M Attrljfbtf R Surnittg Lif Ralb STATE REPUBLICANS NAME HUGH

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M Attrljfbtf R Surnittg Lif Ralb STATE REPUBLICANS NAME HUGH h " a BEST BARGAINS YET OFFERED ON **DOLLAR DAY” TOMORROW I AVERAGE DAILY ClBCULA'nON for Um moatii of Angnat, 19M THE WBATHBB Forecast ot D. S. Weather Hartford 5,341 Menber of Mm Aodlt Mostly cloudy tonight and Thnra- Botom of ClroatoUoaa. MattrljfBtf r Surnittg lif ralb day; possibly oixiasloiial showers; little change In temperature. VOL. LHI.. NO. 292. (Otoaoiffed Advertising on Page lA ) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1934. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Chosen By Acclamation THREE MORE UNITS GREAT VALUES STATE REPUBLICANS OFFERED HERE OF STATE MILITIA ONDaURDAY MOVE TO PUTNAM NAME HUGH ALCORN Fine Opportunity Tomorrow Additional Companies Will STRIKE LEADER to Take Advantage of FOR GOVERNORSHIP Make Five on ^ en e of Super-Bargain Prices — TO INVESTIGATE Rioting; Skikers Are Re- Senator Walcott Renommat- Read The Herald Advs. State G. O. P. Platform ported as Being Arm'd. PRIMMHERE ed as Are Six Other Incum- Dollar Day la here! Foot Guard Halh'iHartford, Sept.. construct a new institution for the Presenting a splendid opportunl 12.— (A P )—Promises to revise the feeble-minded and take care of dls- bents for^Stl(^ Positions; BULLETIN! President Shorts of Union ty to obtain latest fall merchandise mllk and liquor planks were made veterans, uid neglected chib Putnam, Sept. 12,— (A P )— at super-bargain prices, this out- t^ ay. in the R'PUbltcan party's other planks which All Selected by Acclama- Oondltions outside the Belding Indi(^tes “ Irregularities” standing sales event will be offered state plaUorm which was drawn up received major attention Was .one plant were unchanged this aft- to Manchester tomorrow by local the resolutions commltte^after providing for the appointmen* of a ernoon but tenseness seemed merchants, sponsored by the Mer- a meeting which lasted throughout state board of mediation and arb'- tion at Most Harmomons to prevail on too atreeto, both Crept In— Refuses To chants Division of the Chamber of the night. ______ among strikers who were try- Ctommerce. A special supplement The party also pledged Itself to 1 (Continued on Page Sixteen.) ing to picket at a distance, and of tonight s Herald carries adver- Session Lasting Little Less the soldiers who were on pa- Clarify His Statement. tisements of the wealth ot attrac- trol. tive values that will be available on Than an Hour. Ooooolonaliy overhead thera Dollar Day, values that one sin.ply was an aviation section plane A hint at Irregularity at the town cannot afford to overlook. which circled about. Officers Banner Over Street WALCOn PICKED AGAIN who recognized the craft said It primary yesterday was thrown out Foot Guard Hall, Hartford. Sept. A large, attractive banner an- was apparently equipped for by President Arthur Shorts of Local nouncing the event has been 12.— (A P )—Connecticut Republicans 2125, United Textile Workers cf aervlco by carrying tear bombs. stretched acros.<s Main street at a decided today to .stand pat on the Another report without oon- ^ In t opposite the Chamber of BY STATE REPUBLICANS America, at toe mass meeting in party’s present list of office holders, flrmation was that Ann Bur- Commerce office. This banner l.» so Center Park today when he said -renominating esven Incumbents in- lak, a Communist worker, had that an "Investigation" was being designed that it will be serviceable come here from Bhode Island. conducted by toe union to determine f' years to come. Four business U. S. Senator Renominated cluding United States Senator Fred- the foundation of suspicions that enterprises In town furnlehed the Renominated eric C. Walcott and giving toe Putnam, Sept. 12.— (A P )—Com- material and labor necessary In the things were not as they should have gubernatorial nonfination to Stats pany B was reported on toe way making and placing of toe banner. been at toe primary. by Acclamation — In Ac- Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn. here and Companies 1, New Britain They were: The J W. Hale com- Declines to Comment. pany, F. T. Blish Hardware com- All of toe nominations were made Asked after the meeting If ho and A, Meriden, were being immobil- pany, the State Theater and the by acclamation after an harmonious meant that "irregularities" had crept ceptance Speech Stresses ized for active duty, National Manchester Electric company. convention was assured by toe with- into the primary, Mr. Shorts de- Guard officials revealed at noon to- Best Bargains' Yet drawal of Lieutenant Governor Roy clined to commit himself, but indi- day. The companies will serve at Realizing the need of offering' Help for the Jobless. C WUcox from toe race for the cated that the union might have an bargains to rival anything ever pre- toe Beldlng'Heminway - (lorticelli official statement on the matter to- gubernatorial nomination. plant here where approximately 700 sented heretofore, local merchants morrow. Mr. Shorts refused to Here Is toe complete ticket: strikers, sympathizers and observ- comment further. Sherwood G. have bent every effort to making Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, Sept. U. S. Senator—Frederic C. Wal- ers are massed about the factory H urH M. Alcorn this even* a red-letter day In val- 12.— (A P )—United States Senator Bowers told The Herald today he eott of Norfolk. property. knew of no Irregularities. ues. Finest, up-to late merchan- Frederic C. Walcott, close friend of Governor—Hugh M. Alcorn of This will make a total of three dise will be offered at prices that What might develop into a "lead" Herbert Hoaver, was renominatcil buffleld. companies serving hero this after- have been slashed to the limit In an on the destruction of property at by acclamation today by the Repub- Lieutenant Governor—Roy C. Wil- noon and five tonight when too other the Emanuel Lutheran church will attempt to provide customers with cox of Meriden. every Inducement to buy now. two arrive. They are only to be be turned over to Chief Samuel Gor- ROGERS, THORNTON ____ lican state convention. Attorney General Warren B. Bur- called down here, however, 4f the don today by union officials. Accord- rows of Groton. situation becomes severe enough to ing to President Shorts, a man who Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, Sept. Secretary of State—John A. Dana- warrant It. the guaru officers stat- admitted that he had Communistic ed. 12.— (AP)-^The text of U. S. Sena- her of Hartford.’ leanings was caught distrihuting WIN OVER bower s! RADIO OPERATOR tor Walcott's speech accepting re- State Treasurer—J. Wjlliam Hope Truck Is Stoned circulars last night advising toe nomlnaUo5i: ol Bridgeport. A truck, leaving the plant was union members to break away from My Friends: I am deeply grate- State Compti oiler—Anson F. Kee- stoned and atones, thrown through the local and to join the Ck>mmunist ful to you for this renewed evidence ler of Norwalk. toe plant windows presumably by DESCRIBES TRAGEDY party. This man, whose Identity of your confidence In me. The only Congressman-at-Large — Charlea strikers, nearly struck a woman and address are known, went to the Renominated as Candidates SOLDIERS BATTLE way In which I can adequately ex- employe. M. Bakewell of New Haven. house of Mr. Shorts last night. How- press my gratitude Is through serv- The convention adopting a plat- Offlcera declared that strike s ever, the union leader was not at for Representafive in Re- ice. If elected, I shall approach were armed with, stones, black- Tells Probers of Conditions Sen. Frederic G Walcott form calling for toe revision of toe home. The Ommunist’s name and this task with determination and state liquor and milk laws, function- jacks, section of iron pipes, and a address were learned, however, and shall do my utmost not only for ed smoojhly throughout. It disposed , few revolvers. this information was turned over to publican Primary; Hohen* Connecticut but for the country. ’ At the request of the plant" man- on Morro Castle When the of Us principal business in a little Chief Gordon today. There w’as no Wc are face to face with a crisis more than one hour. agement plans were being laid to proof that this Communist had anv- affecting our system of government ALCORN PROMISE move the troops closer to toe tao- tl)ing to do with the acts of vandal- lhal Wins Easily in Asses- 500 Guardsmen Fight Strik- Fire Broke Out. and our social organization. The tory. It now requires approximate- ism at the church. most serious problems are still wait- HARMONY PREVAILS. ly 20 minutes for them to get there Free Bre«d. ing to be ‘solved. We are In the FEAEESS COURSE Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, Sept. in an emergency. It Is hoped to sorship Race. ers in Cemetery; Tomb- midst o f a period of unprecentccl Mr. Shorts announced at the New York, Sept. 12.— (AP) — 12.—(AP)— Expressions of confi- move them Into the idle plant of the meeting today that a bakery on unrest. We are approaching the George W. Rogers, chief radio op- dence that a state ticket headed by Adams Manufacturing Co., which Spruce street had offered to donate winter of our greatest discontent. Thqnias J„ Rogbr.s and William .1. stones as Barricades. erator of the burned liner Morro U. S. Senator Frederic C. Wqlcott bread free of charge to strikers The pcpplc of this country, realiz- and State Attorney Hugh M. AJeom (Continued on Page Fifteen.) Thornton, both candidatef) for re- (Jastle, testified at a government in- ing that a great emergency did exist In Acceptance Speech Candi- every night at 7 o’clock. The shoe- quiry today that some time ago his would be speedily chosen came to- makers Of Manchester also have of- election to the General Assembly in the stagnation of business and day from party leaders as delegates Saylesville, R.
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