$i, V oi. N o . 51 ] T-’K [ Oecember •jajjmuapauH o/a x«a 'itjapuja itjBjqn xassg ■ i

a s m MR. AND MRS JOSEPH S. A SON, CHARLES BLOOM­ HOPKINS of Great Hills road, FIELD MASON JR., was born, School Budget Christmas In announce the birth of their sec­ 1940 Town December 11, at Orange Mem­ ond daughter, Suzanne on De­ orial Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Tvvp, Churches cember 11 at Orange Memorial Committee C. B. Mason of Campbell road. Down $6,000 Hospital. Their first, Beverly The child Is the grandson of the Belle, Is 4 years old. Mrs. Hop­ "Open wide the windows, wide Millburri ToWnShip Churches New Years day will see Mill- late Dean Charles Meeks Mason the doors; let the blessed sun­ kins is the former Miss Janet will once again observe Christ­ burn Township Committee re­ of New Jersey Law School and shine In”. This used to be a fav­ Slocum, daughter of Mr. and mas Sunday and Monday, while organizing for the new year. At Mrs. Mason and of Mr. and Mrs. orite hymn of the late Rev. Mrs. De Witt Slocum of Ocean congregations pause to bow be­ that time A. Ross Meeker will Charles Du Kiet of Bradley Billy Sunday and so as we hit Grove, formerly of East Orange. fore the lowly manger of the retire from the committee and Beach. His mother was Miss the sawdust trail of the school Christ Child, SpCciai sbrirtons, ★ Henry L. Junge, committeeman Elizabeth Du Kiet. budget for the years 1940-1941 MuSid Wlil Be presented In St. elect, will take his seat. ★ and find it some $6,000 less than Stephen's; St. Hose Of Lima’s, Codification As a rule speculation as to the Its predecessor, the old words Christ church, Bdptiit Church assignments of the new com­ Neighborhood come back. and Wyoming CHUfciL mittee is rife as early as No­ Word as to the budget Is still Oh Sunday, decentbdr 24, St. Is Approved vember but this year so placid very roundabout but If the Stephen’s Church in IliliBum have been the Town Hall waters Board of Education last eve­ Monday night a handful of House Xmas will offer Holy Cohim union that no voice of Inquiry or won­ ning placed the seal of Its ap­ residents appeared for final pas­ der has been raised. The Neighborhood House proval on the draft members service at 8 A. M., Church flchdol sage of the codification of service at 9:45 A. M. arid Merit­ The committee will name a bustles and hums with Christ­ have been studying for several Township ordinances by the new chairman but surmise Is mas activity these days. Santa days past, then out it will come ing Prayer and Sermon by fiev.- Township Committee. But one Hugh W. Dickinson at 11 A. M. this will be none other than is on his way, and his indus­ into the open for all who run change was suggested, that call­ present placid John A. Stewart trious helpers have worked over­ to read. Accompanying this 11 o’clock ing for a clarification of taxi service will be a musical pro­ 3rd. That Ira C. Moore Jr., will time preparing for his arrival. The total gross of the budget zones. gram by a choir of twenty-two continue as chairman of the Even the tiniest nursery school is placed In whispered accounts, Taxi operators here say the committee on law and finance tots busied themselves making at $446,857.78 as contrasted with voices, assisted by Jean -Schem zones as set forth are confus­ and Harriet Piloh Hewson, solo­ Is also accepted with Clarence ornaments and trimming their $453,067.17 for 1939-1940. This ing and possible of misinterpre­ A. Hill committee vice-chair­ ists, and under the direction of tree In readiness for their reduction has been accomplished tation and abuse as some Short man and directing roads and Professor Henry Weston Smith, Christmas, held yesterday. For it is said despite Increases ag­ Klls short hauls might be at sewers as at present. days “Miss Virginia” Heironi- Organist and Choirmaster, gregating $5,000 for teaching excessive rates while long hauls Henry L. Junge will Inherit mus, the nursery school teacher, and supervisory staffs. There will also be a Christ­ of two or more miles would be the mantle of Mr. Meeker, chair­ has been coaching her little As last year, the board will it mas Eve Midnight Service With > fixed at 35 cents. A later con­ man of committee on buildings charges in singing the much is understood, dig into Its sur­ ; Choral Celebration of Holy ference Is expected to clarify and lights and Mr. Van Fleet loved and familiar Christmas plus to the extent of $15,000, this i Communion and address by these but passage was not de­ will continue as chairman di­ carols. representing about the normal 1 Rev! Hugh W. Dickinson Sun- layed. recting fire and water supply. (Continued on Page Nine) yearly surplus increase as (Continued on Page Eight) Committeeman Moore offered Police will fall to Mr. Stewart ★ budget estimates exceed actual ★ several minor and clarifying as at present. All committeemen expenditures. - amendments, among others one will continue present Board of On Shoemakers The ballot figure of moneys 1 Granary Sweep making positive residents hav­ Health assignments. actually to be raised by taxa­ ing holiday dinner guests would Due to Civil Service few ap­ tion, this rumor has It will be not have to take out a restau­ pointments will be made this And Twp. Losses $365,407.78 as contrasted with Yields Riches rant license. year, but it Is anticipated George $364,073.55 one year ago. This In­ O, Lord will be renamed treas­ Father Millburn salvaged some Residents present expressed A good old saying used to be crease of a little over $1,000 will urer, Russell W. Hotchkiss au­ $60,000 to $78,000 from old cor­ surprise that a measure of such "Shoemaker, stick to your last”. be due It Is stated, to a falling ditor and Reynler J. Worten- ners and hiding places Monday length and such wide import That it holds good'still, Is proven off in state aid, this latter money dyke Jr., Township attorney. night as committee members should find no objectors or per­ when reporters turn to account­ being about $7,000 under that sons desirous of changes great Other anticipated appoint­ ing and find that Millburn took received In 1939. went about the business of rid­ ments are: Mrs. William Denton ding up his house In anticipa­ or small. That the committee a $32,000 loss in the sale of a It must be borne In mind that had done a commendable work, Taylor, Recreation Commission, fractional part of the Glorieux all figures given above are but tion of next year’s budget mak­ was the concensus of opinion. 3 years; Mrs. Jean S. Auchin- tentative. Some of them may be ing. tract that originally cost the Second reading or the ordin­ closs, Public Library, 5 years and Township $45,000 for the entire changed by the board beforfthe Committeeman Ira C. Moore John B. Bunnell, Sinking Fund complete tabulation Is made Jr., had been in conference with ance was by title only and so piece. there was no recurrence of the Commission, 3 years. These are public and others may again be Township Auditor Hotchkiss as Monday night’s sale of 88 feet long drawn out vocal effort of all reappointments. changed after hearings and to surpluses of this and prior fronting the south side of Es­ the preceding session. Commit­ meetings with civic bodies, P.- years, commitments effecting ★ sex street for $12,750 represented teeman Hill may have feared ERNEST B. WEHMEYER, son of T. A. groups and Taxpayers. the debt statement and so the approximately one - eighth of such a repetition and so ab­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Weh- Official release is expected to­ amount to be raised by taxation the whole parcel so that if this sented himself, but if such was meyer, 7 Duncan street has been same valuation holds for future day following last evening's in 1940 and other Items too the case, his fears were ground named a member of the band transactions, the Township will board meeting but The Item’s numerous to mention but all committee for the Junior Prom­ realize some $100,000 on resale guess is that its guess will not with a bearing on the coming less. Many shorter ordinances have enade at Franklin and Marshall of property that originally cost be far amiss. tax rate. elicited shorter and uglier words College, Lancaster, Pa. Weh- less than half this sum. School election next year will Surplus appropriations recap­ from the floor than did the meyer is active in intramural fall on Tuesday, February 13. tured for the current year to­ Still retained by the munici­ 67,000 word measure now law. athletics and a member of the pality from the original pur­ Candidates for member of the taled $26,228 while 1938 yielded Final passage was in record time Chi Phi national social fra­ Board of Education must file $11,322. The Library as pledged, chase is the corner of Main and ternity. nominating petitions at least 30f turned back $4,60ft of the $9,000 and accord. Essex, the present parking lot and also land on the north side days before, so that January 13 odd appropriated for It. ★ ____ A. GORDON, son of of Essex street east of the Rah­ Is the last day for entering the No sum was too small as evi­ race. This same condition pre­ M rs. James T. Gordon way river. On the south side denced by final pocketing of tax G arbage Collection was recently ap- some 76 feet of frontage between vailed last year but in former overpayments as microscopic as e position of na- Township employees will the plot sold and the river, is years candidates might file as one and two cents, but on the late as ten days before the bal­ sing manager of remove garbage Monday de­ still retained. grander scale, sums up to $6,000 5Review, student spite the holiday. Residents If it is a fact that few news­ loting. and over were also rounded up publication at Lehigh in areas w here Monday is the paper workers pay income taxes, and herded Into the treasury y. Gordon is a sopho- regular collection day, are perhaps their ready manner of Miss Anita of New York along with the small fry. joring in business ad- asked to cooperate in placing figuring deductable losses ac­ City will be the week-end guest It was a grand piece of house ion and is a member containers at the curb as us­ counts for the unbalanced of Mr- and Mrs. Arthur Adelberg cleaning and one that will ul­ Tau Delta, social fra- ual. budget. of Woodcraft place. timately rebound to the benefit > . >------— ■- of all property owners. [ December 22, 1 l Page a ] The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM 9 3 9 ]

freshmen clash with such teams Rumors th at a large food store as Cornell and Manlius Military chain known to be negotiating R e lie f Costs Wyoming Site School following the holidays. *Essex Street for a local site for a super Hall arrived home for,the Christ­ market, were the • actual pur­ Drop 33% No. 1 on Ballot mas holidays Wednesday, De­ Land Is Sold chasers were denied. cember 20. He graduated from This chain has had four sites A small reduction in poor re­ under consideration, current Last evening (Thursday) Mill- Millburn High School last year. What is expected to be the lief costs for November over Oc­ burn Board of Education was In first move toward decentraliza­ rumor being that it has closed tober of the current year i8 on a large plot on Millburn ave­ session for consideration among tion of Millburn’s business shown in the monthly report of nue just east of Holmes street Jess W. Bole overseer. While the other things, of the Wyoming centre was made last Monday playfield project, It was ex­ Traffic Plaints and running back to the Lacka­ decrease is but $25 -it comes at pected the building committee night when the Township Com­ wanna railroad. ~ a time .Wheii. normally an i*. would recommend and the board mittee sold at public' auettorr the That retail tradfc must find crease is anticipated. favor site No. 1, opposite the A t Town Hall plot of ground on the south side additional outlets is conceded — I t is by comparison with No-* present Wyoming school. of Essex street-opposite the pub­ by store owners and officials. vember 1938 that the real gain Improved pedestrian traffic Millburn avenue congestion they A playfield proposal It Is said lic parking lot. This is a part is apparent for here it shows a Will be on the February school conditions on Millburn avenue add is hampering shoppers and of the Giorieux tract long owned 33 per cent decrease in the ballot and surmise Is that this and discouragement of vehicu­ retarding business. Essex street number of cases from 155 to by the Township. will be the one, favored be­ lar traffic on Hobart Gap road, with its parking fai titles is 100; and a reduction in expen­ cause of lowest completed post, came before the Town Fathers Only one bidder raised his looked upon as a natural de­ voice, Counselor Milton Frei- diture Of $360.87 from $1,108.88 greatest usable space and widest Monday night as they were shut­ velopment. man, who through his attorney, in November 1938 to $748.01 last lattitude for possible future In­ ting up shop for the current Millburn Township still owns month. Clarence Kraemer of Newark, corporation Into a perhaps year and getting set for reopen­ land on the north side of Essex bid $12,750. Once, twice, thrice During November 1939 there changing school picture as re­ ing under neufc management in street and easp of the river. This proclaimed Chairman Stewart were 8 hospitalization cases at gards Wyoming school. January. is in addition W the parking lot in true auctioneer fashion, and a cost of $187.05. As between site No. 1 opposite Residents of Bodwell terrace, and oil station corner. the school and site No. 2, op­ Douglas and Duncan streets that was the end. The Township reserves a three Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Vonderlelth tioned by the Wyoming Associa­ petitioned the committee for foot right' of way along the WILLIAM M. GROVER, Jr., of Myrtle avenue are spending tion, the community Itself Is sidewalks along the north side west bank of the Rahway for son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. H o l i d a y s in Florida. now divided on about a seem­ of Millburn avenue as a safety river policing and Mr. Freiman Grover, 333 Wyoming avenue is ingly 50-50 basis. Originally measure for school children and home from Blair Academy, residents In the vicinity pro­ has 60 days to close the deal. A MATERIALS as a convenience for any who go Blairstown, to spend the holi­ tested use of site 1 and then certified check binds the bar­ SUPPLIES on foot either east or west. days with his parents. William others living near site 2 circu­ gain. ART Dr. George H. Dreher of the has received his varsity letter lated a petition favoring it. Committeeman Meeker who Decorative Painters Supplies Gap voiced or echoed a protest in soccer and is captain of'the This plot Is now owned in it is understood has handled^, as to heavy trucks turning off fencing team. 317 Sllllburn At*. Millburn M U I part by the Township having negotiations, was reticent, but Morris avenue. First reverbra- said this marked the beginning been taken over in default of tions from this section date taxes. Some members of the of development of an enlarged back to 1932 so that the echo retail district in addition to Town Committee It Is said favor theory seems far fetched. turning this land over to the Millburn avenue. The new own­ Gifts From Your Jeweler County authorities say Mill- er was equally mum saying only school board, In which event an bum has police power over Gap additional fUece estimated to that he is the now owner of View road even if it is a county record and that several months Are Gifts at Their Best! cost from $7,000 to $10,000 would highway and so the committee be purchased and added to it. may elapse before any definite decided to really go to work on plans are announced. The whole graded, fenced and seeing how "policing” will be landscaped It Is thought might construed. be worked out at not to exceed With county sanction plus ap­ $20,000 and possibly as low as B O TH F E E T DI AMON S JEWELRY proval of the state, it is said $18,000. TREATED heavy trucking may be barred 1 The option price on site No. DR. DAVID ELMAN 2, of the Wyoming Association, from residential areas and so a test is likely to see who if any­ SUROEON CHIROPODIST Is $20,000 and to this again must 45 Main Street Millburn Center be added grading, landscaping one is passing the buck to the Mount 9:30-6 Eve. by Appt. MI. 6-1772 and fencing. Ultimate cost it local committee. Eatnbliahed 7 Yean Is said favors site No. 1 by from $5,000 to $7,000. HAMILTON — GRUEN — BULOVA That youth of the Wyoming area are deserving of some place for organized sports and AND ELGIN WATCHES recreation is conceded. The Wyoming Association initiated the movement for such an area WESTFIELD WATCHES and brought the matter to a head when it secured an option from E. W. Woolsey for site 2 9.95 up which It deemed suitable. If the Board of Education does put site No. 1 on the bal­ PA R K E R - S H E A LE E R - W A T E R |\ 1A NS \ lot, It then remains to be seen whether action will be united PENS AND DESK SETS or divided to carry the bond issue.

RICHARD HALL, son of Mr. SILVERWARE — CLOCKS and Mrs. Harold Hall of 21 Maple terrace, is one of the Open Evenings Until Christmas members of the Colgate fresh­ man hockey team. He Is play­ ing one of the defense positions at the present. He will probably see plenty of action when the IVilliam Cjeljack WATCHMAKER - JEWELER “ 268 Morris Ave., Opp. Post Office, Springfield, N. J. I Telephone Millburn 6-1710 ...... I


RUG Of MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY CLKAJJING Established 1907 • n NEW FLOOR Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation COVERINGS BANKING HOURS Week D a y s ...... 8:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. S a tu rd a y ...... 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon SOUTH ORANGE STORAGE CORP. SOUTH ORANGE...... 2-4000 - 2W* [D ecem ber 22, 1 9 3 9 ] The M ill hum &> Short Hills IT E M i [ P«gc 3 ] - ______*- _ ___ ><><>0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 < X X X X X X X X > 0 0 0 0 0 < X > 00000000000000 <> HOLIDAY SALE! PRICES EFFECTIVE BUY NOW FOR BALANCE FOR . OF THIS YEAR BOTH HOLIDAYS AVONSHIRE WHITELEY’S BARD’S TOWN IMPORTED O /\ IMPORTED BOURBON SCOTCH 1 8 5 SCOTCH £ 3 3 A FINE, OLD SOUR - MASH 1 9 8 DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BOURBON. U. S. BOTTLED - 10 Years Old. IN SCOTLAND BY THE PRO­ IN - BOND. 100 PROOF. Four-fifths DUCERS OF KING’S RAN­ Four-fifths A REAL BUY Full Quart SOM. Quart 454 Years Old Quart Compare With Any Price in the State Compare With Any Price in the State OLD MILL APPLE JULES COLIN RON CHICO RUM


CANADIAN IMPORTED THE W 0 R L I) - F A M 0 1! S 1 0 9 9 6 5 JAMAICA RUM. IDEAL FOR THOSE TOM & JERRIES RUM AND EGG NOGGS. 9 Years Old Four fifths Four-fifths WHITE OR GOLD , Four-fifths Quart Quart Quart

Imported PORT RITTENHOUSE MAISON GOGGI RUBY OR TAWNY 9 9 100 PROOF STRAIGHT Champagne 4 g g Four-fifths Quart 1 7 8 A FINE AMERICAN, NEW RYE YORK STATE CHAMPAGNE. Nilson Oloroso NATURAL FERMENTATION u. S. BOTTLED IN - BOND IN BOTTLE. NO ARTIFICIAL 29 Full Four-fifths or Pale CARBONATION. 454 Years Old Quart Quart IMPORTED 1 Compare W'ith Any Price in the State Compare With Any Price in the State - Four-fifths Quart BARCLAY’S RYE STOCK FRESNOY CHAMPAGNE IMPORTED A HIRAM WALKER BLEND FRENCH OR ITALIAN IMPORTED FRENCH 30 07, Bottle 1928 Vintage 1 3 9 1 9 8 Gold Feathers DELVINO 1934 FREDERICK CHARLES Domestic 75 IMPORTED FRENCH Full 100'' AMERICAN Quart Wines SPARKLING Four-fifths GRAIN SPIRITS ALL TYPES Quart FULL QUARTS BURGUNDY Compare With Any Price in the State


<0000000000000 Ferris of Huntington, L. I. will arrive on Tuesday to sp*n(1 Goat Song of the Walrus, which a week with Eleanor Alii** may sound like something Mr. W yom ing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barton *Mrs. Samuel Thurber might draw, and he of Cedar street will haye as their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j. u wondering why Rutgers did take Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore of guests for the week-end Charles Allison of 86 Maple street. • V e p y s — this particular time to4 begin 460 Wyoming avenue are hav­ Jones and Mr. and Mrs. William tmtalng In Goat Raising. It do ing a Christmas party and re­ Scora of New York. Robert, Clarkson son of Mr seem to be more auspicious to • «r- and Mrs. Freeman Clarkson of union on Saturday evening. me, and It being near to the Miss Audrey Wouters daugh­ Cypress street retu rn ed Friday election season when goat-get­ Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wou­ from Northwood School at Lake ting vote-getUng be at Its P. E. Mills and children Barbara ters of Myrtle avenue who is Placid. His sister Mamie ar­ and Jerry of Towaco, Mr. and height. It might even be a so­ home from Middlebury College rived home from St. Mary’s at lution, and one being able to Mrs. Charles M. Moore and in Vermont will have her room Peeksklll on Wednesday. Mr daughter Tanya of Nahant, raise one’s own goats; one would mate Miss Janet Sutlif of Hem- and Mrs. Clarkson and son David Mass.. Jifrs. Ted H. Mlllman of not have to bother getting that stead, L. I. as her. guest Satur­ will leave the day after Christ- belonging to another! (Page Mr. Madison, Wisconsin and Mr. and DECEMBER 18 — To waking day. She will entertain at a buf­ mas for the Putney school in Dewey!) Mrs. George T. Johnson and son fet supper Saturday evening In early this morning and to lying Vermont where D avid will • Donald of New York City, abed, prostrated by the thought •Miss Sutlif’s honor. tend-school and M rs. Clarkson DECEMBER 20 — Up and to t • will teach. that come seven more days, then Van Ness Hough son of Mr. "town, there to do some next-to-. Betty Fetter daughter of Mr. • Christmas and I with enough last-minute-shopping, it still be­ and Mrs. Seabury Hough of 83 and Mrs. Charles Fetter of 88 Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Howe to do to get ready for ten Christ- ing too early to do the last min­ Cedar street celebrated his fifth Chestnut street returned Wed­ msmril Then there be this ute kind. It be most enjoyable, birthday Wednesday with a nesday from Rochester where and their two sons David and Channlng of Western drive, will business of Christmas cards shopping in our own stores, and supper party. His guests In­ she is a student at the Eastman which do come in the daily post, spend the Holidays a t their farm there being no great crowds of cluded Bobby Bagg, Philip Mar­ School of music. and mostly, from those whom I unknown people Shoving ycnf shall, Peter Crane, Cynthia • near Dublin, Vt. did forget, though I did edit my this way and that. There be Becker, Martha and Abigail Miss Joy Wtngett of Boston list with great care. Far be It somat of a difference, being Miller, Hubert Adams, Mahuta EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING from my thoughts to protest pushed about by ones friends. I and Pavlo Eisenberg, Virginia New Shoes this Jolly custom of exchang-. cannot .but think that It be and Joan Hansen. Mason Young, Jr. For the Entire Family ing cards, but it be a mystery easier to'have a Merrie Christ­ • REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE to me why the consciences of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brush of COLANTONE’S mas out here than it be in the Dorothea Bliss, Associate ones past acquaintances should city, and as Tiny Tim said, Myrtle avenue will have as their Family Shoe Store prick them Into annual activity. houre .guests for the week-end 40 Main Street, MUlburn 845 Morris A ▼«.. Hprlng flrld, N. J. “God bless us everyone!” Ml 1-1111 — Ml *-M11 — SB 7-Mtt (Ne B ook) How many such acquaintances H. Ferris and Catherine owe their existence, or persist­ * ence to the advent of the cent- Miss Ethel Hodel daughter of and-a-half stamp. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hodel of 397 • Wyoming avenue returned DECEMBER 19 — This day to Thursday from Madison, Wis­ New York town by train and consin and Amy her sister came subway, there to come to the home Tuesday from Wellesley. teeming surface to be swept Their married sister and her along by a multitude, going they husband Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wag­ knew not whither, nor why, but ner of Washington, D. cW lll be getting there with all possible here over the week-end. ' speed. Never have I seen a more amazing number of conceptions WANT ADS HK1NO RESULTS. of Santa Claus. Now I were brought up to believe th at St. FREE PARKING We pride ourselves on the excellence of our Christmas Gift Line. Our store is filled Nick was of goodly proportions, MILLBURN with thousands of Gifts in gay holiday trimmings and you’re sure to find something and well whiskered withal, and ■ MILLBURN•-OSOO for every one on your list they being white and flowing. Weekdays — Show Starts Either the Santa Claus of New At 1:30 P. M. York do be from the Near East, Sat., Sun., at 1 P. M. TOBACCO CIGARS B y T he Pound or they be on a diet. Further­ Continuous more, their beards do look as Last Showing of Both GRANGER S .69 25 HARVESTER $ .9# though they had been too long Features at 8:50 away from the moth balls, and Now Playing Dec. 22 PRINCE ALBERT .69 25 DUTCH MASTER 1.95 were badly in need of Wildroot or some such tonsorial remedy. “ROARING 'TWENTIES” UNION LEADER .5 9 25 ROBERT BURNS 1.95 * “NO PL^CE TO GO” EDGEWORTH .98 25 PHILLIES 1.09 DECEMBER 20 — This day to Sat., Sun., Mon., Tiies., the newstand, there to get the Dec. 23, 24, 25, 26 morning Journal. Whilst waiting “RULERS OF THE SEA” PERFUMES & GIFT SETS CANDY YARDLEY for change there entered a man Dour Fairbanks it. and Margarrt Lockwood By Lentheric, Evening in Paris, who did stop and glance at the We feature a representative Face P ow d er...... $1.10 — ALSO — Yardley, Houbigant, Coty, Yardley Compact ...... $1.35 headlines th at were In evidence “MAIN STREET LAWYER” assortment of Whitman’s, Page on the table, all having to do Kd. Kills - Anita Louise Cheramy, Max Factor, Colgate with the latest parlor game of ON OUR STAGE and many others. & Shaw, Schrafft’s and Berke­ Value ...... $2.45 the Germans, “Scuttling! Scut­ Sat., Mat., Only Dec. 23rd ley. BOTH FOR $1.35 tling!” he said in exasperation, WORLD’S FAIR INDIANS ELECTRIC RAZORS “For God’s , why don’t they LENTHERIC Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 98c fight!” Elgin ...... HARD CANDY SILENT MESSENGERS Dec. 27, 28, 29, 30 . Packard ...... $ 7.50 • “ETERNALLY YOURS” Assorted ...... 1 lb. 19c 3 bottles: Tweed, Shanghai DECEMBER 21 — I to re-read­ Elect rex ...... $ 6.00 Loretta Young — David Niven 5 lb. A sst Hard Candy ...... 79c Miracle ...... $1.95 ing with much amusement, the Marx Bros. “AT THK CIRCUS” Roto Shava ...... $13.75 Schick ...... $12.50 5 lb. Mixed Chocolates ...... 79c Remington $12.75 EVENING IN PARIS \ HEATING PADS ...... 89c PERFUME ...... 55c up YARDLEY Shaving Bowl, $1.00 CIGARETTES, $1.13 carton MAX FACTOR SETS, $1.00 up LENTHERIC MEN’S SET Popular Brands Ciitex, Glazo, LaCross JJLIGHT JflO P; $1.50 up STATIONERY...... 25c Box up NAIL POLISH Sets 39c up 0 6 ^ ■ A MEN’S SHAVING SETS 316-318 Millburn Avenue, CLOCKS ...... 69c up COTY TALCUM 50c Williams, Colgate, V \ Millburn N.j. / Palmolive ...... 89c PIPE & TOBACCO SET 79c APRIL SHOWERS \ telephone Millburn 6 0t>7Z Dusting Powder ...... 85c GILETTE or GEM Medico and Yellow Bow! PIPES, $1.0 0 u p . “Christmas would not be Christmas RAZOR SETS 25c up SILEX - CORY PINAUD Universal Coffee Maker but for the happy interchange of wishes" KODAK $1.39 up Brownie Camera 89c up DICKENS EVEREADY Flash Lights, 59c CASHMERE BOUQUET MEN’S WALLETS 25c up Set 49c WATCHES ...... 79c up Christmas Gifts DETECTO SCALES $1.69 YESTERYEAR Perfume 79c Latest Fiction and Non-Fiction VACUUM BOTTLES 57c up ■ Christmas Cards Children's Books and Games raVe p h a r m a c y 273 MORRIS KN0W IN « *< Y U fD E R S OLD” ______AVENUE, (Next to Post O ffice) SPRINGFIELD, N. J. 000000000^0 " ' — ELIZABETH hMOVIES RITZ, 1148 East Jersey Street. These programs a re "DRUMS AUINO THE MOHAWK"; "EVERYTHING’S accurate a t press ON ICE", Irena Dure. Rers and their guests. December 22. "ETERNALLY YOURS”; "THE MARX Refreshments. 3:30 P. M. at Short HllJs Club. BROTHERS AT THE CIRCUS", December 23-26. "FIRST SUNDAY. December 31 — New Year's Eve Dinner with LOVE". Deanna Durbin. Helen Parrish. Robert Stack, Eu­ musical program. Dancing and celebration of New Year gene Pallette, Leatrtice Joy; "20,000 MEN A YEAR". Ran­ later In the evening. Short Hills Club. dolph Soott. Preston Foster, Margaret Lindsay, Maxle ltoa- or inner MONDAY. JANUARY 1. — New Year s Day Governors’ T D enbloom, December 27-30. Reception from 4 to 7 P. M.. and Dancing, at Short Hills Club. BARBERRY CORNER - 33 Taylor Street. MlUburn (Mill- burn 6-1739) Delicious food served amid charming surround­ ASSEMBLY HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS PARTY for young­ ★ SOUTH ORANGE ings. Luncheon 50c. Dinner 86c and 81.00. Sunday dinner er children Friday. December 23, at Racquet* Club, Short 81.00. CAMEO Hills. ASSEMBLY CHRISTMAS DANCE for young people home BEECHWOOD HOTEL—Beechwood Road, Summit, (8um-- "BABES IN ARMS"; "COVERED TRAILER", Decem­ from schools and colleges Tuesday evening. December 2G. at mlt 6-1064). A comfortable, homelike hotel serving delicious- ber 22-28. "RULERS OF THE SEA"; "CHICKEN WAGON Racquets Club, .Short Hills. meals. Lunch 30c - 75c. Dinner 81.26. Sunday dinner 81.80. FAMILY", December 29-30. JUNIOR ASSEMBLY CHRISTMAS DANCE Thursday eve­ THE BLACK HORSE INN — Mendham, N. J. (Mendham ning, December 28. at Racquets Club, Short Hills. 4) — A pleasant ending for a pleasant drive. The authentic- ★ O R A N G E JUNIOR DANCE at Wyoming Club on Linden Street, Colonial atmosphere vies with the excellent food and * Saturday night, December 23, 9 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. in drawing discriminating North Jerseyite*. Luncheon Tic. EMBASSY, 349 Main Street. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY. Sunday. December 31, at D inner $1.26. Wyoming Clubhouse with breakfast at 4:30 Monday morn­ BLUE HILLS PLANTATION—Dunellen, just off Rout# "THE MAN THEY COULDN'T HANG", Boris Karloff. ing. A1 Freister and his orchestra. Ixn-na Gray, Robert Wilcox, Rotrer Pryor; "BABES IN' 29. (DUnellen 2-G582) A restaurant and supper club of many ALUMNI KRIS KRINGLE DANCE. MlUburn High seasons. Dancing nightly except Monday*, 7:30 to 8. Luncheon ARMS”, December 22-23. "THE ROARING TWENTIES ; School Alumni Association, Friday evening. December 22, ■NO PLACE TO GO”, December 24-27. "RULERS OF THE 75c. Dinner $1.50 and buffet Sunday evening. Minimum SEA"; "CHICKEN WAGON FAMILY". December 38-30, at 8:30 P. M. In school gym. weekdays' $1.50 and $2.00 Saturday*. No couvert. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 23 — Kiddles Party, spon­ sored by Casa Colombo Civic Association, dn Casa club­ THE BROOK — Route 24, Summit (SUmmlt 0-4848). ★ EAST ORANGE house on Main Street. Starts at 2 P. M Santa Claus will Music by Gus Steck and his orchestra. Luncheon 75c. Din­ be present to take Christmas orders. ner $1.60. No covgr charge. Weekday* minimum $1.80; Bat- HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrison. urday $2.50 "DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK". Henry Fonda, Clau­ CANNON BALL INN — 126 Morris Avenue, Springfield dette Colbert, ,®dna May Oliver, John Curradine. Decemher (MUlburn 6-1444). Historic landmark. Horn* cooking. Lunoh- eon 50c. Dinner 85c and $1.00. Sunday dinner same. 22-28. "NIN4JTCHKA", December 29-30. CHANT1CLER — MUlburn Avenue. MlUburn. (MUlburn 6- 2377). Supper Club with a deserved following. George ★ N E W A R K Sterney and his orchestra. Dinner $1.60 up from 6 to 10 STANLEY, 33 South Orange Avenue. and Sundays noon to 10. Luncheon* 86c, 12 to 3 In the Serpentine Room — Bigelow and Lee entertain. Minimum "FIRST LOVE"; "20,000 MEN A YEAR", December 23- weekdays $1.50; Saturdays. $2.60. No couvert. 28. "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON"; "KID NIGH I- MILLBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY CHICKEN BARN—Route 6, Totowa. (Little Fall* 4-llllh INGALE” , John Payne. Edward Brophy, December 29-30. This country restaurant feature* chicken prepared In (non Hally 2 to 6 P. M. also mornings Tuesday and ways Luncheon 60c. Dinner from $1.00. Cocktails by TOEWS, Broad and New Streets. 'hulrs-sday n) to 12 A. M .1 Evening, 7:30 to 9 :80 P. M. Mon- fire, or terrace bar and dancing to swing orchestra ■•Itu r - day . Wednesdays and Fridays. Saturday 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. days. No minimum. No courvert. i “REMEMBER?", Robert Taylor, Greer Garson. Lew and \ to ,6 P M. Closed Sundays and January 1, February Ayrat. Billie Burke; "BEWARE SPOOKS". Joe E, Brown, May 30. July.. 4, L a b o r Day, Thanksgivings, and D e­ THE CROCKERS — 6 Old Short Will* Road (MUlburn I- 22. 0.928). Luncheon 60c. D inner 86c a n d $1.00. Served In q u a in t Mary Carlisle, Clarence Kolb, December 2.SLr.27#— cem ber 25. Colonial home 150 years old. PARAMOUNT, Market Street. THE HUDSON — By Carl Cdrmer — ’The modern history DAY’S COLONIAL RESTAURANT—40 Park Place, Mor­ of this river began one September day-in 1609 when Henry ristown (MO. 4-0750). Restaurateur* and caterers, on location "GULLIVER'S TRAVELS". feature lenulb «‘rtoon; Hudson, an English captain In service of the Dukh Last in Morristown since 1862. Luncheon 40c—76c. Supper 7lo. "MONEY TO BURN", James Llicillle, and Russell Gleason India Company, ran up Us waters looking for the Northwes Dinner 1.00. Sunday dinner $1.25. Tommy Ryan. Lois Ransom December 22-28. Passage to China. One of bis officers noted that this is a HOTEL SUBURBAN — 670 Springfield Avenue, Summit very good land to fall with and a pleasant land to see It (Summit 0-3000). A comfortable and well-appointed hotel RANFORD, 11 Branford Place. was a pleasant land. Old Henry claimed It for the Dutch, serving orxellent food In a spacious dining-room. Luncheon and Dutch much of it remained, even after the English took $1 00. D inner 11.50. over The Dutchmen saddled it. at least as far as Albany, " r e t u r n OF DOCTOR X"; "C h a r l i e McC a r t h y with' their patron system of landlordism, with which none OLD MILL INN — Morristown Road, Bernardevllle ITECTIVE",TECTIVE", Charlie McCarthy. EdgarEdsnr Bergen MnrtIntel (BErnardsviUe 70). A good ending for a Sunday drlv* for wwiad, rDecember t —__. k . . nn22-28. no iir'ATTYi"FOUR WIVES”, Prlscllta. Rnso- could compare. Home of the most Interesting parts of Mi. Carmer's book deal with the efforts of renters to shake off dinner, or a weekday for afternoon tea. Lunoh $1.00, T*n ry and Lola Lane, Gale Pave. Jeffrey Lynn: t h e b ig 50c. Dinner $1.60. Supper 75c and 81.08. Y", Victor MeLasrten. Jackie Cooper, Edward Bropny. the galling saddle. i Munson, December 29-30. The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM [ December 22, , r [ Page 61 9 3 9]

Mr. and Mrs. Ody H. Lambom Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Sampson of Lake road, have concluded a Lyons-Fouser Smith of Montvlew avenue and ten weeks’ motor trip to Cali­ their family, Suzanne, Dorothv fornia and Mexico. and Sampson Jr„ Will spJ Announcement has been made their Christmas Holidays at Entertaining Sunday at a Tom recently of the engagement of their home in Cooperstown n Miss Winifred Lyons, daughter andd JerryJe party for fifty guests, Y. 'jOO& will be Mr. and Mrs. Laurence of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. O. Woodford of Fairfield drive. Lyons of Meadowbrook road, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Baden- Short Hills, to Edward Fouser, hausen of Old Short Hills road NOTES OF THE WEEK Mlss^Betty Morley, daughter son of O. G. Fouser of Nutley will entertain over New Yeaft ■ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Mor­ and the late Mrs. Fouser. week-end, with a Houseparty at ley of Hobart • avenue, departed Miss Lyons was graduated thetr Camp In Pikes County, pa Cheerio and a Merry Christ­ Erickson, Mrs. H. W. Heyman, yesterday. tor. .Toronto, where from Immaculate Conception Their guests will Include, Mr mas! Another season of festivi­ Mrs. K. D. Jioag, Mrs. WilUam High School in Montclair, a t­ and Mrs, George Post of. Great Holtmeier, Mrs. W. W. McKee, she will spend.a week, visiting ties has rolled around and In her brother-in-law and sister, tended St. Elizabeth’s College, Neck, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. William the midst of it all, trees must Mrs. John W. Rockefeller Jr. and and Is now a senior at Mary­ L. Dempsey of Chestnut Hill, Mrs. E. W. Vilett. Mr. and Mrs/ Richard Graham be trimmed and Christmas din­ Flood. Mrs. Flood Is the former land College for Women. Her Pa., Mr. and Mrs. George Merck ners eaten. ------fiance is a graduate of Nutley of West Orange and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Chris­ Miss Phyllis Morley. The old shopping list, Is Just High School, took post graduate Mrs. James Skidmore of Short tensen of Twin Oak road, were about all checked otf for an­ Miss Wllmina Rowland of work at St. Benedict’s and Is en­ Hills. Their son Carl Jr., re­ hosts at a buffet-supper and other year and relatives and Greensboro, N. C., arrived Wed­ rolled In Seton Hall extension turned, Saturday, from the Can­ bridge, Sunday for guests from friends arriving to celebrate the nesday to remain until after in Newark. terbury School, New Milford, gala day. Oet set for parties of Short Hills, Morristown and the New Year’s with her brother-in- Conn., for his vacation. all kinds — clean up your danc­ Oranges. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ing shoes — and enter into the Fred Heltkamp of South Beech- It must seem like a family re­ Mr. and Mrs. William Thayer Arriving from college to spend union for the H. H. Fryling’s of fun as we are all children under croft road. Brown and sons Thayer, Alex, the skin at this Christmas time. the hol,days wltl7 thelr Parents' Barnsdale road. Their son Rich­ Jeremy and Horace of New York, , Mr. and Mfs, C. A. Hill of Had- A party will be given on New ard Fryling and his wife and are spending Christmas and Leaving today for their home donfield road, are Clarence Hill Year's Eve by Mr. and Mrs. daughter I

L O C A T E D A T • • • a n d S A V E ! Indian River Fruit Stand SPRINGFIELD PANSY FARMS ★ ★ ★ ANTHONY SCHAFFERNOTH Tel. Westfield 2-3343 KINGS FOOD MART Route 29 & So. Springfield Ave. Springfield, N. J. 351 Millburn Avenue Opposite the Movies [December 22, 1939] The Millhurn 6r> Short Hills ITEM t 7 1

This -mast week, several’ boys Camp, Robert Taylor, Mrs. W. W. McKee of Nottlng- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley and have returned from the Choate Short H ills Monroe, Ross Barnes Dick Berry, ham road, who is a student at children Paul Jr„ and Nancy of School, Wallingford, Cpnn., to Mrs A. N. La Belle of Pair- Kenneth Wlss and George Gor­ Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., Northern drive, are spending spiend their vacation with their don. arrived last Friday to spend his the Winter In Winter Haven, Held drive, entertained her parents. They are Larry De luncheon-bridge club on Tues­ vacation at his home. Florida. day Those present were: Mrs. Harry McKee, son of Mr. and Manning O’Connor, Mrs. W. W. S e e , Mrs. William H. Holt- S r , Mrs. H. P. Elberfeld of short Hills, Mrs. James Reilly GEORGE OIlfriBtttjaB (Smtittga and Mrs. W. B. Howard of East Orange and Mrs. J. T. Francis SIERNEY from of South Orange. and his Miss Betty Joan Taylor, Park Avenue Music daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gordon's Camera Shop M Taylor of Fairfield drive, re­ lllWFII 1.50 t350 Millburn Avenue, Millhurn 6-1403J turned on Saturday from Smith Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. College to spend Christmas va­ cation with her parents. On For the Xmas Gift With Dancing EFEI1Y Evening December 23 Miss Taylor will a Personal Touch, Give entertain a group of friends at Her One of Our Gift her home. Certificates for a Fine » Permanent. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Prince of Highland avenue, spent last WM. E. NAUE week-end In Philadelphia, where MILLHURN 0-1434 MOWHAVE they attended a housewarming, Short Hills - Millhurn,NJ. houseparty, given by Mr. and Charlotte's Mrs. Richard Hecksher. _____Millhurn 6-0949 ____ tt=«=B=aaBtagtafcftaHt=ttatatat=aatattH ^ ^ p ta n ro rm m m tfje $tgf)t before Cfjrfetmaa ANDAT USS COST!


Hotpoint’s new 1939 Electric Water Heaters bring you the luxury of a constant supply of hot water at a price everyone can afford. Special low electric rates for water heating put this wonder­ ful convenience within reach of everyone. Come in and see these beauti­ ful new Electric Water Heaters. Learn how Calrod, Hotpoint’s sealed electric unit, is immersed in the tank of water and heats it from the inside without waste Soon prayers will be over... and little missy and brother will gradually wander deep into dreamland... where visions of Santa of fuel. are sure to abound. The new Hotpoint Electric Water Heaters save money, elim­ Throughout our community tonight. . THE VOGUE inate heat loss and put an end Hotpoint water heaters may like these eagerly await tomorrow. All day hey be had in the stylish VOMIE as good can be” — and what a long day it was. to tank patting and water heater square models for kitchen or basement playroom—or When tomorrow finally comes - as it is sure to do ^ we hope worries. / ——«- in the MASTER round utility models at sli ghtly lower cost. it w ill be brimful of happiness and good cheer.. . Y and grown-up too. eoTf/TE cr/r- FORGET/T/ g Jietrp Cijrisstmas to 8UI I Installed for $5 Down. Balance Easy Monthly Terms Commonwealth W ater Co. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER f t LIGHT CO. Millburn 6-0314 ' ~ T' - ne mllurn v shrt m u m M , Deccmb™, \r 22> 1939)1 coo^ oood^ ^ d^ ^ ^ ooo^ ooooooooo^^00^0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO<>OOO«OOOOOOOooooco o o o o o J (Continued from Page One) ( day evening at 11:30 P. M., pre­ The ceded by fifteen minutes of R eal Santa carol singing. Every situation has its clause, OOOOOOOOOOKXX The choir of St. Stephen’s **Th« tim e h a s com e" So from world strife let us now th® Wairu, MILLBURN &> Church augmented by the choir "To talk of many thing*; pause, of the Methodist Church In Of *hoM^£Ad«ho«4i—^*d ah*hlpa—and eeaim. No “ifs" — no “buts” nor "be­ OfO fpjH j}»MS5*a--aner stuffing recipe, heard It And emptied the cans with a toss and a jerk. At the 11 o’clock service on us to arrive at. with my own ears. Before I could get there with my load of ash, Christmas morning Rev. Ro- “Save America first and then do our best for peoples and na­ They’d thrown in the clutch and stepped on the gas. malne Bateman will take as his Our whole family has come text “When Christ Emptied tions to the East” must be our to know I resent being invited I stood in the road, like a longely old stag, Himself at Bethlehem”. There goal. out on any holiday where a They leaving me shiv’rlng and holding the bag. will also be music by the choir, NATIVE. turkey dinner is involved; and And I heard them exclaim, as they left without warning, E. S. Lorenz's “Come and Adore its all because of Ma and her “Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good morning!” Him”. At the evening service at dressing. M. G. 7;45 P. M. Rev. Bateman’s topic will be “Whose Son Is He?” and Calling A ll I like it hot, I like it cold and the choir will sing “Prince of when you’re at home w ith your Peace”, by Fred B. Holton. Children own bird you can have it as you Law Codification On Tuesday evening, Decem­ like it and when. ber 26, the Baptist Sunday To All Kiddies: No one knows how many members of the Township Committee School will hold its Christmas • It's nice to all sit down at the This is the time of the year Christmas dinner together and may be of any particular religious belief, but in their codification exercises with candy, refresh­ that children like to hear about ordinance consideration surely all proved themselves qualified ments and exchange of gifts. swallow a few mouthfulls be­ Santa Claus and here Is the best tween first, second and third readers. The Christmas Sunday serv­ of news concerning good old St. helpings to relatives and friends. Poring over the Codification of Township Laws for months, ices on December 24 at Christ Nicholas. most members had thought the hardest part of their work done, Church will be as follows: 11 A. He is gping to be at the Casa My years of carving have but the reading of them aloud from stem to stem, convinced them / M. Morning Prayer and Ser- Colombo Civic Association Sat­ shown me the futility of more of their error. mon; 4:30 P..M. Church School urday, December 23, in all his at such a dinner and so the cold The Fathers have done a great labor in bringing the accumu- Christmas Service with offering finery for the express purpose snack at bedtimes stands out. lated laws of past years into one completed whole and It Is under- of gifts for children at North of taking orders fdr Christmas standable some of the members desired a planning board to Jersey Training School; 10:45 delivery. All children are in­ “Give me a glass of Burgundy lighten the work in other branches. P. M. Carol Singing; 11 p. M. vited! and let me pick”, that’s my idea It might have been possible in this ordinance clarification, to Christmas Eve Communion Santa will expect you from of the end of a perfect Christ­ slip over a raise in committeeman compensation to bring it in line Service. On Christmas Monday 2 o’clock on, and we suggest mas. with the duties now incumbent. That it was not done speaks for there will be 8 A. M. Communion that you come early and be committee integrity or something, Service and 11 A. M. Communion present when Santa distributes Any good carver can see to Service and Serihon-.-, J cake, candy and other refresh­ it that not all the “oyster” is St. Rose of Lima’s Church, ments. dished out, that some of the Short Hills, will hold a Solemn The only requirement is that crisp skin is left;* and that be­ The Holiday Spirit High Christmas Eve Mass Sun­ you come in good voice and tween bow and stern, there's no day, December 24, at 11:45 P. M. shortage of stuffing. Mlllburn Chamber of Commerce has undertaken to decorate Spirits so that you can do justice The senior choir will sing the to the Christmas Carols and , the Center this year In appropriate holiday manner. Of all the Mass to St. Benefict by Joseph So here’s a Merry Christmas assignments of this young organization to date, this will meet the general holiday atmosphere that E. Muller. The introductory will prevail. friends, and take my advice, greatest popular favor. don’t call it a day until you’ve hymn will be “Silent Night”; Hasta Luego, There is every reason why Township streets should be dressed staged a “pickin’ party” around the Offertory, “Adeste Fldeles”, Casa Colombo Civic Association In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, not garishly but in bright and the concluding hymn “Hark ten P. M. or thereabouts. green and red; and young and old will gain new inspiration from the Herald Angels Sing”. it. Members of the Senior Choir MISS AUDREY I. MITSCHER Christmas shopping differs from ordinary day by day buying are: Soprano, Mrs. R. A. Dunn, M illhurn of Mlllburn, was a member of ' and those who visit stores and shops at this season bring with '{ rs.F .A . Bodden, Mrs. G. Lew­ Dr. and Mrs. David W. Elman the committee ip charge of ar­ • them a spirit of joy in gift selection that can be materially height-’ is, bfrSr-Harold Qtovajl; rangements for the annual ljened~by visual appearances. 'of 45 Main street left Wednes- Janda, ay for Nassau and Havana. Christmas party held at Miller More power to the Chamber of Commerce and may it continue Hall, a Pembroke College resi­ In future years the work it has now begun. Borkoaki, ^ w ^ H. Eanquieiy They will return on January 2. Mrs. C. W. Lausser; Tenor,*3 dence house. Miss Mitscher, the Christopher Gimino; Baritones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ editorial director Of Swing maga­ Robert Slingerland, student MISS JOAN GEDDES, daugh­ Domenick Bufo and Burnet Nel­ at Lehigh University, Pa., re­ liam Mitscher, Jr., 933 Ridge­ ter of Norman Bel Geddes, the- zine, Saturday afte^yoon, De­ son. wood road, is a sophomore at cember 16f at the home of Mr. turned home Wednesday to !l designer, and the late Masses on Christmas Day will Pembroke. She is a graduate of and Mrs. Philip Chapin Jones Of spend the Christmas holiday Mrs. Helen Belle Schneider, be- be the same as those on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mlllburn ftlgh School. Old Short Hills road, Short Hills. at 6:45, 8, 9:30 Children’s, 11 and r Same the bride of Barry Ulanov, The couple will live in New York. A. F. Slingerland of 34 Marion 12. At the eleven o’clock mass avenue. FO B B E S T R E S U L T S A D V E R T ISE IN THE MILLBURN - SHORT HILLS lit"

■ -%.... W r * [D«emb«'ai'By! • The Mil [P a g e 9 1

~ > o o o >0000000000000 he will have permission to dls- r» » parties was the theatre party party. Each member has person­ W arning—r loor pose of them to anyone deslr- tj()lC J lng a garage roof, applying the given by the Ouy R. Boeworth ally invited a child and will be responsible for escorting his proceeds toward a custodal uni­ 1 12 pounds fillet of sole Post No. 140, The American Le­ form account. 1/2 cup butter gion, last Saturday morning guest vto and from school. An­ I fill Be Safe Juice of 1 lemon when hundreds of Millburn chil­ other party will be given bj&the 2 tablespoons minced parsley dren with a good sprinkling of Olrl Scouts of Troop No. 2 at The warning sign “Danger — Fry sole quickly in 4 table­ parents crowded the Millburn Fellowship Hall, Wyoming , Floor unsafe” that may or may ] * e C a n A 6>//^ spoons of the butter, turning Theatre to capacity. Delighted Church for 15 children, -.—a kept hundreds of not hajve only once, Remove to hot plat­ shrieks of the enthusiastic au­ Township residents from male- 1/4 cup butter ter, Add remaining butter to dience emanating from the lng full use of Town Hall these 1 cup brown su^a pan with lemon juice and pars­ house caused many shoppers to past months, is to come down Pecan halves ley. Heat through and taciLOver pause and raise Indulgent eye­ PICTURES FRAMED —*« IN THE ESTABLISHMENT permanently It Is hoped within 2 cups sifted flour sole. Serve at once. Yield: 4 por­ brows before hurrying on their the week. 2 teaspoons baking powder tions. way. Artistically finished with When the municipal building 1/2 teaspoon salt Tomorrow afternoon members finer type mouldings to har­ was renovated and enlarged sev­ monize with the subject. 1/3 cup shortening (Continued lronv Page Onei of the Hi-Y and Hl-Ttl of the eral years ago the auditorium junior and senior classes of Mill­ 3/4 cup milk (scant) "The splendid cooperation and Decorative Painters Supplies was floored with linoleum tiles. 3 tablespoons melted butter burn High School will entertain assistance given by the High 111 Millburn Arc. Mltlbun S-USI These were cemented in man­ Cinnamon about 75 children at a Christmas ner thought permanent but School, churches, clubs and Cream butter and sugar, it's many individuals makes pos­ under the stress of heated argu­ the mellow, old-time flavor of ment or something, they have sible the giving of morrf than 100 brown sugar that makes these Christmas dinners”, Mrs. Per- shown a tendency to curl at the Pecan Rolls so luscious! edges and then as spectators dval Howe, Jr., president of the Neighborhood Association, said. caught heels on them, to fly Into Spread teaspoon of sugar mix­ CENTRAL^ DRUGS ture in each section of greased The Neighborhood Association space. mufiin pans. Press pecans in sees that these dinners go to Custodian Dalton has pur­ sugar. families where there is the ICaut HttnutP (Sift ^migrationa sued the tiles with glue pot and greatest need. By consulting pressing iron but some have Sift flour Measure Sift again Gift Sets By with baking powder and salt. with our Welfare Department, eluded him entirely while most duplication is avoided. Cut in shortening. Add milk Coty — Lucien belong — Evening in Paris have refused to be tied down by “I want to thank everyone all at once, stirring until all of Mennen — Yardley — Max -factor him or anyone else. who has given so generously of flour is dampened. — It has long been realized the their time or money to the tiles must be replaced and it Roll about 1 4-inch thick on Christmas work, and to let Cigars — Cigarettes was hoped they might be sal­ floure dboard. others know there Is still time Gobelin Chocolates vaged and used for Bingo boards Brush with melted butter and to make a -contribution and when along came the ban on sprinkle with brown sugar and thereby share their blessings M ILLBURN this form of amusement for cinnamon. Roll up like a jelly with their less fortunate neigh­ 323 AVE.NEXT TO WOOLWORTHS roll. Cut in 1-inch slices. M IL L B U R N 6-1071 profit. bors”. ■~Vj £ Ujill hot knouj/hclh he undersold Monday night Committeeman Place slices on pecans. The first of the community Meeker as one of his last offic­ Bake in moderate oven (375 ial acts, resolved a new floor was F.) about 25 minutes or until in order and his four compa­ slightly browned. Remove from triots concurred. pan at once. Serve pecan side Mr. Dalton is said to have ex­ up. IIAVMAIN II pressed the belief the tiles Everybody read* the Classified adver- might be nailed fast and so a t lament*. Your little ad there, if there is n market for what you want to sell. Is current rumor is to the effect sure to bring re*ult*. HOLIDAY SPECIALS i m > ery 327 Millburn Ave. " e # Millburn 6-0355-6-7 Millburn, N. J. 3- YEAR-OLD DOBBS ILINOIS STRAIGHT RYE f 149 Specials For Tliurs., Fri., Sat., Only, December 21, 22, 23 3 YEAR-OLD FRESH KILLED BRADFDRD PLACE Bourbon ut. 149 4- YEAR-OLD Fancy Turkeys 32 OLD THDMPSDN Bourbon ' 1 9 8 BOTTLED IN BOND Va. Hams.ZTST b39 RIHENHOUSE SQUARE RyeAVhiskey 1 8 4 r ^ — -— IMPORTED^ Long Island Ducks ★ Fancy Roasting Chickens SANDY GORDON SCOTCH 5!2 5 0 Geese * Broilers * Fryers BLENDED 100% WHISKEY STAYMAN WINESAP LORD BARRY SCOTCH 5 * 2 2 9 TREE RIPENED, NAT. COLOR COOKING APPLES 5 1 0 DECANTER BOTTLE FLORIDA 0RANGES251 ■ 2 5 FANCY 5 tii 1 49 SEEDLESS, THINSKIN HILDICK’S APPLE head ^ ALL TYPES .s GRAPEFRUIT 8 2 5 CAULIFLOWER


R e m e m b e r Ytjtit Shut - in Friends — CHESTER OR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I P T RACKETS SELECTED AND CELOPHANE - 9 8 c up Case * 1>lus ,)ePmit 1-75 l a i r I DM W rxfci ■ w w r a p p e d f r u it s . . .. u a i i i u v ta iu p. STRAWBERRIES, RIBIER EMPEROR ALMERIA GRAPES, 2 Quarts -J,lus 1)er,,sit: 35c i r S S S APPLES, PERSIMMONS. KUMQUATS. CANT ARTICHOKES AVOCADOS, CAROLINA YAMS. HOTHOUSE BEET TOPS. D . CATULLO , Millburn, N. J. 35 Willow Street, HAYMARCH FOODS MILLBURN 6-0289-W PROMPT FREE DELIVERY he Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM [ December 22 ,

cascade bouquet of mixed flow­ black chiffon and a corsage 0i Mrs. H. O. McNemey and orchids. daughter Carolyn of 898 Ridge­ ers. Christiano- There will be six bridesmaids Dr. Christiano will have as wood road have rented their Misses Evalyn Scandore a sister ‘his best man Dr. Michael Buc house and taken one at Browns cella of Orange a n d as ushers of the bride, Miss Gloria Scan­ Mills for the winter to be with Scandore 7 roth Joseph Scandore brother of the Mr. McNerny who is stationed at ■ * dore of Brooklyn, a cousin, Miss Mrs. Clyde Elliot of Southern bride, Walter B adcock of ciia- Ft. Dix. Miss Rita Susan Scandore, Rite Long of South Orange, a Slope drive will have her sister tham and Dr. D aniel De vtn- i" ;; , ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emiel cousin, Miss Blanche Weber of and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. centis, Dr. Prank Franklin, Sami Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Crouch of Scandore of 75 Mountainvlew Brooklyn, Miss Elizabeth Bad- 0. J. Nelson from East Rocka- uel Penza and Joseph Sederlci 897 Ridgewood road will have road, will be married at 5 o’clock cock of Chatham and Miss Rose of Orange. way, Long Island as her house Mrs. Crouch's sister and her Saturday afternoon at St. Rose Padrone of Irvington. The maids guest over the week-end and of Lima Church to Dr. Frank There will be a reception at husband, Mr. and Mrs. Galen will be dressed alike In Wind­ Christmas. Van Meter of New York as their James Christiano, son of Mr. the Essex House at 7 o'clock sor Blue moire . taffeta with After a honeymoon motor trip guests for the week-end. and Mrs. James Christiano of matching hats .of velvet flow­ Renton Pflster son of Mr. and • llouth thejcouple will make their Orange. The ceremony will be ers and will carry cascade bou­ Mrs. Albert Pflster of 509 Wyo­ Robert Amsterdam, son of Mr. ‘ home at 356 Stuyvesant avenue performed by Rev. Henry J. quets of red roses. The bride’s ming avenue returned from St. and Mrs. Charles J. Amsterdam Irvington. Campbell, pastor, who will be mother will wear a gown of blue Lawrence University on Wed­ of River lane, will celebrate his assisted by an uncle of the groom velvet with a corsage of orchids. nesday. tenth birthday Saturday with a Rev. Carlo Cianci of Paterson. Advertise ii. the ITEM in order to The groom’s mother will wear the buying public. * r luncheon party. Among the in­ Mrs. J. W. McDonough of Cha­ Betty Hershey daughter of vited guests are Arthur Rogers, tham will be vocalist. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tershey of Eddie Clausner, Murry Martin, Mountalnview road returned The bride will wear a gown Richard Sampson, Bobby Cham­ of Ivory satin with veil of tulle Wednesday from State College, berlin, Robert Sayre, Robert r . ; 4 t A *£ Pa. and a tiara of orange blossoms. * • Freeman, Billy Franke, and Fred She will carry a bouquet of gar­ Yunker. denias, lilies-of-the-valley and Joyce Bonynge daughter of • white orchids In a cascade. Miss Mr. and Mrs. William Bonynge Mary Jane Kirkpatrick, daugh­ Rose Scandore will be her sis­ of Whlttlngham terrace returned ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Kirk­ ter's maid of honor and will Sunday from William and Mary patrick of Woodcrest avenue, wear a gown of Windsor rose College, In Virginia. returned from the University of • moire taffeta with a matching Illinois on Thursday. She has Mrs. J. W. Apgar of 63 South­ velvet flower hat and carry a ern Slope drive has returned Issued fifty invitations for a tea from the Presbyterian Hospital on the ftwenty-eighth of Decem­ after an appendectomy. ber. r • • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barry Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewan of Locust avenue will have as will have as their guests over the their guests Saturday her broth­ Holidays, Mr. Oscar Martin and er William Donaldson Jr., and daughter Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. his wife and three children of Edward Simpson Jr., of Newark, and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lewan. Bronxville on Christmas day * day they will have Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Woodhou.se daughter William Donaldson and Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodhouse Mrs. P. J. McGuire of New York of Southern Slope drive returned City. • home Saturday from the Unl- Mrs. Henry Jungc of Locust \ersity of Michigan. avenue entertained her dessert- Phone MI 6-Z1Z6 bridge club yesteWfay noon. • Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fpnlin of Are FORM ALS ready? Locust avenue will spend Christ­ Prepare for pleasant eve­ mas with her family In Phila­ nings in faultlessly cleaned delphia. m formals. Our careful work­ Barbara Wlnans daughter of manship will assure that you Mr. and Mrs. C. Wlnans of Lo­ look your best. And ours is a cust avenue will have as her responsible service. guest for the week-end Grace Fisk of New Y

/ .....t ' * [ December '22, The Millburn Short Hills ITEM [ 0 0 0 0 < X X X X end Mrs. O’Brien’s sister, Mrs. ’°ooooooooooooo<'

Millburn Ave., & Vaux Hail Road G he SUMMIT TKUST COMPANY Phone Millburn 6-1738 ESTABLISHED 18 91 ★ ATLAS Tires, Tubes, Batteries - and Accessories ooooooooooooo©ooooooo< Junior college, uuena vistu. A DAZZLINGJLflUiAliUiur o symphony/ iujnhw; of - , « *• MILLBURN Virginia is spending Christmas IT E M S !£S»“ w-S£ Ktddte Party holidays with her parents, Mr ■*“ * A T A TT. stron*Strong on December 7. Mr. __.u.. i.« in and Mrs. Walter Schalscha of HIGH SCHOOL ooooooooooo

i Christmas Trees MEAT MASTER (NATIVE SPRUCE) — A Quality Market — 315 Millbum Avenue, Millbum, N. J. For Meat as You Like it Phone MI. 6-1322 FREE DELIVERY Cultivated Holly

Get to know “MEAT MASTER”, a Quality, Service Market offering the finest quality Meats, Poultry, Sea Food, Fruits and Vegetables at Super Market Prices plus Wreaths and Rope Free Delivery. 4m Serial for % (Etfriatma* Holtfcaga FRESH KILLED YOUNG Christmas Plants & Flowers I TURKEYS'* 25

A R M O U R ’S S T A R

TENDERIZED HAMS WHOI.E|b.23 j Estate Maintenance Co. A Special Treat We have purchased some prize-winning beef, which we are selling at our usual low prices. Parsonage Hill Road This beef comes from the Chicago Livestock Exposi­ tion, which means it was especially fed for top notch quality Steaks and Roasts. - —■-----»— 1 Short Hills 7-3123 Also fancy Capons, Geese, Ducks, Roasting Chickens and Fowl. FREE DELIVERY VISITORS WELCOME FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT [December 22, 1939 ] The urn & Short Hills ITEM (Pagt 0<><><><>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO health workers keeping the Idea ooooooooooor>ooo OOOOOOOOOOOOO Diphtheria alive, some local decision is at eight o’clock. The date has smith of Conlston road, gave a looked for sooner, or later. Dies of Gas been changed from December buffet supper and treasure hunt 18th to the 21st to accommodate Saturday night for her clfws- Prevention At 9:30 A. M. Sunday morning 112 Cornell undergraduates from mates in Short Hills Country Frederick H. Legge 0f Glen Essex County who will be home Day School. Township health and school Honored A t Ridge found his eighteen-year- for Christmas vacation at that . m 9_ /■ ^ time. . , . authorities have been advised by old daughter, Kathryn Phyllis, Twenty friends of Mr. and the'State Health Board, that Surprise Party HJead-qf illuminating gas asphyx­ Mrs. Roy Bumstead of Hobart under a new enactm ent of t|M> iation in the kitchen of their avenue gave them a surprise home at 122 Stonehouse road. house - warming and supper legislature, compulsory diph­ Seven months of business Short Hills theria immunisation is now per­ He discovered the body slumped party at their home Saturday having been concluded In South in a chair before the range, head .nightr-— ------1 ■"’■'■s-csS missive for school attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Van Or­ America by Ralph De Witt Kel­ resting on the open oven door. % man of Hobart Gap road will The Township Board of Health logg he returned to his home, Harry A. Feldbush Jr., son of Assistant County Medical Exam­ entertalif Mrs. Van . Orman’s is considering the advice and on Pine terrace, last week. On Mr and Mrs. Harry A. Feldbush iner George P. Glcott, J r.‘stated parents, sister and aunt, Mr. the Board of Education has Friday, Mr. Kellogg was hon­ death was “probably acciden­ of 7 Wyndham road, returned named a committee to consider ored at a surprise dinner at tal". and Mrs. S. L. Van Orman, Miss home Wednesday from Valley Phyllis, and Mrs. James Haux- Its steps. * Canoe Brook Country Club. Hosts Saturday evening Miss Legge Forge Military Academy,. Pa., to Vaccination for small pox Is included Mr. and Mrs. H. E. hurst of Rutherford, N. J., on spend the Christmas holidays had gone to the Silver Swan, Christmas Day. now compulsory and diphtheria Broadfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Mer­ with his parents. West Orange, along with a party • • I may now be placed In the same ritt Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ of friends including Edward Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Simms of catagory, provided however, liam Hanaway, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pierce, son ^of Mr. Shive of 97 Mountainview road, Glenwood drive will go to..Ches­ and Mrs. R. T. Pierce of Moun­ that it is not thought too many Leslie Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Millburn. Her companions said ter, Pa., to spend the Christmas conscientious objectors may rise C. A. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bal­ tainview road arrived home she had been in the best of holiday with Mrs. Simms par­ Wednesday from Colgate. V up. lon Landa, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. spirits and even planned meet­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dewey. Medical authorities hold there Leander and Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ • r ing them again Sunday after­ l)r. Garrison YoungeLson is no conceivable ground for don Ball. The group met at the noon. Mrs. Davenport Pogue of parents refusing to give children home of Mr. and Mrs. Broad­ Funeral services were held Vineyard Haven, Mass., former­ SURGEON CHIROPODIST (Knot A llm rtiU ) this preventive treatment but foot for cocktails. Tuesday at 3 P. M. in Bloom­ ly of Short Hills, and her moth­ llnura Kv#». 7-U or bjr Appointment as in the m atter of small pox, * field. er, Mrs. George Hopkins, arrived TH. Ml 0-1449 o r MI KENNETH S NARSBY, 914 Thursday to spend several days 14 WliIttlnKhHin Tor., Millburn. N. J. reason many admit Is not the ★ controling factor. Ridgewood road, a freshman at with Mrs. Pogue’s sister-in-law, THE CORNELL CLUB of Es­ Mrs. Donald Arrowsmith of Records reveal that at the Hamilton College, received his sex County is planning a Foot­ present time, aside full class numerals for playing Coniston road. C IIARl I R ID 1 i; ()V from Wash­ ball - Review and Undergrad­ • ington school, from 15 to 20 per on the freshman soccer team uate Smoker to be held at the Adele Arrowsmith, da/ughter cent of pupils remain subject this fall. Barsby was considered Montclair Golf Club on Thurs­ of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Arrow- A New 6 6 th to the disease. In Washington one of the best booters on the day evening, December 21, 1939 it Is said the number Immun­ squad. ized runs only about 60 per cent, * Series Will Open leaving 40 per cent still unsafe­ FRANK L. SMITH of Reeve guarded. It Is in the homes of place, Millburn, manager of February 1 4 th these small minorities that ob­ Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New jection might be looked for. York, will entertain a party of No decision has yet been friends at his home Christmas MILLBURN UliLDINC reached on whether or n o t to Eve. Among the guests will be \M> add diphtheria to the “m ust" Paul Muni and other members I OAN ASSOC IAT ION immunity list but with state of the cast of "Key Largo”.

"At Your Hrrvlre*’ MILLER’S MARKET HOLIDAY JOSEPH MILLER, Proprietor Corner Main & Essex Streets .SPECIAL Opposite Municipal Parking Lot Three plain FREE DELIVERY dresses cleaned and finished Phone Millburn 6-1586 beautifully for the price of Mayflower iwo! * The entire staff of Miller’s Market joins in wishing all a very Laundry Millburn Cleaners INCORPOKATRD Jip rrg (MfriHtttras Telephone Millburn Ave., Cor. Spring St. Millburn 6-1400 Millburn 6-1167 .. .DlriNlon of Klmbnrk 8tora*o Co. Turkeys Fresh Killed Maryland lb. 2 9 Large Capons Fresh Killed DAVE’S MARKET Sausage Meat Home-made Vree Delivery 347 Millburn Ave. Roasting Chickens ***&. ^ _ Flemington Turkeys i‘rcsh Killed n>. 29^ LIQUOR Fancy Geese lb- g All Nlfr and Plump! Fancy L. I. Ducks lb. 21c 10-Year-Old Frying Chickens m Bottled in Bond Fresh Killed Phila. Capons lb. 29c Canadian Rye Legs of Spring Lamb Fresh Killed Geese lb. 2 4 qt. 3.45 Sausage Meat Our DeliciousHome-made lb. 27c HIRAM WALKER Jersey Fresh Hams lb 2L Bottled in Bond Honey Brand Hams yj or whole lb. 2 9 Signet Rye WHITE ROSE QUEEN OLIVES J V i oz. hot. 25c 5th 2 .4 0 WHITE ROSE STUFFED OLIVES 4'/2 oz. bot. 25c L. L Ducks BELL’S POULTRY SEASONING 2 for 19c 2'/z-Year-Old lb. MARASCHINO CHERRIES 5 oz. bot. 2 for 25c 1 9 MIXED NUTS - EVERY ONE GUARANTEED lb. 23c Apple Brandy Fresh Chopped Meat DIAMOND ENGLISH WALNUTS lb. 23c CRISCO I lb. can 18c 3 lb. can 47c ,t 1.35 Complete assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables Phone and fancy canned goods for your holiday table. MlJIburn 6-17JQ for rromRt PelivciT —• ft The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM [December in, | > 0 0 0 SHORTS , . SPORTS. * Here & There By Gladiator As a solution to the so called emphasis on football to the ex­ Basketball clusion of other high school % ... sports, the suggestion has been Outlook Good advanced that instead of a din­ photo !>)• Jw k Tteslor ner testim onial to the football With the opening game of the THE FIVE BROTHER Bowling Buffos - left to right. Domenlck, team immediately following the high school basketball season Frank, Lewis, Michael, Tony. close of the season an All-Sports banquet be held near the close pnly a week away, Coach Frank * __ of the school year. Athletes tak­ Focht has scheduled basketball ing part in all forms of athletics practice sessions every morning Business Men's League would be guests and these would during the Christmas vacation “M” Bowling League / 2001 be honored for tim e and energy TEAM STANDING expended in, all sporis rather in an effort to round his squad H i . A new high game record of Team W. Av. 20 774.29 905 Bowlers This Week than in football alone? into first class shape. Unless Kies* 909 1078 was set by the Casa Colum* joe"* Market 23 no 761.31 713.13 803 Three 200 Games In th is way team s which something unforeseen turns up bo five to supplant the 1064 T lih e ’a 21 12 16 17 680.6 787 ••C" league — Freiman 210. 212. 206. m ight have had a poor season lyonengan’* 794 credited to Marshall's Real Becchcroft 15 - 1* 684.20 before January 2, the starting m The Item 1ft 662 20 from th e won an d lost angle Estate earlier in the season. .24 630 1 7 737 Two 200 Games line-up will probably be com­ C e n te r'« 801 ■•A" lanigut* — Wade 223. 218. Bar­ would still come In for a share Barnett, Goglia and Dante with Millburn L. S 25 64 4 nett 204. 234; Dante 21 4. 244; A. posed of Flynn and Passarelli, in the glory. Everyone cannot JNDIVIDl'AL STANDING .^mlth 214. 200. scores of 234, 244 and 244 re­ play football but w ith track, forwards, Bown at center, and Individual G. Av. H 8 •11 • lvNigue — Wltlkop Jr. 209, 236; spectively were mainly respon­ 228 D. D eC taaeie 174.12 Helss 243. 244; D’Andrea 234. 200. basketball, tennis, baseball, golf DePalma and Sal Sammartino, sible for breaking the former M eX am 33 164 29 207 VVuelaer 21 163 12 247 league — Douglas 222, and other sports available most 216 21a. record. No changes in either F. DetTaaais 162 26 guards. 206 boys can participate in some league or individual standing L onorgan 24 162.4 Ope 200 Game A scrimmage session with Kozack 30 162 243 form of supervised athletics and 160 16 242 ”A ■ l>-a#ue — Ooglio 244. Campbell Lodi, last year’s group 3 cham­ were recorded. O ’Cone 33 M arzak 29 158 2 209 236. I.ynrtt 213. DeCellla 224. should receive some recognition 157.29 215 HauKh«*r 223, Johnson 222. Chan- pions, has been scheduled for TEAM STANDING G inty 33 157.10 191 go 214. Gilmore 212. H. Mar­ for it. W. L. Av. H .8 . F. Titfhe 30 33 156 12 206 tin 210. Widmayer 205. MacDou- some time during the vacation 23 13 890 29 1023 M iller Perhaps the Board of Educa­ B rookaide ...... 25 153.12 190 giil 204, Terono 202, Laohat 200. period as a final tune-up for the S m ith ’11 ...... 21 15 864.32 1005 W ard . tion w orking w ith th e various C asa C olom bo .... 20 16 903.14 1Q78 B" League — Wanner 24 2. Polka r- Columbia game. Scrimmages So Ml. Blues 19 17 894.11 1057 pio 234. Marshall Jr 210. Patrick civic an d other Township or­ with Irvington, West Orange Marshall's . 17 IB 879.31 1064 209. Gogllo 209, Geddla 206, Ginty American Legion 17 19 867.20 965 IVomen's League 204. Chango 203. Wolbel 200. ganizations m ight accept this and the Recreation Department M a rio 's ...... >14 22 852.9 985 suggestion for next year and C anoe B rook .... 13 21 857 1 997 • C" I>*ague — While 221. D Marck- All Stars were held during the TEAM STANDINO ♦•ua 216. Gimbronl 312. McNa­ build it into an annual aifalr. INDIVIDUAL STANDING Av. mara 209. N Marcketta 206, past week and judging by the Individual O. Av. W. L 36 191 13 33 10 590.18 Hooley 20i. showing against Irvington, the Jo h n so n — ...... 584.15 675 Township ski enthusiasts, ast Lynch ...... 36 189.34 20 .13 same team which gave Millburn 18 15 56.5.15 713 if and when we have snow, W ade ...... 36 661 Mayo ...... 13 . 17 16 584 12 a bad trimming in a practice 17 16 559.8 671 won’t have far to go in order to B ufo ..i ...... 36 652 game last year, it looks as if the Kiilgus ...... 36 aiuwruugi* >- enter the downhill ski race on T oppers 13 20 578.7 675 D an te ...... 36 715 High School would be well repre­ C am p an ella .. .. 18 Collegia tea 10 23 557.2 Xmas M ixed Sunset Trail in South Mountain D eC ellla ...... 36 sented on the court this year. T erono ...... 33 FNDIV TDITAL STANDING Reservation. The race will be The probable line up is com­ A pgur ...... 24 In d iv id u al O. Av. H.S. held the first week-end on which K ltchell ...... 36 Doyle 30 148 10 190 posed of experienced men with I). TUrhe ------27 148.8 190 Bozvling there is sufficient snow. the exception of Bown, who is a H M iller 25 148 189 Entries will be accepted from D alton 27 144.2 184 • The Christmas Mixed Bowling sophomore but who has come “i? ” Bowling League M. W Sttkop 18 138.8 176 both sexes in two divisions, jun­ P. L ynch 32 136 2 184 Tournament sponsored by the along fast to win the center M D ay 30 134.12 161 ior — u n d er eighteen and senior G entile 21 133/14 162 Millburn Recreation Depart­ berth. All the others are former TEAM STANDINO 30 132 17 180 — eighteen or over, but only L. H.S K Dir: letter winners and are fast be­ T eam W. Av. B orkoski . 33 132 9 167 ment and supervised by the old 849.7 990 competent skiers, capable of Cana Colombo 26 10 M. T lahe 21 132.2 172 24 12 847.21 1014 bowling maestro Harry Camp­ ing welded into a smooth aggre­ M illburn C A O B arry 18 1316 ISO negotiating a sharp turn on 24 12 823.15 906 C a tu llo 's ...... High Score — Alleys 1 and 2 — Miller. bell, climaxed the 1939 bowling gation. M a rsh a ll's 16 20 823 17 958 20 per cen t grade should enter 189. Alleys 3 and 4 — Doyle. D. Tight*. F irem en ...... 15 21 824.21 993 tournaments The bowling fiesta A list of the entire basketball 935 190 as the trail Is regarded as So. M o u n tain .... 15 21 818.7 was held at the St. Rose of Lima squad follows: I’ost O ffice ...... 15 21 798.15 898 fairly difficult half mile. C anoe B ro o k .... 9 27 790.6 898 alleys. £qnior — Stricher, Bartron, INDIVIDUAL STANDING Dodglas, S. Sammartino, Flynn, Individual G A.V H .8. Twenty-two teams, composed The February 6 open date in G eddis ...... 36 183.14 245 Flood, Dinger, Giannatasio. F. B ufo ...... 33 183.4 237 Recreation of two men and one lady, com­ the Millburn High School bas W eibel ...... 33 182.10 233 Junior — Passarelli, DePalma. . 20 178.4 209 peted for the turkey gobblers. ketball schedule has been filled Stanziale, R. Sammartino. M B ufo 36 175.33 247 The coveted prize was won by by moving Up the Clifford Scott M cCauley ...... 27 174.19 218 Basketball S o p h o more — Marcantonio, Policarpio ...... 36 172.9 234 the Marcantonio trio, Joe, Lucy, game from February 23, leaving R. Marshall ...... 36 171.16 234 Peter, Hagemann, R. Boedecker, S o rtlero ...... 30 171.12 213 The opening of the Millburn and Tony who rolled a total of the 23rd open. Although prac B. Boedecker, Pratt, Marshall, M iller ...... -...... 33 170.24 234 1706 for the first prize. This is tice sessions have been held O 'H a ra ...... 36 169.33 237 Recreation Basketball League Schaefer, Schroeder, Bown, Stev­ S au n d ers ...... 36 169 18 213 the second tournament the Mar- with the Buxton School five, HI Eh Score — Alleys 1 a n d 2 — M. at the Millburn High School, ens, Hamilton, Faenza. Bufo. 247; Alleys 3 and 4 — T ero n o , 262. cantonios won, they previously why not start a Township riv marks the Ramblers leading the Freshman — Ward, Consales, * ______won the Thanksgiving tourna­ airy scheduling a game between Finnesey, Pikaart, Rhodes, league with victories over the m ent. Buxton an d M illburn on that Szmans. “C ” Bowling League Giants and the Casa Colombo. Ted Weible, Evelyn Dalton and open date? In second place is the Casa Tommy Miller seemed to have TEAM STANDINO T eam W. L. Av. H.S. Colombo beating the Studio the tournament clinched when F irem en ...... 27 9 835.4 988 all three combined to roll a score Coast's Team A t American Leg km 25 11 800.38 921 Quintet and losing to the Ram­ S chooners ...... 20 16 77y.29 884 of 1681. Weible. a money bowler, Girls' Sports 760.6 B e a rs ...... 17 19 blers. was in rare form and averaged L ocusts ...... 16 20 788.30 931 Girls indoor sports began last Lacka wanna 16 20 782.34 908 Norbert Ganska of the Casa 211 per game. Evelyn Dalton's New Brunswick Holy N am e ...... 15 21 770.21 896 week w ith the opening of the 8 28 716.10 829 Colombo leads the league play­ 182 appeared to be the tops for in tram u ral basketball season. One of the crack basketball women bowlers, but Peggy Lynch INDIVIDUAL STANDING ers with a score of 28 points. In Class captains were introduced. teams of the Pacific Coast will Individual G. Av. H.S. tied the score later in the tour­ 36 182.27 334 second place is Rocco Carella, Miss R. F. Ensor, gym instruc­ invade the East this Saturday 33 179 1 5 255 nament. Then Lucy Marcantonio S p eran zo ...... 30 175.5 215 Ramblers, and former Millburn tor reviewed the technical night when the Stanford In­ 240 came along on the 10:30 P. M. N. Marcketta, .... . 35 173.9 points and skills of the game. dians engage the Rutgers Uni­ YVhK* ...... i ...... 36 172.21 221 High School varsity center with shift and proceeded to break the W in ter ...... 36 171.J5 221 Bridget Pacio will head the sen­ versity Five at New Brunswick. 36 167r24 218 19 points. tie with a 188 game to inspire W ilson ...... 36 167.9 2-24 ior girls, the juniors will be The Stanford line-up will pres­ . 36 166.31 222 The league games are played her teammates on to victory. D ouglas ...... lead by Je a n H enderson; sopho­ ent a group of giants no man be­ S m ith ...... 33 164.21 207 every Tuesday night at the Third prize was won by the O 'B rien ...... 35 164.12 226 mores are under Barbara Co- ing less than six feet in height C hango ...... 36 164.3 212 Millburn High School. trio composed of Mocco, Kay High Score -r- Alleys 1 ami 2 — Hap- bum a n d Eunice P ra tt is the ..and both center candidates wa rd, 255; Alleys 3 and 4 ------lA o h a t, On Thursday night the All Boslavage and A1 Smith. This captain of the freshman girls- measuring 6’ 6”. Rutgers has a 234 Stars are scheduled to play ln- combination nosed out Ted Wid­ Miss R u th Seidler practice record of two wins and two losses ter-city games also at the high mayer, Miss Cooke and M atty teacher from Panzer College will while Stanford is undefeated in school. Campanella for third place with referee all the intra-mural bas­ two starts. The game is sched­ All games are open to the a score of 1679. Buxton Schedule ketball games and assisting her uled for 8:30. public. George Mayo won the men’s will be Miss Helen Miller of tne The 1939 - 1940 Buxton School League Standing high individual prize with a 247 Recreation Department. THE FIVE BUFO Brothers, basketball schedule is as follows: W. L. Per. game. John McCollum missed JVlUlburn’s representatives in Jan. 10, Wardlaw Away Ramblers ...... 2 1 1000 the honors by one pin, rolling a JOSEPH D.*SCOTT of Mill the Five Brother Bowling Jan. 19, Kingsley Away Casa Colombo ... 1 1 .500 246 game. Peggy Lynch was burn and a sophomore at Le­ League, dropped three games to Jan. 26, Montclair Away Giants ...... 0 1 .000 awarded the women's high score high University was aw arded a the Kleissler Brothers of Union Feb. 2, Carteret Away Studio Quintet .... 0 1 .000 prize as Evelyn Dalton and Lucy at Union last Sunday. The Feb. 9 , Mt. Lakes Away 1 Marcantonio were ineligible for varsity letter for his participa­ Bufos were decidedly off form Feb. 16, Parents Home The five leading scorers are: individual honors because of tion in soccer during the pas but with a two week lay off for Feb. 23, Kingsley Away Ganska, Ramblers, 28; R. Ca- the non-winner rule of the tour- season. the Holidays are expected to Feb. 28, Montclair Away rello, Ramblers, 19: Flaherty, 17; nament. roil up to their potential ability Mar. 6, Plngry Away DeSessa and Faenza, 14; Mar- Local bowlers are clamoring nament which will be held earl when the schedule resumes. Mar. 16, Oratory Home cantonio, 13. for the annual endurance tour- next year. [December 2a, 1 939] i ne mtiioum Short Hills IT E M [Page 15]


»r«ak h i '*•»!>*» 9>n4i.*tr lit 77 ,’zV> KftleZSp

room. Christmas, If they do not bear “It is Important that your set “Do’s& ’Dont's” the label of Underwriters’ Xmas Carols ORDER TO LIMIT of Christmas tree lights be In Laboratories, Inc. D ecem ber 4. 1939 good condition. A short circuit ESTATE OF NELLIE L. KING, deceased. If your tree catches fire, call in worn wiring might be suf­ Again this year New Jcrsgp, Pursuant to the order of EUGENE F, At Christmas the fire department Immediate­ HOFFMANN. Surrogate Of the County of ficient to start the tree burning. telephone men and women, and Essex, this day made, on the application ly. Learn the location of your of the undersigned, executor of said de­ many of their families through­ ceased. notice is hereby given to the Fire Chief J. David Hayes Sets bearing the label of Under­ nearest fire alarm box, or post out the State will Join in sing­ cred'to's of said deceased, to exhibit to seeks to make Christmas here writers Laboratories, Inc., have the telephone number of the de­ the subscriber under oath or affirmation, been tested for fire hazard and ing Christmas carols, led by a their claims and demands against the safe and sane and so he has dug partment where It will be handy estate of said deceased, within sl/X chorus of 1,500 at New Jersey m onths from th is date, o r th ey vHIl be deep into his stocking full of pronounced safe by experts. during an emergency. Have your Bell Telephone Company head­ forever barred from prosecuting or re­ experience to tell Item readers Select lights for windows which fire extinguisher - checked to covering the same against tlw* subscriber. quarters In Newark. WOR will THEODORE McCURDY MARSH all the “do’s and don’ts" of trees have been similarly approved. make sure It will operate, and broadcast the carols this Friday, Child. Hiker, Marsh k Shipman, Proctor* and decorations, gift wrappings “If your fuses are of proper 744 Broad S treet place it where it will be handy (December 22) afternoon, from Newark. N J and lighted candles. «• rating, 15 amps, too many lights in case of fire. An additional Dec. 8. 15, 22. 29. Jan. 5. from one set of outlets will blow 4 to 4:15 o'clock. Chester I. Bar­ ■ Chief Hayes wishes all a measure of fire protection avail­ nard, president of the company, ORDER TO LIMIT Merry Christmas and If read­ them. If this happens, elimin­ able in nearly every home Is ate some of the lights, and re­ will extend Christmas greetings N ovem ber 16, 1939 ers heed the following advise, the garden hose. It can be con­ to the groups gathered In tele­ ESTATE OF IIETTIE MAY CHAPMAN. he thinks they’ll have It. He p la c e the blown fuse with an­ nected to a faucet within reach deceased. other of the same size and rat­ phone buildings around the Pursuant to the order of FRED HER- says: of the tree and kept there as JtlGEL, Jr . Surrogate of the County of ing, 15 amps. An overloaded State, and for them to other Essex, this day mad**, on the application "Your Christmas tree and the long as the tree Is In the house". listeners-ln. C. F. McCord, bari­ of the undersigned. Executor of said de- circuit Is extremely dangerous ceased. notice is hereby given to the decorations on it are fire haz­ * tone and a picked group of sing­ creditors of said deceased, to exhibit to for fire may start unseen in the •he subscriber, under oath or affirmation, ards which you will want to ers will render "The Birthday of their claims and demands against the walls. estate of mud deceased, within six months watch most carefully this a King” as a feature of the from this dnte. or they will be forever Christmas. Remeifiber that, “Flame-proofing treatment is Summit Trust program. •tarred from prosecuting or recovering the available for home use if com­ same against the subsrrllter. when you bring a tree Into ★ BERNARD CLOQB your house or any other heated bustible materials are used. The plan Is part of a celebra­ U Evan Daniels, Proctor However, It Is simpler to use Baby Marathon 1180 Raymond Boulevard building, it is going to begin to tion of the award to the Stand­ Newark. N J. Dec l. 8. 15. 22, 29 dry up. If it is a fresh cut tree, only decorations of metal, glass ard Oil of New Jersey of the 1939 and asbestos. These safe decora­ January 1, 1940 will be a lucky it will not take fire any more date for some families in this prize for chemical engineering NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT easily during the first day or tions are available nearly every­ achievement. where and are quite as attrac­ area, according to an announce­ ESTATE OF ANN KEELEY, deceased. two than would the evergreen Notice la hereby given that the Ac­ tive as those of the dangerous ment made by The Summit ORDER TO LIMIT counts of the HtibMcriber, Administrator shrubs growing outside. Unlike Trust Company today. In con­ <>f the estate of ANN KEELEY, de­ them, however, it becomes a paper, c otton, and pyroxlin. N ovem ber 24, 1939 ceased, will la* audited and stated by “Fireproofing” of pyroxlin is not junction with the Standard Oil ESTATE OF JOHN M. CALDWELL, de­ the Surrogate and rejairted for settlement more serious fire hazard every ceased. to the Orphans' Court of the County of possible. Company of New Jersey, the Essex on Tuesday, the 23rd day of Jan­ hour. At the end of a week, It. Pursuant to the order of FREI) HEIt- u ary next. bank plans to set up a savings KH1EI,. J r , Surrogate of the County of D ated December ill. 1939 will probably be highly flam­ “The use of cotton batting Essex, this day made, on the application account for every baby born in of the underpinned, executors of said EDWARD It. WHITTINGHAM and paper in costumes should John M. Emery, Proof or mable. the local territory on New Year’s deceased, notice 1h hereby given to the be strictly avoided. These ma­ creditors of said deceased, to exhibit to 714 Broad S treet "The tree can be kept looking day. The initial deposit, con­ the sultei riliers. under oath or afflima- N ew ark. N. J fresh and saved from drying out terials will ignite easily and tion, their Halms and demands against I tec. 15, 22. 29. Jan . 6. 12 tributed by the Standard Oil jhe estate of said deceased, within six if you set it up in a pan of wa­ burn with great intensity long Company, will be $5.00. If by any m onths from this date, *or they \v*.ll bo LEGAL NOTICE before It would be possible to forever barred from prosecuting or re­ ter. Chemists have suggested chance there should arrive not covering the same against the subscribers. (Chancery C-60) that its combustibility can be tear them off. Santa Claus’s one baby, but twins, on that, ANNA MARIE CALDWELL. formerly Mutter. SHERIFF'S SALE — In Chancery of reduced still further by allowing whickers have led to many New Jersey. Between Abram S. Over- date, the fortunate family will Wm. H. Campl>ell. Jr . Proctor miller. complainant, and Josephine Kel­ it to absorb a solution of am­ Christmas tragedies. If you be eligible for a deposit of $100 Raymond - Commerce Building ler. widow, defendant. FI. fa., for sale of can’t find a good substitute, be Newark. N. J. mortgaged premises. monium sulphate before It is for each baby, running up to a Dec. 1. 8. 15, 22. 29 By virtue of the above stated writ of sure and have them flame- fieri facias, to me directed, I shall ex­ set up. A package of the chemi­ high figure of $5,000 if any NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT pose for sale by public vendue, at the cal, one-quarter the weight of proofed. local family duplicates the event Court House. In Newark, on Tuesday, the “Before and after Christmas ESTATE OF CATHERINE MeCAFFERTY. ninth day of January, next, at two o'clock the tree, dissolved in 1% pints that tank place in the Dionne deceased P. M., nil the follow ing tr a c t o r paroel there will be a lot of flammable Not ice is hereby given that the Ac­ of land arid premises hereinafter par­ of water per pound is the recom­ family some years back. counts of the Subscriber, Administrator ticularly described, situate, lying and mended treatment. Put the so­ material around the house. Most Tlie procedure is simple, as of the estate of CATHERINE MeCAF- being in, the Township of Millburn, Es­ Christmas wrapping burns like FERTY. deceased, will he audited and sex County. New Jersey. lution in a bottle or jar with a it involves merely the presenta­ slated by the .Surrogate ami reported for Beginning in the Westerly lino of tinder and should be removed settlement to the Orphans' Court of the Marlon Avenue at the Easterly corner of neck just big enough to hold the tion of a birth certificate at the County of Essex on Tuesday, the 16th premises now owned by William W. tree, saw off the bottom of the as soon as possible. See that all day of January next. McCollum; thence (1) running along said bank before April 1, 1940, show­ Dated Decem ber 9, 1939 line of Marlon Avenue North twenty-nine wrappings go into the waste­ degrees twenty-eight minutes East one trunk at an angle, and let it ing the birth of the child on III HR) WOERNER basket, not around it, and that hundred and ten (110) feet to the line of stand in the bottle until the January 1, 1940. On presentation Rudolph A. Huebner. P ro cto r land now owned by Frederick C. Far­ the basket is taken out and 790 Broad Street ley; thence (2) along the line of last men- chemical is completely absorbed. of such a certificate, the bank Newark. N. J. Jloped land North sixty-one degrees twen­ “The point in the room that dumped in a covered metal Dec. 15, 22, 29. Jan. 5. 12 ty-five minutes West One hundred and will issue a passbook showing eighty-seven feet three Inches (187 ft. barrel or incinerator as soon as ORDER TO LIMIT you select for your tree should the initial deposit. 3 Ins.) to an angle tin Ills line; thence (3) still along land of said Farley South be well away from stoves, radia­ it is filled. D ecem ber 15, 1939 'twenty-nine degrees twenty-eight minutes “Be careful of heat operated ESTATE OF ADAM GLEI.M, deceased. West thirty feet and six -and one-quar­ tors, heat registers , and other Pursuant to the order of EUGENE F. ter Inches (30 ft. 0V4 ins.) to Northeast­ sources of heat. When you toys and new electrical gadgets HOFFMANN, Surrogate of the County of erly line of land of said Sarah B. Den­ Essex, this day made, on the applica­ man; thence (4) along her line South smoke, keep far enough away th at come into your home this tion of the undersigned, executors of said eighty-one degrees fifty-six minutes East deceased, notice is hereby given to the Eighteen (lfi) feet to an angle In line of from the tree to be sure you creditors of said deceased, to exhibit to her land; thence (5) southerly parallel won’t drop Sparks on it. The subscribers under oath or affirma­ with Marlon Avenue Eighty (80) feet tion. tihelr claims and demands against more or less to Northerly line of land of “The tree should be well se­ the estate of said deceased, within six William B. Denman; thence (6) south months from this date, or they will ho eight.v-one degrees fifty-six minutes East cured against falling. Incon­ forever barred from prosecuting or re­ Fifteen (15) feet three (3) Inches; thence spicuous wires holding the tree covering the same against the subscribers. (7) South sixty-one degrees twenty-five LYDIA E. OLETM minutes East One hundred and fifty-four against the wall in back are FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY (154) feet to the westerly line of said Storing . . • ■ Lindabury. Steelman, Zink A La fieri y. Marion Avenue and the place of Begin­ good precautions to keep it P ro cto rs, ning. from being knocked over into 24 Commerce Street, Being the same premises conveyed to N ew ark. N. J Ira Keller and Josephine Keller, his wife, Rug Cleaning . . Dec. 122, 29. Jan. 5, 12. 19 by Dorothy H, Wright and Thomas H. the middle of the room. The Thomas and Mary A. D. Thomas, his tree should be so placed that LEGAL NOTICE wife, by deed hearing date The twenty- eighth day of July, 1925, recorded In the standing or fallen, It cannot Floor Coverings. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND Office of the Register of Deeds of Essex block a doorway which might ADOPTING A REVISION AND County on August 12, 1925, In Book A-73 CODIFICATION OF ' MUNICIPAL of Deeds for said County, at pages 193, beneeded to escape from the ORDINANCES. ot seq. Said premises are commonly BATHROOM known by the street number 13-15 Mar­ ion Avenue. At Our L o w — Estimate Prices The Ordinance, of which the foregoing RF.AL IT A L IA N STYLUS is the t’itle, was passed on final reading The approximate amount of the Decree at a regular meeting of the Township to be satisfied by said sale Is the sum Rimback Storage Co. Committe of the Township of Millburn In of Four Thousand Five Hundred Thirteen SPAGHET- the County of Essex. New Jersey, held on Dollars and Forty-Six Cents ($4,513.46),* SERVED i n o u r r e s t a u r a Thos. R. Douglas Go. together with the costs of this sale. the 18th day of December, 1939. Cor. Mlllburn Avenue N ew ark. N. Jf., D ecem ber 4, 1939. or- Prepared to Take Home PLUMBING - HEATING JO H N A. STEW A RT. 3rd. Sc Spring Street Chairman of the Township Committee. HENRY YOUNG JR., Sheriff. M AW S BAR & GRIL SHEET MJSTAL WORK MABEL E. GOFF, Henry J. Camby, Sol'r. $26.88 Township Clerk. ^ )ec. 15, 22, 29, Jan . 6. JOSEPH CARDONE, ProprleK Established 1893 Millburn 6-ZMO “ M“ln «■ Millburn • 303 sunburn Ave. SlUlburn 64344 [ December 22 The Millburn Sr3 Shofjt Hills W] .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000

House, Taylor Park, M illb u r n . m eetin g refreshments were be the Governors’ Reception at nuuoi'i * -j , dren and their guests at 3:30 Committeemen C. Pedicine, Roa served. Next meeting will be at the clubhouse wlth\the serving P. M. Thursday, DeceYnber 28. MacDougall, and T. Deagen High School Boys’ Gym Friday of eggnog and dancli Monday, AVAnlnor riPfvpmhov 00 ^ Holidays At were present/ Badges of rank evening, December 22 On New Year’s Eve the club’s January 1, from 4 to)7 P M. P. M. entire membership and guests and troop Insignia were given Short Hills Club ★ out by Mr. Pedicine, assisted by are Invited to attend Supper SC 6UT TROOP NO. 14, of IKIN'T KORORT TTIK SMALL AIM with k musical program, which Scoutmaster D. MacPhall. Dem­ EEverybody verybody readH the Classified adv*r Millburn Boy Scouts held Its tlament*. Your little ad there, •* * Short Hills Clta> celebrates will be followed by dancing and onstrations were given in First ------...... — there, if then I. first Parent-Scout meeting Fri­ .. m ark e t fo r w hat you wditt to ehil y the Christmas season with a New Year festivity later In the Aid and SlgnalittU. After the sure tobrlng reiulii,— ___ .... __L "... day, December 15, In Recreation series of Diversified entertain­ evening. Last but not least will ment guaranteed to please both young and old. The first social event Is the Junior Dinner- Dance for boys and girls be­ tween 13 and 17. .both Inclusive, on Wednesday evening, Decem­ ber 27, at 7:30 P. M. Feature at­ traction will be Fairfax the Ma­ gician. This lead off will be fol­ lowed by a Puppet show for chil­

GLEN CORRIE A R T H U R B O O T H ’S ! MONTICELLO ■ C la s s if ie d ♦BONDED Bland>4 and Settled In Scetland 8 YEAR 8 6 PROOF S e c tio n OLD SCOTCH RYE iCOTCH BY THE CASE OE II » v i fo n t , Pull Qt. | a YEARSCARS OLD II YEARS OLD e m p l o y m e n t w a n t e d 24,73 2.29 met with Ilia ir,,ta«i ipgmvgj •» 9»r «“•cuikomert KNOLL.WOOD Bmplwneut A gncy, Hit, Whitby bat 1.05 TRROOF 1.99 4/5*2 .3 9m 4/ o aur fa,4a»4 aellinB Scoltk W huky. II is im- ctall*ing In investigated domeetto »«lp. 5 2.99 and bai bacaaia ear ,anw> . ♦totll«4 is ImJ u;fa Govt. Suparviiion |- Ma4a 6a aaa af E tetU aft Fbre.1 DUIIII.r, parted exclusively, far AGP by Natiaaal —------Di,Hilar*.—----- JuSS5».Millburn 6-04IB. «r‘. “"lburn- Vti-sm I, tr 33% - A Yaa. WM«Lay f u i l f SERVICES OFFERED VERY DRV AMONTILLADO CRUM SUMS0 _ Me4.rat.ly *-•** Atherton ntsf p‘ 79c ot papbrhanobr * n S S e n c a n to COCKTAILss. Dry“ • Full Bod tadS *KF p,, Fl.l.l, I -““WHISKEY Spirit. work Average room pagxvred »7. L>eco- 11%-OYaa.Wbl.Lay ... rate now. QuaraiUeetL Fred Pl»per. BO Mountain Avenue. Huriturneld N.J. Telephone Millburn 6-0434. li-2-35a* ftSF &93c c u e n n v “ U M 1-79 ~ 2.89 ATHERTON de luxe RYE E ,W la...... , unuie.MADK DELICACIES (or etudenU dtlCKKTI B ’* ■ te7 " ------V itt J ’ . J ’ E Di.till.d.ndBoltl.dE.clu.iv.lyf.rA DDi.tillad i.llllad and BollladB.lil.d EErelu.ivaly .eluiivaly fafor r AAGP trK ayby nN.tioe.l a tio n a l wDi.Hllar* ,..,„ a r. “ p r e ^ end rent direct. Call Millburn 6-1674. g~tf'a6114 USED PIANOS for eule. Tour piano WHISKEY V A LU E S »j tuned 62. Reginald Belcher, bone Chatham 4-2344. 1H4m * TEARS Pint , 18°Ui?” ARD u _ _ 5| HEATHWOOD re a a j[ ROXBURY * « * « Pint 53C89c Jj DOCTORS recommend etrictly free** *40 MH •Tor your etomach'x enke". You may Vin t a g e toe a seu re d egge * re A No. l w l« " SAUTERNES VmT*ek ” " 89c j SCOTCH “ 4 5 qf 1.99 j BONDED RYE* 1.75 purchased dlreotly from Lincolns Thoueand - Hen I'OTU.Y larm . WhHe • YEARS 90 O ak R idge T elepltoae S h o rt H11U 7 ; COAST-TO-COAST G ALUNT KNIGHT PROOF 3950-W. 16-3-3678 a « p ! *pald|hg's I CALIFORNIA nDV Stand •( Straight MMan^f 4/5 qt. 4/5 qt. RYE Whiikial ------1.99 FO R R E N T ;CHAMPAGNE 1.25! s c o t c h KStBtlaiid 45 ^ 2.39 AM k Yaan OU COLORED. Sunny. lurntehed homelike 8 YEARS « YEARS douJie and .Ingle room. Also garage. FORTIER PICARD 1918 Vlnl^a re re * 8 ROYAL REGENT oldOLD i PENWICK too proof OLD Steam heat. Hot water all year-round. Dry WkitaV Located at 2800 Vaux Hall Road, Vault Dinnar 24 oz Hall. One-quarter block from Bpring- CHABUS 1.29 s c o t c h « ? ■!a' 2.591 bonded rye*National ^ DistillorS 1.99 fleUI Avenue bus. Call evenings after Win. P, M, 22-3-3BhI k YRS. old LAUDER'S 12 ^ HILL 6» HILL Pint ; IMPORTED PALOMINO Jfc A A B n ,fcL ^ n ,U 100 PROOP 1,15 JANUAKY lit. Half duple* bo\We, Wyo­ ROYAL NORTHERN CREAM YEARS AO ! rIONDED and 25 02. 4/5 01 0 ming. Furnished or unfUrttiahed. 6 OLD Msda la FuH qt. | rnoniB. Steam heat. Electric refrigera­ VERGARA 99c 2 .9 9 1 b o u r b o n Kantucky 2,19 tor. Garage. Rent reasonable.. Phone PORT SCOTCH M illb u rn 6-1171 o r c a ll C lark so n , 1S6 Cypress Street corner Sagamore Road. Due ^ MONTCALM GEO. McNISH MONTICELLO " years old 22-2-3583 • IMPORTED 1939 IA Y6ARI VINTAGE 26 o*. OLD 4/S0l Full qt. "THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME' CHAMPAGNE 1.99 SCOTCH 2.99 BONDEDDUnVIalS RYE l»li< 4 ( -ih D.uti*, - |.WI»|^ . but If you can’t be there we’ve a ro* re44-4.H4jj ,44-a-»-re.-b-4-4-. \yhcre we’ll do our l»est to make y< „ GREEN LAIEL g old LAbEL comfortable for reasonable considera­ EXTRA HAIG tr HAIG, S Elbr. ! FINCH'S tion. Convenient to bus and train. Ga­ LOUBET DRV RLEHDED 93c 1.75 1.05 1.99 rage optional. Telephone Millburn 0- P iht Full qt. 0268-R. 22-3-8683 1931 24 02 i CHAMPAGNE VIMTAM 2.49 S C O T C H 0lB 4/5 qt 2.98 * WHISKEY ; ltA'k r o o m s . B ath. Oarage. 18 Rector »41a«44444i-A^ S tre e t. M illburn. N, j. 8-3-3668 ■■"I - H ACK t r WHITEii Rums - FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM In Brandlea ■ ■ Cordiala YEARS Short Hills private home near station, OLD 4/5 qt. suitable for one or two. Reasonable. HENNESSY COGNAC -3 Star -/»v 4/5 qt 3,73(,/o a 3Lu | n — - tii-rv « bon criollo w H i t s gold u »e l 4/5 Qt. u ? m Write Box D. care The Item. 8-3-3666 SCOTCH 3.49 : BROWN JU G APPLE BRANDY MOf. 1,83*_____ ...... « MYERS’ JAMAICA RUM - 4 /5 qt. 2.69 ft AiarSi i *1* ...... 1 t_T sS 97 PROOF a YEARS OLD FO R S A L E COAST-TO-COAST BRANDY WD*- !.3i» Pinch § GANCIA IMPORTED VERMOUTH 31 02. 79c D« KUYPER’S • Apritak, BUcLUny, ^ S HAIG 6* HAIG D SWEET OR DRY LIONEL STANDARD GUAGE equipment. Bottle O 9 TV E E I v n MB Engine, 8 cars. 26 foot track, switch, / Pgadi and Charry Brandy • 4/5 Pt. 1.25 S re re A v r e i ■ 12 YEARS 4/5 Ql. | CINZANO VERMOUTH, Dry 30 02. etc. Cost 696. Sell cheap. Call Millburn OLD ZWACK’S APRICOT 4/5 Pt. 2.09 f,t b^ L U I L H 0LD W»(/U3.98 | C|NZANO VERMOUTH, Swtet - 30 02. (-1678. l-tf-3651 CREME 6a CACAO, PEACH AND CHERRY “ ------^ DINING-ROOM BUFFET. Reasonable. 30 Undercut! Hoad, Millburn. N. J. Tele­ . . . Alio the well known B. & G. (Barton 2 . . World famous Johnnie Walker Red . . . Many other famous Brands auch as ™ phone Millburn 6-0263. 16-3-3671 & Gueatier) Sauternes, Grave., Chablia, Spark- 2 and Black Label, Teachers Highland Cream, Old Grandad, Old Overholt, Old Taylor, J* HOHNER ACCORDION and carrying « lino ling Burgundy . . . Mumm'i Cordon Rouge White Horse, Dewars, Old Angus, Vat 69 5 Mt. Vernon, Four(our HosesRoses . . ., Mamm Martini a& n»»Rossi ^ rase — 12 base note Instrument. Prac­ |n and Lanson Champagne. j and others. / ^ 2 and Noilly Prat Vermouth. *f tically new. (26. Call evenings. 186 Main Street, Millburn. Phone Millburn 6-0049-R. 15-tf-3579 PORT • SHERRY rewweaw A t K S A i A i L i - ...... a a re ream 1 f A I I C n D N I A niinciiMBURGUNDY ny .- DEISLIMGREISLING PORT • SHEI AFTER TWENTY TEARS a really new sowing machine has appeared. Stream­ R E D C R O W N Grab* Nsulral 4/5qt 0 0 Q Full Qt. CALIFORNIA cURET sauternes MUSCATEL lined for beauty. A bull-dog for power. 1.19 Splrib hy one To see It la to own one. Doyle’s Sewing 9 0 PROOF c Machine Store, 480 Springfield Avenue. of Amorico’s rerere . .re I “ “" 0’C0“r «,t 35C HW 69C 39C » 85 Summii, N. J. 8-8-3643 Finait Gia y 1 flQ| Pull Gal. Distiller, ______Full Gel. 1 . 2 9 1.59 GIRL’S EVENING DRESS. Hawaiian DRY GIN 2.29 4.491 WINES print r- slxe 15. Long tweed evening wrap, never worn, $26. Alao black safcaiwsfis velvet coat, white fur collar, white satin lined, worn once, $15. Man’s FORTIER PICARD suit — size 44 long, $5. Telephone Short BELLE OF BOURBON ALBERT ROBIN Hills 7-2811. 15-3-8575 SPARKLING KENTUCKY PERSONAL BURGUNDY CHAMPAGNE OIVE USEFUL GIFTS, A new and color­ WHISKEY COGNAC ful print dress by Mayflower at $3.95 (RED CHAMPAGNE)AGNE) .BONDED . * YEAR OLD should be just the thing. See our fresh, orlsp selection Just arrived. Sizes 12 to " 1 9 2 0 , 7 ° 26 02. lOO PROOF YEARS 44. Wright’s Dress Shop, 357 Millburn Vintage 76 02. Full qt. 4/5 qt. 2.99 Avenue. Millburn, N. J. 16-tf-3669 1.991 OLD 1.99 2.49 From the Fameua oifrr -v AWIneofR.r.Exc.ll.ae. 1 OLD STYLE KENTUCKY BOURBON I Made Mad. inia the'Cejnecthe^Cognac RegionRagion Vintage Year 1928 _____ , FINE PUPPY. 4 months old. Mother full ,,^ersrerers«ersre,eri^ee3»y.e3>-,rer^re% i^ '^ s5ftj-s^ .5 S .^ ja S a ..jH .S S a5i^ .2 S .2«i»Si're«!:5F«.-«i-’»^ bred Irish Setter, father full Cocker 4% 4 ■ m ■ a a ■ — , Spaniel. Phone Short Hills 7-3130. 22-1-3586 321 Millburn Avenue, Ml. 6-0889 | BEER

LOST Chatham Road,7 —Short w JL-a-B.AG.kCHills7 ® SAVINGS BANK BOOK NO. 2351 of First National Bank of Millburn, N. J. AND Payment has been stopped. Finder 157 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood please return to bank. 22-1-3579 FOUND — " ® 17 So- Orange Avenue, So. Orange ALE THREE PAIRS of eyeglasses have been found' within the paat two months. Owners may reclaim them at Police Headquarters. 22-1-3580 AGP WINE AND LIQUOR SHOP ' _: