Paul Magrs, | 1 pages | 01 Apr 2014 | BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House | 9781408468890 | English | London, United Kingdom Serpent Crest - Wikipedia

Cancel anytime. As her grave suspicions about her new neighbour grow, she is in danger of becoming ostracised from village life. Trapped underground, and Mrs Wibbsey encounter a small boy who claims to be Aladdin, in search of a fabled lamp. He joins them on their own quest, to find a power source in this weird domain and switch it off. Many obstacles lie in their way. Vast rooms stuffed with exotic items give way to torch-lit tunnels and deadly precipices. Creatures of mythical proportions lie in wait. In a distant galaxy, the Tsar and Tsarina rule over the Robotov Empire from the safety of their palace, whilst human workers tend the power plants on satellite moons. When the Doctor arrives with Mrs Wibbsey, his identity is immediately mistaken, and the Tsarina believes that her old ally, Father Gregory, has returned. The year isand the Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey find themselves in the right place at the wrong time. At the rectory they encounter the ill-tempered Reverend Dobbs and his young ward Andrew, whose Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space faces hide whatever horrors Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space beneath. Tutoring him is one Mr Bewley, whom Mrs Wibbsey is startled to recognise. In Hexford Woods, the Doctor uncovers a secret which Andrew and his friends have been keeping. The fifth exciting adventure in a brand-new series of linked multi-voice adventures for the Doctor and friends, based on characters from the classic TV series. Written by the acclaimed novelist . Five thrilling soundtrack adventures from the early days of Doctor Who, featuring serials lost from the TV archive. The pictures may be lost, but each of these stories survives as a soundtrack recording. Remastered, and with additional linking narration, they can be enjoyed once more. Special linking narration is provided by William Russell, Carole Ann Ford and Peter Purves, who also recall their time making the original episodes in a series of bonus interviews. It has been three months since the Hexford catastrophe, and is trying to show strength of leadership to the villagers. But with morale low and supplies running out, it is increasingly difficult to keep his own hopes up. Unless Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space finds them soon, the future looks bleak. But with two Doctors apparently at large, there is still the small matter of what was buried under Nest Cottage - not to mention who is clamouring to break through the protective force field. Soon Hexford is under siege once again, and this time an ancient hunger will be sated. Time has run out Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space the keepers of the Skishtari egg This was a great series. Thanks to a great cast. Tom Baker the greatest Doctor of them all. Susan Jameson as the original Mrs Whimsey. I'm glad I listened to the series, I'm sorry there's no more with these characters. But I will cherish these stories forever. Listen free for 30 days. By: Paul Magrs. Length: 1 hr and 1 min. People who bought this also bought Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews. Amazon reviews. No Reviews are Available. Sort by:. Most Helpful Most Recent. Filter by:. All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only. Chris Coyne The End of the saga. Survivors in Space

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Doctor Who by Paul Magrs. Tom Baker Narrator. It has been three months since the Hexford catastrophe, and Mike Yates is trying to show strength of leadership to the villagers. But with morale low and supplies running out, it is increasingly difficult to keep his own hopes up. Unless somebody finds them soon, the future looks bleak. So when the TARDIS materialises on the village green, it seems that help has arrived at It has Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space three months since the Hexford Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space, and Mike Yates is trying to show strength of leadership to the villagers. But with two Doctors apparently at Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space, there is still the small matter of what was buried under Nest Cottage - not to mention who is clamouring to break through the protective force field. Soon Hexford is under siege once again, and this time an ancient hunger will be sated. Time has run out for the keepers of the Skishtari egg Get A Copy. Audio CD2 pages. More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Doctor Whoplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Mar 31, Shannon Lush rated it liked it. The finale to the 5-story arc that is 'Serpent Crest' comes as something of a letdown. While the inter-Doctor banter between the and the faux is entertaining and while the entire saga comes to an end with the return of a now-grown Alex who has taken the reigns of his star-crossed empire and brought peace between the humans and robots though it's not explicitly stated 'how'it all comes about abruptly with no satisfaction. Captain Yates spends the majority of this The finale to the 5- story arc that is 'Serpent Crest' comes as something of a letdown. Captain Yates spends the majority of this story, as he has the previous, in a befuddled state, lurching from outright belief in the Second Doctor to playing catch-up with the Fourth Doctor. He isn't given very much to work with on the script level save for a few possibly flirtatious moments with the otherwise annoying villager who, for some reason, ramps up her accent to a ridiculous degree when she had been voiced quite differently all along. Mrs Whibbsy's previously maternal affection for Alex led absolutely nowhere; when he does arrive, decades later by his reckoning, he barely spares her a sentence first or last. There was opportunity missed here to have their reunion played more for drama and emotion; as events swirled around them, it was a disappointingly rushed scene. The Second Doctor, now exposed as a fraud and a cheat, is rather let off the hook by everyone involved, and the Fourth Doctor demonstrates an unusual trust in him to safeguard the village on it's return from space back to Earth given the Second Doctor's machinations against the villagers and alignment with the evil alien menace all along that placed the villagers 'in' the situation to begin with. It felt that the writer was determined to invoke a positive feeling and to conclude the story for the audience on a happy note by sacrificing all the character development he had built up with certain characters. This resulted in her uttering a terrible line of dialog that is swallowed up by the sudden boom of Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space 'Doctor Who' Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space TV credits from the Tom Baker era, hardly a grand finale moment. Overall, the entire saga presents little new. Audio Go were not quite able to coax great performances from Baker, Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space scripts were workman-like but nothing special, the series did not have enough 'meat' to sustain it's duration over 5 individual stories, and deprived of 'classic' companions, the character of Mrs Whibbsey is far too much of a homemaker and fuss-pot to work with the Fourth Doctor; she seems oblivious to Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space of the events as they occur. It does feel as if the entire series was written 'after' Audio Go secured Baker and then had to produce material quickly for him, a rushed feeling that permeates all stories but especially this one. Like a microwave dinner, it is fast and will get the job done but Whovians need more sustenance and more nourishment in their 'Doctor Who' than this provides. Feb 06, Jennifer rated it it was ok Shelves: audiobooksfictionlibrary-loan. I enjoyed a good deal of the concluding part of the Serpent Crest series quite big on serpents this one but a few things dragged it Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space a bit. Firstly, Mike Franklin is no Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and it's just not a well-enough written character given the role he has to play here. Tish Madoc is a big part which has been set up to have a bigger role as the husky voiced siren recently arrived writer from Wales but it never materialises, so she is merely an annoyance. Individual elements of I enjoyed a good deal of the concluding part of the Serpent Crest series quite big on serpents this one but a few things dragged it down a bit. Individual elements of the story were good - the setting of the uprooted village of Hexford transported to a distant moon As the Doctor says, "I could take you all home in the Tardis but I don't think I can get the village church through the Tardis doorthe return of the Robotov Tsar when the egg hatches, playing a facsimile of his father is a delight and Tom Baker and Susan Jameson as the Fourth Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey are compelling Jul 21, Nicholas Whyte rated it liked it Shelves: doctorwhoaudioaudio122nd4thwibbsyyates. I had very much enjoyed the fourth Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space in this series, The Hexford Invasion, and had been hoping that the climax would reach the same standards. It didn't, quite; the resolution of why there are two Doctors was pretty much as I had expected, though Tom Baker gets some marvellous carpet-chewing moments, and the resolution of the entire plot of the series does knit up the ravelled strands rather well. But it's vaguely satisfying rather than terribly exciting, and alas we have I had very much enjoyed the fourth episode in this series, The Hexford Invasion, and had been hoping that the climax would reach the same standards. But it's vaguely satisfying rather than terribly exciting, and alas we have Richard Franklin returning as Mike Yates to try and carry the narrative. I rather hope that this marks the end of this particular run; it was good to get Tom Baker back in business, but the Big Finish plays he has been doing more recently show more promise. Steven rated it it was ok Jan 05, Scott rated it really liked it Dec 19, Charlie Nelson Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space it liked it Feb 03, Catherine Johnson rated it liked it Jun 11, Frazer Lee rated it it was amazing May 26, Robin Stuart rated it really liked it Mar 26, Isca Silurum rated it it was ok Jan 03, Emily Ellis rated it liked it Aug 15, Luna Holmes rated it really liked it Apr 10, Ian Shimwell rated it liked it May 20, Jeffrey rated it really liked it Feb 21, Andrew Monk rated it really liked it Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space 22, Chris Quinn rated it really liked it Mar 06, Richie rated it it was amazing Jan 07, Nancy rated it it was amazing Aug 21, Eoin Flaherty rated it really liked it Sep 10, Mac Mathghamhna rated it liked it Nov 27, Jarrod Miller rated it it was ok Dec 29, Steven rated it it was ok Dec 15, Rick Chagouri-Brindle rated it it was amazing Nov 27, Paul rated it liked it Feb 06, Salome rated it it was amazing Mar 31, Richie Richie's Crazy Collection rated it liked it Jan 27, Stephen Theaker rated it really liked it May 01, Andrew Ten broek rated it it was amazing Feb 27, James rated it it was amazing Dec 31, OLeg89 rated it really liked it Aug 22, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. Science Fiction. About Paul Magrs. Paul Magrs. Other books in the series. Fourth Doctor-Talking Books 1 - 10 of 15 books. Books by Paul Magrs. Related Articles. If you love the fantasy genre, this is the season for you! Serpent Crest | Tardis | Fandom

Doctor Who and related marks are trademarks of BBC. The web pages on this site are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders. The Story so Far - excerpts from all four previous stories. When the church clock chimes thirteen, the twilight hours officially begin. I'm told that the faulty chime is a quirk, dating back centuries, but it's been put to good use in the village's altered circumstances. When you've had no daylight for three months, you need something to tell you when to go to sleep. Door opens and closes. You get quicker every evening. It's as quiet as a grave out there, everyone safely tucked up in bed. Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space stopped half way round and peered through the perimeter. It's very eerie beyond that force shield. Such a barren landscape, stretching out for miles. Is there any tea on the go? One pot of chai coming up. You know, I've been studying the skies again, plotting the constellations and trying to work out where we are. MIKE: Oh yes? Any luck? None of the stars are familiar. Wherever we've been transported to, it's a very long way from Earth's galaxy. MIKE: That was certainly some tornado that picked us up and dropped us down. Hexford fell through a Time-Space wormhole. MIKE: I know. And ended up on a moon in the middle of nowhere. Even after three months it still seems unreal. The way the villagers have coped has been incredible. If you'd told them last year that they'd have to live without electricity or power of any kind, they'd have sworn they couldn't cope. That's one of their strengths. MIKE: We're lucky we can breathe inside this force shield. On both counts we have the biomesh trees to thank. They will produce oxygen and gravity for as long as we need it. MIKE: Food and drink though is a different matter. We've rationed supplies as much as we can, but most of the home supplies have gone already. Now we're relying on the MiniMarket and the pub. I saw the Vicar and one or two others staggering around on the village green earlier today. I think we should consider limiting people's access to all that beer. I'll form a committee to regulate consumption. Now I know what ultimate responsibility feels like. I'm glad of your support though, Doctor. The two hundred and fifty three civilians that came here with me are in our care. We can't let them lose hope. If my latest wheeze comes to fruition, we'll make a breakthrough any day now. Quite literally. A lot of people will be looking to you for guidance. To put all our lives at risk on a mere whim is completely irresponsible. It simply isn't a sustainable situation. We can get by. We won't last Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space. What if there's nothing there, if it's all just barren rock? Admittedly the transmissions have been faint, and not in a language I recognise, but if there's a chance of being helped, surely we must take it? But Mister Yates is our elected leader, so I will be ruled by him. If he thinks it's wise to let you poke a hole in the protective shielding around Hexford, well, so be it. In that case, I shall be back off to Nest Cottage immediately. There's no time like the present. Door slams. This hall is still Church property. Are you sure we can trust that fellow? I see. MIKE: Perhaps we should call a public meeting. Call another meeting. As if that's going to save us. MIKE [narrating]: Leaving the church with the Vicar's hollow laughter ringing in my ears, I crossed the village green, hardly glancing at the hard, star-bright sky above us. There's been perpetual night time in Hexford for the past three months, with only the fires burning on the green and inside each of the cottage windows to illuminate our way. In spite of that, we still tried to maintain a twenty four hour pattern of work, rest, and recreation. Around me, villagers went about their daily tasks and routines, oil lamps and burning torches grasped in their hands. Some of them called out greetings to me. By now, of course, I knew them all by name, and they knew me. Before going into Nest Cottage, I called next door to see my neighbour Deirdre, with whom I'd become rather friendly Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space the period of our marooning. I was dismayed to find her lying prostrate on her settee, watched over by her cousin, Tish Madoc. MIKE: Whatever's the matter? All this talk of going outside the dome. Deirdre's petrified it's going to spell the end for us all. You know how she worries about things. MIKE: The poor thing. Hello, my dear. Anything I can do? You've got the whole village to look after. MIKE: Oh, that's easy. I've got my lads to do the heavy work. All two of them. And what could be more important than dropping in to see my favourite neighbour? TISH: Your visits cheer her up. She's been down for a while, haven't you, Deirdre? Terrible nightmares. We all died without even knowing where we were. MIKE: That's not going to happen. TISH: I've told her. We're all having bad dreams. This whole thing is one great big nightmare. MIKE: I brought Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space goodies from the storeroom at the pub. You've the whole village to look after. Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space I can bring an extra treat for my favourite girls, can't I? TISH: Oh! Real coffee. But Mister Bush at the Post Office says supplies are dwindling. How long can we last out here? MIKE: Just let me worry Doctor Who: Serpent Crest 5: Survivors in Space that. Meanwhile, try to relax. What would we do without you?