115Th Congress 293
WISCONSIN 115th Congress 293 WISCONSIN (Population 2010, 5,686,986) SENATORS RONALD H. JOHNSON, Republican, of Oshkosh, WI; born in Mankato, MN, April 18, 1955; education: B.A., business administration, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN, 1977; professional: CEO Pacur, LLC.; married: wife, Jane; three children: daughters, Carey and Jenna; son, Ben; committees: chair, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Budget; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Foreign Relations; elected to the U.S. Senate on No- vember 2, 2010; reelected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 2016. Office Listings http://ronjohnson.senate.gov facebook: facebook.com/SenRonJohnson twitter: @SenRonJohnson 328 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 ....................................................... (202) 224–5323 Chief of Staff.—Tony Blando. FAX: 228–6965 Deputy Chief of Staff.—Marlo Meuli. Legislative Director.—Sean Riley. Communications Director.—Ben Voelkel. 517 East Wisconsin Avenue, Room 408, Milwaukee, WI 53202 ............................................. (414) 276–7282 219 Washington Avenue, Suite 100, Oshkosh, WI 54901 ........................................................ (920) 230–7250 Deputy Chief of Staff.—Julie Leschke. *** TAMMY BALDWIN, Democrat, of Madison, WI; born in Madison, February 11, 1962; edu- cation: graduated, Madison West High School, Madison, 1980; A.B., Smith College, North- ampton, MA, 1984; J.D., University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, 1989; appointed to Madison Common Council, Madison, 1986; elected to Dane
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