


Space quakes: collisions of black holes shake the space-time fabric and cause gravitational waves. predicted this effect in his general theory of relativity and these waves were detected for the very first time a century later in September 2015. The relevant cosmic scenarios are described in numerical simulations such as these.

Max Planck Research · 4 | 2020 PHYSIK & ASTRONOMY



It should not actually exist – a with a mass 85 times that of our sun. But that is precisely what astrono- mers have discovered. Apparently, this heavyweight used to be part of a But what lies behind this cosmic quiver? out in the universe. The signal de- 75 In the ultimate analysis, general rela- tected on September 14th, 2015, for ex- binary star system before it merged tivity is a field theory, according to ample, was caused by two black holes with its equally massive partner. The which the accelerated motion of that merged in a fraction of a second resulting space-time quake unleashed masses within the gravitational field following a turbulent dance of death. gravitational waves that are posing results in disturbances that propagate Each of the objects, which were about at the . These distur- 1.3 billion light-years from Earth, had many a puzzle for researchers at the bances are referred to as gravitational a mass around 30 times that of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational waves. It sounds incredible, but they sun. Physics in Potsdam and Hanover. stretch and compress the space through which they pass. Theoreti- By the time this issue of Max Planck cally, they occur when, for example, a Research went to press, scientists had child bounces around on a trampoline. reliably detected 50 gravitational But humans have a small mass and wave events since their initial discov- bounce comparatively slowly, so the ery five years ago. The majority of Gravitational waves are messengers gravitational waves the child causes these events were caused by colliding from the dark universe. Albert Ein- are immeasurably minuscule. black holes, and such discoveries had stein described them in two papers gradually become a matter of routine. published in 1916 and 1918 respec- By contrast, masses out in the universe But something powerful occurred on tively, but temporarily came to doubt are large and there is even a “trampo- May 21st, 2019. Rather than detecting their existence during the 1930s. In line”, i.e. space-time itself, in which a “chirp” in the LIGO (U.S.) and any case, he considered these waves – everything is in constant motion, be- Virgo (Italy) detectors, what the whose existence is predicted by his cause there isn’t a single celestial body astronomers perceived was, as it were, general theory of relativity – to be im- that remains motionless in one place. a plop! It lasted just a tenth of a second measurable. However, they became The Earth creates a bulge in the fabric and reached a maximum frequency of entangled in the scientists’ finely of space-time too as it orbits the Sun, only 60 Hertz – the lowest observed spun web for the first time on Sep- emitting gravitational waves with a so far. tember 14th, 2015, and shook the two power of 200 watts. But even these Advanced LIGO detectors at the waves are too weak to be detected. “Right from the beginning,” says Ales- Hanford and Livingston sites in the However, there are some extremely sandra Buonanno, Director at the U.S. large masses and super high velocities Max Planck Institute for Gravita-

Max Planck Research · 4 | 2020 KNOWLEDGE FROM

tional Physics in Potsdam, “this ex- form when heavy stars reach the end SUMMARY tremely short signal presented a chal- of their lives. When the nuclear fuel in lenge when it came to identifying its the interior is depleted, the stellar gas Astronomers used detectors to observe the origin. But we were able to match the spheres first enter an energy crisis coalescence of the most massive signal to one expected of black-hole phase and then become unstable be- black holes to date. mergers.” Based on the recently ana- fore finally exploding as supernovae, lyzed data, the scientists conclude the leaving behind a lightweight black This event was the first time event involves two true heavyweights hole. At the other end of the weight the scientists had witnessed of around 85 and 65 solar masses, re- range of these gravity traps, scientists the formation of an intermedi- ate-mass black hole. spectively. This event, referred to as suspect the presence of extremely GW190521, also broke another re- heavy stars that, rather than explo- Prior to the merger, one of the two cord: the merger happened about ding as supernovae at the end of their black holes had had a mass equivalent seven billion years ago when the uni- lives, immediately collapse with no to 85 solar masses and – in theory – verse was just half its current age. such fireworks, to form intermedi- should not exist. And because looking into the uni- ate-mass black holes of over 120 solar verse’s past also entails a journey into masses. the distance, the signal is the most distant ever observed.

What’s more, eight solar masses were converted into gravitational energy during that cosmic collision, resulting in the creation of a colossus with 142 times the mass of our home star. “We realized we had witnessed, for the first time, the birth of an intermedi- ate-mass black hole,” says Alessandra 76 Buonanno. Scientists had only ever suspected the existence of such ob- jects, which are heavier than the lighter black holes with masses of up

to 65 times that of the Sun, and less PHOTO: SVEN DÖRING FOR MPG massive than the extremely heavy ones at the centers of galaxies. In short, their masses equate to around 120 to 100,000 solar masses.

All of this sounds very plausible. Yet one of the protagonists involved in the GW190521 event confounds expecta- tions: “According to our understand- ing of how stars age and evolve,” says Frank Ohme, group leader at the Max Light into the dark: Planck Institute for Gravitational Alessandra Buonanno is developing Physics in Hanover, “we would ex- theoretical models to pect to find black holes with masses of identify and interpret either less than 65 solar masses or gravitational-wave greater than 120 solar masses, but signals. The work none in between.” However, this is being carried out by the Director at the precisely the gap into which the black Max Planck Institute hole of 85 solar masses falls. “Either for Gravitational our understanding of Physics is helping to is incomplete, or something funda- decode the secrets of mentally different took place here,” black holes and Ohme concludes. neutron stars and allows conclusions to be drawn about the According to astronomers’ models, black physical properties of holes of up to about 65 solar masses these exotic objects.

Max Planck Research · 4 | 2020 PHYSIK & ASTRONOMY

This gives rise to the mass gap of GW190521 around 65 to 120 solar masses men- tioned by Frank Ohme, in which no stellar black holes ought to exist be- cause, theoretically, those stars from which black holes could form within this range fail to explode as superno- GW150914 vae and therefore do not collapse into black holes. Instead, these stars un- dergo one or more brief episodes of instability, during which they eject GW170608 significant quantities of their matter. Only following this radical weight loss will a star remain, which then GW190814 explodes in a to produce a black hole, but this will have a mass of less than 65 solar masses.

So how was the black hole with 85 solar masses created in the GW190521 event? One possibility is that our

current evolutionary models of stars GRAPHIC: K. FERGUSON, JANI, SHOEMAKER, D. D. TECH, COLLABORATION GEORGIA LAGUNA, MAYA P. are flawed or incomplete, and that certain supernovae may still spawn Heavyweights: this graphic shows a freeze frame from a black holes with masses in excess of simulation of the GW190521 event. About seven billion years ago, two black holes with about 85 and 65 solar 65 solar masses. However, the re- masses had merged – a record! For comparison, the image on the searchers consider this rather un- left shows a schematic representation of the masses involved in likely, as Alessandra Buonanno ex- other gravitational wave events. 77 plains: “My assumption is that this object emerged from an earlier merger of a binary system, probably as the result of a coalescence of two smaller black holes or of two massive stars.” GLOSSARY In fact, according to the general theory of relativity, the signal could be well However, in the final analysis, none GRAVITATIONAL WAVE described as a merger of two black of these scenarios quite fits the DETECTOR holes. Nevertheless, the scientists data. The largest facilities currently are also investigating other potential in operation are LIGO in the explanations for their observation, “We don’t yet know whether the U.S. and Virgo in Italy. Their for example that the signal may be GW190521 event represents an en- working principle involves the result of an interaction between tirely new class of binary black holes, interferometry: laser light travels in two vacuum tubes, or cosmic strings, i.e., hypothetical ob- or just the high-mass end of the arms, arranged at right angles jects that may have formed in the source spectrum we’ve observed so to one another. These arms early universe. Or could it be the re- far,” says Karsten Danzmann, Di- lengthen or shorten whenever sult of a supernova after all? Could rector at the Hanover-based Max a gravitational wave passes GW190521 ultimately be not nearly Planck Institute. “Hopefully, we’ll through the detector, which as distant as it seems, and the event know more once we’ve analyzed all causes the laser light waves to get out of sync, thereby thereby involves less massive black mergers seen by altering the intensity of the holes, which in fact merged at a LIGO and Virgo during their third measured light. The LIGO shorter distance from Earth, and observation run (O3).” The scien- sites in Hanford and their waves were subsequently dis- tists certainly have no shortage of Livingston each have arms torted by a gravitational lens? And data to work with. During the O3, that are four kilometers long, finally, could the signal have been which lasted from April 1st, 2019 to while the Virgo site in Tuscany th uses tubes that are three generated by primordial black holes March 27 , 2020, they recorded data kilometers long. that formed in the infancy of the uni- from no fewer than 56 potential verse before the first stars appeared? gravitational wave candidates.

Max Planck Research · 4 | 2020