Sunday 18 October 2020 Latest Edition Vol: 09/48 Price : Rs 70.00 Events and Athletes Limited Sri Lanka Athletics (SLA) decision to limit the number of events and number of athletes for the upcoming performance test next weekend (24 and 25) at Sugathadasa Stadium, has created an uproar among athletes and coaches islandwide. A16

Buddhist Monks write to President on 20A Three Buddhist monks submitted a letter to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa urging him to reconsider the RDA official makes damning allegation decision to ratify the proposed 20th Amendment to the Constitution, introducing necessary amendments before passing it. Yahapalana Story Continued on page 2 EC urges Minister President to hold PC elections By J.T. de Silva

Pilfered Rs 1B Chairman of the Election Commission Mahinda By W.K. Prasad Manju claimed that a former Minister pilfered a sum of Rs 1,000 Deshapriya requested President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to of the previous United National million from a highway project. take necessary actions to pass a Parliamentary Act as A top officer from the Road Front-led regime, hailing from He confirmed that necessary soon as possible in order to hold the postponed Provincial Development Authority (RDA) the Kalutara District, had legal action against the... Council elections.

Story Continued on page 2 Story Continued on page 2 Brandix COVID-19 cluster Chief Epidemiologist’s duty to reveal origin – GMOA Rosy Senanayake undergoes PCR test

By Dilanthi Jayamanne purpose of having a Chief Epidemiologist was to provide the Although the origin of the Brandix technical answers to the country. Minuwangoda facility COVID-19 “When the first wave of the virus cluster is not important to treat was controlled, the people were patients, it is the duty of the Chief informed of the origin and the Epidemiologist to reveal its origin, spread of the disease. Even when Secretary of the Government the Navy cluster at Welisara was Medical Officers’ Association identified, the public were informed (GMOA), Dr. Senal Fernando said. as to how the infection could have He said on 16 October that the started within the Naval camp. Story Continued on page 2

Bogus Tourist Board PCoI on Easter Sunday Attacks members’ trip to Canada Kabir does Why was not remember prime phone call suspect not By Buddhika Samaraweera Two days before the 21 April 2019 Easter Sunday bombings, a 147 arrested? seconds (two minutes and 27 Concerns have arisen as to why seconds) long telephone the main suspect involved in the conversation had taken place incident where four persons had between former Minister Kabir falsely identified themselves as Hashim and Abdul Latheef Hakeem members of the Sri Lankan Tourist Mohamed, the brother of Abdul Board and attended the World Latheef Jameel Mohamed, the latter Tourism Representatives who detonated the suicide bomb at Exhibition held in Canada, has not the Tropical Inn Lodge in Dehiwala. been arrested yet. This was revealed when Hashim, The Sunday Mawbima on 15 October, testified before the newspaper, for the first time, Presidential Commission of Inquiry revealed the said incident on... into the Easter Sunday bombings.

Story Continued on page 2 Story Continued on page 2 A2 sunday 18 october 2020 news

Zaharan’s group planned 20 suicide bombings By Buddhika Samaraweera Moulavi, who is believed to be the suicide bomber of the St.Sebastian’s Zaharan. He had also suggested At that time, Muaad, the suicide The National Thowheed Jama’ath mentor of the NTJ and Zaharan, Church in Katuwapitiya, Atchchi that Noufer Moulavi be given a bomber of the St. Anthony’s Church (NTJ) Leader Zaharan Hashim- led and also the mastermind of the Muhammadu Muhammadu house and a weapon,” the witness in Kochchikade said that there was group had initially planned to carry Easter Sunday bombings. Hastun, had also been in the safe also said. a church in Kochchikade near his out the bombings on Easter The witness further said, house at the time of the arrival of He also said, Zaharan had house and that he would commit Sunday, with the involvement of 20 Alawdeen Ahamed Muaad, who Muaad and Mohamed. planned for a retaliation again the suicide there. suicide bombers targeting crowded carried out the suicide bombing at Responding to a question by an Christchurch attack in New Zealand According to the investigations places including hospitals. St. Anthony’s Church in Additional Solicitor General (ASG) and the attacks in Syria. Zaharan carried out by the TID, Zaharan, This was related, on 16 October, Kochchikade and Abdul Latheef as to what had been discussed on has had plans to attack places such had once summoned members of by an officer, attached to the Jameel Mohamed, the one who the day, the witness said, the NTJ as hotels, casinos and churches his group to the Malwana area and Terrorism Investigations Division carried out the attack at the had had a Shura Council with 13 where foreigners visited in large obtained signatures. He has also (TID), testifying before the Tropical Inn in Dehiwala, had been members and one of them, Milhan, numbers, he said. asked them to choose whether to Presidential Commission of Inquiry trying to resolve the conflict between had presented 19 allegations A Senior State Counsel (SSC) commit suicide or die in the war into the 2019 Easter Sunday Zaharan and Naufer Moulavi. against Zaharan. questioned the witness as to what while sacrificing their lives for bombings. Testifying further, the TID officer “Milhan had suggested that the time period was in which Jihad. Zaharan had not decided on According to him, a member of the went on to say, “During the Zaharan be removed and Noufer Zaharan had planned to carry out the date of the attack until 24 Zaharan- led group, who is in investigations it was also found that Moulavi be appointed as the NTJ the attack. In reply, he said the March, 2019. custody, had said, they were Muaad and Mohamed had arrived in leader. During the discussion they explosives made by Zaharan and his A member of the Commission then planning to carry out a series of a car close to the Mount Lavinia had also decided to share their brother Rilwan Hashim were to questioned the witness as to attacks in three stages after the railway station and picked up properties. However, Mohamed expire in 15 days. They were, whether Zaharan, during the said initial attack on 21 April, 2019. another three members of the NTJ Ibrahim Ilham Ahmed, who carried therefore, of the opinion that the discussion, made a statement, that He also said, during the on a certain date. They had then out the suicide bombing at Shangri- attack should be carried out within he would launch an attack outside investigations into the bombings on gone to Zaharan’s safehouse in la Hotel in had opposed 15 days and the plans were made to Colombo. In response, he said Easter Sunday, the TID were able to Panadura to discuss the plan to Milhan’s suggestion. He had also carry out the attack and a decision “Zaharan planned to visit Nuwara- uncover information that by March resolve the conflict between been a member of the NTJ Shura was reached at the NTJ safe house Eliya to find the whereabouts of 2019, there had been a conflict Zaharan and Noufer Maulavi,” council and had said, he did not in Negombo to attack on 21 April, foreigners to launch an attack, but between Zaharan and Naufer He further said, Zaharan and give money to the NTJ, but to the witness said. they left in fear,”

Continued from page 1 Yahapalana Minister... Why was prime...... 26 May 2019, following which money obtained by this fraud had A payment of US$ 1,950 had investigations commenced. The been received by an individual in also been made for the entrance newspaper also revealed that the charge of Amaratunga’s personal ticket to the Exhibition from the said individuals had not returned staff. stenographer’s credit card while to the country. The four individuals had visited the approval for such a payment While the fraudster charged six the Travel and Vacation Show, had been given by the Personal individuals who did not belong to that was held in Ontario, Secretary of the Minister. the Sri Lanka Tourist Board, a Canada, on 30 and 31 March It is also reported that the sum of Rs one million each for 2019 as Tourism Development Personal Assistant held a high the said visit, investigations Officers, a Senior Tourism post in the Police and was the reveal that only four individuals Instructor, and a Tourism brother-in-law of the Minister. left for Canada. Instructor. Investigations into the Incident ...former Minister will be instituted seven-day period, according to the law. Documents containing the Additionally, a letter for the were carried out on the shortly. He also said the former Minister The officer from the RDA added that signature of former Minister of participation of the said instructions of the Colombo had obtained the said amount through a legal action will also be instituted against Tourism Development John individual was signed by Crimes Division DIG Neville de service bond and he emphasised that the the contractor who had failed to carry out Amaratunga has been used for Amaratunga and it contained his Silva. Two women and another said amount will be reclaimed by the RDA the highway constructions on time after the said individuals to leave to official seal and was sent to suspect were arrested in this through bank bonds from construction having obtained the contracts in this Canada. Ottawa, Canada, on 8 March regard and probe findings were firms owned by the ex-Minister within a regard. It is also reported that the 2019. produced to the Court.

Kabir does not... A Senior State Counsel (SSC) that Hakeem was the brother Coordinating Secretaries, operation, but someone shot Hashim further said that all Ministers said that we could questioned the witness as to of the person who detonated Mohammad Thasleem, was Thasleem after this the Muslim Ministers had not win this. Our own people whether he had received a call the bomb at the Tropical Inn shot in early 2019. Tasleem Wanathawilluwa operation and resigned after the Easter told us that we would not be from one of the suicide Lodge in Dehiwala,” had provided information to I informed the Cabinet of Sunday bombings without able to go to the villages if we bombers two days before the However, Hashim said that the operation, which Ministers about this. I also supporting the No-Confidence voted in favour of Bathiudeen. attacks. he did not remember receiving discovered a stock of explosives pointed out that it was a threat Motion against then Minister I then spoke to the then Prime In response, he said: “ I was such a phone call. in the Wanathawilluwa area. In to my life as well,” he added. , not in the Minister Ranil summoned to the Criminal Meanwhile, the Commission response, the witness said that According to him, former hope of protecting him. “At that Wickremesinghe. Then we, the Investigations Department also drew his attention to the he had introduced Tasleem to President time, I was the Chairman of the Muslim Ministers decided to (CID) in December last year, incident of several Buddha assist the CID in its had then informed Hashim . The resign from all the Ministerial where I was told that I had statues being vandalised at investigation into the that he would be invited to the Opposition brought a posts since Bathiudeen would received a phone call with a several places in the explosives found in the National Security Council No-Confidence Motion in have to resign as well. When duration of 147 seconds from a Mawanella area during the Wanathawilluwa area. “He has (NSC) one day. Sirisena said Parliament against Bathiudeen Bathiudeen was just a person named Hakeem two period from 23 to 26 December a sound knowledge of the that I could discuss all these saying that he was connected Parliamentarian, the Police days before the Easter Sunday 2018. society and roads. Only I and matters at the NSC. However, I to the bombings, but it seemed could have carried out the attacks. I said that I did not He was questioned regarding CID officers knew that was not invited to the NSC, he to be against the entire investigations easily,” he remember. I was then informed the incident where one of his Thasleem had assisted in this explained. Government. At that time, our added.

Chief Epidemiologist’s... However, in this case, even the country illegally from India”. He that a journalist who attended the Senanayake was subjected to a PCR COVID-19 following a PCR test. She possibility of its origin seems to noted that there was “also the threat media briefing may have contracted test on 16 October after an employee was then transferred to the evade the Epidemiology Unit. During from the Virus being contracted by COVID-19. of the Council’s Public Assistance Kattankudy Hospital for treatment. the past number of months, the our local fishermen from the Indian In its wake, the United National Department situated at Maradana Also, a resident of Gampaha who GMOA has continuously warned and fishing communities.” Party issuing a statement, has asked tested positive for COVID-19. The was being quarantined at the advised the Health authorities, the He warned that a countrywide for an investigation as to why a head of the particular Department Pinnawala quarantine centre tested Government and even the public lockdown would be inevitable if zonal journalist who had tested positive for had visited the Mayor’s office on 15 positive for COVID-19 after being regarding the possible ways in which lockdown measures which were COVID-19 and whose subsequent October. admitted to the Kegalle Hospital. the Virus could seep into the country currently being implemented were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test Elsewhere, two persons with The number of COVID-19 cases once more since July of this year. not strictly implemented and results were pending was employed COVID-19 were identified in reported in Sri Lanka rose to 5,170 The threat was not only from the adhered to under the current to cover media briefings. They Iriyagolla, Rambukkana on 15 on 16 October, after 130 more foreign repatriates, but also from situation. requested the Government to take October which resulted in the COVID-19 infected persons were those involved in the repatriation Meanwhile, journalists who had necessary disciplinary action. The lockdown of six villages, the District identified. process from flight crews to the attended the Cabinet Media journalist who was an Independent Health Service Director, Kumar According to the Health Promotion employees of the quarantine centres conference on 13 October at the Television Network staffer was Wickremasinghe said. One of the two Bureau, 1,899 COVID-19 patients to even those who supplied food to Government Information Department diagnosed with COVID-19 on 16 had been admitted to the are still receiving treatment, while quarantine centres. The situation is have been requested to self-isolate. October. Health authorities carried Rambukkana Hospital on 10 October 293 suspected COVID-19 patients similar at every port of entry to the Issuing a statement, Director out contact tracing of the patient and had subsequently been are under observation. country. There was also the colossal General of the Department Nalaka following the detection. transferred to the Hospital in The total number of COVID-19 threat from those entering the Kaluwewa said that it is suspected Further, Colombo Mayor Rosy Kegalle. She was diagnosed with recoveries stands at 3,357.

Buddhist Monks.... EC urges President.. The three Buddhist while rendering the proposed Amendment if The monks had also In a letter sent to the President, Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna monks who had forwarded Cabinet into a non entity. passed would also pave urged the President to Deshapriya stated, the Supreme (SLPP) ruled the country from the letter to the President The monks had opined the way for the creation of reconsider amending Court had ruled that governing November to December in 2018, the are Ven. Elle Gunawansa that the powers vested in an unstable Government several Clauses contained Provincial Councils through Cabinet approved the proposal Thera, Ven. the incumbent Prime with no respect for the in the Bill such as those Governors and other officials presented to postpone the Muruththettuwe Ananda Minister would be rule of law and have also concerning the without holding the Elections is not Provincial Councils (Amendment) Thera and Ven. seriously curtailed while warned that allowing dual appointment of Judges to legal. This was when the petition Act in 2017 for a few years and to Bengamuwe Nalaka reducing the Cabinet into citizens to seek higher the higher Courts, the SCFR35/2016 was heard. enact the old provisions of the Thera. mere puppets if the Bill is political office would removal of the Presidential The Election Commission on Provincial Councils Act of 1988. The monks had pointed passed. impinge on national Secretariat, the Prime several occasions informed the The Election Commission is of the out in their letter though The monks had security and the Minister’s Office and State former President, former Prime opinion that by enacting that the Government had explained that the new Bill sovereignty of the people. Institutions from audit Minister, former Speaker of proposal, the postponed Elections envisioned the creation of if enacted would prevent They had also stated that inquiries conducted by the Parliament, all the Party Leaders could be held soon,” Deshapriya a stable and strong the masses from legally dual citizens should be Auditor General, and and the Secretaries of all the said. Government with the new challenging any prohibited from not only allowing the President to recognised political parties the Furthermore, the Election Bill, they had warned that unconstitutional moves by entering Parliament but increase the number of necessity of holding Provincial Commission would inform the its haphazard ratification the present regime. also from holding any post Cabinet Ministers Councils Election as well, he added. Premier, the Speaker and the party would instead create an They had further in any Government according to his wishes, “When the United People’s leaders about the matter as well, he autocrat of a President observed that the institution. among others. Freedom Alliance (UPFA) and the added. news sunday 18 october 2020 A3

Community Police Did SI remanded over bribery By Hansi Nanayakkara The suspect SI was identified as Rajapaksa Mudiyanselage Nandasena. The Commission told Not Get as Much Info Colombo Chief Magistrate Mohammad Mihal on the Court that they arrested the suspect following a 16 October remanded till 27 October a Sub complaint lodged by a resident of the Kanupelella Inspector of Police (SI) attached to the Special area in Badulla. Crimes Detection Unit of the Bandarawela Police The Commission further informed the Magistrate, as Expected – Fmr IGP Station. that the complainant had been named as the 12th The suspect SI was arrested by the Commission suspect in a case being heard at the Welimada Chief By Buddhika had convened senior Police units to obtain information to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption Magistrate’s Court. The Commission said that its Samaraweera officers to discuss drug raids as the State Intelligence (CIABOC) and charged with soliciting a bribe of Rs officers had arreste the suspect SI in the canteen of on the instructions of the Service (SIS) had provided 300,000 to release a suspect against whom a case is the Welimada Chief Magistrate’s Court, while he Former IGP Pujith then President. When clear information on Islamist being heard in Court and to turn that suspect into a was attempting to obtain the bribe from the Jayasundara said, although Jayasundara replied that he extremism. witness for the State. complainant. there were about 14,200 could not recall the number In reply, Jayasundara Community Police units of meetings, the Commission acknowledged that some established with the aim of Members questioned priority had been given to obtaining information on whether not a single meeting seeking information relevant 2,000 Sri Lankan women die various crimes and had been held to discuss to former President suspicious individuals at Islamist extremism. Maithripala Sirisena's drug annually of breast cancer village level, the Police did not Jayasundara, in reply, said: eradication programme. receive as much as had been "I do not accept that. At that He also said, the By Eunice Ruth expected. time, we had set up Community Police units He was testifying, on 15 Community Police units and operating in the Kattankudy In Sri Lanka, around 2,000 women die annually due to October, before the assigned officers to look into area had not received any breast cancer, said Director of the National Cancer Control Presidential Commission of four matters. The main thing information about the Programme, Consultant Community Physician Dr. Janaki Inquiry into the 2019 Easter out of them was to ensure activities of the National Vidanapathirana. Speaking to Ceylon Today, she said, breast Sunday bombings. national security. We Thowheed Jama’ath Leader cancer is the most common cancer in women, where incidence The Chairman of the discussed the information Zaharan Hashim. in Sri Lanka is steadily on the rise the last few years. Annually, Commission then questioned received at the Grama The Commission decided 3,000 to 3,500 women get infected with breast cancer and Jayasundara on the number Niladhari level." to adjourn the hearing of each day, 10 new patients get admitted to hospitals for of meetings held to discuss The Commission queried Jayasundara’s testimony treatment. She added 25 per cent of the registered cancer Islamist extremism, in the whether there was a need to since Jayasundara suddenly cases are for breast. Dr. Vidanapathirana further pointed out same manner, Jayasundara setup Community Police took ill while giving evidence. that the majority of breast cancer cases are women who lacked awareness of the disease and its symptoms. She stated, consumption of alcohol also caused breast cancer. Early detection was key to effective treatment, she observed. However, genetic predisposition to breast cancer was not a Devananda tells Canadian HC factor that could be completely cured. The disease afflicts mostly women over the ages 40. She said however there is a lesser possibility of men too getting the 20A will revive 1978 Constitution disease. All women, Vidanapathirana added, should conduct a Fisheries Minister Douglas mandate given. McKinnon agreed to explore self examination once a month and if any difficulty is Devananda told the He further explained that the possibility of helping Sri experienced, they should consult a doctor immediately for a Canadian High there is propaganda in the Lanka in this regard. He also medical check-up. She requested all women to be aware of the Commissioner David media that the 20th briefed Devananda about the disease by following preventive measures while also urging McKinnon that the proposed Amendment would diminish existing arrangement and women not be scared or feel ashamed to inform about the 20th Amendment to the the power of the Parliament cooperation between the disease or to visit a hospital in this regard. Constitution Bill is reviving and strengthen the Ocean University of Sri Lanka the original 1978 Executive. and the Canadian Marine Constitution, which the He further added that the Institutes. people had accepted at the 13th Amendment to the Devananda emphasised time. Constitution would in no way that though this Government McKinnon paid a courtesy be affected by the 20th was elected by the majority visit to the Ministry of Amendment as told by Tamil votes of the South, the Fisheries at Maligawatte on politicians to the media. Government is treating all 16 October. Meanwhile, Devananda citizens equally. Citing an Devananda explained that also requested McKinnon to example, he said that the the present Government had provide expertise and Prime Minister had offered got a clear mandate from the technological assistance to financial assistance of Rs people to amend the 19th help reduce the post-harvest 50,000 to each of the selected Amendment to the loss the fishermen incurred. kovils as they are gearing up Constitution and the About 35 per cent of the fish to hold the Navaraththri proposed 20th Amendment is harvested by fishermen are celebration. in accordance with the deemed unfit for sale. (SRM)

Buddhist ties between Country returning to 2010-2015 era countries to be – Harshana implemented shortly By Nabiya Vaffoor

– Indian HC Our country is being The High Commissioner of pharmaceuticals, culture dragged back to the 2010- India Gopal Baglay called on and people-to-people 2015 era, under the then the Prime Minister of Sri relations President and now Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa In the context of the incumbent Prime Minister on 15 October. Government of Sri Lanka’s Mahinda Rajapaksa, when This was their first high priority attached to we were isolated from the meeting after the Virtual water, sanitation, agriculture world, claimed Samagi Bilateral Summit (VBS) and manufacturing, Baglay Jana Balawegaya (SJB) between the Prime Ministers stated, India was ready for Parliamentarian Harshana of India and Sri Lanka held developing further bilateral Rajakaruna. on 26 September, and cooperation in accordance “We were isolated from afforded an opportunity to with Sri Lanka’s the world. The European follow up on implementation requirements. He responded Union (EU) stopped of the decisions taken in positively to the suggestions providing the Generalised that interaction. of Rajapaksa for Indian Scheme/System of Referring to the tone set investment in research and Preferences Plus reliefs. We by the two Leaders in the manufacturing in Sri Lanka, now see the country is once VBS for expanding existing including in the again in the same mutually beneficial bilateral pharmaceutical sector. situation,” alleged cooperation in a number of Baglay stressed the Rajakaruna. areas, Baglay sought the significance of facilitating “Recently, a Chinese guidance of Rajapaksa for mutually beneficial trade delegation visited our further steps, including in and investment between country without even the spheres of priority to Sri India and Sri Lanka. following any quarantine Lanka. Recalling the importance rule. There is information Baglay mentioned to attached by Indian Prime that the United States Rajapaksa, he and his Minister Narendra Modi in Secretary of State Mike colleagues in the High promoting people-to-people Pompeo is looking forward Commission had fruitful relations between the two to visiting our country. We discussions in the days countries, Baglay said, the don’t know whether these since the VBS with a significance of the grant countries are visiting us to number of senior Members assistance of US$ 15 million provide loans at high of Sri Lanka’s Cabinet, announced by Modi during interest rates. We don’t including in the areas of the VBS for promoting know their intentions of economy, connectivity, Buddhist ties between the visiting us,” he further power and energy, two countries. He claimed. agriculture and animal mentioned, details of its Rajakaruna expressed husbandry, development implementation are being these views on 16 October cooperation, education and discussed with the Sri at a media briefing held at capacity building, water and Lankan authorities the SJB headquarters. sanitation, health and concerned. A4 SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2020 FOCUS Tipping off suspects to hoodwink the law Rishad-Riyaj Drama Reveals the Plot

BY MAGAMPUTHRA alleging that Riyaj Bathiudeen had what had been communicated via That is the evidence given by former to hide and while doing so they seek been released by the CID due to those mobile phones. Army Commander, Gen. Mahesh legal counsel. The action-packed drama, involving overwhelming influence wielded by Another question that should be Senanayake at the Presidential The moment the AG announced to Rishad Bathiudeen, was causing the Bathiudeen clan, or that they considered is why was the CID in Commission of Inquiry probing last the media his intention to issue an much damage to the people. have the backing of some powerful such an inordinate hurry to release year’s Easter Sunday carnage. He order to the Acting IGP to arrest the Bathiudeen, who was piggy-backing hidden hand. Riyaj, after keeping him in custody for said it was indeed Riyaj Bathiudeen ACMC MP, Bathiudeen had no doubt on the previous Yahapalana regime, a few months, a decision which who had supplied a boat to National planned his getaway. Although was the mastermind behind the Rishad’s infl uence? should have been taken by the Thowheed Jama’ath (NTJ) Leader several Police teams were deployed to destruction caused to the Wilpattu The people are now saying that the Judiciary or the Attorney General. Zaharan Hashim to flee to India in apprehend the MP, they all had drawn and adjacent forest areas. There were CID had played out a drama to dupe This brings into question Rishad’s 2018. This statement was given at a a blank at the time of writing. serious allegations levelled against his them as far as Riyaj Bathiudeen is drama that has clearly cast a shadow time when the CID was questioning What finally transpired was that sibling and henchmen that they were concerned. They are now casting over the Judiciary and the Attorney him on his alleged links with a suicide Rishad filed a writ petition at the all connected to the rising wave of doubts over the CID not pressing General’s Department. bomber. Court of Appeal urging the Court to Islamist extremism in the country, in genuine charges against Rishad’s Another high point in this drama is issue a writ order to the Acting IGP some form or another. sibling. They ask, “Maybe the CID is Mahesh’s statement over 100 SLPP MPs having submitted preventing his arrest. The result of all this was the under pressure to release him.” “Is it There is one piece of evidence that a letter to the President urging him to mandate given by the people at the 5 a lie that he helped Zaharan to flee to cannot be refuted. probe the release of suspect Riyaj by AG’s orders and press August General Election, which was India?” “Did he never have telephone the CID. They had all requested the releases powerful enough to send the previous conversations with Zaharan?” President to conduct a fair and Government packing as they stood unbiased probe into the suspect’s It has also been claimed that Rishad guilty of protecting the controversial Cardinal’s reaction release by the CID. Bathiudeen while travelling in his ex-Minister representing the ACMC. Even the Archbishop of Colombo, There had also been motorcar on the Chilaw-Puttalam His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal allegations that ex-Minister road, having listened to the radio, had People are fed-up Ranjith has been greatly rattled by Rishad Bathiudeen had alighted from his car and had fled It was this type of drama that this turn of events. He openly alleged, exerted both extreme and after hearing of the AG’s instructions gathered opposition against the at a media conference, that there is undue pressure on CID to the Police to arrest him. Hence, it previous Government and went a long strong belief and suspicion that Riyaj sleuths who had probed his could also be construed that the way towards the present Government Bathiudeen, who was arrested on sibling Riyaj’s actions, media statements attributed to the gaining power. The people are fed up charges of being connected to the prompting the officers to AG, who had given orders to the Police of watching the Bathiudeen drama. Easter Sunday carnage, had now release the suspect from to apprehend the MP concerned, had They certainly don’t want see another been released due to a political deal. detention. It is claimed the enabled the latter to flee thus one unfolding during this The Cardinal also said that scores pressure exerted on the complicating matters. Government. There are also of family members who had lost their CID officers by Rishad in suspicions that Bathiudeen is loved ones and who still expect this regard had been Defence benefi ts engaging in this particular drama, justice to be meted out, to the captured in an audio tape. Also, another incident that with the blessings of certain powerful perpetrators of the crime, had lost It is further alleged that resembles this drama or could be people in the present regime too. all hope with the release of Riyaj ACMC MP Bathiudeen had even compared to it, is the one The high point of this drama was Bathiudeen by the CID. pressured the CID officers enacted by and Rishad’s sibling Riyaj Bathiudeen daily, having even , whose being released by the CID, after he What happened to the influenced the head of the impending arrest was announced in was detained, on charges of being mobile phones? CID. Presently, a probe is advance by the AG’s Department. involved in last year’s Easter Sunday underway to get to the Hence, it is our view that the AG has terror attacks, under the provisions of The best joke is that out of 16 bottom of the story behind to be shrewder than he is at the the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA). mobile phones used by Riyaj, this audio tape. moment. Instead of announcing to the The CID had grilled Riyaj for over five 12 are yet to be located and Amidst all of this, another media through his coordinating months and the Police issued media it is still a mystery question has arisen. That is, secretary that certain suspects will be releases from time to time to inform as to that most of the Ministers and arrested he has to use his good sense the public about various charges filed MPs of the previous regime, more judiciously to prevent dramas against him. against whom serious charges and such as those being enacted by the However, a preliminary allegations had been made, continue likes of Senaratne and Bathiudeen. investigation had not been conducted to evade arrest or continue to Ultimately, even the AG had to regarding the allegations levelled maintain very low public admit that Riyaj’s release was done against Riyaj. But, now it has been profiles. Some are outside the proper legal procedures. It said that there is concrete evidence to even continuing was also revealed that the CID prove his guilt. Then, in that case, investigations were also incomplete. how was he released? He even had to advise the DIG in But, the sudden decision taken by charge of CID on this issue. the CID to release Riyaj aroused Furthermore, the people are now suspicions and doubts among the seriously questioning whether the CID people as to whether the CID had had probed the alleged phone calls truly intended filing charges against It has also been that had been made by Riyaj to Insaf him in Court. The people are even Ahmad, the suicide bomber, who claimed that detonated the blast at Cinnamon Rishad Grand Hotel, Colombo during last year’s Easter carnage. Bathiudeen while If justice is not meted out, through the conduct of impartial inquiries into The high point travelling in his last year’s Easter Sunday carnage, to motorcar on the the perpetrators of that heinous of this drama crime, then it would indeed be a was Rishad’s Chilaw-Puttalam travesty of justice. That is a road, having responsibility that lies fairly and sibling Riyaj squarely with this regime. Bathiudeen listened to the It is incredible how certain Ministers and MPs of the former regime are being released radio, had tipped off in advance when they are to alighted from his be arrested on charges of corruption by the CID, after and malpractices, as well as on he was detained, car and had fled terrorism charges. What is more surprising is that these tip offs come on charges of after hearing of from official sources. They then urge the AG’s the Courts to issue orders preventing being involved in their arrest while in hiding. All of last year’s instructions to them are members of either the the Police to United National Party or the Samagi Easter Sunday Jana Balawegaya. terror attacks, arrest him. It is also noteworthy that when those in the present Government were under the Hence, it could imprisoned under various charges also be construed during the Yahapalana regime, they provisions of the never resorted to such cowardly acts. Prevention of that the media As a result, they had to spend months statements in remand prison. Terrorism Act Politicians such as , (PTA). The CID attributed to the , , , Johnston had grilled Riyaj AG, who had Fernando, Namal Rajapaksa, Nalaka given orders to Godahewa, State officials such as for over five Lalith Weeratunga, Anusha Pelpita, months and the the Police to Gamini Senarath, Piyadasa Kudabalage, Yoshitha Rajapaksa, Dr. Police issued apprehend the Nihal Jayathilake, Neil Hapuhinna MP concerned, and Kithsiri Ranawaka were among media releases those arrested and remanded. from time to had enabled the However, if the law is not being latter to flee thus properly implemented in the case of time to inform an incident as grave as the Easter the public about complicating Sunday attacks, then something must be done about it. It is the various charges matters responsibility of this Government to make sure it happens. It is precisely filed against him for this reason that 6.9 million people voted this Government into power. NEWS SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2020 A5

Under ‘save the rivers’ programme 20A will make Govt to spend Rs 23B democracy negligible - WMC The Parliamentary Council (PC) which replaces the to develop 103 rivers Constitutional Council (CC) does not in any way reflect good governance and its powers in the democratic process are By Thameenah Razeek prepared by the Ministry of of some riverine ecosystems,” he Environmental officials. made negligible by the proposed 20th Amendment, the Environment to conserve the noted. “Measures will also be taken Women and Media Collective (WMC) stated. The Government has river system which is the main He further said that the river to identify unauthorised Issuing a statement on the proposed 20th Amendment, proposed to spend Rs 23 billion source of drinking water as well system is highly polluted occupants in the vicinity of specifically on independent Commissions under Clause 6, the for the development of 103 as water for agriculture and contaminating the water used these rivers, provide them with Collective pointed out, Members of the PC will only be rivers, as part of the programme other needs. for drinking purposes by the alternative housing as well as Parliamentarians and that it will no longer include which has been implemented “Currently, the entire river public, causing various financial assistance to build independent members of eminence and integrity. Also, unlike under the theme, ‘save the system is being polluted due to diseases. their houses, and provide low the CC, the PC can only make observations which have no rivers’. various human activities and Amaraweera noted that our interest loans if they do not binding effect on the President. Minister of Environment even the water sources that river system is being also have the money to adopt In addition to judicial appointments, the President therefore said that supply water to the rivers are destroyed due to non- scientific methods for industrial has unfettered power to make appointments to the Election a special project has been being lost due to the destruction performance of duties by certain wastewater disposal,” he said. Commission, the Public Service Commission, the National Police Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, the Finance Commission, the Delimitation Commission, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Lanka SATHOSA to buy Strengthen (Ombudsman) and the Secretary-General of Parliament. All these bodies, the Collective observed, have been set in place as regulatory mechanisms to ensure transparency, locally canned fish Parliament to accountability and justice. By solely concentrating power in the President to make these key appointments, the very To be retailed at Rs 200 - AITP independence of the entities that keep persons in power, balance off 20A accountable is compromised, the Collective added. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, decision following a request made The Association of seriously challenged. It also mentioned three key bodies within the transitional chairing a meeting held with the to him by the Minister of Fisheries Information Technology They said, all other justice framework, namely the Right to Information Cabinet Sub-Committee on the and with the Professionals (AITP) independent institutions Commission, the Office of Missing Persons and the Office of Cost of Living, had instructed that intention of protecting local stated, in the face of the also stand to suffer at the Reparations could be rendered non-operational by their locally produced canned fish industrialists while limiting imports threat contained in the hands of the unlimited exclusion through Clause 6 of the proposed 20th should be purchased through the as much as possible. clauses of the powers exercised by the Amendment. This is because under it, the PC that replaces Lanka SATHOSA at Rs 198. Thus, Lanka SATHOSA would be Government proposed Bill Executive if the new Bill is the CC has not been empowered to consider these The President had taken this selling canned fish at Rs 200. for the 20th Amendment passed. appointments. ‘Since their establishment in 2018, these three to the Constitution, the They further said the bodies have enabled members of the public and especially only alternative left is the public had not given a women to access rights and justice. We are therefore strengthening of the two-thirds majority to the concerned by the Government’s intentions to ignore access to Parliament. Government to turn the justice related provisions’. (RLJ) Issuing a press release Presidency into a in this regard, they dictatorship at the Quality seafood at charged, in the mooted expense of the Parliament Bill, there are several and the Judiciary. harmful contents which The Association advised Correction concessionary rates could undermine the the Government not to Legislature and the belittle the mandate given Judiciary, while granting by the people by Label Dumpers – Devananda unprecedented powers to attempting to ratify In our news story titled ‘Wetahirakanda Nature the Executive. The Amendments to the Reserve Label Dumpers Not Found Yet’, published in Association alleged, if the Constitution according to the Ceylon Today edition of 15 October, we had Govt sets aside Rs 200M for same new Bill is ratified by the their own whims and inadvertently mentioned that the Climate Action Now Government, it will spell fancies and instead strive Sri Lanka (CANSL) organisation had questioned The Ministry of Fisheries stated that the doom for both the hard to overhaul the several persons and organisations in this regard, Government had set aside a sum of Rs 200 Parliament and the present Constitution in however it must be clarified that CANSL had not million to supply quality sea food to the public at Judiciary with the favour of a fresh one that questioned anyone or any organisation pertaining to affordable rates throughout the year, following a independence of the two could address the needs the matter. We regret the error. request made to this effect by subject Minister institutions being of the people. Douglas Devananda. The Ministry said that this amount had been allocated following a request made by Devananda at the Cabinet Sub-Committee meeting which had been chaired by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on 14 October. Having accepted the request of Devananda, the President had ordered the said sum to be allocated to the Fisheries Corporation to undertake the task. A6 sunday 18 October 2020 Focus

Sri Lanka Enters New COVID Battleground A nation that does not DREAM is doomed to fail

By Dilanthi Jayamanne Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. people have willingly contracted the Categorization of Medical Officer of Health Areas Based on Ruwan Wijayamuni said that all illness. Those patients should not be If the Government Medical Officers’ Number of Cases Reported by Date and the Distribution of COVID-19 cases that had been hounded by the Media like criminals, Association (GMOA) was asked as to reported since the start of the Brandix he said. why the country had once more been Quarntine Centers (QC) with Cases Reported within cluster at the Minuwangoda facility But at the same time it seems as faced with what seems to be a dilemma last 14 days as per 13.10.2020 have all been imported cases and not though the Government too has played much greater than what it faced in from within the city. a part in criminalising COVID-19 March this year, the union would say Dr. Wijayamuni said that Colombo patients. Dr. Bandara however that it was because the nation had RISK CATEGORY city had not found a patient for over defended the measures taken by the forgotten to DREAM, namely; the need Low Risk MOH Areas where cases reported plior to 14 days 160 days. Although the Health Government to involve the Police and for maintaining a social Distance, High Risk MOH Areas where cases reported within 14 days Ministry Spokesman, Dr. Jayaruwan Military in rounding up patients and Respiratory Etiquette, the use of MOH Areas where case was not reported Bandara said that a total 160 COVID- their close contacts. “The methodology Antiseptics and the face Mask to Quarantine Centers from which Cases were Reported 19 cases had been recorded from the involved was to find who has been protect itself from the novel within 14 days with no Exposure to Community Colombo District, only six of them had infected and who has the possibility of coronavirus which is wreaking havoc been identified from the city. They too being infected. Those people have to be in so many parts of the world. were imported. There were four cases identified and apprehended,” he said. It has imposed travel restrictions in from Lesley Ranagala Mawatha of a several countries in the world. It has patient who had come to the Lady Contact tracing even made Sri Lanka’s own migrant Ridgeway Hospital for Bone Marrow Meanwhile, Police Media workers in Middle Eastern countries treatment. The child and the father Spokesman, Deputy Inspector General beg to be brought back to the land of had been positive while the mother of Police (DIG) Ajith Rohana appealed their birth. who was a minor employee of the ward to the public and taxi drivers to As the GMOA Secretary, Dr Senal had also tested positive for COVID. She maintain a record of all places they Fernando pointed out “this is the had been living with five others at a travel to. “Although it is not a hard and nature of the virus. Its spread is far hostel situated on Lesley Ranagala fast rule while the public could and wide like wildfire. But it could Road. PCRs carried out on them had maintain file, a note book or a phone claim the lives of the elderly and those revealed that another three of them record of the places they visit during with chronic diseases. But so far the were also positive. the course of each day, taxi drivers, country with its National Operation The other two cases identified from a could either take details such as ID Centre for Prevention of COVID -19 residency in Slave Island and Kent card numbers, telephone and address Outbreak (NOCPCO) its health service Road also had clear links to the COVID if possible. and military have been able to delay Cluster at the Minuwangoda apparel Rohana also called for all the imminent disaster of a community facility. Government and private sector spread till a vaccine is discovered. He said that PCR tests had been institutions to update their records on With the first patient being identified carried out on Tuesday (13) at Fort personal details of their employees from the Brandix cluster at its facility Railway Station where 215 samples during the next three days. in Minuwangoda, the total number of had been taken while a total 2,884 Government and private sector Sri Lanka’s COVID -19 patients which PCR tests had been carried out since 4 institutions will be called on to submit was at 3,396 on 4 October rose to October 2020. the information to the Military and 4,252 within just 72 hours. Currently A staff member of the Hatton Health Service Authorities in case the total number of COVID-19 cases National Bank (HNB) Towers in there was a spread of the novel reported by Friday (16) in Sri Lanka Colombo 10 tested positive for COVID- coronavirus within an institution. He rose to 5,305. According to the Health 19. The Bank issuing a statement said noted that the health service personnel Promotion Bureau, 1,800 COVID-19 however that the patient had been and the military intelligence services patients were being treated, while 293 diagnosed on Wednesday (14). It added had found it difficult to trace the suspected COVID-19 patients are that all staff in the relevant area of whereabouts of over 1,500 employees under observation. Level 19 had been asked not to report at the Brandix facility in The total number of COVID-19 to work and be in self–quarantine. Minuwangoda. recoveries stands at 3,385. Media ethics Short-staffed Gazetted measures The Director General Health Services Government Medical Officers’ The Minister of Health and (Cover Up) Dr. S. Sridharan issued a Association (GMOA) Northern Province Indigenous Medical Services (MHIMS) directive to all Provincial and Regional Coordinator, Dr. T. Gandeepan said on Thursday (15) issued a much and hospital heads to “streamline the that there were six Medical Officers of delayed but timely gazette which would communication process during Health (MoH) in Mulaithivu of which help take legal action against those Source of data : Epidemiological Unit, Illustrated by: COVID-19.” only four of them had a medical officer Disaster Preparedness and Response Division, Ministry who violate health safety regulations. of Health, supported by Esri Disaster Response. The instructions were issued to serve in the MoH capacity whereas The gazette will empower the Police following the identification of the first the other two were vacant. The vacant and the court to ensure that one metre COVID-19 patient of the Brandix post of Regional Epidemiologist in the social distancing is maintained and for these patients at the National positive for COVID-19. The Hospital facility in Minuwangoda. In his letter Mulaithivu is covered by Medical make masks mandatory in public Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) initially specified that it could cater to he notes that the information provided Officer-in-Charge of the Chronic places. Those who violate the gazetted were completely filled by Thursday (15) 130 patients. to the Media regarding the current Kidney Disease (CKd). health safety measures would upon A total 14 hospitals had been lined up Hospital sources said, however, that status updates directly affected The cadre requirement of the conviction by a court be imposed a fine to treat patients of the 33 COVID its ICU was being newly constructed COVID-19 control and prevention Mullaitivu Regional Health Office was not exceeding Rs 10,000 and/or a term cluster , namely the one from Brandix. and that if a necessity arose where a mechanism. for 69 medical officers. The vacant of imprisonment of six months. Addressing the Media earlier this week patient required ICU care, steps would The data should not affect the public position of Regional epidemiologist in In addition, the gazette specifies the Dr. Bandara noted that the Ministry be taken to transfer the patient to the and therefore it needed to be Mannar was filled by the MoH Manthai entry and maintenance of business was on standby to increase the NIID ICU facility. channelled to mass media only West. He noted that the new MoH that and work places. Accordingly, a face number that had been allocated if the through authorised offices once had been opened in Marathankerney mask should be worn when entering a necessity arose. Colombo city approved by the Health Secretary. and Karainagar in Jaffna District business or a workplace and kept on at He said that there were 146 Intensive Also the Addalaichenai National Although in his letter the DGHS (Cover remained vacant while the MoH in all times. Care Unit (ICU) beds which also been College of Education (ANCE) and the up) identifies Chief Epidemiologist Dr. Point Pedro covered the duties of the A one metre distance should be allocated for treatment of these Government Teachers’ Training College Sudath Samaraweera as the official former position. maintained between two people. The patients. So far the patients being (GTTC) in Ampara District owing to Spokesman to provide information in Kilinochchi Regional Health Office temperature of all persons entering a identified from the Minuwangoda COVID-19 pandemic, the two were this regard, the responsibility shifted had several existing vacancies for workplace should be measured. Also Brandix Facility had no one requiring converted into quarantine Centre and to Dr. Bandara who was subsequently Medical Officer Health, Medical adequate facilities should be provided ICU care. But according to updates by Medical Officers Treatment Centre appointed the Spokesman for the Officers Mental Health, Non- to wash hands or sanitise them at the NOCPCO, there were small numbers of respectively by Army Personnel and Ministry by the Health Secretary. communicable Diseases (NCDs) and entrance. repartition flights arriving in the Medical Personnel. It is ironic that it was also the Health Sexually Transmitted diseases (STD). A registry should be maintained for country. The Colombo Municipal Council Secretary that stripped Dr. Bandara of He appealed to the Health Ministry all persons entering any institution in The Government had received five (CMC) too has not been spared. An his Acting Director Post at the Medical to take urgent action to resolve the which the persons’ names, identity PCR machines which had been ordered employee from CMC’s Public Research Institute and demoted him to existing crisis in the regional health card number, contact details should earlier but had been delayed in Assistance Department situated on Deputy Director. services of the Northern Province. MoH be written down. Also the staffers and production. One of them would be set Deans Road Maradana was recently Dr. Bandara has subsequently gone services were essential during the visitors should not exceed the capacity up at Katunayake while the others diagnosed with COVID. The premises on to stress the fact that the Ministry current COVID crisis. of any institution. would be distributed to places where were closed for 14 days while PCR tests of Health and Indigenous Medical The Northern Province Coordinator The gazette will also strengthen laws there are shortages. The Molecular are to be carried out on 80 of its Services had confidence that it would said that from 2016 to 2018 there had regarding the locations where one can Diagnostic Laboratory facility at the employees. be able to control, what seemed to be been an additional payment of 25 per travel, quarantine and transport Bandaranaike International Airport Colombo Mayor Rosy Senanayake the fast increasing COVID-19 cluster cent of the salary made for ‘Acting’ in activities. also received an automated PCR too underwent a PCR test at the Brandix Minuwangoda facility. position which were vacant in addition machine which would hopefully subsequently. Also PCR tests were “So far we have not detected anyone to carrying out the duties of their own Hospital facilities strengthen its services, the Health carried out in Gunasinghapura Private outside this cluster,” he said. But posts which was paid by the Provincial The newly appointed Health Ministry Ministry spokesman said. Bus Stand after three persons, after a unfortunately the situation is such Government. However, in 2018, the Spokesman Dr Jayaruwan Bandara Colombo East Base Hospital sources driver, conductor and the owner of a that even the Ministry cannot give a Chief Secretary of the Northern said that a total 2,034 hospital beds said it had stopped the normal Mathugama – Colombo luxury bus time frame. Province had stopped payments while had been allocated for the increasing functions of the hospital. Currently testing positive for COVID. PCR tests Bandara also urged the Media to the doctors had been instructed to COVID – 19 cluster being identified at there were 90 patients with infections were also carried out at Manning refrain from giving large amounts of request regional health authorities for the Brandix facility at Minuwangoda. being treated by the hospital. Out of market after the wife of one of its exposure to patients being identified payment from the Ministry of Health. But the beds that had been allocated them however only 75 had tested employees tested positive for the virus. with COVID-19. It is not as if these Continued on Page 7 FOCUS SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2020 A7

BY FAADHILA THASSIM Misinformation One main aspect of public Masks below chins, packed public negligence in regards to the COVID- spaces, conveniently forgotten health 19 outbreak is the spread of false guidelines is evidently one main information without any clarification, reason why containing the Corona instilling fear in the minds of all. virus in Sri Lanka appears to get COVID-19 is Social media could be seen as an tougher by the day. evident platform in which such For as much as we the public misinformation has been circulated. depend on the Government and the An awareness project titled health sectors to effectively control ‘Confidence Project’ found out that a the spread of COVID-19, what we fail staggering number of 240 million to understand is how we ourselves No Respecter digital and social media messages could be of help to both these parties exchanged on COVID-19 by mid and the country as a whole by not March 2020 were false and being negligent and simply adhering misleading. to the health guidelines. The World Health Organisation Following the latest COVID-19 (WHO) in its website published cluster, the largest in Sri Lanka, several false information and myths several measures were taken in order of Persons that has been formulated and posted to minimise the spread of the virus. clarifications for all such false Yet common negligence that has been information. highly evident in Sri Lanka is that of The Defence Ministry formerly in a curfew violations, those evading PCR People need to understand it’s statement issued stated that the tests, and that of failure of following Ministry has become tougher on basic health guidelines that have rumour mongers and that Intelligence been set forth by both the Sri Lankan officers have been put on full alert to Government and the World Health a facemask not a chin guard nab rumour mongers while adding Organisation (WHO). that the public has to come forward The President of the Government to act responsibly and ensure that Medical Officers’ Forum (GMOF), they do not inflict an artificial fear Rukshan Bellana stated that it is among the public. visible how streets and public spaces in most situations are still Health guidelines unnecessarily flooded with people gazetted adding that the public fails to understand the gravity of the Even though the health guidelines situation. established for minimising the spread Considering the economic downfall of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka that were that the country had to face following in place were followed, prior to the the continuous curfew that was recent outbreak, it is evident that the imposed country wide during the guard had been dropped and previous COVID-19 outbreak, it has carelessness had crept in. Failure to been a widely accepted fact that a follow such guidelines led to the complete lockdown for a country with recent cluster, the Minister of Health the recent outbreak is almost and Indigenous Medical Services, impossible as it would immensely signed a affect the lives of those battling both special gazette by which relevant the virus and hunger. authorities are authorised to take actions against those who violate Reported public health regulations. negligence This has converted the less imposed, hopefully with lesser their ears below their chins. Not every person who contracts stringent health practices to legal Following the recent outbreak, in negligence. The whole purpose of wearing a COVID-19 display symptoms, certain health guidelines which would result addition to the imposition of curfew Additionally, the total number of mask is defeated by such practices individuals remain asymptomatic and in holding individuals responsible for in high risk areas, the Ministry of individuals arrested for curfew and is not merely a risk to themselves several individuals who were tested their negligence. Accordingly, those Health decided to limit certain violations during the period in which but also every other that they come in positive in Sri Lanka following the who violate the gazetted health safety operations while halting certain curfew were imposed was 142 with contact with. A facemask should recent outbreak were by those who measures would, upon been others. One such operation that was over 137 vehicles taken to custody by rightly be worn so that it covers the voluntarily got themselves tested, this convicted, be imposed a fine of due to halt services was night clubs. Thursday (15). nose, mouth and chin to avoid makes it evident that ones who are Rs 10,000 and/or a term of six However, on Thursday (15), a fine of Public transport was instructed to transmission. subject to the risk of contracting the months imprisonment. Rs 1,500 was imposed by Colombo operate under stringent restrictions. Further, Bellana stated that the use virus should definitely be subjected to The Gazette also imposes Fort Magistrate on four women and In strict adherence to the health of substandard masks will not aid in a PCR test. responsibilities on companies and three men for entering a club without guidelines, service providers were preventing the spread of the Virus by individuals. The responsibility following the health regulations, and being ordered to carry below 50 per 100 per cent and that the ideal and Fleeing Hospitals imposed on businesses and failing to understand that they could cent capacity. Even though, it is recommended use of K95 and N95 Following the first COVID-19 workplaces is that while specific be potential carriers of the virus to evident that most buses operate with masks should be encouraged in order outbreak in Sri Lanka, an individual entries have to be maintained within the unsuspecting public. One other above 50 per cent while certain buses for effective reduction in the spread of who had tested positive and was the entity, individuals should ensure incident of risking the health of also operate with full capacity in the virus. receiving treatment at the Infectious that they wear a facemask when children was reported in Jaffna. blatant contradiction to the rules of Disease Hospital (IDH) fled the entering the work places and must A couple of tuition classes that were social distancing. Evading PCR tests Hospital. Army personnel had to be have it on at all times with the in operation even after the Ministry of There has been a fear instilled in sent in a search mission and those temperature of all entering the Health instructed tuition classes to Masks the public of the ‘painful’ process of who were suspected to have been in premises being checked. halt such services were closed by the Although wearing masks has been carrying out PCR tests that is contact with the said individual had It is therefore imperative that the relevant authorities. made mandatory, with the spread of essential for the detection of the to be quarantined too meanwhile, gravity of this pandemic be fully Further, DIG Ajith Rohana stated the virus, and though most adhere to virus, this has resulted in many another individual who was a understood by the public. Given the that although Pharmacies and certain these guidelines, some individuals evading PCR tests delaying the whole suspected COVID-19 positive patient staggering number of deaths reported other essential services in the areas who wear face masks don’t realise the procedure of detecting patients and in had also fled the Anuradhapura worldwide with increasing number of in which curfew was imposed were purpose of wearing it. Which for turn the tracing process. Teaching Hospital and was daily cases. Stringent health allowed to operate, the decision was medical purposes is to avoid the Bellana said people need to apprehended by the Police. guidelines should be effectively revised after it was noticed that the spread of particles or the overcome the fear of the militarised One immediate repercussion of a followed by the public in order to public conducted themselves in a transmission of saliva sprayed outlook and manner in which PCR either a COVID-19 suspect or a minimise the spread of the virus. manner that would be of a risk to the through coughing and sneezing by tests have been promoted in the COVID-19 patient fleeing a hospital Instead of imposing full responsibility country as a whole. The operation of individuals, nevertheless, several of Media and dutifully carryout PCR where they are being treated is the on the Government and the relevant Pharmacies and other essential those in public areas tend to have tests without attempting to dodge it, risk that it imposes on the public and authorities, as it would only slow services has however, continued in their masks either hanging revealing considering the risk that it could be the difficulty that it imposes on the down the process of completely the areas in which curfew has been nose and mouth, or dangling from to the rest of the public. relevant authorities. eradicating this deadly virus.


Dr. Gandeepan said that appeals Health Ministry, Minister of Health had been made to the Governor of the Sri Lanka Enters New COVID Battleground Pavithra Wanniarachchi said. Province P.S.M. Charles once she was Factory Management is required to appointed in 2020 after which she had examine employees for fever at least instructed the Provincial Council to have the medical officers to man it, he any of the known clusters or cases had been diagnosed with COVID- thrice a day, inspect their places of pay the amounts but to no avail. noted. quarantined individuals. Employees 19. Of them five were from quarantine accommodation and close contacts, Although the issue regarding the meeting criteria above should use centres. Only 12 were identified as new constantly change working hours and transfer of well-trained ambulance Curfew passes dedicated transport for the quarantine cases. He noted that this was a positive shifts in factories to ease congestion in drivers in the Health service had been With curfew also being imposed in region and should not mix with staff situation when compared to cases that transport systems, supply meals, and temporarily resolved, transfers of over Katunayake on Thursday (15) BoI from non-quarantined areas when had been witness during the past few immediately update addresses of 22 drivers within the District had been employees were given strict instructions travelling. days. employees, Minister Wanniarachchi shelved till 30 November. The on how curfew passes should be The BoI employees said that although A nurse from the National Hospital added. Steps have been taken to Provincial Health Service cannot say obtained. Employees residing in the five they were not being provided with any serving in one of its ICUs had tested conduct PCR tests on employees of the as to when the current COVID -19 Police Areas of Diwulapitiya, information, they suspected that at positive for the virus while on her way Biyagama and Katunayake free trade threat would be over. It is true that the Gamapaha, Meerigama, Minuwangoda least 250 to 300 of their staff had tested to her home town in Ambalangoda. zones, enabling all to undergo these drivers belong to a combined service. and Veyangoda Police Divisions which positive. When PCR tests were carried Sources said that the driver and tests free of charge. But these are ambulance drivers who were also under Police curfew were out on 60 employees, 34 tested positive. conductor of the bus in which she Furthermore, managements of were capable of transferring COVID-19 barred from obtaining curfew passes. The Government claimed that 7,000 travelled had tested positive for the factories are advised to strictly isolate positive patients from quarantine Also employees residing in curfew PCR tests were carried out, although we virus. factory areas, and restrict the entry of centres to hospitals and who know areas other than the five mentioned doubt the accuracy of the figure, we still This discovery resulted in PCR tests outsiders to their compounds to how to wear personal protective above, should be travelling from their feel that there may be at least an being carried out on all passengers who prevent the transmission of COVID-19. equipment (PPE). own homes, and not boarding houses equally high amount among those who travelled in the bus that day. The NHSL The number of PCR tests that had Dr. Gandeepan said that currently or factory (or other) dormitories shared tested positive, they said. nurse tested positive for the virus while been carried out by Friday (16) there were a total of twenty intensive lodgings in order to be eligible for Health Ministry Spokesman been admitted to Nagoda Hospital. amounted to 6,534 while the total care unit beds available. “Although curfew passes. Dr. Bandara when contacted for Meanwhile, factories are advised to number of PCR testing done in Sri Mullaithivu has an ICU facility with The BoI employees requesting curfew comment noted that by 2:00 p.m. strictly adhere to health guidelines and Lanka for COVID 19 amounted to equipment, unfortunately we don’t passes should have no direct link to Wednesday (14) afternoon only 17 precautionary measures issued by the 365,859. A8 sunday 18 october 2020 Editorial Editorial sunday 18 october 2020 A9 Manhunt on for Bathiudeen Ceylon Newspapers (Pvt) Ltd. No: 101, Rosmead Place, Colombo 07. Public claims everything is pre-planned mockery Editorial Tel: 0117566522, 0117566526, 0117566527 Fax: 0117566545 Three Venerable Theras - Ven. Elle persons who will abide by the rules for allegedly aiding the National Marketing Manager: 0117566550, 0117566551 Gunawansa Thera, Ven. Muruththettuwe to safeguard truth, justice, and Thowheed Jamaat’h Leader Zaharan Circulation Manager: 0117566580, 0117566581 Ananda Thera and Ven. Bengamuwe the well-being of the country. It is Hashim to flee to India. E-mail : [email protected] Nalaka Thera who were in the forefront to the bounden duty of the In his letter to the President he bring back Rajapaksas to power, on Friday democratically-elected Parliament states, “You might be well aware that (16), submitted a strongly worded letter to create wholesome governing several false and baseless allegations addressed to President Gotabaya structures capable of moving this are being spread among the public Rajapaksa urging him to reconsider the country forward. by various parties from the day of my Time to decision to ratify the proposed 20th “The drafters must beware to plug arrest by the Criminal Investigations Amendment Bill, introducing necessary the loopholes that lead to multiple Department, which even continued amendments before passing it. interpretations. Greater clarity is after my release on 29 September”. They pointed out in their letter though needed if the Constitution is to serve Following the Attorney General Decriminalise the Government had envisioned the the citizenry,” they added. directing the Police to investigate creation of a stable and strong Government Meanwhile, the National Christian the release of Riyaj Bathiudeen, the with the new Bill they had warned that its Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) is Police have deployed two teams haphazard ratification would instead create ratified not only with a two-thirds majority needs to be the national priority at present. expressing deep concern about the comprising 60 officers with special COVID-19 an autocrat of a President while rendering in Parliament, but also through a public They also called for an Independent manner in which the 20th investigative skills, under the the Cabinet into a non-entity. referendum as well, stated informed Constitutional Council to be appointed, to Amendment to the Constitution is supervision of two Senior DIGs Nobody falls sick on purpose. Absolutely no one The Theras had opined that the powers sources. draft the new Constitution. sought to be introduced and several and one ASP, to look into the will chase after a deadly, highly contagious virus, vested in the incumbent Prime Minister The Supreme Court has also In the wake of the change of Government substantive provisions of the circumstances pertaining to his and willingly contract it. And, most importantly, the would be seriously curtailed while reducing recommended that the immunity conferred following the Parliamentary Elections, the amendment itself. release. sick and those who are potential carriers of the the Cabinet into mere puppets if the Bill is on the President should be subjected to Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka In a statement issued on the Police Spokesman DIG Ajith virus are not criminals who have committed passed and also explained that the new restrictions and a challenge by way of a is constrained to share its grave concern to same day, NCCSL called upon Rohana said the investigating punishable offences. Bill, if enacted, would prevent the masses Fundamental Rights application against an protect the sacredness of the State that the Government to “preserve officers are divided into two groups Unfortunately, this is how the authorities, the from legally challenging any official act rendered permissible. transcends the mutable political and those parts of the 19th and they will conduct investigations Media and the general public have been treating unconstitutional moves by the present The Apex Court has informed that if total governing bodies. The 1978 Constitution Amendment that promote the year’s Easter in a thorough manner. those who have tested positive for COVID-19, their regime. immunity were to be granted to the changed primarily the Westminster type independence of key institutions Sunday However, a meeting was held family members and those who have been sent for They had further observed that the President, then that should only be Cabinet Democracy to an Executive and accountable governance.” Terror Attacks between the Defence Secretary, quarantine. proposed Amendment if passed would also accorded to him after seeking approval from Presidency. Since then, 19 Amendments “Since one of the main objectives by the CID, is Major General (Retired) Kamal A list of names, personal contact numbers and pave the way for the creation of an unstable a public referendum. have been made, citing various reasons. of a Constitution is to protect and not a justified Gunaratne, Acting IGP C.D. residential addresses of Brandix employees who Government with no respect for the rule of The 20th Amendment Bill also proposes However, one cannot deny that the main empower the people vis-a-vis the move on the Wickramaratne and the AG Dappula tested positive was shamelessly shared on Social law and have also warned that allowing to do away with the Clause contained in the reasons have been to ensure economic Government, all amendments to the part of the de Livera on 13 October to discuss Media, with no regard for their privacy and safety. dual citizens to seek higher political office 19th Amendment which deems that it is an growth, national security, sovereignty and 20th Amendment should be made latter. the release of Riyaj Bathiudeen. None of the ‘law abiding’ citizens who brazenly would impinge on national security and the offence to disregard directives issued to territorial integrity of the Island Nation. accessible to the public so that their This was DIG Rohana emphasised that shared those lists stopped for a second to consider sovereignty of the people. They had also State officials by the Election Commission. Apparently, the proposed 20th Amendment views can be considered before the mentioned by the based on the seven points the serious repercussions that may be caused to the stated that dual citizens should be The Supreme Court recommends holding a under consideration does not seem to put Amendment is debated in Attorney highlighted by the AG, one safety of those individuals, who were exposed to the prohibited from not only entering referendum in this regard too. forward any other rationale for the move, Parliament,” it said. General’s investigation team will investigate virus for no fault of their own. Parliament but also from holding any post The Supreme Court has recommended they observed. The NCCSL brings together all Coordinating four matters while the other There was another extremely shameful incident in any Government institution. that the Clause contained in the 20th “Whether it is an amendment or the Protestant Christian Churches and Officer, State investigation team will investigate recently, where a video clip of a person suspected to The Sangha Troika had also urged the Amendment to remove the Section in the drafting of a new Constitution, the Nine Ecumenical Organisations. Counsel Nishara the three remaining matters. be a COVID-19 carrier being taken away in an President to reconsider amending several 19th Amendment, regarding instructions sovereignty of the people should always be The statement criticised the manner Sangha Council of Trees, on 9 October evening. Jayaratne. She Amidst this drama, the Attorney ambulance being aired on electronic Media, with no Clauses contained in the Bill such as those given by the Election Commission, if they safeguarded and protected. In all in which the Amendments have been the Amarapura Sect, This meeting was called by Prime stated following a General instructed the Acting regard for the privacy of the person being filmed. concerning the appointment of Judges to are not heeded by its officials, is an offence probability, the contents of the 20th brought in and decry the promise to Ven. Gantune Assaji Thera, Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa to meeting held with the Inspector General of Police (IGP), The person behind the camera was even chasing the higher Courts, the removal of the and would also need to be ratified through Amendment will find its way into the make Committee Stage changes to the speaking on the proposed 20th discuss the 20th Amendment. DIG of the CID, Attorney General de Chandana D. Wickramaratne, to after the ambulance trying to dramatise the Presidential Secretariat, the Prime a referendum. envisioned new Constitution. It is proposals. Amendment Bill said, it is his view The President said, as a result of the Livera had instructed in writing to the arrest MP Rishad Bathiudeen and moment. This incident is a clear example of how Minister’s Office and State Institutions from It is also claimed that the Supreme Court imperative then to closely examine the “This violates basic features of that the Executive should be 19th Amendment, the country had DIG, on the importance of conducting two others according to the law of the much we lag behind when it comes to privacy laws. audit inquiries conducted by the Auditor has suggested that if Parliament is to be proposed 20th Amendment before it is transparency, accountability and strengthened further than what it is gone into anarchy and that the people further inquiries into the Easter country. Two main questions arise from this incident. How General, and allowing the President to dissolved after a lapse of 12 months since voted upon in Parliament,” they added. constitutionalism and betrays the presently. had given a clear mandate during the Sunday Bombings, as well as the Criminal Investigation Department did the person who filmed the incident know that increase the number of Cabinet Ministers its inauguration, then the Government The statement went on to say that the promise made by several Government “Many have inquired about the Presidential Election and the involvement of suspect Bathiudeen in (CID) appointed six teams and the ambulance would be there at that precise according to his wishes, among others. would need to gain approval for it through Executive Presidency has been a bone of Ministers that the public will be stand of the Amarapura Sect Parliamentary Election to change it. the carnage. dispatched two teams to Mannar to location at that precise time? And, why did the This comes in the wake of Government another referendum as well. contention since it was created in 1978. All informed and consulted before concerning the proposed Bill. What I “The former Prime Minister of the Jayaratne said the Attorney General arrest MP Bathiudeen. Media institution run the clip without seeking the announcing that they will be debating 20th The Supreme Court has also elected Presidents since 1994 vowed to constitutional amendments were can say is that the Amarapura Sect Good Governance Government was had ordered the CID DIG, to furnish Bathiudeen is being charged with consent of the person being filmed. Amendment Bill in Parliament on 21 and recommended that the proposal made in abolish the Executive Presidency with introduced,” it said. has not convened any of its defeated. Even the former President, him with a complete investigative using 222 buses, belonging to the The clip, which was aired with dramatic 22 October. Speaker Mahinda Yapa the 20th Amendment Bill to remove the powers vested in it by the 1978 The NCCSL proposed that the representatives or executive bodies to during that Government, accepted the report in this connection, within 30 State-owned Sri Lanka Transport background music, gave the impression of a Abeywardena will officially announce to the Clause in the 19th Amendment which Constitution and transfer power to the positive aspects of the 19th discuss the merits or demerits of the fact that the country could not move days. Board, to transport internally hardened criminal being taken away to be House, the determination sent by the dictates that an environment should be democratically-elected Parliament, but Amendment be retained and deplored mooted Bill. forward with the 19th Amendment. The State Counsel said during the displaced persons (IDPs) from incarcerated. Supreme Court on Tuesday (20). created for the conduct of a free and fair none had the political will to do so for the disregard shown to “the If any views pertaining to the Government officials in villages said meeting held with the CID DIG, Puttalam to polling booths set up in Another instance of criminalising COVID-19 was Unprecedented Leak Poll, should also be approved only through reasons unknown to the people. recommendations made since the Clauses contained in the Bill are to be when I went to visit these villages Attorney General de Livera had Silavathurai during the 2019 the ‘Gampaha’ jokes that were being circulated on a referendum. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri mid-1980s in favour of the conveyed to the country, then the Sect recently certain circulars are charged that the CID had appointed Presidential Election. He has also Social Media following the identification of the In an unprecedented and controversial Meanwhile, during the course of the Lanka emphasised that concentration of importance of de-politicising key would need to examine its contents obstructions to providing villagers an inexperienced officer to probe the been charged with misappropriating Brandix cluster in Minuwangoda. The rest of the event, a document purporting to be the hearing of 39 Special Determination and power in an individual, without checks and democratic institutions notably by the thoroughly rather than going through with what they want. connections of Riyaj Bathiudeen to State funds amounting to Rs 9.5 country started asking, ‘Why did you do this determination of the Supreme Court on the Interlocutory Petitions by the Supreme balances, does not augur well for a Presidential Commission on Youth it hastily. The results of the 19th Amendment the Easter Sunday Blasts. million flouting provisions contained Gampaha?’ as if the people of Gampaha committed 20th Amendment Bill was leaked and Court, Attorney General Dappula de Livera Democratic Socialist Republic. Unrest (1990) and the concerted The Government has already are being seen only now. Today, the She observed that the Attorney in the Offences against Public a criminal offence by willingly contracting a circulating on various social media had stated to the five-Judge Bench, “A two-thirds majority of the members in campaign since the constitution was announced that amending certain results are being received by the General had stated that the Property Act. contagious virus. platforms and websites. through a motion, that the Government Parliament based on political parties does adopted in 1978, led by a wide cross- clauses of the Bill will be considered President. Therefore, the people inexperienced officer tasked with The CID has uncovered during Although those jokes were said in a lighter vein, it The determination, a document which was looking to add the necessary not necessarily manifest the true section of political forces and civil at the Committee Stage debate in requested to abolish the 19th conducting the probe against investigations that when former is still a symptom of a larger disease where being contains the decision of the Supreme Court amendments to the mooted Bill, during the conscience of the people. Therefore, let the society groups, to introduce greater Parliament. We are still not aware Amendment. Bathiudeen had not been versed in Minister Rishad Bathiudeen had sick is equated to being a criminal – that you have in response to 39 petitions filed by political Committee Stage of its deliberations in the entire membership of the Parliament checks and balances on the office of what those amendments would be. If appointment of top Government the provisions contained in Sections heard the news that he would soon done something wrong; that you have willingly parties, human rights activists, the Bar House. appoint an independent Constitutional the Executive Presidency by curtailing We are even in the dark concerning officials cannot be done correctly, how of the Prevention of Money be arrested, on his vehicle radio, he committed the ‘crime’ of contracting a deadly virus. Council and other groups, was sent to the Religious leaders concerned Council comprising a majority of men and the President’s wide powers of the deliberations undertaken by the can a country move forward? Laundering Act. had abandoned the vehicle on the All those Gampaha jokes started diminishing as President and to the Office of the Speaker of women of proven integrity from the society appointment.” Supreme Court, which perused the When that authority goes to Furthermore, the Attorney General Puttalam-Chilaw Main Road and more and more cases started being reported from Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardene on The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri who will take care of drafting a new It was in this background, that two merits and demerits of the Bill,” a representatives of certain non- had also alleged that the CID had fled. the other parts of the island too. previous Friday (9). Lanka, while insisting the 20th Amendment Constitution which ensures transparent leading prelates representing two statement issued in this connection governmental organisations (NGOs), clearly failed to conduct a detailed He had arrived in Colombo from On the other hand, hundreds of garment factory The Supreme Court, which had perused should not be proceeded with in its entirety, democracy, the rule of law, and the equality orders (Chapters) of monks told read. what will happen to the country? probe into wealth, properties, vehicles Puttalam with an escort vehicle on workers, who were sent for quarantine at moments’ the Special Determination and Tuesday (13), said a two-thirds majority of of all citizens,” they said. reporters that the 20th Amendment to Meanwhile, the Mahanayaka of the There are more than enough and bank accounts owned and 13 October. He had been listening to notice, tell of their harrowing experience of being Interlocutory Petitions concerning the the members in Parliament, based on They further said that rules need not be the Constitution would have given Ramanna Sect, Ven. Napana Pemasiri reasons to justify abolishing the 19th accrued by Riyaj Bathiudeen, she a private radio channel on the vehicle badly treated by the authorities as they were herded proposed 20th Amendment Bill by the political parties, does not necessarily changed due to the vagaries and him sweeping powers over Parliament Thera stated that the edicts of the Amendment, very soon. said. State Counsel Jayaratne pointed radio while travelling, CID sources into buses, packed to the brim and taken to faraway Government, has deemed that four Clauses manifest the true conscience of the people. inconsistencies of individual players, but to and the Judiciary. Sect have clearly stipulated that no Once the 19th Amendment is out that Attorney General de Livera, said. places, and how they didn’t even have time to pack contained in the Bill, would need to be They said, instead, a new Constitution identify and elect or appoint suitable Ven. Prof Pallekande Rathanasara monk attached to this Sect should be annulled, a new Constitution which had also explained to the CID, that As soon as the former Minister bare essentials for the 14-day quarantine period. Thera, Chief Registrar of the engaged in political work or be suits the country will be presented. the latter had failed to conclusively heard the news that the Attorney It is true that we are in the throes of a serious Amarapura Sect and Ven. affiliated with party politics. Then, lengthy discussions on that can probe as to how Bathiudeen had General had informed Police to take health emergency, like we have never seen before. Aththangane Sasana Rathana Thera, ‘If there are any monks who have be held,” the President said. financed extremist and terrorist him into custody, he had asked the Even after eight months since the virus was first Chief Registrar of the Ramanna Sect gone against the stipulated edicts, Justice Minister, Ali Sabry PC and activities here. driver of the vehicle to stop it at a detected in the country, we have no idea how it addressing Media in Colombo said then it is apt for such members of the Education Minister, Professor G.L. The Attorney General had opined certain spot on the Puttalam-Chilaw behaves, whether it has mutated, how long the virus that the proposed Amendment will Buddhist clergy to abstain from such Peiris had also presented facts that though details had come to light Road and alighted from the vehicle can incubate inside a person’s body or why some not have a balance of power between work forthwith while maintaining the regarding the 20th Amendment on regarding Riyaj Bathiudeen having and got into another vehicle and fled patients don’t display any symptoms. the Legislature, the Executive and the dignity of this Sect at all times. this occasion. used 16 mobile phones, the to Puttalam. This was found out What we do know for certain is that it is not a Judiciary and would deal a death Especially, when talking of activities A group including Minister Wimal investigators had failed to locate 12 of during investigations conducted by crime to contract this virus. What is criminal is ill- blow to democracy in Sri Lanka. of the Government, it is best that Weerawansa, Minister Vasudeva those phones, and he had alleged that the CID. treating and shaming those who have contracted The statement did not include the Buddhist monks air their opinions Nanayakkara, Minister Nimal Siripala the probe to recover those phones had At this time, the Police Constable the virus and those who have been sent for most powerful and influential Siam with clarity and with much de Silva, State Minister Dayasiri not been conducted in any convincing who had been deployed for the quarantine. Nikaya. However, Rathanasara Thera understanding. The activities of the Jayasekara, State Minister Dr. Sarath manner, she stressed. security of the former Minister had What is also criminal is neglecting and wilfully said that their intention was to get all Government are one thing and politics Weerasekera, MPs Gevindu The influence that MP Rishad also been in the vehicle and he has flouting health guidelines. We have all seen how the three Sects on board. is another. Both cannot be mixed. Kumaratunga and S. B. Dissanayake Bathiudeen tried to exert on officers, been arrested on the charge of aiding mask travelled down some people’s faces over time “All power will be concentrated in Hence, I would like to stress that all also expressed their views. who were conducting investigations and abetting the suspect Bathiudeen and finally ended up only covering their chins; how the Executive setting us on the path monks attached to this Sect conduct Bathiudeen Brothers into his brother Riyaj Bathiudeen, to escape. social distancing rules were completely neglected to dictatorship,” the Monks warned. their activities in deep understanding who was arrested by the Criminal Later, the CID seized the former and people started gathering in their crowds for Sasana Rathana Thera said that the of the aforesaid issues raised. wanted Investigation Department (CID) in Minister’s luxury jeep and arrested merry making; how bus operators started packing 19th Amendment enacted by the last Especially when dealing with the relation to the Easter Sunday the two drivers who were in it. passengers like sardines in their buses, all the while Parliament brought some “balance of public, it is imperative that monks Social media to be stormed with attacks, has now been revealed Investigations have commenced into the conductors sans masks shouting in people’s power between the Judiciary, the carry out their work with clear memes related to law enforcing through information contained in a two firearms and bullets found inside faces. Legislature and the Executive. This notions and understanding. Due to authorities and Government not being voice tape. this vehicle. On Thursday, Minister of Health Pavithra proposal gives all the power to the frailness, I have limited my ventures able to locate MP Rishad Bathiudeen This tape includes all information The CID also obtained a statement Wanniarachchi signed a special gazette, which Executive. Approving this will be like outside. The Secretaries of the Sect who has been ordered to be arrested. about how Parliamentarian from Bathiudeen’s wife in Colombo. allows the relevant authorities to take legal action cutting our own necks in democratic should understand that without the The memes sums up the concerns Bathiudeen spoke daily to officers The CID also questioned against those who violate regulations on health terms,” he said. consent of the Chief Prelate of the among general public whether the conducting investigations on his Opposition Leader safety measures for COVID-19 prevention. “It is the view of the various Sect, they should not release authorities actually want to arrest the brother Riyaj Bathiudeen and in for about one hour on 16 October Accordingly, those who violate the gazetted health Chapters of Monks who met and statements. This should be borne in Bathiudeen duo or are playing addition how he met heads of the and obtained a statement from him safety measures would, upon conviction by a Court, discussed this proposal last week that mind by all monks of this Sect,’ a according to a pre-planned script to Criminal Investigation Department concerning Parliamentarian and be imposed a fine not exceeding Rs 10,000 and/or a this proposal is being brought as part statement issued in this regard read. hoodwink ordinary people. and spoke to them about his brother. former Minister Rishad Bathiudeen term of imprisonment of six months. of someone’s personal agenda,” he President determined The duo was in the limelight ever Defence sources revealed that who is wanted by the law In addition, the gazette specifies that a facemask added. since the controversial release of Riyaj further investigations have now enforcement authorities but is should be worn when entering a business premises “We feel that as Buddhist Monks we Amidst growing opposition Bathiudeen by the CID after being commenced into this voice tape too. presently in hiding. or a workplace while the person should on all need to safeguard democracy in this President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said under detention for five months, It is in this midst that Riyaj CID officers visited Premadasa’s occasions have the facemask on. Also, the country and maintain the sovereignty the purpose of the 20th Amendment citing lack of evidence. Bathiudeen, brother of residence at the Royal Park in temperature of all persons entering a business of the people and the Rule of Law,” is not to bring in a new Constitution, The Attorney General Dappula de Parliamentarian Rishad Bathiudeen, Rajagiriya to record the statement. premises or a workplace should be taken. Further, Rathanasara Thera said. but to abolish the 19th Amendment Livera summoned the DIG of the wrote to President Rajapaksa on CID sources said, they had adequate facilities should be provided to wash Permitting persons holding Dual only, and that within the 19th Criminal Investigation Department Monday (12) seeking justice as recorded a statement from hands or sanitise them at the entrance. Citizenship to hold political office will Amendment there are a number of and the Chief Investigating Officer, certain factions including members Premadasa concerning a telephone In the meantime, let’s stop criminalising those also destroy the independence of the obstructions to develop the country involved in the release of Riyaj of the ruling Party are insisting that conversation that is said to have who contract COVID-19! country, he added. and provide services to the people. Bathiudeen, to meet him at his office. he be re-arrested and legal action taken place between Bathiudeen and Meanwhile, the Patriarch of the The President said so when he The AG informed that releasing taken against him. him, subsequent to the Attorney Chulaganthi Chapter of Amarapura participated in a meeting of members suspect RiyajBathiudeen in the face of He was released on 29 September General ordering authorities to arrest Sect and the President of the Maha of the governing Party, held at Temple incomplete investigations into last after serving time in remand custody Bathiudeen. A10 Sunday 18 October 2020 Focus The Derailed LRT, KVL Projects $27M JICA funds already spent China vies railway projects By Sulochana Ramiah Mohan

For socio-economic growth, the public transport system is key and as of 2020, Asia pacific region tops with high-speed rail lines and it is predicted that by 2050, passengers will travel almost 50 trillion km on urban transportation networks globally. Sri Lanka is straddled with old railway lines built during colonial times with some refurbishment. But what is surprising is that there is not a single electric train in the country and when there was a plan to introduce the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project from Malabe to Fort and a plan to redesign the Kelani Valley Line (KLV) they were shelved for reasons that are not clear KVL map LRT map or understood by the public. The public outcry is that these were terms of travel time savings, fuel will benefit society. I was surprised horizontal alignment were considered. the only two mega projects that directly savings and emission savings. that Dr. Gunaruwan who is supposed The first option was to straighten the benefited the ordinary man’s day-to- LRT by JICA is effective and US$ 10M to be a person with an economic curves as much as possible within the day life but it has been subjected to reasonable says Senior Lecturer, background mixes economic return existing ROW with a minimum curve such ordeal. Transportation Engineering Division already spent against financial return.” radius at 120m with a land acquisition The current state of public transport Department of Civil Engineering, and – CSRP cost of US$ 8.5 million. Option two was is not very convenient and the need for University of Moratuwa, Dr. Dimantha The KVL to straighten the curves completely comfort is a far cry (despite completed de Silva. An official attached The Colombo The Government treasury sent a and have a minimum curve radius of mega road project and many more to Dr. de Silva, who was one of the Suburban Railway Project said, “75 letter to the Asian Development Bank 300m with land acquisition cost of US$ come) with blooming skyscrapers and consultants to the PMU of the LRT per cent of the designing of the (ADB) to cancel the funding. Also IESL 32 million. Although US$ 24 million is international projects that have taken project funded by JICA (Purple line), railway line project has been together with Dr. Gunaruwan called it spent extra on acquisition, in addition off several years back due to not explained that his assessment of the completed, spending US$ 10 million a costly project and that it runs on to social impacts of displacing people generating revenues as they should. facts have been misinterpreted. He also already and there is only two more elevated track which cannot be used on a highly urbanised corridor, the The LRT project funded by a said the cost factor per km quoted by months to complete it. Resettlement for cargo/goods transport. However, only benefit would be a reduction of Japanese Governmental agency, the Chinese is also around the same of the people along the KVL line up the CSRP at present has reached five minutes travel time between Japan International Cooperation price JICA quoted. to Padukka, has been completed completion of its detailed design and Homagama and Maradana. With Agency (JICA), came to a halt recently Talking to Ceylon Today he explained and four million rupees worth bid document at preparation stage. stations at very close proximity, there after the Sri Lankan Government said the basics of the loan facility. Firstly, houses are assured to them. We Dr. De Silva noted that the KVL is no speed gain by straightening the it was too costly. The LRT Phase 1 was he explained the loan secured for LRT have done what we were assigned to Project cost misinterpreted by some curves. Therefore the first option was 16.7 km from Malabe IT Park to Fort. was US$ 1.8 billion with 0.1 per cent do. I think it’s up to the parties as US$ 2.5 billion which was the obvious choice. The Feasibility was also completed in interest for 40 years loan with 12-year Government to re-initiate the an initial cost based on an initial 2018 with the Economic Internal Rate grace period. The Step-loan condition funding arrangements for the estimate, not based on detailed of Return over 20 per cent confirming was with 30 per cent needing to be project.” When asked why the ADB costing. The ADB and the Project Unit No National that it is a project that has high Japanese products (Majority of that funding was shelved, he said that were the first to respond and later by economic benefit for the country in will be rolling stock to which we have the design of the KVL project had a the Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka Transport Policy world benchmarked prices to compare number of options for vertical and (IESL), that the cost was too high and with). The consultancy fees for the horizontal alignment and that they that it needs to be re-assessed. When up to 2050 project was 0.01 per cent interest and selected the lowest cost option. the study was completed, the final – Expert Project is the loan was to be taken in tranches. project cost was at US$ 1.424 billion The first tranche US$ 273 million growth. In 2012 there were 80,000 with construction cost at US$ 1.25 An expert in mobility economy, unnecessary taken in 2019 and the first loan vehicles travelling daily and in 2019 it billion. He also explained the reason Sujeeva Premaratne said that LRT instalment was to be paid in 2030 after had increased to 136,000, a staggering for US$ 2.5 billion seeing a reduction is not only a waste of money but – Prof. Gunaruwan six years of operation generating eight per cent growth per annum. It is to US$ 1.424 billion was due to two will not even solve the problem. Professor Dr. Lalithasiri economic benefits, with the last the only major corridor which does not folds. “The exchange rate initially “We need all other possible Gunaruwan, who was appointed by instalment to be paid in 2058, he have a railway connection thus a considered at Rs150 per US$ corrected avenues before committing to such President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to added. sustainable solution cannot be to Rs 179 per US$ and once the a massive project. I am of the review several mega projects in the The entire project cost estimated at provided other than providing just detailed cost estimations with all nitty- opinion that not only Japan, but country, condemned the KVL feasibility stage was US$ 2.2 billion that. Faced with the lack of lands and gritty, the estimated cost reduced.” we also shouldn’t be doing it even project after assessing. He said that which included around US$ 300 the heavy traffic that would create if However, the IESL for some reason with China at this stage. Mass the team led by several other million of value added taxes (VAT) and the railway line was to criss-cross busy continues to claim the credit of transit and LRT are good solutions experts on economic transportation another 300 for price escalation and roads, the only option left was to reducing the cost although they have for megacities and not for us,” he gathered information from various price contingency. It is incorrect to elevate the tracks above the road’s been explained and provided with added. sources including the IESL. compare with other projects and other centre line. details on more than one occasion. He further said that even the According to the information they proposals based on total project cost A Chinese investor submitted “It’s a complete misinterpretation by expected mode-shift project will not received, the KVL project is since they don’t quote VAT or other proposals for the other three LRTs (red Dr. Gunaruwan that there is just five materialise and what will shift is unnecessary for the country. contingencies in their price. Therefore, blue and green) to the last Government minutes saved after the KVL upgrade. the bus crowd to LRT. Enough cars “We already have a KVL line and any cost comparison has to be based under a PPP. One line, The current travel time of KVL between will not get ejected from the route. they only need to be upgraded, on construction cost. The per km cost 32 km in length, was estimated to be Homagama and Maradana is 68 He added that the post-COVID perhaps, new trains, new railway calculated by dividing the cost by around two billion Dollars, US$ 62 minutes which is scheduled to reduce situation is even more challenging lines and a new networking distance has been presented as the million per km, which questions the to 42 minutes; which will save 26 and that the next decade will be system.” Dr. Gunaruwan further ‘high cost’ by some “transport experts” claim that the Chinese can build at minutes for a commuter. While the lesser mobility. “Even afterwards said he only volunteered to review as US$ 140 million per km, which is a half the cost of the JICA line. savings for a car and bus passenger people will get used to minimising these projects without expecting total misinterpretation and makes us PPP models are very hard to be transferred will be over 70 minutes. He their mobility needs and doing any pay. He said the KVL project wonder whether it is intentional, he materialised since considerable portion added that Dr. Gunaruwan failed to things online. We need doing first with a massive loan obtained from added. of capital, around 40 per cent of the highlight that the major saving comes things first. Curb parking should be ADB will find so many faults The construction cost within this construction cost, has to be provided from existing car and bus passengers completely stopped, bus lanes and including a high cost. “Now how do total was US$ 1.4 billion. Therefore, as a gap financing by the Government. who will make up 90 per cent of the full lane discipline implementation you recover the loan?” he asked. He the cost should have been quoted as If it is a two billion Dollar investment, new commuters on KVL. should be permanent. Not just asked whether through ticket sale, US$ 85 million per km. The cost is around US$ 800 million will be Level crossing causes heavy traffic. media hype or pilot projects. School “Can we recover?”. He also said, relatively higher because the length is borrowed through a commercial loan For example, the Baseline Road closes drops and pick up space should be “How much can a passenger be relatively short of 16 km where any or else provided land in return. Finding for trains every 20 minutes; backing provided within the school, if not no charged?” Initially the consultant’s metro system optimizes to a route prime land in Colombo could be up traffic 450m. With trains passing private vehicles should be allowed. proposal for KVL suggested US$ 2.4 length of around 30 km taking into problematic. In addition, other every seven minutes, it is simulated The next step could be institutions billion and in three months, in his account system costs such as conditions such as ridership that queues will be over one kilometre. that need to move out of Colombo. second proposal, the cost came communication, signals and costs for guarantees sometimes disguised as There are 148 level crossing from That includes everything; from down to 1.5 billion. How is this rolling stock and a maintenance yard operational cost can be present Maradana to Avissawella, 75 to general hospitals to schools. That possible? Also in the number of will be fixed for the full 30 km. He said amounting to around 100 US$ million Padduka and 56 crossings up to itself will solve half the problem. passengers using the KVL line he it has been estimated in the FS study per year to the Government. Therefore, Homagama, out of which 20 major However, the city needs to be there quotes two different total numbers that once the JICA LRT is extended up if a PPP model is considered, a careful crossings see more than 12,000 for pleasure, business, and of passengers.” to 30km with possible extension from review of the proposals have to be vehicles a day which will require either recreation and I am not saying to Dr. Gunaruwan further added, Malabe to Kaduwela and Malabe to made considering all of the factors the road or the railway to be elevated. chase all the people away. The KVL “Why should the KVL run on Kottawa (via Athurugiriya) per km cost above. Some flyovers cannot be built in places covers an existing major economic elevated levels (7ft) and why not on will come down to US$ 61 million per Japanese Embassy including Kirimandalamawatha and route and will be a prime channel to the ground?” Then further km. Now after completion estimates Narahenpita since the ramp will touch take the city to the suburbs. And I questioned, “how will a passenger cost is down to US$ 1.0 billion, the per When we contacted the Japanese downhalfway on the main road. Safety agree that local engineers should be load and unload his goods to the km rate is at US$ 62 million per km Embassy they said they will be meeting concerns at level crossings and the able to conceive and deliver an KVL if it’s that high?” Dr. even with relative short distance and the Government authority very soon on cost to society must be considered electric heavy rail project. Professor Gunaruwan said that the IESL had possibility to go down to around US$ this matter as they have not yet separately. The alternate ‘surface’ Amal Kumarage said the whole told him it was a wrong decision 50 -55 million per km further with received any official cancellation option proposed by IESL is estimated country’s transport problem can be and inappropriate cost which he planned extensions. request. “We are aware of the Press to add an extra US$ 200 million, more resolved with just 1/8th of the LRT also found to be true. “I did my own A proposal from a Chinese investor release regarding the Cabinet decision than the cost of elevating the entire cost, within two years. The findings too and what we need is an under private-public partnership (PPP) on the cancellation of the LRT project, section up to Malapalla, raising some Government should invite/force upgraded KVL only and the for LRT suggested to be around US$ and will talk to the Government of Sri eyebrows as to the technical knowhow him to reveal that plan / publish it. expenditure incurred would not be 2,000 million for 32.4 km which makes Lanka about this matter,” a senior of the proposers. The width of the The biggest issue is that there is no a colossal amount. How do we it US$ 65 million per km and the Embassy official noted. surface line is 14m while it is just 12m National Transport Policy covering justify such proposals to be good for engineer challenged that it was not half Dr. De Silva further added, “We don’t when elevated. Plus, 9 km of parallel the period up to 2050. In fact, the country? Who will bear the the price of what JICA claimed. have to recover the loan through ticket roads along the track such as Railway transport is somewhat outdated; cost? How is it viable? Who is going Dr. De Silva noted that though sale. None of the projects recover Avenue will have to be closed to allow a ComTrans can be a good database, to repay?” The speed and capacity JICA’s US$ 1.8 billion was secured, the capital costs by ticket sales in short grade railway line needing considerable but the post-pandemic mobility is of this KVL is 30kmph. Even the final amount would have been known term. Based on the proposed ticket additional acquisition. way too different than we ever design of trains is not suitable for only after competitive tendering price of Rs 100 from Malabe to Fort, KVL Horizontal Alignment dreamed of. Even the whole world is the country. On the LRT, he added processes were completed. Around LRT would have recovered the now moving out of mass transit he was not given a copy of the US$ 27 million has been spent and by operations costs and contributed to The current alignment has many measures like LRT, towards micro proposal for review stating that the shelving the project, the Government recovering the capital cost to pay the curves. The stations are located very mobility in addressing urban proposal had been already shelved. will probably have to reimburse that loan between 40-50 years. Do we close to each other. There are 24 mobility. But more than anything, Hence, he has no say about it. “If amount immediately, he added. recover cost of the expressway stations in 35 km length between we should focus on DEMAND you spend a Dollar, you must earn He said that the Malabe corridor is construction by toll fees collected in Maradana and Padduka and the SHIFT (Demand management),” he more than a Dollar in return.” one of the most congested roads in the short term? We need to look at the distance between the stations varies said. country and has the highest vehicle economic benefit or the EIRR which from 0.6 to 1.9 km. Two options for focus sunday 18 october 2020 A11 When a President Fiddled While Country Burnt

By Buddhika Adding that Sirisena had Samaraweera never appointed a Minister to act when he was overseas, It will by no means be an the Defence Secretary, exaggeration to state that the referring to some previous Sri Lanka Police is the incidents, said Sirisena had foremost body for strictly advised him and the maintaining law and order in senior Police officers not to the country. It is, therefore, use water cannons to imperative that the Inspector disperse protests without General of Police (IGP), who obtaining his approval, even is the head of the Police when he was not in the Department, should be made country. a party responsible for Explaining the incident, he safeguarding National said "following an incident Security. As we all know, the after riots squad dispersed a National Security Council protest held in front of the (NSC) is the leading body in Presidential Secretariat the country that takes President Sirisena called me decisions with regard to and asked who instructed to strengthening of National do so. Then, I said I was not Security. aware of it and when I called However, former President the the Inspector General of Maithripala Sirisena, who Police (IGP) Pujith testified before the Jayasundara, he was also Presidential Commission of not aware of it," Inquiry into the Easter He had then informed the Sunday, 21 April 2019 President that it was not bombings, recently done on instructions given acknowledged that he had by Jayasundara or himself, taken steps to prevent the after which Sirisena had IGP from attending NSC instructed him to call all meetings from December senior Police officials for a 2018. meeting. At the meeting he He said that he had to take blamed the officers and that decision as he, as the advised them not to use President, had received water cannons to disperse various complaints regarding protests without his the conduct of the former approval, he said. IGP. However, if there was a Testifying further, problem with Jayasundara's Fernando went on to say, behaviour or anything else, "the former President did not the necessary steps in that give me adequate time to regard should have been arrange the NSC meetings. It taken by Sirisena, who was also affected the country's the Minister of Defence security situation. He used himself. Accordingly, it is to call NSC meetings all of a highly questionable on what sudden and it caused certain basis the former President problems in inviting the believed that not taking attendees," he added. proper action in this regard Maithripala Sirisena Hemasiri Fernando Pujith Jayasundara Meantime, former Prime and not summoning the IGP Minister Wickremesinghe to the NSC would solve the those meetings. of the ICM seems to have admitted that he was problems related to his Initiating the hearing, an resulted in the failure to take reluctant to ban Muslim (Jayasundara's) conduct. Additional Solicitor General basic steps that needed to be women from wearing clothing It was also revealed before (ASG) asked why three Members of the Commission taken regarding National that cover their faces, the Commission that Secretaries to the President Security," he added. because he felt that doing so Sirisena had not invited and five Defence Secretaries then asked the witness why However, it is on the day would deprive the Muslim former Prime Minister Ranil served from time to time that he testified before the community from providing Wickremesinghe to the NSC between the period of 2015 the Sri Lankan intelligence Commission, that he came to information about Islamist since October 2018. When and 2019. know that weekly ICMs have extremism. questioned on this, he Responding to this, the services were not able to not been held as they were Adding that the communal claimed that the Prime former President said, "P.B. supposed to be. If the riots of 1983 caused the Minister was not a Abeykoon was the first uncover the information on Minister in charge of the Tamil people to not provide permanent member of the among the secretaries to the subject is not aware of the information on the Liberation NSC and therefore it was not President. After some time, a possible terror attack in fact that the ICMs were not Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) a must for the Premier to be he said that he wanted to held properly during his organisation, invited. However, during the retire. Then Austin Fernando April 2019 if the Muslim tenure, does it not indicate Wickremesinghe said it took same period, the former was appointed as the that he had not properly more than two years to get President had taken steps to President’s Secretary and community had provided supervised the officers under them back to provide the summon several members of later he said that he liked to him and their functions? Government and security his party, who were not be appointed the such information about Meantime, former Defence forces with information. permanent members of the Ambassador to India. Secretary, Hemasiri Such a situation would have NSC, to its meetings since Accordingly, he was Islamist extremism Fernando who testified been created if Niqabs and they were loyal to him. appointed Ambassador of Sri before the Commission other face- covering clothing The NSC is the body that Lanka to India, after which recently said although of Muslim women were takes the most important Udaya R. Seneviratne was over several other reasons, asked the witness. In former President Sirisena banned, he added. decisions regarding the appointed Secretary to the in writing to the response, Sirisena said that said he had instructed, at He was testifying before the security of the entire President." Commission, that led to the as far as he knew it was held the NSC in January 2019, to Presidential Commission of country. The former Premier, Also, he said all five removal and appointment of every week. I was told by the arrest Zaharan Hashim, the Inquiry probing the bombings who testified before the Defence Secretaries, who the Defence Secretaries from Defence Secretaries at the leader of the National on Easter Sunday, on 13 Commission, said that it was served under him, B.M.U.D. time to time. NSC that it was held, he Thowheed Jama’at, he October. very important for the Basnayake, Engineer The ASG then asked the said. (Sirisena) had never given Members of the Commission Premier, the second citizen of Karunasena Hettiarachchi, witness if he would accept if The ASG then drew the such instructions. then asked the witness why the country, to know what is President's Counsel Kapila certain witnesses who attention of the witness to a President's Counsel Shamil the Sri Lankan intelligence being discussed at the NSC Waidyaratne, Hemasiri testified before the report on the dates of the Perera, appearing for the services were not able to meetings. The former IGP Fernando and General Commission had said that ICMs held from 28 July, Archbishop of Colombo, uncover the information on a also said that he was barred Shantha Kottagoda had all the constant removals and 2015 to 21 July, 2019, which Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, possible terror attack in April from attending the NSC and qualifications needed to be appointments of the Defence had been given to the asked Fernando why the NSC 2019 if the Muslim had no idea what was being appointed to the post. Secretaries caused some Commission. did not convene until 22 community had provided such discussed there. Testifying further, Sirisena problems for the Officers In the said report, it was April after its meeting held information about Islamist There have been many said "the reasons for the with regard to National mentioned that no ICM was on 19 February, 2019. extremism. instances where the Police appointment of each person Security. held weekly in any month, In response, the former In response, have not performed their cannot be stated separately In response, the former other than August in 2016. Defence Secretary said he Wickremesinghe said that the duties properly. As the due to the presence of the President said that such The report also stated that it did not know the reason. The Muslim community had former President claimed, Media, but I will say in problems did and do not was held for four consecutive decision to convene the NSC provided a lot of information there may have been issues general. The Defence arise through the weeks in May 2017, but was is usually made by the about Islamist extremism to with the IGP's conduct. But, Secretary is one of the most appointment of secretaries. not held in that manner in President. I, as the Defence security forces. However, he it is not the duty of a Head of important posts in the As far as I know the ICM was other months. Secretary, only facilitate it. said that it was up to the State to endanger the lives of country, which includes the held every Tuesday. In addition, the ASG drew So I don’t know what the security forces to act on the innocent people by allowing supervision of the Tri-Forces, Everything related to the attention of the reasons were for not holding information. them to act as they please the Chief of Defence Staff National Security was Commission to the fact that it, he said. When asked whether the even when knowing about and the Department of Civil discussed there. They would continuous ICMs had not When asked why the inability to disclose such things. Is it not the Defence, but one thing I have be re-informed at the NSC been held in any month in information that a group information about the responsibility of any Head of seen is that when those again, he said. He also said 2018 and no ICMs had been including Zaharan could possibility of an attack was a State to take necessary officers and institutions that in addition to meeting at held in a number of months carry out terror attacks was weakness of the intelligence action to rectify such come under their control, the the NSC, he, as the in 2018 and 2019. not conveyed to the services, he said that it was shortcomings of any Defence Secretary loses his President, had called the When asked what he President, Fernando said clearly a weakness of the institution or official? humanity and then there are Defence Secretary at least thought of the facts informing the President on intelligence services. Giving an indication of the some problems." once every two weeks to contained therein, Sirisena intelligence information was Also, an ASG asked the supervision that former He also said that there discuss issues related to the said that he felt that his usually carried out by the former Prime Minister if there President Sirisena had on were several grievances from security. decision as the President to Director of the State were any conflicts between the officials under his purview, the Tri-Forces commanders "As you are aware, it has remove the Defence Intelligence Service (SIS). faction led by him in the he said that all the Defence on a regular basis and that been more than a year since Secretaries from time to time "According to legal previous Government and the Secretaries who served Defence Secretaries were the Commission started was correct according to that background, the Secretary to faction led by former President during his tenure have removed due to such recording evidence and report. The former Defence the Ministry should inform Maithripala Sirisena. In reply, neglected their matters. Some others various witnesses have given Secretaries had neglected the Minister about certain he said there were no serious responsibilities by not resigned due to health contradictory evidence with the basics of National matters. But the then SIS conflicts. There were some holding the Weekly reasons and some resigned regard to what you mention. Security by not holding the Director and I came to an problematic situations that Intelligence Coordination due to various institutional Well, as you say, do you ICMs properly. agreement that he would can be seen in any Meetings (ICMs) properly and issues, he added. think ICMs were held on "This shows that I am right provide intelligence Government in general. But that they had misled him in Meanwhile, the former Tuesdays as they were to remove the Defence information to the there was no serious providing information about President secretly handed supposed to be?” the ASG Secretaries. The non-holding President," he added. situation, he said. A12 sunday 18 october 2020 Focus

Online ‘Underground’ Classes, Where Laws Don’t Apply The new normal pushing education into uncharted territory By Thameenah Razeek Leaked questions can breach the privacy between the The issue here is if the questions are student and the question paper. If you Even after lockdown is lifted, Ministry being disclosed before exam day, then take the class and the person obtains a of Education limited the number of who is behind it? Examination paper benefit from your effort while claiming it students in tuition classes and seminar setters need to travel to examination as his own, it is illegal; obtaining halls in a bid to preventing centres to define question papers. The benefits by deception, a fraudulent congregation in classrooms. The entire process is manual. Examiners activity. present crisis has now precipitated a need to define questions according to When online, students are often three-fold challenge for educational the exam pattern. As there is no expected by their teachers to look at the institutes, to provide online, standard way of maintaining a question screen for the entire class and stay undisrupted education that is high- bank, the time required to define focused on the video feeds of their quality, scalable and secure during the question paper can be higher to the classmates. This can result in feelings examination. extent of defining questions in their of prolonged eye contact, which can feel The Examinations Department initial stages. threatening and uncomfortable. Feeling ordered a ban on organising and During each process, there is manual as though everyone is watching can be conducting of tuition classes, intervention and the possibility of distracting as students focus on how conducting subject related lectures, leakage of question paper to outside they may appear to others. seminars and workshops, printing and world increases. The examination paper Also requiring students to use video distributing question papers for this is always in danger of being leaked; during class makes assumptions about year’s GCE A/L examination. Despite of especially during the exam period. the ability or students or their families the order, students sitting for the However, the question is how the to pay for the requisite technology. examination attend various online Education Ministry and the These concerns about required video in classes and seminars via Zoom and students to prepare for their exams Examination Department is planning to online classes are not aimed to prevent WhatsApp regularly. The tutor and the calmly and to stop out-flowing of exam monitor these online classes and teachers connecting with students. The learner; both parties willingly papers. However, parents do not see it seminars prior to the upcoming GCE goal is to ensure that students feel participate in the online classes. But the way the Ministry sees the problem. O/L Examination in January? comfortable and safe when they are the question here is who is monitoring It was noticeable that the tutors who Professor Kapila Perera, the Secretary facing a main examination during this the conduct of these classes and who are conducting online classes are so to the Ministry of Education, had no pandemic. Tutors can engage with the will take responsibility after these confident on what they are doing and idea about online classes or seminars students in many other ways prior to activities were banned? they have no second thoughts with that are ongoing currently since no one the examination. Distance learning Beyond jurisdiction regard to the illegal activity they are has even concerned of having a may take time to find a system that engaged in. These tutors even charge a thorough investigation into the works best for everyone. Tuition classes in Sri Lanka are After the sudden class fee from students that is situation. It was also revealed that no however, out of the control of deposited to the tutor’s bank account. authority, no parent or no child has authorities. For decades there was no outbreak of approached the Education Ministry or proper authority to regulate the system. Cash cow the Examination Department regarding In that case who will monitor online Coronavirus we Ceylon Today inquired a student who this matter. classes that are being conducted during had to look into is sitting for A/L examination this year However, Prof. Perera said that they main examinations such as A/L? and she revealed that the online class will definitely look into this and said if A tutor in a leading mass class told the overall stages she has enrolled charges a fee of they failed to control the situation at Ceylon Today institutes of higher of conducting the Rs 3,500 for the examination month. this moment, they will look forward to education are likewise going through She said that initially the amount ensure that it will not be repeated in the the biggest crisis they have faced in examination with- should be deposited to the tutors upcoming main examinations. He also their entire period of existence. With no out delaying it fur- account and the bank receipt should be noted that classes in any manner are immediate prospect of students sent via WhatsApp to the assistant of banned prior to a main examination. enrolling for the upcoming academic ther. We did not the tutor. Then the assistant will add When asked why they did not bother term, coupled with the halting of think of the extra the student to a WhatsApp study looking into the issue, he noted that existing curricula that were scheduled group. Afterwards, the assistant will normally such classes are conducted in to be delivered in the classroom and classes or semi- request the student’s address to send a building and not virtually; adding that also no sector-specific relief provided as nars that will be the booklets. no one has thought that this kind of yet by the Government, institutes risk The classes will be conducted for extra classes and seminars are being losing their source of revenue. conducted online. about seven hours before the conducted. Consequently, a vast majority of them This is illegal. No examination date. The seminars are “After the sudden outbreak of are scrambling to leverage online modes conducted through Zoom and the link Coronavirus we had to look into the of learning as a stop-gap measure, if student or no tutor is only given to the students who had overall stages of conducting the not a solution that can sustain in the can conduct class- paid the fee. Responding to a question, examination without delaying it further. longer term. the student said most of the time the We did not think of the extra classes or “Over the past seven months, es in the middle of tutor will be discussing past papers and seminars that will be conducted online. advances in digital technology have examinations. model papers related to the subject that This is illegal. No student or no tutor seen a steady rise in the Massive Open falls the next day. The students express can conduct classes in the middle of Online Classes mode of education, even Even though the positive views regarding this even examinations. Even though the among universities across the country. situation is new to though it looks so stressful. “Initially situation is new to us we will look We did not have enough time to cover my parents were upset of the fact they forward to minimising it. After the the syllabuses due to the lockdown. So us we will look for- are unable to pay Rs 3,500 amidst the lockdown many classes were conducted we decided to continue online classes ward to minimis- sudden curfew imposed in our area. online. Even State-run schools even after the lockdown ended. It But dad managed to borrow money conducted the missed lessons through reduced the congestion in the class as ing it. After the from one of his friends. Now I’m in the Zoom and WhatsApp,” he added. also it helped the students to reduce class since they paid. Predicted Speaking further he said that travel and other expenses,” he noted. lockdown many questions and answers are being everything and every experience is new When asked if conducting classes classes were con- discussed. Sometimes we are also given to Sri Lanka, leading to new during examination period was an model papers where some questions experiments and new thoughts. He said offence, the tutor said yes and also ducted online. are marked saying that they will this illegal activity is also new to the added that since there is no one to Even State-run definitely come for the examination,” Ministry and the Department that they monitor the online classes they are not she noted. did not have any clue about it. “The afraid of conducting them with the schools conducted While justifying that her tutor is Government will decide when the assurance that the students will never the missed lessons doing a great job for them, the student school can conduct classes. They lodge any complaints. The tutor was never insulted the tutor for his job nor themselves cannot come up with their also confident about the fact that the through Zoom and did she blame her parents. When asked own rules. These online classes are parents have extended their greatest WhatsApp whether the questions that came for illegal and are looting parents.” support to conduct the classes. her exams tallied with the questions the Online classes and seminars are not The main reason behind banning tutor gave day before the exam, she illegal, but conducting them while the tuition classes and seminars in said some of them tallied but most were examinations are ongoing can have advance to the examination is to allow different. many consequences. Online classes focus sunday 18 october 2020 A13

Chinese Communist Party’s Yang Jiechi meeting President Gotabaya Rajapaksa Dr. Rajapakshe writes to the President that Sri Lanka should not be Sino-US battleground China and the Quad Secrecy Four countries preparing to challenge China Pompeo visit to India and Sri Lanka speculated China irked by the new move: We don’t even accept the concept of so-called Indo-Pacific – Chinese Embassy Colombo

By Sulochana Ramiah Mohan accused Australian intelligence agents of questioning several Chinese As US President Donald Trump and journalists in June and seizing their his opponent Joe Biden are battling it devices “in violation of legitimate out to occupy the hot seat in the 3 rights”. Australia’s Prime Minister November US Presidential Poll, the Scott Morrison has formed a stark high focus on China and the new view of China: It’s not just a top grouping up against them by the US, trading partner, but also a threat to Japan, India and Australia, known the nation’s sovereignty.” as the Quadrilateral Coalition or the Despite Australia not stopping the Quad, has raised concerns over export of iron ore, coal and liquefied China, as they know that in the Indo- natural gas to China and Chinese Pacific region they have come out tourists and students and a huge stronger than the rest, hence in the export income continuing to flow into process of resisting Quad, it can stir Australia, the two countries don’t disharmony in the countries where trust each other on the national their footprints are stronger. security. The Quad meeting held in Tokyo on China is virtually on the diplomatic 6 October had discussed regional offensive with every big country. It security in the Indo-Pacific region has taken a stance that is too harsh. with US State Secretary Mike Recently, they lashed out at the US Pompeo, Australian Foreign Minister Ambassador who said that the US Marise Payne and Indian Foreign believes that partnerships between Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar and the countries should be open, new Japanese Prime Minister transparent, and mutually beneficial Yoshihide Suga, a right hand of – and if this is what Sri Lanka’s former Prime Miinister Abe who relationship with China embodies, resigned after falling ill. then we encourage it.” China The Quad is also venturing to rebuffed the US, claiming that “the expand, adding more countries, as Quad meeting in Tokyo (File photo AFP) third country openly played off Quad Plus where Canada, UK and China-Sri Lanka relations and New Zeland may join up. Parliament, Dr. Wijeyadasa Thus, it is seen that Sri Lanka is clash in the border area in 45 years. severely violated the diplomatic Although Quad is supposedly an Rajapakshe wrote to President fishing in troubled waters. India’s Foreign Minister reproached protocol.” They said the US has no informal strategic forum of the four Gotabaya Rajapaksa pointed out That Sri Lanka is trapped in China for breaking an agreement power or obligation to lecture on countries holding summits and joint some valuable notes on the US-China geopolitics is a bitter truth. What struck to respect the LAC in the China-Sri Lanka relations. Such military drills, and discussing tension that is growing. makes the bitterness toxic is that Sri Galwan Valley however, the Chinese naked hegemony, supremacy and regional economic and development Dr. Rajapakshe said that the Lanka’s economy is not picking up said India had crossed the border power politics will neither be assistance, there is another side to it valuable assets and resources of the following two major factors – the twice and provoked and attacked tolerated by the Chinese nor be – all of them are anti-Chinese and country had been acquired by China Easter Bombings and the COVID0- Chinese personnel, resulting in accepted by Sri Lanka. want to ‘formalise’ a strategy to keep thus causing Sri Lanka to lose its 19. While it should be endorsed that serious physical confrontation FM Spokesperson Hua Chunying, China at bay. The discussions on the economic and security hubs. China is the only country supporting between border forces on the two on the Quad, had noted, “it is now regional security at the meeting were He pointed out that if the US Sri Lanka financially, both with loans sides. the 21st century and we are living in not revealed as yet. retaliates to China while attempting and grants (Rs 1.2 billion grant last The latest at the LAC is that China an era of globalisation. The interests The Quad also lambasted China for to capture Sri Lanka’s security and week) and the assistance is seen as had deployed 60,000 soldiers last of all countries are so inextricably not controlling the COVID-19 and economic hubs, Sri Lanka would an impeccable gesture, in the current week and this time the US has intertwined that organising closed called for a serious probe into it. become a battleground in the tug o’ climate further debts may only land reminded India to be resilient to this and exclusive cliques will not help Also, 118 Chinese mobile war between China and the US. Sri Lanka in a major crisis. Port City- new situation. Pompeo, after the enhance mutual trust and applications were banned in India As Sri Lanka is becoming highly like projects that have been Tokyo Quad grouping, told the Media cooperation, especially when the saying that China is collecting dependent on China and has lately completed and for which investors there that “China has a bad international community is now in personal data of the Indians through obtained further loans from them, it are being called may not see the light behaviour record and the ‘tide’ has the depth of major and urgent tasks their apps. is speculated that it would offer more due to the prevailing COVID-19 begun to turn.” The top US diplomat of fighting the pandemic and reviving China began wondering what the projects to China and this has been a situation and the fact that the Port also said that the Quad is developing the world economy. “We hope that QUAD is up to and also lashed out at cause of concern in the backdrop of City will not attract mega investors a set of policies to present resistance relevant countries will bear in mind them, demanding that they be open India and Japan being sidelined in from the US and the West, because to the threats that China poses to the common interests of all countries and transparent about their secret the geological race in Sri Lanka. they are against China’s economic Quad countries. Pompeo said the and mankind and focus on beating moves. State Councillor and Foreign Japan, India and the USA’s major policies and the Belt and Road Çhina threat to India is also a threat the virus with collective efforts while Minister Wang Yi, warning over the concerns are the security threats in Initiatives (BRI). to Quad countries. “India absolutely creating a peaceful environment and US-led Quad, said if it impacts the Indian Ocean region and in the US-China security and economic need the US to be their ally partner cooperation opportunities for Southeast Asia’s regional cooperation Indo-Pacific region, as China is clashes and the tension in the South in this fight,” he noted. regional and global economic architecture it ‘’will mark a increasing its presence. China Sea over China’s new islands, Why Australia joined the recovery.” dangerous start” if it keeps moving The East Container Terminal (ECT) are no secret. The events unfolding China does it on its own and they ahead. He called the Quad an ‘Indo- that was to be offered to India and on and off reverberates tension in the Quad? are the ‘odd one out’. They tightened Pacific Nato’. Japan is on hold and the scrapping countries who are allies of China. their grip on Hong Kong, reclaimed Pompeo to visit India? off the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project Recently when the US banned 24 There had been a subtle land in the South China Sea, that was offered to Japan was also Chinese construction companies, misunderstanding between China antagonised Australia, got into a It is also said that Pompeo is halted and the potential to offer the including China Communications and Australia over a series of bitter serious standoff with India on the expected to visit New Delhi and railway projects (including the Kelani Construction Company (CCCC), a incidents for the last several years. In border, triggered criticism against would also drop in to Sri Lanka. Valley Line) to the Chinese, has irked contractor for many of the BRI 2018, Australia banned Chinese tech Western liberal democracies and Although the US Embassy in the Japanese as they also have infrastructure projects that China giant Huawei from being involved in then claimed that Taiwan was part of Colombo did not confirm the visit to issues with China on some islands has built around the world and its 5G network, citing national its territory and has vowed to attack Sri Lanka, it’s likely to happen if the Chinese try to claim. whose presence in Sri Lanka is often security reasons. Australian the country if it refuses to submit to Pompeo’s visit to India is confirmed. Also, India seems to be highly under Media watch, created tension Broadcasting Corporation reporter Beijing’s authority indefinitely while Due to the pandemic the schedule unhappy over the ECT and other on its impact on the Chinese projects Bill Birtles and Australian Financial the US has decided to give weapons may shift to new dates, it is projects, they were vying for, in Sri Lanka. Review’s Michael Smith in Shanghai, to Taiwan. speculated that he would be in India including management of the Mattala India, China standoff were asked to leave Beijing. Seven In this torrid climate, can China on 26 and 27 October. What’s the Airport, which was not offered to Chinese Police officers arrived at withstand the Quad? What did the hurry for such a Quad meeting in them. Indian Prime Minister Five months ago India and China their doorstep in the middle of the high-powered Chinese delegation, led Tokyo? When the US Presidential Poll Narendra Modi has been calling the had a face-off at the Line of Actual night, following Cheng Lei, an by Chinese Communist Party’s Yang is nearing, the reason for a visit by Sri Lankan leadership over and over Control (LAC) in the Galwan Valley. Australian citizen and high-profile Jiechi, who had all of a sudden Pompeo to India (Sri Lanka too) is to be their economic partner and The standoff escalated where several host for China’s English-language visited Sri Lanka after the Quad still unclear, but China is awake. embrace the ‘Neighbourhood First’ Indian soldiers were killed by broadcaster CGTN, being detained on meeting in Tokyo, tell the leadership? On the 20th Amendment, that is to policy. All those leaders especially Chinese soldiers, increasing tension suspicion of endangering national That’s a secret too. be debated next week in the from the Quad, seem to be unhappy. over what was called the first deadly security in Australia. China also [email protected] A14 sunday 18 October 2020 Focus

COVID-19 Prevention Measures Strengthened By J.T. de Silva name, identity card number and preventive measures which might be contact details of every person determined by the authorities if the In order to prevent Coronavirus entering, and comply with such other need be. pandemic the Minister of Health disease preventive measures as may When the restrictions are lifted by Pavithra Wanniarachchi has be determined, from time to time, by the proper authorities in any diseased announced a series of regulations the proper authority. locality, any person who enters a under sections 2 and 3 of the In accordance with the regulation public or any other place where he Quarantine and Prevention of any person who owns or in charge of a could come in close contact with Diseases Ordinance (QPDO). super market, shop, sales outlet or another person or organises a Regulations relating to Storage of any other place that provides essential gathering or obtains services should Grain and relating to services shall make sure not to exceed comply such other disease preventive Anchylostomiasis, published in the maximum number of persons measures which may be determined Gazette No. 7481 of 28 August 1925, permitted within the premises by the by the proper authorities. are further amended and new proper authorities. They should definitions to ‘Public Place’ and ensure every person who enters the ‘Partique’ - expressions which come premises wear a mask at all times and under regulation 3 - are introduced. adhere to social distancing of not less • Wearing a mask is Therefore, a Public Place is defined than one metre between two persons. mandatory as any place to which the public have Every person entering the premises • One-metre social distance access, whether as of right or should be subjected to a temperature must be maintained at all times otherwise, whether on payment or not, check and proper hand washing • Authorities have power to and whether on invitation or not. facilities with soap or hand sanitiser isolate, hospitalise, and New regulations added to the diseased to be self-quarantined in his which is required to maintain national should be made available for persons quarantine any suspected regulation 89 are as follows: house, premises or place of residence security, national economy, public entering. The owners or in-charge person Every person in a public place or for a period not exceeding the health or preventing the spread of the personnel should make sure that • Only the essential service every person in any other place where incubation period as may be Virus are allowed to carry out services anyone entering the premises wash providers are allowed to operate such person may come into close determined by the proper authority for if; the number of persons working their hands properly before entering within restricted areas contact with another person, in any the whole of Sri Lanka. doesn’t exceed the maximum number and they should comply with such • Only a minimum number of disease locality (infected/restricted/ Every person whose movement has of employees and other personnel other disease preventive measures workers are allowed to work in isolated area) in relation to the been restricted by the authorities permitted within the premises at a which could be determined by the essential services Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID - should stay in his house or a place of time by the authorities, ensure that authorities from time to time to • Wearing masks, 19) shall wear a mask at all times and residence for a period of time every person who enters wears a face prevent the spread of the pandemic. maintaining social distance, should maintain social distancing of determined by the authorities for mask at all times, ensure social If a body temperature of a person is hand washing, hand sanitizing not less than one metre between two preventing the spread of Coronavirus distancing not less than one metre exceeding the ideal body temperature are mandatory persons. disease. During this period of stay, no between two persons, ensure that the determined by a proper authority, • Work places to maintain a Authorities in any disease locality person can enter of leave; travel, body temperature of every person is such a person should not be allowed detailed record of everyone have the lawful authority to restrict transport or enter any public place; or measured before entering, provide to enter the premises entering the premises the movement of persons, take or travel within the diseased locality. adequate hand washing facility with Drivers, conductors and owners of • Body temperature checks require any person to take a diseased No institution, place of business, soap or sanitiser for the persons public transport in any diseased are mandatory person or a person suspected to be work place, super market, shop, sales entering the institution or the work locality should ensure social • Drivers and conductors diseased to a hospital, place of outlet or any other place of business place and ensure that every person distancing between the two should ensure social distancing observation or quarantine centre for should be opened to the public within who enters such institution or work passengers as determined by a proper in public transport treatment or quarantine purpose, or the diseased locality. However, if the place washes their hands before authority is maintained at all times direct any person suspected to be a workplace provides essential services, entering, maintain a record of the and should comply with other disease

Dr. N.M. Perera Memorial Lecture Crisis Has to be Faced, Not Dodged

By Prof. Tissa Vitarana 30% among school children. made by local capitalists. In fact during the time Sri Lanka is facing a major crisis, Drastic action need of the Dr. N.M. Perera was the Finance being a part of the general global hour Minister, due to the economic stability situation. The economic downturn in that prevailed, the level of foreign the more developed countries, is having This calls for drastic action. When investments increased and many a bigger impact on smaller economies Dr. N.M. Perera was the Minister of foreign companies including like that of Sri Lanka. Due to the Finance in the SLFP/LSSP/CP multinationals invested here. In adverse foreign trade balance and the Coalition government of 1970 the contrast despite the selling of our shortage of forex the successive country was faced with a triple crisis. country that took place during the last governments in Sri Lanka has resorted Besides the economic crisis the five years of UNP-led rule as indicated to massive foreign loans to maintain global drought had led to a severe food above, the FDI dropped by over half its the foreign reserves. The LSSP crisis and the creation of OPEC led to original level. The LSSP urges the welcomes the decision by the present the fuel price going up by sevenfold. Government to take these points into SLPP-led Alliance Government to Instead of a policy of taking more consideration and act firmly so as to severely restrict imports, especially foreign loans to meet the crisis, He effectively help Sri Lanka to recover luxury goods. The decision to sharply reduced the level of imports, economically. False complacency encourage agriculture, specially to while also promoting exports, and about the state of the economy is just achieve food self-sufficiency, is also reduced the adverse foreign trade gap. as undesirable as fake complacency very welcome. The promotion of home The taking of foreign loans was reduced over the Covid-19 pandemic, the gardens has drawn all the people into to the lowest level in our history. adverse effects of which are now the food drive. The return to a policy of He erased the government debt and emerging. The process of economic encouraging local value added industry produced a surplus budget. He development which would strengthen however needs to be further obtained the required funds by the national economy could be strengthened. increasing the upper limit of direct sustained with the support of the The magnitude of the economic Dr. N.M. Perera taxation to 75%. When people were people so long as the welfare state is crisis demands firm action to tighten starving abroad, no one starved in Sri maintained and the economic burden belts at all levels in a fair manner so idea of the magnitude of the crisis cost of living is soaring, while people Lanka due to the strengthening of the is placed on the super-rich. If this is that we can emerge from this crisis. facing our country. According to are losing jobs and facing salary cuts. cooperative movement. He was able to not done, and the burden falls on the Unfortunately the government is not Central Bank data the national debt For example the economic downturn give a free measure of rice and ordinary people then the outcome taking the people into its confidence, has grown from Rs 12,030 billion in in the USA and Europe has reduced essentials through coupons at a low would be mass protests. and it is giving the impression that 2018 to Rs 13,031 billion in 2019, an the demand for our garments leading price, Thereby giving relief to the poor This can lead to repression of the there is a situation of normalcy. The increase of Rs 1 billion in one year. to salary cuts, dismissals and even and placing the burden on those who workers and the people, dismissal of tendency is to carry on with the The GDP growth which was 3.3% in closure of garment factories. Together had sufficient wealth to take on the strikers (as in 1980 by the UNP consumer economy. This is 2018 dropped to 2.3% in 2019. The with the Covid-19 crisis the tourist burden. The Government Revenue was Government) and the emergence of encouraged by the wrong tax policy of foreign debt for this year is expected to industry has been adversely affected. further increased by a policy of racism and even fascism. This is the reducing the upper limit of direct be about US $ 4.5 billion. Within the Repatriation of those employed abroad nationalizing the key sectors of the divide and rule policy that led to taxation to as low as 18%. The rich country there is a drop in the has cut that source of foreign income economy. Thereby the impact of the events like that of Black July in 1983, continue to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle agricultural production - tea by 1.3%, as well. The claim that unemployment economic crisis was solved by local which are grim reminders of earlier which has a bad demonstrative effect rubber by 7%, vegetables by 11.8%, is at single digit level is far from the measures without passing the burden UNP policies. These can be avoided if on the rest of society. When the and fish by 4%. There has been some true figure, which is 0.2% of the total on to our children. the above policies proposed by the average upper limit of tax in Europe is increase in the rate of industrial labour force. Poverty too has increased False complacency LSSP are carried out by the around 45% and in some development, though this, too, has with low income poverty at 10% and Government. It is these policies that Scandinavian countries 60%, Sri dropped. The increase of manufacture debt related poverty at 50%. Studies The fear that taxing the rich would were carried out by Dr. N.M. Perera Lanka should have an upper limit of at which was 3.9% in 2018 has dropped done by the Medical Research Institute reduce local investment is without any during the 1972/73 period of severe least 70% to face the present crisis. to 1.9% in 2019. Foreign direct indicate a malnutrition level of 20% foundation, because complete tax economic crisis that saved the nation. The following data will give some investment has dropped by 50%. The among children under 5 years and relief was given to all investments They still have validity even today. sports sunday 18 october 2020 A15 Rugby Scrapbook Bledisloe, COVID and A Hometown Referee By Vimal Perera game? All Black Forwards Coach Plumtree Last Sunday Australia came within was not happy with the officiating a social distance of a Bledisloe Cup around the ruck. He believes there win in Wellington, but had to boot the was a lot of off ball play by the ball in overtime play for a 16-16 draw Wallabies. He says that if the referee in their first of four-Test series. The missed it, he missed it. The All Blacks next is in Wellington on 18 October on the other hand failed to counter followed by 31 October and 7 intent of the Wallabies to possess the November in Australia. ball. Australia was much physical at Australia had the chance to win with the breakdown and AB did not do a 55m penalty attempt after full-time enough to match them. that had the distance and height but You may know the laws of the game, hit the upright. Australia gathered the but what about the unseen tactics? ball and played seeking a match- Subtle, and blatant, rule-bending is winning try. They lost the ball, rife in rugby; and the World Cup was whereas an attempted drop goal from no exception. The insider’s track on right in front of the posts would have what really goes on in the scrum, and seen a different result. A wrong on the pitch, from former England decision? It was heart-breaking and prop Jeff Probyn and written by the play continued in a desperate Observer rugby writer Norman Harris scramble for a further nine minutes. is an interesting read. Annoyingly, the Wallabies are The players are coached to win the talking of some hands in the ruck respected officials who have taken ball, slowing Australia’s recycle down diving Sam Whitelock to the ball. ball for continuity. Take any scrum, from the All Blacks, which led to the charge of some of the game’s biggest as a result. 83. 03: After five frantic phases ruck, maul or breakdown, players use turnover, missed by referee Paul tests in recent years. But it will still be From the television angle provided, where the Wallabies shift left and then the dirty side of the game depending Williams. very unusual to see a Kiwi and then Goodhue looked to have worked his right, James O’Connor is tackled right on the side on which the referee is Play went on for nine minutes after an Australian in the middle in charge way to the side as required. However, out in front of the sticks. The ball is standing. Improper binding, Hands, the clock with both sides fighting but of a Bledisloe Cup Test. it was not quick enough for Williams’ placed, then dribbles towards the edge Fringing, Obstructing, etc. are then a unable to score the winning points. Despite that, there were ups and liking, or the centre was still too close of the ruck, which attracts the gaze of part of the game. With mounting pressure and inside downs from both sides and to the ball. All Blacks replacement Tupou Vaa’i You may ask what is the Assistant the 22 Australia finally elected to boot particularly Australia not taking an 82.21: Reece Hodge thumps his who then snatches the ball, only to see Referee doing? Depends on what he the ball into touch and settle for a opportunity for a drop goal. Most talk right boot behind the ball and it sails it quickly scragged back by Koroibete. can do and cannot, and what he can draw. and criticism centres on the mistake towards the uprights, but in its Analysis: In how many different talk to a referee. With such a huge New Zealand referee Paul Williams of match officials, particularly in the closing metres it drifts away and forms could that have been a penalty? crowd shouting hoarse and being on created history at Sunday’s Bledisloe last eight minutes. That was injury cannons into the right upright, Three. Vaa’i first enters the ruck in the the run will he be able to hear all that Cup clash. No Australian or New time - in Australia, New Zealand as rebounding back into the field of play. side; the lock then goes off his feet, is said? A flag is only for foul play and Zealander has been the man in the well as Sri Lanka. Debutant Caleb Clarke, who is only a and finally, he plays the ball with his the conversion is after play is stopped. middle of the Bledisloe for the last ESPN critique describes the last 9 few minutes on the field, fails to grasp hands in the ruck. Positioned on the The AR is not the referee but has to forty years. But the COVID-19 minutes of play. the ball as it slides under his stomach, other side of the breakdown, referee think from the shoes of the referee, or pandemic world forced to hand the 80.20: Referee Paul Williams pings the Wallabies regain possession Williams is unsighted to the else continuous chatter will cause whistle to Williams for the first of four Jack Goodhue for not rolling away at through the chasing Filipo Daugunu infringements, so he throws a quick more problems. Bledisloe Tests. the breakdown, giving Australia a who then does well to pinch a further look over to assistant referee Angus The message for Sri Lanka is not to Angus Gardner will take charge of penalty advantage. three metres and get the Wallabies Gardner. Williams receives no live in the era when I played or when I the whistle in the second Test at But the play breaks down only two well and truly on the front foot. instruction from Gardner, and play is refereed, but live in the current way Auckland’s Eden Park. “We don’t have phases later, and Williams retreats to Analysis: So close, yet so far. allowed to continue before the All the game is played. Possession, an issue with it,” Wallabies coach the mark; replacement winger Reece Hodge’s penalty hit so far up the right- Blacks complete a turnover through Continuity, Move Forward, Support Dave Rennie said on Friday, before the Hodge calmly walks over and declares hand post that it might have sailed Ardie Savea two phases later. and Exert Pressure to score. Teams first match after naming his team to himself the man to take the shot from over from 70 metres. But the key play It is not one that he missed, but the are professional and they play getting face the All Blacks. 54 metres out and about 20 in from in this sequence was All Blacks interpretation that led to the penalty the best of the referee. Take the quote “We just want the best person out touch. replacement TJ Perenara’s split- has also to be considered. of Plumtree. He is not happy with the there; so, if Paul’s the best man, that’s Analysis: Williams’ decision to second decision to not grab the loose While there is much blame on a refereeing, which is a fair comment, fine and it’s his job to referee what he penalise may have been a little tough ball as he retreats from an offside referee under tremendous pressure but he is not blaming and or sees. He’s a quality ref. We certainly on Goodhue, but the referee was right position after Clarke’s knock-on. blowing a home team game and a criticising. The problem arises when have no issues with him.” on the spot and must have seen a Perenara actually topples over Clarke Bledisloe after 40 years, why do we you cannot differentiate a critique for Williams and Gardner are highly flailing arm still in connection with the in the end, before Daugunu beats a not consider the dirty side of the a criticism.

Australia Open 4th Amal Rodrigo Challenge Trophy Tour of Pakistan cancelled for first Umeth blasts a half ECB in talks with PCB The ECB has confirmed it is in talks well as other partners over the coming time since WW2 with the PCB about a short tour to weeks to work through these century in 13 balls Pakistan in late January or early considerations, before a final decision The Australia Open will be absent from February. will be taken in due course.” the sporting calendar for the first time Umeth Peiris, right hand No. 6 The tour is likely to consist of three Quite a few pieces of the jigsaw will since World War Two this season after batsman of Champ Cricket T20Is and would be England’s first have to come together before the tour Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia Academy (Red), scored a half visit to Pakistan since late 2005. can be confirmed. For a start, the ECB cancelled all of their top events on Friday century in 13 balls with 6 sixes While England are not currently are likely to need to prioritise their because of the and 3 boundaries against scheduled to tour Pakistan until late obligations which are already COVID-19 pandemic. Bradfield Cricket Academy in 2022, the PCB issued this invitation in scheduled - the Sri Lanka Test series The 105th edition of the country’s their Under-15 Inter Academy the hope that England may have was originally meant to be played in oldest and most prestigious tournament, 30 overs Cricket tournament around a week between their tour of March 2020 - and there is still some scheduled to take place at Melbourne’s fixture at the Moratu Sri Lanka, which is currently planned doubt over where the games against Kingston Heath Golf Club, had already Vidyalaya ground recently. for January, and their Test and India will be played. While it looks been postponed from its usual slot in In Moratuwa (Champ CA limited-overs series against India, overwhelmingly likely the fixtures will November. (Red) won by 7 runs) which are due to take place from late be played in the UAE due to With Melbourne still in lockdown and Champ CA (Red): 214/5 (30) Umeth Peiris January and into March. prevalence of Covid-19 in India, the access to Australia still extremely (Umeth Peiris 58 n.o., Kanishka Bradfield CA: 207/7 (30) The ECB appear keen to make the BCCI are yet to officially acknowledge difficult for foreigners, however, the Dissanayake 45, Rivith (Adesh Almeda 74, Tharindu tour happen. Not only are they this. Due to the political tensions governing bodies decided to cancel both Jayasooriya 36, Nirvana Dilanka 56, Lashen Fernando grateful for Pakistan’s recently between the countries and current men and women’s Opens as well as the Abeysekara 26, Vinada 35, Anuk Dewanarayana 2/34) concluded tour of England - health requirements, it may also prove Australian PGA Championship. Pasandul 3/33) (IR) Pakistan’s players were obliged to problematic to travel directly between “It’s unprecedented and a real blow for spend several weeks in lockdown due Pakistan and India in the limited time Australian golf and its fans,” PGA of to Covid-19 protocols - but they are available. Australia Chief Executive Gavin mindful of the powerful message such Recent reports from security Kirkman said in a news release. a tour would send to a country which consultants suggests that confidence “We have collectively spent months in was starved of top-flight cricket for in this regard have risen considerably. exhaustive consultation with all relevant Karthik steps aside many years due to security concerns. While security for the tour would no authorities and our sanctioning partners “After discussions with the Pakistan doubt be extremely tight, there has to try to find a way to stage all three Cricket Board (PCB), we can confirm been an acceptance within the ECB events safely. the England and Wales Cricket Board for some time that the tour in 2022 “But even with multiple contingency as KKR captain (ECB) has received an invitation in was viable. The PCB will also need to plans, it has reached a point where respect of a short white-ball tour to satisfy the ECB’s medical team that decisions have to be made and this, Morgan to take over Pakistan during the early part of their plans for a bio-bubble are regrettably, is the one we’ve had to take.” 2021,” the ECB said in a statement adequate. As has become standard in The Australian PGA Championship, After seven games in IPL been the Vice-Captain, is willing released on 15 October. “We welcome recent years, players uncomfortable which was first played in 1905 and is 2020, Dinesh Karthik has to lead the side going forward. the fact that international cricket is with going on the tour are likely to be co-sanctioned by the European Tour, handed over the Kolkata Knight DK and Eoin have worked returning to Pakistan and are allowed to skip it without had already been moved from December Riders captaincy to Eoin Morgan. brilliantly together during this committed to doing what we can to consequence. to February at Brisbane’s Royal Karthik said the decision would tournament and although Eoin help this develop further. If the tour does take place, it may be Queensland. help him focus on his batting takes over as captain, this is “As with any proposed tour that considered something of a coup for The governing bodies said they more. effectively a role swap and we takes place at this time, the safety and Wasim Khan, the Chief Executive of considered a raft of measures to get the “We are fortunate to have expect that this transition will welfare of our players and staff is the PCB. British-born Khan has come tournaments up and running, including leaders such as DK who has work in a seamless manner.” paramount. As such, there are a in for criticism from some aspects of bringing players into a biosecure bubble always put the team first,” Morgan, who led the England number of factors that need to be Pakistan’s media since he was and restricting crowds, but the options Knight Riders CEO Venky ODI team to a World Cup win in taken into consideration, including appointed to the role almost two years proved ‘unviable’. Mysore said. “It takes a lot of 2019, was bought by the Knight the proposed protocols in relation to ago. But he has forged a strong “The events rely on significant support courage for someone like him to Riders for INR 5.25 crore at the Covid-19 bio-secure bubbles, the relationship with Tom Harrison, his from players and tours around the take a decision such as this. December 2019 auction. After proposed levels of security around the counterpart at the ECB, and has world, so given current quarantine While we were surprised by his seven league games, Morgan is team, as well as the feasibility of worked hard to assuage the security restrictions, we believe the field strength decision, we are respectful of his second on the list of most undertaking this tour against the concerns touring teams had until of all three events would be severely wishes. runs for the Knight Riders this backdrop of an already busy schedule recently. If this tour goes ahead, one of compromised,” said Golf Australia’s new “We are also fortunate that season, hitting 175 runs at an of international cricket for the the key aims of his time with the PCB Chief Executive James Sutherland. Eoin Morgan, the 2019 World average of 35. Karthik has scored England men’s team. will have been achieved. (Reuters) Cup-winning captain, who has 108 runs at an average of 15.42. “We will be liaising with the PCB as (ESPN) A16 sunday 18 october 2020 SPORTS

National Athletics Performance Test Events and Athletes Limited Athletes lament lack of opportunities Had to limit athletes to follow COVID-19 medical guidelines – SLA

authorities to conduct the trial or give events of the test. According to them an opportunity to check out their National Coach Kularathne, after performance at competition standards. perusing all appeals received, they “Since many athletes trained hard for will finalise the list of eligible this, we decided to conduct a test, which participants by Monday, which By Anjana will enable us to assess their will include a few athletes who are Kaluarachchi performance, which will help them in the not part of the present Elite and long-term to train for next year’s events,” National pools. Sri Lanka Athletics said National Coach Y.K. Kularathne Some athletes who are part of (SLA) decision to limit replying to a query from Ceylon Today. these national pools will not the number of events Tests will only be conducted on feature in the test, like Yupun and number of selected elite events focusing on Olympic Abeykoon, who is in Italy and Schedule athletes for the qualification. This includes events like Sharmila Jan, who had upcoming performance the 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, Long informed SLA that she isn’t Day 1 (24 October) test next weekend (24 Jump, Triple Jump, Javelin Throw (men taking part. SLA will give an and 25) at and women) and three women’s event – opportunity to athletes who 08.00 a.m. 3000m Steeple Chase (Women) Sugathadasa Stadium, 1500m, 100m hurdles and 3000m are next in line or based on 08.00 a.m. Long Jump (Women) has created an uproar steeple chase. justifiable appeals for those 08.30 a.m. 800m (Women) among athletes and Though they will go ahead with the vacant lanes. There won’t be 08.45 a.m. 800m (Men) coaches islandwide. test, SLA has to adhere to all medical any heats or rounds for any 09.00 a.m. 200m (Women) Originally, the trials guidelines issued by the Ministry of event, and lanes will be decided 09.00 a.m. Long Jump (Men) were set to be held from Health, as well as the National Institute by a draw. Athletes will get one 09.00 a.m. Javelin Throw (Women) 23 to 25 October at the of Sports Medicine during the test, as well chance per event to test their 09.15 a.m. 200m (Men) same venue, and both as during training ahead of the test. performance. The competition 09.30 a.m. 100m Hurdles (Women) senior and junior Hence, they have decided to limit the will be conducted strictly athletes trained hard for it test to the current Elite and National Pool adhering to medical guidelines, Day 2 (25 October) since there were no athletes. Athletes who missed out from where athletes will not be allowed national events during the being included in these two pools but to stay in the main stadium for 08.00 a.m. 1500m (Women) entire year due to the were included in National teams for warm-up or warm-down purposes 08.00 a.m. Triple Jump (Women) COVID-19 pandemic. major international events during the last during the test to limit 08.30 a.m. 100m (Women) However, due to the two years, too, will be eligible to compete. interactions. The test is also not 08.45 a.m. 100m (Men) sudden unexpected This will give an opportunity to athletes compulsory for athletes who are 09.00 a.m. 400m (Women) development (Brandix like Asian Championship medallist already in the National and Elite 09.00 a.m. Triple Jump (Men) cluster) SLA had no option Rumeshika Rathnayaka, Youth Olympic pools, and they can participate at 09.00 a.m. Javelin Throw (Men) but to cancel the trials as participant Shelinda Jansen and Asian their discretion. SLA said none of 09.15 a.m. 400m (Men) curfew was imposed in certain Games finalist Kalinga Kumarage to them would be removed from the areas, including Gampaha compete with National and Elite pool national pools based on the test District, where most of the athletes. performance. The Ministry of athletes live. SLA officials have been flooded with Sports will provide hostel facilities While it was a relief for some appeals and calls from many athletes for Elite and National pool Kalinga Rumeshika Kumarage set to athletes who found it hard to train who are not part of these pools but eager athletes who are willingly to Rathnayaka set return after gap with most of the training facilities to be included in the pools, asking for an continue training amid the to return after a of two years closed, many who were in peak opportunity to compete in the test to increasing gap of an year condition targeting the trials showcase their talent, while many COVID-19 wasn’t happy about the showed their displeasure for limiting the situation in the decision, and they urged the number of participants and limiting the country.

Major Dinesh Chandimal’s Rugby championship portrait unveiled South Africa A portrait of former Sri The right hander scored T20 International matches. Lankan cricket captain his runs in 391 balls with He has scored 8,877 pull out Major Dinesh Chandimal 33 boundaries and 9 sixes. runs (highest score 354*) was unveiled at the Chandimal has scored with 25 centuries and 41 World champions domestic tournaments Panagoda Army Cricket 3,877 runs (highest score half centuries in 121 first South Africa will not take weeks ago and launched Ground Hall of Fame 164) with 11 centuries and class matches; 6,263 runs part in the Rugby their Test season over the recently in recognition of 18 half centuries in 57 Test (highest score 119*) with 9 Championship in a weekend. Argentina, his unbeaten knock of 354 matches. He has also centuries and 39 half decision that leaves the most of whose players against Saracens SC at scored 3,599 runs (highest centuries in 234 List ‘A’ tournament greatly have had no match MCG Katunayake in the score 111) with four matches and 2,812 runs diminished two weeks preparation, are already Super 8 fixture of the SLC centuries and 22 half (highest score 101*) with a before kick-off and training in a bio-secure Major Tier ‘A’ tournament centuries in 146 ODI century and 18 half southern hemisphere hub in Sydney. 2020, which is the highest matches. He has scored centuries in T20 first class Army cricket head Maj. Gen. Ruwan Wanigasooriya rugby facing an uncertain individual score in Sri 800 runs (highest score 58) matches. unveiling the photo in the presence of Maj. Dinesh future. Financial Lankan domestic cricket. with four half centuries in (IR) Chandimal, Brig. Shiran Abeysekara, Vice President of South African Rugby implications Army Cricket Committee and Senior Officers said on Friday “player welfare” concerns and South Africa’s logistical difficulties left withdrawal will mean a them no choice but to hit to the tournament’s pull the defending revenue at a time when champions out of the the participating nations ‘Inaugural Army competition, which also are battling financial features Australia, New challenges brought by the Commander’s Zealand and Argentina. pandemic. “It seems impossible “Clearly it has financial T20 League’ 2020 that the Springboks won’t implications ... and the play a Test match in broadcast implications of Final today in 2020, but public health that are still to be worked and safety have been the through,” Rugby primary concern and we Australia boss Rob Dombagoda have been collateral Clarke told reporters. Dimo Southern Warriors will meet damage like so many “A bit more notice Super Fashion North Warriors in businesses,” SARU Chief would have been the final at the Army grounds Executive Jurie Roux welcome, there’s no Dombagoda on Saturday (17). said. The annual Test doubt about that. But I Super Fashion Northern Warriors squad: Seekkuge Prasanna (Captain), Dasun Shanaka, Ashan Randika, Bhanuka Rajapaksha, Janaka Sampath, Shehan Fernando, Tharindu Kaushal, Shihan de Silva, Harith Southern Warriors with 3 wins tournament was already know how difficult these Fernando, Heshan Hettiarachchi, Vinod Perera, Sarath Madhushka, Dilshan Madusanka, Raveen Perera, and a no result is leading the points delayed by the COVID-19 things are.” Bhashitha Lakshan, Akila Dhananjaya, Arun Anchayan, Ashan Sampath, Iresh Chamara, Prabath de Silva, table at the end of the first round pandemic and is being RA, in particular, are Ajantha Mendis (Coach) (14 points from 6 matches). Super staged in one country for under pressure as they Fashion Northern Warriors is in the first time. It will now look to land a new TV second place with 3 wins and a no consist of six Tests, rights deal for 2021 and result (14 points in 6 matches). starting with the third beyond, but more broadly Dinesh Chandimal leads Bledisloe Cup clash the decision raises Southern Warriors, which has 3 between hosts Australia concerns about the long- invitational players from the and New Zealand in term future of southern national squad, namely Wanindu Sydney on 31 Oct. South hemisphere rugby. It will Hasaranga, Suranga Lakmal and Africa-based players only be the first time since Dushmantha Chameera. began playing competitive 1994 that South Africa Seekkuge Prasanna leads rugby at the weekend will pass a year without Northern Warriors, which also has 3 after a 29-week hiatus playing both Australia invitational players from the and the SARU was also and New Zealand, with national squad, namely Dasun concerned that 24 the three nations Shanaka, Bhanuka Rajapaksha and overseas-based players launching the Tri-Nations Dimo Southern Warriors squad: Dinesh Chandimal (Captain), Priyantha Rathnayake, Wanindu Akila Dhananjaya. might not be able to join as a joint venture in 1996 Hasaranga, Gihan Koralage, Suminda Lakshan, Asantha Basnayake, Thushan de Zoysa, Janith de Silva, Bishan Mendis, Shehada Zoysa, Suranga Lakmal, Madhushan Bothotage, Jagath Rajapaksha, Malinda Abhishek, (IR) the squad. and welcoming Argentina Dushmantha Chameera, Dilan Madhusanka, Gayashan Koralegoda, Kavishka Lakshan, Rashmika Siriwardhane, Australia and New into the fold in 2012. Ruchira Silva, Sisira Kumara (Coach) Zealand completed (Reuters)

Published by Ceylon Newspapers (Pvt) Limited, 101, Rosmead Place, Colombo 7 and printed at its press at No. 302/1A, Minuwangoda Road, Ja-Ela.