Secondaire Deuxieme Cycle: Guide D'enseignement (Teaching Guide for the Second Cycle of Secondary School Science)
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 370 793 SE 054 478 TITLE Sciences--Secondaire Deuxieme Cycle: Guide d'enseignement (Teaching Guide for the Second Cycle of Secondary School Science). INSTITUTION Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Language Services Branch. REPORT NO ISBN-0-7732-1338-4 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 446p. AVAILABLE FROMAlberta Education, Language Services Branch, 11160 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0L2, Canada. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) LANGUAGE French EDRS PRICE MF01/PC18 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Classroom Communication; Concept Formation; Controversial Issues (Course Content); Foreign Countries; Integrated Curriculum; Mathematics; Questioning Techniques; Research Methodology; Science Activities; *Science and Society; Science Curriculum; *Science Instruction; Secondary Education; *Secondary School Science; Teacher Role; Teaching Methods IDENTIFIERS *Alberta ABSTRACT This teachers guide is the French translation of the second cycle for the secondary science curriculum. The document is presented in six sections. The first section provides a historic overview of the secondary school science program that emphasizes the Science, Technology, and Society approach. The second section discusses what the science class for the twenty-first century will look like. The third section presents 17 teaching strategies for various aspects of the science classroom. Each strategy is contributed by a separate author. Topics covered in the strategies include teaching students to think; teaching for conceptual change; the teacher as facilitator; questioning techniques; cooperative learning; communication skills; classroom research; use of science journals in the classroom; the Science, Society, and Technology context; teaching using controversial issues; the thematic approach; integrating the environment and agriculture into the curriculum; technology and the media; awareness of traditional science and the local environment; non-sexist curriculum; and solid waste disposal in Canada. The fourth section discusses the planning and preparation for a student centered curriculum. The fifth section presents authentic assessment techniques for the curriculum. The sixth section contains supplementary resources for four learning modules involving energy; a list of seven additional resources; and four appendices listing resources in English, publishing houses, science journals, and scientific organizations. 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Language Services Branch Abend EDUCATiON Sciences-Secondaire deuxièmecycle Guide d'enseignement 1994 (Provisoire) Cette publication est destinee aux : Eleves Enseignants V Administrateurs (directeurs, directeurs 1./ genéraux) Parents Grand public Autres (a specifier) 3 Depot legal - Premier trimestre 1994 Bibliotheque nationale du Canada DONNEES DE CATALOGAGE AVANTPUBLICATION ALBERTA EDUCATIO Alberta. Alberta Education. Language Services. Sciences : secondaire deuzieme cycle : guide d' enseignement. Edition provisoire ISBN 0-773243384 1. SciencesEtude et enseignement (Secondaire)Alberta. L Titre. Q183.4.C22A3.A333 1994 507 Dana le prfeent document, le generique masculin est utilise sans aucune discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alleger le texte. o1994, la Couronne du chef de la province de l'Alberta, represent& par le ministre de rEducation. Alberta Education, Language Services Branch,11160, avenue Jasper, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 0L2.Tous droits reserves.En vente par l'entremise du Learning Resources Distributing Centro, 12360- 1420 Rue, Edmonton, Alberta, téléoopieur : (403) 422-9750. T5L 4X9, téléphone: (403) 427-2767, Par la présente, le detenteur des droits d'auteurautorise toute personne a reproduire ce guide d'enseignement, a des fins educatives et sur une base non kicrative. oucertains extraits, 4 REMERCIEMENTS Alberta Education tient a remercier les personnes et les groupes qui ant contribue a l'élaboration et a la production de ce guide. Administration Lloyd Symyrozum, Ph.D. Directeur, Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education Morris Treasure, Ph.D. Directeur adjoint, Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education Raja Panwar Directeur de programme, Sciences au secondaire, Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education Comité consultatif pour les sciences au secondaire deuxieme cycle L'honorable Jim Dinning Ministry de l'Education, membre d'office Roger Palmer, Ph.D. Sous-ministre adjoint, Alberta Education Erich Berndt Alberta Teachers' Association Brian Bietz Energy Resources Conservation Board Rae Campbell Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta George Cormie Alberta Teachers' Association Ken Dick Conference of Alberta School Superintendents Dr Joe Freedman Alberta Medical Association John Gray, Ph.D. Département de physique, University of Alberta John James Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Harold Millican Représentant du grand public Rick Mrazek, Ph.D. Faculte d'education, University of Lethbridge Douglas Roberts, Ph.D. Faculte d'education, University of Calgary Linda Robertson Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations Keith Roscoe Grande Prairie Regional College Sharon Thomas Représentante du grand public Peggy Valentine Alberta School Trustees' Association Coordination du projet Bev Romanyshyn Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education Conception des symboles Changement Diversite Energie thematiques Sturgeon Composite High School Dwayne Germaine Changement Chris Weiss Diversite Steven Daigle Energie Erik Pasay Equilibre Darcy Kennett Matiere Sean O'Brien Systames Equilibre Matière Ut 5 Redaction Margaret Ann Armour, Ph.D. Département de chimie, University of Alberta David Blades Département d'éducation - niveau secondaire, University of Alberta Tara Boyd Dickensfield Junior High School, Edmonton School District No. 7 Audrey Chastko, Ph.D. Département de pedagogie curriculaire, University of Calgary Daiyi Chichak Banque de ressources pedagogiques, Sherwood Park Terry Grier Alberta Distance Learning Project, Alberta Education Desiree Hackman Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education (Sturgeon School Division No. 24) Gloria Hodgetts Strathcona Composite High School, Edmonton School District No. 7 Yvonne Johnston Student Evaluation Branch, Alberta Education Dave Jordan Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education Heidi Kass, Ph.D. Département d'éducation - niveau secondaire, University of Alberta Oliver Lantz, Ph.D. Curriculum Branch, Alberta Education (Edmonton School District No. 7) Linda McClelland William Aberhart High School, Calgary Board of Education No. 19 Rick Mrazek, Ph.D. Faculte d'éducation, University of Lethbridge Ed Nicholson Directeur general adjoint, Lakeland School District No. 5460 Bob Ritter Département d'education - niveau secondaire, University of o Alberta (RCSSD No. 7) Wally Samiroden, Ph.D. Departement d'education - niveau secondaire, University of Alberta Pamela Shipstone Alberta Distance Learning Centre, Alberta Education Karen Slevinsky Harry Ainlay Composite High School, Edmonton School District No. 7 Jennifer Smith Victoria Composite High School, Edmonton School District No. 7 Revision Alberta Education. Alberta Distance Learning Centre Pamela Shipstone Conseillere en ressources Alberta Education. Curriculum Branch George Connie Conseiller pedagogique, Biologie 20-30 (Leduc School District No. 297) Desiree Hackman Conseillere en ressources et en implantation (Sturgeon School Division No. 24) John Hoddinott, Ph.D. Conseiller pédagogique, Biologie 20-30 (University of Alberta) Bob Holzer Conseiller peclagogique, Physique 20-30 (Edmonton School District No. 7) ill Oliver Lantz, Ph.D. Conseiller pedagogique, Sciences 10-20-30 (Edmonton School District No. 7) Bob Ritter Adjoint aux stages pedagogiques, University of Alberta (RCSSD No. 7) Stella Shrum Conseillère pedagogique, Chimie 20-30 Alberta Education. Student Evaluation Branch Craig Emter Specialiste de l'élaboration des tests Lowell Hackman Specialiste de l'élaboration des tests Yvonne Johnston Coordinatrice - Examen du diplômeMathematiques et sciences Don Loerke Specialiste de l'élaboration des tests Alberta Education. Bureaux régionaux - Conseillers pour les sciences Blain Askew Bureau regional de Grande Prairie Greg Thomas Bureau regional de Calgary Wilf Green Bureau regional &Edmonton Ken Kluchky Bureau regional d'Edmomon Fred Nordby Bureau regional de Red Deer Terry Rusnack Bureau regional de Lethbridge Reviseurs externes Audrey Chastko, Ph.D. Departement de pedagogie curriculaire, University of Calgary Bob Ritter Adjoint aux stages pedagogiques, University of Alberta (RCSSD No. 7) Validation Les enseignants responsables de la validation des tests (environ 100 enseignants de 29 écoles secondaires deuxieme cycle de l'Alberta) Version francaise - Language Services Branch Traduction