Northeast Historical

Volume 33 Article 11

2004 Whose Trash is it, Anyway? A Stratigraphic and CeramicAnalysis of the South Grove Midden (44FX762/17), MountVernon, Virginia Eleanor E. Breen

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Recommended Citation Breen, Eleanor E. (2004) "Whose Trash is it, Anyway? A Stratigraphic and CeramicAnalysis of the South Grove Midden (44FX762/ 17), MountVernon, Virginia," Northeast Historical Archaeology: Vol. 33 33, Article 11. Available at:

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Cover Page Footnote I am grateful to the following people for their contributions at every stage: Dennis Pogue, Esther White, Steve Mrozowski, and David Landon. I must thank my on-call math consultant, Dr. Denis Breen (my dad), for his help on the statistical requirements of this study. My thanks also go to the anonymous scholars who reviewed this paper.

This article is available in Northeast Historical Archaeology: Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 111

Whose Trash is it, Anyway? A Stratigraphic and Ceramic Analysis of the South Grove Midden (44FX762/17), Mount Vernon, Virginia

Eleanor E. Breen Throughout the twenty-year history of professional archaeological excavations at George Washington's Mount Vernon, a single refuse represents the only deposit unearthed that can speak to the material manifestations of changes in the Washington households within a pre-Revolutionary War con­ text. With the discovery of the large, oval-shaped feature that came to be known as the South Grove Midden (44FX762/17), Mount Vernon archaeologists realized they had uncovered a stratified deposit that could link the successive Washington households with their material culture. This paper asks: whose trash is it, anyway? To answer this question, I employ the methodology of increasingly specific seriation analyses on groupings of ceramics to view stratigraphic variations in ceramic use and discard. The interpretive frame­ work of household archaeology unites the archaeological record with the historical context of household cycles at pre-1775 Mount Vernon. This paper concludes that the bulk of the midden represents those household goods purchased by Lawrence Washington, and used and discarded by his and young George Washington's households. Durant les vingt annees de fouilles archeologiques professionnelles au Mont Vernon de George Washington, on ne trouve qu'un seul endroit amenage pour recevoir les rebuts. Cest Ie seul depot decouvert pouvant indiquer les manifestations des changements materiels survenus dans les maisonnees de Washington dans un contexte de guerre pre-revolutionnaire. Avec la decouverte de cet element ovale de taille importante nommee la fosse a dechets de South Grove (44FX762/17), les archeologues ont realise qu'ils avaient deterre un depot str.atifie qui pouvait relier les maisonnees successives de Washington a leur culture materielle. Cet article tente de repondre a la question suivante: a qui appartiennent ces dechets ? Nous ten­ terons de repondre acette question par une methode visant a appliquer une analyse par seriation de plus en plus specifique ades groupes de ceramiques. Ceci nous permettra de voir les variations stratigraphiques dans l'utilisation et la mise au rebut des objets. Le cadre interpretatif de I'archeologie de la maisonnee reunit i'evi­ dence archeologique et Ie contexte historique des cycles d'une maisonnee au Mont Vernon avant 1775. Cet article propose en conclusion que la plus grosse partie de la fosse a dechets contient les articles menagers achetes par Lawrence Washington, utilises et jetes ensuite par les membres de sa maisonnee et de celie du jeune George Washington.

Introduction Department began to explore this rich In 1948, landscapers at Historic Mount area (FIG. 1) in order to determine if intact Vernon excavated a large hole in the South midden deposits survived (White 1993). Grove, located down slope from George From the first discovery of the eastern edge of the intact midden in 1990 until the end of Washington's house, and planted a holly tree. the field season in 1993, archaeologists system­ The physical evidence exposed during this atically excavated the midden, paying close excavation intrigued archaeologists at Mount attention to fine-grained changes in soil color, Vernon for the next 50 years. Over 35 indi­ texture, and artifact contents. Dennis Pogue vidual wine bottles, in addition to numerous (1991: 29) described the feature as "an exten­ other artifacts dating to the 18th century, sug­ sive 'sheet midden,' or shallow complex of gested to archaeologists that the South Grove layers of trash and soil ... beginning just 80 feet area contained midden deposits formed from [24.38 m] south of the Mansion, extend(ing] the disposal of kitchen and Mansion refuse east and south and appears to be at least 30 during George Washington's lifetime. In the feet [9.15 m] in diameter and in excess of one spring of 1990, the Mount Vernon Archaeology and one-half feet thick at its center" (FIG. 2). 112 Washington's Trash/Breen

The midden seems to have formed in a natural subjected to stratigraphic and artifact analysis depression, based on the profile of the walls that would then, in turn, tease out changes in and base of the deposit (Pogue 1991: 34). Over the extended Washington family and their 50 distinct deposits comprised the eastern pro­ material culture in the decades before the file of the midden (FIG. 3). Without the strati­ Revolution? graphic, systematic excavation and recording The ceramic seriation method used in this of the feature, the opportunity to search for study directly addresses George Miller's micro-scale changes in the South Grove (1991) critique of historical site analYSis where Midden would have been lost. he argues against the conflation of artifact As a result of thorough excavation, in con- assemblages to the detriment of under­ . junction with initial stratigraphic and artifact standing change in the archaeological record . analysis, archaeologists Dennis Pogue and Simply put, "Lumping [artifact assemblages] Esther White postulated that this midden pos­ is not a way to control the element of time as it sessed complex stratigraphy with a high masks changes that took place, which is one of the major subjects of archaeological inquiry" degree of integrity (Mount Vernon (Miller 1991: 5). Miller (1991: 3) writes: Archaeology Department 1990). A brick drain, constructed in ca. 1775 to direct water run-off Clearly, the lumping of excavated collections, from the new wing of the Mansion particularly in sites occupied for long periods (Breckenridge 1996, Pogue 1991: 32), intruded of time, is a cop out on one of the main objec­ into the strata of the South Grove Midden tives of archaeological research which is the study of changes through time ... Even for sites thereby providing a valuable terminus ante occupied for short periods of time it is some­ quem (TAQ). Therefore the decision was made times possible to break the collections into sub­ to focus on the pre-I77S deposits of the assemblages ... That level of control of our data midden, which then begged the question: is necessary to deal with questions of acquisi­ what is the terminus post quem (TPQ) or tion and deposition of ceramics, and of course beginning date of the feature? If the midden the site formation process will be better under­ stood by establishing better control of the ele­ below the brick drain was to be studied as a ment of time. distinct deposit, could it then be linked to a particular Washington household? Could it be The ability to amass historic assemblages into broad phases or break collections down

Figure 1. Aerial photo of excavations of the South Figure 2. Plan view map of the midden feature after Grove Midden, facing north. excavation. Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 113

(A')N 10



.- -. {8')S " .. .. H II "

m Layer D, plaster layer 1m Layer J

, - - , -.

Figure 3. Profile views of test units 328 and 348, facing east. into sub-assemblages, however, assumes the Archaeological evidence works in tandem archaeologist has thoroughly analyzed all with historical documentary sources in order existing data. One issue facing historical to support the hypothesis that the pre-1775 archaeology today is how to deal with or ana­ deposit relates to the ca. 1735-1765 period at lyze the body of data collected in the field. I Mount Vernon, the bulk of which dates to the advocate an inductive approach that involves 1740s and 1750s. Additionally, this paper studying all strata excavated (including char­ hypothesizes that micro-level studies of acteristics such as soil color and texture, arti­ ceramic assemblages are critical for addressing fact contents, and spatial relationships) and change. Just as the artifacts of a feature should only then beginning to search for patterns that not be lumped, neither should the history of will support groups or phases. This is opposed the Washington family be subsumed into one to a deductive approach where the archaeolo­ pre-I775 historical narrative. The concept of gist lets his or her impressions guide the inter­ household archaeology represents the overar­ pretation and presentation of field research. ching framework of this paper as it seeks to The seriations performed on the South Grove interpret household deposits by integrating Midden assemblage, as one method of an known documentary histories with strati­ inductive approach, support Miller's method­ graphic analyses in order ,to illuminate the link ology and indicate that, though the deposit between material culture and the household. formed within a relatively short period of This paper concludes with a hypothesis as to time, changes in ceramic use and discard are how the deposits and changes in ceramic fre­ evident. Instead of reducing the South Grove quency in the South Grove Midden relate to Midden artifact assemblage to one general changes in the Washington households in the time period and attributing it to one house­ mid-18th century. hold occupation, this research employs a series of archaeological analyses to demonstrate that Household Archaeology change can be seen and the deposit can be Historical archaeologists realized early on linked to the households at Mount Vernon. that houses and their associated features were 114 Washington's Trash/Breen

the predominant site type found in the historic Midden Context archaeological record and, therefore, In her article on land use in Massachusetts, demanded critical attention if broader and Beaudry (1986: 44) recommends "that analysis more meaningful conclusions based upon this of landscape treatment be combined with the evidence were to be made. Historians (Demos quantitative analysis of fully delineated phases 1970; Laslett 1972; Goody 1971), anthropolo­ of feature construction and refuse deposition gists (Wilk, Nettiilg, and Arnould 1984), and that relate to the documentary chronology of archaeologists (Kramer 1982; Beaudry 1984; household composition." Quantitative Starbuck 1984; Pinello 1989; King 1993) alike analysis of artifacts, while speaking to issues have explored the -idea of the household as a of commercialism and consumerism, provides valid unit through which to study culture only a limited view of the subtleties of social change. Historical archaeologists have looked and economic position. Landscape treatments at household-level archaeology and have iden­ that focus on the symbolic and ideological tified as critical the ability to link individual motives for the manipulation of the house and archaeological features to specific periods in homelot in addition to a "detailed chronolog­ the lifecycle of the households in which they ical perspective on changing land use over are interested (Wilk and Rathje 1982; time," complement quantitative artifact Mrozowski 1984; Beaudry 1999; Groover 2001). analysis (Beaudry 1986: 38-39). The rise of the A household archaeology research frame­ Washington family in the colonial class system work should include the following elements: is mirrored in the changes made to the Mount "fine-grained quantitative analysis" (Groover Vernon house and homelot in the 30-year time 2001: 54) of both site formation and deposi­ span when the South Grove Midden refuse tional history; an understanding of the fea­ accumulated. ture's spatial relationship to the landscape Four different household groups com­ (Beaudry 1986); artifact analysis beyond a prised the occupations of Mount Vernon from sherd count and mean ceramic date ca. 1735 to 1760: the Augustine Washington (Mrozowski 1984; Groover 2001); and histor­ household; the Lawrence Washington house­ ical research on household cycles during the hold; the George Washington household; and relevant time period (Beaudry 1984, 1999). the early George and Martha Washington Beaudry (1999: 123) characterizes this type of household. In ca. 1735, the Augustine approach as "full-fledged contextual archae­ Washington household built and inhabited the ology." Household archaeology is a research house overlooking the Potomac River (Pogue framework that requires archaeologists to per­ 1994: 103; Mesick, Cohen, Waite Architects form fully contextualized analyses at the 1993: 77-78). Upon Augustine's death in 1743, household level in order to understand his first-born son, Lawrence Washington, broader questions of culture change. More and acquired the property through inheritance. Lawrence Washington married Anne Fairfax of more, contextual household archaeological Belvoir in July of 1743 (Henriques 1992: 243), studies have become ingrained in historical and subsequently made an undocumented archaeological inquiry. Because of the collec­ number of architectural changes to the house tive work of archaeologists such as his father built as an outward symbol of Mrozowski, Beaudry, Groover, and others, the Lawrence's entry into the upper echelons of discipline expects that archaeologists working colonial society. Following Lawrence at the household level will synthesize all avail­ Washington's death in 1753, George able aspects of data related to a site. I begin the Washington, the younger half-brother, rented contextual household archaeological study of the estate, including the house, goods, and the South Grove Midden by placing the refuse slaves contained therein (Abbot et al. 1983: deposit within the broader history and land­ 232-235). Because George Washington was scape of Mount Vernon. often away on military expeditions during his Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 115

first years at Mount Vernon, his brother, John landscape [in] the area south of the Mansion" Augustine, and his wife, Hannah, oversaw the and did so by planting a grove of trees (Pogue plantation in his absence. Pogue (1994: 103) 1991: 29). writes, "The plantation that George The nature of the archaeological record in Washington acquired in 1754 was much dif­ the South Grove also confirms the change in ferent in almost all respects from the one he waste disposal and landscape use at Mount left behind at his death 45 years later. In addi­ Vernon noted in the documentary record. The tion to being only a fraction of the size it types and quantities of artifacts differ between would later achieve, the planter's house and the pre- and post-I775 deposits. The post-I775 homelot reflected a more humble outlook and assemblage is comprised of significantly fewer station in society." However, "after the French artifacts and the ceramic vessels are made up and Indian War in 1758, George Washington of only a few sherds suggestive of a sheet sought to earn his place among Virginia's midden or secondary deposition, in compar­ planter elite" by increasing his land, slave ison to the artifact-rich and more extant vessel holdings, and tobacco production, nearly dou­ assemblage of the lower layers that appear to bling the size of his house, and marrying the be primary deposits. In other words, the South wealthy widow, Martha Custis. Also at this Grove changed from a space cluttered with time, George Washington made his first docu­ faunal and domestic debris to an area kept mented purchases of ceramics through the cleaner by the conscious reduction of trash colonial consignment system wherein tobacco deposition and the change in activities that was consigned to British factors who would took place there. By planting trees and' erecting then extend credit to the planters for use in the a post-in-ground fence that visually divided purchase of goods (Detweiler 1982: 17-34). the outbuildings of the South Lane from the George Washington's role as the architect grove, George Washington effectively changed of both his home and surrounding landscape the South Grove from a utilitarian space to the is well documented (Dalzell and Dalzell 1998); more formal and naturalistic "pleasure however, the changes to both house and ground" seen today (Pogue 1991). As the gen­ homelot from ca. 1735 through 1758 did not erations of Washington households benefited find their way into the historical record. Prior from their participation in the colonial tobacco to Lawrence Washington's death, our under­ economy, they improved and enlarged the standing of the evolution of the house and the Mount Vernon house to their prosperity layout and use of the lands is only tentative. and upward mobility. Symbolically, the trans­ Lawrence Washington's estate inventory of formation of the South Grove area from work­ 1753 contains the first clues as to the arrange­ space to formal landscape embodies the social and economic changes of the Washington ment of the area south of the Mansion. Walls, households. identified archaeologically, connected a dairy and a kitchen, extending diagonally from the Stratigraphic and Ceramic Analysis of the southwest comer of the Mansion. Because of South Grove Midden the smaller size of the Mansion in 1753 and the placement of the early kitchen, the South I will now explore the archaeological sig­ Grove Midden would have sat farther away nature of these economic and social changes in Washington households. The first challenge from both structures than it does today (Pogue faced in analyzing the South Grove Midden 1994: 104-105). Most likely in the years that the was to determine what subset of the feature to refuse accumulated, the South Grove repre­ intensively study and then how to create sented a workspace where activities occurred meaningful units out of the excavated strata. related to the day-to-day operations of the The intrusive brick drain feature dates to ca. plantation. Not until 1776 did George 1775 and thus provides a valuable chronolog­ Washington seek "to improve on the natural ical benchmark within the midden's layers. This paper focuses on those layers intruded by 116 Washington's Trash/Breen

and below the ca. 1775 brick drain, which then analyzed as single, meaningful units. establishes a TAQ for the lower layers of the Therefore, all evidence was taken into account, deposit. I also chose to examine the western including artifact counts, standardized soil section of the midden (bounded by the brick color descriptions, plan views, profiles, and drain to the east and a utility trench to the interpretive comments contained in the field north) because the north and south sections, records, to consolidate the 100 stratigraphic separated by intrusions, could not be chrono­ units into 14 layers. These were assigned let­ logically linked with the west section due to ters A through N, with A being the most recent low artifact counts (see FIG. 2.) While the of the pre-1775 sub-set and N oldest. Layer D uppermost layers of the midden date to the is designated as the plaster layer due to the last quarter of the 18th century, only those high concentration of this architectural debris. layers beneath the ca. 1775 brick drain feature Table 1 presents the breakdown of total are considered for this paper. Significantly, sherds from the pre-1775 midden contexts. I there is no pearlware, creamware, or scratch­ blue stoneware in the pre-1775 midden layers. do not analyze all the ware types enumerated These layers also lack dot, diaper, and in Table I, but instead focus on those refined white salt-glazed stoneware plates or farnille­ ceramics that can be dated more tightly. The rose porcelain teaware, which arrived at colonoware and coarse earthenware excavated Mount Vernon in ca. 1758 as part of George from the feature, while intriguing, do not pro­ Washington's first documented orders of vide the temporal information sought for the ceramics from his British factor (Detweiler purposes of this research and, therefore, were 1982: 23 and 31). These ware types do exist in not included in the ceramic analysis. In the the post-1775 midden layers. future, minimum vessel counts and seriations One hundred individually excavated strata of the coarse earthenwares will be conducted existed in this subset of the South Grove to study shifts in disposal patterns linked to Midden, many of which were too small to be certain domestic activities and, hence, specific groups. Those ware types over which archae­ Table 1. Sherds by ware type from all pre-1775 olOgists have better temporal control analyzed layers of the South Grove Midden. in the seriations include: Chinese export porce­ lain; tin-glazed earthenware; manganese mot­ Ceramic Ware Type Sherd Count % Coarse Earthenware 687 20.43% tled ware; Nottingham-like stoneware; Chinese Export Porcelain 473 14.06% Staffordshire slipware; white slip-dipped Colonoware 464 13.80% stoneware; white salt-glazed stoneware; and Tin-glazed Earthenware 382 11.36% Rhenish stoneware (TAB. 2). Nottingham-like 258 7.67% One important stage of analysis performed Stoneware on any ceramic assemblage is the minimum Staffordshire Slipware 255 7.58% vessel count. This exercise requires a detailed Manganese Mottled 248 7.37% look at all the sherds to determine the min­ Ware imum number of vessels represented and White Salt-glazed 165 4.91% Stoneware begins by sorting sherds by ware type and Rhenish Stoneware 150 4.46% then crossmending sherds from multiple English Brown 105 3.12% strata. After exhausting all possible mends, the Stoneware individual sherds and crossmended groups White Slip-dipped 73 2.17% were sorted by form. For each vessel form, the Stoneware number of rims and bases were counted, North Devon 51 1.52% Earthenware taking into account those rims and bases pos­ Refined Earthenware 27 0.80% sibly constituting the same vessel, where the General Slipware 13 0.39% lower number represents the minimum Other Stoneware 12 0.36% number of vessels for that form. Distinctive Total 3363 100.00% sherds or crossmended groups lacking rims or Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 117

bases were also considered to be individual A is capped by a deposit containing debased vessels. Archaeologists completed this process scratch-blue stoneware, dated ca. 1765 (Noel for the South Grove Midden assemblage and Hume 2001: 118). Table 3 displays a list of the vessels from the The household occupations of Mount sampled pre-1775 midden contexts by ware Vernon can be tentatively linked with this type studied for this paper. The table gives the chronology. Augustine Washington and his general form (tableware, teaware, hygiene, family lived at the home from ca. 1735 to 1738 storage, or unknown) in addition to the spe­ (Dalzell and Dalzell 1998: 25) and again, cific form of each vessel. briefly, in 1741 to 1742 (Warren 1999: 5791). Based upon historical and architectural Lawrence Washington may have lived at evidence, the earliest possible TPQ of the Mount Vernon in 1738 and 1739 as he pur­ midden is ca. 1735, when George chased local lands during those years (Jackson Washington's father, Augustine Washington, et al. 1976: 227). Augustine Washington willed built the Mansion (Mesick, Cohen, Waite his son, Lawrence, the property in 1743 where­ Architects 1993: 77-78). There exists no upon the eldest son took up residence with his ceramic evidence (for example, molded or slip­ wife, Anne Fairfax. Lawrence Washington cast white salt-glazed stoneware) in the lowest occupied the plantation until his death in 1752 layers of the midden to contradict this hypoth­ (Abbot et al. 1983: 234). Anne Fairfax and her esis. Analyzing TPQs for each layer gave a second husband leased the property to. George general range of ca. 1735 to 1765 for the South Washington (Abbot et a1.1983: 232-234), and Grove Midden. Layer K, three layers up from· he lived there as a bachelor, when he was not the bottom of the midden, contained a molded off in the French and Indian War, from 1754 to white salt-glazed sherd, dated post-1740 1759. George Washington started his own. (Miller 2000: 10). Layers J and K also contained family in 1759 with his marriage to Martha molded pipe bowls displaying the royal arms Dandridge Custis (Wall 1988: 24). Figure 4 motif that date from the eaily 1740s graphically represents the changes in (Breckenridge 1996). Layer H, in the center of Washington households during the 1735 to the midden, contained a tin-glazed ointment 1775 time period. pot sherd dated to ca. 1750, as did layer E Based on the demographic information, (Noel Hume 1977: 25). The ca. 1750 TPQ of dates can be assigned to a few of the midden's layer H is supported by the appearance of a layers and household occupations can be molded pipe bowl with the maker's mark linked to these dates, but still nothing is "TO," dated to 1748 (Breckenridge 1996). Layer known about the way in which the ceramics Table 2. Sherds by ware type selected for this were deposited or if there was any change in study from the sampled layers. the use and discard of the vessels in the assem­ Ceramic Ware Type Sherd Count % blage from the period ca. 1735 to 1765. Chinese Export Porcelain 300 27.45% Seriation can tease out the subtle changes in Tin-glazed Earthenware 186 17.02% ceramic deposition within the midden's layers. Staffordshire Slipware 170 15.55% Nottingham-like 132 12.08% Seriation Stoneware Manganese Mottled 125 11.44% Archaeologists use seriation to investigate Ware relative dates. Seriation is based on the idea of White Salt-glazed 75 6.86% popularity-where a new object enters the Stoneware scene, becomes increasingly popular until it Rhenish Stoneware 62 5.67% hits maximum popularity, and then decreases, White Slip-dipped 43 3.93% fading out to the end of its use. Viewed graph­ Stoneware ically, the resulting ideal seriation curve Total 1093 100.00% resembles what archaeologists call a "battle- 118 Washington's Trash/Breen

Table 3. Vessels from the South Grove Midden, layers A through N. Date Number General Specific Ware Type Range of Vessels Form Form Chinese Export Porcelain 1690-1775* 14 tableware plates 1660-1840+ 7 teaware teabowls 5 teaware saucers 2 teaware slop bowls Total vessels 28 Manganese Mottled 1680-1780+ 4 tableware tankards 1 tableware mug 1 tableware possible bowl Total vessels 6 Nottingham-like Stoneware 1683-1810* 8 tableware tankards 5 tableware bowls 1 tableware possible mug 1 teaware teapot Total vessels 15 Rhenish Stoneware 1650-1775+* 3 hygiene chamber pots 2 storage jugs Total vessels 5 Staffordshire Slipware 1660-1770+ 13 tableware mugs Total vessels 13 Tin-glazed Earthenware 1600-1788* 5 hygiene chamber pots 3 tableware punchbowls 2 tableware plates 2 unknown possible cups 1 tableware cup 1 hygiene drug jar 1 teaware saucer Total vessels 15 White Salt-glazed Stoneware 1720-1790* 4 tableware bowls; possible bowls 3 tableware tankards 3 teaware saucers 2 tableware bowls/ possible patti pans 2 teaware teapots; possible teapots 1 tableware porringer 1 tableware possible plate 1 teaware coffee or chocolate cup teaware poss. teabowl teaware creamer teaware milk pitcher 1 teaware coffee pot Total vessels 21 White Slip-dipped Stoneware 1715-1775* 7 tableware tankards 1 teaware poss. coffee / chocolate cup or capuchine Total vessels 8

Sources: *(Madsen 1995); t(Deparment of Archaeological Research 2001); :j:(Miller 2000). Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 119

ship-shaped" curve. In Deetz's (1967: 27) the proportional abundance, or frequency, of a words: " ceramic style" (Renfrew and Bahn 1991: 107). The method originated in prehistoric archae­ The beginning would be narrow, like the ship's ology (Dunnell 1970: 305) where archaeolo­ stern, and as the popularity ... grew, the bars gists attempted to arrange site assemblages in would widen, until the height of popularity chronological order using the technique of would be reached amidships, and then the seriation (Willey and Sabloff 1980: 93-100; decline in popularity would carry us forward Sharer and Ashmore 1993: 307-313). Historical to the bow, narrow like the stern. archaeologists adopted frequency seriation; Applying this popularity model to historic Deetz and Dethlefsen's (1967: 28-37) work on ceramics, one could assume that as manufac­ colonial cemeteries is the most well known turing were invented and modi­ example. Carskadden and Gartley (1990: fied, one ceramic type petered out to the end 55-69) seriated 19th-century marbles. Fraser of its popularity as another replaced it. Neiman (1999) seriated features at Clifts I used frequency seriation for this analysis, Plantation and is using a form of seriation for a technique that "involve[s] determining a the Digital Archaeological Archive of sequence of sites or deposits by studying the Chesapeake Slavery project (Neiman, Galle, relative frequencies of certain artifact types and Wheeler 2003). Pogue and White (1991) they contain" (Sharer and Ashmore 1993: 309). used seriation to propose four layers, or Frequency seriation takes into account per­ periods of deposition, of the House for. centages of artifacts deposited in certain units. Families' slave quarter cellar fill at Mount It "relies principally on measuring changes in Vernon.

'40 ....

.20 I-

'00 - Number of People

80 -

80 -


(1735 to 1752: unknown number of slaves) I I I 28 i- I I I I . I ! ! ! _I- I I ',ns 1140 ,145 1150 1155 "60 1765 .110 1775 Vear Household I I E> Change AW Sporadic GWs LW GWandMW TAQ Household Occupation Household Bachelor Household Household Figure 4. Washington household demographic change by year. 120 Washington's Trash/Breen

Figure 5. Example of tea wares from the South Grove Midden: underglaze blue, landscape motif Chinese export porcelain teabowls. Initially, archaeologists used seriation on ware. This exercise was done to test the sites where little stratigraphie information hypothesis that the midden spanned a period exists in order to inform their relative of 30 years during which few major changes in chronologies. As sites are increasingly exca­ ware manufacturing occurred; this vated with focused attention to stratigraphic would be represented by a teaware (FIG. 5) or relationships and soil changes, the purpose tableware seriation curve with one collective and usefulness of seriation is also changing. peak. Finally, the South Grove Midden assem­ This paper proposes that seriating different blage was broken down into further refined groupings of artifacts, in this case ceramics, sub-assemblages in order to determine if where stratigraphic relationships are known is changes in ceramic vessel use and discard still a viable and important for historical could be seen in different layers in the midden. archaeologists. Ceramic seriation, for this The first level of analysis involved tabu­ study, is used as a tool to ascertain the dura­ lating the number of sherds by ware type in tion of time spanned by the midden deposits each layer of the midden and then dividing and, hence, provides a fine-grained look at this number into the total number of that household ceramic changes as seen within the ware's sherds for all of the strata under consid- South Grove Midden. eration, resulting in a percentage frequency The seriation data supports the following curve through all the strata for each ware type. conclusion in regards to the depositional his­ Typically, seriations are presented as curves, tory of the South Grove Midden: the deposit but these specific data are best viewed as a line built up fairly rapidly (during a span of graph. In this graph (FIG. 6), each line repr~­ roughly 30 years), but there are two distinct sents the percentage -6f sherds by ware type peaks in sherd deposition that can be tied to that occurred in each layer (see TAB. 4). The changes in ceramic vessel use and discard ware types calculated include Chinese export within this brief period. These conclusions porcelain, tin-glazed earthenware, derived from three different stages of seriation: Nottingham-like stoneware, Staffordshire slip­ one at the sherd level and two at the vessel ware, manganese mottled ware, white salt­ level. The first level of seriation focused on glazed stoneware, Rhenish stoneware, and sherd frequency within the pre-1775 midden white slip-dipped stoneware. A general trend layers in order to determine if there were emerges from this sherd level seriation. There peaks of ceramic deposition in the layers. The are two peaks in ceramic sherd deposition that second level of analysis seriated the functional occur in the midden-towards the top, in layer groups of ceramic vessels: teaware and table- D (represented by 231 sherds or 21 percent of \

Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 121

Table 4. Ceramic sherd counts broken down by layer. Layer Ware Tl/Pe A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Chinese Export 1 4 19 53 21 25 17 32 9 92 26 0 1 0 Porcelain Tin-glazed 7 5 6 34 41 20 8 10 8 19 9 8 9 2 Earthenware Staffordshire 4 0 5 44 19 15 17 16 8 15 12 9 6 0 Slipware Nottingham-like 0 0 9 52 10 3 6 9 3 28 11 0 0 1 Stoneware Manganese 0 3 2 17 16 16 15 18 5 15 13 3 2 0 Mottled Ware White Salt-glazed 7 2 5 18 7 6 7 5 2 3 8 0 1 4 Stoneware Rhenish 0 0 1 6 8 8 4 8 3 17 5 1 1 0 Stoneware White Slip-dipped 0 0 5 7 11 4 8 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 Stoneware - Sum By Layer 19 14 52 231 133 97 82 103 38 192 84 21 20 7

25% ------.. -+-Porcelain _ ___ Tin glaze __ Manganese Mottled --*-Nottingham·like __•• _.___ Staffordshire Slipware ___ -+-While slip dipped -t--White sail glazed -G-. Rhenish





A B c D E F G H K M N Layer

Figure 6. Sherd seriation by ware type- from the South Grove Midden. 122 Washington's Trash/Breen

7a . 7b

III 1.4% (4) :~ 81.1%(1) !!!!!!!!!!!! 3.1%(9) 11.4%(10) _ 4.8%(14) 38.6% (34) 26.6% (78) 13.6%(12) _7.2%(21)

F _5.7%(5) _7/2%(21) ...,., IIIIIIIIIII 4.5%(4) 11.6%(34) H !!!all 3.4%(3) 8.2%(24) _ 2.3%(2) _4.4%(13) _5.7%(5) 9.6% (28) IIIIIIII 3.4%(3) _5.8%(17) IIIIIIII 3.4%(3) IIIIIIII 4.4%(10) .. 1.1% (1) "2.7%(8) _5.7%(5) _4.1%(12)

Figure 7. General form seriation: a) 27 teaware and b) 71 tableware vessels. For the following seriation figures, the percentage and sherd counts (in parentheses) are given to the right of each corresponding bar. the total sherd count), and towards the nificant number of decades, and therefore bottom, in layer J (represented by 192 sherds changes in manufacturing technologies, the or 18 percent of the total sherd count») The resulting seriation curves of teaware and table­ fact that five stratified layers separate these ware would display different, multi-peak two peaks suggests that there may have been curves. Instead, as Figure 7 illustrates, the seri­ two distinct events causing the deposition of ation curves are nearly identical and they both ceramics separated by an unknown period of have a significant peak in layer D. These data time. support the hypothesis that the midden The next stage of seriation occilrred at the formed during a period of relatively little general vessel form level, with the seriation of change in ceramic manufacturing technology sherds that comprise unique vessels broken and, hence, the midden formed over a rela­ down into the categories of teaware (FIG. 7a) tively short period of time. Additionally, the and tableware (FIG. 7b). In this seriation, as similar, single-peak pattern seems a valid one with the following one, only vesselized sherds for the mid-18th century as the ceramic con­ are included. Vesselized sherds refer to those sumer revolution was just taking hold in the determined to be part of a unique vessel. colonies. The final level of seriation analysis Otherwise, the method is identical: the seeks to answer this question: even if relatively number of sherds comprising teaware or table­ little time is represented by the midden's ware vessels for each layer is divided into the layers, are changes in ceramic vessel use and total number of sherds in the midden for each discard still evident? vessel category. The percentage derived for The third stage of seriating the South each layer is then depicted as a bar-when the Grove Midden ceramic assemblage breaks the bars are stacked in stratigraphic order, a curve functional categories of teaware and tableware is formed. down into further refined sub-assemblages. The hypothesis derived at this stage argues The hypothesis is that if specific vessel sub­ that if the South Grove Midden spanned a sig- assemblages are seriated, changes in their use IPerforming a Chi-square test for association and discard will be recorded in the stratig­ between ware type and layer would show, at a high raphy. Those sub-assemblages that seriate confidence level, that there is systematic evidence stratigraphically high in the midden include: for such a relationship. However, the cell counts for a number of the expected frequencies in that calcula­ the porcelain teawares (FIG. 8a); the tin-glazed tion are too low by conventional standards to make punch bowls (FIG. 8b); the Staffordshire slip­ Chi-square a reliable test in this situation. ware mugs (FIG. Bc); and one of two sets of Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 123

8a 8b

_ 3.7%(1) 14.3%(1) 14.3%(1) 1I...... ~::::::~4~.,%~(3~) ...... 55.6%(15) 28.6%.(2) _ 7.4%(2) 14.3%(1) 14.3%(1) . 14.3%(1) '­, _ 7.4%(2)

_ 7.4%(2) _ 7.4%(2)

8e 8d .. 1.8%(2)

______21.7%(5) 1IIiilII2.8%(3) • ______22%(24) _8.7%(2) I11III __II1II 92% (10) ___III 10.1% (11) ~§§§[.13%(3) 17.4% (4) . 13%(3) ..,. -:::~ 10.l'A. (11) 17.4% (4) I 8.3%(9) : _ 6.4%(7) _ 4.3%(1) _7.3%(8) _ 4.3%(1) _ 4.6%(5)

8.3%(9) _5.5%(6) _ 3.7%(4) _ 8e

__ -:===:======-:=:-33.3% (5) 53.3%(8) _S.7%(1) _6.7%(1)

Figure 8. Vessel sub-assemblages with highest frequency of deposition in layer 0: a) 14 porcelain teawares; b) 3 tin-glazed punchbowls; c) 13 Staffordshire slipware mugs; d) 5 porcelain plates with central flower basket motif; and e) 3 Rhenish chamber pots. . porcelain plates, with a central flower basket show a distinct peak in J (FIG. lIa). Whereas motif (FIG. Bd). Finally, the Rhenish chamber the porcelain tea wares and flower basket pots also cluster in the upper layers, peaking plates peak in D, another set of plates, with the in D (FIG. Be). (See FIGS. 9 and 10 for examples grape, bamboo, and squirrel motif (Madsen of a punch bowl and a mug, respectively.) 1995),2 peak in the same layer as the Rhenish The following ceramic types peak lower in jugs (FIG. lIb). Two sub-assemblages do not fit the midden, in layer J. Whereas the Rhenish 2 An image of the grape and bamboo motif is con­ chamber pots peaked in D, the Rhenish jugs tained in Miller 2000: 5. 124 Washington's Trash/Breen

o I 2 .-J .... CM _IN o I

Figure 9. Example of polychrome tin-glazed punch Figure 10. Example of Staffordshire slipware mug bowl from midden. from midden.

11a 11b


_3.6%(1) _ 6.8%(5) _7.1%(2) IlIIlI 2.7%(2) _ 8.2%(6) _3.6%(1) _ 4.1%(3) _7.1%(2) _ 9.6%(7) _7.1%(2) III 1.4%(1) I!i•. ;m:lfm:m:-----::::::-::'::e::---- 53.6%(15) 1lI___ -:::::::~:~~111145.2% (33) 14.3% (4) 20.5% (15)


Figure 11. Vessel sub-assemblages with highest frequency of deposition in layer J: a) 2 Rhenish jugs and b) 7 porcelain plates with grape, bamboo, and squirrel motif.

12a 12b

8.3%(4) _7.4%(2) -----______37.5%(18) III ___ 6.3%(3) -_~::::::~:: 29.6%(8) 14.8%(4) _4.2"A,(2) 11.1%(3) l1li 2.1%(1) _7.4%(2) _ 4.2%(2) IIIIIIII3.7%(1) _3.7%(1) 22.9%(11) IIIIIIII 3.7%(1) 12.5%(6)

1111 18.5% (5) l1li 2.1%(1) ___IIIIII!I ___

Figure 12. Vessel sub-assemblages with anomalous peaks: a) 8 Nottingham-like tankards and b) 10 white salt­ glazed teawares. Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 125

either pattern. The Nottinghamclike tankards such as TPQ analysis, and to explore the mote display a double peak in frequency of deposi­ specific stratigraphic changes in ceramic depo­ tion, with a larger peak in D and. a smaller sition. The initial TPQ studies arrived at a 30- peak in J (FIG. 12a). The white salt-glazed year time span for the South Grove Midden, teaware also has a double peak (FIG. 12b). The which takes the feature analysis to a certain larger peak is in D, but there also appears a point, but seriation further explores the depo­ significant peak in the lowest layer of the sitional history teasing out data that otherwise midden, N. would have been overlooked. Without this seriation analysis, the two peaks within the midden's layers would have gone unnoticed. Discussion Without the seriation analysis, the vessels Seriation shows that: 1) there were two dis­ peaking in J would have been lumped with tinct depositional episodes within the midden those different vessels peaking in D. causing two peaks in ceramic discard; 2) the From the patterns suggested by seriation similar single-peak curves of teaware and analysis, the question can be posed: how do tableware vessels suggest that a relatively these peaks in deposition and changes in short time period is spanned by the midden; vessel use and discard relate to the activities and 3) despite this short time period, variable occurring in the Washington household from use and discard of ceramic vessels is recorded ca. 1735 to 1765? How can seriation data be in the stratified deposit. These data support Miller's (1991) argument that ceramics should linked to cycles occurring in the historical not be treated as undifferentiated assemblages, households? By merging historical and archae­ apart from their stratigraphic associations. An ological data, relationships between household inductive seriation approach can also help and depositional events can be set forth. identify changes in vessel use and discard pat­ Figure 13 represents the layers of the terns. This paper employed seriation as a way midden overlain by TPQ data and general to transcend the traditional feature studies, household history. When the peaks identified

Midden's Strata Households Conclusions

A ...... ~~~.~~~~ ......

...... ::::::::::;::::::::::::::::~=::I::~:=::::::::::: ..-.. C•. 1752 .C,"""" "_dol •.." ...... L. Washington ~ L. Washington'sdea~: ...... K Post-1745

····,·...... h ...... " •••••••••••••••••••• , ......

••••••••• ••••• H· ...... H· •••••••••••• ...... U

•••••• .. ••••••••••• ..••••• ...... H ...... u •• : ...... •••• .. •••••••••••••••••••• .. •

...... ~ ...... :~:.~.:.~~ ...... ~:.~.~.~~:~~~~ ......

Figure 13. Linking the strata of the South Grove Midden with the Washington households. 126 Washington's Trash/Breen

through seriation are considered, layers D and the Lawrence and George Washington house­ J represent the main ceramic depositional hold that took place in the early 1750s. One episodes. Layer D is known to date sometime other major household change took place in after 1750 and was characterized as the 1743 when Augustine Washington died and "plaster layer" due to the high concentration Lawrence inherited the property. This event is of plaster, evidence of building renovation. In discounted as the source of the ceramics in terms of interior renovations that took place layer J because of the post-1745 TPQ in layer between 1750 and 1765, only one is known­ K. What external processes, then, account for the "Phase I" expansion of the Mount Vernon the deposits in layers L through N? The Mansion completed by George Washington in ceramic TPQ data from the very bottom layers 1759. This remodeling campaign entailed of the midden support the argument that this "raising the building a full two stories, putting deposit could contain evidence of the first on a new roof, constructing garret stairs, rein­ household occupation at Mount Vernon. None forcing foundations, and plastering the upstairs room." Of most relevance to this of these hypotheses could have been made study is the removal of plastering from the without the development of the historical con­ house as documented in a letter dated June text and the detailed investigation into the 1758 that states, '''pulling Down the old depositional history of the South Grove works' and 'puling Down the old plastering Midden. and [laths] out of the rooms'" (Mesick, Cohen, Waite Architects 1993: 6-17). This household Conclusion remodeling, in addition to George The household archaeology model pre­ Washington's marriage and first documented sented by Mary Beaudry (1999: 123) intimates orders of ceramics at the same time, could that the behaviors of, and changes in, histor­ account for the large plaster and ceramic ical households can be understood through deposit in layer D. I hypothesize that George extensive feature and artifact examinations: Washington and the other occupants of the bachelor household, from 1754 to 1758, used Deciphering site formation processes has been the leftover household goods from Lawrence shown to be critical to the archaeology of households ... In essence, the archaeology of Washington's occupation and then disposed of historical households has found its way back to them as newer, more fashionable ceramics the analysis of middens and feature systems as entered the horne. The dates of the ceramic well as of the artifacts so critical to examining assemblage suggest that it is possible that the families and households in the past. Lawrence Washington household initially The archaeological analysis of the South Grove owned most of the ceramics excavated from Midden supports Beaudry's (1999: 122) state­ the midden. The ceramic dating evidence is ment, "that delineating the life history of a site further supported by the absence of sherds of is the first step towards interpretation and is ceramics known to have been used in the vital for understanding households and their household after 1758, including famille-rose transformations." Conclusions as to how the porcelain and dot, diaper, and basket molded white salt-glazed stoneware. South Grove Midden formed in the context of the changing households at Mount Vernon The other major household change to take result from the fully contextual application of place between ca. 1740 and 1759 was Lawrence household archaeology as the interpretive Washington's death and the lease of the prop­ framework. erty to George Washington. This suggests that This systematic study of evidence con­ the lower deposit, layer J, could be related to tained in the layers of trash and soil that com­ this major household· change in ca. 1752. The prise the South Grove Midden tells the story of data suggest that the ceramic frequency peak household cycles and social aspirations of the in layer J could relate to the transition between Washington family from ca. 1735 through 1765 Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 33, 2004 127

bounded by the constraints of the mid-18th of teawares and tablewares, and in the spike in century economy. The earliest layers of the sherd deposition in layer D of Table 4, the midden reflect the short-lived and archaeolog­ largest deposition of ceramics comes when ically sparse occupation of the Augustine George Washington makes changes to his Washington household. Soon thereafter, house, increases his lands, slaves and, thereby, Lawrence Washington inherits his father's his tobacco growing potential, and marries home and builds upon it to an unknown above his social position. Finally, the upper extent, symbolizing his fortuitous marriage to three layers of the midden (A-C) contain low Anne Fairfax, of one of the wealthiest families frequencies of ceramics, both in the types in Virginia at the time, and movement examined for this study and the entire assem­ upwards in the colonial social hierarchy. blage as well. Dating to the early 1760s, this Because it seems that the Lawrence archaeological evidence, in fact, suggests that Washington household owned and used the the transformation in use of the South Grove majority of the ceramics discarded in the Midden from utilitarian space to formal grove midden, his ceramic tastes certainly reflect that may have taken place earlier than the docu­ of aspiring gentry (for example, the two sets of ments indicate. Chinese porcelain plates and teawares). When The results and conclusions of this research Lawrence Washington dies, most of the vessels argue for the analysis of features at th~ strati­ discarded are Chinese export porcelain plates graphic level where subtle changes among and outmoded Rhenish jugs, as represented in sub-assemblages are sought and then inte­ layer J. This more targeted discard of house­ grated into the relevant historical context. hold ceramics, especially compared to the dis­ Household archaeology studies are most suc­ card event in layer D, does not suggest a cessful when distinct strands of data-artifact wholesale turnover of vessels from the kitchen analyses, soil stratigraphy reconstructions, cupboard. When George Washington rents landscape treatments, and household cycle Mount Vernon, it seems likely that he and his histories-are interwoven into a fully contex­ relatives used the goods contained in the tual archaeological interpretation. Household house. archaeology, as a segment of historical archae­ From 1754 through 1758, the bachelor ology, has matured in theoretical and method­ George Washington sporadically resided at ological ways, and through a new sophisti­ Mount Vernon in between his assignments in cated attention to artifacts, soils, and context, the French and Indian War. His relatives archaeologists will continue to develop cre­ oversaw the workings of the plantation, and ative ways to study the materially represented not until his return from war does George household. Washington take specific actions in the hopes of placing himself among Virginia's well-to-do Acknowle

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Eleanor Breen holds a Master's degree in Historical Archaeology from the University of Massachusetts Boston. This article is based on her thesis (Breen 2003). She is currently the Assistant Archaeologist at Historic Mount Vernon in Virginia.

Eleanor E. Breen Historic Mount Vernon POBox 110 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 [email protected]