PICTURE OF THE YEAR pp Arts Editor's Mr. Hyde Existence Revealed fe See Page 3 m ■S i ■ I i l l Volume 40 Number 10 Wo.: 7-4116 , University o f, California, Santa Barbara Campus, Goleta California October 18, I960 Published by Associated Students 1st g a u c h o r e v u e performance PRESENTING HOMECOMING QUEEN ELECTION RESULTS POSTED, US Navy Band Will Be Featured IKSB SKITS OPED THURSDAY 8 P.M., CAMPUS AUDITORIUM VOTING PERCENTAGE SMALL In Alpha School Benefit Oct. 25 Presentation of the Home­ coming Queen and Court The polls are closed and I Sorority Representative, The world-famous U.S. Navy'member of the music corps to w ill pe one of the highlights the ballots counted after the Sally Spear ,____ 74+ 49—125 Band w ill present a concert attain the rank of commander. of the first performance of ’ two-day A.S. elections. Only (elected) in the park on Oct. 25, Spon­ He was appointed in 1925 and Promotions for the 1960 Galloping Gaucho 946 of the nearly 3500 stu­ Kathy Millea .... 56 sored by the Santa Barbara has conducted the band ever Revue to be held Thursday dent enrollment stated their Elizabeth Ross 24 CouncH for Retarded Children since. evening at 8 PM. in the preference in this special Helen Najjar .... 44 for the building fund of Alpha Soloists in the group include UCSB Faculty campus auditorium. election. Maggie Beau .... 55+ 40— 95 School, the concert is present­ the world renowned first clar­ Many of the races were ex­ Void _____... 2 Master of Ceremonies for ed courtesy of the Santa Bar­ inetist, Richard Waller, and Meeting, the -University of tremely close, and one was the show w ill be E-Ramirez bara Naval Reserve Training Gordon Finlay, first coronet- California’s criteria for aca decided on the second ballot 255 voting Center. ist, who has earned interna­ with Steve Gray serving as demie advancement, which Results to date arev Senior Class The band was inaugurated tional recognition of his tal­ GGR director. Acts included Vice President is based bn teaching ability, in the show were selected at Freshman Class President in Coolidge’s administration ent. Tenor, vocalist Ben Mor­ W. Nakagawa - 66 research, professional compe­ the try-outs -held last Friday Chris Ashworth 94 in March, 1925, by an act of ris, .a native of Santa Barbara, (elëctèd) tence, and service to the Uni­ evening. Bill Callis .......... 75 Congress creating an official studied with the Music Acad- E. A. Ramirez, Jr. 28 versity and public, 33 mem­ Jay Miller ____ 46 Navy band. The new United emy of the West. A veteran Tickets Available bers of the- UCSB faculty have Dempster Boyd ..111+ 87—198 States Navy Band made its of the Metropolitan Opera, he Tickets are still available 94 voting advanced in academic status Chris Horine ....129+ 99—228 first American tour- in 1925. has been with the Navy Band for this campus favorite at according to Chancellor Sam­ V (elected) Sophomore Class Since then it has toured the for many years. These and the Graduate Manager’s Of­ uel B. Gould. John Wike ___ _ 64 Vice President world many times. Eisenhower others of the musicians have fice. Student prices áre $1.00 Dennis Allen ...JL02+ 31—133 has designated it as his of­ consented to hold a clinic Seven faculty members were for Thursday’s performance 519 voting (elected) ficial military band. after the matinee for, those promoted to the rank of full and $1.25 for Friday night. Meg B ianco__28 Rated the world’s finest musicians and music lovers professor, the highest academ­ General admission and all Freshman Class Tony Dragonette 42+ 7— 49 military symphonic band, the who would like to talk to the ic level; two were named as box office sales w ill be $1.50 Vice President Sherry Pringle ,..'-23 Navy Band also plays big performers or obtain advice sociate professors, ten advan­ with reserved seating avail­ Peter Becker ___ 64 Jim Smith .43+ 28— 71 brass selections. The group from them. BLOCK 'C' SWEETHEART EDIE STONEY ced to assistant professorships, able for $2.00. Ted Brown ___... 75+ 55—130 Void & Write-in 4 has appeared on numerous „ Vital Statistics and seven were promoted to Skits' Judging Judy Calvert .... 210+ 52—262 radio and television programs. The-concert w ill be held in (See Page 4) other categories. GGR skits w ill be judged (elected) Earl Warren Park in Santa 242 voting The Navy Band! House was a Full Profs both Thursday and Friday Bonnie Gay Nash 66, popular radio sériés for ■ sev- : Barbara on Oct 25. Two per­ Those promoied'to full pro­ Non-Affiliated Women's nights with the trophies be­ Alix Phillips .... 34 etàl years. Television perform-i formances w ill - be given. The fessorships are' Lloyd Brown­ Représentative * ing presented to the winners Write in _______ 9 ances include a spot on^the fnatinee ~wiil begin at 3:30 Next Isherwood Lecture Covers ing, music; Maurice' Faulk­ after a short intermission Void ----------------70 Janice Leoni .... 57 Ed Sullivan- Show. 1 P.M. and the evening program ner, music; Stephen S. Good- following the last skit of (elected) Brendler Conducting at 8:30. Donation is 50c for speed, political science; Ro­ Friday night. 528 voting Writè-ih 2 Conductor- of the- United Students and $1.00 for gen­ Characteristics of Good Novels bert M. Gottsdanker, psycho­ States,Nayy Band is L t Com: eral .admission. AH UCSB stu­ The Galloping Gauchí) Re­ Freshman Class (Novelist Christopher Isher- logy; Wilbur R. Jacobs, his­ 59 voting mander Charles Brendler, Who dents are urged to attend and in his current series on “A vue marks the beginning of Secretary-Treasurer. wood, visiting professor-at- tory; Ralph K. NaiV, indus­ received his permanent'rank take advantage of the reduced Writer and his World” Thurs Homecoming i960 at UCSB. Doris Bailey __ 83 AMS Secretary large-' -at...the University of day at 4 P.M. in the UCSB trial arts; and Samuel A. in 1953. Brendler-Was the first price. The entire weekend’s events Mary E. Baker.. 47 Randy Siefrin _200 California, Santa Barbara, campus auditorium. Wofsy, Spanish. Dr. Good- are under the direction 6f the Carol Dightman 38 (elected).', w ill deliver the third lecture The public is invited to speed also'- holds ‘the- nbw ad­ Homecoming Committee with M. Hamilton .... 39 Write-in 25 - , ; , - - .. :• .. |hear this distinguished writer ministrative post; of vice- Jean , Christian acting • as Mad Mazy ........ 88+101- -189 Void .< £3 —, . ¡talk about the essence of the chancellor for Student Affairs, general chairman. G r a lo p p r o G i v e I h ir a novel and answer the ques­ arid -Dr. Nair- Is assistant-di­ (elected) Carol Brown - and- Diane 248 voting rector ‘"-of relations w ith Lynn Rampton 102+ 69—171 Lecture on Oriental Art tion: “What Makes’ a Novel Smith are in charge of GGR Merrily Vincent 75 schools,;. • The Office o f Men’s non-af- Good?” programs and ■ •: tickets, with Void & Write in 19 Dr. Leland W. Gralapp, vis­ " Associates filiated representative has not No talk ris scheduled- this Judy Hunt serving as judg­ iting assistant .professor of ’Those raised1 to .the assoc­ yet been filled,'as it was a week in the University Lec­ ing chairman. The Queen’s 491 voting art» w ill give the third lec­ iate ’’professor level are GL- E. write-in vote, Announcement ture series. However,. on Oct. Contest and trophies are un­ ture in .his series, Of six free 25, this Tuesday afternoon, Baker, political science; P. H. A. S. Secretary of the results should be forth­ der the direction of Ian Cam-' meetings on oriental art next events w ill continue with a Barret, physics; H. C. Fenon, Barb Averine ..'324+ 80—404 coming. ; - eron and Charlotte Lee. Thursday, Oct. 20. guest lecture by Sir Charles art;-A. J. Gallon;physical edu­ Dottie Sayward 340+ 97—437 Congratulations .to the wih- Faculty advisors ’for -the This series,, sponsored by P. Snow, eminent novelist cation"; I. :p l Y. Hsu", history; - (elected) ners, and to those students committee include Dean An­ the Adult Education .Center in and Regent’s professor of Robert McCoy, industrial arts; Jan Swartz .;.... 267 who didn’t vote, please- make ita Wheeler, William Rohr- cooperation with . the Santa English at thè University of R. N. Norris, geology;. Rollin Write-in & Void 33 the effort in future elections, back, and Dean Ellen Bowers. Barbara Museum of Art, is as your vote could make a California, Berkeley. Quirnby,. speech; W. A. Rohr- being held at the Alhecama bach art; and C. Zytowski, Participants 964 voting difference. v «! This talk, designated -„as Theatre, 914 Santa Barbara the hOnors-at-'entrance lecture music. Organizations participating Street, at ,7:30 P.M. as a tribute to thosé incom -Assistants in the try-outs for GGR.skits Dr. -'Gralapp’s topic w ill. be ing freshmen at UCSB who Faculty members - receiving were Delta ¡Zeta, Sigma Kap­ “Chinese Art, Part" I.” Slides have achievéd superior aca assistant . professorships are pa, Ute Hall, Alpha Phi, GAUCHO NOTES Kappa Alpha Theta, Lambda will be shown as wel las the'demie records in bigh school Philip A. Adams, zoology; H. films “ Indian Art ; Throughjwill. be held in 'th e campus Chi Alpha, Chi Omega, Kap­ Boyd Finch Will Speak LEG COUNCIL MEETS V .’ Bonheim, English; Ei K. the Ages” and “The Story. of. auditorium at 4 P M ;-Admis pa .Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Theta In Arts Building P.
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