Former County of South Yorkshire
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Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside FORMER COUNTY OF SOUTH YORKSHIRE Barnsley 2/1194 (C.04.Q002) SE 44800350 S63 8ES GOLDTHORPE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Goldthorpe Industrial Estate, Goldthorpe, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Trial Trenching Archaeological Services WYAS Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, 30pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS The evaluation was carried out in advance of a proposal to construct industrial units. Evidence for ditches and pits probably dating to the late Iron Age and Romano-British periods could have been part of field systems and enclosures. No finds were recovered form the evaluation. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: IA, PM, RO 2/1195 (C.04.R010) SE 31600530 S75 3RN HIGH STREET/BARNSLEY ROAD, DODWORTH High Street/Barnsley Road, Dodworth, South Yorkshire: Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief Sumpter, T Nottinghamshire : Tony Sumpter Archaeological Consultancy, 2003, 30pp, pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Tony Sumpter Archaeological Consultancy Six evaluation trenches were excavated and the only remains recovered dated from farm expansions in the 1890's. A watching brief was also undertaken and the demolition of the buildings exposed a cellar contemporary with the hall and an earlier well. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM 2/1196 (C.04.P005) SE 45440604 S63 0LG LOW GRANGE FARM, THURNSCOE Low Grange Farm, thurnscoe,South Yorkshire,. Archaeological evaluation Gordon, D & Buglass, J Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2003, 50pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates Nine trenches were excavated. The evaluation demonstrated that the site contained the remains of a barn, stables, granary and dovecote associated with the 17th century farmhouse and also remains of the earlier medieval grange, in the form of walls. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside Doncaster 2/1197 (C.04.R011) SK 58579288 DN11 9NL ASHVILLE, STONEY LANE, TICKHILL, DONCASTER Report on an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation of land at 'Ashville', Stoney Lane, Tickhill, Doncaster Samuals, J Nottinghamshire : John Samuals Archaeological Consultants, 2003, 14pp, pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: John Samuels Archaeological Consultants No archaeologically significant features or deposits were exposed during the evaluation. No artefacts were recovered that predated the 20th century. [Au(abr)] 2/1198 (C.04.Q001) SE 58400050 DN11 9DQ BALBY CARR, DONCASTER Balby Carr, Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Evaluation Rose, M Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, 40pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS The evaluation was carried out in advance of a proposed development of a motorcycle showroom. A continuation of the field system located in previous archaeological work on the nearby B&Q site was identified to the east of the site. Finds included: daub, a glass bangle fragment, pottery sherds and animal bones suggested later prehistoric settlement activity in the viscinity, although no structures were identified. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: PR, UD 2/1199 (C.04.R005) SK 65149316 DN10 6JY CORNER GARAGE, HIGH STREET, BAWTRY Corner Garage, High Street, Bawtry, South Yorkshire: Archaeological Evaluation Sumpter, T Nottinghamshire : Tony Sumpter Archaeological Consultancy, 2004, 9pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Tony Sumpter Archaeological Consultncy The excavation of four trenches identified structure of three small coal cellars. There were no features or finds of archaeological significance recovered during the evaluation. [Au(abr)] 2/1200 (C.04.R008) SK 68709850 DN9 3NT FINNINGLEY IV, NORTHERN EXTENSION Geoarchaeological Survey at Finningley IV, Northern Extension Gearey, B & Chapman, H Hull : WAERC, 2003, 21pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Wetland Archaeology & Environments Research Centre The sediments found during the coring comprised extensive spreads of sand and gravel overlain by clay. It was suggested that these sediments were deposited as a result of glacial and riverine landscape processes over 10,000 years ago. No organic sediments which could preserve evidence of prehistoric and historic activities and assist in the reconstruction of long term changes in the environment were observed. [Au(abr)] Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1201 (C.04.R018) SE 57200300 DN1 3NJ INTERCHANGE SITE, DONCASTER Archaeological Evaluation at the Proposed Interchange Site, Doncaster Lewis, B Northampton : Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2003, 38pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northamptonshire Archaeology The archaeological trial trenching identified a number of archaeological features. These included the medieval town ditch, medieval pits, post-medieval boundary features and the remains of a late 18th century water driven pumping mill. The pump was demolished in the mid-20th century. The excavations also revealed the bank of the River Cheswold adjacent to the pump. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 2/1202 (C.04.R009) SK 65309295 DN10 6PT LAND ADJACENT TO BAWTRY HALL, TICKHILL ROAD, BAWTRY Land Adjacent to Bawtry Hall, Tickhill Road, Bawtry, South Yorkshire. An Archaeological Field Evaluation and Building Appraisal Pre-Construct Archaeology Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2003, 56pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Five evaluation trenches were investigated and revealed evidence of medieval, post-medieval and modern activity. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 2/1203 (C.04.R003) SE 54301580 DN6 9BX NORTON PRIORY, NORTON, DONCASTER Archaeological Field Evaluation and Building recording at Scheduled Ancient Monument 29949, Norton Priory, Norton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Bell, S & Jessop, O Sheffield : ARCUS, 2004, 57pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: ARCUS The site fell within the former medieval manor of Norton Priory. The buildings under investigation appeared to have been developed from a manor farm that dated to the 18th century and was an excellent example of evolutionary farmstead. The structures and deposits identified within the evaluation trenches were interpreted as dating from the occupation of the site as a farm. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1204 (C.04.P006) SK 63009935 DN4 6TD PARROTS CORNER PARK AND RIDE, ROSSINGTON Parrots corner park and ride, Rossington, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Evaluation Jacobson, S & Bishop, M Barnard Castle : Northern Archaeological Associates, 2003, 50pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northern Archaeological Associates The site had previously been geophysically surveyed and was located close to a Roman Vexillation fortress, (SM 1044), trenches were targeted to investigate anomalies, and other areas within the site. Fourteen trenches were excavated, with a total area sampled of c.960m2, approximately three percent of the total area of the site. The trenches in the northern part of the site, (1-4) produced no significant archaeological features and those that were recorded were of post-medieval origin. Trenches 7,9, 13 and 14 did contain features of uncertain date, while trenches 8, 10 and 11 corresponded closely with the results of the survey. The features found in trench 5 were not expected, bur probably correlate with what was found in trenches 8 and 10. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD 2/1205 (C.04.Q003) SE 68701350 DN8 5TZ PRIORY COTTAGE, THORNE, DONCASTER Priory Cottage, Thorne, Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Evaluation Martin, L Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, 17pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS The evaluation was carried out in advance of a single storey extension to Priory Cottage. No archaeological features were identified. A Bronze Age flint borer was located in the topsoil, although this could have been residual. Other finds included: seven post-medievaland modern pottery sherds, small fragments of ceramic building material, one heavily butchered cattle rib and two fragments of post-medievalclay pipe. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: BA, MO, PM 2/1206 (C.04.Q005) SE 61360136 DN4 6AQ PRIORY SCHOOL, CANTLEY, DONCASTER Priory School, Cantley, Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Evaluation Richardson, J & Signorelli, L Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, 39pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS The evaluation was carried out in advance of a proposed redevopment of a school building. Roman archaeology was identified including: 3rd Century pottery, a penannular brooch, two linear features, a pit and a post hole. The presence of 'domestic rubbish' in the pit could have suggested Roman settlement activity nearby. The linear features could have been boundaries or part of a field system. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: RO Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1207 (C.04.Q006) SK 65369307 DN10 6HY WHARF FARM, BAWTRY Wharf Farm, Bawtry, South Yorkshire. Archaeological Evaluation Rose, M Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, 11pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services