UW STOUT BASEBALL RECORD BOOK Individual Season Records (May 2021)

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UW STOUT BASEBALL RECORD BOOK Individual Season Records (May 2021) UW STOUT BASEBALL RECORD BOOK Individual Season Records (May 2021) Most Times at Bat (Min of 130) Name No. Year Charlie Szykowny 172 2021 Todd Brunclik 166 2005 Jeff Kloes 163 1987 Jordan Wilson 162 2018 Brady Burzynski 160 2014 Kevin Weaver 160 1983 Tim Nielson 159 2005 Clark Bobert 158 1989 Jack Schneider 157 2015 Brian Giebel 156 2011 Seth Maier 156 2007 Jordan Wilson 155 2019 Santiago Morales 154 2012 Luke Schultz 153 2005 Noah Brown 152 2016 Santiago Morales 151 2013 Erik Johnson 151 2007 Brandon O’Connell 150 2011 Nick Ghelfi 150 1985 Ryan Gangestad 149 2012 Seth Maier 149 2005 Jon Schoch 148 2011 Kasey Bass 147 2021 Charlie Meyer 147 2014 Tim Schneider 147 2007 Nick Nalbach 146 2014 Tim Buswell 146 1987 JW Dachel 146 2002 Hunter Merrill 145 2021 Alex Jinkins 145 2021 Jack Hemsath 145 2018 Nick Nalbach 145 2015 Brad O'Connell 145 2000 Brian Giebel 144 2010 Duane Ruff 144 1983 Jesse Brockman 143 2010 Nick Kalina 143 2002 Seth Maier 143 2006 Mitch LaVelle 142 2013 Josh Halling 141 2016 James Foreman 141 2004 Greg Meinertz 141 2004 Greg Meinertz 141 2003 Scott Aschenbrenner 141 1985 Jordan Wilson 140 2017 Mike White 140 2007 Greg Meinertz 140 2005 Tom Armstrong 140 1983 Justin Biever 140 2003 Charlie Meyer 138 2015 Charlie Pelzer 137 2014 Jon Schoch 137 2012 Luke Schultz 137 2007 Jeff Kloes 137 1983 Matt Guida 136 2011 Brian Giebel 136 2009 Riley Boushack 135 2021 Brady Burzynski 135 2015 Ryan Freitag 135 2014 Austin Littman 134 2016 Brett Vavra 134 2014 Josh Anderson 134 2010 Troy Gustafson 134 1998 Kasey Bass 133 2019 Noah Brown 133 2017 Jake Duske 133 2012 Mike White 133 2008 Ryan Hanson 133 1999 Matt Anderson 133 1995 Ryan Gilbertson 133 2009 Erik Johnson 131 2008 Mike Niemczyk 131 1994 Tate Cummins 131 1999 Joel Thimsen 120 2021 AJ Yusten 130 2012 Luke Schultz 130 2006 Most Runs SCoreD (Min of 37) Name No. Year Charlie Szykowny 56 2021 Clark Bobert 55 1989 Brad O'Connell 53 2000 Brad O'Connell 52 2001 Andy Koehler 49 1997 JR Dachel 45 2000 Brian Giebel 43 2011 Dave Rueber 43 2001 Jay Thompson 43 1989 Tom Armstrong 43 1984 Tom Armstrong 43 1983 Jeff Kloes 42 1987 Seth Maier 41 2005 Matt Anderson 41 1995 Dave Rueber 41 2000 Brian Giebel 41 2009 Ryan Freitag 40 2014 Brian Giebel 40 2010 Luke Schultz 40 2006 J.R. Dachel 40 1997 Seth Maier 39 2007 Bob Effinger 39 1987 Tim Buswell 38 1988 Greg Osowski 38 1987 Greg Osowski 38 1985 Jordan Wilson 37 2019 Brady Burzynski 37 2014 Jake Duske 37 2012 Tim Schneider 37 2008 Tim Buswell 37 1987 Most Hits (Min of 50) Name No. Year Jeff Kloes 81 1987 Brad O'Connell 65 2001 Charlie Szykowny 64 2021 Seth Maier 63 2007 Seth Maier 61 2005 Noah Brown 58 2016 Brad O'Connell 58 2000 Brady Burzynski 57 2014 Ryan Gangestad 57 2012 Brian Giebel 56 2011 Jay Thompson 56 1989 Kasey Bass 55 2021 Mitch LaVelle 55 2013 Seth Maier 55 2006 James Foreman 55 2004 Matt Anderson 55 1995 Chris Larson 55 1989 Kevin Weaver 55 1983 Jordan Wilson 54 2019 Santiago Morales 54 2012 Greg Meinertz 54 2003 Dave Rueber 54 2001 Tim Buswell 54 1987 Joe Vavra 54 1982 Jordan Wilson 53 2018 Troy Gustafson 53 1998 Matt Guida 52 2011 Tim Nielson 52 2005 Luke Schultz 52 2005 Ryan Hanson 52 1998 Greg Meinertz 51 2004 Clark Bobert 51 1989 Karl Drezek 51 1987 Nick Ghelfi 51 1985 Joe Vavra 51 1981 Kasey Bass 50 2019 Nick Nalbach 50 2015 Justin Biever 50 2003 Most Doubles (Min of 10) Name No. Year Charlie Szykowny 22 2021 Jack Schneider 17 2014 Seth Maier 16 2005 Mike Jaje 16 1995 Jeff Kloes 16 1987 Kasey Bass 15 2019 Matt Guida 15 2011 Jay Thompson 15 1989 Santiago Morales 14 2013 Erik Johnson 14 2008 Justin Biever 14 2003 Chris Larson 14 1987 Kasey Bass 13 2021 Noah Brown 13 2016 Brady Burzynski 13 2014 Brian Giebel 13 2010 Brad O'Connell 13 2001 Matt Guida 11 2012 Jon Schoch 11 2012 Nick Ghelfi 13 1985 Jim Juza 13 1992 Ryan Hanson 13 1998 Troy Gustafson 13 1998 Luke Welch 13 1998 Jordan Wilson 12 2019 Jordan Wilson 12 2018 Noah Brown 12 2017 Jared Francois 12 2014 Jake Duske 12 2010 Seth Maier 12 2007 Seth Maier 12 2006 Greg Meinertz 12 2003 Dave Rueber 12 2001 Matt Hoeft 12 2001 Chris Larson 12 1989 Joe Vavra 12 1982 Brad O'Connell 12 2000 Joel Thimsen 11 2021 Charlie Meyer 11 2014 Charlie Pelzer 11 2014 Eric Paul 11 2008 Tim Schneider 11 2007 Luke Schultz 11 2006 Tim Schneider 11 2006 James Foreman 11 2004 Greg Meinertz 11 2004 Jake Riek 11 2004 Ryan Hanson 11 1999 Clark Bobert 11 1989 Joe Vavra 11 1981 Matt Barnard 11 1992 Brad Shepherd 11 1997 JW Dachel 11 2002 Matt Krause 11 2006 Hunter Merrill 10 2021 Jack Hemsath 10 2018 Nick Nalbach 10 2015 Brett Vavra 10 2014 Santiago Morales 10 2012 Jake Duske 10 2012 Brian Giebel 10 2011 Luke Schultz 10 2005 Seth Maier 10 2003 Ryan Hanson 10 1997 JR Dachel 10 2000 Dave Rueber 10 2000 JW Dachel 10 2000 Most Bases on Balls (Min of 25) Name No. Year Jay Thompson 39 1989 Ryan Freitag 37 2014 Bob Effinger 36 1985 Tom Armstrong 36 1983 Karl Drezek 34 1987 Dennis Graser 33 1976 Riley Boushack 30 2021 Clark Bobert 28 1989 Clark Bobert 28 1990 Chris Larson 28 1989 Kurt Heffel 28 1984 Jim Miller 27 1985 Brady Burzynski 26 2015 Jay Thompson 26 1988 Greg Osowski 26 1985 John Raflik 26 1985 Luke Schultz 25 2006 Most Triples (Min of 3) Name No. Year Santiago Morales 5 2012 Jake Duske 5 2012 Tim Holzhueter 5 1992 Santiago Morales 4 2013 Brad O'Connell 4 2001 Pete Meyer 4 1989 Dennis Graser 4 1975 Russ Flanigan 4 1972 Brandon O'Connell 4 2009 Charlie Szykowny 3 2021 Ben Vanhove 3 2018 Noah Brown 3 2015 Charlie Meyer 3 2015 Brandon O’Connell 3 2011 Brian Giebel 3 2011 Ryan Stace 3 2007 Mike White 3 2007 Greg Meinertz 3 2005 Luke Schultz 3 2005 Justin Biever 3 2003 Jake Riek 3 2003 Tate Cummins 3 1997 Matt Anderson 3 1995 Clark Bobert 3 1989 Kevin Weaver 3 1983 Bill Butler 3 1978 Bob Semon 3 1978 Joe Pederson 3 1996 Ryan Hanson 3 1998 Brad O'Connell 3 1998 Matt Hoeft 3 2000 Brad Barneson 3 2002 JW Dachel 3 2002 Most Home Runs (Min of 7) Name No. Year Brad O'Connell 15 2000 Ryan Freitag 15 2014 John Filas 13 1989 Tim Nielson 12 2005 Brad O'Connell 12 2001 Greg Osterhaus 12 1994 Hunter Merrill 11 2021 John Filas 11 1990 Kasey Bass 10 2021 Mike Jaje 10 1995 Karl Drezek 10 1987 Bob Effiinger 10 1987 Tim Holzhueter 10 1992 Jon Schoch 9 2012 Dave Rueber 9 2001 Matt Barnard 9 1992 Chris Larson 9 1989 Kurt Heffel 9 1984 Duane Ruff 9 1983 Oliver Gaston 9 1977 Noah Brown 8 2017 Erik Johnson 8 2007 Jake Riek 8 2004 JW Dachel 8 2002 Seth Maier 8 2006 Jake Duske 7 2012 Jake Duske 7 2010 Seth Maier 7 2007 Matt Krause 7 2006 Brad Shepherd 7 1997 Andy Koehler 7 1997 JR Dachel 7 2000 Dave Rueber 7 2000 Brian Giebel 7 2009 Most Runs BatteD In (Min of 30) Name No. Year John Filas 54 1989 Kasey Bass 51 2021 Tim Nielson 48 2005 Erik Johnson 47 2007 Brad O'Connell 46 2000 Ryan Freitag 45 2014 Seth Maier 45 2006 Brad Shepherd 44 1997 Greg Osterhaus 44 1994 Brad O'Connell 42 2001 Kurt Heffel 42 1984 Tom Armstrong 42 1983 Chris Larson 41 1990 Matt Barnard 41 1989 Bob Effinger 41 1987 Tim Holzhueter 41 1992 Hunter Merrill 40 2021 Mike Jaje 40 1995 Todd Hanson 39 1990 Dave Rueber 39 2000 Greg Meinertz 38 2004 Dave Rueber 38 2001 Jay Thompson 38 1989 Chris Larson 38 1988 Charlie Meyer 37 2014 Troy Gustafson 37 1998 Eddie Young 35 2000 JW Dachel 35 2002 Jake Duske 35 2010 Jordan Wilson 34 2018 Noah Brown 34 2017 Erik Johnson 34 2008 Seth Maier 34 2007 Troy Gustafson 34 1997 Santiago Morales 36 2013 Jon Schoch 36 2012 Noah Brown 33 2016 Brandon O’Connell 32 2011 Matt Guida 32 2011 Jon Schoch 32 2010 Kasey Bass 31 2019 Brian Giebel 31 2011 James Foreman 31 2004 Brandon O'Connell 31 2009 Nick Nalbach 30 2015 Santiago Morales 30 2012 Jake Duske 30 2012 Josh Anderson 30 2010 Seth Maier 30 2003 Highest Batting Average (Min of 20 gms, 20 hits, .390) Name Gms. AB Hits Avg. Year Brad O'Connell 32 124 65 .524 2001 Jeff Kloes 47 163 81 .496 1987 Joe Vavra 34 108 51 .472 1981 Tom Armstrong 36 108 49 .454 1984 Matt Barnard 35 126 57 .452 1990 Dennis Graser 27 64 28 .438 1976 Jim Juza 33 112 49 .438 1994 Todd Hanson 29 94 41 .436 1991 Keith Gernentz 37 116 50 .431 1984 Barry Michlig 26 89 38 .427 1997 Dave Rueber 32 127 54 .425 2001 Joe Vavra 38 127 54 .425 1982 Kurt Heffel 34 91 38 .418 1983 Chris Larson 36 122 51 .418 1990 Tim Nielson 32 115 48 .417 2004 Tim Holzhueter 32 106 44 .415 1992 Matt Anderson 35 133 55 .414 1995 Ryan Hanson 37 126 52 .413 1998 Greg Osterhaus 26 83 34 .410 1992 Seth Maier 39 149 61 .409 2005 Seth Maier 40 156 63 .404 2007 Brandt Buckley 23 75 30 .400 2004 Brad O'Connell 37 145 58 .400 2000 Mike Jaje 34 110 44 .400 1994 Greg Osowski 35 108 43 .398 1986 Troy Gustafson 38 134 53 .396 1998 Luke Welch 30 91 36 .396 1997 James Foreman 38 141 55 .390 2004 Slugging Average (Min of 15 gms & Min of .650) Name Gms AB Hits 2B 3B HR TB Avg.
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