8616 Supplement to the London Gazette, 26 October, 1914

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8616 Supplement to the London Gazette, 26 October, 1914 8616 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26 OCTOBER, 1914. The undermentioned to be Captains (tem- Major (temporary). Dated 27th October, porary) : — 1914. Clarence Arthur Osborne (late Captain, Captain Albert E. D. Lord Hastings, to 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) ), and to be Adjutant. Dated 27th October, 1914. be Adjutant. Dated 10th September, 1914. William Harker to be Captain (tem- The Honourable Francis William George porary). Dated 27th October, 1914. Egerton (late Captain of this regiment). The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Dated 10th September, 1914. tenants. Dated 27th October, 1914: — Second Lieutenant Algernon G. M. F. Thomas Atkinson Tillard. Howard. Dated 28th September, 1914. Percy Musker. Hugh Duncombe Flower. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Private John Geoffrey Frere, from the tenants. Dated 10th September. 1914: — Inns of Court Officers Training Corps. John Southcote Goslett. John Stanning. Sidney John Owles to be Quartermaster, Benjamin William Heaton. with the honorary rank of Lieutenant. Robert Alan Boddington. Dated 27th October, 1914. Reginald Charles Garnet. Northumberland (Hussars); the appointment Leicestershire (Prince Albert's Own): the date of Second Lieutenant Victor Robinson, of appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel which appeared in the London Gazette of Robert B. Muir is 18th September, 1914, the 22nd September, 1914, is cancelled. and not as notified in the London Gazette of the 21st October, 1914. Shropshire; Second Lieutenant Francis C. Plowden, from the Montgomeryshire Yeo- 1st County of London (Middlesex, Duke of manry, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Cambridge's Hussars'). 27th October, 1914. John Wilfrid Baker White to be Lieu- tenant (temporary). Dated 27th October, Sussex. 1914. Captain Charles B. R. Hornung to be Charles Evelyn Boosey (late Second Lieu- Major. Dated 27th October, 1914. tenant, 22nd (County of London) Battalion, Second Lieutenant Frederick Dunbar The London Regiment (The Queen's) ), to Heath, from the Surrey (Queen Mary's be Second Lieutenant. Dated 27th Octo- Regiment) Yeomanry, to be Second Lieu- ber, 1914. tenant, with precedence next below Second 2nd County of London (Westminster Lieutenant A. Corbett. Dated 5th October, Dragoons); Captain John B. W. Robinson 1914. to be Major (temporary). Dated 16th October, 1914. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Lieutenant Joseph A. E. Malone to be tenants : — Captain (temporary). Dated 16th October, John Ingham Blencowe, with seniority 1914. next above Second Lieutenant the Honour- able Alfred Ansou. Dated 5th October, 1st Lovat's Scouts; the date of appointment of 1914. Lieutenant - Colonel Archibald W. Private Thomas Rawson Shaw, from the McDonald, D.S.O., is 26th September, 1914, Inns of Court, Officers Training. Corps. and not as stated in the London Gazette of Dated 27th October, 1914. the 9th October, 1914. Yorkshire Hussars (Alexandra, Princess of Lovat's Scouts. Wales's Own); the date of appointment of The date of appointment of Lieutenant- Second Lieutenant Eric G. Dawny is llth Colonel Augustus C. Baillie, D.S.O., is llth September, 1914, and not as announced in September, 1914, and not as stated in the the London Gazette of the 22nd September, London Gazette of the 9th October, 1914. 1914. Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel .Sydney T. Hankey (late Major, 2nd Life Guards) to be Major (temporary). Dated ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. 26th September, 1914. kth East Anglian Brigade; Lieutenant Lance- Private William Henry Morrison to be lot A. Luxmoore to be Captain. Dated 27th Second Lieutenant. Dated 27th October, October, 1914. 1914. Alfred Cecil Wallingford to be Second Quartermaster-Serjeant Robert Henry Lieutenant. Dated 27th October, 1914. Fair, from the Inverness-shire Royal Horse Algernon Knight Lofts to be Second Lieu- Artillery, to be Quartermaster, with the tenant. Dated 27th October, 1914. honorary rank of Lieutenant. Dated 27th 2nd Home Counties Brigade; Hugh Calvert October, 1914. Francis Jones (late Cadet, Lancing College Norfolk (TKe King's Own Royal Regiment). Contingent, Junior Division, Officers Train- Major Quinton E. Gurney is appointed to ing Corps) to be Second Lieutenant. Dated command the Eastern Mounted Brigade 15th October, 1914. Signal Troop, and is seconded whilst so em- Zrd Home Counties (Cinque Ports') Brigade. ployed, vice Lieutenant Sir E. O. Every, Captain Donald Macdonald, from the Bart., who has vacated that appointment. Territorial Force Reserve, to be Captain. Dated 4th October, 1914. Dated 5th August, 1914. Captain and Honorary Major His High- Lieutenant William Leach Lewis, from ness Prince Frederick Victor Duleep-Singh the Territorial Force Reserve, to be Lieu- (late of this Regiment) to be Major (tem- tenant. Dated 5th August, 1914. porary). Dated mh October, 1914. 4th Wessex Brigade; Eric Elias James Shiner Colonel Herbert Francis Smith (late to be 'Second Lieutenant. Dated 7th South Nottinghamshire Hussars) to be October, 1914..
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