HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING COMMITTEE: 12th September, 1956. Present: The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Grainger); Councillor Mote (in the Chair); Aldermen Cowen, O.B.E., J.P., and Gange, J.P.; Councillors Atherton, Griffin, Gush, Low, Macaulay, O'Loughlin, C.C., Shapland, Spurway and Wood, M.B.E.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION I: Proposed Provision of Public Convenience at Kenton Lane, near Belmont Circle: Appropriation of Part of Housing Land. The Housing Committee have agreed to make available to your Committee, at the District Valuer's valuation, a piece of housing land situate at Kenton Lane, near to Belmont Circle, for the purpose of the erection thereon by your Committee of a public convenience. The formal report of the District Valuer has now been received, in which he expresses the opinion that the value of the land for appropriation is £600, upon the basis laid down in Ministry of Housing and Local Government circular 34/55. Your Committee accordingly submit the following recommendation for the formal appropriation of the land for public convenience purposes. The necessary adjustment in the accounts of the Council is, of course, subject to the approval of the Minister. Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That, subject to the approval of the Minister of Housing and Local Government, pursuant to section 163 of the Local Government Act, 1933, the Council do hereby agree to the appropriation (at the District Valuer's valuation of £600) for public convenience purposes of 0.05 or thereabouts of an acre of land (forming part of a larger area of land acquired by the Council for housing purposes), situated on the north-east side of Kenton Lane, approximately 60 yards from Belmont Circle, as shown on the plan now submitted, signed by the Borough Engineer and dated 12th September, 1956; and (2) that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to make application to the Minister for his approval accordingly. RECOMMENDATION II: Yeading Brook and Its Tributaries: Improvement Works to Stream at Rear of Leamington Crescent, . As the Council are aware, your Committee have approved the principle, subject to the appropriate recommendation to the Council, that the Corpora­ tion should contribute one-half of the cost (estimated at £12,500 in March, 1955) of improvement works to the Roxbourne stream at the rear of Leamington Crescent, South Harrow, in respect of which a scheme has been prepared by the County Engineer. This decision was communicated to the County Council, and the County Clerk has now intimated that no action can be taken to obtain the County Council's approval to this improvement until the Borough Council's formal decision is received. In view of the restriction on capital expenditure, it is not known yet when the work might proceed, but your Committee recommend that, in the mean­ time, the desired resolution be passed by the Council. Your Committee have also so phrased the recommendation to cover the eventuality that, in view of the cost involved, it may be possible to execute the scheme by stages, involving expenditure of smaller sums over a period. It is understood that the scheme is so designed that it can, economically, be carried out by stages. 499 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING Your Committee also report that it became necessary that certain remedial works connected with the roadway adjacent to the Roxbourne stream should be executed immediately in the interests of public safety, and the Borough Engineer was authorised to arrange (in consultation with the County Engineer) for the works to be carried out. These works, which consisted of packing the hollow places under the concrete roadway and constructing a concrete block retaining wall where the banks had become dangerously eroded, have now been completed by the County Council at a cost of £1,263 5s. 5d., the Corpora­ tion's share being £631 12s. 8d. No provision for this expenditure has been made in current estimates, and the method of meeting such expenditure is a matter for the Finance Committee. Your Committee accordingly submit the following recommendation.

Resolved to RECOMMEND: (1) That the Council hereby (a) agree to contribute one-half of the cost (estimated at £12,500 in March, 1955) of improvement works, to be carried out by the Middlesex County Council, to the Roxbourne stream at the rear of Leamington Crescent, South Harrow; and further agree that, if necessary and desirable, such improvement works be carried out by stages over a period, instead of in one single operation; and (b) approve the expenditure of £631 12s. 8d. (being the Corporation's proportion of one-half of the total cost of £1,263 5s. 5d.) incurred by the County Council in connection with the execution of remedial works to the roadway adjacent to the Roxbourne Stream, and agree that this sum be reimbursed to the County Council accordingly; all as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 12th September, 1956; and (2) that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to take all necessary action to give effect to the terms of this resolution, including the preparation and sealing of any necessary documents in the matter. (Note: The Finance Committee recommend that the expenditure to be borne by the Corporation be met by loan.)

RECOMMENDATION III: Proposed Public Convenience at Woodridings Close, Hatch End. On the instructions of your Committee, the Borough Engineer has been negotiating with the County Valuer for the acquisition of a piece of land at the side of the temporary library building in Woodridings Close, Hatch End, for the purpose of the erection thereon of a public convenience, and your Com­ mittee are now informed that the County Valuer is prepared to recommend his Council to lease the site in question to the Corporation for a period of ninety-nine years upon the following terms:— (1) The ground rent to be £20 per annum. (2) The Corporation to be granted a drainage easement to connect to the County Council's manhole, marked "A" on the plan submitted to your Com­ mittee. The Corporation to make good the land after laying the drain and to reinstate if required at the end of the lease. (3) The maintenance and repair of the drain from manhole "A" to the public sewer in Uxbridge Road to be carried out by the Borough Council, and the cost apportioned as agreed at the time by representatives of the two Councils. (4) In the event of the County Council wishing to develop or dispose of the land traversed by the Borough Council's drain, the Borough Council to divert the drain and meet the cost. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 500

(5) The Borough Council to be responsible for fencing the land comprised in the lease and to erect a 5 ft. 6 in. closeboarded fence between "X" and "Y," as shown on the plan. (6) The Borough Council to be responsible for demolishing the barn now covering part of the site. (7) The proposal to be subject to the receipt of all necessary consents. Subject to the County Council adopting the recommendations of the County Valuer, your Committee recommend that the land in question be leased from the Middlesex County Council upon the terms and conditions mentioned above. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby agree to lease from the Middlesex County Council, for a period of ninety-nine years, all that piece of land (comprising 185 square yards or thereabouts, and shown coloured pink on the plan now submitted, signed by the Borough Engineer and dated 12th September, 1956) at Wood- ridings Close, Hatch End, immediately to the north of the temporary library building, upon the terms and conditions detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 12th September, 1956; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare and seal a lease accordingly.

RECOMMENDATION IV: Improved Street Lighting Programme for 1956/57. By resolution 695 (20th January, 1956), the Council (a) agreed that the streets detailed in the report of your Committee of 14th December, 1955, be included in the improved street lighting programme for 1956/57; (b) instructed the Borough Engineer to take all necessary action in connection with the preparatory work relating to such programme; and (c) instructed that a further report in this matter be submitted to the Council, in due course. Your Committee have now considered the carrying out of the above pro­ gramme, involving an estimated capital cost of £26,350, and an estimated annual running cost of £3,656 4s. 6d., and recommend that, as was done in regard to earlier programmes, separate tenders should be invited for (a) the electrical equipment required, including the wiring and fitting of lanterns, (b) the provision of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete columns, and (c) the erection of the columns. The number of specialist firms manufacturing reinforced and pre-stressed concrete columns, and undertaking their erection, is limited, and your Committee have therefore approved a list of five firms from whom tenders should be invited for the provision of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete columns, and a list of six firms from whom tenders should be invited for the rection of the columns—this separate tendering not to invalidate con­ sideration of the combination of any two tenders, should an advantage thus accrue to the Council. The programme as previously approved by your Committee provided for 60-watt sodium lanterns in the shopping area in Village Way East, but it has been suggested, and your Committee are in agreement therewith, that 3/80-watt fluorescent lighting should be installed in this shopping area, and your Com­ mittee recommend accordingly. Application is being made to the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation for his approval, in principle, to the above scheme, and your Committee recommend that, upon receipt of such approval, tenders be invited for the provision of the equipment and the carrying out of the work. 501 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby (a) approve the estimated capital and annual running costs in connection with the improved street lighting programme for the Borough for 1956/57, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 12th September, 1956; (b) approve the provision of 3/80-watt fluorescent lighting installations in Village Way East, in place of 60-watt sodium installations as previously proposed; (c) instruct the Borough Engineer, subject to receipt of the approval, in principle, of the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, to the scheme, to invite tenders for the provision of the necessary equipment and the carrying out of the work involved, in accordance with the recommendations set out in the said report; and (d) authorise the Highways and Cleansing Committee to submit to the Council, in due course, further details of the scheme, together with the tenders recommended for acceptance.

RECOMMENDATION V: Proposed Road Widening: Station Road, Junction with Hindes Road, Harrow. Your Committee have considered tenders, received in response to public advertisement, for the widening of Station Road, Harrow, from the entrance to football ground to a point south of Hindes Road, the lowest tender received amounting to £4,673 9s. lOd. Having very carefully considered this matter, your Committee, on the advice of the Borough Engineer and his certificate under Standing Order 31 (7) relating to acceptance of other than the lowest tender, are recommending acceptance of the tender of Ruddock & Meighan, Limited, amounting to £4,829 12s. 4d., being the second lowest received. As the expenditure involved in connection with this scheme will be borne by the Middlesex County Council (subject to a grant by the Ministry of Trans­ port and Civil Aviation), the acceptance of the recommended tender is, of course, also a matter for those authorities. In addition to the tender price, expenditure of approximately £1,900 will be incurred in connection with alterations to mains and services, Clerk of Works' salary and direct purchases.

Resolved to RECOMMEND: That, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Middlesex County Council, and pursuant to Standing Order 31 (7), the Council hereby accept the tender of Ruddock & Meighan, Limited, amounting to £4,829 12s. 4d. (being the second lowest received), for the execution of the work of widening Station Road, Harrow, from the entrance to Wealdstone football ground to a point south of Hindes Road; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare and execute a contract accordingly.

RECOMMENDATION VI: Surface Water Overflow: Headstone Gardens, Harrow. Your Committee report that, for some years, low-lying properties on the south side of Headstone Gardens, Harrow, have experienced considerable inconvenience and flooding from surface water during heavy storms, when the road gullies and the surface water sewers have been unable to cope with the quantity of water. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 502

The existing 9 in. diameter surface water sewer in Headstone Gardens has a very flat gradient, and your Committee are advised that a 9 in. diameter relief overflow should be constructed direct from the road, through the gardens of No. 37, Headstone Gardens, to the watercourse at the rear. The owners of this property have given their consent to such a proposal which, it is estimated, will cost £300, but no provision for this expenditure has been made in your Committee's current approved estimates. Although your Committee are advised that the expenditure involved is of a capital nature, they have recommended the Finance Committee that, as a matter of urgency, such expenditure be met from revenue. On the assumption that the Finance Committee will adopt this recommendation, your Committee submit the following recommendation to the Council.

Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council hereby (a) approve the carrying out under their annual sewer contract, at an estimated cost of £300, of the work of construction of a surface water sewer relief overflow at Headstone Gardens, Harrow, as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 12th September, 1956; (b) approve a supplementary estimate for £300 to meet the cost of such work; (c) instruct the Borough Engineer to take all necessary action to give effect to the terms of this resolution; and (d) instruct the Town Clerk to prepare and seal any necessary documents in the matter. (Note: The Finance Committee approve of this expenditure being met from revenue.)

RECOMMENDATION VII: Elmgrove Road Central Depot: Loan Sanction. The Council will recall that, following the recent final agreement with Messrs. William Old, Limited, application was made for a supplementary loan sanction of £7,552. Your Committee are now advised that application for this supplementary sum was made on the assumption that the original loan sanction of £56,610 was solely in respect of Messrs. William Old's contract but, in fact, it included two other contracts, connected therewith, and was originally made up as follows:— £ William Old Ltd.—Erection of depot ...... 56,982 Clerk of Works'salary ...... 628 Mather & Platt, Ltd.—Provision and installation of automatic sprinkler system ...... 1,750 Beck & Co. Ltd.—Provision and installation of two petrol pumps and tanks ...... 550 59,910 Less Capital Receipt (proceeds of sale of part of Bessborough Road Depot) ...... 3,300 £56,610 503 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

The actual costs on the two additional contracts are now known, and the final position is as follows:— £ s. d. William Old Ltd...... 65,500 0 6 Clerk of Works'salary ...... 1,815 0 0 Direct works ...... 64 0 0 Bills of Quantities and Drawings ...... 83 0 0 Mather & Platt, Ltd...... 1,935 8 6 Beck & Co. Ltd...... 60410 0 70,001 18 6 £ Original Loan Sanction received ...... 56,610 Supplementary Loan Sanction received ...... 7,552 Capital Receipt ...... 3,300 ——— 67,462 0 0 £2,539 18 6 Your Committee accordingly recommend that, to clear this account, the above-mentioned additional expenditure now be met, the method thereof being a matter for the Finance Committee. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That, to clear the capital account in respect of the erection of the Central Depot at Elmgrove Road, Harrow, the Council hereby agree to meet the balance outstanding, amounting to £2,539 18s. 6d. in respect of the provision and installation at the Depot of (a) an automatic sprinkler system (£1,935 8s. 6d.) and (b) two petrol pumps and tanks (£604 10s. Od.), as detailed in the report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of 12th September, 1956; and that the Town Clerk and Borough Treasurer be hereby instructed to take all necessary action to give effect to the terms of this resolution. (Note: The Finance Committee recommend that this expenditure be met by loan.) PART II.—MINUTES. 1025. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27th June, 1956, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a true record. 1026. Reports of the Town Clerk: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the reports of the Town Clerk (7th and 11th September, 1956). 1027. Road Safety Estimate, 1956/57: Resolution 986 (27th June, 1956): The Town Clerk submitted letter (26th July, 1956) from the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, stating that the Council's road safety estimate for 1956/57 had been reduced to £1,430 because, in view of the over-riding need for Government economy, it was considered that the amount allowed for this year over the 1954/55 approved estimate would be adequate to cover the Council's requirements; but that, in the light of the Council's representations that, owing to rising costs of materials and services, the effectiveness of road safety activities in which they wished to participate would be seriously impaired by a reduction of £50 in the estimated expendi­ ture, the Ministry were now prepared to approve the full amount of £1,480 for grant. RESOLVED: That the letter be received. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 504

1028. Contribution to the Upkeep of Rospa House: Resolution 750 (18th January, 1956): The Town Clerk submitted letter (21st August, 1956) from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents acknowledging the Council's contribution of £200 towards the upkeep of Rospa House for the financial year 1956/57; asking that the Society's sincere thanks be con­ veyed to the Council for their continued interest in the training centre; and stating that they would be pleased to welcome organised parties of both adults and schoolchildren from the Borough to Rospa House. RESOLVED: That the letter be received. 1029. Pavement Accident at , Harrow: The Town Clerk reported that a resident had applied for an ex-gratia payment in respect of an accident alleged to be due to defective paving in Rayners Lane. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to reply that the Committee much regret that they cannot agree to the request. 1030. Junction of Shaftesbury Avenue and Porlock Avenue, South Harrow: The Town Clerk submitted letter (5th August, 1956) from the Ratepayers' and Residents' Association, stating that they felt concern regarding the danger of accidents at this junction; that the Council had provided illuminated warning signs, for which the Association were grateful; but that, from observations made at this junction, the Association felt that the real solution to the problem was the provision of a roundabout. Reference having been made to the good visibility at the junction, and the proposed diversion of the 114 bus route along (inter alia) Porlock Avenue, which, it was anticipated, would operate from the beginning of January, 1957, it was RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the West Harrow Ratepayers' and Residents' Association that the Committee will give further consideration to the question of road safety conditions at the above junction following the introduction, in January next, of the proposed bus service along Porlock Avenue. 1031. Street Lighting: Blenheim Road, Harrow: The Town Clerk submitted letter (5th August, 1956) from the West Harrow Ratepayers' and Residents' Association, expressing their disappointment that Blenheim Road had been excluded from the Council's 1956/57 street lighting programme, and their disturbance to learn that it may be some considerable time before the work is carried out although they realised that minor roads were low on the list of priorities; but that Blenheim Road is a very busy thoroughfare, and the Association believed that it carried a high volume of through traffic. The letter also stated that the present standard of lighting necessitated drivers using headlights after dark; and that this standard, together with the fact of cars parked without lights, added to the hazards of driving along this road. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the West Harrow Ratepayers' and Residents' Association that the Committee have already given very careful consideration to the question of the streets to be included in the Council's improved street lighting programme for the current financial year, and that no departure therefrom can be made at this stage; but that further consideration will be given to the question of improved lighting in Blenheim Road, together with all other similar thoroughfares, in connection with the Council's programme for 1957/58. 505 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

1032. Provision of Drainage at Potter Street Hill, : Contributions by Developers: The Town Clerk submitted letter (21st August, 1956) from Country Gardens Estates () Limited, reminding the Council that, by virtue of the Agreement of 3rd November, 1954, the company had under­ taken to pay the sum of £125 in respect of each dwellinghouse erected on land fronting Potter Street Hill, Pinner, as a contribution towards the cost incurred by the Council in providing main drainage in that thoroughfare; and seeking the Council's co-operation in connection with a difficulty that had arisen relating to the sale of the final plot. Further, that planning consent existed to develop two houses on this final plot, the benefit of which would pass with the sale of the land; that, so far as the company were aware, the proposed purchaser intended to erect one house only, and the usual contribution of £125 would be due to the Corporation; but that the point arose that some time in the future the purchaser might build a second house on this land, when a further £125 would become payable to the Corporation. As all the land fronting Potter Street Hill would be sold on completion of this sale, it was the company's intention to go into voluntary liquidation in the near future, and they were anxious to have all their obligations clear by the time this step was taken; but that the company's difficulties would be appreciated if they must make provision for a liability which might never occur. In the circumstances, the company enquired if the Council would agree to release them from their liability under the terms of the 1954 Agree­ ment in respect of the contribution due if a second house were erected; and they stated that, to safeguard the Council's interests, and in anticipation of approval to the company's suggestion, they proposed to incorporate in the Contract for Sale to the purchaser mentioned above a stipulation under which he could be required to enter into an agreement with the Council wherein he could undertake to contribute £125 direct to the Council for the provision of main drainage if he developed a second house on the plot in question. RESOLVED: That, subject to the purchaser in question agreeing to enter into an agreement with the Corporation providing for a contribution to the Council of £125 in respect of each dwelling erected on the plot of land at Potter Street Hill, Pinner, referred to above, the Committee hereby agree to the above proposals of Country Gardens Estates (London) Limited; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to make all necessary arrangements accordingly, including the preparation and sealing of any necessary documents. 1033. Provision of Seats on County Roads: The Town Clerk reported that the Middlesex County Council desired the Borough Council to enter into a form of undertaking relating to the provision by the Borough Council of seats on County roads in the Borough; and he sought the authority of the Committee to the preparation and sealing of a document (which had been forwarded by the County Council) incorporating certain conditions, details of which the Town Clerk submitted. The Town Clerk also reported that, in connection with the condition indemnifying the County Council against all claims, costs, damages and expenses arising out of the placing, or removal, of seats, the Corporation's Insurers could be asked to confirm that they would hold the Corporation covered in respect of this indemnity. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to enter into the above- mentioned form of undertaking with the Middlesex County Council, incor­ porating the conditions now submitted by the Town Clerk; and that he be hereby instructed to prepare and seal an undertaking accordingly. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 506

1034. Employees' Social Club: Elmgrove Road, Harrow: The Town Clerk reported that, by resolution 1004 (27th June, 1956), the Committee had agreed that, when accommodation on the first floor of the building in the grounds of the Elmgrove Road Depot is vacated by the Employees' Social Club on 30th September, 1956, that accommodation should be made available to the Borough Treasurer for the storage of Council materials; and sub­ mitted letter (25th July, 1956) from the Harrow Civil Defence Association, asking that these premises be allocated to them in place of the premises adjoining which they are at present using. The Association stated that if the first floor accommodation was taken over by the Borough Treasurer, the Association (and volunteers who use their present headquarters for training) would be deprived of lavatory accommodation and water supply; and pointed out that the desired accommodation, if granted to them, would provide a place where the Association could hold functions and be the means of getting and keeping together the active members of the Corps. The Town Clerk also submitted details of the present financial position regarding the existing premises used by the Civil Defence Association, together with details of the charges which the Borough Treasurer felt should be made if the Committee agreed to offer to the Civil Defence Association the use of the premises to be vacated by the Employees' Social Club. RESOLVED: That, to enable further consideration to be given thereto by this Committee, the views of the Civil Defence Committee be obtained in this matter.

1035. Use of Public Footway: Station Road, Harrow: The Town Clerk sub­ mitted letter (30th August, 1956) from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Associa­ tion, seeking the Council's permission to use the footway in front of the " Granada " Cinema, Station Road, Harrow, on 8th and 9th October, 1956, for the purposes of their car competition unit (with the object of raising funds for the Association); and assuring the Council that no obstruction would be caused either to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. RESOLVED: That, subject to their obtaining the approval of the local Police, and to the Corporation being indemnified against any damage to the public footway and against any claim arising by reason of the Association's car competition unit being placed on the site referred to, the Committee raise no objection to the above request of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. (Note: Alderman Gange, J.P., voted against the above resolution.)

1036. Street Litter: The Town Clerk reported that, by resolution 985 (27th June, 1956), the Committee (inter alia) had instructed him to inform the Pinner South Residents' Association that the Committee repudiated most strongly the Association's allegations relating to the dirty and untidy condition of streets in the Borough; and submitted letter (1st August, 1956) from the Association, stating that they were quite sure that the Highways and Cleansing Committee and the Corporation were doing all they could in this matter; but that the main streets of Pinner Village a few days before the Association's last letter were in a deplorable state. The Association added that they did not wish their comments to be taken as criticism of the Corporation's efforts; that it was mainly the public who were to blame; and that only by unremitting effort by the Corporation and local and trade organisations was any improve­ ment likely to be obtained. 507 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

RESOLVED: That the letter be received; and that the Town Clerk be asked to inform the Pinner South Residents' Association that the Council would welcome all possible assistance from the Association in connection with the Council's campaign to keep the streets in the Borough in a clean and tidy condition.

1037. Car Parking Facilities in Edgware: The Town Clerk reported that, by resolution 925 (30th May, 1956), he had been instructed to bring to the notice of the Edgware and District Chamber of Commerce proposals of the Hendon Corporation to provide a public car park behind Station Road, Edgware, opposite Manor Park Crescent, coupled with the suggestion that the Chamber wait to see what effect these proposals would have upon the parking problem in Edgware. The Town Clerk submitted letter (11th July, 1956) from the Chamber of Commerce, stating that it was felt that a car park at the rear of Station Road, Edgware, would not greatly ease congestion caused by the parking of cars in the High Street and Whitchurch Lane area; and suggesting, in the circumstances, that consideration be given to the provision of a car park on land at the High Street end of Spring Villa Road, adjoining the " White Hart " hotel. RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to report to the Committee, at their next meeting, upon the possibility of the above- mentioned site being utilised for the purposes of a public car park.

1038. Pedestrian Crossing Outside Manor Schools: The Town Clerk reported that, at their meeting on 30th May, 1956, the Committee had considered a letter from the Roxeth Manor Schools Parent-Teacher Associa­ tion asking if the pedestrian crossing then outside the Primary Schools' gate could be retained, and, by resolution 926, had decided to suggest to the Association that the pedestrian crossing should first be given a trial period of operation in its proposed new position east of Kings Road. The Town Clerk submitted letter (9th July, 1956) from the Association, stating that this matter had again been fully discussed, and stressing that, in the interest of protecting the children, the pedestrian crossing should be retained in its position outside the schools. The Town Clerk also reported that the pedestrian crossing referred to had been re-sited to its new position in East- cote Lane east of Kings Road on 25th August, 1956. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the Roxeth Manor Schools Parent-Teacher Association that the Committee will give further consideration to the above matter in three months' time, and/ or when current works have been completed and the results observed.

1039. Honeypot Lane: Speed Limit and Provision of Pedestrian Crossings: The Town Clerk submitted letter (21st July, 1956) from the South-West Community Association, referring to the fact that the speed limit along the whole length of Honeypot Lane may be raised to 40 m.p.h., and stating that, in their opinion, Honeypot Lane is already a most dangerous road; and they strongly protest against any increase in the speed limit. The Association also stated that there was an urgent need for pedestrian crossings in Honeypot Lane; and suggested that crossings be provided (a) adjacent to the premises of the Armstrong Cork Company; (b) adjacent to Lex Garages; and (c) at an appropriate position between Queensbury Circle and the junction of Wemborough Road and Whitchurch Lane. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 508

RESOLVED: (a) That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the South-West Stanmore Community Association that the proposal of the Ministry of Transport to apply a 40 m.p.h. speed limit to Honeypot Lane is for a trial period only, and that the Committee have already advised the Ministry of their very real misgivings as to the wisdom of applying the new limit to the length of Honeypot Lane from Kingsbury Road to Queensbury Circle; and (b) that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to report to the Committee, in due course, upon the Association's suggestions regarding the provision of pedestrian crossings in Honeypot Lane at the points mentioned above. 1040. Traffic Conditions in the Rayners Lane Area: RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to defer consideration of the above matter, including the letter (June, 1956) from the Pinner South Residents' Association, to their next meeting. 1041. Construction of Footway: Uxbridge Road, Hatch End (Anselm Road to Railway Bridge): The Town Clerk reported that, as authorised by resolu­ tion 1008 (27th June, 1956), the Chairman (Councillor Mote) had accepted the lowest tender received for the work of construction of the above- mentioned footway, namely, that of Wilson's Surfacing, Ltd., in the sum of £2,224 7s. 9d.; and that a contract had been prepared accordingly. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote) and the Town Clerk. 1042 (a) Parking of Motor Vehicle on Grass Verge: and (b) Placing of Electric Cable Across the Highway: The Town Clerk reported receipt of a Police report (9th July, 1956) alleging that, on 30th June, 1956, a motor-car owned by a resident of Headstone Lane, Harrow, had been parked on the grass verge outside the resident's house; that an electric cable extended from the letter-box of the house across the garden and then over the public footpath to the car; the parking of the car on the grass verge and the placing of the electric cable across the highway being offences under the Middlesex County Council Act, 1950, and the Public Health Act, 1925, respectively. The Town Clerk also reported that, as a matter of urgency, the instructions of the Chairman (Councillor Mote) had been taken in this matter, and that he had decided, in this instance, not to authorise the institution of legal proceedings against the resident referred to, but that a suitable warning letter be sent, which action had been taken accordingly. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote). 1043. Proposed Erection of Direction Sign: The Town Clerk submitted letter (17th July, 1956) from Kodak Limited, stating that they were considering a suggestion that the roads from Wealdstone Station should be signposted directing to their factory; that a large number of people visit them each day, many of them strangers, and it was quite a frequent occurrence for local people to be asked the way to the factory. Further, that people did not know whether to turn left or right on leaving Marlborough Road exit of the Station, and even then, there was a risk that they would not turn down Princes Drive but would continue along Kings Way; and the fact that this latter name coincided with the name of the street in which Kodak's Head Office is situated had also caused further complications. Kodak Limited, 509 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

therefore, asked whether the Council would allow the erection of a direction sign on a street lighting column at the corner of Princes Drive and Kings Way. RESOLVED: That, subject to (i) any necessary planning consent, (ii) the proposed sign being to the Committee's standard size and being erected to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, and (iii) the Corporation being indemnified against all claims which may arise in respect of the sign, the Committee hereby agree to the erection of a direction sign at the above- mentioned place; and that the Town Clerk and Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to take all necessary action accordingly.

1044. Parking of Invalid Chairs or Motor-Cars Adapted for the Disabled: Resolution 938 (30th May, 1956): The Town Clerk submitted, for the Com­ mittee's information, (a) letter (16th July, 1956) from the Manager of the " Granada " Cinema, Harrow, stating that his Head Office had now agreed to the Council's request that free parking facilities be made available at the car park adjoining the cinema, and that arrangements would be made for the car park attendant to keep a space clear for the vehicles of disabled persons; and (b) letter (29th June, 1956) from the Middlesex Group of the Invalid Tricycle Association, placing on record the Association's thanks for the way in which the Committee had helped the disabled of Harrow in this very vital matter. The Town Clerk reported that, by resolution 851 (28th March, 1956), the Committee (inter alia) had asked him to bring the views of the Middlesex Group of the Invalid Tricycle Association to the attention of the Middlesex County Council, and to inform that authority that the Committee did not agree with the suggestions of the Association as to parking hand-controlled cars in restricted areas, the already having in hand the question of the parking in such areas of invalid tricycles, and submitted letter (6th September, 1956) from the Middlesex Group of the Association, referring to the point about parking in restricted areas, and stating that they had made enquiries in Sweden (where members of the Association had recently been on holiday) to ascertain how that country dealt with this problem; and that, in Stockholm, all disabled persons owning mechanical vehicles were issued with a Police permit which allowed them full priority on non-restricted roads and to park in restricted areas specified in the permit. The Association asked if the above information could be passed on to the appropriate bodies for their consideration. RESOLVED: (a) That the letters be received; and (b) that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the Middlesex Group of the Invalid Tricycle Association that the Committee are unable to depart from their previous decision in this matter (contained in resolution 851: 28th March, 1956) relating to the parking of hand-controlled cars in restricted areas in the Borough.

1045. Traffic Conditions: Parkside Way, : Resolutions 919 (30th May, 1956) and 982 (27th June, 1956): The Town Clerk reported that, at their meeting on 30th May, 1956, the Committee (inter alia) had instructed him to bring to the attention of the Police the allegations of the Parkside Way Residents' Committee relating to the speed of heavy traffic along Parkside Way, North Harrow, and submitted letter (17th July, 1956) from the Commissioner of Police, stating that the Council's remarks about the HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 510

alleged excessive speed and noise of vehicles in Parkside Way had been carefully considered; and that the Local Police were continuing to give as much attention to the matter as is possible, having regard to their many other commitments and the present manpower situation of the Force. The Commissioner hoped that any annoyance or danger from this source would be alleviated by the presence of Police, and that a material improvement in conditions in Parkside Way would result. RESOLVED : That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to bring the contents of the above letter from the Commissioner of Police to the attention of the Parkside Way Residents' Committee.

1046. Proposed Public Convenience at Pinner: The Town Clerk submitted letter (20th July, 1956) from the Northwood and Pinner Chamber of Trade, raising certain points connected with nuisances arising from the holding of the annual Pinner Fair, and stating that, on the last occasion, the smell from the public convenience outside the " Red Lion " public house was most objectionable, and that the Chamber's members had urged that the provision of a public convenience should have priority before next year. The Town Clerk reminded the Committee that, by letter dated 23rd February, 1956, the Minister of Housing and Local Government had stated that, having regard to the provisions of Circular No. 11/56, he did not propose to consider the Council's application for loan sanction for the construction of public conveniences at Chapel Lane, Pinner, for the time being. RESOLVED: (a) That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to inform the Northwood and Pinner Chamber of Trade that it is the Council's intention to provide a public convenience at Pinner at the earliest possible date, and that the matter will be raised again with the Minister of Housing and Local Government at the appropriate time; and (b) that the Borough Engineer be asked to investigate the conditions obtaining at the public convenience outside the " Red Lion " public house at Pinner.

1047. Ditch Adjoining Bel I field Avenue, : Alleged Flooding at 42, Bellfield Avenue: The Town Clerk reported that the occupier of 42, Bellfield Avenue, Harrow Weald, had complained, on a number of occasions, about the waterlogged condition of his garden, and flooding of his premises, which he alleged was due to the overflow, or seepage, of water from the ditch which runs along the north boundary of his garden; that, on the other side of the ditch is a private field, through which the Council constructed a sewer in 1951; and that, to maintain the free flow of water in the ditch in question, the contractor constructing the Council's sewer had provided a short length of piping in the ditch at a point (a short distance from the occupier's property) where entry had been made into the field by the con­ tractor with his plant and materials required for the construction of the Council's sewer. Further that, due to the flooding mentioned above, the occupier of 42, Bellfield Avenue, in September, 1955, had arranged for the length of piping to be inspected, and caused repairs to be executed thereto at a cost of £7 19s. Od.; and that, because he felt that the Council were responsible for the flooding of his property, the occupier had sought reim­ bursement by the Council of the sum of £7 19s. Od. Having in mind the possibility that the Council's contractor engaged on the construction of the sewer in 1951 may have fractured the piping in part of the ditch referred to above, the Committee 511 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

RESOLVED: That, subject to the approval of the Minister of Housing and Local Government pursuant to section 228 (1) of the Local Government Act, 1933, and to an undertaking by the occupier in a form to be approved by the Town Clerk, the Committee hereby agree that an ex gratia payment of £7 19s. Od. be made to the occupier of 42, Bellfield Avenue, Harrow Weald, in respect of the repairs to the length of piping referred to above; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to take all necessary action accordingly. 1048. The Association of Public Lighting Engineers: Annual Conference: The Town Clerk reported that, by resolution 984 (27th June, 1956), the Vice- Chairman (Councillor Rees) and the Borough Engineer had been appointed to attend the above Conference, to be held at Blackpool from 18th to 21st September, 1956, inclusive; that, due to the fact that he had, unfortunately, sustained injuries in a motor-car accident, Councillor Rees would be unable to attend the Conference; but that the Chairman (Councillor Mote) had expressed his willingness to attend the Conference as the Council's repre­ sentative (and not in his personal capacity) in place of Councillor Rees; and that arrangements had been made accordingly. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote) and the Town Clerk. 1049. "No Waiting" Regulations: RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to defer to their next meeting consideration of the letter (6th September, 1956) from the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, seeking the Council's views on the question of any alterations that may be necessary relative to the waiting restrictions operative in the Borough. 1050. Road Traffic Act, 1956: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive, and thank him for, the written report (10th September, 1956) of the Town Clerk upon the various provisions of the Road Traffic Act, 1956, which passed into law on 2nd August, 1956; and note that further reports will be submitted to the Committee as and when the various parts of the Act are brought into operation. 1051. Report of the Borough Engineer: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Engineer (12th September, 1956). 1052. Proposed Public Convenience at Woodridings Close, Hatch End: Resolution 547 (29th June, 1955): The Town Clerk reported that, with the authority of the Chairman (Councillor Mote), notice had been given in the local press of the Corporation's intention to apply to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for his approval to the erection of a public convenience at Woodridings Close, Hatch End; and that, to date, one objection had been received. RESOLVED: That the report be received; and that the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above-mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote). 1053. Memorial Clock, High Street, Wealdstone: The Borough Engineer reported that Messrs. Chas. H. Potts & Co. Ltd., of Leeds, had maintained the above clock since 1947, at an annual charge of £3 10s. Od.; and submitted letter from Messrs. Potts seeking the Council's agreement, owing to increased costs, to the annual charge being raised to £4 15s. Od. as from 1st August, 1956. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 512

RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to the increased annual charge, mentioned above, in respect of the maintenance of the Memorial Clock at High Street, Wealdstone; and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to make all necessary arrangements accordingly. 1054. Thistledene Avenue, South Harrow: Dangerous Place Adjoining the Highway: Resolution 963 (30th May, 1956): The Borough Engineer reminded the Committee that they had been informed, at their meeting in May, 1956, that the dangerous place adjoining the highway at Thistledene Avenue, South Harrow, had been temporarily fenced; and reported that the opportunity had been taken, when the Middlesex County Council were executing the remedial works to the roadway adjacent to the Roxbourne stream, to replace this temporary fencing with a concrete block wall, 3 feet 6 inches high, at a cost of £59 12s. 10d., to be borne by the Corporation. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Borough Engineer; and that the Borough Treasurer be hereby instructed to reimburse the Middlesex County Council the sum of £59 12s. lOd. incurred by that authority in connection with the execution of the works referred to. 1055. Drainage of Maisonettes: Westfield Lane, Kenton: The Borough Engineer reported that, at the meeting of the Committee on 27th June, 1956 (resolution 1003), approval had been given, including authority to serve any necessary notices, to approach the owner of 13, Westfield Gardens with a view either to the Council taking over, as a public sewer, the combined drain serving that property, and allowing the developer of the two maisonettes in Westfield Lane to connect thereto, or alternatively to construct a sewer from the Council's sewer in Westfield Gardens, through the garden of No. 13, West- field Gardens, to a point within the curtilage of the new maisonettes. Further, that it had now been ascertained that the owner of No. 13, Westfield Gardens was not prepared to negotiate and that, accordingly, a notice under section 15 of the Public Health Act, 1936, had been served upon him for the construction of a public sewer through his property; that it was estimated that the work would cost up to £130; and that the developer was prepared to make a contribution of £50 or half the cost, whichever was the less. RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to ask the developer of the two maisonettes referred to to make a contribution of one-half of the ultimate cost of constructing the above proposed sewer; and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to take all necessary action to secure compliance with the notice served upon the owner of No. 13, Westfield Gardens pursuant to section 15 of the Public Health Act, 1936, including any necessary application to the Justices in connection therewith. 1056. Uxbridge Road, Stanmore: Surface Water Drainage: The Borough Engineer reported that, during the recent heavy rainstorms, the surface water drainage of Uxbridge Road, Stanmore, on either side of Chartley Avenue, had proved to be inadequate, in that the southern side of the road is without gulleys for a length of about 500 feet; that the Middlesex County Council had been able to allocate a sum of money for the construction of a 9 in. surface water sewer, complete with manholes and necessary road gulleys, estimated to cost £1,000; and that the work could be carried out under the Corporation's annual sewer contract. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to the execution of the above-mentioned works under the Council's annual sewer contract, at an 513 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

estimated cost of £1,000; and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to make all necessary arrangements accordingly. 1057. Proposed Agreement Road: Cul-de-sac off Gordon Avenue, Stanmore: The Borough Engineer reported that, subject to planning and byelaw approval, the developer of land at the rear of Wykeham House, Gordon Avenue, Stanmore, wished to enter into the usual agreement with the Council providing for adoption of the above road on satisfactorily completing its construction to the Council's standard specification. RESOLVED: That, subject to planning and byelaw approval, the Committee hereby (a) approve the plans and sections (now submitted by the Borough Engineer) for the construction of the proposed new cul-de-sac off Gordon Avenue, Stanmore (adjacent to Wykeham House); (b) instruct the Borough Engineer to negotiate terms with the developer concerned with a view to the road being adopted by the Council; and (c) instruct the Town Clerk to prepare and seal an agreement accordingly. 1058. Erection of Public Telephone Kiosk: The Borough Engineer reported receipt of an application from the Telephone Manager, North-West Telephone Area, for permission to erect a second public telephone kiosk (adjoining the existing kiosk on the north side) at the junction of Sheepcote Road and Station Road, Harrow. RESOLVED : That the Committee hereby agree to the erection of an additional public telephone kiosk at the above-mentioned place; and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to inform the Telephone Manager accordingly. 1059. Street Naming: The Borough Engineer reported that notice had been received from William Old, Limited, of their intention to assign the name " Rowe Walk " to a new cul-de-sac leading off Eastcote Lane, Roxeth, and abutting the south-west boundary of the Tithe Farm Hotel; and that such notice had been considered and approved within the statutory period by the Chairman (Councillor Mote). RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote); and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to comply with statutory require­ ments as to affixing a nameplate or notice in conspicuous positions in or near the street. 1060. Salvage: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Engineer that the following quantities of salvage have been sold by the Corporation:— 1956 Waste Paper Rags tons cwts. qrs. tons cwts. qrs. June ...... 203 12 2 4 16 2 July ...... 187 10 0 480 August ...... 171 15 0 383 1061. Accident Notice Boards: Resolution 1019 (27th June, 1956): Having considered the observations of the Chairman (Councillor Mote) and the Vice-Chairman (Councillor Rees) on the list of sites (which they had inspected) suggested for the erection of permanent accident notice boards, and having considered suggested additional sites, the Committee, RESOLVED: (a) That, subject to the obtaining of any necessary planning and other consents, the Committee hereby approve the under-mentioned HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 514

sites for the erection of permanent notice boards giving publicity to local accident figures; (b) that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to make provision for the estimated cost of the boards (approximately £30 each) in the road safety estimates for 1957/58; and (c) that the views of the Harrow Road Safety Council be obtained as to the design of, and the manner in which the information is to be displayed on, the proposed notice boards:— (1) Grant Road School, Wealdstone. (Adjacent to the wire fencing at the back of the footway in the High Street as near to the Public Library as possible.) (2) On footway (immediately south of the Police box) between service road and main carriageway, Sheepcote Road, outside " Granada " Cinema. (3) On the public footway adjacent to the south side of the railway bridge, South Harrow. (4) On the public footway in front of the Gaumont Cinema in Alexandra Avenue, opposite the doorway. (5) Adjacent to the County Library, Pinner. (Either at the entrance to the small public garden to the south of the building or on the wall of the library building). (6) At the back of the public footway in front of Headstone Hotel. (7) At the entrance to the public convenience, Whitchurch Lane, Edgware. (8) Stanmore Broadway. (On the wide public footway between the service road and main carriageway, opposite the " Normandie " Restaurant). (9) Outside the Council Offices, Peel Road, Wealdstone. (10) Adjacent to the public convenience at Harrow Weald Recreation Ground. 1062. Road Research Laboratory: Lecture Courses: The Borough Engineer reported that lecture courses in (1) soil mechanics, (2) tar and bituminous materials, (3) concrete, and (4) traffic and road safety would be held at the Road Research Laboratory during the winter months; that the fee for each of the first three courses was £10 10s. Od., and for the fourth course £7 7s. Od.; that the courses occupied from seven to twelve days, and were intended for senior officers; and that, in the past, they had been of value to his Department. RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to arrange for four members of his Department to attend (one each) the four lecture courses referred to above. 1063. Trade Effluent Agreement: The Borough Engineer reported that, resulting from an application under the Public Health (Drainage of Trade Premises) Act, 1937, by Prepared Foods Limited, in respect of their property at 7, Northolt Road, the Middlesex County Council had agreed to accept the trade effluent from those premises, subject to certain conditions; and that the type of effluent and the conditions required by the County Council were suitable so far as the Corporation's sewers were concerned. The Borough Engineer sought the Committee's authority to enter into a formal agreement, as required by the Act, with the County Council and the company. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare and seal an agreement with the Middlesex County Council and Prepared Foods Limited in respect of the acceptance of trade effluent from the company's premises mentioned above. 1064. New Streets Act, 1951: Amounts to be Paid or Secured in Respect of Street Works: The Borough Engineer submitted, for ratification by the 515 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Committee of the sums specified therein, details of notices served by him from 18th July to 27th August, 1956, under section 2 (1) of the New Streets Act, 1951. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve the list, now submitted, detailing the sums specified in notices served by the Borough Engineer under section 2 (1) of the New Streets Act, 1951, from 18th July to 27th August, 1956, requiring the deposit of, or security in respect of, road charges. 1065. Civil Defence Exercise: The Borough Engineer reported that the Chairman of the Civil Defence Committee (Councillor Mason) had sought the Committee's permission to the staging by the Civil Defence Corps of an exercise at the former Newton Sewage Farm on Sunday morning, 23rd September, 1956; and that the Corps would like the use of the telephone in the Weighing Machine Office, and also the use of the baling shed. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby accede to the above request of the Chairman of the Civil Defence Committee (Councillor Mason). 1066. Inter-Borough Drainage Agreement: The Borough Engineer referred to the Drainage Agreement entered into by the Ealing and Harrow Corporations, whereby payments are made by each Authority in respect of properties discharging waste waters into the sewers of the other Authority, and reported that the charges were based upon rateable value, and that provision was made for including future development and adjusting the charges from time to time. Further, that the Ealing Council had sought permission to drain three blocks of flats on the Northolt Park Estate, comprising thirty housing units, into the Harrow sewerage system; that Harrow's sewers were of a size sufficient to receive the additional flow; and that the Chairman (Coun­ cillor Mote) had given permission to the Borough Engineer of Ealing to proceed with the work. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above- mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote); and that the Town Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare and seal any necessary endorse­ ment to the Drainage Agreement referred to. 1067. Overhanging Signs: The Borough Engineer reported receipt of applica­ tions for permission to erect signs overhanging the public footway at 377, Station Road, Harrow, and 343, Uxbridge Road, Hatch End; and submitted details of the proposed signs. RESOLVED: (a) That the Committee hereby agree that the application in respect of the proposed overhanging sign at 377, Station Road, Harrow, be not granted; and (b) that, subject to planning consent, to the proposed sign being erected to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer, and to the Corporation being indemnified against all claims which may arise in respect of the sign, the Committee hereby agree to the erection of the above- mentioned overhanging sign at 343, Uxbridge Road, Hatch End; and that the Town Clerk and Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to take all necessary action accordingly. (Note: Alderman Gange, J.P., voted against the decision of the Committee to grant the application in respect of the proposed sign at 343, Uxbridge Road, Hatch End.) 1068. Surface Water Overflow: Cuckoo Hill Road, Pinner: The Borough Engineer reported that excessive flooding by storm water had been experi­ enced by new properties on the south side of Cuckoo Hill Road, Pinner, HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 516

causing damage to front and back gardens; that the surface water sewer was very shallow at this point; that it was considered necessary to construct an additional 9 in. diameter surface water sewer from the existing manhole outside No. 11, Cuckoo Hill Road to the River Finn at the rear of the property; and that the sewer would be laid through the garden of No. 9, Cuckoo Hill Road, the owner of which had signified his consent, and through the allotments at the rear. The Borough Engineer also reported that the estimated cost of the work was £400, but that no provision had been made for this expenditure in current estimates. Having been advised that the part of Cuckoo Hill Road fronting the above-mentioned properties had not yet been made up and adopted by the Council, the Committee, RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to report to the Committee, in due course, upon the possibility of the above suggested drainage works being executed as part of the work of making up the section in question of Cuckoo Hill Road, Pinner, under the Private Street Works Act, 1892. 1069. Oxhey Lane Sewer: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Engineer regarding a claim by the contractor concerned for an additional payment in respect of the construction of the above sewer; and that the Town Clerk and Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to discuss this matter with the contractor and his solicitor and to report again to the Committee hereon in due course. 1070. Proposed Improvement: Field End Road and Eastcote Lane, Ealing: The Borough Engineer reported, for the Committee's information, that the scheme for the above improvement, prepared by the Ruislip-Northwood Council (as the Authority maintaining the section of highway affected), had been under consideration by the Middlesex County Council and the Ministry of Transport; and that it was understood that the acquisition of the necessary land by the County Council was nearing completion, and that provision would be made in the County estimates for 1957/58 for the execution of the work involved. RESOLVED: That the report be received. 1071. Kenton Lane, Junction with Uxbridge Road and Gordon Avenue: RESOLVED : That, in response to the request of the Vice-Chairman (Councillor Rees), the Committee hereby agree to defer consideration of the above matter to their next meeting. 1072. Minor Improvements to County Roads: Bridge Street, Pinner: With reference to item (2) of resolution 959 (30th May, 1956), the Borough Engineer reported that the proposal for a bus lay-by in Bridge Street, Pinner, as agreed by representative members of the Committee on the site, had been approved by the Middlesex County Council, who had asked that, in addition, the existing carriageway be widened to 40 feet between the proposed lay-by and Chapel Lane. The Borough Engineer submitted a plan and revised estimate of cost, totalling £4,697, and reported that it was understood that the County Council would endeavour to provide the necessary funds as quickly as possible. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve the revised scheme, as now submitted by the Borough Engineer, for the provision of a bus lay-by and the widening of the carriageway at Bridge Street, Pinner; and that the 517 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to represent to the Middlesex County Council the desirability of the above works being carried out now, in view of the present sewer works in Bridge Street. 1073. Alexandra Avenue, Rayners Lane: Bus Stopping and Terminal Arrange­ ments: The Borough Engineer reported that, during the operation of the revised bus working arrangements, it had been observed that the new stopping place for routes 114 and 209 (southbound) on the bridge over Rayners Lane Station tended to create an obstruction; that negotiations had accordingly been pursued with the London Transport Executive, resulting in the following suggested amendments to the arrangements reported in resolution 966 (30th May, 1956); and that the Executive had requested the Council's formal approval to the erection of signs to give effect to these arrangements:— (1) Route 114 The previously proposed stopping place on the railway bridge 25 yards north of the junction of Alexandra Avenue with Rayners Lane to be eliminated, and a new stand and southbound stopping place to be estab­ lished opposite a point 9 yards south of 240, Imperial Drive. This route also to pick-up at the existing southbound stopping place opposite 466, Alexandra Avenue. (2) Route 209 The previously proposed stopping place on the railway bridge 25 yards north of the junction of Alexandra Avenue with Rayners Lane to be eliminated, and the existing southbound stopping place opposite 466, Alexandra Avenue to be retained. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve the above proposals relating to stopping places on bus routes 114 and 209, including the erection of the necessary signs; and that the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to inform the London Transport Executive accordingly. 1074. Accident Returns: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Engineer as to street accidents in the Borough during the months of May, June and July, 1956, together with a cumulative summary of accidents for the period 1st August, 1954, to 31st July, 1956, and also the following statement showing the monthly trends of accidents in the Borough:— No. of Accidents | No. of Injured Fatal Main Roads Other Roads Main Other Total Main Other Total Roads Roads Slight Serious Slight Serious Roads Roads Total - 1954/55 389 103 492 377 68 110 19 6 580 Monthly average 32 9 41 31 6 9 2 — — 48 1954/55 1955/56 August 28 (29) 8(5) 36 (34) 28 (28) 3(5) 11 (17) -(2) — (—) 42 (52) Sept.... 43 (31) 6(14) 49 (45) 46 (32) 6(7) 4(9) 2(5) — (—) 58 (54) Oct. ... 44(38) 10 (12) 54 (50) 63 (35) 10(8) 12 (12) 2(1) 4 (—) \t \j 91 (56) Nov.... 45 (46) 7(4) 52 (50) 48 (45) 9(7) 6(5) 64(58) Dec. ... 53 (41) 8(7) 61 (48) 65 (40) 12(7) 8(5) 1(2) Id) ;j:j 87 (55) Jan. ... 28 (19) 10(8) 38 (27) 28 (17) 7(6) 11(6) *-8 48 (31) Feb. ... 17 (22) 5(10) 22 (32) 17 (22) 3(3) 5(8) 25 (35) March 26 (32) 7(9) 33 (41) 25 (32) 8(2) 8(11) -(2) :j:j 44 (47) April... 19 (42) 4(10) 23 (52) 20(44) 3(9) 5(10) ?!il -d) — (—) 29 (65) May ... 28(44) 19(12) 47(56) 31 (45) 5(3) 22(13) 2(3) — (—) 60(64) June ... 33 (38) 14(8) 47 (46) 25 (35) 10(7) 14(9) 4(1) — (—) — (—) 53 (52) July ... 22 (33) 15(11) 37 (44) 22 (33) 4(9) 14(13) K-) - (-) - (-) 41 (55) 386(415) 113(110)11499(525) 418 (408) 80 (73) 120(118) 19(19) 5(6) -H 642 (624)

NOTE: The figures shown in brackets are in respect of the corresponding month or period in the previous year. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 518

1075. Private Street Works: Melbourne Avenue, Pinner: The Borough Treasurer reported that the final apportionment relating to the above works had now been made; and that, so far as the Highways and Cleansing Com­ mittee were concerned, their liability in respect of the frontage to Greystoke Avenue amounted to £40 13s. 4d. In view of the fact that this expenditure was of a capital nature, and that the Open Spaces Committee also had a substantial liability in respect of their Pinner Park Farm frontage, the Borough Treasurer suggested that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for financing. RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted; that the Committee hereby approve and adopt the above suggestion of the Borough Treasurer; and that he be hereby instructed to arrange accordingly.

1076. Bus Facilities in Harrow: Resolution 767 (18th January, 1956): The Town Clerk submitted (a) letter (11th July, 1956) from the London Transport Executive, setting out their observations on the matters raised (the question of existing bus services and the need for additional services in the Borough) at the meeting between representatives of the Council and of the Executive held on llth January, 1956; and (b) report of a further meeting between representatives of the Council and the Executive held on 22nd August, 1956 (attended by Councillors Griffin, Mote, O'Loughlin, C.C., Rees and Wood, M.B.E.), copies of which letter and report had been circulated to all members of the Committee; and reported that, as the Chairman (Councillor Mote) had felt that, despite the observations of the Executive, inadequacies on certain routes still existed, he had arranged for the further meeting to be held. At this meeting, the Executive had announced that they proposed, subject to the approval of the Licensing Authority, to divert the 114 bus route after it leaves Harrow Metropolitan Station, via Lascelles Avenue, Treve Avenue, Porlock Avenue and Shaftesbury Avenue, thence into Northolt Road to South Harrow Station. The Town Clerk also reported that details of the arrangements made at the second meeting (as set out in the report above referred to) with regard to certain bus routes in the Borough were as follows:— Route 18: The Executive stated that shortworkings had been undertaken on this route, and would be considered on other routes in the Borough, but agreed to take observations on that part of this route operating between Belmont Circle and Harrow on Saturdays during the hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Routes 98 and 209: The Executive will consider these routes with a view to better interworking of the services. Route 107 (Edgware to ): The Council's representatives contended that this service was not adequate to meet the needs of the residents of the Elstree Hill Estate or the Camrose School Catchment Area. The Executive stated, however, that an express service (bus route 52—Boreham Wood to Burnt Oak) had recently been increased, and that, although this route did not enter the Borough, it did take traffic away from the 107 route. Route 114: In addition to the proposed diversion of this route to meet the needs of residents in West Harrow, the Executive also agreed to a trial period of supervision of the schedules over that part of the route operating between Brockhurst Corner and Whitchurch Lane, and to observe the effect on the route of the opening of the Heriots Wood Grammar School at Clamp Hill, with its large catchment area. 519 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING

Route 225 (Eastcote Arms to Northwood): The Council's representatives again pressed for the extension of this service to serve residents on the Northolt Park Estate, and, in view of the new factories and schools to be erected beyond the railway bridge. The Executive promised further to investigate this route, having been informed that the Highways and Cleansing Committee would be asked to consider expediting the opening up of, including the carrying out of improvement works at, Eastcote Lane and the railway bridge. Route 140: The Executive stated that this service had not been reduced and, in their opinion, was adequate. Uxbridge Road Facilities: The Executive agreed to keep this matter under review because of the inadequacy of the 114 service and, consequent upon the future replacement of trolley buses by diesels, will consider whether it is possible to provide a service from Canons Corner (the present trolley bus terminus) along London Road to Uxbridge Road, thus serving Stanmore (Bakerloo) Station, or at least as far as this station. The Executive will also bear in mind the Council's request for a service, or extension of an existing one, along Uxbridge Road, westwards of Halls Corner, to link up Pinner and Hatch End with Stanmore by direct route. Route 230: The Council's representatives again expressed their concern that no service existed for residents between Kenmore Avenue and the Library north to Belmont Circle, and suggested that alternate buses (which could be re-numbered 230a) on the existing route could, when travelling towards Northwick Park, turn northwards on reaching Kenmore Avenue, proceed along that road to Belmont Circle, then southwards down Kenton Lane to rejoin the 230 route at Kenton Library. The Executive agreed to consider this problem from all angles, particularly the possible interworking of buses on the 230 route as mentioned above, as well as a possible extension of the 209 service. Staggering of School Hours: In their letter of llth July, 1956, with regard to the 114 route, the Executive suggested that if St. Joseph's R.C. School, High Street, Wealdstone, could start 15 minutes later in the morning, much of the difficulty now experienced at Brockhurst Corner would be overcome. The Council's representatives were fully in accord with this suggestion and, furthermore, agreed that, if possible, other schools, at least on this route and also on route 18, should also commence 15 minutes later in the morning, thus reducing waiting times and avoiding unnecessary congestion. RESOLVED: (a) That the above letter and report of the meeting held on 22nd August, 1956, be received; (b) that the Committee hereby approve and confirm the above-mentioned action taken by the Chairman (Councillor Mote); (c) that the Education Committee be asked (i) for their views upon the possibility of schools in the Borough (including the two Roman Catholic Schools in High Street, Wealdstone), or, at least, those schools served by bus routes 18 and 114, commencing 15 minutes later than at present, on all mornings; and (ii) to seek the co-operation of the two Roman Catholic schools referred to on the question of advising children attending those schools and travelling from the direction of Harrow to board buses travelling to Harrow Weald Garage only, thus alleviating congestion for travellers on through buses to Edgware and ; and (d) that enquiry be made of the Borough Education Officer as to whether, in view of the increased service on bus route 52, bus service 107 is now adequate to meet the needs of the pupils attending Camrose School, Edgware. HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 520

1077. Harrow Road Safety Council: RESOLVED: (a) That the Committee receive the report (17th July, 1956) of the Harrow Road Safety Council (as now submitted); and that, insofar as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in this report, it be hereby confirmed. (b) Parking of Vehicles at Night; and Dust from Uncovered Lorries: That the Committee hereby agree to seek (i) publicity in the local press regarding the dangerous practice of parking vehicles at night with lights showing in the wrong direction; and (ii) the co-operation of local haulage contractors, and other similar contractors whose vehicles pass through the Borough, on the question of danger to pedal- and motor-cyclists caused by dust blowing from uncovered lorries; and that the Town Clerk be asked to take all necessary action accordingly. (c) Green District Scheme: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the action of their Chairman (Councillor Mote) in approving, as a matter of urgency, the following proposals in connection with participation in the Green District Scheme, to be held in the Borough from 20th to 27th October, 1956, inclusive:— (1) That expenditure of approximately £150, to be met from current road safety estimates, be incurred in connection with the Scheme; (2) That arrangements be made for the Scheme to be operated in (i) High Street, Wealdstone, Station Road and College Road, Harrow; (ii) Rayners Lane shopping area; (iii) Northolt Road, South Harrow; (iv) Stanmore Broadway and Church Road shopping area; and (v) Kenton Road shopping area; (3) That 260 metal signs be hired from the Metal Sign Co., Ltd., of Osborn Street, London, E.I, at a total cost of £65, such signs, subject to any necessary approval of the Middlesex County Council, to be attached, free of charge, by the Automobile Association to street lighting columns in the Borough in the areas mentioned at (2) above; (4) That the following material, applicable to the Scheme, be purchased from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, viz., (i) 10,000 leaflets, at a cost of £38 5s. Od.; (ii) 1,000 " stickers," at a cost of £4 17s. 9d.; (iii) 200 double crown posters, at a cost of £7 10s. Od.; and (iv) 15,000 lapel flags, at a cost of £16 5s. Od.; and (5) That the Town Clerk be asked to instruct the Road Safety Organiser to make all necessary arrangements and otherwise to proceed in accord­ ance with the suggestions contained in the reports (as now submitted) of Councillor Wood and the Road Safety Organiser. (d) August Bank Holiday Special Campaign: That the Committee hereby approve and confirm the action of their Chairman (Councillor Mote) in informing the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents that, in view of the very short time available in which to make the necessary preparations, and the fact that no provision has been made in current road safety estimates for expenditure in connection with this campaign, coupled with the decision of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation to reduce the Corporation's road safety estimate by £50, the Committee regret that they are unable to see their way to participate in the special August Bank Holiday campaign.

1078. Harrow Road Safety Sub-Committee: RESOLVED: That the report of the Harrow Road Safety Sub-Committee, dated 25th July, 1956 (as now sub­ mitted), be received and approved; and that the recommendation contained therein be adopted. 521 HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING 1079 " D " Ring Road: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive and note the summary of proceedings of a Conference on this matter, held at the Middlesex Guildhall on 16th July, 1956, between representatives of the County Highways Committee and of the Haling, Harrow, Uxbridge, Hayes and Harlington, and Ruislip-Northwood Councils, copies of which had been circulated to all members of the Committee. 1080. Bus Stopping Place: Northolt Road, near Shaftesbury Avenue: Arising from a question by Councillor O'Loughlin, RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Chairman (Councillor Mote) that he would be attending a meeting of the Stopping Places Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Transport on 25th September, 1956, for the purpose of inspecting (inter alia) the site of the above bus stopping place. 1081. Litter Bins in Shopping Centres: RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed to report to the Committee, at their next meeting, on the use made of the new litter bins provided in various shopping centres in the Borough, together with information as to the intervals at which such bins are emptied. 1082. Traffic Conditions at Harrow-on-the-Hill: The Borough Engineer reported upon correspondence he had had with a resident of Kennet House, Harrow-on-the-Hill, regarding traffic conditions in that area. Being of the opinion that no action could be taken upon the suggestions of the resident which had not already been thoroughly pursued with the authorities concerned without success, the Committee RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby instructed (a) suitably to reply to the above-mentioned resident; and (b) to report to the Committee, in due course, upon the question of parking in High Street, Harrow-on-the- Hill. 1083. Trees in Golf Close, Stanmore: The Borough Engineer reported that it was essential that a group of trees outside premises in Golf Close, Stanmore, should be thinned out, and he suggested that every other one be removed. RESOLVED: That the Borough Engineer be hereby authorised to incur expenditure not exceeding £52 in connection with the removal, in accordance with his suggestion mentioned above, of fourteen trees in Golf Close, Stanmore.

(Signed) H. T. MOTE. Chairman.