SILTING of RESE] ^Fieak ^ Novi of 0193Í
Issued JULY 1936 TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 524 Revised August 1939 SILTING OF RESE] ^fiEAk ^ NOVi OF 0193Í By HENRY M. EAKIN Head, Sedimentation Studies Division of Research Soil Ck>nseryation Service Revised by CARL B. BROWN Project Supervisor Reservoir Investigations Soil Ck>n8ervation Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DéCi -• -------••-•-- Price ?1.00 JULY 1936 TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 524 REVISED AUGUST 1939 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D. C. SILTING OF RESERVOIRS ' By HENEY M. EAKIN^ Head, Sedimentation Studies, Division of Research, Soil Conservation Service Revised by CABL B. BROWN Project Supervisor, Reservoir Investigations CONTENTS Page Page Introduction 2 Reservoir surveys—Continued. The project.- _ — 2 Upper Crystal Springs Reservoir 114 Economic aspects of the problem . 3 Upper San Leandro Reservón: 116 Physical aspects of the problem 4 Original capacity survey of Lake Mead... 117 Processes of reeervoir silting 6 General summary of results of the 1934-38 Previous investigations— 8 surveys 119 Basin reservoirs -.- 9 Reservoir reconnaissance investigations, 1934- Basin reservoirs resurveyed in 1935-36- 37 126 White Rock Reservoir Sediment measurements in other south- Elephant Butte Reservoir eastern reservoirs 126 Roosevelt Reservoir Emporia Reservoir, Emporia, Va 125 Lake Michie__ Wateree Reservoir, near Cam den, S. C. 127 Gibraltar Reservoir ._ Lake Murray, Saluda River, above Basin reservoirs with earlier records Columbia, S. C 128 only Appalachie Reservoir, Greer, S. C 128 Lake Worth Stevens Creek Reservoir, Augusta, Ga_ 130 Lake McMillan Warwick Reservoir, near Cordele, Ga_ 131 Zuni Reservoir Flint River and Muckafoone Reser- Sweet water Reservoir _ voirs, Albany, Ga 135 Lake Chabot Lake Martin, Dadeville, Ala 136 Guernsey Reservoir Completely filled Piedmont reservoirs 139 Cheoah Reservoir._.
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