Inside Facts of Stage and Screen (April 5, 1930)
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— ST^E RADIO SCREEN PRICE 10 CENTS MUSIC Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ESTABLISHED 1924 EDITED BY JACK JOSEPHS Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1027, at Post* Published Erery Saturday at 800*801 Warner Bros. VoL XI Saturday, April 5, 1930 Down- office, Los Angeles, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles. Calif. No. 14 LABOR UNIONS IN MOVE TO REVIVE JOBS IN THEATRES NICKEL-TOP STKGE HANDS. OOOSES AOE MUSICIANS TO UTEST PEKN A new theatre chain, purveying Acting to relieve the unemploy- entertainment in continuous day ment situation and banking on and night performances at the their belief that in-person enter- tariff of only a nickel per head, is tainment is a big drawing card with being considered by a local thea- the public, the I. A. T. S. E. and trical promoter, he disclosed in an the Musicians Union local at Den- exclusive interview with Inside ver are planning to take over the Facts this week. Denham Theatre in Denver and This promoter states he is now open it with stock. working out the details of a propo- The house will be run as a co- sition that will, he believes, cause operative enterprise by the two or- considerable flurry in the amuse- ganizations, if the plans materialize. ment industry. The following, Opening date is set for April 20. briefly, are the chief points of his The experimental move is un- idea: derstood to have been encouraged 1. Continuous performances, day by the national administrators of and night without cessation. the two unions, with a likelihood 2. All performances continuous- that the plan will be attempted in ly new; no repeat acts. numerous other cities if the Den- 3. Admision, five cents per head ver move is successful. for all comers; come when you Counteracting Move like,, stay as long as 5'ou like, This is not the first time such a which will enable the theatre to venture has been undertaken by make money because theatrical union labor, and financial Little Capital success has followed in some for- 4. No production costs. mer instances. But at the present .5. Little capital required. The- time, with musicians out of houses atres and halls now dark can be all over the country, and with used without structural changes stage hands also seriously affected and secured on rental or percent- by the talking pictures, it is the age basis. first time the idea has had the se- 6. Performances by the biggest rious import of the present plan. vaude and legit names, name The contention has been made bands, great symphony orchestras; that the movie magnates are pur- prize fights, baseball and football posely discouraging stage shows games. despite added receipts which they According to the promoter his would bring to the boxoffice, hop- idea is surefire because it not only ing that dearth of them will edu- will confer a great boon on the cate the public to go for the all- poorer stratas of mankind without screen entertainment to a point working ill on anyone else. where the added overhead of in- Radio Is Answer person entertainers will no longer The only equipment required be in demand. will be a radio set with a good More May Follow loudspeaker capable of filling the It is to counteract such a move, theatre without distortion, and the as well as to provide employment only staff needed will be a box- for its membership, that the I. A. office girl and a doorman. No ORA GAREW T. S. E. and Musicians are encour- ushers will be necessary as the aged in the Denver venture, with hall will be lighted, and no re- Featured in other similar ones to follow else- served seats. where, it is reported. The answer to all this, the pro- Officials of the local unions said moter says, is radio. **Philadelphia** they did not know of any plans for According to this promoter there a similar union labor cooperative could be no serious objection to Vine Street Theatre, Hollywood venture in Los Angeles “at the his taking advantage of radio present time,” but they did not broadcasts in this way, as he be- state whether such a move was to lieves that once a program is cast SUCCEEDS LUKAN GORDON TO PRODUCE BUILDING UP STOCK be expected here provided there is upon the air, it is delivered for a successful tryout of the policy at public consumption. In fact he the Denham. SEATTLE, April 3.—L. O. Lu- ‘Captive Man,’’ an original com- M-G-M is currently building up thinks that radio stations might kan, for many years identified with its foreign-language stock com- well cooperate with him in edy by Henry Gordon, is contem- spon- First National Pictures Exchanges NEW STREET PUZZLE soring his theatres, in that way pany, following decision to make on the coast, has tendered his res- plated for early production here at New fancy traffic buttons at tying up certain pictures in five a house for ex- ignation. languages without Lukan was for the past the Egan, but is Vine and Hollywood boulevard clusive reception from a particular nothing definite three years manager of the local dubbing. Willard Mack is doing have the autoists guessing. station. yet, either as to opening date, cast No branch. A1 Oxtoby, recently the the interviewing, but no contracts one yet found who understands There is a great floating popu- or branch manager in San Francisco, director. Gordon is expected to had been signed the early part of one" fancy swirl there that has no ( Continued on Page 3) replaced Lukan here. produce the show himself. the week, it was understood. known counterpart elsewhere. YOU’LL SEE IT IN FACTS — PAGE TWO INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 “JOURNEY’S END” FOR MAYAN News Notes of Readers* Views LEAD DISAPPEARS, SIARIG SERIES CHANCE IGENCr Dance Studios Editor, Inside Facts, SHDlAf PDSTPDNED OF SIX WESTERNS Los Angeles, Calif. We of the stage doff our hats TD OPEN IN S. F. to your publication for its consist- James Cody, Earl Carroll’s stage ent stand in the matter of bring- Phillip Pizza's prcxluction of director at the Carroll Theatre in A1 Neitz is starting production ing stage shows back to their The Mayan, which had a none “Slapstick,” originally slated for New York for five years, will join and direction on a series of six former popularity. While other forces with Lon Murray, Los An- westerns April 14 for National too successful experience with M- opening at the Egan Theatre April publications were sounding the geles and New York dance direc- Players, Ltd., production concern G-M’s Marion Davies picture, 4, has been delayed by the dis- death-knell of flesh-and-blood en- tor, who heads his own school for for the Big Four Film Corpora- appearance of the leading man of tertainment Inside Facts held true “Marianne,” is to take another stage dancing here and who pro- tion of New York City. the company, George Hackathorne. to the performers and never threw fling at the talkies with Tiffany’s duced at the RKO Theatre here Six westerns for the same con- The cause of his disappearance and up the sponge. And don’t think for 16 weeks. Cody, who will ar- cern are now being shot at Uni- “Journey’s End.” The present en- present whereabouts are unknown we don’t appreciate it. rive from New York in two weeks, versal by Harry Webb, who is terprise is under the guidance of to the management, who have Now that it begins to look like will assume charge of the produc- now doing the second with Jack the Franklyn Production, which- has made arrangements to put a new' Perrin in “Happy Days Are Here Again” tion and contract end of Lon the lead. a lease on the house, and which leading man in the cast and pro- every performer who is fortunate Murray’s interests. Both series are being made un- recently presented “Oh, Susanna!” ceed with the production with as der supervision enough to secure a booking should * ^ * of Harry Taylor, there and play in see to it that his act is timely and has another little further delay as possible. vice-president in charge of pro- The Bud Murray School for up-to-date. prospect to follow the film. Wallace Arthur has been given duction for the Big Four. All are Let’s not just begin Stage has engaged Professor Leo again where left off dig- Opening of “Journey’s End” is the part and is expected to have six or seven reelers. we by Darcy internationally known acro- ging into the trunk and dragging set for April 10, with an indefinite his 90 sides under control by Sun- For his first picture Neitz will bat and physical culture expert, to out the old act. Each and every- run to follow. Top will be $1.50. day, April 6, the new opening take his company to Kernville, teach professional acrobatics and one should strive to get the best According to Sid Algiers, gen- date. Calif., and to Death Valley. For conduct physical culture classes. material possible and build our eral manager for the Franklyn Following is the complete cast: the second, location will be in It is Bud Murray’s intention to acts so that stage shows will Productions, of which Franklyn Wallace Arthur, Louise Bowden, the Cave-dweller country of combine the acrobatics with tap New Warner is head, every de luxe Mexico.