Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

4.1. CHARACTER Parcel Fabric CHAPTER 4: There are over 260 properties within the Study EXISTING CONDITIONS Streets and Blocks Area, 240 of which front West. The A number of streets connect to Bloor Street West fronting properties typically range between 5 and within the Study Area, with most being residential 8m wide. Some are larger than 8m, while over neighbourhood streets. Several of the streets half of the fronting properties are 7m or less in terminate at Bloor Street West, creating an offset width--the majority of which are between Jane intersection pattern that results in unique view Street and Kennedy Avenue. These narrow lots corridors towards the main street. There is over help to define the small scale storefronts that is well 3000m of street frontage within the Study Area. characterize the traditional main street segment of established, continually evolving, Block widths and depths ranges widely with the the Study Area. Larger properties are associated and currently within a significant longest block being approximately 250m in length with commercial, institutional and park uses. The and the shortest 45m in length. majority of properties fronting Bloor Street West period of change. Future qualify as shallow properties under the Mid-Rise development should understand, Rear lanes are inconsistent for most of the Study Performance Standards: under 41m within the respond and respect the existing Area, with only one block with completed lanes 27m right-of-way; and under 44.6m within the 30m context. on the south side (between Armadale and South right-of-way. The shallowest block is 21m in depth. Kingsway) and a number on the north side with Differences between the north and south sides This chapter summarizes the some being public lanes while others are private. of the Avenue, as well as the east and west ends inventory and analysis from beyond the Village Main Street, offer very different Phase 1. For more information, opportunities and constraints for redevelopment. please refer to the Phase 1 Background Report. c: DTAH c: DTAH

Small Scale Storefronts Commercial Building

24 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

BLOOR WEST VILLAGE - Parcel Fabric Kennedy Park Rd

Old Mill Drive Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue Avenue Keele Street Beresford Avenue Avenue Beresford Runnymede Road Kennedy Avenue Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street Glendonwynne Road

Bloor Street West

Harcroft Rd. High Park

S Kingsway

Humber Durie Street River 30m Right-of-way 27m Right-of-way Lanes: Public or Private Blocks

Figure 4.1 Streets and Blocks

Kennedy Park Rd

Old Mill Drive Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue High Park Avenue Keele Street Runnymede Road Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street Glendonwynne Road

Bloor Street West

Harcroft Rd. High Park

S Kingsway

Humber Durie Street River

Wide lots (>20m) Medium (>7m-20m) Narrow lots (7m or less)

Figure 4.2 Parcel Fabric


17% 83% 91% 9% 55% 45% 83% 17%

sc 1:10000 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Building Height office or residential above. Taller office commercial Bloor West Village evolved from its early Existing buildings between Jane Street and buildings are located towards the western part of connections with travel and trade routes associated Clendenan Avenue are characterized by buildings the Study Area. Larger apartments are located with the Humber River and waterways connecting BLOOR WESTone VILLAGE to four storeys in height- Building with taller buildings Height primarily to the eastern and western edges of the with Lake Ontario. Originally a dirt concession between 5 to 14 storeys located west of Jane Street Study Area. House forms and walk-up apartment road, Bloor Street West crossed through deep and east of Clendenan. Taller apartment buildings buildings are located primarily north and south of ravines at Keele Street, and between Quebec are located in the Apartment Neighbourhood north the Study Area. Avenue and Runnymede Road. Development of of the Study Area in front of High Park. More recent the area in earnest began following the paving of development has resulted in buildings larger and Heritage the street and arrival of the streetcars in the early taller than most of the Study Area, for the most A cultural heritage resources review was conducted 1920’s. Bloor West Village falls within four former part focused west of Jane Street and east of for the Avenue Study to provide a contextual and municipalities, annexed by the City at different Glendonwynne Avenue. historical basis for the built form and character area times: Brockton (including High Park), West analysis. Following is a summary of the review, , Swansea, and the Borough of York. These Prevailing Building Types for more information please refer to the Phase historic boundaries often correspond to different Bloor West Village is characterized by a variety of 1 Background Report. At the time of writing this patterns in the fabric of today’s main street. building forms that reflect historic development report, a Heritage Conservation District Study patterns, location and uses. The Village Main Street has commenced as of December 2017 which will is primarily low-rise, continuous storefronts with provide a greater level of detail for the existing and potential heritage conditions.

Kennedy Park Rd

Old Mill Drive Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue High Park Avenue Keele Street Runnymede Road Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street Glendonwynne Road

Bloor Street West

Harcroft Rd. High Park

S Kingsway Humber Durie Street River +8 storeys 5-8 storeys 1-4 storeys

Figure 4.3 Existing Building Heights


sc 1:10000 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Main Street Mixed Use Buildings Heritage Landmarks Mid-Rise Residential Apartments

Townhouses Mixed Use Commercial Office Buildings House Forms Range of Building Types within Study Area (c: all images, DTAH)

27 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

By 1947 the vast majority of the Study Area had physical structure that prohibits greater retail been built up. Keele subway station was completed density (and success) is the restricted depth of in 1966, and two years later, High Park, Runnymede stores along Bloor Street West. and Jane stations were completed as part of the subway’s extension to Islington. The Study Area There is no strong cluster of specialty/destinations has continued to evolve in the wake of the subway (i.e. single-commodity) shops that would be a extension, with numerous notable low and mid-rise strong draw for the entire Village. This does not infill developments. detract from the Village, but it does mean that local residents have to travel outside of the Village for At present time, only two properties have heritage “shopping goods.” There is no “superstar” retailer status in the Study Area: Runnymede Public or restaurant to act as a destination attraction Library, which is a Listed Heritage property located or catalyst for spin-off growth. Rents (compared at 2178 Bloor Street West and Runnymede Theatre to other parts of the City) are reasonable and (Shoppers Drug Mart), which is a designated vacancies are low. c: DTAH heritage building under Part IV of the Ontario Traditional Main Street Retail Heritage Act and located at 2223 Bloor Street The 2016 Toronto Employment Survey identifies West. The Heritage Conservation District Study 431 businesses within the Study Area. Retail, will identify if any further properties are worthy of service and office account for 74% of the inclusion on the City of Toronto’s Heritage Register. businesses. There are over 3300 employees within the Study Area. The main street segment includes Retail Bloor Street West functions well in segments as Other a traditional main street. It has the advantages Institutional 2% of being on a high traffic arterial street, serving 3% upper-middle and upper-income neighbourhoods, having TTC subway stations and bus route service, Retail 24% and a combination of on-street, reserved, and city Business Types parking. Bloor West Village Study Area There is a Village feel to most of the blocks. Office 42% However, the entire corridor is too long to function Service c: DTAH as a single-trip/easy-stroll village, especially with 28% New Retail as part of Redevelopment the only (mid-sized, discount) supermarket at the eastern end. The “Village experience” effectively ends at Clendenan Avenue to the east and at Source: Toronto Employment Survey, 2016 Riverview Street to the west. One aspect of the

28 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

a range of retail stores such as specialty clothing, book stores, restaurants and cafes. Professional service and office providers include dentists, doctors, legal and finance.

Streetscape Bloor Street West within the Study Area has two different existing public right-of-way widths: east of Jane Street to Keele Street is 26.0m, west of Jane Street to the Humber River is 30.0m. The City of Toronto Official Plan designates the segment from Keele Street to Armadale Avenue as a 27m public right-of-way and from Armadale Avenue to the Humber River as a 30m public right-of-way. <1.2m 2.1min 1-2m Varies Streetscape character varies along the length of the Study Area and offers different pedestrian experiences along the corridor and on opposite c: DTAH sides of street.

Furnishing and Pedestrian Clearway Zone Frontage and Setback In general, the boulevards are broad and with Planting Zone Marketing Zone modest streetscape quality, typically between Representative Sidewalk Zones in the Village Main Street 4.5m to 7m in width as measured from the curb to property line or building face, and include street trees and street furnishings. Sidewalks are continuous throughout the Study Area and generally have a minimum pedestrian clearway width of 2.1m. There is a 1.2 -1.7m marketing and frontage zone, although this is not demarcated in any particular way. The continuity of small scaled storefronts and associated canopies within the village commercial area frame and animate the streetscape. There are a number of boulevard cafes and outdoor marketing stalls which bring activity to the streetscape within the Study Area. The license status of these activities was not confirmed through the Study. c: DTAH c: DTAH North Side of Bloor Street West between Sidewalk within the Main Street Village area Old Mill Drive and Riverview Gardens

29 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Views and Vistas A B C The offset street grid, unique topography and curvature of Bloor Street West contributes to a BLOOR WESTnumber VILLAGE of views and vistas- Views that further contribute to the identity of the village, making it quite unique in the city. The topography of the Humber Valley provides view corridors from both sides of the Bloor Street West Bridge (looking north and south). Existing heritage properties (Runnymede Library and Theatre) are prominent buildings and key landmarks along the street. The curve of Bloor c: DTAH c: DTAH c: DTAH Street West by Jane Street provides a unique view of the Humber Cinema Site. Views of Lake Ontario Significant grade differences promote Vistas of Natural Heritage Areas Views of Heritage landmarks vistas along Bloor Street West in the vicinity are offered south of Glendonwynne Road through of High Park the No Frills parking lot. There are also great vistas of High Park from many different parts of the Study Area, and from into the Apartment Neighbourhood.

* Kennedy Park Rd

Old Mill Drive Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue High Park Avenue Keele Street Runnymede Road Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street BGlendonwynne Road

Bloor Street West * Bloor Street West * * * * * C * * A * * * * * * Harcroft Rd. * * * High Park * Humber S Kingsway Durie Street * River * View or vista direction * Open park view * View terminus

Figure 4.4 Views and Vistas


sc 1:10000 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Character Areas with a variety of housing forms, including low-rise Village Main Street Based on an understanding of the existing and apartment buildings and multi-family units designed The Village Main Street extends from Jane Street emerging context, the Study Team identified five to look like single family homes. The Official Plan to Glendonwyne Road, and is closely associated BLOOR WESTcharacter VILLAGE areas specifically - BASE for the Bloor West identifies these lands as Neighbourhoods. As with the current Bloor West Village Business Village Avenue Study. These character areas the Study progressed, it was determined that Improvement Area boundary. Properties on the are informed by the history and evolution of recommendations or changes to maximum building north side of Bloor Street West are predominately the Study Area, existing conditions, prominent height or land use were neither anticipated nor narrow frontages, shallow lots, and have buildings uses/activity, prevailing built form, and public appropriate for this character area. of a similar era of construction between 2 to realm condition. These character areas will 3 storeys in height. This condition results in a help to structure discussion and future Avenue West Village relatively consistent street wall and pedestrian Study recommendations. The ongoing Heritage The West Village extends from Riverside Drive supportive scale. Properties on the south side of Conservation District Study may identify different to Jane Street. The properties vary between the Bloor Street West generally have wider frontages character areas for the purpose of addressing different sides of Bloor Street West. North side but are also shallow in depth similar to the specific heritage matters and recommendations. properties are generally wider, deeper, and with properties on the north side of the street. Buildings larger buildings. Southside properties are more are predominately between 2-3 storeys in height Humber Gateway similar to the traditional main street in lot depth, but and vary more greatly in their era of construction. The Humber Gateway is at the western extent of vary in width. Recent development has led to taller There are two properties with heritage status the Study Area from the Humber River to Riverside buildings than the original context and existing in this character area—Runnymede Library and Drive. All properties have residential land uses zoning. Runnymede Theatre.

Humber Gateway West Village East High Park Remove from Avenues Overlay Village Main Street Village Frontage

Kennedy Park Rd

R iv e r v

ie Pacific Avenue Oakmount Road Mountview Avenue Old Mill Drive

w Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue High Park Avenue Keele Street Runnymede Road Kennedy Avenue Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street Glendonwynne Road

G Avenue Beresford a rd e n s Bloor Street West


e Harcroft Rd. u

u n

n e

e v High Park

v A

A s

i y l

d l d

R S Kingsway E e

Durie Street

Humber n R m iv o n s e e s River rs K d o e Avenue Beresford D M r iv e

Figure 4.5 Character Areas


sc 1:10000 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

East Village 4.2. PARKS, OPEN SPACES AND side is an area of high local parkland per capita. The East Village is to the east of the Village Main NATURAL HERITAGE The north side is in the second-to-lowest category Street character area, from Glendonwyne Road to is terms of existing local parkland per capita. The Clendenan Avenue. This character area includes a A more detailed description of Natural Heritage strategy for the Study Area will be to identify key mix of residential and commercial uses and a range related to High Park is found in the Natural Heritage locations for the creation of new parks where lot of building types and scales. This segment has Summary Chapter and Appendix. size provides this opportunity. While cash-in-lieu experienced change over the past several decades, is a typical form of parkland dedication for smaller with several larger buildings and two recent Bloor Street West links two of the City’s largest, sites, such as those widely found on the City’s projects either under construction or having been most prominent and environmentally significant Avenues, a key policy direction will be to request approved. A few larger potential redevelopment green spaces - Humber River Valley and High the conveyance of on- or off-site land dedication sites are existing within this segment. Park. These celebrated natural heritage areas for the creation of new parks and open spaces connect the neighbourhoods to communities and within the Study Area and adjacent areas, where High Park Frontage ecosystems well beyond the Study Area. appropriate. The High Park Frontage character area is located at the eastern extent of the Study Area, from High Park and the Humber River Valley both The Parkland Strategy, currently underway, is a Clendenan Avenue to Keele Street/Parkside contain Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA). All 20-year plan that will guide long-term planning for Drive. The entire southern side of this character development on lands adjacent to Natural Heritage new parks, park expansions, and improved access area consists only of the Bloor Street streetscape features are required to demonstrate there are no to existing parks. It will provide a comprehensive abutting High Park (which is not in the Study Area), negative impacts on the natural features or their analysis of the availability and function of parkland, with the north side of Bloor Street West containing ecological functions. Areas within High Park have and provide new approaches and tools to support an Apartment Neighbourhood. Land use on the special status as a provincially designated Life decision making and prioritization of parkland north side is predominately residential with house Science Areas of Natural Scientific Interest (ANSI). acquisition and investment across Toronto. The and low-rise apartment building forms. Recent Redevelopment within 120m of a Life Science ANSI Strategy proposes an updated methodology to consolidation and redevelopment has taken place may require a Natural Heritage Impact Study. measure and assess parkland provision, using on a few sites, with larger scale and more intense the baseline of residential population against the building forms compared to the prevailing context. Areas within residential neighbourhoods hectares of parkland available across the City. The majority of properties have buildings set back adjacent to the Humber River Valley or High Park from the right-of-way to provide a planted front are designated as Natural Heritage and have The Parkland Strategy methodology has yard condition. protection. All proposed development in or near the determined an average City-wide parkland natural heritage system will be evaluated to assess provision rate of 28 m2 per person, based on the development’s impacts on the natural heritage 2016 Statistics Canada Census data. Parkland system and identify measures to mitigate negative provision rates range in the Study Area - in the impact on and/or improve the natural heritage eastern and western ends, parkland provision system. meets and exceeds the current City-wide average, while the central portion of the Study Area contains Bloor Street is the dividing line between two areas below-average provision (mainly between 4-12 m2 of differing levels of parkland provision. The south

32 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

of parkland per person). This parkland shortfall designated as a Natural Heritage Area, under Water in High Park requires the identification of opportunities to secure Ravines and Natural Heritage Protection, and A major factor in the ecological health of High Park new parks and to expand and improve existing recognized as a Canadian Heritage River. The is the quality and quantity of water, both above and BLOOR WESTparks. VILLAGE - Open Spaces Humber contains Environmentally Significant Areas below ground. Given the largely urban context, (ESA), provides significant views, as identified in water sources are largely influenced by storm water Bloor West Village has a range of different the Official Plan, from both sides of the Bloor Street collected in the adjacent neighbourhoods and types of minor open spaces, although none are West Bridge (looking north and south) and is a key groundwater beyond the immediate park and Study considered a principal central gathering area for the landmark in the City. Area boundaries. Through the engagement process community. There is a small plaza on the northwest for the Avenue Study, concerns were raised about corner of Bloor Street West and Jane Street. There High Park is one of Toronto’s largest public parks the potential impact of underground development are currently six public parks/parkettes immediately and borders 1/3 of the southern boundary of the adjacent to the Avenue Study Area associated with Study Area (although it is not in the Study Area). Parks/Open Spaces the subway line. Within the broader Community It is a city-wide park destination, designated as a Natural Heritage System Services and Facilities Study Area there are Natural Heritage Area and is under Ravines and Ravine and Natural System 38 parks ranging from small parkettes to the Natural Heritage Protection. High Park contains Protection Bylaw 142-hectare, citywide destination High Park. several Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA) Environmentally Significant Area and a Life Science Area of Natural and Scientific The Humber River Valley serves as the western Interest (ANSI) with special protection to preserve Redevelopment within 120m of Life Science (ANSI) boundary for the Study Area. The Humber is its environmentally significant qualities. may require a Natural Heritage Impact Study

Kennedy Park Rd

Old Mill Drive Clendenan Avenue Quebec Avenue High Park Avenue Keele Street Runnymede Road Jane Street Armadale Avenue Avenue Willard Avenue Windermere Durie Street Glendonwynne Road

Bloor Street West

Harcroft Rd. High Park

S Kingsway Humber Durie Street River

Figure 4.6 Parks and Natrual Heritage


sc 1:10000 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Area


152 105 101 100

H Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions um ber 150 102.01 Riv er 104 103

1 1

0 0 99

2 2

. .

0 0

2 3 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Area and dewatering of the water table and features, Spring Creek are significantly less than the artesian the cumulative impacts of intensification on water based groundwater flow from the buried Laurentian courses in High Park, and the need to protect and Channel aquifer (driven by groundwater regimes 50.01 51 enhance water courses and Grenadier Pond. from Georgian Bay and the Oak Ridges Moraine) 151 152 50.02 105 101 Following is a brief description of the existing The key water sources include groundwater and 100 conditions for both surface water and groundwater surface water. Groundwater sources include H um ber 150 102.01 Riv er 104 103 49

1 related to High Park. A more detailed description of shallow groundwater flow regime and perched 1

0 0 99

2 2

. .

0 0

2 the groundwater is included in the Hydrogeological aquifers and deep aquifers (i.e., buried Laurentian 3 3 Desktop Investigation Report in the Appendix. Channel). Surface water sources include stormwater runoff from upstream catchment areas 50.01 51 There are two primary watercourses that serve that flow overland and are captured, conveyed and 50.02 High Park: Wendigo Creek and Spring Creek. discharged through the City’s sewer infrastructure.

Wendigo Creek is the upstream portion of Over the past 20 years, the City of Toronto has 49 Grenadier Pond and is located on the western edge taken numerous actions to improve storm water 3 of High Park. Wendigo is fed largely from storm quality to and within High Park. Several stormwater sewer outfall discharges from a total catchment management projects have been completed for the area of 120 ha with 56% impervious cover. Of the Spring Creek Ponds, Wendigo Pond, Catfish Pond, Bloor West Village Avenue total catchment area, only 8% is within the Bloor and Lower Duck Pond. More recently the City has Census Tracts Bloor West Village Avenue - CS&F Study Area West Village Study Area. Of note is that 85% of the cleaned out Spring Creek Ponds, Wendigo Pond,

Grenadier Pond basin has been developed since and Lower Duck Pond. Further, the City has now FigureBloor W 4.7est Villa Communityge Avenue Services and Facilities Study Area December 2016 1940. Increased imperviousness over time due implemented mandatory downspout disconnection Census Tracts Bloor West Village Avenue - CS&F Study Area to urbanization has likely decreased groundwater in the High Park catchments. Additional stormwater contributions to 50%, with 50% contributed from mitigation will occur as defined in the Wet Humber River to the west and the CPR/CNR rail line December 2016 surface water (i.e., stormwater runoff). Weather Flow Management Guidelines for the and Roncesvalles Avenue to the east. Following is Bloor West Village Study Area and surrounding an excerpt highlighting the demographics analysis Spring Creek is located on the eastern edge of neighbourhoods. from the Community Services and Facilities chapter High Park. This creek is also fed by storm sewer and Phase 1 Background Report. outfall discharges as well as SCSO sewers from a 4.3. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE much larger total catchment area of approximately This demographic profile was prepared using 2016 305 ha with approximately 68% impervious cover. A Community Services and Facilities (CS&F) Study Census and National Household Survey data for Of the total catchment area, only 1.6% is within the Area has been identified beyond the Avenue Study the Study Area, and 2011 data where the 2015 Bloor West Village Study Area. Quite different from Area to encompass the broader neighbourhood. Census had not yet been released at the time of Wendigo Creek, surface water contributions to The CS&F Study Area is bounded by the CPR rail writing. line to the north, Lake Ontario to the south, the

34 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

The 2016 Census data identified 75,484 residents 4.4. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES Projected enrolment suggests continued growth living in the CS&F Study Area. The area has over both the short and long-term, which will experienced a slightly higher rate of population The Avenue Study includes an analysis of what increase accommodation pressure at area schools. growth over the last 10 years, 5.7% compared community services will be needed to meet future to Toronto as a whole at 4.5%. In the last census local needs within the broader CS&F Study Area Four Toronto Catholic District School Board period, the greatest percentage increase in as defined in the previous section. A more detailed (TCDSB) elementary schools are located within the population was for seniors and children. The description of the existing conditions is included in CS&F Study Area: St. Pius X, St. Cecilia, James average household size is 2.2 people and there the Phase 1 CS&F Background Report. Culnan and St. James. TCDSB secondary students are higher proportions of 1 person households are served by schools outside the Study Area: compared to the rest of the city. Many seniors live Schools Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton, Bishop Allen, alone in this CS&F Study Area. Within the CS&F Study Area, there are 13 Toronto and Archbishop Romero. In April 2017, TCDSB staff District School Board (TDSB) elementary schools commented that current capacities and enrollments The majority of dwellings in the CS&F Study Area and 4 TDSB secondary schools. TDSB have are considered manageable. Although some are in apartment buildings, with most growth in the described a situation of increasing pressure on schools are above 100% capacity, others have housing stock occurring in apartment buildings area schools, due in part to increased residential space currently available to accommodate students greater than 5 storeys. In contrast with the City development. According to the TDSB, enrollment at both the elementary and secondary level. of Toronto as a whole, considerably more of the has generally increased at area schools in housing in the CS&F Study Area was built before the past five years. The board completed an Libraries 1960s and a greater proportion of dwellings are in accommodation study in 2012 that saw program, There are five libraries located within the CS&F low-rise apartment buildings. attendance, boundary and grade changes to Study Area, all of which are owned by the City schools in this area to relieve enrolment pressure. of Toronto. In addition to typical book borrowing The CS&F Study Area is quite stable with a large Even so, TDSB staff note that projected enrolment services, each of these libraries contains internet proportion of non-movers. A lower proportion of suggests continued growth over both the short and Microsoft Office workstations, WIFI, and residents are immigrants compared to the city and long-term, which will increase pressure at area computer screen magnification software for average and a greater proportion of those who schools. people with impaired vision. Each library also are immigrants arrived before 1971. The immigrant contains a community meeting room within the population are mostly from the U.K., Poland, The TDSB expressed several concerns regarding library itself, with the exception of the Swansea Ukraine, Europe and the U.S. school capacity and related funding, site constraint Memorial Branch, which is adjacent to the and long-term planning issues in the CS&F Study The residents in the CS&F Study Area are Area. Elementary schools are generally fully highly educated. Labour force participation and occupied and situated on small and sometimes household incomes are above the city average. constrained school sites. Constrained school sites do not have the ability to accommodate portables and/or future expansions, meaning that alternative solutions are required. Enrolment has generally increased at area schools over the past five years.

35 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Swansea Community Centre where meeting rooms portion is the area of greatest need, followed by Feedback from PFR has indicated that current are available. The various libraries in the CS&F the neighbourhoods along Dundas Street West in facilities are not large enough to accommodate Study Area offer a variety of services, ranging , also along the northern portion of current community demand and physical expansion from computer training, reading support, books the CS&F Study Area. These areas are considered is not possible due to lack of publicly available clubs, after school clubs, writer’s groups, income priorities as they do not contain enough licensed land. The Parks and Recreation Facilities Master tax clinics, education programs, teen drop-in spaces to meet the number of fee subsidies Plan (FMP) has no new community recreation programs, and more. While each library contains available to families living in these communities. centre planned or approved in the broader Study some mix of these programs, no library offers them Area. Included in the PFR Master Plan is park all. Human Services/Community Agencies improvements for Ravina garden. Consideration 30 community agencies offering human, is underway for improvements to the wading pool, A number of service gaps exist throughout the local employment, and other services in the CS&F Study playground additions, landscaping and providing system. There is also pressure to provide further Area. Services provided include immigration and barrier free access. Consideration is being opportunities to online information, and upgrade settlement support for new Canadians, mental developed for conversion of under-utilized sites services to accommodate current and emerging health, youth and seniors, food and clothing, such as the Humber lawn bowling for another park technologies, social connections, and provide child development, legal services, employment facility use. Ward 13 was also identified as needing support for lifelong and self-directed learning. services, and public health. Many of them have a new outdoor basketball and multi-sports court. difficulty meeting the current high demand for Child Care services. Many also have funding and staffing 4.5. TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE There are 41 child care providers operating in pressures, with the high cost of rent a concern for the Bloor West Village CS&F Study Area offering many. Several need improved access to space and Bloor Street West is an important east/west a combined 2,969 licensed child care spaces. equipment, and increased programming space. transportation corridor for commuter travel, trips 24 child care centres are non-profit (“NP”) and Overall, the lack of programming in the area makes to the retail area of the Village, High Park and 15 are commercially-operated (“C”). Of the non- it difficult for organizations to open new locations, other destinations. The Study Area is well served profit providers, 18 offer a fee subsidy through the additional services, or satisfy the current demand, by public transit with five subway stations and City of Toronto. There are no child care providers with many providers having waiting lists. connecting bus lines. The lack of nearby parallel within the boundaries of the Bloor West Village streets tends to focus auto travel on Bloor Street Avenue Study area itself, however, there are three Parks and Community Recreation Facilities West, but large numbers of people also move by immediately adjacent to the Avenue Study area. The CS&F Study Area contains 200 hectares of subway, bus and on foot. parkland, 3 community facilities, 3 indoor pools, 2 Overall, the area is considered well served relative outdoor pools and 1 indoor arena. Parks Forestry Following is a discussion of the existing conditions to other parts of the City of Toronto. Some parts and Recreation (PFR) also provided a number of for the various components of the transportation of the CS&F Study Area are considered in greater registered and instructional courses at nearby network. See the Phase 1 Transportation Report need than others. In particular, the northeast schools, and multiple neighbourhood parks. The Appendix for a more detailed inventory and analysis most heavily utilized are swimming programs and of existing transportation infrastructure. camps.

36 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Modal Split Toronto Bike Share has been expanding outside of • Bus movements are impeded at Runnymede due The Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) the downtown and there are now three bike share to high pedestrian traffic; indicates a fairly even split between trips made stations in and adjacent the Bloor West Village by automobile and transit (44% to 39%. The Study Area: • There is a lack of signage on Bloor Street West modal split for the AM Peak Hour, according to directing passengers to the subway. TTC signs are the most recent TTS, includes 11% using active • Southwest corner of Bloor Street West and Keele in place at but not at other stations transportation (cycling and walking) and 6% as an Street / Parkside Drive (Runnymede is planned for signage); and auto passenger. • Southeast corner of Bloor Street West and High Park Avenue / Colborne Lodge Drive • New bus services are planned but are Pedestrians • High Park Avenue north of Bloor Street West constrained by space limitations and bus turning There is a comprehensive sidewalk network requirements. throughout the Study Area. Pedestrian activity in Transit the commercial section of the street is significant, The presence of the four subway stations in the This suggests that to improve the transit share in and recent counts show that pedestrian traffic is Study Area (each of which is served by one or more the broader area, growth in walking and cycling growing. Pedestrian activity is especially notable bus services) supports the fairly high transit mode trips to and from the stations could be effective. near the subway stations. There are limited share. Specific findings are as follows: pedestrian amenities such as benches. Sidewalks Vehicle Traffic are continuous but the clearway is generally of • Subway platforms and trains showed a heavy Vehicular traffic operations are generally minimum width (2.1m), which in some locations eastbound flow in the weekday a.m. peak period acceptable in the Study Area. Traffic exhibits tidal is a constraint given the number of pedestrians. and heavy westbound flow in the p.m. peak commuter flows – eastbound during the weekday The total sidewalk dimensions are narrow on period. No issues with capacity were observed on morning and westbound during the evening. Vehicle Jane Street and Runnymede Road (2.9 to 3.2m) weekends; traffic constraints points are: leading to the subway stations and pedestrians are constrained in these locations. • The stations range in daily ridership travelling • Jane / Kingsway segment, due to demand to and from each station platform on an average combined with proximity of the two intersections; Cyclists weekday between 19,820 customers (Jane station) • Runnymede – queuing occurs due to high Cycling infrastructure does not exist along the to 10,390 customers (). pedestrian and bus volumes; and immediate Bloor Street West corridor. There are • Keele – queuing on northbound and westbound no dedicated east/west facilities, and thus cyclists • Numerous subway riders arrive and depart by left-turn lanes. must ride in mixed traffic, between the parked bus. Many of the buses exhibit high demand levels cars and moving traffic. There are bike lanes on during weekday peak periods; Delivery Vehicles Runnymede Road and sharrows on High Park Deliveries are facilitated on the north side by rear Avenue / Grenadier Road. Cycling demand has • Pedestrian movements at peak times strain laneways behind businesses on Bloor Street West. been growing in the broader area, despite the lack capacity of the narrow bus platforms at Jane and On the south side, deliveries take place from side of infrastructure. There are numerous post and ring Runnymede stations; streets and curbside from Bloor Street West. bike racks along Bloor Street West, and the subway stations have bike racks and bike repair stations.

37 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Parking significant incidents occurred in the Study Area in With the high turnover rate seen in the parking data, Bloor West Village has a number of Toronto Parking 2017 with one fatality and serious injury. While the there may be a high degree of concern for safety Authority (TPA) Green P Lots on the north side collision rates are high relative to the City average, among the cycling community relating to “dooring” of the Study Area, associated with the subway the data does not indicate a distinct problem. by drivers parking on-street. corridor. No public parking lots currently exist on the south side of the Study Area other than the Summary of Issues and Opportunities TPA parking utilization data for their off-street No Frills site at Glendonwynne Avenue and Bloor Travel in the Bloor West Village Study Area is municipal parking lots was unavailable for this Street West. reasonably well-balanced between walking, auto Study. Future parking analysis will need to factor and transit modes. Recognizing the declining auto in this data as there are indications that their may Parking in the Study Area is heavily used both on ownership in the City, the rise of car-share services be excess capacity at these lots that may offer and off-street. Specific findings are as follows: and the long-term likelihood that autonomous opportunities to adjust the on-street supply. vehicles will form at least part of the traffic stream, • Parking demand is highest on-street; off-street opportunities to move towards more active and 4.6. SERVICING INFRASTRUCTURE lots typically are under capacity; sustainable modes should be explored, in order to position Bloor West Village for the long term. See the Servicing Infrastructure Report Appendix • Parking demand is highest in the commercial for a more detailed inventory and analysis of section from Jane Street to Clendenan Avenue; There is some limited transit capacity in the peak existing sewer and water infrastructure. direction of travel at peak times on weekdays, and • Highest overall utilization was observed as 80% a large unused capacity in the off-peak direction The existing local servicing capacity is challenged on weekdays and 66% on weekends; on both bus and subway services. The TTC is with the need to accommodate intensification. The exploring opportunities to enhance bus service to Study Area is currently serviced by a combined • On-street parking reflects high turnover behavior the area, and to increase awareness of the subway sewer system, a storm system, a sanitary system, with the majority users parking for 30 minutes through signage on Bloor Street West. plus the watermain supply network. The combined or less in the commercial district; and Car share system is far larger than the sanitary system. A services are located in the Study Area. The traffic assessment shows that there is reserve comprehensive approach to planning infrastructure capacity at many intersections. There are three improvements is required to coordinate with the Safety locations where traffic conditions are close to mix, density and timing of additional development Safety has been assessed on the basis of capacity during peak hours – South Kingsway in order to properly serve the growing demands. collision data from 2007 to 2015. The data reveal to Jane, Runnymede and Keele/Parkside. These an increasing number of collisions along Bloor locations need to be carefully considered if change The Study Area itself occupies the furthest Street West in the Study Area, though there is no is contemplated. downstream boundary for each of the local distinct pattern revealed (other than the fact that combined, sanitary and storm sewer sheds. The most collisions are minor, involving only property There is little infrastructure for cyclists, which may predominant drainage pattern is south towards damage). Collision “hot spots” are the intersections indicate why cycling activity is low. The nearest Bloor Street West then east to outfalls in High at the north/south arterials (which are also the dedicated east/west cycling facility is on Annette Park or trunk sewers on Keele Street. The Study locations of the subway stations. No fatalities Street. Cyclists on Bloor Street West must ride Area comprises of 47.6 km in total of various sewer were reported between 2007 and 2015, but two between the traffic stream and parked vehicles. networks.

38 Bloor West Village Avenue Study Chapter 4: Existing Conditions

Combined Sewer Storm Sewer • High Park SCSO outfall at Keele Street: Bounded The legacy combined sewer system provides an The storm sewer system provides an outlet for by Bloor Street West, south of Annette Street, outlet for wastewater and stormwater runoff from stormwater runoff generated during design storm and between Quebec Avenue and Mountainview the tributary areas. These areas may not have events from contributing drainage areas (i.e., Avenue, storm sewers within this catchment separated sanitary and storm sewer systems. A mostly from road rights-of-way and portions of drain to the SCSO along High Park Avenue. The single combined sewer system exists between private properties). New development is required SCSO drains south, then east along Bloor Street Jane Street, Bloor Street West, Annette Street, to follow the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management West to this outfall. The storm catchment area is and Keele Street. The system drains south towards Guidelines in order to meet water balance, quality approximately 33.6 ha. Bloor Street West, east towards Keele Street, and quantity control targets through the use of and connects to the Mid-Toronto Interceptor. Stormwater Management measures (including Additionally, a number of storm tributaries Approximately 43% of the Study Area contains a Green Infrastructure) at the site level and as well as throughout the Study Area discharge to the partially separated combined sewer network. This the road Right-of-Way. combined sewer system. partially combined system serves as a wastewater collection system with additional storm sewage The storm network within the Study Area is Watermains loads from connected roof/service drains. comprised of four drainage systems defined by A network of municipal watermains provides their respective outfalls: potable water to local households and businesses. The City of Toronto is reducing its reliance on Watermains are used for domestic purposes as well the combined sewer system. New developments • Humber River outfall: sewers along Bloor Street as fire suppression (hydrants). in combined sewer areas are required to ensure West, between Jane Street and the Humber no net increase in total flows into the system or River, drain towards the west to this outfall. This Primary transmission paths for the watermain additional risks to sewer overflows. catchment comprises approximately 8.1 ha and is system within the Study Area are located along characterized by high density development; Colbeck Street, Humberside Ave and Indian Road. Sanitary Sewer The secondary distribution path consisting of 300 Although present, the sanitary sewer system in • The Bloor Street West High Park outfall: Bounded mm watermains are along Jane Street, Runnymede the Study Area is of limited size and sporadically by Jane Street, Bloor Street West, Runnymede Road, High Park Avenue, and Bloor Street West. distributed. The sanitary sewer system provides Road and Ardagh Street, this catchment is The system in the Study Area is currently operating an outlet for wastewater flows from residential comprised predominantly of single family homes with sufficient pressure to accommodate the and industrial/commercial/institutional properties. and encompasses an area of approximately 36.1 Maximum Day Demand, both with and without fire Wastewater flows generated within the Study ha. flow included. Area are discharged into sanitary sewers and are routed via local pumping stations and trunk sewer • The Clendenan Avenue High Park outfall: Overflow System systems. Any additional wastewater flow from Bounded by Runnymede Road, Bloor Street A single SCSO pipe (storm sewer receiving intensification is expected to be safely conveyed West, Quebec Avenue, and Annette Street, this combined sewer overflows) is present within the through the existing or upgraded sanitary sewer catchment is comprised predominantly of single Study Area which drains along High Park Road, system without increasing the risk of sewer family homes and encompasses an area of Bloor Street West and ultimately outfalls into overflows or backup. approximately 82 ha. High Park.