Production of Glucose Syrup from High Quality Cassava Flour, Ghana
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Production of glucose syrup from high quality cassava flour, Ghana Source UK Department For International Development (DFID) Keywords Cassava, quality, flour beetles, starch, Africa Country of first practice Ghana ID and publishing year 4576 and 2006 Sustainable Development Goals Decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation and infrastructure Summary High quality cassava flour (HQCF) is an Several industries in Ghana use glucose attractive alternative to cassava starch that syrup (mainly imported) in their products. can form the starting point for a cassava- In an attempt to expand existing markets based industry. HQCF production is less for cassava, technologies were developed capital intensive and requires lower levels to provide a local supply of “glucose syrup” of inputs for success, compared to cassava to substitute for the imported product. This starch. HQCF can be used as an alternative technology could yield economic and social to starch and other imported materials in a benefits to the farmers who produce the range of industries such as adhesives, sugar cassava, entrepreneurs who produce the syrups and industrial alcohol. syrup, as well as the end-users of the glucose syrup. Some of these benefits would include, Description foreign exchange savings, improvement Glucose syrup is a concentrated aqueous in income levels, employment creation, solution of glucose, maltose and other efficient use of natural resources and easy nutritive saccharides obtained from edible access to an industrial raw material among starch. Depending on the proportion of others. For further details see the TECA the different sugars in the syrup, it may record titled “High Quality Cassava Flour”. be specifically called a maltodextrin, high High maltose syrup has characteristics maltose syrup or high dextrose glucose such as, low hygroscopicity, low viscosity, syrup. The type of glucose syrup described high resistance to crystallisation, low here is the high maltose syrup. Although sweetness, reduced browning capacity technically incorrect, “Glucose Syrup” is the and good heat stability. These properties standard industry term referring to a mixed make it useful in many applications in syrup containing glucose, maltose and a the food and pharmaceutical industries. range of maltodextrins of different sizes, In breakfast cereals it is used to improve i.e. the use of the term is not limited simply shelf life, enhance colour, reduce breakage to glucose. The industry uses of the term and maintain crispness. “glucose syrup” is therefore adopted in this It is also used to control record. crystallisation and sweetness TECA 1. Glucose syrup from high quality cassava in ice creams and lollies as flour well as, providing body and TECHNOLOGIES and PRACTICES for SMALL AGRICULTURAL 1/4 PRODUCERS Post-harvest and Marketing strength to these products. When used in 2.3 Timeliness of delivery confectionery products it helps to lower Realistic delivery dates are a must for the hygroscopicity of the product, controls commercial success. crystallisation, prevents drying and lowers 2.4 Price competitiveness viscosity. Glucose syrup is also very useful in the manufacture of frozen fruits, liquors and Industrial users want a local product that crystallised fruits and in brewing. is cheaper than the imported alternative. However, reduction in price must not be An existing Vietnamese technology for achieved at the expense of quality. It is glucose syrup production was adapted and vitally important for anyone wishing to modified to enable the production of glucose market cassava-based products to industry syrup from high quality cassava flour (HQCF) to keep these criteria in mind at all times. and rice malts, to provide a local supply Many industries are willing to be tolerant source for glucose syrup to substitute for of manufacturer’s difficulties, as long as imported products. The technology seeks they are kept fully informed, but are not to provide an easy-to-follow step-by-step happy with producers who are found to process for the production of high maltose be unreliable on quality, quantity and syrup. The description also highlights quality timeliness of delivery. control issues, machinery and equipment Figure 1. a simple flow chart outlining the steps involved in requirements and potential markets for the the production of “Glucose Syrup” product. 2. The importance of quality This is to ensure that the manufactured products meet the required quality specifications. Before production begins, it is very important to determine the customer’s requirements on quality, and for producers and users to agree a standard for quality of the product. 2.1 Reliability in maintaining quality When a quality specification has been agreed, it must be maintained at all times. The use of adulterants and short cuts to reduce costs and process times must be avoided. 2.2 Reliability of supply (quantity) Processors must never promise more than they can produce by the agreed delivery date, as the end user will be planning © FAO/TECA production on the basis of having the 4. Health and safety necessary quantities of raw materials. • The researchers, their institutions or this website cannot be held responsible 2/4 and technologies is the sole responsibility of • Graffham, A.J. and Dziedzoave, N.T. the user. 2004. Sustainable uptake of cassava 5. DFID disclaimer as an industrial commodity. DFID Crop Post Harvest Programme, Final Technical This technology is an output from the Report, project R8268. Natural Resources Renewable Natural Resources Research Institute, UK and Food Research Institute, strategy funded by the UK Department for Ghana. 112 pp. International Development (DFID), for the • Graffham, A.J., Dziedzoave, N.T., Boateng, benefit of developing countries. The views E., Ayernor, G.S., Darkwa, N., and Krampa, expressed are not necessarily those of DFID. L. 2002. Development of new market 6. Acknowledgements opportunities, to increase the contribution The technology was selected and the that cassava makes to sustainable rural record was compiled from the original livelihoods. DFID Crop Post Harvest project documentation by Natural Programme, Project Evaluation Report, Resources International Ltd, with funding project R7418. Natural Resources Institute, from DFID’s Central Research Department UK and Food Research Institute, Ghana. (Communications). Implementing and 49 pp. advising on this process were: Karen Wilkin 7.1 e-Resources and Tina Rowland (joint project leaders), • Ayernor, G.S., Hammond, T.K., and Andy Frost, Vino Graffham, Jody Sunley, Liz Graffham, A.J. 2002. The combination McVeigh, RNRRS programme staff, FAO’s of rice and malt and amyloglucosidase Research and Technology Development for the production of sugar syrup from Service, FAO’s LEAD programme, DFID’s cassava flour. African Journal of Science Central Research Department, Ken and Technology, Science and engineering Campbell, Graham Farrell (Plant Clinic), Series, 3:(1): 10-17. Simon Eden-Green, Peter Golob, John • FAO and IFAD. 2004. Proceedings Of Esser, Liz Betser (360º Responsibility). The Validation Forum on the Global Validation domain reviewed by the Centre Cassava Development Strategy. Volume 6. de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Global cassava market study: Business Agronomique pour le Développement opportunities for the use of cassava. (CIRAD), Simon Eden-Green and Peter Golob. International Fund For Agricultural Uploading by Random X Solutions Ltd. For Development, and Food and Agriculture more information, please contact Karen Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Wilkin, NR International Ltd or Tina Rowland, 2004. URL, including Random X Solutions Ltd. • IITA Integrated Cassava Project (ICP) 7. Further reading of the International Institute of • Dziedzoave, N.T., Graffham, A.J. and Tropical Agriculture (IITA) URL. Boateng, E.O. 2003. Training manual for • Page on: Cassava Utilization: URL the production of glucose syrup. Booklet. • Page on: High Quality Cassava Flour: Food Research Institute, Accra, Ghana. URL 12 pp. • Page on: Glucose Syrup: URL • Quynh, N.K. and Cecil, J. 1996. Sweetness from starch. A manual for making maltose 3/4 for from starch. Food and Agriculture 8. Agro-ecological zones Organization of the United Nations, Rome. • Tropics, warm ISBN 92-5-103780-9. URL. 9. Objectives fulfilled by the project • Nweke, F. 2004. New challenges in the cassava transformation in Nigeria and 9.1 Labour-saving technology (LST) Ghana. EPTD discussion paper 118, The technology is less capital intensive and Environment and Production Technology requires low levels of inputs. Division, International Food Policy 9.2 Resource use efficiency Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, The technology can be used as a good D.C., USA. URL. alternative in a range of industries such • Onabolu, A., Abass, A., and Bokanga, N. as starch, adhesives, sugar syrups and 1998. New food products from cassava. industrial alcohol. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, PMB 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria. 40 pp. ISBN 978-131-141-X. URL • Contact details for DFID research project teams TECA TECHNOLOGIES and PRACTICES for SMALL AGRICULTURAL 4/4 PRODUCERS.