SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Dublin University Contingent, Officers . Training Corps, to be Second (on probation). Dated 7th June, 1913. , Lieutenant Emerson C. Herdman to be Captain. Dated 21st April, . 1913. Lieutenant Ronald Mackinnon, M.B., to ROYAL OF ARTILLERY. be Captain. Dated 7th June, 1913. Basil William Brown, M.B., to be Lieii-~ EoydL Field Artillery, Lieutenant Thomas C. tenant (on probation). Dated 17th May, Usher resigns his Commission. Dated 7th 1913. June, 1913. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- tenants (on probation). Dated 7th June, 1913: — War Office, Cadet Serjeant Brian Bevil Quiller-Couch, 1 6th June, 1913. from Oxford University Contingent, Officers Training Corps. ! . Cadet Richard Pring Mill, from Edin- burgh University Contingent, Officers Train- . ing Corps. 1 Bedfordshire Yeomanry; James Borland '. Walker (late Captain, 14th (King's) ROYAL FLYING COR^S. Hussars) to be Captain. Dated 19th March, 1913. Military Wing, Second Lieutenant Robert O. Abercromby to be Lieutenant. Dated 7th Buckinghamshire (Royal Bucks Hussars) June, 1913. Yeomanry; Lieutenant Louis E. W. Eger- ton resigns his commission. Dated 7th INFANTRY. June, 1913. The Regiment, Second Lieutenant (on Lovat's Scouts Yeomanry; George Gunn probation) Oswyn G. W. G. Lywood is con- Calder to be Second Lieutenant. Dated firmed in his rank. 22nd May, 1913. 3rd Battalion, The Devonshire Eegiment, Northumberland (Hussars) Yeomanry. Second Lieutenant (on probation) George S. Philip Eustace-Smith to be Second Lieu- M. Larder is confirmed in his rank. tenant. (To be supernumerary). Dated 3rd Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment, 16th April, 1913. Second Lieutenant (on probation) Edwin A. Matthew W., the Viscount Ridley J. Edwards is confirmed in-his rank. to be Lieutenant-. Dated 22nd May, 1913. 4th Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment, Second Lieutenant (on probation) Philip C. Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Rangers) Yeo- is confirmed in his rank. manry; Lieutenant George C. Whitaker 3rd Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's resigns his commission. Dated 7th June, Own (Yorkshire Regiment), Michael Day 1913. Wade Maude to be Second Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 7th June, 1913. ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. 3rd Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment, Cap- 2nd Highland , Royal Field Artillery. tain and Brevet Major Alfred C. H. Dixon James Montague Coutts Duffus to be resigns his Commission, and is granted per- Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st May, 1913. mission to retain his rank and to wear the Alfred Annan Wighton to be Second0 prescribed uniform. Dated 7th June, 1913. Lieutenant. Dated 1st May, 1913. 3rd Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment, 2nd Lowland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; Captain Alfred C. Glover resigns his Com- . Robert Pattison Francis Caldwell Ritchie mission. Dated 7th June, 1913. Gibb (late Cadet, Glasgow High School Con- 4th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment, tingent, Junior Division, Officers' Training Second Lieutenant (on probation) Frederick Corps) to be Second Lieutenant. Dated G. B. Thomas is confirmed in his rank. 16th May, 1913. Edward John Wilfred Birnie to be Second Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 7th 4th Lowland (Howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field June, 1913. Artillery. The Dorsetshire Regiment, George Strangman Second Lieutenant Gavin O. T. Speirs to Shannon to be Second Lieutenant (on proba- be Lieutenant. Dated 9th March, 1913. tion). Dated 7th June, 1913. Ralph Alexander Whitson to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 8th April, 1913. 4th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, George Adamson Hicks to be Second Lieu- ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY. tenant (on probation). Dated 7th June, 1913. East Riding Royal Garrison Artillery; Joseph 4th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles, Major Henry Fenner to be Second Lieutenant. Harry C. Harvey resigns his Commission, Dated 16th May, 1913. and is granted permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated ROYAL ENGINEERS. 7th June, 1913. Durham (Fortress) Engineers, Royal En- 5t7i Battalion, The , gineers; Hugh Patterson to be Second Lieu- Cadet Robert Alexander Finlay, from tenant. "Hated 18th February, 1913.