Thai Massage and Health Tourism in Thailand: Tourism Acculturation Process of ``Thai Massage'' Kohei Kogiso
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Int. J. Sport Health Sci. Paper : Cultural Anthropology Thai Massage and Health Tourism in Thailand: Tourism Acculturation Process of ``Thai Massage'' Kohei Kogiso Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University 2-7-5 Higashifushimi, Nishitokyo-shi, Tokyo, 202-0021 Japan [Received April 2, 2012; Accepted September 26, 2012; Published online October 11, 2012] This paper discusses the historical process of tourism acculturation of Thai Massage in tourism particularly delineating how socio-cultural contexts have been formed that enabled tourism ac- culturation. In recent years, health tourism has been developing in Asian countries, where tourists often enjoy practicing a variety of traditional techniques of the body as ``healing arts,'' such as Tai Chi, Zen meditation, and Yoga. Thai Massage has also become one of these kinds of traditional techniques of the body, attracting many tourists as a ``spiritual'' practice based on Buddhist philosophy. However, has Thai Massage originally been practiced as it is done in health tourism now in Thailand? In other words, has Thai Massage been acculturated as a result of the tourism development in Thailand? This paper addresses this question by examining the transition of Thai tourism policy, the cultural structure of the spa, and the acculturation process of Thai Massage. Keywords: health tourism, Thai Massage, spa, tourism acculturation 1. Introduction and Background including group visits to famous historical heritage or tourist sites has become obsolete—eco tourism, Tourism and ethnic sports in tourism have long sport tourism, and special interest tours have been alluring subjects for Sport Anthropological become popular instead. studies. By rendering ``ethnic sport'' a major subject Asian countries, especially Bali, India, Malaysia, of study Sport Anthropology has been distinguished Singapore, and Thailand, are major destinations for from other ˆelds. According to Sogawa (2006), international health tourism*2 (Laing and Weiler, ethnic sport is ``a general concept for those sports 2008). Among health tourism in these countries, that are related more or less to traditional culture or medical tourism is generally well-known. This der- contribute to the forging of speciˆc countries, socie- ives mainly from the fact that their medical cost is ties, ethnic groups and areas who perform them.'' relatively low compared to developed countries, Many ethnic sports are performed in festivals in ad- medical technology is advanced, and treatment is dition to other traditional techniques of the body*1, speedy. In addition, these countries possess not only such as dances, martial arts, and plays. These fes- medical facilities but also a considerable number of tivals and ethnic sports are now an integral part of spas. Interestingly, in these spas a variety of tech- cultural resources in tourism. (LoSAWU, 2007). niques of the body, such as Chinese Tai Chi, Indian As Sogawa (2006) writes, new tourism trends such Yoga, Thai Massage, and Zen meditation, are prac- as alternative tourism and sustainable tourism have ticed as ``healing arts.'' Behind traditional healing emerged since the 1980s and have accelerated tourist arts is the so-called ethno science theory of the body, interest in ethnic sports as traditional culture. In this which has been attracting attention from tourists. context, ethnic sports are often acculturated or new- Yet there have only been a few cultural studies that ly invented by various agents in order to adjust to deal with the relationship between health tourism tourism resources. Research on such phenomena has and traditional techniques of the body. been gradually accumulated and been expanded on According to a questionnaire survey by the Minis- in recent years. Furthermore, forms of tourism have try of Commerce in 1998, visitors to Thailand rated become increasingly diverse. Simple mass tourism Thai Massage as their most memorable activity. This International Journal of Sport and Health Science Vol.10, 65-70, 2012 65 Kohei Kogiso result is remarkable considering the fact that Thai earn esteem for the Thai nation. This achievement Traditional Medicine*3 was previously excluded will indeed be more precious to us than banknotes from the o‹cial medical system and marginalized and coins'' (Tourism Organization of Thailand. since the beginning of the 20th century. Tourists to Magazine. Holiday Time In Thailand (Jun, 1960)). Thailand are attracted to Thai Massage as ``healing The ˆrst thing that should be noted is that Sarit em- of mind and body.'' How has Thai Massage as a phasized not only the economic but also the political ``healing art'' and a form of ``entertainment'' in aspect of tourism. tourism been realized? This paper elucidates the In examining Thai tourism, it is critical to look historical process and the socio-cultural contexts in- into the politics behind Thai tourism policy. In 1960, volved in tourism acculturation of Thai Massage. To the same year TOT was established, the ``Prostitu- support the analysis of this, I use the concept of tion Suppression Act'' was passed, followed by the ``tourist gaze'' suggested by English sociologist ``1966 Service Establishments Act''. In 1967 the John Urry (Urry, 1990). He examined the process ``Rest & Recreation Treaty'' was concluded with the that of unilateral tourist gazes reconstructing people United States. A series of such institutional frame- and culture regarded as tourism objects. On the works built a basis for Thai tourism. In the 1970s, other hand, it is diŠerent from the era of the 19th the promotion of tourism was clearly announced as century and ˆrst half of the 20th century. Urry dealt a national developing plan in the fourth National with the side considered as tourism objects attempt- Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP, ing to reconstruct themselves and their culture*4. 1977-1980). Since then, tourism has been incorpo- This paper discusses the acculturation of Thai Mas- rated into all of the NESDPs (McDowall and Wang, sage in tourism as what has happened in the context 2009). As TOT was reorganized into TAT in 1979 of interrelation between the side of tourist and the and their commission regarding tourism policy was side of object in tourism. expanded upon, they began to launch advertising campaigns with articulate goals. Following the 2. Tourism in Thailand ``1987 Visit Thailand Year'' campaign, various cam- paigns were organized, including ``Thai Culture I will begin by considering the transition of Promotion (1994)'', ``The Golden Jubilee (1995- tourism policy in Thailand. Tourism policy has 1996)'' and ``Amazing Thailand (1998-)'', From the relevance in the formulation of Thai images and 2000s onward, tourism promotion activities have those images have various in‰uences over accultura- become diversiˆed in conjunction with the changing tion of Thai Massage in tourism. The intention is to forms of tourism. Table 1 summarizes the transition elucidate what kinds of images gave been conveyed of Thai tourism policy as mentioned above. to tourists by the government in Thailand through the consideration of tourism policy. 2.2. Forming the Thai Tourism World: From ``Ex- otic'' to ``Erotic,'' and Then to ``Healthy'' 2.1. Tourism Policy in Thailand Table 1 indicates how tourist images of Thailand It was an economic and national strategy that have shifted in addition to the transition of Thai gavebirthtoThaitourism.In1960Primeminister tourism policies. Cohen (1996) states that Thailand Sarit Thanarat (1959-63) established the Tourism acquired the two provocative images of ``Exotic'' Organization of Thailand (TOT), the predecessor to and ``Erotic'' after the R & R Treaty, having the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). TOT become one of the principle destinations and pro- became an o‹cial organization to promote Thai tected areas for GIs. In 1980 the image of ``Erotic'' tourism (McDowall and Wang, 2009) and produce became disguised (at least at surface level) and in the tourism resources in Thailand. In an opening 1990s Thai tourism's primary image evolved into ceremony of the TOT Sarit mentioned the impor- ``Healthy.'' This shift can be attributed to TAT's tance of tourism in the nation: ``The tourist industry eŠort and promotion of replacing this erotic image can play a signiˆcant role in making known to the and its associated that of a dangerous country with world our traditions, culture, and the virtues of the an image of a safe country. Alternative tourism and Thai people—which will invite consideration and sustainable tourism which have the background of 66 Tourism Acculturation Process of ``Thai Massage'' Table 1 The transition of Thai tourism policies and Thai tourism images Tourism Image Time Outline Exotic ¿1960 Predawn of tourism: ``In 1930s, only about ˆve cruise ships a year, carrying around 500 passengers'' (Cohen 1996) Some independent government organizations dealt with travel and tourism Exotic/Erotic 1960s Beginning of the tourism system: TOT launched public information activities (e.g. the publication of ``Holiday Time In Thailand'') The Prostitution Suppression Act was introduced The 1966 Service Establishments Act was introduced The Rest & Recreation treaty was concluded with the United States in 1967 Exotic/Erotic 1970s Beginning of tourism infrastructures: The promotion of tourism clearly emerged as a national developing plan in the fourth National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP, 1977-1980) Exotic/Erotic 1980s Constructing