(http://pfox-exgays.blogspot.com/2010/03/hiv-and-syphilis-in-msm- Proclamation for Morality (Ver 09) terribly-high.html) Sign the Proclamation! @ www.Gone2Far.org WHEREAS, according to the CDC the rate of primary and secondary syphilis among MSM is more than 46 times that of other WE THE GOD FEARING PEOPLE AND PASTORS OF THE men and more than 71 times that of women; and (http://pfox- UNITED STATES, invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in exgays.blogspot.com/2010/03/hiv-and-syphilis-in-msm-terribly- order to secure and perpetuate the blessing of Liberty; to secure just high.html) and rightful Government; to promote our mutual Welfare and WHEREAS, according to the CDC 83% of primary and secondary Happiness, do establish this proclamation and call upon the people of syphilis cases are from MSM; and these United States of America who look to the Lord for guidance, to (https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/STD.htm) acknowledge the need for a national awakening of righteousness in WHEREAS, MSM are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer our land. than heterosexuals; and (https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/STD.htm) WHEREAS, truth is true for all people at all times and in all places. There is no black truth or white truth, truth or WHEREAS, the rectum is biologically designed for excreting waste, straight truth, there is just TRUTH. Jesus is TRUTH and the the danger and damage from penile-anal intercourse, oral-anal Word of God is TRUTH; and intercourse, fisting, the consumption of fecal matter and other common MSM behaviors is abnormal, medically dangerous, anatomically destructive, medically life-threatening, and clearly is not natural; WHEREAS, there is an active campaign to promote anal sex and other aberrant behaviors as normal sexual options for women, girls and straight young people, in liberal publications like Teen Vogue (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/teen-vogue-editor-flips-off- critics-of-anal-sex-article-blames-backlash-on) WHEREAS, anal sex is the highest risk sexual behavior; and (https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/HIV.htm) WHEREAS, according to the Bible, loving your neighbor IS WARNING THEM about dangerous lifestyles and behaviors that lead to death or disease (Leviticus 19:16-17); and WHEREAS, to show love for your neighbor, you do not celebrate sin or behavior that destroys the body and soul; and WHEREAS, in showing love and being consistent in a sincere faith in God, Pastors, Counselors, Therapists and faithful Christians desire WHEREAS, God created the institution of marriage in Eden as God to help people in recovery from all forms of sexual sin and distorted said, “It is not good for a man to be alone.” God’s divine will created thinking and mental illness in identity conflicts; and a perfect helper and complimentary completer as God created the woman for the man (Genesis 2:18); and WHEREAS, all human beings are created equal under the law and in the eyes of God, but not all behaviors are moral or acceptable; and WHEREAS, God created men and women as complimentary sexual beings and declared sexual intimacy within marriage as pure WHEREAS, race is genetic and immutable, but sexual behavior and (Hebrews 13:4); and gender rebellion are by choice. Therefore, such immoral behavior is not a civil right; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of sexual intimacy, every man is commanded to be faithful to his own wife and every woman is WHEREAS, there is no gay gene; therefore, homosexuality is a commanded to be faithful to her own husband (1 Cor. 7:2-3); and behavioral choice; and WHEREAS, Jesus defined marriage and sexual intimacy as being WHEREAS, since it is fact that people do change and find lasting exclusively between a male husband and his female wife (Matthew freedom from LGBTQ+ behaviors, identifies and belief systems, we 19:4-6); and must stop laws banning people of any age from getting the necessary help, counseling, therapy and medical assistance they need to WHEREAS, any sexuality outside of the God-designed and -blessed promote godly and healthy living; and intimacy of husband and wife, whether that be adultery, rape, fornication, pedophilia or homosexual behavior, is called sin; and WHEREAS, the National Gay Rights Platform in 1972 advocated the elimination of laws and legalize adult sex with WHEREAS, declaring behavior the Bible calls sinful a civil right children; and would make orthodox Christianity illegal and violate the First Amendment rights of Christians; and WHEREAS, American gay rights “hero” Harvey Milk was, based on sympathetic journalistic accounts, a sex predator who practiced man- WHEREAS, in a 2016 Gallup Poll, 4.1% of Americans admitted to boy sex, while another “gay” icon, Harry Hay, openly advocated in participating in homosexual behavior, yet homosexuals account for behalf of the pro-pederasty group NAMBLA (North American 70% of all new HIV cases; and Man/Boy Love Association); and (https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/factsheets/cdc-msm- 508.pdf) WHEREAS, since a large proportion of adult gay men were molested or victimized homosexuality as children, the result is WHEREAS, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the inordinate confusion about and even sympathy for sexual contact rate of new HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men between men and pubescent boys in LGBTQ circles. Says one gay (MSM) is more than 44 times that of heterosexual men; and rights activist, Milo Yiannopoulos, “In the gay world, some of the most important enriching, and incredibly life affirming, important, WHEREAS, Whether any free government can be permanent, where shaping relationships are between younger boys and older men. They the public worship of God, and the support of Religion, constitute no can be hugely positive experiences very often for those young boys.” part of the policy or duty of the state (Joseph Story); and (https://nypost.com/2017/02/20/breitbart-editor-dropped-from- WHEREAS, We hold sacred the rights of conscience, and promise conservative-conference-for-condoning-pedophilia/) to the people...the free and undisturbed exercise of their religion WHEREAS, very young children are now being corrupted and (Roger Sherman); and sexualized through "LGBTQ pride" events like "gay pride “parades WHEREAS, When you ...exercise the right of voting for public and " Story Hours" in public libraries; and officers, let it be impressed upon your mind that God commands you to choose just men who will rule in the fear of God (Noah Webster); and WHEREAS, The principles of genuine Liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the Bible (Noah Webster); and WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which it was built and has flourished; and WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, , same-sex “marriage,” sex trafficking, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and WHEREAS, many members of the United States Congress disregard the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by desiring to proclaim an immoral behavior as a civil right; and WHEREAS, many members of Congress are ignoring the Constitutionally guaranteed right of religious liberty and are declaring war on Christianity declaring sexual immorality as a protected minority;

WHEREAS, current book readers at public libraries NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the admit to recruiting and grooming young boys; and undersigned, religious leaders and citizens of the United States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, solemnly WHEREAS, it is child abuse to defy biological science and provide declare that the HOPE of these United States, rests upon the hormone blockers to minors and/or surgically mutilate the body of a Principles of Religion and Morality as put forth in the HOLY BIBLE; healthy minor; and and WHEREAS, current Hollywood movies routinely promote BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, believers in the One homosexuality, extreme gender confusion (transgenderism), True God and His only Son, call upon all to join with us in pornography, rampant promiscuity, fornication, vulgarity, and even recognizing that Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord, and sex between grown men and teenage boys (“Call Me by Your humbly implore all who love Truth and Virtue to live above reproach Name,” 2017); and in the sight of God and man with a firm reliance on the leadership WHEREAS, social justice does not guarantee equal outcomes, but is and protection of Almighty God; and the Equitable Application of God’s Moral Law on Society; and BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon our WHEREAS, it is the duty of every parent, leader, pastor, counselor, Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on doctor and therapist to protect minors from harm, especially sexual this nation, to stay His hand of judgment, and grant a national abuse in the grooming of our youth to embrace an LGBTQ+ lifestyle awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of in banning counseling and therapy in gay is the only way bills and our great sin. legislation in banning what many call conversion therapy in stopping parental rights, self-determination, freedom of choice, freedom of BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned call on Congress to religion and freedom of speech; and reject this insult to true civil rights heroes and affront to Christianity and discard the proposed amendment to the Civil Rights Act which WHEREAS, Martin Luther King emphasized the importance of would create a protected class for homosexuals, identity confused character; and and pedophiles. WHEREAS, It is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand (John Adams); Sign the Proclamation! @ www.Gone2Far.org and (The two rainbow images are from Scott Lively Ministries.) WHEREAS, We have no government armed with power capable of (See signatory signers and contending with human passions unbridled by Religion and Morality sign the petition at: (John Adams); and www.Gone2Far.org) WHEREAS, Our Constitution was made only for a Moral and Religious people (John Adams); and Distributed locally by: WHEREAS, Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God (Benjamin Franklin); www.TCFamily.org and [email protected] Ph.(231) 313-6805 The Pink Swastika – How Homosexuals invented and ran Hitler’s Nazi Party – AND how this relates to Traverse City Area Same-Sex-Attracted Individuals and their so-called “Allies” (06/27/18 – version 03

died-in-the-wool “gay” activist writer like Hari tells you that “gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was,” and “all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past 30 years [except LePen] have been gay,” you can take it to the bank.” * Lively continues: What I find most interesting about Hari’s article is that it has garnered virtually no opposition. The few comments on the HuffPo page are mostly benign, and if you do a search on Hari’s name you find not a single suggestion that his article constitutes “Holocaust revisionism” or that he, himself, is a Emmy Lou Cholak kindly shaking my (Bill Wiesner – “homophobic bigot.” That’s very strange, because I’ve been called www.TCFamily.org Founder) hand as I held my “Fake LGBTQ both a revisionist and a bigot for writing “The Pink Swastika.” Movement sign” In the City Council Chambers while the Sarah Bryan Fischer, Host of Hardy Awards were being given out. I responded to her kind Focal Point Radio, also greeting by saying that she has always been super sweet to me. quotes and comments on the Hari article with his own Just before greeting me she had spoken before the City Commission and shared this: “… Some of you may remember the threat of a (10/21/12) article with the skinhead conference on the 4th of July Celebration back in the 90’s. same title: “The strange, Hate-Free-TC was founded to counter that threat … to help keep strange story of the gay fascists [revisited] By Bryan Fischer:” our city … hate-free and open accepting of all people.” * Says Hari, "The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was — including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich." * Here is a homosexual who says in the third paragraph of his 3,480 word article that "gay men" were "at the heart...of the...Third Reich." * Hari, by the way, uses the term "Gaystapo," which I will freely borrow from him with attribution for the rest of my life. I agree with Emmy Lou when she expresses concern about violent * The "icon to revere" for the Gaystapo is the people who may espouse white-supremacist beliefs. But the next flamboyantly gay Ernst Rohm. Hari calls him, time I see her I will ask her if she knows about the group led by along with Adolf Hitler, "the founding father of white supremacists Homosexuals that were responsible for Nazism." murdering over 6 million of her fellow Jewish brothers and sisters. * According to Hari, Rohm "believed that gay people were superior to straights, and saw Dr. Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams worked homosexuality as a key principle of his together to write “The Pink Swastika: proposed Brave New Fascist Order." Gulp. Homosexuality in the Nazi Party.” On p 8 of the 4th edition, they share that the * Rohm … He flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted his THESIS of this book is: cronies do the same. He believed straight people weren't as adept at bullying and aggression as homosexuals, so homosexuality was given a high premium in the SA.'" Johann Hari, who describes himself as “a gay left-wing * Thus, says Hari, "In its early years, the SA — Hitler and Rohm's man,” wrote an article published in the Huffington Post underground army — was seen as predominantly gay." entitled: The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay * He quotes homosexual art historian Christian Isermayer, a Fascists.” (Updated May 25, 2011) contemporary of Rohm and Hitler: "I got to know people in the SA. Dr. Scott Lively responded to this article with his own They used to throw riotous parties even in 1933... I once attended entitled: “The strange, strange story of ‘gay fascism’ one. It was quite well-behaved but thoroughly gay. But then, in deniers,” (WND 08/27/12) where he shares quotes those days, the SA was ultra-gay." and comments on the Hari article, saying: * It is Machtan's [German historian Lothar Machtan] well- * “Hari’s recitation of the facts about homo-fascism in history (as documented contention that Hitler himself was homosexual, and well as those of other “gay” sources) have an especially high that he had Rohm assassinated during the infamous "Night of the degree of trustworthiness. They fall within a category of testimony Long Knives" in 1934, not because Rohm was gay, but because that our judicial system calls “admissions against interest.” he feared Rohm was about to out him to the German people. Hari agrees: "Hitler's main reason for killing Rohm was unrelated to

his sexuality." *Homosexualists can be expected to insult pro-family conservatives, and one rightly suspects their opinions of being biased. But when a The Pink Swastika (TPS), Pages Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach was known 5&6 photos, plus more Scott as “The Baby” by the Nazi inner circle of pederasts. In Lively article info: 1934, the Gestapo reported forty cases of pederasty in just one Hitler Youth troop. Nazi youth protesting in front of the Below, see Magnus Hirschfeld who started the Sex Research Institute in Berlin May “Scientific Humanitarian Committee” to try to help 6, 1933. Later that same day Storm legalize homosexual behavior. He was a “ Troopers looted the facility and (Feminine)”; and Adolf Brand founded the “Community captured its files and records. of the Elite.” He was a “Butch” (Masculine). They had Then on May 10, 1933 the incriminating records of the Sex Research Institute are burned in a public ceremony along with books and other literature deemed subversive to German society.

Scott Lively wrote, … Consider this incredible statement by Ludwig Lenz, the “gay” assistant director of the Berlin Institute of (headquarters of Germany’s “gay” movement in the opposing viewpoints. It was the butches who were leading the Nazi Party; it 1920s and early ’30s) following the attack on the Institute by Nazi was mostly Femes (and only 6,000 – 15,000 compared to over 6 million Brownshirts May 6, 1933: “Why was it then, since we were Jews) who were killed in the holocaust by the Butch homosexuals leading completely non-party, that our purely scientific Institute was the first the Nazi Party. victim which fell to the new regime? The answer to this is simple So how this relates to Traverse City Area …We knew too much. It would be against medical principles to Same-Sex-Attracted Individuals and their so-called “Allies”? Earlier, “gay left wing provide a list of the Nazi leaders and their perversions [but] … not man” Johann Hari reported that “that “gay men 10 percent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany have been at the heart of every major fascist into their hands, were sexually normal. … Our knowledge of such movement that ever was,” including during intimate secrets regarding members of the Nazi Party and other Hitler’s WWII and the last 30 years in Europe. documentary material – we possessed about forty thousand But surely this doesn’t apply to Traverse City and America today, or confessions and biographical letters – was the cause of the does it? To find out the answer simply click on or google “300 complete and utter destruction of the Institute of Sexology.” EXAMPLES YOU HAVE TO READ TO UNDERSTAND THE TERM ‘HOMOFASCISM’”, all recent links provided by ex-‘gay’ Robert Lopez. THE PINK SWASTIKA: HIJACKING THE HOLOCAUST is an Then ask yourself: Is this the Traverse City and America that I want misleading article written by Judith Reisman. These photos show Hitler and and endangering and silencing my children – and misleading themselves? his Jewish Chauffer Emil Maurice and other friends. Reisman says, “Now that Lothar Machtan, a reputable German historian, Dr. Lively has shared that in its most basic confirmed Hitler’s homosexuality, it is highly likely that Maurice sense, the cultural struggle that we are currently in is: Homosexuality against Christianity – or was indeed one of Hitler’s lovers.” Homosexual sexual freedom = sexual license = sexual anarchy versus Judeo-Christian “one flesh” paradigm of one man and one woman marriage for life. This Hellenism sculpture that Hitler is showing (promoting?) to Italy’s Mussolini demonstrates homosexual “sexual freedom.” In his book “Saving Truth”, Abdu Murray talks of “negative freedom” (freedom from interference and constraint, which dangerously resembles sheer autonomy that leads to chaos) AND “positive freedom” All (freedom for—in essence, freedom for of excellence according to whatever vision and ideals define that excellence.”) Negative and positive freedom go hand in hand. He continues, “In other words, positive freedom is the ability to do not just what we want, but what we should. He also shares that we live in a Post-truth culture where “… certain things are true, but we don’t care about the truth if it gets in the way of our personal preferences.” In the last year our homosexual Mayor Jim Carruthers has admirably stood up against underage drinking, smoking, and opioid use, saying it is the adult’s responsibility to protect these children. Mayor Carruthers should also stand up and discourage all high risk homosexual behavior to children. Hitler’s bodyguards and closest friends were homosexuals: Our TCAPS BOE just passed a “Comprehensive Sex Ed” curriculum that says it is “abstinence-based”, but only promotes abstinence 5% of the time versus 70% for authentic abstinence programs; AND it says “gay” sex is no different than heterosexual sex, even though it is 44 times more likely to cause HIV. Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder Want to help? Email: [email protected] Phone: 231-313-6805 TCFamily.org encourages WTCM Radio, Local Boy Scout Troops to Stand with the Judeo-Christian Marriage-and-Family-Centered Heterosexuality against LGBTQ Activist Hellenic Homoeroticism (ver 3.1) (Updated June 7, 2018 -- Written and Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by TCFamily.org Founder Bill Wiesner)

In Dr. Lively’s book “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (5th Edition), which you can read online for free at www.SCottLively.net/tps, it shows on page 17 a picture of Hitler and Mussolini admiring 2 homosexual Greek warriors, with the captions explaining what the real struggle is all about:

According to what was shared in the 5 hours of the 2015 WTCM Radio Boy Scout Telethon, WTCM Radio announcer Ron Jolly started the WTCM Boy Scout Telethon Fundraiser way back in 2003 when the Boy Scouts lost various sources of funding.

We at www.TCFamily.org applaud both Ron Jolly and the Boy Scouts of America decades of successfully fighting against Homosexual activists who tried every method they could think of to force the Boy Scouts to allow same-sex-attracted boys to be Boy Scouts and homosexuals to become Boy Scout Leaders. One of those methods was to encourage corporations to stop donating money to the Boy Scouts.

And the homosexual activists’ continual ruthless pressure finally worked. On May 23, 2013, the Boy Scouts finally fell and chose to allow openly homosexual boys into the Boy Scouts.

(TCFamily agrees with the Founder of http://www.traillifeusa.com/ who I heard in a radio interview say that they gladly allow boys discretely struggling with same-sex-attraction (SSA) because they need the positive attention and encouragement of Godly men in their lives. However the inclusion of boys who openly identify as homosexuals would be promoting harmful homosexual behavior.)

Hoverver, once the proverbial cat (of “SEXUAL ORIENTATION”) The following insert from The Pink Swastika page 33 shows the harm is out of the bag, everything else proposed by the SEXUAL caused by homosexual leaders of the WWII German equivalent to ANARCHY WILDFIRE of LGBTQ Activists – like this insane the Boy Scouts: “TRANSGENDER” Bathroom Bill – must automatically follow.

Christal Frost had great advice regarding the “If you see something, say something” campaign.

Dr. Scott Lively – who is currently running for Governor of Massachusetts and recently got 28% of the vote at their state

convention– said when he spoke in Traverse City last summer: to simplify the cultural struggle that We encourage both Ron and Christal to “see something and say is going on, it’ the Homosexuals something” about these disasterous happenings from WWII and how similar against the Christians. situations might affect the American Boy Scouts today. Let’s take a look now at the Boy Scout Law: And what’s coming up next for the Boy Scouts? This picture is of Harry Hay, who Boy Scout Law is known as the Father of the Homosexual Movement in America. This photo shows A Scout is: him in a parade wearing a shirt that reads: “NAMBLA Walks With Me,” referring to the “North American Man-Boy Love Association.” The following excerpts are Trustworthy Obedient from a letter written in 1992 (included in Loyal Cheerful Chapter 9 of The Pink Swastika) from NAMBLA to the leader of Helpful Thrifty the Boy Scouts: Friendly Brave Courteous Clean “… NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America to cease its Kind and Reverent discrimination against openly gay or persons in the appointment of its scout masters. … We recognize, of course, If you look at the Boy Scout Law above, the SEXUAL ANARCHY the action we call is inevitable. … We share a common mission WILDFIRE promoting LGBTQ Activists break the following – to bring greater understanding and light and purpose to the Laws: TRUSTWORTHY and LOYAL: they discard the foundational young as they grow. We invite you to join with us in truths of the Boy Scouts; OBEDIENT: not to God’s laws; BRAVE: cherishing individual integrity, and in seeking the for decades they were, but the leadership finally caved under opportunity for every boy and girl in our country to find their pressure, setting a terrible example for the young Boy Scouts; own truth. We encourage you to help every person associated CLEAN: along with pornography-viewing, fornication, adultery, with your organization to be able to express those values for homosexual behavior is not morally clean; and REVERENT: One themselves which to them represent for themselves the Good, the who is reverent reveres God’s word, which speaks against all sexual True, and the Beautiful. As we work together toward these ends immorality. Plus they are also breaking the BOY SCOUT OATH Light will guide our way…” OR PROMISE to be “morally straight.” This reminds me of May 2018 TCAPS Sex-Ed Curriculum: Also, the Official Boy Scout Handbook once explained the meaning of "morally straight" in the Boy Scout Oath in these terms: "[W]hen you live up to the trust of fatherhood your sex life will fit into God's wonderful plan of creation. Fuller understanding of wholesome sex behavior can bring you lifelong happiness." If the Boy Scouts are really saying it is good to be “morally straight”, then how can they at the same time be promoting homosexual behavior?

Boy Scouts to make condoms ‘readily and easily accessible’ at upcoming TCAPS-Like Abstinence-Plus Sex-Ed Curriculums on the global gathering (24th average teach “Abstinence” 4.75 % of their class time, while World Scout Jamboree Authentic Abstinence Curriculums (which includes “Healthy Sunday, July 21, 2019 – Relationships and Benefits of Marriage”, teaches Abstinence August 1, 2019): May 22, 71.1 % of their instruction. See the following quotes: 2018 Excerpts: “Host Organization must ensure “Abstinence Is For Everyone: It’s not about whether you are that condoms are readily straight (heterosexual) or gay, lesbian, bisexual, or and easily accessible for all transgender. Abstinence is an equal opportunity behavior. participants and … at a number of locations on the site,” … Anyone, at any time, can make a conscious choice or a The guidelines also allow for spur of the moment decision not to have sex. That alcohol consumption in decision is yours and only yours. It’s your right to make “confined areas.” the decision every time, throughout your whole life. Florida Family Policy Council Abstinence Is a Thoughtful Choice Reflecting Personal Values: (FFPC) president John Each person decides when and with whom he or she Stemberger, who is also chairman wants to be sexual and when and with whom he or she of the board for Christian wants to practice abstinence. Decisions are based on scouting alternative Trail Life personal values about relationships, religion, life goals, USA, said that these “deeply family, health, skills and talents, safety, and more.” disturbing” changes make the event “sound more like a 1960s For one thing, NOWHERE in their 57 page handout do they Woodstock festival rather than a mention that MALE HOMOSEXUAL SEX IS 40 TIMES MORE campout that parents would want LIKELY TO PRODUCE HIV than is heterosexual sex. And it to send their children to.” sounds a lot more like training in selective promiscuity rather than legitimate abstinence. We encourage TCAPS to rethink and quickly correct this policy that endangers our children.

“These policies present a clear youth protection problem WTCM Ron & Christal and Local that the BSA absolutely refuses to recognize,” Stemberger Boy Scout Leaders, please decide continued. “The fact that they are requiring that condoms be which is best for the Traverse ‘readily accessible’ and are communicating this to everyone– City children – Judeo-Christian including youth participants–shows that the BSA is both morality or LGBTQ-Hellenistic anticipating and facilitating sexual conduct between minors “sexual freedom,” and then at this event. stand up and fight for it! Sincerely, “If you see something, Say something;” Should not the Boy Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder Scout Telethon address this issue? Ph.: 231-313-6805 Email: [email protected] The Traverse City Human Rights Commission (HRC) & Friends – Promoting the Fake LGBTQ Movement at the 2018 Martin Luther King Jr Day Event (Written and Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by Bill Wiesner (TCFamily.org) (Version 02_dated 2018-02-19)

#1 … that we should not collude by ignoring anyone My premise in writing this flyer is to show how the Traverse who is being bullied; City Human Rights Commission – along with its like-minded allies – heavily promote homosexuality in our community, #2 … that we should not say that anyone getting and how they specifically use the noble Martin Luther bullied is not a problem; and King Day event to do so. #3 … that we should never be bullies ourselves. I attended the January 8, 2018 Traverse City Human Rights However, we do disagree here, when she states: Commission (HRC) Meeting where I saw several of the Commissioners looking at the ad which was placed in the “Collusion in this field is defined as cooperation in Northern Express advertising the upcoming MLK Day event reinforcing stereotypical attitudes, behaviors, and at the State Theatre. In part the short ad stated that the norms.” event would include: “…inspiration from local faith leader Chava Bahle.” In effect I believe that she is saying that anyone who disagrees that homosexuality is normal and healthy and to be celebrated is I remember Mrs. Bahle (then named Rabbi Stacie Fine) “colluding” in a sense that is harmful and hateful in our society. spoke at the so-called “Diversity Weeks” held at Traverse City [Added NOTE: Rabbi Bahle was under the weather and could not Central High School for 3 years from 2001 to 2003. These attend; However TCFamily handed out 70 sets of the 4 recent flyers, talks in large part were used to promote homosexuality to the including to the inspirational “The Blessed Hearts” Gospel Singers] high schoolers. Here is a partial transcript: Dr. Scott Lively But just consider what world renowned expert in the field of the LGBTQ Movement Dr. Lively shares about the history of the “gay” movement, and specifically the origin the modern day Traverse City “Human Rights Commission.” (This excerpt is taken from his revealing “Hollywood Chickenhawk Scandal Part One” article: “Consider just a few salient facts documented in The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party and on my blog www.scottlively.net:

The German “Grandfather of Gay Rights,” Karl Heinrich Chava Bailey went on with the high schoolers to say: Ulrichs, was molested at 14 by his riding instructor and went “… We are in one of two categories: either we are allies to on to form the world’s first “gay rights” organization in the diversity or we are competing. Um, the reality is that if 1860s. you are not part of the solution … [Note: could not clearly The first characterization of homosexual sodomy as a “human understand next 3 seconds.] If you are not part of the right” was by the German Society for Human Rights in the solution, you are certainly part of the problem. Now I 1920s, whose most famous member was Hitler’s “gay” believe that most of us are not out actively promoting, second-in-command Ernst Roehm (head of the Brown Shirts). um, hate speech and hatred and discrimination and Munich police records identified at least 11 boys recruited bigotry. But the reality is the vast majority of us are from a local high school for sex with Roehm – according to standing somewhere in the middle of the Bell Curve … journalist Heinz Hoene’s book, The Order of the Death’s Collusion in this field is defined as cooperation in Head, (called a “Monumental Achievement” by The New York reinforcing stereotypical attitudes, behaviors, and norms. Times). When we keep colluding we are one of three labels: [1] The first American homosexual organization was the US Either we just say nothing … [2] Another way it’s often chapter of Roehm’s Society for Human Rights, started in colluded is by denying it: “Oh, it’s not that big a deal.” Chicago in 1924 by Henry Gerber and two other men, all of “They didn’t really mean it.” … [and 3] The third type of whom were arrested shortly thereafter for sex with teen boys. collusion obviously is active participation …” One of those abused boys, as an adult, molested another You might be surprised that I would agree with Mrs. Bailey in teen boy named Harry Hay, who is known today as the all three of her collusion points: “Father of the American Gay Rights Movement.” Till his death, Hay was an outspoken advocate for Man/Boy sex and wore a sweatshirt reading “NAMBLA Walks With Me” in Gay Pride Parades after the pederast group had been banned by Our Mayor Jim Carruthers is a self-identified the marketing gurus who took over the “gay” movement. homosexual, and recently he was one The Stonewall Riots that are commemorated each year as of many others who “Gay Pride Day” were triggered by “gay” male patrons of the nominated Emmy Stonewall Bar in New York City, angered at police efforts to Lou Cholak for the arrest a 14-year-old boy transvestite prostitute (Mark Sarah Hardy Pascal, Varieties of Man Boy Love). Award, because in part she has been on the front lines Many early “gay” activists were open pederasts, including of “the LGBT Rights Movement.” NAMBLA founder David Thorstad, who also launched the Gay Also, our City Clerk Benjamin Marentette Activist Alliance in 1969, which spawned – directly or is a self-identified homosexual who indirectly – innumerable LGBT activist organizations, including nominated Jen Cameron because of her today’s political behemoth the Washington DC Based Human organizing: Transgender Day of Rights Campaign – HRC (which named me public enemy #1 Remembrance, UpNorth Pride Parade of the global LGBT agenda in 2014). and Rally; Loud and Proud Block Party; Pride at the Playhouse; and Pride Ride HRC’s founder was Terrance “Terry” Bean, an Obama with Norte, among other things. fundraising bundler accused of sex with a teen boy in 2014 but who escaped prosecution when (after a public monetary Jenn Cameron had the police escort me out of a public “Polestar settlement offer) the boy (who had been in hiding at the time) North” town hall meeting where declined to testify. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Bean ...” the entire community was So I would ask Rabbi Bailey invited; said that I was the only one and everyone on the HRC if who could not speak at the “From Selma to Stonewall” movie this is the history of the “gay” screening; and stepped on my heal movement, then should we to try to stop me from handing out be promoting it to the 10,000 our “Fake LGBTQ Movement” flyer at the “Gay Pride week” picnic TCAPS Kindergartner at the public Clinch Park (a policeman talked to her to encourage her children – 12th grade young to stop her harassment.) Both Emmy Lou Cholak (8:0) & Jenn adults, or should we rightly Cameron (6:2) were voted in to share the 2018 Sarah Hardy be discouraging this high Award. (TCFamily will be speaking and handing out the 4 th risk behavior, at the same time sharing love and truth with attached flyers at their award night at the (March 5 ?) City those struggling with same sex attraction? Commission Meeting.) All of God’s laws are there to protect us, like it’s better to be restricted by a fence at the top of a cliff than to need an ambulance at the bottom. In closing, especially for our Jewish friends Rabbi Chava and Emmy Lou Cholak, consider Isaiah 53 from the Bible: “3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; I would ask Rabbi Bailey and the HRC how they can Yet we esteemed Him stricken, possibly promote homosexual behavior on Martin Luther Smitten by God, and afflicted. King Day when he compassionately shared that 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, homosexuality was “a problem with a solution [psychiatric He was bruised for our iniquities; counseling]…” The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. David Pickup: Former homosexual and 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist gives We have turned, every one, to his own way; a fascinating talk about what most people And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. don't know about homosexuality. Simply 7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, google “Reparative therapy: How healing from Yet He opened not His mouth; homosexuality & change really works” to He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, watch his short 18 minute compassionate and And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth.” truthful talk. The Price for Sin is great, and Jesus paid that price. We all On the Traverse City HRC Website it states that: simply need to repent from our sins that He chose to lay down “This commission consists of 9 members to be appointed by his life for, and trust in him for His gift of forgiveness and everlasting life. Find out how from a Jewish Christian, the Mayor with the approval of the City Ray Comfort, by Googling “Why Christianity Tract”. Commission. Membership shall be broadly representative of the entire community. Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org WANT TO HELP? CONTACT US AT: [email protected] Ph: 231-313-6805 An Open Letter to Olivia Newton John [ver-04] … Written and will be distributed by Bill Wiesner from TCFamily.org to those attending the October 12, 2017 Traverse City Opera House Show entitled: “LIV ON: Olivia Newton-John, Beth Nielsen Chapman and Amy Sky” pages 5 and 6 he tells the story of “Little Dear Olivia, Jessica” to illustrate why God must judge sin: I read with interest the April 6, 2014 queerty interview, “Olivia Newton-John Is Also, does not the horrific Las Vegas shooting spree show us Still The One We Want.” The reporter also that if God is good that he must asked: Q: “Have you ever been concerned judge sin? And a God that is perfectly about sharing your opinion about good must judge all of our sins too, important issues like marriage equality even the “small” ones. …?” And you responded: ONJ: “I might Also, in the Chicago Pride interview be a little nervous, but it doesn’t stop me if from August 6, 2012 (Olivia Newton- it’s correct …” I admire your attitude a lot. John – Summer lovin’ …), you said: And that’s what we also try to do at “To me love is love. It shouldn’t matter. I www.TCFamily.org. have so many close friends and family who From reading various interviews that are gay I don’t even think about it.” you have given, I see that you believe it But consider excerpt from an is correct to have “gay marriage” in October 6, 2017 article by America and your native Australia, and Michael Cook entitled: ‘Love I suppose everywhere. Is Love’—or is it? (Photo of a And I believe “it is correct” that God hillside ‘Love is Love’ sign in Himself defined marriage as one man Tasmania, where ‘gay and one woman in Genesis 2:24: marriage’ is up for a vote.) Both of us are seeking truth; the question is then not about “Intended or unintended, personality or dedication, but rather, “what is truth?” “Love is Love” contains three dangers. Please take a moment or two to reason with me. Your New Zealand born neighbor Ray First, all types of love – philia, agape and eros – are reduced Comfort wrote the movie: “AUDACITY: to the most debased form of eros – the satisfaction of sexual Love Can’t Stay Silent” desire. This is just clapped-out Freudian psychology on (http://www.audacitymovie.com/). This steroids. If this confusion were to enter the education system, movie shares how a Christian shares his we can expect ghastly confusion. Children will be taught that faith with a homosexual because he has lust has no limits and that there is nothing higher than sexual great concern for him because he, like all men, is created in desire. the image of God. The movie is concerned that an all Loving yet Holy and Righteous God must judge all sin, including the Second, the vacuous shibboleth of “love is love” is self- sin of homosexual behavior. defeating. Under its banner we can fit the paedophile North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), or He also shares this in a way that made great sadomasochistic bondage, or incest or whatever. Does sense to me in his booklet entitled: “Why “marriage equality” really accept these as legitimate forms of Christianity Tract?” (Simply click on the pages love? If not, why not? below the booklet to read it for free online.) On Third, it is a homeopathic dilution of eros. It undervalues erotic pleasure. Instead of pointing men and women towards self-transcendence, it reduces them to mere instruments of physical satisfaction. Instead of hiding behind its inane slogan, doesn’t the “marriage equality” movement owe us an explanation of what kind of love it has in mind?”

***** Also Olivia, please consider these ********** compassionate prophetic excerpts (highlighting by TCFamily): Olivia, as you suggested, we look at the statement about the importance of acting on “what is correct,” and this Paul Johnson ‘Monster in our “Monster in our midst” article seems to point out what is the Midst’ Passage Describes opposite – something that is incorrect. Homosexual Activist Slippery Slope in Also, in your June 6, 2017 “Honestly Loved U.K.: interview” published in the “gay” periodical “The radical agenda …with its strong appeal to the idealistic, ‘Between the Lines’, the interviewer Chris as well as the materialistic, instincts of mankind, especially asked which one of your movies would a among young people, does constitute an alternative religion. “gay” fan gush over, and you answered: Like any other form of humanism, it replaces God by man, Sordid Lives. and the welfare – or supposed welfare – of man, rather Here are excerpts from the Christian “Movie than the worship of God and obedience to his Guide” review of “Sordid Lives:” commandments, as the object of human existence and the purpose of society. That, of course, is its defect … “… Strong pagan worldview with strong feminist elements (including a contradictory double standard), strong pro- … Take, for instance, the issue of homosexuality, an homosexual elements, strong political correctness, & a false important part of the sexual politics item. There were many depiction of Christianity that is antinomian; 86 obscenities of us, in the 1960s, who felt that there were grave (including some sexual language) & 20 mostly strong practical and moral objections to the criminalisation of profanities plus some lewd gestures; some gunshots & homosexuality, and who therefore supported, as happened threats, plus implied armed robbery which takes place off in most Western countries, changes in the law which meant screen; implied fornication & adultery, female therapist that certain forms of homosexual behavior ceased to be propositions homosexual, cross-dressing patient, plus fully unlawful. Homosexuality itself was still to be publicly nude homosexuals embrace on stage in implied pornographic regarded by society, let alone by the churches, as a great theatrical production; full male nudity in homosexual scene & moral evil, but men who engaged in it, within strictly upper female nudity; alcohol use & drunkenness; smoking & defined limits, would no longer be sent to prison. We valium used in an unsafe manner; and, gossip, moral believed this change to be the maximum homosexuals relativism, humiliation scenes where men are forced to put on deserved or could reasonably expect. bras & makeup, armed robbery not rebuked, character We were proved totally mistaken. Decriminalisation made expresses admiration for pornographic homosexual play, it possible for homosexuals to organise openly into a movie sort of pokes fun of double amputee, & reparative powerful lobby, and it thus became a mere platform from therapy for homosexual sinners mocked in the worst way.” which further demands were launched. Next followed They described it as being “Thoroughly Despicable” and gave demands for equality, in which homosexuality was it their lowest rating: -4. officially placed on the same moral level as standard forms of sexuality, and dismissal of identified homosexuals Olivia, your 300 million dollar from sensitive positions, for instance in schools, children’s Cancer Center in Australia is homes, etc., became progressively more difficult. This was wonderful effort by you and followed in turn by demands not merely for equality but many others supporting your privilege: the appointment, for instance, of homosexual quotas effort. You’ve personally stood in local government, the excision from school textbooks and up against this disorder to try curricula, and university courses, passages or books or to save as many lives as authors they found objectionable, special rights to proselytise, possible. Your successful and not least the privilege of special programmes to put effort is highly commendable. You are forward their views – including the elimination of the truly doing “what is correct” remaining legal constraints – on radio and television. Thus we began by attempting to right what was felt an ancient We at TCFamily.org are also standing up injustice and we ended up with a monster in our midst, for “what is correct.” We’ve handed powerful and clamouring, flexing its muscles, out about 8000 of our “Fake LGBTQ threatening, vengeful and vindictive towards anyone who Movement” Flyers to shine the light of challenges its outrageous claims, and bent on making Truth about a Mighty God who sent His fundamental – and to most of us horrifying – changes to son to die on the cross for our sins. We civilised patterns of sexual behavior. cannot and should not “celebrate our sins” that our Savior Jesus died for. Here indeed we have sexual politics in action. And, as with other alternatives to God, the result is not human happiness, Sincerely, but human misery. The homosexual community, as they now styled themselves, by their reckless promiscuity during the Bill Wiesner 1970s and 1980s, helped to spread among their members the WANT TO HELP? CONTACT US AT: fearful scourge of AIDS, a killer disease of a peculiarly horrible nature, for which there is no cure, and no immediate [email protected] Phone: (231) 313-6805 likelihood of a cure….” The Fake LGBTQ Movement (ver-02) … How it Deceives those with Same-Sex Attraction and their So-Called “Allies” (Written and Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by TCFamily.org) (Version 02_dated 2017-06-30)

The three pairs of new TCFamily Street signs below help to illustrate WHY THE LGBTQ MOVEMENT IS FAKE: FAKE SAFETY: the top two and the bottom right signs; FAKE “CIVIL RIGHTS”: the middle two signs; and FAKE GAY MANIFESTO BOOK: the bottom left sign shows emotional marketing, not reason, facts, and science. [WARNING: Description of homosexual perversion included in flyer on page 2.]

FAKE SAFETY: I’m sure that Mr. Jenkins and the area public school teachers promoting That’s why we were at the Saturday April 29, this are well-intentioned, but promoting high risk behavior and the Fake 2017 “Gay” Prom at Traverse City’s Hotel LGBTQ Movement to teenagers is functionally hateful. Indigo – to warn those 95 (9th – 12th grade) Traverse City Area attending teenagers (from Evidence of this can be easily seen from the 600-page the 5 surrounding counties) about the Fake Mass Resistance 2017 book entitled “The Health LGBTQ Movement (see top two signs Hazards of Homosexuality”. (See bottom right sign above) and the extreme health risks above), which links to 1800 hotlink documents in the e- connected to those practicing homosexuality. book version, and has 99 pages of documentation footnotes. The Polestar website said: “Polestar has been working closely with students and teachers from Traverse area GSAs to plan the first ever The FOREWORD to the book explains: “… The medical Northwest Lower Michigan LGBT+ Prom. community in the U.S. (and around the world) has done extensive study on homosexual health issues. This book cites that Polestar North later identified the “anonymous information, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention donor” as Jeff Jenkins, and stated that his “donation (CDC), medical professional associations, the American Psychological made the evening possible.” and Psychiatric Associations, the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association, Jenkins, a former Michigan resident, has been the the Fenway Institute, various LGBT-friendly clinical guides, and numerous long-time executive producer of “Keeping Up With the research studies.” Here are two of their 1800 documented health hazards: Kardashians” and currently is co-president of  “Among adolescent males aged 13–19 years, approximately 91% of entertainment and development at the Los all diagnosed HIV infections are from male-to-male sexual contact.” Angeles-based Bunim-Murray Productions.  “A Canadian homosexual advocacy group, in its “Human rights Jenkins identifies as a “gay” man — and calls complaint against the government of Canada” (2009), states that himself a “champion of LGBT rights.” gay/bisexual men lose 20 years” [of life] WARNING: Description of homosexual perversion: FAKE “1973 APA Decision”: Excerpts from www.AmericansForTruth.com article entitled: Ryan Sorba wrote “The Born ‘Gay’ Hoax” which ‘Gay’ Doctor, Stephen Goldstone: Anal Sex Like a ‘Battering Ram’ for details the take-down of the APA, when which Your ‘Sphincter Is No Match’ homosexuality was declassified as a disorder: here are some excerpts showing it “ … Can you handle the truth about homo-sex? Most people can’t, because was a Fake Decision: it is brutal (literally) and repulsive. Here is a quotation from Dr. Stephen  ‘Gay’ activist who helped in the takedown, Goldstone, an open homosexual and author of The Ins and Outs of Barbara Giddings, said: “It never was a Gay Sex. Dr. Goldstone is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at The medical decision … After all, it was only three Mount Sinai School of Medicine and an expert on “gay men’s health” and years … It was a political move … That’s how far we’ve come in “anorectal disorders,” according to the (“gay”-affirming) Physicians ten years. Now we even have the American Psychiatric Research. Association running scared.” … Keep in mind that Goldstone is a ‘sex positive’ homosexuality  Anytime a scientific organization endorses sodomy, remember advocate who dedicates his book to his [male] lover, Bruce.” Also, it Gittings words: They are “running scared.” Pro‐sodomy activists seems obvious but it needs to be said: anal sex is also high-risk if have learned that intimidation and strategic alliances work, and practiced by heterosexuals …” Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH they are never hesitant about using intimidation and psychological manipulation to reach the goals of their radical Dr. Goldstone writes: agenda. “Just as your internal sphincter muscle FAKE ‘Gay’ Manifesto Book: “AFTER THE BALL”: involuntarily relaxes when feces enter your See the bottom-left Street Sign above showing Propaganda rectum, it involuntarily contracts when a and Emotions (i.e. ~ Love is Love is Love) rather than reason, penis or other object attempts to enter from and thusly promoting high-risk behavior – contrary to TCAPS’ the outside…An anal tear can occur during Board and Superintendent’s claim that SAFETY is the #1 the initial phase of anal sex precisely concern – and the FAKE LGBTQ Movement, ultimately to the because your partner pushes his penis TCAPS K-12 children and young adults. [Read 62 details on “After the through a closed sphincter. Think of his Ball” – search for “Ball” at www.TCFamily.org. penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.” FAKE “TOLERANCE”: –Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: New York, 1999), p. 4.

FAKE “CIVIL RIGHTS”: Traverse City Police Chief Jeff O’Brien (see middle two street signs above) shared at the February 6, 2017 City Commission Meeting: “I think the civil rights movement of the 21st century is the LGBTQ issues …” But we know that Civil Rights are: inborn, involuntary, Dr. Scott Lively has described the LGBTQ process of conquering or immutable, innocuous, and “in the dominating the culture; Local example of LGBTQ Activists seeking Constitution” -- ALL of which apply to race, but dominance: The “Out and Proud” leader NONE of which apply to homosexual conduct. had me removed from a Polestar North Please also consider the King of Civil Rights, “Town Hall” meeting on May 24th, 2016, Dr. Martin Luther Kings’ only reported written (where “gay” Mayor Jim Carruthers looked thoughts about homosexuality, as recorded in a on as Chief of Police Jeff Obrien escorted me out) just compassionate letter to a man struggling as soon as I arrived – when the stated goal of the meeting was: “The goal with same sex attraction (SSA) and published of the meeting is to welcome ANYONE to discuss the future plans for in 1958 in Ebony Magazine -- excerpts only: the center, ask questions and give feedback.” “Civil rights icon saw homosexuality as a FAKE LGBTQ Biblical “Allies”: ‘culturally acquired’ ‘problem’ with a Romans 1:18-32 (God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness) ‘solution’ [psychiatric counseling] – a “habit” condemns many sins, including sexual sins as well as stemming from a series of negative homosexual sins. Moreover, Romans 1:32 judges “experiences and circumstances.” those “so-called” LGBTQ “Allies” who are “smarter than God,” saying: “…who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who FAKE ALFRED KINSEY “Science”: practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same BUT Alfred Kinsey is known as the “Father of the ALSO APPROVE OF THOSE WHO PRACTICE THEM.” Sexual Revolution”, but as an “in the closet” But 1Cor 6:11 gives great hope to those homosexual, he could also be seen as the Father of the Homosexual Revolution. Here struggling with same-sex attraction, are some quotes about Kinsey from preeminent saying: “… And such were some of you. But you Kinsey whistleblower Dr. Judith Reisman from were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the her book: “SEXUAL SABOTAGE: How one mad name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” scientist unleashed a plague of corruption and contagion on America.” Compassionate Closing Insights: from Abdu Murray,  87% of his subjects for his “scientific data” were: sex-addicts, who is the North American Director with Ravi Zacharias homosexuals, criminals, rapists, prostitutes, pedophiles, and International Ministries. He spoke at “Sceptics Night” prisoners! recently at New Hope Community Church. You can watch it  Alfred Kinsey … and his cult libeled our World War II warrior here: https://newhope.cc/messages/skeptics-night-abdu-murray/ generation in order to validate his own cowardly perversions by You will see a 3 minute question regarding LGBTQ asked by Bill Wiesner creating a “sexual revolution.” (p5) (in the public Q&A) and Abdu’s very compassionate 17 minute response.  Abundant evidence of child sexual torture by Kinsey’s “researchers,” (This question and answer starts at 1 hr 23 min and ends at 1 hr 43 min.) who engaged in brutal, sexual experiments on children. (p24) Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder  [Go to www.TCFamily.org to read 40 more appalling facts about Kinsey from just the first three chapters of her book (Search “Kinsey”); WANT TO HELP? CONTACT US AT: He’s not a “Father” that I would want to be “loud and proud” about.] [email protected] or (231) 313-6805 The Myth of the LGBTQ Ally (ver-04) (Written and Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by TCFamily.org) (version 04_dated 2017-06-20)

An “Ally” defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is “A person or group If this concerns you, please contact the Superintendent and School that gives help to another person or group.” And a synonym of an Board. Realize that TCAPS’s stated #1 Goal is to insure the safety and “ally” is a “friend.” well-being of the children. People self-identifying as “LGBTQ” (Lesbian-‘Gay’-‘Bisexual’- When Dr. Scott Lively [www.ScottLively.net] (and expert on ‘Transgender’-‘Questioning’-‘Queer’ … etc.) often compare their the homosexual activist movement around the world) spoke movement to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and they call out for in Traverse City in 2015, he said that one of the main rules “LGBTQ Allies” to come along side of them in their stated goals for “equal in warfare – which is exactly what we are in, as adults with a rights”. personal agendas are promoting homosexuality to our children – is that you always protect your home turf. Jesus said in Jn 8:32 that “… The truth will set you free…” , But are the self-identifying “LGBTQ Allies” really being And Linda Harvey, President of Mission America true “allies” or true “friends” to someone (http://www.missionamerica.com/) (who used to be a liberal self-identifying as “LGBT” by supporting or LGBT and Planned Parenthood supporter until she saw how promoting their homosexual behavior if: they were going after the children) said the following: “… You stand up for your boys is what you do, and girls; you don’t  Their movement is based on many false do this!” (I would add – you don’t let THEM do this, no foundations. matter how well-intentioned they might be.)  Their homosexual behavior “identity” is often strongly influenced by previous (This Transgender Bathroom ruling is supposedly based on the 1973 harmful physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse. (or as Dr. Martin Title 7 Civil rights law saying that there should be no discrimination Luther King stated in his 1958 advice column in Ebony based on “sex,” which meant to everyone when it was written two magazine: Civil rights icon saw homosexuality as a possibilities: “male” or “female.”) ‘culturally acquired’ ‘problem’ with a ‘solution’ Note what Lesbian Activist Camille Paglia [psychiatric counseling] – a “habit” stemming from a said in a recent interview with Dennis series of negative “experiences and circumstances.” Prager: Our position at www.TCFamily.org is that: “Every single gay person [FROM THE  Every person is created in the image of God, and is to INTERVIEW CONTEXT SHE MEANT MALE be loved and respected as a person of extreme value. OR FEMALE ‘GAY’ PERSON] I know has  A true ally or friend to a self-identified “LGBTQ” person would encourage some sort of drama going on, back in only what is based on a good and true foundation in that person. childhood. Something was happening that (Always encourage the individual, created in the image of God; but not we’re not allowed to ask about anymore . . . encourage the homosexual behavior – or any other sexual sin such as I can see patterns that are similar in my viewing pornography, fornication, and adultery – which are all based on background to that of other women I know false foundations and are harmful to those who practice them.) who are , but the biggest patterns  There are only two sides (Worldviews) to consider in the current cultural are in gay men. Every single gay man I debate on the topic of sex: know had a particular pattern where for (1) ‘The ideal is One Man – One Woman marriage, as whatever reason, he was closer to his God ordained it. It is like a campfire which is mother than to his father, and there was some sort of distance between the contained for safety, and provides heat and is mother and the father, so that she looked to her son as her real equal or beneficial for cooking. friend, as the real companion of her soul.

“Well, it’s my point of view, sexuality is very fluid. Sexual Orientation can (2) The alternative is “Sexual Freedom” = “Sexual license” = change according to circumstance. It’s an absolute canard, as I said in the “Sexual Anarchy”, which includes viewing Wall Street Journal interview, that you’re born gay. This is, there’s absolutely pornography, fornication, adultery, not a shred of evidence for that.” homosexuality, and everything else. These are like an uncontained fire and are all harmful to “… the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence those who practice them. and cultural collapse. [This ver-04 flyer (updated 06-20-17) will list evidence for our stated views, “Nothing... better defines the decadence of the West to the jihadists and will be updated beyond (ver-04) to accommodate new information.) than our toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now,” Paglia said … On Wednesday September 15th, Michigan’s State Board of Education voted 6 (Democrats) to 2 (Republicans) to allow “transgender” students “, even today with all of its advances, cannot “… to use restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen in fact change anyone’s sex, okay. You can define yourself as a trans gender identity.” man, or a , as one of these new gradations along the scale. But ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, Then in a September remains coded for your biological birth. 16, 2016 Record Eagle article, Traverse City “So there are a lot of lies being propagated at the present moment, Area Public Schools which I think is not in anyone’s best interest … (TCAPS) "Parents are now encouraged to subject the child to procedures that I Superintendent Paul think are a form of child abuse. The hormones to slow puberty, actual Soma said regarding surgical manipulations, etcetera. I think that this is wrong, that people the 10,000 TCAPS should wait until they are of an informed age of consent. Kindergartners – 12th graders: “Students “Parents should not be doing this to their children and I think that even are provided access in the teenage years is too soon to be making this leap. People change, to gender-neutral people grow, and people adapt." bathrooms and locker rooms but are Paglia went on to talk about her book Sexual Personae [5] and how the not required to use them for any reason. TCAPS students have the right emergence of transgenderism signifies the end of Western culture. to use the bathroom of their choice.” “Now I am concerned about this… In fact, my study of history in Sexual Personae, I’m always talking about the late phases of culture. “I was always drawn to late or decadent phases of culture … “Given the chance without being encouraged into the ‘transgender’ lifestyle, ‘Up to 98% of gender ambiguous [TCAPS] boys and 88% of gender "And I found in my study that history is cyclic, and everywhere in the ambiguous [TCAPS] girls are likely to accept their biological sex after world you find this pattern in ancient times: that as a culture begins to through puberty naturally,’ according to the APA. decline, you have an efflorescence of transgender phenomena. That is a symptom of cultural collapse.” “Suicide rates are ‘twenty times greater among adults who use cross- sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden I am sure that they and most other “LGBTQ Allies” were sincere and which is among the most LGBQT-affirming countries.’ well-meaning in their encouragement to those involved with homosexual behavior. But I ask this question: Are the TCAPS Superintendent and the 7 “The trans Board Members if really being true allies and friends, in the sense of agenda's distortion of Jesus’ statement in John 8:32b: “… The Truth will set you free”? reality in the form of glorifying mental Our TCAPS Superintendent illness while demonizing and School Board appear to be a healthy sexual mindset among the thousands of so- is a clear example of called LGBT Allies. what the ACP warned Another local “LGBTQ Ally” is would damage Michael Moore – the Founder children.” of the Traverse City Film This “Little Girl” picture Festival (TCFF). represents the LGBTQ On July 31st they showed “THE Activist movement to DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL” me: Adults with personal agendas trying to indoctrinate children into at this year’s 2016 TCFF at “The harmful behavior. Buzz” venue, which is located in the Traverse City Central Grade School Gym (used daily during the school year by Kindergartners – 5th Grade children.) This is a movie showing 15 year old Minnie having sex with her Mother’s boyfriend, who is 30 – 40 years old. Michael Moore and the TCFF describe the film this way: “… Minnie and Monroe fall into a precariously complex affair that director Marielle Heller handles with unparalleled skill, eschewing melodrama and victimhood for more complex questions about love, longing, and agency…” Movie Guide describes it this way: They give it their lowest possible rating of -4, and describe it as: “…ABHORRENT: Intentional blasphemy, evil, gross immorality, and/or worldview problems… at least 30 obscenities (mainly “f” words) … very strong and graphic sexual content, with essentially the every scene being a sexual scene, explicit sex scenes Michael Moore was kind enough to grant me a 90 second Q&A regarding between the 15 year old protagonist and her mother’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s test on how to discover if a law is just or unjust. older boyfriend (a man in his 30s or 40s), other sex You can watch this entire Q&A – plus 6 minutes of Michael promoting scenes with another teenage boy, depicted oral sex, an intense lesbian homosexuality and Hillary for President, plus 23 minutes of TCFamily sex scene, and an implied threesome; extensive, graphic, and full in Street Outreach – by going to www.UpNorthMedia.org. (This show is your face nudity in a sexual context, with the protagonist fully naked in entitled “NOAH and the Last Days”; our local TCFamily portion is during pretty much all the sex scenes, upper and lower male nudity, and the last 30 minutes.) pictures and drawings of male and female genitalia … very strong miscellaneous immorality … it has a very strong feminist worldview You can watch the show on Charter Cable channel 189 at 11 pm on with explicit content that’s abhorrent … Ultimately, it’s an evil movie Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Or you can type in TCFM that’s unacceptable viewing.” (from TCFamily Media) into their search engine to find our shows. Also watch “AUDACITY: Love Can’t Stay Silent,” which is a great movie by Ray Michael Moore seems to be promoting the “Sexual Freedom,” and thus is Comfort which compassionately addresses the homosexual issue. acting as an “ally” to the professing LGBTQ Activists, which starts with regular pornography, fornication, and adultery, and moves on to It is much more than the Right to Privacy that we are concerned about. homosexual sex, pederasty (as in this movie), and polygamy, etc. According to Dr. Scott Lively, it is really about the “primacy of natural gender identity…” So we will lose big time if we settle for individual All the while pro-family leaders are actually the true allies to all unisex bathroom and shower stalls. individuals in society by saying: stop this false narrative madness. And Remember: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New King James Version (NKJV) Let’s go back to the argument of who are the real LGBTQ Allies … The Ex-‘Gay’ Verses: 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit Please consider this: If you as an “ally” are promoting and celebrating the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, homosexual behavior in your friends, then arguably you are for the nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor following: covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom The promotion of “Transgendered” regulations: of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Not only is these Transgendered regulations greatly endangering the and by the Spirit of our God. 10,000 local Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) Kindergartners – 12th graders (plus millions more around the country), it is undermining Just like there are thousands of ex-‘gays’, we pray that the thousands of the very moral fiber of our country. so-called LGBTQ Allies will become genuine allies and choose to share the Truth in Love about homosexuality. Consider what the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) says about the “Transgender” situation: And I hope that our TCAPS Superintendent and School Board, and Michael Moore and all other so-called “LGBTQ Allies” – whom I am sure are "Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and sincere – will consider this. surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder Want to help? Contact us at: [email protected] or (231) 313-6805 TCFamily.org encourages WTCM Radio, Local Boy Scout Troops and TC Target Store Workers To “BE BRAVE” and fight against the SEXUAL ANARCHY WILDFIRE of LGBTQ Activists (ver 2) (June 2, 2016 -- Written and Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by TCFamily.org Founder Bill Wiesner) We at www.TCFamily.org will be joining other concerned citizens in participating in a nation-wide protest of TARGET Stores on Saturday June 4th, from 10am – 2pm at our local TARGET located at the Grand Traverse Mall.

TCFamily will also be holding this “little girl bathroom sign” outside at the entrance to the Traverse City Area Public Schools graduation ceremonies at the Interlochen Arts Academy on Sunday June 5th.

According to what was shared in the 5 hours of the 2015 WTCM And we will also be outside the TC West Senior High School on Radio Boy Scout Telethon, WTCM Radio announcer Ron Jolly Monday June 5th to encourage all TCAPS students, teachers, and started the WTCM Boy Scout Telethon Fundraiser way back in Administration to stand up AGAINST the SEXUAL ANARCHY 2003 when the Boy Scouts lost various sources of funding. WILDFIRE of LGBTQ Activists.

We at www.TCFamily.org applaud both Ron Jolly and the Boy Scouts of America decades of successfully fighting against Homosexual activists who tried every method they could think of to force the Boy Scouts to allow same-sex-attracted boys to be Boy Scouts and homosexuals to become Boy Scout Leaders. One of those methods was to encourage corporations to stop donating money to the Boy Scouts. We applaud WTCM Radio Hosts And the homosexual activists’ continual ruthless pressure finally Crystal Frost and Colleen Wares who both spoke out sharply on worked. On May 23, 2013, the Boy Scouts finally fell and chose to the radio against the proposed Michigan Board of Education’s allow openly homosexual boys into the Boy Scouts. (MBE) “Transgender” Policy, which would also allow grown men who either simply say or think they are women to use women’s (TCFamily agrees with the Founder of http://www.traillifeusa.com/ bathrooms and shower facilities. who I heard in a radio interview say that they gladly allow boys discretely struggling with same-sex-attraction (SSA) because Hoverver, once the proverbial cat (of “SEXUAL ORIENTATION”) they need the positive attention and encouragement of Godly men is out of the bag, everything else proposed by the SEXUAL in their lives. However the inclusion of boys who openly identify ANARCHY WILDFIRE of LGBTQ Activists – like this insane as homosexuals would be promoting harmful homosexual “TRANSGENDER” Bathroom Bill – must automatically follow. behavior.) Dr. Scott Lively – who has held conferences in Traverse City three I was listening to the June 6, 2013 Ron Jolly show, exactly 2 times now in about 2001, 2013, and 2015 – is arguably one of the weeks after the Boy Scouts relented on homosexuality. I do not foremost world experts on the homosexual movement. Here’s one recall hearing even one mention of the Boy Scouts finally falling relevant comment he had to say: in this decades-old struggle. Nor have I heard any mention of it during the 2014 or 2015 WTCM Boy Scout Telethons. “First they start out with pornography; then they bring in the homosexual agenda by promoting the idea that And that’s why we are outside the WTCM Radio Station today to homosexuality is innate and ENCOURAGE WTCM Talk Show Hosts, Local Boy Scout Troops, unchangeable. … And then they follow up behind that and the local Traverse City Target Store Workers and Managers with an ANTIDISCRIMINATION LAW BASED ON to fight locally at every opportunity AGAINST the SEXUAL SEXUAL ORIENTATION. … The Anti-discrimination ANARCHY WILDFIRE of LGBTQ Activists. policy based on sexual orientation – like you just adopted here in your city – is the seed that contains the entire tree of Just where does that SEXUAL ANARCHY WILDFIRE of LGBTQ the homosexual agenda, with all of its poisonous . You Activists lead? Here is one example of the Transgender insanity look at the ACORN … you say, “No”, that is not an OAK that the CEO and National Board of Directors of TARGET stores is TREE in there.” Right? Oh yes there is! You get ‘Gay’ Pride Parades. You get ‘Gay’ in effect promoting by their recent policy change to allow grown Marriage. You get Government-Funding of all of their Agenda. You get men who say they identify as “transgender” to use the bathroom Homosexuality being taught to the (TCAPS) KINDERGARTNERS in the school. of the women: EVERYTHING comes with it!” (Like the ‘TRANSGERDER’ bathroom madness.)

Let’s take a look now at the Boy Scout Law:

Boy Scout Law

A Scout is:

Trustworthy Obedient Loyal Cheerful Helpful Thrifty Friendly Brave Courteous Clean Kind and Reverent

If you look at the Boy Scout Law above, the SEXUAL ANARCHY WILDFIRE promoting LGBTQ Activists break the following Laws: TRUSTWORTHY and LOYAL: they discard the foundational truths of the Boy Scouts; OBEDIENT: not to God’s laws; BRAVE: for decades they were, but the leadership finally caved under Furthermore, in an article entitled pressure, setting a terrible example for the young Boy Scouts; “New campaign aims to make CLEAN: along with pornography-viewing, fornication, adultery, Captain America ‘gay’”, World homosexual behavior is not morally clean; and REVERENT: One Net Daily (WND) Editor David who is reverent reveres God’s word, which speaks against all sexual Kupelian states: immorality. Plus they are also breaking the BOY SCOUT OATH OR “Yet, as I explain in ‘How Evil PROMISE to be “morally straight.” Works,’ there are always two engines of ‘fundamental There are really just 2 distinct choices to transformation’ working in tandem: intimidation and seduction. this issue: God created man-woman sex Lately, America is experiencing a lot of the intimidation: … teen within marriage alone. This is like a girls are required to shower with gender-confused boys; and those warm campfire which we can use to cook who don’t play along with the transgender delusion are fined for with and warm ourselves; and the other failing to use the correct gender pronoun. We’re talking hardcore is “sexual freedom” which means “sexual madness here. License” or “sexual anarchy”: the “… He highlighted shocking statistics which reveal the quiet SEXUAL ANARCHY WILDFIRE offered by the LGBTQ Activists. desperation of American life. 110 million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease. Tico Perez – the National BSA 1 in 4 middle-aged women are taking antidepressants. Commissioner – called in to the Ron Jolly 130 million Americans depend on some sort of mind-altering 2015 Scout Telethon. He was asked in a substance just to get through life. 2014 article entitled: “Boy Scouts: Gays Kupelian argues the “liberation” promised by the left is actually aren’t pedophiles, but we still won’t let enslavement and suggests promoting homosexuality to children will them lead”, this question: simply lead to more suffering as people are seduced into following a IndefinitelyWild: Does the Boy Scouts self-destructive way of life. consider gay adults predators or pedophiles? “Unfortunately, the propagandists’ agenda is to further glorify and Tico Perez: Let me be as clear as I can entice impressionable viewers into embracing something that, in be on that topic: No, no and no. This has never been an issue of the final analysis, after all the excitement and illusion are stripped predators or pedophilia. We have studied every piece of data away, is really a disordered and sad obsession,” he said. and every piece of information that the rest of the world has and there is no relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is not the issue. Tico went on to say that Boy Scout Director Robert Gates said that they would not be allowing “Gay” Scout Leaders: “We've done what we are going to do on this issue FOR NOW.” As you might have expected, “FOR NOW” is NOW HERE, and less than 2 years later the Boy Scouts National Board Members were anything but “BRAVE” and voted to allow homosexual Scout Leaders.

But some people say that there is a definite link between homosexuality and pedophilia:

‘Be Prepared’: ‘Gay’ Men with Boy Scouts in Tents May 24, 2015 [EXCERPTS:]

“…In an interview with WND, Dr. Brown said that You can WATCH Dr. Lively’s 9 minute Video he “believes if the Boy Scouts accept openly Brochure of “NOT ‘Just Another Sin’” (NJAS) homosexual leaders, they will cease to be a positive moral force in here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJWUOwyUScI the lives of American boys.” Read (or print out) his NJAS brochure here: “ http://www.scottlively.net/wp- Stated Brown: “This opens the door for sexual predators, a real content/uploads/2014/08/Not-Just-Another- danger, and it opens the door for gay boys to be flirting with Sin-Brochure-FINAL.pdf straight boys under the auspices of the Boy Scouts.” Read his 18 page NJAS expanded article here: http://www.scottlively.net/wp- The BSA has already been plagued by a long history of man-on- content/uploads/2014/12/Forgotten-Last- boy homosexual assaults perpetrated by closeted Scout leaders. Days-Warning-About-Homosexuality-in-the- The shocking extent of the abuse has only recently been exposed Bible.pdf as the BSA has worked hard to cover up the scandal. And watch a beautiful “The RAINBOW belongs to God” video here: https://vimeo.com/99499786 Parents, the BSA is about to place political correctness above your child’s safety to a level unprecedented in the once-honorable Also if you go to http://www.upnorthmedia.org/ organization’s long and storied history. This is not an opinion. It’s and search for “AUDACITY”, you will be able to an empirical, quantifiable certainty. watch Ray Comfort’s wonderful movie: “AUDACITY: Love Can’t Stay Silent”, which shows Consider, for instance, a study published in the left-leaning the truly loving response to those struggling with Archives of Sexual Behavior, of over 200 convicted pedophiles. It same-sex-attractions. found that “86 percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.” This demonstrates, as We ask the WTCM Talk Show Hosts, The BOY observes Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council: “Since SCOUTS, all TCAPS students and staff, and all local almost 30 percent of child sexual abuse is committed by TARGET Store workers and management, to stand with us and homosexual or bisexual men (one-third male-on-male abuse times have the “audacity” to not be silent but to speak the truth in 86 percent identifying as homosexual or bisexual), but less than 3 love with all your homosexual friends. percent of American men identify themselves as homosexual or Sincerely, bisexual, we can infer that homosexual or bisexual men are Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder approximately 10 times more likely to molest children than Phone: 231-313-6805 Email: [email protected] heterosexual men.” [You can follow the hotlinks online.] MLK Day January 18, 2016, Homosexualist Michael Moore, So-Called LGBT Allies, and Sharia Law (ver 9) (Distributed in Traverse City, MI Area by TCFamily.org) road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it.

… No amount of leftist spin can muddy Dr. King’s lucid position on the homosexual lifestyle. He recognized it as a “culturally acquired” “problem” in need of a “solution” – a “habit” stemming from a series of negative “experiences and circumstances.” Gary Glenn is a candidate for the Michigan State House. He … said: “If homosexual activists had been holding awards ceremonies back in 1958,” wrote Glenn, “they would have labeled Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a bigot for his published views on homosexual attraction. Indeed, were he still alive today, and when judged against today’s empty, politically correct standards, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – quite literally the “King” of civil rights – would be perpetually smeared as a “bigot,” “hater” and “homophobe” by the ever-”tolerant” left. Dr. Alveda King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She agrees [saying]:

But would Martin Luther King really be smiling down on so called “gay “To equate homosexuality with race is to give a death marriage?” Please consider Dr. King’s only reported written thoughts about sentence to civil rights,” said Alveda in 1997. “No one homosexuality, as recorded by an article by Matt Barber. What follows are is enslaving homosexuals … or making them sit in the some select excerpts, but if you Google the title you can read the entire article: back of the bus.” Civil rights icon saw homosexuality as a ‘culturally In 1998 at the University of North Carolina, she said, “Homosexuality cannot be elevated to the civil rights acquired’ ‘problem’ with a ‘solution’ [psychiatric issue. The civil rights movement was born from the Bible. God hates counseling] – a “habit” stemming from a series of negative homosexuality.” “experiences and circumstances.” So when Michael Moore or anyone else try’s to compare the noble civil By Matt Barber right movement (based on one’s race, which is inborn, involuntary, immutable, and innocuous) with homosexual behavior (which is This past week America honored both the life and noble work of the Rev. learned, voluntary, changeable, and especially for males, high risk), they Martin Luther King Jr., a Bible-believing Christian minister who did more to are misrepresenting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. advance the cause of race-based civil rights than perhaps any other person in recent history. We at www.TCFamily.org have also been concerned about the homosexualists at Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) for at Regrettably – and as they do each year – the same flock of opportunist least the last 16 years and more. You can see some of that activism on our “LGBT”-activist vultures quickly swooped in, picking the live flesh from TCFamily website in the article “TCAPS and Friends Promoting MLK’s character-based “dream,” to advance Homosexuality.” Alfred Kinsey, known as the Founder of the Sexual their own behavior-based nightmare. Revolution, was an in-the-closet homosexual. You can see his picture In what amounts to a sort of soft racism, this photoshopped onto the TCAPS Administration Building below. mostly white left-wing faction has, over the Was his data accurate and scientific? You years, disingenuously and ignobly hitched its decide once you know that according to Dr. little pink wagon to a civil rights movement Judith Reisman – foremost expert on Kinsey – that, by contrast, is built upon the genuine and from researching his data she discovered that: noble precepts of racial equality and 86% of the people that Alfred Kinsey humanitarian justice. interviewed were sex-addicts, homosexuals, What was MLK’s position on the homosexual lifestyle and so-called criminals, rapists, prostitutes, pedophiles, “gay rights”? While he said little in public on the issue, what he did say and prisoners. made his viewpoint abundantly clear. Unlike the “LGBT” lobby, I’ll let Dr. King speak for himself. Dr. Reisman wrote the book “STOLEN HONOR, STOLEN INNOCENCE”, to detail the fraudulent work of Kinsey. With In 1958, while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine, Dr. King its much skewed data mentioned above, it disparaged the responded to a young “gay” man looking for guidance. To avoid being morals of the “Greatest Generation” – the men and accused of “cherry-picking,” here is the exchange in its entirety: women of the World War II era. And it compromised the Question: My problem is different from the ones most people have. I innocence of the children by the constant and am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I everywhere promotion of sex and homosexuality in our don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any society place where I can go for help? We are also concerned about TCAPS School Board Member Answer: [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.]: Your problem is not at all an Gary Appel’s stated desire to inhibit the religious freedom uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate protections for TCAPS students and parents. This is in tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired. Your regards to an email that I sent out encouraging our pro-family reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously supporters to contact their lawmakers in Michigan and ask them suppressed or unconsciously repressed. Therefore, it is necessary to vote FOR the proposed RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act.) to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences Mr. Appel responding as follows in an email reply to me: “From: Appel, and circumstances that led to the habit. In order to do this I would Gary [mailto:[email protected]] suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in To: [email protected] bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and Sent: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:38:04 +0000 circumstances that led to the habit. You are already on the right Subject: RE: TCFamily Press Release: Vital request to call your MI state senator ASAP; … Thank you for alerting me to this. I will call my legislators and urge them … “It’s O.K. To Be Different”, by Todd Parr. … to vote NO on these bills. I will also forward my recommendation to the [Online google discovered details:] “… An illustration more that 1000 voters who have communicated with me over the years. of two women ("It's okay to have different Moms") and two men ("It's okay to have different Dads") handles We are also concerned about Northern Express Newspaper editors diverse families sensitively—this could cover either refusing to print my letter to the editor regarding Stephen same-sex families or stepfamilies … He wisely doesn't Tuttle’s July 6, 2015 article entitled: “PICK A NEW FIGHT”, zero in on specifics, which would force him to and ending with the paragraph: “The reality is simple; this establish what's "normal." Instead, he focuses on battle in the social wars is over. Opponents of same-sex acceptance and individuality and encourages readers marriage and the ACA lost. It’s time they pick a new fight.” to do the same. All ages.” The Northern Express Editor who emailed me (Luke) wrote the following response: “We reserve the right to publish, Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7 pm edit, or reject any letter. This letter was rejected because What’s Real by Sampson McCormick of the personal and attacking tone about a specific Dennos Museum Center - Milliken Auditorium writer.” Certainly they do have that right, but shouldn’t they promote Sampson McCormick is a nationally touring, diverse and strong opinions EQUALLY amongst their readership? You award winning stand-up comedian, writer and decide from selections from 15 letters to Northern Express letters critical activist who makes audiences double over in of the August 24th letter entitled “No More State Theatre.” Here are a few laughter whether he’s joking about his wacky of the selected comments: “… pathetic and narrow-minded letter … Aunt Jackie, his neighbor, or homophobia, poverty, and religion. For your hate and contempt of people … homophobic presence … intolerant over a decade, he has been a favorite at LGBT pride festivals and attitude … homophobic bigots like her … spread your hate … a heart so mainstream venues alike. Join us for a hilarious stand-up special for a night black … her filthy comments … hate and prejudice … with your venom of riveting, refreshing, and original takes on religion, sexuality, life and … our shared revulsion for such shortsighted malice …” [Did not politics. [Dennos Museum conveniently left off this additional description Northern Express Editors allow some attacking here?] from Sampson’s Facebook page: “--you know, all those things there you weren't supposed to talk about in polite company.”] Now here is my so-called “attacking” letter Northern Express Refused to print: $10 Suggested Donation – No one turned away for lack of funds {Stephen Tuttle wrote (July 6, 2015 “Pick A New Fight”) regarding the [It is ironic that online advertising states that “NMC Student Life Presents: Supreme Court Decision to legalize “gay marriage” that “… the Supreme Sampson McCormick” , especially when homosexual men’s expected life span is Court decisions are the laws of the land.” shortened by 8 – 20 years (Oxford Study), and 94-95% of the new HIV infections for males in the 13 – 24 year old age group are homosexuals [U.S. Center for Disease Let’s back up to my first “Religious Freedom Challenge” letter to Mr. Tuttle Control (CDC) Data]. on May 11th. I challenged Mr. Tuttle to a debate and stated that “every [TCFamily will hand out this flyer – always sharing the truth in love – at the event.] foundational stone of the “gay” movement is corrupt: Alfred Kinsey Finally, two slides to address Michael Moore’s “WE ARE ALL MUSLIM” “science”; 1973 APA Decision; Kirk & Madsen “After the Ball”; Matthew sign he used to protest in front of the Trump Tower last week – Shepard; plus extreme health risks.” photoshopped below. My question to Michael regarding homosexual I then called Mr. Tuttle and encouraged him to debate publically his views behavior and any religious beliefs he may be promoting is this: Is what promoting homosexuality in our community. His 10 second response and you are promoting good for the TCAPS Kindergartners – 12th grade abrupt hang-up was: “No, we’re not going to do that – thanks for calling children? though.” It appears that he is unwilling to defend his promotion of homosexuality – ultimately even to the TCAPS Kindergarteners – which according to the CDC, “male-to-male sexual contact” is causing 94-95% of the new HIV infections in 13-24 year old young men. Mr. Tuttle also stated: “We don’t get to pick and choose which [Supreme Court] decisions to follow.” Well then why don’t I see you campaigning support for the obviously illegitimate 1857 Supreme Court Dred Scott Decision that stated: “… people of African descent were not fully human?” We up the ante, and challenge you to debate Dr. Scott Lively (arguably THE foremost expert on the homosexual activist movement in the world) at his Traverse City Conference August 22&23 at TWO locations: at Harbor Light Christian Center 4050 Barnes Rd: Sat Aug 22: 2-6pm & Sun Aug 23: 6-8pm; AND at TC Christian School 753 Emerson Road: Sat Aug 22: 7- 9pm & Sun Aug 23: 10-12am. He will give you ample time to challenge him, unlike your unwillingness to accept my challenge to you. Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder} ##### Traverse City Mayor Jim Carruthers’ introduction to the 2016 MLK Jr event at the State Theatre: “I might not be standing here today as mayor if it wasn’t for people like Dr. Martin Luther King. As an openly “gay” man I have felt the struggle in my life throughout my entire life to gain acceptance in my civil rights and I have fought tirelessly for those …” Two additional MLK Day events also promoted homosexuality at: (1) The Great Lakes Children’s Museum (for young toddlers on up) and (2) Northwestern Michigan College (NMC). The homosexualists are constantly trying to indoctrinate the children and young adults with their misinformation. Is this something that the Museum’s parents and donors should be happy about? Is NMC’s use of humor to desensitize young college-aged adults not just a back door to promote the homosexualists “sexual freedom” = “sexual license” = “sexual anarchy” world view? And should financial sponsors WTCM Radio and the West Bay Beach – a Holiday Inn Resort be proud of supporting this indoctrination of Traverse City community toddlers through young adults? Peace Day When: Mon, January 18, 11am – 3pmDescriptionPeace Day- On Monday, January 18th come to the Great Lakes Children’s Museum on Martin Luther King Day to explore and celebrate Peace. There will be special story times at 11:00, 12:00, 1:00 and 2:00, featuring the book … Bill Wiesner / www.TCFamily.org Founder / [email protected] or (231) 313-6805