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THIRD ANNUAL PEBBLE BEACH FOOD & WINE APRIL 8-11, 2010 Complete schedule of events inside Volume 96 No. 15 On the Internet: April 9-15, 2010 Y OUR S OURCE F OR L OCAL N EWS, ARTS AND O PINION S INCE 1915 Take two goats, and add a newborn lamb ... Supes OK Peninsula water project agreement By KELLY NIX AFTER LISTENING to a flood of support for a regional pro- ject that would provide a drought-free water supply to the Monterey Peninsula, county supervisors this week gave the plan their stamp of approval. The Monterey County Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted 4-1 to go ahead with a $280 million to $390 million water project that would include a 10 million-gallons-per-day desalination plant in North Marina. The Monterey Bay Regional Water Project would satisfy state- ordered cutbacks from the overdrafted Carmel River — the PHOTOS/GALE WRAUSMAN (ABOVE), CHRIS COUNTS Peninsula’s primary water source — and help restore the habitats A lamb was born at Mission Ranch for the steelhead fish and red-legged frog. But the project would not Wednesday; meanwhile, two goats partici- allow water for infill, remodels or lots of record. pated in a public meeting on a new housing “Twenty years from now,” county resident Bill Caruthers told the project in Carmel Valley. See page 13A supervisors before they voted on the issue, “we will look back at this decision and say we did the right thing.” According to the agreement the supervisors approved, the Marina desal plant would be owned and operated by the Marina water dis- BIG SUR WILDERNESS BILL WITHDRAWN — FOR NOW trict and would treat a combination of seawater and brackish water that would be drawn from wells owned and operated by the county. By CHRIS COUNTS The bill was proposed because Monning and others California American Water would purchase the desalinated water said they were worried that a cash-strapped state govern- and build a storage facility and 10-mile pipeline to deliver it from FACED WITH opposition from Big Sur residents ment could — at some future date — decide to sell off Marina to its Peninsula customers. who believe his proposed bill could interfere with fire- some of its park property. The wilderness designation Caruthers, who attended 20 of the public meetings held to discuss fighting efforts, Assemblyman Bill Monning this week would offer protection against such a sale, the bill’s sup- the regional project, was among the roughly 20 people who pulled legislation that aimed to designate 920 acres in the porters claimed. northeast corner of Andrew Molera State Park in Big Sur At a March 26 meeting in Big Sur, Ventana Wilderness See APPROVED page 10A as a state wilderness area. Alliance president Tom Hopkins insisted the designation The bill — AB 2074 — was introduced by Monning would not restrict firefighting efforts and explained how Feb. 18. The proposed wilderness area would have com- the boundaries of the proposed wilderness area were prised about 19 percent of the 4,766-acre park, which is designed to accommodate a fire break that has success- Burnett raises and spends far located on Highway 1 about 24 miles south of Carmel. fully protected Big Sur Valley from wildfire in the past. “I’ve made the decision not to pursue the Molera The VWA encouraged Monning to introduce the bill. more than other candidates wilderness designation in this year’s legislation,” In response, Big Sur resident Mike Caplin said anoth- Monning told The Pine Cone Tuesday. “Clearly, there was sufficient community concern about it.” See WILDERNESS page 34A By MARY BROWNFIELD CARMEL CITY Council candidate Jason Burnett continues to far outpace all the other candidates in fundraising in advance of the Driver who killed April 13 municipal election, followed by council incumbent Gerard Pollacci rape trial: Jury Rose, mayoral candidate Adam Moniz, incumbent Mayor Sue McCloud and incumbent councilwoman Paula Hazdovac. young dad offers to According to campaign statements submitted to the city April 1, hears opening arguments Burnett raised a total of $36,720.50 in contributions and spent settle for $200,000 $41,582.62 between Jan. 1 and March 27. By MARY BROWNFIELD As has been the case throughout his campaign, many of Burnett’s By KELLY NIX supporters listed in the April 1 statement don’t live in Carmel, such PEBBLE BEACH resident Tom Pollacci, 50, either as Bedford, N.Y., resident Andrew Ertel, CEO of Evolution Markets, raped an old acquaintance in the loft at his parents’ THE WOMAN who fatally injured Pacific Pacific Grove liquor store and left her at the hospital with Grove father Joel Woods by striking him with her See SPENDING page 11A a head injury, or the two reunited after being out of touch BMW SUV while he was picking his son up from for several years, had consensual sex after chatting and middle school has offered to pay $200,000 to settle a drinking wine in the loft, and then she fell down the civil lawsuit filed by Woods’ family. Council opposes stairs, sustained a severe blow to her head and was taken King was driving down Forest Avenue Sept. 2, to the hospital by Pollacci, who was too panic-stricken to 2008, when she struck Woods, who was picking up dial 911. his then-12-year-old son, Jacob, in front of the P.G. hospital condo project Those were the scenarios presented to a jury of seven Middle School. King, who police say was driving women and five men during opening arguments in his under the influence of prescription drugs, was arrest- By MARY BROWNFIELD trial Thursday. ed and later charged with manslaughter. She is await- Monterey County Deputy District Attorney Mike ing trial. THE CARMEL City Council stated its formal opposition Breeden described Pollacci as a man with a pattern of On March 2, 2009, Woods’ widow, Adrianna Tuesday to the Villas de Carmelo condo project proposed for the site raping and sexually assaulting women that goes back 30 Woods, filed a civil lawsuit against King and the P.G. of the old Carmel Convalescent Hospital on Valley Way. The hospi- years. He told the jury, which was sworn in Thursday Unified School District, alleging the school “negli- tal is outside city limits but within Carmel’s county-recognized morning after a selection process that took three days, gently located, designed, controlled and maintained sphere of influence. Without debate, the council adopted a resolu- that he planned to introduce the testimony of three other the drop-off/pickup area in front of Pacific Grove tion opposing the development as part of its consent calendar. alleged victims, as well as the victim in this case, who Middle School” where Woods was killed. “The project proposes the adaptive reuse of the two existing his- was referred to as Jane Doe 5. toric buildings and the construction of several new buildings to See DRIVER page 10A See POLLACCI page 31A See CONDOS page 14A Get your complete Carmel Pine Cone every Thursday evening in convenient pdf format via email. Free subscriptions available at 2A The Carmel Pine Cone April 9, 2010 CRA official says Pine Cone is By Margot Petit Nichols biased and its publisher is crazy Sandy Claws IN AN email to the editor of Monterey tion was just a prank. SWEET PEA VIN- County Weekly, which was published by the Miller declined to respond to the com- CENT, 6, is a rat terri- newspaper this week, an official with the ments, other than to praise The Pine Cone er/dachshund mix Carmel Residents Association attacked The reporter who covers city hall, Mary from Seaside who Carmel Pine Cone’s news coverage and its Brownfield. publisher, Paul Miller. “She is one of the hardest-working and likes to come to “The Pine Cone is off the charts in its bias finest reporters I’ve ever known,” said Carmel-by-the-Sea and Paul Miller’s craziness,” wrote Linda Miller, whose 30-year career in news beach to stretch her Anderson, editor of the CRA’s newsletter. includes several important positions with legs and meet other She also praised Monterey County CBS and NBC News. “Mary’s thoroughness dogs. Weekly as the “only local newspaper — peri- and impartiality are beyond reproach, her When her folks od — which does any sort of investigative, local knowledge is unsurpassed, and she is adopted her from the thorough reporting on Carmel.” always breaking important scoops. The SPCA, Sweet Pea was The comments were made in an email entire town — even the CRA — should be expressing Anderson’s relief that the glad she’s here.” a little girl of only 5 Monterey County Weekly’s April 1 cover Miller also challenged Linda Anderson to and 1/2 months. That story that it was discontinuing its print edi- an arm-wrestling match. day, they decided to introduce her to the beach at Moss The Choice You’ve Trusted For Over 25 Years Landing before having lunch at Phil’s. She had played on the She’s just entered the “Advanced” cate- beach for just a few minutes when she gory of agility training in Watsonville, gave a sharp bark and whimper; a fishing and practices at home on a modified line was dangling from her mouth. Back agility course Dad Richard Gadd made for they rushed to Monterey where a veteri- her. We’re Always On-Call narian operated, removing a fish hook Since Sweet Pea has such a nice back with Staff Available and line. She pulled through like a troop- garden to romp in, she frequently invites er, but has a 12-inch scar on her tum as a her 8-month-old rat terrier neighbor, 7 Days a Week! reminder of that painful day.