Christmas in Announce the Birth of Their Sec­ 1940 Town December 11, at Orange Mem­ Ond Daughter, Suzanne on De­ Orial Hospital, to Mr

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Christmas in Announce the Birth of Their Sec­ 1940 Town December 11, at Orange Mem­ Ond Daughter, Suzanne on De­ Orial Hospital, to Mr $i, V oi. N o . 51 ] T-’K [ Oecember •jajjmuapauH o/a x«a 'itjapuja itjBjqn xassg ■ i a s m MR. AND MRS JOSEPH S. A SON, CHARLES BLOOM­ HOPKINS of Great Hills road, FIELD MASON JR., was born, School Budget Christmas In announce the birth of their sec­ 1940 Town December 11, at Orange Mem­ ond daughter, Suzanne on De­ orial Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Tvvp, Churches cember 11 at Orange Memorial Committee C. B. Mason of Campbell road. Down $6,000 Hospital. Their first, Beverly The child Is the grandson of the Belle, Is 4 years old. Mrs. Hop­ "Open wide the windows, wide Millburri ToWnShip Churches New Years day will see Mill- late Dean Charles Meeks Mason the doors; let the blessed sun­ kins is the former Miss Janet will once again observe Christ­ burn Township Committee re­ of New Jersey Law School and shine In”. This used to be a fav­ Slocum, daughter of Mr. and mas Sunday and Monday, while organizing for the new year. At Mrs. Mason and of Mr. and Mrs. orite hymn of the late Rev. Mrs. De Witt Slocum of Ocean congregations pause to bow be­ that time A. Ross Meeker will Charles Du Kiet of Bradley Billy Sunday and so as we hit Grove, formerly of East Orange. fore the lowly manger of the retire from the committee and Beach. His mother was Miss the sawdust trail of the school Christ Child, SpCciai sbrirtons, ★ Henry L. Junge, committeeman Elizabeth Du Kiet. budget for the years 1940-1941 MuSid Wlil Be presented In St. elect, will take his seat. ★ and find it some $6,000 less than Stephen's; St. Hose Of Lima’s, Codification As a rule speculation as to the Its predecessor, the old words Christ church, Bdptiit Church assignments of the new com­ Neighborhood come back. and Wyoming CHUfciL mittee is rife as early as No­ Word as to the budget Is still Oh Sunday, decentbdr 24, St. Is Approved vember but this year so placid very roundabout but If the Stephen’s Church in IliliBum have been the Town Hall waters Board of Education last eve­ Monday night a handful of House Xmas will offer Holy Cohim union that no voice of Inquiry or won­ ning placed the seal of Its ap­ residents appeared for final pas­ der has been raised. The Neighborhood House proval on the draft members service at 8 A. M., Church flchdol sage of the codification of service at 9:45 A. M. arid Merit­ The committee will name a bustles and hums with Christ­ have been studying for several Township ordinances by the new chairman but surmise Is mas activity these days. Santa days past, then out it will come ing Prayer and Sermon by fiev.- Township Committee. But one Hugh W. Dickinson at 11 A. M. this will be none other than is on his way, and his indus­ into the open for all who run change was suggested, that call­ present placid John A. Stewart trious helpers have worked over­ to read. Accompanying this 11 o’clock ing for a clarification of taxi service will be a musical pro­ 3rd. That Ira C. Moore Jr., will time preparing for his arrival. The total gross of the budget zones. gram by a choir of twenty-two continue as chairman of the Even the tiniest nursery school is placed In whispered accounts, Taxi operators here say the committee on law and finance tots busied themselves making at $446,857.78 as contrasted with voices, assisted by Jean -Schem zones as set forth are confus­ and Harriet Piloh Hewson, solo­ Is also accepted with Clarence ornaments and trimming their $453,067.17 for 1939-1940. This ing and possible of misinterpre­ A. Hill committee vice-chair­ ists, and under the direction of tree In readiness for their reduction has been accomplished tation and abuse as some Short man and directing roads and Professor Henry Weston Smith, Christmas, held yesterday. For it is said despite Increases ag­ Klls short hauls might be at sewers as at present. days “Miss Virginia” Heironi- Organist and Choirmaster, gregating $5,000 for teaching excessive rates while long hauls Henry L. Junge will Inherit mus, the nursery school teacher, and supervisory staffs. There will also be a Christ­ of two or more miles would be the mantle of Mr. Meeker, chair­ has been coaching her little As last year, the board will it mas Eve Midnight Service With > fixed at 35 cents. A later con­ man of committee on buildings charges in singing the much is understood, dig into Its sur­ ; Choral Celebration of Holy ference Is expected to clarify and lights and Mr. Van Fleet loved and familiar Christmas plus to the extent of $15,000, this i Communion and address by these but passage was not de­ will continue as chairman di­ carols. representing about the normal 1 Rev! Hugh W. Dickinson Sun- layed. recting fire and water supply. (Continued on Page Nine) yearly surplus increase as (Continued on Page Eight) Committeeman Moore offered Police will fall to Mr. Stewart ★ budget estimates exceed actual ★ several minor and clarifying as at present. All committeemen expenditures. - amendments, among others one will continue present Board of The ballot figure of moneys making positive residents hav­ Health assignments. On Shoemakers 1 Granary Sweep actually to be raised by taxa­ ing holiday dinner guests would Due to Civil Service few ap­ tion, this rumor has It will be not have to take out a restau­ pointments will be made this And Twp. Losses $365,407.78 as contrasted with Yields Riches rant license. year, but it Is anticipated George $364,073.55 one year ago. This In­ O, Lord will be renamed treas­ Father Millburn salvaged some Residents present expressed A good old saying used to be crease of a little over $1,000 will urer, Russell W. Hotchkiss au­ $60,000 to $78,000 from old cor­ surprise that a measure of such "Shoemaker, stick to your last”. be due It Is stated, to a falling ditor and Reynler J. Worten- ners and hiding places Monday length and such wide import That it holds good'still, Is proven off in state aid, this latter money dyke Jr., Township attorney. night as committee members should find no objectors or per­ when reporters turn to account­ being about $7,000 under that sons desirous of changes great Other anticipated appoint­ ing and find that Millburn took received In 1939. went about the business of rid­ ments are: Mrs. William Denton ding up his house In anticipa­ or small. That the committee a $32,000 loss in the sale of a It must be borne In mind that had done a commendable work, Taylor, Recreation Commission, fractional part of the Glorieux all figures given above are but tion of next year’s budget mak­ was the concensus of opinion. 3 years; Mrs. Jean S. Auchin- tentative. Some of them may be ing. tract that originally cost the Second reading or the ordin­ closs, Public Library, 5 years and Township $45,000 for the entire changed by the board beforfthe Committeeman Ira C. Moore John B. Bunnell, Sinking Fund complete tabulation Is made Jr., had been in conference with ance was by title only and so piece. there was no recurrence of the Commission, 3 years. These are public and others may again be Township Auditor Hotchkiss as Monday night’s sale of 88 feet long drawn out vocal effort of all reappointments. changed after hearings and to surpluses of this and prior fronting the south side of Es­ the preceding session. Commit­ meetings with civic bodies, P.- years, commitments effecting ★ sex street for $12,750 represented teeman Hill may have feared ERNEST B. WEHMEYER, son of T. A. groups and Taxpayers. the debt statement and so the approximately one - eighth of such a repetition and so ab­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Weh- Official release is expected to­ amount to be raised by taxation the whole parcel so that if this sented himself, but if such was meyer, 7 Duncan street has been same valuation holds for future day following last evening's in 1940 and other Items too the case, his fears were ground named a member of the band transactions, the Township will board meeting but The Item’s numerous to mention but all committee for the Junior Prom­ realize some $100,000 on resale guess is that its guess will not with a bearing on the coming less. Many shorter ordinances have enade at Franklin and Marshall of property that originally cost be far amiss. tax rate. elicited shorter and uglier words College, Lancaster, Pa. Weh- less than half this sum. School election next year will Surplus appropriations recap­ from the floor than did the meyer is active in intramural fall on Tuesday, February 13. tured for the current year to­ Still retained by the munici­ 67,000 word measure now law. athletics and a member of the pality from the original pur­ Candidates for member of the taled $26,228 while 1938 yielded Final passage was in record time Chi Phi national social fra­ Board of Education must file $11,322. The Library as pledged, chase is the corner of Main and ternity. nominating petitions at least 30f turned back $4,60ft of the $9,000 and accord. Essex, the present parking lot and also land on the north side days before, so that January 13 odd appropriated for It. ★ ____ A. GORDON, son of of Essex street east of the Rah­ Is the last day for entering the No sum was too small as evi­ race.
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