24 37 .393 12Ya Judge Billy Mills presiding, wedding took pit ..e. hack to New York and to the Security was'=, tight, that +...... ~~;~...... :...+..,...+...~::::::::::::'.~ Los Angeles 43 22 .662 -- West Ali married Miss Porche in Ali's lawyer wt~ flew in :.:, . ~:; VULCAN sport he captivated before a brief ceremony before from New Yor for the Cincinnati 34 28 .548 7V= Chicago 35 27 .~5 -- an injury sidelined him for a San Francisco 31 35 .470 12V= Minnesota 36 28 .563 some 200 friends and wedding, was az Gag *..hose ':,':'::::: (]1o p$ ue yG arden :+.:i+:':+:-': P.CHINERY& month. ' ' San Diego 31 38 .~19 14 California 31 30 .508 3V= relatives. ::: ~: The 17.year-old Cauthen All would not comment to turned away, b cause his Houston 27 39 .409 16V= Kansas City 31 31 .500 4 name accidental, was left Restaurant .. ;:;: was the United States' Atlanta 23 43 .34B 20V= Texas 30 30 .53O 4 thepress, saying only, "This off a Los hag1 es police EQULIPD.MENT' leading thoroughbred Oakland 28 34 .452 7 is a very sacred moment for security list of g eats. i~.:$::::~:~:~:::~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:;:;:;~;~+:;~;:~:;:;:~:~+~.~;~;~;~;~.~;~+~... :.: with 275 victories Sunday Results Seattle 30 39 .435 8V; me." The marriage i the third before being battered and Philadelphia 4 Atlanta 2 Sunday Results A heavyweight champ Cleveland 4-40strolt 2.0 from Mother era, , for the heapyweil ,~t champ, cut in a May 23 spill at New York $ Houston 2 who was dive :ed from Chinese & Canadian Food C0Wart Road Belmont Park. In "that Montreel a Cincinnati 4 Chicago 2.5 Oakland 1.1 was among the guests. San Francisco 8.8 Plffsburgh Toronto 7 Baltimore 1 Others included Los Angeles Sonji and Khalfl~ h All. All RINCE GEORGE,BC. mishap, Cauthen suffered a has four childrel from his - Homedelivery in town limit. broken wrist and cuts over 0.6 Boston 11 New York 1 mayor Tom Bradley, actor Free his right eye and on his right • Los Angeles 2 Chicago 1 Kansas City 8 Minnesota 7 Warren Beatty, comedian marriage to Kh; Jlah, and Phone: 564-0101 California 7 Milwaukee 0 he and his new w~ : have a 6- hand. sen Diego 6 St; Louis 2 Dick Gregory, and Ali's month-ld daught, '. Delivery Hours: 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. But the hurts are behind Seattle 2 Texas I him and Cauthen, fresh Saturday Results Saturday Results Offers You: Houston 4 New York 3 Clevelxnd S Detroit 4 10% discount on Fiok-up orderr from a Florida vacation, is Cincinnati 6 Montreal 0 Chicago 2 Oakland 0 TREE FARMER ready to get back to work. San Francisco 7 Pittsburgh 5 Boston 10 New York 4 "I feel good," said Phlladel~la S Atlanta 5 Baltimore 4 Torohto 2 JIM'S TACKLESHi)P KOEHRING-BANTA Cauthen. "I feel rested and , Los Angeles 3 Chicago 1 Kansas City 2 Minnesota 1 strong. San Diego 4 St. Louis 1 Milwaukee 4 Callfornle 2 Quality Fresh and Salt Water Fishing 'ackle 638-1946 BOMAG. "I'm just going to go back Seattle 5 Texas I and ride like I always did," Todey'e Games Today's Games "Hardy- Fenwick-Ambassadeur - Ail.)nquin Open 7 days a week LOED he added. "I'm notgoing to Houston at Montreal N Cleveland at Toronto N change my style and I want Cincinnati at Philadelphia N Bostoh at Baltimore N Quick- Richmake" from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. HYDRO-AX to keep trying to learn." Atlanta at New York N New York at" Deh'olt N C,aut-hen said he plans to Pittsburgh et San Diego N Oakland at Chicago N 4430 GREIG, TERRACE, B.C, C.S. JOHNSON return to New York either Chicago at San Francisco N Texas at Minnesota N Fly Tying & Rod Building Suppli s today or Tuesday and will St. Louis at Los Angeles N Seattle at Kansas City N Contact: gallop horses for a while Tuisday Games Souvenirs & Local Crafts PLUMBING BY before returning to Tuesday Games Cleveland at Toronto N Garry Curtis competition. Houston at Montreal N Boston at Baltimore N , Our prices are fair Sales Representative "I want to be at 100 per Cincinnati at Philadelphia N New York at DctroltN PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Clearwater, B.C. cent when I start, back," Atlanta at New York N California at Chicago N , Shop & Compare said Cauthen, who has been Plflsburgh at San Diego N Oakland at Milwaukee N 635-9319 Phone: 674-9692 exercising to strengthen his Chicago at San Franclaco N Seattle et Kansas City N 1120 Hwy. 16 East 635-9471 arm. St. Loula at Los A~oles N Texas at Minnesota N II I

; '+'

PAGE A8, THE HERALD, Manday JURe M}, lilT/ : ., '~,.. • :' . * • ' • ; ' + .

I COMICS '1the dailyheraldo~ THE LIGHTER SIDE I., +FEATURES '

e Wlz a r d c f Id Brant parker and Johnny hart: ;+oss+w rd "+:'+:++ Your ind ividu al

• (f --~'~ //~ ~'~ ~. t " . " • by EugeneO Sheffer " i. Horoscope.

I "~q-I'UI~A~/ / ( %F~. ) ~ .---.-I &CROSS 41 Groom in 59 Pledge I0 River into • FrancesDrake • ~._~ ~ ~II~]~Plell~Y ! I~---~ 1 P,eallty India DOWN the Danube ' . • _ ' ~ ~/1_~ ,.h\lL ° I deer be dealt 2 Dyeing higfl rank FORMONDAY,. ~ ~to Co J=T, / 'I ~'~,~,,,~F~--~I Snorned - with apparatus 16Different ~IEM.II~ dut/es,, eon~..+.+tmeats and I ~ d ~ ,,t -- vipers 46 Secretes 3 lake in 20 Braid " . . I pol~ I~.,,,m ,,,~.JP I [' [~~+~++~_+ ;'~/+ ~ ~ u13 StartingStravinsky 5150 BranchDiet or fareof 4 l(alyThree- ' . 2223 VeryTennis.cup black ARIES(Mar21 't0 A ' 1 I})' v4P'-q~"~,,~=: 8AGrI'FARIUS(Nov.22 to l~le+. =I) 3~+ I~(~ . E ~I'l p+e the Creek legged " ~S Curve ~mt't ~ak~.lro: too many Cautlon u+ffed In money L IIlI ~.~,~/.~z~,/ _ .... - 14 Persian tribe . stool 26 Three- ~llflM you M,,I,~.h~ maitres. Pay no 8ttlUon to 'q~'[/'~-~ ~==='~@~~=| faiw 54 -- and 5 Greek letter match .~.--- .... ~ reddei ...f..de..s~.who urge you to 15 School for skittles . 6 Celtic 2/Diminished d wn even thoagh your __..., ,...,,.,.,. priests 55 Personality Neptune 29 Depend Mlollldel'~m. ~ ~ your ~q~'~ .w.m,~. . . Rfish Oy..... Hog UOllen ,,,,+.fiver =..,name ,._o,voice. ,,-o,,er.,32 Rainy .v.=...TAURUS NJ"~"~ (Dee. 22 to Jail 21}) vd qKIt 18 Figure of 5"/Met l~ima 8 Armmuillo 34 Message (Apr. 21 to lday 21) "~" Curb a tendency toward iii i speech dorma 9 Of of greeting Don't let surface glittar lethargy now. An Indffform~ IjjjJjlll ~ 1on~ c~oo ~v. o~sw~ 0~. ' Atl • 8hill ~MI~104 , 19 Pixie 58 -- Khan' symptoms 38 Fishing boguik you. Search for facts attitudeeould cause you to Ioue I lllflIll(I]llJ ~1 Was Avg. solution time: 22 min. nets before aceeptini any out on good opportuMl/=. beholden 40 Within: Iropodt/m -- no matter bow AQUARIUS " +~t~<~lt I + 24 Spoken by comb. form rosy l.t sounds. ' (Jan. 21 to Feb, 19) Laotians GEMINI 42 Greek letter (May 22 to June 21) ~ Meetand discuss pinto,with 25 Daring 43 Bishop's others involved, but don t lz 28 Sflant title Seek out • more dbt/n~ve, dinnayed if you run Into petty Star: " 44 Scottish moreMrat~icwsytopwhyour quibbling. Overlook minor Theda Celt interm~ "J~y ca ~ hidled differences to.attuin the mo~ P 30 Pull 45 On the with sreater ssss ff you depeII important objectives. 38 Individual ocean myour ~ 34 Crave 47 Cupola "~ t+l¢° Frozen 48 Charles (3=,,,~c,~ 22 to ,Ton]),~) o~ ~(Fd). ~0 to Ms'. ~) ' dessert lamb Busin~s mattm~ dl~kult Youmay mks yoor mark now Existed 49 Betray mtt~, loNi.ra~e favored, because of anxiety or 3/Indigo . 52 Incite BUt don't rush Into thln~ Have mbcMcubtinn. Try'to atv~l Beat It! 53 Extinct patience, ~ vl~flamt and ~ by ta]dx~ things in stride by johnny hart 39 Title Answer to ~esterday's uzzle. bird pm~e, • ' end ~ ~ par- n B.C. O II I~O : " Pe.mf'LP,Xec>, 14 Don't headinto com- YOU BORN TODAY'are IOt,~R6::t::) ~ID NeVeR ~ 'Ii'I plieatlouL Steer a ~ ouune ~ mind mml e~ de=. terous with your hands as welL Ae~Wl4~ Wll"ROttr ,tour cIV~N¢'eUEP,.~ R~T. and focus ~blt/om m an at- WOULD LIKE TO IIAVP~I~ OVP.~ I1". tainable platmu. Dou't strive You m =ore mrkm In "FO KAY" HOU,3~ ~ DINNER ... • . / I ' for the uloulouble. outlook on life than meaty other ?e~teLe~ED 8 m' vmo .... ,~ Gauim~ a~t mm moke =. w 2, ++ outstanding success fntho ml A more or less av'erale day. business world or In the. ~q Sl 152 Buttor flnl~, or at lest furtbor, acimtiflc field. But y.ou ako current projects. 8/t/~ mw have a ereatlve Mde wMch und~ wit~mt proper would best express itself In preparation could .lead to literature ~ the pr~ound type. I 56 ' dtssptzlmnent." ' Your Intuit/on k keen and you are extremely sensitive -- (so~too~.=) .n.~'1 m=hmom,otmm~ouro=- i Venus cmtlnuou Immlicent. • ward show of bravado in- ~O 49 chie intemts, rommeeaMartlst/c meet people with ease =rid $0 Y3

...... q~ s4 P-+ .~ s ~ _ ~ mL,:+_, I 8CORPI0 I~,,~G occupation which involve| m (oct. =4 to Nov. '~') trovex and ~ with the S7 A dsy for..achievement, publle. Bh'thdate of: Errol Mornin~ interviews hishly ~ t~reen star. (~)'1~ :(~uip QMRV BUWWUA AUKLWJUK. "BL This space. KBXFV BL. M AHTTUI JMFMBXLR QHITUB Yesterday's Cryptequip -- KEEN INVESTOR CONDUCTED • reserved .. A VIGOROUS STOCK INVESTIGATION. 1977 ~1 Features Syndicate, Inc. • Today's Cs3qptoquip'clue: Q equals B Hagar the Horrible by Dik Browne lheCr~uip is a simple substitution cipher in which each for your ad letter used stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it wiLl equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, . and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating O1"1, 11"~ "+. "'~0~ eis. Solution is.accomplished by trial and error. . ' . ' ...... ":. " . . ~LtT ~OW cOt.~c, .~ ~ ~.+~+7 .' +'~" ,.:._..-_.,..+.-..-.:.--~_~ ".~:.';.';:;:. :,, ~;:+.:..+:'+<++cm ...... ,+...... '.-.'...'...... +...... -.....;.+.+..:._..-_.;.:.:.:.....-.+.~.;.;.:.;.;.;.+_.;._..;.,.+.,m...... +.j.<+-::~L.:~t~~~o+~+ + .+ ; . ',. , ~P~¢~. , , •

[30 IT .P! j~I~'AK~... t" + . , 1 / Toda) ...on television +

2 3&6 # m I 9 9:00 amwqm ROUt(. ~;+~6(a'i":rRmji'" 9:30 V*t4EEL OF ~E:' FRIENDLY GIANT 10:00 JEAS'CAIMNm .' ~i¢ ¢O. , •. .~q. ORESSUP 10:30 ~mm'r0os '., , ,": mr,~wulu~ by Addison I Boner's ,,--rk ~JlttSAl~ STREET 11:00i, 11:30, m,= .+ ,.~rmi~ • +. I, ~.. .-+ HDLL/SQUARES 12:00 ELE¢. TRI¢ ¢O. I iT ~A~ ~ ~;Atc)THAT" l~-~tN~ DAYS OF OuR LnV~ ,(:BC" NEWS 12:30 • ~111~ ' ' MICClN¢ MUJ¢ WILD KINGIX)~ 1:00 •NiP,VCS •SUCH ' A LO~AL, P~VOT~ ~, 'i.MUSrC m. , . • "DEATH VALLEY DAYS 1:30 I +~rtHR WOmLO A P IN THE FAMILY 2.'00 noa0s~Y "0.Si0"E -OUT p i ,E ,OGE OF flIGHT I 2:30 ;aQ.~'m~m. . ~WO-RmMiy. M I eCIJXI( |18 TAKE 30 3:00 S~ -,,~10uoln el IiIm4on" -- CELEBRITY COOKS 3:30' '. ..i.. " '.. ..". I~l';S YOUR cHOICE ' • 4:OO SlLSAME STREE.T .-+ . .. :~OUM 4:30 ' HAKTIVUU+" SALTY 5:00 •MISTER ROOERS ' ~;-Zo , I Nm ' LOVE N~41ER. STYLE 5:30 HOURGLASS 6:00 i .. 0~sc ~s 6:30 wci~v mmAu. N,C.AA.AC30HVEh'110N 7:00 's0eu ~ VAmen.C ', u~I,i~er . SEKITI~ TONIGHT • +. .. 0 n "]:he Amazing SPIDER-MAN 7:30 LOWILL 'THOMAS II.~ TOOlrmlIR 8:OO Nil IP J~VTHIll, .. .- ~ ~v~ ~ . , YOU'RE $/~.7~,~ ~ IT-- WHILe ~--SEFORE YOU Re~AtN • ~ YOU ~Om'T KNOW ~ ~ /. 8:3~1 gINGHAM/ THE -- ~.'N~ WHAT YOU'R~ .~-'%+\\%~ ~"~'\~.'~t" ,+ $~IAK£ POtgO~l +MAN lqlgM ATLAHTIII 111 AGE q~: UHCERTAINTY 9:O0 A4~• OP UMC•aTmm'Y --(~o tour ~,dal) ANT/~OFE I'WI.RTED -M.n~ 9:30 ~, YOUR BRAIN-- , n 18:00 -T" 'lrm 10:39 NE•q~ . THE NATIONAl. Jw:oq .~*'~,m a.,,,m. ,' AIMYOII ~ ~ ] •~qlolTr SHOW "iql~T FINAL 11:30 • ON OFP 12:00 ".h. /. I,;~ ++ ~ ~11 /~/.. { ~TTA Sro~ you., :~" ~. "'~/.'~V~ I " ~ BEFORE IT'~; Vo~v-m0W : ~ ~-. ~,

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