FTER listening to the sweet music of solid hic kory cracking against horsehid e fo r A six w eeks during in itia l turno uts, Coach Buck Bailey had cut his ball squad, rich in prospect, to 25 me n and was gunning for his fourth st raight Northern Divisio n title . At month's end, it looked a s th ough thi s yea r's edit ion of the Cougars ha d it, even after Conference Schedule going down tw ice be fore a t ight-p itching Whit· April l2-0regon State C orvallis man team at Wallo Wallo. April13-0regon State . __ .__ . Corvallis Th e oute r garden s were well manned, with April l 4-0regon .. .. Eugene Ted Tappe, Fron k Watson, Bob McGuire, Walt Se ilor, Gord ie Brun swick, and Buddy We iss on A p ril l 5 - 0re g on . Euge ne ceck. April l7-Washington _.. .. Seattl e Th e infie ld looked st rong, with Gene Camp, April l 8- W a shi ng to n .... Seatt le Terry Carroll, Scott Foxley, Eddie Coleman, April2l ":""Mo ntana . PUllMAN Harvey Jacobs, Don Paul and Lorr y Am es doing yeoma n duty . . April 2 2- Montana __ PULLMA N • Blick Bailey appears to be A pril 25- ld aho . __ . __ ..... Moscow Plen ty of ca tc her s t rav eled on th e f irst rood • Play ball! Bucker Bailey rendering a virile me ssage a tr ip: Bud Boytz , Cla yton Carr, and Hen ry Jor­ MAY l -Oregon State PULLMAN la Billy SlInday in the above issen. May 2-0regon State . __ ._... PULLMAN calls for action as the diamo nd pic: actttally he is telling Kne e deep in s, th e Bucke r se lec ted May 5-0rego n . .. PULLMAN season gets under way. Blessed Pullmanites one of his sonp ed­ th e following for h is squa d: Jock Bigelow; Je rry May 6-0regon .. PULLMAN with plenty of talent this up stories at th e 60th unniuer­ Compton, Lee Dolqui st, Gen e Conl ey, Russ Fost­ e r, Sonn y Gall owa y, Dutch Jori ssen, Rod Keogh May 9- ldaho __ ...... PULLMAN sprin g, the benevolent be­ fary din ner held March 28th and George Smith. Of th e pitching stoff, th e May l 2-Washington ... __ .....__ . PULLMAN hemoth has a sharp eye cocked at Pullman. In baseball re­ on ly veteran hurle r bock is Russ Foster of May l3-;-Washington __ .. PULLMAN on another N orthern Division galia, this is th e stance Bailey Pa louse. However, lan ky Gene Conley and May l 5-NICE (Nig ht G a me ) Lewiston title, not to mention a play. Sonny Ga llowa y ha ve show n some stuff that maintains in telling off var­ Ma y l6-Mose s La ke Air Ba se __ PULLMA N bode s no good for oppos itio n. Rod Keogh , of off for coast honors with some ious sightless gentlemen com ­ Kent, ha s a lso fla she d b right in ea rly p ra ctice May 19-1d a ho _. __ . __ ...... PULLMAN snper charged Southern Cal. monly known as umpires. games. May 20-ldaho .. Moscow outfit. CUTTING up the

CLASSES 1923-25 MR. AND MRS. O. H. WELLER d ress is Alamo Ap artment s, Bel ling­ where th e fa mi ly home is a t 7480 A park eng ineer in Seattle, W . C. (JOSEPHINE ) are parents of ham, Washi ngton . South 1 16th St reet. HA LL '23 lists h is present a ddr ess a s three daughter s. The ir oldest girl, Listed among unusual occupa tio ns, An Army wife, MAR Y DEVOE 3923 40th S. W . Th er e a re two ch il­ GLENMAR WELLER HETLER grad­ CLASSES BOB EDHOLM is Ch ief Enginee ring CAVITT spend s much of her t ime d ren in the Hal l fa mily-Dorothy uated from WSC in 1948 . Mr . Weller Test Pilot for the McDonnell Aircraft travel ing with her Air Force husba nd Jeanne, a W SC g rad of 19 46, and is a d rugg ist in Ca shme re, Wash ing ­ Corp oration . Bob rece ived on M.S. and young son, Rona ld. The Cavitt s ton . list 12 Glen Oa k, Medford, Oregon He rbert Bruc e. A supe rvisor of vocational educa­ degree f rom M.I.T. in 1945 wh ile st ill wit h t he U.S. A rmy. Althoug h as th e ir pe rmanent a ddress. Th ree children of the CAR L G. CLASSES 1927-3 3 t ion for the Na va l su pply dep ot in IZETT fa mily ha ve attended WSC, Soa kane, DON LOGAN is living a t Bob a nd his wife, Mary, ma intain a G~ NE BRONSON is wor kin g for th e ir father 's alma mater. Ca rl is a DOROTH Y WILHELMI AT KINS '2 7 7803 Marietta in Spokane. permanent home in St. Loui s, they the Mutua l Life Insu ra nce Company fe de ra l employee for th e U.S. Deport­ has sett led in Tacoma now that her Lincoln , Nebraska is now hom e­ are presently living in Los Angele s. of New York in th e Spokane off ice. ment of Agriculture, and is living at Na vy hu sband ha s ret ired . Dorothy city for th e George Smiths--Georg e, E. LESTER DOW NI NG is owner of He te lls us that he, h is wife, Mary, 3632 N.E. Stanton , Portland, Oregon . and Ja mes, formerl y a Rear Admiral , Ma don na a nd two youngste rs. George th e Clin ic Pharmacy in Pr ineville, an d two daughters are living at 1416 Th e GEORGE R. SCHREINE RS are are living a t 3214 North 27 th . Thei r is tr ea sure r of th e Stuart Invest ment Ore gon . The Down ing s (Mr., M rs. -West 7th, Spokane, Wash ington. living in Portland, whe re Georg e is da ughte r, a graduate of Stephen s Col ­ (Ame lia -WSCl, and young Kathleen) Company in Lincol n, whe re h is off ice WILLIAM C. KLEIN is Assistant employed a s a d raftsma n. Richard, 12 , lege, plan s to ente r WSC in Septern ­ a ddr ess is 625 Stuart Build ing . live at 235 We st Th ird. is th e " ba by" in the family home at ber . Attorney General in Olympia where Anothe r W SC famil y is that of the family reside s at Route 6, Cooper's 11 l IN. E. Going. A director of th e Experimental CLASSES 1936-37 ROBERT CHISHOLM, vice pr inc ipa l FRED E. ENGLISH is st ill a ba che lor Radio Forum in Seattle, DOROTHY . Their only ch ild, Christopher, COL. D. E. W ILSON ' 36 wa s re- of th e Columbia High School in Rich­ Mi ller , is na me d after Me rwin M ill- • living at Sou th 4 22 Walnut St. , Spo­ M. FROST g ives her present address cently appoint ed Assistant command- I la nd , Wash ington. Ma ry McDonald kane 9, Washington. He is employed as 4618 22nd Avenue N. E. er, Northern Division tennis champ ant of th e Air Tactical School in Pa n- Chi sholm who received her master's in 194 1 an d 1942. a s on automoti ve jobbe r. Four ch ildren rou nd out th e WAR D ama Cit y, Flor ida . The Wil sons
