WL. Y~YI I cn UUI lU.l>l>/OZ-LUl5-UULL - tlL LUI>; IUUILJ: I>>--IIU K. Vasileios Marinis I i The Historia Ekklesiastike kai Mystike I Theoria: a symbolic understanding of the I 1 Byzantine church building 1 Abstract: This paper offers a close reading of the passages in the Historia Ekkle- I siastike kai Mystike Theona, a liturgical commentary attributed to Germanos I, patriarch of Constantinople (d. 730), that pertain to the church building. The His- -'- -.,-a toria's interpretation is highly symbolic, steeped in scripture and dependent on 1 earlier and contemporary theological thought. On occasion, the text sheds light I'on actual architectural developments, as in the case of the skeuophylakion. On I the whole, however, the discussion of architecture is rather vague. I argue that I the Histona is part of a long exegetical tradition on the liturgy that disregards the functional aspects of church buildings, a disconnect enabled by the adapt- I ability of Byzantine liturgical rites. i - Adresse: Prof. Dr. Vasileios Marinis. The Institute of Sacred Music & Divinity School, Yale University, 409 Prospect street. New Haven. CT 06511, USA;
[email protected] ";.?a For Alice-Mary Talbot The Historia Ekklesiastike kai Mystike Theoria, a liturgical cornrnentaly attributed to Germanos I, patriarch of Constantinople (d. 730), interprets the Divine Liturgy and its material context, the church building, at the beginning of the eighth cen- tury.' However, the Historia's interpretation proved popular throughout the By- - I am grateful to Joel Kalvesmaki, Linda Safran. Albrecht Berger, Robert G. Ousterhout, and the two anonymous reviewers for their many useful comments.