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Read Report of Grand American Handicap in This Issue! BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Tills Registered In U. 8. Pitent Office. Vol. 51 No. 17 Philadelphia, July 4, 1908 Price 5 Cents BOSTON BRIEFS LATEST NEWS PITCHER PATTEN©S CASE PRE SENTS NEW ANGLES, Nothing Breaking Right For the Washington Buys a New First Nationals The Red Sox Now Baseman An Um re©s Outlaw Doing Fairly Good Work and League Experience The Latest Showing Some Class in the Race* Moves of Players and Magnates* BY J. C. MORSE. SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Boston, Mass., June 29. Editor "Sport- Chicago, 111., July 1. It©s up to Presi Ing Life." There have been changes in dent Johnson, of the American. ©League, to deed in the Dovey make-up since my last. decide whether the Boston Bed Sox or the They were changes that were New York Highlanders are inevitable. The most start entitled to the services of ling was the deal that was Case Patten, and incidental made here during the Pitts- ly the "Bib Boss" must burg series pitcher Irving state which of the two or Young for (young "Cy") ganizations has the ex-Wash pitcher Young, of Pittsburg, ington pitcher attached to and pitcher McCarty, also of its salary list. The compli the Pittsburg Club. The cation is a new one in base Boston Club has been weak ball history. Patten, it will ened for a long time simply be remembered, was secured because Young failed to by Boston from Washington show his old time form. He in exchange for Jesse Tan- lehill. He pitched one has been growing from bad Cass Patten Geo. B. Dovey to worse and it finally game against Chicago and reached that point that he then McGuire asked "for waivers from the was easy for any team. There was a time other clubs. New York refused to waive when close to $10,000 could have been and under base ball law was entitled to realized for him. I guess New York would Patten©s services. Accordingly Case was. have given fully that for him and Pitts released to the Highlanders. Now Presi burg would have bid liberally. When he dent Taylor has been informed that New fell down he did so with a bang until Mr. York does not want Patten. Dovey could not have rid himself for money and he was lucky to get such a deal as CANTILLON©S ACQUISITION. he did from Pittsburg for him. Some leaned to the opinion that Young had soldiered and that he wanted to get away from the First Baseman Charley Staley to Succeed Boston Club. I think he always g-ave the Jerry Freeman. club the best there was in him, but he Bimply could Special to "Sporting Life." Washington, D. C., June 29. Manager NOT DELIVER THE GOODS. Cantillon has purchased a new first base- If Pittsburg now can find him an adjunct man to replace Jerry Freeman. The new to its team well and good; he was simply man is Charley Staley, who has been play no good to Boston. It is fairly inexplicable ing the bag for the Paris, 111., team of how he lost his cunning. That cross-fire the Eastern Illinois League. It is not that seemed to be one of the best things WILFRED OSBORNE known whether Sta,ley will report to the in his repertoire seemed to expire like a team at once or whether he will remain in flash and he had nothing left with which to Outfielder of the Philadelphia National League Club the West until next fall. Cantillon has beea fool the opposing batsmen. There is simply Outflelder Wilfred Osbome, who Is now the regular centre fielder of the Philadelphia National scouting the country for a hard-hitting first no use to carry men on the roster who do League team displacing on merit Roy Thomas, who held the place ten years has had a comparatively baseman for some time, and one of his brief but nevertheless brilliant base ball career. He was born November 28, 1883. at Sycamore, O. He agents finally decided that Staley was the not produce. It is a very expensive thing. started his professional career with the Fort Wayne Club, of the Central League, in 1905, and was Better by far get rid of them some, way transferred with that team to Camden, O., in mid-season. The following season Osbome was a mem most likely-looking of any of the youngsters and get something that will be of some use. ber of the Canton (Uub, also of the Central League, and was the leading batsman of that league. In in the minor leagues. The Washington Club Pfeffer has turned out to ©be ©another f the the fall of 1906 he was purchased by the Chicago National League Club. He started the 1907 season paid $1,500 for the new first sacker who unavailables and Mr. Dovey was compelled with the champion "Cubs," but was sold in aaid-season to the PhUadelphia Club, of whose team he is said to be leading the league in which to obtain waivers for him. Pfeffer had a is now a regular and valued member. he is playing in both ©fielding and _hitting. kink in his arm that made him useless to Staley is in the neighborhood of six feet, the team. Surely Dovey has had lots in is fast on his feet, and an intelligent ball© the way of handicaps since he took the future, but just now he has not the requi for any club during their stay in the West player. He is twenty-two years old. club. Things went bad enough last season site speed. The new recruits Young and and have surely surpassed the utmost ex but what with the entire loss of his first McCarthy cannot fail to make the club pectations of their fondest admirers. They OLD-TIMERS© DAY. holiday, May 30, the loss of almost his stronger in the box than it has been and started the Highlanders on the downward entire first series in New York, and the their work will be regarded with much path of the latter and then put a big crimp crippling of his team in the battery depart anticipation. B. werman is not yet in shape in the aspirations of the Detroits. They The Veterans of the Game to Gather in ment he has been to work. I guess that he will not be al certainly did things to the Browns in the lowed to work as he did before he "met with lair of the latter. There is no reason at Boston Harbor on August 12. HARD HIT INDEED. his mishap and Mr. Dovey is to be congrat all why the club should not finish in the Special to "Sporting Life." At that, things were going very well in ulated that he will not be out of the game first division. They certainly will if they Boston, Mass., June 30. The date of deed when Bowerman was injured. He was any longer than will be the case. It is play the kind of ball of which they are Wednesday, August 12, has been fixed for needed very badly, especially in the" Pitts- a deal more of a hustling game when he is capable. They have gained upon all of old timers© day at Peddock©s Island, Bos turg series. It was expected that Harry Smith at work. the clubs and have crept out of the last ton Harbor, where John Irwin, brother of would show up in time to work against his THE AMERICANS place for the season. Arthur, and a former Washington player, former comrades but he failed to put in have given a mighty good account of them MANAGER McGUIRE conducts a hostelry. Such veterans as an appearance and Graham, who was with selves and they received a royal welcome "Dicky© 1 Pearce, now in his seventy-third when they again opened here last Tuesday deserves a lot of credit for the w.ay he has Minneapolis last season, did all of the work guided his boys. He has steered them to year; Arthur Cummings, one of the first behind the bat and did it very well. Graham for a four-game series with the Washing- adepts with the curve ball; John Morrill, tons who played their closing games of playing a first class article of ball that has showed decidedly more aptitude than did been the talk of the country. When the once manager of the -Bostons and Wash- Ball. When the latter was secured from the year in Boston. The Red Sox then went ingtons: Charley Ganzel, of the old Detroit to Philadelphia for a four-game series. Next season began Sullivan was not in the out Lynn last season it was generally -believed field but when he got into the game he did champions; Morgan Murphy, one of- the that one of the coming catchers in the week McGuire©s men come horro for the crack catchers of the country; President second round with the Western teams the not do a thing but swat the ball until he country had been annexed by the locals. He has one of the best batting percentages in John I. Taylor, of the Boston Americans, did not fill the bill, however, in the games *order this time being the Clevelands, the and President George B. Dovey, of the Detr&its, the Chicagos and the Browns. The the country. Gessler, who was delegated he played when Bowe man was injured, al by many to a low position, has found no Boston Nationals, will be present and play.