Vocation: A Courageous Choice 56th World Day of Prayer for Vocations In This Issue April - June 2019 Vol. XXVIII No. 2 Editorial Bible Discernment, Support, Intercession 3 Biblical Meditation for Youth 21 The Power of Prayer Where do I go? hears the cry of his people and comes to their aid. A Trusting Answer from ’s Story Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ God’s call is an invitation to true happiness. Fr. Renzo Gerardi Special Section Spirituality 56th World Day of Prayer for Vocations Lectio Divina: Romans 12:1-2 24 The Courage to Take a Risk for God’s Promise 4 St. Paul’s Plan of Discernment Message of Francis for the 2019 World Day of Prayer for Voca- What, How, Why? The main question on discernment is: What does want in tions this situation? Vocation is both a promise and a risk. Sr. Emily Beata Marsh, FSP Make a Promise, Take a Risk: 6 A Reflection on Pope Francis’ Message for the 2019 WDPV The Origin and Purpose of World Day of Prayer 25 Do we see ourselves as messengers of hope? for Vocations Fr. William Reiser, SJ The Role of St. Hannibal M. Di Francia “I will be ready to give my blood and my life so that this ‘Roga- Praying for Vocations 8 tion’ become universal.” A Task for all of God’s People Vocations and Prayer Editorial Staff Praying for priests and vocations is a service to the Church. Kathleen Beckman Vocations Witness My Calling Interview 27 When God Filled my Void Prayer is the Secret of any Vocation Ministry From the moment I entered my Congregation, the void I expe- 10 rienced before was filled. A Conversation with Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, Superior General of the Sr. Blanca Estela Lopez, MDPVM Congregation of Rogationists Our vocation ministry is based above all on the prayer to the To Stop Existing for Others Lord of the Harvest. 28 Vocations and Prayer Editorial Staff My Experience of Nothingness and the Light of Faith I would like to let young people know that we aren’t alone. Vocations Spotlight God’s love is within us. Ashley Hernandez Empowering Young People to Lead in our Parishes 13 A Formula that Works Well Psychology Take the time to get to know young people. John M. Rinaldo, D. Min What Fiery Furnace are you Facing Today? 29 Three Faithful Fireproof Super (Natural) Heroes Whatever your furnace, and how ever hot your furnace is, Vocations Director’s Corner 19 remember, you are not alone. Cultivating Vocations Dr. Bruce Thiessen A Deeper Relationship with Christ Totus Tuus is one of the most fruitful vocation programs in the Diocese of Joliet. News Fr. Steven Borello USA Vocation Trend in the 21st Century 30 A Unified Pastoral Care of Vocations 20 The Cause of Sainthood for Tolton A Relevant Choice Upcoming Events The Diocesan Vocation Centers are at the service of all vocations. Insert Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ Holy Hours for Vocations Fr. Peter Quinto, RCJ

2 Vocations and Prayer Editorial

Publisher Discernment, Support, Intercession Rogationist Fathers, U.S.A. Delegation Rev. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ, President The Power of Prayer

Editor-In-Chief Rev. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ

Contributing Editor Mónica J. Llerena, MS

Contributing Writers Fr. William Reiser, SJ Kathleen Beckman John M. Rinaldo, D. Min Fr. Steven Borello Fr. Renzo Gerardi Sr. Emily Beata Marsh, FSP

Sr. Blanca Estela Lopez, MDPVM Photo by Josh Boot Ashley Hernandez Dr. Bruce Thiessen By Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ I believe that if we ask priests, missionaries, religious Art Director Nikhil Nathu men and women, and lay people who are involved in very year the Church dedicates a day to the work of evangelization and in the service of oth- Subscriptions Karla Legaria prayer for vocations to the priestly ministry ers, we will get from them a convincing testimony on and consecrated life. It is the fourth Sun- how prayer helped in the discovery and realization of Printing and Design E day of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, willed by their vocation. Challenge Graphics, North Hills, CA Pope Paul VI as World Day of Prayer for Vocations Subscription Rates (WDPV). The whole church kneels down to beg the The WDPV reminds us first of all of the importance Single Copy $5.00 Lord of the harvest that he will send laborers into of prayer in vocation discernment and underlines the One-year subscription $18.00 Two-year subscription $30.00 his harvest (cf. Mt 9: 35-38; Lk, 10: 2). urgency of educating young people to prayer as a International: Christian lifestyle. In fact, the Pope writes in his mes- One-year subscription $25.00 The WDPV is a sign of the Church’s faith in the pow- sage: “There is a need for a youth ministry and voca- Two-year subscription $44.00 er of prayer. tion promotion that can open the way to discovering Vocations and Prayer is published God’s plan, above all through prayer, meditation on ­quarterly by the Rogationist Fathers, U.S.A., Pope Francis in his message for the 56th WDPV God’s word, eucharistic adoration and spiritual ac- in cooperation with: says, “The Lord’s call makes us bearers of a promise companiment.” and, at the same time, asks of us the courage to take a ROGATE ERGO/ risk, with him and for him.” The WDPV yet reveals another important aspect of MONDO VOC Via dei Rogazionisti, 8 prayer. It is also an intercession, an insistent and trust- 00182 , Each of us carries within ourselves a “promise,” that ing request of what is necessary for our salvation. The ROGATE ERGO Asia is a vocation to be discovered and lived. Prayer is an WDPV is a strong, persevering and confident cry that 24 Calcutta St., Merville Park, indispensable help to hear and understand the call of rises from every Christian community to implore from Parañaque, God. In encountering the Lord, in dialogue and per- the Lord of the harvest the gift of numerous and holy Metro Manila 1700 - sonal relationship with him, prayer helps us to discern vocations to the priestly ministry and to the conse- ROGATE God's will and reveals us to ourselves. crated life, which are indispensable for the life of the Rua C. Ferreiro Carnero, 99 church. 02926 Sao Paulo - S.P. “In encountering the Lord, some may feel the at-

Manuscripts, letters to the editor, traction of a call to the consecrated life or to the or- From the history of the ancient people of God, Isra- articles for publication are solicited dained priesthood” – explains Pope Francis in his el, and from the history of the new people of God, the from all those who wish to cooperate message, and admonishes us: “It is a discovery that Church, we know that God hears the cry of his people in vocation ministry. All inquiries should be addressed to: can excite and at the same time frighten us,” because and comes to their aid. “many kinds of interior resistance can stand in the Vocations and Prayer 6635 Tobias Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405 way of making this decision.” Tel. (818) 782-1765 Fax (818) 782-1794 Email: [email protected] The value of prayer is also manifested when facing www.vocationsandprayer.org the challenges of God's call. In fact, not only does it FR. ANTONIO FIORENZA, RCJ 2019 Congregation of Rogationists. help us to discover the promise of God inscribed in None of the contents­ of this publica- our heart, but also to overcome the obstacles that Ordained in 1978. He holds a degree in Spiritu- tion may be printed without written ality from the Lateran and Gregorian Pontifical permission of the publisher. prevent us from embracing and living it fully. With the support of prayer, we are enabled to abandon every- Universities in Rome. Presently, he serves as The opinions expressed herein do the director of the Rogate Center in Van Nuys, not necessarily represent views of the thing to follow the Lord, to put ourselves completely Rogationist Fathers. . at his service, and to share his mission in the world. [email protected] Cover photo: By Fr. Francisco Javier Lopez, RCJ April - June 2019 3 Special Section The Courage to Take a Risk for God’s Promise Message of Pope Francis for the 2019 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Photo by Sammie Vasquez Sammie by Photo

Dear Brothers and Sisters, drew, and James and John – are going fishermen, and walks up to them... The about their daily tasks as fishermen. In same thing happened when we met the After the lively and fruitful experience this demanding work, they had learned person we wanted to marry, or when we of the Synod devoted to young people the laws of nature, yet at times, when the first felt the attraction of a life of conse- last October, we recently celebrated the winds were adverse and waves shook cration: we were surprised by an encoun- Thirty-fourth World Youth Day in Panama their boats, they had to defy the elements. ter, and at that moment we glimpsed the City. These two great events allowed the On some days, the catch of fish amply re- promise of a joy capable of bringing fulfil- Church to be attentive both to the voice paid their efforts, but on others, an entire ment to our lives. That day, by the sea of of the Spirit and to the lives of young men night’s work was not sufficient to fill their Galilee, Jesus drew near to those fisher- and women, their questions and concerns, nets, and they had to return to shore wea- men, breaking through the “paralysis of their problems and their hopes. ry and disappointed. routine” (Homily for the XXII World Day for Consecrated Life, 2 February 2018). And he Building on what I shared with the Much of life is like that. Each of us tries immediately made them a promise: “I will young people in Panama, I would like to to realize his or her deepest desires; we make you fishers of men” (Mk 1:17). reflect, on this World Day of Prayer for engage in activities that we hope will Vocations, on how the Lord’s call makes prove enriching, and we put out on a “sea” The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God us bearers of a promise and, at the same of possibilities in the hope of steering the in our freedom; it is not a “cage” or a bur- time, asks of us the courage to take a risk, right course, one that will satisfy our thirst den to be borne. On the contrary, it is the with him and for him. I will do this by re- for happiness. Sometimes we enjoy a loving initiative whereby God encounters flecting briefly with you on these two -as good catch, while at others, we need cour- us and invites us to be part of a great un- pects – promise and risk – as they appear age to keep our boat from being tossed by dertaking. He opens before our eyes the in the Gospel account of the calling of the the waves, or we are frustrated at seeing horizon of a greater sea and an abundant first disciples by the sea of Galilee (Mk our nets come up empty. catch. 1:16-20). As with every call, the Gospel speaks of God in fact desires that our lives not be- Two pairs of brothers – Simon and An- an encounter. Jesus walks by, sees those come banal and predictable, imprisoned

4 Vocations and Prayer 56th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

by daily routine, or unresponsive before to God’s love in the world. hearts and enliven our journey. decisions that could give it meaning. The Lord does not want us to live from day The Christian life thus finds expres- Dear friends, it is not always easy to dis- to day, thinking that nothing is worth sion in those decisions that, while giv- cern our vocation and to steer our life in fighting for, slowly losing our desire to ing a precise direction to our personal the right direction. For this reason, there set out on new and exciting paths. If at journey, also contribute to the growth needs to be a renewed commitment on times he makes us experience a “miracu- of God’s kingdom in our world. I think the part of the whole Church – priests, lous catch,” it is because he wants us to of the decision to marry in Christ and to religious, pastoral workers and educa- discover that each of us is called – in a form a family, as well as all those other tors – to provide young people in par- variety of ways – to something grand, vocations associated with work and pro- ticular with opportunities for listening and that our lives should not grow en- fessional life, with the commitment to and discernment. There is a need for a tangled in the nets of an ennui that dulls charity and solidarity, with social and po- youth ministry and a vocational promo- the heart. Every vocation is a summons litical responsibilities, and so forth. These tion that can open the way to discover- not to stand on the shore, nets in hand, vocations make us bearers of a promise ing God’s plan, above all through prayer, but to follow Jesus on the path he has of goodness, love and justice, not only meditation on God’s word, eucharistic marked out for us, for our own happiness for ourselves but also for our societies adoration and spiritual accompaniment. and for the good of those around us. and cultures, which need courageous Christians and authentic witnesses of the As was made clear several times dur- Embracing this promise naturally de- kingdom of God. ing the World Youth Day in Panama, we mands the courage to risk making a de- should always look to Mary. Also in the cision. The first disciples, called by Jesus In encountering the Lord, some may story of this young woman, vocation was to be part of something greater, “imme- feel the attraction of a call to the conse- both a promise and a risk. Her mission diately left their nets and followed him” crated life or to the ordained priesthood. was not easy, yet she did not allow fear (Mk 1:18). Responding to the Lord’s call It is a discovery that can excite and at to prevail. “It was the ‘yes’ of someone involves putting ourselves on the line the same time frighten us, since we feel prepared to be committed, someone and facing a great challenge. It means called to become “fishers of men” in the willing to take a risk, ready to stake ev- being ready to leave behind whatever barque of the Church by giving totally of erything she had, with no more security would keep us tied to our little boat ourselves in commitment to faithful ser- than the certainty of knowing that she and prevent us from making a definitive vice of the Gospel and our brothers and was the bearer of a promise. I ask each choice. We are called to be bold and de- sisters. Such a decision carries the risk of one of you: Do you see yourselves as cisive in seeking God’s plan for our lives. leaving everything behind to follow the bearers of a promise? What promise do Gazing out at the vast “ocean” of voca- Lord, to devote ourselves completely to I bear within my heart to take forward? tion, we cannot remain content to repair him, and to share in his work. Many kinds Mary’s would undoubtedly be a diffi- our nets on the boat that gives us secu- of interior resistance can stand in the cult mission, but the challenges that lay rity, but must trust instead in the Lord’s way of making this decision, especially ahead were no reason to say ‘no.’ Things promise. in highly secularized contexts where would get complicated, of course, but there no longer seems to be a place for not in the same way as happens when I think primarily of the call to the God and for the Gospel. Places where it cowardice paralyzes us because things Christian life which all of us received at is easy to grow discouraged and fall into are not clear or sure in advance” (Vigil Baptism. It teaches us that our life is not the “weariness of hope” (Homily at with Young People, Panama, 26 January a fluke but rather a gift: that of being with Priests, Consecrated Persons and 2019). God’s beloved children, gathered in the Lay Movements, Panama, 26 January great family of the Church. It is precise- 2019). On this World Day of Prayer for Voca- ly in the ecclesial community that the tions, let us join in prayer and ask the Christian life is born and develops, espe- And yet, there can be no greater Lord to help us discover his plan of love cially through the liturgy. The liturgy in- joy than to risk one’s life for the Lord! I for our lives, and to grant us the courage troduces us to God’s word and the grace would like to say this especially to you, to walk in the path that, from the begin- of the sacraments; from an early age, we the young. Do not be deaf to the Lord’s ning, he has chosen for each of us. are taught the art of prayer and frater- call. If he calls you to follow this path, do nal sharing. In the end, the Church is our not pull your oars into the boat, but trust From the Vatican, 31 January 2019 mother because she brings us to new life him. Do not yield to fear, which paralyzes Memorial of John Bosco and leads us to Christ. So we must love us before the great heights to which the her, even when we see her face marred Lord points us. Always remember that by human frailty and sin, and we must to those who leave their nets and boat help to make her ever more beautiful behind, and follow him, the Lord prom- FRANCIS and radiant, so that she can bear witness ises the joy of a new life that can fill our

April - June 2019 5 Special Section Make a Promise, Take a Risk: A Reflection on Pope Francis’ Message for the 2019 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Photo by Valentin Antonucci Valentin by Photo

By William Reiser, S.J. Call and promise they nearly capsize and drown (Mk 4:38), then in the next scene they come face to n the course of this year’s message the The scriptural platform is the calling of face with a monster (Mk 5:2). Holy Father cited his address to young the four fishermen in Mark 1:16-20. “The Ipeople at the recent World Youth Day Lord’s call makes us bearers of a promise,” The primary vocation comes with bap- in Panama City, the homily he gave while the Pope writes, “and, at the same time, tism; it is the call to live the gospel. Later in Panama at a Liturgy for Priests, Conse- asks of us the courage to take a risk.” The there will be the call to marry and form a crated Persons and Lay Movements, and promise lies in Jesus’ words, “I will make family, “as well as all those other vocations his homily on February 2 for the World you fishers of men.” The risk, of course, associated with work and professional Day for Consecrated Life. I found it helpful is that we don’t know where the journey life.” Others will be drawn to religious life to read these four pieces together. Fran- with Jesus will take us. Jesus may invite us or ordained ministry. Yet in every vocation cis’ thoughts about vocations this year in- into the boat, but we have no idea as to there is a certain mystery. Jesus knew the clude a bit more than what we find in the what storms or in what direction that boat disciples before they ever knew him, and brief annual message. may be headed. Simon and his compan- the same holds true for us. ions may have known a lot about the lake, but they had much to learn about where There are people, to be sure, who the winds could take them. At one point seem to slide into the decisions that will

6 Vocations and Prayer 56th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

shape their lives; they simply do not—or different kind of world, the reality Jesus re- Bearers of a promise cannot—envision a life much different ferred to as “the reign of God.” Sadly, how- from that of their parents. And there are ever, many young people cannot trust that “Do you see yourselves as bearers of a people whose lives have been shaped by promise or believe in that dream. Why? Be- promise?” In other words, Francis is ask- biblical stories of the Spirit reaching into cause, as the Pope explained in Panama, ing, do we see ourselves as messengers of a person’s life, calling them to a journey “without education it is difficult to dream hope? Is this hope reflected in the way we they never expected. Or there may be a of a future; without a family and without live? Does it show itself in our family life friendship, an encounter with someone a community, it is almost impossible to and our churches? Do we trust the story, or some group that stirs us to imagine a dream of a future. Because dreaming of a and are we telling it with our lives? different future; life feels joyous, exciting, future means learning how to answer not and risky. But our immersion in the cosmic only the question what I am living for but In his homily in Panama, the Pope spoke story of creation and mission starts with also who I am living for.” Francis said that of “the weariness of hope.” “I am speak- baptism, the moment when we hear, for once, in answer to the question why many ing,” he said, of that weariness “which the first time, that we were not simply young people today are simply not inter- comes from looking ahead once reality born but that we were called into life for ested in whether God exists, one young ‘hits’ and calls into question the energy, a purpose—a conviction that will ground person replied, “It’s because many of resources and viability of our mission in the whole of our lives. them feel that, little by little, they stopped this changing and challenging world.” It existing for others.” And then Francis comes “from seeing a Church wounded “As Jesus passed along the Sea of Gali- asked, “How can they think that God ex- by sin” and it can lead to our thinking lee, he saw Simon . . .” And so the journey ists, if they, these young people, have long that “the Lord and our communities have starts. In the end, what vocation means is since stopped thinking that they exist for nothing to say or contribute in the new probably best heard through stories, both their brothers and sisters and for society?” world now being born.” And the remedy, the ones we listen to in Scripture and the Creation and purpose, call and mission: our best defense against the onset of that personal stories that others have shared. they must go together. weariness? We need to revisit the story: the story of the disciples’ first encounter The vigil with young people Vocation is about promise and risk. Per- with Jesus and, just as importantly, our haps the struggle we are faced with today own first encounter. For in that moment In his address at World Youth Day, is not about taking a risk but about under- we heard ourselves invited to take a risk. Francis said, “The salvation God offers us standing and trusting the promise. In oth- And having risked everything for the sake is an invitation to be part of a love story er words, our world faces a crisis of hope. of God’s people—I think here of Paul’s interwoven with our personal stories.” He In his homily on February 2, where he re- words to the Philippians about his losing went on to ask, “Do you see yourselves flected on and Anna in the temple, all things and calling them rubbish for the as bearers of a promise? What promise is the operative words were: encounter, call, sake of Christ—the only question now is, there within my heart to take forward?” and vision. Vision is about God’s future, “Do I trust the One who made the prom- The place we go to for schooling in God’s that is, it’s about God’s promise. Conse- ise?” promise is the scriptural narratives that crated life is “a gaze that sees God present shape Christian imagination. From read- in the world.” Francis calls it “prophetic in ing Scripture and living in a Christian com- its simplicity.” Prophetic, because it trusts munity we come to realize, gradually, that Jesus’ promise, “And behold, I am with God’s story and our own stories are linked, you always, to the end of the age” (Matt that each human story, insofar as it is chan- 28:20). Prophetic, because it does not see neled by love, is also a story about God. God apart from the people. Francis asked several more questions: “Is a disabled person, a frail person not worthy Story, hope, and imagination are linked. of love? … Someone who happens to be a Hope lives in the imagination, imagina- foreigner, someone who made a mistake, tion is the home of story, and stories are someone ill or in prison, is that person not what frame the Lord’s promise. Whether worthy of love?” Matthew 25 echoes in remembering Simeon and Anna encoun- WILLIAM REISER, S.J. the background: “I was hungry, and you tering the infant Jesus in the temple, or gave me food ...” Then he came to his main four fishermen encountering Jesus by the Is a professor of theology and point: “only what is loved can be saved.” lakeside, or a woman of Samaria encoun- chair of the Religious Studies And again, “Only that which is embraced tering Jesus at ’s well, it’s always the Department at Holy Cross College can be transformed.” story that captures us. But who will be in Worcester, Massachusetts. He the storytellers? For without a storyteller, also serves in Hispanic ministry in two parish communities. The Pope is talking about dream and imagination colors the world grey. promise, the dream and the promise of a

April - June 2019 7 Special Section

Praying for Vocations A Task for all of God’s People Photo by Beale

By Kathleen Beckman are God’s initiative, not man’s. the Body of Christ. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is hon- ore than two thousand years It is through the power of prayer that ored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor. 12:26). It ago, the evangelist Luke record- those seeking the priesthood and the con- would be unfitting for lay faithful to draw Med the Eternal High Priest: “The secrated life are sustained and nurtured. from the goods of ministerial priesthood harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are It is through the grace of daily prayer that without reciprocal spiritual return to them. few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest you will partake in the work of building the to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt culture of vocations. You can be a prayerful “Behold, I send you out as lambs in the 9:38). Christ mandates believers to inter- participant in the priest’s ordination. Christ midst of wolves,” Christ said (Luke 10:3). cede for vocations because they are essen- and His Church have always taught the fun- Today believers experience the weight of tial for the vital work of salvation. Scripture damental importance of communal and witnessing to Christ as “lambs in the midst reveals that the Lord taught one program personal prayer. of wolves,” for the enemies of Christ are regarding vocations to the priesthood and many, cunning, and unrelenting. Foremost, consecrated life—that of prayer. Its prima- Ministerial priests and laity are distinc- priests experience the weight of lifting the cy cannot be overstated. Prayer is the spiri- tively tasked with building up the kingdom Cross of Jesus in a faithless world, where tual work that undergirds all else. Temporal of God. Priests are ontologically configured they are a sign of contradiction. The Church works must flow from prayer because voca- to Christ, the Head; the lay faithful make up is the target of calculated persecution and tions to the priesthood and consecrated life Christ’s Body. This implies mutual honor for evil.

8 Vocations and Prayer 56th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The Church beseeches the laity to em- possible the total gift of self to God? Only Pope Paul VI exhorts the laity on obliga- brace our mission as intercessors. “But our love. A person in love with God “bears all tions to their priests, “The Christian faithful, prayer to God does not consist of words things, believes all things, hopes all things, for their part, should realize their obliga- alone; the words must lead to actions so endures all things” (1 Cor. 13:7). tions to their priests ... sharing their cares, that from our praying heart a spark of our they should help their priests by prayer and joy in God and in the Gospel may arise, en- The life that priests give to us is Christ- work insofar as possible so that their priests kindling in the hearts of others a readiness life: His body and blood for food, His mercy might more readily overcome difficulties to say yes,” wrote Pope Benedict XVI. for forgiveness, His word that protects, His and be able to fulfill their duties more fruit- love that heals, His truth that sets us free. fully.” Present challenges in the Church and the world call forth a new movement of inter- Priests Affect Our Growth in Holi- Praying for Vocations: A Daily cessory prayer, an army of prayer groups ness Privilege and Responsibility and individuals who will say yes to helping the priests to push back the tsunami of sin St. Peter taught, “As obedient children, • Pray daily for a greater response to the and evil. At stake is the salvation of souls do not be conformed to the passions of call from God for vocations to the priest- and the evangelization of future genera- your former ignorance, but as he who hood and consecrated life. tions. This is the hour for which we are cho- called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all • Pray daily for the perseverance and the sen. The battle is the Lord’s (see 2 Chron. your conduct; since it is written, ‘You shall outpouring of graces for seminarians, 20:15), but we’re His essential soldiers. The be holy, for I am holy’ ” (1 Pet. 1:14-16). In- priests, deacons and those in the conse- Foundation of Prayer for Priests, (www. tercession for priests has everything to do crated life. foundationforpriests.org), a private asso- with the universal call to holiness. • Include vocation intentions in your ciation of the faithful founded in 2013, is a morning offering. response to the need for more intercessory If we desire to be inspired by holy priests, • Recite a vocation prayer each day. prayer, coupled with the offering of repara- we also should mirror holiness for them. • Pray the Rosary for vocations or a de- tion and of daily sacrifices for the sanctity of Writing to priests about their effect on oth- cade of the Rosary daily. priests and vocations. ers, Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen • Pray for vocations in front of the Blessed wrote, “Every slightest failing on our part Sacrament. Holy Orders: Necessity, Beauty, brings the community under the judgment • Include vocations in your Mass inten- Challenge of God. Every least increase of priestly vir- tions. tue brings it blessing.” Mutual support is • Offer a share of your sufferings for the Christ calls forth a communion of people, vital. Have we grown comfortable with re- perseverance of priests, deacons, and relationships of love in which people con- ceiving the goods of the priesthood with- men and women in the consecrated life. tribute with complementary gifts to build out reciprocal charity and service? • Create a simple family prayer corner up the human family. Jesus sets the ex- (home oratory), with pictures of priests ample on several occasions in the Gospels When I travel to speak at conferences and seminarians; and say a prayer for when He humbly accepts the help of oth- and parish missions, people often ask me, them as a family. Encourage your chil- ers and commissions people to assist in His “What about our families?” I reply, “Praying dren to consider a vocation to the work. The Lord never intended for priests or for priests is a service to the family.” Vital to priesthood or consecrated life. Teach laity to walk alone or apart. Like the human each family member are the sacramental children about the Church’s who body, Christ’s Mystical Body is beautifully goods of the Church. We are serving the were priests and religious. integrated: “For just as the body is one and spiritual life of the family when we pray • Offer some form of fasting for vocations. has many members, and all the members of for priests and vocations. God is never out- the body, though many, are one body, so it done in generosity. For many years, it has Note: This article is adapted from the book, is with Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). been my experience that when I pray first “Praying for Priests: An Urgent Call for the Sal- for God’s intentions for His priests, the Lord vation of Souls” by Kathleen Beckman, pub- The Catechism of the abundantly blesses my family. lished by Sophia Institute Press, 2018, (www. describes Holy Orders as “the sacrament sophiainstitute.com) through which the mission entrusted by St. Matthew wrote, “And He said to them, Christ to His apostles continues to be ex- “It is written, ‘My house shall be called ercised in the Church until the end of time: a house of prayer’; but you make it a den KATHLEEN BECKMAN thus it is the sacrament of apostolic min- of robbers” (Matt. 21:13). Let us preserve istry” (no. 1536). In presenting himself for the Church as a “house of prayer” and be Has served the Church for 25 years as a Catho- Holy Orders, a man steps out in faith, into people of deep communion with God. Only lic evangelist, Ignatian certified retreat direc- tor, radio host, and author. She is Co-founder a mystery far greater than himself. It takes then will we be lights in the darkness (see of Foundation of Prayer for Priests. fortitude for a man to enter the seminary Matt. 5:14), salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13), war- and be ordained in this age. What makes riors for Christ.

April - June 2019 9 Interview Prayer is the Secret of any Vocation Ministry A Conversation with Fr. Bruno Rampazzo Superior General of the Congregation of Rogationists

By Vocations and Prayer Editorial Staff

ather Bruno Rampazzo, a Rogation- ist priest, was born in Campodoro in Fthe province of Padua (Italy) on Jan- uary 1, 1957. He was ordained on June 29, 1984 in his hometown of Barbano di Grisig- nano di Zocco (Vicenza, Italy) by the Bishop of Padua, Msgr. Filippo Franceschi. In 1987, after obtaining his degree in Dogmatic Theology and having begun the priestly ministry in Naples, he was sent to the mis- sion in the Philippines, where he stayed for over 25 years. There he dedicated himself to works of vocation animation, and later was in charge of St. Anthony’s Boys Village in Silang (Cavite). Subsequently, he was ap- pointed director of the Rogationist Acad- emy in the same city. He was the Major Su- perior of the Philippine-Indian Delegation for three consecutive terms before being elected Vicar General of the Congregation in 2010. Six years later, during the General Chapter of 2016, he was elected Superior General of the Rogationists. He is currently making the rounds in Canonical Visitation to the different communities of the entire Congregation, spread out in 28 countries around the world.

Recently, the editorial staff of Vocations and Prayer magazine had the opportunity to ask Father Bruno about the state of voca- tions in his congregation.

What is the mission and charism of the Rogationists?

Following the teachings of our Founder, Saint Hannibal Maria Di Francia, the Roga- tionists commit themselves to obey the that holy vocations would be born and Where are the Rogationists present command of Jesus, expressed in the Gos- developed in the world and in the Church; around the world? pels of Matthew (9:37-38) and Luke (10:2): spreading this command of Jesus by pro- “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send work- moting in the Church a culture and pasto- The Rogationists are present in 28 coun- ers into his harvest.” Precisely for this rea- ral care for vocations based on prayer; and tries and are organized into 7 major cir- son, aside from the three vows proper of committing themselves as good workers of cumscriptions. The Saint Hannibal Province the religious life, they add a fourth vow the Gospel to help in the evangelization of includes the communities present in South- of the ‘Rogate’ (in Latin, pray), which con- the poor, especially orphans and the poor. ern Italy and in Albania; the Saint Anthony sists in: offering their prayer every day so Province includes the communities present

10 Vocations and Prayer Interview

in Northern Italy and the Rogationist pres- example and testimony of those who dedi- similar charisms. But if such is the scenario ence in Spain, Portugal, England, Poland, cate themselves to restoring dignity to the of the institutes of male consecrated life, it Germany, Slovakia, Iraq, Jordan and Colom- most abandoned people in the peripheries certainly becomes dramatic for female in- bia; the Saint Luke Province comprises the of the world, which provoke among today's stitutes of consecrated life, experiencing a communities present in Brazil, , youth a question about the meaning of more drastic decrease in vocations. Despite Paraguay and in Angola; the Saint Matthew their existence. The closer one gets to the the evident numerical decline in vocations Province encompasses the communities of mystery of mercy and compassion of the to the consecrated life and the priestly min- the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Heart of Christ, the more one finds enthusi- istry, today we are called to look at the re- Australia and Papua New Guinea; the Prov- asm to follow him. This interest is observed ality with hope and prophetically read the ince of St. brings together the Roga- particularly in South East Asia, and in signs of the times. Through the challenges tionist Communities present in Cameroon, some parts of Africa and Brazil, where we of the present moment, the Lord certainly Rwanda and France; the St. Thomas Prov- are present. calls us to put ourselves enthusiastically at ince is composed of the communities of In- the service of the Gospel, seeking new ex- dia and Sri Lanka; finally, the Delegation of In which places of the world have your pressions of the apostolate and service to Our Lady of Guadalupe includes the com- congregation seen the greatest increase the poor. munities of California (USA) and . in vocations? According to your experience and Can you share with our readers about The Rogationists are growing well espe- charism, what are the main points for an the activities of the Rogationists in the cially in Asia and Africa, two continents of effective pastoral care for vocations to U.S. and Mexico? hope. Last year, the first four religious of religious life and priesthood today? Vietnam were ordained priests. Through- The “Our Lady of Guadalupe” Delegation out the Congregation we have had over 20 I would like to repeat an expression said includes the communities of the United priestly ordinations last year. by my founder, Saint Hannibal Mary Di Fran- States and Mexico. Recently, the Rogation- cia, to his spiritual sons and daughters: “Fall ists celebrated the 50th anniversary of their What about vocations (in your congre- in love with Jesus Christ!” A vocation min- presence in the United States. In fact, over gation) to religious life in the United istry that does not start from an intimate the years the Rogationists have worked to States and Mexico? union with Christ is destined to sterility. spread the command of the Rogate also in The Lord desires that vocations are above North America. They are currently active The Rogationists so far have had several all obtained and accompanied through in three parishes, two in the Archdiocese difficulties in their vocational development prayer, which will however be all the more of Los Angeles and one in the Diocese of in the United States and Mexico. It appears effective if it is followed by the joyful wit- Fresno, in Sanger. They also take care of the that young see with greater inter- ness of life. Prayer allows one to know and spiritual formation of young people and est and are more attracted to the diocesan makes one's own the interests of the Heart seminarians. About ten years ago, the Roga- life or religious consecration in larger or- of Jesus. And the priest, the consecrated tionists opened a seminary in Tonalá, Mex- ders and with greater history. However, for person must increasingly be a pastor ac- ico, in the metropolitan city of Guadalajara, us, Rogationists, in recent times there are cording to the Heart of Christ, at the service which currently welcomes 10 seminarians concrete reasons for hope: Our first Mexi- of God and of his brothers, especially of the who are preparing to embrace religious life. can priest is currently the Superior of our needy or weak. Thus, present in four communities, they are community in Guadalajara; another young engaged in the parish apostolate and in the Mexican is currently undergoing his no- How are the activities of the pastoral diffusion of the Rogationist charism, espe- vitiate formation in the Philippines, while care for vocations organized in your cially through Vocations and Prayer maga- three young seminarians are being pre- congregation? zine, and with the publication of prayer aids pared for this year. and books on vocations ministry in English Our vocation ministry is based above all and Spanish. As a superior general you have several on the prayer to the Lord of the harvest, meetings with superiors of other con- practiced daily in every Rogationist com- Are you seeing an increased interest in gregations around the world. What munity and disseminated in the apostolate vocations to religious life in your con- is your impression about the general of the same communities. Vocational pas- gregation around the world? If so, is it trend of vocations to men religious life? toral activities, most often organized by mostly young people who are consider- specialized teams, are many: formation of ing a vocation? In general, we are witnessing an alarm- groups or cenacles of prayer for vocations, ing decline in vocations to religious life, diffusion of the charism of the Congrega- Vocations to religious life are going especially in the West and in . More tion through the press and the media, and through a global crisis, however the Lord often words such as resizing, closing, and catechesis and spiritual retreats for adoles- does not cease to sow the seeds of vocation merging are used both for activities as well cents and young people. Finally, there are in the heart of the young. It is above all the as for houses or even congregations with also experiences of sharing with the Roga-

April - June 2019 11 Interview ROGATIONIST PUBLICATIONS tionist Communities engaged in specific pastoral activities with young people and in the missions. PRESENTS How has the Rogationists charism in- fluenced the celebration of Word Day of Prayer for Vocations in the Church? VOCATIONS ANONYMOUS The establishment of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations by Paul VI in 1964 is the result of a movement of the idea about A Handbook for Adults Discerning Priesthood and Religious Life the importance of prayer for the gift of vo- cations to the priestly ministry and to the consecrated life. This movement matured during the Vatican Council, but began many years earlier, especially in the mind “There is nothing of the nineteenth century . A strong push in this movement certainly came anonymous about the from the testimony and teaching of Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia, who made the experience, humor, prayer for vocations the purpose of his wisdom, and common life. He even founded two religious fami- lies, the Rogationists and the Daughters sense approach to Sisters of the Divine Zeal, with this specif- ic mission in the church. Again, to spread vocations Sr. Kathleen the charism of prayer for vocations in the Church, Saint Hannibal established the Bryant shares with us lay association “Union of Prayer for Vo- in her book Vocations cations.” He personally met the Popes of his time, encouraging them to promote Anonymous.” the prayer for vocations throughout the Church, as commanded directly by Jesus. SR. SARAH SHREWSBURY The World Day of Prayer for Vocations can Vocation Director therefore be considered the culmination Diocese of San Bernardino, CA of the dream of Saint Hannibal. We Roga- tionists consider it and celebrate it as a “Rogationist” day par excellence. 264 pages | 5”x8” What is your calling?

WAYS TO ORDER 6635 Tobias Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Tel:(818)782-1765 ∙ Fax:(818)782-1794 Email: [email protected] 12 Vocations and Prayer www.vocationsandprayer.org Vocations Spotlight Empowering Young People to Lead in Our Parishes A Formula that Works Well Photo by Jehyun Sung Sung Jehyun by Photo

By John M. Rinaldo, D. Min A few years later, as a sophomore in high experiences and realize just how greatly school, I received the graces that come with they shaped me. When I was 16, one per- y days as a junior high adoles- the Sacrament of Confirmation. Something son in the Church asked me to lead. Then cent are days that I’d rather for- changed in me that day. I wasn’t able to ar- another. From there, I went to Loyola Mary- Mget. They were truly not my best. ticulate the change at the time, but it was mount University in Los Angeles and was Looking back, I’d argue they were probably a change. heavily involved in Campus Ministry. Lead- my worst. 7th grade in particular was quite ers in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles invit- difficult. I was just a young boy trying to Shortly after, my youth ministry leader ed me to help lead events and trainings for discover his identity. And that identity was saw something in me. Potential? Perhaps. them. I kept saying yes. to be discovered by trying to be cool (and Gifts? Maybe. Energy? For sure. Whatever hanging out with 8th graders). it was, she was drawn to invite me to be Then, as a senior in college, one of my a leader in the youth ministry program. I greatest mentors asked me a simple ques- While I was searching for who I was, I was don’t remember if my “yes” was enthusias- tion: “John, did you ever think about going enrolled in my parish’s faith formation pro- tic or not. But I did say yes. in to youth ministry as a career?” I was 21 gram. Like many 7th graders at the time, I years old and six months out from gradu- had no desire to be there. Mom made me I jumped in with two feet! I began to help ating. Did I ever think about it? No. Was I go. My desire to not be there was so strong lead youth ministry and confirmation ses- thinking about it now? Yes. that instead of spending 90 minutes in faith sions. My youth minister mentored me and formation, I regularly spent 90 minutes in helped me become the best leader I could And here I am, 20 years later and still the bathroom. I literally locked myself in be. She sent me to a ton of Diocesan lead- serving in ministry as my full-time career one of the parish bathrooms and ate candy. ership training events for young people. and my true vocation because people sim- What can I say, I came prepared. The Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry ply asked me to lead. saw something in me. He asked me to be a Church was not my thing. Dare I say, leader in the Diocese. I said yes. I share this story not to glorify me and my church was not cool. I was the last person “yes.” Actually, this really isn’t a story about you’d want to be a leader in ministry. Over 25 years later, I look back at those me at all. This is a story of six particular

April - June 2019 13 Vocations Spotlight

people, leaders in the Church, who took the is asking. You have taken the time to get to time to get to know me: my youth ministry know them, their strengths, and gifts. Now, leader; my diocesan leader; my confirming an important leader in the Church (you) is Bishop; two college campus ministers (one asking them to help. They will often say yes. was a priest and the other was a ), and To sweeten the deal, when you are inviting an Archdiocesan lay employee. them into leadership, name the gifts and strengths you see in them and share with When leaders in the Church ask the ques- them why you think they would be great in tion how we can empower our young peo- helping with a particular leadership role. ple to lead in our parishes, we mystify it. We make it a difficult question with even more 4. Encourage them difficult solutions. The biggest mistake pastoral leaders I would argue that empowering young make after we invite someone into leader- people to become leaders in our parishes ship is that we leave them alone. We expect is not that difficult. It does require work. It them to thrive (or survive) on their own. does require a change of attitude. But it is That’s not how it works. We think our work not difficult. is done once we get them to say yes. Actu- ally, that was the easy part. Now, our is Looking back at my experience as a to mentor them, give them the skills they young person, I recognize a formula that need to achieve, and affirm them. worked very well with me. These four steps are true accompani- 1. Get to know young people ment. This is exactly what those six lead- ers did with me as I was coming of age in Young people want to be known. They the Church. Was it always easy? No. Was it desire community. They desire to be loved. messy? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. They desire to be needed. Therefore, as leaders, our priority needs to be building I pray that every young person has relationships with the community. Take the Church leaders in their lives who know time to get to know young people. Interact them, believe in them, pray for them, and with them in meaningful ways. After Mass, invite them in to this amazing ministry of during youth ministry events, or even out Christ. at the grocery store. Take interest in them. Let them share their story. Let them know You and I are called to be those leaders. that you think they are important.

2. Look for their gifts and strengths

While you are getting to know young people, start to think about what gifts and strengths they have as they share their lives and stories with you. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking there are leadership gifts and there are non-leadership gifts. All gifts can be used in leadership in some way. That might mean that you and I have to be cre- ative on how we use those gifts, but their gifts can certainly be used for the Church. JOHN M. RINALDO, D. MIN

3. Invite them to lead Is a coach and trainer for the Parish Success Group. John earned his Doctor of Ministry, D. That’s it. Just ask. You’ll be surprised at Min. in Leadership and Organizational Development from the Graduate Theological how often young people will say yes. Why? Union in Berkeley, as well as a Master of Arts Because they know that being a leader is in Pastoral Ministry from Santa Clara important. And they value that it is you who University.

14 Vocations and Prayer Pray for Vocations HOLY HOUR Freedom to Serve

1. INTRODUCTION • Build up the faith of your pilgrim Church on earth, that it may (From the Message of Pope Francis for the 56th World Day of Prayer bear witness to your resurrection before the whole world. for Vocations 2019) • Send into our hearts the spirit of the Gospel, that we may walk in the way of your commandments, today and forever. "The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom; it is not • Come to heal a world wounded by division, for you alone a “cage” or a burden to be borne. On the contrary, it is the loving can transform our hearts and make them one. initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part • Give us strength to love our enemies and pray for those who of a great undertaking. He opens before our eyes the horizon of persecute us. a greater sea and an abundant catch." • Strengthen the weak, console the sorrowful, and give hope to the dying. Brothers and sisters: let us offer this holy hour to ask for the • You showed yourself to your apostles and breathed the Holy strength to respond to God’s call in our lives and to intercede Spirit on them, renew in us the presence of the same creator for those whom God calls to ministry in the Church as Priest, Spirit. Sister, Brother or Deacon. Now let us offer the prayer Christ has given us as the model for 2. EXPOSITION all prayer: Our Father… O salutaris Hostia quae caeli pandis ostium; Bella premunt hostilia, da robur, fer auxillium. 7. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Uni trinoque Domino sit sempiterna gloria, Loving God, the provider of all our needs, we, your faithful Qui vitam sine termino nobis donet in patria. Amen. people, ask that you bless this parish and our (arch)diocese with an increase of men and women for priestly and committed lay Another Eucharistic hymn may be sung ministry. Provide from among us those who will lead and work with us in priestly and consecrated service. As you call, may you 3. ADORATION also provide the context for listening so that they may respond V. O sacrament most holy, O sacrament divine, with generosity and joy. Form our hearts so that we may be R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. people given to Gospel living and generous for Christian ser- Lord Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, you bring pardon and vice. Help us all to discern and pursue our vocation in life with peace to all who trust in you. It is hard to believe that the stone strength and courage, making of us a priestly people. We make of the tomb was removed by the strength of new life, your life. this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. But our doubts vanish every time you approach us and say, "Look at my hands and feet: I am here in person." 8. BENEDICTION R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui: Yes, Lord Jesus, you are flesh and bones. Your hands are still Et antiquum documentum novo cedat ritui: bleeding, but with those hands we rise when we fall. Your feet Praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui. still hurt, but with those feet you accompany us when we rise. Genitori, Genitoque laus et jubilatio, Your side is still open and from that side emanates the force that Salus, honor, virtus quoque sit et benedictio: allows us to always keep walking forward. It is your hands and Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio. Amen. your feet, it is your pierced heart that give us new life, the power of the resurrection. V. You have given them bread from heaven, R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. R. Having all sweetness within it. With you we are strong, Lord Jesus. With you we come out of death. With you our lives are made new. V. Let us pray. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Lord our God, in this great sacrament, we come into the pres- ence of Jesus Christ, your Son, born of the Mary and cruci- 4. SILENT ADORATION AND/OR SONG fied for our salvation. May we who declare our faith in this foun- tain of love and mercy drink from it the water of everlasting life. 5. READING AND MEDITATION We ask this through Christ our Lord. Choose one or more readings from the list at the end of this insert. A homily and a short period of silence or personal meditation, or the 9. REPOSITION AND CONCLUDING SONG recitation of the Holy Rosary may follow. The Divine Praises may be found at the end of this insert.

6. INTERCESSIONS The spotless Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world. Let us, therefore, humbly ask him, saying: Lamb of God, hear us. • Son of God, you were raised from the dead to lead us into life, bless and sanctify all the children of your Father.


Pray for Vocations HOLY HOUR Courage to Follow Jesus

1. INTRODUCTION the sheep, let us pray to the Lord. (From the Message of Pope Francis for the 56th World Day of Prayer • That many young men may hear and respond to God's call to for Vocations 2019) serve Him as priests and deacons, let us pray to the Lord. • That there may be an increase in vocations to the religious life, "The Christian life finds expression in those decisions that, while and that all who are consecrated to God’s service in religious giving a precise direction to our personal journey, also contribute communities may be blessed, let us pray to the Lord. to the growth of God’s kingdom in our world. These vocations • That seminarians may persevere in their formation and one day, make us bearers of a promise of goodness, love and justice, not by God’s grace, come to the altar of the Lord as priests, let us only for ourselves but also for our societies and cultures, which pray to the Lord. need courageous Christians and authentic witnesses of the king- • That Jesus, the Good Shepherd from whose hand none can dom of God." be snatched away, may protect all children in danger or are in need of a loving family, let us pray to the Lord. Brothers and sisters, let us pray during this holy hour for the cour- • That those who have died may be led by the Good Shepherd to age to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our the waters of eternal life, we pray to the Lord. own happiness and for the good of those around us. Now let us offer together the prayer our Lord Jesus Christ taught 2. EXPOSITION us: Our Father… O salutaris Hostia quae caeli pandis ostium; Bella premunt hostilia, da robur, fer auxillium. 7. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Uni trinoque Domino sit sempiterna gloria, Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd. You know each of us Qui vitam sine termino nobis donet in patria. Amen. and you call us by name to serve in faith. Help us respond gener- ously to your voice. Give courage and guidance to those you call Another Eucharistic hymn may be sung. to the priesthood and the diaconate, to religious life and lay min- istry, so that they may respond wholeheartedly and serve devot- 3. ADORATION edly. You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. 8. BENEDICTION Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Bread of Life from heaven. We are Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur cernui: blessed by your presence among us. Et antiquum documentum novo cedat ritui: R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui. You are the Christ, the Risen One, the Friend who out of love of- Genitori, Genitoque laus et jubilatio, fered yourself without measure, the Lamb who bravely faced Salus, honor, virtus quoque sit et benedictio: death, the Lord who rose to life from the grave. Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio. Amen. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. You are among us, Risen Lord, in the Bread of the Eucharist. You V. You have given them bread from heaven, live in the midst of your people, in the small and the humble. You R. Having all sweetness within it. came so that all of us may have life and have it in abundance for- ever. V. Let us pray. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. Lord our God, you have given us the true Bread from Heaven. In You gave yourself as food for the life of the world. Those who be- the strength of this food may we live always by your life and rise in lieve in you will have eternal life. glory on the last day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. 9. REPOSITION AND CONCLUDING SONG 4. SILENT ADORATION AND/OR SONG The Divine Praises may be found at the end of this insert.

5. READING AND MEDITATION Choose one or more readings from the list at the end of this insert. A homily and a short period of silence for personal meditation, or the recitation of the Holy Rosary may follow.

6. INTERCESSIONS Jesus is risen from the dead, and leads his flock to eternal bless- ings. With faith, we now bring our needs to the Father through him, saying. Risen Lord, graciously hear us. • That Church and government leaders alike may continuously learn from the Good Shepherd, who is ready to give his life for


Pray for Vocations HOLY HOUR Mary’s Yes, our Model

1. INTRODUCTION 6. INTERCESSIONS (From the Message of Pope Francis for the 56th World Day of Prayer The Holy Spirit raised the body of Christ to life and made it the for Vocations 2019) source of life. With joy in our hearts let us call upon the risen Christ, saying: Risen Lord, hear our prayer. "Vocation was both a promise and a risk in the story of Mary. Her • For all who minister in the Church,that they may be sustained mission was not easy, yet she did not allow fear to prevail. “It was in witnessing to Christ Jesus and preaching repentance for the the ‘yes’ of someone prepared to be committed, someone willing forgiveness of sins to all nations, let us pray to the Lord. to take a risk, ready to stake everything she had, with no more • For Christians around the world, that we who were baptized security than the certainty of knowing that she was the bearer of into his death take seriously our duty to bear witness to Christ a promise. " in our lives, let us pray to the Lord. • For all families, that spouses, parents and children, brothers Brothers and sisters, let us pray during this holy hour, through and sisters, and other relatives may treat each other with the Mary’s intercession, that the Holy Spirit may provide us with wis- love Jesus modeled with his disciples, let us pray to the Lord. dom, courage, and the desire to accept God’s plan in our lives. • For those who day after day put into practice the mission of building up the Body of Christ, that they may be blessed in their 2. EXPOSITION work, let us pray to the Lord. Adoro te devote, latens deitas, Quæ sub his figuris vere latitas; Let us again offer our praise to God and pray in the words of Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit, Christ: Our Father… Quia te contemplans totum deficit. Visus, tactus, gustus in te fallitur, 7. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Sed auditu solo tuto creditur. Lord and Master of the harvest, enlighten many generous young Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius; people with the light of your Holy Spirit and through the power- Nil hoc verbo Veritátis verius. ful intercession of your beloved mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio, increase the fervor of your love in these hearts that you choose Oro, fiat illud quod tam sitio: for your service as a priests, deacons, religious men and women. Ut te revelata cernens facie, You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. Visu sim beátus tuæ gloriæ. Amen. 8. BENEDICTION (Tantum ergo – St. ) Another Eucharistic hymn may be sung. Down in adoration falling / this great Sacrament we hail. Over ancient forms of worship / newer rites of grace prevail. 3. ADORATION Faith will tell us Christ is present / when our human senses fail. V. O sacrament most holy, O sacrament divine, R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. To the everlasting Father / and the Son who made us free, Lord Jesus Christ, we adore you here in the Blessed Sacrament. As And the Spirit God proceeding / from them each eternally, we kneel before you, we recognize you as the creator of life. We Be salvation, honor, blessing, might and endless majesty. Amen. thank you and praise you for the lives you have given to us and those we love. V. You have given them bread from heaven, R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. R. Having all sweetness within it. Be the delight and pleasure of my soul, my strength and salvation in all temptations, my joy and peace in every trial, my light and Let us pray. guide in every word and deed, and my final protection in death. Lord our God, you have given us the true Bread from Heaven. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. In the strength of this food may we live always by your life and rise O boundless charity! Just as you gave us yourself, wholly God and in glory on the last day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. wholly man, so you left us all of yourself as food so that while we are pilgrims in this life 9. REPOSITION AND CONCLUDING SONG we might not collapse in our weariness but be strengthened by The Divine Praises may be found at the end of this insert. you, heavenly food. R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.


5. READING AND MEDITATION Choose one or more readings from the list at the end of this insert. A homily and a short period of silence for personal meditation, or the recitation of the Holy Rosary may follow.

Insert Pray for Vocations GLORIOUS MYSTERIES

1st Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection of the Lord their way of life Jesus is the Risen One, he is the God of life and joy. His Resurrec- a convincing sign of your kingdom for the Church and for the tion is a guarantee of ours. Through Mary’s intercession, let us world. May all the ministers of your Church increase in num- for young people, so that in their search for guidance for their bers, be persistent in their prayers, and perform their ministry future, they may find the fullness of happiness in the Risen Je- with generosity and concern towards others. Father, keep them sus, and follow him with the full dedication of their lives. faithful to the call of the Gospel. May the world see in them the living image of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord forever and 2nd Glorious Mystery: The Ascension of the Lord ever. Amen. As he leaves the earth, Jesus entrusts the Apostles with the mis- 2. We thank you, Lord Jesus, for knocking at our door. Some- sion of preaching the Gospel to all people. From this moment times we are distracted or there is too much noise and we do on the Church is missionary. Sent from God to be a universal not hear your call. We know you call "silently," because scream- sacrament of Salvation, the Church strives to proclaim the Gos- ing doesn't get things done. That's why listening to you implies pel to all men and women. Through Mary’s intercession, let us being attentive, enjoying the silence, listening to what our ask the Lord to awaken the missionary vocation in the hearts of hearts say. You live inside us and you call us to grow and be hap- many committed young people. py with you. You invite us to meet you, to listen to you, to find you in others, in nature, in as many gifts as life offers us. You are 3rd Glorious Mystery: The Coming of the Holy Spirit present in everything and invite us to listen to your call. Amen. The Holy Spirit grants particular gifts and distributes them as he wants, so that each of the baptized also contributes to the SUGGESTED SCRIPTURE READINGS edification of the whole body in charity. Through Mary’s inter- Genesis 12:1-4 The call of Abraham cession, let us pray for the candidates for Confirmation and for 6:1-8 The sending of Isaiah the newly confirmed, that they may be granted the light neces- 1:1-10 The call of Jeremiah sary to discover their vocation, their particular ministry in the 1 3:7-9 The call of Samuel community. Matthew 19:16-30 Come, follow me Mark 10:17-31 We have left everything 4th Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Luke 5:1-11 The call of Simon the Fisherman The Immaculate Virgin, being preserved from every stain of orig- John 1:37-39 Come and see inal sin, as she finished the course of earthly life, was assumed John 12:24-26 Whoever serves me must follow me body and soul to heavenly glory. To be brought to heaven at the Acts 6:1-7 The need for assistants end of time is the vocation of all the baptized. Through Mary’s intercession, let us pray for those called to the priesthood and THE DIVINE PRAISES to the religious life, that they may be inspired by Mary and want Blessed be God. to be like her, bearers of grace and salvation.WIPBlessed be his Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. 5th Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of the Virgin Mary Blessed be the Name of Jesus. The Immaculate Virgin Mary is exalted by the Lord as Queen Blessed be his most . of the Universe that she may resemble her Son more fully. The Blessed be his most Precious Blood. baptized, like Mary, are called to be like her Son; in holiness, in Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. the fullness of Christian life, in the perfection of love. Through Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Mary’s intercession, let us pray that all Christians, laity, priests Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. and those in consecrated life, may collaborate in the construc- Blessed be her holy and . tion of the Kingdom of God, each according to their vocation. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and mother. Optional invocation after each decade: Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in his Angels and in his Saints. V. O Mary, Mother of the Church, R. Pray for us and obtain for us many and holy vocations. May the Heart of Jesus in the most blessed Sacrament be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection at every moment, in all ADDITIONAL PRAYERS the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen. 1. Loving and merciful Father, listen to the prayers of your peo- ple, and make the seed that you planted ripen FR. PETER QUINTO, RCJ in the field of your Church. May many of your people choose to serve you by dedicating themselves to the service of their Is a Rogationist priest and assistant pastor at St. Jane of Chantal Catholic Church in North brothers and sisters. Raise up ministers worthy of your altars Hollywood, California. who are ardent but kind servants of the Gospel. May those who follow the footsteps of Christ, your Son, grow and provide by

Insert Vocations Spotlight Vocations Director’s Corner Cultivating Vocations A Deeper Relationship with Christ Photo by Anthony Del Anoix

Fr. Steven Borello different pillar of the Catechism each spend a summer teaching with Totus year. Each day, a team has two periods Tuus. The fruit of our labors is real. Over recently attended our regional of prayer, one before the first through the program’s lifetime in the Diocese of gathering of vocation directors. The sixth grade session and one after. In Joliet, 5 men have entered seminary, a Iexperience was consistent through- the evening, they join a family for din- number have gone on to spend time as out our region, the number of men ap- ner and return to the parish to walk with FOCUS or NET missionaries, and 4 of our plying for seminary and the number of seventh through twelfth graders. It be- most recent seminarians participated openly discerning candidates for the gan in the Diocese of Wichita and con- in Totus Tuus while in grade school and future is down. Now, there are plenty tinues to thrive throughout the Midwest high school. Likewise, several women of places for me to place blame and to and other regions of the country. Totus went on to serve as FOCUS and NET mis- explain why this is the case, but the Lord Tuus provides men and women the time sionaries and our third woman just en- is asking me to focus on the reality that necessary to begin hearing God’s voice tered religious life. only He can cultivate a vocation in a during their training and continues to man or woman’s heart. As we continued facilitate a life of prayer throughout the To help men and women discern well our conversation at the regional gather- summer. Over the course of the nine their vocations, a space needs to be cre- ing, we acknowledged that all the can- years that the Diocese of Joliet has par- ated in their lives where they can experi- didates we meet will need to strength- ticipated in Totus Tuus, approximately ence God and learn to walk in relation- en their sense of faith and deepen their 65 men and 55 women have given at ship with Him. Totus Tuus is one of the relationship with God. Their lack of rela- least one summer to serve God, teach- most fruitful programs the Diocese of tionship prevents them from having the ing his children. Joliet employs to provide that experi- capacity to hear God’s call and respond. ence. It also provided our youth (almost For many of the men and women, To- 3000 last year) an opportunity to meet Recognizing that many of the young tus Tuus provided their first encounter seminarians from the diocese. men and women in discernment need with God’s love for them in an experi- help creating space to grow in their re- ential way. Many of the teachers shifted lationship with God and learn how to lis- their college careers, their vocations, FR. STEVEN BORELLO ten, the Diocese of Joliet began the To- or their plans after college because of tus Tuus program the summer of 2011. the experience teaching Totus Tuus. Is the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Totus Tuus sends college aged men and While half of the men who taught were Joliet-in-Illinois. Before becoming the Director of Vocations, he served three years at women in teams of four into a parish already seminarians, it helped them to St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul for a week at a time. This experience discern God’s call more clearly in their as a formator, spiritual director and instructor. allows them the opportunity to share life. Recently, the Diocese of Joliet has the love of God, their faith and teach a asked discerning men and women to

April - June 2019 19 Vocations Spotlight

A Unified Pastoral Care of Vocations A Relevant Choice Photo by Vladislav Babienko Vladislav by Photo

Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, RCJ of remaining on a theoretical level. and the primacy of prayer in the pastoral n this column, Vocations and Prayer care of vocations; knowing the world of features articles about the vocation- Personally, I am convinced that a “pri- young people; learning about the contri- Ial activities of the Diocesan Vocation vate” and “isolated” vocation ministry, in bution of psycho-pedagogical sciences Centers and of the Vocation Centers of the long run, becomes sterile because it to vocation discernment; etc. Equally male and female Religious Institutes. Our lacks deep roots and ends up being just important could be organizing days of purpose is to provide a venue for sharing an activity of “recruitment.” Every pasto- retreat and moments of prayer spent to- different experiences, and implicitly to ral action/vocation activity needs deep gether among vocational promoters. promote the “unified” vocation ministry theological and ecclesiological roots proposed by the Second Vatican Council that can grow only in a context of eccle- In terms of practical activities of vo- (cf. Optatam Totius, 2) and re-proposed sial communion. cation promotion, it would be useful to in all subsequent Church documents organize common vocation promotion dealing with this topic. The U.S. Confer- Hence the need for Diocesan Voca- meetings, with the participation and ence of Bishops promotes a “unified” vo- tion Centers to be organisms and struc- collaboration of different vocation pro- cation ministry, which takes care of voca- tures for the animation and support of moters present in the Diocese. These tions to priesthood and consecrated life. vocation ministry in the Dioceses. They activities should not limit the validity should be a point of reference and coor- and opportunities for each diocesan or In the various articles published so far dination for different vocation promot- religious vocations promoter to organize in the Vocations Director’s Corner col- ers, be it that they are diocesan or male vocation animation meetings specific to umn, activities promoting a “unified” and female religious. the diocesan seminary or religious insti- vocation ministry by Diocesan Vocation tute. Centers are clearly missing. The same Some guidelines for a common forma- could be said of the Vocation Centers of tive journey among operators and vo- The cultural and spiritual preparation different male and female Religious Insti- cation promoters in a Diocese could be and the grace of communion and shar- tutes present in the Dioceses. the following: organizing conferences or ing give strength and enthusiasm to the seminars on the pastoral care of voca- vocation promoters and make their vo- Some of those responsible for voca- tions incarnated in today's social, cultur- cational proposal more effective. tions ministry believe it is more effective al and ecclesial local context; updating to concentrate on one’s own garden be- about the Church's teaching with regard cause of concrete results being obtained. to the promotion of vocations; deepen- Collaboration and sharing are viewed ing on the theology and spirituality of with little confidence because of the risk vocation; promoting a vocations culture

20 Vocations and Prayer Bible Biblical Meditation for Youth Where do I go? A Trusting Answer from Abraham’s Story Photo by João

By Fr. Renzo Gerardi ther’s house to a land that I will show you. the land of Canaan. I will make of you a great nation, and I will here are you going? I want you bless you; I will make your name great, so I do not know who or what Abraham to ask yourself where you are that you will be a blessing. I will bless those was before he was called by God. Perhaps, Wgoing. And I want to help you who bless you and will curse those who curse he was an idolater. And I do not know why answer this question by introducing you you. All the communities of the earth shall God chose Abraham from Ur of the Chal- to Abraham, who is God’s friend. find blessing in you.” Abraham went as the deans to leave or why he brought him to Lord directed him, and Lot went with him. Palestine. Perhaps, God chose Abraham Let us read from the book of Genesis Abraham was seventy-five years old when because he had a plan of salvation tied to 12:1-5: he left Haran. Abraham took his wife Sarai, those new lands. his brother’s son Lot, all the possessions that The Lord said to Abraham: “Go forth from they had accumulated, and the persons they What is certain is that God’s speech, the land of your kinsfolk and from your fa- had acquired in Haran, and they set out for which is so sudden and surprising, begins

April - June 2019 21 Bible

with the request for a radical break with all God. If you read the book of Genesis and con- natural ties: "Leave the country, the home- tinue with the story of Abraham, you will land, your father's house.” Leave your But what will people say! Perhaps, “what see that it was not easy for him either. You land, your relationships, and your family. a fool, at his age, he leaves everything be- will see that temptation was always lurk- God knows that separating from all these hind ...” to which we respond, “nothing is ing. natural ties is extremely painful. Abraham impossible for God, on the condition that must leave absolutely everything behind we truly believe in him.” Abraham’s nephew, Lot, does not go him and rely on God’s guidance. Of that beyond a certain limit. He stops early. De- new "country,” he only knows that God God asks you to accept the impossible, serters are not lacking on the roads trav- wants to give it to him. to recognize that, through him, nothing is eled by the people of God. It is sad, but it impossible. He will always succeed, even is true. On the contrary, is this option not And Abraham “leaves.” when all your hopes are dead, to give you the sign of authentic freedom given to us what you dare not ask him, if it is for your by the Lord? He does not force us to follow Called to follow Him own good. him. But know what awaits you.

Do you think the Bible tells us this story Dear friend, God chooses who he wants. just because we come to know something God invites us to a journey. The invitation more about that holy man of Abraham? It is not based on the value of those chosen, is clear that this is not the case. but on love, which needs to be spread and nurtured. , a , wrote that “all the children of Abraham’s promise He invited you. Your faith is expected should seek to emulate him, including us.” as a free answer. He does not promise you anything right away. He wants to educate Do you believe and do you think that you to trust him. But know that God is sacrifice to follow God is really possible? faithful to his promises. Trust him. Do not tell me it is hard. I know. You are attracted by so many things, by instanta- Credit: Gerardi, Renzo. A Time to Reflect. Spiri- neous and pleasant sensations. And you tual itinerary for young people. Editrice Rogate, do not always find the right path. Faith is Roma. not easy. Translated from Italian by Stephan Llerena Abraham is presented by Genesis as one who blindly obeys, without saying anything. He is the man of unconditional God invites us to a journey faith. But you do not accept orders un- conditionally. You want to discuss, think If you met him - and you have met God about, and understand things. I cannot – do not stop. You cannot stay still when blame you. It is God who created you to you meet God. You have to get up and fol- be intelligent. He gave you reason. And it low him. must be used. But you want to play "arm wrestling" with God. What do you hope to If to the question "Where am I going?", get? Do you not realize that you risk wast- you answered "I'm going towards evil, to- ing a precious opportunity? wards a bad life, etc.", it is clear that I would be afraid for you. But believe me, I would The story of Abraham is the story of be more afraid if you replied: "I'm not go- an appointment that God gave to man: ing anywhere. I'm standing here quietly." I FR. RENZO GERARDI "abandon your certainties, your comfort, would be afraid of your timidity. and agree to follow me to happiness, for Is professor Emeritus of Moral which you trust me.” Is it true? Abraham Are you afraid that God does not pro- Theology at the Faculty of knows that you can trust that word. Have vide? He provides, fully. He does not limit Theology of the Pontifical Lateran the Jews not experienced this many times himself to fulfilling only half of your de- University (PUL). He was Dean of throughout the course of their history? sires. He completely fulfills the desires of the Faculty of Theology from 1994 Abraham's story, after all, is their history. your heart. Do you want to be happy? He to 2000 and from 2006 to 2012 Have we not experienced it ourselves, as promises a "great" people, a "great" name, and Pro-rector of the PUL from Christians, so many times? You can trust and a blessing! That is happiness! 2014 to 2018.

22 Vocations and Prayer

Spirituality Lectio Divina Romans 12:1-2 St. Paul’s Plan of Discernment What, How, Why?

B y Sr. Emily Beata Marsh, FSP discernment is the will of God! The main, formed by the renewal of your mind.” So overarching question of discernment is al- much has been written about how to dis- “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mer- ways, always this: what is the will of God in cern. St. Paul takes a very straightforward cies of God, to offer your bodies as a living this situation? Or, put another way: what approach. For him, transformation is the sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spir- does Jesus want in this situation? Bl. James key to discernment. Transformation has itual worship. Do not conform yourselves to Alberione, the founder of my community, two phases: first, “do not conform your- this age but be transformed by the renewal wrote that the will of God is God’s highest selves to this age.” That is, transformation of your mind, that you may discern what is act of love for us. So, put yet another way, in view of discerning the will of God means the will of God, what is good and pleasing the overarching question of discernment taking off the “glasses” through which we and perfect.” is this: how does God want to love us and normally view the world. In other words, move us to love him in this situation? put on the glasses that God uses to view “…be transformed by the renewal of the world. God wants to renew our minds, your mind, that you may discern what is our wills, and our hearts…how? By living the will of God….” This passage from St. in us! Focus your life, your prayer, your Paul’s Letter to the Romans could also be every day on letting God live in you, and known as St. Paul’s plan of discernment! your discernment will unfold naturally!

The Letter to the Romans is the most The why of discernment: “offer your theological and the most developed of bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleas- St. Paul’s letters. In the twelfth chapter, ing to God, your spiritual worship.” I think St. Paul is putting everything in the con- that the “why” of discernment can be for- text of worship. Our life, our vocation, our gotten as often as the “what” of discern- work, and our prayer are all directed to ment. Why do we discern? In other words, the greater goal of worshiping God. Even why do we ask God what he wants of us more, our life, our vocation, our work, and and how we can carry it out? Just because our prayer are meant to become worship. we should? No. St. Paul tells us that we discern in order to offer ourselves. Radical We can also look at this verse through self-offering is the ultimate end of discern- the lens of discernment. Through this lens, ment. “Offer your bodies as a living sacri- St. Paul offers the what of discernment, fice”—let your life become worship, let the how of discernment, and the why of your life say, “I love you” to God whose life discernment—all in one short verse! constantly whispers “I love you” to you.

The what of discernment: “the will of Jesus, let me follow you and pursue your God, what is good and pleasing and per- will—the “what” of discernment. Let me be fect.” St. Paul is very clear about this. Dis- transformed—the “how” of discernment. cernment always has to do with the will Besides keeping this running in the Let me offer myself as spiritual worship—the of God. While this is obvious, it can also background of our prayer, it can be helpful “why” of discernment. I offer you my discern- be easy to forget! We can get caught up to have even a visual reminder. At various ment, my desires, my whole life. Amen. in the nitty-gritty of discernment: should times in my life, I have put a sign above my I go out tonight, or stay in? Should I take desk or a background on my phone with SR. EMILY BEATA MARSH, FSP this new job, or not? Should I move, or stay the words, Jesus, what do you want? Ask where I am? Should I be a priest or a sister, Jesus to inspire you with a way to keep Professed her final vows in June or get married? his will in the forefront of your mind and 2018. Sister Emily is currently the heart. National Vocation Director for the These questions are helpful, but they Daughters of St. Paul. are not the true what of discernment. As The how of discernment: “Do not con- St. Paul unequivocally states, the what of form yourselves to this age but be trans-

24 Vocations and Prayer Spirituality The Origin and Purpose of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations The Role of Hannibal M. Di Francia

By Vocations and Prayer Editorial Staff

he invitation of Jesus, Pray there- fore the Lord of the harvest to Tsend workers into his harvest (Mt 9.39), implemented mainly in the form of prayer for the sanctification of the clergy, from 1920 onwards, can be found in sev- eral books of some prominent figures of the Church and bishops, from one end to another of the Catholic world. Of course, in this respect, it is acknowledged even in the Papal Magisterium that has addressed with increasing frequency the invitation to pray for vocations.

Pius XI (1922-1939) in his Encyclical Ad Catholici Sacerdotii insisted forcefully on the need to use the great means of prayer to get the gift of vocations.

Pius XII (1939-1958), firstly, with the Motu Proprio “Cum nobis” on November 4, 1941 constituted the Pontifical Soci- ety for Ecclesiastical Vocations, to which he entrusted the task of promoting the prayer for priestly vocations in all parts of the world. Then, with the Apostolic Ex- hortation “Menti nostrae” on September 23, 1950, he urged the bishops to take care of the problem of vocation precisely be- cause it is “intimately connected with the Pope Paul VI (1983-1978), indeed, after harvest.” future of the Church.” He also exhorted just seven months of Pontificate, on Sat- the faithful to make use of the humble and urday, April 11, 1964, the eve of the sec- With the institution of a World Day of trustful prayer commanded by Jesus (Luke ond Sunday after Easter, called the Good Prayer for Vocations, however, Paul VI did 10: 2) as “the surest way to have numerous Shepherd Sunday (today, in the renewed not want to touch only the problem but vocations.” liturgical calendar, is the fourth Sunday of highlight it permanently. One should not Easter), addressed the faithful throughout miss the fact that the initiative arose fully John XXIII (1958-1963) was also along the world, with a radio message, saying: during the Vatican II Council, where the this line, and, in addition to numerous theme of vocations was treated in differ- interventions on the topic of vocations, “’Pray the Lord of the harvest to send ent forms and occasions. through the Pontifical Society for ecclesi- workers to his Church (cf.. Mt 9: 38) (…) astical vocations, he urged the institution From the soul may the heartfelt invocation The first World Day of Prayer for Voca- in Italy of “National Day for ecclesiastical to the Lord spring out, according to Christ’s tions was celebrated, then, on April 12, vocations.” The Pope’s dream was to ex- invitation. (…) Therefore, may this Sunday, 1964, but, even if loaded with theological tend the proposal to various Episcopal which, in the Roman Liturgy takes from the sense, had no great resonance, indeed for Conferences so that the initiative would Gospel the name of the Good Shepherd, see many Christian communities it passed al- reach a level of harmony throughout the merged into a single throb of prayer numer- most unnoticed. Gradually, over the next Christian world, something in fact that ous arrays of Catholics around the world, to few years, thanks to the forceful action was done by his successor. invoke from the Lord workers needed for his of some religious congregations includ-

April - June 2019 25 Spirituality

ing the Rogationists and the Daughters Years after his death, John Paul II ac- of Divine Zeal, it has attracted attention knowledged that “from the providen- until its insertion in a relevant way in the tial intuition of Di Francia arose in the pastoral activity of the Catholic Church. church a large movement of prayer for vocations.” The same Pontiff enrolled The Role of Hannibal M. Di Fran- him first in the register of the Blessed cia (1990) calling him ‘authentic forerunner and zealous master of modern vocation What is the role and importance of ministry,” then canonizing him (2004) Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia (1851- John Paul II gave him the well-deserved 1927)? In his early youth, during the Eu- title of “distinguished apostle of prayer charistic adoration, he understood by for vocations,” with which he is entered divine inspiration the importance of the in the Proper of the Mass. prayer for vocations. The gospel verses: “The harvest is plenty, but the workers To understand more deeply his are few! Pray (Rogate) therefore to the thought, let us read a short passage Lord of the Harvest, that he may send from the Role of life (“The Forty Delera- workers into his harvest’ (Mt 9, 37-38; Lc tion”) he wrote for his two religious fami- 10, 2), became the light of his life and the lies: prime inspiration of his apostolic work. “I will unceasingly dedicate all my days In 1887 he founded the Congregation and all my actions to this prayer, specifi- of the Daughters of Divine Zeal, and, cally known as the Evangelical Rogation of in 1897, the Rogationists of the Sacred the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Heart of Jesus. Both congregations have a special fourth vow called “vow of the According to the norms of our constitu- Rogate,” which is to live and spread the tion, I will have a great solicitude and zeal spirit of Jesus’ teachings about the need that this divine mandate of Our Lord Je- for prayer for vocations. sus Christ, so little appreciated until now, be fulfilled everywhere, so that in all the St. Hannibal felt the same compassion world, all the priests secular and religious, and concern as Jesus for the “exhaust- all the Prelates of Holy Church, all pious ed and abandoned crowds, who were souls, all the virgins consecrated to Jesus, like sheep without a shepherd” (Mt. 9, all clerics and seminarians, all the poor 36). Therefore he used every means to and children - all, all will pray the Almighty spread the “Rogate,” the command of God to send, without delay numberless Jesus to pray the Lord of the harvest to and active workers, either men or women, obtain “good workers,” and considered it to the priesthood and religious life for the as an effective means of evangelization salvation and sanctification of souls, - All and charity. He also established the “As- Souls, not even one excepted. sociation of Prayer for Vocations,” open to all the faithful. With the Lord’s help, I will be ready to make any sacrifice, even by giving my On many occasions, he met the Popes blood and my life, that this ‘Rogation’ of his time to present his charism and become universal.” involve the whole church in this spirit of prayer for vocations. He spoke with His dream to make this prayer “uni- Bishops and priests, with religious men versal” became true when Pope Paul and women, and with lay people. Let’s VI (1964) established the World Day of say right away that the great merit of Prayer for Vocations. Di Francia was to have “discovered” and have worked hard all his life to spread this request-command of the Lord and to create among the people of God a true vocation culture.

26 Vocations and Prayer Vocations Witness My Calling When God Filled my Void

admission. Hours before returning home a terrible crisis happened; I kept crying.

When I met with the sister who accom- panied me, she said: "Why are you crying if you have already decided? Or have you re- alized that you are meant to follow this vo- cation? God has called you to the religious life.” I immediately knew I have made a bad choice, and with her help drafted a new let- ter to ask for admission to the Congrega- tion. I accepted the call and surrendered. In that moment, my heart was filled with joy, even though I was very afraid of my fam- ily’s reaction. What is done is done, I said. I would wait 15 days to know if I had been admitted or not.

Certainly, the acceptance letter arrived at my house. I felt that the world was turning By Sister Blanca Estela Lopez, MDPVM Time passed and I became increasingly up-side down. I told Jesus "I do not want to uneasy. I wanted to ignore Jesus and met leave my family!" I read the letter out loud ather Alberto Cuscó Mir, SJ and someone who became my boyfriend. A in the presence of my mother and we both Mother Julia Navarrete Guerrero while passed and I told him that I felt a void, cried with mixed emotions and tears of joy Ffounded my order, the Congrega- that I chose the religious life. This decision and sadness. tion of the Missionary Daughters of the was painful for him because his plans were Most Pure Virgin Mary in Aguas Calientes, to get married. From the moment I entered my Congre- Mexico in 1903. Our charism is to "love and gation that void was filled. It has been sev- comfort the Heart of Jesus in those who I approached different congregations, en years since I started this adventure and suffer." filled out questionnaires, and left my con- four years since I made my first profession. tact information with the hope that they I am very happy because I am in the place How did I hear God’s call to the Conse- would call me to an interview, but I did where God called me to be, with the sisters crated Life? Every call is special; it is given not receive any answers. My suffering in- I did not want to belong to. These were in different ways, with our plans united to creased, I told myself, "It is an invention of God's plans, not mine. By listening to the God's plans. When I was nine years old, I mine, God does not answer me." My visits Charism of "love and comfort the Heart of made my and I felt the to the Blessed Sacrament were constant, Jesus in those who suffer," and even more call; although I did not understand it. When crying and saying: "Tell me Lord what do so to have been consoled at a difficult time I saw a nun with a habit my heart became you want from me, nobody calls me! The in my life by one of the sisters of my congre- restless; I did not tell anyone because I who live here, not with them!" The gation, I felt that God was calling me. could not interpret that God was calling most painful suffering was hearing the me. gospel of Mt. 10, 37-38, I felt these words strongly penetrated my core. I turned fifteen and I joined the youth SR. BLANCA ESTELA LOPEZ GAMBOA group at my local Church. I realized that The sisters of my congregation were in there was a void that I felt desperate about. charge of the elementary school in my Is currently a religious education teacher I started searching, going through difficult hometown. One of them came to my work at St. Joseph Parish in Wenatchee, Wash- times because who could I have turned to? I and invited me to start a discernment pro- ington. She is also involved in helping did not know who to turn to, or who to ask. gram. My mother had asked her to talk with with sacramental preparation programs, I was afraid to think that I would leave ev- me. I joined her sometimes and felt God was accompanying the migrant community, erything. I said to myself, "No, this is just a already clarifying things. I also attended a and assisting the poor at the parish’s food flash, an illusion of mine." pre-life for ten days in the Congregation. I pantry. was very happy. Out of fear, I did not ask for

April - June 2019 27 Vocations Witness To Stop Existing for Others My Experience of Nothingness and the Light of Faith

By Ashley Hernandez Three years ago my therapist diagnosed me with OCD and severe anxiety disorder. lanning the pilgrimage to World He just wanted to prescribe me pills and not Youth Day (WYD) Panama was a really talk about the root of the problem, so Pstruggle for me. My wallet said yes, I stopped seeing him. At this point, I felt but my soul said no. My airline ticket had lost and completely useless in this world. been reserved and my hotel room had Eventually, I forgot about God’s existence been booked. However, two weeks prior to in this world. I was seeking answers in all my departure, I told my friends that I didn’t the wrong places. There is a differencing in want to go anymore and that I didn’ t care believing in God and having faith. The Pope about getting my money refunded either. encouraged the youth to be like Mary, who The point was that I had zero interest in the said, “May your will be done” after she was pilgrimage. notified that she will have Baby Jesus. At that moment I felt relieved because there My mind was made up. Despite voic- is nothing to be afraid of and I could truly ing my opinion on not attending the trip, believe that God would take care of me. my sisters and other Church community God gave me the perfect parents, siblings members pushed me to go unrelentingly. and community members. They look after They were very persistent on the matter, me and I truly feel that the presence of God so I gave in. I emailed all my professors last is living within them. “God is real because minute and gave them notice that I was go- love is real.” This resonated within me be- ing to miss class commiting to turn in the cause for the first time this got me thinking entire week of assignments before I left. about joining a religious order. This was a bit of a nuisance for me, but I got Photo by Dustin Dagamac it done. I packed my bags angrily and came I know to trust in God’s will because his to the airport with a negative attitude and shared with my parents that I had been will give me true happiness and help me an angry face. Forcefully, I stepped into the having bad thoughts about my life for a overcome any adversity that will arise. I’m airplane and as soon as we took off, felt an while, but they just brushed it aside. My free to choose God’s love and spread it instant regret in my heart. mother thought I was bluffing and my fa- amongst my community members and ther told me I shouldn’t think that way, es- everywhere that I go. This encourages me Even though I came to Panama with a pecially since I converted into Catholicism. to be vocal about my problems and help sour attitude, I felt that my heart lightened I had nothing to offer, I thought: I am an out any youth that feels the same way. To up the moment we landed. This feeling was average student and strongly dislike going let them know that they aren’t alone and intensified when the Pope gave his homily to school because I feel that I’m not smart that God’s love is within us. The pilgrimage during the Saturday Vigil. During the Pope enough to finish a four-year degree. I also helped me to see that God is truly present Francis’ discussion with the youth, he was didn’t like working because in my previous in my life and that I should seriously pray asked, “Father, why so many young people part-time job I worked as a receptionist at and meditate for my vocation. God isn't today are not interested in whether God ex- a retirement home. While working there, keeping me in the waiting room waiting for ists or find it difficult to believe in him, and my soul felt as if it were being drained from his promise. In fact, his promise is currently they seem so bored and aimless in life?” He my body due to seeing the residents’ mel- manifested because I chose to continue liv- asked them in return, why they thought ancholy state. This affected me because ing this life in a Christian way. about it? One of them replied, “it’s because I thought I would end up miserable in a many of them feel that, little by little, they wheelchair just waiting for my death. I con- ASHLEY HERNANDEZ stop existing for others; they often feel in- stantly argued with my parents, because visible.” we were discussing my future career plans Is a member of the Neocatechu- and how I was going to support myself af- menal Way in the parish of St. This touched me very deeply because I ter their retirement. I realized my life was Elisabeth Church in Van Nuys, felt invisible many times. Before going to self-serving life because to me there was California. She attends CSUN Panama I got into a big argument with my nothing meaningful to live for. This created where majoring in Linguistics and is earning a certificate in Teaching mother. I was questioning my existence a feeling of emptiness and despair inside of English Second Language. and my purpose in this world. Last year I me.

28 Vocations and Prayer Psychology What Fiery Furnace are you Facing Today? Three Faithful Fireproof Super(Natural) Heroes Photo by Dmitry Ratushny

By Dr. Bruce L. Thiessen, Ph.D. art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, they seem to fit the archetype of the I will spew three out of My mouth.” Rev- meek, humble servant, quietly commit- “On fire for the Lord,” is a cliche born elation 3:16 KJV. The notion, then of “Be- ted to serving nobody but Yahweh, their of the evangelical revivalism sweeping ing of fire for the Lord,” came to favor the most holy King. They quietly resisted across North America and beyond dur- flamboyant and the ostentatious extro- the call by the Babylonian King, Nebu- ing the Jesus Movement era of the late vert, that wore, (and often flashed) his fi- chadnezzar, to bow down and worship a 60s/early 70s. It initially referred to some- ery faith on his sleeve, and marginalized graven image of his likeness. As a result, one replete with the zeal of a Holy-Sprit- the meek, whom Jesus promised would King “Neb,” became furious, and, quite filled (often new) believer. inherit the earth. literally, tried to set the three on fire, for the Lord they placed above him. Sadly, it became to some, an often The Old Testament Super(Natural) self-righteously, gratuitously-offeredheroes, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed- He, quite mercilessly, haughtily, and in litmus test for those who would, rather nego were not, in any way, “on fire” for an unspeakably cruel manner, had the recklessly, quote, out of context, the the Lord, in the sense of this relatively “triplets” of trustworthiness, tossed into scripture verse, “So then because thou modern-day cliche. On the contrary, a fiery furnace. The King had previously

April - June 2019 29 Psychology

appointed them to high positions within singed. you’ve encountered the loss of a close his government. But his hot-headed, high- friend or family member, and you are ness, in his haughtiness, first inflamed his This is more than just a fairy tale, like overcome with grief. Maybe you’ve lost short fuse, and then prepared the furnace the Brothers Grimm (1812) tale of Hansel your job, and/or you are just barely hang- for a flesh-burning event that would dem- and Gretel, which features a witch that ing by a thread, financially. onstrate to the Babylonian world just who wants to fatten, up, toss in the oven, and, the only one worthy of worship should be. ultimately eat, the two innocent children Whatever your furnace, and how ever He turned up the furnace ten times hot- who serve as the main characters. Both hot your furnace is, remember, you are ter than it’s usual threshold. That would herald the triumph of good over evil, but not alone. Like Shadrach, Meshach and be the fate, and the final resting place, of the Biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, who found themselves in the those three divinely-devoted servants of and Abednego, represents the revelation presence of the son of God, who shielded the most high. Or would it? of God as the Mighty Fortress and protec- them from the flames, there is someone tor of his children. who longs to protect and shield you. Let Much to his sheer shock, and chagrin, him into your “furnace,” and, rest assured, after the dirty deed had been done, he What fiery furnace are you facing to- you will not be burned. looked into the flames of that fiery fur- day? Is it actually a person who intends to nace, and he saw, four, not three, and one harm you? Perhaps your struggle, or your bore the likeliness of the very son of God battle is an internal one. Ephesians 6:12 (a clear indication that Christ appeared as reads, “For we wrestle not against flesh an apparition, long before he actually was and blood, but against rulers, against the born of the Virgin Mary, and long before, authorities, against cosmic powers over fulfilling his redemptive role, in human this present darkness, against the spiritual DR. BRUCE L. THIESSEN, Ph.D. form, as a man, on earth). forces of evil in heavenly places.” Anxiety can feel like such a source of oppression, Known by patients as Dr. B.L.T. All four men were standing and/or walk- as can it’s evil twin—-depression, which is a Christ-centered psycholo- ing about. The three who refused to be- feeds of the sort of utter despair and sense gist, and a singer/songwriter. He presently works as a clinical tray their allegiance to Jehovah were alive of abject hopelessness that is born of all psychologist for the California and well—-fearlessly facing the flames, possible imagined worst-case-scenarios. Department of Corrections. and, in fact, wholly engulfed in the fire, [email protected] and yet, miraculously untouched and un- Maybe your health is failing. Maybe

Subscribe to The Catholic Magazine on Vocation Ministry

Vocations and Prayer magazine’s fundamental mission is to spread the primacy of prayer in fostering a cultrure of vocations. A quarterly publication on vocations ministry, for priests, religious men and women catechists, different groups of ecclesial movements, faithful, and young people, Vocations and Prayer offers points of reflections and practical suggestions for vocation animation, prayer for vocations, and help in the vocational discernment process.

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Vocations Trend in the 21st Century The Cause of Sainthood for Fr. Tolton NRVC, CARA and the GHR Foundation to Conduct Archdiocese of Philadelphia Looking for a a New Study Celebration

With the support of a generous grant from the GHR Fr. Augustus Tolton was the first African American priest. Foundation (Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst Founda- Born into slavery, he was unable to attend a Seminary in tion), and in collaboration with CARA (Center for Ap- the United States, studied to become a priest in Rome, plied Research in the Apostolate), the NRVC (National and ministered the Black Catholic community upon his Religious Vocation Conference) will conduct a new study return to Illinois. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Vo- to determine vocation trends in the United States in the cations Office in collaboration with the Office for Black 21st century. Catholics organized a meeting to discuss his cause for in the context of discernment of priestly According to the NRVC, this new study will help pro- vocations. vide “NRVC members and all those who promote voca- tions with clarity on the demographics and characteris- If you would like to learn more about Fr. Tolton’s voca- tics of newer entrants to religious life, what attracts and tion and how he can be a source of inspiration to those sustains membership in religious life, and changing and discerning a vocation to the priesthood, please contact emerging trends.” the Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood at 610-667- 5778 or visit heedthecall.org/category/discerning. For more information, visit http://nrvc.net and/or email Sr. Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. at [email protected]


NCDVD: Upcoming Events National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors Pray without ceasing because:

The National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors will sponsor the following events:

• Institute for Diocesan Vocation Personnel (August 23-26, 2019) • 56th Annual Convention (August 26-30, 2019)

Both events will take place in Vancouver, Washington. To learn more, please visit the NCDVD webpage at: http:// Bill me Check enclosed www.ncdvd.org (Payable to Rogationist Publications) Credit Card: VISA MasterCard If you ask you will receive Discover AMEX

Inspired by Sister Maria Rosa Guerrini

April - June 2019 31