World Affairs Council of Charlotte Underwriting and Table Purchase Ambassadors Circle Series Program H.E. Peter Wittig, Ambassador of to the U.S. Friday, March 6, 2015 Hilton Charlotte Center City (222 E. Third Street, Charlotte, NC 28202) VIP Reception: 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Lunch: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

H.E. Peter Wittig Ambassador of Germany to the United States

Peter Wittig is Ambassador of Germany to the United States of America.

Ambassador Peter Wittig (© He most recently served as Permanent Representative of Germany to the . He represented his country in the Security Council during its membership in 2011/12.

Ambassador Wittig joined the German Foreign Service in 1982. He has served in Madrid, New York (Permanent Mission to the United Nations), as private secretary to the Foreign Minister at the Foreign Office headquarters, and as Ambassador to . As Ambassador to , he also was the Special Envoy of the German Government for the Cyprus Question.

In 2006, Ambassador Wittig was appointed Director-General for the United Nations and Global Issues at the Foreign Office in Berlin.

Benefits of Underwriting an Ambassadors Before starting his career in the German Foreign Service, Wittig studied history, political Circle Series Program: science, and law at , Freiburg, Canterbury, and Oxford universities and taught as  Increase corporate visibility through Assistant Professor at the . program and education sponsorships  Build, maintain and strengthen He has written articles on the history of ideas and on foreign policy. Peter Wittig is professional and client networks married to journalist and writer Huberta von Voss-Wittig. The couple has four children: through Council events Valeska, Maximilian, Augustin, and Felice.  Reach out to high-level professionals and leaders in the Charlotte community  Learn about international affairs from foreign government /state officials, renowned authors, and world leaders  Support international education in the Charlotte community

Ambassador Sponsor - $5000 Diplomat Sponsor - $3500  Attendance for 18 designated representatives to VIP reception w/  Attendance for 10 designated Ambassador Wittig representatives to VIP reception w/  Two tables of 8 with preferred seating at the luncheon Ambassador Wittig  Two seats at the Head Table with Ambassador Wittig  One table of 8 with preferred seating at the  Logo on the WACC home page and all regular (*time sensitive) and luncheon online web invitations  Two seats at the Head Table with Ambassador  Photograph of your group with Ambassador Wittig the event Wittig  Recognition from podium and banner displayed at the event  Opportunity for key executive to facilitate Q&A session (immediately after presentation)  Logo on WACC home page and online invitations  Photograph of your group with Ambassador Wittig  Recognition from podium and banner displayed at the event

Envoy Sponsor - $2000 Attaché Sponsor - $1250  Attendance for 4 designated representatives to VIP reception  One table of 8 with preferred seating at the w/ Ambassador Wittig luncheon  One table of 8 with preferred seating at the luncheon  Logo on WACC home page and online invitations  One seat at the Head Table with Ambassador Wittig  Photograph of your group with Ambassador Wittig  Logo on WACC home page and online invitations  Recognition from podium and banner displayed at  Photograph of your group with Ambassador Wittig the event  Recognition from podium and banner displayed at the event

Council Sponsor (VIP Reception) - $600  VIP reception sponsor w/ Ambassador Wittig  Four seats with preferred seating at the luncheon  Logo on WACC home page and online invitations  Photograph of your group with Ambassador Wittig  Recognition from podium

World Affairs Council of Charlotte Underwriting and Table Purchase Ambassadors Circle Series Program H.E. Peter Wittig Ambassador of Germany to the United States Friday, March 6, 2015







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Sponsorship Levels

Ambassador Sponsor Diplomat Sponsor Envoy Sponsor Attaché Sponsor Council Sponsor (VIP Reception)

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The World Affairs Council of Charlotte accepts all major credits cards by phone or online (through Constant Contact) at Checks may be made payable to the World Affairs Council of Charlotte.

Return To: World Affairs Council of Charlotte | UNC-Charlotte, 227 CHHS Building | 9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223

______(Signature, Company Representative)

UNDERWRITING INFORMATION: Please contact Ljubomir (L.J.) Stambuk, President and CEO, at 704-604-3317 or [email protected] for table purchases and underwriting information.

ABOUT WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTE: The World Affairs Council of Charlotte is a non-profit, non-partisan organization supported by funding from individual and corporate member dues, foundations and contributions. By serving as a regional center for education and discussion of world affairs, WACC seeks to provide leadership for global thinking, believing that a broad perspective is necessary for effective competition in the global economy and for responsible citizenship in an increasingly interdependent political world.