. United in Christ

The Day in Utrecht 2

Colorful Displays 0

Inter-American Division Reports 9

Proceedings Davaahuu Barbaatar (left) is the first person to become 12 a baptized Seventh-day Adventist in the former Outer Actions Mongolia along the northern border of China. Sovanna 20 Puth is the first to be bap- tized inside Cambodia for Nominating Committee more than 30 years. 31 saw Jesus today. I saw Him in the time for the gentle breeze of the Holy theme "United in Christ" displayed Spirit to blow upon the hearts and minds across the platform in 10 European of our church leaders and members in Ilanguages. The theme seemed to South Africa to create a common con- have bound the hearts of delegates from fessing community. I also recall the the world field, as they rose at the 1985 New Orleans General Conference beginning of each session to sing the proclamation that has no heartbeat of Adventism: "We have this room for racism. hope." God works mysteriously, but because of the hardness of the human heart, He Breaking Down of Walls takes time. Last night Blacks and I saw Jesus today in the breaking Whites, Indians and Coloreds, making down of walls. The Berlin Wall came the rainbow population of South Africa, tumbling down and made it possible for stood on the platform, hand in hand, the first time since World War II for side by side. There I saw the reconciling large numbers of Adventists in Russia hands of Jesus. When D.W.B. Chalale, and Eastern Europe to attend a General the union president, and J. T. Bradfield, Conference session. What a richness vice president, shook hands, it was more and variety they brought to this ses- than a symbol: it was an affirmation that sion—in music, in cultural diversity, in when the grace of God is allowed to rousing manifestations of friendship that complete its mission, the walls of divi- defies the barriers of language and sion come crumbling down. affirms the oneness of love in Christ. Important as the breaking down of the Fulfillment of Mission Berlin Wall is, I saw in this session the I saw Jesus today in the fulfillment of tumbling down of another wall that goes mission. Donald Yost, the retiring direc- back to centuries with a history rooted tor of archives and statistics, predicted in the heart of one called Lucifer. For that at the present rate of growth we can the first time last night, the church saw have a pentecostal baptism of 3,000 a on the platform one church, instead of day, adding 4 million members during two, from South Africa. the next quinquennium. Amen. Some 30 years ago Harold While the future is bright, the is was MacMillan, the British Prime Minister, good as reported by two world divisions touring Southern Africa warned of the last night. M. E. Cherian, reelected as "winds of change" blowing across the the president of Southern Asia Division, continent, and called upon South Africa spoke of 214,562 members at the end of to abandon apartheid and build a multi- 1994 as compared with 163,384—a net ethnic society. I recall praying at that increase of 30 percent. And yet the

ohn M. Fowl sociate Editor, inistry The massive Jaarbeurs Convention Center is a cluster of many buildings and halls that house the 56th 0 session of the General Conference. 2 (826) , JULY 5,1995 achievement is but a symbol of the chal- lenge ahead in a land of 910 million people. Afro-Indian Ocean Division, corn- prising 7 time zones and 32 countries, recorded a jump of 34.42 percent in membership from 777,225 in 1989 to more than a million in 1994. While the delegates from this division rejoiced at what God had accomplished, some of them wept openly when division presi- dent Jacob Nortey reported the tragedy of Rwanda. More than one million peo- ple, including 10,000 Adventists, per- ished in less than three months in one of the worst bloodbaths of racism in history. But even in such inexplicable disas- ters, I could see Jesus at work. Jesus crying, Jesus suffering, and Jesus sav- ing. One of those saved is Jemime Mutsiri, a young primary school teacher p of our church at Gitwe, the heartland of Adventism. She is a Tutsi and therefore was marked for murder. When her pur- suers came after her she ran and ran, and A few hundred hardy visitors and GC delegates come to the early morning devotional at 7:30. Andrea Luxton, principal of the Stanborough Secondary School, spoke about Jesus' ministry in her sermon when no one could accept her, she hid "And He Set His Face Toward Jerusalem" on Sunday morning, July 2. herself in banana plantations for 50 days, coming out only at night to find Frank Ottati, the Columbia Union awake was the proposed amendments to something to eat. For 50 days she cried (NAD) ministerial director mean, "Let constitution and bylaws. Referrals back and prayed. "Where was God?" she freedom ring"? Was he using those to the committee showed how agitated asked herself and prayed that even if the words again and again because today is members were on the proposal not to Lord would not spare her life He should July 4, the American independence day? elect General Conference associate protect her from being raped. The Lord Ottati had a more important agenda— departmental directors and division did hear her prayer. When she emerged evangelism. He wanted us to share Jesus department directors. from the shadow of death to the sun- as the liberator of the soul, the harbinger The Constitution and Bylaws shine of life, she found herself alone: all of hope, and the One who has placed an Committee met for a total of nine hours her family members and relatives were infinite price on each soul. How could a to give time for every delegate who had dead, except for a cousin. church remain alive if it does not speak anything to say, and finally the dele- Jemine is a delegate still carrying the about that Jesus to someone else? Where gates had something that satisfied them. marks of fear and death, but there there is no evangelism, there is no The associate directors will be elected emerges from her dark and lovely face a church, Ottati challenged the delegates. but not be General Conference I soothing confidence that God is. I see in Committee members; three laypersons her Jesus who cares for the sparrow and Discussions (instead of two) from each division will numbers our hair. I saw Jesus today in the multitude of be chosen from a list recommended by the wise and otherwise. General the unions; one pastor and one frontline The Living Word Conference sessions are primarily to worker for each 500,000 members will I saw Jesus today in the inspired and enact the business of the church. While join the General Conference Committee. living Word. This is the fifth General one division caucus took 10 minutes to When consensus and compromise work Conference session I have attended and nominate its president, another took like this, it is not difficult to discern the the third one I have reported for the more than five hours. The main floor Spirit at work. Review. I stand amazed at the Christ- also has its own dynamic with pros, centered preaching that I hear. cons, and points of order keeping the Empowering of People The Word came alive again at the chairman at his wit's end. The issue that I saw Jesus today in the empowering 11:00 a.m. Bible study hour. What did kept the floor hot and the delegates of people, particularly women. Whether

The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is published 40 times a year, each Thursday except the first Thursday of each month, plus 5 extra issues during the second week of July 1995—total 45 issues. Copyright © 1995 Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. Postmaster: Send address changes to Adventist Review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Second-class postage paid at Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. Editorial office fax number: (301) 680-6638. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. PRINTED IN USA.

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 (827) 3 neighborhood. Women's Councils, and 11 General Conference Ministries has produced sessions.. I asked him his impressions three devotionals, raising about these sessions, and his answer scholarships that bene- was one of reality and hope. "Tensions fited 120 women in 20 seem to develop," said Wilson, "both Adventist colleges in 15 before and during these sessions. But countries. the Adventist dynamic always prevails. How appropriate that We talk issues over as vigorously as the session took note of needed, and then things settle down, and the role of women in the unity prevails." Something for the new church during this Year of delegates to keep in mind. the Adventist Woman, when the president of the Multitudes world church and his wife Finally, I saw Jesus in the multitude hosted a luncheon today of all nations, languages, and tribes, for 1,100 women dele- adorned in dazzling colors, filling the gates. Two women were halls, eating at a common table, singing specially honored for rais- praises, and sharing one objective. Who ing on their own two are these, I asked myself? A voice from churches with 1,000 and long ago reminded me that "these are 2,000 members. They are they which ... have washed their robes, from China and could not and made them white in the blood of the be here. Eugene Hsu, the Lamb" (Rev. 7:14). leader of East Asia As the day ends in Utrecht, I want to Committee, will person- make sure: Is my robe clean? That is the ally present them certifi- challenge of the 56th session of the cates of honor. General Conference.

People I saw Jesus today in people. Just before lunch 1 Session Schedule walked quietly to the TUESDAY, JULY 4 A youngster tries out the "jetpol" jumpingstick at one of the prayer room in Hall 8. commercial booths. Two men were on their 7:30 a.m. knees. They were praying Devotional—Mardene Bartholomew ordination of women is fmally settled or for the Holy Spirit to govern the deb.e.te not, the affirmation of women in the on the floor and the choosing of the 8:30 a.m. Business session—Church Manual church is already a fact. See Adly leaders in the Nominating Committee. amendments and constitution and Compos lead the throng in the audito- With such members around, our church bylaws rium in the session's theme song. Or need not fear the future. Women's meetings take a look at the beautiful cookbook, I also met Gordon and Betty Jenson, Nominating committee Report #5 Seasoned with Love, with more than 750 who began their missionary career in (see p. 31) recipes from pastoral wives around the India in 1948, after two years of min- 11:00 a.m. world, put out by Shepherdess istry in the United States. Pastor Devotional—Frank Ottati International. Or hear Sharon Cress, the Jenson is the Stanley Jones of leader of Shepherdess International, tell Adventism. Part of the Indian soil, 1:30 p.m. the women delegates: "You are a person absorbed in the Indian soul, they have Business session—Church Manual amendments and constitution and of great worth. That's God's message to given their lives for India and have bylaws you." Sharon may not be a theologian, served the longest in Adventist mis- Women's seminars but her exegesis cannot be flawed. If our sion service. What keeps them going? General Conference Corp. Meeting bodies are God's temple, how could "The hope that Jesus will come soon," Nominating committee Report #6 anyone violate, abuse, or even think of says Gordon, who underwent major (see p. 31) possessing a woman's body? surgery a few weeks ago. 6:30 p.m.

H Thanks to Rose Otis, the leader of In a conference like this, the presence Music program /R& Women's Ministry, women Adventists of elder statesman of the church is obvi- International Festival of Mission around the world are in the forefront for ous. Neal C. Wilson has been a member Inter-American Division PRINGER S the kingdom, side by side with men, of the General Conference Committee North American Division D. OEL

J taking the flag of Adventism to their for 40 years, attended 32 Annual 4 (828) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995


Let Freedom Ring

TEXT: Mark 5:1-20 forgiven; the shackles of sickness so that we may be healed; the bondage of sin so that we may be he Liberty Bell rang loudly to announce free. Let freedom ring with Jesus. the independence of the United States of In Mark 5:1-20 (Matt. 8:28-34; Luke 8:26-39) America 219 years ago! The Declaration we read about a man in bondage. It says this man of Independence reads: "We hold these of the Gadarenes had an unclean spirit. Palestine truths to be self-evident, that all men are created didn't know what to do with him. They restrained FRANK OTTATI equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with him, but he broke the chains. He ripped off his Ministerial Director, certain unalienable rights, that among these are clothes and walked naked. He cut himself with Columbia Union life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." rocks and lived among the tombs. He was a men- Conference, North The 2,000-pound bell hung in the steeple of the ace to society and no good to anyone. No one had American Division Pennsylvania State House in 1753 as a symbol of a place for him except Jesus. religious freedom. The American liberty bell, He was like a person you want to avoid. The cracked and repaired several times, fmally cracked man the police routinely lock up; the face on the to the extent that it could no longer be rung. Yet screen during the evening news. This man repre- the bell remains an important symbol of civil and sents every man and woman without Jesus after religious freedom in the United States. Underneath probation closes. Let freedom ring with Jesus, the liberty bell are the words of Leviticus 25:10: now! "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." Deliverance--Mark 5:6-13 All over the world men and women have given Early in the morning the sun came over the hori- their lives for our political and religious freedom. zon. In the stillness the disciples docked their boat We hear about them in our history classes, honor near a graveyard and a herd of pigs. Jesus and the them by our holidays, and remember them with disciples stepped out of the boat. monuments. There are heroes in South America— As they walked along the shore, a wild man Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin; India— stormed out of a cavern. Can you picture him run- Mahatma Gandhi; the United States—Abraham ning, breathing heavily, shouting, screaming, and Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mexico— cursing, shaking his arms and hands? The man Benito Juarez; South Africa—F. W. de Klerk and looked wild and dirty; his hair hung thick and long. Nelson Mandela. There are many others. You could barely see his eyes. His wrists were We are here today because the liberty bell of bloody, his naked skin scratched, and his face con- heaven rang in our hearts to make us free in Jesus torted. He ran toward them. Christ. Heaven's bell tells us, "Proclaim liberty When they saw this spectacle, they ran to their throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants." boat, jumped in, and were ready to go. But Jesus Let freedom ring! wasn't with them. They looked back to the shore. Devotional Jesus was standing firm while the disciples quiv- message True Freedom Comes Only Through Jesus ered in fear. Jesus was ready to defend them, while Jesus can give us a greater freedom than any they sprinted away. Jesus was in full control. presented human or country can provide. Jesus' mission was Jesus raised His powerful arm, and the wild man to make us free (Luke 4:16-19; 19:10; Isa. 61) in bowed down! Jesus wanted that man back from the Tuesday this life and for eternity. He came to free us from devil. To Jesus, every human being is a candidate morning, the agony of blindness so that we may really see; for heaven. the anxiety of hunger so that we may have true It was immediate deliverance. The demons July 4, 1995 food; the chains of guilt so that we may be totally offered no threat. They knew Jesus was God. They

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 (829) 5 knew their destiny at the end of time. freedom with Jesus. Freedom from Christ is constantly working upon the "Send us into the pigs," they begged. As craziness, suicidal tendencies, hatred heart. Little by little, perhaps uncon- long as they were inside of a living and anger, nakedness, living among the sciously to the receiver, impressions are being, they were happy. In an instant the tombs, chains, being a menace to soci- made that tend to draw the soul to man was delivered. There were no long ety. His eyes beamed with intelligence. Christ. . . . Suddenly, as the Spirit conversations. There was no casting out His countenance shone with happiness. comes with more direct appeal, the soul of the spirits one by one. Can you imag- His voice became gentle and kind. gladly surrenders itself to Jesus. By ine how long it would have taken Jesus Someone lent him a comb; another pro- many this is called sudden conversion; to cast out 6,000 demons? Jesus vided him a change of clothes. He sat but it is the result of long wooing by the believed in the package plan! Spirit of God—a patient, pro- All at once, out! The man was tracted process" (Maranatha, p. free! It was Jesus' mission to 70). make people free from the inside What happens at conversion? out. "By conversion we join our At the name of Jesus the devil weakness to God's strength, our trembles. Powerful! It was a ignorance to His wisdom, our short evangelistic meeting with a unworthiness to His merits, our 4 budget of 2,000 pigs-2,000 x poverty to His boundless riches, $100 = $200,000! "What a waste our helplessness to His enduring for one person," some would might" (In Heavenly Places, p. say. "That is failure!" Not for 248). Jesus! You can't put a dollar "To follow Jesus requires price on a soul. A soul is worth wholehearted conversion at the the highest price heaven can pay: start, and a repetition of this con- the precious blood of our Lord version every day" (The SDA Jesus. Let freedom ring with Bible Commentary, Ellen G. Jesus. White Comments, vol. 1, p. 1113). The Holy Spirit had been Results: Change—Mark 5:13-20 working in this man for a long After His miracle the people time, little by little. When Jesus asked Jesus to leave, and He did. came, a total conversion came Jesus never forced His message about. on anyone. The disciples were The free man wanted to go trained to shake the dust from with Jesus. He was a newborn their feet wherever they were not baby, a new creature. He wanted wanted (Matt. 10:14). Why was to be with his spiritual Father. Jesus asked to leave? When peo- Let freedom ring with Jesus. ple's pocketbooks are touched, they often react furiously (Acts Vanhlupuii and Vanlalpari, mother and daughter from Mizoram, Mission—Mark 5:19; 7:31-8:10 16:16-24). Why did they prefer Northeast India, sing in their native language. They represent the first Jesus told the man to go home pigs and a lunatic over the pres- conference in the Southern Asia Division. to his family and friends. Only a ence of God? What would cause person who has experienced an alcoholic to prefer drunken misery quietly, his mind lucid. Praise God! Jesus' freedom can share Jesus freely. over sobriety? What would cause a Jesus can free the most wicked person That man became the first missionary church to prefer slumber over revival? who has been chained and placed in sent by Jesus. Jesus gave him direction, What would cause a nation to prefer prison in the bottomless pit! Let freedom a destination, and a clear mission. slavery over freedom? What would ring with Jesus. What happens if you want to buy a cause people to prefer yesterday's tradi- ticket on an airline? First of all, you tions over today's living God? Fear of Conversion must know where you are going. The change. Too many changes for some This man was truly converted. He airlines will not issue you a ticket unless churches, so they get rid of the preacher. knew the date, time, and hour of his you have a destination. Do you know A woman once told me: "I don't want conversion. How does conversion that there are conferences, churches, to give my life to Jesus, because He will occur? Ellen G. White said: "A person pastors, and members who do not know control my life. I do not want any may not be able to tell the exact time or their mission? They have no direction, changes." It is easier to follow the same place, or to trace all the circumstances 2 no destination, no clear vision. No won- old path than to move out into uncharted in the process of conversion; but this der so many churches are dying. 0 territory. But this man was changed. He does not prove him to be unconverted. Some dislike the word "evangelism." was converted—he experienced true By an agency as unseen as the wind, Some prefer not to be disturbed. Some 6 (830) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 get angry. Some ask you to be quiet. But part. . . . Every true conversion glorifies more than 4,000 people were prepared when a soul is freed, our joy should Him and causes the angels to break forth to receive Jesus nine months later when burst forth. You will always find some into singing" (Testimonies, vol. 7, p. He returned to that region (Mark 8). who don't understand, some who react 52). There were no handbills, radio, televi- angrily, some who will try to shush you, Tell people what great things the sion, billboards, budget—just words and some who will prefer the quietness of Lord has done for you. A person who the power of the Holy Spirit. A burning the church program. But others will be has been converted to Jesus can't keep fire, a passion. The man's only objective overjoyed. Don't let your joy be damp- quiet. The man was ready to go. No in life was to bring others to Jesus. ened. Let freedom ring and shout with education, no degrees, no 27 fundamen- Powerful! joy! tal doctrines—even though they are Can you imagine what would happen Go home, Jesus said, and let freedom important. He was just a converted lay- if each one of us had that conversion ring at home. The man wanted to go man ready to uplift Jesus. In a few hours experience? More of us would be focus- with Jesus. It is easier many times to tell he was trained to tell others what he had ing on Jesus rather than on theological others about Jesus when we are far away experienced, seen, and felt. He could trivia. More of us would be sitting at from our homes, when we are where we talk about Jesus because he was born Jesus' feet, instead of complaining and are not known. Home is where we again. A person can't walk, grow, or criticizing. More of us would be clothed reveal true Christianity. The Bible says: talk unless he or she has been born. with Jesus' righteousness instead of our "But if anyone does not provide for his Many times we expect people to talk own. More of us would be showing a own, and especially for those of his about Jesus, walk with Jesus, and grow compassionate Saviour in our homes household, he has denied the faith and is in Jesus before being born again. and to our friends. We would be free worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim. 5:8, Impossible! from fear and boldly sharing Jesus with NKJV). "For what is a man profited if Others need to know what Jesus has others. Jesus needs more converted peo- he gains the whole world, and loses his done for you. Now that you are con- ple—people who have experienced a own soul?" (Matt. 16:26, NKJV). And verted, let freedom ring wherever you personal encounter with Him. Let free- his family's souls? Go home. Even the go. dom ring—share Jesus with others, not pastor is counseled that his first duty is only with words but also with your to his family and children (The The Message compassionate, merciful behavior. Adventist Home, p. 353). Go home The man went home with an experi- first—let freedom ring at home. ence to tell. He went home with a mes- You Are Free You cannot do it alone. Graffiti on a sage: Jesus. The time will come when our mighty wall in Nicaragua stated "Yanqui go Jesus came to a doomed world and Saviour—the One who said, "I am the home," but underneath it in small print brought a remedy. That remedy was resurrection and the life," the truth, the was "But take me with you." Jesus says, Himself. Not a system of teachings. Not way, the first and the last, the Lord of "Go home, but take Me with you. a code of laws. Not a body of doctrine. lords and King of kings—will say to us, Wherever you go, take Me with you. Not a message, or a blessing, or a truth, "Children, the war is over; you are Take Me with you in your mind, in your or an experience, but Himself. Jesus free." The bells of freedom will ring out. heart, on your lips, in your words. Take Christ, the meek, the gentle, the humble, I don't know about you, but I will not Me with you." the unselfish, the self-denying, the self- simply stand and applaud to thank Let freedom ring with Jesus at home renouncing, not only revealed Himself Jesus. I will kneel at His feet and say first and among your friends second. as the pattern of life but also set Himself thank You, thank You. "Worthy is the Jesus told the man to go to his friends. forth as the object of faith, hope, love, Lamb who was slain to receive power To go to the friends he used to drink obedience, loyalty, devotion, adoration, and riches and wisdom, and strength I with, spend the night with, fight with, and worship. and honor and glory and blessing!" and hang around with. Let freedom ring So the man left with one message: (Rev. 5:12, NKJV). among your friends. Jesus. Everything he said was centered Even though the Liberty Bell is When it comes to Christ, we tend to in Jesus. He went to tell others how cracked, the spiritual bell of freedom become isolationists rather than conver- compassionate the Lord was with him. rings loud and clear every time a sinner sationalists. We know we are called to The power of one converted person repents and is baptized. When a sinner be the salt of the earth, but we have became one long Bible study—free is converted, the spiritual liberty bell trouble getting out of the saltshaker. from anger, from hurting people, from rings its joyful notes and the angels People can live around us, work beside nakedness, from bitterness. Full of com- sing. Let every man, woman, and child, us, converse with us, watch ball games passion, he went back home with a every hospital, school, and institution, with us, and yet never be caused to pon- smile on his face. "We know this man," ring the bell of freedom. Let it start in der God. They do not sense that we have people said. "Where have we seen our hearts, our homes, among our tasted grace. Consequently, our faith you?" He shared his testimony—he let friends, in our community, in our coun- becomes monastic. "The conversion of freedom ring. try, throughout the whole world. From souls to God is the greatest, the noblest Through his words, testimony, and the four corners of the earth, let free- work in which human beings can have a compassionate and merciful example, dom ring, ring, ring.

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 (831) 7 „memo Lw-ne to . for many years, and I'm carrying on the Ministry Vill family tradition," Hodsori said. "There are only 10 klompen makers in the Netherlands, and only about four are still active." In addition to the individual mer- chants, many Adventist-operated col- leges, academies, publishing houses, divisions, health-care ministries, and sup- porting ministries have set up displays. One exhibit that drew considerable attention was Granovita, a church- owned health food company in Germany. The samples of unique break- fast foods they displayed are truly a Colorful Displays Spice tempting delight. Dozens found it diffi- cult to walk by the exhibit without tast- ing the crunchy morsels. up the GC Session Granovita has produced soybean- based vegetarian products for years and BY CARLOS MEDLEY is considered to be the largest European Adventist Review News Editor health food manufacturer, says Harvey here's the real action at the apparel, vitamins, furniture, precious Fidelia, national sales manager. WGeneral Conference session? Is it stones, computer software, and much "We recently introduced a new line really on the business session floor, or more. of cereals into supermarket chains," in a small committee? Traffic in the exhibit areas has been says Fidelia. "We've come to the Thousands of visitors and guests will brisk, says exhibit manager Dean General Conference session to let peo- probably tell you that the real action at Rogers, who is also the General ple know who we are and that we are a the GC session is in the expansive dis- Conference in-house operations direc- church entity." play areas and exhibit booths. Nearly tor. "By Saturday night [July 1] many of The cereal line includes some unique 150 exhibitors are displaying everything the exhibitors already had given away flavors like Choc Blop (or chocolate from food and books to videos, African half their supplies.” flakes) and Peanut Flakes. Coping with large crowds does The display that brings by far the have its downside. "With most traffic in the exhibit area is the English not being the primary Adventist Book Center, operated by language in the Netherlands, Stanborough Press of Grantham, there are misunderstandings at England. times," Rogers says. "We have They are offering more than 250,000 many people who want to buy, items for sale. By Monday (July 3) more but because of the economy they than 15,000 persons had browsed or come from, they don't have purchased items from the store, says money to purchase." Paul Hammond, Stanborough Press gen- While visiting dozens of eral manager. exhibits, I was amazed at the To set up the display, Stanborough variety of ministries and com- and 11 other Adventist publishing mercial enterprises represented. houses shipped 65 tons of products to For example, a group of mem- Utrecht. The bookstore occupies about bers, including Gabriel Dankwa, 1,000 square meters of display space a delegate from Ghana, sold and has 50 full-time workers and volun- African artifacts, kente cloth, teers operating the store. and African clothes. "We are here to provide a service for John Hodsori, a video engi- the church," Hammond says. "We're neer from Holland, displayed the providing more literature than most dying art of making klompens church members can normally purchase Above: William Fagal demonstrates the published Ellen G. (wooden shoes). His appearance in Europe. This is the first time that so White Writings on compact disk at the Ellen G. White Estate was sponsored by the Dutch many Adventist publishing houses have booth. • Top: Built like a small village, the GC Ministerial Association booth highlights a wide variety of all pastoral Tourist Association. displayed their products at a General resources. "My father maintained the craft Conference session."

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 8 1832) Report of the Inter-American Division Stewardship presented Tuesday evening, July 4, 1995. The stewardship ministry has been a means of financial stabilization in these critical times of widespread devaluation, skyrocketing inflation, rapidly increas- ing unemployment, and economic insta- Winds of Hope bility. In spite of the untoward By Israel Leito circumstances, at no time did the tithe or President mission offering show a downward Over Inter-America trend. The natural sequel of growth through evangelism had its effect. The membership gave on a planned and sys- he charm of Inter-America goes tions. Our members were electrified by tematic basis, supporting the church far beyond the natural beauty of God's divine Spirit. A revival, like a they love. Tthe sprawling, diversified land- mighty rushing wind, swept across the Tithe and mission offerings grew. scape and the amazing mix of cultures. division. By December 1994, 536,726 Our faithful believers returned US- This charm is found in the beauty of the members were added to the church. We $310,661,358 in tithe and US- commitment and self-sacrifice of the praise God for having reached our quin- $29,515,966 in offerings—an increase members who, for several decades, have quennial goal with an overflow of 7.3 of 79 percent and 86 percent, respec- been driven with constant and insatiable percent. tively, over the previous quinquennium. passion for the spread of the gospel and The division membership, as of This made the Inter-American Division the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ December 1994, stood at 1,520,588, an the second-largest mission offering in glory. increase of 21.5 percent over the previ- donor in the world. The percentage of During this quinquennium, however, ous period. With this exploding mem- mission offerings to tithe among some we have been greatly challenged by pecu- bership, 926 new churches and 2,216 local fields ranges at 9, 13, and 15 per- liar, unsettling, and unpredictable circum- new Sabbath schools were organized. cent, and some fields actually gave 16 stances. Political upheavals, economic The Inter-American Division now has and 17 percent. instability, and rapid social changes have 5,094 organized churches and 12,660 battered and well-nigh crippled some sec- organized Sabbath schools. Like bril- Sabbath School and Lay Activities tors of our division. But, praise God, from liant stars in God's canopy, they shine A mammoth program to prepare the almighty throne of grace come "winds forth, lighting a darkened world with the members for a division-wide missionary of hope" blowing over Inter-America. As glory of God. offensive resulted in training more than leaders and members we are optimistic The rapidly growing membership pre- 250,000 lay workers—church elders, and of good courage. Evangelism is still cipitated the need for restructuring. A teachers, physicians, nurses and other our watchword. Global Mission is our new union and one new mission were paramedicals, businessmen and busi- battle cry. organized. Inter-America is now com- nesswomen, professionals and nonpro- prised of 12 unions and 60 conferences fessionals, including several child Evangelism and missions. preachers. With the empowerment of Fired with an insatiable thirst for souls, We especially rejoice that the hand the Holy Spirit, they conducted 273,524 we decided to call upon God's grace and of God has blessed the work in Cuba evangelistic campaigns, gave set our baptismal goal at 500,000— by returning the church to organized 21,950,169 Bible studies, and welcomed approximately 70,000 beyond the previ- and structured operation. Three confer- more than 366,050 precious souls into ous quinquennium. We challenged ences are now operating, and in this the fellowship of the church by baptism. ourselves to participate in a division- quinquennium 6,656 souls were bap- This means that approximately 68 per- wide explosive missionary initiative. tized in that union. cent of the accessions in Inter-America Pastors, administrators, departmental And Mexico! Despite the predomi- resulted directly from lay evangelism. directors, evangelists, health workers, nance of a non-Protestant church, it is Glorious soul-winning celebrations, teachers, institutional workers, literature experiencing Pentecostal evangelistic called the Festivals of the Laity IV, evangelists, office personnel, and a host showers. In all, 178,533 were baptized were held in 1994. More than 20,000 of dedicated laypersons joined in this during the quinquennium. The South attended, representing the vast army of missionary offensive. Mexico Union alone baptized 147,370 lay workers in Inter-America. Evangelistic activity took place every- during the quinquennium. No wonder Global Mission is a clarion call in where—under tents, in auditoriums, in God saw fit to open doors and make it Inter-America. Reports indicate that we church buildings, in garages and houses; possible for 50 new churches to be built have established an Adventist presence in cities and in towns, in suburbs and in Mexico in 1993. in 2,172 new places. In several instances remote villages; by the wayside in the "This is," indeed, "the Lord's doing"; the gospel has been introduced for the open air, and on streets; in prisons, hospi- and "it is marvellous in our eyes" (Ps. first time to certain tribes, and churches tals, and infirmaries and other institu- 118:23). have been established!

ant Onkrrittl. •• II I, .II Mr' The Sabbath School Department has glorious future for the youth and the three of the four major languages of the a missionary passion. During the quin- church at large in Inter-America. This division. quennium 2,216 new Sabbath schools fills us with hope despite these troubled were organized, bringing the division times. Education total to 12,660 and Sabbath school Ten tertiary institutions, 174 membership totals to 1,875,474. When Publishing Ministry academies, and 679 primary schools one compares the division church mem- During this quinquennium 5,030 liter- provide training and inspiration for our bership of 1,520,588 with a Sabbath ature evangelists sold US$82,910,383 young people. Forty-nine tertiary and school membership of 1,875,474 one worth of literature, compared to US- secondary schools have received accred- begins to perceive the missionary fervor $77,817,873 the previous quinquennium. itation from the General Conference of our members. This is an increase of US$5,092,510, an Board of Regents, as well as from unprecedented accomplishment when national and international accrediting Youth Ministries one considers the devaluation that has bodies. Six tertiary institutions have Perhaps the greatest exhibition of ravaged large sections of the division. received national accreditation. Pentecostal winds of hope over Inter- Student colporteurs are significant The mission of Christian education is America may be seen in the missionary among this valiant army of literature to integrate faith and learning and pro- involvement of the youth of the church. ministers. More than 2,000 strong, they vide quality leadership for the church in This army of approximately 1 million, delivered 25 percent of all publications, the future. Montemorelos University who are members of 14,501 societies, earning millions of dollars in scholar- leads the way as a division institution have made witnessing their priority. Our ships toward their Christian education that now offers doctoral-level training youth and child preachers have con- and witnessing to hundreds of thou- and enrolls students from 42 countries. ducted 113,432 evangelistic campaigns. sands. More than 30,311 persons joined Annual Weeks of Spiritual Emphasis More than 150,000 people have been the church during the quinquennium as and other soul-winning activities on baptized as a result. a direct result. campus have resulted in more than At our youth congress in 1993, more A collaborative partner in this work is 16,200 student baptisms. than 9,000 delegates and other youth the Inter-American Publishing Asso- converged on Panama City from 41 ciation (IADPA), organized in 1983. Mass Media countries in Inter-America, North Beginning as a mustard seed, it has The mass media ministry represents America, and South America to report become a magnificent oak, providing the apocalyptic description of the on their experiences and God's signal the church and the public with an ever- church's activity—an angel flying "in blessings. increasing volume and variety of reli- the midst of heaven" declaring the An ever-expanding Pathfinder move- gious, educational, and cultural books "everlasting gospel" with "a loud voice" ment, which includes 2,651 Pathfinder and other literature on a remarkably (Rev. 14:6, 7). Clubs and 159,087 members, bespeaks a competitive basis. IADPA publishes in Currently radio, television, and the press offer a witness to millions of peo- ple through 157 radio stations and four telecasts broadcasting in English, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Through the mass media Inter- America is reaching new frontiers. Ten radio stations are owned and operated in the division. Multifaceted programming included gospel proclamation, seminars on AIDS prevention, stop-smoking pro- grams, orientation for diabetics, prenatal education, and grief recovery seminars. The programs have drawn favorable comments from public officials, includ- ing a president of state, governors, may- ors, and a secretary of state. A local newspaper column in Bucaramanga, Colombia, recognized an Adventist veg- etarian restaurant as the best in the city and province. AA Noteworthy is the inauguration of the first Adventist-owned television station

DUERKSEN/ Led by Leo Ranzolin, GC vice president, with Edward S. McField translating, representatives from the in Inter-America, on September 10, CK

DI Inter-American Division caucus to reelect their division officers. 1994, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. It was

AIWFUTIST RFVIFIN 10QC purchased for the miracle sum of US$100,020, through the united contri- Fascinating stor of butions of lay members, the West ti Puerto Rico Conference, the Puerto Rican Union, and the Inter-American Division. The radio Bible school is conjoined to OLOCA ST this ministry with an enrollment of 27,800. We praise God for the 19,000 converts who came into the church dur- ing the quinquennium as a result. HERO arrow escapes from Nazi terror highlight Health Food Company this gripping story of The Inter-American Division Health John Henry Weidner, a Food Company is also mission driven. member of the Dutch- Its ultimate objective is to generate NParis underground. This hero of funds for evangelism. history's greatest holocaust saved The company now operates 12 the lives of 800 Jews, more than 100 Allied aviators, and many branches in seven countries. On eight others who fled Nazism. campuses it provides employment for By Herbert Ford. Paper, 373 nearly 400 students. Sales for the quin- k pages. Regularly US$12.95, Aco, quennium exceeded US$43 million—a Cdn$1 8.80. Introductory offer, 100 percent increase over the previous US$10.95, Cdn$15.90 (expires 8-31-95). quinquennium. Contributions in excess _s -N of US$3 million boosted church pro- C This Review and Herald' book is grams and colleges during this period. 2 available at your Adventist Book Center. Call 1-800-765-6955. The company is involved in a wide Canadian prices do not include GST and may vary variety of activities: food manufacture, according to currency fluctuation. rice processing, wholesale distribution, retail sales, restaurant operations, bak- ery, potable water, as well as farm man- prise development loans, pure water In Pursuit of Triumph While the agement, sheet 'metal work, and supply for villages, sanitation projects, Wind Blows printing. Its laboratory in Miami is con- and construction of health and education The marvelous works of God in Inter- stantly undertaking research to improve facilities. ADRA International finances America excite us to praise and thank the quality of its products, and provide such projects from funds obtained from Him who, during these difficult years, healthful, nutritious foods. donor countries. has brought us through triumphantly.

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ADVENTIST REVIEW. JULY 5. 1995 (835) 11


are adding a sentence to make clear that vot- Seventh Business Meeting ing by proxy or letter shall not be accepted. Fifty-sixth General Conference session, July 3, 1995, 8:30 a.m. [Motion was made, seconded, and voted.] This next recommendation, concerning R. EDWARDS: [Opening prayer.] Manual Committee was moved, seconded, church business meetings, logically follows A. C. MC CLURE: I trust you had a good and voted.] the action we just voted. It includes the same rest, are refreshed, managed to arrive rela- MARIO VELOSO: We are now dealing concept that votes by proxy or letter shall not tively dry in this auditorium, and are ready with the Church Manual, page 60. This is be accepted. [The motion was made, sec- to do business. The chair this morning is not just an editorial change. onded, and voted.] the one listed in your bulletin. The one who A. C. MC CLURE: It is a minor change. We are suggesting an addition to the sec- was to have chaired this morning is chairing However, it does assign responsibility for tion of the Church Manual related to the Lay the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. encouragement of support of world missions Activities Council. [Motion to accept the Obviously he can't be in two places at once, to the church elder, which is an important change was made and seconded.] so I have been asked to continue that which point. [Motion was moved, seconded, and JOSE CARLOS RANDO: I want to say we began yesterday. voted.] something about the title Lay Activities We will continue our consideration of MARIO VELOSO: This item is the addi- Council. I think this should be changed to Church Manual items. We are to take up the tion of a new paragraph in chapter 6 of the Personal Ministries Council. agenda item entitled "The Church Elder, Church Manual—the section related to the A. C. MC CLURE: Since we have a Relationship to the Ordained Minister." church officers and their duties. This small motion before us, we need a motion to refer. MARIO VELOSO: This section of the paragraph is a clarification regarding the [A motion to refer was made.] Church Manual is talking about the relation- reinstatement of an officer. "When a church G. RALPH THOMPSON: We have never ship of the elder of the church to the officer is disfellowshipped from the church changed Lay Activities for the world field. ordained minister. We are making only a and subsequently readmitted to the church Personal Ministries is North American very small addition to the activities of the membership, this action does not reinstate usage. So the term Lay Activities in the church elder, that is, arranging or leading out the individual to the former office." [Motion present wording is correct. [The motion to in anointing services and child dedications. was made and seconded.] refer was seconded and voted.] [The motion was moved, seconded, and A. C. MC CLURE: The purpose of this MARIO VELOSO: This is an amendment voted.] recommendation is to make explicit the fact to the section entitled "Home and School This addition to the Church Manual is for that one who has been disfellowshipped but Association." [A motion to refer this amend- clarification. "A local church elder should reinstated is not automatically reinstated to ment back to the Church Manual Committee not officiate in the baptismal service without the office that they may have held before the was made, seconded, and voted.] first obtaining permission from the confer- discipline. This is a whole new section regarding the ence/mission president." [Motion was ANDREAS BOCHMANN: Shouldn't this Department of Family Ministries to be moved, seconded, and voted.] item also include a word on the revocation of included in the Church Manual. It reads as We come now to the cooperation of the ordination? I would move to refer the motion follows: first elder with the pastor. [This amendment back to the committee. [The motion was sec- "The overarching objective of Family to the Church Manual clarifies this relation- onded and voted.] Ministries is to strengthen the family as a ship; only minor changes were proposed.] MARIO VELOSO: There is another small discipling center. Family is central to the dis- K. ALBURY: The first paragraph of this addition to the Church Manual in regard to ciplemaking process because it is the pri- sentence states, "All church officers, includ- "Church Officers and Their Duties, mary setting in which values are learned and ing the pastor and elder, should cooperate Induction Service." "All newly elected offi- the capacity for close relationships with God fully with the conference officers and depart- cers of the local church may be included in a and with other human beings is developed. mental directors." This may be a minor edi- service of induction conducted by a minister "Family Ministries is a ministry of grace torial point, but I get from this particular holding a current license or credential. If no which keeps in perspective both God's ideals reading that we are including the pastor in minister is available, an ordained elder of the for family living and an understanding of the the category of church officers. local church may conduct the induction ser- brokenness experienced by individuals and A. C. MC CLURE: The paragraph to vice." [Motion to adopt the change was families in a fallen world. Thus Family which you make reference is not being moved, seconded, and voted.] Ministries seeks to enable families to stretch changed by the recommendation. This is a In this section of the Church Manual, toward divine ideals, while at the same time paragraph that has been in the Church "The Church Board and Its Meetings, ever extending the good news of God's sav- Manual for some time, and therefore I think Membership," we are suggesting the addi- ing grace and the promise of growth possible you should move that this be referred to the tion of a family ministries leader and a reli- through the indwelling Spirit. Church Manual Committee for considera- gious liberty leader. "Family Ministries focuses on people in tion. K. J. MITTLEIDER: It's obvious that relationship. It is concerned with the needs B. MAXSON: I rise to support the motion there are a number of questions on this, so I of married couples, parents and children, and to refer back on this point. The language would encourage it to be referred. [Motion to members of the wider family circle as they does seem to identify the pastor as an officer refer was moved, seconded, and voted.] pass through life's predictable stages and of the local church, which seems to contra- MARIO VELOSO: This is an amendment contend with unexpected changes in their dict other parts of the Church Manual. [A of the current position of the Church Manual lives. motion to refer the point back to the Church related to meetings of a church board. We "Family Ministries helps individuals build

12 (836) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995

PROCEEDINGS and maintain strong family relationships and other family resources required. board, and to coordinate Family Ministries because it recognizes that healthy families "4. To participate with the confer- plans with the overall church program. build strong members for the kingdom of God ence/mission Family Ministries Department "3. To inform the pastor and church board and present a winsome witness to the commu- in implementing family emphasis programs of Family Ministries concerns and achieve- nity around them. Family Ministries promotes promoted by the department. ments, and to encourage funding and support understanding, acceptance, and love within the "5. To cooperate with church leadership to for ministry to families. family and in the larger family of God and fos- design, plan, and implement additional fam- "4. To identify church and community ters the reconciliation and healing between the ily life features and programs as needed, both resources which foster relational growth and generations promised in the Elijah message of for family nurture within the membership provide help to meet critical needs, and to Malachi 4:5, 6. It extends hope and support to and evangelistic outreach to the community. heighten awareness of these resources those who have been injured and hurt by "6. To foster a climate of warmth and fel- among church leadership and families." abuse, family dysfunction, and broken relation- lowship, engendering a sense of familiness I move that this be incorporated in the ships. Family Ministries fosters competence in in the congregation and a redemptive spirit Church Manual. [The motion was sec- a variety of interpersonal skills needed in rela- toward families in need of support and onded.] tionships. It provides growth opportunities encouragement. ISRAEL LEITO: A Family Ministries through family life education and enrichment. "Family Ministries Leader(s)--An individ- Department does not exist. It encourages individuals, married couples, and ual or married couple may be elected to serve MISHAEL S. MUZE: We have not even families to avail themselves of professional as the Family Ministries leader(s). The individ- voted on the issue of the Department of counseling when necessary. ual(s) should have a positive attitude about Family Ministries. "An adequate ministry to families will God, self, others, and the church. The leader(s) G. REID: I sense a desperate need for include: premarital guidance available to all should model strong and growing family rela- help with the families in the Seventh-day couples before marriage; marriage-strength- tionships and exhibit a sincere interest in foster- Adventist Church, and I think this is a great ening opportunities; parent education, with ing the well-being of all families. In order to be step forward. I want to speak on its behalf; attention given to the special needs of single effective, it is necessary for the Family however, I would like to see something else parents and stepfamilies; instruction in fam- Ministries leader(s) to have an understanding of done for it that would strengthen it. The lan- ily-to-family evangelism; and support min- God's redemptive plan for dealing with the bro- guage that we have in this description is istries to help families with special needs. kenness in relationships which sin has brought. almost entirely the language of social ser- "The Family Ministries Committee—To It is also important that the leader(s) be able to vice. It is language that is essentially secular more effectively meet the needs of families maintain confidentiality and know when and and could be easily put in place from a in the church, the church board may estab- how to encourage individuals in critical situa- purely secular source with only a minor lish a Family Ministries Committee, chaired tions to seek professional counseling. The adjustment. What seems to me would by the Family Ministries leader(s). Although duties of the Family Ministries leader(s) are: strengthen it would be to give it a theologi- this committee should not be too large in "1. To chair the Family Ministries cal-biblical base, which can easily be done. order to remain effective, appropriate church Committee. And for that I would suggest that what we leaders should be included as well as per- "2. To represent the needs and interests of need to do is to refer. And what I would sug- sons who understand the varied needs of families through membership on the church gest we do is use such terminology as "the families within the church. Persons who have faced traumatic life and family experi- ences and have grown spiritually through 41111116. In a tiny village in a remote region of Myanmar, May Lwin, 18, them may make valuable contributions as =11111 hears Adventist World Radio broadcasts in Burmese. . .Six months members of the committee. The committee later she completes the Bible lessons and becomes a Christian. . . . should include both men and women, and But a crisis is approaching. It is the time to offer sacrifices to the where possible, at least one single person, at spirits so that the rice crops will flourish and the village prosper. least one married couple, one or more par- Suddenly an old woman appears at the door of May Lwin's home. ents, and a representative cross section of the "The rice will fail," she intones. various age groups in the church. The duties "IN YOUR HOUSE THERE IS ONE WHO of the committee shall be the following: AWR "1. To assist church leadership in compil- DOES NOT WORSHIP THE SPIRITS. SHE ing family demographic data both within the church and in the surrounding community to MUST GIVE UP HER CHRISTIAN BELIEFS!" clarify target groups for a ministry to families. "2. To assist church leadership in assess- To read the rest of this interesting story, stop by the General Conference Session ing the needs of church members for family AWR Exhibit booth for your copy of "The Alen Story Book." life education, enrichment, and counseling; Or write AWR, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA and in developing a plan for utilizing com- munity and church resources to address these needs. Or call in Canada and the US: "3. To encourage sensitivity to the impact of church programs on family life in terms Adventist World Radio: 1-800-337-4AWR of the expenditure of time, energy, money,


family as established in Creation and guided onded, and voted.] rently holding office. They are as follows: by biblical counsel," or refer to biblical mod- MARIO VELOSO: The next item deals A. H. Tolhurst—Undersecretary; M. T. els or expressed biblical ideals. I'd like to with the section entitled "Courtship and Battle—Associate Secretary; L. R. see a religious component added to it. [A Marriage." There are major changes in the Colburn—Associate Secretary; L. C. motion to refer was made, seconded, and wording, so I need direction as to whether it Cooper—Associate Secretary; Mario voted.] should be read or not. Veloso—Associate Secretary. [Motion was K. J. MITTLEIDER: I've heard a number A. C. MC CLURE: We will proceed with- made, seconded, and voted.] of tremendous suggestions made here that out reading unless we are requested to do G. R. THOMPSON: It's a privilege would strengthen the items. I hope that otherwise. indeed to have these individuals reelected as before you come to the committee you will CHARLES WINGOLO: What is the rea- part of the Secretariat team. These are indi- write out those suggestions so that when you son for taking out the quotation from viduals who are experts in their work. We come we can have your thoughts in writing. Messages to Young People? have a tremendous spirit of cooperation and I think it will facilitate the process. MARIO VELOSO: The committee felt dedication. A. C. MC CLURE: We all want to facili- that there were better statements, so we are LYN BEHRENS: D. F. Gilbert will tate the progress here at this session. And exchanging, not really eliminating. inform us about the individuals who are we are referring numerous items, so it will JAN KNOPPER: Today in some coun- retiring in Treasury, and then I will give the be helpful if you can write out those sugges- tries, living together, not being properly mar- Treasury nomination report. tions before going to the committee. ried, is being recognized. I feel the time has D. F. GILBERT: There are three individu- MARIO VELOSO: This is an addition in arrived for our manual to address this situa- als in Treasury, in addition to myself, who chapter 8 of the Church Manual related to tion. are retiring: R. E. Osborn, Karl Bahr, and the induction service. "If an induction ser- A. C. MC CLURE: Thank you for your Rowena Rick. Elder Osborn was a treasurer vice is being held for the newly elected offi- comments. I think it would be very much in in California, then became treasurer in the cers of the local church, the officers of the order for you to address your comments to South American Division, and then came to auxiliary organizations should be included." the Church Manual Committee. [Motion to the General Conference 29 years ago. He has [Motion was moved, seconded, and voted.] refer the amendment was moved, seconded, done an outstanding job for the world, and as I now refer to the section "Relieving a and voted.] you recall in my report, I made reference to Minister of His Office." The new heading We shall proceed to the item titled Elder Osborn's service and his service would be "Removing a Minister From "Censure Defined." record concerning his dealings with large Office." "A minister may be removed from MARIO VELOSO: We are changing the investments. office by conference committee action, with- reading from "one, three, six, or nine Karl H. Bahr was a controller in the South out the individual's church membership months" to "a minimum of one month, up to American Division. He came to the General being affected. When a minister is disfellow- a maximum of 12 months." It further states, Conference as controller and later was shipped from the church and subsequently "If observed conduct is not satisfactory, the elected as an associate treasurer of the restored to church membership, that person case should again be considered and such General Conference. He's been in charge of is not thereby restored to the ministry. The discipline administered as is required. Any session management during this quinquen- individual is readmitted to the church as a return to church office must be by election." nium, and we appreciate him very much. lay member." [The amendment was moved, [It was moved, seconded, and voted.] Rowena Rick served in the Treasury seconded, and voted.] Now we are dealing with "Caution in departments of the South American and Far This next item endeavors to clarify the Disciplining Members, at a Duly Called Eastern divisions. She served effectively in handling of a request or referral of any Meeting." "Members may be disciplined by the General Conference on two different names presented by a nominating committee the church for sufficient cause, but only at a occasions. As undertreasurer of the Far to a church. "It is in order for the objector to duly called business meeting of the church Eastern Division and associate treasurer in request that the whole report be referred, after the church board has reviewed the case. the General Conference, Rowena Rick has without discussion, to the nominating com- The meeting must be presided over by an served with distinction. mittee for further consideration. It is the ordained minister or a licensed minister who LYN BEHRENS: The recommendations usual procedure for the chairperson to accept is ordained as a local elder of the church for the Treasury Department to this body by the referral. However, if the request becomes concerned, or in his absence and in counsel the Nominating Committee are as follows: F. a motion it is nondebatable and is decided by with him or with the conference president, a Martin Ytreberg—Undertreasurer, Donald E. majority vote." local ordained elder of the church con- Robinson—Associate Treasurer; Gary B. CLAUDE LOMBART: Just a clarifica- cerned." [It was moved, seconded, and DeBoer—Associate Treasurer; Dennis C. tion. Does the motion to refer need a second voted.] Keith—Associate Treasurer; Annetta M. before a vote is taken? A. C. MC CLURE: We must move to a Gibson—Associate Treasurer. [These names A. C. MC CLURE: Yes, it does. report of the Nominating Committee. were moved, seconded, and voted.] CLAUDE LOMBART: In this particular LYN BEHRENS: We have a number of [Appreciation was expressed to Karl Bahr, context here? appointments this morning, and I would like Robert Osborn, and Rowena Rick for their A. C. MC CLURE: There is a distinction. to start by dealing with the appointments for faithful service.] The motion before us says that normally that the Secretariat. In a review of all the persons R. L. RAWSON: The team has been request is honored without a vote. However, already holding office, the Nominating assembled, and these people have been if there is a motion, obviously it requires a Committee is recommending to this body the assigned one responsibility: to make my second. [The amendment was moved, sec- reelection of each of the individuals cur- weaknesses strong. We are delighted to have

14 (838) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995

PROCEEDINGS them as part of our team, and welcome them of its total membership. For many years Joao ing to you the name of Bertil Wiklander, the as a Treasury team for the General Wolff has lifted high the banner of evange- president of the Swedish Union. He is a Conference. lism in the South American Division. He has young man who is filled with enthusiasm, a K. J. MITTLEIDER: We turn to the been an aggressive champion, not only by mine of ideas, but he is also a man of stalwart Nominating Committee again. I believe you promotion and proclamation, but by exam- beliefs in this message and commitment to have an additional number of reports to ple. From his office he has operated a Bible our mission. And thus I enthusiastically sup- bring to us. school with thousands of individuals taking port this nomination. [The motion to elect the LYN BEHRENS: The Nominating Bible studies. Elder Wolff will continue to presidents was made, seconded, and voted.] Committee has received the recommenda- serve. I have had the privilege of spending some tions from the division caucuses, and I now The South American Division has quality time with each one of the current bring to you the recommendation of names brought forward the name of Ruy Nagel, reelected division presidents, as well as each for the division presidents. When I get to the current division treasurer, to serve as of the new individuals who have been names that are being recommended for the president of the South American Division. brought to the floor this morning, and I must first time, I am going to ask Elder Elder Nagel is an extraordinary man. He is confess that I am enthusiastic at the quality Folkenberg to speak to them. a gifted fmancier and a successful adminis- of the leadership that the Seventh-day The president of the Africa-Indian Ocean trator of many organizations, hospitals, and Adventist Church has in its respective divi- Division: the reelection of Jacob J. Nortey. institutions, as well as church entities. In sions. [Motion was made and seconded.] addition to carrying these responsibilities, I need to note that the work with regard A. MUSONERA: We would like to have he has been a full-time pastor of a two- to the division presidents has not yet been an interview with the Nominating church district. Soul winning is in his completed. It is important for the caucus Committee before the vote is taken, please. blood, and I believe that's one, of the rea- process to have this group of leaders K. J. MITTLEIDER: If you want it sons that the South American Division has elected. At some point, probably this after- referred back to the Nominating Committee, chosen Elder Nagel to lead this great divi- noon or tomorrow, when the elections are that is your privilege. [A motion to refer this sion. completed, I would like to invite all the recommendation back to the Nominating LYN BEHRENS: Brian Ball—President, general vice presidents and the division Committee was made, seconded, and voted.] South Pacific Division. M. E. Cherian— presidents, including the newly elected LYN BEHRENS: L. D. Raelly— President, Southern Asia Division. Bertil division presidents, ,to come forward on the Prpsident, Eastern Africa Division. Ulrich Wiklander—President, Trans-European platform to be introduced at one time to the Frikart—President, Euro-Africa Division. Division. body. ROBERT S. FOLKENBERG: I must tell ROBERT S. FOLKENBERG: The GLORIA MASSENBURG: [Benediction.] you that I am very pleased with the nomina- General Conference caused trauma to the tion of Elder Frikart. Edwin Ludescher, a Trans-European Division by snatching away A. C. MC CLURE, Chair man of God who served as president of that their beloved president. Their loss is the MARIO VELOSO, Secretary division for about 20 years, laid down his world's gain. The Trans-European Division, D. A. ROTH, FRED G. THOMAS, and responsibilities at the end of last year. The however, has also a rich well of qualified, L. R. COLBURN, General Conference asked the division secre- competent leaders, and we are recommend- Proceedings Editors tary, Ulrich Frikart, to continue as secretary while giving interim presidential guidance to the division until the end of the term. He has CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS EDUCATE FOR had a great deal of experience in the leader- ship of the church and understands well the diverse cultures within the Euro-Africa ETERNITY Division. Thus it was no surprise when the caucus recommended Elder Frikart to serve Thousands of children have found Christ in Adventist schools. If your children are not attending a as president of the Euro-Africa Division. I Seventh-day Adventist school, you may want to consider HOME STUDY INTERNATIONAL. have worked fairly closely with Elder Frikart. I am certain that the depth and soli- • Accredited courses darity that he brings bodes well for the future • Daily lesson plans/study guides Reasonable prices and progress of this division. • • Preschool through college LYN BEHRENS: Ted N. C. Wilson— • Free information President, Euro-Asia Division. Israel Leito—President, Inter-American Division. Alfred C. McClure—President, North American Division. Ruy H. Nagel— 1-800-782-GROW 12501 OLD COLUMBIA PIKE • SILVER SPRING, MD 20904-6500 President, South American Division. ROBERT S. FOLKENBERG: The lead- ership of the South American Division is GROWING THROUGH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SINCE I 9 0 9 vitally important to this church. This explo- HOME STUDY INTERNATIONAL sive and rapidly expanding division is becoming an increasingly vital component

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 (839) 15 4111) ESSE

1. The London Adventist Chorale with 30 performers was a highlight in worship for many delegates and visitors. —Photo by Dick Duerksen/ANN 2. Joseph Adebisi Ola, president of the West Nigeria Conference, participates in the pageant of the Africa-Indian Ocean Division. —Photo by Joel Springer/R&H 3. The Eastern European national costumes brought a kaleidoscope of color and design to the pageantry of the GC session. --Photo by Joel Springer/R&H 4. Ceasar Cornejo Rivera and David Chavez Saliz play haunting melodies on native instruments from Peru. —Photo by Jeremy Duerksen/ANN 5. Delegates from the West African Union in typical Ghanaian costume. —Photo by Joel Sminger/R&H 6. Representatives of the South Pacific Division delighted delegates with their enthusiastic greeting. —Photo by Joel SphogerR&H 7. Regina and Daniel Zwiker from Switzerland greet the world church. —Photo by Joel SptingetiR&H 8. Flags dazzle the eye during the Festival of Mission. Kaleb Latour of the West African Union. —Photo by Joel Springer/R&H co

_ Report presented at the General Conference session come to this office to view original materials, pictures, and artifacts and to become better acquainted with Ellen White. For several decades White Estate per- sonnel have been taking groups to Ellen G. White places of historical significance. These By Paul A. Gordon sites include Portland, Maine; the Estate, Inc. Director Washington, New Hampshire, church; homes of Uriah and Annie Smith in West Wilton, New Hampshire; the old- est Seventh-day Adventist educational he work of the Ellen G. White offices at Andrews University and Loma building on its original site at Atlantic Estate office began after her Linda University that contain a com- Union College, South Lancaster, T death in 1915. Her will called for plete set of her writings. During the past Massachusetts; the William Miller home a self-perpetuating board of five trustees five years new research centers were at Low Hampton, New York; and other to carry out its requirements. As the opened at the Adventist Seminary of places of interest. We have also pre- Seventh-day Adventist Church grew, West Africa in Nigeria, and at the pared a guidebook for these faith-build- the number of trustees expanded to 15. Korean . Another ing tours. The four major requirements of the will is planned this year at the Russian semi- During 1994 the White Estate staff were to care for and protect her writ- nary at Zaokski, bringing to 13 the num- joined with the church in recalling the ings, to do general "missionary" work, ber of such centers. importance of 1844 as part of our her- to prepare compilations, and to translate In addition, several study centers with itage. They spoke at camp meetings, her works into other languages. By pre- collections of historical materials have workers' meetings, church gatherings, serving her original writings in their been established in North America and and the Annual Council. They prepared General Conference office, the estate in other divisions. They do not contain articles for church publications. provides authentic materials for future the unpublished letters and manuscripts. The staff also developed resource kits publications. for pastors on the Sabbath, the second Educating the Church coming of Christ, Christ's ministry in Research and Study Centers The staff of the White Estate office the heavenly sanctuary, and the Spirit of The estate makes the writings of does "missionary" work in several Prophecy. Ellen White available through research ways. They travel throughout the world The most publicized event with a centers in several divisions. In addition educating Adventists about Ellen heritage emphasis happened at the to the entire body of published and White's writings. Directors at the divi- William Miller farm, October 20-22, unpublished writings, each center con- sion offices work with them. 1994. Jim Nix, an associate director of tains materials duplicated from original The staff is also available for the Ellen G. White Estate, coordinated files and documents at the General inquiries at their General Conference the program. The North American Conference office. We also have branch office. Thousands of visitors every year Division, the General Conference, the Adventist Health System, and several other entities made substantial program contributions. Some 2,200 people attended, including direct descendants of William Miller (see accompanying photographs). Many thousands of church members across North America saw the Sabbath afternoon program from the farm through a satellite uplink. The weekend concluded with services on Sunday, October 23, at the barn on the Hiram Edson farm at Port Gibson, New York, the site of the first understanding of the sanctuary ministry of Christ. The White Estate is producing a video series in cooperation with the Ministerial Association, focusing on the life and ministry of Ellen White. The first of the series, completed in 1994, is

18 (842) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 presented by Roger Coon and deals with Conference, the division, and the lan- about the great treasure of writings the plagiarism and borrowing. Roger Coon guage area in which the book will be read church has received through the served for several years as an associate help to make these books available at a prophetic messenger. secretary in the White Estate office. reasonable cost. The most translated Preparing Compilations book continues to Compilations are made from letters, be Steps to Christ, manuscripts, articles, and books by Ellen available in nearly White so that her writings on a variety of 150 languages. The subjects might be easily available. languages in which Books produced during the past quin- most books are quennium include Last Day Events, printed are Spanish, William Miller, Herald of the Blessed Portuguese, and Hope, Manuscript Releases, volumes Korean. 11-21, Sermons and Talks, volume 2, I will be retiring and the 1996 Morning Watch devotional soon after the 1995 (available at the 1995 General session, and Juan Conference session). Other planned Carlos Viera will compilations include materials on sci- become the new ence, nature, religious liberty, leader- director of the ship, prayer, angels, and youth. White Estate. There At the 1990 General Conference ses- will be no change sion we introduced the entire published in our commitment writings of Ellen White on CD-ROM. to fulfill the Though comparatively new at the time, requirements of we saw this as the technology of the Ellen White's will. immediate future. In the intervening five We solicit the years Adventists have purchased some prayers and support 3,000 CD-ROMs. The project was of every church launched with funding from the General member as we face Conference, and the original investment new challenges. has been repaid. The White Estate We are now preparing Ellen White's serves you by pro- Meropi Gjika maintained her Adventist faith and saved her tithe for nearly 50 letters and manuscripts for publication viding access to years before her country of Albania opened to Christianity. At age 90 she is in the same CD format. Several teams and understanding believed to be the oldest delegate attending the GC session. have worked on this exciting project for more than two years; at least two more years of work is necessary before publi- cation. When that happens all of the works of Ellen White will be available They're deaf. in CD-ROM form. In 1994 work was well under way to And they prepare a new college text on the Spirit need of Prophecy with Herbert Douglass as author. The North American Division to know A faith ministry Education Department, the Higher Jesus. of the General Education Board, and the General Conference of Conference are funding this project. Seventh-day Adventists Translations In 1994 worldwide translations Hem us tell them passed the 1,000 mark for the first time. .okanal•WISMIMIIIIIIMOMINIONem Several books have been translated and 4444 South 52nd St. printed in eastern Europe. The Euro- mitticik waik (al 15 opoii Lincoln, NE 68516

Asia Division in Russia has printed NN (402) 488-0981 A

many Spirit of Prophecy books at their LS/

Christian Record Services EL

new press. W Reaching the blind and the deaf for Christ Financial participation by the General J. ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 (843) 19 ACTIONS

transcript of the character of God and a revelation CHURCH MEMBERS—CHURCH MANUAL Session Actions of His will? Is it your purpose by the power of AMENDMENT the indwelling Christ to keep this law, including Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 45, Fifty-sixth General Conference session, the fourth commandment, which requires the Transferring Members, Transferring Church July 2, 1995, 2:10 p.m. observance of the seventh day of the week as the Members, to read as follows: Sabbath of the Lord and the memorial of Transferring Members Creation? Transferring Church Members—When a THE CHURCH'S INSTITUTIONS—CHURCH MAN- 7. Do you look forward to the soon coming of church member moves to a different area, the UAL AMENDMENT Jesus and the blessed hope when "this mortal church holding membership should write to the Voted, To amend the Church Manual page shall . . . put on immortality"? As you prepare to secretary of the relevant conference/mission 38, Church's Institutions, paragraph 2, to read meet the Lord, will you witness to His loving sal- requesting that a pastor in the new locality make as follows: vation by using your talents in personal soul-win- a pastoral visit to the individual. This pastoral In Seventh-day Adventist theology and phi- ning endeavor to help others to be ready for His intervention may facilitate the transfer process. losophy of church operations, such institutions glorious appearing? The church holding the membership should have been from their inception integral parts of 8. Do you accept the biblical teaching of spiri- also notify the member of its intention to give the the church, direct instruments in the carrying out tual gifts and believe that the gift of prophecy is member's new address to a pastor in the new of its divine commission. Therefore, the Seventh- one of the identifying marks of the remnant locality. day Adventist Church makes use of its denomina- church? A church member who moves from one local- tionally owned and operated institutions such as 9. Do you believe in church organization? Is it ity to another for a period of longer than six health-care institutions,* publishing houses, your purpose to support the church by your tithes months, should make immediate application for a health food industries, and educational institu- and offerings and by your personal effort and letter of transfer to a church near his or her new tions as integral parts to fulfill health, literature, influence? place of residence. In the case of a member locat- and teaching ministries; therefore, they are indis- 10. Do you believe that your body is the tem- ing in an isolated area with no church within a pensable to and inseparable from the total min- ple of the Holy Spirit; and will you honor God by reasonable distance, the customary plan is to istry of the church in carrying the gospel to all caring for it, avoiding the use of that which is make application to join the conference or local the world. harmful; abstaining from all unclean foods; from field church. Such a letter of transfer is valid for •For North American Division, see Church Manual. NAD the use, manufacture, or sale of alcoholic bever- six months from date of issue, and unless acted Supplement. ages; the use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in upon within that time is void. BAPTISMAL VOW AND BAPTISM, BAPTISMAL any of its forms for human consumption; and VOW—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT from the misuse of or trafficking in narcotics or ORGANIZED COMPANIES—CHURCH MANUAL Voted, To amend the Church Manual pages 44 other drugs? AMENDMENT and 45, Baptismal Vow and Baptism, Baptismal 11. Do you know and understand the funda- Voted, To amend the Church Manual pages 49 Vow, to read as follows: mental Bible principles as taught by the Seventh- and 50, Organized Companies, to read as fol- Baptismal Vow—Candidates for baptism or day Adventist Church? Do you purpose, by the lows: those being received into fellowship by profes- grace of God, to fulfill His will by ordering your Organized Companies sion of faith shall affirm their acceptance of the life in harmony with these principles? Where a number of isolated believers reside in doctrinal beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist 12. Do you accept the New Testament teach- proximity to one another, a company of believers Church in the presence of the church or other ing of baptism by immersion and desire to be so may be organized for fellowship and worship with properly appointed body (see p. 43). The minister baptized as a public expression of faith in Christ the objective of growing into an organized church. or elder should address the following questions to and His forgiveness of your sins? Such a group of believers may be organized as the candidate(s), whose reply may be by verbal 13. Do you accept and believe that the a company by approval of the conference or mis- assent or by raising the hand. Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant sion committee, and may subsequently be dis- Commitment church of Bible prophecy and that people of solved by action of the conference or mission 1. Do you believe there is one God: Father, every nation, race, and language are invited and committee. When a conference or mission com- Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three coetemal accepted into its fellowship? Do you desire to be mittee approves the organization of a company, Persons? a member of this local congregation of the world such organization may be effected by the district 2. Do you accept the death of Jesus Christ on church? pastor or by some other minister appointed by the Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for your sins and conference or mission committee, who, in coun- believe that by God's grace through faith in His CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, REGULAR STANDING— sel with the local members, shall appoint from shed blood you are saved from sin and its CHURCH MANUAL ADDITION the baptized membership of the company a leader penalty? Voted, To add a new section to the Church and a treasurer. 3. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord Manual, Regular Standing, to Chapter 5, Church All other appointments such as Sabbath School and personal Saviour believing that God, in Membership, following Baptismal Ceremony, on officers, lay activities officers, and Adventist Christ, has forgiven your sins and given you a page 45, to read as follows: Youth Society officers should be made by vote of new heart, and do you renounce the sinful ways Regular Standing the baptized members of the company at a meet- of the world? All church members are considered to be in reg- ing presided over by the district leader or by such 4. Do you accept by faith the righteousness of ular standing unless they are under church disci- person as may be authorized by the conference or Christ, your Intercessor in the heavenly sanctu- pline. (See pp. 159, 160, 53-56.) mission committee. ary, and accept His promise of transforming The leader of such a company shall not be grace and power to live a loving, Christ-centered REGULAR STANDING—CHURCH MANUAL ordained to that office and shall not have the life in your home and before the world? DIRECTIVE authority to perform those functions that are 5. Do you believe that the Bible is God's Voted, To approve a directive to amend the vested in an elder of the church. However, where inspired Word, the only rule of faith and practice Church Manual in all references to "good and exceptional circumstances warrant, the confer- for the Christian? Do you covenant to spend time regular standing" to now read "regular standing." ence may appoint a person of church experience regularly in prayer and Bible study? and leadership ability to serve as elder of that 6. Do you accept the Ten Commandments as a TRANSFERRING MEMBERS, TRANSFERRING company.


The treasurer of the company shall keep care- as follows: tionship it is recommended that pastors also ful record of all moneys received and disbursed. Term of Office—Like all other church officers, attend these meetings. Leaders of companies who He or she shall send promptly each month all the elder is elected for one or two years as deter- function in the place of local elders should also tithes and offerings, other than funds collected mined by the local church. (See p. 56.) It is not be invited to attend. for local purposes, to the conference or field trea- advisable for one person to serve indefinitely, but Adjourned. Alfred C McClure, Chair surer, who is also the treasurer of the conference the elder may be reelected. The church is under no Lowell C Cooper, Secretary or field church. obligation, however, to reelect, but may choose Rowena J Moore, Recording Secretary Since all baptized members of an organized another for eldership whenever a change seems company are members of the conference or field advisable. Upon the election of a new elder, the church, the company does not possess the right to former elder no longer functions as elder, but may Session Actions administer church discipline. All such matters be elected to any other church office. must be referred to the conference or field com- Fifty-sixth General Conference session, July 3, 1995, 8:30 am. mittee, which constitutes the board of the confer- THE CHURCH ELDER, ORDINATION OF LOCAL ence, or field church, the president being the ELDER—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT THE CHURCH ELDER, RELATIONSHIP TO THE elder of that church. Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 57, ORDAINED MINISTER—CHURCH MANUAL AMEND- Such a company of believers should grow and The Church Elder, Ordination of Local Elder, to MENT eventually develop to the point that would call for read as follows: Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 58, a regular church organization. The company lead- Ordination of Local Elder—Election to the The Church Elder, Relationship to the Ordained ership should therefore promote and foster all the office of elder does not in itself qualify one as an Minister, to read as follows: church campaigns and activities that are usually elder. Ordination is required before an elder has Relationship to the Ordained Minister—In a case carried forward by regular churches, thus prepar- authority to function in that office. During the where the conference committee assigns an ing the members for the wider responsibilities that interim between election and ordination, the ordained minister to labor as a pastor of a church, he are associated with full church organization. elected elder may function as church leader but should be considered as the ranking officer, and the not administer the ordinances of the church. local elder as his assistant. Their work is closely QUERIES CONCERNING RECEIVING AND DROP- The ordination service is only performed by an related; they should therefore work together harmo- PING MEMBERS, RECEIVING MEMBERS ON ordained minister with credentials from the local niously. The minister should not gather to himself PROFESSION OF FAITH—CHURCH MANUAL conference. It may be a courtesy to invite a visit- all lines of responsibility, but should share these AMENDMENT ing ordained minister to assist in the ordination. with the local elder and other officers. The minister (Receiving Members on Profession of Faith— However, only on the specific request of the local serving the church regularly as pastor acts as the Church Manual Amendment) conference officers would a visiting ordained chairman of the church board. (See pp. 88, 118, Voted, To refer the proposed amendments to minister or a retired ordained minister conduct the 119.) There may be circumstances, however, when the Church Manual page 50, Queries Concerning ordination. it would be advisable for the elder to act in this Receiving and Dropping Members, Receiving The sacred rite of ordination should be sim- capacity. The pastoral work of the church should be Members on Profession of Faith, to the standing ply performed in the presence of the church shared by both. The elder should, in counsel with Church Manual Committee for further study. and may include a brief outline of the office of the minister, assist in the pastoral responsibility, elder, the qualities required, and the principal such as visiting the church members, ministering to CHURCH OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES, TERM duties the elder will be authorized to perform the sick, arranging or leading out in anointing ser- OF OFFICE—CHURCH MANUAL ADDITION for the church. After the exhortation, the min- vices and child dedications, and encouraging those Voted, To add a new section to the Church ister, assisted by other ordained ministers who are disheartened. Too much emphasis cannot Manual, Term of Office, to Chapter 6, Church and/or local ordained elders who are participat- be placed on this part of an elder's work, who as an Officers and Their Duties, at the bottom of page ing in the service, will ordain the elder by undershepherd should exercise a constant vigilance 56, to read as follows: prayer and the laying on of hands. Having once over the flock. If the appointed pastor is a licensed Term of Office been ordained as a church elder, ordination is minister, the local church or churches that he serves The term of office for officers of the church not required again upon reelection to office as should elect him as an elder. (See p. 119.) and auxiliary organizations shall be one year, an elder, or upon election as elder of another Because the pastor is appointed to the position except where the local church in a business meet- church, provided that good and regular stand- in the local church by the conference, he serves the ing votes to have elections every two years in ing in the church has been maintained. One church as a conference worker, and is responsible order to facilitate continuity and development of who has been ordained as elder is thereby qual- to the conference committee, yet he maintains a spiritual gifts and eliminate the work involved in ified to serve subsequently in the deaconate sympathetic and cooperative relation to and works having yearly elections. While it is not advisable office. in harmony with all the plans and policies of the for one person to serve indefinitely in a particular local church. The elder having been elected by the position, officers may be reelected. THE CHURCH ELDER, TRAINING AND EQUIP- local church is naturally responsible to that body, PING OF LOCAL ELDERS—CHURCH MANUAL and also to its board. (See pp. 58, 118.) TERM OF OFFICE—CHURCH MANUAL DIREC- ADDITION TIVE oted, To add a new section to the Church THE CHURCH ELDER, TO FOSTER ALL LINES OF MIS- Voted, To approve a directive to amend the Manual, Training and Equipping of Local Elders, SIONARY WORK—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT Church Manual in all references to church and in the section The Church Elder, page 58, follow- Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 58, auxiliary officers serving one year (excluding ing Ordination of Local Elder, to read as follows: The Church Elder, To Foster All Lines of Home and School Association) so as to allow the Training and Equipping of Local Elders—The Missionary Work, to read as follows: local church to elect officers for one- or two-year Ministerial Association, in cooperation with the To Foster All Lines of Church Work—Under terms. departments, promotes the training and equipping the pastor and in the absence of a pastor, the local of local church elders. While the pastor has the elder is a spiritual leader of the church and is THE CHURCH ELDER, ELECTED FOR ONE primary responsibility for training local elders, responsible for fostering all departments and YEAR—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT conferences/missions/fields are encouraged to activities of the work. The elder should maintain Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 57, schedule periodic meetings designed for training a mutually helpful relationship with all other The Church Elder, Elected for One Year, to read them. In order to support a pastor-elder team rela- church officers.


THE CHURCH ELDER, THE BAPTISMAL SERVICE— to the Church Manual, The Church Board and Its THE SABBATH SCHOOL, THE SABBATH SCHOOL CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT Meetings, Membership, to the standing Church COUNCIL—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 59, Manual Committee for further study. Voted, To refer the recommended amendment The Church Elder, The Baptismal Service, to to the Church Manual, The Sabbath School, The read as follows: THE CHURCH BOARD AND ITS MEETINGS, MEET- Sabbath School Council, to the standing Church The Baptismal Service—In the absence of an INGS—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT Manual Committee for further study. ordained pastor, the elder shall request the presi- Voted, To amend the Chu, rh Manual page 88, dent of the conference or local field to arrange for The Church Board and Its Meetings, Meetings, to HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION—CHURCH MAN- the administration of the rite of baptism to those read as follows: UAL AMENDMENT desiring to unite with the church. (See p. 45.) A Meetings—Because the work of the church uteri, l o refer the recommended amendment local church elder should not officiate in the bap- board is vital to the life, health, and growth of the to the Church Manual, Home and School tismal service without first obtaining permission church, it needs to meet at least once each month. Association, to the standing Church Manual from the conference/mission president. In larger churches more frequent meetings may Committee for further study. be needed. It is well to fix the monthly meeting THE CHURCH ELDER, TO COOPERATE WITH THE CON- time for the same week and the same day each AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CHURCH AND FERENCE—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT month. (Example: The first Monday of each THEIR OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MIN- Voted, To refer the recommended amendment month.) ISTRIES—CHURCH MANUAL ADDITION to the Church Manual, The Church Elder, To The church board meeting is announced at the Voted, To refer the recommended amendment Cooperate With the Conference, to the standing regular Sabbath worship service. Every effort to the Church Manual, Auxiliary Organizations Church Manual Committee for further study. should be made to have all board members of the Church and Their Officers, Department of present at each meeting. Family Ministries, to the standing Church THE CHURCH ELDER, TO FOSTER WORLDWIDE Each church should determine at one of its Manual Committee for further study. WORK—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT regularly called business meetings the number of Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 60, church board members who must be present at a AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CHURCH AND The Church Elder, To Foster Worldwide Work, church board meeting to constitute a quorum. THEIR OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS to read as follows: Votes by proxy or letter shall not be accepted. AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY—CHURCH MANUAL ADDI- To Foster Worldwide Work—Another impor- TION tant feature of the elder's work is to foster world BUSINESS MEETINGS—CHURCH MANUAL AMEND- Voted, To refer the recommended amendment mission work. This should be done by making a MENT to the Church Manual, Auxiliary Organizations careful study of the worldwide work and present- Voted, To amend the Church Manual page 90, of the Church and Their Officers, Department of ing its needs to the church. The elder should Business Meetings, the first paragraph, to read as Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, to the encourage members to take a personal part in follows: Business Meetings standing Church Manual Committee for further both supporting and working for the cause of Church business meetings duly called by the pas- study. missions. A kindly, tactful attitude on the part of tor or the church board in consultation with the pas- the elder will do much to encourage liberality on tor may be held monthly or quarterly, according to AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CHURCH AND the part of the church members both in the regu- the needs of the church. Members in good and regu- THEIR OFFICERS, INDUCTION SERVICE—CHURCH lar church services and in the Sabbath School. lar standing on the roll of the church conducting the MANUAL ADDITION business meeting may attend and vote. Votes by Voted, To add a new section to the Church A DISFELLOWSHIPPED CHURCH OFFICER—CHURCH proxy or letter shall not be accepted. In order to Manual, Induction Service, at the end of Chapter MANUAL ADDITION maintain a spirit of close cooperation between the 8, Auxiliary Organizations of the Church and Voted, To add a new section to the Church local church and the conference/mission, the church Their Officers, page 116, to read as follows: Manual, A Disfellowshipped Church Officer, to shall secure counsel from the conference/mission Induction Service Chapter 6, Church Officers and Their Duties, fol- officers on all major matters. The officers (presi- If an induction service (see p. 71) is being held lowing Interest Coordinator, page 71, to read as dent, secretary, treasurer) of the conference to for the newly elected officers of the local church. follows: A Disfellowshipped Church Officer which the church belongs may attend without vote the officers of the auxiliary organizations should When a church officer is disfellowshipped (unless granted by the church) any church business be included. from the church and subsequently readmitted to meeting within the conference territory. A duly church membership, this action does not reinstate called business meeting of the church is a meeting RELIEVING A MINISTER OF HIS OFFICE—CHURCH the individual to the former office. that has been called at the regular Sabbath worship MANUAL AMENDMENT service, together with proper announcements as to Voted, To amend the Church Manual page CHURCH OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES, INDUCTION the time and place of the meeting. At such meet- 122, Relieving a Minister of His Office, to read SERVICE—CHURCH MANUAL ADDITION ings, at which the pastor will preside (or will as follows: Removing a Minister From Office Voted, To add a new section to the Church arrange for the local elder to preside), full informa- A minister may be removed from office by Manual, Induction Service, at the end of Chapter tion should be given to the congregation regarding conference committee action, without the indi- 6, Church Officers and Their Duties, page 71, to the work of the church; and at the close of the year, vidual's church membership being affected. read as follows: Induction Service reports should be rendered covering the activities of When a minister is disfellowshipped from the All newly elected officers of the local church the church for the entire year. When possible, church and subsequently restored to church mem- may be included in a service of induction con- reports should be presented in writing and should bership, that person is not thereby restored to the ducted by a minister holding a current license or comprise the following activities: ministry. The individual is readmitted to the credential. If no minister is available, an ordained church as a lay member. elder of the local church may conduct the induc- THE DEPARTMENT OF LAY ACTIVITIES, HANDICAP tion service. MINISTRIES—CHURCH MANUAL ADDITION NOMINATING COMMITTEE, WORK OF THE NOMINAT- Voted, To refer the recommended amendment ING COMMITTEE—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT THE CHURCH BOARD AND ITS MEETINGS, MEMBER- to the Church Manual, The Department of Lay Voted, To refer the recommended amendment SHIP—CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT Activities, Handicap Ministries, to the standing to the Church Manual, Nominating Committee, Voted, To refer the recommended amendment Church Manual Committee for further study. Work of the Nominating Committee, to the

22 (846) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 ACTIONS standing Church Manual Committee for further provisions of the conference constitution. When vision involving severance of church member- study. the time comes to select delegates the pastor, or ship in case of failure to comply with any condi- the head elder in cooperation with the pastor, tions imposed. Proper inquiry should be made at NOMINATING COMMITTEE, OBJECTING TO THE should bring the matter before the church. A the expiration of the period of censure, to ascer- REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE— committee may be appointed to nominate dele- tain whether the member under discipline has CHURCH MANUAL AMENDMENT gates or the church board may be asked to nomi- changed course. If observed conduct is satisfac- Voted, To amend the Church Manual pages 126 nate them. Nothing of a political nature should be tory, the individual may then be considered in and 127, Nominating Committee, Objecting to the allowed to come into this work. Men and women regular standing without further action. If Report of the Nominating Committee, to read as of known piety and loyalty and who are able to observed conduct is not satisfactory, the case follows: attend the session should be nominated as dele- should again be considered and such discipline Objecting to the Report of the Nominating gates. (See pp. 61, 66.) administered as is required. Any return to church Committee—It is the right of any member to raise When the committee or church board has com- office must be by election. an objection to the nominating committee's report. pleted its work, it should report to the church, Any such objection should be presented in person nominating as delegates the members it has agreed CAUTION IN DISCIPLINING MEMBERS, AT A DULY to the nominating committee for consideration upon. The church then votes on these nominations. CALLED MEETING—CHURCH MANUAL AMEND- before the second reading of the report by making No church officer by virtue of office is a delegate MENT an appointment through the chairperson or church ex officio. After the election, the clerk of the Voted, To amend the Church Manual page pastor. Or, at the time of the second reading of the church will fill out the delegates' credential 161, Caution in Disciplining Members, At a Duly report, it is in order for the objector to request that blanks, furnished for the purpose, and return them Called Meeting, to read as follows: the whole report be referred, without discussion, to to the secretary of the conference. The chosen del- At a Duly Called Meeting—Members may be the nominating committee for further considera- egates become the representatives of the church, to disciplined by the church for sufficient cause, but tion. It is the usual procedure for the chairperson unite with the delegates of other churches in the only at a duly called business meeting of the to accept the referral. However, if the request conference in the election of officers for the con- church after the church board has reviewed the becomes a motion it is nondebatable and is ference and for the transaction of all other confer- case. The meeting must be presided over by an decided by majority vote. The chairperson of the ence business. The delegates to a union conference ordained minister or a licensed minister who is committee should then announce when and where session are chosen by the local conferences, not by ordained as a local elder of the church concerned, the committee will be in session to hear the objec- the churches. The delegates to a General or in his absence and in counsel with him or with tions to any name. At that time the member mak- Conference session are chosen by the divisions the conference president, a local ordained elder ing the objection, or any other member who and the union conferences. The respective terms of of the church concerned. desires to do so, should appear before the commit- office for these organizations are determined by tee. If the election is deferred on the objection of the terms of their respective constitutions. any member, it would be a serious matter for that member to fail to appear before the committee. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE—CHURCH MANUAL Trivial or groundless objections to any name AMENDMENT NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT #5 should never be made, but if there are serious rea- Voted, To refer the recommended amendment Voted, To approve the following partial report sons why any nomination should be changed, to the Church Manual, Courtship and Marriage, of the Nominating Committee: these reasons should be stated. The committee to the standing Church Manual Committee for General Conference should give due consideration to the objections further study. Undersecretary Athal H Tolhurst presented. If they are found to be justified, the Associate Secretaries committee will need to substitute another name for CENSURE DEFINED—CHURCH MANUAL AMEND- Maurice T Battle the one to which objection was made. When the MENT Larry R Colbum report is again presented to the church, the church Voted, To amend the Church Manual page Lowell C Cooper proceeds to vote on the report of the committee. 159, Censure Defined, to read as follows: Mario Veloso Every church member should vote in the election Censure Defined Undertreasurer F Martin Ytreberg of church officers. The election is by the majority An erring member may be placed under cen- Associate Treasurers vote of those present and voting. sure by a vote of the church at any duly called Donald E Robinson business meeting of the church, provided the Gary B DeBoer ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO LOCAL CONFERENCE member concerned has been notified. The indi- Dennis C Keith, Sr SESSION, CHOOSING DELEGATES—CHURCH MANUAL vidual may be present if he or she so desires. A Annetta M Gibson AMENDMENT vote of censure is for a stated period of time, Vice Presidents Assigned to Divisions Voted, To amend the Church Manual pages from a minimum of one month, up to a maxi- L D Raelly, Eastern Africa Division 127 and 128, Election of Delegates to Local mum of twelve months; it terminates the erring Ulrich Frikart, Euro-Africa Division Conference Session, Choosing Delegates, to read one's election or appointment to any and all Ted N C Wilson, Euro-Asia Division as follows: offices he or she may hold in the church, and Israel Leito, Inter-American Division Choosing Delegates—"He [God] has so removes the privilege of election to office while Alfred C McClure, North American Division arranged matters that chosen men shall go as dele- under censure. A member under censure has no Ruy H Nagel, South American Division gates to our conferences. These men are to be tried right to participate by voice or by vote in the Bryan Ball, South Pacific Division and proved. They are to be trustworthy men. The affairs of the church and can have no public part M E Cherian, Southern Asia Division choosing of delegates to attend our conferences is in the exercises thereof, such as teaching a Bertil Wildander, Trans-European Division an important matter. These men are to lay the plans Sabbath School class, et cetera. Neither may the that shall be followed in the advancement of the individual's membership be transferred to Adjourned. work; and therefore they are to be men of under- another church during the period of censure. He Alfred C McClure, Chair standing, able to reason from cause to effect."— or she is not deprived, however, of the privilege Mario Veloso, Secretary Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 262. of sharing the blessings of Sabbath School, Athal H Tolhurst, Actions Editor The number of delegates from each church to church worship, or the ordinances of the Lord's Larry R Colbum, Proceedings Editor a local conference session is determined by the house. A vote of censure must not carry any pro- Carol E Rasmussen, Recording Secretary

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Mwavua and his wife, perance work has found an Eastern ing the number of Adventist dental clinics Eunice—who were reared in the European populace who are attracted to to 130 worldwide. Construction of clinics HAnglican Church—began to ques- spiritual matters through an interest in in Antigua, Gabon, Burkina Faso, and tion some of its doctrines. After. the health issues. Mauritania are under way as well. Mwavuas worshiped at the All Saints. "Where the gospel message is forbidden to Cathedral in Nairobi, Kenya, one morning, Cases in Point be preached," said V. Thansiama, health and someone handed them a pamphlet with an More than 600 persons packed Braila temperance director of the Southern Asia invitation to attend seminars on stress con- (Romania) City Hall in 1993 for the Division, "the message of health serves as a trol, nutrition, and smoking cessation at the Adventist Theological Nursing School's forerunner, paving the way for the good news city's Better Living Centre. "We were skep- first graduation ceremony. With 200 to reach the unreached." tical about people who worshiped on enrolled, the nursing school is the only such The dental clinic in Djibouti, a staunchly Saturday," Mwavua said, but they decided to Adventist institution in Eastern Europe. Muslim country, has already led to a baptism in attend some of the health lectures anyway. According to Euro-Africa Division Health the Red Sea and a group of 30 worshipers each Instantly impressed, the Mwavuas partic- and Temperance director Jochen Sabbath. The optometric clinic in Swaziland ipat-2 ••vice weekly for six weeks. Hawlitschek, it is already making a positive has enjoyed similar success; staffers there have At the end of the stress-reduction work- impact on Romania and its neighboring established a new congregation as well and shop Dr. Brad Nelson, who was conducting countries. Established in 1991 by Adventist have acquired 50 acres of land for its new the seminar series with Dr. Paul Wangai, physician Ene Paulini, annually the school church building and a youth camp. health and temperance director of the produces 70 Christian nurses. An emphasis on young people, in fact, Eastern Africa Division, said, "We've dis- A comparable influence is also making comprises a great portion of health and tem- cussed how to manage the stress in your itself felt in an Adventist dental clinic in perance efforts around the world. Since lives, but the best way is to have a personal Moscow. Dentists there are treating three 1990 Dr. Patricia Mutch, of the Institute of relationship with God." He invited the par- times the daily number of patients that a Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (IADD), ticipants to a Bible study class. More than similarly equipped clinic would normally has conducted training events for Adventist 20 showed up at the Bible study the follow- handle. Health seminars and branch Sabbath Youth to Youth in Russia, Latvia, and the ing week. Within little more than a year, the schools conducted by clinic staff are gener- Philippines. Young people who attend these Mwavuas, with their four children, joined ating much interest. "By providing dental programs are enabled to plan and carry out a the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Around the world this story is multiplied thousands of times. Through the unique approaches of the health and temperance ministry, people are realizing that life is a balance between the physical, mental, and spiritual. "As we near the close of time," wrote Ellen White, "we must rise higher and still higher upon the question of health reform and Christian temperance, present- ing it in a more positive and decided man- ner. We must strive continually to educate the people, not only by our words but by our practice. Precept and practice combined have a telling influence" (Counsels on Health, p. 467). This "telling influence" is being exhib- ited in a variety of approaches. Since the The school of nursing in Braila, Romania, annually produces 70 graduates, who are touching the lives fall of Communism, the health and tem- of thousands in their Christian ministry throughout Eastern Europe.

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 (849) 25 wide variety of peer-prevention largest religious convention. As strategies in their home communities. recently as four years ago, Tripura, a state in northeast India, forbade any On the Home Front proclamation of the Christian gospel. The IADD, an adjunct of the General After the entry of the Seventh-day Conference Department of Health and Adventist health message, however, Temperance, also conducts summer the church was invited in 1992 to classes on addictions on the campus of send a missionary nurse. Since that Andrews University and oversees train- time 38 people have joined the ing for pastors and other church leaders church in that region. As a direct in ministry to chemically dependent result of Adventist effort, the city of church members and their families. As a volunteer, Loma Linda University's Dr. Cameron Johnson Mizoram has banned cigarette smok- (second from left) administers an anesthetic during a surgical pro- ing in all government-operated buses This is particularly needed in places of cedure at Sopas Adventist Hospital in Wabag, Papua New Guinea. rapid church growth. He is assisting Dr. Francisco Munoz (third from left), of Peru. and offices. During the next quinquennium the Seventh-day Adventists have also IADD will be offering division-wide needs relationship with his or her Creator. influenced changing tobacco-control legis- assessment surveys of the use of alcohol To form a basis for this emphasis, in lation in Australia, the Solomon Islands, and other drugs among church members. It 1993 the General Conference Health and Samoa, Fiji, and New Zealand. Dr. Harley will also expand its work as a consulting Temperance Department conducted a thor- Stanton, associate director of the Health agency to the Adventist educational system oughgoing study conference of Adventist and Temperance Department in the South in the establishment of drug-free programs. theology, philosophy, and practice of health Pacific Division, serves as a representative The Health and Temperance Department and healing. Called "Health 2000 and to the World Health Organization for has participated in and sponsored many of Beyond," it was comprised of 72 delegates, tobacco control for the South Pacific- the IADD materials and programs through representing theologians, church administra- Southeast Asia region. Furthermore, depart- the International Commission for the tors, health-care professionals, and layper- ment director Dr. Percy Harrold reports the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug sons. The conference agenda focused on development of the Life-Talk radio pro- Dependency (ICPA). Directed by Thomas five areas: the theology of health, personal gram, broadcast from 50 radio stations R. Neslund, the ICPA is a nonsectarian, health, the health professional, the corporate around the South Pacific Division. nonpolitical entity with United Nations church, and health-care institutions. This Creativity is further demonstrated by the recognition. It operates in more than 100 program gave leadership an opportunity to Asia-Pacific Division, which has developed countries and seeks through global efforts review the basis from which Adventism has the rural health student missionary pro- to reveal the societal impact of such depen- inherited its emphasis on health and to pro- gram. Fifty such volunteers have devoted a dencies, and to point up effective preven- ject strategies into the future. year of their lives in unentered areas, tive actions. Thanks to the church's unique interest in launching major health-education programs Over the past five years the ICPA has health, in fact, Adventists are frequently and drawing people to Christianity through developed a prevention magazine for involved in cutting-edge research and such efforts. Russia, Latvia, Estonia, and Kuwait. In development. According to Stoy Proctor, Semmy Lenzun and Roy Wurangian cooperation with Three Angels Broad- General Conference health and temperance went to Waipia, a village in eastern casting, it has produced 13 30-minute drug associate director for health promotion, the Indonesia. While visiting every house in the prevention programs for TV. To augment its department has produced two videos: The village to encourage immunization and prevention network among diverse govern- Search, a 28-minute summary of the advan- community involvement in other local ments, agencies, and other organizations tages of the Adventist lifestyle; and Second health programs, they met a police officer around the world, the ICPA conducted two Chance: One of Ten, on the connection who had married a former Adventist. She world congresses—in Kuala Lumpur, between tobacco and lung cancer. invited Lenzun and Wurangian to conduct Malaysia (1991) and Hamburg, Germany Following a complete scientific study of the Bible studies in her home. Over time they (1994). These sessions have led to such Breathe-Free Plan to Stop Smoking, discovered 10 Adventist families scattered breakthroughs as influencing the World Proctor reports, this highly respected smok- throughout surrounding villages. Drawing Health Organization (WHO) to forsake its ing cessation program has been revised. them all together for an evangelistic cru- former endorsement of the so-called And the General Conference Nutrition sade resulted in 58 baptisms and the build- Mediterranean Diet, which includes the rec- Council, meeting twice yearly, has pro- ing of a new church. Thanks to the efforts ommendation of the daily use of alcoholic duced nine position papers and a graphic of Lenzun and Wurangian, the new mem- wines. In a statement released to the press, vegetarian pyramid that has been featured bers of Waipia's new Seventh-day the WHO reversed its position. on network television. Adventist church came to the same wonder- In a world in which solid information This kind of positive influence reaches to ful truths that H. K. Mwavua and his wife, is often at a premium, the Adventist mes- local levels as well. Adventist health pro- Eunice, discovered in Kenya, half a world sage of health and temperance has cast fessionals were invited to participate in the away. the spotlight on those influences in soci- All-India Vegetarian Congress and And it all began with God's marvelous ety that adversely affect an individual's Mammon Convention, the world's second- message of health and happiness. 26 (850) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 Report presented at the General Conference session AWR is already among the most-lis- tened-to foreign stations in China. In Indonesia it ranks among the top reli- gious broadcasters. In Russia it draws an estimated weekly audience of close to 3 Adventist million listeners. By Walter Scragg AWR's Top 10 Stories World Radio President Here are the top 10 stories from AWR during the past five years: 1990—An AWR listener establishes the first Adventist presence in Niger. he message from Russia was mitter (100 kilowatts) has since been 1992—Broadcasts from Russia begin, terse: "If AWR can approve a added. making daily broadcasts a reality. Tcontract in the next seven days, Costa Rica, Russia, Slovakia, added 1992—A listener in Sumatra, broadcasts to India, China, and the to the flagship station KSDA on Guam, Indonesia, is baptized, opening an entire Middle East can begin from Novosibirsk, pushed hours broadcast per week to new region to the gospel. Some 250,000 Siberia." more than 1,000. Studios that once pro- hear AWR every week in Indonesia. The impossible vision of world cov- duced one 30-minute program per week 1993—The studio in Cyprus begins erage through radio shimmered with now record one hour per day. production. By 1995 Arabic is broadcast expectations of reality. Not too far Opportunities to broadcast from sta- seven hours a day. Farsi production for ahead, the voice of the third angel might tions inside the countries of the former Iran begins. sound everywhere around the globe. Soviet bloc have created additional 1994—Vietnamese, Urdu, Arabic, After all, Ellen White wrote, "God demands. AWR has released $1 million Bangla, and Sinhala have added 500 entrusts men with talents and inventive to help pay for these unexpected oppor- million potential listeners. genius, in order that His great work in tunities. 1994—Baptisms in Northern China our world may be accomplished" This year AWR has plans to add of more than 2,000 in one day is traced (Fundamentals of Christian Education, Bulgarian, Farsi, Kannada, Latvian, to AWR listeners who accepted the p. 409). Nepali, Punjabi, Swahili, Tibetan, and message as early as 1991. In March 1992 Adventist World Ukranian to its array of languages, 1994—An Adventist layperson in Radio commenced broadcasts from adding more than 240 million people Brazil proposes funding a major broad- Novosibirsk. These were followed who will be able to hear the gospel in cast facility in Paraguay to complete rapidly by broadcasts from three other their own tongue. Resources for program AWR's coverage of South America. sites in Russia: Samara, Moscow, and producers are distributed from a center at 1995—The Voice of Hope is the top Ekaterinburg. Newbold College. religious broadcast to China. At the end of 1990 AWR acquired a To provide airtime for these languages, 1995—KSDA (Guam) receives a former political propaganda station in AWR has launched an appeal for a fourth total of 100,000 letters—most of them Costa Rica, using funds supplied by a transmitter on Guam. In addition, the from China. lay donor. In 1993 AWR secured search continues for our own broadcast 1995—AWR provides live coverage licenses to use two 250-kilowatt trans- site in Europe. Achieving this has been of the General Conference session to mitters in Slovakia, and a third trans- tantalizingly close several times. its global audience using five lan- guages. AWR continues to model for the church how a global organization can be operated with a handful of staff members at its head office and the bulk of its resources at the cutting edge of evangelism. AWR is the voice of hope for all peo- ples. Plans now under way call for dou- bling the number of language broadcasts to more than 70 by the beginning of the new millennium. This translates into more transmitters, more antennas, and 1301

'0 more hours of broadcasting the three IS angels' messages—truly one of the great NILIc Ray Allen. director of AWR Resource Centre, England, and Andrea Steele, Public Relations and 3O Development director of Adventist World Radio, prepare the hourlong daily broadcast in English for Global Mission goals ahead for God's NH I II people. H Netherlands FM station and retransmission worldwide on AWR. ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 (851) 27 Report presented at the General Conference session Supported by several industries and a committed constituency, this institution was recently ranked by the government as one of the 10 best universities in the entire country—public or private. The Education university offers master's-level degrees in several fields and is starting a doc- By Humberto M. Rasi toral program in theology. There are Department Director now more than 40 colleges and universi- ties that offer recognized graduate degrees.

ome with me for a quick, zigzag are 1,000 secondary schools like this— A Worldwide System trip around the world, visiting some with dormitory facilities, others Seventh-day Adventists operate the Cjust four of the schools that our operating as day academies. broadest unified, church-related interna- church operates in more than 100 coun- Flying south, we arrive at the modem tional system of education involving tries. We'll start at our elementary campus of the University of Eastern 47,000 educators in almost 6,000 insti- school in the Galapagos Islands, off the Africa near Baraton in Kenya. Located tutions, from kindergarten through uni- coast of Ecuador in South America. on rich agricultural land, this was the versity. Thousands of parents and Established four years ago as a church first private institution of higher learn- students, as well as the membership at outreach project in the town of Puerto ing chartered by the government of the large, invest millions of dollars every Ayora (the commercial and tourist cen- year to maintain and expand this global ter of these unique islands), it is now educational system. As of January 1, considered the best private school in the 1995, 858,000 students are benefiting archipelago. "I'm delighted to have from our school offerings worldwide. enrolled our two daughters in this Approximately half of them come from school," the manager of one of the non-Adventist homes. Why do we make tourist offices in town told me. this substantial investment? Basically, "Although we're not Adventists, we for five reasons: appreciate the academic progress they ► To educate Adventist youth for a have made and the caring Christian atti- useful life, and in the context of tude of the teachers. The only problem Christian faith and biblical values, keep- is that our daughters are beginning to Maurice Battle, associate GC secretary, responds ing in balance their intellectual, spiri- ask us religious questions that we can't to a message passed to him while working during tual, physical, and psychosocial always answer. They now know more a business session. Beside him is one of dozens development. of young people who are working at the session about the Bible and its teachings than as pages. ► To train future Adventist leaders we do!" There are more than 4,800 and denominational workers, encourag- Adventist elementary schools like this country. In 1991 the president of Kenya ing them to devote their talents to around the world. Some operate as came to present personally the univer- accomplishing the church's mission church schools, others as mission sity charter and install its academic until Jesus comes. schools, serving many students from authorities. He publicly commended the ► To deepen the commitment of non-Adventist homes. Adventist commitment to quality educa- Adventist youth to Christ and to attract Moving on to Europe, we come to the tion and presented our university as a to His church non-Adventist youth of outskirts of the city of Darmstadt, model of an institution that seeks to high ideals, helping all of them to Germany. There, surrounded by green educate the entire person. This school develop Christlike characters. meadows and a pristine evergreen forest, currently offers college-level programs ► To exert an uplifting influence on we find our Marienhoehe Secondary in the arts and humanities, education, society, the nation, and the world, School. Established in 1921 as a board- engineering, and religion. Our church through service, evangelism, research, ing school, Marienhoehe offers a broad operates approximately 100 similar and discoveries carried out by Adventist academic program, with well-equipped training schools, colleges, and universi- educators, students, and alumni. classrooms, laboratories, and art studios. ties that offer two-, three-, or four-year ► To cooperate with church leaders Many of its graduates have achieved the postsecondary diplomas and degrees. and members in discovering new truths, highest scores in the state on the govern- The last leg of our brief itinerary developing mission strategies, and pro- ment exams for students who fmish their takes us to Korean Sahmyook viding Adventist answers to the ethical

ANN preuniversity studies. Scores of these University, on the outskirts of . issues faced by society. students have gone on to complete Founded in 1906, this is now one of five It is not possible to imagine a viable

SCOGGINS/ advanced professional programs in Adventist institutions of higher learning. and vibrant Seventh-day Adventist EFF

J German universities. Worldwide, there It has an enrollment of 2,948 students. Church without a strong educational

28 (852) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 system. Unfortunately, in recent years porarily suspended), and Zimbabwe. field, in 1992 and 1994 the Education there has been a steady decline in the Currently moving in that direction are Department organized the first interna- ratio of students in Adventist schools our senior institutions in Australia, tional seminars for college and univer- and church membership. It seems that Brazil, Nigeria, and Uganda. Interested sity presidents, and for board chairs of the faster the church grows—mostly students can now pursue recognized Adventist colleges and universities, among youth and young adults—the medical degrees in three countries: the respectively. These seminars provided greater the gap between the number of United States, Mexico, or Argentina. specialized training and fostered cooper- members and the number of Adventist ► Involvement in Global Mission. ation among the growing number of students attending our schools. In cer- In some countries, church leaders start Adventist institutions of higher learning tain parts of the world we find non- new elementary schools as the best around the world. Adventist parents more interested in method for establishing an Adventist ► A critical need. There are approxi- sending their children to our schools presence in unentered areas. The mately 200,000 Adventists pursuing col- than some Adventist parents. Aware of International Teacher Service continues lege and university degrees around the this reality, the church has selected to play an important role in penetrating world. One fourth of them (53,000) are Adventist education as one of the six areas of the world or layers of society in attending our own institutions of higher critical issues on which it will focus dur- which regular outreach approaches are learning; the remaining three fourths ing the next quinquennium. We will restricted or less effective. Teachers and face the challenges of attending non- seek to make Adventist education acces- students in our secondary schools, col- Adventist colleges and universities. The sible to all Adventist children and leges, and universities spearhead health Education Department is cooperating youth, at least at the elementary and sec- clinics, literacy programs, evangelistic with an interdepartmental group com- ondary levels. campaigns, and other activities, thus mitted to nurturing the faith of these stu- providing needed services and pushing dents. Known as AMiCUS (Adventist Trends and Achievements forward the frontiers of the gospel. Ministry to College and University Our global system of education is ► Integrating faith and learning. Students), this joint effort includes the coordinated through the International The Institute for Christian Teaching—a publication of Dialogue, a journal Board of Education, which authorizes service of the General Conference addressed to these students, as well as to new institutions and programs at the Education Department—has held 17 young professionals. Dialogue is pro- secondary and postsecondary levels, and seminars for educational leaders in vari- duced in English, French, Portuguese, the Adventist Accrediting Association, ous countries of the world. Designed as and Spanish. which provides regular school evalua- an intense, creative experience, these tions of academies, colleges, and univer- sessions help teachers to approach their Toward 2000 sities. academic or professional subjects from What of the future? During its last During the past quinquennium (1990- a clear biblical perspective. The result- World Education Advisory meeting, the 1995) several important trends and ing essays have been published in the directors of education from the world achievements in Adventist education Christ in the Classroom series (15 vol- divisions and the General Conference deserve mention: umes), which have been placed in the agreed to focus on the following themes ► Growth in the developing world. libraries of all Adventist colleges and during the next quinquennium: Steady increases in the number of universities, thanks to the generous sup- 1. To strengthen the religious dimen- schools and enrollment are taking place port of an Adventist businessman com- sion in Adventist education at all levels. in Latin America, Africa, and the Asia- mitted to Christian education. In 2. To foster the professional develop- Pacific region. The South American addition, the Institute has published cur- ment of Adventist teachers and educa- Division, for example, has twice the ricular guides in English and Spanish tional leaders. number of students enrolled in our for 16 secondary subjects, which seek to 3. To promote the service and mis- schools than the North American integrate biblical values with academic sionary outreach of all Adventist Division (173,000 versus 87,000). subjects. schools. ► Chartering of new universities. ► Publications. The Journal of 4. To encourage networking and National governments in several coun- Adventist Education, now in its fifty- cooperation in Adventist education. tries have granted charters or authoriz- seventh year of publication, continues to Experience and research have shown ing decrees to establish Adventist receive awards for the quality and rele- that the longer a student from an universities. In addition to the three vance of its articles. A selection of its Adventist home attends our schools, the authorized to offer doctoral degrees in articles is now being included in three higher will be his or her involvement in the U.S.A. (Andrews, La Sierra, and parallel journals published in French, and support for the church's beliefs and Loma Linda), our church operates rec- Portuguese, and Spanish, thus benefiting mission. There is no question that ognized universities in 15 countries: the large number of Adventist teachers Adventist education continues to be one Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, who do not have access to the English of the best mediums for conveying bib- Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, language. lical values and engaging our youth in Germany, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Peru, ► Training and networking. the gospel commission until Jesus Philippines, Puerto Rico, Rwanda (tern- Responding to requests from the world comes.

ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5, 1995 (x) 29 Report presented at the General Conference session ucts and the construction of a new ware- house. The South Pacific Division's Sanitarium Health Food Company has International continued with a stable and profitable operation. Not only does it promote Health Food good nutrition in the community, but it By Eugene W. Grosser also has become increasingly important Director to the church because of its financial Association support. During this quinquennium more than 50 percent of the division budget was derived from company profits and, t was in 1863 that Ellen White first above-mentioned companies during this additionally, sufficient resources have shared counsel with the infant period. And from profits earned, many been generated to fund the construction / church on the subject of healthful millions of dollars have been provided of a new factory in Australia with a floor living and predicted that the church pro- in support of the wider outreach of the area of 280,000 square feet. For the gram, in response to this counsel, would church. company it has been a period of signifi- grow. cant change as measures have been And grow it did—in many different Signs of Progress adopted to successfully recruit skills to directions. But it was not until the 1890s Two new factories have been con- meet the competitive pressure of a global that the church began manufacturing structed in Korea, one facilitating the market and to ensure long-term viability. health foods on a large scale, as part of production of instant noodles and the Again we might ask, What is the its commitment to encouraging better other opening soon to supply new prod- future of our health food work? As with nutrition in the world. ucts to the existing range. San-iku any field of endeavour, a successful Following that beginning, production Foods in Japan installed a new plant to health food program requires a clear facilities were established in many manufacture an energy drink that is sense of mission, adequate resources, countries, some to become strong and a selling well for them. In South with continuing investment and compe- major presence in the markets served, America, Granix in Argentina reports tent skills at all levels—particularly in while others never developed beyond 1994 as one of its best years, with good management. With a commitment to modest operations. Regrettably, a num- profits and a promising outlook, while these fundamentals, the International ber have been sold in recent years. Since Superbom in Brazil, after a very diffi- Health Food Association believes there our last General Conference session, cult period, is consolidating its position is great potential for the health food Granose Foods in England, Nutana in and expressing enthusiasm for the ministry of the church. Scandinavia, Pur-aliment in France, and future. Let us pray that the same God who PHAG in Switzerland are no longer Although the Inter-American Health inspired the commencement of this form owned by the church. Food Company is one of our smaller of outreach more than 100 years ago So what is the future of our church's businesses, it operates 12 branches in will show us how to use it today in health-food work? Does it still have a seven countries and provides important reaching billions yet untouched by its part to play in accomplishing the mis- support for the church by employing influence. sion of the church? Members of the college students attending a num- International Health Food Association, ber of our institutions, thus allow- an affiliation of church-owned and ing them to fund their study church-operated companies, will answer programs. During the quinquen- that question with a resounding yes! nium the volume of business has And there is ample evidence to support grown significantly, and a strong that view. building and plant improvement During the past five years, until the program has been undertaken. end of 1994, our member companies Today De-Vau-Ge is the only recorded sales of US$1.525 billion and production facility remaining in distributed more than 714,000 tons of Europe of the several that have food products—both records compared operated during a large portion of to previous performance. Two compa- this century. In 25 years its nies in particular achieved strong turnover has grown from DM3 mil- growth—De-Vau-Ge in Germany (with lion to DM150 million per annum. 35.7 percent) and Sahmyook Food in Its most recent developments have Korea (with 35.8 percent). Overall, been the commissioning of a new there was an increase of 20,748 tons of cereal plant for the manufacture of products sold, despite the loss of the cornflakes and puffed-wheat prod- 30 (854) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 5,1995 ACTIONS

Nominating Committee Report 5 Nominating GENERAL CONFERENCE Euro-Africa Division Committee Directors of Departments/Services Report —6 uditing: Eric A. Korff Secretary: Carlos Puyol Communication: Treasurer: Erich Amelung Rajmund Dabrowski GENERAL CONFERENCE General Field Secretaries: Education: Humberto M. Rasi Inter-American Division Charles D. Brooks Health and Temperance: Secretary: Agustin Galicia Gary B. Patterson Albert S. Whiting Treasurer: Ramon H. Maury George W. Reid Public Affairs and Religious Liberty: Ralph S. Watts, Jr. John Graz South American Division Directors of Departments/Services Ministerial Association: Secretary: Roberto Gullon Family Ministries: James A. Cress Treasurer: Alipio B. da Rosa Ronald M. Flowers Publishing: Ronald E. Appenzeller Stewardship: Benjamin C. Maxson Youth Ministry: Baraka G. Muganda Trust Services: G. Tom Carter South Pacific Division Women's Ministries: Rose Otis Secretary: Laurie Evans DIVISION REPORTS Sabbath School and Personal Treasurer: W. H. Stokes Euro-Asia Division: Ministries: Secretary: Michael F. Kaminsky Treasurer: Juan R. Prestol James W. Zackrison Trans-European Division Secretary: Reinder Bruinsma North American Division: DIVISION REPORTS Treasurer: Graham M. Barham Secretary: Harold W. Baptiste Asia Pacific Division Treasurer: George H. Crumley President: P. D. Chun

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