pp Arts Editor's Mr. Hyde Existence Revealed fe See Page 3 m ■S i ■ I i l l

Volume 40 Number 10 Wo.: 7-4116 , University o f, California, Santa Barbara Campus, Goleta California October 18, I960 Published by Associated Students 1st g a u c h o r e v u e performance PRESENTING HOMECOMING QUEEN ELECTION RESULTS POSTED, US Navy Band Will Be Featured IKSB SKITS OPED THURSDAY 8 P.M., CAMPUS AUDITORIUM VOTING PERCENTAGE SMALL In Alpha School Benefit Oct. 25 Presentation of the Home­ coming Queen and Court The polls are closed and I Sorority Representative, The world-famous U.S. Navy'member of the music corps to w ill pe one of the highlights the ballots counted after the Sally Spear ,____ 74+ 49—125 Band w ill present a concert attain the rank of commander. of the first performance of ’ two-day A.S. elections. Only (elected) in the park on Oct. 25, Spon­ He was appointed in 1925 and Promotions for the 1960 Galloping Gaucho 946 of the nearly 3500 stu­ Kathy Millea .... 56 sored by the Santa Barbara has conducted the band ever Revue to be held Thursday dent enrollment stated their Elizabeth Ross 24 CouncH for Retarded Children since. evening at 8 PM. in the preference in this special Helen Najjar .... 44 for the building fund of Alpha Soloists in the group include UCSB Faculty campus auditorium. election. Maggie Beau .... 55+ 40— 95 School, the concert is present­ the world renowned first clar­ Many of the races were ex­ Void _____... 2 Master of Ceremonies for ed courtesy of the Santa Bar­ inetist, Richard Waller, and Meeting, the -University of tremely close, and one was the show w ill be E-Ramirez bara Naval Reserve Training Gordon Finlay, first coronet- California’s criteria for aca decided on the second ballot 255 voting Center. ist, who has earned interna­ with Steve Gray serving as demie advancement, which Results to date arev Senior Class The band was inaugurated tional recognition of his tal­ GGR director. Acts included Vice President is based bn teaching ability, in the show were selected at Freshman Class President in Coolidge’s administration ent. Tenor, vocalist Ben Mor­ W. Nakagawa - 66 research, professional compe­ the try-outs -held last Friday Chris Ashworth 94 in March, 1925, by an act of ris, .a native of Santa Barbara, (elëctèd) tence, and service to the Uni­ evening. Bill Callis ...... 75 Congress creating an official studied with the Music Acad- E. A. Ramirez, Jr. 28 versity and public, 33 mem­ Jay Miller ____ 46 Navy band. The new United emy of the West. A veteran Tickets Available bers of the- UCSB faculty have Dempster Boyd ..111+ 87—198 States Navy Band made its of the Metropolitan Opera, he Tickets are still available 94 voting advanced in academic status Chris Horine ....129+ 99—228 first American tour- in 1925. has been with the Navy Band for this campus favorite at according to Chancellor Sam­ V (elected) Sophomore Class Since then it has toured the for many years. These and the Graduate Manager’s Of­ uel B. Gould. John Wike ___ _ 64 Vice President world many times. Eisenhower others of the musicians have fice. Student prices áre $1.00 Dennis Allen ...JL02+ 31—133 has designated it as his of­ consented to hold a clinic Seven faculty members were for Thursday’s performance 519 voting (elected) ficial military band. after the matinee for, those promoted to the rank of full and $1.25 for Friday night. Meg B ianco__28 Rated the world’s finest musicians and music lovers professor, the highest academ­ General admission and all Freshman Class Tony Dragonette 42+ 7— 49 military symphonic band, the who would like to talk to the ic level; two were named as box office sales w ill be $1.50 Vice President Sherry Pringle ,..'-23 Navy Band also plays big performers or obtain advice sociate professors, ten advan­ with reserved seating avail­ Peter Becker ___ 64 Jim Smith .43+ 28— 71 brass selections. The group from them. 'C' SWEETHEART EDIE STONEY ced to assistant professorships, able for $2.00. Ted Brown ___... 75+ 55—130 Void & Write-in 4 has appeared on numerous „ Vital Statistics and seven were promoted to Skits' Judging Judy Calvert .... 210+ 52—262 radio and television programs. The-concert w ill be held in (See Page 4) other categories. GGR skits w ill be judged (elected) Earl Warren Park in Santa 242 voting The Navy Band! House was a Full Profs both Thursday and Friday Bonnie Gay Nash 66, popular radio sériés for ■ sev- : Barbara on Oct 25. Two per­ Those promoied'to full pro­ Non-Affiliated Women's nights with the trophies be­ Alix Phillips .... 34 etàl years. Television perform-i formances w ill - be given. The fessorships are' Lloyd Brown­ Représentative * ing presented to the winners Write in ______9 ances include a spot on^the fnatinee ~wiil begin at 3:30 Next Isherwood Lecture Covers ing, music; Maurice' Faulk­ after a short intermission Void ------70 Janice Leoni .... 57 Ed Sullivan- Show. 1 P.M. and the evening program ner, music; Stephen S. Good- following the last skit of (elected) Brendler Conducting at 8:30. Donation is 50c for speed, political science; Ro­ Friday night. 528 voting Writè-ih 2 Conductor- of the- United Students and $1.00 for gen­ Characteristics of Good Novels bert M. Gottsdanker, psycho­ States,Nayy Band is L t Com: eral .admission. AH UCSB stu­ The Galloping Gauchí) Re­ Freshman Class (Novelist Christopher Isher- logy; Wilbur R. Jacobs, his­ 59 voting mander Charles Brendler, Who dents are urged to attend and in his current series on “A vue marks the beginning of Secretary-Treasurer. wood, visiting professor-at- tory; Ralph K. NaiV, indus­ received his permanent'rank take advantage of the reduced Writer and his World” Thurs Homecoming i960 at UCSB. Doris Bailey __ 83 AMS Secretary large-' -at...the University of day at 4 P.M. in the UCSB trial arts; and Samuel A. in 1953. Brendler-Was the first price. The entire weekend’s events Mary E. Baker.. 47 Randy Siefrin _200 California, Santa Barbara, campus auditorium. Wofsy, Spanish. Dr. Good- are under the direction 6f the Carol Dightman 38 (elected).', w ill deliver the third lecture The public is invited to speed also'- holds ‘the- nbw ad­ Homecoming Committee with M. Hamilton .... 39 Write-in 25 - , ; , - - .. :• .. |hear this distinguished writer ministrative post; of vice- Jean , Christian acting • as Mad Mazy ...... 88+101- -189 Void .< £3 —, . ¡talk about the essence of the chancellor for Student Affairs, general chairman. G r a lo p p r o G i v e I h ir a novel and answer the ques­ arid -Dr. Nair- Is assistant-di­ (elected) Carol Brown - and- Diane 248 voting rector ‘"-of relations w ith Lynn Rampton 102+ 69—171 Lecture on Oriental Art tion: “What Makes’ a Novel Smith are in charge of GGR Merrily Vincent 75 schools,;. • The Office o f Men’s non-af- Good?” programs and ■ •: tickets, with Void & Write in 19 Dr. Leland W. Gralapp, vis­ " Associates filiated representative has not No talk ris scheduled- this Judy Hunt serving as judg­ iting assistant .professor of ’Those raised1 to .the assoc­ yet been filled,'as it was a week in the University Lec­ ing chairman. The Queen’s 491 voting art» w ill give the third lec­ iate ’’professor level are GL- E. write-in vote, Announcement ture series. However,. on Oct. Contest and trophies are un­ ture in .his series, Of six free 25, this Tuesday afternoon, Baker, political science; P. H. A. S. Secretary of the results should be forth­ der the direction of Ian Cam-' meetings on oriental art next events w ill continue with a Barret, physics; H. C. Fenon, Barb Averine ..'324+ 80—404 coming. ; - eron and Charlotte Lee. Thursday, Oct. 20. guest lecture by Sir Charles art;-A. J. Gallon;physical edu­ Dottie Sayward 340+ 97—437 Congratulations .to the wih- Faculty advisors ’for -the This series,, sponsored by P. Snow, eminent novelist cation"; I. :p l Y. Hsu", history; - (elected) ners, and to those students committee include Dean An­ the Adult Education .Center in and Regent’s professor of Robert McCoy, industrial arts; Jan Swartz .;.... 267 who didn’t vote, please- make ita Wheeler, William Rohr- cooperation with . the Santa English at thè University of R. N. Norris, geology;. Rollin Write-in & Void 33 the effort in future elections, back, and Dean Ellen Bowers. Barbara Museum of Art, is as your vote could make a California, Berkeley. Quirnby,. speech; W. A. Rohr- being held at the Alhecama bach art; and C. Zytowski, Participants 964 voting difference. . v «! This talk, designated -„as Theatre, 914 Santa Barbara the hOnors-at-'entrance lecture music. . Organizations participating Street, at ,7:30 P.M. as a tribute to thosé incom -Assistants in the try-outs for GGR.skits Dr. -'Gralapp’s topic w ill. be ing freshmen at UCSB who Faculty members - receiving were Delta ¡Zeta, Sigma Kap­ “Chinese Art, Part" I.” Slides have achievéd superior aca assistant . professorships are pa, Ute Hall, Alpha Phi, GAUCHO NOTES Kappa Alpha Theta, Lambda will be shown as wel las the'demie records in bigh school Philip A. Adams, zoology; H. Chi Alpha, Chi Omega, Kap­ Boyd Finch Will Speak LEG COUNCIL MEETS films “ Indian Art ; Throughjwill. be held in 'th e campus V .’ Bonheim, English; Ei K. the Ages” and “The Story. of. auditorium at 4 P M ;-Admis pa .Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Theta In Arts Building P. Etzkisrii,''^sociology; C., W. There will be a meeting Chinese Art.” .+ lsk>n is free. Hollister, history; B: J. Jacobs, Alpha Phi, Sigina Phi' Epsi­ Tonight of the Legislative Council psychology; E. W. Loomis, lon, Delta' Gamma and Delta ' Boyd Finch, . Democratic tonight at 7:30 P.M. in -the English;-. P. H. Merkl, politi­ Tau Delta., ...... * candidate for the. seat in Huddle. All voting and non- cal science; P. T. Sankey, En­ Rehearsals for . GGR are be­ Congress of the 13th. District voting members are requir* - glish;. K. F. Tull,' Spanish; ing. held Monday, Tuesday, in California, 'w ill be- here on ed to attend. - • “Hraphhh" and PiS : Odegard, music, act­ and Wednesday evenings at ★ , 6:30 P.M. -press rehearsal is campus on Oct. 18 in'-room BAND DIRECTOR HAL BRENDLE ing' assistant professor, 1426, Arts Building at 8 P.M planned for tomorrow night UCSB POLITICS CLUB Appointed in physical edu­ Mr. Finch is- a Ventura cation were Adran Adams, as in . t h e : auditorium. - Fai­ newspaperman.;-He- is mar­ The University-Polities Club sistant supervisor;: B. -Gene lure of any group to appear will hold a meeting -Thurs­ ried and has two children. He ‘Barton, . assistant. supervisor at the appointed times, will was,-one of , five' California day,-Oct. 20, at 8 P.M. in An- E,*N. Cárter, associate sQpet result in automatic exclu­ acapa Lounge. The. meeting sion from- GGR., newspapermen to.'receive an £ The 15th to 17th century visor;. Geoage J. Holland,- as w ill feature recordings: of GGR : diyiskms. i p e 1 u d e award for c outstanding: jour­ masterpieces making up the Sistant: supervisory and? Mary famous speeches made by for­ men’s, wornen’s,- -and • mixed.. nalism^ He has served on the Need More Members Sedgwick^ Collection at the É; - Mott, assistant' supervisor. mer Presidéiits arid P^siden, An organization niay partici­ staffs of Congressman Lee University r* o f"' California at Dr.: Menstell -'irás- ‘ befen- pro­ tiai candidates,. such as’. F. JJ.. .Students, interested in being pate in only ope division, Metcalf, .7 Senator Richard Santa" • Bárbara' w ill go oii moted to acting1 Iftsthictor -ih NeubeTger -• (now deceased) Roosevélt,. 'Truman, “Dewey," on the-dining commons com­ miisic. ’ 1.- ’ and Hoover. mittees -may contact Margie public view today, in the and Adlai Stevenson. "* Campus Art Gallery. A ll students interested in Dunn in 2164 Santa Rosa Hall Opposing Teague Medical Science Club politics are invited to attend. for the Ortega Commons com-, The 20 paintings, valued at His opponent, the incum­ ★ * " * mittee, for Barbara Carlin in nearly $1,000,000, "may be seen HARRIMAN TO TALK Holds Second Meeting bent congressman Charles M. 1118 Santa Cruz Hall for the through Noy. 6 in this open­ Teague, lives in Ojai. He is a Professors W ill Speak De La Guerra'Commons com­ ing exhibit. Plans are being ON CAMPUS OCT. 26 The Medical Science Club lawyer (Stanford Law School) made to display them per On National Election^ mittee by Oct. 18. Kennedy Headquarters; in w ill hold its second meeting -and is presently associated manently in a. special gallery. The committees w ill, work of the fall semester Tuesday with the firm of Teague and The -next, in a séries of The gallery hours are 9 AM. Los Angeles, has informed Pi is a liaison between the din­ evening, Oct. 18, at i-30 p.M. Dixon. He is a member of the programs put on by the As­ to 4 P.M. Monday through stgma- AlpiiS : president Bob in g, comments staffs and the in the physical science lecture House Agriculture and Veter­ sociated Students and Pi Friday and 2-5 P M Sundays, Padgett • that"-' former New students . and arrange auditorium. ans Committees. He is run­ Sigma Alpha w ill' take it was announced by the de York GTbvernor W. Averill special dinners. Dr. Peter V. Lee, chairman ning for his fourth two-year place Wedriésdày, Oct. 19, at partment of art. Harriman w ill visit Santa of the admissions committee term. An exceedingly popular 4 P.M. in the education build­ Preview “But Hal, At Least It's Original" Barbara and is planning » to of the USC School of Medicine, vote getter, Congressman ing (431-102). This is the Dr. Turner’s field Is political An invitátional preview of GGR DIRECTOR STEVE GRAY deliver a major address for w ill be the guest speaker. He Teague Tan ahead of Presi­ first time in the series that parties and pressure groups. the collection was held last the UCSB student, body Wed­ w ill discuss the USC Medical dent Eisenhower in 1956. He local politicians are not ap­ Next, Dr. Edgar Lane, who night at 8:30 P.M. ert S. Mintem, augmented by collection w ill eventually be- nesday, Oct. 26, in- the cam­ School, and w ill devote the is married and has three pearing. Instead the panel came to UCSB from Prince­ This beautifully preserved six additional paintigns ac- come the property of UCSB. pus auditorium. major, portion of his time to children. He has been active w ill feature three professors ton, w ill compare elections. group of masterpieces in­ quired by Francis Mintem An outstanding member of an informal discussion of the in community affairs as past of political science, who w ill His specialty is public admin­ cludes Italian, Dutch, Flem­ Sedgwick, Santa Ynfez Valley RECITAL POSTPONED the Democratic party, Harri­ general problem of medical president of the Ventura discuss the inside of the istration. ish ahd German artists. In rancher, sculptor and collec­ The program of folk man was also ambassador to school admission. County Community Chest. election. The final speaker is Dr. subject matter they deal with tor. songs to be given by Miss the *U.S.S.R. He has just re­ All people interested in the Congressman Teague has The topic of the program is Peter Merkl, who w ill com­ portraiture, religious subjects, Permanent Lean Dorothy Westra as the first turned (¡from a fact-finding medical or dental sciences or already spoken here on cam “The i960 Presidential Élec­ pare American and European landscapes and still life, with The paintings are on perm­ Faculty Recital of the se­ four in Africa fbr Senator Sny related fields are w el­ pus. Mr. Finch requested tion in Perspective.” Leading selection of executives. His an emplfasis on portraiture. mester has been indefin­ Kennedy. - % Harriman’s -visit Those people contem­ anent loan to the University come. equal time to present his off is Dr. Henry Turner, who area is comparative govern­ The collection represents itely postponed. The pro­ here w ill tee sponsored teyiPi plating entrance into a med­ with the “hope and expecta- views. Everybody is invited w ill discuss the historical ment Each w ill speak 15 the choicest examples from gram was scheduled for to­ Sigma -Alpha ' and the UCSB ical school are ‘ especially to hear him* perspective ei the election; minutes. - „»v the collection of the late Rob- tion” of the donor that the morrow night ■ ~ /' Polities Clulu» urged to attend. (

Samuel B. Gould’s: plaits tó make “town . and gown” ties even closer in Santa B a rb a ria ; As tile feservation list ap­ To be mailed to the County Seat of the county proached 300, the chancellor in which you reside. Said he was pleased with the Governmental agencies arid [ Other interviews scheduled Address response and again extended industrial firms have sche­ for November, to date, include City, California the invitation to' anyone in­ R. D. STEWART duled interviews for seniors Union Carbide Consumer Pro­ Date terested in the University’s during the fall Semester. All ducts Co., slated for Nov. 17, Chevron Service activities to attend this din­ on-campus interviews are ar­ Los Angeles County, set for County Registrar of Voters ner. Your Neighborhood ranged by appointment. Friday, Nov. 18, and Interna­ (County Seat), California Students who wish to at­ Service Station To be eligible for, inter- tional Business Machines Editor-in-Ch ief Tony Cohan tend áre cordially invited. views through the place- Corp. which w ill administer Assistant Editor Reservations for the event I am a student at the University of Cali­ Maggie Moir LUBE, OIL & ment office, all seniors (Feb­ a three hour test at 9:00 A.M. at the Miramar Hotel may Feature Editor Kathy Williams ACCESSORIES ruary, June and August grrid- and 1:00 P.M., on Tuesday, fornia, Santa Barbara, and will not be present be made through the univer­ Arts Editor uates of 1961) wfell as Nov. 22. "' at my home precinct to vote on November 8th. . Fred Witt Watch For Opening sity business office by-call­ candidates for master’s Other companies and agen­ Copy Editor Lacey Laylander ing 7-5611, extension .2216. I therefore request an absentee ballot. EMBARCADERO DEL degree are urged to register cies w ill be scheduling fur­ 'fable réservations may be, My legal residence is: Makeup Editor Ruthie Capers No r t e & t r ig o r d . ior placement service through ther interviews throughout made by calling the charitel* Sports Editor ISLA VISTA /the university placement in­ the semester. All interested Address Warren Wulzen dor’s office. - 1 terviewer, Mrs. Betty Koral, seniors ' should check with City, State Photographers Johf> Mayer, in Bldg. 406, Room 110. . Mrs. Koral*for information. Prfecinct NumbOf (if krtoKvn) 'Frank Allen, Ijjank de Lespinasse News Editor Stanford Graduate School of . . Registration Receipt Number (if BusirieSs and Security First 102 flonors-at-Entrance known) Adv. Manager . . . National Bank have schedul­ Frosh Are Recognized Staff: Sheila Beaumont, Johrie Behner, Ba ed their interviews for Mon-, day, Nov. 14, while those foieI A record-breaking 102 stu­ SIGNED dents at the University of th e,, American Institute for Applications majf be made not more than 20 W E ARE Foreign Trade and the.Feder: California at Santa Barbara were recipients of honors-at- days (Oct. 19) or less than 5 days (Nov.' 3) before Available far Private Parties al Civil Service Will take Published semi-weekly every Tuesday and Fridáy during place on Tuesday, Nov. 15. entrance awards this fall., Reasonable when it comes to money Election Day. All applications MUST be signed .a*Id RMW. Wednesday, Nov. 16, is the HOftbrs-at-ertfrrihce ¿tridents by applicant, else they will not be accepted. / SWINGING day selected by Bank of Am­ are those who have achieved For legal residents of Los Angeles County, the Phone 7-5222 (ask for Mark Chandler) erica and Prudential Insur­ superior scholastic records ance Co. during high school. Registrar’s address is: Special recognition w ill be .Benjamin S. Hite, Registrar of Voters ;rrinryrrB~ gives them a definite voice julous entity called the public Charles P. Snow, Regents’ r in school policy.” How much complacently watches t h e ' of a voice should the public ihuman situation deteriorate? ' I have in setting school policy? It is unnecessary to cite/ the you re Part of the acknowledged function of the university is many examples of totalitar­ to educate the student in his ian governments that have looking cultural heritage and to as- resulted because the public Patronize Our ” sist him in becoming recep- did not teach its members tive to ideas and attitudes how to think for themselves. other than' his own. Does this for clothes In conservative good taste, come by to see otir natural' Should we be educated to ‘ mean that the public must shoulder collections...We’re sure yonU appreciate their set standards of conduct for think for ourselves and to characteristic Carroll cut> great comfort and fine workmanship. Thê Christian Science Organization j him while he is In his own strive for a healthy balance As for our interesting furnishings, sportswear Welcomes you to its meetings 1 home or'that he shouldn’t between the rights of the in­ and accessories — we’re equally i “ take a stand on an off-cam- dividual and the regimenta­ ’ pus issue?” Held every Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 p.m, tion necessary to maintain confident you’ll find them The university is more or social and political order, or to your liking. In the URC Bldg.. 766 Embarcadero del I less a protected fish-bowl into _ which the 'taxpayers place should We be trained to re­ CARROLL SUITS FROM 75.0G Norte . . their children to swim for a spond like puppets to public sport Ja c k e t s from 39.50 few years before they enter pressure in every sphere of our lives? ODD TROUSERS FROM 18 JO WARDROBE FOR GENTLEMEN Special Meeting Thurs., Oct. 20, I960 at the real world where sharks JAMES O'LOUGHLIN 8 P.M. , and little fishes abound. The 738 anacapa, Santa barbara • woodland 5-303i • drive-in parking on premises university, in pushing ahead the frontiers of knowledge, un­ 3U AAALa.fl.t»J.g-tULflJUIfl a B flOOOaioooooooooooooo o gppoooooooooooooooo covers many, ideas that tire l not acceptable to the 'public; This same public which has i SENTIMENT given us a legacy of two P world wars, prejudice, hypoc- ' risy, and materialistic values 1 PERSONALIZED FON TOO is now bribing us with $1,400 1 a year to ignore and perpetu- ^ ate many of- the useless in- i stitutions that it ' also sup- * MEET ports such as Congressional 1 committees that use witch- * YÒTJR FRIENDS hunting techniques. I Small private colleges are 1 under more public pressure s than state schools because of their dependence on funds * coming directly from , the 3 5370 HOLLISTER COFFEE SHOP alumni and surrounding com- I munity while state schools are v 8:00 a.m. • 11:00 p.m. insulated from direct public ® COMPLETE FOUNTAIN pressure by the intricacies of * bureaucratic administration. * ‘Off Cetrtipas" In Isla Vista After all, students are citi- I

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship MAJOR IAN TOMAS Spèftking on

October 20 Goleta Federated Church 5320 Hollister Avenue 7:30 P.M. — Car Caravan Leaving Santa Rosa at 7:00 P.M. plearing the hurdles with research Ham burgers At Gen Tel, we've made a running start toward solving Steak Sandwiches many of tomorrow’s communications problems. Prime Burgers For instance, scientists at General Telephone & Elec­ Sundaes troaids Laboratories are working in the uncharted area of the spectrum where ràdio waves take on the character­ Patronize Your istics of light. They have already developed an experi­ “PHONE ORDERS TAKEN*' mental ultramicrowave system that may one day make Gaucho Advertisers possible the transmission of two million messages on • Special El Gaucho a single radio .beam in free space. ’COKC" l» A RCQISTCRCO TRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHT 1958 THE COCA-COLA COA FOR As a major communications company with world-wide FAST connections, General Telephone is helping to advance Dlx. Burger - Fries - Pepsi SERVICE the science of total communications around the globe. TRY . Our stepped-up research in the basic sciences is but Dear Diary. one example of the way General Telephone & Electronics • ONLY 49c combines the talents of many people and thè facilities A s I take ray pen in hand, I take of many companies to meet the future communications ray bottle of Coke in the other hand! needs not only of America, but the whole world. Yes, dear diary, where would I be without Coca-Cola? Just a social Outcast. Why, everybody drinks Coke! John and Bill and Barry and Charley. Horace too. Confidentially, I think I ’D OPEN 24 HOURS have another bottle of Coke. GENERAL 24 Wdshers-8 Dryers BE REALLY REFRESH!. 5855 Hollister Ave. 6023 HOLLISTER PH. 7-2813 TELEPHONE& ELECTRONICS tolHod undet authority of The Coca-Cola Company by Goleta Distributed by the Coco-Cole Bottling Co. oí Santa Barbara El Gaucho October NOTES 1 8 , 1 $ 6 0 Page Three FROM THE REUCS OF ’25 EARTHQUAKE underground ing a wall of water over the east end and carrying hun­ Have you got, your “Green Dad to live in' those evil Isla GEOLOGY DEPT. AIRPLAY dreds of small buildings to Sheet” gals? if not, don’t Vista apartments, or those of j. imately $30 million dam­ the sea. A Worry, the Student H o u s i n g W!?0 .haV6 P Ü l M by Barbara Carlin 4 . time barrier and suddenly age. » - Orphanage Office has an interm inable,y0urseives old enough to Photographs and other his­ Sleeping citizens were rous­ A little way out of town, a supply and generously sees1 pyay house out of school, may torical relics of the 1925 earth­ ed from their beds into a that copies are mailed to all j wonder if the University is quake are presently on dis­ nightmare of failing“ '* * * £ Roma" +CathdlieK ? rphanag1e and debris. The tremor lasted wast d? £ ? y?d’n,£ut women students living off, playing Big Sister. If so, play in the new geology campus in private housing, j smile and post your “sheet” for 12 seconds. The most s e r f - H 1? thf chlldren escaped showcase in the physical sci­ The'y áre def fniáfely a guide as the instructions say. Big , ous damage occured in the un arme * , v , , .. to gdod, clean college living, sister loves you. ence building. This devastator center of town where 141 As soon as p^sibie the eft. Besides outlining a safe Isn’t it nice to know that hit Santa Barbara June 29 blocks of Stkte Street crum- i2ens ° ! ^ nta and safie schedule for study somewhere, someone cares? 1 at 6:45 A.M., causing approx­ bled into ruins. Three large 2anized themselves and the and Sleep, they offer helpful hotels were heavily d a m a g e d ,!^ was Put ÜIlder marital ★ ★ ★ law. Tourists and sensation- suggestions on communal as well as a number of Underground has discover- seekers were asked to stay living. In fact, certain para- . „ . _ , . , banks. f a c .r. „ m ed a corollary to Parkinson’s away from the city and out­ graphs remind one of the old,, _ , . Mission side aid came from the Red nursery rhymes “ on Mondayaw’ , ? *IUTn 0 . m Cross and relief . trains. Re­ we w ill wash the floors, wash g | * » * * * * ; « * g | .five? The most heart-breaking title is inversely proportional construction quickly, got un­ the floors, waish the floors, part of all the quake dam­ to the size of the class, of any Hear ye, hear ye, be it der way and citizens’ resili­ on Monday we Will wash thè age was done to the Old Mis­ given number. known by all ye present: ence was evident as “ busi­ floors, tomorrow you may sion. The roof of the Old ness as usual” signs appear­ iron.” ★ ★ ★ Pinning s adobe’s living quarters split ed throughout the city. Underground was particu­ Still suffering unfair perse­ Jan Anderson, Laurel Hall, from end to end; five foot larly impressed by the para­ cution, Othello Isla Vista was to Michael Mackey of Cal walls cracked from roof to graphs referring to male vis­ recently arrested and intern­ Poly. Nancy Fairchilds, Cor-< cellar and two towers of the •Paddy Murphy itors. It seems that the old ed. The student “Save Our riente,- to Ray Fisher, Sigma church had to be razed to adage “There’s safety in Friends” organization was FULLSCORE Phi Epsilon. Sandy Fowler, one-half their original height Has Acute lumbers” is maidenhood’s quick to the rescue and Othel- Alpha Delta Pi, to Frank and be completely rebuilt. best friend as the Green Sheet |lo Is again back at home and by Mat Penzoff Rubane, Lambda Chi Alpha Additional wreckage occur­ Athlete's Foot says male visitors should not .back at school. In an inter-' Note: This week's coluinn controversy. There is . but person isto Witness } true Mary Jane. Furst, Delta Gam ed as a reservoir broke, send- view with the arresting offi­ he allowed in single women’s is being written by jazz ONE singing group — all showmanship. Lipgrass’ vo­ ma, to Bard Salcido, Lambda cer, Underground inquired Westminster Foundation, apartments in ratios any authority Penzoff in the others are second rate imita­ cals while "'playihg ibis bugle Chi Alpha. Linda Lcverenz, about the incident. According The Presbyterian Student Fellowship smaller than three to one. absence of John Mayer who tions, The Kingston Trio, the are enough to bring tears of Alpha Theta, to Chuck Grav­ td, the powers that be, the Cordially invites you to its weekly meetings This prudent rule could pre­ has taken a one-week vaca­ Kateway singers, the Weav­ excitement to even tlie most er, Delta Tau Delta. Paulk UCSB policia “ doesn’t want Thursdays, 7:30 P.M., University Religious Conference sent probiefns because we all tion in hiding from Fred­ ers, Bud and Travis are as stoic eye. When the three Stevenson,' Alpha Phi; to Bill to be a villain; it’s the stu­ •know that four or more make rick Witt. good as bankrupt. join voices on-their own.Ver­ Shortell, . Sigma Alpha Epsi­ Coming Events a party and parties are pro­ dent’s responsibility to keep sion of “America” not one of Let’s stop all of this bick­ Radical New Nature lon. Thursday, Oct. 20—Bob Young, Speaking on “Project India” Othello in his place.” The hibited. ering. . Let’s call an abrupt the ^Flange’s? - patrons re­ Engagements Sunday, Oct. 23r—Dr. John ®. Bodo, San Francisco Theolog­ question .Is: “Where does he The Pfingsten Try-o (left ical Seminary, speaking on “The Protestant and Girls Who have obtained halt to all of this needless mains seated. permission from good old|belong?” to right), Dave Gourd, -Eu­ Pat Logue, . Tesoro, to Politics,” 7:30 P.M.‘, First Presbyterian Church. Nòt True Folksingers gene Lies, and Snod Lip- Dean Burnett, USN, Port Thursday, Nov. 3—“The Difference Between Republicans centage of students who are grass, are three of the most and Democrats, Apparent or Real?,” an off-the-cuff “We sing Wagner,” says ‘fiiiehfeme. Diane Smith,. Tes­ dismissed from school for imaginative boys in the bus­ session led by one. highly qualified to speak on the Gourd. “Not Wagner’s origin­ oro, to Terry Elledge, US Ar­ Reinstatement Board Known As academic failure. A contri­ iness. Their unique vocal-in­ problem. al lyrics though, Wagner in­ my. Paula Thomas to Dick All Students Welcome buting factor to this percen­ strumentals are of such a strumentals such as the Tann­ Maw,- Lambda Chi Alpha. tage drop is the reorganiza­ new and vitally radical na­ tion of the Reinstatement häuser -Overture - with our Judy Wolfe, Chi Omega, to Many a UCSB Student’s Friend ture that they are certain to own lyrics.’* Larry Thomsen. Committee and the fact that cause a mild furor in such Gourd says that-they ex- Students who worry about register, and must appear be-i the Committee is known and erudite musical publications held in healthy respect by pect to reach the top b.efore of us -bears a frightful re­ those midterms and who fore the Reinstatement Com­ as Musical America, Jass Re­ the age of 95 (combined ages- semblance to a certain Santa haven’t been able to translate mittee if he wishes to contin­ the students. view, and American Band­ 65). “Our only drawback as Barbara Arts Editor who is the dismissal information in ue at the University. stand ’61. Reasons for Failure a college-oriented sortg' group” not always sympathetic to the Schedule of Classes might The Reinstatement, Com­ The Pfingstens (pronuon- According to Vernon Persell, lamented Dave, “ is that each collegiate groups.” BENNY'S be interested In a few tips mittee is not a group of ced Fink-stin, from a Ger­ manager of the counseling on probation from the Rein­ people to whom the student man religious holiday) are center,’ the main reasons for statement Committee. goes for the purpose of cry­ already beginning; to attract BEVERAGES - ICE CUBES - TOBACCOS the large' percentage of fresh­ A student is subject to dis­ ing about his “misfortune” droves of college students to man academic failures are: a missal from the University and to plead with them to their appearances at “The lack of understanding of what under any one of the follow­ allow him in school. The stu­ Flange" in San Francisco VISIT OUR DELICATESSEN COUNTER the University requires and ing conditions: dent is out of school, and he Their first album, Chbmp expects from the student; ^College iiO oM ow 1. If during the semester is. asking to be allowed to re­ Along, on the Vox-Westcoast poor time management; inef^ ICECREAM CHEESE LUNCH MEATS he fails to obtain at least enter the University. label is already beginning to ficient study habits and one and one-half times as outsell such albums as “Tony Supervision skills; the lack of discipline BOOKSTORE HOURS: many grade points as the ¡Grays Plays” and “Arthur necessary in order to' devote Monday - Friday 8:45-3:15 total number of units in his Supervision is another func­ Fiedler’s Jazz-’60.” IMPORTED FOODS FRESH BREAD the proper amount of time to program. tion of the Reinstatement study; and, finally, a lack of True Showmanship GAUCHO ROOM HOURS 2. If while on probation Committee. A student who direction or motivating goal. To see the Pfingstens in FOR THAT LATE EVENING SNACK I his grade- average for has fallen below a “C” aver­ Monday * Thursday — the work undertaken during age, but. not low enough to 9:00 - 10:30 p.m. Jbe placed on probation, is any semester falls below 2-0 Monday-Thursday—9-10:30 p.m. 5858 Hollister Avenue. Goleta (C average}. called before the Reinstate­ Sunday—4:30-6:30- p.m. 3. Ii after two consecutive ment Committee, and this Phone 7-3113 semesters, on probation he student w ill receive help and Closed Saturday has not attained a grade- supervision in order to bring point average of 2.0, comput­ his average back up to “C” CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP; or better. ed on the total of all courses ¡¡ ÄND FOUNTAIN he has taken in the Univer­ Supervision is voluntary. According to Dr. Rollin W. sity. 9 6 0 Erribarcadero Bal Norbe A student is placed on pro­ Quimby, a mertiber of the bation: Reinstatement 'Committee, GOLETA (iste Vista' CALIPOEm 1. If at the end of his first the supervision system has -v v o o d l a k i) 7 -ñ á l¿ i semesters as a freshman his been one of the main rea­ record shows a total defici­ sons for the drop in the per­ ency of font or inore grade Filters for points, or 2. If at the close of any subsequent semester h i s grade-point average in all fla v o r courses undertaken in the University is less than 2.0 (C average). s t y l i n g . . .In the —finest fla vor by fa r! The, meaning of this “ gob- classic tradition •bledygook” is that if a stu­ dent falls into One of the From the Arrow Cum toude coltecfloft three conditions of dismissal, comes this perfect example of authentic a “flag” is placed on the styling. Textured hobnail oxford in subtle corner of his registration file stripings tailored with button-down collar in the Registrar’s office. The ond box pleat. ■ $ 5 .0 0 student is not allowed to

h u t c h c r o f t Beauty Salon i ill Hbttitin 3433 STATE mEirs s h o p Located behind the new 1 Texaco Station In the San Roque Plaza 1 Cold Wave Special Reg. 15.00 Wave O N LY $8.50 Includes shhping & Custom Styling For appointments Ph. 51311

Attention Hobnail Oxford FRATERNITIES - a fresh approach SORORITIES in shirtings... MAKE MONEY WITH A SKATING PARTY ON The special weave of hobnail ox­ MONDAY OR TUESDAY ford accents the texture of this fine Here’s how the DUAL FILTER DOES IT: 'fabric . . . the authentic roll of the v General Session All Other classic button-down is perfectly in­ Tareyton has the¿taste— 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL Nights terpreted in the Sussex B.D. . .. definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and Offered in stripings of muted mas­ sm ooth. . . culine tonfes as well as solid colors»- FOR INFORMATION CALL Dual Filter ROBERT SEWELL 2-6613 2. with a pure white outer filter. TogethdV they select and balance $5.00 the flavor elements in the smoke. Tarpyton’s flavor-balance gives does it! you the best taste of the best tobaccos. ------The cum laude collection by j NEW DUAL FILTER Rollercade - 5ARROW» Tareyton 25 West Gutierrez St. J&nisuecm V) acavi DBlock1 Anlr C1 StudentsCt,, /i AAssembly nMnvwLT.. commit­ . 49'ers UNDERMINE UCSB AS Sweetheart -. from- the five tee. Before making her home contestants nominated by the in Santa Barbara last year, members of the society on she attended high schools in Wednesday evening, Oct. 12. Montecito, Hope Ranch, and Miss Stoney w ill present a Arizona where she was an trophy to an outstanding ath­ active member of the swim GAUCHO RECORD HOLDS lete during Homecoming and team and the recipient of sev­ her attendance at all Block eral honors in swimming. C meetings will generally Edie, who stands five feet Tunnicliffe-Hildebrandt promote the morale and inter­ six inches, is an ardent lover est in male athletics. of rock'and roll. Her brother LB POKER MERMEN MEET A psychology major, Edith John-Stoney is a senior mem­ Gains Only UCSB Touchdown is affiliated with the Kappa ber of the football team here Alpha Theta sorority. She has at Santa Barbara. by Woodro w Wulzen ing with only 9:20 to go in CAUCHOS TOBAY AT 4P.H . the. third quarter, Despite Santa . Barbara’s The pandhandlers had an­ This afternoon at four o’clock in the campus COMPRESSED AIR powerful defense in the foot­ other choice opportunity when swimming pool, the undefeated UCSB water polo ball battle Saturday night in SKIN DIVING SUPPLIES Turrill, employed constantly team will attempt to end the long winning streak CUSTOM TAILORED WET SUITS Long Beach the Gaucho’s throughout the evening, inter weakened offense gave Long cep ted Curtis’s pass on the Page Four October 18, I960 El Gaucho of one of the nation’s top collegiate water polo FOAM SURFBOARDS BY SWEET Beach State three opportunities UCSB 40 and brought it back teams, Long Beach State. HOURS to score for a 23 to 8 Cali­ to the 20 before being nailed The Long Beach team eluded in théir Jong winning OPEN EVERY DAY — 9 A.M. TO 6 PJM. FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. fornia Collegiate Athletic As­ Aftei thre'e plays Johnson sent boasts wins this year over streak ûs; à- win over the pe­ sociation victory. à bullet pass up the middle such poVvers as UCLA, by a rennial Collegiate power, the Single S. B. T.D. to Pinkerston and the big end score of 13 to 1, and over Cal UCS Trojans. Santa Barbara’s only score THE DIVER’S BEA added'six points more to raise STATISTICS ‘BREAKDOHN’ Poly by a 17 to 3 score. Ih- Three members of last year’s of the game against a strong the score to 16.0. Turrill fol­ BREAKWATER • MARINE CENTER PHONE 2-4484 strong Long Beach State _ “AT THE NAVY PIER” Long Beach defense came half lowed with another point SCORE BY PERIODS: team represented the United way in the fourth quarter making it 17-0 with approxi­ States as members of the; when Fred Tunnicliffe tosssed mately 9 minutes for the U C S B T 8 '': . . . 0 0 0 8 - 8 Celtics Tumble Olympic water polo team. GOOD LUCK ------left end Gary Hildebrandt a Gauchos to attempt retalia Long Beach, .; . ..' 0 3 . 7 13 - . 23 The winner of the game 33-yard scoring pass. tion. Lakers 119-100 w ill take over undisputed pos­ Long Beach which captured Retaliation Seen SCORING session of first place in the its second CCAA triumph The Los Angeles Lakers Gauchos vs. San Diego It appeared that the Gau­ CCAA league standings. scored a second quarter field went down to defeat at the chos might conie surging back LB - FG Turrill, 10 Last Friday the Gauchos YOU W ill BE PLEASED WITH OUR WORK • goal after recovering Jim hands of the , as Tunnieliffe’s touchdown LB - Hartman, 2 runs (Turrill kick), traveled to Loyola University Boyett’s punt-return fumbie 119-100, in a game held at throw turned thé .sóore into to post another victory, by de­ on the UCSB yard line and LB . - Pinkerton, 20 pass from Johnson Robertson Gynasium to bene­ a 17-8 with about 8 minutes then assured the victory with (Turrill kick) fit the Gaucho Booster Fund. feating Loyola by an impres­ MARINE DRY CLEANERS to play, and the Gauchos sive 19 to 1 score. Don Smith two fourth quarter touch­ A crowd estimated at 3000 at­ gained the position once more UCSB - Hildebrant, 33 pass from Tunni­ tended. with five goals, Blair Ballard 5877 Hollister Ave. Goleta Phone 7-4202 downs. One was through a — “JUST OFF THE CAMPUS” — at their own 20 following a cliffe (Tunnicliffe run), The Lakers took the open­ with four, and “Hoot” Gibson Curt Curtis pass interception, punt. FREE PICK-UP — DELIVERY LB -' Hartman, 2 runs (run failed) ing lead and held on through with three goals 'led . the returning it to the Gaucho 3-DAY SERVICE S&H GREEN STAMPS twenty. The other TD took Costly Fumble the first quarter, which en­ Gauchos in the storing: col­ umn. place sifter picking up a fum­ Stuart Bell was sent in for STATISTICS ded with the score at 25 to 18. The Outstanding player of The game that, was sched­ ble by Stuart Bell at the play and * immediately UCSB L.Bch. UCSB twenty-one.. pulled a butterfingers with that quarter, was the Lakers’ uled for last Saturday was called off due to sickness Tunnicliffe Triumph center Rosie Casillas recover­ First Downs . . . 9 Rudy La Russo,. who scored among the Redlands team. Tunnicliffe, although substi­ ing on the 21. A pènalty sent Rushing Yardage . . 76 120 eleven points for his team's GAUCHO APT. DWELLERS Coach Rohter was unable to! tuted as Gaucho quajrterback the Long Beachers back to the cause. of the for AQ Your Passing Yardage , . . 72. 145 inform El Gaucho in time for for injured Austin Dias only 40. However, they then drove Celtics followed La Russo in Passes Attemped . . . . , 25 m t i4 the final press deadline. APARTMENT NEEDS two days before the scheduled down to the two in four plays the statistics for that quarter with ten points. game, turned in an admirable and Hartman slipped through Passes' Completed . 7 9 See Us in the Hardware Dept. performance before the 3,500 the middle Jor the touchdown Passes had Intercepted . 2 0 The second quarter saw VALLEY JEWELRY AT spectators in Long Beach Vet­ to cap the 49’ers’ third success Punts .... . 8 9the Celtics come roaring back, AND LOAN CO. however, led by erans Memorial Stadium. and SB’s fifth disappointment Punting Average .32.5 41.5 : Besides his 33-foot pass to Penalty Parade and Sam Jones, who had 25 Hildebrandt, Tunnicliffe fig ­ The remainder, saw the of­ Fumbles . . . . . 8 2 points between them. In the third period, the we loan money ured strongly in the Gaucho’s ficials walk off more yardage Fumbles Lost . . » . . 2. 1 Celtics continued to domin­ serious defensive move of the in penalties than either team Penalties . . . . on your valuables. 6 12 ate the scoring with Gene night. When guard Dick Swo- gained through running tar No credit investigation, no Yards -Penalized - . . • 39 140 Palazzi, who' h a d added boda recovered a Long Beach passing as tempers smoldered service charge, reasonable strong, support in that big fumble at the 47, the team on both sides. The 49’ers were rates. MÎU^IUMBÊ^MPÀNŸ second quarter, hitting for ground on to Long Beach’s penalized 140 yards to -the de­ seven. Swishing through on 32. Tunnicliffe returning as light of the Gaucho defense. 5737 HOLL1STER-GOLETA DISTAFF SHOOTERS NEEDED FOR TEAM his heels were the six points PHONE 7-6314 22 Fairview Goleta Branch Goleta quarterback, sprinted to the S. B. Stars apiece for Bill Sharman and LB’s 15 before being tackled. There were two real stars A ll women students inter­ 2227. No previous experience However a costly penalty of Jim Loscutoff. in the Æaucho Galaxie which ested in shooting on the is necessary. INTRODUCING. s. GRAFF fifteen yards shifted the ball The Celtics' Sharman led were' ’$he .only shininglights Women’s Rifle Team are re­ Challenges for rifle team his team through the final back to the 31. An intercep­ of the evening. Halfback Phil DOUBLE ROYAL “ 0” tion three plays later, by quested to contact Captain matches have been received quarter and topped, the total Kirkpatrick made more tack-j Zarnowski, Bldg. 419, phone from other campuses and as scoring with 29 points. A bal­ Looks and feels remarkably (ike \ quarterback Dallas Moon, at les than any members on the five, ended the offensive soon as a team can be or-: anced team effort by his wool—washes like cotton. Royal l either team—15. Left tackle, tackles to reinforce the strong ganized, match firing will teammates pulled the- game move. • **0” is a miracle blend of orlon ■: i Tom Stoefel, racked up ten Gaucho defensive line. begin. easily. Just when it seemed that and rayon. Beautifully toned the first two quarters would plaids in this superb wash-and- end in a scoreless defensive wear woot-vveight fabric, accen­ stalematej left halfback Boy­ ette fumbled the punt by tuated by the deft styling of ^ Moon, when hit by left end Graff—California’s designer par Bob Pinkerton, and half back excellence. Tom Turrill recovered at the Gaucho 20 yard line. Last Minute With six and half minutes remaining in the first half, Turrill of the 49’ers dropped back to the 10-yard line and kicked a field goal to put Long Beach ahead 3 to noth­ ing. Early in the third quarter Long Beach hit again. The 19 ers moved to their own 44 after a punt period. Johnson j sed to Pinkeerton at mid .eld, who lateraled to Turrill who cut to the UCSB ten be­ fore a tackle from the rear. Fullback Steve Hartman, three plays later, made the touch­ down from the two and Tur­ rill slammed the extra point home to make it ten to noth- A3T0 INSURANCE PAY BY THE MONTH (ANY AGE DRIVERS) 2 W. MISSION T'QW 6-5014 2-8821 DOUBLE ROYAL “ 0” LOOKS & FEELS LIKE WOOL WASHES LIKE COTTON " COLORS OF RED OR GREEN PLAID

SMOKED Its what's up front that counts SOUTHERN BAR-B-OUE Up front is 1 FILTER-BLENDl and only Winston has it I Rich, golden tobaccos specially selected and specially COUNTER SERVICE OR FOOD TO GO processed for full flavor In filter smoking. R. J. Reynolds Tóbacco Company, Winston-Salem, & C. CALIFORNIA CORNER (BEHIND CORNET Ê Ê È m m OFF HOLLISTER) 727 STATE STREET PHONE 7-7112 WINSTON TASTES GOOD PH ONE 2-767L