E-Content-Januaray (2021)
K.N.G.Arts College for women Department of Botany I B.SC ALLIED BOTANY E-content-Januaray (2021) S.NO E-CONENT 1 UNIT-I 2 UNIT-III 3 UNITIV 18K2ZAB3 ALLIED BOTANY: TAXONOMY, ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY, HORTICULTURE AND ECOLOGY UNIT-I: TAXONOMY General outline of Bentham and Hooker’s classification. Detailed study and economic importance of the families: Rutaceae, Leguminosae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Poaceae. UNIT-III: EMBRYOLOGY Structure of mature anther and Ovule, Types of ovule. Double fertilization. Development of dicot embryo. UNIT-IV: HORTICULTURE Scope and Importance of Horticulture. Propagation method: Cutting, layering and grafting. Bonsai technique UNIT – I Dr.A.Pauline Fathima Mary, Guest lecturer in Botany, K.N.G.Arts College for Women (A). Thanjavur. UNIT III & IV Dr.S.Gandhimathi & Dr.A.Pauline Fathima Mary , Guest lecturer in Botany, K.N.G.Arts College for Women (A). Thanjavur. REFERENCES 1. Pandey B.P., 2001, Taxonomy. Of Angiosperms,S.Chand & company.Ltd.Newdelhi. 2. Pandey B.P., 2015(Edn), Plant Taxonomy. New central Book Agency,pvt Lit,New Delhi. 3. Rajaram,P.allied Botany 1983.CollegeBook Center.Thanjavur. 4. Kumar,K.N.,1999.Introduction of Horticulture ,Rajalakshmi Publication,Nagerkoil. UNIT – I BENTHAM AND HOOKER'S CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS The outline of Bentham and Hooker's classification of plants is given below. The seeded plants are divided into three classes ' Dicotyledonae,Gymnospermae and Monocotyledonae Bentham and Hooker's classification of plants t is a natural system of classification and is based on important characters of the plants. Even today this system is being followed in India, United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries.
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