The future of this group. 43 posts. Created at 07:18 on 15 May by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I have just been informed by Helen that this message is displayed to admins (except me) whenever they visit the group:

"This group is scheduled to be archived

Over the next few months, Facebook will be archiving all groups created using the old groups format. If you would like to continue using this group, you can upgrade to the new groups format, which makes it easier for members to connect and share."

To be perfectly honest I find the new group format very irritating indeed and am therefore going to leave what happens to this group up to you.

Option 1:

Allow the group to die a dignified death and become archived.

Option 2:

Convert the group to the new format and carry it on.

One group member = one vote.

Vote below: on Sunday · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh by the way, voting will carry on for 48 hours just so that everyone who might want to vote can have a chance to see the message. So I will take a count on Tuesday 17th at 3pm. on Sunday · Delete Post # Franken Furter Keep it going James. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I will take that as a vote to keep it going then ;o) on Sunday · Delete Post # Hardly Anyone Yep, same here, keep it going! on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Neil Johnson Kly yep keep it going bud on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lmao it said "hardly anyone replied to your post on a discussion board" like it very clever lol on Sunday · Delete Post # Angus Fraser keep on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Hardly Anyone :D on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Jenny Lancaster keep up the good work...... :) on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Lee Marchant keep it going on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Richie Madashell Keep! :) on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Matthew D. Hoel Keep. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Juliete DeAraujo Cook YEAH lets keep it..I regularly share the group on my wall and in other groups...I think more than anything and specially with the current political situation that we start to use it a lot more. ~:-) on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I am jumping the gun here a little but it would seem that people are in favour of keeping the group however, the new group format is total bollocks (no discussions, no group messaging (every sodding post that anyone makes is a notification, which for me dilutes the whole thing down) compared to this one so I am considering a like page as well and archiving all the discussions from this group myself as they will be completely lost if this group gets converted.

I am open to suggestions. on Sunday · Delete Post # Juliete DeAraujo Cook I get what your saying now.. In the new format you can choose how much information you want to be sent to you though...there is a sort of 'settings' which you can chose to be notified at each post or just occasionally..etc etc..but i get how shitty it is not to have a discussion board.

I think what you're considering is a good option ~ on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah Kerr keep it going James, this is a great group :) on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Robby Adams Maybe set it up as a fan page. Unfortunately no discussions or group messages, but statues will appear in peoples news feeds. It would be sad if this is the end for this group. You've done a lot of good work and I've pointed a few people in your direction. Thanks for your hard work whatever you do :) on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan follow the tech on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Brian Ratzinger KEEP IT!!!!!!! the new format is going to be a bummer, however the only thing worse than putting up with the "lesser" new group format would be to not have a group at all. They would want you to give up on the group, I say F that...... Keep the group going for sure on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Brian Ratzinger im not a facebook wizzz or anything, but is it possible to make the group a person instead that we can all befriend...... would that solve anything on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan :D save the old content using an capture page into jpg or png format move to new group, upload those captured.. live must follow the tech on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Les Dorrington Keep it PLEASE on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Carl Cunningham Keep it going on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Anton Harding Is there any comment or discussion here that would be lost on moving? Keep this and start another. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah Kelly Keep it going. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Is there any comment or discussion here that would be lost on moving? Keep this and start another."

-As far as I am aware all discussions will be lost (unless somebody goes out of their way to archive them) as they are not a feature of the new group format.

Allowing this group to be archived and starting another in the new format, perhaps alongside a fan page and/or a like page of the same name or something alone these lines is an option.

Also, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. This group has been around for years now and it would be a shame to see it go as it is pretty much the only one I have seen which has not completely descended into anarchy which I think is an achievement in itself!!!

To be honest, facebook is becoming annoying and tedious for me and this is the straw which has broken the camels back. I do not see it being fruitful to carry this on for much longer however, I will carry this group on in one form or another whilst it is still relevant but like I say, I can't see that being much longer. on Sunday · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan i suggest we move it to the real thing such as real website on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Jim Cooke Keep it, especially now when the system is on shaky ground. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Tim Smith option 2 convert!!!!! on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post

# James Yabo keep it going m8! on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Nadia Volodymyrivna Cohen-Hamer Keep, please. on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Gordon Pye Change it into a like page, notify all members of such on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Wesley Alfonso Kitikonti keep it going, link in some how with the and MPE on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Dean Shaughnessy Keep on exposing the money beasts! THUMB UP on Sunday · · Report · Delete Post # Jamz Freeman Stapleton KEEP IT GOING on Monday · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Yes, I think it would be a good idea to keep it going, mate. The discussions here are rarely used and could be held, potentially on another website; which i think someone allready mentioned.

It's about the only group i keep track of these days. The 'my groups' thing dissapeared off my profile ages ago, and i've been unable to fathom a way to get it back. on Monday · · Report · Delete Post # Helene Zeitgeist Leeds keep on Monday · · Report · Delete Post # Johnnie Sands Keep 12 hours ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I doubt Facebook with it's mighty arrogance will listen, however this is worth a try I reckon:

"Save Our Facebook Groups" 3 hours ago · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan done voting, now what ? 3 hours ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Deciding in what form to carry the group on.

Either this one can be archived and a like/fan page can be started (which I am doing now actually to see if it will work); or this group gets converted and carries on in the new format. Should we have a vote on that too or should I just decide it what you reckon? 2 hours ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here is the like page: Con/110355655719758

I am in favour of this, I can't stand the new group format but am open to suggestions. about an hour ago · Delete Post

2011 UK census preparations 24 posts. Created at 06:45 on 23 January

# James Lockwood They are preparing, so should you if you plan to not join in:

A couple of tools at your dispersal are a camera and perhaps this: and this!/photo.php? fbid=111010978325&set=o.10136282302 and this: (remember, you do not need any ones permission to film anywhere in a public space and especially not if you are filming from your own private property (even if you rent your property)).

I am now going to research all the relevant laws regarding the Census to establish what 'the law' 'requires' of you and will post my findings here. Although forcing somebody to sign a document is slavery, remember, they always seek to make an example of at least a few people so you should be fully aware of what you are potentially getting yourself into should you want to refuse to sign. about 4 months ago · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . i wouldnt refuse - i would put the onnus on to them to provide evidence that i even own a name to give to them in the first instance - then fill in the document as peaceful inhabitant about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I have seen videos from America where they have simply filled in the part of the form which asks how many people currently reside in your house (i.e. 2 adults) and sent it back like that as apparently that is all their law requires. Need to find out if something similar applies here in the UK. about 4 months ago · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . providing the dont use the word occupant theres no prob - not sure of the true meaning of the word reside though why do they need to know this info anyhow ??? about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . pressume reside comes from / relates to residual ??? about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Andy Dale don't forget as you are not a member of the "law society" none of their "rules" [laws, statutes, acts of parliament] apply to you - they apply to members only about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Andy Dale interesting read: as it says they only go after cases that they know they can win sooooo... make it difficult for them to win & increase your chances of getting the case dropped a good idea was mentioned above, just fill in the number of occupants, you are a private human (not citizen: "citizen" is a legal fiction ie "slave") you are not member of the law society & you uphold the law of the land, they have no probable cause or breach of the peace - you were honest & told them how many occupants you wish to remain private as is your "right" - it may require more info on their form such as "2 adults here" for example to give you a better chance of winning don't forget if you "benefit from the system" ie receive benefit payments then that's a different matter & needs looking into .:. about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . is an occupant a war time phrase - who says we are occupying anything ? about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 4 months ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote At least they have the grace to put the "to the best of my knowledge and belief" on the declaration.This is missing from virtually all legal documents, especially with benefits, these days.

If you see it missing you are perfectly in your rights to add it, sign the ammendment, then sign the declaration. It is illegal to refuse. It is not possible to sign something as absolute fact beyond your knowledge and belief.

Plus, knowledge and belief can both be compromised or innaccurate for any number of reasons. about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Oh, man... I just seen the job applications.

Is it just me, or does that kind of shit put you right off your dinner? about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . beware of the word declaration nick about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote DJ: I understand (common-language, mate; not legalese, heh!): about your warning. I'm in a bit of a wicket though, since myself and all my family currently get-by entirely on state-benefits. So there is a certian amount of 'confirming representation of my legal person' that i can't, at the moment, refuse to do. But if and where that situation changes... bet on it that i won't be playing ball.

....But the 'best of my knowledge and belief' thing has been around for some time, and I know a few people who have benefitted from it (as well as deriving some personal satisfaction from it) themselves. about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 2 months ago · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade Thanks for posting these links James.. got the form through this morning..and am really shocked at the level of detailed information being 'requested' health, central heating, academic qualifications and employment I get to many 'visitor's I have..!!!!

Have read a couple of the links and cannot get my head around the fact that we are required by law to provide this information.. its complete twaddle!!! about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood fbid=10150117220028326&set=o.10136282302&theater&pid=6356634&id=510248325 fbid=10150117219638326&set=o.10136282302&theater&pid=6356633&id=510248325 fbid=10150117219003326&set=o.10136282302&theater&pid=6356630&id=510248325 fbid=10150117219003326&set=o.10136282302&theater&pid=6356630&id=510248325 about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "8 Penalties (1)[(1A) But no person shall be liable to a penalty under subsection (1) for refusing or neglecting to state any particulars in respect of religion.]" -Census Act 1920

I smell a loophole. As in, "It is against my religion to fill in the census." about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood tut tut tut with respect to census.html about 2 months ago · Delete Post # Jenny Lancaster for any terms use blacks law dictionary about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Karla Drew can you get away with signing if you become a free man of the land? x about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Type into your web browser. The IP address for this address is Try typing that into your browser. Now type http://www.ip- into your browser. Yes, Lockheed Martin! about a month ago · Delete Post

Fantastic Adam Curtis BBC documentaries. 12 posts. Created at 10:19 on 30 March by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I am sure many of you have already come across this set, but for anyone who has not, they are a fascinating and informative rare set of gems offered by the BBC and are all well worth the hours of viewing:

The Century of the Self pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4

The power of Nightmares: pt1 pt2 pt3

The Trap pt1 pt2 pt3

Apologies to everyone who consider this old news! about 2 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood and they are of course, still very relevant today! about 2 months ago · Delete Post # John Collins The Mayfair Set, The Living Dead and Pandora's Box are all excellent too and all on Google Video. about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Indeed, here is the full list: about 2 months ago · Delete Post # Jim Cooke Yes, excellent work. They can be downloaded in different formats from if, like me, you often need to view over a few sittings. about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Scott Winter So James did the Trap make you reconsider your position of support for Austrian Economics and the Free market in general? about a month ago · · Report · Delete Post # John Collins For myself, I think it's very hard to judge the success or failure of the Free Market because we've never really had one. about a month ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea that's kind of the point Scott. We are yet to experience the free market or at the very least we have not enjoyed the privilege of one for a very, very long time. Every market that we have ever had has been either rigged or guided or both, as The Trap clearly points out. about a month ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter The funny thing is, you seemed to have missed the point of the film, it made the point that we do have one. The problem is that it is a fallacy, as those who act in the interest of self, who secured more control, will always be able control the market to further their own ends. The film went into great detail explaining how the advocates of the free market removed the restrictions to its expansion. The Austrian Economists were among the most influential people within politics and created a system in their image, based on the assumption that the market would allow people the greatest chance of freedom, just it never worked out that way. It was claimed that people could not be trusted to act from within government and do good for the people, as their own self interest would always lead them to support policies that would further their own needs not the peoples. While it may be true that people should always question the government as this could happen, allowing the market to dictate how society is run is extremely dangerous and will leave a massive disproportionate system of power. about a month ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood So we agree then, there never really has been a truly free market, especially considering that a central bank has been involved for hundreds of years. It's impossible to have a free market and a central bank. about a month ago · Delete Post # Jim Cooke Curtis did not draw an overall conclusion I felt, but at one point stated that a sense of public duty in government and services had been replaced with ideas from Game Theory. The free market does not mean freedom to monopolise by buying favours from politicians - if they had that sense of public duty this would be more difficult. Stefan Molyneux analysed free market myths here: about a month ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Indeed Jim, we have been living under a corporatist structure for some time now. You can't really define it as either capitalist or socialist, it's socialism for the financial/political/stock market elite and capitalism for the rest of us. TUC March ? 2 posts. Created at 12:41 on 25 March by Gordon Pye

# Gordon Pye I can't help speculating as to whether the BBC will probably attempt to portray that tomorrows TUC March is all about a call for alleged green growth. Its probably true to say that nothing could be further from the truth, in fact road fuel tax protesters are attending, many anti cuts protesters are climate skeptics. I suspect that the BBC will limit its coverage to the eco-fascist section, totally ignoring everybody else.

It may even the case that some people actually welcome the cuts to some areas, for example a sigh of relief sounded from east Lancs when the Darwen to Accrington bus lane scheme was scrapped due to lack of funds. The thing is that they are still spending on green nonsense and I suppose that it could take at least two years before Huhnes Carbon Floor Price starts to seriously put people out of work. Then if the public have seen any common sense at all by that point they will be back marching for the repeal of the 2008 Climate Change Act.

I noticed a couple of MP's from steel constituencies expressing grave concerns about the new Carbon Floor Price and its impact on their industry. However, it would appear that there is but one lonely Peter Lilley opposing the whole ideology of the 2008 Climate Change Act. It would appear that a large number of MP's have sold out to the green quasi-religion, even jeering Lilley for daring to speak out against their Climate Scam. The fact that MP's elected Tim ( nice but dim ) Yeo as chair of the climate change committee ( with a list of financial conflicts of interest as long as your arm ) must imply that Westminster is still totally corrupt, if not even more so than it was in the expenses scandal ? about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood (4th down)

Enough said

The Corporate Ethnic Cleansing of Okehampton 2 posts. Created at 08:10 on 07 March by Gordon Pye

# Gordon Pye It would appear that the town of Okehampton is the victim of a Corporate Ethnic Cleansing Plan facilitated by the imposition of high road fuel taxes. Its pretty clear that the economy of Okehampton is the victim of eco-fascist tax / stock market parasite speculator oil prices, The banks must have known that Wiseman were planning to close their dairy and perhaps just to twist the knife pulled the finance plug on the frozen food plant and the chocolate factory.

One can hardly blame Wiseman for relocating to Bridgewater as it is probably cheaper to get to the obvious local main market Exeter via the M5 than by A road from Okehampton. Competitive logistics theory is all about reducing costs per mile and utilising drivers hours to the full potential. It would appear that the Okehampton area local small dairy farmers are going to get screwed for collection costs. Similarly I suspect that there was some interaction between the frozen food plant and the dairy as far as chilled transport was concerned. Being primarily a desserts factory, Polestar probably consumed a significant amount of milk perhaps sourced via Wiseman.

It is probable that all the closed industrial sites will be worth more dead than alive to build 500K plus executive housing on. The Banks are also likely to make a killing on all the probable foreclosures on the workers homes, perhaps selling them as second homes to wealthy stock market parasites with fat bonuses. Potential future prices will be inflated on the prospect of the installation of high speed broadband, allowing the stock market parasites to move in full time.

All in all a nice little eco-fascist inspired corporate ethnic cleansing plan, Okehampton was probably one of their key targets. I believe that there is talk of re-opening the passenger rail route to Exeter, and if my memory serves me correctly the Okehampton area was an early victim of the Foot and Mouth in 2001. Nothing I have seen will convince me that all the areas affected by the 2001 FMD were not part of a deliberate eco-fascist plan to destroy the rural economy in targeted areas. about 2 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Welcome to the machine.

With regard to what is happening in the middle east... 3 posts. Created at 05:11 on 21 February by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ....right now, for your consideration, I would like to revisit a previous topic.

Read this from 2009:

Quoted from the article:

"In a statement, he added: "I reject categorically the idea that the protesters in Iran are manipulated or motivated by foreign countries." -David Miliband.

"Mr Miliband said that the allegation was "without foundation". "

Now, compare it with this one from 2007: bomb.html

Quoted from the article:

"If we can't get enough other countries to come along with us to do that, then we've got to go with regime change by bolstering opposition groups and the like," and

"Such a strike would only be a "last option" after economic sanctions and attempts to foment a popular revolution had failed but the risks of using military force, he indicated, would be less than those of tolerating a nuclear Iran. "

So you see, it is easy to get caught up in the hysteria of a popular revolution but when you take a moment to step back and look to (very recent) history, it becomes clear that all may not be as it seems. All will become clear when the dust settles. For example, if when things calm down in Egypt, whomever is 'chosen' to replace Mubarak is similarly a completely bent western puppet then it becomes obvious very quickly that thing's are not OK.

Original topic:!/topic.php? uid=10136282302&topic=11780 about 3 months ago · Delete Post # Charles Kafka well fed people are highly unlikely to support war. hungry, angry people, would be willing to go to war. the people in egypt and tunsia are rioting because they are hungry. the globalists want a war in the middle east, and thats where the money is. about 3 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Indeed.

TNS RADIO interview 29/12/10 @ approx 9:15pm (GMT) 10 posts. Created at 12:13 on 29 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I will be taking part in a show today (29/12/10) on TNS RADIO at approx 9:15pm(ish) GMT which is just over an hour from now.

I will be discussing the banking system, the and other financial and political matters.

You can listen live here

I will try to get a version uploaded at some point for those who would like to listen but missed the show. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Neale Hanvey That would be great James. Thanks about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Kirwan I missed the show. I look forward to getting a link so I can listen when it's ready. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I have an MP3 of the show which I will be uploading soon, there was talk of a podcast too so if that gets published I will provide a link. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh there is a TNS radio forum available too: or %2Fforum about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams Hi James

You said that you was going to put up an MP3 of your interview on TNS Radio. I couldnt find it anywhere.Could you let me know if you did put it up as my boyfriend Eddie and myself would love to listen to it.

Take care

Deborah x about 3 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood No I never did, I will upload it now and get back to you with the link! about 3 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Apologies for the delay:

If you have any issues with that link, let me know! about 3 months ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams Thank you James, will listen to it now :-) about 3 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers, I will say that I feel that the interview did not go too well. The Skype connection was particularly poor that day and it kept cutting out which was very distracting. Also, the interview strayed into a topic I was not completely comfortable with.

I just came accross this... 10 posts. Created at 06:48 on 22 October 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood, that's not a sexual pun!

I just found a link to this form on my news feed and thought it was brilliant! It is intended to be printed off and kept at or near your front door and used on people who call at your door representing corporations or the government (not your mates lol). I think it's hilarious and perfectly valid, from now on I am going to ask everyone who calls to fill it in (mainly for a laugh) but I suspect it may be a good tool in discouraging nuisance callers:

Brief Questionnaire Prior to Discussion of a Matter

You have called here today in order to discuss a matter. I need to establish grounds for any discussion and to provide my self with the necessary security before disclosing any of my private details to you. Please complete and hand back this brief questionnaire. If you cannot provide all the information required, I will take the assumption that you are not who you say you are and will decline to speak with you on this occasion while reserving all my rights not to be bound by any contracts revealed or unrevealed.

1. What is your full name ______

2. Are you here representing yourself or a company ______

3. What is the Name of the Company you represent ______

4. What is your address and the address of the company you represent. (include phone numbers)





5. Registration Number of your Vehicle ______

6. What is your job title in the company ______

7. Name of person you report to, your superior (i.e. line manager)______

8. Contact number of person you report to , your superior (i.e. line manager)______

9. Name of Person, or other, you wish to speak with ______

8. Brief outline of reason for visit ______


9. Do you have proof that I gave you authority over me. Yes / No (delete as appropriate) (If yes, be ready to provide documented proof of contract and proof of authority over me, given by me.)

You will need to provide proof of a valid signed contract between you and I, should you wish to discuss any matter pertaining to Licenses, Debts, Fees, Charges, or any matter concerning a 3rd party.

Your signature: ______Date: ______

*Please note that numbers 7 and 8 are my own personal additions. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Original link: about 7 months ago · Delete Post # John Dixon I will be printing one about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ;o) about 4 months ago · Delete Post # Carlos Blake wow! thanks alot james! this is great ! about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Jonathan Louis Trapman James Lockwood - You are in violation of Statutory Order of the Collective 3600/23 sub.ref:7B65Z that makes it illegal for anyone to present any form, contract, license to speak to or any way communicate with the persons who are authorised to demand publicly or privately the private details of any citizen living or dead. Please refer to your manual of compliance presented at the time of your assimilation. If no manual exists then you are not only in contravention of Assimilation Code 46 but are also a loose cannon and will be exterminated. We thank you for your compliance in this matter.....

Note to Superior Operative: Oh! shit we have a problem here.... this Lockwood is bang to right.... about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Becca Ward nice one James! ~ Thankyou! :) about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Jonathan Louis Trapman Could this be noted at the bottom as well since so many seem to be litigeous so-and-sos To knowingly make a false statement or conceal a material fact in this written statement is a criminal offence and may entail legal proceeding being taken against you and the recovery of all costs and charges for my time, professionally and privately and the disruption of my quiet enjoyment. about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brig Adoon i like it mate .cheers . about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Wicked about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

EU Inspired False Economic Growth 2 posts. Created at 05:22 on 28 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood by Gordon Pye

Many of those who actively promote the " Corporate Nazi " ideology's apparent guru Milton Freidman allegedly wrote something like that the one and only one social responsibility of any business is to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase profits. ( Just so long as it stays within the theoretical moral rules, that is to say it uses free competition and avoids any potential deception or fraud ? )

The only problem with the above is that large corporations have consistently lobbied government ( particularly in the UK ) to change or ignore any rules. The rot probably first set in after Dennis Healey took out the IMF loan in the mid 1970s. Ever since pure science and engineering has been increasingly infiltrated by corporate politics and been misrepresented in order to produce the most profitable outcome from research in order to generate false economic growth on the stock market.

My personal business ideology was formed as I was brought up in a village corner shop which made its own ice cream. Also before leaving school I worked part time at a local small haulage contractor, despite being one of the top performing students on the technical side I dropped out of tech in the final year when they tried to indoctrinate me with corporate business theory, but stayed long enough to get the general idea.

My first real exposure to the corporate world was whilst working as a HGV driver delivering metal pressings to Ford plants in the mid 1980s. I was on friendly terms with the owner of said engineering business who would openly admit that he would make far more money if he had his capital investment in a building society. His main problem was getting paid on time by Ford, they owed him for several months work but he couldn't take any action to get paid as they would have instantly cancelled his contract. He had to buy all the steel from Ford at their price ( they could probably justify this on quality control grounds ) but when one really bad quality batch of Ford Cargo cab back panels went rusty as soon as they were pressed, he had to pay to try to clean them up. Said engineering company arranged all their transport but then Ford demanded that they use Ford's own corporate haulage sub contractor at extra expense and inconvenience. We lost the haulage job but it was said about a couple of years later that Ford had sent in a team of managers to run said engineering works which then soon went into administration. Although we technically lost our jobs due to Ford transport policy our union ( T&G ) did nothing to help us even though our replacements were in foreign built vehicles and consistently breaking the drivers hours regulations.

In between hauling metal pressings we did muti drop chemicals throughout the UK. You could tell how a company treated its workforce by the way they dealt with you as far as getting quickly unloaded. It was always a pleasure to visit ICI sites, but that was in the days before most of the company was sold off and then virtually asset stripped for instant profit. Large companies like ICI always managed to retain their share price whilst providing decent working conditions and terms for their workforce, at least until the 1987 stock market crash. I can't remember whether the following is in strict chronological order, but I was informed first hand that when Guinness took over Distillers ( in a dodgy deal ) the rent of small arable farmers in west Lancashire was doubled overnight, a pattern which was to become all too familiar in the 1990s.

On the politics side, it would appear that Thatcher would not play their false economic growth to plug the black hole in the stock market game and so they tricked her into introducing the Poll Tax after which she was compelled to resign. Just as soon as Major got elected in his own right the false economic growth regulations were trotted out regularly. As far as personal experience was concerned we were hit by new sheeting regulations at the quarries, Tilcon must have know it was in the pipeline as they had sold the majority of their road haulage sector to Fewston, a company set up by the banks and profit based on sub letting haulage work to smaller haulage contractors. Tilcon had always bought several new British built Foden eight-wheelers every year but Fewston switched to Swedish Scania, the haulage rates never went up to cover the costs of sheeting, many experienced drivers left due to the health implications ( including myself with back problems ). The net result was the Sowerby Bridge Disaster in which several people lost their lives after a Fewston wagon ran away down the steep hill, given the evidence almost certainly caused by an inexperienced incompetent ex-police ( just recently passed HGV test driver ) " pumping " the air brakes after they " faded " on the long hill down into Halifax. Of course Tilcon escaped any vicarious liability at the time but the ministry of transport came in and got the haulage rates increased, after which Tilcon was subsequently taken over. All to prevent a bit of harmless dust getting onto the ten bob fat cat yuppies who had moved into the Dales new BMW's.

Then came Traffic Calming, and it in not simple coincidence that Hyndburn ( the first local authority to introduce widespread traffic calming ) was one of the first local authorities forced to sell its corporation bus fleet. One first rate coachbuilder I knew left ( Stagecoach ) Ribble Blackburn depot to become top man at Hyndburn Transport, only to leave after a couple of weeks later because the urgent repair workload ( due to running over traffic calmed streets ) was impossible to keep up with, he was such a good man that Ribble instantly gave him his old job back. Corporate Stagecoach picked up Hyndburn Transport on the cheap in a bent deal arranged with the bent Labour leader of the council who pushed the traffic calming in the first place, the first class engineering depot ( on a prime site ) was asset striped and sold. Other corporation transport operations have fallen to the corporates since due to being unable to even break even, and not being able to access new investment for more modern vehicles.

Another false economic growth investment scam was " disabled access to public transport ", the corporates were all for it after sorting a bent deal with the minister in charge who's son was employed in a top management position by one of them. Just for the extra interest payments alone it would have been possible to provide a 24/7 dial up free taxi service to anywhere in the UK for anybody claiming DLA. Perhaps this prime example of politically correct lunacy is the main reason why its far cheaper per mile to run your car than use public transport because the fares are so high now in many areas. We have now reached a point where local authorities are forced to subsidise the majority of bus services using the council tax, the corporate bus operators taking the angle that if they can't turn a fat profit they wont run the service. Thatcher's bus privatisation plan has been amply proven an abject failure, short of total re-nationalisation the way forward now is efficient regulation with the bus operators turned into virtual road haulage contractors to the local council, who would collect all the fares and organise all the timetables. Both the above false economic growth generating scams come via the EU but more recently motor industry funded alleged charities have been set up to demand legislation on the grounds of " road safety ", but their impact has been nothing compared to the influence of environmental NGO's on government policy. Perhaps their first major victory was when Ken Clarke introduced the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, of course big business said nothing perhaps because they were prepared to run with anything which could prevent the top rate of income tax being increased and the resultant drop in funds to their " stock market parasites ", ( hedge funds and the like ). It didn't have any real impact at first but Labour was favourite to win the 1997 election and if there was a working brain between them they must have realised the RFTE made particularly northern manufacturing industry uncompetitive. However, Brown just carried on with it and by 1998 I can recall that hundreds of once well secure job for life " household name " manufacturing jobs were being lost every week. This continued until the Farmers For Action fuel protests and ending of the RTFE in 2000, but by this time the " stock market parasites " had got it into their DNA that asset stripping British industry was far more profitable in the short term than actually trying to run it efficiently. By this time global big business had organised itself into a virtual Corporate Multinational Cartel ( CMC ) which prevented any real competition in an alleged " free market ", with direct services to the public contracted out to franchise holders in many cases. I suspect that the general public have no idea what the vast majority of FTSE listed companies actually do anymore, and therefore it is impossible for members of the public to take any direct " consumer action " against them by withholding their trade. Take the toxic waste dumping in Africa more recently, it is impossible to decipher which major company was actually responsible, almost everyone in the chain escapes vicarious liability with the investment in the " shell company " which probably goes bust to pay the fines being insured by credit default swaps etc. The sting in the tail is that if it was not for alleged environmental groups bleating about non existent toxic pollution from waste incinerators with the latest technology we could have created well paid sustainable jobs in the UK.

That neatly brings us onto the next eco scam, household / industrial waste incineration or lack of it as far as the UK is concerned. Eco groups have bleated so loud over the last 20 years about toxic emission that most brain dead politicians ( at least where engineering or science is concerned ) have done everything they can to appease them. Many councils are now contracted to mega expensive " waste treatment plants ", which probably cause anyone local far more noxious smell than any incinerator could ever do. The most logical way to dispose of waste is to incinerate and generate electricity, in rural areas where the potential smell is well away from residential areas but also to allow the construction of glasshouses in order to use any waste heat in order to grow the exotic fruit and vegetables currently imported by environmentally damaging air freight. Of course the UK is not allowed to do this because it hits the CMC in two areas, the energy sector ( electricity from incineration could reduce market prices ) and the airlines which indirectly hits the oil section of the cartel. Environmentalists have made a big noise about disposable carrier bags and other alleged excess packaging but if they were burnt to generate electricity we could reduce demand on other fuels. The UK has 300 years supply of good quality coal in the ground yet the environmentalists say we should not use it because there would appear to be doubts about the practicality of the most expensive option for capture of CO2. CO2 emissions from fossil fuel plants can be significantly reduced growing Chlorella, a fast growing Chinese pond slime which itself can be used as fuel, yet no UK research as I believe Shell hold the rights and they would prefer investment in gas ?

Despite all the environmentalist's rhetoric about standing up against big business it would appear that most of the policy they promote is in actual fact increasing the influence of the CMC over the UK economy, oil companies want an alleged low carbon economy in order to force up the market price of gas. Similarly the alleged environmentalists pushed for the introduction of traffic calming in towns which probably increases road transport pollution emissions by at least 10% on a national basis. The main question is how have the alleged environmentalists managed to get Carbon Dioxide classed as a pollutant in the first instance, the man made global warming theory is based on dubious science to say the least, but like most science I expect that research is skewed to reflect the interest of the CMC. Meanwhile its likely that implementing the Climate Change Act will result in the mass asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry on a scale not seen since the RFTE before 2000, it doesn't help that foreign aid money is allegedly being used to buy up mothballed UK machine tools on the cheap for export via third world countries.

Meanwhile UK citizen stakeholders are being sold short by the politicians for the benefit of the " stock market parasites " and false economic growth which continually increases the " financial apartheid " between rich and poor. Within the next 10 years the energy industry will fall to the same fate as Railtrack after the Hatfield crash in 2000, wind farms are a pointless waste of scarce investment. Evidence from Denmark and Germany shows that they have not closed a single fossil fuel plant, in fact Germany has had to open new fossil fuel plants to prevent power cuts. ( probably not helped by the fact that Germany also backs up Denmark ) The main thrust of the wind farm scam is probably designed to inflate the world price of copper, its probable that you need far more copper per unit of energy produced in wind farms rather than fossil or nuclear power plants. Copper related mining shares appear to have been the main driver of the current recovery in the FTSE index, I suspect that all the hedge funds are in there borrowing up to the hilt to speculate in mining shares and thus denying scarce investment to real productive UK companies.

The UK faces the real possibility of regular power cuts which could precipitate total anarchy in our larger towns and cities, the situation is not helped by the fact that if anyone dare open a new power station or gas storage facility the alleged environmentalists are round there quick sharp with a fleet of corporate lawyers demanding a public enquiry. It would appear that the primary focus of mainstream alleged environmental groups has nothing to do with protecting the overall ecology of our planet ( export pollution to China and India ) and everything to do with inflating the cost of living in the UK, false economic growth which can be expressed as an increasing number on stock market indices. The UK can simply not afford to continue on the same false economic growth policy of the politicians always opting for the most inefficient and expensive option of achieving anything vital for the continued success and relative prosperity ( and now that its been left to go on for so long perhaps the survival ? ) of our nation and its citizens. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Gordon Pye about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE 22 posts. Created at 15:57 on 22 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

Words escape me. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Sarah Kelly I need to know more. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Me too, but the way the police handled that incident was horrendous. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Sarah Kelly Yes it was, but without knowing the full facts I cannot comment. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Which is why I have restrained myself in what I say. For now, the footage speaks for itself. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Sarah Kelly Yes it does. I'll post it far and wide. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ;o) about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Les Dorrington wtf I want to help about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Norman Thetruth Guy i cant really restrain my self after watching this the child did not want to go any where with them strange people.all the trauma they have caused to this child thru their actions,is totally unnecessary. the way the SS bloke was rubbing his hands together would of been enough for me. what have we become? how can officers act like this? and they wonder why there is trouble on the streets... go and arrest the perverts who raped hollie gregg instead... oh sorry you cant can you..those people are above your law. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Caira Stephen hartbreaking to hear the fear in the child, dont know the full facts but dont think they will change the opinion that the police were brutal in what went on hear. how is this child ever going to have anything but fear and hatred towards police after such a horrific ordeal. WANKERS about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lucy Haygarth I've contacted them on youtube to find out on what grounds he was taken. what the young person wants is instrumental to what ss do unless the young person is in danger. it's in black and white in the law. i'd like to hear what danger they think he is in. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Caira Stephen me also, but if the childs in danger why is he fighting so hard to stay? hes just a kid wont cut it as hes about 10 or so and therefore i think would not fight so hard to stay. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Daniel Luis we need more info. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Daniel Luis police sucks alot. "police is not for people" we must change the world about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lucy Haygarth yeah well when i hear ill let you know. as he didn't want to leave it's very worrying, but sometimes children and young people don't see that what is happening to them is wrong or dangerous, so yes we need to know more about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Annika Seabrook Disturbing footage, but like everyone else is saying need more background info. Whatever the facts behind this, it seems a highly inappropriate and distressing way to deal with a child that SS consider to be vulnerable. Sometimes kids will fight to stay and defend a parent even if the parent is not treating them well (I'm not saying that is the case here) No excuse for this kind of ordeal though, I'm sure there are more humane methods than this to sort things out. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Les Dorrington It was confrontational why is that the normal procedure ffs somethings wrong with this, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE THE BRAIN OF BRITAIN THIS IS CHILD ABUSE BY THE STATE. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Kevin Schau THIS is the reason why you should NOT register your child. The Birth Certificate makes your child a ward of the state and collateral for it. Without it, they have NO authority to take a child. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Meow Otf Robinson this is how they operate.ask any kid whos been in care especially the older are treated like the criminal.this is normal procedure and its very wrong.this is child abuse.need more info on the case though first.but the police are only there to protect the ss official and make sure its done.there is another side to the coin.what about the kid who is abused and dont want to leave its parents out of loyalty ect..wait for the facts. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lucy Haygarth errr i was brought up in care and i dont believe i was treated like a criminal. although i was maltreated in the hands of foster carers. but my social workers did do their best for me. most social workers actually really do care about children, thats why they are doing the job. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Ashley Richardson This video has been pulled off youtube like about 4 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lucy Haygarth they never replied to me

Climate Scam 1 post. Created at 15:34 on 29 December 2010 by Gordon Pye

Displaying the only post.

* Gordon Pye The European Union has effectively forced the UK to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This means the destruction of our energy intensive industry, with EU carbon trading ensuring that any closed energy intensive works can never economically reopen. All fairly recent talk of a Thai company buying the closed Redcar steel works has disappeared into the long grass and will probably never happen.

Given the fact that over 1000 top international scientists ( at grave risk to their future career prospects ) now dispute any significant global warming due to CO2 it would appear that anyone who still supports the current Climate Change Scam is either evil or completely ignorant.

The warmists temperature recording is fundamentally flawed anyway, honest scientists reckon up to 7C heat island effect to all the urban areas where they measure, a large part of the planet is not covered and made up anyway. The New Zealand equivalent of our Met Office has been forced to admit that its temperature data record attempting to portray global warming is false, the real raw data shows no warming since 1960. It is reasonable to suspect that similar manipulation of temperature data has been going on at an international level, perhaps Climategate proved that.

In the latest scientific report on the subject the Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007. In another recent scientific development NASA is now saying that the global temperature will only go up 1.64C if CO2 is doubled to 780 ppm and with CO2 only increasing at 2 ppm a year its hardly an urgent problem.

Perhaps the main problem facing the UK is the EU appeasing 2008 Climate Change Act which opens the door to a range of Carbon Taxes, including a tax on coal to make it at least just as expensive as bottled gas in rural areas. Perhaps the alarm bells should have started ringing when oil companies like Shell and BP were fully backing Gordon Brown to sign the Copenhagen Treaty on global emissions trading based on the Climate Scam, because carbon taxes or emissions trading significantly increase the size of the market and price they can charge for the gas they currently flare off to keep the price up. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

Global Information Network pryamid scam 13 posts. Created at 09:43 on 28 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Be wary of this: and this guy because he pushes it all of the time:

These guys are playing on the whole sovereign/freedom/truth movement for a quick buck, they are con men. Hey I am even surprised that everyone's favourite con man Ray St Claire has not latched onto this one yet! Anyone with half an ounce of sense can see this is quite blatantly an affiliate pyramid scam, but regardless many people seem to be taking it in, be careful. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood -Come off it! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "The Creed of the Global Information Network is:

* Every person on earth has the right to know all the knowledge available on planet earth * Every person on earth has the right to pursue happiness * Every person on earth has the right to be free to pursue his own dreams, goals, and desires * Every person on earth has the right to know ALL the methods of curing and preventing disease and have dynamic vibrant health * Every person on earth has the right to know how to use their mind to create and manifest in their lives whatever they choose * Every person on earth has the right to privacy from all governments and corporate entities * Every person on earth has the right to be happy, secure, safe, and fulfilled as a human being * Every person on earth has the same importance as every other person * Every person on earth can have, be or do anything they desire * The privileged elite class has NO right to hide the truth from the masses and keep them as virtual slaves * Freedom of speech, freedom to express ideas, opinions, and what individuals believe to be statements of fact even if it is against worldwide consensus should never be impeded"

All yours for a one time only $1000 membership fee!!! Give me a break. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Caira Stephen give you a break..more likely that than me giving you £1000 for this shit. totaly agree sounds like a con just on that fact. fkn wankers do they really think were all a bunch of mad loony tinfoil hat wearing bafoons .. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lol lets face facts, some of us are!!!! this is the genius behind GIN: about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Caira Stephen fuckin hell,,pure crook in suit look about that guy. seems he can cure everything and he specialises in removeing all that nasty unwanted money in your bank account. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood he uses the same network marketing techniques on anything he touches. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Stuart Robertson LMAO - This group includes members of... the Illuminati about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lol!!! yea he will definitely clean your bank account for you!!! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood¬if_t=share_comment Is it me, or do the way these guys talk about GIN make it out to be cult like?!? I know it's probably not one, but with this type of mentality it could easily morph into something resembling a cult or pseudo-religion. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Post deleted about 5 months ago # Caira Stephen about a year ago there was a filtration device that pulled moisture from the air and produced fresh drinking water, i seen it on alex jones ,prison planet website. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

I'm offended by this... 26 posts. Created at 07:50 on 15 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ...and I am also offended at YOU if you are still paying for a TV license and therefore funding this shit:

Ben Brown is an arrogant, obnoxious, condescending little prick (I wanted to say 'cunt' but decided not too) at the best of times but this takes the biscuit.

How do we get this man sacked? Ideas welcome. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thinking about it, whichever producer was in Ben Brown's ear also needs to be sacked for feeding him this nonsense. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood They really do not want him to speak do they: about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The BBC make me sick. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh and so do the police, but that kind of goes without saying these days! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Craig Millward After watching the footage posted up jody handled it very well by being very articulate in his interview, whih you dont see much of on the BBC. I've seen Ben Brown do this quite often with those who he interviews. Yep i totally agree that his guy should be sacked or at least repremanded for his teqnique although i do think he's trying to be more like Jeremy Paxman.

But as for the license. we dont have to pay it if we dont want to ;) about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "But as for the license. we dont have to pay it if we dont want to ;)" -Yes! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Tin Raven James have you seen this... wheelchair/160276930684430 about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Mark Walder I don't pay, and wont pay, why pay for crap, propaganda and lies? the reporter is a cunt just say it, its the truth, people do really need to stop paying in to this crap, DONT FUCKING PAY!!!!! about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood My complaint to the BBC:

"OK, the police say you haven't made any kind of complaint, so, why not?"..."Well it's been a few days since it happened, why haven't you complained before?"

-Aside from the appalling use of grammar on display here, it is implied by the presenter that somehow Jody is in error for not complaining straight away and instead taking his time to consider the issue, it is also a completely irrelevant line of questioning which only seems to divert attention away from the issue at hand. Is using diversionary tactics to focus the attention of an article away from what is a serious allegation of assault standard BBC practise or has this been learned from Fox news? Because that is the level of journalism I associate this approach with! "er there's a suggestion that you were rolling towards the police in your wheelchair, is that true?"

-More diversionary tactics which only makes the BBC look bias towards the police cause. What a thoroughly distasteful and irrelevant line of question! Are the BBC or Mr Brown unaware that people in wheelchairs roll towards people?!? It is unavoidable as this is the mode of transport they employ because for whatever reason THEY ARE UNABLE TO USE THEIR LEGS AND HAVE NO CHOICE IN THIS MATTER. It is the same as attempting to suggest that an able- bodied person walking towards the police in a completely normal and non-threatening manner is somehow threatening. A complete breakdown in logic! But something that I would not put past the BBC and the brainless rubbish you broadcast these days.

"So so that's not true, you were not wheeling yourself towards the police"

-More irrelevancy. The interviewee had just addressed this nonsense and in good journalism practise the interviewee would have moved the question along at this point instead of dwelling on what is a complete irrelevancy. More evidence that in this instance, the BBC were not interested in addressing the actual subject matter and were merely attempting to divert attention away from the alleged assault which clearly show bias towards the police.

"Do you classify yourself as a revolutionary?" -So because you get (allegedly) assaulted by the police in an unprovoked fashion and attempt to draw attention towards your miss carriage of justice, now all of a sudden you are a revolutionary? This is a blatant attempt at character assassination but luckily I am happy to see that Mr McIntyre had the foresight to see through this toilet bowl journalism in his articulate response.

"Were you throwing anything at all at the police during that day"

-The man has cerebral palsy. What an utterly disgusting, pathetic, condescending and patronising suggestion/line of questioning. Does the BBC and/or Ben Brown understand what cerebral palsy is, or how it effects the human body? I would like a specific written response to this question please.

"Did you shout anything provocative or throw anything that would have induced the police to do that to you" -Here is more evidence of police bias as Brown is attempting to imply that in some manner, the police actions may have been justified.

"But you do say you are a revolutionary" -This is more police bias as the suggestion is that because Mr McIntyre is a 'revolutionary', the police are perhaps correct in the manner in which they treat him, when in fact the suggestion that he is a 'revolutionary' is completely irrelevant to the subject matter. If Ben Brown tomorrow gets assaulted on the street by the police for no apparent reason and somebody turns around to him and says, "But you do say you are a reporter", do you seriously think anybody is going to pay attention to such bent logic? So what if Mr McIntyre is a 'revolutionary', it is not relevant is it?

Aside from all of that, the constant interrupting of Mr McIntyre was an irritation. The standard of questioning was poorly written and poorly thought out amounting to what was complete brainless nonsense. The delivery of the questioning was offensive.

I am glad that this interview was conducted, and conducted in the fashion that it was and am also glad of the large amount of attention it is receiving because perhaps more people will begin to see the depths to which how low the BBCs standard of journalism has fallen in recent time and will perhaps and hopefully encourage them to engage in the ultimate protest of the BBC which is to stop watching TV and therefore stop paying their TV license as it is quite clear that it goes towards paying for gutter TV as evidenced with this TV interview. This is the action I will be suggesting to everybody I know from now, until the days comes that your retched, waste of money corporation does not exist any more.

You need to upgrade your standards, people are beginning to notice and are not happy regarding the drivel you sprout especially in your 'news' reports. I use inverted commas because lets face it, what the BBC broadcast isn't really proper news any-more is it? Inform? Ha! What you broadcast, dressed up as 'news' is actually nothing more than conjecture, nonsense, lies, bias, gossip, here- say and state policy. Long may it continue I say as eventually, people are going to switch off!!! For good, you deserve nothing more! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood My grammar is offensive itself but I couldn't be arsed to proof it!!! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Tin I just joined that page!

Nice one Mark!!! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Craig Corbett Never have paid, never will...... FUCK the bbc and their scum owners. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood nice about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood 757 Comments and still counting: page=2#comments

This is my favourite so far, such eloquence:

"619. At 5:37pm on 15 Dec 2010, ri09 wrote:

Mr Bakhurst: ... Thank-you for amending the video of the interview to show its entirety. It is also commendable that the BBC show the footage repeatedly during the interview, including both the situation before the incident as well as the police officer being dragged away afterwards. This is a high standard of impartiality which should be applauded. The interview itself was sickeningly biased.

This interview consisted entirely with repetition of the accusation (in 3 or 4 different forms) that Mr MacIntyre had done something to incite the police action, despite the available evidence pointing to the contrary.

On the basis of your comments, I suggest perhaps you are not giving due consideration to the simple facts.

1. The video very clearly shows an isolated group of 2 or 3 protesters well away from the police lines and other protesters. There is no indication of violence or antagonism on the part of the crowd, although it is of course possible, like anything is. 2. There is no possibility that Mr MacIntyre was throwing "missiles" from this position because he would have been immediately identified and apprehended. He was practically alone in the middle of an empty road. This is very clear in the video.

3. The police have not suggested that Mr MacIntyre even might have incited their action.

4. Just last year, the police KILLED a man in strikingly similar circumstances. This is not something that is controversial.

5. The fact that the officer responsible is clearly shown being physically dragged away by other officers frankly demonstrates that he was not only acting improperly, but was out of control, since he evidently could not be verbally persuaded to stop. This is really the single most striking fact about the footage.

And Mr Brown's interpretation of all this?

1. He pays neither heed nor mention to any of the circumstances actually shown in the video, in any way whatsoever. None.

2. At no point in the video does he show anything other than disbelief and hostility towards the interviewee's claims. At no point does he express anything resembling alarm or sympathy. He must have made up his mind in advance, on the basis of very little, that Mr MacIntyre must be lying. That is not impartiality.

3. He makes no mention of related incidents, including Mr Tomlinson's death just last year, which anyone familiar with recent protest history could hardly fail to associate with this case. That case was very disturbing, because the police evaded all charges due to dubious autopsies, and taking so long that the statute for assault charges expired. These are issues that should certainly have been, at very least, mentioned in passing.

4. He opens the interview with the clear implicit suggestion that a complaint has not been made because the police action was justified. Not content with the reasonable response, he asks the question again, making the accusation obvious.

5. He leaves himself ample opportunity to reflect during the lengthy interview, and very begrudgingly seems to realise (with an embarrassing amount of assistance from the interviewee) that it is indeed absurd to continually accuse Mr MacIntyre, in spite of his condition as stated and evidenced in the video, that he posed a physical threat sufficient to justify police actions.

6. Mr Brown then chooses to demand if their was another way in which Mr MacIntyre might have provoked the police into physical action, despite the very limited possibilities for a non-physical justification for the events. I have listed many other topics he might have instead brought up for discussion.

7. He concludes the interview by asking Mr MacIntyre to repeat, for the FOURTH time, that he intends to complain soon. Mr MacIntyre looks and sounds thoroughly insulted as he repeats his statement as asked. There is still no hint of anything but total disregard for his claims.

Mr Brown has effectively accused him for 7 whole minutes of violence and lying, without any offer of motivation or evidence. He does not offer any slight indication of apology or understanding. He does not offer, even conditionally, his sympathy or alarm at the claims or what is clearly shown on the video. He does not say, I hope the police respond reasonably to your complaint. He has left the interviewee with the polite sentiment: well, you didn't actually get hurt, did you?

I'm afraid I'm struggling to understand how the BBC justifies all this. It was rude and insulting, to the interviewee and to the disabled, to victims of police violence, and to legitimate and democratically healthy protesters suffering from heavy-handed responses, minimal police accountability despite death and serious injury, and the media's total emphasis on frankly minor 'violence', caused by a minority. I was disgusted, as I would have been for identical treatment of anyone with such claims in the light of such circumstances."

Oh while we are at it, me thinks Kevin Bakhurst's job needs to go bye bye's too! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood My response from the BBC, the usual template effort:

"* Complaint Response - CAS-475230-PMJVMP

08:44 Reply ▼ [email protected]

* [email protected]

Add to contacts To James Lockwood From: [email protected] ([email protected]) Sent: 16 December 2010 08:44:09 To: James Lockwood ([email protected])

Dear Mr Lockwood

Thank you for your feedback regarding the BBC News Channel broadcast on 13 December 2010.

We appreciate some viewers felt Ben Brown was too challenging during his interview with student tuition fees protestor Jody McIntrye.

The Controller for the BBC News Channel Kevin Bakhurst has written a blog in response to these concerns, it can be seen at:

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

BBC Audience Services

______This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit"

Anything else is asking too much from the BBC these days! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Buzz McSwift I was disgusted in hearing about this on the news.

Stoodent rioting about fees is one thing but christ this is bang out.

The students are acting disgracefully. The police are acting disgracefully. The government is acting disgracefullly.

Higher eductation is a privelage not a right and it should not fall on the tax payer to fund it. I have a degree and am from poor background and is ay this. wwhy should everyone front your bill for education when later in life you will get a better career that pays better than average wages. You should have to cough up for that. Its as bad as getting pissed about people smoking and paying tax on their cigarettes then saying there draining the NHS.

Fuck sake Britian sort your fucking lives out. Live happy. Live free. Live without fear.

Fuck the governemtand fuck all you student VIOLENT prostesters. Anarchy solves a great bunch of fuck all. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood The only problem with the whole 'top-up' fee's idea Buzz is that they are just that, 'topping-up' the education fund, the rest comes out of tax. So if you go to university and pay these fees, then enter the workforce and pay high taxes forever, you are essentially paying twice, or even three times over for your education!

If top-up fees were around at a time of low taxation then I do not think it would be as much of an issue. But high taxes which are set to continue to rise and top-up fees and a student loan? I can not see the logic of getting kids into £30,000+ worth of debt before they have even entered the workforce! It's economic slavery in it's most blatant form! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Response from Press Complaints Commission regarding Daily Mail article:

* Press Complaints Commission


Simon Yip

* [email protected] Simon Yip [email protected] *

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Add to contacts To Simon Yip From: Simon Yip ([email protected]) Sent: 23 December 2010 16:54:00 To: Simon Yip ([email protected]) Attachments, pictures and links in this message have been blocked for your safety. Show content | Always show content from [email protected]

Thank you very much for contacting us with your complaint about the article in the Daily Mail about Jody McIntyre. We have received numerous complaints about the coverage.

In response to the concerns raised, we sought to contact Mr McIntyre to see whether he wished to make a complaint to the PCC. We have now received a formal complaint from Mr McIntyre, and we will take forward the complaint with him directly.

We will seek to inform you of the outcome of the matter in due course. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

Best wishes

Simon Yip


Press Complaints Commission

Halton House

20/23 Holborn

London EC1N 2JD

Tel: 020 7831 0022

Website: about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham the video has been edited and key things he said taken out about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood The dodgy bastards! Total cover-up. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham hava a watch again and lissen to the convo befor the glitch and after the glitch it makes no sense. this video is to make him look like a fool and the way the reporter was speaking to him is just offencive its a joke to even find out about this about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yes that is a different edit! The BBC must think it is the Ministry of Truth and the year is 1984! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham haha tell me about it just pure ludacris about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post what happened to all the gold??? 2 posts. Created at 06:43 on 23 December 2010 by Phil Nicholson

# Phil Nicholson The Bank of England used to hold gold in reserve for every banknote issued over the Bank's capital of £14million.

In 1931 the UK left the gold standard and the gold was then supposedly transferred to the Treasury, although still managed by the BOE.

Does this not amount to a large scale theft from the population?

Think about it, the only reason banknotes were ever issued was because people found it cumbersome to carry large amounts of gold coin. So they left the gold with a bank/goldsmith and would use the promissary notes issued by the bank for trade (to buy things). At any point the notes could be redeemed for the original gold.

Fast forward a few years and the BOE is holding large amounts of gold that - presumably - was originally deposited by private account holders (either directly with BOE or via a local bank).

This was never the Government's gold!!! And yet when the UK left the gold standard all of the BOE's gold holdings were transferred to the Treasury?? about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Whichever form of currency we utilise can and will work for the people if that is it's intention, or it will work against the interests of the people if that is its intention.

Money is merely a form of exchange. about 5 months ago · Delete Post

Cancer Act 1939. 4 posts. Created at 05:50 on 27 October 2010 by James Lockwood # James Lockwood LegType=All+Primary&PageNumber=77&NavFrom=2&parentActiveTextDocId=1085680&ActiveT extDocId=1085680&filesize=26534


"No person shall take any part in the publication of any advertisement— (a) containing an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor, or to give any advice in connection with the treatment thereof; or...(8) In this section the expression “advertisement” includes any notice, circular, label, wrapper or other document, and any announcement made orally or by any means of producing or transmitting sounds."

Hmm, this can be interpreted two ways; that it's intention is to prohibit basically anybody from claiming they have a cure for cancer and charging money for it (a scam), or that it is intended to prohibit anybody (genuine or otherwise) from offering a cure from cancer.

My analysis, given the language and use of words in the act, is that both interpretations are accurate. Of course, I am by no means a statute law expert. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Rob Fry But this act according to the documentation has been "repealed" by the National Health act I believe .. you might wanna check that out James :-) about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Could you cite that Rob? As far as I read the document, the repealed sections have been removed and the sections which still apply are still there? I could be wrong, could you point to the section of the national health act which shows the repeal? about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Phil Nicholson about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post companies act 1976 7 posts. Created at 15:56 on 28 March 2010 by Nick Aucote

# Nick Aucote 27.—(1) Any company to which section 33 of the Act of 1967 company to applies (companies with shares listed on a recognised stock may by notice in writing require any member of the beneficial company within such reasonable time as is specified in the interests in notice— its voting (a) to indicate in writing the capacity in which he holds any s ares, shares comprised in relevant share capital of the company; and (b) if he holds them otherwise than as beneficial owner, to indicate in writing so far as it lies within his knowledge the persons who have an interest in them (either by name and address or by other particulars sufficient to enable those persons to be identified) and the nature of their interest. (2) Where a company is informed in pursuance of a notice given to any person under subsection (1) above or under this subsection that any other person has an interest in any shares comprised in relevant share capital of the company, the company may by notice in writing require that other person within such reasonable time as is specified in the notice— (a) to indicate in writing the capacity in which he holds that interest; and Companies Act 1976 c. 69 31 (b) if he holds it otherwise than as beneficial owner, to PART 11 indicate in writing so far as it lies within his knowledge the persons who have an interest in it (either by name and address or by other particulars sufficient to enable them to be identified) and the nature of their interest. (3) Any company to which the said section 33 applies may by notice in writing require any member of the company to indicate in writing, within such reasonable time as is specified in the notice, whether any of the voting rights carried by any shares comprised in relevant share capital of the company held by him are the subject of an agreement or arrangement under which another person is entitled to control his exercise of those rights and, if so, to give so far as it lies within his knowledge written particulars of the agreement or arrangement and the parties to it. (4) Where a company is informed in pursuance of a notice given to any person under subsection (3) above or under this subsection that any other person is a party to any such agreement or arrangement as is mentioned in subsection (3) above, the company may by notice in writing require that other person within such reasonable time as is specified in the notice to give so far as it lies within his knowledge written particulars of the agreement or arrangement and the parties to it. (5) Whenever a company receives information from a person in pursuance of a requirement imposed on him under this section with respect to shares held by a member of the company, it shall be under an obligation to inscribe against the name of that member in a separate part of the registef:kept by it under section 34 of the Act of 1967 (register of interests in voting shares)— (a) the fact that the requirement and the date on which it was imposed; and (b) the information received in pursuance of the requirement. (6) Subsections (2) to (9) of the said section 34 (which relate to the manner in which the register is to be made up and provide for public inspection of. the register) shall apply in relation to the part of the register referred to in subsection (5) above as they apply in relation to the remainder of the register and as if references to subsection (1) of that section included references to subsection (5) above. (7) Subject to subsections (8) and (9) below, any person who— (a) fails to comply with a notice under this section; or (b) in purported compliance with such a notice makes any statement which he knows to be false in a material particular or recklessly makes any statement which is false in a material particular, 32 c. 69 Companies Act 1976 II shall be guilty of an offence and liable— (i) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine or to both; or (ii) on summary Conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding £400 or to both. (8) A person shall not be guilty of an offence under subsection (7)(a) above if he proves that the information in question was already in the possession of the company or that the requirement to give it was for any other reason frivolous or vexatious. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote the bit...

(9) A person shall not be obliged to comply with a notice under this section if he is for the time being exempted by the Secretary of State from the operation of this section; but the Secretary of State shall not grant any such exemption except after consultation with the Governor of the Bank of England and unless satisfied that, having regard to any undertaking given by the person in question with respect to the shares held or to be held by him, there are special reasons why that person should not be subject to the obligations imposed by this section. (10) In this section "relevant share capital" has the same meaning as in section 33 of the Act of 1967. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote The document:

"Shareholdings (Disclosure) HC Deb 21 April 1977 vol 930 cc151-2W 151W

§ Mr. Blenkinsop asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether he has granted any exemptions under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976; and if he will make a statement.

§ Mr. Clinton Davis

The Secretary of State has granted one exemption under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 in favour of Bank of England Nominees Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of England. Bank of England Nominees Ltd. have given a number of undertakings about the use to be made of the exemption. They will hold securities as nominee only on behalf of Heads of State and their immediate family, Governments, official bodies controlled or closely related to Governments, and international organisations formed by Governments or official bodies. They will in turn seek certain assurances from anyone in the eligible categories who wishes them to hold the securities as that person's nominee. These assurances are to cover (a) the fact that the person is the beneficial owner of the securities to be held by Bank of England Nominees Ltd.; (b) that the beneficial owner will not use his interest in any securities held by Bank of England Nominees Ltd. to influence the affairs of the company in which shares are held except as shareholders in general meetings of that company; (c) that the beneficial owner is aware of his overriding obligation, under Section 33 of the Companies Act 1967 as amended, to disclose his interest to the company in which shares are held if he is interested in 5 per cent. or more of that company's share capital. 152W

Bank of England Nominees Ltd. has also undertaken to make a report annually to the Secretary of State for Trade of the identity of those for whom it holds securities, and, provided that it holds securities for two or more people, the total value of the securities held. The contents of such reports are to be confidential to the Secretary of State.

" over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote You know...I still don't have a clue really; but it seems to say to me that some bigwig can decide something is special, and that this decision means that something can be secreted.

Why not just berloody say-so then, ya self-fawning bafoons? Like it would surprise anyone who knows what wankers we can be? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Perhaps you had the right idea, james. Apart from venting a wee spleenette; i've just wasted ten minutes, there. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood That's blagging my head lol i hate statutes....will have to give it a read later. over a year ago · Delete Post # Phil Nicholson so a company has the power to request that any member of the company (shareholder) MUST disclose whether they are holding the company's shares on behalf of someone else. UNLESS the Governor of The BOE says they don't need to. the most interesting thing for me is that the Governor of The BOE has the ultimate say over who this law applies to. reading between the lines the law has been written for the benefit of BOE Nominees Ltd to be granted this exemption, however the powers vested in the Governor of The BOE are much more wide ranging than this. he can effectively allow anyone to hold shares in a public company on behalf of someone else and not disclose this (money laundering comes to mind???) why is the Governor of The BOE so special? surely this responsibility should go to an elected Government Minister? at best it shows what a corrupt old boys network The City of London is and how much influence they wield over British industry.... about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

Bank of England own literature gives the game away! 8 posts. Created at 06:15 on 22 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Straight from the horses proverbial mouth, relieving that money is created from thin air (nothing) at will using a few keystrokes!!!

Show this to ANYBODY who doubts that money is created at will (subject to a few conditions) by commercial and high-street banking corporations, this is NO conspiracy theory:

Page 103:

Taken from this page:

Under the title; '2008 Q1'

"So far I have focussed entirely on credit. Where does this leave money (or Money), the starting point for much traditional monetary analysis?

Well, much that I have said about banks - THEIR CAPACITY, IN THE SHORT RUN, TO LEVER UP THEIR BALANCE SHEETS AND EXPAND CREDIT AT WILL; their role in providing liquidity insurance to investment vehicles and corporates - TURNS PRECISELY ON THEIR LIABILITIES BEING MONEY. And for this reason, banks are after all decisively different other intermediaries.

As transactions balances and so the means of exchange in our payments system, THE MONEYNESS OF BANK DEPOSITS LIES AT THE CORE OF CREDIT INTERMEDIATION. SUBJECT ONLY BUT CRUCIALLY TO CONFIDENCE IN THEIR SOUNDNESS, BANKS EXTEND CREDIT BY SIMPLY INCREASING THE BORROWING CUSTOMERS CURRENT ACCOUNT, WHICH CAN BE PAID AWAY TO WHEREVER TO BORROWER WANTS BY THE BANK 'WRITING A CHEQUE ON ITSELF'. THAT IS, BANKS EXTEND CREDIT BY CREATING MONEY. This 'money creation process' constrained: by their need to manage the liquidity risk - from the withdrawal of deposits and the draw-down of back-up lines - to which it exposes them. Adequate capital and liquidity, including for stressed circumstances, are the essential ingredients for maintaining confidence."

Caps = my emphasis.

Many thanks to Paul Kirwan for providing this information.

A good thing to remember at this point is that a central bank expands and contracts the money supply using it's ability to buy and sell treasury bonds whereas commercial banks inflate and deflate the money supply with their ability to give out new loans or not give out new loans (whilst still collecting old ones). It is crucial to realise that expanding/contracting IS NOT the same as inflating/deflating. The best analogy is this; imagine the money supply is a balloon. The central bank are able to increase-decrease (alter) the physical size (and therefore capacity) of the balloon, whereas the commercial banks are able to inflate/deflate the balloon (blow it up or down). That's it, if you understand this you have nailed it!

My favourite quotes from the above exert:

"Where does this leave money (or Money)" -Look at the capitalisation of 'Money' as if it is a deity!!! I do not partiality disagree with this interpretation! "SUBJECT ONLY BUT CRUCIALLY TO CONFIDENCE IN THEIR SOUNDNESS, BANKS EXTEND CREDIT BY SIMPLY INCREASING THE BORROWING CUSTOMERS CURRENT ACCOUNT, WHICH CAN BE PAID AWAY TO WHEREVER TO BORROWER WANTS BY THE BANK 'WRITING A CHEQUE ON ITSELF'. THAT IS, BANKS EXTEND CREDIT BY CREATING MONEY." -Speaks for itself! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Wikileak that! The relevant information is always hidden right in plain sight in front of our faces! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brian Scott cheers mate .although i always suspected this ,it's nice to see it in black and white=) about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It is. 'Modern Money Mechanics' is also a fascinating read!!! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brian Scott i'll check it out about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ;o) about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Agreed.

Trouble is, it is a mistake to assume that when a person is presented with undeniable, categorical, indupitable proof; they will neccessarilly adjust their conceptions.

Never underestimate the power of denial. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood A sad but accurate point Nick! about 5 months ago · Delete Post

Child abuse profile picture campaign 8 posts. Created at 13:37 on 04 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood This seems to be going viral Cartoon-Faces/165381953497707?v=wall as I see many people with cartoons as profile pictures at the moment. Personally I think changing your profile picture to support child abuse is slightly nonsensical but I guess at least it is drawing attention to what is a horrendous subject.

Anyway back to the point, whilst this is on people's minds why not help to draw a little more attention to Hollie Greig (yes she still has not seen any justice) by changing your profile picture to this: fbid=387929088325&set=a.432284248325.208047.510248325#!/photo.php? fbid=377685128325&set=o.10136282302 or maybe even this:

Thank-you for your time. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # R.Alexander Draycott I couldn't agree more. My guess these awareness campaigns are the brainstorm of Edward Burnays. I'm so glad people are aware, but what a crock. When we make couch-potato activism trendy, and easy, what does it really accomplish? Were we already not aware of the horrific child abuse that has gone on since the beginning of humanity?

Now I understand it's great to highlight important issues, but all I see being highlighted with this campaign is people acceptance of ignorance, and pacifism.

Ignorance is Strength, or so says Big Brother.

MuchLove about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood My thoughts are of a similar vein Alexander. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Edge Media TV: 1/10 Robert Green, Anne and Hollie Greig about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Sandra Shufflebottom at least it is drawing attention to what is a horrendous subject about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood That's what I said Sandra! Actually thinking about it:

"Personally I think changing your profile picture to support child abuse is slightly nonsensical but I guess at least it is drawing attention to what is a horrendous subject."

-I just read that back to myself and it sounds silly, it should read: "Personally I think changing your profile picture to show support against child abuse is slightly nonsensical but I guess at least it is drawing attention to what is a horrendous subject." about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Sandra Shufflebottom exactly about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood charity-says.html about 5 months ago · Delete Post

This speaks for itself.... 12 posts. Created at 06:46 on 02 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ... so I will leave it up to you what to think about it:

'Let sex offenders adopt and work with children, says report'

Helen Reece at the London School of Economics, author of the report:

Helen Reece's office number: Tel. 020-7955-7239

Helen Reece's mobile number: 07940 889411

Helen Reece's email address: [email protected]

Use this contact information as you will. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brian Scott is it just me or are they trying to breed massive discontent among all members of law abiding society,evryday i'm coming across more and more disgusting views ,trying to defend the integrety of peodo's and sex offenders .while at the same time passing statutes that that are designed to make law abiding citizens appear to be the criminals in this sick bastard country.i shall be calling her mobile tonight and every other night no matter what it costs me ,especially after her working hours to demand a full apology of this hugely innacurate report .i shall also be questioning why she can advocate that some offenders are not likely to offend agian ,given the fact that it is not a curable illness but a sick sexual perversity purely through chioce .i will also ask if it is ok for someone convicted of murdering peodo's or sex offenders should then be allowed to work in the care service which keeps recently released high risk offenders under 24 hour supervision .that should get her right up her nose as she is clearly a protector of peod'os human rights with a blatant disregard for the rights of children and their families .this bitch is playin monopoly with the safety of our kids and if any of my children are affected by this sick report inthe future .i will personally take swift retribution about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I posted this on the Conservatives page: ref=notif¬if_t=feed_comment_reply about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade i just read the posting on the 'cons' page... the fact that they go from complete denial...and then defence is unsurprising...

I listened to Helen Reece being interviewed on Radio 4 yesterday. She is clearly using controversy to further her career... She floundered audibly when asked if she would be happy to leave her own children in the care of someone with a criminal record. The plum almost fell out of her mouth!!

Characteristically aspirational, middle-class, academic..she's produced a purely abstract report which reflects a purely rationalised evaluation. The individuals...even the one's she's defending don't actually exist for her. I haven't read the report, but it was absolutely clear from the interview that she's never undertaken fieldwork...never actually met a child in care...or a sex offender. These are just 'concepts'...a means of self-promotion through raising a highly controversial and emotive issue.

That idiot on the conservatives page is working on that same level... he's defending it because its a Tory initiative of the 'common-sense' variety. The fact that the vast majority of the children in care are from low income working-class families has everything to do with this attitude. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Spot on there Helen. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade It's really difficult not to just knee-jerk with an emotional response to this sort of news item...but I almost screamed at the radio when I was listening to her...

Social services are already hard-pushed to protect's going to be even harder as the cumulative effects of cuts in this area are felt.

And there's no discussion of 'who' exactly is going to be making the decision as to 'who' is suitable to adopt/foster. The growth in private adoption agencies and foster agencies shows that there's a lot of money in 'managing' children in care. The profit-motive always prevails so there is an absolute need for the strictest regulation. There can be no argument for lifting a blanket ban. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/photo.php? fbid=360253548325&set=o.10136282302 about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Caira Stephen its fkn sick wrong no way ....but also keep in mind they use things like this to anger the population just before somthing big normaly, i smell a bit of the old propaganda machine i think we should keep both eyes open. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Definitely, vigilance is always sound advice! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote she says: "Despite growing public concern over paedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low and have remained virtually unchanged for 40 years. " murders? what about being violated? bloody false logic! uhm... when did this tradition of perceiving it as acceptable for politicians and authority figures to have special privileges regarding the spewing forth of faux logic start?

"It was also argued that the scheme was based on the premise that everyone is a potential risk to children and must therefore be vetted. Ministers are now keen to reverse that notion and develop a system where no one should be deemed a danger to children unless there is very strong evidence that they are. Final recommendations will be announced early next year. Earlier this month, the High Court ruled in favour of a challenge by the Royal College of Nursing to the lawfulness of the automatic barring element of the Vetting and Barring Scheme." nice. this was the chilliest sounding bit to me. by way of devil's advocate, you can get on the sex offender's register, having done lots of weird things. like touching someone. plus thousands upon thousands of people do horrid shit to kids all the time and get clean away with it. including situations where plenty of people know about it as well as bawl at social services, excuse me, there are children there being abused and violated? sorry are you too-busy? so the legislation, just like the rest of it (accepting, of course, revenue collection) doesn't work. it gets 'creatively' interpreted, arbitrarily interpreted by those too selfish and apathetic to care; or just ignored entirely.

'She says: "Sex offenders shouldn’t all be tarred with the same brush. People need to be carefully screened for adoption and fostering, but each case should be taken on its merits. There shouldn’t be blanket rules. What somebody has done before is not necessarily what he or she will do again. When someone has served a sentence, as far as you can, you should treat them the same as anyone else.' no shit. there's plenty of rules and gizmo's for those things now. only they frequently fail. I’m not the world's biggest fan of codex-law-by-default... but it's my guess that the presence of arbitration is one of the biggest reasons this whole facade around legislation and children we have; though doubtlessly helping many; ultimately gets subverted and rots. and I think that saying if you are any kind of sex-offender you should never adopt or work with children again is arbitrary; but not such a bad arbitrary. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Ashley Webb "and I think that saying if you are any kind of sex-offender you should never adopt or work with children again is arbitrary; but not such a bad arbitrary." How is this so? Nick, if you brushed by a female of your own age that does not like you (by accident) and she reported you, resulting in you becoming a convicted sex offender, would it be fair to call you a paedophile and stop you from ever looking after kids? I think not. The spirit of this report has to be right, we cannot punish an accidental or drunken 'touching' of an adult the same as child rape surely? A year ago, I got caught doing 58mph in a section where there were temp. roadworks and the limit was 50mph, I got 3 points on my license and a £60 fine - fair cop, my fault. The way you guys are talking, you would have me banned for life, the same as the guy doing 200mph in a 30mph zone, mowing down 5 kids as he went. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Ashley: "if you brushed by a female of your own age that does not like you (by accident) and she reported you, resulting in you becoming a convicted sex offender, would it be fair to call you a paedophile and stop you from ever looking after kids? I think not."

Me neither.

"... we cannot punish an accidental or drunken 'touching' of an adult the same as child rape surely?"

I would hope not. But i'll cede that legislation-wise now that is probably the case. And would probably remain the case regardless of this bill. I think that by definition, legislation in matters like this is never going to be able to hit right all the time. So it's guesses have to be very good ones. Plus it's something that requires lots of people of good concience, integrity and patience to arbitrate it. There are still some of those, despite the majority of the conditions in which they work and to which they work.

All the elements for it to protect kids are, and will almost certianly remain, in very short supply.

I've had endorsements, too. I think i've always shared your sentiments on the fair cop thing. but only in the sense of the time and the place; rather than the fact it represents: Ie: that money is extracted from you for moving a machine along the ground with a tiny bit more velocity than someone else deems acceptable.

I guess my point is that i think law of any kind is basically flawed because all it can do is dictate arbitrarilly or best guess. And that it is seldom enacted honourably. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

They get wrose every year... 19 posts. Created at 04:20 on 04 December 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood change-summit-scientists-call-for-rationing-in-developed-world.html

The climate scientists are turning into extremists. Oh and let me guess who will be exempt from this if it is ever is allowed to happen; climate scientists, the political class, the business elite, royalty etc... same old story as they FLY out en mass to enjoy their 'conference' and all the perks that come with it. Free booze, lavish meals, nicely air conditioned conference facilities. Complete hypocrites!

"This could mean a limit on electricity so people are forced to turn the heating down" -Forced ey? Fascists at work here. Dangerous people.

"“I am not saying we have to go back to living in caves,” he said. “Our emissions were a lot less ten years ago and we got by ok then.” " -There were less people around to worry about 10 years ago. Also, we have an ageing population, you know, the people who are most vulnerable and need that heating turned on the most. These scientists make me sick. Also another point, where are these mild winters and blazing hot summers we are being warned about every year? Man I'm fuming.

Climate Scientists = anti-humanity. Simple, end of argument. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Rowan Gliori Crap. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brian Scott what did they think was gonna happen when they been sprayin the skies with aluminium and barium particles all summer ,they can't tell me they need to block the suns rays in scotland ,it's always freezing here .also i just got a bil for gas and leccy they say they want £277 a month fuckin parasites. it was about £45 a month all in about 5 years ago.they can whistle for that kind of money.if they think they can cut me off they fucked on that one too ,all my equipment is indoors ...... NO TRESPASS about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Nice one Brian.

But beware that if they want to, they will go to court and then get the police involved to break into your property in order to fit a pay meter and then charge you for the whole affair. I personally know somebody who this happened to. The energy game is a racket. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brian Scott i feel sorry for the pensioners. how in the hell are they gonna afford that kind of money.if they don't die of the cold it'll be starvation cause they nothin left to buy food with.once again fuckin parasites. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yes and we are led to believe by the media that we are the wasteful parasites or 'useless eaters' when in fact it is the elites of this world who fall into that category! about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Spencer Badger 04 December at 13:05 Not interested in climate change denial! Anyone who fails to realise that environmental degradation is the greatest issue to confront our world to day, has their head up their arse!"

"James Lockwood 04 December at 13:12 I am not in Climate Change denial (by the way the use of the word 'denial' is derogatory). The climate changes constantly, every minute of every day. What I am however against is the notion that CO2 drives the climate when in fact there are a myriad of factors to consider such as water vapour and the fact that draconian measures are going to be implemented on the back of this CO2 bullshit.

Anyone who fails to see that environmental degradation has been hijacked by politicians and bureaucrats in order to impose carbon taxes, has their head up their arse my friend." about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Spencer Badger OMG! are they really daring to suggest that we need to reduce our energy consumption? Those bastards! "Sarcasm" Newsflash! If we don't take drastic action NOW we are all fucked! Wake up & smell the coffee guys! Fossil fuels are destroying our planet! Time is running out & if you aren't prepared to the lend a hand, get the fuck out of the way! All climate change deniers have their heads up their arses!!!

- Add on eye about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Hmmm... Your argument is weak Spencer. Irresponsible industry is 'destroying the planet', not CO2 emissions.

I do not even believe that human beings are capable of destroying the planet, we are however perfectly capable of destroying ourselves. The planet would eventually recover after were gone. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Brian Scott here we go with the insults ,if you can't put your point across without insulting people ,then i'm afriad it may be you who needs a cranium extraction from the rectal area mr beaver.i always find the best way to get people to listen is to degrade them ...... sarcasm ...... right back at you about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Spencer Badger I may not agree with the carbon tax, but I feel that the politicians aren't going anywhere near far enough to challenge the issue of global warming. I would ban all non-work related (combustion engine) vehicles from our cities & make public transport free! I would make all property owners convert to renewable energies & fit rain water tanks! & I would implement community garden programs at all public schools. I would also tax & regulate all major polluting industries out of existence & use those taxes to finance green tech. The science is beyond question, man made CO2 is most definitely the major contributing factor to global warming & if your not helping to address this issue, or God forbid, actively opposing action to remedy it ASAP, then you are contributing to the destruction of our future! & I'm sorry but, if you want to deny that we are destroying our world & want to carry on down the same road to armagedon, then I am a afraid that you most definatly do have your head well & truly shoved right up your rear end ) : about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood But none of that is going to happen in any measurable fashion, except the carbon taxes. It's a con mate, wake up. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Almost 50% of energy bills are already made up of carbon taxes. That's punishing people for being alive when the tax money does little or no good what so ever. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Grafton. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Kevin Schau These are the same guys who said that if an agreement wasn't reached at Copenhagen, we were all done for. That agreement wasn't reached, so according to these 'experts', we're already done for. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Maybe we are Kevin, maybe we are all already dead lmao about 5 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh I enjoyed reading your note by the way Grafton. about 5 months ago · Delete Post # Kevin Schau Whether we are or not, by their own 'reasoning,' there is no need at all for these measures. about 5 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Where did Graftons posts go? about 5 months ago · Delete Post

Kent Freedom movement presents Veronica of the Chapman family 11 posts. Created at 10:56 on 29 November 2010 by Deborah Williams

# Deborah Williams The talk will start at 7.30pm sharp and will cover issues such as freeman on the land and the money con to which we are all enslaved. The pub is conveniently located close to the rail station. Parking is limited but there are roads to park on nearby. This is event is free but if you wish to donate anything on the night it will be gratefully received.

The Prince Albert Pub 26 Wrotham Road Gravesend Kent DA11 OPW

FACEBOOK GROUP about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Sorry too far for me! about 6 months ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams ok James but can you plug it for me.Veronica talks about the fraudulant money system as well as the unlawful legal system, so we can wake up some more people to all this, which will be great.

Thanks Deb

Keep up the good work about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I will send out a group message. about 6 months ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams cheers James that will be great.

Your a star x about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Done about 6 months ago · Delete Post # Brig Adoon will this event be videoed? if so i would like to order a copy ,too far for me to travel but i wish i could join you all.much respect=) about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Deborah Williams Brig

Yes it will be videod,and we will put it up on you tube. I will put the link to it on here after. about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith thanks Deborah, looking forward to watching the video :) about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Deborah Williams :-) about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brig Adoon thanks deborah ,look forward to watching and sharing,just as well it's not in scotland as it would be snowed off .lol about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

And so it begins! 5 posts. Created at 15:30 on 28 November 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood and about 6 months ago · Delete Post # Charles Kafka Wow!!!!!!!!!!! about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Charles Kafka just clicked on congo, and found a request from the USA for the biometrics of all the congo leaders, they want to positively id them. the question is for what? about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Stella Ridgway wonder what the agenda really is? about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Charles Kafka well, could be someone is just for freedom, there are the wensla line of kings, that believed you could rule from a position of love and respect. but more likely infighting. a lower level group of elites have less to loose from exposure then a higher group. about 6 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

The Chemtrails vs Contrails debate 27 posts. Created at 05:23 on 09 April 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood The Chemtrails vs Contrails debate.

As the winter weather begins to depart us and people begin one again to venture outside armed with cameras, it is of course time for the yearly explosion in chemtrail videos and pictures. So I have decided to put my pennies worth in, for what it's worth.

I must warn that I am not going to point to any evidence or information, this is going to mainly consist of my own opinion so please feel free to ignore it.

So then, chemtrails on contrails? Or does it matter? For me no. The word 'chemtrail' has been (like many other things) quite successfully and thoroughly discredited as a 'conspiracy nut' term within the mainstream thought process (for those who have heard of it) irrespective of it's credibility. As far as I am concerned then, it's time to abandon the term.

For me to be able to explain my position first lets take a look at the evidence for the existence of chemtrails. The obvious place to begin is with the things anybody can observe and test, after all lets be scientific about this. Well, on any given clear skied day it would seem that at times medium to high altitude passenger sized aeroplanes may be observed emitting a white streak behind themselves as they fly along. This can often be observed to be short, and disintegrating a few hundred metres behind the craft. The 'scientific consensus' (contradiction of terms) explains that this is due to extreme cold temperatures at high altitude mixing with the hot (mainly water vapour) exhaust of the craft and thus creating temporary ice crystals. Or something like that. This describes a traditional contrail. Fair enough.

However, where things begin to get interesting is at those other times (which can be quite frequent), when medium to high altitude passenger sized aircraft may be observed emitting a white streak which does not disappear after seconds, instead it lingers in the sky, often for hours and gradually expands out and grows. It would then appear that if the conditions are correct, and there are sufficiently high numbers of aircraft flying overhead, emitting the same type of trail, that over a number of hours these trails not only linger, persist and grow, but can also merge together to form a complete blanket of what is quite blatantly artificially created cloud cover. This is fact, it cannot be disputed and can be observed by anybody who can spare enough time (and a strained neck).

We move onto the next stage, chemtrails. This is where the conspiracy begins. Remember, everything that has come previous to this is fact. So then, do we have a chemtrail yet? No. All we have is a persisting contrail. We have not yet established that there is any intent to cause the actions I mentioned above by means of the modification or addition to an aircraft or it's fuel. All we have is the end result. So then, do we have any direct, indisputable evidence that a) this is being done on purpose or b) that chemicals (other than regular exhaust fumes) are being emitted from aircraft? Lets be honest now, we don't do we? What we do have is smatterings of circumstantial evidence.

Independent analysis has been carried out on rain water which has apparently fallen from the clouds created by aircraft. These analysis show high levels of (amongst other things) barium. It is possible that this means chemicals are being added to the exhaust of aircraft in some manner. However, this conclusion cannot be drawn from this particular test, it is not extensive enough. It does not have any means by which to consider or test contamination factors. These could be unusual, localised environmental conditions, localised industrial pollution, an irregular random occurrence or any number of other factors. Looking at this scientifically then, all we can conclude is on that specific day, the rain water collected, showed unusually high levels of certain heavy metals. Nothing else. We have the effect, we therefore cannot then assume the cause based on no evidence what-so-ever and that makes this circumstantial evidence at best.

There have been reports of people becoming ill in areas soon after trails have been observed. This comes from comments made within youtube videos and internet forums. Basically it's word of mouth, has not been tested at all and should therefore be immediately dismissed by any genuinely scientific mind as completely unreliable. Of course, it still remains a possibility but should not be trusted unless it can be properly tested and confirmed. Pictures of apparently modified aircraft showing strange equipment attached to the body of the craft are widely available on the internet. Could be 'chemtrail' making equipment, could even be other weather modification equipment, it's more likely that it's really weather monitoring equipment though isn't it? The most simple answer is usually the most accurate. Again, highly questionable, circumstantial evidence at best. Web like substances have been observed falling from the sky soon after a trailing spree. Could be anything, no proper tests carried out. Circumstantial at best. Not reliable to draw any conclusion. Some unverified reports of chemicals being added to aircraft fuel. Once again, it's word of mouth and should be treated as such. There are some other things, all equally as questionable as the other.

What is the problem with relying on circumstantial evidence? Answer; it is very easily dismissed, ridiculed and rubbished. Do we have a chemtrail then? I say no, they do not exist based upon the current evidence available. They may exist and one day be proved by evidence not yet available, however I am not willing to make that leap of faith by missing out that vital step in the process. After all this is not religion or sci-fi, its science, you can't just make it up and hope one day it can be proven, just like they do with AGW (hehe).

So what's the point in running to the hills and shouting CHEMTRAILS when there is no definitive evidence they exist and the fact that the whole thing has been discredited to the point that the mere mention of the word will immediately set alarm bells off in all those around you. Those alarm bells will be ringing to the tune of 'nutter'. Well as far as I am concerned we do not have chemtrails, so what do we have?

Is there any evidence that persistent contrails both exist and are a problem? Wow! Oh my god yes! Any arsehole with a working pair of eyes can see that for themselves. It's pollution, one of the most drastic, horrendous and horrifying types of pollution I have ever witnessed. This pollution is capable of BLOCKING OUT YOUR SUNLIGHT and modifying the natural weather patturns, all the time thieving from you one of your most basic, basic human rights. The right to sunlight! It's literally happening in our faces. What more do we need, really? Do we really need to take this any further? No. Forget about chemtrails, we don't need to call them that, robbing us of our sunlight and modifying the weather without out consent (irrespective if it is on purpose or not, doesn't matter, all that matters is that it's happening) is bad enough by itself! If there were a pollution capable of blocking your water supply, or food somehow, you'd be up in arms. Why is this any different? You need that sunlight for your survival just as much as you do that food or water, it's essential.

Lets look at this scale (imagine the red pointer as a pendulum, able to sway depending on where the truth lies).!/photo.php? pid=3714768&id=510248325

We can be sure the truth lies within it at some point. Point (a) represents the best case scenario, where in contrails are happening (but we do not know why or even if it is on purpose) and they are a problem as they are capable of altering the weather and blocking out sunlight. Point (b) represents the worst case scenario, wherein a party of people (possibly the government) are purposefully conspiring to add a variety of chemicals to both passenger and cargo aircraft in order to spray en mass huge population clusters with artificial substances designed to either cause infertility (eugenics) or disease/illness leading later to death (extreme population control). Like I said earlier, we can be sure that the truth lies somewhere along this line from point (a) to point (b). So then, do we have enough to rely on even if we sway the pendulum of truth as close to point (a) as possible, or do we need to rely on the in my opinion less likely end of the scale or as I like to call it 'the try to scare people shitless into acting but at the same time look foolish' end. Wait a minute, scaring people shitless? That sounds suspiciously like the tactics employed by a certain number of institutions we apparently do not like. Hmm. Well, aside from that, as I see it, even if we push the scale as close to point (a) as possible, we have more than enough ammunition to go on, so why mess about with theories, half-truths and speculation? Doesn't make any sense does it?

Another great point to bare in mind is the simple reasoning that deduces the fact that it does not make much sense when you consider that whomever is supposedly creating these chemtrails in order to spread heavy chemicals or disease into the atmosphere would also be at risk of whatever the desired effects are, unless they have some magical cure to chemtrails designed to protect them. This is a prime example of how the mind can wander into pure fantastical speculation. Avoid at all costs if you are scientific minded. Of course this still remains possible, but simply because something is possible does not make it believable or reliable. You may reasonably postulate on a theory, but until such a time that your theory is capable of being rigorously tested, you should never draw a conclusion from it. You need proper evidence for that.

It's time to turn their language against them as they so often do to us. They are telling you that chemtrails do not exist and that they are therefore not a problem. They do not deny, but even confirm the existence of contrails. They are being clever with use of language here. I'd recommend you to be equally as clever with the use of your language. They keep telling you that chemtrails do not exist, fine! STOP SAYING CHEMTRAILS ARE THE PROBLEM THEN. Stop falling into their trap. START SAYING THAT CONTRAILS ARE THE PROBLEM. They have admitted time and time again that contrails exist, they can not go back on it now. So turn it around and use the language against them. Lets be clever, articulate and intelligent about this. Abandon the use of the word chemtrail, denounce it, whatever. People have been programmed to think 'conspiracy nut' as soon as they hear it so unless you particularly like being thought of as a nutter don't use it. There is absolutely no need to dwell on extreme possibilities as far as I am concerned in this instance. The easily provable reality of the situation is all we need to get this issue some proper fucking attention.

Remember, this is a war of words, not a war of weapons or tank and guns. Your weapons are words. Employ the tactics of your enemy by choosing your weapons extremely wisely.


For anybody who has read this far thank-you for humouring me, as this has been quite a brain fart for which I apologise, but I think you get the point I am attempting to make. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns i agree with you and this thread, it's a hard choice sometimes. i got interested when i saw the chemtrail on/off video, but then got debunked on that, then i actually ended up debunking other chemtrailers!! contrails exist. i believe chemtrails exist, the governments of yesteryear have admitted it. but maybe not all the time, maybe for specific times/events. real contrails are nothing to do with the engine exhaust. you also see them from helicopter blades and formula 1 cars. they last only seconds. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "real contrails are nothing to do with the engine exhaust. you also see them from helicopter blades and formula 1 cars. they last only seconds."

Your logic is slightly flawed as helicopters and formula 1 cars do not travel anywhere near as high as aeroplanes so it is not a fair comparison. But the point you make is valid, they have admitted to doing this type of stuff in the past, but again that does not prove that they are doing it now. It simply shows us what the bastards are capable of.

Don't get me wrong, it would not surprise me in the slightest if some, or all of the worst parts of the chemtrail theory turned out true, having said that I think we need to stick to the solid facts, otherwise this is just going to get debunked into oblivion and our summers will continue to be ruined. over a year ago · Delete Post # Ryan SilencewillFall Harvey Very well said. Thankyou for your time to write this mini-essay. Very thought provoking and makes alot of sense to me. I was never sure about the exsistance of "chemtrails" (even though I had heard they had admitted to it in the past) but it wouldnt suprise me if it were true still today! However, I for one will now stop using the term "chemtrails" as it does in fact turn you into a conspiracy nut and people then see that contrails are fine. So thankyou again for this. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Kearns flawed? i think not! take this debate as i am, as an experimental one. i almost totally agree with you, and you do me, but without questioning the questions, we are overlooking facts. altitude has nothing to do with the gathering of condensation. the altitude merely freezes it, making it last until the thaw. thats why groundlevel ones disappear almost instantaneously. i've seen them come from f1 cars in the malasian summer. dampness causes it, as it passes over a shape that contorts the airflow, pushing the molecules together (funnel). we have to conclude that what we normally see from normal planes is this condensation mixed with the freezing of exhaust fumes, as they come from the same place (sometimes not), so we have both types together. this as a whole is what i'll be reffering to as contrails. if they have done it in the past, they will probably be doing it now or in the future too. it works for farmers, and the elite treat us as cattle. it's so easy to disquise, unless it comes out another colour, of course... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood My apologies if I seemed rude Paul, it was not intentional. Maybe I should have taken my own advice and chosen my words more carefully!

I am not a climatologist, or an aeronautic engineer and therefore feel that I should not comment further on what you just said as I think my knowledge of the subject is too limited at this stage.

The only thing I will say is that

'if they have done it in the past, they will probably be doing it now or in the future too. it works for farmers, and the elite treat us as cattle. it's so easy to disquise, unless it comes out another colour, of course...' it is my experience that this type of things scares the vast majority of people away instantly as it is too much for most to take, irrespective of the accuracy of the statement. Either that or they think that you are a nutter. I am speaking from experience here. We can talk like that here because we all have similar beliefs (otherwise we would not be here) but say those type of things to your average Joe in the street and you will probably get laughed at. Which brings me back to my original point, choice of language and the things you say. The next time I point out trails in the sky to somebody and they ask me why it is happening, I think I might say something along the lines of 'I don't know why it's happening, but what I do know is it doesn't look good and we need to do something about it' Maybe the curiosity will compel them to do their own research, I don't know. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thank-you ryan. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns i understand totally, but to mention chemtrails to a true sheep on "any" level, will do the same. otherwise this debate will end up as a one question yes or no answer. when i told people in the past, i got mixed reactions. most didn't agree. i would then hit them with einstein's "ignorance" quote! i have many of my own chemtrail albums, feel free to look. even got a chembow. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I have some kicking around on here too, somewhere! over a year ago · Delete Post # Ralph Smithen I enjoyed reading that, thanks :) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood hahaha look at this: over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns i watched it a couple of weeks ago. quite boring!! not much info. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns ? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I just think that's relevant to much of the chemtrail debate, it wasn't aimed at anybody in particular. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns lol. i thought it was a confession!!!! true though..., and about loads of theories. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lmao I guess it is a confession in some way, that I personally am not willing to 'believe' in the majority of the chemtrail theories. I have no idea why what how or who, but what I do know is that they are there, which is enough for me at this point.

On the subject of aircraft, one thing I am willing to believe in is that this whole volcano bullshit was exaggerated beyond all belief to give the government(s) the perfect excuse it needs to bail- out the airline industry. If they get bailed out well that will be just a little too convenient for me. Of course as this is my own little theory, applying the argument from ignorance angle there is no way of knowing if what I'm saying here is true! It's just an unsubstantiated theory.

Then again, I have never seen the problem with admitting that we simply do not know something (the human ego never ceases to amaze me) as it's the only way to one day set yourself onto the path enabling you to (perhaps) learn the truth. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns indeed!! thats why i started this debate in a slightly antagonistic way, if we both agree'd on everything we both said, that would be pointless. no fly was to bail out the airlines? elaborate a little, please. i knew it was overkill, the whole world was shut down. and for too long. it felt more like a "dry run" for something else to me... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea, the most simple answers are usually the right ones. I also think it's funny that we are so used to being lied to these days that we are simply left to speculate as to what the real truth might be! A 'dry run' for something else, interesting! What are you getting at there Paul? (I know we can only speculate but it's still interesting).

'thats why i started this debate in a slightly antagonistic way, if we both agree'd on everything we both said, that would be pointless.'

I completely agree. A healthy, well-informed debate means everybody learns something new or advances their knowledge in some manner. People usually make the mistake of allowing their ego's to become involved and get insulted if anybody deviates away from their perceived idea of the truth, even if whatever the counter may represent is correct or more correct in some way. It's unfortunate and what's even more unfortunate is that the 'truth' movement is riddled with that exact way of thinking which ironically is a complete contradiction of terms. It's also something I am getting fucking sick to death of. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/group.php? gid=209740272409&ref=mf

To delve off topic slightly for a second, I'm thinking about beginning to attend this groups events, only I'm afraid that it's going to be a bias-fest either one way or another and therefore a waste of my time. What you reckon? over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns it seems pretty harmless, really, the meet i mean. skeptic is a much softer word than conspiracy! i agree totally with your explanation of truth debates. they just follow a natural pattern we see every day in all types of conversation. gym talk is exactly the same, everybody seems to know more than anyone else. then the ego gets involved and the debate tangents. sadly, i think we ALL do this, i know i've done it in the past. the no fly time was way too much, people in australia couldn't fly, no one could. it felt like it was a test to see what would happen if it was to happen for real. they may check all data concerning losses in businesses as a model for prediction purposes, like a "what if"? scenario. you mentioned a bailout for the airlines. tell me more... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood

The BBC seem to think there is a debate regarding who should pay for it. The airlines want it obviously, I have read news articles describing it (but I can't remember exactly where I read that I will find them later).

I wouldn't argue with your 'what if' analysis of the situation as many things which happen seem to be for that reason. The Swine Flu scare seemed to follow that (as well as pharma making shit loads of money of course). Perhaps we are both right in this regard. The airlines get cash, plus the government get to gauge how people react to no flying. Two birds with one stone!

'sadly, i think we ALL do this, i know i've done it in the past.'

Me too, it's extremely difficult to avoid but I strive to anyway. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Myself and many others have observed that since the no-fly ban (caused by invisible ash -ha! I shit you not!) has been lifted in the last couple of days, the trails are back and so it that dreadful, milky haze that we got a respite from for a few days. God those perfect blue skies where beautiful!

Why people a) did not notice the connection and b) even if they did couldn't give a shit will never stop bemusing me. That's our damn sky and our damn sunlight for fucks sake! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I must admit, I have enjoyed watching peoples minds cave in as I have pointed out the difference in the sky between when the planes were grounded and when they began flying again! Priceless!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Just found this site, very impressive. Kind of fits exactly into what I said in the original post (does that mean I am experiencing bias?) over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood evidence.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood about 6 months ago · Delete Post

Eric Cantona calls for a run on the banks. 32 posts. Created at 06:13 on 28 October 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood This has been causing quite a stir on the net today and I am interested to discover what people think about it:

Apologies if this link does not work for some, as people have said it does not work for them. I have not come across a you tube version yet. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Also, does anybody speak French? Just to confirm that nothing has been lost in the translation. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Les Dorrington My neice speaks fluent french but then that might not be a good idea to ask her as she works for the Euro bank :( but I have french Candian freinds on facebook I,m sure they will help I,ll ask them. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Nice one Leslie cheers ;o) about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Les Dorrington well I,ve asked one friend just have to wait for a reply :) about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade Hi James, I just took a quick look at this, the translation's fine, nothing added, nothing taken away. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Me too. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers Helen thanks for that! about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Otn Meaten If someone wants to upload it to youtube, they can do so by retreiving the .flv or.mp4 file from their (Internet Eplorer) temporary internet files folder. The file will appear in that folder when the video has completed streaming (also works for youtube and google video etc etc. Good way to get hold of the source files for safe keeping. Also it's a good idea to delete all temporary internet files before streaming so it's easier to find the file you want). I assume the same can be done with Firefox and Opera. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood To be perfect honest, I couldn't be bothered to do that Otn lol about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade no worries James.

This is really interesting - Cantona is pretty shrewd and I'm sure he's aware of the consequences of what he's proposing, and he's clearly sincere. But I think he's proposing this as a tactical move rather than a full blown 'revolutionary' strategy. He wants to get people off the streets and make Sarkosy listen, rather than bring down the system entirely.

Thing is..the fact that he's a footballer, a popular one at that, means he's going to reach a lot more people than someone who's partisan. If this gains mass momentum, it could be scary. Problem much do regular people have in their bank accounts?..I live month to month..and what's left at the end of each month isn't likely to make a dent in Barclays coffers. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Les Dorrington We all realise that the banks and usery is a major problem if not the only problem our govements suports this blackmail we must show them whos in charge, i doubt it will make any diference they are a slimey bunch of shite and will no doubt make they,ll make some adjustments werein after a short while we find we,ve been screwed yet again.To do any good at all they must be brought down completely and face charges of crimes against humanity.If we decide to stop playing their games we must mean it and be prepared for the conequences. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Les Dorrington just got another translation from a french source on the French Protesets "They want you to demonstrate, as with what has happened, they planted people to break all the shops windows etc and so then the news just reported the terible things that the demonstrators did..Even though these people were not the demonstr...ators lol Also the cops beat the crap out of kids who were protesting for no reason, also the cops were blocking the kids from going home after a day of protesting and so in the end the kids would get angry cause of being tired and cold etc and little fights would happen, which is what they wanted to happen so they could report it after". about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Well one thing I think we can all agree on is that the banks are at the heart of the problem and something needs to be done, although rioting on the streets is not the best option available unless you particularly enjoy being battered in the head and manipulated by the police, because that's what will happen. Strategic removal of banks funds is a better option, however we have to acknowledge and address the fact that this could severely and quickly backfire leaving a mess, the ways in which it could happen and draw up plans for this scenario should it come to pass, before we begin the action suggested by Cantona. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Hmm, I dunno, I am going to adopt a position of caution on this one.

I just don't feel comfortable with rushing head on into what has the potential to be revolutionary action (with no idea of what happens during the aftermath, or what happens if it goes wrong or backfires) because Eric Cantona and Jim Corr told me to. There are so many variables to consider first. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Les Dorrington I agree a lot of variables but a kick in the pants for those guys dont mean a thing, they are running the show what do we do wait till we are total slaves its not just about the here and now its about our grand childrens future is it right we leave them with a life of servitude to a lie. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Good point Leslie I do not doubt that, but at the same time we have to be very careful as to not get tricked into walking blindly into a totalitarian dystopia dressed up as our saviour. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Les Dorrington True James thats happened many times before, and with all this mind programing being done through the TV you cant even trust yourself lol. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan :) sick people aint it, its a sick sick world anyway.. so .. in what reason or another, it is the way to act and taking back of rights with new ideas most important of it all is freedom, cantona's idea can be an easy way to do it have more to share ? about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade Hi Leslie, there must be a longer version of this interview out there somewhere, because what you've quoted above doesn't appear in the version James has posted. Though I don't doubt what you've quoted is the case. Has anyone managed to find a different version of this yet? about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Les Dorrington I think that might have been a quote from someone who lives in France, they did tell me that their media is more open than ours. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Like it. Should be more celebs doing stuff like that. I would pose the notion that if Mr cantona intends participating in said revolutionary action, though, he will need a convoy of wagons.

I personally have so little cash to my name it's hardly worth it... but i might anyways. I would suggest to people chosing dates AROUND the time mentioned; because if team-slavery think people are really going to pull this off, all they need to do is close the banks and empty the ATM's.

I know that would be obvious and very, very naughty. But it's obvious that arbitrary behaviour like this is the norm now. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted about 7 months ago # James Lockwood I am not afraid for myself, I would be fine if it went tits up, I am very resourceful. I am however worried about others, especially those without the ability to look after themselves. You know, the disabled, elderly, seriously ill, young children etc. who would be completely fucked should something like a mass bank run backfire.

People have a difficult time accepting that the banks ARE the system. Remove the bank and there is no system. This needs to happen but not overnight, that would only lead to the infrastructure collapsing, assuming enough people took part. You know, the same infrastructure which feeds, clothes, waters, heats and provides us with electricity. Think about it carefully. I am not saying that this is a bad idea, just that we should be very cautious. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote True enough. I guess the only way to really undo something that's been done fabian-style, is to undo it fabian-style. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Kevin Schau I heard an interesting claim a week or so ago, that if the entire world boycotted Coca Cola products for six months, there would be a massive power shift from the bankers back to the people. It's time to boycott the big corporations who are nothing but parasites draining our communities of the benefits of their labour while offering low paying jobs with little chance of advancement and products with built in obsolesence so we have to keep replacing crap with newer crap. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade good point Kevin. perhaps vodafone would be an ideal place to start ?? about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood They would be a good place to start, but then again, try telling that to Vodafone customers who might not be arsed with the hassle! about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Kevin Schau I'm in. I refuse to own a cellphone in the first place. Next up, all those junk food producers who profit from destroying our health and running up our medical bills. You know, those so-called restaurants that pop up with their mandatory corporate fiber glass signs that make every town and city look like a cheap copy of the last one you saw. Somewhere along the line comes a massive tax protest to end the unlawful taxing of income and to remind the politicians who they actually work for. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade I like the strategy, but agree with James, that because so many people are either uninformed, apathetic or indifferent, it would take a lot of hard work to create the will to successfully mass boycott even one particular corporation, let alone the banking structure. ... Things may change when the cumulative effects of the spending cuts really begin to make an impact on a daily basis. Consumer protest is extremely disruptive as Cantona pointed out.

# Kevin Schau The more people are squeezed and the more it effects them, the more likely this will happen at some point. The educational part of it needs to address the mistake of using violence first because it HAS to remain a last resort or the PTB will use it as an excuse to clamp down even harder while they still are able to do so. The real tide will have turned when the police and military finally refuse to obey unlawful orders and stand with the people. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Helen Greenslade Yep...I think that is the point Cantona is making... that mass strikes and violence are no longer an effective means of change. I think he's shrewd, he's using the vocabulary of revolution precisely because he understands the conseqences of what he's proposing. about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

Simple, boycott vodafone! 8 posts. Created at 07:19 on 29 October 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood The answer is simple, boycott vodafone: about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Annika Seabrook To be honest, I don't think there is anyway that this money will be repaid, but the point must be made, that people are more important than corporations. They could half the cuts if they had forced them to pay up about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood The money is never going to be paid, I think that is a given. However I do not think Vodafone should continue with their business. Boycott is the only power we have, and is the only power we need. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Annika Seabrook Yeah, I read that all 3 stores were shut in Leeds yesterday too about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Good. about 7 months ago · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan 6 billion ? .. "pay your taxes vodafone" "pay your taxes vodafone" "pay your taxes vodafone" "pay your taxes vodafone" "pay your taxes vodafone" "pay your taxes vodafone" about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Feona Kalana It would be interesting to know what the Government is getting in return for this. Phone-tapping? More invasion of civil liberties? about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brian Scott feona you've prob got it in a nutshell .and the illusion that the country is in poverty continues about 7 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

How to 'get out of' paying your TV license, the easy way. 4 posts. Created at 09:03 on 25 July 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It is really simple.

There is no need to accuse the BBC of treasonous activities or claim any sort of fraud or corruption upon their behalf.

The simple answer is to turn off/throw away your television set. Once you have done this, cancel your direct debit (if you have one) and kindly inform TV licensing that you no longer require a TV license as you will no longer be receiving a TV signal. This can be done by telephoning 0844 800 6790 or writing to:

TV Licensing Bristol BS98 1TL.

They might insist that they need to send an 'Enforcement Officer' to confirm you no longer have TV signal receiving equipment. Obviously it is entirely your choice as to whether you go along with this.

If you require a television to watch videos, DVD's or play computer games do not worry, as long as your television set is not capable of receiving a TV signal then it is no longer a television, it is a monitor. As with many things this is a simple play on words. This is confirmed here: %2FModules%2FlicensingInfo%2FTopics%2Fgeneral%3A134832%3A5&_mftvst%3AmoduleID= %24licensingInfo&_mftvst%3AtopicID=%24&id=JJT52G04TKTQT2EL39HGV868Q2

Remember, it is no good complaining about the inherent corruption at the BBC whilst YOU are the one who is funding it. It is time to take responsibility for YOUR actions. It is YOU who funds the propaganda, it is YOU who funds the lies, it is up to YOU to do something about it. If YOU stop the funding then the lies and propaganda go away, it is that simple. over a year ago · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen I haven't thrown my TV away & still watch the odd TV programme when I want... I just refuse point blank to pay the ridiculous TVL for it tis all :D over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood That link is now broken, they moved the info to here: %2FModules%2FlicensingInfo%2FTopics%2Fgeneral%3A134832%3A5&_mftvst%3AmoduleID= %24licensingInfo&_mftvst%3AtopicID=%24&id=RQEBFSCLSKVGK19P6VR1QB5JP8 over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Again, this information has been moved to here: one/topics/what-if-a-tv-licence-is-not-needed-top12/ about 7 months ago · Delete Post

David Cameron is full of shit... 6 posts. Created at 05:56 on 12 August 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ...hey we all already know this but I don't see why we should not call him out on his lies.

Case in hand:

"EU considers levying taxes directly"

"Brussels preparing proposals for EU-wide tax" vs "David Cameron promises vote on future EU promises"

I don't see why he should be allowed to get away with such blatant lies as the EU is grabbing hard at the soverign killswitch with this one. If they get this, then the last step is to join the Euro (which probably wouldn't happen for a good while to be fair) and then that's it, check-mate.


Please don't make Gideon cry Dave. about 9 months ago · Delete Post # Tonia Input Matthews Totally agree on this James on your view point. about 9 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Tonia. I posted this on the conservatives page and got this feedback:

"Steven Wright: DC told the EU the other day where to go on direct tax levying.

James Lockwood He is powerless to stop them at the moment, unless he rushes through a new which repeals certain parts of the Lisbon Treaty, which is not realistically going to happen is it? I am sure that a comprimise will be reached whereby the EU gets to tax us, but not as much as it would like to, initially.

James Lockwood No?!?

Jif Ro ...Nothing has happened yet, If after any further changes in the law, you have not had a say, then you can call Dave a liar i guess atm, you are just ranting." about 9 months ago · Delete Post # Tonia Input Matthews oh there all liars crooks and thieves. about 9 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood it's a racket about 9 months ago · Delete Post # Post deleted about 9 months ago

If you know anybody about to have children... 17 posts. Created at 06:46 on 25 July 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ...or thinking about it, first they need to see this: pid=4543740&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&id=510248325&oid=10136282302

Then at least they will be in a position to make a more informed judgement. If they still decide to get a B/C then fair enough, people should be free to make their own minds up after being given a fully informed view of the situation.

Better still, even if you do not get your child a b/c then there is NOTHING stopping the child from getting a b/c and NI number when they are 16-18 if they so wish. At least then they have a say over the situation and can make the decision themselves! about 10 months ago · Delete Post # Cormac-Simon De Louet was at a NSPCC Safeguarding children training course for work the other week. We were told that "Parents HAVE NO RIGHTS OVER THEIR CHILD only RESPONSIBILITIES" about 10 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Ha! Well this proves that wrong, unless your child has a birth certificate then clearly they are right, parents have no rights over their children. about 10 months ago · Delete Post # Post deleted about 10 months ago # James Lockwood Becoming civilly dead is the best method I have encounted Russell. Although, I am not sure of the process and have not done this myself. about 10 months ago · Delete Post # Cormac-Simon De Louet can you claim sovreignty? i'm still trying to understand* what all their terms mean. quite shocked at what people have found out! set up as corporations at birth?! hmmm....can believe that. facebook wont let me post this link properly. try this. with no spaces www . 4 shared . com / dir / 28376043 / 1d063c57 / Law_Dictionaries . html about 10 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Cormac-Simon De Louet my names not mr lovatt. i get what you're saying. if you consent to their language then you consent to their laws. never thought of it that way before. about 10 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Cormac-Simon De Louet cheers for the link. my birth certificate isn't in capiltals though? only my bank card. does this void my bc? about 10 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Post deleted about 10 months ago # Cormac-Simon De Louet person has become a dirty word round these parts too!! i'm welsh and my original birth cert doesn't have my name in capitals but the bank card does. that becomes your company name. and your nat ins number your company number? i'll watch that talk later. about 10 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted about 10 months ago

Important statement from UK Supermarkets regarding GM feed in their meat. 21 posts. Created at 06:13 on 28 June 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood The statement in full:

"Shops where there is no policy of selling own brand products from animals that are fed a non- GM diet


No guarantee that meat, farmed fish, eggs and dairy (fresh, frozen and processed) is not from animals fed GM. Iceland do not sell any organic food.


No guarantee in any animal products that GM feed has not been used unless it is organic.

“Aldi UK does not stock any GM products or products containing GM ingredients.

“According to the European Food Safety Authority, GM foods used in animal feed are not considered to be an ingredient of any meat products. Legislation does not require food produced from animals fed GM feed to be authorised or labelled as GM.”


No guarantee that meat, farmed fish, eggs and dairy (fresh, frozen and processed) is not from animals fed GM, unless it is labelled organic.

"To confirm, all livestock could potentially be fed GM feed. This affects all supermarkets. As already stated. We are simply pointing out now that even within non GM soya, there is a high chance of finding traces of GM. So to be certain, for those consumers that "want to be able to choose food that’s guaranteed to be GM free."


No guarantee that meat, farmed fish, eggs and dairy (fresh, frozen and processed) is not from animals fed GM, unless it is labelled organic.

"We can confirm that the majority of products that we sell are own label products. Our suppliers generally have a policy that the animals supplied to them are not fed on GM feed, however it is extremely difficult to confirm at the current time that any feed is completely GM free. Additionally, due to the nature of animal movements it is impossible to guarantee that animals have never been fed GM feed during their life.

"We are continually monitoring the animal feed supply chain situation and the relevant regulations."

Shops where certain products and high value lines are from animals fed a non-GM diet


All poultry (fresh and frozen) and eggs are from animals fed a non-GM diet.

All other meat, farmed fish and dairy (fresh, frozen and processed) has no guarantee it is from animals fed a non-GM diet, unless it is labelled organic.

"We do not have any own-brand GM food on our shelves. Any branded products which contain GM are labelled as such. FSA guidance clearly states that products from animals fed on GM feed do not contain GM material and are completely safe. To give customers additional choice, all fresh and frozen poultry and eggs, and all our own brand organic meat are fed non-GM feed."


"All chicken, turkey and duck, fresh and frozen, is from animals that are fed a non-GM diet as are all products in the SO Organic range. Also Taste the Difference pork and bacon, beef and eggs. And farmed salmon and Farm Promise milk (dairy farms in conversion to organic certification).

"Otherwise there is no guarantee own brand milk, other farmed fish or meat, eggs and dairy product are not from animals fed on GM, unless it is from the SO Organic range. Also no guarantee on processed and frozen foods unless from the SO Organic range."


“All Morrisons fresh and frozen poultry, farmed fish, fresh eggs and organic product ranges are from animals that are fed a non GM diet. In line with many of our retail competitors, we can make no guarantee about any other products. "The European Food Safety Authority have considered all scientific evidence and concluded that GM material does not migrate into the animal or food derived from them."


"In terms of animal feed, our laying hens (i.e. eggs), chicken, duck, farmed fish and New Zealand Lamb are fed a non-GM diet. We keep this situation under regular review. We can guarantee that our frozen salmon, frozen New Zealand Lamb and the New Zealand lamb used in our ready meals are also fed a non-GM diet. In addition, we are working to source a greater amount of our animal feed from the UK.

"One example is our initiative to source British barley and wheat for our pig farms from within a 50 mile radius of the mill used to manufacture the feed. This is the first such project in the UK, gives us greater autonomy in feed sourcing and is non-GM. All organic lines are guaranteed GM feed free."


All chicken, all eggs, all farmed salmon and trout, fresh turkey, fresh duck and New Zealand lamb is from animals fed a non-GM diet.

All other meat and dairy (fresh, frozen and processed) has no guarantee it is from animals fed a non-GM diet, unless it is labelled organic.

Shops where all animal products are from animals fed a non-GM diet except processed food, non milk dairy and frozen food


All fresh meat, poultry, eggs, farmed fish, milk and frozen chicken are from animals fed a non-GM diet.

There is no guarantee on processed dairy (including yogurt and cheese) and other frozen food containing animals products unless it is labelled organic. "

This has only appeared in the Telegraph so far, the original article can be found here: GM-crops.html about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes Im not sure if Sandra Barr is a member here, but she has been having constant arguements with M&S I believe, and from what she gathers or gathered have been making false claims re their GM ranges. about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Not heard about that Lee, you got any links or anything? about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes I will message Sandra and invite her to the discussion fella about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Nice one Lee. about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Buzz McSwift why has everyone got such a problem with GM. yes i know the effects yada blah blah yada but GM even if it is used to feed animals is still feeding us. and with 6 billion boys and girls on a tiny rock that could reasonably sustain 1 billion people if that then how are we to feed all these people. same goes for festiliser. if it wasnt for the harber process (fertiliser making) then most people would be starving to death now. stop looking at negatives and get a real grip on how we are supposed to feed a large number of people with limited land for crops (as most of the planet is water and alot of land is uninhabital) and resources. about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood One word Buzz, Monsanto. I wouldn't trust that bunch of criminal bastards with telling me the time, let alone their Genetically Modified product in the food chain. about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes The claims of 1 billion are false, its an engineered theory like Al Gores man made global warming for the same reason... to make us believe something that serves their agendas... fuck me its even got people thinkin their eugenics is a good thing and prepared to die to save the planet. From a status I saw today 'you eat what they grow, you inject what they develop, you use what they produce, you read what they print, you believe what they say, their promises sooth your soul and their actions rape you'

These organisations codex alimentarius, pharma, FDA, monsanto, WHO etc all operate illegally with falsified reports and statistics to make us reap what they sow, this is done through the very manipulated mainstream media as admitted by david 'sick globalist elite mofo' rockefeller back in 91, and he thanked them for their efforts in assisting for the 40 years previous to that.

This world probably cant survive by the way its being ran or by who, but those people are using the population to line their pockets rather that use the technology that is and must be available to sustain us as we are, or by implementing free energy resources and using waste as fuel, which is more doable than it is surpressed, as are cures for diseases that are natural but make pharma no profit, engines that run on water that make exxon no money.. they're eugenics keeps the rich rich while comitting genocide and fucking up the planet... You're free to your own opinion though Buzz peace ;) about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sandra Barr This statement is BS and to be believed. I have been battling with M&S and Tescos this years about this matter. Tescos use aspartame in all their own brand drinks, aspartame while not been a food that has been grown from GM seed, is a substance that has been changed at a cellular level, making it modified genetically. M&S use sucralose in all their drinks and yoghurt etc, sucralose is sugar, which is treated with high levels of chlorine. This kills the energy/calorie of the sugar molecule. At a cellular level the sugar molecule is modified genetically. About six months ago I bought a yoghurt from M&S, it tasted odd, I read the ingredients and found it had sucralose, so I brought the pack back, and told them I could not eat it, as it had a deadly poison in it, and I dont eat deadly poisons! the manager gave me my money back, no questions asked! I would recomend that everyone do the same, then maybe they will get the message. I have complained to M&S about this, on numerous occasions, and on every occasion I have been met with ignorance, as everyone I have spoken to knows nothing about sucralose, or how it is produced. They have told me that someone from higher up the monkey tree will contact me....but so far, a year on, no contact! M&S used to advertise everywhere that they do not use GM at all, they now dont, and all the signs saying no GM have been removed from their stores. As for them all saying that the poultry is not fed GM, they are liars! I have spoken to many poultry producers who tell me all poultry is fed GM as it would be way to expensive to feed them non GM. And all except the organics ranges are fed growth hormones, I have not looked into this in detail, as I rarely eat poultry, and when I do it is organic, but I would think that the growth hormones are also substances that have been genetically modified.

Tescos use aspartame in near all their drinks, aspartame is 100% a genetically modified substance, and a deadly one at that. I once filled a trolley in Tescos with all their products that contained aspartame, I called a manager, and pointed out that Tescos had told me their own brands had no GM, but that I had just been able to fill a trolley with GM stuff. I was told that the food standards agency had advised Tescos that Aspartame was not GM, and I should contact them, I did, they said they took their advice from the UK committee for food toxicity, I then read all their reports on aspartame, not a mention anywhere addressing the GM issue, but the committee themselves had not done any testing on aspartame, they had read reports for and against aspartame, without even looking into it, they dismissed all the reports against, and decided to go with the reports from the manufactures of aspartame! Not surprising really as the UK committee on toxicity are bedfellows with the producers of this deadly poison. The committee for food toxicity cannot be contacted. So when you try to complain this is where you will be sent, to a dead end, they have it stitched up! about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Buzz McSwift mate i agree with most of what your saying. im just presenting a flip side of the coin opinion as most people cannot be arsed to be self sufficient the only other way to do it is through supermarkets n the like. its a sad fucking story we so called "elite" beings have got ourselves into but hey atleast we arent starving to death (yet)

SANDRA - love the aspartame stuff girl, keep going at it. Aspartame is evil.

Advice thoough please - my mum is diabetic so has to watch sugar levels. is there any way she can avoid aspartame as its in most things sugar free or not! about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes negative Buzz there is nothing diet that doesn't have one type of artificial sweetner in it, as far as I know, at least no available to us minions, the queen may have...what about fresh juice or from concentrate... ahh now thats a question, could concentrate be linked with sweetner ???? hmmm about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Buzz McSwift i try not to think of it too much.

Liver failure and cancer will get me before anything else anyway about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes well then i suggest you watch this and visit this site and make your own decisions, they can be cured and rectified if you are willing to change your diet.. up to you!/group.php?gid=117315686834&ref=ts facebook group for gerson therapy they're site is there are 3 documentaries by a researcher on the family, charlotte gerson has some you tube and google talks i think but the films to watch are the beautiful truth and the gerson miracle, they are awesome... also look at soe of this info and share as much as possible, the gerson therapy claims to heal any or most diseases known, and was discovered in 1928, yh you read that right, the film above makes other claims earlier than that. If you can download stuff i suggest getting those films more stuff here peace ;) about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I avoid processed foods and fizzy pops for those exact reasons Sandra. Even non-diet pops such as Fanta Original now contain aspartame. In fact, if you are out of the house and go into a shop for a drink, it is practically impossible to avoid these days. about 11 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood If your mother is diabetic Buzz, the best advice for her is to avoid fizzy drink altogether, except of course in a low sugar emergency. about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes james i found sprite, or is it 7-up sprite im sure it is, does not have sweetner i dont think, check it out about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea both of them don't, but I do not just avoid fizzy drinks because of the sweeteners, I also avoid them because they are atrocious for your body in general, unless you particularly want to get addicted to sugar or be diabetic by the age of 50! about 11 months ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Let's face it: unless you are directly involved in the creation of your own food there is a good chance it's full of shit. After-all... does not the world standard on food and nutrition deem vitamins and minerals to be toxins, studied using toxicology/risk assessment?

I go for the philosophy of 'eating/drinking right wherever possible' along with the 'whatever i am eating; eat for maximum nutrient content no matter what the circumstances.' Because there will always be times where you can and where you can't.

To be fair to team slavery; most of the people i see every day have hardly -literally- consumed a vitamin in their lives! Technically, they should have died before getting to infant school. But here they are. Plus i've known adepts at tai-chi who have faithfully eaten chang-ming all the way and have died of cancer before being pensioners. Ya never know.

To Sandra: I am going to be a smart-arse here, so my apologies in advance; but chemicals like aspartame and all the others; whilst being clearly toxic and not fit to be consumed; are not genetically modified. Aspartame is a fairly simple chemical, made by combining a number of very, very simple chemicals. You could make it in the kitchen if you wanted; it's basically a compound of salts and amino acids. Might be worth a go too.... it's not at-all bad at killing ants, i have found. Must admit i was very surprised about that too. Ants don't have taste-buds, they go on chemotaxis; so i would have thought they would know the difference between a sugar and a salt.

I have to say that although i totally agree with James' sentiments about monsanto and similar criminal shitbags; i am divided on the GM-thing rationally. The fact that something has been genetically modified doesn't neccessarilly mean it's bad. For consumption, that is.

I do think, though; that the people who are in charge of this and everything else are nuts. So i will forever remain predisposed to trust them not-a-jot.

Buzz: My dad's been diabetic for yonks. He used to lecture others in the clinic about having their 'sneaky biscuits'; now he gives himself extra shots in anticipation of a nice sugary pudding. But it's his bod and his life and i respect that. The thing with diabeties is a simple matter of avoiding sugars. Especially the processed kinds. No human being has any practical need for them anyway.

Some sweeteners are more horrific than others. The missus and I keep all that shite well-away from ourselves and our kids; but we can't decide what they eat elsewhere and when the grandparents come round with boxes full of fizzy ber-luddy pop! But the less they have the better.

I did find this though: Never heard of some of those, but they might be worth looking into.

Might i also refer to your point "if it wasnt for the harber process (fertiliser making) then most people would be starving to death now."

If it wasn't for the harber process there almost certianly wouldn't BE six billion people. I guess that will always be our achilles' heel: if it is possible for people to do it, then people will do it. about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote PS: Not all packaging mentions or has to mention the presence of aspartame. It might just cite the e-number; or say 'contains a source of phenylalanine' At the moment. Just like 'free-range' chickens can still live in horrid batteries; so long as they have 'x' amount of space to roam in for twelve hours every 24 hours. And so-on. And so-on. Let's face it; we're not told shit in the way of honest transparent information.

And for those of us who enjoy speaking of this, better do it soon, guys. It's now illegal (punishable by prison) to bad-mouth GM publicly in india. Coming to a country near you.... about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sandra Barr Lee, sprite and 7up have Aspartame. Coca-cola are the NWOs soft drinks arm, and are culling the population with their deadly drinks. All coca-cola drinks contain fluoride and DDT, the diet ones have aspartame, and the full sugar have corn glucose syrup, which is a deadly condensed high sugar additive. Coke, 7up, Sprite, Fanta, they are all made by coca-cola. Even their bottled water is toxic, with added liquid aluminium and fluoride, and they are buying up bottled water companies all over the world.

Buzz my Mum died 3 weeks ago, and she was diabetic, she had never had a diet drink in her life until she took diabetes, and the diabetic clinic advised she drink them, the house started to fill up with diet diluting juices and drinks, she had them everywhere, I explained in detail how deadly these drinks were, but the diabetic nurse told her they were just fine. I used to be a nurse, and I could not figure out why a health professional would advise anyone to drink such poison, then I found out that Nutrasweet, who manufactures these deadly poisons, sponsors the diabetic and heart associations!!!!! So they have put themselves in a position of trust, where they have first hand access to vulnerable people, then they kill them off. My Dad died of bladder cancer, it has been 100% proven that the artificial sweetener saccharine causes bladder cancer, he carried those dam hermasetas everywhere in his pocket.

After being diagnosed with diabetes, and going on all the diet products, my Mum took rheumatoid arthritis, an ulcerated bowel, heart problems and gall stones. She died 3 weeks ago from a massive heart attack. She had been a diabetic for about 8 years. about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lee Freeman Edwardes I didnt know any of that Sandra, thanks.. You must be livid...and omg I have just had an idea.. re what I have just found out and the possibility of forcing these scum out of business... this is so possible. Sandra you are defo the right woman for the job

I am not going to explain it as im not understanding it yet fully... see if you can see the posibilities of this video and I will send you some stuff to research and proof that it works, I downloaded a load of stuff on it last night. part 1 part 2 if yuou can see the possibilities... tesco, M&S, fda, Nutrasweet etc, it will make sense, i hope ;) about 11 months ago · · Report · Delete Post

Lets hold Clegg to his word. 3 posts. Created at 05:13 on 19 May 2010

# James Lockwood

"The Lib Dem leader also called on the public to nominate laws to be repealed, as part of a "power revolution"." "He promised to ask the public "which laws you think should go" as they "tear through the statute book"."

Great! Lets get a list going shall we?!?

European Communities Act 1972 1998 Terrorism Act 2000 Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 Serious Crime Act 2007 Terrorism Act 2006 Bank of England Act 2009 Climate Change Act 2009 Digital Economy Act 2010

God there have got to be 100's more but I can't think of them all off the top of my head! Lets get a good list going! about 12 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood European Communities Act 1972 Bank of England Act 1998 Terrorism Act 2000 Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 Serious Crime Act 2007 Terrorism Act 2006 Bank of England Act 2009 Climate Change Act 2009 Digital Economy Act 2010 about 12 months ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Or not lol!!!

What the hell is going on? 9 posts. Created at 05:02 on 09 May 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I mean, WTF??? (look at that video)

Those articles have already been changed around 3 times since I first clicked on them. I think the BBC may have realised it went a little too far (now that's an understatement).

Also, those articles read suspiciously like press releases. Oh you got to love the BBC! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Am I the only one who thinks this is complete madness? over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Spot the difference. over a year ago · Delete Post # Angus Fraser I thought it was strange when i saw it this morning. My thoughts were along the lines of NWO posturing! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It's becoming more and more blatant every day it would seem Angus! over a year ago · Delete Post # Matthew Fellows The international bankers/illumuniati backed both sides in world war 2. Stalin killed over 20 million people, he was worse than Hitler. just ask the polish. In light of what has just happen to the Polish government I'd say this was worrying. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Kearns it's not a good sign really. since when has 55 years been a celebratory time? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Personally, I am taking it as a sign, a sign that the agenda rolls on! over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Kearns it don't stop for anyone, or anything. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

UK Parliamentary and Local Council election tomorrow! 13 posts. Created at 11:13 on 05 May 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood UK Parliamentary and Local Council election tomorrow!

In-case you didn't know, it's the UK General and Local Election tomorrow! (Thursday May 6 2010)

Please DO NOT do nothing! Make a statement! Doing nothing is the worst thing you could possibly do! Voting is better than doing nothing (assuming of course the whole thing is not rigged!). If you wish to protest then either vote for a minority party or independent candidate or KEEP YOUR BALLOT PAPER (therefore messing up the count). Spoiling your ballot paper is a waste of time as is sitting at home and doing nothing which in essence is an agreement with the majority vote whatever that might be! So please, do something, it's much better than doing nothing!

Oh one more thing, please do not be tempted to riot if the Tories win. You will get batted. over a year ago · Delete Post # Jim Cooke Hi James, I was wondering whether actually voting is seen as contracting with the system, therefore accepting the majority outcome, whereas not-voting would be acquiescing by inaction/silence. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood There are literally 100's or maybe perhaps even 1000's of other ways we are already doing that Jim. So unless you are in a position to and have eliminated all the contractual agreements and arrangements you have with the government, then I wouldn't worry about it. If you are sitting there with a Polling Card to hand then the deed is already done I am afraid so you may as well use it in some capacity. If you were bothered about making contracts with the state then you wouldn't have a polling card anyway would you? If you don't have a polling card then you can't vote so this is all irrelevant to you.

Basically they have us by the balls Jim so unless you have already cut yourself off from the system then like I say I wouldn't worry about it. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood True Fred! It works the other way around too. If you are watching TV then there is no point in moaning about the TV license! There is a fundamental choice involved! over a year ago · Delete Post # Jim Cooke I agree Fred, that mandatory voting is draconian, though there is the threat of a fine just for not registering. It seems that the elimination of contractual agreements is a gradual process for most of us. The other day I wondered if voting always involved the placing of an 'X' in a box; it just occurred to me that I was reduced to the level of an illiterate peasant signing my signature with an X against the name of someone who would represent my sovereignty. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/photo.php? pid=3896924&op=1&o=user&view=user&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325 over a year ago · Delete Post # Del Hempstead There is not one of them that would live or abide by the Law of the Land i.e Common Law. Do not cause injury, harm or loss to another Human Being nor be fraudulent in your Contracts. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Precisely Del, especially the contracts part! over a year ago · Delete Post # Del Hempstead This is what they sent me when I refused to contract with them. lol id=100000687602401&v=wall&story_fbid=116971621667759#!/photo.php? pid=31123450&id=1004940996 over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Holy shit! I got this: pid=2884096&op=7&o=global&view=global&subj=10136282302&id=510248325 over a year ago · Delete Post # Jim Cooke If it is a statute but they threaten a 'fine' as opposed to a 'penalty charge', isn't that itself fraud? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Del Hempstead I spoke to the guy from the council at my door, he told me it was law & I had to fill it in. I said show me the law & of course he couldn't. Even if he could shown me a piece of paper saying it's law, you can be sure it would have said Person & not sentient man. A Person is a legal fiction & a man is alive, flesh & blood with a mind, body & spirit.

Jim it's all fraud. If it was a criminal offence there has to be a injured party. If it's a civil offence there has to be a signed contract by both parties.

This is why I don't pay council Tax as there is no contract between me & them. They tried to get me to fill in their paper work saying it was a criminal offence & up to a thousand £ fine if I didn't. What a load of BS.

Don't say your not going to pay your council Tax otherwise they will bang you up in prison. Just say to them you are prepared to pay on condition they show you the contract, which they cant. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Think about this before casting your vote! 47 posts. Created at 07:41 on 27 April 2010 by James Lockwood

# Brian Scott totally agree with your policies ,but feel u may b assasinated if u tried to run for a seat .of all your points i mostly agree with the immediate banning of the common purpose,this is the biggest con ever.personally i would like to add - make the sentance for peodophiles and child abusers a mandatory 25 years. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Earlier today I was writing out a number of fantasy steps I might endorse coming from a major political party (it's pure wishful thinking, I know) in this country and it has turned into a kind of mini-manifesto. So to give you a little to think about when deciding if, or which way you are going to vote, here it is (I know much of this is common sense, but sometimes even that needs pointing out):

(Either we force the political class to accept these things, or we might as well give up or completely abandon the idea of all forms of government)

1).Ban lobbying by corporations, charities or any other institutions. Members of the public? Fine! 2).End the party whip system (fascism in practise). 3).Immediate removal from the EU (there be some trouble brewin') and definitely do not join the Euro. 4).Keep parliament but BAN POLITICAL PARTIES AND COALITIONS ending the one party majority DICTATORSHIP (each MP is independent and holds one vote for legislation). 5).End the executive. 6).Ban the monarchy. 7).End select committees (unless they are voted for, not chosen). 8).End expenses, maybe MPs shouldn't even be paid, like it used to be. 9).Ban quangos and tax-payers money ending up into the bank accounts of 'charities' or 'think- tanks' (or change-agents as they should be accurately described). 10).End the rule of the people by statue and return to using common law, whereby statues will ONLY BIND CORPORATIONS. Common law is enough for us, whereas corporations quite clearly require regulation, we do not thank-you very much. 11).End the Bank of England's monopoly on the creation of currency (something it whores out to commercial lenders) restoring the right to create debt free currency to the government of the day, perhaps a new version of the treasury whereby we have money policy elections run alongside general elections (yes it is that important) and vote the cock-suckers in, meaning if they are shit they get voted out and if they are destructively shit they go to prison, for a long time. (THEREBY ELIMINATING INFLATION). 12). End the cabinet, too much power in the hands of too few (plus most of them are morons). 13).Full restoration of the free market (something we have not had for a looooong time) 14).End to taxation (apart from minor, occasional taxation to stem inflation), there is no purpose for it unless you enjoy being a slave to bankers, which to be fair most of you do otherwise I wouldn't need to point any of this out to you. 15). Get the armed forces down to a level whereby we can protect ourselves, but are unable to wage war (along-side the USA) on half of the planet. DEFENCE SHOULD BE JUST THAT, DEFENCE! Not Offence which is what are armed forces should be called right now. 16). Eliminate targets and such, they are destructive and cause harm. 17).Ban public fines (serious crimes will be punished properly, most of these minor crimes will disappear, they are not real crimes) 18).Eliminate the majority of the statue roll (except those sections which exist to positively protect the people, which isn't many), when there are more laws and regulations than the average man on the street can interpret and understand and he needs to pay somebody large amounts of money to interpret for him, there is a massive problem. 19).Ban the government from getting involved in national curriculum. They can fund it, but I think the government is slightly too biased to be directing what children are exposed to. 20). Ban Common Purpose immediately and have Julia Middleton arrested for crimes against humanity. (I know they fall under number 9), but they deserve their own section) 21). As the effects of number 11). are felt, gradually phase out large government institutions such as the NHS. The fact that we need somebody else to take care of ourselves like this is a sad, pathetic identifier that things are very wrong. If number 11) were introduced properly there would eventually be no need for the NHS. 22).Ban the police from carrying offensive weapons such as guns, tazers and pepper spray. Violence (especially from authority) only breeds more violence. 23). Fully restore trial by jury, innocent until proven guilty and open up the courts fully to the public, at ALL TIMES. 24). End the house of Lords, unless it is voted for, no peerages given to the likes of Madelson EVER again. 25). Take away local government from chief executives, board of directors and other executives and put it back into the hands of locally elected councillors. Local councils should not be run like corporations. 26).End the regions. 27).End the BBC, it's a waste of space and has become the lapdog and unofficial spokesperson of the government since the David Kelly affair. 28).Clean up the media by banning by statue every media operation from being owned, or having any other affiliation to any other institution or corporation or rich individual i.e. every media operation is independent. Make media bias against the law. 29).Stop bullshitting about climate change or AGW, most of us don't buy it anyway (especially those who have read the Climate Change Act 2009)

Unless at least some of this happens, there will NEVER be any change.

Please feel free to add to this, I am sure there will be important things I forgot about! over a year ago · Delete Post # Ralph Smithen Legalize all drugs - it is the right and duty of the individual to decide what best to do with their own body, and this would starve criminals and black projects of funding.

Totally agree on the corporations. It comes under statutes, but it's worth making the extra point that only corporations should pay business tax. Limited liability is a great gift. In fact, could it not be legislated that all corporations must be run as workers' collectives?

Further to 19, I'd support a token system, where parents could directly determine where to fund their child's education. Educators could then redeem the tokens. I like the idea of apprenticeships in all fields, myself :) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Andy Dale ... if you're a disillusioned voter (with all of them) then can I suggest signing for your ballot then instead of voting walk straight out with it; they have to count it, they can't dismiss it now at current voting figures about 60% to 70% of you won't even bother voting & only 30% to 40% of you will if enough people walk out with their ballots then this will throw the entire vote & it will be called void as their figures won't add up: there will be more signed for ballots than actual votes if only you could get enough of the voters who can't be arsed from the 60% to 70% to get out & do this then then you could genuinely halt the election right in it's tracks & this is where it gets interesting because you could then demand that James's 29 point are then take on board as they way forward & not with them - I was happy when I read the BofEngland :) .:. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Legalize all drug" That falls under:

"10).End the rule of the people by statue and return to using common law, whereby statues will ONLY BIND CORPORATIONS. Common law is enough for us, whereas corporations quite clearly require regulation, we do not thank-you very much." Remember, the laws which prohibit drugs are statutes!

Agree with the corporation point you make! If any of us should be paying the taxes, it's those of us who don't actually exist lol!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # Andy Sunderland Cool...I agree with most of that but regarding number 11.

If you end the BOE monopoly on currency creation there is no need to penalise anyone for creating too much currency as the market can regulate this. If we can use any currency we like and anyone can create it, those who inflate their currency will pay the penalty of devaluation of their currency as anyone can switch to a better currency, instead of the current situation where we are bound by law to use sterling so they can devalue as much as they like and we can do little about it. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood There are a number of options or paths we could go down on this one Andy. Either we completely free up the money creation market, or we make it fairer.

Fairer: If we took away the monopoly from the BOE and say gave it to the treasury and created a treasury monopoly instead, but this time the treasury did not BORROW the money the government needed, instead it CREATED it, spent it and then recovered it through taxation (only if, and when necessary ie to ward off inflation or deflation relevant to a measure of how much the a) demand for goods and services has increased/decreased and b) the supply of goods and services has increased/decreased due to the extra money put in by the government) therefore giving us ultimate recourse on how the economy is governed as if they fucked it up, we could vote them out. This does not happen now, we have no recourse against the BOE cronies when they fuck up the economy (which they have, big style), we can't vote them out. Too much power there! The ultimate power in fact!

Free: Alongside the above situation, the commercial lenders are free to create, regulate and inflate their own currencies which would trade alongside each other and the treasury currency. So what you would see in this scenario is the likes of HSBC, NatWest or Lloyds TSB bank notes floating around in circulation. Obviously the treasury bank notes would be the safer bet for your average Joe on the street to use, and save with as they are backed by the ability to tax, and pay tax with. The commercial lenders currency, in order to compete with the much stronger treasury bank notes in this scenario would need to be inflated in some manner to make them seem attractive, which of course is risky. If the banks fucked up and over-inflated (which they do now) then anybody using, saving or investing in that currency would be fucked as the banks collapsed (no bank bail-outs in my fantasy world) so this is not a particularly attractive option for me as it is too easily manipulated. It could work, but it would require the banks to be adopt honest business practise which is not going to happen without regulation, which means the market is not free any- more, which renderers the whole process pointless!!!

So personally I lean towards the fairer option because at the very least you can vote out politicians who fuck up, you can't vote out executives that fuck up (unless you have enough shares) and by the time you realise they fucked up, they are laughing on some Caribbean island somewhere sipping champagne laughing at you and not giving a shit about being voted off a board that they already made millions from! over a year ago · Delete Post # Anton Harding Moneymania. I'd get rid of it all. Monarchs, what would the messiah make of them? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood You can't get rid of money until you have fixed i first! That would be a complete disaster. It would be like saying, 'well next week we have decided to get rid of drinking water, thanks bye'. We rely on money just as we rely on drinking water. You can't take something down without a coherent plan in place. Reminds me of the people who shout 'end the fed' without having a single practical idea of how to do it or what would replace it, also forgetting that if the fed was ended any time soon, the IMF or World Bank would simply take over, which is actually probably what is going to happen in the next couple of years. over a year ago · Delete Post # Anton Harding I rewrote the UN charter for a United Peoples charter AND mailed it to interested anbassadors and executives anonymously fourteen years ago. How old is banking? Where does it come from? Voluntary relations are far more important than statutory AND private anyday. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I agree, totally. But when you have the majority of people addicted to something like money what are you going to do just pull the plug? It wouldn't work, people would go nuts just like if you snatched a crack pipe out of the hand of an addict.

You can't come here and say you want to get rid of money without telling us how you would do it. I am sure you have some fabulous ideas surrounding the subject so go ahead, feel free to share them with us!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # Anton Harding Thanks for the interest and invitation. I may just. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Nice one ;o) I am very interested to hear what you have to say! over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith please elucidate (16). Eliminate targets? Define 'target'. Anything can be a target. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Expanding on that point, I see targets in the police and the NHS and other public institutions as destructive. Services which should be reactionary such as medicine or the police have been converted into services which are non-reactionary. For example, the police, instead of simply going out and solving crime, as and when it happens, now have targets to meet, irrespective of actual crime taking place. Sometimes there will not be any crime for a period, but the targets need to be met anyway so that they can collect their bonus' so the police go out and seek crime (and sometimes even invent it), instead of reacting to crime, which is what they should be doing.

Therefore, I'd eliminate such targets. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith Food is the new money. Perhaps food vouchers could be introduced? Barter tokens based on trade skills. Land ownership becomes an issue with this system, and so many other aspects of life which are entangled with the money system. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith Polytunnels where communities can grow their own food. Voluntary workers are 'paid' in food tokens exchangeable at the distribution depot, equal to a wage, equal to several meals. This way it won't affect their benefits or tax group :) As more people catch onto this idea, more polytunnels will be required to be built. Essentially the provision is for people to grow their own food, allowing them space to do so, but on a non- individual basis. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Perhaps food vouchers could be introduced?" -That's money you are describing there. Already have those, although you are not just restricted to buying food with them which is why people like to use them so much! Restricting what you can buy with money is not a particularly good idea, unless you are particularly impressed by the works of Karl Marx.

Land Ownership, not considered that one myself, I am going to have to have a long think about that one!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The only fair solution I can think of to the land issue, is that no body (fictional or real) would be able to own land. Not people, not corporations, not the state, not monarchies nothing. It's the fairest way I can think to look at it. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith food vouchers are a different entity to money itself. We used to have them during the food shortages of WW2 and that system worked, then. These are not 'money' because their only worth is in vegetables. A person could amass hundreds of them so a top limit will have to be placed depending on how much food is available or one fat person could scoop the lot up with vouchers and sell the food, which is manipulation of this socialist system that can be avoided easily. A voucher system is necessary because the alternative is to trade using food as a literal money; I will give you three potatoes and a wilting bunch of leaves if you drive me to wherever is less practical than a voucher&collection system. Food goes off and is heavy, we cannot carry it in our pockets so easily. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith Plus this system means that people actively involved with ecology in the form of food crop gardening, are becoming a class unto themselves for whom money is not such a necessity apart from paying taxes and purchasing luxury consumer waste-of-resources such as dvd's etc... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith Attached to this project is soup houses, where people can get a healthy vegan meal of 'yoda- food' gumbo, boiled veggy broth. This is the best way to deal with surplus produce - feeding people with it. Likely it will be the farm workers who are eating there as well as other elements of society prepared to exchange something useful for their meal. It could be like a fast food chain for affordable vegan meals. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith To make a rule that nobody owns land means that people are going to trash the countryside within a few short years. It will also frustrate existing groups and individuals who rely on the land. Think how many people drink milk - requiring land to graze cows on in peace. With non ownership of land the existing big corporates would build factories and housing estates everywhere, and in the gaps between there would be shanty towns mostly of runaways who are fed up with their parents giving them hassle. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith What about prime spots, arable forested edens with natural freshwater springs, compared to the toxic wasteland? The pretty bits would soon become shanty towns...

Non ownership of land HAS to be combined with non change of land use, with exception of allowing nature to take over. Who grants a license to build a new community center? Eco-Socio- Officers? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Joy, you mis-understand the very basic concept of what money is. Money is any negotiationable instrument which can be exchanged from one party to another for goods or services of a value agreed upon by both parties. That's it. It is because of that, your food vouchers do fall under the description of money, simply a very narrow and specific form of money.

We already do what you describe above with the money we already have except what you propose is to basically cut out the middlemen (of which there are many). over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Who grants a license to build a new community center? Eco-Socio-Officers?"

You are too in the mind frame that we either a) we need permission from an authority to do these kind of things and b) we can not work out these problems ourselves, instead we need an outside source of authority to decide for us because we are incapable.

If you believe you are incapable, then you are and you do need government. If however you are a competent, intelligent person who intends no harm then you do not need this. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith when it comes down to survival necessity, the middlemen are seen for what they are; leeches unecessary to the continuation of a sustainable system. THe alternative to living without money of any sort is to engineer the landscape around us so that we do not any longer require to barter. If the natural world provides everything we need, then we can simply hunter-gather or preferably planter-gather. The trouble with this is that the population density clusters would rapidly deplete the local region. It would be survival of the fittest. Our ethics would have to change to accommodate for this reality; we would have to accept that life is a physical fight to survive against other groups doing the same; the resource wars. We may have been successful hunter-gatherers for MOST human history however the military groups now have guns. We are a culture of Transition. The biggest blockage to this is the land ownership rights, that deny us the ability to re-forest the countryside with fruit trees, and the expense of assembling polytunnels to grow our food. Only the wealthy can afford to buy land and polytunnels, and most of us are not wealthy enough to do so - most of us are slaves to the money system seeking to escape from the money system. It is consumerism-capitalism that is creating both industrial scale pollution and enabling for the middle-men classes to emerge; the population expansion. Technically we have enough land on the planet to comfortably allocate everybody the space that we all need, however the resource allocation of all human resources is also bound up in a false economy system. Only when another plague sweeps through the civilisation and five to ten percet survive, then will people accept what really matters - that we have to individually grow our own food if we want to eat, and that this is what we should be doing with most of our time here, instead of working for the pollution-capitalism system. If we did not have to pay tax, if we did not have ego-greed desire to take our minds off our miseries about this system we are trapped in, then we would not need money. Once having seen truly that to survive, we need to grow our own food - because so much of commercial food is chemical and attacks the immune system of the body anyway - then we can orientate ourselves with a personal strategy. What is required is a system to facilitate these personal strategies. The best I can come up with is to get communities to pool resources to purchase polytunnels and a bit of land, even a council allotment, to free ourselves from the capitalist system. It is not all suddenly going to become free overnight and if it did, we would have more problems to solve than we do now already. The transition is at the pace of nature. Which means that it occurs at the speed we need it to. But we are the active element in it, we are the ones who are either actively making transition, or else just moaning about things and maintaining the control-trap paradigm. The middlemen don't want to go back to basics and grow their own food, and there are many many middlemen. They are the ones who do not act socially but selfishly, interested only in achieving their own comfort within the capitalism system. Ask them to donate enough money to the community polytunnel project to get it off the ground and see what they do. That is the proving line; those who pay into the community or those who exploit and serve consumerism. The self indulgent ones are the problem. We need to rebuild a new society on the foundations of sustainability. Because we do not have that much longer before the system collapses. Virus, depopulation, no electric, no supermarkets. If you had 3 years, if you knew that this event would happen 3 years from now, what would you do about it? Because in the post plague culture, money is not going to be worth much at all - and food is going to be scarce. Worth killing people for. There will be no laws, no parliment; only survival of the fittest. This happened only a few hundred years ago, here in the uk. To my way of thinking there is only 1 obvious answer; establish self sustainable food farms involving as many people as possible, and make it as non capitalist as possible. Permaculture. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith James, it would need a police force, because otherwise i am going to sit on a hill watching the village produce food, then I am going to come in and steal all that food for myself, burn the village down and move onto the next village. What is to stop me?

I dont want an authority telling me what to do either, but it is necessary because what people are like. I am not seeking permission from anyone, I am pointing out that without a protective force, the village is likely to be attacked by the bandits.

Personally i dont think I need a government; "any one who lays their hand on me to govern me is a tyrant, a dictator and i declare them my enemy" pierre joseph-proudn. But I know a lot of people who do need a government, because of what they are like.

I consider that the biggest problem facing all of us is segregation because of stone built square buildings. When we lived in tribal roundhouses we didn't have half the troubles contemporary society faces. Kids with a dozen mummies and daddies are a lot more community oriented than kids with 1 parent who gives them grief all the time and another parent who they never see. Our own culture is the proof of that. In our culture, the only way we can wean teens off of being troublemakers is to get them addicted to capitalism and take their time up in earning money. This is because of lack of community up-bringing. We need tribal roundhouses where everyone eats, craps, lives and dances together, it is an open society. See how indigenous people work, I mean function, work as a community, for the good of all. Segregation is the problem as much as capitalism. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Money, like many other things is simply a tool. It is not bias, it does not reward or punish. It is simply neutral. It is the application of that tool, in this case money which is relevant. Money can be either used for good, or bad, in a positive manner or a negative manner. At the moment it is mainly used for evil which is a problem. But it is not the money to blame, that is a cop-out and the easy answer. The true problem in the equation is people and how they use money. People and their use of tools is ALWAYS the problem, not the tools themselves. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith gtg pick kids up from school, brb thanks for the convo James :)

# James Lockwood Although one answer I do have is that it should not be the property of The Crown!! That I can answer for sure! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood You are welcome and thank-you any-time Joy! To be perfectly honest the land thing has got me pretty stumped, you make many good points regarding it and therefore I do not have a proper, coherent answer! over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith I like Andys idea of walking out with your ballot paper to cause mayhem to the election. How many people would it take to do this? What percentage of ballot papers need to vanish for the ballot to be invalidated? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Need to find that out Joy, will get back to you. over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote With regard to the land thing: We USED to own the land, before it was given to landowners and farmers. It was kinda mandatory if you wanted to survive. We need to eat. First order of the day... we'll have the land back, thanks. All of it. It was stolen by force anyway.

I would advocate a 'system' which has core principles; one of which would be to maintain contact with the natural world wherever possible, certianly wherever healthy. We grow our own food as people or communities; if we want to eat meat we must be prepared to kill it. Etc. I think this would be healthy in many practical ways, as well as phsychologically. We are the dominant species on this world primarilly because of our ability to adapt and assimilate to change. I doubt many of us would survive a week if the plug were pulled on the great machine.

Also, most importantly - relating to some point you've made james; any authority worth it's salt should dedicate its best energies to assisting in it's own redundancy. You know... the opposite of what it actually does. It is a construct which we have created from the simplest innate pack/herd instincts and turned into something which takes precedence over the lives it ostensibly exists to serve. If it truly served us, it would be focused more on helping us to achieve the state whereby we have no need of authority and society... certianly in as many ways as possible. too-long has humanity been mired in an infantile dependancy. With a fraction of the effort we spend maintaining some sick illusion, we could solve every major problem in the world in less than a year. It is but one decision then the next away; and it is the way that systems and authority stamp any modicum of this out which gets my goat the most. Well; that and the fact that most humans beings live in a perminent state of denial and apathy and are complicit in it. (guilty as charged, milud) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith The land in the uk was beneath an ice sheet. It was explored during the neolithic by brave people! After this, the ice receded, there was forest everywhere. The first waves of nomads who settled the uk were hunter gatherers, a lifestyle that succeeds very well for a species who are designed to be at optimum when walking, and who physically and mentally decay when we sit still for too long. We were nomads for thousands of generations. Then people began to settle, I believe this was primarily because of childbirth and child rearing. This is when we began farming, agriculture. Depleting the local forest of food because we had stayed there too long, we needed a way to eat. Animals and plants were cultivated. Villages amidst the forest gradually became the countryside landscape we have today. I do not know at what point we felled the forests and planted hedges between fields. Certainly by the medieval era we had a different system, fuedalism; land ownership and land rental, a caste system. This is really what we still have today. Perhaps the plagues that swept through europe had to do with this change? The landscape has been geared toward farming for a long time now and that works too. But now we have a high population density and a contemporary urban civilisation, and the uk has become a consumer state. Although we do have enough land to feed everyone who lives in on the island, we do not have the cultural facilities for it. It would require relocation of a lot of people to become field-workers to plant food by hand. The potential for urban based agriculture is there, but it costs money and there is no efficient system in place to make the transition easy. Again land ownership and site ownership in cities is the problem. If a government was ever brave enough to make land ownership illegal, many people would relocate and settle on existing farmland to make their eco communities. The face of the countryside would change again. Given an education into the safe, desirable way to do this would be essential, otherwise we will end up with a shantytown nation of starving people disillusioned with the green dream rioting at perceived power bases (government), and food shortages. Living off the land is not easy, not as easy as shopping in supermarkets for chemical import goods. Apathy is an issue here. Okay lecture over, Im off for a subway. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "we will end up with a shantytown nation of starving people disillusioned with the green dream rioting at perceived power bases (government)"

I'd say that is a given within the next 10-20 years or so! It's going to happen on some level.

"Certainly by the medieval era we had a different system, fuedalism; land ownership and land rental, a caste system. This is really what we still have today."

Indeed we do, it's simply dressed up as something else!

"I doubt many of us would survive a week if the plug were pulled on the great machine."

-Make that the vast majority!!!

"Also, most importantly - relating to some point you've made james; any authority worth it's salt should dedicate its best energies to assisting in it's own redundancy. You know... the opposite of what it actually does. It is a construct which we have created from the simplest innate pack/herd instincts and turned into something which takes precedence over the lives it ostensibly exists to serve. If it truly served us, it would be focused more on helping us to achieve the state whereby we have no need of authority and society... certianly in as many ways as possible. "

I think you managed to articulate that much more succulently than I Nick! over a year ago · Delete Post # Mikee Sutton many very good points.if you ever want to statr a party count me in if that is your platform over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood If I either thought it could work, or make a difference Mikee I would have started a party ages ago! over a year ago · Delete Post # Mikee Sutton just so you know that what you are doing is appreciated dude over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Mikee ;o) over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith I have thought about starting a party which is basically going to put ecology, human rights, equality, self sustainability, health and education as its core purpose. The energy that it would take to do this is beyond me - what is more pressing is getting my immediate tribe to gear up for survivalism & self sufficiency. The major issues holding me back in this are three factors; 1) we do not live in tribal community roundhouses, we live segregated in sick building syndrome boxes, despite it being proven that we homo sapiens function best out of circular dwellings that give us an orientation. 2) land ownership denies us an easy transition toward self reliant food farming communities. 3) existing mainstream way of living (taxation, earning, consumerism, capitalism) and laws enforcing it cannot be easily overcome except perhaps for the rich elite (land owners).

As consequence I am lucky to have a small veggie plot which provides not enough food for myself let alone the family who I am supporting, and there are not enough hours in the day to expand my veg plot into a larger community based project, although in time I will begin finding out and teaching about what we can do with reclaiming local patches of urban land to develop these into food farms. I hope this can be done before the system collapses! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "I hope this can be done before the system collapses!" -You know if that does happen in my lifetime I'm heading straight down to the local park duck pond; have you seen the size of those geese lmao!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith i worry that with everybody doing the same, that within a week there will be nothing left alive, plant nor animal, and most the humans will starve to death. then the plague will follow the famine. we won't have enough people alive to bury all the dead so survivors will leave the towns, travel through the stripped wastelands where plants and animals once grew and head for the deeper countryside - where self reliant communities hidden away in the mountains might yet exist? freshwater mountain streams will be the source of tomorrows settlements because the main piped water system will just get cholera in it. nobody to add the fluoride & chlorine that simoultaneously kills bugs and immunity systems. same with the electric - nobody to man the power station. no petrol will come into the country so after two weeks there will be no more transport, only a huge gridlock of cars shoved to the sides of the motorways by big industrial snowplows owned by the military. the military will take over because they have supply stockpiles. the aftermath will be a head count of survivors. this is the most cost effective way for a depopulation program with agenda of a complete re-start after the dust settles. it will not take much to start it off. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh I see you've witnessed one of my missus' mothers visits before then! hehe over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/photo.php? pid=3896924&op=1&o=user&view=user&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325 over a year ago · Delete Post

An email I just sent out to my local party candidates (Manchester Central). 7 posts. Created at 09:21 on 08 April 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood The following candidates plan to stand in Manchester Central:

Suhail Rahuja of the Conservative Party

Gayle O'Donovan of the Green Party

Tony Lloyd of the Labour Party

Marc Ramsbottom of the Liberal Democrats

The currently seat is Held by Tony Lloyd of the Labour Party (I hate him, he's a cunt).

The email:

"Dear Suhail Rahuja

Dear Gayle O'Donovan

Dear Tony Lloyd

Dear Marc Ramsbottom

I am writing to you in your capacity as a parliamentary candidate in the general election to find out your views on a number of issues concerning what I consider to be vital but often ignored issues.

You will be aware that the overwhelming majority of people in the country are concerned about the level of both personal and public debt levels as they are projected to spiral even higher in coming years. Aware of this, all parties are proposing cuts and savings from various areas of the national budget in order to reduce the deficit.

The question I therefore ask is why is there a budget deficit at all? Why does the government need to borrow money from the private sector (at interest) in order to make up a short fall in the budget when the Treasury could simply create and issue the money itself interest free (and then later recover this money if necessary through taxation).

The Treasury would be well within it's right to recover the right to issue GBP, through statute from The Bank of England to whom it gave the power in 1694 (the Bank of England has now of course allowed this privilege to high street/commercial banks, in that they create new currency as debt instruments such as loans and credit cards and only itself retailed the power to decide how expensive these loans are through the base rate of interest). This is of course not even necessary, the Bank of England could issue the money itself and give it to the UK government interest free, it doesn't really matter.

Another point is that the right to issue new currency should be completely taken away from high street lenders as they are quite apparently not responsible enough to act in this capacity as detailed by the current economic crisis. Commercial lenders should only be allowed to lend money they have taken from deposits, ensuring that they are not able to inflate the currency to the insane levels we see today. They devalue the currency through over-inflation with the creation of new money through the issue of debt. It is staggering to digest that I can go and take out a loan today, and before the money is entered into my account it never existed, anywhere, as the bank does not have a fractional reserve limit placed upon the amount of money it can create compared with the number of deposits it holds.

It is this unbelievable lack of regulation which amounted to the wreck-less lending which lead to the debt bubble bursting when it became apparent that the majority of loans out there are toxic and have no realistic chance of being paid back. Bail-outs followed.

The only realistic tactic to sort this mess out is to to not allow commercial entities the right to create new currency, as when they do so, they create the principle (from nothing), loan this out, then over a period of years they recover the principle and destroy it, in addition to also charging a rate of interest. So, by this insane system I borrow £1000 from the bank which they create out of thin air, then over a number of years I pay back £1200, £1000 of which is destroyed and £200 of which goes into the banks balance sheet as profit. So where did the £200 come from to pay for the interest?

The answer is nowhere. Somebody else, somewhere else has to take out a loan by the same process in order for the money to trickle through the economy to get to me so I can afford the extra £200. It is this reason why you are always going to have bankruptcies and repossessions as somebody always has to lose out in order for others to pay off debt.

It is also the reason why debt must continually and indefinitely increase, because that is the only meaningful way under this system to get new money into circulation to pay for the existing debt, as 97% of all new money is created out of debt, which in turn devalues the currency until it is worthless. This explains the boom and bust cycle.

This is unacceptable and unfair. Money creation is the single most influential power a government can hold, and to see it handled in this insanely backwards, stupid manner is criminal.

Surely then most simple method of creating money to curve debt levels is government issued currency as is the best way to not only reduce debt altogether, but ensure that the government never gets its citizens into a penny of public debt ever again. The benefits of this, as I am sure you can imagine, are immense.

Therefore my question is why does YOUR political party not mention, or have a clearly defined policy regarding the creation of new currency/money and how it could be better managed to the benefit of all, instead of bankers.

In addition, as a member of the constituency which you will be fighting to be elected MP of in May, I would also like to hear your personal views regarding the subjects mentioned above, and what, if anything you would consider to be an important factor to bare in mind when attempting to form policy aimed at ELIMINATING national/personal debt altogether, as this is a realistically achievable goal.

Believe me when I say that your response (or lack thereof) will be a driving factor for myself and a number of my family and friends when deciding which way to vote in the upcoming election.


James Lockwood" over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I do not anticipate a response but will post anything I receive back.

I know it's a bit of a ramble so forgive me for that, but I really couldn't be bothered to spend any more time writing it lol Also, I lied at the end. I have NO intention of voting for any of these cock suckers, but would like to hear what they have to say anyway. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood This is what I used to send the emails:

The post-code finder is very useful but if you are particularly (quite rightly) concerned about putting personal information into web forms then you had best give this a miss!

It's supposed to be about the war but you can change it to anything you like. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I got a response:

Subject: Re: Your views on the mounting debt and possible solutions From: Councillor Marc Ramsbottom Date: 02/05/10 15:41 To: James Lockwood

Dear James

I would firstly like to thank you for taking the time to write to me. I will answer your questions as honestly and openly as I can. Your concerns quite rightly highlight the challenges we all face as we recover from the recession; stabilising the economy whilst protecting our vital public services and protecting those who are most vulnerable. Millions of people are now struggling to make ends meet, worried about their jobs and how to pay their bills, while facing a tax system which hits middle and low income families the hardest. I would like to address each of your concerns in turn:

Tacking unemployment and developing the economy The financial crisis exposed not only how much power has been held in the City of London, but also how much government investment had been concentrated on one square mile of this country. The Liberal Democrats will not only break up the banks and get them lending again, but also ensure there is investment in local and regional economies. We will separate the casino banking that damaged the economy from the vital job of lending to viable British businesses. Local Enterprise Funds would allow investors in Manchester to put money into growing businesses here, creating employment where it is most needed. We will also set up regional stock exchanges which will provide the sort of financial support that small and local firms (that are a key employer in Manchester) often struggle to get.

Unemployment in Manchester, as of March this year, stands at 5.7% against a national average of 4.2%. Many of these unemployed are young people who can't even get work experience to give them a step up the career ladder. The Liberal Democrats will create a work placement scheme for up to 800,000 young people, allowing them to get the skills, qualifications and experience they desperately need.

Ensuring equal and fair distribution of the cost of economic recovery I believe in a fair tax system. This does not mean giving £6 billion to 0.8% of households, as the Conservatives propose, but cutting taxes for people on low and middle incomes and closing tax loopholes that favour the wealthy- making our tax cuts affordable for the country. Unlike the other parties we have released a detailed plan about how we will pay for our programs. Under the Liberal Democrats, 3.6 million of the poorest people would be taken out of the tax system completely. We are also going to introduce a Mansion Tax that will only be payable on houses valued over £2 million- I believe that those that benefited most during good economic times have a responsibility to help out those who are now suffering the most.

Protecting and strengthening the public services It is clear that in the current economic climate, tough choices on public spending have to be made. All three main political parties have stated that cuts are unavoidable. We have to focus on cutting waste, not jobs. The Liberal Democrats have identified over £15 billion savings, not just from cutting red tape and unnecessary administration, but by being realistic about what we can afford to pay for now. The Liberal Democrats want to make public services better- this is not, however, a metaphor for cutting them. We are going to cut the bureaucracy that cripples certain public services so as to defend the services we need.

Renewing trident on a like for like basis – which would cost £100 billion - cannot be justified without a full defence review. By scrapping ID cards and biometric passports, money can be spent putting more police and Community Support Officers on the beat, making neighbourhoods in Manchester safer and improving the massively underperforming Greater Manchester Police.

I would like to thank you again for taking the time to contact me and for making an informed decision about who will represent you in parliament. I fundamentally believe in the importance of accessible MPs, which is why, if I am elected, I will set up a constituency office where you can come and talk to me or a member of my staff about the issues that concern you. I will also have a regularly updated blog on my website, so that you can see exactly what I have done to help the people of Manchester each week.

If you would like to know more about our party policies you can visit our website at and you might also find it useful to visit my website at


Cllr Marc Ramsbottom Liberal Democrat Councillor - City Centre Ward

Tel: (0161) 202 6603 Home (07976) 352 513 Mobile (0161) 234 3002 Town Hall (0161) 234 3296 FAX

You can meet up with your Liberal Democrat councillors to discuss any issues of concern on the first and third Saturdays of the month between 11am and 12 noon at the main cafe bar in the City Art Gallery.


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. The full text of the Council's email disclaimer is available at This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses.

Please contact [email protected] with any queries.

********************************************************************** over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Unfortunately, it was a standard cut and paste job! over a year ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams What a fantastic letter James,outstanding as usual. Would you mind joining our website Kent freedom movement and starting a discussion on there as we havent been going very long and we are new to all this.The website looks a bit bare so it needs a bit of imput from people like your good self. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/photo.php? pid=3896924&op=1&o=user&view=user&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325 over a year ago · Delete Post

2010 Election advice 4 posts. Created at 07:11 on 09 April 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood 2010 Election advice

It's that exciting time again people (as the BBC would have you believe). It's time for elections!

I have decided to repeat some advice and information I learned last year in the run-up to the EU elections.

You may be thinking, 'What are my options?'. If you are this is for you. If you already know your options (including the ones the mainstream media do not mention) then please ignore the following.

Your options are:

1). Vote for one of the main parties; Lab, Lib or Con.

2). Vote for a minority party e.g. BNP, UKIP, Green, Socialist, Communist, Independent etc (what is known in the mainstream as an official 'protest vote').

3). You are a freeman or in lawful rebellion and therefore wont be voting, because you can not (perhaps you still can in lawful rebellion, I do not know).

4). You refused to sign the electoral register and therefore will not have a polling card and wont be voting, because you can not. 5). You have a polling card, but will not use it and therefore will not cast a vote.

6). You have a polling card, but you will spoil the ballot paper by adding in the option NOTA/NOTB (none of the above/none of the below). This will not actually count as a legitimate vote under current rules.

7). You have a polling card, but you will spoil the ballot paper by adding in any other name of your choice and vote for this person. This will not actually count as a legitimate vote under current rules, it will count as a spoiled ballot.

8). You have a polling card, but you will turn up to the polling station on the day, sign the register to receive your ballot, but instead of casting a vote and placing the paper into the ballot box, you leave the polling station with your ballot paper in hand and keep it therefore upsetting the register paperwork.

As far as I am aware, these are all of your options when it comes to voting. If I have omitted anything then please feel free to correct me.

I am of the humble personal opinion that the whole electoral process is a complete farce, an elaborate theatrical performance put on especially for the masses to fool them into thinking they live in a democracy. That irrespective of which party gets elected, the agenda of the day (whatever that may be) goes stream-rolling ahead regardless of who is at the wheel. So for me, and people like myself, options 1) and 2) are right out. Fair game if that's your choice. It's your vote and what you do with it is not my business, however it's not for me.

If you have not already taken steps required in 3) and 4) then it is too late and therefore at this point these become irrelevant (unless you are willing to go to some pretty extreme lengths to try and get your name taken off the register, but at this point, I reckon there isn't enough time).

Option 5), fair enough.

Options 6), 7), and 8) are where things get a little interesting. 6) and 7) are variations of the same thing and while they might be quite fun (and feel naughty) they achieve the exact same outcome as option 5) and are therefore a bit pointless. You may as well not bother. This is an ineffective protest as the only people who it will make an impact upon is the people counting the votes and the people who count and then register spoiled ballots.

Option 8) is the most interesting in it's potential to throw the election process into disrepute. If only a few people do it then it is simply a minor protest, a statistical anomaly if you like. However if many people do this, then it has the potential to make a real protest. When you sign the register at the polling station upon arrival, you are handed a ballot paper. The number of ballot papers handed out needs to match the number of signatures on the register after the voting is concluded. There is a margin of error allowed. I think it is 3% (do not quote me on that, it may be a different figure) and if the error margin goes above 3% a recount is ordered (so out of all votes cast, at least 3% of people would have needed to do this to make it effective). Obviously if enough people have taken this action to push the margin of error over its threshold, then every subsequent recount will produce the same result and reach what I believe to be an unprecedented position which may throw the whole election for that area into disrepute. I am not sure what would follow this, but what I do know is that it would be damn interesting.

As you may have guessed, option 8) is my personal favourite (if for nothing else but its potential). It is exactly what I did in last years EU elections and what I will be doing on may 6th. Personally I should have fallen into option 4). I received 2 cards through my door at different times asking me to sign the register for people in my household. What I meant to do what send these cards back with every-bodies names within my household crossed out. Alas I forgot to do this, but did not send them back so technically I should not be on the register and should not have received a polling card. I did about 3 days ago, the cheeky bastards. The last I heard on the matter was this: pid=2884096&op=7&o=global&view=global&subj=10136282302&id=510248325

Maybe by ignoring their correspondence, by default I get a polling card, I do not know. But I just thought fuck it, I will keep the ballot paper on the day now that I am blessed with a Polling card!

Of course most of this relies on the assumption that the whole process is fair and not in any way rigged. If it is rigged then all of this is rendered pointless ha-ha.

Oh and sorry if I have rambled on too much! over a year ago · Delete Post # Andy Dale ... we do live in a "democracy" - if you look up what a "democracy" actually is: ie "officials" offered to us to vote on by others, yep, we do live in a "democracy" lol option 8 it is then (1. I will use my legal fiction where & when I choose 2. for my benefit) I think I will stand outside for a while & tell people of this option, what's involved & what the result will be if enough people do this to make the protest heard :) .:. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ;o) over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood!/photo.php? pid=3896924&op=1&o=user&view=user&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325 why do most people think that this is not a private bank 2 posts. Created at 09:17 on 17 May 2008 by Donna Curtis

# Donna Curtis Monetary Policy

One of the Bank of England's two core purposes is monetary stability. Monetary stability means stable prices - low inflation - and confidence in the currency. Stable prices are defined by the Government's inflation target, which the Bank seeks to meet through the decisions on interest rates taken by the Monetary Policy Committee. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Anton Harding Private interests are great enough to undermine the strong £ as public as THAT is. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Skype 8 posts. Created at 13:51 on 21 April 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Skype is a great free way to contact or keep in touch with people and it's more stable than the likes of shitty MSN/Yahoo Messenger and facebook chat.

Therefore I have opened this discussion topic where you can post your Skype user-name if you so wish.

If you do not wish to post your user-name into a public forum then I have also set up a Bank of England Con Skype Public Chat: skypename=j.l.baite&topic=Bank+of+England+Con&blob=J6aUVrWF3o4CDsLiX1gFmf8YutYU4j dGoB3BKWvc1OkCZ2kGjiU-E9pwaC7skrOG1PN1

*Please note that Skype Public Chat is NOT compatible with the latest version(s) of Skype for windows. For the above link to work you need to be running Skype version 3.8 or earlier. This can be downloaded from here: %2Fchat_e-mail%2Fvideo_chat_voice_chat%2FSkypeSetup3.8.exe or here %2Fchat_e-mail%2Fvideo_chat_voice_chat%2FSkypeSetup3.8.exe

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Skype user-name: j.l.baite over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith snakeappletree over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Well that went well Joy lmao!!!! All 2 of us lol over a year ago · Delete Post # Lolternate V Starseed Mine is lozzie6661 over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Lorraine. over a year ago · Delete Post # Ralph Smithen Mine is tullyvey

Please note that I am limited to the Linux Skype client. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Ralph.

HOLLIE GREIG, HER MUM AND ROBERT GREEN ON EDGE MEDIA 4 posts. Created at 05:00 on 23 April 2010 by James Lockwood


Part one of the video:

The rest: %3A1&source=vgc&hl=en&aq=f over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood LETS MAKE THIS VIDEO GO VIRAL!!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Three cheers for the EU 3 posts. Created at 01:47 on 12 March 2010 by Nick Aucote

# Nick Aucote You may have recieved this email circular.

Incase you ain't, here it is. I thinks it's berluddy funny.

NIGEL JOHNSON-HILL, PARKFARM, MILLAND, LIPHOOK GU30 7JT Rt Hon David Miliband MP Secretary of State. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR

16 July 2009

Dear Secretary of State,

My friend, who is in farming at the moment, recently received a cheque for £3,000 from the Rural Payments Agency for not rearing pigs.. I would now like to join the "not rearing pigs" business.

In your opinion, what is the best kind of farm not to rear pigs on, and which is the best breed of pigs not to rear? I want to be sure I approach this endeavour in keeping with all government policies, as dictated by the EU under the Common Agricultural Policy.

I would prefer not to rear bacon pigs, but if this is not the type you want not rearing, I will just as gladly not rear porkers. Are there any advantages in not rearing rare breeds such as Saddlebacks or Gloucester Old Spots, or are there too many people already not rearing these?

As I see it, the hardest part of this programme will be keeping an accurate record of how many pigs I haven't reared. Are there any Government or Local Authority courses on this?

My friend is very satisfied with this business. He has been rearing pigs for forty years or so, and the best he ever made on them was £1,422 in 1968. That is - until this year, when he received a cheque for not rearing any.

If I get £3,000 for not rearing 50 pigs, will I get £6,000 for not rearing 100? I plan to operate on a small scale at first, holding myself down to about 4,000 pigs not raised, which will mean about £240,000 for the first year. As I become more expert in not rearing pigs, I plan to be more ambitious, perhaps increasing to, say, 40,000 pigs not reared in my second year, for which I should expect about £2.4 million from your department. Incidentally, I wonder if I would be eligible to receive tradable carbon credits for all these pigs not producing harmful and polluting methane gases?

Another point: These pigs that I plan not to rear will not eat 2,000 tonnes of cereals. I understand that you also pay farmers for not growing crops. Will I qualify for payments for not growing cereals to not feed the pigs I don't rear?

I am also considering the "not milking cows" business, so please send any information you have on that too. Please could you also include the current Defra advice on set aside fields? Can this be done on an e-commerce basis with virtual fields (of which I seem to have several thousand hectares)?

In view of the above you will realise that I will be totally unemployed, and will therefore qualify for unemployment benefits. I shall of course be voting for your party at the next general election.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Johnson-Hill over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lmao!!!!! brilliant. over a year ago · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . PRICELESS :) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Attention people residing in the Greater Manchester area. 1 post. Created at 08:39 on 11 February 2010 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood There will be a banking protest taking place outside RBS bank, Deansgate, Manchester on Monday, 15 February 2010 between 05:30 - 06:30.

The link to the event is:

Please direct any questions regarding the event towards the organiser, Steven Durrant. over a year ago · Delete Post

1984 telescreens 35 posts. Created at 12:37 on 10 February 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I just had this patent application from 2006 pointed out to me and to say that I was astonished is an understatement. It's the first time I have seen it and I am therefore assuming that many of you have not been exposed to it either: %2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1= %2220060007222%22.PGNR.&OS=DN%2F20060007222&RS=DN%2F20060007222

Erm, if I were you, I would seriously consider abandoning your HD TVs and digital set-top boxes. This really is the invention of the telescreen from 1984. Hell, this shit might even be inside your i-phone: "Assignee Name and Adress: Apple Computer, Inc. Cupertino CA"

"11. The device of claim 1, wherein the device is used in a portable communication device.

12. The device of claim 11, wherein the portable communication device is a telephone. "

Maybe I am making connections incorrectly here, maybe not. I am by no means an electronics expert. If anybody reading this message does dabble in this field then by all means come and talk to me, I am seriously hoping I am wrong about this. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Yes, using a screen as a camera. So you might have a screen in front of you displaying images or whatever whilst at the same time the screen is capable of acting as an image recording device. But to look at it it would just look like a normal screen which I personally find quite disturbing. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Joseph Smith LOL this knowledge will help people to give up redtube...

I was diagnosed as schizophrenic a few years ago because of the paranoid conspiracy world in which I live. I was describing this very thing, that as a microphone can be used as a speaker or a speaker as a microphone, then computer monitors can watch us like a camera.

I was around my ex girlfriends dads house. Her family are, let us say seriously involved with the uk nazi party / nwo, and they are very into technology. The dvd player glitched (while watching Signs of all things) and up onto the plasma tv screen popped what appeared to be an advanced touch screen computer display. I recognised some of the symbols on it from having studied symbolism all my life, others were far more scifi. A trained language. I told my ex that this looks like a touch sensi comp display and she agreed. I explained what some of the buttons/symbols are and about the ones I didnt recognise. Finally, to prove it, I pushed a large icon that looked like a cross between a medieval knights tomb carved into the shape of the knight such as those I have seen all over the place in tombs and cathedrals, a very lowfi digitised image, and partly like an angel or man surrounded by radiant beams of light, in a square box. It occupied a position on the left of the screen, equating to the core of a pi spiral, the golden ratio. The screen immediately changed to a program involving other magical symbols which I also recognised and madly, are personal to me. The program was about bouncing radar across the english/french channel from concrete shapes built in ww2 to detect ships approaching the shore, a defense measure against invasion. grafitid onto the concrete wall was a symbol that is my name, joe, spelled in its simplest form, 's' within 'circle' within 'triangle' - exactly the same sign I have used myself when writing manuscripts about symbolism, as a signature. coincidence maybe, but coincidence with regard this topic? we checked the box and everything plugged into the tv. there was absolutely no extra peripherals. I believe the plasma screen is a satelite relay touch op computer. they all have this potential.

IT IS WHY THE TECH HAS BEEN INTRODUCED over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood That's where the digital switch-over comes in Gary. Digital set-top boxes are more than capable of both sending and receiving information (as this is how the 'red button' interactive element works).

I think it's highly unlikely that this stuff is already out there, would be a difficult secret to keep but not entirely impossible.

However 3D TV's are due to hit the shops around April time...

..of course this is all speculation but thinking about it, with the technology available today this concept is more than feasible. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Joseph Smith nb to elucidate, I have seen the same girl shapeshift exactly like what david icke is talking about. she is the same bloodline as 44/43 usa presidents (percy), which is the same bloodline as the windsors, both of which derived from the hapsbergs. I also have a sample of her blood from when she cut herself playing with wire, she is an artist. her blood dries blue, rather than brown like most mammals. Icke is telling the truth. This story is the tip of the iceberg. There really are reptilians walking amongst and interbred with humans, and many more species besides. The reason the government allowed police dna testing and that hospitals take blood samples is actually to research the extent of this. The reptilian technolgies are very advanced. They have hit me with a few of them on several occasions. There are youtube videos where it appears that peoples heads are glitching, digitising but in a liquidy way like a holograph or jellyfish, and the same can be seen in movies and digital animation. I will collate some of these videos ifaswhen i get time to point it out, one called glitchinthematrix shows an advanced stage takeover by one of these things. they are nasty. Thankfully we can use Angel healing and spirituality to try and purify ourselves of them, cleaning the chakras which is how these technologies attack us. this is real. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith the interaction with reality by advanced & alien technologies leaves all this stuff standing, outmoded before it even reaches us. if they are admitting this level exists by allowing us to see patents, wake up and realise how much further along the exponential curve the technology available in this universe really is. most people simply cannot envisage it and disbelief keeps us blind to seeing the truth even when it slaps us. sorry I have hogged your discussion now but believe me I wouldnt waste the time making this stuff up. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith this planet is being taken over... the movie Avatar drops the idea into our society that such a thing as an avatar is possible. It is happening NOW on earth already. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Josephine Wood if not for any other reason that we are all just mass consumers for advertisers.. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Adel Hardman Joy, to some extent I understand the paranoia you feel. We all are in the same boat; questioning things and understanding something BIG is going down. However, what you are saying seems a tad extreme, even to me. I really do not mean any disrespect to you at all - and I'm sorry if I offend you - but some of the things you are saying fits into the paranoid schizophrenic symptoms and appear somewhat delusional. I'm not saying that you're a liar or anything, and this group values contributions made by everyone. If you have evidence for what you are saying ( such as: "The reason the government allowed police dna testing and that hospitals take blood samples is actually to research the extent of this," I will happily watch/ listen/ read what you have. Also, can I please ask the source where you get this information? I am very intrigued.... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Samantha Wisteria Hi Joy, I am aware of some of the things you mention. It IS real, but understand that most ppl won't get it. Try not to let it get u down, it's the way this whole thing has been set up. There is not much that can be done about it on a large scale at this point.

But you are certainly on the right track from what I am aware and I don't need to prove shit to anyone. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith fuck you for calling me paranoid. that is evidence of your control trip. you are wrong, because i am not. believe me i have been thoroughly psyche profiled. I think you should take on board that 4 years ago the idea that tv and computer monitors are actively watching people was considered crazy, but here we are on a thread that shows factual evidence that it is actually real. i am not making this stuff up. my source is my own life experiences. what can be done about it is for idiots to shut up and listen to what we are telling them instead of trying to persuade people we are mad. personal spiritual development is the best chance any of us have of getting through this next bit. keep studying, chakras, kundalini, esp, etc. stay pure and do not judge! it blinds you. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Samantha Wisteria I am not saying u are paranoid at all, I am agreeing with you! I'm just saying only some ppl will be able to get this stuff. ;) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith i know. its the fluoride in water and chemicals in food, it atrophies the pineal gland which makes people into zombies. combined with tv, we seem to be amidst a population of zombies. grow your own veg and drink from springs, if you can! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith the ones who are making breakthroughs are learning to channel angels and speak with the pleideans & the andromedeans. trust that stuff, it works. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Samantha Wisteria Yes, Joy I intend to get the hell away from the city asap and to grow own food and do all those things. I am vehemently against water fluoridation which was introduced where I live just last year. I think they are trying to make everywhere fluoridated. The next thing is everyone will HAVE to have a 3D tv, it's totally dismaying that most ppl can't and won't unplug themselves from this insanity. To do so requires a lot of change in the way one thinks and perceives.

It's a process I have been undergoing for a few years it isn't easy accepting that my life will not be and isn't what I thought it was but I'm finally strong enough to accept it and to do what needs to done :) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith all you have to do is follow your bliss, everything else just falls into place. have you heard of chembusters? aka orgonite. what is happening is the enforced spiritualisation of planet earth. this requires a global regime. its necessary because we wouldn't make the transition of our own choice, and what we are doing on this planet has consequences for other planets, who have stepped in out of pity and out of self defense to change our culture here. before we destroy ourselves and a whole bunch of other worlds too. at the same time, there is a bad element trying to use us as food basically. they are being dealt with too. get out of the cities and get self sufficient. you are lucky to be in australia. you need to learn about earthships, projects in arizona where every drop of water is recycled through drinking, washing and growing food crops. the aboriginals survive in the outback - that is the lifestyle for surviving in that climate. it is possible because people have been doing it for thousands of generations. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith Adel - the symptoms of schizophrenia are exactly the same as those of Indigo Children. what does that tell you about reality paradigms and the system trying to subdue a global spiritual renaissance that is happening anyway? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Marco Alexi Thomas Ooh, this is crazy. I certainly don't think they are referring to built in webcams. As an IT student this technology is definitely 2 way pixel imaging. So in a nutshell, not only will you be able to watch your computer screen/television/monitor but your computer screen/television/monitor will be able to watch YOU. There has got to be some kind of law that prevents any kind of devices unknown to the consumer to be put in our products. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith haha hah hahaha the laws dont mean shit to these people. they have been doing exactly the same thing with your cellphone for years. why else would they *sell* us this technology? it is being phased in at a rate the numbskulls can deal with it. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Marco Alexi Thomas True true, definitely. I remember watching a PBS special on ratings and they mentioned that the television could capture images of individuals surrounding a television set in viewers homes and that is how they get a ratings count. This was back in 1993. Crazy shit. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Adel Hardman I understand fully the symptoms of schizophrenia thank you Joy. If I questioned nothing and believed what everyone told me, I wouldn't even be in this group. Maybe I'm not as far advanced as you in seeking the truth, maybe I'm not as intelligent as you... who knows. What I do know is, if people believe everything that they are told without question, the world will never change. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Indeed. I love having my beliefs questioned, it's one of the main tools I use in order to see things from new perspectives. over a year ago · Delete Post # Marco Alexi Thomas I totally agree Adel and to the reckless followers... Baa Baa Baa Baa, maybe you understand that. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith you dont need to be intelligent or advanced, you just need to be honest. speak the truth and you will see the truth. speak lies and you will see only the lies. it is designed that way. sorry about the hostility earlier, i dont like being called paranoid. people use it as a control game and genuinely, i am not. i used to be, is how i know the difference. its a case of, they were actually following me after all and i even have photos, scars and witnesses to prove it. its GREAT that you question everything. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Marco Alexi Thomas Question, is anybody having loading problems with this thread? When I refresh (to update so I can see the new comments) it doesn't connect sometimes. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Adel Hardman im havin no probs Marco over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Often, truth is relative. It's difficult to truly define truth unless you are presented with indisputable fact and even then this is open to perspective. Having said that, I attempt to avoid engaging people regarding what may be described as beliefs as it never goes anywhere but bad places. To the individual, belief is truth and therefore it is true for the individual as that is the perspective they have created in their mind. As we create our own reality in our own mind then whatever your mind decides is true, for you, is. Obviously people are free to believe whatever they like, but that does not necessarily mean that everybody will share their perspective. Understanding this is essential as far as I am concerned.

I think I am rambling now though lol over a year ago · Delete Post

# James Lockwood I am not having problems viewing the thread, however I am not receiving notifications when people post a message in the discussion. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Smith¬e_id=293983657075#!/notes/joy- fluorite-dragonfly/2012-shockwave/293983657075 please read this note & click on the picture at te bottom of the note and then read the note attached to that. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Marco Alexi Thomas The most humane way to depopulate the world, RIGHT on the BUTTON. Couldn't have said it better myself. HAARP and its capabilities are just disturbing. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Joseph Smith i spent five years with music equipment channelling spirits through lfo low frequency oscillations. then i found out that HAARP can use exactly the same spectrums as the 'music'/portal that I had been perfecting. that thing (haarp) could bring about a biblical description of the end times when the dead walk amongst the living, no kidding. was it saint gerome who wrote about it? I shall have to watch ghostbusters again. Anyway... thats one of the things HAARP can do. my experiments verfy it. why was i doing this? I swear it was spirit possession by scientifically minded ghosts. they taught me a lot. for example, how easy it is to manipulate a human mind by thought alone, and how spiritual physics really work. that we can become telepathic by disassociating with the mind. western acadmics call that schizophrenia but mayan shamen teach it as enlightenment. LOL over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Samantha Wisteria I hadn't heard about orgonite, thanks for mentioning it. Yeh I'm lucky to live in Australia, just gotta keep out of the major cities, it's not good, a lot of dead energy. Will head to a greener more natural area. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Why is nobady asking this question? 28 posts. Created at 09:04 on 16 September 2008 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Ok so the Bank of England issues banknotes (currency) to the government and other banking/financial institutions which in turn regulates inflation (the amount of money in circulation). When the Bank of England does this it attaches debt to these loans (the base rate of interest) i.e. the amount of interest which is to be paid back to the bank. Now The Government sometimes speak of 'Government bowwowing' and this is what they use to balance their budget deficit. I am assuming that all or most of this money is borrowed from the Bank Of England and paid back at the base rate of interest (National Debt). Where does this interest go and who is it paid to? For example if the Government borrow £20 billion and the base rate of interest is 5% then they pay back £21 billion. So who does this £1 billion go to? Remember that the Bank of England merely prints this money out of thin air, it has no real value behind it (i.e. it is not attached to gold) until it is paid back to the Bank of England, with taxpayers money plus the base rate of interest. The Bank of England was nationalised in 1946 and still is to to this day. This means it is officially a PART of the Government. So am I supposed to believe that what is basically an arm of the Government is printing money, lending it to itself at the base rate of interest and then paying this money back to itself plus extra. This doesn't make any sense. Where is the taxpayers money (national debt) really going? This effects everybody who pays taxes (all of us in some way) as debt is being attached to our heads and no matter what we have no choice but to pay it back through countless taxes. Does anybody know if what I say above is incorrect? Have I over simplified things and got the wrong end of the stick? If I am right then everybody in this country is being CONNED in a massive way, is accepting this and in most cases loves the debt we have attached to us no matter what we do (credit cards). over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I have just emailed the BOE. If I get a reply, I'll let you know. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux No reply yet, but here's what I've found out myself:

The Bank of England is a nationalised entity, owned by Her Majesty's Government. To raise money, the Governemnt sells bonds, called guilts, to private investors, pension funds, etc. In return, the government promises to pay back the money it has borrowed, plus interest.

There is still a problem in this as I do not understand how the government has enough money to pay the interest. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It doesn't. This is what income tax is for, it pays for the interest. The Bank of England also buys guilt bonds which can be evidenced by looking at their annual report accounts. So are we to believe that the Government is buying guilt bonds from itself? I think not. Although the BOE was nationalised in 1946 I suspect it was merely part nationalisation and the Government simply holds shares in the bank but is not the principal shareholder. Have a look here: uid=10136282302&topic=8944

I suspect that the principal shareholders are the Rothschild family however this is extremely difficult to prove. Historically the Rothschild's have enjoyed full control of the Bank which is not particularly difficult to prove and I find it hard to believe that they simply gave up their cash cow because the Government decided to nationalise the bank.

Coincidently the bank is listed as a corporation on and trades as 'The Old Lady On Thread Needle Street'.

Further more The Bank does not even operate out of England at all. It is located within the City of London which itself is a sovereign state, very suspicious. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I've seen its listing on D&B. But other institutions are also listed there, such as the Metropolitan Police. Are you saying that these institutions are all corporations?

Could you give me the page number that indicates the bank itself has bought its own guilt bonds? I can't find that information on its 2008 annual report. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Page 92:

Under 'Assets' "Securities of, or guaranteed by, the British Government" = Gilt Bonds

I think the figure given is £8.168 billion. So we basically as citizens owe the Bank of England over 8 billion. This doesn't make any sense if the Bank is truly part of the Government as this means the government borrows money from itself, and then pays it back to itself which is completely pointless.

Accounting isn't exactly my strong point but I find it very interesting in that report that all the paper currency in circulation is marked as both an asset and a liability for the bank. I don't know what this means but I'm sure it has a relevance for example, does this money actually exist?

"Are you saying that these institutions are all corporations?"

You have hit the nail right on the head there. Any public body or institution that generates revenue is a corporation. The taxes used to run these bodies are merely the running costs for example council tax maintains your local council. The way that statutory law works is that the Government decides to introduce a fine for something (ie parking fines, speeding tickets etc). Then they work out how much revenue that fine will generate. Lets say for example £10 million a year. So the government will then sell off the right to collect that revenue for a set amount (say £25 million) and they make a statute detailing the process. Whoever buys that revenue has the right to collect it. So parking fines and speeding tickets do not go into the tax pot ass the revenue has already been sold off (usually to merchant/international bankers). This is why many police are very disgruntled (well the ones who have worked out what is going on) at the current situation as they are no longer operating as officers of the peace, they are operating as (statutory) law enforcement officers. When you realise the sole purpose of statutory law is revenue generation then the police have been reduced to revenue enforcement officers working for whoever bought the right to collect the revenue. It's quite a vicious web. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I would strongly recommend these two lectures concerning statutory and common law, what they are and what they mean: 9CMBQ&q=bursting+bubbles+of+government+deception&hl=en over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I shall take a look. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Nice one, let me know what you think. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Hello Paul, thank you for your mail. Having read your mail I think that it might be easier to explain the situation over the phone rather than reply by mail. This would also give you the opportunity to ask further questions.

If you are able to send me your phone number I would be delighted to give you a call. Alternatively please give me a call on the number below.

Kind regards

Roger Beaton

Public Information & Enquiries Group Bank of England Threadneedle Street London EC2R 8AH

T: 44 (0)20 7601 4878 F: 44 (0)20 7601 5460 E: [email protected]

Interesting huh? :-) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood What did you ask them? That's a very interestingly strange response. I expected that you would have received some kind of generic response repeating the information they provide on the website. Are you planning to call them/provide your number? over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux OK, for the question I asked in the email, I couldn't really understand what he meant. To many figures. I asked why the bank had 8 billion pounds worth of securities backed by the government and he didn't know what these were, but he did tell me that 8 billion wasn't really that much these days. Wish I had 8 billion. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "but he did tell me that 8 billion wasn't really that much these days."

Only a cheeky cunt who worked for a central bank would reply with such arrogance and contempt. Do you have that statement in an email? If so and it's not too cheeky I would be very obliged if you could forward it to me it would make compelling reading lol.

Also I can't believe he is unable to interpret basic entries on their balance sheet. So much for 'Public Information & Inquiries' lol they sound like a bunch of morons who aren't allowed to have any idea what's really going on!

I also applaud you for your snooping but be cautious! over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Sorry James, it was all over the phone, I have nothing written down. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh well bit of a shame, guess it would be pretty stupid of them to put something like that into writing. Obviously the reason why they invited you to enquire over the phone. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Eddie Boyce Vicki

No need to apologies, you have brought up a most valid point. I have read the brilliant Mary Croft and this lady brilliantly and with humour explains the banking scam as well as the Government (means control of the mind) scam. The link below is for the website natural person website and if you scroll down the main page you can get Mary's ebook for FREE. I would suggest everybody on this site read this information and share it far and wide.

Also The peoples united collective is a good site from a British perspective regarding our rights and ways to circumnavigate these corrupt institutions. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Scott Winter Hi James

Haven't been in here for a while but have still been doing some research been speaking to a politician and an Economists teacher, who had a good understanding on the subject, but saying that they could still not answer the questions that you have been asking, giving the reason no one understand it even heads of banks, because they don't want you to understand it. Its weird loads of books on the FED but couldn't find any on the BOE, and its not like the papers will ever tell you what is going on.

Fair play though can see you've been doing some nice work, I was trying to find out how much was paid back to the treasury, and couldn't find it anywhere, the BOE web site is a nightmare. I think some is paid to foreign countries for bonds they bought of us, (i think, but could be wrong), I think all national debts and bonds are managed through the BOE unless say the government went bankrupt then the government would say take a loan of the IMF.

Anyway a couple of things "then paying this money back to itself plus extra. This doesn't make any sense" In theory the government doesn't have to do this, it could choose to cancel all its debts but this would cause the pound to crash. This is what Mugabe did, then also printed a lot more money to compensate and hence making the problem worse. Although I am not sure what would happen if the system started out creating its own money this is what Henry Ford suggested and also the British money reform party.

"8 billion wasn't really that much these days" This really is not that much as the current British debt stands at over 2 Trillion pounds. (This is all debts private included; America is $48 trillion of which $10 trillion is owed to the FED) I think it is three times the GDP. Can't find anything on this that explains the problems but here is a example of the FED which is similar just America (good link covering bond debts)

The problem with the system is that few people understand it and those who do profit of it, like Mr Rothschild said they would. The rest is very well hidden the banking system of creating FIAT money allows those who create it to benefit and not the people of the country. There is few politicians I trust on the subject, I can find little evidence of people speaking up on the subject in Britain so to a certain degree it would be better to make comparisons with the US system, and explaining why this is an issue to us all. I think with most of the stuff you will always struggle to find any solid evidence as it is all well hidden. Although the debt revenue agencies bit is good.

It’s a weird subject on who is controlling it all; the “Zionists” seem the obvious answer if for no other reason than everyone that speaks out against them gets silenced. And also it is well documented that they controlled it in the early 1900’s. The worrying thing with this answer is that 4 out the 5 media owners are also Zionists and the other is Rupert Murdock who is well known associate of Mr Rothschild the most famous Zionist. So I don’t need to tell you how dangerous a media and banking monopoly is. Not to mention AIPAC being the second most powerful lobby in the US which in tern controls the entire house of congress and all the Zionists in Obama’s camp. This with the ADL protecting them calling anyone who says anything Hitler sympathisers, hard to say what is the best way to approach. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Nice points Scott nothing really I can add. I find it amusing that politicians and economic teachers are similarly at a loss as to how the whole thing works as the rest of us!

Just a quick note on the Zionist thing, I think they play their part and play it well but I don't think they are the only ones involved. Seems like a vast network of criminals to me. Speaking of Zionists have you seen 'The Arrivals'? I found it quite fascinating. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Totally agree with that point James I accutally got kicked out of the Prothink group for making it (facist c%$ts). I do see the Zionists as the main controllers in the banking sector though, I think they use the clock of religion and unified agenda to help push certain causes.

Will check out that arrivals when I get time cheers over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood You got thrown out of a group for making a fair point and asking questions?!? Shocking. I'm thinking about giving the Bank of England a call like Paul above did at some point yo ask some questions that I know for a fact they either wont be able to or wont be willing to answer and obviously record the call. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter could be worth a try just ask basic questions like where does the interest go, what is the total debt owed to bank by the UK, will it ever be payed of (obviously never), what external agencies audit it etc over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # George Mullin Fight back over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I emailed the BoE again regarding the bank buying Bonds from the government:


Thank you for your enquiry, and I'm sorry for the short delay in our reply. We referred it to our Finance area, who now advise as follows:

The Bank buys UK government bonds (gilts) from its counterparties in open market operations, ie in the secondary market, and not from the government directly.

The Bank needs to hold assets to back its liabilities and chooses to hold high quality, low risk assets, including gilts.

A description of the Bank's open market operations and balance sheet management can be found in the Bank's Quarterly Bulletin publication. For these, please see:

2008: 2009:

The line items highlighted in the query also includes the 'Ways and Means' advance, which is explained on p39 of the 2008 Bank of England Annual Report. For that, please see:

That's a detail, but just mentioned because 'Assets: securities of, or guaranteed by the British Government' isn't wholly gilt holdings.

I hope that this will have been of assistance.

Kind regards

Malcolm Shemmonds over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Fascinating Paul.

Call me crazy but that sounds suspiciously like money laundering to me. over a year ago · Delete Post

An astonishing article. 34 posts. Created at 08:21 on 13 January 2010 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood climate-summit.html

I have a number of issues with this (aside from the obvious global warming = bullshit angle).

"artificial trees that use a chemical process to soak up CO2."

Lmao erm what's wrong with real trees? Arh right I see, they breath out oxygen which we kind of need, you know, to live.

"iron dumped into the sea to boost plankton growth"

Am I being mental here, but isn't this a perfect excuse to pollute on a mass scale and most likely kill off much ocean life, which we kind of rely on for much of our food and medicine? Arh right I see.

"reducing the sun’s rays by blocking them using mirrors orbiting in space or by spraying sulphur compounds into the high atmosphere to reflect sunlight away"

Wont this mean that most life on earth will suffer as we all kind of rely on the sun you know, for our survival and good health? Vitamin D deficiencies will no doubt hit an all time high as a result and I can't see how crop and plant growth will not be negatively effected. Arh right I see perfectly clear now.

Eugenics any one?

"The Chinese government is thought to use cloud-seeding on a regular basis to encourage precipitation in areas hit by drought."

Weather modification anyone?

If they can do it and they are supposedly less advanced than the west then is it not reasonable to assume (not that you need to assume) that we can do it too? over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Spread the word! over a year ago · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . "Most techniques focus on ways of reducing the sun’s rays by blocking them"

Thats the worrying part for me - nothing to do with global warming - just a last minute scramble to stop the awakening and keep us locked into this hell hole over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It's horrifying Steve! over a year ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham the more people hu sit on there asses sayin oh its wrong n its too bad will fuck us all over we need to get somthing done together an actualy do it or it will be far to late to do fuck all over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Well said Brad.

However what I will say is that whatever we decide to do must avoid violence at all costs as far as I am concerned. over a year ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham you need to get yourself a personal security to control a protest an they act between police an protesters keeping the gap of control then police cant realy do much but watch an it keeps our people safe against them everything needs proper furer planing an i think its about time we did somthing in manchester for it over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Jay Walker ❶ Love its like trying to stop a leaking dam with your digits (fingers, nose, toes) you just know that somethings gotta give. but hey we've been saying for a long time now that its the solution that is problem. technology and fucking with the universes natural biodiversity ecosystems and intricate balance is so short sighted its recipe for disaster. we need to work hard on raising awareness in our own communities for the need of permaculture. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Aldona von Roche Not only have they been chemtrailing us already with sulphur, but barium, aluminum, pesticides, germicides, bacteria... That right there has been screwing up our climate for over a good decade now!

Dumping iron into the oceans is like you said, nothing but polluting the waters. What a bunch of idiots! Who came up with this kind of crap?

The World has gone mad! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Presuming they aren't just telling us this hokum to get people riled. Riled and opposed people are a doddle to control: and it is something which the establishment excels at doing and trying above all else. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Good point Nick. It wouldn't be the first time! *cough* swine flu *cough* over a year ago · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen It's hard to know what's true in the media nowadays, although I do believe that humans (particularly those in power) will end up killing the planet & all who live on it... it's a sad fact :o( over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote No offense mate, but how can something be a fact if it ain't happened. Or ain't happened yet. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham lets not argue on stuff we dont have hard evidence on when we can act on taking this one minded goverment down then once thats done we will have hard facts on wat this country has fucked up n what it aint then we can act opon that i dont wana sound like a cock but things like this need to be done smart and swift with lots of planing and arangments stage by stage so lets get focused on the the goal at hand ppl over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham have a look at this shit an tell me this isnt fucked up over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham watch all of this or the last 30 seconds at least this is how the americans wana start a war its crazy stuff an i bet this country will try and back it aswell over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen "No offense mate, but how can something be a fact if it ain't happened. Or ain't happened yet."

Not only was that a very rude reply, it wasn't necessary at all... unless of course you meant to cause upset?!

Btw, I don't know you at all, so calling me "mate" was just plain nasty! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham please dont be offended by how he has writen his reply i dnt belive it was to cause upset its just a term of accsent writing i belive and in your defence you wrote fact at the end of your last reply and i belive that he has miss-inturpted how you used the word fact . i belive that your saddend by the fact that power leads to greed and greed leads to neglect eg killing off mankind it will happen if theres no revolution as damien rocafella has put to the un an the rest of the world how he talks of mass depopulation (in a civle n humain way). but how do you kill 6 billion people in a civil n humain way? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen I'm off, I can't be in group that defends that kind of abuse!!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "I'm off, I can't be in group that defends that kind of abuse!!!"

This group does not defend any kind of abuse. If you feel you have been abused come and talk to me about it. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I haven't watched the above vids yet, I will soon, however what I will say is that the sentiment to take down the government is a noble one. I agree that the whole government is corrupt to the core and something needs to be done and taking the whole thing down may be the correct course of action however we need to bare in mind a number of pitfalls with this scenario.

Simply taking down the government would leave the corporations completely running the show. Taking down the corporations would leave the government in sole charge. For me either of these represents a disaster scenario. I believe you can not take down one without the other. We must go after both (obviously in a peaceful manner).

This then leaves us with a very different but still very difficult scenario. As much as we despise the government and the corporations, it is a fact that the majority of people depend (usually on both) for their very survival. It is also true that most are not ready or prepared to have their lifelines cut off, some would even fight to keep them.

Keeping this in mind, if we are going to attempt to take down the government and corporations in some fashion, then we must be fully prepared for the consequences of such actions. For example, my mate is type 1 diabetic. He completely relies upon a corporation, through the government for his insulin, and therefore his life. I understand there are alternatives available but I feel he is not prepared for this in any way and if the government and corporations disappeared he would die. There is no other way to look at this. He is not alone, not by a long shot.

Now as much as we need to rid ourselves of the disease ridden government and corps (short of some miracle whereby they are tidied up without destroying them, which isn't very likely), we must realise that our actions have consequences. Personally, I could not sleep at night knowing that my involvement in taking down the system resulted in the mass suffering of the majority of the population. Surely this would make me no better then the people who I am against, as that's what they apparently want and I'd simply be doing their job for them. Not good.

So then if we are serious about this we must ensure that we have the means to look after ourselves in the event that our lifelines are cut off (lets be honest, almost all of us rely on the government/corps in some manner) and that those who are not willing to join with us are looked after too, and those who are not capable of looking after themselves are taken care of also. If we do not ensure this then our actions are surely pointless as the ends do not justify the means.

It would be ridiculous to suggest that we are anywhere near this point yet and therefore, we have much work to do.

(I am sure you have all had these thoughts already, so I apologise if I am stating the obvious here, my intention is not to patronise anybody). over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Further to stuff around post #18 onwards: No Miranda: no offense was intended. 'Mate' is a generic term for me both in person and online. I guess it isn't always appropriate. I'm sorry if you were offended: though at the same time, it is just the language i use and i'lle not apologise for who i am.

I was voicing that there is no point believing in the no-win-we-humans-are-horrible kind of scenario. If we decide there is hope, always... then things are possible for us, however unlikely. If we decide their isn't, their isn't. If i am to go to the gulag... there is nothing to lose by ensuring that i am content with my self and life when i do so. This kind of hope cannot be removed without consent.

Brad... thanks... But if i say something a bit daft and stick my foot in my mouth... i think it's best i cop the flack for it, mate. As far as rockerfella and team slavery goes... I for one assume that they are banking on revolution as much as mass apathy. It has served them well in the past.

Hate to use a christian term, but what i think is needed is more transfiguration. Becoming more what we really are. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers for apologising Nick, means I don't have to get involved! :D

"but what i think is needed is more transfiguration. Becoming more what we really are."

I like that! over a year ago · Delete Post # Brad Sandman Whittingham im not defending or apointing anyone im a peaceful soul that likes to resolve situations and understads that ppl make mistakes and miss judge things so i try and resole a situations an like to keep the peace amonge ppl james youv opend my eyes with the abve statment an i belive your right if we cant live with out them like they cant run without us then why dont we manipulate them to how things should be ran or run i was all about taking them down and stoping the bad that they do i forgot about wat it is that they acctually do for us thks man i now think that we must simply get involved and act like the consance for the corruption and force ourselves apon the corrprations and goverment to be involved and over look wat is acctualy going on if we cant beat them join them but swing it back to looking out for the people if were going for a one world goverment lets make it a loving and peacefull one over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Thomas Gunn If we sit back and allow some fool to build something to block the sun as if it's a good idea, then I'm sorry but we deserve to suffer the consequences. We do have a choice, and we know it's a stupid idea before we even begin, so if we go through with it anyway, well, maybe let evolution take it's course? Idiot species' won't make it through, and shouldn't make it through for the benefit of the universe, simple as that. It all comes down to the fact we have a choice. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea it can't be allowed to happen.

Maybe they are just saying this because they have something less dramatic in mind and will 'compromise' down to whatever that may be when people quite rightly complain that the ideas mentioned in the article is ludicrous. Is usually the way these things work out. I think somebody already made this point. over a year ago · Delete Post # Thomas Gunn Ah, I hadn't thought of that technique. Clever. But still I think if the compromise is a stupid idea, then it's a stupid idea, and it's that fact we should be concerned with, not the idea that "we must do something, but I'm not sure why."

Stupid is still stupid, and there's no reason to do it just because it happens to be less stupid than the other stupid idea. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lol Indeed. over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote I think we might be underestimating people's stupidity somewhat. If it's done carefully and just right, most people will go along with anything.

EG: I regularly argue with one of those 'fundamentalist athiests' on another group... you know... the kind of people who are very intellectual, good debaters... in many ways have clear, freethinking minds... yet take the scientific orthodoxy in much the same way a jehova's witness takes... well... jehova! I posted this up on the DB for him to look at... it being securely within the realm of ridiculus (even if you believe in global-frauding)... he failed to see anything stupid about it.

Sometimes i think otherwise decent people are like some lizards... two sets of eyelids... one of them never gets opened. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

# James Lockwood Apathy is another problem Nick. Some people just don't care at all (for whatever reason) irrespective if they are stupid or intellectual. over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Yes, i think this century and the last could be summed up in the word, if it exists, apathism ....i just can't be bothered to look it up, you know how it is. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lol over a year ago · Delete Post # Kay ʚϊɞ Weiland it seems to me that its all to easy to critisize and find fault, to my mind the real difficulty lies in trying to find viable alternatives to a life withiut money starting from this point in time. The closest thing that i have found to date is the alternative community angle its a smal beginning but it could grow, self sustainability and community living...recognising our dependance on the system and trying different ways of moving out of them...... which ofcourse initially means using the systems over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

It's ok, the BBC and the Government have it all worked out... 16 posts. Created at 07:22 on 23 January 2010

# James Lockwood you don't have to bother!

The only part of that article I'd personally take any notice of is this:

"The home secretary stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent."

The rest is simply there for YOUR fear and entertainment.

If you are really bored then go take a look back to 2005 and learn that you have supposed to been living in constant fear since at least then.

If you have not been living in fear then you are very very naughty indeed! over a year ago · Delete Post # Cook ﻬJuliete ஐ I always knew i wasn't the Mesiah...just a very very very very naughty girl!!!! LOL ~ over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Thomas Gunn I haven't been watching TV or reading newspapers so, as amazing as it may seem, my life isn't affected in any way at all. Who would have thought :D over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Steve Fowler I suspect this be all bull and fear making, so i am not scared and i don't watch or read newspapers!. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Barry Donnan Exact same you guys. Don't give a toss what the BBC or the government minions say, it makes not one bit of difference here.... No media in this house, because its all shit... ' Everything is okay.' over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Cook ﻬJuliete ஐ I havent watched TV for months now...and I had masses of post sent to me from the TV license mafia...\i never bothered with the threats cause I thought...'fuck 'em, they can kiss my ass...Im not paying for this shit I threw the TV away...and the letters haven't I phoned them up..and told them I didnt have a TV and could they please stop sending me \ive already committed some crime!! Their reply was that they were going to come and search my house. I said you are going to do what?? Search my house for a TV..I mean, I suggested my word was good enough and that i had the decency to let them know that I wouldnt be paying the TV Mafia anymore of my money cause I thought TV was shit!!! The man insisted he'll have to come and search my house in the next few weeks, unannounced!!!

I mean...What the fuck...? Who are these people who demand my money for a service I do not require or even listen to? It's a total racket!! I many other channels are there, who do not behave like that..? and because of the Mr BBC we have to be policed and our houses searched..!!! For a fucking TV, I tell you!

I don't have the money to pay them either..I haven't had any luck with finding work, and during the winter months I am very poor, but I make it through, some weeks are better than others, there is no work out there, and when there is...there's about 100 people jumping for the job. The last nail in coffin is then getting threatening letters about house invasions and high penalities, for refusing to watch their brainwashing BOLLOCKS~~

THEY CAN COME ROUND AND SNIFF MY REBEL ASS !!! IVE GOT NOTHING TO HIDE. i AM MY WORD, I do not have a TV ~ now FUCK OFF !~ LOL thanks for the rant~ lol over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Barry Donnan Juliete,

Here is a link you may find interesting..

Yeah you are being hassled for not being part of the system - how dare you ??? Lol. We can't have people like you thinking for yourself, when you should be listening to the BBC and swallowing every piece of propaganda they throw out on the news. Lol. I never had a TV for ten years, but recently bought one for watching DVDs only. I did pay the license fee for a while then stopped again. 12 quid a month for utter toss beamed into your mind - I don't think so. I've had a few letters, so far I have ignored them, so we'll see what happens when they come to my house...One thing for sure they won't be getting a foot in the door...

I'm glad you can see through the mire of bullshit Juliete - I hope you have more luck in finding a job soon... xx over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Edouard Stokes cheers James over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Cook ﻬJuliete ஐ

Well, Im wondering how I can stop them from coming inside my house..I mean, sure this isn't right..who has the audacity to say it's ok for some ass to come round and search your things, when you've done nothing wrong or stolen anything from no one !!

I know Im sounding naive...i'd just like some to explain what right do they have to extort money from you or invade your privacy if you refuse !!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Thomas Gunn I'm guessing you can stop them from entering your house by simply saying "no". They're not the police, they don't have a warrant etc, so it's basically "some guy" wanting to come in and search your house. So if you tell him no, I would have thought he's breaking the law by entering, and then he's the one who can get in trouble for it if you report it. Or something like that anyway. They don't have the authority to do things like that, so the only way they can is if they are invited in. Like a vampire :D over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Cook ﻬJuliete ஐ My foot has suddenly got bigger...and I shall exercise the move I plan to use with it!!!

Also im blessed with a gifted ability to say NO !! So im guessing this ought to go pretty much my way!! Im also thinking that I might hang some garlic around my door entrance sort of hanging over the doorbell!!!

Well, Im very grateful for the sound advice I got from all of you! Also it's kind of comforting to know Im not alone in my quest to freedom of choice from these self elected Mafia merchants!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Fear = big £$£$£ over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Well, Im wondering how I can stop them from coming inside my house"

Just say no. They have no right to enter unless you approve (of course they will try many techniques in order to trick you into approving, most of which involve fear).

Also don't sign ANYTHING they present you with. By doing this you will be convicting yourself by summery judgement which basically means you are fucked if they take it to court as you have signed a confession. over a year ago · Delete Post # Barry Donnan If you don't even have TV Juliete, I would'nt even speak to them never mind let them in the house. You can ask for a protective guard put on your address to stop the hassle - just phone them....tell them you will speak to your MP about the hassle for not having a TV....

But you are under no duty to let them in - or answer their questions....

To do so, as James also said is implied consent... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Cook ﻬJuliete ஐ Well, Im not going to let them in and im definitely not signing NO piece of anything...besides..Im dyslexic and by my own rule number one..I never engage in any signing of any document unless I have someone with me, explaining exactly what is written on that jargon bulshit threats they write to you...language which is designed to twist my sanity I tell you!

A friend of mine told me recently he did this too...he simply refused to let the BBC Mafia in and told them, " i havent got a TV, and ive already told you that, so fuck off', and he shut the door on the guys face!!!

Well, thats what I will do...and if they come any closer or try to make their way into my house, I will call the police and report it having trespassers in my house!!!

Hopefully they be able able to identify them quickly because they will have a mark on their asses with my boot wedged tightly in up their asses!!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood lol My missus called them ages ago to inform them we don't receive TV signals anymore and therefore wont be paying for a license. They were fine about it but she got the usual message that they needed to search my house at some point lmao as if I'd allow that the fucking cheek! Anyhow they haven't tried it yet or if they have nobody was in. over a year ago · Delete Post

As the propaganda machine enters overdrive... 4 posts. Created at 07:13 on 05 December 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood anticipation of the Copenhagen Treaty:

Why not take a large breath, a step back and watch a different part of the propaganda machine explain to you how and why this process originated, evolved and how it works (for those who have not already seen it, apologies to those who have):

The Century Of The Self - Part 1 of 4 GBAw&q=the+centrury+of+the+self&hl=en#

The Century of the self 2 of 4 GBAw&q=the+centrury+of+the+self&hl=en#

The Century of the Self 3 of 4 GBAw&q=the+centrury+of+the+self&hl=en#

The Century of the self 4 of 4 GBAw&q=the+centrury+of+the+self&hl=en# over a year ago · Delete Post # Tom Read Are you sure that the people trying to sabotage the talks aren't the ones who are being the most damaging to humanity? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Perhaps, that's difficult to measure.

However, personally, I am all for environmental initiatives which make sense. Polluting the natural environment, toxic waste dumping, landfill, nasty pollution and nasty shit and chemicals in our food, water, air etc. all bad things which need to be addressed and sorted out. Initiatives to put small wind turbines and solar panels on peoples houses to either eliminate or reduce their dependency on power companies. Allocating land, resources, equipment, knowledge etc. for people to learn to grown their own food and so reduce their reliance on big corporations. Research and funding into zero point energy sources. All really good, sensible stuff.

On the flip side; overuse of carbon dioxide by human beings driving increased global temperatures to be met by a massive increase in real-term global taxation (reducing the living standard of everyone) to be implemented and controlled by a global financial governance (operated by Goldman Sachs) of which the people will not have the slightest bit of influence over in any way measurable. -Insanity in its purest form. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Interesting post james, I have a points of agreement and points of disagreement here.

" to be met by a massive increase in real-term global taxation (reducing the living standard of everyone)" this is an exaggeration, the effects of this tax will be minimal. Especially if compared to say the continuation of Afpak war. I can get facts on this if you like.

"to be implemented and controlled by a global financial governance (operated by Goldman Sachs) of which the people will not have the slightest bit of influence over in any way measurable. -Insanity in its purest form." This is the part I like, this is actually quite true. I don't know if you have seen "the story of stuff" (if not that is probably worth a watch it is only 20 mins) but here is a video the people that made that film explaining what you have just said.

Also here is an article by my favourite economist Dean Baker explaining why it is the only option. It is an interesting article as it also explains why democracy cannot exist within capitalism and why unfortunately all other movements will fail. This I think is the general problem, in general all decisions are made this way, 'the people' always have 'no influence', again this will never change under capitalism. payoff/ over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Climategate. A possible Climate Change smoking gun? 19 posts. Created at 15:46 on 23 November 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It has been confirmed that last week un-named hackers broke into computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (the main body advising the UN's IPCC) and allegedly released 61 megabytes of confidential files onto the internet: coffin-of-anthropogenic-global-warming/ over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The files in question: have a look for yourself! over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Downloading as we speak. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Look in \FOI2009\FOIA\documents and open RulesOfTheGame.pdf

Fascinating look into their world. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Also, look at the MannHouseReply.pdf file. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter This is a good explanation of the many inaccuracies that are claimed by the sceptics and right wing media. Also it puts a number of the allegations about the emails into context over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "At 21:51 09/02/2006, Michael E. Mann wrote: guys, I see that Science has already gone online w/ the new issue, so we put up the RC post. By now, you've probably read that nasty McIntyre thing. Apparently, he violated the embargo on his website (I don't go there personally, but so I'm informed). Anyway, I wanted you guys to know that you're free to use RC in any way you think would be helpful. Gavin and I are going to be careful about what comments we screen through, and we'll be very careful to answer any questions that come up to any extent we can. On the other hand, you might want to visit the thread and post replies yourself. We can hold comments up in the queue and contact you about whether or not you think they should be screened through or not, and if so, any comments you'd like us to include. You're also welcome to do a followup guest post, etc. think of RC as a resource that is at your disposal to combat any disinformation put forward by the McIntyres of the world. Just let us know. We'll use our best discretion to make sure the skeptics dont'get to use the RC comments as a megaphone...... See More

>> mike" over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Regarding my original post here is a video that explains the why there is a difference in opinion concerning what is being claimed by sceptics about the apparent plateau in global temperatures, since 1998.

@ Sam Regarding exploitation of the green movement by big business, here are a couple of articles I read on the subject. The inefficient method of carbon trading How Big business has stole the show And how the west will not pay for the problem the cause over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Who's Sam? over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Shit sorry wrong board, I was copying a link for another board and accidently posted it here! On a side note, they do explain how the carbon Tax system will work so probably worth a read over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Rubbish mate. Also, the repeated use of the word 'denier' has very offensive overtones. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter "Rubbish mate", which part that is quite unspecific

As for the repeated use of the word denier, I concur that it is offensive, totally unnecessary and detrimental to the cause that it looks to promote. It is understandable that people would believe an alternative view as most have not had time to study both sides and with out a considerable amount of time spent it is hard to distinguish between rhetoric and evidence. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ""Rubbish mate", which part that is quite unspecific"

I was specifically referring to the continued use of un-substantiated rhetoric by George Monbiot such as classic lines like 'in the last 10 years we have had 8 of the hottest years since records began' (or whatever it was he said) which is quite blatantly a lie.

Also, coining the phrase 'denier' to describe people who simply ask (usually quite legitimate) questions regarding climate change is a subtle psychological technique employed by the climate camp to on a subconscious level trick people (who are not aware that such psychological techniques are possible) into associating 'climate deniers' with holocaust deniers. Go do some studying into the use of language techniques. It's sick and its continued use tells me all I need to know about the type of ruthless bastards we are dealing with here. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter "I was specifically referring to the continued use of un-substantiated rhetoric by George Monbiot such as classic lines like 'in the last 10 years we have had 8 of the hottest years since records began' (or whatever it was he said) which is quite blatantly a lie. "

Actually that is a fact based on the actual temperature’s recorded by the Met office. Unless you can find any evidence to suggest that the Met office has been lying, which would not be hard to do, as has been proven by when the likes of Al Gore have made inaccurate claims, there is little reason to believe what you saying.

Concerning the term denier Personally I think it has the opposite effect to what your stating as usually people react just as you have. The right wing media says scientists and climate activists are claiming people who deny global warming are stupid, then the scientists/activists say that you are stupid, the outcome is almost always the same. ps did you read the other two articles from Zmag as they do a good job at explaining how the new system will work and who are the driving forces behind it. They explain that it is not a Straight Tax (unfortunately) it is a method of trading credits to allow bigger business to benefit. There are logical reasons for the energy sector /financial sector being the dominant force behind this current legislation.

Also in regards to your original post did you mean to repost the video that I originally posted or did you mean to post the one that you sent out in the Email?

Personally I found some of the claims made in video absurd. For instance it reference to the club of Rome. There can be no reasonable reason for referencing a one hundred year old book. Since then the entire dynamics of politics has changed. More importantly some of the claims made in the book are now irrefutable. It is not a conspiracy nor disputed that water is running out in key regions all over the world, how many rivers that used to reach the sea no longer do. Also with reference to climate change, no matter what your view is on the causes, there are some things should be non controversial for both sides. There can be no conceivable way to make birds change their migrating patterns or to make flowers rise early. These are new phenomenon’s that did not occur before or at least not at there current rate. You can see this from your house. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "There are logical reasons for the energy sector /financial sector being the dominant force behind this current legislation." OK game up, who are you? That is probably the most outrageous statement I have read in this group. Power without representation ey? I take it you are a firm believer in the post democratic era then?

"Actually that is a fact based on the actual temperature’s recorded by the Met office. Unless you can find any evidence to suggest that the Met office has been lying, which would not be hard to do, as has been proven by when the likes of Al Gore have made inaccurate claims, there is little reason to believe what you saying."

Your statement is contradictory and does make much of sense.

"Personally I think it has the opposite effect to what your stating as usually people react just as you have."

If that were true then it might be a good thing. You know, seeing through the bullshit psychological techniques.

"Also in regards to your original post did you mean to repost the video that I originally posted or did you mean to post the one that you sent out in the Email?"

Which video?

"There can be no reasonable reason for referencing a one hundred year old book. Since then the entire dynamics of politics has changed."

No, not really. History teaches up many lessons. There is nothing wrong with quoting the past as there are countless relevant events which can be pointed to which we still feel the effects of today.

"There can be no conceivable way to make birds change their migrating patterns or to make flowers rise early. These are new phenomenon’s that did not occur before or at least not at there current rate."

Bullshit, there are literally 1000's of factors which could either contribute to or cause these things, both man made and natural.

"You can see this from your house."

I can see many man-made things from my house which are contributing to climate change which do not get any mainstream mention. Those weird long aeroplane contrails spring to mind. Those are quite blatantly having an effect on the climate irrespective if they are there by accident or on purpose (this is irrelevant for me at this point). Much conspiracy surrounding the subject however one thing is clear they are there and they are having an effect. Anybody can observe this without any equipment if they are willing to stand or sit outside for a couple of hours; more than can be said for CO2 driven AGW. I'd be more inclined to worry about that. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I would like to add that I am willing to entertain the notion that I am wrong to question climate change and in fact wrong about everything else too. If I did not then I would lose my ability to learn. Having said that, I will wait until a time where the evidence is compelling (I do not believe it is anywhere near compelling right now, no matter how many times climate scientists say the science is settled and the debate is over, which I perceive as scientific arrogance). over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter **OK Power without representation ey? ** No the opposite in fact this is why I hate capitalism.

**I take it you are a firm believer in the post democratic era then?** No

The point of the statement was not that I agree with what’s happened with the Copenhagen summit, there has been terrible exploitation by big business, where now the people who made money by polluting the world, are now making a profit through trading Co2. This is almost as bad as the banking bailout, where the people who caused the mess by taking excessive risks, were rewarded by being bailed out with no major repercussions to themselves and are now making obscene profits by taking excessive risks from the money given to them. So it is logical that the carbon trading system has come about in the form it is but this is actually a problem with capitalism that should be kept separate. The only way to solve this problem is by removing the corporate hegemony over our lives by taking back the valuable resources and institutions, gaining more workers rights and control of the work place, better international regulations of corporate activities and higher corporate taxes that is then directed to the state.

As for climate change I think that the idea it is a conspiracy absurd, although it is possible that the scientists are wrong. There can be no conceivable reason for mass scientific collusion, although I accept that scientific perpetuation could be a possibility. If this was the case, I would have imagined that there would have been better substantiations against the peer reviewed papers. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Mary Croft 1 post. Created at 10:12 on 04 December 2009 by Eddie Boyce

Eddie Boyce The link below will take you to her blog where you can get a brilliant FREE ebook explaining banking, "law" and so so much more. This lady turned the tables on the banks find out how. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

RIP 21 posts. Created at 07:44 on 01 December 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood R.I.P. The . 1707-2009.

R.I.P. The of Great Britain and . 1800-2009.

It might not have been great all the way through, but what is to come is far worse. In time we look back and miss what we have lost. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj Dearest James, for those of us that are stuck on fighting other matrices such as the swine flu/ cancer etc cons... would you be so kind as to quickly enlighten us briefly on what has specifically occured today; above and beyond; say for example the Lisbon Treaty did etc. I haven't yet had a chance to sit and watch today's news yet... not that it is prob on there anyways! I would be so grateful if you could share with us a link to a video or doc or website page. It was very painful reading the RIP GB indeed. With Kindest Regards, Sareeta and Friends x over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Rupert Medić Indeed, I share Sareeta´s sentiments. If the country has actually entered a new phase in it´s existence then it will interesting to cross check the dates with mundane astrological configurations. Mundane astrology is the branch that looks at entities such as countries, as I understand it Britains current incarnation is cancerian, giving the ability to spread order, also the stiff upper lip or cold hearted approach.

There is always hope. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It is the Lisbon Treaty Sareeta:

Although nothing on the surface will become drastically apparent for a while now, we will begin to see the gradual wide-up of the UK central government as 'power' is devolved to the regions. So although not suddenly apparent, what I said in the group message is accurate; today marks the wind-down of this country as we know it.

This is what I am talking about: over a year ago · Delete Post # Rupert Medić So now it´s up to us, the people to steer the ship in a prosperous direction.

Take the power back. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj Thank you James - you know I am a selective airhead anyways lol x I will add the links to my page. cheers, s

Thanks to you to Rupert. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood May I also take the time to remind all that this comes into force today: I quote:

"a) Article 2(2) of the ECHR: ‘Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary:

* in defence of any person from lawful violence; * in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained; * in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.’"

It is for this reason a violent uprising is impossible. YOUR life is no longer protected if you are being arrested or fleeing arrest, or if participating in a 'riot' or 'insurrection'. You may also lose your life if you are being violent towards 'ANY PERSON'. We need to be very careful how we proceed now. Anything we do MUST be peaceful. over a year ago · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj OMFG WHERE ARE THE SAS WHEN U NEED THE BUGGERS! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Iraq and Afghanistan. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Roslyn Aubrey Hmmmm. Interesting. Now on a slightly selfish note. My son, which I found out today (parents evening), has chosen the subject of the EU president as his subject. I asked how controversial his essay is allowed to be. Very came the response as long as he can substantiate. If anyone has any interesting views/links/takes/suggestions - my email is: [email protected] thanks over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Rupert Medić Interesting thread, Roslyn, nothing comes to mind sorry. All I can say for now is that it seems a blessing that any uprising must be peaceful. Thats what we want anyway, right? Happy days ahead.

To peace, justice and freedom! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # 'J' Canaan Greene I think the paradoxical silver lining is that, while they have united our governments, they have also given all of humanity a common enemy.. that of the oppression and injustice caused by the global governance of a supranational U.N. that, through its pseudoscience, & its political infiltrations, manipulations and usurpations, has been busy reducing and redacting the established rights of the peoples of all nations. ...and now we NEED to unite to overcome the corruption, and oppression that his guaranteed if we allow this beast to continue to gain ground.. So basically, they've united us, but in a way that divides us from our own self governance, which may likely lead to all the world's people uniting in a revolt for self determination.. what a clusterf*ck of contradictions!

Power to the people! Love is the answer! Love ABOVE will!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj I had the following published post from... British Isles is still Common Law land! To members of Lawful Rebellion David Ophalus 02 December at 10:09 Reply Hello everyone It seems everyone is starting to bleat out the nonsense from the Torygraph, Daily Mail and other dog crap mainstream press that the EU is now the Law. This fact cannot be so as there is too much at stake on this Island. People need to realise how powerful and important our Island is in the NWO, i.e. run tings. Don't be afraid! Just think how many people around you would let foreigners come into your streets and tell you what to do... At the end of the day, nobody has given anyone the right for EU rule and never will peacefully. Did you know that just in East Anglia, if all the anti-EU parties were one during that pseudo-EU election that its votes would have dwarfed all other parties? This is the case with much of our Island. Don't give into the fake virtual rubbish that will be pushed into your minds over the cause of the year on this EU buggery. Stop and think before you post those negative news reports about how we're all buggered. Instead, post something positive about how we're going to spread the word, that we don't need to be governed or ruled to live our lives. Proof: Cheers, Sareeta over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood A good message sent out by David, Sareeta however we need to be very careful here, the dismantling of the UK's common law system will be a slow and gradual one, no doubt played out over a period of a decade or so.

"David Ophalus 02 December at 09:50 this isnt the case..."

I will respond to this here.

True, it isn't the case that common law in the UK as we speak has been abandoned or overtaken by the EU. I may have been slightly hasty in the assertion I made in the message I sent out and in this thread however, there is room in the Lisbon Treaty for it to become the case if allowed to. I fully expect it to become a reality over the next 5-10 years unless we stop it. I think we all agree that at the very least they are going to try it. So in that respect, my message regarding the 1st December as the beginning of the dismantling of the UK and it's common law structure is somewhat accurate. over a year ago · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj no word of a lie James... last night my bf took me 4 a night cap at the royal telegraph pub in derby city centre. norm lots of oinks go in so its usually friendly and we go 2 play pool. as i ordered my glass of wine; i had 2 really bad evils off 2 of the 6 white blue eyed blokes at the bar. i woz shocked 2 say the least! just couldnt understand. then they spoke. they were german. and they VERY CLEARLY hated my skin colour... v v v diff than British boys that love it ! i had my first ever taster of what a EUROPEAN BRITAIN would be like... and it's not nice. ( the last time i faced racism to such an extent was when i was 5-11 and then I was bullied by 2 muslim kids... and then later at med school by two African girls who made my life hell). the barman said that they were from a hotel called "the european hotel" round the corner. think i am gonna ask them 4 a name change... perhaps, 2 "the Britannia"! i really hope that ad on telly re: "restoring the GB pubs" works! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Shocking Sareeta.

I don't have any experience interacting with German people so would you say this was a one off and these people were bad apples or is it indicative of a more general trend? They sound like a bunch of neo-nazi's to me. over a year ago · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj Yup. just thanks 4 listening guys... i just dont understand germans at all speaking of the EU... another message from David...

EU Police exercises have started To members of Lawful Rebellion David Ophalus 03 December at 20:10 Reply Hello all I sent you all a message the other day about the British Isles still being a Common Law country. I also talked about how it would make people feel is if EU Police walked our streets. Well here you go, they're warming people up, just like they did with the Community Support Officers saying they'd never grant them Police 'powers'. EU Police on our streets, under what Jurisdiction? And my opinions are not anything to do with racism, the BNP or anything like that, they are about keeping our Island away from the sweaty mitts of evil money-grabbing EU turd bags. --- any thoughts? cheers sareeta over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood The EU really is on full speed ahead isn't it!

That is the beginning of foreign troops and police patrolling UK streets. It wont happen for a number of years (probably) but I can't see how it's a good idea in any way shape of form. I'd be inclined to ask a bunch of Iraq's or Afghans what they think about foreign troops patrolling their streets. I believe they would be in agreement with me; it's not on! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The EU really is on full speed ahead isn't it!

That is the beginning of foreign troops and police patrolling UK streets. It wont happen for a number of years (probably) but I can't see how it's a good idea in any way shape of form. I'd be inclined to ask a bunch of Iraq's or Afghans what they think about foreign troops patrolling their streets. I believe they would be in agreement with me; it's not on! over a year ago · Delete Post

The Only Swine Flu Survival Guide You'll Ever Need - A Presentation by ANTHONY BECKETT 1 post. Created at 18:51 on 27 November 2009 by Lenny Gazbowski

Lenny Gazbowski The Only Swine Flu Survival Guide You'll Ever Need - A Presentation by ANTHONY BECKETT



£3.00 ADMITTANCE over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

EU Death Penalty Clause. 2 posts. Created at 07:16 on 21 November 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood There is always much talk of the European Convention on Human Rights containing a clause allowing for the death penalty. This is something I have taken people's word on for the most and never bothered to check, until now.

I invite you to do the same: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Usual BBC tripe regarding the matter:

"Belgian PM named as EU president" 1 post. Created at 15:12 on 19 November 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood

So Blair was a ruse after all! Or will he be next perhaps?

Some classic quotes from the 1st article: "she told the BBC later, adding that she hoped Europe would become "an economic superpower". " - Baroness Catherine Ashton, new EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security.

"EU leaders met in Brussels especially to select their first full-time president and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs - new posts created by the Lisbon Treaty, which will come into force on 1 December."

Where's the damn democracy in that? Please pay special attention to the word FORCE!!!!

"The EU leaders had a working dinner together to negotiate the appointments. "

How lovely for them!

"The EU president will chair regular meetings of the European Council at which decisions are taken about the political position of the bloc."

Oh my god! They are not even attempting to hide it any more, look at soviet style language with the use of the word 'bloc'!!! over a year ago · Delete Post

Liberty News Radio 6 posts. Created at 15:44 on 06 November 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood On Saturday 7th November 08:00 (am) Pacific time and 16:00 (pm) GMT I will be taking part in a Radio show discussion for Liberty News Radio in the U.S.

I know that not everyone will be able to hear the interview on the radio in the U.S. or at all in the UK or elsewhere, but anybody who is interested in listening around the world can hear the interview live on-line at The show will also be available as a podcast on that site as well.

Just in case anybody is wondering, there will not be any money exchanged for time given. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Podcast link to follow. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Looking forward to the podcast Jimbo. Well done! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers Paul!

Here is the podcast. Apologies if I sound like a mong, I was a little nervous as it was my 1st radio interview! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Johnny Hasj Very Good Interview ! Keep up the Good Work ! ! Congrats ! ;) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Chronology please? 4 posts. Created at 05:30 on 06 November 2009 by James Lockwood

# Nick Aucote Quick query, Guys. I am trying to get my head around the chronology of the banking scam/takeover and the nature of corporate prison. From what I am GUESSING so far; the meeting at Jekyll island goes down…the gold standard is replaced with fiat money and currency becomes debt to the banks. In order to enter into these contracts, nation states become registered corporations on the stock-market.

Is this in any way right, mate? Does there exist any good resources for getting a good chronology of events… perhaps even details of the agreements that must have been signed by various parties between the corporate nation-states and the banks? It would be well useful to have these details to hand. I may be having to go back to work at some point in the near future… and I would like to have this stuff to hand to disseminate onto the lads on the factory floors. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten The Money Masters - Part 1

The Money Masters - Part 2 over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea, it's pretty thoroughly covered in money masters. over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Oyo... that's looong! I shall... er... procure it and watch it. Allready getting lots of good resources from it, though. Cheers guys. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Game Over? 26 posts. Created at 12:47 on 03 November 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

Perhaps, for now. over a year ago · Delete Post # Andy Dale there is nothing left to do except mass demonstrations against it as is already stated yes to trade with europe no to them governing us we need to demonstrate this over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Mark Rejekt What's worrying is the new foreign secretary, a united European foreign policy.

We all know what that's for.

Once people find out the depth to which this treaty bypasses member states, there will be revolution... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Andrew Livesey there will be blood on the streets across all of europe.... very few counties want to lose sovereignty to an EU superstate!!!! But WAC and the bc group and other citizen organisations need to keep on rolling educatin people about the big red white and blue dildo thats being crammed up the UK' and US' ass. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten "there is nothing left to do except mass demonstrations against it"

Do you think they don't already know that the masses aren't (going to be) pleased with it?

Anyone who goes out to protest against such things is wasting their time. If they cared you wouldn't need to keep doing it. The problem and the solution is one step ahead of that. It is in the empowering stage. They have no power until we choose to empower them, so really, why bother fighting against them, what is that going to achieve? You only need to fight against them because you empower them to begin with. Until you create that force, there is nothing to fight against. So why fight it? If you really want to come up with a solution, walk away. Don't empower them. Just walk away, let them get on with their own business, and create something new elsewhere. Fight nothing, destroy nothing, only create and construct from nothing. The only threat will be a bunch of wig-wearing old men who frankly will be going extinct, groups of business people, people who have something they call "money" that once brought them "power". Well, good for them. If that's how they want to live, that's fine. It doesn't mean to say the rest of us also have to live that way.

To fight against it is to continue to play their game according to their rules. In reality, there is no game, there are no rules. You choose to make it applicable, you choose to give it validity. Unless you want to continue to play that game, don't resist. Let it die. Your time and creative potential would be better spent and applied conceiving the next generation. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen When I watched the ITV News this afternoon and heard about the Czech ratification... I thought, what a dark day :o(

I could tell that president Vaclav Klaus wasn't happy either... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Andy Dale what & you think they are going to pay attention? how on earth is 'walking away' & leaving them to carry on going to achieve anything? you do realise that if you leave them alone they will continue without interruption nonesense over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten When I didn't watch the news today my life didn't change one bit. You could almost think that none of that nonsense matters unless you want it to :) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten "you do realise that if you leave them alone they will continue without interruption"

With what power? Using what pawns? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen Otn (one of the sheeple), you seem to ignore what's going on around you.... until it's too late & there's NOTHING you can do! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote I always assume that any course of action or nonaction is likely to have been realised as a possibility. Elite of society have plenty of cash, resources and the best minds... half of which don't even know it and are probably convinced they are doing themselves and the world a favour.

In my estimation one of the principle and most well-developed tools of the subversive intentions of the establishment is geared around the way people's minds work and how to push, pull, manipulate and capitalise on what it's doing.

Notice that in general, the world is pulling into very disparate camps? Truthers and sheeple, left and right, natural health or pharmecutical godhood. The abundance of information which goes on endlessly contradicting itself continues and snowballs. People are becoming bewildered; those who seek authentic truth and value freedom and peace are no exception. I for one doubt that the trends in things are entirely accidental.

And it does in a very basic sense seem a bit daft engaging each-other so over the internet; every byte of which is, of course, accessible and probably monitored at all times. It's like we are giving 'them' a textbook on our psychology, hopes, fears and aspirations. Even if that statement is one of those more paranoid; the situation could be easilly created from the data we pile onto and through facebook. I think it's a given that FB is pretty evileye-friendly. Plus the whole thing can be shut down in a finger-snap. I agree with Otn saying 'When I didn't watch the news today my life didn't change one bit.' Me neither. Where i get my news kinda depends on what mood i'm in anyhow. Whatever terrible things are going on, coming this way, about to hit that's what they are doing. If the situation presents itself to do anything no matter how small to improve the way of the world, then take it at your discretion. We kid ourselves if we believe that ultimately we have ever or will ever do anything else.

One thing is for sure. Being scared shitless doesn't equip you to deal with anything that happens in your life. (Barring the odd split-second thing perhaps) We are encouraged to be scared shitless. That's how terrorism works. Take a hint from the guys who invented it. It is so easy and i think misses the point, when we spend far more time fighting to protect something yet very little time being involved in it. Where this happens in number, we get what might be called a 'death of soul' or something; which characterises the time.

An underground on FB is a contradiction in terms. human beings have faced the very things we are facing (i know.. pretty different details and scope... but i doubt they had much concept of that) since... well... you name it.

And more tangibly... i think that we human communities, societies etc are boichemical... it all comes down to the numbers really. So the question isn't is everybody following me and doing what im doing but what am i putting into the mix? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten You know, accusing someone who introduces and discusses different ideas of being a sheeple is not of any advantage in terms of solution. You have dismissed it without any attempt to understand it. If I wasn't aware of what's going on then I wouldn't be in the position to be thinking such thoughts. If you want to try the same thing that has been tried before, go ahead, but its not going to get you anywhere. We have all known human history to prove that. We are still here today fighting the same battle. You are feeding the monster that you are trying to defeat. You continue to empower it. That's all I need to say because the answer is contained within that statement. Understand the process. Its not the WHAT that's important, its the HOW. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten "I always assume that any course of action or nonaction is likely to have been realised as a possibility."

Exactly, that's included within why I say resistance is a bad idea. They have a whole selection of brand new toys they're just dying to test. All they need is an angry enough mob to test it on. More truth and awareness of corruption is going to come out in the open, because angry people is a part of the plan - all that chaos is going to require "someone" to step in and control all those crazy people, "someone" will need to protect the decent members of society from all these crazy people. No prizes awarded for anyone who is able to guess how this little problem would be presented through the media and who would be more than happy to save the rest of the population. Not to mention it identifies who would be the trouble makers, so you are doing their job on their behalf. It gets all those nasty people out of the way so the rest of us nice members of society can have a peaceful world order. Those who would do that would simply be the ones who took the bait. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Scott Winter Personally I don't know if it is such a bad thing. When it comes to keeping big business in check I prefer the stance of most of the euopean countries compared to the UK's. The UK has the worst human rights record around the globe bar none. Not to mention the obscene support for the private banking sector. At least in France and Germany there is open talking about regulating the banking sector, something that should be of interst although appears to have been missed by most people within this group. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Gav Ess "Anyone who goes out to protest against such things is wasting their time."

I have believed for a long time that all of us politicially swithced on folk need to come together through genuine cross-community integration and vote with our money and our political vote and ostracise the vermin until they are laughed out of existence.

This is a great group, with important information shared. The fear is that largely speaking, groups like this, are preaching to the already converted. We need to inter-link the communities. Only by such clarity and numbers can we guide the necessary direction for the clean-sweap we need. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Devon Kellar Gav Ess I agree with you, although yes the elite will have planned for every eventuality they must still be scared of our power, after all we number well over 6 billion to there thousands. The problem is we are already so divided over non issues like race and religion that we stand no chance of unifying unless there is a radical shift and FAST!!

I can already see the awakening snowballing though and i have friends that laughed me down only months ago but are now preaching the word to all who will listen. The elite are getting more blatant by the day and in turn people are waking up even faster.... however the problem with co- ordinated action is that any influential movements are quickly infiltrated and shut down before they become a problem..... I would like to think otherwise but I fear the West will continue in slumber until the elite play their final cards.. by then it may be too late over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Gav Ess a continued 'gradual subconscious undermining' in the spirit of the 'temporary autonomous zone' it is, then. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten What do you mean by "vote with our money"? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood As a people:

We are divided on Europe. We are divided on whether there should be a Europe. We are divided on the European President. We are divided on race. We are divided on Government. We are divided as to whether there should be a Government. We are divided on what should constitute the rule of law. We are divided on whether there should be a rule of law. We are divided on Climate Change. We are divided on science. We are divided on Religion. We are divided as to whether there should be any Religion. We are divided on how best to regulate financial institutions. We are divided as to whether there should be any financial institutions. We are divided on how best to regulate currency. We are divided on whether there should be any currency. We are divided on which bits of the media we should choose to believe. We are divided on which bits of the internet to believe. We are divided on the free market. We are divided on capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, anarchy etc. We are divided on drugs. We are divided on what sports team is best. We are divided on what should be done to make the world right. and 1000's of other divisions barely worth mentioning.

In other words we stand DIVIDED.

Coincidence? I think not!

We have become too focussed on stages (B) and (C) of the plan if you like ((B) being negotiation/compromise/discussion/concessions on what needs to be done and (C) being implementation of said changes), having forgotten that we can never move onto stage (B) without first achieving stage (A).

We are never going to agree on everything, it's impossible so lets forget about attempting it otherwise we doom ourselves to entering a cycle of infinite frustration. So fuck it. lets just UNITE and move a step in the right direction. We all have the desire to unite, but unfortunately allow our ego's to enter the equation and fall into the trap of on one hand desiring unification but on the other thinking 'yes but only on my terms'. It will never work, every bodies terms are different.

When are we going to realise that we need first to UNITE because of our differences. Not go to war as a result of them.

So while we spend the rest of our lives arguing over the finer points of what is wrong and what to do about it to ad nauseam, we completely miss the point and never achieve stage (A). Screw it, we can negotiate and what not later, lets simply unite under the banner of something we can all agree on; the simple fact that things are very wrong on this planet and something needs to be done about it.

Strength in numbers is what we need, not more divisions.

That's my take on things anyway. over a year ago · Delete Post # Otn Meaten But what to do about it? If I don't want to need "money" to live on the planet I was born on, and you do, how can we come to an agreement? No payment (transfer of physical objects) will not satisfy you, and having to pay would not satisfy me, and we would remain divided.

The only way around that, as far as I can see at the moment, is to use reason and perhaps try to "convince" the other person. Now we would both think we are right, but no amount of reasoning could convince me that I need to trade physical objects, because I have a whole set of reasons as to why that's a complete waste of time.

I would also add that, not to "judge" but to express an opinon, anyone who wishes to use physical objects in this was quite simply fear something. They are either greedy, or they fear that someone else might have more of something than they do.

And as far as I have thought into the idea (not much), if we didn't have to pay for things, there would be those who would get excited and obtain more than they need. They would get a 100 inch TV just because they can. Most of us are still primitive creatures and we'd just love to have a huge pile of "stuff" for free, knowing full well that we don't need it. But we can't stop people from doing it. We would have to go through all that nonsense until those people finally realise that there's no point in taking more than they need. But of course that means a lot of problems as we're go through it, many of us would have to be patient and I have no doubt our patience would be tested to its limit.

So then I suppose whatever solutions we come up with, we would need to allow things such as this example to take place, as we adjust our way of thinking to align with this new way of life, so we can realise through experience that to be greedy serves no purpose any longer.

So either way, we have some interesting and difficult times ahead, as we learn to allow others to do things we have always found difficult if not impossible to allow. No doubt many would try to take advantage, and many would feel that they are being taken advantage of, but the basis of the whole thing would not allow anyone to be taken advantage of, so really, this whole thing we've been going through and will be going through is all about growing up as a species, at the personal level. Those who are politicians today would just have to accept the fact that some people out there will be getting stoned. Oh my. Its going to be challenging I think. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Gav Ess By 'vote with our money' I mean that the government is supported by big business. I'm a laissez- faire capitalist of course, like any other Libertarian, Neothink member, or honest freedom seeker.

But I am not a 'corporatist'.. i.e. specialist interest agendas of big coroporations that use the regulatory and interventionist powers of government to support corporatist agendas of force and fraud.

By vote with our money, we stop spending money on the things that support the political structure. We buy alternative products, local produced products, environmental caring products (but not those produced by current global warming political special interests), etc etc.

The free markets decide how to run society by people voting with their money by freely buying that which they want, support, respect, etc. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote I have no concrete suggestions because i think that if universal concrete suggestions were that viable we wouldn't be having these discussions.

I go with my belly on this, always have. My 'belly' tells me that the only way that really works for humanity is naturally. By this i mean people being in (much more) direct contact with their immediate environment including the people in them. This allows for all the usual frictions there are and perhaps always will be between us... it's just that the implications of severe differences and dissagreements are not so large.

I would stress that in this i am not suggesting going amish, as they say. You can't just pretend the industrial/psychological revolution never happened. Nor am i giving a nod to the elite's idea of wiping out ninety percent of the population.

I think we would benefit by being directly implicated in the consiquences of our actions. If we don't plant crops, we starve. If we don't look after our kids and bring them up right, they end up resenting us and going off the rails. I hate to say it; but there is great merit in the notion that human beings rarely do anything unless they have very little choice. Make those things the things which keep us alive, healthy and wholesome; rather than which feed a great machine, with an energy loss-so far as those who are giving it- of ninety seven percent or something.

I have a feeling that there are ways in which we need to withdraw, look after our own and put this idea of a global community right in the bin. It's too-vulnerable a concept in terms of corruption and temptation to our most inferior aspects. We don't collectively or individually posess the maturity for it. The best we have managed is modelled more on something like an ant's nest.

But as james suggested; there are also ways in which we DO need to unite. I would suggest that these be unostentatious, common human ways. Where we connect naturally on common benefit then we do. Otherwise we spend our time looking after our nourishment, shelter and our children. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Otn Meaten Thanks for clarifying Gav. But my issue, or response to that is who owns the money? We don't own it, we just use it. We don't control the money, we just react accordingly. What "money" is supposed to be is simply a shared agreement, but who is agreeing as to its value? You and me? Anyone you know?

But to take it a step further, we don't just use money, we buy it. So it doesn't matter if we spend money on things that (we feel) support the political structure, because we are spending our lives on money, and that continues to support the political structure, because the (central) bank is above the government. We support the banks or the idea of "money", and they support the government, because the government ensures that the banks get paid. But the stupid thing about that is they don't care about money, they are the source of it and create as much as they like, they're not interested in "making money" as profit. They just make money for you and I to buy. Even the government buys money from them and then through "law" claims that we must repay the debt. Its just a huge mess where nothing works the way people assume it works.

If we are to even think about what you're suggesting, first I would suggest that we change the way "banking" works altogether, because with the current system I don't think it would make the slightest bit of difference. "They" still own and control "our" money, so they will simply crawl their way around all obstacles, and like water, the river will always eventually reach the sea. They don't care what route it takes or how long it takes to get there.

If people feel that we MUST use money at all, that is.

But let's say £1000 represents all the money in the world. You loan out £1000 and claim that the borrower must pay 10% interest. Where does the extra 10% come from, how do you cover the interest? The debt is greater than all the money in existence so it can never become even. They just create more money which you use to cover the 10%, but you have to borrow that from them to be able to pay them their 10%, so now you have to pay 10% on what you borrowed to cover the original 10%. So it just continues to expand in that way.

Its just never going to work to our benefit, its not supposed to. We're just repaying the debt with more debt. We trade pieces of paper at the imagined value of "money" for land, houses, natural resources, the earth itself. We are giving away our food in order to gain the convenience of using "money" which we are supposed to trade to get food. We're giving away that which sustains all life, so we can buy that which is supposed to sustain life. We give away a field of potential crops so we can buy a tin of baked beans. And we believe this is a good deal! We're going from point A to B to F and Q and T, just so we can reach point A. We're already there before we even begin damn it. All we have to do is realise it while we're there.

The only way out of that ridiculous situation is to just say we're done with using money in that way. But its funny isn't it, we don't see any politicians or economic "experts" suggesting such things, or bringing to our attention what a waste of time and effort it all is. I wonder why that is. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood The phrase 'be the change you want to see in the world' comes to mind.

I am a firm subscriber to the notion that we as humans construct and create our own personal idea of reality in our minds.

Therefore, those who see the problems and solutions we face in the world as being immensely complicated, will find matters to be extremely complicated.

Those on the other hand who see the problems and solutions we face as being very simple, will find matters to be just that, very simple.

It's about perspective. If you want things to be difficult, then they will be. On the flip side if you want things to be simple, they will be. It's all about a state of mind.

I find myself dancing between both the above mentioned outlooks from time to time when trying to make sense of world events only in the end to realise that neither outlooks are true whilst both are. It's whatever angle I decide to look at things from that matters. In the end the realisation dawns that whilst things can be looked at in a complicated fashion, they can also be summed up using very simple, straightforward and brief terms (I would call the ability from time-to time to sum up vastly complicated subjects very simply as a 'moment of clarity').

So, you are always going to have people who see things as complicated whilst at the same time you are always going to have people who see it very simply. Neither way is necessarily right or wrong as it simply, in the end comes down to a persons own state of mind. over a year ago · Delete Post # Gav Ess Otn,

What I was saying is that by creating a collective societal force and aiming it at the weak points of the current control system, i.e. government vote and where people spend their money, we could bring about rapid change.

And yes I know your suggestion is that by using money we are still part of the system of control. It's a good point. Just not the one I am trying to discuss. I want to find people who recognise that our various groups similarities are more important than our differences, and that united we can make whatever changes we want.

I want to find people that are prepared to diligently construct a logical framework around inter- connecting the groups and then pursuing that 'human touch' networking approach to actually causing the inter-networking to take place. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote I just came back from taking the kids to the fireworks in the park of our town. It's not a particularly BIG town. Probably about ten thousand or so?

It was good and didn't cost a penny. By which i mean it didn't cost a penny more than four hundred thousand pounds of the taxpayers money. Better than bonuses for some fat pricks in suits, perhaps. But yep... nearly half a million up in smoke and pretty lights. About a third of the whole town was there.

We are quite firmly addicted to distraction methinks. Anything salient or serious is anathemised both in the collective concious and the individual concious of most of our members.

Nevertheless we are but mortal. Everything counts. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Pallast and Afganistan 1 post. Created at 13:36 on 05 November 2009 by Nick Aucote

Nick Aucote TALIBAN = 9/11?? Afghanistan by Hypnosis

Thursday 5 November 2009 by Greg Palast for

On September 11, 2001, my office building, the World Trade Center, was attacked by al Qaeda, a murder cult of Saudi Arabians, funded by Saudi Arabians. And so, in response to the Saudis' attack, America invaded ... Afghanistan. Like, HUH?

And here we go again. New York Times headline last Friday: "Pakistani Army, In Its Campaign In Taliban Stronghold, Finds A Hint Of 9/11." _r=2&scp=1&sq=PAKISTANI+ARMY%2C+IN+ITS+CAMPAIGN+IN+TALIBAN+STRONGHOLD %2C+FINDS+A+HINT+OF+9%2F11&st=cse

Google it and you'll find the Times report repeated and amplified 5,785 times more.

Taliban = 9/11. Taliban = 9/11. Taliban = 9/11.

Your eyelids are getting heavy. Taliban = 9/11. Taliban = 9/11.

It's the latest hit from the same crew that brought you Saddam = 9/11 and its twin chant, Saddam = WMD, Dick Cheney's chimerical tropes which the New York Times' Judith Miller happily channeled to the paper's front page.

And they're at it again.

Every war begins with a lie. In addition to Saddam = WMD, I'm old enough to remember the Gulf of Tonkin resolution authorizing the war in Vietnam, based on a fictional Vietnamese gunboat attack on our Navy. (White House recordings have Lyndon Johnson gloating privately, "Hell, those damn stupid [US] sailors were just shooting at flying fish.") In the Glorious War against the Taliban in Afghanistan, the lie is thus: al Qaeda is "based" in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. If we don't fight the wily Taliban, as the British once fought the wily Pathan, al Qaeda will attack America again from Talibanistan.

The latest Taliban=9/11 fantasy is a yarn spun wildly outward from the finding of a passport of an al Qaeda flunky who worked with suicide pilot Mohammed Atta in the same mountain area where, years later, a Taliban group operated. It's a stretch, but when you want to sell a war, it will do.

But selling the re-invasion of Afghanistan requires a repetition of Lie #1: that the original attack on the World Trade towers and the Pentagon were planned from Afghanistan's and Pakistan's mountains with the connivance of the Taliban.

It's not true, of course. The September 11 attack was neither organized nor directed from Afghanistan by the Taliban. In fact, as our BBC Report found, it was clear that the attack on my friends and co-workers was planned and carried out by al Qaeda operations in Falls Church, Virginia %25E2%2580%259D/

; Paris, France; Sarasota, Florida; Hamburg, Germany;— and, I repeat, funded and manned from Saudi Arabia. Neither the Sunshine State nor the Aryan namesake of the original beef patty sandwich were, nor are they now, convenient targets for a revenge attack by the 101st Airborne.

And revenge was what it was and remains: on September 11 the skunks hit us and we, goddamnit, were going to HIT BACK. ANYONE. SOMEONE. So we hit the odious, and conveniently weak, Taliban, who'd, undeniably, given refuge to killer Osama bin Laden. Though let us not forget that Osama's safe passage from the Sudan to Afghanistan was initially encouraged by the US government

Today, we continue to throw our soldiers' bodies into Afghanistan, and our drones' rockets into Pakistan, to deny al Qaeda the supposed base from which to strike us again.

The media is eating it up and swallowing it whole. For example, CNN quotes a Pakistani from the Afghan border area, "Probably your next 9/11 is going to be from Swat."

That's not true either, of course: In the extraordinarily unlikely event Osama remains in the "caves of Tora Bora" (not where multi-millionaires with kidney disease tend to linger), any conceivable attack will be planned, funded and organized from comfy hotel rooms in Paris, Germany and Dubai as is the habit of these well-heeled hellions.

The truth is, we're not in Afghanistan to stop al Qaeda's US attackers, because they weren't "based" there in the first place, and their leaders are not there now.

So, why are we now re-invading Afghanistan? Beats me. I just hope our President will give us a hint that doesn't involve some cockamamie fairytale about 9/11 and al Qaeda.

Now, please don't get me wrong: the Taliban are monsters. If you have any doubt, I suggest you read progressive journalist Michael Griffin's masterful history of the Taliban, Reaping the Whirlwind

. (Published in early 2001, Griffin presciently warned against the US policy of placating the Taliban.)

Undeniably, the Taliban gave sanctuary to the killer, but that does not make the Taliban guilty of planning and participating in the 9/11 attack. However, the Taliban's innocence in the 9/11 massacre does not wash their hands of the blood of Afghans, particularly Shia and Sufi Muslims, whom the Taliban have tortured, raped and murdered.

I can't say I shed tears for the Taliban when, after my office towers fell, US troops ended their sharia dictatorship. And, honestly, there's a case to be made that rocketing more Taliban, really nasty cutthroats that they are, is a laudable exercise. But let's not pretend it has anything to do with preventing another 9/11.

And that's the danger. As the poet T.S. Eliot warned,

"The last temptation is the greatest treason To do the right thing for the wrong reason."

Taliban = 9/11? Innocents, by the thousands and thousands, have paid and will pay in blood for this treasonous falsehood.


For BBC Television, Greg Palast reported on the US intelligence failures leading to the 9/11 attack. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

In response to the message sent to all members 3 posts. Created at 13:46 on 03 November 2009 by Otn Meaten

# Otn Meaten Hi James. I won't make this a long message, I just wanted to say that although many of us may not be participating in the discussions in this group, we are here, we are watching, and we are continuing to work towards the same purpose. There is much to learn and much to share, there are many groups on facebook and countless other "community" web sites who are also working towards the same thing, so although it might appear that there isn't much activity going on here, and I know what personal implications witnessing that may bring with it, you're not wasting your time. Most of us are busy elsewhere and are continuing to spread the message and are digging a little deeper every day, so I will add that it is more important that small groups such as this have little activity but continue to put the information out there than to have one hugely active central group, because more of the smaller ones means there are more "access points" which people can stumble upon, and a more diverse subject base which people can use as an introduction to start to pick up the trail, which ultimately all lead to the same place. So I hope that you don't perceive the lack of activity in this particular group as too much of a negative thing. Thanks for your work. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote To be frank; i can barely fucking keep up with you james. I read and watch and copy and propogate stuff that you put on this group. It's a daily newsreel. certianly counts, that's for sure. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers for your kind words gentlemen.

I was beginning to wonder if anybody was paying attention but it would seem that my thoughts are unfounded so thank-you for that.

But then again as you point out, even if nobody takes any notice of this group it is at the very least a vast (but admittedly quite dis-organised) collection of relative information which can be accessed and pointed to when necessary or required.

Beam me up, obama and amen! 2 posts. Created at 16:52 on 01 November 2009 by Nick Aucote

# Nick Aucote Obama and ET's...! (etc etc) (I liked that one)

Oh....I just.....DON'T KNOW.....WHAT to believe..... Official-disclosure-of-extraterrestrial-life-is-imminent

Quote: "The disclosure will follow upon a year of greater government openness on UFOs in accord with a policy secretly developed at the United Nations. If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations. The Obama administration and its supporters are poised to take a bold step forward in helping our planet become an interplanetary culture that openly deals with the challenges posed by extraterrestrial life."

...Is this the best you can do to deflect attention from attempted genocide by vaccines and global slavery by money? ...And, heh, if they are.... guys... you came all this way to deal with people like THAT?

Today, I am a sprout splung from gloops in the bround. I'lle have a double cheese-burger with extra LSD-25.

....And while beMAOning Said delightful politician. Someone here in blighty said the state of emergency thing has not hit the mainstream media in england. I could be wrong because i just don't watch it.

But... seriously? uid=149582113954&topic=12100 what-obama-s-declaration-means.aspx orial.Hysteria.Over.Swine.Flu.Is.CounterProductive-3818573.shtml etc etc. Or: response-to-pandemic.html vids and responses: (some of the links from that:) a bloody great list of em: search_type=search_playlists&search_query=responses+to+obama+state+of+emergency&uni=1

Also v=SFPsHPKY0y8&feature=PlayList&p=21594F689467637A&index=1 v=HtDSwyCPEsQ&feature=PlayList&p=21594F689467637A&index=0&playnext=1 v=reCpV1YHuYs&feature=PlayList&p=21594F689467637A&index=2 hey... taliban... join in the party, dudes!

over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Ad-Nausaeum or something.

They should do a comic-strip, i swear.

Oh... there's already loads. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Copenhagen Treaty 13 posts. Created at 07:31 on 30 October 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

"Mr Brown also announced a "fast track" scheme to reduce carbon emissions.

This would come in soon after the Copenhagen summit and would cost 5bn to 7bn euros immediately, to come from all richer countries."

Holy shit!

Read the draft here for yourself:

*cough* world government *cough*

Worrying times indeed. over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan Helo James,

Is there any lighter explanation about this issue ? its a long way to understand the docs for me .. :( as i am now reading, i am still on page 6 need a short cut :)


Joseph over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Erm have a go on this: over a year ago · Delete Post # Joseph Roberto Gunawan on it over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ;o) over a year ago · Delete Post # Mickey ไมเคิล Burnettล Burnett well as we are now the sick man of the world that means we should`nt have to pay a penny..... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Mickey ไมเคิล Burnettล Burnett also i still dont understand why we are still giving billions of pounds every year to country`s such as India and`nt it time this Government sorted out its own Country before we pour billions of pounds to other countrys,its about time we wised up and made a stand isnt the Government ment to be working for us and not the other way around?? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "isnt the Government ment to be working for us and not the other way around??"

That's the idea, but it is quite clearly not being put into practise. over a year ago · Delete Post # Terry Simkins Exactly James!It all About Control!They are not interested in our welfare !We are just the slaves that must obey and employed to Work Towards their agenda!Just consume and obay and ignore anything else!Everything is Ok! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Ivica Caric @everyone, China this days is financialy stronger then any western country for time being. Check chinese foreign curency reserves built mainly with US dollars and euros, therefor they should be sending monetary help this way. I mean right now China owes more US dollars then USA.

But do not worry. The rich businessman and welthy born will only benefit out of this global mess created by themselfs in order to lower simple workers wages and promote higher individual profits. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Mickey ไมเคิล Burnettล Burnett thats my point Ivica ...we help fund other countries if the shoe was on the other foot (which it seems to be now)would they put there hands in there pockets to help us??? `NO`!!!!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago

Swine Flu 78 posts. Created at 06:44 on 17 July 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It was confirmed today by our GP (over the telephone, not very professional) that my missus has swine flu. She is showing the symptoms so in my opinion it is likely she has it although there has not been (and probably won’t be) a proper diagnosis so there is no certainty (although no doubt will be counted as a stat towards the official figures). More than once during the conversation she had with the GP, my gf enquired about a possible alternative course of action with regards to taking a Tamiflu shot such as just riding the illness out. The doctor was quite calm before this but was then taken a back and her response might be then after described as robotic, hysterical, alarmist and ‘clueless’ in the words of my gf. She offered no alternative course of action and insisted that my gf needs the shot by using scare tactics via phrases like she is ‘getting worse’ (she isn’t really) and she ‘needs to’ have it. When asked by my gf if she had to take the shot the GP replied along the lines of, ‘you do not have to have it but you need to’.

I am pretty sure that my gf is 90% certain that she doesn’t want the shot but she could be described as having ‘under-lying health problems’ so will no doubt be pressured into it in some form. In my opinion if she gets much worse then it might be an idea to consider the shot (she fully understands the risks) as a last resort but I see the need for this occurring as extremely unlikely. Plenty of fresh fruit, veg and fluids should help.

If she does actually have swine flu then it is quite likely that I will contract it too although I have shown no symptoms to date and she has been feeling ill for almost a week now. If I do contract it then there is absolutely no chance that I will accept any shot what-so-ever, I would describe my current health as being in a ‘perfect condition’.

So lets see what happens. over a year ago · Delete Post # Richard Roots Jacob yeh i think she'd be better off without that shit and try find alternatives.. I know its a bit unknown and people don't want to take risks with their health but theres enough info around about why not to take tamiflu... as well as the fact that its a another cash cow for the elites, and a way of shortening life spans , thus getting underway with the 80% depopulation crap. Like you said.. plenty of fruit and veg and fluids and a healthy mind set. I understand her dilema tho. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Terry Simkins Arnt the swine flu symptoms suppose to be the similar to Normal flu!I reckon that the chances are its just flu,especially as the weather is changing!Really hope that she doesnt have it!from where im sitting from my perspective There is skull dugary going on!Hope she oK!Good luck!please let me know if she get through it James!?Peace & light ! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Adam Blavatski James, first of all may I just say how sorry I am to learn that your partner has Swine Flu- I hope that she makes a swift recovery. I am going to refuse the vaccine too- they'll have to forcibly restrain me! (which is most likely)

As for the GP's response, well- there are ALWAYS alternatives; 5,000 mg a day of Vitamin D- should help, see various posts today on FB- there are varied other treatments as well- ranging from baking soda to colloidal silver and such like- check these out CAREFULLY, especially as your partner has underlying health problems. Take care my friend, and love and best wishes to your partner.

Adam over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Neil Otf Deakin I read the same article on Mercola and trust his articles, he's on the mark re aspartame and sucralose also. There is a clip of him on youtube talking about Vitamin D and flu. He talks about Vitamins Ds ability to fight/prevent influenza but adds that every once dose is different based on genetics and body weight. Your body manufactures Vitamin D from sunlight and automatially cuts off production when it has enough. My conclusion, book yourselfs some sessions at your local tanning shop and get the correct vitamin D and look nice at the same time. Your body will make its own Vitamin D and when you start to get a nice tan your vit D levels will be at optimum levels. Ive read a few people comments on Mercolas youtube video saying that they never get flu when using Vit D supplements. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Gail Robinson I just find it hard to believe that folks even bother calling the Doctor over Flu, why feed the machine.. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Adel Hardman i am james partner and was diagnosed with swine flu this morning. Being his parner, james makes sure im pretty clued in to whats going on in the world. To be honest in not as in to it all as james and was not 100% the tamiflu was as negative as he said it was (no offence james). However,from speaking to my GP, im now convinced that no one is putting that stuff into my body. I asked her if the jab was vital to my recovery and at first she said "not really, you dont NEED it" i tried to persue this converstaion and she became almost hostile with me. she began repeating "you are getting worse" at me. i felt as though i was being bullied and scared into having the jab, even though i made it obvious that i wanted an alternate solution. I can also add that this flu is no worse than any other flu that i have had in my life, and im not worried in the slightest that anything drastic will happen.

As a responce to you Agarta, i have other health issues and its important i know whats going on in my body (not that i trust my GP anymore) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Have you ever trusted her lol? She's a fucking idiot!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # Adel Hardman lol true (she even almost ran me over) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Karl Saxon Hi all. If you want something that will cure swine flu then you will need whats called MMS or miracle mineral supplement. It is also called sodium chlorite NaClO2. All 75,000 individuals with malaria who had been treated with MMS therapy were cured within a day. It also works for some cancers and aids and is available on line for a donation. It comes in a kit and you make it yourself with distilled water. Ive used it for some time and it is amazing (although i havent had malaria cancer or aids).

SPREAD THE WORD GUYS AND STOCK UP NOW there is an article on it in the latest episode of Nexus magazine for more info. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thank-you everyone for the kind words and advice.

I will update this topic if anything interesting happens. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Mark Pashley hi james & adel sorry to hear of you picking up the swine flu & hope you are better soon. ive just read a post on bbc5's page that explains the effects it has on the human body and the age groups most at risk as well as advice on how to go about treating yourself. i think its defiantly worth looking at.

"A guide to beating Swine flu" uid=5135120889&topic=8934 over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Ashley Webb May I second this! My parents use MMS and they have no health problems what so ever. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Terry Simkins Glad to see your positive Adel!by the sounds of it you will be perfectly ok!Hope james isnt panicking too much!get better soon! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dj-Steve James . Stay away from the shot at ALL cost guys !

The squalene in it will make your immune system destroy itself and then its game over over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Terry Simkins How is Adel James? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Rob Lynn I'm actually AMAZED at how clueless your GP is.

Even if the Tamiflu vaccine had no negative effects at all, it is only effective if used within the first 36 hours of symptoms starting - therefore useless in your partner's case.

Secondly, the current outbreak has NOT actually been confirmed as Swine Flu. I quote:

"The H1N1 viral strain implicated in the 2009 flu pandemic among humans often is called "swine flu" because initial testing showed many of the genes in the virus were similar to influenza viruses normally occurring in North American swine, but further research has shown that the outbreak is due to a new strain of H1N1 not previously reported in pigs."

Turn off your TVs, close the papers, stop thinking the way 'they' want you to think over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Adel Hardman well ive survived swine flu without taking the tamiflu. im still not 100% but im pretty much back to normal. My friends who had the swine all took tamiflu complained about it making them feel worse, yet they continued taking it blindly. I dont get it. Im so glad i didnt give in to the hype, and all of this has made me question the rest of the drugs my doctor gives me. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I didn't catch it at all. But that's because I'm a fish yo. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Everybody I have spoken to so far who has contracted swine flu has been diagnosed over the telephone and immediately instructed to seek out Tamiflu. So they may, or may not have contracted it. There is no definitive way of knowing if they really had it.

At first people who were potential victims of the flu were being properly tested for it, but that quickly ceased. Allowing the nation to essentially self-diagnose themselves (which is what is happening now, and has been for a while) is an appalling state of affairs to be in, especially when you consider what the government has planned in the way of vaccines this winter based upon the number of people who have 'officially' contracted the flu. The official stats are at the very best dodgy.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out that in all likelihood the number of 'official' cases of the flu are going so soar come the back end of autumn and throughout winter, regardless of whether or not people are actually contracting the flu. This opens the floodgates for a number of alarming scenarios (not least the many issues floating around regarding the safety of the vaccine) one of which is the potential for entire countries to quarantine themselves. There are obvious horrors in the form of activation of the many crisis/emergency laws we have seen enacted over the years and the means by which they would be implemented (martial law) but there are less subtle implications to consider. If this level of quarantining were to happen then it would prove to be completely disastrous for countries (like our own) who import a vast quantity of their food supply, as exports from large food producing countries which were under quarantine would obviously cease. Panic buying and a general lack of food (starvation) might become a reality this winter, so be aware of the possible implications of entire countries quarantining themselves and plan accordingly.

I don't mean to be alarmist here but events taking place now are pointing towards the strong possibility of the above scenario becoming a reality, if not this winter then possibly next. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Shocking: nausea.html

Disgusting: over a year ago · Delete Post # Ian Elliott just a quick question...does the media normally refer to brand named drugs when talking about health scares? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

# James Lockwood Not sure Ian. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Leaked-letter-reveals-concern-neurologists-25-deaths-America.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood facts-on-vaccines&catid=78%3Avaccines&Itemid=141 over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Natasha Sharon Hawkes Great work James. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers Natasha. here is some more:

This is a particularly good one: y_1.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Hopefully this is just a rumour: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

"It means GPs will be ready to start immunising as soon as the vaccines are licensed, which could be as early as the beginning of next month."

That's 2-3 weeks away people, I hope you are ready.

"The government has yet to decide whether the whole population will get the jab."

It is my humble opinion that they are more than likely going to leave this decision to the last minute, leaving very little time for people to react.

"Under the programme put forward, people with health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, pregnant women, those with weakened immune systems and frontline health and social care workers will be the first to receive the jab."

My gf has a 'weakened immune system' and my house mate has diabetes so things are going to get 'interesting'. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood pid=3018580&id=577186175 over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Massachusetts-pandemic-response-bill-would-allow-the-government-to-enter-homes-and-detain- citizens over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood and so it begins: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood vaccinations over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Steven Durrant I have a problem here: I'm inherently skeptical at best of the whole business but I have bugger all knowledge of medical or pandemic issues.

I wont be taking the injections and I even fear the anti NWO crowd may be right in some of their more chilling claims.

But I feel hopelessly unqualified to discuss the issue with others.

I am on the political left and you'd be amazed (or not) how resistant my comrades can be to anti NWO claims. It's like "oh, that's a right wing thing" or "oh, NWO is just capitalism".

I will look out some links. I know about Baxter, I know about Codex and stuff but I need to be a lot more confident on this issue before I engage with people and time is running out.

Many people I know would cave in to state and corporate pressure to roll up their sleeves. I wouldnt know how to pursuade them not to without comming over like a tinfoil hatter. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Ian, I'd say they predominately use the proprietary name. You never read about paroxetine, only seroxat, for example. But I do find them harping on about Tamiflu a lot. It's quite well named. I guess folks just like saying it.

Here's an interesting article on the the drug that featured in the Guardian, written by Ben Goldacre. You may wish to join the discussion in the comments section. its-all-that/ over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux James, the problem I have with this is that the video of a Fox News news piece. I need not remind you that this organisation is owned by Murdoch's Media Corp., and is a corrupt and downright wacky organisation (please see Out Foxed for the corrupt and Charlie Brooker for the wacky). I therefore can't take anything it says seriously, least of all some dumbass paranoia health piece! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Haha no I don't need reminding but that's a fair point Paul and well made.

However in my defence it has been known for NewsCorp (and it's subsidiaries such as 'The Sun') to run news articles which may be described as having an 'air of the truth' to them. It is my belief and opinion (and it is only that so should not necessarily be shared by anybody) that this is done in order to test the reaction (if any) of the viewer/reader to the truth.

I am not saying this is the case for the video I posted above as I cannot possibly know this to be true in this instance, however I feel the potential for this to be true remains and therefore the above video is relevant within this context.

I would also like to state that nobody should either change or form any opinions or decisions based upon the video I posted above, for me to suggest this would be irresponsible. Maybe I'm propagandising I don't know however it is a hope of mine that anybody reading this topic would never form an opinion which is based upon ANYTHING I post and instead form an opinion based upon their own thoughts, experiences and research. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here's a much better sourced piece: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "No decision has been taken to embark on a mass vaccination campaign, but any vaccination against swine flu would not be compulsory. Everyone has a right to refuse the swine flu vaccination, or any other vaccination."

They have said it now. There is no going back. over a year ago · Delete Post

# Paul Molyneux I think the government are in a bit of a tough position on this one. The media has whipped this whole Swine Flu virus into a huge health scare story. So, obviously, the government (being at the whim of the media at large) has to be seen to do something (doesn't matter what), and so they rush out this vaccine (of which I'm glad won't be compulsory, but I don't think that was ever going to be the case). Now, as is typical of the media, it criticizes the government for rushing and dishing out this vaccine. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Our government is being destroyed and I don't think it's an accident. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux You're probably right there, Jambo. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Human Children Guinea pigs: A fluvaccines&page=article.display&

Shocking. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood This is from 2006: %20Framework.pdf

However things like this will kick in IF an emergency is declared. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Fox News are telling people to revolt: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Anyone any ideas if this is genuine: H1N1_2009_Monvalent_VaccinePackageInsert_BasedOn1980Approvalfor %20Fluvirin_UCM182242.pdf over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote vaccine for chronic fatigue... haha! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Here we go, brace yourself! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post


# James Lockwood NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... ARRRRRGHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lisbon-Treaty.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood edWoman.jpg MPsJaI/R6UjmF0BG7I/AAAAAAAAE_U/sqZpIyWcOgE/s400/Shocked_Kidz_at_pc_sm.jpg over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Does this new make anybody else feel really sick? over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood It's true....I have known about this for aaaages but the reality of seeing it begin to happen is sickening. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Also true :os over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood dwarfs-Gordon-Browns.html

This is how much it costs YOU to protect Blair and his dreadful missus from YOU!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood pays-tribute-Iraq-veterans-St-Pauls.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

We don't have to stand for it. (Irish Lisbon Treaty vote) 6 posts. Created at 15:39 on 05 October 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I wouldn't normally suggest something like this, but that the hell, it's worth a try!

From the Lisbon Treaty Truth Movement and No To Lisbon Treaty II groups:

"There is a high chance that if we get enough signatures that agree that the Irish Government ran a fraudulent and illegal campaign against the Lisbon treaty and submit it by 9th October, then they won't be able to continue with ratification. Please sign and send on to everyone you can. Remain active, we need everyone doing what they can.

Please sign the petition and share with everyone you know.

One accepts the result of the Lisbon re-run as a fact, but it is not a result that democrats need morally or politically to identify with or approve. This result does not have political legitimacy, whatever the voting percentages amount to, because of the fraudulent, illegal and undemocratic way in which the referendum was run, making it unique in these respects among the 30 or so referendums that have been held in Ireland since its Constitution was adopted in 1937." over a year ago · Delete Post # Fukyiro Pinion You have to understand that by the mere use of MONEY, you have evidence of agreements between Nations (treaties) that allow economic settlements to be resolved at a global level it appears you are still not looking at. When a Nation goes bankrupt, it must follow a settlements procedure with the WTO, IMF, etc. This was developed as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement to rebuild the war-torn cities of WWII. I presume you already understand this. So, if you aren't watching the proceedings occurring at these agencies, then you don't know IF the country has already been sold out, and joining the EU has effectively occured ALREADY. The creditors WILL be satisfied, and THEY are NOT you & I, but the bankers, which is where all the US 'Bailout $' went when the US went bankrupt AGAIN (see reference to Bretton Woods). Now maybe it's Ireland's turn.

Again, this is TACIT acceptance by your OWN choice to use THEIR MONEY that caused the situation to develop to this point in the first place. This is why I'm pushing GNC - it's the only effective solution, man.

If I'm wrong, and you truly have a voice in this, then follow up with what you are proposing, but don't ignore doing the research I'm suggesting.

Peace over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I have loosely been following developments At the IMF and world bank, I found this interesting: global-central-bank-by-dr-ellen-brown/

It doesn't take a genius to work out that a power shift is taking place here. The dollar has been rinsed (bankrupting the American and most of the western economy(s)) as the global reserve currency and now there needs to be something new put into place to service this debt.

I couldn't agree more regarding GNC. I too am firmly convinced that GNC is the answer. Even on a local or national scale it would make a big difference. I wouldn't say it is the only effective solution but I would say that it is the MOST effective solution. Of course the problem is waking up enough people to be in a position to make a real difference. GNC coupled with alternative currencies and perhaps a barter system might complement GNC well, as long as the people who regulated this were honest, although the potential for manipulation exists here too. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

It's official!!! 1 post. Created at 08:18 on 06 October 2009 by James Lockwood James Lockwood

Asking questions and not necessarily accepting the official line makes you a 'conspiracy nut'. COMPLY.....DON'T THINK.....DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!!....ever! It's not cool and it's not welcome, ok.

Just ignore the fact that decades after events, governments often release information showing they either lied or withheld vital facts from the public. It's ok, just believe what you are told, your ignorance is perfect bliss. The truth is too inconvenient and bothersome to content with. Just go back to sleep.

"conspiracy theories - and their close cousins pseudo-science and medical quackery" -classic!

Just for the record, I do not 'believe in' all of the 'conspiracy theories' in that article. I am however firmly of the persuasion that many of the un-answered questions surrounding those 'conspiracy theories' hold merit. As long as these questions remain unanswered and information hidden then surely definitive conclusions surrounding such events cannot be rationally drawn. Until all possible information regarding an event is available and has been assessed, how can definite conclusions be drawn?

Surely this is a rational and logical position to hold? Not to draw a conclusion if there is vital evidence missing?

For example I would quite openly state that I have no definitive idea who was responsible for 9/11. I would however state that I am almost 100% convinced that I know it was not, Osama Bin Laden. All other avenues are open to debate as far as I am concerned as there is simply too much of the puzzle missing to say for sure who was responsible. I could take a guess, I could even take very educated guesses, but they are still guesses.

Surely this is a reasonable, rational position to hold?

No, not as far as this article is concerned, I am not repeating the official line and holding this inquisitive view automatically labels me a 'conspiracy nut' and I must be labelled and kept divided into a derogatory category, they are in 'authority' remember, they can't be wrong or questioned. Asking questions is dangerous, could you imagine if everybody did this?

Isn't this article asking us to put our blind faith into the mainstream view, something it is warning us against with regard to the alternative....isn't that doublethink?

This is very worrying, dangerous and alarming president to set.

The BBC are disgraceful. over a year ago · Delete Post

The only way to stop the madness... A MORE powerful central Bank! 1 post. Created at 21:38 on 04 October 2009 by Scot Winter

Scott Winter I know this may viewed as a somewhat controversial thought here, though it is with good reason that I believe that more powerful central bank would be a of great benefit to the economy and help alleviate the growing inequality that the world faces.

The recent financial crises has been a stark reminder to us all of how individuals and corporations, when unregulated and without monitoring, will act in their pursuit of personal gain. Now the question you need to ask, within the current system, what institution has power and resources to compete and control the immensely large and powerful corporate banking sector. Their can only be one answer, a central bank. I know members of this group will be sceptical of increasing government powers, though I would argue that if it is a choice between the government or a corporation, I would choose the government every time. For a corporation is a totally autocratic institution, therefore it could be described in political terms as a fascist institution. Where as a government, despite its current perception is an institution that in theory should be the slave of the people, although at present I would argue that it is the slave of the corporations that is being used to the advantage of the corporations. Only once the control of the largest institutions [the corporations] and its assets are returned to the people, can democracy stand a chance, until then you will be at the mercy of what ever the business world wants for it self.

Firstly I think it is important to clear up a common misinterpretation that is held by various members of this group. Money is not created by the Bank of England at a debt. The bank of England is not a bank in the traditional sense, it is the manager of public debt and regulator of the banking sector. The bank does not create money, except recently during the quantative easing scenario, and this was not created as a debt. The only way the bank will create money is when deposit’s are placed into the bank and then through LOANS it will then create money. All loans have interest attached to them, so this should not be surprising. It is also important to remember it is not just the BOE that does this, in fact any bank is allowed to do this. How much money that the bank is able to create is set by the derivatives. Depending on how aggressive these derivatives are, will determine how much of a risk they are to investors. This obviously is the essence of fractional reserve banking.

The key factor in my opinion is that private banks operate their own full fractional reserve system, where they can also create money through loans set by the derivatives of the BOE. Therefore making the argument that central banks are the problem null. Surprisingly though, this is not the problem in my eyes. Nor is it the fact the BOE sets the derivatives and the rest of its policies to be beneficial to the corporate banking sector. It is not even the fact the BOE refuses to regulate the banking sector, which could quite easily reduce the excessive risk taking. The problem is what happens when the corporate banking sector takes our money out of our poorly regulated system and into a totally unregulated system, aka known as tax havens. It is a little known fact that half of the worlds transactions take place in tax havens. So if we consider the derivatives set by the BOE compared to the derivatives set by the totally unregulated private bank sector, you will quickly understand that without the moderate regulation of the BOE and other central banks how quickly the private banking sector will start taking more and more excessive risks with your money. The current derivatives set by the BOE are at around 9 to 1, where as some of the derivatives in the non regulated private sector can reach a 1000 to 1.

A good example of this is Northern Rock. Northern Rock set up a private bank in a tax haven, it then transferred its assets to this bank, in this case mortgages and then using the derivatives system within the tax haven created more money. This would not have been aloud to happen in the UK. It then took this money back out of the tax haven and back into the Northern Rock as a deposit, where it could create more money through loans (mortgages). All of which were excessively risky and resulted in what would have a total collapse of the bank had it not been for the tax payers. So in short they took excessive risks for short term profit, that could have been prevented by better regulation and the removal of tax havens.

At present the worlds financial system is in chaos, so all movements and changes to the system could have a detrimental effect on the worlds population and exacerbate the problem even more. In order to stop the exploitation of the banking sector throughout the world, there must be a demand for greater transparency of all corporate transactions. The most effective method of this would be to nationalise the banking sector, where the stable parts are kept for the population of the country and the toxic sections, however profitable must be sold off or closed. This would reduce the risk to the public, increase transparency and remove the potential of exploitation for personal gain. This would then be managed by the BOE, who with more open transparency would have to manage the banking sector in a reasonable safe manner, where the population of the country would benefit and share the profits without the current level of risk. The BOE is in fact the only thing standing in the way of the corporate sector taking excessive risks with your money.

Some information on the above topic.

Any questions please ask?

Bollocks 1 post. Created at 11:55 on 04 October 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood

I'm not buying any of this quite blatant bullshit.

2nd Irish EU Lisbon Treaty Referendum Friday 2nd October 2009 36 posts. Created at 10:21 on 29 September 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood the-project.html to-hold-second-Lisbon-Treaty-referendum.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood There has not been much said within the mainstream media regarding the 2nd Irish referendum vote to be held this Friday, which is disgusting when you consider the importance, significance and implication of this vote. Looks like they might be attempting to sweep this one under the carpet. Lets not allow the sneaky bastards to get away with it. This is too important.

If the Lisbon treaty gets ratified then it's game over I am afraid (it should have already taken effect as of January 1st 2009). It's been ratified by us in the UK, without a vote, without asking YOUR permission because no it's not a 'constitution', it's only a 'treaty'! Who do these dodgy cunts think they are kidding here? It's at least 95% the same document!!! (Although I must state that the constitution was designed to replace all previous treaties whereas the Lisbon treaty amends all previous treaties to make them say the same thing that the constitution did previously).

The ONLY two things holding it back right now are the Irish vote this Friday and the Czech courts, not the Conservatives, not UKIP, especially not the BNP and especially not all the other wankers who proclaim to be anti-EU but yet sit in its parliament, comfortably enjoying the expense accounts provided to them with literally BILLIONS of your money. These bunch of muppets can't change anything, it's too late for them, the Irish are pretty much our last hope (I am confident that the Czech senators and politicians against ratification will at some point be bought off, everybody as a price, especially politicians. Plus, the Polish are simply waiting to see what the Irish say).

So please, I beg of you all, please get in touch with any Irish friends or relatives you might have, even friends of friends and please ask them to VOTE NO.

If you yourself are Irish then don't be tempted by bullshit EU lies and promises and 'concessions', it's all bollocks, you already voted no once, don't let these arrogant, patronising EU bastards insult your intelligence. If you are reading this right now then please do the right thing, end this madness now, if not for yourself then for future generations.

Please please VOTE NO!!!!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood gid=17555598035&ref=search&sid=510248325.567572821..1 gid=19747402525&ref=search&sid=510248325.567572821..1 gid=143586500654&ref=search&sid=510248325.567572821..1 gid=16662067604&ref=search&sid=510248325.567572821..1 over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood And here's me thinking that our grandparents fought and died in a world war to stop this exact type of bullshit! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The conservatives are full of shit: Treaty-the-EU-question-that-goes-unanswered.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood No wonder the EU requested the re-vote for Autumn 2009. They knew exactly what they were doing: over-the-Lisbon-Treaty-vote.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood ;o) over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood This should be enough to convince anybody: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Lisbon-Treaty.html

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago · Delete Post # Deborah Williams You are doing a fantastic job James.Keep up the good work. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks Deborah, here are some more lies: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

The usual BBC shite. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I have a funny feeling this is going to be a yes vote no matter how many people vote no. The scant media coverage over here in the UK is already preparing us for it as if it's a foregone conclusion.

I really hope I'm wrong. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood WTF?!? Treaty-warning-to-Irish-voters.html over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Noooooooooooo over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Are you being programmed to accept a yes vote?.....

# James Lockwood Are you also being programmed to accept the Bliar; over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

I'm nervous. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

As of 13:55 on 03/10/09 10 of the 32 Irish constituencies have confirmed results. 2 for, 8 against. The other 22 have not confirmed anything yet. We are being programmed to accept a yes result before anything has been confirmed. The BBC have been reporting on news 24 that the result would be available late lunchtime, now that has all of a sudden changed to 4-5pm without explanation, right after the Barroso press conference in which they it was a foregone conclusion as far as they were concerned. This stinks.

A classic quote from news 24 "The yes campaign has claimed vicory by a healthy majority, they are still counting votes here in Dublin....."

The BBC just said they have only counted 25% of ballots, that's as of 14:01. Hmmm. Whitewash. Now we are being brainwashed (by the BBC in-particular) to accept it. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

This isn't just Gordon's nightmare (although it may be Cameron by then) IT'S MY NIGHTMARE AND YOUR NIGHTMARE TOO!!!!!!....It's all our nightmare's combined! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

It's a whitewash! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post Has the influence of the IMF just increased...? 1 post. Created at 14:12 on 02 October 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood ...or was the recent G20 summit simply a clever way of making sure the international banking cartel gets paid?

Dr. Ellen Brown seems to think so: global-central-bank-by-dr-ellen-brown/ over a year ago · Delete Post

Haven't we seen this before..... 1 post. Created at 14:35 on 01 October 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood history about to repeat itself? Or did I see something like this in a movie somewhere?

Oh no my mistake this is Iraq all over again. Nice one Lieutenant Commander Barak Bush. over a year ago · Delete Post

Statute law interpretation - Great Link! 1 post. Created at 08:25 on 29 September 2009

James Lockwood

Is anyone looking for a potential getaway location? 5 posts. Created at 09:43 on 05 September 2009 by Natasha Sharon Hawkes

* Natasha Sharon Hawkes If you are looking for somewhere to go should you choose to leave the UK, I might have the answer for you.

I live in Peru in a large house over-looking the ocean in a surfers paradise. My family and I have had some really bad luck the past year and are now in need of some help.

Contact me via message of via this board if you would like to know more.

Those of you who are friends with me know that this is nothing less than a genuine offer. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Devon Kellar Hey Natasha,

I live in the UK now but am planning to leave at the end of the year to do some travelling.

Originally I have looked into Asia as I have a quallification to teach english and I know there are jobs there, however I'm also looking into other options. What was your offer, I take it your looking for someone to rent a room?

Devon over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Natasha Sharon Hawkes Devon,

Following is an advert that I placed on Craigslist. It is a bit salesy but it gives you the whole picture of what we are about.

If this is of interest to you, please let us know as quickly as possible as demand appears to be very high already! Unsurprising I guess!



With free internet access, for $250 (£155) per calendar month.

Plus, for only $5 (£3) a day more, if you would like, we can provide two daily meals.

This would make ONE CALENDAR MONTH of hotel-style, half-board living, in a sub-tropical climate, alongside some of the best waves and unspoilt beaches in the world, a mere $400 (£250).

We are open to honest discussion as to how we came to that price.

We are more like a bed and breakfast/homestay than a hotel or a standard rental so if you would like an honest discussion about some other kind of payment system, trade or barter, or even gift, that is great too!

We will be happy to provide more details and explain what sort of a stay you could expect if you are seriously interested!

Also, if you are looking for a longer or shorter term let that would be just fine too.

$400 (£250) for all that!

Tell me, could you live in your home country, to that standard, for that amount of money every month?!


Wow, paradise can be cheap huh?! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Devon Kellar Sounds great, I would need to find a teaching job within a couple of months to fund my stay, where in peru are you? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Natasha Sharon Hawkes We live in Los Organos, near Mancora.

Good luck and maybe see you soon!!

Alternative currencies 1 post. Created at 10:31 on 23 September 2009 by Roslyn Aubrey

Roslyn Aubrey How to implement them over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Cures for Cancer 14 posts. Created at 07:07 on 19 September 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood There are many many 'cures' for cancer floating around on the internet and as a result it can be very confusing when attempting to decide which information is valid (if any). So who do we trust? Pharmaceutical or alternative medicine? For me not necessarily either. The main problem in both areas is the profit bias (although this is not really valid where information is being provided for free) as the bottom line always comes before everything else in commercial business without exception. It is a firm belief of mine that if pharma either have before, or are going to stumble across a cure or cures for one or more cancers, they might only release the new discovery if it resulted in increased profit margins when compared with the alternate of not releasing it which might normally mean the only drugs available are those which prolong the life of the patient instead of providing a cure (Cost-benefit analysis). This is how any commercial business operates as they have to, pharma is no exception and on the flip side the same thing is true for alternative medicine companies.

For that reason I have decided to start this topic in order to highlight any potential advances in the search for a cure.

I would like to point out that I am am not a scientist, I have had no scientific training although I do enjoy reading the occasional scientific paper, I do not feel this qualifies me to decide what counts as accurate and valid information. In addition, I do not have cancer and therefore do not necessarily need any of the advice that may be contained within this topic so it is difficult for me to put myself in that unfortunate position or mindset. Avoiding giving people false hope is also something I would like to be sensitive towards as like I said above, I have no formal scientific training and therefore do not hold the tools necessary to properly decide what information is valid and what information is not valid (on either side of the argument).

It is for the above reasons that any time I post information regarding potential alternative cures for cancer, I will also post information which argues the other side of the coin, to provide a proper balance (this will often be the mainstream view). Therefore anybody who reads the information can come to an informed, balanced judgement to the best of their abilities.

Please feel free to post any information you may have regarding cures for cancer however, I would ask you to do the same as I have set out to do above (except if you are a properly qualified scientist). over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Vitamin B17 For:

Against: over a year ago · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Baking soda. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux May I suggest you read the book 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre or visit his popular blog at He takes a critical look at both alternative and pharmaceutical industries as well as quacks like Gillian McKeith and Patrick Holford. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thank-you Paul for the recommendation, I will check it out. over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux James, regarding B17, may I direct you to the Cochrane review concerning this topic. (Cochrane is a well respected indipendant organisation that carries out systematic reviews). Put simply, they conclude that no RCTs/non-RCTs have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Laetrile. All the evidence into its efficacy as a cancer treatment is purely anecdotal. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Concerning Baking Soda, when I searched the terms 'Sodium Bicarbonate' and 'cancer' on a Swetswise, zero results were returned. The American Cancer Society states that "Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences." I therefore find it irresponsible to suggest that Baking Soda be used to what is a life threatening condition when the literature does not back up this claim. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Roslyn Aubrey This is a response to Paul Molyneux (Edge Hil Uni). I'd be very interested in what exactly you're studying and what qualifies you to post some of your responses. I am not an expert in any way regarding cancer cures from the so called 'alternative' or 'complementary' fields. I do however beleive that Big Pharma have been repressing cures, and I mean CURES for cancer for over 100 years! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I'm training to be a psychiatric nurse (6 months to go, YAY!), but frankly that is besides the point. The point is I have drawn my conclusions from well respected authorities on the topics above (and have also sought information myself via a simple journal search).

Let me address the message you sent me concerning Gilliam Mckeith and Patrick Holford in which you stated that my comments "offended" you. Gillian Mckeith portrays herself as a scientific authority to millions of people via her TV programs/books/etc. She wears a white coat, stands in laboratories, and calls (called) herself a doctor. The fact is Mckieth aquired her Phd from a non- accredited university correspondence course (Ben Goldache got a Phd for his dead cat through this 'university'). the ASA ruled that she no longer can refer to herself as a 'Dr' on her porducts as this is misleading. Please see this article: banned-from-calling-herself-a-doctor/ Many of her accusations are not based or backed up by any scientific facts. There are a number of 'quackwatch' blogs that expose her bad science.

'Professor' Patrick Holford is much the same. His own organisation (ION) gave him his doctorate. His most heinous claim is that Vitamin C is better at treating HIV than AZT. This claim was backed up by a reference of an in vitro study of vitamin C on HIV (A BBC radio 4 documentary covered this). Such a claim is very dangerous.

Let us not confuse the issue here. Both these quacks give great advice. Eat less. Maintain a balanced diet. Excersies more. Good advice for everyone. The problem is, they then make insubstaicated claims based on no evidence and dress it up in sciencey sounding nonsense, thereby confusing the general public who are confused enough about science as it is (thanks to the Daily Mail and the like).

I hope I've explained myself clearly. Any questions, just ask. Please bare in mind, I am very cynical about big pharma and have personnally been through much distress because of their drugs (but I do not want to go into that); so I ask that you do not conflate a critique of Patrick or Gillian with me being pro-pharma. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Steven Durrant Prevention is better than cure gang! meat is a major cause of many cancers. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux Steven, I'm not for a minute saying that "meat" isn't "a major cause of many cancers" (nor am I saying that it is), but I think it would be more helpful for all to post evidence for such your claim (preferably from a respectable source) rather than making a comment in isolation. I mean, I could very easily state that the moon is made of cheese, but it means nothing without supportive evidence. See what I'm saying? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Aucote Well, simoncini (was that spelt right?) has been curing people succsessfully for years. He was pretty well at the top of his game until the baking soda thing; whereupon he was ejected from the medical elite.

I think it's always a good idea to check out reputable/establishment-authenticated sources. Trouble is, they are no more trustable than any other source when big money is involved. Publication bias and plain old cover-ups and lies are just a few of the raft of ways one can, shall we say, bend the truth. Or at least report things very selectively. I personally feel that we do not live in an age where we can trust "official" sources one bit. No matter how empirical or impressive they appear to be.

Nobody here has mentioned the fact that chemo kills more than it cures. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I think this group is a serious forum for individuals whom wish to see a reform in the monetary system. I literally can't believe individuals are reporting that "chemo kills more than it cures", preceding such a statement with the word "fact".

As for a reputable source, may I direct you to the Cochrane Collaboration, a group of over 15,000 volunteers in more than 90 countries who review the effects of health care interventions tested in biomedical randomized controlled trials. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Should university students pay more? 1 post. Created at 11:41 on 21 September 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood and

So then, should students pay more?

Well I think the average amount that a student can expect to leave university (with a degree) in debt at the moment is £25,000 - £30,000. So then, the real question here is should the above debt figure increase. I can't see any real advantages to saddling kids entering the workforce with EVEN MORE DEBT, even bigger slaves to their debt.

Then take into consideration their share of the national debt on top of that and you are looking at the average person (who has been to university) entering the workforce automatically owing £50,000 - £60,000 right now (and this does not even include person debt).

So the real question here should be do we want to make our children even BIGGER slaves to DEBT and the system. over a year ago · Delete Post

Lets all go beg the government to listen to us (petitions) 2 posts. Created at 11:32 on 21 September 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It is begging, but nevertheless interesting. Here is a pick of my favourites:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Re-Nationalise the Bank of England:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Stop the Bank of England from producing illegal money, stop fractional reserve banking and create a nationalised bank:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Make fractional reserve banking illegal and petition the Bank of England return to the silver stirling standard:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Discontinue supply of UK currency and credit by the Bank of England:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to ask the Bank of England, in consultation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to use the power of “quantitative easing” to create the necessary £1bn money needed for internet broadband investment, and to credit it to the government as debt-free finance for that purpose as an alternative to the tax on every landline that has been proposed:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Reject plans to give the Bank Of England more powers over our money:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to stop the Bank of England printing money "quantitative easing":

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Shut down the Central Bank:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to issue Real New Money.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Nationalise my student debt:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Start using taxpayers money to bail the taxpayers themselves out of debt: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to reform the banking system, make fractional reserve banking illegal and require banks to hold full (100%) reserves of currency:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to apologise for failing to prevent the current UK economic crisis:


We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to STOP giving OUR money to super rich international bankers to fix a mess THEY created:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Clean up the endemic corruption that is the British banking System:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Reduce charges on credit cards of Banks that have benefited from the Government Bailout:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to restore the Gold Standard:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to separate commercial and investment banking by legislation:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to clarify the legal position of high street banks in charging penalty fees over and above their administration costs when an overdraft limit is exceeded:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to create a system of 100% debt-free money in the UK and abandon the banks' inflationary and unstable fractional reserve system of debt money:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Fund the BBC through central taxation revenue and scrap the TV Licence: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Create a box on the ballot paper at the next general election - " None of the above ":

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to end the culture of rewarding corporate and political failure:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to scrap any proposed agreement to a Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) chip in our hand,:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Cancel Africa's Debt!!:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Regulate extortionate interest rates on credit cards:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Get us out of the EU and the sooner the better:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to support the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Force the Climate Research Unit, or other publicly funded organisations to release the source codes used in their computer models.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to install solar panels as a primary means of energy production in all schools throughout the uk.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Abolish VAT on beekeeping equipment

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Stop the development of GM crops in the UK.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to scrap ID cards. We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to change the Freedom of Information Act so that the royal house hold and communications between the household and government are no longer exempt.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to bring forward legislation requiring all candidates standing for any elected political office in England (whether as MP, Councillor or MEP), to sign ‘The English Claim of Right’ so as to show their loyalty, affection and dedication to the English people.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to allow an immediate vote of no confidence in the UK government.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Give British people the view to decide if the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should withdraw out of the European Union.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU).

I do not necessarily agree with all of the above. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Anybody who has read the infrequent official number 10 responses to these petitions will learn that they are a complete waste of time unless they fall in line with whatever the government policy is regarding the issue, however they are interesting nevertheless.

Dyke in BBC 'conspiracy' claim, interesting. 1 post. Created at 07:21 on 21 September 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood

This is very interesting, especially considering what happened to Dyke around the whole Dr Kelly cover-up, as in maybe Dyke was genuinely attempting to change the BBC from being an institution which basically reports (or repeats like a parrot) what the government says/does to actually properly challenging and questioning the government. Regardless of his past intentions however, the government came down very hard on the BBC and Dyke in-particular over the Dr Kelly affair (obviously, the truth hurts too much for the government to come to terms with) so maybe he was attempting to implement REAL change at the BBC.

Irrespective of this, I am struggling to decide whether Dyke's intentions are genuine in the above article. He is basically calling for the abandonment of the Westminister model which I agree with. However the real question for me is whether or not this is a subtle call for the EU to take over (like most mainstream news articles these days which highlight how rubbish our government is, and how we need saving from it just to get us in the 'right' mindset for the EU to 'rescue' us) or whether Dyke would like genuine, radical, proper change in the political system.

Anyone know whether or not Dyke is pro-EU? over a year ago · Delete Post

Iran. 10 posts. Created at 14:36 on 21 June 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It's been said many times before, but I am going to say it again; never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied: over a year ago · Delete Post # Dan Makeham 2 provinces have had a turnout of more than 100% of the registered voters apparently..... Well that's clever, ain't it!?

And a further 4 provinces are extremely close to the 100% mark. Strange....

Can anyone smell a rigging? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Rigged by who is the question. The Iranian authorities? Or the CIA/MOSSAD/MI5? Or the Iranian authorities on behalf of the CIA/MOSSAD/MI5?? Who knows. All I know is I smell a rat.

'It's Not the People Who Vote that Count; It's the People Who Count the Votes'

Everybody has a price. over a year ago · Delete Post # Dan Makeham Mossad, blatently!

Seriously though, God only knows. There's more motives than I've had hot dinners. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Indeed, the middle-east is so vastly complex it's difficult to properly get your head around it. With so many different historical, religious, socio-political and economical factors to consider it's mind boggling.

Having said that, usually all roads lead back to Zion. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood From 16 May 2007: bomb.html The lines which interest me most are:

"If we can't get enough other countries to come along with us to do that, then we've got to go with regime change by bolstering opposition groups and the like" and

"Such a strike would only be a "last option" after economic sanctions and ATTEMPTS TO FOMENT A POPULAR REVOLUTION had failed but the risks of using military force, he indicated, would be less than those of tolerating a nuclear Iran." over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh, and just for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this pattern, it usually goes something like this:

1). 'Regime's' are bought and paid for or deals are struck (usually involving oil or some other type of natural resource e.g. Saudi Arabia) in exchange for compliance, if this fails then;

2). The economic hit men are sent in. If this fails then;

3). Economic Sanctions are placed on the country, if this fails then;

4). The 'regime' is subverted using political revolution in the manner you see now with Iran, this operation is carried out by the CIA, MI5 and MOSSAD if this fails then;

5). Assassination attempts, if this fails then;

6). War, if this fails then;

7). Keep your intelligence assets in place all of the time then wait a few years and repeat the process.

Obviously the media is an essential tool used throughout this process. Media coverage over this period can be turned up or toned down dependant on how different key stages of the process come into play.

It is a hard pattern to spot usually as the above can be carried out over a number of years, sometimes even decades. But if you properly investigate the circumstance and correctly connect the dots this pattern will become obvious to you. over a year ago · Delete Post # Ian Elliott 4). The 'regime' is subverted using political revolution in the manner you see now with Iran, this operation is carried out by the CIA, MI5 and MOSSAD ------could this be the reason Britain was named by the Ayatollah as the most evil of the pack of Wolves ambushing Iran? and could the BBC's sudden interest in expanding its Persian service be part of the same plan? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Without a doubt. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Take note of the 'Ground-based system' image towards the bottom of the article. Simply to provide a balance and a contrast, I have produced my own map highlighting the United States long-range missile capability, this can be viewed here: over a year ago · Delete Post

Latest post by Hilary Kitching Posted at 01:58 on 15 September 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Charlie Sheen/Alex Jones 9/11 publicity stunt.

During the weekend of 5/6th September (and probably before), Alex Jones began releasing content proclaiming to have a major announcement/development to be released the following week. As it turned out, he had teamed up with Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen in order to push the agenda for a re-investigation into what really happened on September 11th 2001. As subsequently revealed on the prison planet and infowars websites on 8th September, Charlie Sheen had apparently at first glace managed to arrange a 20 minute sit-down meeting with President Barak Obama regarding 9/11. The webpage and article was written and designed in a manner to legitimise the claim that the article was in fact genuine, however, those who read the transcript right to the very end were surprised to learn that in actuality the whole thing was a mere fantasy

“Author’s Note: What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet.” written in order to stir-up mainstream publicity surrounding Jones and Sheens campaign for a proper investigation into 9/11. Like many others, I felt that my intelligence had been insulted by the fact that the hype built up around this stunt (mainly by Jones) failed to address the small detail that the whole thing was pure fantasy. The whole thing had been dressed up as if it were real. The reader only learned this wasn’t the case when they got to the end of the ‘Twenty Minutes with the President’ transcript and was presented with the above quote.

Here is the story so far as detailed on (it’s pretty much the same on

Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up:

Twenty Minutes with the President:

Charlie Sheen: Now is the Time to Demand the Truth:

“Challenge Me On The Facts” – How Charlie Sheen Energized The 9/11 Truth Movement: the-911-truth-movement/ The Alex Jones Show: Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting with Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up: 911-cover-up/

Media & Blogosphere React To Sheen’s Request For Meeting With Obama: with-obama/

Charlie Sheen’s Video Message to President Obama:

Charlie Sheen Demands Obama Reopen 9/11 Investigation In Video Message:

However, irrespective of my own (and many others) feeling that our intelligence had been insulted; the media have begun to respond. The Media’s response (so far):

HOLLYWOOD star Charlie Sheen has stunned Americans by claiming the US Government were behind the 9/11 atrocity:

America was behind the 9/11 atrocities, says actor Charlie Sheen: Barack-Obama-9-11-government-cover-up.html

Charlie Sheen claims US government was behind 9/11: government-was-behind-911.html

Charlie Sheen's 9/11 rant is pure ego: ego/ (The above is a classic example of a trashy, opinionated, appallingly written/researched piece of ‘journalism’)

Sheen Airs 9/11 Conspiracy Theory:

Sheen's 9-11 conspiracy theory:

To be fair the media have been (on the whole, and unusually) fairly un-biased compared to what we are used too (the Michael Deacon piece being the most notable exception) as in they are merely reporting Sheen’s actions and not passing comment and opinion. There are of course the usual character assassinations and piss-poor journalism but that is to be expected.

So then, why was this done? Was it done to increase traffic to Jones websites and therefore earn him tons of cash (which I can imagine has happened on the back of this stunt), or was it done for genuine reasons, or is it another distraction from something else which is about to or is already happening, or a combination of factors? Who knows…! All I know is that it will be very interesting to see how this all pans out and what Obama’s response (if any) will be! over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Paul Brooks OK here's my take, and before all you 'wide-awake' start chanting at me I'm as much of a conspiracy factist as anyone, I just think there's something sinister at work here too:

Alex Jones' jesuit connections:

Martin Sheen's jesuit connections:

(Important to read the above to have a basis of what I'm talking about...note that they were written well before this latest charade...)

If the PTB were seeing the consciousness shift, it's natural they'd want to infiltrate and control it. Step forward Alex Jones. His mission is to keep the people angry and focussed on the inevitable Police State, giving them Obama-style 'hope' that something is being done, when really all he does is keep providing 'proof' that the US governement is corrupt and out to get you...I have never once heard AJ spout off about the Vatican. Quite some detail to skip over, wouldn't you think? AJ talks about the big picture, but leaves the bigger picture well alone...In fact he is a devout Christian, says he...most people aware of the NWO would realise that all religion is a fraud, but AJ seems to miss this out too...

Charlie Sheen: long-time buddy of Alex Jones and son of Jesuit Martin Sheen...I'm gonna cut this short because there's alot of info in the links above regarding his family history, but as for this recent plan, here's what I think could happen:

1: Sheen denounces previous US administration. Obama cannot deny evidence (NORAD/Drills etc.). facts about the bigger picture ('Put' options on WTC site, who really orchestrated it beyond the government etc.) are left out. Entire population suddenly woken up with no co-ordinates to see what is going on, and riots against the Government. Martial Law. NAU introduced. Banking elite still largely presumed innocent. Same time EU is introduced over here, possibly by force if enough Irish vote 'No' in the forthcoming rigged election. Vatican lives. Empire of the three cities gets its way...

2: Obama assassinated before meeting. Conspiracy theories abound about Obama 'exposing Bush's secrets', but some ex-CIA white guy agent takes the rap. Meanwhile martial Law. NAU introduced. Banking elite still largely presumed innocent. Same time EU is introduced over here, possibly by force if enough Irish vote 'No' in the forthcoming rigged election. Vatican lives. Empire of the three cities gets its way...

Just some thoughts...dark I know, but now do you get why the mainstream media is loving this so much? It's all part of the game...and a necessary move on the chessboard if they want to close the net simultaneously across the Western world...

Wake up again?! We've already doen it once, one more can't hurt...

Peace an ting xxx over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Mo McRae This seems to me to be in the same vein as the Obama Joker stunt. More publicity for Alex Jones and infowars. Good point made by the above poster. Imo anyone who doesnt mention the J word should be viewed with suspicion over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Mike Fraser The man is funded by Fox, what do you expect..... He's fake, is there anything he's come out with we haven't already known, he's just another snake in the grass to mis-represent, but he should know as we all do, we can present ourselves without idiots like him spewing crap on our behalf.....

IN OTHER WORDS LOUD AND CLEAR.... HE'S CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lara Mackowski i agree, alex jones is a douche, over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Lara Mackowski LOL over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago nybody else read this yet? 15 posts. Created at 11:14 on 16 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Climate Change Act 2008

Great, so I wonder how long it will be before we all have personal 'carbon budgets' and we can't fart without being grossly over taxed! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood We can thank '(Local) Agenda 21' for this rubbish.

It's things like this which make me ask if we are already in World Government, and have been for some time. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

Here we go ladies and gentlemen, this is all starting to come into play!

You had better prepare yourselves for the time when ""Smart" meters are to be deployed in 26 million homes by 2020."

The cunts this has to be stopped. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter The problem I have with global warming is how we are going to tackle it. It will not be by reducing the ammount of Co2 we produce generally as this would require slowing production and consumption and this will upset our corporate owners. But it will be done by giving financial incentives (probably PSI's) to large corporations so they can own control even more of our resources. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Global Warming? You mean Climate Change right? lol over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Magdalena Gniatczynska Co2 is good for the planet, good for plants to grow faster and emit back more oxygen!! The Co2 hazard is a myth! There are much worse chemicals being pumped into the atmosphere!!! What about the bombs exploding all over the place, the depleted uranium? The barium in the chem trails? The oil spillages in the sea, the mercury, the scraps of helium balloons that fish and birds swallow. What about the pesticides!!!??? That are killing off the bees!!!! The genetically modified crops are also helping killing off the bees!!!!

These fucking New World Order bastards are spraying the planet with biological and chemical fucking killers, and they're telling us the real threat is Carbon Dioxide!!!! Give me a break! These New World Order fundamentalist fanatics are incapable of uttering a single word of truth. They are so steeped in fucking lies they are absolutely loosing the plot.

We must get these people into prison asap. At least Jane Burgermeister is taking the NWO and the UN and the Obama administration to trial over the lab created swine flu and the lethal vaccinations: conspiracy to commit genocide. I wonder if anyone's doing the same thing over fucking Carbon taxes. Cause they're a fucking conspiracy to commit genocide too. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Scott Winter This James shows, you presume too much, or are willing to except any information providing it is not the government that is saying it, even if the source you are receiving it from is equally as likely to be biased. The truth is that it is almost impossible to be sure exactly what is happening with a system so large containing this many variables as the earths climate. There have been numerous observations regarding changes to the earths climate, in particular around the Northern Hemisphere glaciers, these cannot be denied, although the exact cause is up for discussion.

Most of the scientific community are in general consensus that the cause is related to Co2, this though is not a certainty as science has been wrong before. I am not denying that there could be a different explanation, the truth is I don't know, so this leaves me with three option's. These options are as follows, believe the general scientific consensus, believe the alternative lesser regarded scientific consensus or do the research yourself. As I don’t have the time to do the third this leaves me with two.

As with most things, most will usually choose to go along with the general consensus, as in general, most people usually do, whether it be religion, or what football team to support, etc. There is nothing wrong with this as in modern science the general consensus is usually reasonably accurate. This is not to say that this is always the case, as science has been proved wrong many times and new consensus have been agreed and science moves in a new direction, following the new agreement. How and why this happens is quite simple, science similar to anything is perpetuating. As the new scientists usually follow in the steps of the predecessor, expanding the already agreed consensus. Obviously this can work both ways, with the new scientists trying to find a new theory, perusing it in the hope they are proved right. Peer pressure exists as much in science as it does anywhere. Another integral factor is that of sponsorship, as with the majority of research these days, this needs corporate sponsorship, and this often leads the researcher’s to find the answer the corporate sponsor would like, if they would like to keep their sponsor. So considering all these facts it is almost impossible to make a choice that you can be sure of (this goes for you too!)

So even though I am not sure what is the cause and what will be its effect I choose to go along with the consensus due to my belief that the population of the world is consuming to much of the worlds resources and this needs to end, otherwise a time will come when the worlds population will need to be reduced, due to the necessity of the survival of the species. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood "This James shows, you presume too much, or are willing to except any information providing it is not the government that is saying it, even if the source you are receiving it from is equally as likely to be biased."

I am slightly confused as I started this topic to showcase the potential extra taxation implications (as a result of the alleged correlation between global warming and CO2 levels) of the Climate Change Act 2008, not to debate whether or not CO2 is the cause of global warming. In addition, all of the sources I have listed (apart from the BBC article) have come directly from governmental releases. So I am struggling to see what information I am believing 'providing it is not the government that is saying it'. For this topic, the CO2 debate is irrelevant and after reading over what I have written above at no point (that I can see) have I alleged that Co2 is, or is not the cause of global warming.

For the benefit of this topic, I am simply interested in interpreting legislation, not debating the legitimacy of the correlation between global warming and Co2. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Great, so I wonder how long it will be before we all have personal 'carbon budgets'" acceptability.pdf

Look at page 111 over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter I was referring to your statement "Global Warming? You mean Climate Change right? lol" This seem to me that you were insinuating that Global warming or Climate change was not occurring, which is simply not true. Climate change is a description of a number of issues not just temperature, the temperature has only change 1 degree this century. As to what is causing these changes, Methane, Water Vapour, Solar activity, Co2, natural cycle or combination, I don't know, but I do agree that is not a topic for here.

My original post was referring to the point that I don’t believe the government would change anything, in regard’s to Co2 production, (other than screwing the poor people a bit more) as this is not feasible with our current system of capitalism. This system requires the market to continue to grow, especially if we continue with the current “too big to fail” motto, therefore making any move that could bring a substantial change to Co2 levels, unlikely. Within the next twenty years there will be more food, water and energy resources shortages, mixed with a more urgent need to try and reverse any changes that are expected from climate change. Depending how the economy holds up, these effects will be noticed more or less in the UK/Europe-world. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I just find it interesting that a new phrase has been coined to essentially replace 'global warming' which is so loose and vague that it can be applied to any (localised or continental) meteorological scenario at any time, or even the very changing of the seasons.

To say that global warming is/is not happening can be contended and questioned whereas to suggest that climate change is/is not happening is ridiculous as it is happening everywhere, all of the time. You see what I'm getting at here? over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood They are pushing so hard to finally get their air tax implemented, because essentially that is what it is, in disguise or course.

Are we going to allow this to happen?...... probably. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here we go, this is what I'm talking about: over a year ago · Delete Post

Melt the Switchboard / End the Fed 1 post. Created at 06:20 on 11 September 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

United Nations calls for new global currency. 1 post. Created at 08:56 on 08 September 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood dollar.html over a year ago · Delete Post

Links section. 1 post. Created at 11:21 on 01 September 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood I am, and have been for a while now, using the links section of the group as a kind of rolling news ticker by adding links to news stories/videos that I come across on my travels which I feel are either relevant, or interesting. For ease of access, the links section can be obtained by clicking here:

Please feel free to contribute or add to this with any news stories/videos which you feel are (at least loosely) relevant or interesting. over a year ago · Delete Post

Good video lecture on banking fraud 2 posts. Created at 21:39 on 16 August 2009 by Steven Durrant

# Steven Durrant over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thank-you Steven I just got around to watching this. Very informative. over a year ago · Delete Post

International Swine Flu Conference 3 posts. Created at 17:05 on 24 August 2009 by james Lockwood

# James Lockwood International Swine Flu Conference:

Event Brochure:

"Direct fatality management tactical operations"

"Activate fatality management operations"

"Conduct Morgue operations"

"Conduct final disposition"

"Breakdown of public services, utilities"

"Medical supplies shortages"

"Unwillingness to follow government orders"

"Identify when to reduce or even close operations"

"Disruptions to public, private and critical infrastructure under-mining your essential functions"

"Protect public works first responders from falling ill or being hurt in civil disturbances"

"Effectively undertake MASS vaccinations"


Amongst many others. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood pid=2287609&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&id=510248325&oid=10136282302 over a year ago · Delete Post # Gav Ess Speechless really. It's crunch time. Mass Protests, mass killings by government, whether by the vaccine injections themselves, or the police state that rises out of the mortuary ashes. Time to note the exit points. Reminds me of George Orwell's 1984 or my own short story "I Am Earth's Survivor" over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post BANK OF ENGLAND (SHAREHOLDERS) 1941 parlimentary questions 2 posts. Created at 08:18 on 24 August 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood BANK OF ENGLAND (SHAREHOLDERS). HC Deb 06 May 1941 vol 371 cc700-1 700

§ 55. Mr. Stokes asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will introduce legislation to compel the Bank of England to prepare and print every six months, a list of the holders of its share capital, together with a supplementary list showing the beneficial owners thereof, and to make such lists available for the inspection by any member of the public, gratis, at the bank's premises within ordinary business hours?

§ Sir K. Wood

No, Sir.

§ Mr. Stokes

Is the Chancellor of the Exchequer aware that the shareholders of 701 this institution are reputed to be largely of foreign origin or are foreigners themselves? Is there any means by which Members of Parliament can ascertain the names of the shareholders of the Bank of England?

§ Sir K. Wood

I do not think there is any ground for that statement, but if the hon. Gentleman has any information, I shall be glad if he will give me particulars. There are some 16,000 shareholders of this institution, and I doubt very much whether the hon. Gentleman's statement is true of them.

§ Mr. Stokes

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of my question, whether there is any means by which Members of Parliament can ascertain the names of the shareholders of the Bank of England?

§ Sir K Wood

I will inquire, and if I have anything to communicate, I will inform the hon. Gentleman.

§ Mr. Gallacher

Is it not the duty of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to give these particulars to the hon. Member?

§ Sir K. Wood

I have no doubt that the hon. Member for Ipswich (Mr. Stokes) will be able to look after himself.

§ Mr. Stokes Mr. Speaker, in view of the fact that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is not clear on this point, may I ask you whether there is any means by which a Member of Parliament can extract the information for which I have asked?

§ Mr. Speaker

I am afraid I cannot answer that question.


A fantastic source of amusement...! 1 post. Created at 15:26 on 14 August 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood and over a year ago · Delete Post

A Senior Moment 3 posts. Created at 05:18 on 05 August 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I just saw this on the TPUC group board and had to steal it! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I got this e-mail today, priceless


A 98 year old woman in the UK wrote this to her bank.. The bank manager thought it amusing enough to have it published in the Times.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to thank you for bouncing my cheque with which I endeavoured to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations, three nanoseconds must have elapsed between his presenting the cheque and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honour it. I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my Pension, an arrangement, which, I admit, has been in place for only thirty eight years. You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account £30 by way of penalty for the inconvenience caused to your bank.

My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways. I noticed that whereas I personally attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am confronted by the impersonal, overcharging, pre-recorded, faceless entity which your bank has become. From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a flesh-and-blood person. My mortgage and loan payments will therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank by cheque, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must nominate. Be aware that it is an offence under the Postal Act20for any other person to open such an envelope. Please find attached an Application Contact Status which I require your chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative. Please note that all copies of his or her medical history must be countersigned by a Solicitor, and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof. In due course, I will issue your employee with PIN number which he/she must quote in dealings with me. I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits but, again, I have modelled it on the number of button presses required of me to access my account balance on your phone bank service. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Let me level the playing field even further.

When you call me, press buttons as follows:

1. To make an appointment to see me. 2. To query a missing payment. 3. To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there. 4. To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am sleeping. 5. To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to nature. 6. To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am not at home. 7. To leave a message on my computer (a password to access my computer is required. A password will be communicated to you at a later date to the Authorized Contact.) 8. To return to the main menu and to listen to options 1 through to 8. 9. To make a general complaint or inquiry, the contact will then be put on hold, pending the attention of my automated answering service. While this may, on occasion, involve a lengthy wait, uplifting music will play for the duration of the call. Regrettably, but again following your example, I must also levy an establishment fee to cover the setting up of this new arrangement. May I wish you a happy, if ever so slightly less prosperous, New Year. Your humble Client

(Remember: This was written by a 98 year old woman).

DOESN'T SHE MAKE YOU PROUD! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I don't know if it's genuine but I hope it is lol it's hilarious and actually, not a bad idea at all! Play them at their own stupid little games! over a year ago · Delete Post

Codex Alimentarious Talk/meet-up in Hulme, Manchester Saturday 8th August 2009 1-4pm 3 posts. Created at 05:42 on 02 August 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood For those like myself who reside in Manchester, there will be a Codex Alimentarious themed talk/meeting taking place on Saturday 8th Aug 2009 between 1-4pm at Hulme Community Garden Centre. Admission is completely free of charge.

The community garden people have released the following information regarding the day:

"Hulme Community Garden Centre and present.... CODEX ALIMENTARIUS - What is Codex and What Can We Do About it?

A community event including, a talk about Codex, a short film and a section on personal and community solutions. The event will conclude with a discussion where people can begin to share ideas and plan community solutions.

1- 4 pm Saturday 8th of August 2009 in HCGC’s Garden Tunnel

If you’ve never heard of Codex Alimentarius then you’re not alone. These new food laws have been planned for over forty years and are likely to change all our lives in the very near future…

- Loss of variety and choices due to rigid standards - Mandatory use of chemical fertilizers on fresh produce to enable standards to be met as well as widespread mandating of G M crops. - A threat to all local co-operative and community level food trade if the government decide to follow steps taken in the US which ban farmers selling direct to their neighbours. - Written under Napoleonic Law by a WTO group, anything not mandated by Codex would be illegal leaving vast scope for abuses of the law."

Map/address of location of event:

Link on website:

Link to distribution leaflet:

If you are able to please distribute this leaflet to your friends, neighbours and relatives then please do so.

I will be there and have agreed to help out on the day any way I can and am hoping to meet some like minded people on the day. So please if you are able to, pop down! over a year ago · Delete Post # Steven Durrant Thanks for letting me know. I'll put the word out. this is the first time I know of a meeting to discuss this in Manchester. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers Steven. over a year ago · Delete Post

Advice for dealing with the police. 6 posts. Created at 08:43 on 25 July 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood It would seem that recent events might suggest that encounters with the police are due to become even more frequent as time moves forward, both for you and for me. So, for those who have not already had the benefit of exposure to the following information, I would highly recommend:

The AntiTerrorist on the Police: v=iGHQDquNkro&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=0

The AntiTerrorist on dealing with the Police Part 1 of 2: v=bE8rfefPQ24&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=1

The AntiTerrorist on dealing with the Police Part 2 of 2: v=K8XwehIHSnQ&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=2

The AntiTerrorist on Dealing with the Police- Addendum-Part 1: 3eZ34&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=3

The AntiTerrorist on Dealing with the Police- Addendum-Part 2: v=cBK_gQgB1p8&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=4

The AntiTerrorist on Dealing with the Police- Addendum-Part 3 v=xQuylgA_aqM&feature=PlayList&p=8F0FA0A7DDFE6675&index=5

"Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane: Aai0pxQ&q=never+speak+to+the+police&hl=en

"Don't Talk to the Police" by Officer George Bruch Charlie & Danny (cveitch's youtube channel):

Checkpoint USA (youtube channel): over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Please feel free to add to this information. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood You are welcome Gary. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I stole this from Alex Hall on the TPUC group:

If an officer “invites” you to “step over here please…”

1st thing… remain calm and breathe. You are NOT obliged to follow his command/invitation (to contract). You can ask questions, and should! • "Officer, have you observed me breaching the peace or causing harm, injury or loss?" o If they answer "No", or "Well no, not as such" then you can respond "Then why have you stopped me?" Paraphrasing the Ant-Terrorist remain in the master position by asking questions. Make them the “slave” in the relationship. o Other questions could be, “Are you acting in the capacity of a peace officer or policy enforcement? • For your protection get your mobile phone out and start recording: Say “I recognise your contact, what is the nature of the intended detention? o They may say: You can not record You are not obliged to follow his/her command… ask them! o Ask: Am I Free to go? o If “yes” thank them and go, if “no.” Ask: “What is the nature of the intended detention?” Again keeping the dominant position in the relationship… o If he refuses to tell you… o “Did you witness me breach the peace.” o If no… o “I am now reserving my right not to speak to a police office who has not witnessed me breach the peace. Thank you and good bye.”

Ask if they know the difference between a person and a Human Being, a Police Wo/Man and a Police Officer. If cops ask for: • ID? o “Am I obliged?” • Name? o “Am I obliged?” o If he says “yes” he is acting “fraudulently” – A Common Law crime o “Am I free to go?” • The may start talking about obstruction… read below by Renzok • If you look as though you are going to be arrested. o Say: “Officer I reserve all of my rights at all times I will give up none of these rights at any time for any reason, I will not accept understand or stand under any rights that you wish to bestow upon me, furthermore, if you intend on following statutes I wish to advise you that I do not consent to any statute and that any actions taken under a statute to which I have not consented are done against my will and YOU ARE OBLIGED to note I will be operating under protest and duress AT ALL TIMES!” o OR o “Officer I am a peaceful man. If you are going to arrest me, there will be no need for force or violence. However, YOU ARE OBLIGED to note that I am operating under protest and duress at all times, I reserve all of my rights at all times, and waive none of my rights at any time for any cause or reason. o Statutes have enabled them to take you name, address, fingerprints, mug shot and DNA. They can do this ONLY if you consent/contract with them… AM I OBLIGED, if they yes they are acting fraudulently. Statutes apply to Persons, not Human Beings. o Do not give them consent to ask any other questions, or put their hands on you in anyway shape or form. “You do not have consent to touch me!” o When you’re released and they give you the sliding paper, BEFORE YOU SIGN write Under Protest and Duress autograph

Information brought together from lots of other Human Beings…

This is accredited to: renzok,

“Good day, health and spirits to you, the Peace Officer that initiated contact with me. I am commonly called Renzo, spelled capital R, lower case e-n-z-o, of the Koornhof family, spelled capital K, lower case o-o-r-n-h-o-f. I am a free man upon the land, and I am not surety for the legal fiction: KOORNHOF, Renzo JC, spelled capital K-O-O-R-N-H-O-F comma, capital R lower case e-n-z-o, capital J,C, I am however, the creditor and administrator for that account, so even though my name appears to be similar to that account, please, do not presume that I am the same as that legal fiction. Please call me Renzo; I am neither a sir, nor a mister, so there is no need to address me as such.

I am a free and honourable man, I bring peace, love and the light of God wherever I go. It is my sworn duty to uphold and help preserve any and all rights and freedoms due to all those who live in the geographic area commonly known as Canada. As such it is also my sworn duty to resist, expose, and oppose all forms of tyranny, fascism, and oppression, for once those arrive, rights and freedoms tend to disappear. So, in order to ensure that our beautiful and peaceful land does not degenerate into either tyranny or anarchy, before we can engage in any peaceful discourse, I must ask you a few questions, since it was you that interrupted me.

May I remind you that you have me at a disadvantage since you openly carry dangerous weapons along with the training to use them, and I am an unarmed and peaceful man. At this point I am feeling intimidated and likely scared, so before I can effectively communicate with you, I need to understand the nature of our relationship, along with the purposes of this encounter.

Peace officer name: ______

Peace officer badge #: ______

Peace officer employer’s name: ______

1. Have you observed me breaching the peace? 2. Do you have reason to believe that I have breached the peace? 3. If yes to #2, what are the facts that support your probable cause to believe that that I did breach the peace?

4. Do you believe that I have an obligation or a duty to have discourse with you if you do not have evidence to support a belief or opinion that I have breached the peace? 5. If yes to # 4, what factual evidence do you have to support this opinion?

6. If a peace officer makes a request and I ask them questions regarding that request is that, in your opinion, obstruction of justice? Since fulfilling a request may require clarification, is seeking that clarification obstruction, in your opinion

7. If yes to #6, what factual evidence do you have to support this opinion?

8. Do you agree that equality is paramount and that it is mandatory before the law? 9. If yes to #8, then how can someone order or command another without perverting the course of justice?

10. If no to #8, please provide factual evidence to support your opinion.

11. Am I free to go? 12. If no to #11, then am I being detained?

13. If yes to #12, what are the facts that support your probable cause that I need to be detained? Is it for my safety or for the safety of others, or for some other, arbitrary, reason?

14. Are you aware of the difference between statutes and law? 15 Are you aware that attempting to apply a statute to someone that it does not apply to under the guise of law is a fraud and the refusal to make the distinction when brought to your attention is equal to gross negligence? 16. If I am not being detained, and/or you have no evidence supporting a probable cause that I need to be detained for a breach of the peace, and/or you have no evidence supporting an opinion that I have an obligation or a duty to have discourse with a Peace Officer who has no evidence to support a belief or opinion that I have breached the peace, then it is necessary for me to know this so that we can communicate as equals in this common law jurisdiction.

Please circle to indicate the current status of this encounter so that there is no confusion:



Signature: ______over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood A good notice to use on your property: pid=2144972&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&id=510248325&oid=10136282302

Notice in the exceptions there is no mention of the police. over a year ago · Delete Post

Mark Cocking: Response from BBC 3 posts. Created at 03:14 on 02 August 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Dear Mr Cocking

Thanks for your e-mail regarding 'Jeremy Vine' broadcast on 24 July.

I understand you feel the researchers on the programme, and other programmes have missed an important fact about the manufacturers of the swine flu medication, namely that they're subject to injunctions in many countries. I note you feel people should be informed of this before any harm is done to the population. I also note you feel we've intentionally withheld this information from our audience, deliberately misleading them due to political pressures.

As part of our remit as a public service broadcaster, we've a duty to inform our audience of the facts of stories that involve them and I believe that is exactly what 'Jeremy Vine' and indeed all of our programmes who have discussed swine flu have done. There's a general scientific and medical opinion that the antiviral currently available for treating swine flu is safe and beneficial to those suffering form the condition, and so we've a duty to reflect this in our programming.

I assure you that in addition to this, impartiality is a key cornerstone to all our programmes. We aren't influenced by any outside organisations, government or otherwise, rather we aim to present the facts in a clear and balanced manner, showing the reality of the story and allowing our audience to make up their own minds.

We appreciate, however, that all our editorial decisions are subjective and as a result we'd never expect everyone to agree with every decision we make. Nevertheless I appreciate you may continue to disagree with the content of our programming that deals with swine flu and with this in mind I'd like to take this opportunity to assure you that I've recorded your comments onto our audience log. This is an internal daily report of audience feedback which is circulated to many BBC staff including senior management, producers and channel controllers.

The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.

Thanks once again for contacting us.


Ciaran McConnell BBC Complaints

…………………………………………………………………………………………. Dear Ciaran,

Thank you for your prompt response to my complaint, the contents of which I note.

In particular it is noted that the official line of the BBC is that 'general scientific consensus' suggests that the anti viral (and therefore, by definition, the vaccine, as this was the subject of my initial letter) is safe and that this is, therefore, the opinion which the BBC shall promote.

Clearly your researchers must be as poor as your policy implies for, in the absence of any external pressure (which you are obliged to deny even though there is a record of interference and pressure from various external bodies), the BBC has made a policy decision based on the opinion of many who are currently being taken to court and in direct contaradiction to the evidence. The Brirish Government was forced to 'test' the vaccine because people put the pressure on them. They pronounced it safe, whilst at the same time passing laws ensuring that when they are found to have been lying, they can bear no criminal liability!

You are, in effect, adopting the role of judge and jury, by your own admission. To say that general consensus suggests that it is 'safe' is little short of ignorant and will be deemed as complicit, as you have patently chosen to ignore the science and opinion put forward by many of the worlds leading doctors and researchers. You have, in effect, admitted that you have merely accepted the word of those who are committing the crime. Is this the 'impartiality' of the BBC? It would appear so, by your own words.

I appreciate that you have passed my comments on to your producers and assure you that the people of the the UK await unbiased reporting of this matter which, I am sure you must agree, will eventually become will the official response of the BBC. That is, that you feel it is your duty to report only consensus opinion and not that which challenges it.

I shall appear on another TV channel this month and shall show the concerned public how to lawfully cease payment of the TV licence on the grounds of this breach of your own charter, and your willingness to accept 'consensus' opinion, which is provably not 'consensus'. Also on the basis that the BBC is supporting genocidal activities in it's biased (or ignorant, you decide) reporting of this and other matters of grave importance.

Should you require details of the vast number of medical experts, researchers, lawyers and other concerned parties...or the factual evidence they are presenting to the courts, I shall be happy to point your researchers to the facts which you have officially decided to ignore.

Yours most sincerely, Mark S Cocking over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "we've a duty to inform our audience of the facts of stories that involve them and I believe that is exactly what 'Jeremy Vine' and indeed all of our programmes who have discussed swine flu have done"


"there's a general scientific and medical opinion that the antiviral currently available for treating swine flu is safe and beneficial to those suffering form the condition"

Joker "impartiality is a key cornerstone to all our programmes. We aren't influenced by any outside organisations, government or otherwise"


"The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content."


"we aim to present the facts in a clear and balanced manner, showing the reality of the story"


There is only one conclusion which can be drawn from this, Ciaran McConnell (if they even exist) is a comedian.

over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Well done to Mark. over a year ago · Delete Post

Tories want to give Bank of England greater powers over Britain's financial system 2 posts. Created at 12:49 on 25 July 2009 by Donna Curtis

# Donna Curtis Bank-of-England-greater-powers-over-Britains-financial-system.html over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood What a lovely 'change'. over a year ago · Delete Post

It's nice to be proven right every now and then... 5 posts. Created at 14:30 on 15 July 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

I and many others like me have been saying this for aaaaaages!

Lets just hope the Irish vote no again in October, otherwise we are fucked. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood This comes to mind over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter I've been having nightmares about that fucking wanker getting into power again!!!

Irish People please vote NO!!!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Scott Winter Here is the group "against tiny blair for EU president"! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood nice over a year ago · Delete Post

Debt debt debt debt... 1 post. Created at 10:29 on 21 July 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood ... and then some!

Your share equals £12,307 (average).


Debt problems? No problem! 13 posts. Created at 08:10 on 03 July 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood How to do away with unlawful or illegal debt!

Occasionally I get asked about this for those who are not a Freeman-on-the-Land or in Lawful Rebellion (those who are will no doubt already be very aware of this method) and have been meaning to post the remedy to this situation for a while now. This is therefore specifically aimed at those who are NOT a Freeman or in Lawful Rebellion. So, here we go.

Please read the following warning very carefully.


The following information is being provided for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not in any way shape or form constitute legal and lawful advice or council. I am not a member of The Law Society or The Bar Council, have not received any formal or legitimate legal and lawful training and am not a legal or lawful expert. Any action taken by you on the basis of the information provided is done so at your own risk. I am not willing to accept responsibility for any consequences of actions taken by you as a result of the information provided. If you wish to use Notices such as the one(s) described in the information provided then please make sure that you fully understand what you are doing and comprehend the information included within said notice. The views expressed are not those of, or endorsed by Facebook or any of its associates and will therefore not accept responsibility for any information provided.

Furthermore, notices such as the one(s) provided below should only be used by those who feel that they have been mislead, mis-sold or defrauded in some manner when taking out a financial/credit agreement/contract. So you need to ask the question; have I been misled, mis-sold or defrauded in some manner when taking out a financial/credit agreement/contract? If you have properly researched the process involved when you take out a bank loan or a credit then the answer to this question will be obvious to you. If you have not researched this area I would highly recommend doing so before apply this method.

For those who answer yes to the above question, stop making any payment(s) to the account in question and when payment is asked for/demanded fill in the blanks and send the following notice to whoever is demanding money from you: your address here [your postcode here]

name of recipient here address of recipient here [postcode of recipient here]



A/C #:



Dear Sir/Madam,



Thank-you for your letter dated ______requesting the sum of ______to which I notice, acknowledge and do not dispute. In the interest of peace, good will and to avoid judicial intervention, this debt is hereby conditionally accepted and honoured, however in order to pay I must first act as administrator and exercise due diligence with regards to this matter.

I am happy to pay any financial obligation I might LAWFULLY owe, therefore I direct you to send to me, or arrange for me to view the following proof of your claim:

1). Verification of your claim against me (a sworn affidavit). 2). A lawful, signed bill/invoice. 3). A check and remedy for this implied liability. 4). Validation of the debt (the actual accounting). 5). The original contract(s) and agreement binding both parties, which must by law, include but is not limited to the following: i). Full Disclosure, ii). Equal Consideration, iii). Lawful terms and conditions, iv). Signatures of both parties.

I demand that all of the above conditions be met and presented in Affidavit format sworn under oath or attestation, under penalty of perjury and upon your full commercial liability.

This notice is a formal request pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. I require that you provide me with a true copy of the Credit Agreement relating to the above account, together with any other documentation the Act requires you to provide.

I expect [______] to comply fully and properly with this request, within the statutory time limit. You are kindly reminded that should you fail to comply with this request, the provisions of s.77(6) will apply.

If it is the view of [______] that [______is not the creditor, s.175 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. In the case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. If you contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement, you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of both rights and duties.

Your attention is drawn to ss.5(2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR).

I enclose a postal order in the sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee. Note that these funds are not to be used for any other purpose.

If [______] is unable to comply fully and properly with this request, [______] should confirm this in writing.

The failure of [______] to send a response conforming to the criteria and request for proof of claim set out above within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice will be deemed a tacit agreement by your acquiescence that I have no obligation to pay the amount stated above to [______], the debt does not exist, the account has been closed and the matter ended.

Furthermore, failure to acknowledge this notice within ten (10) days of the date of this notice will be deemed a tacit agreement by your acquiescence that I have no obligation to pay the amount stated above to [______], the debt does not exist, the account has been closed and the matter ended.

Furthermore, I require that I only be contacted by postal mail, so that I may record any and all documents. Do not under any circumstance telephone call and visit my home, my job, my friends, and my family. Thank you.

Furthermore, any response by [______] shall be limited to the information I have requested and may not extend to other matters.

Sincerely and without malice, aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity, ______, of the ______family.

Please note, the above notice applies to Credit Cards, Loans, Overdrafts, Mortgages (if you are feeling brave) or any other financial/credit instrument. If altered slightly it could also be applied to mobile phone or insurance contracts etc. I would NOT recommend application of this notice for Penalty Charge Notices, Council Tax, Utility Bills, Income Tax, Student Loans, Parking Tickets, Speeding Fines or any other Governmental charges/fines.

Once you have printed off and filled in the blanks on this notice please send it by recorded delivery (not proof of postage) to your creditor. It would also be an idea to include the £1 postal order. If you do not want to do this, remove that section. Under no circumstance sign the notice. Your signature may be lifted. If they reply suggesting they cannot notice your notice because you did not sign it, offer to sell them your signature for a ridiculously high sum of money as it is extremely valuable to you (as it should be). If you know, or can find out who the chief executive is of the company you are sending this notice to, then address it to him/her. If not then send it as high up the hierarchy as you possibly can.

I have compiled this notice from differing sources and added/edited parts myself so if you notice any errors or erroneous information please feel free to correct me. Also please feel free to edit this notice to suit your particular circumstance however before you do this make sure you understand exactly what you are doing and remember the golden rules; Do not cause controversy, Do not cause conflict, Do not Complain, Do not make accusations, Do not rely upon hearsay as these things may invalidate your notice.

Furthermore, as stated in the notice you will not accept telephone calls. So when they ring you (which they inevitable will), politely and calmly ask them if they have received your notice. Irrespective of their answer kindly inform them that you are not willing to confirm any of your details over the telephone. It is your right not to and is important that you do not fall into this trap as confirming your details is the foundation of a verbal contract, subsequently binding you to any agreement they might pressure you into (even if you agree something nominal like £2 a month). Not agreeing to confirm details will also stop them in their tracks the vast majority of the time and they will have no choice but to end the call. If they persist kindly inform them that you now consider their calls harassment and failure to stop calling will result in you filing a harassment complain with the police. Keep a record of the day and time of each call and if they persist then contact the police and file a complaint. If they still persist then file a complaint with the police each time and if you want to take it all the way get them prosecuted for harassment.

After the 30 day limit on the notice has expired, you will need to send a 2nd notice, which I will post soon. over a year ago · Delete Post # Adel Hardman bless you james for doing all this over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Andy Sunderland Thanks... over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Fukyiro Pinion Please don't be stupid. The entire premise 'acceptance for value' is based upon is the existence of a strawman, which to this very day has never had positive evidence for it's existence.

Further, since fraud was committed by the bankers in the first instance, 'accepting for value' that fraud eliminates visciating the debt for fraud - a clearly established rule of law. IOW, you accept the fraud instead of rebutting the debt for fraud, and you LOOSE you ONLY opportunity to eliminate the debt legally.

Why then would anyone want to 'accept for value' a debt that was created in bad faith/fraud? So you can file UCC statements against your non-existent strawman in as it's CREDITOR, a thing every Freeman has failed to establish by positive evidence for the existence of the strawman, which is required in order to KEEP from committing fraudulent filing of the UCC docs as a creditor when this is NOT the case as the LACK of evidence reveals.

SO, you not only loose your ability to claim fraud, and eliminate the debt, but are ensnared by your own act of fraud for falsely filing a claim that does not exist in hopes of obtaining money by fraudulent means by naming yourself as a creditor when there is NO EVIDENCE to substantiate it.

And lastly, but most importantly, is you have no legal standing to defend yourself in court for actions, and unnecessarily sacrifice yourself to the courts you seek to obtain remedy without evidence to support your filing(s)!

This would be hilarious if it weren't so damn tragic. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Lolternate V Starseed Thanks very much for this! I keep getting calls from my creditors, bloody harrassing me all day long, I've stopped answering the phone. Going to send them this letter lol. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Solomon Banton looks good to me ...its nothing more than a request ..whats to be afraid of .. i have recieved lovely thank u letters from police and other bills using a accepted for value method...And it is an eyeopener when you see them... i haven't got past the next stage because ive moved ...and they do try to bluff...but there is definately something in this... im gonna Try it ..when the situation arises At the end of the day cant get in trouble for asking for information over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Fukyiro Pinion Solomon, you seem incompetent. This is not a 'request'. "NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE..." You'll notice it also states "without prejudice", which is not applicable to a 'request' (despite it fails to mention to WHOM it is 'without prejudice')

Gary, the premise is as simple as it can get. Contract Law 101. "Fraud vitiates the most solemn promise to pay", and yet these Freeman ACCEPT the fraud because they think they can create (because there is certainly no evidence to support their claim) a creditor/debtor situation out of the bill (what the Freeman call an 'offer') and collect MONEY from the System by this scheme. That is all. There is NO object of Sovereignty sought. It's filing false claims, lacking evidence to substantiate it, and waiting to go to prison for chasing money instead securing freedom. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood If it is a mobile phone bill which has charges attached that you disagree with then ask them to see the contract. Be warned that in order to follow this course of action you would have to abandon the service and take your custom somewhere else. Asking to see a bill for the service charges is always a good idea too. Anywhere that service is provided, there should obviously be a bill or at the least an invoice (statements don't count). over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I would also like to state that the above notice has NOTHING to do with 'acceptance for value'. The above notice does not accept anything for value. It merely ACCEPTS that a lawful/legal debt or liability exists against the person named, on the CONDITION that proper proof exists and is then provided for inspection, which is perfectly reasonable. So this notice states that if the proper proof of a debt/liability does not exist, a fraud has been committed and therefore whomever is named as debtor cannot possibly pay. Of course, if the 'creditor' manage to meet the conditions laid out then pay them. Although I seriously doubt they will as we all know the whole system is fraud. When somebody or a company sends you a request for payment, is it not reasonable to ask them to provide information which illustrates how they have operated properly and within the law (whether you disagree with the law or not). If somebody came banging on my door proclaiming that I owe them £10000, would the 1st reaction of any sane person not be to ask something along the lines of 'please show me where I signed up to that mate'?

I have constructed that notice to specifically not reply upon aspects of the freeman philosophy (such as the distinction between an artificial person and a human being) and is therefore designed for your average Joe who has been trapped into un-manageable debt. So I do not understand how this confusion has arisen. This notice quite clearly states that the person sending it is quite happy to pay anything they lawfully owe. The burden of proof falls on the person who is requesting the dough, not the other way around.

Also, it is my understanding that "without prejudice" is used to state that you are not attempting to cause a dispute, or if a dispute exists that you intend to settle it amicably and therefore the matter will not require court action (litigation). Without prejudice is valid in this instance, as it shows a genuine desire to reach a settlement: protect-your-interests/

Of course, if anybody feels uncomfortable with including 'NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE' or 'WITHOUT PREJUDICE' after what Fukyiro has stated, then simply do not include them, the thing is not set in stone or anything! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I am yet to see conclusive evidence of a strawman, although there are interesting bits and pieces in law dictionaries, which I do not consider strong evidence by the way.

The notice I wrote does not reply upon the existence of a strawman, so like you I am not entirely sure where Fukyiro is coming from in this instance. Hopefully they will clarify their position and post their preferred method of expelling fraudulent debt. over a year ago · Delete Post

Your opinions please. 2 posts. Created at 10:53 on 30 June 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I know this is completely off topic for this group but I have just been having a 'discussion' with some people regarding paedophilia and would welcome any comments:


James Lockwood at 17:38 on 30 June 'HANG THE TWAT.' bit harsh?

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:39 on 30 June harsh how come hes a pedo dirty fucker

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:41 on 30 June you dont have kids then ?

James Lockwood at 17:46 on 30 June You are right, he is a pedo dirty fucker, but that does not give any human being the right to decide if another human being should live or die. It's not up to me and it's not up to you, we are not Gods.

James Lockwood at 17:49 on 30 June There is a name for people who decide if other humans should live or die - murderer.

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:50 on 30 June well i would gladly kill the cunt

Lisa Small at 17:52 on 30 June i wud 2 the dirty pedddooo! hes no gud to anyone!!!!

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:53 on 30 June too true lisa fuckin scum of the earth

James Lockwood at 17:53 on 30 June Then that makes you both by definition, at least a little psychopathic.

Lisa Small at 17:55 on 30 June so sorry that we wud like to c a pedooo get wat he dererves u wud probz understand if yu had kids :S

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:57 on 30 June hes the psychpath wanting to have sex with kids fucking low life fat bastard

Lisa Small at 17:58 on 30 June well sed bev!!!

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:58 on 30 June if anyone had touched my kids at that age i would of done time for murder too fuckin right

Beverley Ann Todd at 17:59 on 30 June cheers lisa

James Lockwood at 17:59 on 30 June No I wouldn't understand. I could never justify taking somebody else's life away no matter what they had done to me or my family. Yea he is a psychopath wanting to have sex with kids, but does that mean you should turn into one too in order to 'sort him out'. Prison, rehabilitation fair enough but you have to draw the line somewhere.

Lisa Small at 18:00 on 30 June same ere, its a discrace its happenin everyday and nothing is gettin dun about it so y not just hang em at least theres leesss ov the cunts we need to worry about!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:01 on 30 June james do you know what the fuck you are talkin about here ?

Lisa Small at 18:02 on 30 June yeah wen they are ded thats the line drew for me!

Lisa Small at 18:02 on 30 June a dont think he does bev

James Lockwood at 18:03 on 30 June Social Service's have been putting kids into care with paedophiles for years now. It is called destabilising the family unit and has been going in this country for ages, it is part of an agenda.

James Lockwood at 18:03 on 30 June lmao I know more about what I am talking about than both of you would be willing to imagine.

Lisa Small at 18:04 on 30 June the social service's are a load ov shit!!!! dont u watch the news they even saying they dont do fuk all

Lisa Small at 18:04 on 30 June well u dont seem to have a clue or a fukin HEART! this kids we talkin about fk sake!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:06 on 30 June what about baby p then they shoul be fuckin slaughtered

Lisa Small at 18:07 on 30 June ano its a load ov bullshit...... makes me so mad!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:08 on 30 June i would love to get hold of them specialy the mother fuckin slag James Lockwood at 18:08 on 30 June I rarely watch the news because they lie constantly. Why would I want to watch and then put my faith in lies?

"well u dont seem to have a clue or a fukin HEART! this kids we talkin about fk sake!"

No, it is you who does not seem to have a clue, in ways that you are not capable of imagining. ... Read more Let me state this nice and clearly; I am not saying paedophilia is ok, far from it. I am merely saying that murder is wrong and can never be justified, even where paedophilia is concerned.

The fact that both of you condone murder (it does not matter what you are condoning the murder for) shows me that you are both heartless and clueless.

Lisa Small at 18:09 on 30 June dont no wat goes on in ppllz heads they fukin disturbed!!

James Lockwood at 18:10 on 30 June excuse me

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:11 on 30 June lisa is right

Lisa Small at 18:11 on 30 June well okay thats fine thats wat u fink...but we got out oppinions and we wud gett the biggest buzz outta seeing them sufferr gett tortured and mureder coz thats wat they deserved to be MURDERD dirty pedo's

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:13 on 30 June HERE HERE LISA

Lisa Small at 18:14 on 30 June lol :D

James Lockwood at 18:15 on 30 June "we wud gett the biggest buzz outta seeing them sufferr gett tortured and murede"

That is one of the most sick, twisted, insane and outright inhumane statements I have ever seen and gives quite an insight into your way of thinking.

Like I said above, psychopathic. Anybody who can justify murder in their own heads (not just repeating what they read in the paper, stupid people can be forgiven for that) is a psycho. It's a sad state of affair's when the majority of people think like this.


Lisa Small at 18:17 on 30 June omg ur sayin thats sik what i wrote but u dont think wat were talking about is sik give ya head a wobblee!!!

Lisa Small at 18:18 on 30 June thats it bev there animals they shud be put down!! James Lockwood at 18:28 on 30 June You are both moving the goalposts. Not once have I defended what paedophiles do to children. Yes they are sick. WHAT PAEDOPHILES do to children is sick. But then again so is inflicting pain and suffering, torture and murder, without exception. Paedophiles are not animals they are human beings who are fucked up in the head, that does not make them animals. Being an animal makes you an animal, not touching kids.

A sick or depraved act is not going to be solved by more subsequent sick or depraved acts.

You two need to grow the fuck up and learn that inflicting pain and suffering to others for their crimes is never, ever going to solve anything.

Oh and neither would killing all paedophiles, that would simply make you as bad as the Nazi's. Do either of you even know what eugenics is? If not you have alot of learning to do before you both go making such bold statements. Neither of you are gods and until you prove that you are it is not your decision to make who lives or dies.

Lisa Small at 18:33 on 30 June yeah we no its not our decisions becoz if it was they wud be long gon haha! and yeah they are animals!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:34 on 30 June oh hey you are one on your own

Lisa Small at 18:34 on 30 June asif this idiot is telling us to grow up because we feel so much hate for pedos ut fukin pathetic and twisted!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:35 on 30 June i agree he aint god either just a daft cunt

James Lockwood at 18:36 on 30 June 'oh hey you are one on your own'

I doubt that.

'asif this idiot is telling us to grow up because we feel so much hate for pedos ut fukin pathetic and twisted!'... Read more

I see reason and open-mindedness are not your strong points so I will leave this here as it is quite clear I am wasting my time.

Lisa Small at 18:38 on 30 June yes u are becoz non ov us are takin any notice ov u wat so ever i think u need to stop spendin so much time on ur own and get a life! oh and plz dont have any kids you wud never understand ...... fukin wierdo!

Beverley Ann Todd at 18:38 on 30 June OH SHUT THE FUCK UP

Lisa Small at 18:38 on 30 June lmao anoo

Lisa Small at 18:39 on 30 June do u actually have a clue what he is talkin about bev? lol o dont x James Lockwood at 18:44 on 30 June 'do u actually have a clue what he is talkin about bev?'

Thank-you for that, you just validated everything I am saying.

Oh and for the record, I am not a twat or a cunt or a weirdo and I will definitely not shut the fuck up. ... Read more

Having a brain and using it to think for yourself (and not just repeating what you see on TV or read in the papers) does not in my opinion make me any of the above things.

Oh and btw, enjoy your hard, fluoridated water. It would seem that it is doing just the job ey ;o) lmao

Lisa Small at 18:47 on 30 June lmaoooo eeee god u are a propa freak! go find a friend and shut the fuk up and wats with copyin all the stuufff im writtin u pathetic creature lmao! do 1

James Lockwood at 18:52 on 30 June Don't worry, I will." over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago

Operation Blackjack 13 posts. Created at 09:12 on 21 June 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

There is something very strange going on here. Strange, scary hidden messages in hexadecimal code. WTF?

If this is a joke or an attempt to subvert the truth movement then it is yet another example of disgusting fear tactics.

If however it is a warning, then god help us all. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

My best guess is that nothing will happen on June 22nd this year or next and that this is a blatant attempt to make those who seek the truth look like total nut cases when nothing happens on the date(s), I hope lol. over a year ago · Delete Post # Jay Crossingham I agree James, they can't advertise it so blatently then go ahead and do it. It would leave them and their agenda too exposed.

I know they are going for broke, but I think that is a step too far. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Jack Allison well we havent got long to wait, and find out if its true or not. lol over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Miranda Vegana Pandaqueen I just took a look at 'Blackjack' and I'm amazed that the Telegraph have posted it... Someone's been rather busy on photoshop, hehehe! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Post deleted over a year ago # Fukyiro Pinion

"Blackjack - A slide show story. The events portrayed in this slide show are entirely fictitious"

It's kinda hard to miss the obvious when so little text appears on the webpage. It's even in BOLD so as to draw further attention to it. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood ""Blackjack - A slide show story. The events portrayed in this slide show are entirely fictitious"

It's kinda hard to miss the obvious when so little text appears on the webpage. It's even in BOLD so as to draw further attention to it."

True, but then they put hidden hexadecimal messages in some of the slides, the first of which reads 'this is not simply entertainment' which is out of order as it serves only to raise people fears.

I agree with 'this is not simply entertainment' as I think it is some kind of social experiment, just to see how people react to it and if they take any action based upon the hidden hexadecimal messages and the cryptic messages placed on while it was still up. I got onto while it was still up and a quick look at the source code revealed much. Lots of counting going on there.

I think they just wanted to see how people would react to this, possibly even gauge some kind of estimate of how much attention 'normal people' pay to 'truth seekers' who are warning of impending doom. over a year ago · Delete Post # Fukyiro Pinion Very valid points. Except for interpreting what "this is not simply for entertainment" is suppose to mean, now we are decrypting every little piece of info like we were just as paranoid as those who claim our enslavement is for our own good. Seems like the fearmongering propaganda is working like a charm to keep us distracted and ineffective in creating actual change. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dan Makeham I've heard many a person ranting about and predicting events near on exactly the same to these slide shows. Yes, it seems incredibly far-fetched and I'm inclined to say it's a load of crap. But let's not forget the X-Files spin off show in which a plane flew into one of the Twin Towers, and the movie 'The Day After Tomorrow' not long before a massive tidal wave in south Asia.

It's pretty much definitely someone scare-mongering though. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dan Makeham "We are a group of Australian people who are not conspiracy nuts but the time is near and the time is right, Gordon Brown is coming up for another election and Barry Obama is going to be tested, unforunately the BNP aka The British Nazi Party will not be elected into office, as Gordon Brown is the unofficial leader of The New World Order. We will be uploading the full series of Operation Black Jack from start to finish we do not have time so please spread the series far and wide and alert the people."

Good intentions. Shit methods.

"who are not conspiracy nuts"..... Fooled me! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

EU Parliamentary Elections Today. 3 posts. Created at 03:41 on 04 June 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood If you must vote today then so be it however, please bear in mind that the EU, it's parliament, it's commission, it's elections and it's MEP's are all treason under the common law of the land in the United Kingdom.

Even a vote for an anit-EU party is not going to make a difference as MEP's in the parliament have very little power or influence, their votes in the parliament are not even legally binding. The un-elected and undemocratic commission plot the course with regards to legislation, they decide what new laws to draw up and what the parliament debates on. Take the time to read the manifesto's of the parties calling for a more democratic EU or withdrawal altogether. Although these may genuinely mean well, look for any information as to HOW these parties plan to carry out their promises. You will find plenty of information regarding what they want to do and why, but none when it comes to HOW. This is because all the parties know that there is nothing they can do to change how the EU operates by simply getting MEP's into the parliament. For example, when you sift through all the crap, UKIP have promised to 'Continue to highlight the corruption in the EU and to campaign to have the UK removed permanently'. Great, a worthy cause but these two things alone are not going to change anything about the EU, they have been doing this stuff for years and nothing has changed. I enjoy Nigel Farge standing up in the parliament and slating the EU but that is where his power as a MEP begins and ends. They can campaign all they like but they don't have any power to remove the UK from the EU and they know it. The same goes for all the rest.

The only real chance we have of getting out of the EU is a referendum which is why Gordon 'NWO' Brown wont give you one. Oh and neither will David 'Barak Obama vote for change wannabe' Cameron, he is lying.

If you would still like to register your disgust at the current situation without voting then there are a couple of things you might try:

1). Do not vote for any of the parties listed on the ballot paper, instead use a NOTA (none of the above) or a NOTB (none of the below) vote. Right it in yourself if you have to.

2). Turn up to your polling station and register your attendance. When you are handed a ballot paper simply leave or rip it up without using it to vote. By doing this you will fuck up the counting process because the total amount of names on the register is supposed to match the total number of ballot papers collected. They are allowed a 3% margin of error so if enough people did this it would force a recount.

If you would still like to vote for one of the parties then fine, it is your privilege and nobody is going to take it away, but please at least consider and bear in mind the above.

Thank-you over a year ago · Delete Post # Ralph Smithen "The Libertarian Party will not be participating in the EU elections, we believe them to be a sham, an elected house of those who are there merely to rubber stamp the decisions made by these influential families, to give the impression of democracy." over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Steven Durrant I voted Green, but then I am in the party. Green Party policy is to only allow the state to create credit, to properly control nationalised banks before disolving them to be local banks run and owned democratically, on co-op models etc. p.s I hope all you guys regularly check out audio and video at

Alex Jones is a guest on his TV show that will probably go up tomorrow night, "The Edge" done for Iranian Press TV over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

The Bank of England Act 1998 8 posts. Created at 11:20 on 18 January 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Section 8 Paragraph (1): "Payments in lieu of dividends

In section 1 of the [1946 c. 27.] Bank of England Act 1946, in subsection (4), (amount payable to Treasury in lieu of dividends on Bank stock), for the words from “the sum” to the end there is substituted “a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the Bank’s net profits for its previous financial year, or such other sum as the Treasury and the Bank may agree.” "

So if 25% of the Bank of England's profits is going to the treasury, where is the rest going I wonder? over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Furthermore, dividends are only paid to shareholders. Shareholders only exist within a privately owned corporation. Fishy. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Ian Elliott hi there, i'm new to this group so apologies if this has been gone over previously. Following a discussion with a work colleague i decided to find a definitive answer to who owns the Bank of England. I was fairly sure that the Bank of England Act 1964 transferred ownership to the government, effectively nationalising it. (after all, this is what i learned in A level Economics). However, on reading the act, i came across this

1 Transfer of Bank stock to the Treasury (1) On the appointed day – (a) the whole of the existing capital stock of the Bank (hereinafter referred to as “Bank stock”) shall, by virtue of this section, be transferred, free of all trusts, liabilities and incumbrances, to such person as the Treasury may by order nominate,(3) to be held by that person on behalf of the Treasury; (b) the Treasury shall issue, to the person who immediately before the appointed day is registered in the books of the Bank as the holder of any Bank stock, the equivalent amount of stock created by the Treasury for the purpose (hereinafter referred to as the “Government stock”).

Now i may have read that wrong, but as i see it, the stock is transferred to the govt by section 1,1,a, then straight back to the original shareholders in section 1,1,b. If the way I see it is right, then the bank was, in effect, never nationalised in the first place. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce (3) to be held by that person on behalf of the Treasury;

Some questions here. Why would the treasury need someone to hold it's stock on their behalf ?

Also a person is by legal definition a corporation. This is important to know because we have been conditioned to think a person is a living soul when in fact it is a fictitious legal entity.

A perfect example is when you see your name in all capital letters: IE MR EDWARD BOYCE this is not me the living flesh and blood soul. It is a legal fiction created by the government when my parents inadvertently handed me over to the state.They did this by registering my live birth. The trick is to make you a surety for this fiction all your life to gain a profit out of you. It would take to big a post to explain all this so i will give you a couple off links so you can look at this for your own satisfaction. See below post. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce First look at the brilliant Mary Croft's book " How i clobbered...... etc. The link is for the facebook group i set up in homage to this wonderful lady. You will find a link to her personal blog spiritual economics now. When you get to her blog, look to the right hand side near the top of her home page and you can download a FREE copy of her amazing book. This is a must have book of solutions and will answer many of your questions about the banking fraud and much else as well.

If you are not aware of the TPUC i humbly suggest you have a look at this site. Also explains a lot of the fraud been perpetuated against us. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Ian Elliott thanks for the replies and the links. I found this group after a friend invited me to join the TPUC. Very interesting information, and its very refreshing to hear how we are being lied to/held down from people who have actually done research, rather than the usual, "bad things are happening, it looks a bit dodgy, therefore the lizards did it". I look forward to reading Mary Croft's book, and will pass on the links. thanks again over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dan Makeham I'm still searching for a list of the shareholders of the 'nationalised' bank, but unfortunately they're not willing to disclose this information. I've even written directly to the Bank Of England's enquiry address, but have received no reply. It appears that this is not something that the humble taxpayer is entitle to know.

I have found loads of unofficial and unconfirmed names. They were as you'd expect; Rothschild, Lazard, Lehman etc. It would be nice to know for sure. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Money Creation and Banking Solutions 12 posts. Created at 01:36 on 06 May 2009 by Sarah McCartney

# Sarah McCartney I got to the point where I only want to talk solutions.

We all know that the current banking system is the root to most of the inequalities both at home and on an international scale.

We know these international bankers are the main problem in modern day economic and political history. A history of human enslavement. What do you propose we do about it?

What system do we want to replace it?

My idea is simple, outlaw usury, the charging of (excessive) interest on money lending. Money under our current terms becomes something to hoard and derives a power that it shouldn't and doesn't need to have. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Nick Clements Thank you for the message Sarah. I happen to agree entirely. As I'm sure you are aware, we currently operate under commercial/admiralty law.

Statutes and Acts do not apply to us as flesh and blood living souls without our consent. Of course we are not made aware of this and entering lawful rebellion is a good option if you're looking to escape the illusion we have fallen for. However, this does present it's own problems and does not eradicate the issue at hand.

It astonishes me that the people are still not aware of why this country/company is experiencing this 'credit crunch'.

Central banks controlling the issuance of a countries money supply will only ever strip the people of their wealth. They don't want our money, they control the printing press for crying out loud, they want everything we own. They want real wealth and to achieve complete control over every facet of our lives.

And this they will achieve if we allow them to. The people of this country must demand the removal of the central bank and regain control of it's own money supply without debt attached to it the minute it leaves the printing press.

I have created an information leaflet, which can be handed out to the public and in universities outlining the the root cause of the problem and the enormity of the scam. Raising awareness is obviously the 1st port of call, then organised group meetings and so on.

The head of the beast needs to be taken off, The Crown, and we must work together to do just that. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Hi Nicky and thanks for the reply.

Yes I am aware of admiralty law. I traveled along the freeman route for a while. I must admit it gave me plenty of food for thought regarding the nature of consent and personal responsibility.

I now back the Libertarian Party as they want to return to common law. - sorry had to do it.

But they also want to regain control of our money supply, which is another thing I hold quite dearly, although they talk about the gold standard and as I said in my message, I am not altogether in favor of that. I would be interested to have a copy of your leaflet - there's no reason to re invent the wheel lol - so I can start distributing it too if you wouldn't mind. Maybe you can post a copy here?

Working together is very important and any philosophy I subscribe to has to be able to work with other groups toward a bottom line. For me there are only a small number of basic principles I hold dear and two of those are printing our own money and freedom of the individual, bound only by common law. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I often find that the answers are sometimes more difficult than the questions Sarah and Nicky.

I have asked alot of questions and pretty much come to the same conclusion that you have. The system is fraud and needs to be changed, abandoned or replaced. But this is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Those who sit at the top of the pyramid are not going to let go of their grip over the issue of money very easily. They have used their wealth creating ability to amass vast resources, namely the military industrial complex. They hold all the cards. It is for this reason that I am wary of a political solution. Many have tried over the ages and all but a few have died under suspicious circumstances, been blasted in the mainstream media or have had their cause subverted through mis-direction. For those who succeeded, success only came for a short time as the bankers have always found a way to claw the power back by any means necessary. I am sure that the Libertarian Party have the best intentions and I like much of what they say, especially their ideas concerning currency however, to think that if they did get into power that they would automatically be 'allowed' to implement the changes they call for is unrealistic. They would be fought every step of the way by the banking elites. The only way they might overcome this is to have the full support of the majority of the country however the elites control the media and we all know how people like to give away their ability to reason to the media. To mis-direct the attention of the people away from the real issue is, as we see every day on the news, a piece of piss. I have realised that it is easy to come up with a good idea to solve the problems inherent within the system, but to actually implement them is a different minefield altogether. So for me, changing the existing system is achievable, but is also in my opinion the choice that is most difficult and fraught with danger.

That leaves us with the options to abandon the system altogether, work outside of it and leave those who want to participate in it behind, or to learn how the system works to the point that you are able to manipulate it to your advantage, or to replace the system with something new.

What I am talking about here is the freeman movement/philosophy. A noble cause but one without direction or leadership (such a thing would be in contradiction of the whole philosophy) and therefore difficult for most to accept or embrace as people have been taught to follow leadership from birth and it is hard for them to let go of the flock.

What I am trying to get at here is that ideas of how to solve the problem are one thing, but all the solutions you look at no matter how complex require strength in numbers, something we do not have at this time. All we can do is attempt to pass information on to make others aware of the problem, in the hope that enough people listen and feel compelled to make a difference. If we achieved this, if we really did get all relevant information out there (ie all the options available to fix the problem inc. freeman/lawful rebellion/libertarian party etc.) then people would naturally choose the path that suited them most. Some might stay with the government, some may become freemen, others may abandon the system altogether and form their own. This, as I see it, is how societies should be. I feel that if people were given relevant information en mass this is how 'society' would re-arrange itself if people were given access to all information on how the current system operates and the options open to them. We are however, not at that stage yet, so lets not get ahead of ourselves and see the light at the end of the tunnel before we have even entered the tunnel. For me, it is irrelevant to debate what the best option is as at the moment as are options are very limited. So if you want to use the freeman, lawful rebellion, libertarian movement or how the BOE works to show to people that things are very wrong then so be it, it doesn't matter which one you use, they all carry similar messages.

So lets concentrate on the task at hand, getting information to the people, as none of the above things will ever work without a mass of people behind them, but lets face it, any of them would work if we have enough people.

over a year ago · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Absolutely James, numbers. Nothing will change unless mass numbers of people see what is happening and endeavor to do something together. I was hoping to unite everyone under the Libertarians. They also want to scrap income tax in their second year. That should encourage a few million or so! If we grow fast enough we will be a force t be reckoned with and hold a little more political weight and as the people awake from their slumber of big government and oppressive systems of banking, when they have their houses repossessed and have lost their jobs, I want to be able to offer them a real way out of the nightmare. I don't think its a chicken or an egg situation but both together. Get the information on the problems out there AND at the same time offer a solution. They go hand in hand.

Your point about the freeman route having no leadership is a valid point. Unfortunately most people are not thinking for themselves and probably have never considered the notion of freedom and liberty, that is why we are in the mess we are. They will need a political solution. They want leaders, we have to harness the support of the masses, they are the ones who keep us enslaved. Otherwise the status quo is maintained.

The Libertarians believe in voluntary consent into the system and would tolerate other views and ways of living better than any other potential government. We could live on our own utopian communes without bother. No one would be enforcing crazy statutes on us that hamper individual or group ideals for other ways of existing. We would all be free to do as we pleased, as long as we adhere to common law.

Communes are not my particular preference, but coupled with a direct policy to put money creation back in our hands, amongst other very good policies, they get my vote every time.

And I have never even voted before because I had no one who represented any where near any of my ideals. These guys however represent more than 80% so far and address my main issues.

1. create our own money 2. the promotion of individual liberty

And they really mean it. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce

Information is the key to free ourselves from this by design trap. The biggest weapon of the F.O.D (forces of darkness) is the media. Thanks to the Internet we can make our voices heard. I do not know much about the Libertarian party so will find out more. I have stated on many occasions that until a political movement issues debt free money it will change nothing. The fraudulent money system is the glue that binds the whole "new world order". On the bright side we are the first generation to understand this agenda and the multi faceted ways in which it works (big parts of it anyway). People are slowly waking up and a revolution of the mind is what is needed. The few only have the so called power over the many because like nodding dogs people keep saying yes when all we need to do is say NO. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Cool Eddie ;) get reading and spread the word. They are the only party with any hope who actually address the biggest problem humanity faces at the moment and that, like you say, is money creation with debt attached! No one else even comes close to this, they don't even raise the issue!

You are right it is the first time we can tell it like it is. Keep spreading the word. So 9/11 was an inside job, so the UN is the next totalitarian world government, so they spray us with chemtrails, so what! Important of course. BUT money creation without debt attached is THE answer to stop the madness.

It is the single biggest issue we have today! This is where the power imbalance starts and must finish! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Nicky do you have a copy of that leaflet, I really want to start spreading the word on this, post them through peoples doors, hand them out, let people know just how insane the system is. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dan Makeham The only problem Eddie is that a majority of the public take the handouts provided by powers that be for granted. How many people do you think would really be willing to sacrifice these parts of their lives for a better future? The whole culture of materialism is what drastically needs to change. It's massively responsible for the huge sums of debt people find themselves in today. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce Dan

While i agree that the whole materialism culture is mainly crass and ego driven. There is nothing wrong with people wanting a good standard of living. There is no shortage of anything in this world, scarcity is by design and a method of control. As for people taking " handouts" see my posted link on the main page on how Germany issued it's own "money" and went from being completely broke to being a real economic superpower in just five years. This was a main issue for ww2. Do not believe the controlled hype. Here in Britain we have been sold down the river by treasonous scum. The game is to destroy countries ability to fend for themselves. All this bollocks about "competing" in a global economy only suits the few at the expense of the many, as is the purpose. Lastly the banksters gave people nothing so how can there be debt?. The link below is for the brilliant Mary Croft's blog go there to get a free copy of her ebook "How i clobbered...... etc. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce I actually set up a facebook group in homage to Mary Croft. If enough people understood the fraud being perpetuated by the banks there would be a revolution tomorrow.

A very interesting interview with her on red ice creation.

The truth shall indeed set you free. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Scott Winter Hi Sarah

One of the main problems with the monetary system is that it is self perpetuating. In that you remove or change part of it, it collapse's leaving those who have little money even more in the hands of those that do. Large changes like you are advocating would certainly bring about massive famine and death in particular to African countries. Even changing minor policies could have a devastating effect never mind changing the fundamental policy of the full fractional reserve system.

"BUT money creation without debt attached is THE answer to stop the madness." Well you might be surprised but this actually happens and is little or nothing to do with the current problem. This actually what the recent printing of money did. This money was not created at a debt, it was just created albeit causing inflation. When money is usually created by the central bank (not like the recent printing), this is based on the derivatives set by the central bank. When using derivatives the money can only be created with either money generated by the economy (usually by exploiting other countries) or actual assets (gold/silver etc). The derivatives set the money creation at a 9 to 1 ratio. As you know this is the basis of the full fractional reserve system.

Lots of documentaries place full blame for the current financial crises on the full fractional reserve system. This is a bit miss informed, as in truth it was the monetary policies pushed by those who control the central banks that really caused. For instance Alan Greenspan’s the feds old maestro, who removed the banking regulations set in the 1930s depression.

In various documentaries it suggests that money is created at a debt, and that debt is owed to the central bank. This is not strictly true. If the money is created using treasury securities there is an interest charge on that money created and the actual treasury security, of which, all is paid back to the treasury minus costs. This is due to the fact the bank must follow the same regulations that another public bank would follow. Although this is not a promise to pay as say Zeitgeist suggests. If we take say the bank of England, and the supposed debt, as described in these documentaries. It gives the impression that money is owed to the actual bank, which is not the case. In truth the bank of England Debt is the governments debt to either other countries (usually by selling securities) or debt to it self (by borrowing from forecasted earnings). Take the following example of the Fed (sorry can’t find info on BOE) The U.S. debt is $10.6 trillion, and is the sum of all outstanding debt owed by the Federal Government.

Over half is the public debt, which is owed to individuals, corporations and foreign governments, who have purchased Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds. The Fed manages who can buy these; it is often seen as a stable long term investment, for example to china etc. Depending on how much money the government is making or how well the economy is doing, it can create bonds the Fed decides the value of these and how many can be sold. These bonds are sold to anyone who wants a stable investment, and then the government spends the money from who ever purchases them. China and Japan own around 20% of bonds. (Bonds explained The rest is owed by the government to itself, and is held as Government Account securities. Most of this is owed to the Social Security and other trust funds, which have been running surpluses. The securities are a promise to repay these funds when Baby Boomers retire over the next 20 years. (So for example it has borrowed $2 billion from the “Federal Old age insurance fund”, then pay it back at a later date, when it needs it or something similar)

In truth I feel these documentaries give a misleading picture in that it shows the full fractional reserve as a conspiracy that no one is aware of, when it is not. Everyone is aware, well in economics anyway. It is not to say the Fed or BOE are good for the people, far from it. But this is more to do with the monetary policies set by the bank that are only of use to the large corporations and the rich. The system is designed to move money upwards so to speak. It does this by intentionally causing inflation. In causing inflation this reduces the number jobs due to larger corporations having less money, this slows the economy, generally hitting the lower paid workers. If there were lots of jobs wages of the lower paid would rise and this is not what the corporation owners want. As long as the higher paid workers are in short supply it has no effect. When you consider how this works with so called free trade agreements, where for example car workers are put in direct completion with car workers from poorer countries this has a massive effect on widening the difference between the classes.

Another problem with the management of the economy is how it works with the large corporations, if you consider this example by Noam Chomsky he says the basic principle underlying our current economy is "to make rich people happy and make everybody else frightened." Chomsky lays particular blame for this doctrine on Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan-- "Saint Alan"-- who claims the economy is working well because of private entrepreneurial initiative and expanding consumer choice. Chomsky disagrees. He claims that in the last 30 years, it has been public spending on such technologies as computers, satellites, the Internet and lasers that has fed the economy. And the wealth derived from these technologies has gone primarily into the hands of corporate masters, who represent a fraction of the American people. The government has used a succession of bogeymen, the Soviets, Communist insurgents around the world, and now global terrorism to scare taxpayers into supporting core defence programs whose technologies ultimately spin off into private hands.

This system has indeed caused a power imbalance and the MOD has actually predicated that it is probable that there will be a revolution similar to that predicted by Karl Marx as an inevitability of capitalism, by 2035. It is unlikely that those who have control are not aware of this fact and will be moving at present to ensure their rule continues and reduce the potential that a revolution could have.

With the economy being so precarious at present any massive change could be devastating to the poorest of the world. But equally no action could eventually be equally as bad for everyone. I think the key at present is to keep educating yourselves and also try to find more main stream politicians/economists that have workable scenarios with slow change that would not collapse the economy. There are good economists out there speaking of this, Naomi Klein and Danny Baker spring to mind. There is no point us trying to sort this mess as we are not experts, and after reading the Libertarian Parties view I don’t think they are the right guys for the job, unless they can get a world class experienced economist with them.

I hope this is of use to you and anyone else, feel fee to ask me to verify or try and explain something better. Or if anyone feels I am wrong please say (explaining why).

Keep up the good work

All the best Scott over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Sources on the banking system and the economy 1 post. Created at 10:45 on 08 May 2009 by Scott Winter

Scott Winter In this 2005 interview, G. Edward Griffin explains the history of the Federal Reserve. He also explains fractional reserve banking. G. Edward Griffin's website:

Debunking the Federal Reserve Conspiracy Theories BY: Edward Flaherty, Ph.D. Department of Economics College of Charleston, S.C. This does a good job of dispelling a number of myths surrounding the federal reserve, like it is private bank. It does miss a few points surrounding the monetary policy of the Fed and how it is not working for the general population but definitely worth reading. In truth I would be surprised if there is anything illegal with any of the central banks, as if there was it would have almost certainly been uncovered, but unfortunately their monetary policies are legal just those who understand how it is not working for the general population are happy in exploiting it.

It does mention the book from Edward Griffin, so here is the reprisal by Edward Griffin. Edward Griffin argues there is no conspiracy just fact that the Fed is working for the large corporations and large banks.

THE CONSERVATIVE NANNY STATE How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer By Dean Baker. This is my personal favourite as it gives easy to see examples of how we are screwed by the governments as they sell our assets to whatever private investor is willing to offer the most, and exploit the Free Trade agreements for themselves. Or here is a Youtube video of him talking about it

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is the gripping story of how America’s “free market” policies have come to dominate the world-- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.

The Real News channel is also a good channel for unbiased news. Some of the worlds top political analysts including the likes of Noam Chomsky. If you are not familiar with his work he is definitely worth reading up on as he as been describing how the governments of the world evade a true democracy for years. Noam has dealt crushing blows to the elite for years, if you consider that he is regarded as the worlds greatest political intellectual yet you will almost never see him on any news channel. Noam shows in detail how the media is controlled, and how the corporations are the real ruling class and how there policies supersedes the general population. Has writers such as Pilger and Chomsky

And another book which I haven’t read yet but have heard good reports about is Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain by George Monbiot reviewed here

over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Jonathan May, Economic Hitman 2 posts. Created at 15:18 on 23 April 2009 by Mark Pashley

# Mark Pashley Jonathan May formerly worked for the International Monetary Fund in England. In the early 1980s he came to America with a plan to release Americans from debt to the banking system by employing the same "credit creating" system used by international banking. The law governing this system is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). May was initially successful. Eventually, however, he was targeted and imprisoned by the banking system. He is now in a Federal prison in the midwest. While in prison he was interviewed by Lindsey Williams via phone." This is a talk, given by Lindsey Williams in 1986, covers the continuing efforts of International Bankers to control the economies of the world through 20:1 fractional lending, gold and oil manipulation, and eventually the setup of one world central bank. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Just had a quick look at that vid Mark, looks good, thanks for the post. Will give it a good watch and let you know what I think ;o)

Internet Usage Monitoring 2 posts. Created at 10:54 on 29 April 2009 by Dan Makeham

# Dan Makeham I was browsing the oh so informative BBC News website and came across this:

Now I personally am not willing to disclose every interest I have in the form of websites I have browsed to the wonderful powers that be.

And I'm not too sure that this information will only be used to fight 'terrorism' and the 'forces of evil'. Definitely worth a read. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Typical Government tactics there Dan. Suggest that you are going to implement something outrageous for disingenuous reasons, in the full knowledge that even the bent parliament wont accept it. Then offer a watered down version which on paper looks like they have conceded to the concerns raised when in fact they are achieving what they originally set out to, but simply using a different method with a few of the more outrageous aspects removed (but of course these are simply there to be removed later anyway, to hide, as usual, the real issue).

The government shouldn't be doing this but they are mortified that we are talking about them behind their backs, expressing how we are sick to death of them and spreading information concerning their corruption to others. (guilty lol) Terrorism? Crime? Lmao who are they attempting to fool? The police couldn't give a shit about crime and the government (in one form or another) is responsible for the majority of terrorism. They make me laugh. over a year ago · Delete Post

If ever you are in doubt... 3 posts. Created at 09:28 on 15 April 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood ...that the BBC news division is nothing more than a glorified PR agency then take a peek at this heartwarming piece:

It makes me sick. The man is a damn war criminal for fucks sake. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "I'm really, and always have been in a way, more interested in religion than politics,"

A scary admission from a former PM, in a way.

"really, really committed to finding a way of making religious faith relevant to the modern world"

Are you now Tone.

"If globalisation is a force pushing people together, does religion become a force pulling people apart?

A quick look at the definition of the words 'force' and 'pushing' tell you all you need to know here. over a year ago · Delete Post # Dan Makeham That article is a small example of the huge amount of hypocrisy, lies and corruption that the 'ruling elite' (or whatever you may call them) take part in every day.

An interesting read nevertheless, and it saddens me that many people will take it all in. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post Advertising for Admins. 3 posts. Created at 09:39 on 15 April 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood The group is growing steadily and I have therefore decided to ask for a couple of people to help out and become admins.

Anybody interested let me know. over a year ago · Delete Post # Mark Pashley hi james i'm up for helping out where possible. just pm me to let me know what you're looking for time wise if interested,thanks over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Dan Makeham Hi James

Definitely up for offering support here. I've strong views on the matter myself and I understand fairly well how the constant system of debt affects our daily lives. Feel free to message me if I can be of assistance.

Cheers Dan over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

A Brief History Of Banking 4 posts. Created at 13:11 on 14 April 2009 by Franken Furter

# Franken Furter Hi All,

I just joined the group and found it quite enlighteneing. I have been pouring over this stuff for ages now. It still shocks me that people are unwilling to open their eyes and actually see what is going on.

You can read more here: being-supported-by-governments/

There is also another very interesting article here:

Please don't view these links as spamming as they are not meant to be taken that way. The articles contain quite a lot of background reading that is vital to understand the subject of private banking.

Andy, you are more than welcome to copy any of the articles and republish them here. Pete over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Hi Pete and thank you for your post.

I have read the first link and it is an interesting piece. It describes very well how the banking scam works I am however a little skeptical about the solution provided. It is a perfect description of how to make money from the 'buy to let' market and will undoubtably make anybody who applies it a tidy profit however, all this relies upon the same oppressive central and fractional reserve banking system. The few super rich at the top get richer while the poor bastard people who do all the real work get poorer. The ones who loose out here are the ones paying the rent (the majority) so in essence nothing really changes as everyone can't benefit from a property portfolio, if they did there would be nobody to rent to. If central and fractional reserve banking were abolished and the government printed its own debt free cash (whether it is attached to gold or silver or anything else is irrelevant, as long as people accept that form of money has value then it is currency) and this was managed properly, responsibly and with the best interests of the people in mind then there would be no need for anybody to pay rent. The economy would be so prosperous that everybody could afford to buy their own home.

I will give the 2nd link a readlater and let you know what you think.

James. over a year ago · Delete Post # Franken Furter Hi James,

Thanks for the reply. I never wrote the article a customer of mine did it and I quite liked it. The guy that wrote it has obviously studied how banking came about, how it works and how it is a total con.

From the discussions I have had with him he could not see any way of changing the current banking system and so he decided he had to join them. Well not exactly but in a smaller way. Whilst you may be sceptical that his solution is workable all I can say is that it works for him. He started off with one property, nothing big and after a cpl of years he remortaged, drew his capital out of it and then took on another property. He has been doing this for a few years now and whilst he is not wealthy I would say he is comfortable.

I disagree completely that we should have bailed out any bank. This was the perfect opportunity for this country to take control of the banking system and issue our own currency without having to pay interest to any banker.

Pete over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers for the quick reply Peter.

I quite liked the article too and I agree the bloke who wrote it obviously knew what he was taking about. What he proposes is yet another way to stick it to the banksters (there are a fair few) and play them at their own game in this case by mimicking their system on a small scale which I am all up for. I am not at all skeptical of the mechanics of what he suggests as it is a sound plan, I am however skeptical of the ability of his system to work for the majority. This is because for buy to let to work there needs to be a large core element of tenents available to pay rent, the majority of which have no property and never will as long as they continue to pay rent and be in debt. So what he proposes is valid for a relatively small amount of people or a sub-elite of property owners if you like. It will never work for the masses as it can't realistically and should be treated accordingly.

It is workable like you say and is a great idea for those with enough capital to get something like this started, I mean why not play them at their own game, only this way you are playing them at their own game whilst feeding their beast at the same time. They still get super rich but you get more of the crumbs; if that makes sense.

"From the discussions I have had with him he could not see any way of changing the current banking system and so he decided he had to join them."

If he believes this then his research has not taken him anywhere near deep enough. There are many ways to operate outside of the bankers system and free yourself from their oppression yet still participate in their world of commerce. It just takes alot more effort and time.

"I disagree completely that we should have bailed out any bank. This was the perfect opportunity for this country to take control of the banking system and issue our own currency without having to pay interest to any banker."

Couldn't have put that better myself. The sad thing is, this hasn't happened yet, but I believe we have the best shot at it that we have had for a long time.

James. over a year ago · Delete Post

New Pictures 5 posts. Created at 08:33 on 08 April 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Just uploaded a few new pics to the group:

I found them to be very interesting! over a year ago · Delete Post # Alain Pottier so we the people of Great Britain plc are the governments security on a loan borrowed the private Bank of England over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Absolutely Alain. Our labour backs up the loans taken out in our names by the government because the only things of worth in this country are land, property and our labour. They already own all the land and property (the crown) of worth and as long as we stay in perpetual debt they own our sweat labour too. They have us running around like headless chickens chasing currency which is not worth the paper it is written on when in fact our bills have already paid as this country is operating in chapter 11 bankruptcy and has been since 1869 but as long as the corporations are able to carry on 'double dipping' or double entry book keeping if you like ths information will be kept quiet.

This is even more scary when you consider that chapter 11 bankruptcy lasts 70 years and 1869 plus 70 equals 1939 and 1939 plus 70 equals 2009!!! Well, either scary or extremely clear depending which way you look at it lol. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The most shocking one so far: pid=1555428&op=1&o=user&view=user&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325#/photo.php? pid=1561213&op=1&o=all&view=all&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&oid=10136282302&id=510248325 over a year ago · Delete Post # Alain Pottier fascinating info thanks the sooner these bankster Usuarist criminals are arrested the better then we can write off the debt bubble they have created over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

RIP Ian Tomlinson. 1 post. Created at 18:43 on 07 April 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood

I am completely speechless.

I am going to refrain from passing opinion and comments in order to further any agenda I may have but would like to wish all the family and friends of Ian Tomlinson my sympathy and condolence's and hope that the cause of his death is proven beyond doubt and justice served accordingly and without prejudice. over a year ago · Delete Post

This type of thing worries me. 21 posts. Created at 08:51 on 27 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I received this email today from Stop the War Coalition:

"STOP THE WAR COALITION NEWSLETTER No. 1087 25 March 2009 Email [email protected] Tel: 020 7801 2768 Web:


***************************************** 1) GET READY FOR A WEEK OF PROTEST

Stop the War's main event at the G20 is the YES WE CAN demonstration which starts at the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square at 2.00pm on Wednesday 1 April.

But we have a week of protest coming up at the G20 and NATO (details below). It is crucial we make sure the world's leaders can't escape the massive opposition to the wars they are waging.

For more information on any of these events please contact the Stop the War office on 020 7801 2768 on or check the website

***************************************** 2) SAT 28 MARCH: PUT PEOPLE FIRST DEMONSTRATION

Stop the War is encouraging its supporters to join this demonstration called by the TUC and NGO's calling for Jobs and action on poverty and the environment.

We will be forming an anti war/solidarity with Palestine contingent on the demo. Look for the Jobs Not Bombs banner, meet at Temple Tube 10.30 am.


Come and hear elected representatives from the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon.

Speakers: HUSSEIN EL-HAJJ HASSAN MP Lebanon’s Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc HASAN KHREISHI Vice President of the Palestinian Legislative Council JEREMY CORBYN MP Stop the War Coalition JOHN REES Vice President (Europe) Cairo Conference DYAB ABOU JAHJAH International Co-Ordinator of the International Union of Parliamentarians For Palestine SUKANT CHANDAN English Chair of IUPFP

Time: 7pm Date: Monday 30th March Place: Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London (nearest tube, Euston or Euston Square) Entrance £2

***************************************** 4) TUE 31 MARCH: STOP THE WAR PRESENTS LOWKEY Tears to Laughter, a benefit and launch party for Lowkey's new single and for the G20 protests. Featuring Faith SFX and Shadia Mansour. 8pm, Vibe Bar, Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, E1 6QL 8pm. Contact the Stop the War office on 020 7801 2768 to book your ticket.

***************************************** 5) WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL: YES WE CAN DEMONSTRATION Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, End the Siege of Gaza, Make Jobs not Bombs, Abolish nukes, End Arms Sales to Israel.

Assemble 2pm US Embassy Grosvenor Square.

The demonstration will start by handing in a message to Barack Obama at the US embassy. We will then march through central London at the moment the world leaders' arrive and Obama meets Gordon Brown at Downing Street.

3.30 RALLY IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE. Speakers include Tony Benn, Arthur Scargill, Daud Abdullah from the Muslim Council of Britain, anti debt campaigner Susan George, and Keith Sonnet from UNISON. Performers include Palestinian singer Reem Kolanai and rapper Lowkey.

***************************************** 6) THURS 2 APRIL, 11AM PROTEST AT THE EXCEL CENTRE Details to be announced.

***************************************** 7) NO TO NATO INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATION

FRIDAY 3 APRIL: 6am Victoria Embankment. Join the coach for Strasbourg No To NATO protests. Book online at or by phone on 020 7801 2768

SATURDAY 4 APRIL: NO to NATO International Demonstration, Strasbourg

SUNDAY 5 APRIL: Strasbourg Counter Conference"

Now stop the war coalition are right about the Iraq/Afghan wars and the struggle in Gaza, it's all wrong of course, but they fail to address the root cause of most wars/conflicts. As we all know most wars are funded and profited by central banks, international/merchant bankers, IMF, World Bank and to some extent large corporations/hedge funds/trusts etc. The fact that Stop the War only address the wars themselves and not the absolute root cause worries me slightly. I mean I may be a bit paranoid here but it all seems like controlled opposition to me. The fact that Stop the War Coalition allies itself with the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Party of Britain who both fail to mention taking the power away from the Central Banks which in my opinion is essential in order to achieve any real change is also a worry for me. It is my opinion that Capitalism, Socialism and Communism implemented properly by the right people would all work well for the people, but only if the privilege of printing money was taken away from the central banks and the real people who own them and back into the hands of the people. Without this essential ingredient Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are always going to be oppressive systems as they are not run in the interest of the people, instead they only benefit those at the top.

Stop the War Coalition and all it's affiliates fail to address this basic central banking issue, which for me is insane. over a year ago · Delete Post # Neil Otf Deakin I agree James, its basically down to ignorance. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood If only people weren't such blissful slaves to their ignorance, even in opposition Neil. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood lol I guess so but they all posses the ability not to be 'stupid twats' if they focused hard enough. The protesters intentions are honourable however I believe they are slightly mis-informed and their frustrations have been slightly mis-directed away from the fundamental issues. I believe they will achieve very little with protests as the PTB couldn't give a shit, I mean look how they are treated by the police and herded around like sheep into 'protesting areas'. LMAO they never get anywhere near the people they are protesting!. If they actually wanted the PTB's attention then they should hit them where it really hurts them and stop complying/contracting/consenting, depending which way you look at it. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood ;o) over a year ago · Delete Post # Eddie Boyce James

Spot on post. Nothing will change until we address the central issue of debt based money. In all the bullshit spouted by so called "economic experts" on the credit crunch not once have i heard anyone mention this. In fact on the "freedom bill group" i asked two lib dem mps why the government do not print it's own interest free money. Funnily enough they have not answered me yet. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Haha I'd be amazed if you got a reply Eddie but if you do please share it with us! over a year ago · Delete Post # Archer Paul Wiseman Look at the list of trotskyists speaking at the alternate G20 too. Hegelian dialect again? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yea Paul it's all the same shit no matter what system is in place as long as the people currently at the top remain on their throne (or The Crown as it is known) so to speak. over a year ago · Delete Post # David Bowman I think Stop the War are controlled opposition. Be seen to be doing something. are trying to enforce the laws of war and to make war history. Stop p*****g around is what I say! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood That's a classic example of Doublethink there David. Lets stop war but at the same time enforce the rules of war?!?! WTF lol over a year ago · Delete Post # David Bowman War is ILLEGAL under ALL circumstances! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I'd say it is UNLAWFUL rather than ILLEGAL, but with a similar sentiment. over a year ago · Delete Post # Steff Lightenergy The pen is mightier than the sword..that is a given..Have you guys researched the ? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Yes Stephanie, it's required reading if you wish to go down the lawful rebellion route, even though it's not really for us, it was written for nobles and barons. over a year ago · Delete Post # Katie Savage concise and so so true over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Of course you are right about controlled opposition. Anyone not mentioning solutions, the real criminals and putting the creation of money back into our hands are there to mislead! Not paranoia James, spot on :) Lawful Rebellion after having researched it is not it either in my opinion. Most people will not turn to this, they are frightened bunnies. Can we back the Libertarian Party, and have them back us? Get some sensible people in power? Take back the system, it is not so bad as a system just get the loonies out, bring down the IMF They are the British Ron Paul equivalent, only formed a year and a bit ago. For freedom loving individuals. Check out their manifesto. I am even thinking of standing as a candidate if they will have me. No time for anything else. Regain control of the pyramid and run it fairly. All our fantastic minds could be put to good use with these guys.

Lets start really putting the frighteners on the PTB. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney There can only be a political solution to this nightmare. The PTB would rather have us off chasing Utopias than turn to face them. Lets get some political power, there is no one else, and nothing else for it no matter what route of rebellion you take. Each to their own. Protest, become a freeman, live in Zeitgeist world, all ok, but there are 60 million people in this country that want, need and are dependent on some kind of governnment - the Libertarian party bridge that gap, will appeal to workers - no more income tax, us - money creation in our hands, freemen - removal of a host of crazy statutes - they are good to go and ready to take on governmental duties. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Hi Sarah I have given the Libertarian Party's manefesto a good read and they seem to be on the ball with monetary reform which for me the the most important issue. They do not go into much detail concerning how they would prize the right to create money away from the banksters, I mean they would have a damn hard fight on their hands unless they give it to the crown which they propose in the manefesto but this will change nothing (it is rumored that Evelyn De Rothschild heads the Crown). The fact that they want to take the issuance of a currency away from one arm of the banksters opperation and transfer it to another is a slight worry however the fact that they acknowledge and address the real main problem we face in this country for me personally is a positive thing and a step in the right direction. They also want to seriously downsize the government which can only be good thing. over a year ago · Delete Post

This has EU written all over it. 6 posts. Created at 17:09 on 26 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post # Paul Molyneux I'm Catholic, but firmly believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Lol yea Paul I mean whether or not the Church of England or Roman Catholicism are broken is a discussion for an entirely different day I guess.

I'd just like to add that I am not attempting to attack or criticise either with this post. It is my belief that the things mentioned in the above BBC article are being done for pure procedural reasons. The EU is an Roman Catholic institution whereas our monarchy and government are Church of England, this obviously needs adjustment if the EU is to take over.

Remember Tony Blair converted from COE to RC not too long ago most probably for these very reasons: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood

"Would Britain be prepared to accept a King whose Queen Consort owed at least part of her allegiance to the Pope."

Hmmmm. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood They are painting this as an equal rights issue for women and Roman Catholics but I suspect it has nothing to do with these things. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

EU regions, which one are you in? 2 posts. Created at 09:34 on 27 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood If the EU has it's way and fully takes over control of it's member states and we as people continue to sit back and allow it to happen, this is what your country will look like:

Your country's borders as you know them will no longer exist, your country will be the EU, so, which region will you fall under? over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Oh, and by the way, I just broke a good few EU 'laws' by making this post. over a year ago · Delete Post

Hmmmm...G20 1 post. Created at 17:16 on 26 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Looks like they want this to get messy, lets hope it doesn't. over a year ago · Delete Post

Gordon 'the mouthpiece of the NWO' Brown 2 posts. Created at 17:02 on 26 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood I think it's about time people woke up to what this shit means:

Gordon 'the mouthpiece of the NWO' Brown (my fav bits):

"Let this be our legacy; that we foresaw and then shaped, a truly global society for our new times...we made globalisation a force for justice,on a global scale. And that faced with the most difficult of challenges, a united Europe, founded on shared ideals, based on shared values, helped build this world a new. Thank-you." over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood LMAO I loved it when Daniel Hannan started talking in Admiralty terms lol He knows what he's talking about. over a year ago · Delete Post

WHat does this look like? 2 posts. Created at 09:29 on 20 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

What does the graphic they use to divide the world look suspiciously like?

Am I going nuts or have they divided their news service up between the African Union (Africa), the North American Union (Americas), the Asia-Pacific Union (Asia-Pacific), European Union (Europe), with the Middle East and India (South Asia) left out (which isn't far from the truth)? over a year ago · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney If you're going nuts then so am I James! Global dictatorship here we go. Getting us used to the regions.

“Summer of Rage” 11 posts. Created at 08:24 on 14 March 2009 by James Lockwood

* James Lockwood

Please DO NOT RIOT this summer. It is completely un-necessary and will only give the elite the excuse they are looking for to clamp down hard.

There is not even a need to protest, this acheives very little except of course unless want to beat get up and arrested by the thuggish policy enforcing police.

The best, most effective and safest option is clearly peaceful non-compliance. There are a number of ways to acheive this by asking yourself a few simple questions:

1). Do I really have to use a bank to manage my financial affairs? (unless you have a business.) 2). Do I really have to buy those tacky products I do not really have any use for from those massive corporations? How much could I provide for myself without relying upon somebody else? 3). What gives the money I am exchanging for goods and services it's value and is there an alternative? 4). Might it be possible to use something else as currency, what do I have that might be used for barter? Can I convince people that anything that has an 'accepted value' can be used as money? 5). Why am I paying all these riduculous taxes that I do not agree with which mainly go towards paying off fraudulent loans to the banks, a cushy life for the people at the top of government/councils and illegal wars? Do I really have a choice in funding this lunacy? 6). Do I really have to allow the playgroud bullies known as the police and courts to dictate how I live my life regardless of the fact I have caused no body any harm, damage or loss? 7). Why does a central bank issue our currency? I didn't vote for them what gives them the right? Shouldn't it be the job of government? 8). Why is this government so gigantic and so many statutes that it is impossible to step outside without breaking the law and why can't the government be self sufficient and finance itself? Why does it need to take out massive loans in mine and your names which we are responsible for paying back? Is this necessary?

If enough people asked themselves these questions and took appropriate action then the game would be won and the power would be back into the hands of the people, where it belongs. Time is running out, get the word out before it is too late!

If anybody has anything useful to add to this list or something important I have ommitted, please feel free to do so. over a year ago · Delete Post * Post deleted over a year ago * Tom Read "There is not even a need to protest, this acheives very little except of course unless want to beat get up and arrested by the thuggish policy enforcing police."

Isn't giving in giving them just what they want? Placid compliance will achieve nothing. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Jacob Harry Davidson SING! DANCE! JUMP UP AND SHOUT! JUST DON'T RIOT! 'CAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY* WANT! *THE NEW WORLD ORDER

That's the banner I intent to be holding. Hope to see y'all there! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Jacob Harry Davidson 'cept for Tom of cpurse, he's far too smart! ; ) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * James Lockwood I do not remember advocating 'Placid compliance' as I clearly suggested PEACEFUL NON- COMPLIANCE is the best answer.

Since when is not using banks, not buying from massive corporations, not consenting to be governed by revenue generating statutes and not paying tax 'Placid compliance'? over a year ago · Delete Post * James Lockwood Good answers David nice one!

The freeman on the land/lawful rebellion is without a doubt the best option I have come across to date, although I think there are ways available to keep hold of your NI number (and stay part of the government - we are the government!) in addition to calling on the powers of a freeman but it's more complex as I understand. over a year ago · Delete Post * Post deleted over a year ago * Tom Read Woah, "SING! DANCE! JUMP UP AND SHOUT! JUST DON'T RIOT! 'CAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY* WANT! *THE NEW WORLD ORDER"

That will have them quaking in their boots and get them to reconsider their standpoint. When they come with their teargas, batons and bullets, I hope your shouting will protect you. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Frankie Frankus Ellirott Whatever else people do, whether attempting to overthrow the state, rioting, non-violent protesting, peaceful non co-operation/compliance a-la Gandhi, or whatever, one of the most necessary things is simply courage since any wish and attempt to step out of line and stop nationalistically rara-ing and consuming passively will lead to massive propaganda and pre- emptive state violence. It may come to the point where simply standing around politely protesting may lead to the state and its uniformed arms to imprison you, etc. No freedom has yet come without some pain to those who have sought it over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post * Eddie Boyce Tom

How you doing? Well i hope. I think you may have missed the point here. Violent protest will achieve nothing and play straight into the systems hand, in fact they may place agent provocateurs in the crowd to start the trouble then the useless media can report this in their usual slanted way. Mass non compliance is the way forward. Becoming a Freeman is the answer to many of the problems we are currently facing. The trouble with most people is that they complain then comply. We are at a stage where peaceful non compliance is a positive way forward. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post


A Template Letter send to Gordon Brown or any other politician you like! 1 post. Created at 06:21 on 18 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood This was posted today on FB. Thought it might interest you all: Gordon Brown 10 Downing Street London SW1

Notice of the People’s Reclamation of the land of Great Britain

Dear Gordon Brown

Please read this letter very carefully. It is a notice. It means what it says. It requires no response as its content is a statement and is not negotiable.

I did not write this. Who wrote these words is not important. What is important is what they say. What is important is that I feel them as though I’d written them myself. What is important is that I know that, as you read them, I know that I am one of many all joined in thought at this time. All knowing that each and every one of us feel these words and have come together in this way to show you who we really are.

I know that right now, you live in denial. Because you know, like I know, that something is terribly wrong. It matters not anymore. What matters, is that you confront your denial and admit to yourself that for all the good you may feel you can do, in reality you can do nothing. You do not really know what to do.

But that is of no significance because now you need not do anything. Becoming a politician was your downfall, because it has restricted you along with all the other politicians who, like you, can do nothing to stop what is and what will be. I know who controls you, dictates to you, funds you and owns you. They always will because you lack the strength to stand against them and join the ones who elected you. It is us, the people who ultimately will show you that we elected you and all your colleagues to govern and protect us from the loss of our Natural Born Sovereignty. We elected you just like we elected all before you and they let us down just like you have. You possibly didn’t mean to, you just did. We elected you because you were one of just a handful we in turn were presented with. We had no choice but to elect one of you. That is not democracy.

You, like all the rest before you could not, and never will, be able to give us what we elected you to do. We elected you to abide with us in our freedom that we may live in a country of warmth, safety and prosperity. It is my belief that we as human beings deserve to live our lives the way we choose, in a responsible and respectful manner toward our fellow beings on this land, and to share our warm welcome with others from far lands, and to move freely in our own world in peace.

You and those before you care not for us. You care only for yourself and never listen to the real voice of the people you consider that you govern. So it is now time for us, the people, to take back what you have taken from us. Our Natural Inalienable Rights of the Common Law of this land which you and all those before you chose to take from us, and then offer back to us in the form of privileges. You stole our children from us, and kept us from the knowledge of how you did it. You used this knowledge and created us as legal fictions called ‘persons’, in order to entrap and enslave us in the debt which you have accrued over time with a privately owned corporation known as the Bank of England.

Fleet Law, the law of the waters, does not apply to human beings on the land. You have used this law and with sleight of hand, using meanings to words which only you and your society understand, in order to cheat us from our liberty and our freedom.

You and all those before you have created a complex inter twined society of secrets to which we are not invited. You use these secrets to cheat us and lie to us in order to keep us in fear and guilt and hate. You manipulate us that we may fight each other, police each other, resent each other, thus distracting us from what is real. And the truth is that we are real. We are conscious flesh and blood human beings with a living soul.

We abide by the Common Laws of this Land and never knowingly cause loss, harm or injury to another fellow being. These are the only Laws by which we need to be governed. Your fictional Statutory Rules are becoming an obsession for you, and all those who support you in them. We take the view that you have no soul, no compassion, no empathy and no love for your fellows. Therefore you either have no soul, or you live in the pain of not knowing who you are.

So here and now let it be known to you and your peers that no army in this world can stop us from taking back our birthright. We will not fight you with guns. We will not riot and thus give you the excuse you and your masters desire in order to enslave us further. We will not fight you physically at all. We will fight you with what we possess – knowledge and Common Sense. In doing so we will take down your agents and judiciaries, because we know their workings, and we know what to say to them and we know what to write to them. We know the right questions to ask. We know how to pose unanswerable questions to which Common Sense and the rule of Common Law are the sole answers.

We will now live our lives the way we wish, and you cannot stop us. You have twisted words and used them against us to gain your false power. We now take back those words and use them against you in their natural and most powerful meaning and understanding. False Statutory Rule will fall as it is fiction created by you and the ones before you, and all that it has created will fall with it.

We no longer accept your rule.

We will not fight you or cause chaos on our streets. We will not fight each other

We will not join your armed forces

We will not fight beings from other lands on your behalf

We will not join your police force

We will not pay your taxes

We will not listen to your lies

We will not register our newborns

We will not force our children to do that which they do not want to do

We will not join another nations rule

We will stand by and protect our sovereignty

We will protect our land from the oppression of other lands and their leaders

We will force your system to shut down and fail

We will never allow your system to rise again

We will stop the cash flow through your privately owned banks

We will educate others of your secret societies and corrupt business of ruling

We will create our own freedom

We will remain peaceful at all times

We are implacable

We are honourable

Without us your system is nothing. Your system cannot function without the people who make it work. We are the people who work in your corporations. We are the people who work in your courts. The people who work in your shops and your offices and your transport network and your postal service. We are the moving parts of your machine and we will stop your system from working.

We have the power to do all of this and you know this is the truth. You knew this was coming all along. You were waiting for this. It releases you from your pain. If you have a backbone you will stand down from your position and join us. If you are true to your people you will do this. If you wish to lead us, then join us. Stand up to the ones who control you and tell them you believe in your people.

I am one of many and the many are growing by the day. Join us in our freedom if you will. The door is open to all human beings, if indeed you are one.

Sincerely without ill-will, frivolity, or vexation, Free

You can sign it if you wish or send it anonymously. over a year ago · Delete Post

Have you realised your Natural Person yet? 4 posts. Created at 07:08 on 13 December 2008 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Has anybody captured their straw man yet? I wish I were in a position to do so. I'd love to be a freeman on the land. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Yea Adam I have a look on there every now and then, a quality website! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood pid=1468115&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=10136282302&aid=- 1&id=510248325&oid=10136282302 over a year ago · Delete Post

Pure Ignorance. 1 post. Created at 05:24 on 16 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood This is the type of thing I have to put up with:

Has anybody else been met with any similar type of resistance? over a year ago · Delete Post

More Proof, BOE registered at Companies House, company No. RC000042!! 16 posts. Created at 08:56 on 11 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood More Proof, BOE registered at Companies House, company No. RC000042!!

Just in case any of you required further proof, here it is:

"For further information please contact: Please contact the company directly as Royal Charter companies are not obliged to register any documents"

Unbelievable. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood In addition, the company registered RC000041 is BANK OF EGYPT.

Any of you who have researched the origins of our royal family will no doubt find this extremely fascinating, I know I did. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood It continues, company RC000039 is BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Give that one a quick type into google! over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here's a good one: RC000666. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood As far as I can tell it stops at RC000829: THE DISTRICT OF CHESHIRE EAST, which is a royal chartered company too. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here's the link to check these yourselves: name=accessCompanyInfo

Have fun. over a year ago · Delete Post # Donna Curtis The Rothchilds have a huge share hold in both The Bank of 'England' and 'Fedral reserve' over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Donna Curtis No its not dark its a private company that the British public are lead to think that its a public company its a crime over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I got this after I sent out the email containing the link to this topic:

"Warning! Your account could be disabled.

You are using this feature to spam other users. Continued misuse of Facebook's features will result in your account being disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page."

I hate Facebook. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood If anybody thinks that the mail I send out from this group is spam, please let me know. over a year ago · Delete Post # Emma Hood I like getting your mail James!! :-) is a great site for further indepth research. Also Try you will be AMAZED!! Type in.... Gorden Brown, Alistar Darling, your local police, school, council,courts etc Have fun!!! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Emma Hood Heres a good little artical to read. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Emma Hood And here is a book on how to deal with debt. Do a google search and read it as a pdf Mary Croft- How I clobbered every Bureaucratic cash-confiscatory agency known to man over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # John Robinson Obama decepton full docid=7535755025025800195&ei=rFe5SebJCI2grwK5spihBQ&q=obama+deception&dur=3 over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney Its an excellent read although I haven't read it all. Inspires to refuse to pay the extortion that is tax, and every other nice little statute that robs people of their hard earned cash. This is a good one to remind yourself you never were mad! If you need reminding at this stage. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Investigation into Lancashire County Council, the Blues and Twos Credit Union Ltd and Lancashire Police 2 posts. Created at 08:33 on 11 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood TPUC new report:

My investigations into Lancashire County Council(LCC) started over 6weeks ago when I first discovered them listed on Dunn and Bradstreets’ website. It is listed there as a company and all of the schools in the county are listed as their ‘trading names’. I was interested to know more about the corporate status of LCC.

LCC was not the only supposed government organisation I found listed as a company on the above website. I could not, however, find them listed at Companies House, the UK Company Register database. This got me thinking!

From my own experience, any incorporated company registered in the UK is done so through Companies House, which is a Trading Fund. The office registered (the ‘registered office’) can either be the main place of business, the home address of the ‘owner/s’ or their solicitors’ office! If the registered offices is outside the UK its not on Companies House.

When I first phoned LCC, about 3wks ago, to ask them about what I had found on D&B I was met with confusion from whom ever I spoke to. I spoke to many different people all of which couldn’t answer my questions and could not put me onto some who could! Then I found one that could!

My question was very simple, “ Is Lancashire County Council a company and if so where is it registered?”

The first answer I always got was “LCC is a local authority, not a company”. My reply to this was very simple too:

“If that is the case, then why can I pay nearly $500 for Dun and Bradstreet International Business report. What information have they got that is worth $500 that I, as a member of the public, can’t get off you for free? Do members of the public have to pay tens of thousands of pounds to get individual reports on all its branch trading activities?”

By this point I had asked whoever was on the phone if they had internet access. “Yes” would always be the reply so I would direct them to the above website before asking the above questions.

The response from this was usually one of amazement. They would accept they new nothing and offered assistance by trying to find someone who could! I must say, everyone I spoke to did their best to find me an answer. Then I got a strange reply.

One man came back on the phone after having me on hold and said, “I have asked around and no one seems to know. Someone did tell me, though, that they had had a similar enquiry last year and they were told they would have to write in as a complaint but no one knew what had happened since”. He told me I should do the same.

I phoned back the next day, this was last week, and finally got through to someone who could answer my first question – Is LCC a company?

This gentleman told me that it was, and that it was registered at Companies House. This wasn’t news to him but he did not know the ins and outs. He said it had special status and that it wasn’t the same as all the other companies. He also thought it had been set up by Royal Charter!

Really? Like the Bank of England?!?

So I went to

What I found is disturbing to say the least! Lancashire County Council is registered. Its number is 666! The full number is IP00666c but if you can accept that zero is NOT a number then the only number I see is 666! (FSA no. 666C)

Search this number at the above website and you will see Lancashire County Council. You will also see that has been removed and is no longer trading! I phoned companies house and they told me that it was a credit union and was registered with the Financial Services Authority! The women couldn’t tell me whether or not they were my county council and referred me to the FSA.

I phoned the FSA and spoke to a lovely woman called Maria (tel. 0207 066 4916) who was very knowledgeable and very helpful! Not often you get the two together! First she told me that the ‘IP’ and ’C’ prefix to the number meant it was formed under the Industrial and Provident Act 1965 and the Credit Union Act 1979. She then went on to tell me the following:

‘ LCC was incorporated in 2002. Its registered office was 3rd Floor, Christ Church Precinct, County Hall, Preston. It was completely dissolved on the 24th January 2008.

All of the Assets and Liabilities of LCC were transferred on November 12th 2007 to another company called the The Blues and Twos Credit Union Ltd.

The registered address of this company is Lancashire Police Headquarters, PO Box 77, Hutton, Preston. They now own all of LCCs assets and liabilities!

I told her that I was confused because I paid council tax to a company called LCC. She said I shouldn’t because that company no longer exists and no one is trading with that name!?!

Now I was really confused and I got back on the phone to my local borough council and managed to speak to the head of collections! He was stunned to silence and kept saying, “ I don’t know what to say!

I tried in vain to have my questions answered from both my county and borough councils. Many, many phone calls all with the same reception – shock and aw! Still my questioned went unanswered!

Then, on Sun1st March 2009, I had a meeting at Preston Police station with a WPC Srgt Logan 2870. I had actually gone in to submit formal allegations against 3 officers who had stopped me outside Preston Magistrates 5days earlier.

I decided to talk to her about what I had found out about LCC and asked her whether the Police would investigate the matter if LCC would not deny that it is they I am looking at on Companies House!

She sat there in silence as I explained. Previous to this, when I had been explaining the Law to her and how her officers were breaking it, she had kept talking over me and been very dismissive. Now she just sat there.

She suddenly piped up and said “That can’t possibly be true!” To which I said “ You are not entitled to make that decision” She repeated herself but this time I could see something going on behind her eyes! She was thinking about it! Then she said this

“ It can’t possibly be true because Lancs County Council pay my wages!”

“Really!” I said, “I thought you were employed by the police, sergeant. Are you not?”

And that brought an end to my first visit to Preston Police station!

Since then, I had to phone the police 0845 number for something and the man who answered said “Lancashire Constabulry”

“Oh, is that not Lancashire police Authority?” I replied.

“No sir, this is Lancashire Constabulry!” he said

“Well my council tax pays Lancs Police Authority, not Lancs Constaburly!”

“You need to speak to your council about that sir” So I did! Trying to get hold of any one at the top at your council is hard but today (5.3.09) I got a call from a man called Gary who is head of corporate finance at South Ribble Borough Council.

I told him a few things and he very quickly sounded very worried! It was either because I was right or because he new I was right! He said he was going to look into it because it was very serious. Also, he said that all the money they collect as tax, every penny, goes to Lancs County Council!

“Then why am I paying you to pay then? What’s going on?”

I then read a few extracts from the Industrial and Provident Act 1965 to him. Now, I’m not sure but I believe he defecated right there on the spot!

He said he was going to check the names on accounts because he thought that what they paid to LCC was paid to an account with a different name!!! I told him it was probably the Blues and Twos! He just said he would get back to me as soon as he could!

That’s where we are up to. Still no conformation as to whether or not LCC (IP00666c) is my county council! But after reading various Acts I can see how it is!!!

The funny thing is, South Ribble Council have a Liabilty Order against the legal fiction known as MICHAEL THOMAS DOBSON. They have been hassling me for months, as I had been conned into thinking it was me! Since I started the above process I hadn’t heard a thing until 2days ago when they sent me a very polite letter asking if I would like to pay by direct debit! Ha ha

The other thing to note is that not one other county council is listed on companies house! Weird! source: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood My local council: over a year ago · Delete Post

The death of the internet as we know it? 1 post. Created at 14:10 on 10 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Thank Lord Carter, the cunt:

" "It is one of those ideas that no-one is entirely pleased with which might mean it is a good idea," he joked with MPs."

Yea, hilarious. over a year ago · Delete Post

"Jonathan Maitland presents hard-hitting investigations and original journalism." CP goes public cont. 1 post. Created at 12:24 on 09 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Have a good laugh at the below content, because that's all it is good for: "Jonathan Maitland presents hard-hitting investigations and original journalism." -LMAO who is this kidding?

"Jonathan Maitland examines the influence of the networking group Common Purpose."


How they dare attach the word 'journalism' to this piece of turd is beyond me. over a year ago · Delete Post

Common purpose goes public! 6 posts. Created at 07:27 on 07 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood

What is that famous quote? I believe it is something like:

"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied."

People are beginning to hear about Common Purpose and what it's up too so it's no wonder the BBC propaganda machine was put onto the case.

Lines such as:

"The conspiracy theorists think Common Purpose is trying take over the world. They believe it is shaping people to work to its hidden agenda of promoting a European super-state, forcing diversity on British society, and imposing political correctness." used to offend me but now they are a great source of amusement.

I do not recall any 'conspiracy theorists' suggesting that Common Purpose are trying to 'take over the world'. But then again the BBC simply stated that they 'think' this. How does the BBC know what people think? Do they have some kind of mind reading technology or something lol. over a year ago · Delete Post # Sarah McCartney The whole thing, every term is so weighted, its a work of art.

Agreed James, amusing. Why even mention conspiracy theorists. I thought that was what journalism was supposed to be about, checking out the facts lol. Forcing diversity, imposing political correctness, but we love it! How people can read this stuff and not cry, so blatant, so brash, wouldn't it pervade your being with wrongness when you read it. I got over the crying thing. It tickles me now too. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Just found this on another group:

"BBC Radio - Common Purpose - March 8th The BBC is going to do a radio programme about Common Purpose on the Donal Macintyre show, Radio 5 live - Sunday March 8th at 7pm. Please spread the word.

Phone in with your questions: 0500 909 693 or text: 85058"

Should be a fascinating broadcast. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood I know what you mean Vicki, it's the problem of how deep does the rabbit hole go. What if all the information we get to see is smoke and mirrors, even the 'truth' as we come to accept it, perhaps it is mis-direction as well, there to cover something even more outrageous.

But I guess that is the point of being a 'conspiracy theorist' or a 'truther', we never claim to have all the answers, just more questions, continually re-evaluating the situation as new information is brought to light.

"And why, have they decided to "go public" now?"

That's a good question, my guess would be the pressure Brian Gerrish and others have put them under. Either that or they are about to move onto a new phase of their 'plan'. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood "Jonathan Maitland presents hard-hitting investigations and original journalism."

"Jonathan Maitland examines the influence of the networking group Common Purpose."


How they dare attach the word 'journalism' to this piece of turd is beyond me. over a year ago · Delete Post

Disappearing Profiles on facebook. 1 post. Created at 12:14 on 09 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Where has Vicki Bennett's account gone?

I wonder what she said and who she pissed off to get her account and posts deleted.

Who's next? over a year ago · Delete Post

An open email to Donna Curtis, creator of this group. 3 posts. Created at 12:47 on 07 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood "Hi Donna,

It is my understanding that you started a group with the name 'The Bank of England Con'.

Shortly after you left I inherited the role of Admin from you and took the group from there.

Anyway I have made significant changes, along with others started many debates and uncovered some very useful information.

I would like to therefore invite you back to the group so that you might see how it has evolved since you left and hopefully contribute to the debate:

Best Wishes,

James Lockwood."

Send your thanks to Donna for starting this group. When I first joined I had no idea about the central banking system scam, subsequently inherited the role of admin after Donna left and have taken the group from there. over a year ago · Delete Post # Donna Curtis Thanks James and I have rejoined and it looks a lot better good luck with this x over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Cheers Donna. over a year ago · Delete Post

'Quantitative Easing'...the Final Nail in the coffin of the British Economy? 15 posts. Created at 11:31 on 05 March 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood As covered by the BBC today:

The bank of england has reduced the base rate of interest to 0.5% and plans to pump between £75 and £150 billion into the economy using 'for the first time' a technique called 'Quantitative easing'.

This is utter horse shit.

This is my favourite part of the above BBC report:

"Quantitative easing is sometimes incorrectly referred to as printing money, but the Bank will not expand the supply of money by making new banknotes.

Instead, it will buy assets - such as government securities (gilts) and corporate bonds."

But it gets even better. If you click on this link:

You get the BBC's explanation of what 'Quantitative Easing' is. Contained within is this astonishing admission:

"What is quantitative easing?...

...The way the central bank does this is by buying up assets - usually financial assets such as government and corporate bonds - using money it has simply created out of thin air."

This is amazing and backs up everything we have been saying on this group. To come out and be so bold like this only shows the arrogance of the elite in charge at the Bank of England and the point the British public are 'asleep' to what is currently happening. There is never a mention as to where the bank is going to get these funds from other then they are going to create it 'out of thin air' and then spend it on government bonds, all of which must be repaid to the bank plus interest. They are taking the piss and I can't believe they are being so open about the fraud they are inherently a part of.

I also love the dumbed down video explaining 'Quantitative Easing' by the BBC in the 2nd link. Who do these people think we are? Idiots? I have never seen such a blatant load of propaganda, lies and half truths. I'm shocked.

What does this mean?

What the BOE is basically doing here is buying up government and corporate bonds (which is what it does anyway, usually on the sly) which is tantamount to loans to the government and corporations. Whenever the BOE decides to call in (or 'sell' if you want to use BBC dumbed down terminology) these bonds then perhaps between 75 and 150 billion of loans will be enough to completely crash the economy once and for all in it current fragile state. Because this is what the BBC doesn't tell you; when these bonds are cashed in they are owed the original amount plus interest. So what the bank is doing here isn't in fact increasing the money supply, it's increasing the debt burden. It's trying to solve the problem of debt, with more debt which is obviously only going to lead to catastrophic consequences.

The BBC sums it up perfectly:

"Are there any risks?

Quantitative easing is a high-risk strategy...... Like old-fashioned money printing, QE also runs the risk of going too far: pumping too much money into the economy and causing high inflation - even hyperinflation - as seen in 1920s Weimar Germany and modern-day Zimbabwe. "

So there you have it. The Bank of England has gone public on what we have been claiming all along and dressed it up with tons of positive spin by claiming this is what is going to save us all when in fact, this type of dog shit is what's going to finish off this countries economy once and for all.

And you know what the worst part of it is? Most people will see/read those stories in the media and not have a clue what is being said to them or the wider implications, believe whatever shit they are told and rest assured that the Bank of England is doing it's utmost best as a 'public institution' to solve the problems it is responsible for in the first place!

Lovely. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood They are slowly starting to give away bits concerning how the system works, perhaps just enough so the majority of people begin to see it for the fraud it is but through mis-direction will put the blame towards the wrong direction. Then people will seriously start demanding 'change' and open themselves up to being spoon fed the next repressive system. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # Paul Molyneux About a month and a half ago, I bet my house mate (who studies economics) that they'd soon start 'printing money', around £100bn (that was a figure was a guesstimation). Of course she scoffed at the idea, telling me that such a thing would not happen. This news seems to suggest my predictions were accurate. I'll be up a fiver come tomorrow. Problem is, we'll all be wiping are arse's with our fiver's before too long. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sareeta Bvra-Bharaj British Raj With warriors like you Mr Lockwood...there will be no next repressive system! If Sir Brian Gerrish has called it a cancer on Great Britain; then malignant tumors can only be dealt with by 1) Laetrile (complete recovery as ordained by nature) 2) Surgical excision! I think implementation of 2) is best in this particular circumstance, otherwise there will be no certainty of saving the next generation of Indo-British children. The said pantomime started with the stolen gold for the oil back in 1600 something, right? And then the printing of the fake iconic money began... Yup! Excision. If the boys need a supply of swords - do let the Sikhs know. LOL On diagnosis, I think curing the Hollywoodian-BBC inflictions will eleviate much of the imflamation. Unfortunately, this week I will be breaking the same news throughout the NRI Sikh community... its gonna gonna go down like a lead ballon. x x x over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Bryan McMillan Amen!

I cut-and-pasted your wrap-up into a note for my page. (Tho I think people ignore me at this point - the perils of even understanding what central banks do and how the media represents it, I suppose) Thanks for posting! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Sunny Chan guys I am glad to have joined this group. What should we do now? To abandone sterling and convert them into other currencies? over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Steven Durrant The fraud continues. These people really think we are proper thick. They can't call a spade a spade, they cant say the emperor is naked. Instead he is textile inversley graduated, going forward.

The whole bail-out etc. is probably the biggest looting job in history, happening in front of our faces. The establishment press are utterly compliant. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # John Robinson buy gold before sterling disappears altogether! over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood I think the best option we have is peaceful non-compliance ie stop using banks, stop using money, stop paying taxes and stop complying with ridiculous statutes which are simply there to generate revenue. Become as independent as possible and provide for yourself as much as you possibly can. If you can afford it solar panels and wind turbines and a veg patch, these are all great ideas. Even an electric car (none of this hybrid nonsense). People who declare themselves 'independent' because they earn their own money piss me off. What they feel to realise is that they depend upon somebody else for everything and if one link in the chain of the fragile system that provides for them collapses (which looks extremely likely to happen soon)they are screwed. But anyway I am ranting now.

Violent revolution/opposition in my opinion will achieve very little and simply provide the powers that be the excuse they need to declare a 'national emergency' clamp down and introduce some kind of martial law (The Civil Contingencies Act 2004, bye bye hapes corpus).

The best option I have come across is the Freeman on the land and or lawful rebellion route; get out of this corrupt system altogether and stop consenting/contracting to be governed. over a year ago · Delete Post # John Thacker I'm going to send out invites for this group and hopefully they will study this all for themselves. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thank-you John. over a year ago · Delete Post # Sunny Chan The conspiracy theorists like David Icke and Alex Jones are frequently maligned in mainstream media, which always assumes that politicians always act for the good of the world. Good politicians are good liars.

Another possible solution to the currency crisis is to go for gold and silver, and store them in your home. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood It is true gold and silver are solid investments (pardon the pun) but their value is open to manipulation just the same as anything else as history has shown.

The most valuable things are those which keep you alive; food, shelter, warmth, water etc. We take them for granted at the moment but these are the things which will give you the best investment in the next few years. over a year ago · Delete Post

Great show on economics 1 post. Created at 20:35 on 06 March 2009 by Steven Durrant

Steven Durrant

The Oracle on BBC World (not avail. on iplayer) is a great show, you might not agree with all of it but it says a lot of things the establishment wouldnt dare so with regards to banking frauds and cock-ups.

Max Keiser is a fairly eccentric (and entertaining if you can go with that) guy with a history in the markets. He set up the virtual hollywood stock exchange and he's no anti-capitalist by the looks of things.

Anyway take a look and see what you think peeps, and dont forget to tell your friends: we are being scammed! :-) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

PLEASE READ! For everyone to share with your friends. What is a freeman on the land? 1 post. Created at 07:12 on 01 March 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Hi all I have been trying to talk to my friends and family for ages about all this stuff and I have been going round in circles. So I have written something that can be used as a simple introduction. Not claiming to know everything but very broad picture to get people into it.

Please read V xxx

Freeman on the Land: what does it mean?

People, understand, a mighty god is a living man- Bob Marley Be the change you want to see in the world- Ghandi It doesn’t matter how any of us got here. All that matters is now.

This is an introduction to what is meant by a Freeman (or woman) and its’ implications. Take this information, share it with your friends, copy it, post it to your blogs, do whatever you want with it. Remember though, it isn’t legal advice, and neither is it a substitute for your own research. Check everything I write, and you will find I write the truth.

A freeman (I mean woman too, throughout this piece) is someone who knows who they are. Think how you would define yourself. Most of you will say human being, some will say person. I intend to show you, that you are not a person. YOU are a flesh and blood human being. You were born free. Unfortunately, you were born into a system that requires your slavery. Yes, I said slavery. Each of us, before we could express a choice, was sold into this system. In exchange for benefits, for certain “rights” and privileges (more on this later). How did this happen? Your parents registered your birth. Innocently they registered you, with the threat of a fine, and the imposing, pressurising word “MUST” upon their heads. What they didn’t know, was that the word “MUST” means something different. It does not mean you are obliged. In the legal world, MUST is another word used for MAY. So, in essence, your parents were tricked into registering your birth. Why, then, are the government so desperate to have us all registered and counted, checked and filed? Because their system relies on us, selling our labour, paying taxes, paying their fixed penalty notices to keep the massive deception going. What happens if you REGISTER something? You are simply recording it, right? Showing it is your property and you are the rightful owner, right? WRONG. By registering you are giving away your owner’s rights, and you are retaining rights of use and enjoyment on their terms. Car, house, kids. By registering you, your parents gave up the right to have a say in how you are brought up. They did not do this deliberately, they were tricked. By registering you, they are creating the LEGAL FICTION that is your PERSON. A corporation (for that is what our government is) cannot act upon a flesh and blood human being. They need to create something which can CONTRACT with them. And that thing is the PERSON. Your birth certificate is evidence of your PERSON.

So, right now, you are thinking, this is nuts. She is talking rubbish. Who is she calling a slave? I am free to do as I please. I vote, I follow the news, this is not possible. We have elected government and they work for us, right? WRONG. You have been given the illusion of change of government. Put simply, when you vote for a political party you are voting in a different set of directors for the corporation that is the United Kingdom (UK PLC, United Kingdom LTD, etc). Don’t believe me? Check Companies House. Check the international credit reference agency, Dunn and Bradstreet. Party politics is an illusion, it does not exist. The politicians are so removed from the people that they are not even bothering to keep up the pretence anymore. Witness David Cameron thanking Demos, the left wing think tank, for their input into his policy. Witness Peter Mandelson and George Osborne sniggering together about their little trip on a yacht with dodgy Russian businessmen. Witness MPs from around the country stating on the record that they are NOT there to represent the people. Still think our government represents us? Our government is a company. Like any other company, it has rules. These rules are what we think are the Law of this land. But what we are not told is there are different types of law. How many times have you heard someone say, “Oh, you can’t do anything about that, it’s the law”, or words to that effect? Most of what we think is law is, in actual fact STATUTE. There is a very crucial difference between statute and law. A STATUTE is “an Act of Parliament given the force of law by the consent of the governed.” Look at that: CONSENT. If you don’t consent to it, it doesn’t apply to you. There is only one true law in this country, Common Law. You only break the law if you harm another person or their property, steal from someone or breach the peace. That is all you need to know. Have you ever wondered how it is that you can be governed by all these “laws” but actually, when you read them, you don’t understand a word, and you need a lawyer to tell you what the law is? How can a human being be bound by something that he doesn’t understand? The law of STATUTES is the law of CONTRACT. And we, as human beings, have the right to decline to contract. But, if we don’t know that we are being invited to contract, our silence acts as acceptance. What has this got to do with the PERSON? Remember I said that the corporation needs a way of contracting with you and bringing you into their system, providing them with money? They do it through your PERSON. You are not a person, you HAVE a person. They do it through tricking you into thinking that you are a PERSON and there are obligations that you MUST fulfil. Remember what MUST means? As a flesh and blood human being you have the right to say no thanks, when offered a contract. Get this straight: you are not a PERSON. You have a PERSON. So what does this mean then? Let me give you an example. You receive a fixed penalty NOTICE through the post, for speeding. (Remember, forget how you have been taught...speeding is not a common law offence that hurts or causes loss to another human being). What do you think when you get this NOTICE? You think it is a demand for payment, because you have done something wrong and you must pay for it. WRONG. A NOTICE is an OFFER to contract. You can decline. If you sign the notice and send payment, you (as flesh and blood human being) are agreeing to act for your PERSON. You are under no obligation to do so. Money “There is no more direct way to capture control of a nation than through its credit and money system.” - Phillip A. Benson, President of American Bankers’ Association, 1939. "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." -John Adams. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its’ laws." - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. What is money, and where does it come from? Take a bank note out of your purse or wallet. Look carefully at the front. What does it say? It says: “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of.....pounds.” What does this tell you? That money has no value in itself. It is a piece of paper, given value by common agreement, by belief in its value. Money is printed by a private company (Bank of England, Federal Reserve etc.) and lent to the government, with interest. In return these governments give the banksters (bankers/gangsters) bonds or gilts. Every single bank note has interest attached to it. In effect, this means that the system is propped up with debt. Debts can never be repaid, as all there is to pay the debt is more debt. This continues for perpetuity, or until the system implodes. The system is imploding now, as we speak, and governments are desperately trying to prop up the system by pumping more debt into it. When someone gives you a demand for payment, what can you pay it with, if money itself is debt? Credit cards, loans, mortgages etc.

When you borrow money from a bank in the form of credit, all that happens is that new money is created, and given to you. They take your signature on the signed credit agreement, and use that as a promissory note, i.e. the promise of your future labour. There was no liability created by them lending the money. This money that has been created, and that is backed by your signature, is your money. So you are paying your own money back to the banks WITH INTEREST! Why do you think banks are so keen to get your signature? Because that signature (your property don’t forget) is a valuable commodity. I will leave it to you to work out the implications. For more details read Mary Croft’s “HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN. A spiritual economics book on $$$ and remembering who you are”

References and useful links: David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, The AntiTerrorist, Rob Menard, John Harris, Brian Gerrish. Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st, 2nd and 8th editions And to all those who have shared their information and I have used it...thanks a lot.

Source: Vicki Bennett over a year ago · Delete Post

WHERE DOES MONEY COME FROM? 1 post. Created at 14:26 on 23 February 2009 by Paul Turner

Paul Turner

This is the first of five parts and is eye opening. It is easy enough to follow and should be compulsory viewing.

Don't forget to watch the other four parts. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

The future of warfare? 1 post. Created at 10:01 on 23 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

Interpreting Media Neuro-linguistic programming 1 post. Created at 09:36 on 23 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Part 1:


Part 3: over a year ago · Delete Post

A good Noam Chomsky vid 1 post. Created at 09:11 on 23 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood over a year ago · Delete Post

The World According To Arthur Jenson 1 post. Created at 06:11 on 19 February 2009 by Otn Meaten

Otn Meaten Scene from the film "Network". over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

A few new video's posted. 1 post. Created at 05:20 on 19 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood I have posted a few more video's on the links page:

I highly recommend you give them a watch if you already have not!

Greetings 4 posts. Created at 22:22 on 16 February 2009 by Otn Meaten # Otn Meaten I can't post on the wall because facebook won't let me, but I wanted to post this...

Just to point out regarding the group's description, "a conspiracy" is exactly what it implies - a conspiracy. A "conspiracy theory" is something different, which I believe is what you are referring to. Therefore this is a group that deals with the facts of (one aspect of) a particular conspiracy. con⋅ spir ⋅ a ⋅ cy 1. the act of conspiring. 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose. 4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act. 5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

And now that I have more typing space, this interview with George Green is pretty good

(The video's hosting web site is down at the moment though, hopefully it will be back up soon) over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Otn,

Erm I guess you could only call this a 'conspiracy' group as far as the knowledge is not well known however, all the information I have uncovered is completely within the public domain and therefore not much of a secret, just nobody can be bothered to analyse and make an effort to understand it in the language it is written.

On the other stuff well you could say the bank of england is unlawful but not illegal, you could say it is evil but that's completely open to interpretation, surreptitious yea definitely, treacherous perhaps but not for anybody who looks into the subject as how it works becomes obvious. Fraud? Depends whether you want to say it lawful or legal or unlawful or illegal. over a year ago · Delete Post # Otn Meaten "therefore not much of a secret, just nobody can be bothered to analyse and make an effort to understand it in the language it is written."

Yeah I agree, but I guess they're doing it in secret as in behind the scenes, they don't go out of their way to announce it on the news etc, although they do enjoy telling people how it is in more hidden places, or "hidden in plain sight". But yeah its hardly a "secret". I think the key word from the dictionary's definition is "OR" :)

You make a good point with the rest though. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Ai laddy, ai. over a year ago · Delete Post Proof... 1 post. Created at 13:14 on 15 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood ...For all those who are yet to take a look at this:

In the blue 'find a company' box change the country to United Kingdom and try typing in some of the following:

-'The bank of England' -'Police' -The name of your local council -Your local courts -Any other government agency/institution/department etc etc... over a year ago · Delete Post

Interesting Email from the forum. 3 posts. Created at 12:24 on 10 February 2009 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Dear Mr G

Thank you for your e-mails of 27 September and 7 October respectively with regard to the gold standard and the phrase “I promise to pay”, which have now been passed to me for a response.

Essentially, the first part of your enquiry concerns two aspects of the Bank of England note issue: that of ‘the promise to pay’ and also that relating to the term ‘legal tender’, each of which I shall now try to explain.

Since its foundation in 1694, the Bank of England has issued notes promising to pay the bearer a sum of money. For much of its history the promise could be made good by the Bank paying out gold in exchange for its notes. The link with gold helped to maintain the value of the notes, although the link was sometimes suspended, for example in wartime.

The link with gold was finally broken in 1931 and since that time there has been no other asset into which holders have the right to convert Bank of England notes. They can only be exchanged for other Bank of England notes. Nowadays public faith in the pound is maintained in a different way – through the Bank of England's operation of monetary policy, the object of which, by statute, is price stability [1]. Legally Bank of England notes are promissory notes for the purposes of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 [2]. Section 83(1) of the Act provides that a 'promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer.'

Section 1(4) of the Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954 Act provides that the "holder of [Bank of England] bank notes of any denominations shall be entitled, on a demand made by him during office hours at the head office of the Bank of England or, in the case of notes payable also at some place other than the head office, either at the head office or at that other place, to receive in exchange for the notes bank notes of such lower denominations, being bank notes which for the time being are legal tender in the United Kingdom or in England and Wales, as he may specify." This preserves the legal form of the banknote, but the promise to pay does not have the same meaning as it did three hundred years ago. Nowadays, the ‘promise to pay’ holds good for the exchange of withdrawn Bank of England notes, as well as any mutilated Bank of England notes, provided that certain criteria are met.

Turning now to the term ‘legal tender’, perhaps I could provide some general information on this matter. You may be interested to know, for instance, that current Bank of England notes are legal tender in England and Wales, but not in Scotland or Northern Ireland, whilst Scottish and Northern Irish notes are not legal tender anywhere.

But the concept of legal tender does not, of itself, govern the acceptability of banknotes in financial transactions. Whether or not notes have legal tender status, their acceptability as a means of payment is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties concerned. The phrase ‘legal tender’, therefore, has a very narrow meaning in relation to the settlement of debts; quite simply, it means that, if a debtor pays in legal tender the exact amount owing under the terms of a contract, he/she has a good defence in law if he/she is subsequently sued for non- payment of the debt.

It follows that, in ordinary everyday transactions, the term ‘legal tender’ has very little practical application. People are also often willing to accept payment by cheque, standing order, debit or credit card for example – in fact, by any instrument that they are confident will deliver value – although these, too, are not actually legal tender items.

You may be interested to know that the relevant legislation governing the term ‘legal tender’ is:

(banknotes) Currency and Banknotes Act 1954, section 1(2); (coins) Coinage Act 1971, as amended by the Currency Act 1983.

With regard to your second question, you may be interested to see page 92 of the Bank's Annual Report for 2008, at: ... /index.htm which shows the balance sheet of its 'Issue Department' accounting entity. The liability of the notes in circulation is backed by a range of high-quality assets, mostly those acquired through the Bank's open market operations. Some of those assets are indeed government bonds, which are generally the highest-rated forms of debt instrument. This is because governments are able to call on the resources of the state (i.e. taxation) to repay its bond holders at redemption.

I hope that you will have found this of some assistance, and thank you again for your interest.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm Shemmonds

______-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:21 PM To: Enquiries Subject: Few Questions ****************************************************** This email has reached the Bank via the Internet or an external network ******************************************************

From what I can gather, the gold standard was abandoned in 1933, which essentially changed the “money” in United Kingdom into promises to pay (legal definition of term “note”). These notes, being a promise to pay, were made legal tender by the legal tender laws, and are to be used to repay any debt, public or private. This means that in effect, when one is buying a car with B.O.E. notes, he is in fact discharging the debt incurred by the purchase of the vehicle with another form of debt. If this is the case, then, there is no actual “money” in the UK legal tender system, but rather promises to pay that are used to discharge other debt. The first question I have (and one I am ashamed to ask), is if bank notes are promises to pay, then what are they promises to pay? To pay… what? Second, if Bank of England notes are in fact promises to pay from the Bank of England or the government, and in fact there is no “what” or actual money, then the bank of England must balance out all liabilities with assets. The BOE could not create a liability (promise to pay) without balancing its T account with an asset, correct? Therefore, if the BOE issues 1Million in new currency, it has to balance out its account with 1Million of assets. I would be very curious to know what in fact the BOE uses to balance out the liabilities created by issuing new notes. Would the BOE be using government bonds as the assets? If so what are the assets backing the bonds? The faith and reputation of the government? I would appreciate any information you could provide, as I have been doing as much research as I can with the little information I have available to me.. Sincerely, Duncan G

Bank of England says u cannot pay a debt with anything but other notes , so their is no substance. source: over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood My favourite part:

"The liability of the notes in circulation is backed by a range of high-quality assets, mostly those acquired through the Bank's open market operations. Some of those assets are indeed government bonds, which are generally the highest-rated forms of debt instrument. This is because governments are able to call on the resources of the state (i.e. taxation) to repay its bond holders at redemption."

So what this means is that the treasury is buying is own bonds as we are supposed to believe that the BOE was nationalised in 1946 and from then on became an arm of the treasury? If this is true then the government is committing fraud on a grand scale.

Unfortunately I do not believe this is entirely the case as I do not believe that the Government owns the Bank of England, but perhaps a percentage stakeholder in some form. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Also I find it amusing that he states the currency is backed by assets such as government bonds, when in fact a more accurate way to describe this process is that the currency is exchanged for bonds, not backed by them. Obviously when the bank calls in these bonds they are not paid back with the original amount of currency they were exchanged for as there is interest involved. over a year ago · Delete Post

I'd like the recommend... 1 post. Created at 12:42 on 10 February 2009 by James lockwood

James Lockwood The following two facebook groups to any of you who are sick and tired of the current government/status quo/elite etc...

There is a solution, if you are ready for it: and gid=52298815914

Statism is Dead? 1 post. Created at 09:51 on 07 February 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4: over a year ago · Delete Post

Institutions, Authorities, Departments, Councils, Agencies or...Corporations? 1 post. Created at 09:58 on 06 February 2009 by James Lockwood

The Crown Prosecution Service:

Central Banks 12 posts. Created at 11:25 on 17 September 2008 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood All western countries operate central banking systems. For example ours is called the Bank Of England. I am attempting to learn how the Bank of England works and this is a difficult task, I can't even find it on their website. It just tells you what they do, not how the mechanics of the system work. America's central bank is called the Federal Reserve. I am assuming that they both operate in the same, or a similar manner. Many American's are currently questioning the legality, morality and operations of their Federal Reserve bank i.e. it is a private company (not owned, run or operated by the Government) when the commonly held opinion is that it is not a private company. The Americans are making a big fuss about this and even have a presidential electee asking such questions in Ron Paul. The question I ask is why are we not doing the same in this country? It was so difficult to find this group and it only has a few members and nobody is really asking questions and debating this issue. It's so difficult to find out how the system works too. We all laugh at American's for being thick and stupid but they question things much more than we do. We are taught to be reserved (English reserve) and not question things and to just make the bet of a situation and get on with our lives. Look at 9/11 and all the questions which are being asked about that. When you look at the London 7/7 bombing facts the incident is equally as dodgy as 9/11 but we just accept the shite the Government feeds to us despite the fact they have released no evidence to support their narrative of events. I feel that the ability to ask informed questions about our 'ways of life' and 'beliefs' as the Government so nicely puts it is practically non-existent, because WE ARE NOT INFORMED. Anyway back to the original point, if anybody can explain to me how the Bank of England operates, I will be amazed. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I guess nobody knows then eh? If anybody wants to know how it really works then ask me. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood I wrote the long post above before I properly knew what I was talking about. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Hi James

It is my understanding that the bank of England was originally owned by the state, before the Rothschild’s caused a stock market crash after “The Battle of Waterloo”, then Nathan Rothschild took control. I think at this stage it was gold fractional reserve system, but don’t quote me. It was around the 1980s it changed to a full fractional reserve system. The Bank of England is no longer owned by the Rothschild’s and is currently owned by the state again this happened in the 1940’s.

What I don’t understand or been able to find out is if the Bank operates a full fractional reserve system and is not in private hands where does the interest go on the money that is created? The fact it is a full fractional reserve system is bad enough though, but would definitely be interested in finding out more on the differences between this bank and the fed.

Here is a rare quote that Allan Greenspan said although don’t expect to see this in the media. “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the ‘hidden’ confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.” - Alan Greenspan, the current head of the bank of England, Gold and Economic Freedom over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Thanks for your reply Scott.

Well since I wrote the above posts I have learned much. The contradiction you state above regarding where the interest goes on the money created is a valid one. If the Government owned the bank (like we are told) then there would be no need to attach debt to all money created as the Government would essentially be paying the interest on the gilt bonds back to itself. This would be ridiculous and unnecessary as what would be the point of taking taxpayers money to repay this debt and interest if the government was basically paying the money to itself? The Bank of England is a private company which operates out of the City of London (which is a sovereign state and therefore the bank technically is not even a part of England) and I am sure that the Government will have some shares listed but they are not the principal holder. The nationalisation of the 40's was probably more to do with legislation or regulation rather that state ownership much like how the Government sold off British Rail to private hands but retained regulatory powers which in essence means that they did not own the company but had a certain level of legal control. As is the case for most Governments any industry can be nationalised at any time as the Government is the licensee of all business. Anyway you can see for yourself that the Bank is a private entity simply by visiting Locate the blue 'find a company' section then type 'old lady' into the search field making sure you have selected United Kingdom as your country. This should clear up any doubts you have about the bank being a private corporation. The following video explains this better than I can:

There is little difference between the Bank and the Fed as the Federal Reserve was modelled on the system that the Bank Of England uses. over a year ago · Delete Post # Scott Winter Cheers

Have watched the video makes sense been trying to back this up as of yet had no real joy. Did check the Bank of England Web page no mention there though LOL. But saying that it does not mention it ever being in private hands either. Will get back to you if I get more solid info.

Keep up the good work over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Good points Mikey.

The main questions raised by this group is regarding the fact that when the money is printed out of thin air and debt attached to it (interest on bonds for money lent to government and the base rate when it is lent to commercial banks) who is this interest paid back to? The fact that the BOE is supposedly part the government is the dodgy part here. The fact that the interest is paid back to the BOE and this is supposed to be an arm of the government doesn't make any sense. The treasury would be overrun with cash and we would not need to pay so much damn income tax, which is what is actually used to pay back the interest on bonds issued by the government (national debt).

The mechanics of this process is as far as I am concerned in dispute as the way we are told it works actually makes little or no sense when you think about it. The government is issuing money, swapping that money for government bonds and then paying the money plus interest for the bonds back to itself? Hmmmm. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood Also a similar process for lending to commercial banks, who does the interest get paid back to!?! (base rate)

Another point, we are supposed to believe that the BOE is independent of the government but yet it is technically an arm of the treasury?!? That's doublethink. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Yea Mikey I am in complete agreement here too. Fractional reserve banking has to go along with central banks for us to have any hope of making progress. Lets just hope that when fractional reserve banking does go that it is not replaced with something even more repressive (RFID chips). over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago

Hope for a solution. 1 post. Created at 08:21 on 20 January 2009 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood Start finding out who you really are. over a year ago · Delete Post

BUY GOLD TO PROTECT YOUR FUTURE 1 post. Created at 12:48 on 31 December 2008 by John Robinson

John Robinson

Gold has attracted investors throughout the centuries, protecting their wealth and providing a 'safe haven' in troubled or uncertain times. This appeal remains compelling for modern investors, although there are also a number of other reasons that underpin the widespread renewal of investor interest in gold.

In volatile and uncertain times, there is typically a 'flight to quality' as investors seek to protect their capital by moving it into assets considered to be safer stores of value. Gold is among a handful of financial assets that do not rely on an issuer's promise to pay, offering refuge from default risk. It provides insurance against extreme movements that often occur in the value of traditional asset classes in unsettled times.

Most investment portfolios are invested primarily in traditional financial assets such as stocks and bonds. The reason for holding diverse investments is to protect the portfolio against fluctuations in the value of any single asset or group of assets that react in a common fashion. Portfolios containing gold are generally more robust and less volatile than those that do not.

Market cycles may come and go, but - over the long term - gold keeps its purchasing power. Its value, in terms of the real goods and services that it can buy, has remained remarkably stable. In contrast, the purchasing power of many currencies has generally declined due to the impact of rising prices for goods and services. As a result, gold is often bought to counter the effects of inflation and currency fluctuations.

Gold is often used as an effective hedge against fluctuations in the US dollar, the world's main trading currency. If the dollar appreciates, the dollar gold price falls, while a fall in the dollar relative to the other main currencies produces a rise in the gold price. While this may also be true of other assets, gold has consistently proved among the most effective in protecting against dollar weakness.

On the whole, gold is significantly less volatile than most commodities and many equity indexes. In this respect it tends to behave more like a currency. Including assets with low volatility in a portfolio will help to reduce overall risk, with a beneficial effect on expected returns. Risk factors that may affect the gold price are quite different in nature from those that affect other assets.

As is true of all asset prices, gold's price moves in response to the changing balance between supply and demand. Mine production is relatively inelastic due to the long lead times that exist in gold mining, which explains why the rally in the gold price since 2001 has still not engendered an increase in production levels. Meanwhile, demand has shown sustained growth, due at least in part to rising income levels in gold's key markets. This has created the foundation for the most positive outlook the precious metal has known for a quarter of a century. over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post

Some advice for people wanting to spread the word. 3 posts. Created at 06:00 on 13 December 2008 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Now you have discovered a glimpse of how the world really works do you find yourself compelled to inform others and spread the word, only to be met with ridicule, disdain and mistrust? Now why does this happen? Why would people reject such vital knowledge? Why do people attack me? It happens most definitely for one of the following reasons:

1). From a psychological viewpoint, this information is not easy to swallow, one cannot accept this information and go on with their lives in the same way. The brain recognises that this information will force it to re-arrange and re-program several pieces of information it has accumulated over the years and the brain will fight because this requires a high amount of mental effort. The best way to avoid such effort, is to reject the information.

2). The second reason deals with the problem of ego. Due to a person's ego, he will fight you and your information, because he/she values their word over yours. They cannot accept that you might have stumbled upon such valuable truths, that they did not realise before, and in defence of their ego, they disclaim your truths.

3). In many occasions, the person is so comfortable living the fast life, that they simply don't want to change their way of life and couldn't care less about what's happening in the world. Many openly admit this. They are too focused on themselves.

4). You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

5). They believe and value the voice of the system, it has become the prime decider of their reality. What is the voice of the system? The media. over a year ago · Delete Post # Post deleted over a year ago # James Lockwood Good points there Adam.

A good David Icke Vid: over a year ago · Delete Post

Have you worked out what the matrix is yet? 8 posts. Created at 05:57 on 11 December 2008 by James Lockwood

# James Lockwood Well, have you? over a year ago · Delete Post # Adel Hardman the matrix is all around us over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Well done. over a year ago · Delete Post # James Lockwood The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. over a year ago · Delete Post # Adel Hardman that quote is scarily true. it makes me do a small poo in my pants over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here's another one for ya:

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth...

...That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind. over a year ago · Delete Post # Adel Hardman deep man over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post # James Lockwood Here's another good one, he might aswell have just said he is going to show people a world without the nwo/illuminati/bankers or whatever you want to call them:

I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you. over a year ago · Delete Post

If you are feeling a bit lost or confused... 1 post. Created at 13:04 on 04 December 2008 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood "Seek the truth, know the truth and the truth will set you free"

The truth is that I do not know what the truth is, but I damn well know what the truth is not. This is a very important step towards observing how the world really works for the first time in your life. You too can know this information, it is all around you, if only you are willing to look for it. If you are at all confused or do not really understand the message of this group then the information I am about to provide you with will go a long way helping you 'see the light'.

Central banks like the Bank of England are like the head of the beast in this world. They are the means by which our masters enslave us. If you think these are the rantings of a 'mad man' or a 'conspiracy nut' then go back to sleep, for this isn't for you. Remember, all I am offering is the truth, the truth I described above, nothing more, nothing less.

If you are lucky enough to be blessed with a concentration span, the ability to think freely/with an open mind and are open to new ways of looking at things (I admit most people aren't) then take a look at as many of the following video documentaries as you can which are found on youtube and google video. Remember, not one of these videos itself is the full truth, that wouldn't be possible, it's when you put them all together and form an overall picture of what is going on that you begin to see things for what they really are.

-Zeitgeist. -Zeitgeist Addendum. -Money As Debt. -The Occult of Commerce -The Magnificent Deception -Theft By Deception. -The Naked Truth. -Oil Smoke & Mirrors. -Demockery -Matrix of Power. -Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement. -Taking Liberties. -Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception -Fabled Enemies. -Esoteric Agenda -Shadows in motion - Exposing the New World Order -Stanley Monteith - Forbidden Secret -7/7 Ripple Effect. -7/7 Mind The Gap. -Hacking Democracy. -Jordan Maxwell Exposes The Illuminati -Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings. -Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World -The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror. -Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism. -Ring Of Power, Bloodlines of the Illuminati. -America: Freedom to Fascism. -Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply -Loose Change. -Fat, MSG, Aspartame, It's in all the food -The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control ... -Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve. -Sicko -Codex Alimentarius -Controlling Our Food -We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom -Who killed the electric car? -Fahrenheit 9/11. -Orwell rolls in his grave. -Fluoride Deception. -Big Brother Is Watching Everything. -The Great Global Warming Swindle. -War and Globalization - The Truth Behind over a year ago · Delete Post

A UK Political Party which addresses the problem. 1 post. Created at 12:47 on 04 December 2008 by James Lockwood

James Lockwood This is a UK based political party which unlike the mainstream parties, actually addresses the problem which central and private banks cause when they create money out of 'thin air'. It's worth a look: over a year ago · Delete Post

The Bank of England has a monopoly 1 post. Created at 09:22 on 17 May 2008 by Donna Curtis

Donna Curtis The Bank of England has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales. Scottish and Northern Irish banks retain the right to issue their own banknotes, but they must be backed one to one with deposits in the Bank of England, excepting a few million pounds representing the value of notes they had in circulation in 1845. The Bank decided to sell its bank note printing operations to De La Rue in December 2002, under the advice of Close Brothers Corporate Finance Ltd over a year ago · · Report · Delete Post