XIV WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015 Sustainable Forest Management Developments in New Zealand seen through the lens of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators (C&I) framework Tim Payn*1, Tim Barnard1, Steven Cox2, Liam Millard1, John Novis2, Alan Reid2 1
[email protected]; Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute), Rotorua, New Zealand 2 Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, New Zealand Abstract New Zealand has recently completed its third national „state of the forests‟ report using the framework of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators. These reports (2003, 2008, and 2015) give a very valuable picture of the forestry environment over a period when much change occurred. This paper presents some of the key changes in Sustainable Forest Management in New Zealand over that period in the context of global and national drivers such as international climate change initiatives and the global economic environment, changes in national policies, and a greater market need for information on forestry‟s social license to operate. The value and utility of C&I frameworks for monitoring assessment and reporting of forest information and the effectiveness of the C&I as a communication tool is presented with examples of tools developed to both communicate data and facilitate dialogue. New developments using the C&I framework for „futures analysis‟ is also presented and discussed. Overall, C&I have proved to be a very significant foundation in providing a common language for dialogue around the meaning of sustainable forest management. They have contributed to a range of forest related activities in New Zealand including structuring and focussing research programmes, organising Forest Company monitoring programmes in support of third party certification, teaching SFM, and providing a national picture of the state of New Zealand‟s forests over time.