
The earliest record for Mortlocks in Essex seems to be the 1503 will of William, kiddleman of Foulness, although there is no indication in it that he left issue [a kiddle is a stake fence, set in a stream for catching fish].

The recoverable story really starts in Birdbrook, which, in harness with the Suffolk Mortlocks of Haverhill, shows John and Lewis holding land in Birdbrook and in 1549. The name of Lewis attaches quite pointedly to just one branch of Suffolk Mortlocks so this Lewis must surely be related, or even ancestral to the Lewis in Clare who married there in 1588. The Birdbrook story continues consistently to the mid-seventeenth century at which point the line appears to die out; there are no Mortlock entries in the 1662 Hearth Tax.

The oldest known Mortlock property lies in Haverhill, the ‘Anne of Cleves’1 house. This was built by John Mortlock in 1620, replacing ‘Wagg’s Farmhouse’ which at one time was known as the Manor House although there are no indications of any Mortlock manor lordship. John’s son Thomas, a brewer, made some improvements in 1656, marked by his initials on a fireplace, and there was some further improvement marked by his and his wife’s Anne’s initials on a fireplace - which can still be seen - the following year. After Thomas’ death Anne remarried well and gave the house to the church for a vicarage. It is now a physiotherapy centre.

Samuel of Paglesham, Essex, who died in 1793, had land in Haverhill; and a Mortlock Coldham seems to have had an interest in Haverhill in the early eighteenth century. A Henham inheritance has been documented under Haverhill but this went to the distaff side on the death of a Mortlock widow. There are records in nearby parishes in the next century which bring us hiccuping along to Ridgewell where our most notorious Essex Mortlock, the transportee burglar Thomas, received his come-uppance in 1832. Ironically he was one of the most biologically successful Mortlocks and left a large progeny in New South Wales. Two other transportees seem to have been related to him so Ridgewell may have been glad to see the back of their Mortlocks.

The Haverhill, and, it will be seen, Poslingford records are thus necessary to an understanding of the north-western branches of the Essex Mortlocks, and are therefore included at the start of this Essex table.

The Essex Mortlocks mostly owe their origin to a very few progenitors, living in the county at the beginning of the nineteenth century, as will be seen below.

For several the metropolis beckoned, particularly the docklands of the East End which offered the those whose country skills were now obsolete (for a farmhand is highly skilled and knowledgeable) an alternative to vanished agricultural work.

1The Flemish Mare, as far as is known, never came anywhere near Haverhill. Wagg’s Farm’s land was originally Church land, sequestrated by Henry VIII who gave its rents to Anne of Cleves as part of her divorce settlement. The modern naming of the house dates to an enterprising estate agent in 1975.

Essex Mortlocks 1 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead, Finchingfield and the Bardfields

There was a “Mortlock’s Farm” at Radwinter near Hempstead (as there is also one just N of Haverhill). Thomas and his wife Margaret had land in Little Bardfield 1585; the Thomas who died in 1653 in Haverhill also had land in Little & Great Bardfield, and he or a forebear was clearly living in Little Bardfield in 1615. In 1672 Thomas Mortlock’s house in Finchingfield was a meeting place for non-conformists, which probably explains the sparseness of early records for this family.

All the “modern” Hempstead Mortlocks appear to be descendants of the Arbour who died in 1811. Most were landless but Luke, 1803-89, got himself, by endeavour or marriage, a farm. His heir, Charles Luke, who farmed Charity Farm there for 57 years, celebrated his golden wedding in 1927. He was a staunch Conservative and served on the Board of Guardians and then on the Rural District Council, and was in demand as a judge of ploughing matches. In 1912 he had an unwelcome visit from a local horse thief. On his mother’s side he claimed descent from the notorious, cruel, psychopathic highwayman Dick Turpin. Three of the couple’s sons emigrated to South Africa, Thomas and Phillip both overstating their ages. Charles Luke himself lived to be nearly a hundred years old.

Disaster hit in 1878. Mr Mortlock of Parish Farm, Braintree, shot a pigeon that was lurking on the roof of one of the farm buildings. A piece of wadding fired the thatch. The Great Bardfield fire brigade managed to save the farmhouse, but the outbuildings and a quantity of grain and livestock were destroyed [Times, 30.4.78].

The Christian name Luke seems to be exclusive to this family, which idea I have rather leant on in order to recover missing members from Kent and elsewhere.

With regard to Thomas William born 1855 in Tillingham, he seems to have absconded in early 1901, although the family had a cover story that he was leaning out of a window hanging bunting for Queen Victoria’s funeral when his bowler hat fell off and he fell to his death trying to grab it. Further he was said to have been buried in the very last grave that he dug in Nunhead cemetery, but there is no trace of this in the cemetery records. He seems to be the Thomas with a different reported birth year travelling with an American circus in 1911.


In the 1553 Diocesan Visitation of Chichester a Robert Mortlock was recorded as ‘Prebendary of Hova Villa’, that is to say he was that canon of Chichester whose stipend was secured on revenues from the parish of Bolney in Sussex. In 1557 Queen Mary appointed a Robert Mortlock to a life wardenship of St Mary Magdelene hospital in Colchester Infirmary. For this role that Robert must have been literate so he was probably a priest, presumably conformant to the restored Papist regime. Was he the Robert who, parson of Martyr Worthy in Hampshire, left a will in 1561 which mentioned the church at Foxearth which lies on the Essex side of the Stour quite near Clare? He could well have been turned out after a year in the Colchester job, life tenure or no, when the Protestants got back in in 1558. However, he seems to have successfully blown with the wind (like the fictitious Vicar of Bray a century later) to get into another living. Apparently unmarried, he names a brother John and a brother (in law?) Samuel Pannell and other relations with surnames Lakes and Fowler whom I have been unable to place. Essex Mortlocks 2 RJHG 05.05.2019 The Colchester area next figures in Tudor times with a family at Aldham. There are then discontinuities until a more conventional genealogy presents itself at the end of the eighteenth century. Some members moved to Kent. Some skilled men are seen - bricklayers, bookbinder, a carpenter, a cabinet maker. So there must have been some money for apprenticeships. The 1861 census and others show several families of cousins growing up together in close propinquity. Some seem to have done well enough for themselves as tradesmen; but two ended up in the workhouse, one an old lady, the other barely 21.

At Eight Ash Green just west of Colchester Ernest Mortlock started a garage business in 1928. His family came from Chevington in Suffolk and he had already tried his luck in Wandsworth.

Weeley & St Osyth

Lewis of Weeley, born in 1770 and probably son of a Lewis who died there in 1801, is interesting because of the name he bears, although he is only a labourer. His son Robert became a sadler and moved to Cambridge. Another Lewis, born in 1792, died near St Osyth over eighty years later. Further use of this Christian name so peculiar to Mortlocks can be seen in the St Osyth area later.

Peldon & Wivenhoe

Peldon presents a more consistent picture with six generations stemming from a Richard of Birdbrook whose father seems to have been born in Ridgewell (I am indebted to Jane King for these links). However this Richard seems to have migrated into Birdbrook from somewhere else, via his marriage. Most of the junior branches finished up as labourers; primogeniture rules. Some descendants ended up in Bromley by Bow alongside some of their Colchester “cousins”. A multiple birth gene seems to have come in, possibly from Deborah of Fingringhoe. Maybe she also brought some money or land; her father-in-law had two settlement examinations against his name so is unlikely to be the source of her sons’ inheritances - not that they all escaped from the lab-trap. In Peldon itself the Mortlocks must have formed a close-knit group - in 1861 John, Isaac and Elijah, with their families, were all living next door to each other.

The senior branches prospered with William farming at Wivenhoe and Charles becoming a miller there. Essex Windmills, Millers and Millwrights by KG Faries, published by Charles Skilton in 1988, has Charles taking over milling there in 1874, “after which milling continued under the direction of the Mortlocks until the Second World War, the last of the millers of that name dying about 1950”. The mill with its tiles and plastered roundhouse was arguably erected about 1816. Wind milling there stopped in the early 1880s, following a disastrous fire (endemic to windmills) in November 1882. The fire was discovered by Charles’ brother who lived nearby and fortunately the wind blew the flames away from the living quarters. In any case the mill had for some time been running on only two sails, the other two having been blown off the year before, and this imbalanced running may have caused the bearings to over-heat. Milling therefore concentrated on the steam mill alongside which had been there some while. The site was levelled and redeveloped in 1972.

The surnname shifts to Modlock with one branch of the Peldon Mortlocks (Peldon 8 & 9)

Percy William, the village paper boy, got off his bike to enlist in 1914, and was killed at Neuve Chapelle, aged only sixteen. Essex Mortlocks 3 RJHG 05.05.2019 & Maldon

The juror recorded in the sixteenth century was probably a Haverhill Mortlock. The main family here seems to start with a John living in the area at the start of the nineteenth century. Some of these Mortlocks finished up in London. Confusingly, a journeyman miller who traces back via Great Cornard in Suffolk to Glemsford in that county married here and started a family in Chelmsford in the 1840s. His brother Thomas moved to Braintree, Bures and Little Waltham. This may relate to a Shimpling Mortlock (related to the Glemsford line) being settled in Maldon, with a Shimpling bride, in 1783.

Robert Richard went to sea and became Mate of the sailing barge Albion. From there he worked up to be Captain of the barque Maidstone. Anchored off the mouth of the Colne 2.10.1875 he and three others took the ship’s boat in for provisions. It overturned on the return trip and all were drowned. Robert’s body was eventually recovered from the beach at Brightlingsea and returned to St Osyth for burial [Leeds Mercury 9.10.75].

Ongar & Epping etc

Joseph, yeoman of Epping, left a will in 1663, but does not appear to have founded a line in the area; he had land in Wethersfield where he probably “belongs”.

John, who married in High Ongar in 1780, may have had more children than the chart shows, but his Thomas certainly left a considerable posterity in the area. A miller, he appears to have moved about which suggests that he never had his own mill; however by 1866 he was posthumously described as “farmer”. Some of his descendants moved into London as that century wore on. Many of them were skilled craftsmen or business people; perhaps this made it easier for them to migrate. Three of his daughters married in Shoreditch.

The region about Thurrock is interesting as there are several Mortlock marriages recorded in the area in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, although there seems to be nothing to show in terms of obvious descendants in the nineteenth.

Rochford and Romford RDs (Barking, Cranham, Hadleigh, Leigh on Sea, Southend etc.)

Note a Mortlock girl born in Wandsworth who died in this area. Spare a thought, also, for the two pensioners in their little terraced cottage in Upminster, murdered by the Germans in 1940. William Robert was quite possibly the youngest of eight siblings of which at least three had died as toddlers. I expect the German pilot got an iron cross for his gallantry.

Walthamstow and West Ham

This area included a family from Mildenhall, listed separately in the Suffolk part of this analysis, and a family in what was then close to a thriving docklands, who lived in Plaistow in West Ham but ended up by the shore of Lake Windermere. This family having left, there were NO Mortlocks listed in the area in 1861.

Essex Mortlocks 4 RJHG 05.05.2019 Many of the West Ham records cannot easily be related further back geographically; the number of places from which Mortlocks migrated to West Ham is larger than for any other destination, and includes locations elsewhere in East Anglia; however one family came into Stratford(E) from Shoreditch. Within the borough of West Ham there were separately identifiable Mortlock families in Stratford and in Canning Town, East Ham, North Woolwich, and Plaistow. As late as 1895 the last four of these were still shown on the map as separate villages.

The origin of the street name Mortlock Court in this area is ‘Mortlock’s Modern Dairies’ of 65a Whitton Rd, Manor Park, London E12 (directors in 1955 included a JA Mortlock). The firm spent much of the late 1950s fruitlessly trying to obtain official sanction from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for their alcoholic flavoured milk, the 17.5° proof 'Noggo original creme punch' [PRO,MAF/101/95]. In 1944 James of Manor Park left £54,800; his age at death was 68 and the only James I have found who fits this was one born in Stratford East 1Q1876. He married somewhere in the West Ham registration district in 2Q1899. You will find him, perversely, among the Norfolk Mortlocks.

At first glance he seemed an unlikely candidate; he is shown as a railway boiler maker in the 1901 census. You can find him in the 1881 census under 'MORDLUCK' (yet another transcription error to plague the researcher). His mother Sophia Emma had married, secondly, a John NESS, a stonecutter from Scotland and had settled at 1, Solway Road, West Ham; but her first (Mortlock) husband was from Norfolk.

In 1912 James was running his dairy at 515, Katherine Road, Forest Hill. By 1929 the enterprise was called the Mortlock Sterilized Milk Suply Co. Ltd [see ref. in the Unigate plc papers at the Museum of English Rural Life, TR UGT/193]. One can imagine that the post-war epithet 'modern' comes from removal of the dairy from one premises to another, newer one. This may be connected with the reuse of whatever agricultural land had supported the original cows. If you paraded a cow through the area now you would probably arouse some curiosity as to what this strange beast was; milk comes from supermarkets, innit? Mortlock Court must be the only reminder of this vanished agricultural enterprise, unless cows range Wanstead Flats or are used to keep the grass down in the vast spread of cemeteries that are now the immediately adjacent green lung in this area.

Souvenirs of this enterprise - Dinky-toy style model 1965 Bedford Vans with 'Mortlocks Dairies' painted on the side - were being offered on the internet for upwards of £50 in 2004.

You may be wondering, by now, about the Mortlock Close that appears immediately above the Mortlock Court entry in the A-Z index. But this is south of the Thames in Peckham (in SE 15) and I have yet to discover how it earned its name; there was a Mortlock Gardens in Peckham in 1879.

My apologies for a number of genealogical loose ends in Essex. As to the males at least, I believe many of these are incomers whom I have failed to identify in their parent counties. Mea culpa.

Essex Mortlocks 5 RJHG 05.05.2019 Abbreviations used throughout this Essex section: ------% Chelmsford will # other will/admon ’ mentioned in will or probate record * plaque/slab/gravestone/monumental inscription + buried (date of death if available) = married 1,2,3,4Q first etc (March, June, September, December) quarter of the year +(-)~.pp go forward (back) so many pages -s.-d sons and daughters botp both of this parish ch. Children ES Essex Standard IJ Ipswich Journal kia killed in action RD Registration District unm unmarried => grantee of probate

Essex Mortlocks 6 RJHG 05.05.2019 Haverhill(HV)(Suffolk)(includes refs to several other Suffolk parishes) ------Tree from IGI and PCC, Sudbury and Chelmsford will indexes, plus will details supplied by Simon Mynott and parish register data from Bill Sale. Much of the data for Haverhill is in Essex CRO.

John MORTLOCK ======Alice’ of Haverhill +1557HV$ | 1524 Lay subsidies(Wixoe(Sfk)) | {John leads the list “in land” | {but no money figure is given ------5.11.58 ? | | John ======Jane | Lewes’+12.4.1601 PAXHALE Clare | Sfk muster roll | 1539 for Wixoe;@ ====(1)Clement BUCK(2)=== ’ | land BB, SpB 1549 | Pynchepooles Manor | +>1577 | witn. BB 1567 | Manuden@ | | | +1.4.1577% | Richard’ ==== Joan’ | | +1560HV$ | (2)=1561BStE ------of “Phillips” | Thomas SPENCER | | | | | | | Clement’ John’ | | ------| 4.1576 | | | | | | | Margaret’ ======John’ Robert’ Henry’ William’ George’ Thomas’ Anne’ Manuden +1597# +>1572 +20.11.71$ +>1597 +1560-72 +1572$ +>1572 | yeoman ?= dau | ?=1570 | of of Wm ------Margaret | “Phillips” KING | | BROWN | +1572% Ann Henry ?+<1572 | (but 15.11.1588 14.3.91 | see BB) ?=1614 | William SHARP | |------| | | | | | Mary ======John’ Samuel’ Annabel’ Mary’ Thomasin’ William’ | <1573 <1573 <1577 <1577-<1597 <1577-?<1597 ?=Marie | yeo.of HV =30.6.06 | | Thomas MAYES Martha | 14.1.1614Wixoe | |------| | | | Mary Thomasin’ John Samuel’ 2.8.1590 19.4.1593 +1653 +<1653 =<1653 =30.4.1617Withersfield, #PROB11/225 f34 | STANES |Thomas FLAMEN or land in H.Bumpstead Thomas | FLANNER & Haverhill >1632 ------| | s Thomas’

@Lewis MORTLOCK & Clement BUCK had farms in Haverhill, Kedington, Sturmer & Wratting in 1587(Essex Feet of Fines)

1625: Simon WOODS indicted for failing to execute a warrant against Robert & William MORTLOCK [ECRO, Q/SR/265/14]

Essex Mortlocks 7 RJHG 05.05.2019 Haverhill(HV)(2) ------Essex Feet of Fines: 1549: John & Lewis land in Birdbrook & Steeple Bumpstead (both Essex) 1586: John & Wm 3 farms in Haverhill, Kedington, Sturmer & Wratting 1590: John & wife Dorothy [CHESSELL] & Wm John’s son & heir land in Birdbrook 1591: Wm MORTLOCK & JOHN COOLE property in Haverhill 1593: John & Wm & Wm’s wife Jane, farms in Kedington & Sturmer 1593: John & wife Dorothy 3 farms in Birdbrook

This indicates a close connection between these MORTLOCKs and those of Birdbrook, q.v.

Thomas ======+22.3.1623HV#PROB11/141 f59 | yeoman;?juror 1584 | | ------| | | | | | | Samuel’ Margaret’¬ | Sarah’ Susan’ Robert Thomas’ +17.4.1644Henham | 17.3.1588 29.8.91 30.5.75- +1634HV# yeo;%D/ABW58 f192 John =18.7.1614 ?2.8.1611 ch.warden =Barbara’^ 6.1.1574- Henry DODDING’ Hedingham =?Mary+>1634 | | | ------| | ? | Susan Sarah | +25.2.30HV 2.1-20.3.42HV | |------| | | | | | | | Samuel’ Thomas’ Robert’ Edward’ | Susanna’ Margaret’ Mary’ +1651Henham yeoman of HV | = %D/ACW15 f15 High Constable of | =11.1636 STARES =Susannah Hinckford Hundred Esx John’@ |Tilbury- WOOD 1652-61 +7.8.1651# |juxta-Clare(Essex) +1692% land at Peldon 14.6.1639 | |Thomas %D/ACR11 f16 | V |MORTLOCK =>all to her Samuel 9.12.1636 next |+5?.1653 WOOD nieces “by Anne WATSON” page |bro.of Henry’ and nephews |#PROB11/225 f34 |land in Haverhill |& Gt & Lit.Bardfld & in 1636 ‘of Sturmer’ @John was “charged with horse” to be a member of | Bendish’s troop of light horse, 1628; Mary <1637 (may refer to the Bendysh estate near Radwinter) assessed to pay 3s.6d Ship Money 1640

Mary = 1635 Wratting (just NNE of Haverhill), John ROWNING Elizabeth = 12.1636 Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Timothy WOODS

^1646: Barbara defendant in Chancery suit 1650: Thomas jnr of HV ref. along with Susan of Henham ¬1656: Henry at law in Chancery vs. Mary & Margaret

Essex Mortlocks 8 RJHG 05.05.2019 Haverhill(HV)(etc)(3)& see also Swavesey (Cambs) Mortlocks ------previous page | Radcliffe TODD ===== Anne John of Stamere Hall | +7.8.1651# | | 3.1.1658 | 24.10.1681 Thomas MORTLOCK ======(1)Anne(2)======(2)George(1)===== of Haverhill BStE StM ‘of Haverhill GENT | brewer;had Anne of Cleves’ cottage| Cowlinge’ | of | | | S.B’stead | ------2s.2d s.p. 1.11.1711 | | | Elizabeth ======Thomas Sarah | 1679 UPCHER/ Borehm Esx 10.6.1664 30.7.68 Anne“d&h” ======George COLDHAM UPSHIRE lic. <- Fairstead Esx -> of Thos M S.B’std of HV (lic.) | Mortlock COLDHAM

In 1714 Mortlock COLDHAM, alias PONTISBRIGHT, of Chapel, Essex, son of George COLDHAM, was at law re manors in Beauchamp Walter, Foxearth and Pentlow. In 1747 he was in a Chancery suit re the rectorial tithes of Haverhill, which war had started in 1736[Essex CRO,D/DQ 84/25]. In 1765 He was indicted for perjury in this last case, it being alleged that when he had said he had never seen the tithe map, he had a copy all along [Norfolk CRO,WLS/LV/39/428x5]. His will, drafted 15.2.1778, describes him as ‘of Boulogne but late of Sturmer’.

Samuel ca.1590Kedington (IGI) Margaret(?see Haverhill?) | ------| | Mary 30.1.1667Kedington Samuel 3.3.69Kedington

Mary +17.1.1672Haverhill Hannah +29.2.1738Haverhill Sarah +17.8.1766Haverhill

Thomas MORTLOCK of Haverhill = ? deed(?will)3.12.1716 | Mary ‘my dau & heir’ = Robert WOOLEY +<1702# | [had land in Haverhill | & Helions Bumpstead] ------| [see ECRO D/DZf/24] | | | John Thomas Robert =(1)Anne(2)= CAREY | ------| | | Francis EVERSDEN = Mary Robert of Foulmere, fellmonger >1695 >1692 for the Sampfords see Castle Camps John +13.1.1754Gt.Sampford Susannah = 28.11.1754Gt.Sampford, John COOTE John M’ gaoled at Chelmsford for stealing nine pigs in Radwinter[IJ 29.5.1773]

Essex Mortlocks 9 RJHG 05.05.2019 Birdbrook (BB) and district (and see Peldon) ------see Essex Feet of Fines, and Middlesex Archdeaconry wills John and Lewis had land in Birdbrook & Steeple Bumpstead in 1549 Lewis witn. Birdbrook 1557 & mentioned 1584 (see Haverhill, Sfk)

25.9.1557: Robert granted life wardenship of St Mary Magdelene hospital, Colchester [Patent Rolls, Philip & Mary] .. is he: Robert, Prebendary of Hova Villa, Chichester in 1553? Robert, parson of Martyr Worthy, Hants, who died in 1560? This Robert’s will [PRO,PROB11/44 f7], mentions Foxearth Essex, brother John, and brother (?in-law) Samuel PANNELL (see below).

William KING of BB ------+1572%,yeoman ? ? ? ? ? ? | Rose Lewis~ | | | Robert’======? (1)= 11.1557BB’, | Sarah |?witn. S.Hedingham 1580 PANNELL 84’,86,87 | fl.1593’ | | | 30.6.1565 | John~ ======Dorothy CHESSWELL¬^ (2)= | fl.1572’,83’, Birdbrook of Lt Bardfield | WADE | 86,90,93,97’ | (London marr.lic.) | | < but see also Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk > | | | |-William | Jane === William^ b.1565-69 | of Ridgewell | ?+24.5.1615HV fl.1586,91,93 | +1572% | 28 acres in BB 1590 | | This family had farms in Birdbrook, Kedington | | Sturmer,Haverhill & Wratting var. 1586-93 |-Robert’ | | Thomas ======(2)Margaret’@(1)======|-John’ fl.1571’,72’, | | | 82’,84’,+1600BB% |------| |-Thomas’ | | | | PARFLYNG? ======Joan’ John’ ? ======DYNES? |-Agnes/Ann’ | <1579- | | Bryget’ ?1651# Margaret’ Margaret’ ?=1636 SaffronWalden (place unknown) ?=1621St Benet Fink Robert |Mary TAYLOR (London marr.lic.) LEECH | | 1665BB Elizabeth ======John LAWSELL 1644BB

“my red flecked cow now in the hands of Thomas M of BB” - Margaret GRIDLEY of Ridgewell 1571 ~ property in Sturmer, Kedington, Haverhill and Wratting 1586 & 1587 @ property in Lt Bardfield & Lindsell 1596 ^temp. James I: William & Dorothy sued in Chancery by -- GENT ¬20.11.1616 Robert MORTLOCK and others and Dorothy MORTLOCK ‘widow’ bound over

NB: William TAYLOR of Ridgewell, tailor, had land in Glemsford, will dr. 8.5.1593, witness Thomas PANNELL, William WADE, executor Robert PANNELL. Codicil 8.2.1593/4, witness Sarah MORTLOCK.

Essex Mortlocks 10 RJHG 05.05.2019 Other early NW Essex ------Frances = 1565 Castle Hedingham, Thomas GARLING Joan +<23.4.1569Castle Hedingham 14.9.1600 Thomas CORAY of Sturmer stole four ewes off John MORTLOCK Samuel = 10.1610 Helions Bumpstead, Catherine MORE ?? a Haverhill MORTLOCK?? Ann = 2.11.1637 Gt Yeldham, Samuel BATEMAN Frances = 22.4.1672 Wendens Ambo, Roger PEACHEY Sarah = 1Q1672 Wickham St Paul [3’ ENE of C.Hedingham], Abraham HURRELL Margaret = 27.10.1683 Ashen, William WHITE 1689 John MORTLOCK of Birdbrook was a juror Katherine “married woman” +1702 Shudy Camps Alice = 26.11.1789 Birdbrook, John WIBOROW botp see also Castle Camps

Wethersfield ------John ===== Avis +27.8.1659W’field #PROB11/212 f76 | +11.1.1661W’field %D/AMW6 f25 | ------| | | | | | | Joseph’ Samuel’ Thomas’ Anne’ Hester’ Marie’ Susan’=Joseph’ +1663 | <1620 =Thomas =WALLNUTTER <1620 <1620|of Feeting Epping d’ |EDWARDS’of | |Bury[?] %D/AMW6 f143 |Toppesfield Samuel’ | land in Wethersfield | 2ch. apparently unm. Thomas’

26.10.1654->1657 Mary MORTLOCK, widow, to receive 1/6 p.w. to keep the child of Joseph MORTLOCK & Joseph to reimburse (Essex Quarter Sessions)

Susanna = 16.4.1702 Wethersfield, William HOCKLEY

Hannah = 11.6.1642 Finchingfield, Joseph HALL Sarah of Belchamp = 1657 Halstead, Edward BUTCHER of Gessingthorpe ‘widow MORTLAKE’ = 1659 Gt.Dunmow, William MORE Mary = 1662 Panfield(2’ NW of Braintree), Thomas FITCH Mary = 12.8.1687 Gosfield, John BORER

Saffron Walden(SW) ------Joan =18.1.1596SW, Robert WILSMER John PARKER 7.1.1646SW | John ======Catherine +25.11.50SW

8.5.1710 John =====(1)Mary(2)======John FISHER +2.1.1710#Benington | Benington | Herts ------| | | Sarah Maria Maria 9.11.1703 26.2-27.2.06 2.2.10 S.Walden Benington Benington ?=6.5.1733Sacomb (“Mary”) Joseph MOULDEN 1841 census: -- MORTLOCK age 20 in High St Saffron Walden Essex Mortlocks 11 RJHG 05.05.2019 Steeple Bumpstead(SpB)(see also Haverhill, & Hempstead(6); ------& Poslingford, Hundon, & Glemsford(5), Suffolk

Ruth = 4.10.1750SpB, Thomas WARD Sarah = 19.1.1767SpB, William COCK botp John = 14.11.1786SpB, Mary BENTLEY ?1740-30.7.1817SpB

---- MORTLOCK b.1747 “inmate” in Steeple Bumpstead 1831

16.3.1790SpB 20.10.95SpB Susanna WEBB ======(1)William(2)======Mary WILLOWS }all otp +30.6.1790SpB 1754- 1760-29.4.1818SpB 10.11.1825SpB “her throat gradually closed” John 1760-13.2.1828SpB } but see Hundon Mary 1779-13.2.1838SPB }

~Thomas ======Mary~ 1764-20.1.1838SpB | 1766Hempstead-3.1.1854SpB | pauper/laundress 1851 | ------~ in SpB 1831 6.11.17 | ? ? Joseph CLARK(E) ======Hannah Lydia Lydia~ 1801SpB Sp|B 5.6.1796SpB 11.1.1801SpB 4.1.07SpB carpenter | laundress ?d.inf =13.8.31SpB | |John KEMP?+1835/41 | | | ------Mary Ann =?William | | | 1824Co.CarlowIreland 1817SpB Mary William James carpenter 1832 1833 1835

Susan = 26.6.1827SpB, William HUMPHREY William b.1862Steeple Bumpstead, porter in St Pancras, London 1881

Ridgewell(Rdg) [RD Halstead] ------see also Castle Camps; Glemsford, Withersfield & Haverhill(Sfk) Sarah [?Susan] was a witness in Ridgewell 1593

6.10.1737 (but see Glemsford) Albert(us) ======Elizabeth STEBBING 11.3.09Hundon Sfk-?15.12.44Rdg Ridgewell +25.8.75Rdg Essex | ------| | | 6.11.60 | Susannah Albert John ======Sarah Richard ?25.3.38- 10.4.42Rdg- 4.8.42Rdg(?b.1736)- Sible WRIGHT 8.3.43Rdg 8.5.83Rdg ?15.12.44Rdg 20.1.1825Rdg Hedingham 1736- | witn. Sturmer 1Q1797 | 15.6.28Rdg ? | V Susan +7.8.94Rdg +31.pp (Peldon via Birdbrook)

Mary = 5.7.1796 Ridgewell, Charles MARTIN of Stambourne Sarah‘MORDILLICK’ = 7.11.1805 Ridgewell, Benjamin RICHARDSON, witn.Wm MORTLOCK

Essex Mortlocks 12 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell(Rdg)(2) [RD Halstead] ------William 1801-13.12.1827Ridgewell Mary = 3.3.1833Toppesfield, Joseph KING

Elizabeth ======(?1)William^(?2)======Susan~ | 1781- | 1785/90Essex Mary Ann 21.2.1831 | lab.1841 ~ in Ridgewell 1841 24.12.1809Rdg Ridgewell | ¬ in Latchingdon 1861 | ------? | | | | | | Thomas William Richard~ |~ ?2Q39 Sarah | 1815Rdg- 7.2.13 1815/20Esx John¬ ======Sarah~ ?1829^ | 28.1.1879 Rdg lab. 1814 Halstead 1814Toppesfld- Ridgewell | | | 15.9.57% (bp.6.2.42 | V | Toppesfield) | +2.pp ------=26.12.51 | | | | | | (Toppesfld) | Sarah~ Mary Ann Sarah< twins >Susan Emily¬ [RD Halstead] | 1840Essex 2Q41Rdg 1Q47 21.3.47Rdg- 3Q49Mayland Charles | ?d.inf crepe 30.3.47Rdg (bp.5.6.50) HARDY | weaver | =4Q66Maldon s.o.Joseph Arthur` Halstead 1861 | |David MARVEN 1817 3Q62= | | | 1s.3d in Althorne & | Latchingdon % died in Essex county asylum, Mary Ann admitted ‘pauper’7.9.1857 bp.15.7.1866Althorne[RD Maldon] svt,Mistley1881 ?=1Q86Chelmsford

` farm labourer; 7 yrs transportation at Essex Quarter Sessions 23.2.1836, for stealing geese at Ridgewell (two previous convictions for felony) arrived Tasmania in Lady Nugent 12.7.36 via Fortitude hulk at Chatham (‘character very bad, twice imprisoned before’); there 1836, 1841; ticket of leave 23.11.40; Certificate of Freedom 23.2.43. [Essex Standard, 23.2.36 & 25.3.36]

^ Sarah’s baptismal record says she is ‘age 12’ and the ‘daughter of William and Susan’ - this clashes with an account that William died when Thomas was 9.

James of Ridgewell convicted of larceny, 2 months, Quarter Sessions 4.1829, had got off a charge of obtaining money falsely at Lent Assizes 1824 (found not guilty of stealing ‘By Proclamation’), another previous acquittal January 1822[ECRO,Q/SBH 495/97].

2Q48 Susan ======Aaron ARGENT lab. 1817Toppesfield Halstead 1821Stambourne-1Q91Halstead | | ------| Lollia 1840Toppesfield | | | | | straw plaiter 1851 Susanna Eliza Abraham Hepzibah Esther 1Q48 12.1850 1851 1856 1859 } all born Stambourne =1Q83 John MICKLEY1Q56Halstead-1Q88Romford

The family lived at Finchingfield Road Cottage; all the females worked as straw plaiters; then in 1891 Aaron died and Susan, Hephzibah and Esther moved to Kentish Town, St Pancras. Essex Mortlocks 13 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales ------

References for this Ridgewell/NSW section:

The Australian Biographical, 1842-1899 which is based on Journey Beyond The Seas, M KRETCHMER, NSW 1980 (copy in Soc.Genealogists) - however Kretchmer’s work contains some errors and should not be used in isolation. NB in both refs Thomas is identified as Thomas John

Further material from Peter Mortlock Batchelor, Cecilie Mortlock and others

IGI Monaro Pioneers contains a great deal of additional personal information about individuals and, having been carefully revised by Cecilie, should be regarded as a preferred source. &

NB birth records often conflict between Bredbo, Billilingra and Cooma. Route 23 (the Monaro Highway) runs from Cooma northwards in succession through Billilingra, Bredbo, Calwell and Colinton past Queanbeyan to Canberra.

Location abbreviations for NSW: B = Bredbo Ba = Billilingra (near Bredbo) C = Cooma CF = Captain’s Flat GB = Goulburn HT = Hamilton P = Parramatta Q = Queayanbean SS = South Seaham W = Woronora cemetery Wwd = West Wallsend Y = Yass

Essex Mortlocks 14 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(2) ` see Australian Biographical ------Samuel Enoch = Eliza -2.pp HERBERT +1888 | BROWN V bricklayer of Stotfold,Beds | 28.9.52 | Thomas~ ======K/Catherine (Kitty) Cerokess 1815Ridgewell-28.1.79Murrumbucka Bells Paddocks 6.12.1835Simpson,Bucks- farmer of Murrumbucka NSW Araluen NSW 26.4.1906Bredbo NSW ------| | | | | | | | | John Thomas | Eliza Jane | | K/Catherine | Susan | 18.12.53 | 12.6.59Nthsdl | | 18.8.67-27.7.53| 27.5.72Murrmbcca- | Majors Creek-| 17.12.27 | | =1884 | 14.4.55Narrandera | 5.11.06B | Balgowlah William` | Jn PEGRAM | =13.10.92Narr’ra | | Arthur =13.11.79 17.8.61Ba Daniel Richard |John George V 7.9.56 |Samuel -19.4.35W 15.1.65Colndn- 24.2.70 |Christian 4.12.74 next M.Creek-|PARKER fettler 28.4.1911B | |/Xtopher | page 8.1.38B | 29.12.85= =1892Cooma V |TURNER V | | Mary BOWERMAN`| |Amelia¬ +4.pp | +5.pp V | 1865-1947| |BOWERMAN1871-1942 3s.4d +2.pp | < sisters > | |------6s.2d | | | | | | Walter¬ Myra Granville¬ Evelyne | 1892C-1931 1897C 1900C-77Wrlla 1903C | =27.3.16 =1913 =4.1.19Bthst 1940= | |Murrumburrah Cootamndra Vera B Bthrst| | |Florence M Henry CONROY H T ELMS| | |HENDRY COLLYER +1959 | | # Bathurst 3s.2d ------| | | | | | | | Daniel` Amelia` Mabel` William` Stella` Albert` Alice` Frederick` 1.10.86 Maude Esther Henry%^ Mary John Evelyn Walter Cooma 20.9.89Bbo- 8.9.90 8.9.95- 16.6.98 22.8.01Q- 21.11.03Q- 24.1.07 + W.A. 27.4.60Rckdl=3.13C 13.4.60 =7.3.19C 2.7.35W 5.10.98 Lockhart- =8.9.09 |Percy =18.5.21 |Fdk Jn =1925 =10.3.26 17.2.61Syd |WaggaWagga |CONDON |Colintn |HUGGETT |Woollahra|Hurstvlle =1938Hustvl |Chas L L` | |Jessie | |Linda EL |Arthur R |Ida Isobel |PAICE 6ch. |POVEY 5ch. |ROBERSON |PEARSE |RUDD |1886-1912 |1894-1955 | 2ch. | | | | Patricia -----| ------|------| | | | | | | | | Veita 1s.4d Raymond Nereda William Kevin Walter Harry Audrey Irene Albert Mary Lloyd^ 28.1.27 1912 8.10.24- =1954 11.1.22 =1950Hurstville = 17.6.95 W.Wagga Tamworth- Gloria May WILLIAMS Max Kevin 18.7.2004Lismore* KRETCHMER1910 Daniel nok Mary (see below) FLANAGAN = Christine Ethel Rose

18.12.21-24.4.88Lismore* % served WW1 ^ served WW2 arr Fremantle SS Strathnaver 21.4.53

~ 1.12.1832 sentenced at Ridgewell to transportation for housebreaking arr 2.5.33 Captain Cook [Essex Standard Dec.1832] ¬ Walter, Granville, Vera Beatrice, Amelia, Monica (+1970) & Winifred Joyce (see +3.pp) all bur. Bathurst Cemetery # Thelma Florence b.1920 waitress = 29.6.1940Coffs Harbour, Hector McLEAN Essex Mortlocks 15 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(3) ------previous page John PEGRAM = Eliza NORTHROP | 22.5.1873 | John Thomas` ======Mary PEGRAM` 18.12.53Majors Creek- Billilingra 1854Haslingfield Cambs- 5.11.06Billilingra | 3.5.38Yass farmer & carrier of Billingra NSW | 85 sheep stolen 1902 | all births Cooma district ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | William` | Eliza | Catherine | Richard` | Alice` | Harry | | 17.8.76Ba- | Mary | 16.1.85Ba-| Daniel | 20.1.94Ba- | 12.10.98- | | | | 21.1.80Ba-| 14.9.08Y | 5.2.90Ba- | 1964WileyPk| 13.5.71 | | V | 18.4.62Y | =26.8.03 | 19.3.63B | Billingra | | | | +2.pp | guest ho. | |Ba | farmer | =12.4.20B | V | | | prop.Yass | |Robert | =4.1.17Ba | |Harold | +2.pp | | | =9.6.04C | |RAYNER | |Louisa` | |Frederick | | | ` | |John | |of Yass | |COLLINS | |CARPENTER | Clara | | |SLATERY | |NSW | |1882- | | | 14.11.01CBa | ` | | | | | |22.11.65B| |-Amy 1922 | 15.9.96Syd | | |----- | 2s.1d | | | | =HARRIS | 27.7.22B= | | | | | | -Herbert^| | | Arthur C| | | | 3s.4d | | Henry` | |-2d both | HUGGETT| | | Mary | Maria 4.10.17 | | =WHITE | | | | Amelia | 16.7.87Ba- =1946 | 1ch | 7ch. | | =WHITE | 9.1.63Bowning Maria | Susan Mary | | George 5.11.09C= Teresa | 7.1.97C-5.11.77 John` Arthur` 14.1.82Ba Walter| JAMES | =9.1.17Goulburn Thomas 17.1.78C-14.7.17Mlbrne SUTER| | |Herbert John 17.11.74Ba- 30.11.68 sapper WW1 | | |BERRELL 13.2.43Wodonga | =1910Cooma 6s.2d Alexander` | shearer/teamstr | |Sarah Jane 24.4.92Ba- 5ch. /farmer V | PEGRAM 24.9.60Queanbeyan Bethanga Vic. next |------mail contractor Queanbeyan =9.6.02 page | | | (1)=1914Katoomba |Beechworth,Vic. George Ellen = BRIGGS 1oth |Florence Mary TOZER` |Margaret 1917 1905 | (2)=Jessie |EDMONDSON ------|11.8.1885 | | | | | | |Yackandnandah- Gertrude` Cyril` Thelma` Myrtle` Evan` Florence` |1963 E John M Iris Alexander Cavell | 1920 1921 1923-78 1925Q George 1928-92 | =1934Q =1941 =1934Q =1942Q 1927- 1940Q= | Edward Bowral, LeslieK Frank 9.1.39 Bernard | Alan Hazel E BLEWITT Geo C'Flat J LOTTON | CLARK ELLIOTT HURLEY lorry accident |------| | | | | | | Eliza` Albert^` Eva John^` Robert` Arthur^` Alice Maud` Mary William Lillias Thomas Norman Henry 2.1.17 4.7.1863 12.2.05 22.1.07 24.7.09 29.12.11 19.5.14 Albury Bethanga- Bethnga Bethanga Bethnga- Bethnga- Albury =16.12.36 10.4.1968 | -14.3.87 26.1.88 26.10.74 NSW- (Albury) Wellngtn V WaggaWagga Melbourne Penshurst 17.5.92 Keith NZ +4.pp =27.12.26 =28.12.46 =6.11.36 Wodonga Desmond shipwreck Albury Eileen’May’|Cowra CADNAM Reginald SANGSTER |Thelma POIGNAND GOODWIN | ^ served WW2 George +14.7.1917Bethanga Vic Judith Essex Mortlocks 16 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(4) ------previous page | 2.1909 Arthur Osborne` ======Etheline Margaret SCOTT` 17.1.1878Bililingra-30.11.1968Ba Ba 1883/?7Cooma- ^ served WW2 farmer,Jerrangle NSW | 25.10.76C bur.B NSW VolLtHorse WW1 | ------| | | | | ` | | | | | | | Allen^` Valerie` Clifton Leslie Una` Bertha` Oswald` `Courtney | | | Charles Mary Robert` Harold Elvie Merle Arthur Raymond | | | 23.5.11 1913C- John 1918C- Etheline 1924 1926- 1931B- | | | Jerangle =1933 1916C- 28.8. 1920 =1947 29.10.74C 8.2.74C | | Alma` Coooma 1.2.82P* 1982B =1938Yass Goulburn * * | | Margaret Norman R =1939C Arthur Cornelius | | 1909C- BRADFORD |Katherine May LESLIE Michael | | 1991 |GRADY COLLINS 2s | =1940 |1918-23.8.81Parramatta* | Cooma ------}family RC Ronald Charles Wm John | | 1933Cooma-21.12.1972NSW TOZER Donald Arthur Brian Clifford 1958Rockdale= 1940-12.9.61P* 1944-14.4.63P* Anne BOWERMAN -2.pp | 9.10.1879 Arthur` ======Sarah Emma BOATE` 7.9.56Majors Creek-8.1.38Bredbo Cooma 21.12.61Karangarang- carrier of Queanbeyan NSW | 10.6.1934Q insolvent 1885, CF fm 1906 | ------| | | | | | | | | | | Ada` | `George Henry`^ | Sarah` | Elsie` | Charles` Katherine` 1880B- | Alfred 5.86Ba-10.56 1.3.91Ba- | 20.9.98Ba 22.12.01 18.12.06Q- 15.8.70Q | John Canberra | 27.2.1976 | -4.12.91| CF- 12.4.84Q Carwoola* | 16.6.84Ba- | | =4.3.14 | Canberra| 6.11.69 17.11.26Q= |=1941Q |8.58Lismore V | Katoomba | =1919 | | William | James | | +3.pp | George | S.Lnrds| V McQUEEN | FOLLETT | V | Chas S | Cecil | +2.pp | 1861- | +3.pp | BRATTON | LAND | | 1944 | | | Angus`(AIF WW1) | | Alice` Esther` 18.11.95Cooma- |-Elsie | 21.11.88Ba- Susan/ 14.6.62Queanbean | 1902CF- | 31.10.19B’wd Henrietta | | 1914Q Thomas William 22.2.1906= 7.3.93Cooma- V | W1882C Braidwood| 31.12.83Cberra +2.pp | | Frederick| 8.5.12CF= | V Wm BERRY| Bungedore| | next page | William Hy| |-Walter 2s.1d EDMONDS| | Elgin | | 1907Q-1998 1d | 1920 1947 |-Harold ======(1)Mary C[?ampbell](2)======Charles | Sydney Glen Innes MARSHALL Glen Innes Ernest WOOD V | 1902Q- V | 21.11.46GInnes Mary+13.3.1985Glen Innes ------| | | | | |-Roy MORTLOCK1911-42 Angus Reginald Henry John 3oths | 11.10.17Q-18.10.49Sydney~ 7.1.31Q- 5s.2d FOLLETT (Eileen Mary DOYLE)1942Queanbeyan= 13.7.96Canberra Essex Mortlocks 17 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(5) ------previous page | 10.10.1906 Thomas William ======Bridget Margaret BERRY [RC] 1882Cooma-25.8.57Braidwood Braidwood 20.10.85-15.5.1967Q.Riverside cemy | ------| | | | | ? ? | | | Thomas Victor^ Angus Gordon|Ellen Belinda |Lance William 2 | Ivy Fredrk 11.7.07Kawaree-(Reginald)^ |31.8.19Bwood- |1923Braidwood- oth| Margaret Arthur 3.10.87Moruya 21.12.16 |1996Q |9.2006Parkes | 1909B’wd- +1954 =1940Moruya Braidwood- |=1940Q |=1945Q | 27.7.95 Moruya Daphni Amelia 18.10.44Q | Arthur | Sheila Irene | =1932G 1939Q= SMITH =1943Redfern| Edward | PHELPS | Victor Phyllis Nellie | JACKSON | | Geo. Doreen Victoria | | | COOK JEFFS SMITHERS | | | | | Doris Jane Bridget Beresford Leigh Joseph | 22.9.27Braidwood-2001 14.2.14Braidwood-7.11.97Canberra | 1949Braidwood= (Clara SUITOR)1941Queanbeyan= | Patrick Richard DOHERTY| | | | Graham | 1946 1s.1d Keith Mark ======Merle Evelyn GORMAN 6.6.1923Braidwood-2004Guildford NSW Braidwood 11.11.1919-11.8.76 Aus Army WW2 NoK ‘T’, lab. canister machinist

-2.pp | 2.4.1923 Henry James/Harry(1)======Ivy Margaret (2)= 12.10.98Ba-13.5.71Narooma Michelago RUSS Dorothy Blanche WW1 & WW2 (captain) | 1898C- BAXTER prison governor Goulbourn NSW | 3.10.62Bredbo | ------^ served WW2 | | | | | Eric Allen Roy Albert^ Henry James^ Frances Audrey Greta Alice 1958GB= 8.10.23GB 16.3.26GB =1945GB 1947GB=(1) Hazel Alicia R SHERRING| =1954Ashfield Maxwell Bruce Murray | Enid Vera Glenmore PRICE Jody Lee M(A)CFARLANE KENNEDY FUNNELL=(2) Paul PARROTTE=

-2.pp | 1896 `William ===== Margaret Anne BELL 17.8.76Billilingra-22.1.13Ba Cooma 1878-1938 grazier Wangrah Creek NSW | | ------| | | | Elsie Eiza Mary ^Percy Wm Jas Olive E M Gladys Adeline Martha 1898Cooma- 5.8.02Cooma-1979 1903C 26.2.07C- 1984 served WW2 8.1.42Hornsby 1921Cooma= 1925Queanbeyan= 1919Cooma= 1922Queanbeyan= Russell D TYRIE| Evelyn K WILSON Charles J POVEY Percy J POVEY | 2s.2d ^12mo hard lab.24.12.18 for bestiality at Wangrah 19.12.17

Essex Mortlocks 18 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(6) inc.Queanbeyan(Q) ------4.pp | 26.2.96 Richard Herbert Steven ======Jane Hannah HIGGS 24.2.70Murrumbucca- Cooma 7.5.76- 7.1.38Fairley,W.Wallsend | 12.2.49Wwd tried to enlist 1918; rejected ‘over age’ ------| | | | | | | | Catherine Caroline Elizabeth Mary Doris Florence Gladys George | Ivy Jane Hannah 18.12.00C- ~ Eileen May Pearl Thomas | 5.9.96C- 31.8.98C- 13.4.1901 26.11.01 15.4.1904 18.3.1906 9.7.1908 | 14.7.70 30.5.79 Goulburn Goulburn Goulbourn- < West Wallsend > | =1915 =1.3.1942 =17.3.1923 16.6.78 =29.9.28HT 9.27HT= | |W.Wd W.Wd |Tamworth =?1927 |Thomas Mary| | |Wm E |Archibald |Hy Ernest |John |Alfred ARMSTRONG| | |STONE |Thomas LEWIS |MAUNDER |Preston |LORD | | | | | |SMITH | | | | | | | | | | 1ch 1ch 3ch 1ch 1ch 2ch | | Selby WAKEMAN = Richard Herbert Steven 12.2.1937West Wallsend | 1.3.1915S.SheahanNSW------23.12.94W.Wagga | | | Richard Donald 1938 3ch Stephen Robert1944-2004 2ch Douglas 1948-48

~ birth reg'd Mary Doris, known by family & confirmed, marr.& Doris Mary

Robert CALDWELL = Elizabeth A KELLY -2.pp | | 25.5.23 | Charles(1)======Bertha Amelia Maud (Grace) 22.12.1901Captains Flat- Ch.Ch 1907Coolringdon nr Cooma 6.11.69Port Kembla NSW Queanbeyan bur.Wollongong Crem. Rose Garden in Wollongong 1979 Robert GRIFFIN = Louisa WARREN : | : 22.12.28 | Charles(2)======Ellen (Nellie) Queanbeyan 1905Braidwood- | 13.2.73P.Kembla bur.Wollongong ------Crem.Rose Gdn | | | | | Joy Adele Robert Raymond Colin Joyce 1947Wollongong= Arthur Henry Frederick Thomas HOWARTH ^ served WW2 -2.pp ~ bur.Q.Riverside cemetery | 1921 Angus ======Maude Kathleen BRADLEY/BUCKLEY 18.11.95Cooma-14.6.62Q;AIF WW1 Queanbeyan 1900Bungedore-31.3.81~ | ------| | | | | Edie Moya Kathleen ^Ronald Arthur Edward Henry^ Mervyn Wallace^ =1951Q 27.7.1921Q 22.2.1924Q-20.6.2001Q 30.7.1925Q Stanley Keith 1949Q= =1957Q =1954Auburn REEVES Patricia Shirley Patricia June SCANES Catherine CUBIS DUMBRELL OAM 2002Qu'b'n,svces to veterans’ welfare Essex Mortlocks 19 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ridgewell and New South Wales(7) ------4.pp | 24.8.1929 Albert William (Bert) ======Maria Rosemund(‘Doll’) 1905Bethanga- AlburyNSW KENNEDY 12.8.07Albury- 1959Wodonga(killed by drunk driver) | ------| | Ilma Margaret Raymond William 6.8.30Wodonga-13.9.72Albury 8.1929-11.10.29Wodonga 1954Albury NSW= Godfrey Edward LEGG

-5.pp | 1903 George ======Ellen Jane Matilda GALVIN 4.12.74Murrumbucca-30.1.42Auburn* Wagga Wagga 1883-12.10.1947* Yerong Creek, W.Wagga 1901 | |------| | Nina L J1904WWagga Ivy M D =1935Granville 1905WWagga- Reginald W WICKENS 5.2.87Granville -3.pp | 4.3.14 Henry ======Violet Beryl LEWIS 2.5.86Black Springs, Cooma- Bungedore 1893-1951 10.10.56Canberra | | ------| | | | | Ruby Gladys Elizabeth Angus Reginald Henry John Thelma Jean 19.1.15Q- >1951 8.8.21Q- >1951 11.10.17Q- 7.1.31Q- 1937Queanbeyan= =15.11.1941 18.10.49Sydney~ 13.7.96Canberra Henry Stephen Queanbeyan =1942Queanbeyan GRIFFITHS Albert MASTERS Eileen Mary DOYLE

~ bur.Queanbeyan Riverside cemetery

-3.pp | 6.5.12 George Alfred (Alf) John ======Eveline Rachel SKINNER 16.6.84Billilingra-8.58Lismore Casino 1894-15.4.1975Lismore | ------| | | | George(Percy)William Arthur~ Valerie May Frank Allan Abel 17.2.1913Lismore-20.12.51Richmond 1940Lismore= 22.3.1920 16.9.1927 Cpl RAAF WW2 NoK Alma Edgar Lyle Lismore- Lismore- (1)=1938Lismore, Winifred Joyce SLADE SMITH 13.4.1942^ 12.2.2001 21.6.1916-1.4.2011 bur.Lismore Mullumbimby Bathurst =1951Lismore (2)=1951Paddington(1)Alma Jean HILTON Irene Susan (2)=1956Penrith, Donald Jack ADAMS HAYNES 22.1.1929- ^ l/cpl RAE, d.Singleton Army Camp Hospital, Victoria, 11.5.2006 accidental drowning Mullumbimbi ~ died in motorcycle accident & for Wollongong see also Clare (S.London) Essex Mortlocks 20 RJHG 05.05.2019 Castle Camps(CC) & Grantchester(GT)(Cambs) via Withersfield(Sfk)(WT) ------These places are so near Haverhill that I think William may be a Haverhill Mortlock John 1660CC & see Ely, Cambs Elizabeth +4.8.1711CC inf. Elizabeth = 24.4.1715 Withersfield, Matthew FLEMEN

11.10.1715 William MORTLOCK ======Keturah HANNIBAL of H.B. messuage ‘late in occupation Hel|ions {Genesis 25vv1-4 of Wm M’ in CC 1769 Bump|stead {Heb: keturah=‘increase’ | ------| | | | | | | | Elizabeth William John Jonathan | Catherine | Keturah 25.7.16CC- 5.10.17CC 3.1.20CC 8.4.22CC- | 2.4.30CC | +19.1.32CCinf 4.8.16CC ? 9.1.23CC | =5.4.49 Ann V | Lt.Sampfd 27.12.32CC V | Robert ?=1750 [¬ in PR] | FORD Radwinter Esx see Ely for other} Elizabeth ======Matthew James WARD use of ‘Jonathan’} +7.4.1800WT | 5.3.1726CC- | 20.1.1805WT, farmer | deposition 2.12.1772 | [TNA HD1538/44/43,Ips.CRO,1538/44/43] | ------| | | | | | | Elizabeth Anne Judith Martha William Mary John 17.7.57 4.5.1760 5.4.63WT- 12.5.65WT 15.2.67WT 12.11.69WT- 7.3.72WT Great WT 1829Cambrg ?=21.11.99 =17.10.90GT 1Q41Cambridge Sampford adm. (Barnwell) |Elizabeth admitted to Mortlock’s almshouses James |PRIME almshouses 1820 1825 SALMON |+8.7.06GT ‘of St Benedict’s’ | ------| | | | | | Edward Ann William Matthew John William 12.1.91GT- 27.7.94GT 21.11.98GT- 26.7.01GT- 14.11.02GT- 3.3.06GT 27.2.91GT 19.3.02GT 12.10.01GT 3.1.03GT V V ? John MORTLOCK apothecary of Cambridge | ------{Wm MACRO of Barrow bondsman | | 28.3.1769 dau(s) Ann ======CHAPMAN {lic. mentions messuage lately (yst dau) Essex lic. (occupied by William MORTLOCK

Essex Mortlocks 21 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H) [RD Saffron Wa1den(SW)] ------I had a lot of help with the Hempstead tables from Maureen ROBERTSON of Eire

Thomas M’ yeoman of Lt Bardfield sued for unlawfully detaining an apprentice 3.8.1613; signed a petition midsummer 1615; see Haverhill, Suffolk.

Arbour +1811 may be the son of William and Mary (see previous page)

18.10.1787 25.9.1764H Mary ======(2)Harborough/Arbou/er^(1)======Elizabeth GOWLET LIVERMORE Hempstead +22.12.1811Hempstead | +3.5.1783 | | Susannah | ^ Arber is an East 9.1794H | Anglian surname ------| | | | | | | ?Arbour | John 21.7.72H | Alfred Richard Elizabeth Robert +4.7.1766H | WINTERFLOOD ======Martha | 4.7.1770H 1772 +15.4.70H 2.3.77H | | STOCK | ‘son of ?(1)= | 16.3.1798H | | Elizabeth Thomas ======Martha | M’ ?(2)=19.10.1797 16.10.1768- | 4.1773- | |(Stambourne) 9.1.49H | 25.10.14H Marion |(2)Flower ARGENT | 1.4.70H ? | Elizabeth‘of Stambourne’ | 1815-6.9.40SteepleBmpstd ------| | | | | | | Thomas Elizabeth Luke Mary Thirza@ Mahala Collingwood 1798H- 9.4.1800H 27.2.03- 29.5.05- “Frassy” 13.3.11- (dau) 10.9.70H~ 12.89 1812H 5.6.06H (1)=13.11.35H 16.5.13H- ag.lab | =28.10.30H |Millar 1.7.30H =2.2.21H V John |BRAZIER |Rebecca BRAZIER +3.pp LEGGS |(2)=6.2.75H |1799Helions Bumpstead- of SW -----| Josiah SURRIDGE |11.9.88 | | (descendant of | Elijah 1d Dick TURPIN) V ~ of typhus 1838 next page Ann = 13.10.1785H Miller BRAZIER or BRASHUR

@Tirza, Heb. ‘helpfulness’, was the fifth daughter of Zelophehad the son of Hepher (Num.xxvi 33). In its Germanic form as Abel’s wife in Gessner’s Death of Abel the name “became a great favourite among the lower classes of whence Thirza has become rather a favourite in English cottages”. [CM Yonge, History of English Christian Names, London 1863]

?1819 (?Walter) BULL ===== Elizabeth Orwin {in Jersey 1851 ?1780Inworth,Esx->1825-<1851 | 1783'England''¬Cambs 1841' ?builder | | ------| | | Martin Meggison FRCS Harriett Annie Mortlock 1820England- Elizabeth 1825Littlebury- 19.8.79Jersey# 1821Littlebury 27.11.1911Jersey farmer 10a 1881 stayed on in the family home, Dunbar Cottage St Saviour's Essex Mortlocks 22 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(2)& Bromley by Bow(BbB) [RDs Saffron Wa1den(SW) & Poplar] ------previous page John BRAZIER = Sarah | 2.2.1821H | Thomas ======Rebecca ag.lab;1798H-10.9.70H | 3.3.99Helions Bumpstead-11.9.88H | ------| | | | | | Thomas William Mary Elijah Martha Luke 19.1.34H- 12.10.23H 25.7.31H- 15.5.36H- 17.6.27H 25.11.21H- ?1860-1 | 2.11.56H 23.1.1921H* straw 30.1.02 ag.lab V dumb; ag.lab plait Strood =24.12.55H next straw =24.12.55H maker1851 | |Emma page plaiter |Mary Ann =18.7.52 V |RICHARDSON 1851 |JOHNSON Charles +5.pp |1834GB-17.7.69H |1833/5H- STOCK |“pauper”1861 |15.1.1914H* | ------| | | | | | | | | | Martha George^ Lucy Elizabeth Thomas Harry Samuel | | 10.5.59H 16.8.63H1Q63 1Q66H 17.2.69H- Luke 3Q75H- | | =2.11.78 +4Q1924 d.inf =23.7.97H 19.7.22H* 1Q72SW- 2Q1936 | | |SWalden Poplar Maurice [PoplarRD] 21.10.42H Poplar | | |James carman CLARK~ lab.then flour carman | | |HODSON of S Bromley 1863 horse kpr Chelsea 1901 | | |1858 =21.5.96H S.Bumpstd =10.4.99H =7.5.1902H | | |lab. |Jane PURKISS |Emma |Mary Ellen | | |s.of |1869H | |BURGESS |MOORMAN | | |William |% Florence Katie 1887H |1871/7 |1878Dublin | | |lab. |------3Q1915Poplar= |Clavering- | | | | | | Bertie Samuel |8.4.1959H V | | Mary Mary Ann George SYKES | V | | 1886SW 3Q97BbB 1Q99BbB ------| |------| | | | | | | Alice Olivia | Rebekah Luke Jane Elizabeth Ann Elizabeth Frances | 7.12.56H 3Q58H- 2.6.61H- <- tw ->2.6.61H 8.9.1901H Emma | svt 1871 23.2.71H 28.8.62H in SW workhouse =25.8.24H 14.3.1915H | Knightsbrg 1871 Wm Edgar BARNES | | =4Q80BStfd b.1902Cambridge Rebecca | Thomas RUGGLES 1853, carman 1Q78H | of Stansted Mountfitchet servant in Hoddesdon,Herts 1901 | 1Q1903Ware= Alice Levy MORTLOCK % also Kate Purkiss Frederick William COOK| 1Q78BStfd-2.2.1958Maldon# MORTLOCK 1887Hempstead, | =1Q1902WHam,Alfred Hardy KING 'fostered' V 4s.1d V ------| | | | | | | Willie Thomas Elijah James Harold 2d Albert Edward Nora Rebecca Samuel 31.1.1904Fulham 4Q05Chelsea d.inf 19.5.10BbB- 3Q13Poplar 4Q02Fulhm bugler RMLI WW1, 22.12.77Chester reg.nurse 1935 enlisted 27.5.1918 V War Medal, disch.‘inefficient’ +11.pp

^ George of Hempstead, 1 month for disobeying affiliation order 14.11.1887[ES] ~Winifred Eveline1Q1902Hackney, in Sudbury 1911, niece of Maurice & Eliz.CLARK

2Q1929 Essex Mortlocks 23 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(3) [RD Saffron Wa1den(SW)] ------previous page V William CLAYDEN | 31.7.43 | William ======Hannah/Anna 11.10.23H-1Q1915Croydon Littleb’y 1819Littlebury Esx- lab 1847,1893;carman of | 2Q1899Croydon 10,Albert Terrace Croydon 1881 | | ------| | | | | | | | | | Martha$ Lucy Luke^ | Sarah | William Sarah Ann | | 2Q43 11.9.47H- 5.5.50H[reg.1Q]- Ann | 4Q57H 4Q59H- | | Littlebury 1Q1924 1.11.1906# | 3Q52SW- | | 2Q1936Croydon | | =4Q73SW Croydon Forest Hill | 19.11.54H | V svt Penge | | | | cafe proprtr | | +2.pp 1881 ~Charles | |Pharaoh Lucy =18.1.73UpperNorwood Helena BAILEYs’ William | |BELSHAM 2Q67H |Harriett | (Ellen/Eleanor) svt 3Q62H | | nursemaid |Palmer | 2Q55SW 1901 | | V |DUNSTER’ | kitchen maid V | issue |1853Leepit | =23.3.89 +3.pp | | Devon | |Thornton Heath | Eleanor | |John BAILEY Charles 1883 | |1851Sutton at Hone 1Q64H Penge/?Forest Hill | |butler 1889 | ?‘help’in Lambeth 1901 | |coffee house keeper Penge1901 V 2Q1903Lambeth= | | +4.pp | 1s.1d 1901 23.3.89 | Frank SADLER ======(1)Ada }double wedding with Ellen 1865-1889/1901 Thornton 1866Hempstead Heath in 1901 with Charles and Matilda(+4.pp) as ‘widow’,‘waitress’ 18.1.02 Charles Alfred DIVER(2)======(2) 1874 plumber ForstHl | Alfred 1903

$ 7 yr old straw plaiter 1851; svt at Audley End on marriage

^ carman LB&SCR Crystal Palace 1874-?>7; lab. Franks Farm Cottage, Horton Kirby 1881; Luke(Hempstead(7) and Thomas(Hempstead(8)are shown as his ‘sons’. Coffee house prop.1891. By 1901 this family was running a chain of three cafés, “Miss Lucy” and Charles in Forest Hill, and Luke at 68, Railton Rd, Herne Hill, ex 9, Beckenham Rd Penge.

~ Charles William, in a letter to his son Geoffrey, says his father had a sister who married - RUGGLES of Saffron Walden. They had a son who became a police Inspector in Brentford. See Hempstead(2).

Annie | 3Q1911 Annie ======Joseph G PEARSON 4.11.77Holloway[RD Islington] Brighton 1881 with Wm & Hannah ‘granddaughter’ visitor in Steyning 1911

Essex Mortlocks 24 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(4),Finchingfield(FN)& Bardfield [RDs Dunmow(DW)&Braintree[BT)] ------3.pp Richard MOSS = Mary V | {SW=Saffron Walden | 24.12.1833H | {RB=Risbridge RD Luke ======Clarissa 1803H-8.12.89FN#*[BT] | 1812H- Gt Winsey Fm, Finchingfield | 27.4.84FN*[BT] (84 acres 1881)(lab.1840) | (Prentice’s Fm, 60a 1851) | disloc.shoulder when gig overturned at Braintree [ES,29.7.71] | ~ in Kedington infirmary ------24.12.67 | | | | Mary Ann ======Charles Elizabeth Emma’ William HILL Wimbish Luke 7.12.42H(b.FN)7.5.37H 9.10.34H- (Henry’ sis) | 16.9.40FN- (in SW 1861) =4Q74BT 12.5.1917RB~ 1844 | 12.3.1940GB#* =1Q72FN |HALES unm.;in Duxford | 137a.@FN |Henry HILL | Helns.Bmd Cambs- | Charity Fm GB 1881 |18.6.47 |------1901 15.11.28GB#* | (Litches fm 1886?) |Duxford- | | ‘own means’ | (journeyman |29.11.15 Henry Luke’ Owen M GB=GtBardfield}| miller 1861) |Ugley 1869FN- 1866Forest Hill [RD Dunmow]} | | 29.6.01Stebbing | 2s.3d 43rd Coy Imperial Yeomanry Boer | War ------| | | | | | | | | | Charles Louie(sa)| Ellen(Helen)| | Amy^ Jessie Lucy | Peter 2Q70GB- | 28.10.73GB- | | 9.11.80GB- 6.4.83GB- 6.9.84GB- | 13.10.68GB 2Q50Chmsf| 24.2.62Ipsw | | 20.2.68 24.3.78 12.1943SW | <-- xtnd 13.5.70 --> | Thaxted1901 | | =2.10.12DW =2.10.12 unm. | +14.1.83GB* milliners| =2Q11Dunmow | | |<-double wedding-> Phillip asst | |G VINSON | | |F SMITH WG BENNY Charles Huntingdn| | Luke’ | 1s.2d s.p. 19.9.88GB- 1901 | 2s 7.1.75GB- | 23.3.78 Frank 6.6.65CM Thomas | 1.10.71GB(b.14.9.70) draper’s Frederick V | asst CM 1901 2.9.77GB +7.pp V Thaxted 1912 | +7.pp 29.5.12Ugley= V Lillian| +6.pp WATERMAN| 1873Oakley| d.of Jas,farmer| | ------| | | Richard Luke d d 31.10.13Thaxted-4.10.06 D.Telegraph } Doris Elizabeth CLARKE= 10.10.06 } +21.11.06 s.p.

‘Mrs MORTLOCK’ was farming 156 acres at Great Dunmow in 1873 ^ Amy was teaching in a board school at Kirkley (part of Lowestoft) 1901

Essex Mortlocks 25 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(5)& Penge(Pg) [RDs Dunmow & Croydon, Surrey(CR)] ------2.pp [see PRO,RG13/0652] | 4Q77 William ===== Ruth REES 4Q57Hempstead-4Q1941Bromley Penge 1856/7Milford Haven- coal carman 120 Maple Rd,Penge 1901 | 2Q1939Bromley | ------| | ? | | | | | ? | | ? | William | Charlie Ada Beatrice | James^ | Albert | | | 3Q80Pg | 3Q92Pg- 4Q85Pg Ellen | Xtopher | George | | | | | 3Q1936 servt 1Q88Pg | 1Q92Pg | 2Q95Pg- | | | V | Portsmouth =4Q09 | | 7.10.16 | | | V | coal Bromley Frederick | kia | | | | carter Henry | Thiepval | | | | 1901 1Q90Penge | * | | Maud | =2Q1912 V Arthur Dorothy | 4Q79Pg Florence |Beckenham next Richard May | =4Q99CR 2Q84CR- |Ethel WILLIS page 3Q93CR- 3Q96Pg | Albert LANGLEY 3Q85CR |2.6.1882 1Q94CR | 1875Thorntn Hth |moved to Portsmouth 1920s Robert | Baden P ------3Q-3Q1900CR | | | | Charles Arthur James Lilian John Frederick A E F E E S 1915 1Q1922 15.5.1919 2Q1917 } all Beckenham | | =1Q1947Portsmouth | V V |Douglas BROOKS | +7.pp +8.pp | V 2s.2d +7.pp

^ James was an orderly for Penge UDC when he enlisted in the Royal West Kent regiment Territorials 9.4.1913

V V 25.12.1901 William~ ======Florence Maud DOWDING 3Q80Penge | brickfield lab.Penge 1901 | 13 Churchfield Rd Beckenham 1914 | ------| | | | William Florence Ruth Frederick George John Augustus 26.11.02Penge 4.4.06Beckenham 6.5.08Beckenham 2.7.10Beckenham-1980Bromley =3Q1933Camberwell ------|Rose A McTEAGUE | | | | 1913-1973 Maureen A Sheelah M Gay A George E 2Q38Lambeth 2Q39Lambeth 1Q41Bromley 2Q43Bromley 1Q57Bromley= =4Q59Bromley arr.Fremantle ‘for WA’ 22.2.1953 COLLIER FIELD SS New Australia c/o Catholic Migration Soc. Perth

~ William was 34 when he joined up into the ASC in November 1914; he ended the War as a Wheeler Staff Sergeant [TNA,WO363/M2031]

Essex Mortlocks 26 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(6)& Kent [RDs Dunmow etc.] ------previous page 26.9.14 | Louisa WARRENER ======Frederick Henry Offham 1Q1890Penge | ?RE France WW1 Edward ( Albert plumber 1915 <6.4.15 Offham- <12.6.15Offham

-3.pp John WERRAN/WARREN bailiff | 23.6.1888 | Charles William ======Esther Elizabeth 3Q62H-<5.11.1900London City St George 1861Trehan,Saltash,Cornwall- cellarman Tufnell Pk 1888 Tufnell Prk 1Q1924Portsmouth but ‘education above average’ [RDIslngtn] in 1901 wardwoman in see also London (Edmonton) | Royal Albert hospital Devonport | family in Stoke Dameral | in Devonport 1911 ------| | Charles Percival Nellie Ellen 14.5.89Holloway,London- 2Q91Holloway }[RD Islington] 4Q1977Kingston on Thames =1922Devon skilled labourer, Percy Stewart GREEN HM Dockyards 1926[LG] inspector of naval ordnance =3.4.1915All Sts Plymouth |Edith Elizabeth WHITE |2.10.91Plymouth-3.1.68Claygate Sy |children’s nurse |d.of Alfred James, mate of ocean-going tug, & Jane | ------| | | 18.11.45 Patricia Jean Charles Geoffrey OBE ======Jeanne Yvonne Elsie 5.7.1920London- London Pauline GITTUS(Fr.) 5.8.25Portsmouth- 10.10.95Yeovil | 5.11.23London- 1933Malta diplomat | 27.1.2005Fleet | ------| 11.10.69 | | 30.8.97 Keith STOTT ======Christine^ Elizabeth- ======David SMALL 28.1.36Middlesbrough Claygate Yvonne Anna Anne(Liz) | 28.12.61Scotland | 4.1.47 24.03.61 | emigr. Canada 15.7.00 | Calcutta | Christopher ======Penelope-Anne Chloe-Anne Rodney MIDDLE IwerneM 21.10.71Kingston-on-Thames 19.01.99Frimley Park 10.11.68 Tanzania ^ my contact for this part of the tree

Ellen? = Charles TAYLOR 1874Hempstead| 1870Forest Hill visitor with William (pp) 1901 | timber carman | Florence1898Forest Hill

Essex Mortlocks 27 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(7)& Kent(2) [RDs Dunmow etc.] ------4.pp | 3Q1893 Charles ======Matilda Louisa J PEACHEY 1Q64H-4Q1942Battersea Lewisham RD 1862/3Chippenham Wilts- collector Croydon 1881 4Q1935Croydon coffee ho.prop.Forest Hill 1901

-5.pp | 2.10.53 Luke ======Elizabeth BLACKLEY 25.11.21H-30.1.02Strood RD S’minster 1831/6Southminster- Purleigh Esx 1851 | 12.8.1900Luddesdown Staple 1861 | in Strood Union 7.4.-19.6.1900 wid.ret.carman in Greenwich workhouse 1901 ' daughter' died in Rochester workhouse (Strood Union),admitted 27.6.1901 | ¬ for Cudham, Kent, ------see also | | | | | | Hempstead(9) Harriett Thomas William | Martha Alger Luke$[?Thomas Luke] 1853Maldon 14.10.55Tillingham | 2Q62Tillingham (f) 2Q69Cudham¬ | | =3Q80Dartford 1867 V | Alfred TAYLOR Cudham¬ =1Q97Dartford next page | 1856H.Kirby Lucy LONGHURST | 3Q1881 William(Willy) ======Harriett Jane FOSTER 4Q59Staple Dartford 1862Gravesend- Northfleet 1881,Greenwich 1891,1901 | <30.8.1924Greenwich general lab.Greenwich council | bur.Ladywell cemy Lewisham 49 C---- St E.Greenwich carman 1897 | {family in 1891 census as MATLOCK | ------| | | | | | Albert Elijah^ Rose% Alice% Harriett Emily William Joseph 1.3.80S.fleet- 1Q82 Maud Mary Elizabeth Annie A 29.10.90[reg.3Q] <5.4.45D'dfd Stone, 2Q84Stone 1Q87Dfd 2Q89Dfd Ch.Ch.Greenwich- bur.Bexleyheath =1Q08GR~ =1Q08GR~ =3Q10GR =3Q17GR <8.12.91Greenwich =4Q1910Lewisham Edward : PEAKE Elizabeth E John Alice ‘age 19’Stone, Kent, ~ ? double wedding STEVENS TRESS cook in Deptford 1901 % bapt.30.9.85Sidcup 5.8.1883Maidenhead- 4Q1948Dartford

This is not the only case where the age of a juvenile servant appears to be over-stated in a Victorian census. Maybe the girl herself exaggerated in order to obtain the employment in the first place.

Times, 2.9.1885: Inquest at Sidcup into the emaciated baby of William and Harriett which died of being fed on biscuits in sugar water instead of milk

@ Luke jnr tried his luck in America (Ellis Island arr.1.2.1914, 'mechanic'). ^ Albert Elijah, Greenwich workhouse 'destitute' briefly 1892, Calvert Rd school GR 25.9.93, assaulted headmistress 8.2.94 [St James Gazette],carman in Dartford, 5’4”, chest 33-35”, brown eyes, brown hair, joined the militia (3RWK) 8.5.97 and then enlisted in the W Yks Regt 28.7.97; served to 1904 plus 5 years in the reserve; 1 year in Gibraltar, 5 in India [TNA, WO96, WO97/5550/147]. Tram driver Greenwich 1939, Elizabeth 'shopkeeper'

NB for Dunmow RD & a Mortlock marrying a Bardfield man, see Shimpling, Suffolk Essex Mortlocks 28 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(8) & Nunhead(Nhd), S. London[RD Camberwell(CW)] ------?4Q58 previous page Charles JACKSON ======Elizabeth V gardener Lambeth SMITH | 25.12.78 | Thomas William ======Caroline/Catherine(Kate) 14.10.55Tillingham Nunhead 3.11.60Deptford-31.10.07 labourer, carman, gravedigger | in Camberwell workhouse 91 Linden Grove Nunhead SE15 | ‘carman’s wife’1881,living with lodging Sutton at Hone 1891 | Luke & Harriett (-4.pp) as seems to have disappeared 1901 | ‘d-in-law’[actually cousin-in-law] (see note in preface to this section)| laundress Peckham 1891 ‘widower’, tentmaker Taylor’s | ‘deserted wife’ 1901 American circus Llangaddock 1911 | | ------| | | | | | | | | | | | Caroline | George | Rosina | William | Emily | | Maria/Martha | 10.3.87- | 2.2.90Nhd- | 30.4.95- | 13.7.96Nhd- | | /Catherine | CW workhse| 28.9.90Nhd | 31.7.95Nhd | 2.3.97Nhd | | 31.10.81 | 5.7.87Nhd | | | | | CW workhse | | | | Florence Thomas~ V | Louisa William Elizabeth (Emily)\ William +2.pp Alice Jane 19.3.91Nhd- John Jane 28.2.98Nhd 28.4.79 7.12.85Nhd 7.5.57 (Jack) (Lizzie) /[reg2Q]- Nunhead- svt CW 1901 Croydon 12.7.92Nhd 22.12.93Nhd /23.5.1985 5.9.50Wokingham 25.10.03Nhd= =18.12.11 | =22.11.13 | 8.6.1919= lab.Luddesdown, Wm Hy CLARK| |(Croydon) V |(BethGrn) | Hatcham| Kent 1891 1883| |Rich.Thos V |John Hy |(Peckham)| later rly ganger horsekeeper| |STEVENS |HOUGHTON | William| =15.6.07Luddesdown | | | | JEACOCK| Mabel Mary WHEELER 2s 3d 6s.3d Arnold lab.&| 1883Oxford- George coal| 1.2.53Margate MORTLOCK porter| 23.9.15-9.94 | \ machinist 1915,‘gravedigger’1919,ret.bakery asst 1985 Peckham John | 1925 V | $my informant for this tree +8.pp $Arnold V 1956 V | 3.1.1912 William John^ ======Elizabeth Maud WILLIAMS 12.7.92Nhd-3.10.63CW C|W 10.6.92-27.10.1964Westminster | ------| | | John W Dorothy Maud Kenneth Eric Richard 18.10.19Nhd-1922 25.12.20Nhd-9.76Canada 10.8.24Nhd =1944CW,Aubrey F TREFRY =1.10.49CW,Vera Irene CROCKETT | | 2s 2s.2d ^ golf caddie 1910; RGA 28.1.10-8.2.19 (bombardier). Jersey 1911, Mesopotamia, invalided to India 13.8.1915[PRO,WO364/2598]; then policeman, E.Sy Canal Docks ~ A puzzle here. In 1881 ‘Thomas’ (birth unregistered) is the ‘son’ of the Luke in Hempstead(3). In 1891 Thomas Wm is shown as ‘son’ of Henry SMITH, widower, b.1810Oxfordshire, retired labourer; HS has other ‘sons’ (surnames BARNES & BIRD, two the same age as Thomas William. Is Henry(Smith) a great- grandfather? Then in 1901 Thomas was first shown as born in ‘New Cross’, but someone in another hand has crossed this out and put ‘Camden Town’. Essex Mortlocks 29 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(9)& Kent(3) [RDs Dunmow etc.] ------4Q1902 George ======Jane Elizabeth BIRD 21.4.1869Cudham, lab; ex-RN Lewisham 6.3.1880 (but see also Hempstead(7 & 8)) | | [Sydenham is in Lewisham RD] ------| | | | | | | | | | Emily William Esther | Ethel | Albert E | Phyllis M | Elizabeth John Dorothy | Hilda | 17.11.12- | 11.1.1920Lew | 1Q03Syd 3Q04Syd 3Q06Syd | 3Q09Syd| 2Q1982 | =3Q41Lew Joyce M =3Q23Bromly | | Bromley | George A 30.12.24Lew |Harriett | | | | PERCIVAL =4Q1940 |BATES Henry | V Charles R Edward H | George Edith +4.pp 16.1.1917 DELAHAY | 3Q07Syd Violet scientific | 2.1911Syd- instrument William John <5.11.1918Lew maker 1939 1Q1924-23.10.43kia HMS Limbourne torpedoed off Brittany

William 2.62-12.3.62Hempstead

In 1883 A Mr A Mortlock was a factotum to Lady Brooke (1862-1938) of Easton Lodge, Dunmow [Warwickshire archives, CR1886 box 818]. However he may not have been an Essex Mortlock; he was also acting for her in London.

-8.pp (in some way) | ^Arber (Herbert 1801) ======Isabella ?+1824 | 1760-10.2.1845StM’bone‘almshouses’ | ------| | | | | | | | John | Thomas Louisa Eugenia~ Caroline Isabella~ Mary Sarah 5.3.1794| | 5.12.1801StGFlds 20.8.1805 < - bp.5.1.1811 St Marylebone- > Holborn-| V =3Q46Marylebone StMbone- < - 7.10.1807 - > 12.12.1810- 20.2.17H| V |James LESLIE 2Q90StP -2Q92StP ?2Q66Mbone | |1799Marylebone- deaf,svt 1881 Sarah Ann |4Q54Marylebone 30.4.1800 |builder ~ in Newington, S.London, 1881, lodging with S.Giles in | Edward BARNARD, stationer. Isabella (unm.) the Fields 1s.2d is James Leslie’s sister in law. V V 27.12.1853 Thomas(2)======(2)Elizabeth HARRIS d.of Sam’l POTTER 1795Marylebone- S.JnPaddngtn 1801Westminster 10.7.63Marylebone workhouse -4Q56Marylebone stableman 1851,ostler 1853,street sweeper 1861; Praed St 1853; admitted sick to workhouse 16.6.63

^ Red Lion St Holborn 1794; may be the A MORTLOCK in Salisbury Mews (?Parsons Green, Fulham) 1820-4; Isabella in Thornton Place, Marylebone 1825 then Salisbury Mews to 1828 [Land Tax records]. Their daughters Mary & Isabella are together in Islington 1841.

Essex Mortlocks 30 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(10) and the Eastern Cape, South Africa ------6.pp | 30.4.12 ^^Thomas Frederick ======May Emily MILLS 2.9.77GB-25.9.1973*Sterkstroom SAfrica 15.6.91-10.6.1984*Sterkstroom emigr.So’ton-P.Eliz1900 | bt Morris Minor 1934 Gorringe’s flying column, Boer War | inherited by Ron [TNA,WO97/127]; M1907 Dordrecht | Kenilworth Castle to E London 1923 with family ------| | | | 31.5.47 John Arthur(Jack)^ (2)= :^Harold William ======Joyce Dowdle 18.11.14-13.1.03* Catharina 30.8.19 Stutterheim KING (?‘Ilva’) Molly=(1) Johanna of Gonubie | 2.9.13Bloemfontein- 7.3.18-7.8.75*| PANTER E.London | 25.8.64Queenstown* 12.11.19 Queenstown| : 1s.2d -> 8ch | | 10.4.1952 ------| Lionel Ronald ======Nancy Stanley POPE | ~Michael Ronald (Ron) 14.5.17 Molteno 13.12.1921- | 21.12.48 Queen’s Collg E.Cape 10.11.2000Queenstown | of Klerksdorp 1933 | | Pr Cert Eng ------| | | | | Delina Ann BOSHOFF = Peter Frederick Ireen Stanley Kathleen Anne | (‘Linky’)12.11.1956 | =BOOYENS =BIGGENS | professional tennis | | | | as Linky BOSHOFF | of Willowpark 2d Amy Bo Anthony | E London 1946 ------| | | | V Tracy Janice Mortlock Diana 20.7.1989Dordrecht E Cape +2.pp = =17.1.2008 Paarl Girls’HS class of 2005 |v d MERWE |HENRY | | Carol is May’s gdau s s Richard EDKINS Ron’s nephew

% born Oudtshoorn WCape; PA to WCape Minister for Education

~ the internet source for some of this data

^ Die Middelandse Regt WW2; PoW Tobruk; their PoW experiences feature in & see id=W8gN7NjZzo8C&pg=PA320&lpg=PA320&dq=mortlock+gonubie&source=bl&ots=biYtNzliW p&sig=YBj- IB8SW7x7ZeRvJrrnKCqNCWY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xldJU8XIHc6O7QaIoYCQBw&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v =onepage&q=mortlock%20gonubie&f=false

-2.pp | 8.7.1906 Catherine/Caroline/Kathleen ======James Albert OSBORNE 31.10.81Camberwell Workhouse- Bromley 1880Bromley 1Q55Bromley | brewer’s drayman Bromley Kent 1911 in Peckham 1891 | RWK/S.Staffs WW1, served India svt Sutton-at-Hone, Kent 1901 1s.1d

Essex Mortlocks 31 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(H)(11) and the Eastern Cape, South Africa ------7.pp ca.1903 | >1919 ~Beatrice UNWIN ======(1)~Frank(2)======Edith RAMSOME 1881-20.6.19Ermelo* | 1.10.71GB | (b.14.9.70)- | 6.10.1930Ermelo* | ------| | | | 21.12.38 d d Mary E Arthur Vere ======Adeline Stella LAWLOR 3Q12Dunmow 2.3.08-30.8.90 Durban

~ emigr.So’ton-P.Eliz1895 Southampton->Capetown 1910(Frank),1912(Beatrice,Mary E + 1 oth.female child) May have served in the Boer War in Cape Colonial Forces

-7.pp | Phillip Charles(1)= Jessie Isobel SCHECKEL-MONSON 19.9.1888GB-23.3.78 | +15.7.57 emigr.L’pool-Cape 1903 | | | 25.2.54 Phillip Charles Scheckel ======Robina Elizabeth BUTLER-PORTER 11.11.1929-?<26.8.2005SA Durban 4.5.1930-6.8.2011Pietermaritzburg | excr Mr WBK B-P ------| | | | Andrew Philip David Diana

Philip Sheckell = June Margrethe GRIFFIN 29.6.1934-<2010

Peter-John Durban PJ MORTLOCK liquidation proceedings 12.5.1995Pietermaritzburg PJ & JA divorced Durban 2008

Paul = Glenda (she b.George W Cape), Hazelmere Country Lodge, Halseton, Sterkstroom/Queenstown Paul Edgar, election candidate Democratic Alliance party

Jeremy Harold 1986Queenstown agriculture insurance professional Grahamstown E Cape {Steven

Jeremy 1990 E London

Margie 1956 = WILSON - > ss & dd

Essex Mortlocks 32 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(12) & Portsmouth & S.Africa(3) ------7.pp | 3Q1939 Charles Arthur Frederick ======Margaret Elizabeth 1915Beckenham[RD Bromley] Portsmouth (Maggie)REYNOLDS | ------| | | | ~Robert Charles Margaret A Carolyn M Susan E 2Q1951Portsmouth 2Q1941Portsmouth 1Q1945Portsmouth 1Q1948Portsmouth 3Q1973P'mouth= 1Q1962Portsmouth= 3Q66Portsmouth= = Sally Eva PENNELL| Gary TAYLOR| Robert JAMES| Mike DOLEMAN 3Q1951Portsmouth-| | | 2003| ------| | | | | | ------Joanne Sean Gail Sharon Michael | | Adam Jennifer 1991 = = ~ my informant for this page Lisa RIMMER| Christopher RANCE | ------| | | Leon Evelyn 2012 2.2016

-2.pp | 1969 Anthony ==== Laura 1946 | Queenstown -> Beacon Bay E London | | ------| | 16.1.93 | | Ryan Patrick = Angela Bradley = Jennifer Bryan =6.10.2010 Warren = Michelle franchise | bookkeeper | BRASHER |Vanessa% Anthony | nursePMB director | Bisho | teacher | | Beacon Bay | nr E.London | Welkom | | ------| ------| | | | | | | | Gordon Connor Matthew Kyle Jared Bradley Robyn Cullen 2005?

-7.pp | 4Q1942 John E S(Jack) ======Margaret Renee O'HAGAN 2Q1917Beckenham St Austell 25.10.1921 | ------| | | | Jacqueline N V J Joan M Sharron K Michael 3Q1944Redruth 4Q1945Redruth 4Q1946Redruth 4Q1951Redruth-2016 one went to Australia.

Essex Mortlocks 33 RJHG 05.05.2019 Hempstead(13) & Surrey & Chester ------8.pp | 2Q1949 James A ======Doreen M THOMAS 1Q1922Bromley Wood Green | ------| | Anne V Simon R 1Q1953SyMidE 1Q56SyMidE =4Q1977SyN 1Q1980SyN= Peter J TUCK Christine A READ

-5.pp | 4.11.37 Arnold George ======Vera Kitty SKINNER 23.9.1915Camberwell-9.1994Peckham Peckham 14.4.1919-1996 sergeant, Desert Rat WW2 | optician's collector, Claude Rd Camberwell 1939 | | 3Q1966 Brian T ======BULLMAN 2Q1938Camberwell Epping | ------| | | Natalie Lindsey Jonathan Brian 1Q68Chelmsford 4Q71Havering

-11.pp | 2Q1929 %Albert Edward ======Theresa ROBINSON 19.5.10BbB-22.12.77Chester Poplar | ------| | | | | Nora F Edward J William J Barbara J David R 2Q1929Poplar 2Q1930Poplar 3Q1930Poplar 1Q1943Chester 1Q1947Chester =2Q48Chester =1Q1966Chester 1 The Pines Charles O Brian L Chester 2018 BODEN PUGH

% Hotel porter Blackpool 1918; 3 years Borstal for stealing £38 and two packets of saccharine tablets in Blackpool 20.11.1918; living Paddington; valet Brighton 1917.[TNA, HO140,& Mchr E News 20.12.18] Foreman, stole £1[Chester Chronicle,25.9.1943]; of Blacon, Cheshire, 6mo for pretending to have lost a trunk worth £187.17s. [Cheshire Observer 3.11.56]

-4.pp | 2Q1945 Albert E ======Ethel C DAVIS 17.11.12Lewisham-2Q1982Bromley Bromley cellarman in hotel 1939 | ------| | Eric R Alan R 3Q1947Bromley 1Q1949Bromley

Essex Mortlocks 34 RJHG 05.05.2019 Colchester(CO) (see also Birdbrook) ------1595 Richard Thomas ======Alice HARRIS’ | Aldham +>1599 ------| | | | Richard Elizabeth Richard Catherine {all Adham 5’ W 24.8.1595 2.1.97 18.1.99 28.10.07 {of Colchester =1631Fordham Anable ALLIN

Margaret = 11.1608Gt Tey, Robert ELIE 1677 Margaret HAZELL ======(1)Robert(2)======Sarah AllStsCO in Magd St | of CO (lic.) 1680 | St Botolph | | ------| | | | | | | Elizabeth Robert William John Mary William 5.11.84COStB 6.3.88COStB 30.1.89COStB 26.6.92COStB 6.9.97COStB 2.3.99COStB

30.9.1689 MORTLOCK ======(1)Esther(2)======John PERRY of Layer Marney of StJamesCO MileEnd

1703CO James ======Elizabeth C/GOULET of CO St Botolph St|Giles | ------| | 1732CO | Robert Robert ======Elizabeth TOWNSHEND James 21.11.03COStB 2.1.05COStB AllSts 2.8.06COStB

170x: James and family returned to Colchester from Harwich under the Settlement Acts John +1719CO Richard +25.5.1738 Elmstead William+1807CO Hannah+1811CO John+1823CO(North Hill)

----?---- sisters? | | Sarah Elizabeth Ann^?FENNING ?= MORTLOCK ca.1768Esx 1767[?]CO-6.8.1858CO Union workhouse

FENNING=? housekeeping with SEF Gt Oakley 1841

^ In 1857 Ann Mortlock, an inmate of the Colchester workhouse, claimed to be 100 years old, and to remember the demolition of the Head Gate in 1753 and the criminals’ heads impaled on its spikes [ES]

Mary 1820-19.1.41CO(workhouse)[?in labour?]

Mary = 23.2.1813 COStPeter, Edward HOLLAND of COStNicholas Maria = 11.2.1816 COStPeter, Samuel KEDINGTON of COStJames Hannah b.1770 = 22.2.1818 COStPeter, William GREEN of COStJames

? =====(1)John(2)=====(2)Ann SUTNELL of St Botolph of St Botolph Essex Mortlocks 35 RJHG 05.05.2019 Colchester(CO)(2) ------2.11.1794 this family worshipped at} Peter ======Ann MARRITT St Peter’s & St Nicholas} 1768Esx- COStJames 1772Eye Sfk- Methodist churches(StP&StN)} 1.8.41 | 21.3.52StBotolph‘of Priory St’ | ------? ? | | | | | | | Peter Sarah Jemima Philip Eliza Mary Ann Hannah | 1797/9CO 1802- 12.4.03StN 28.4.05StN- 10.9.07StN 5.3.11StN 1.6.17StN | | 3Q67CO =1823StJCO 18.4.72CO =8.6.29 | ?=4Q44CO | V | ?Harrison cabinet maker COAllSts V or | next Sarah |LYES Priory St 1863 William Orris +2.pp ?+4Q53CO | page 1831CO- |?1802-37 = CORBLE | 4Q62CO | |Sarah b.o.StBotolph | Thomas |1804-27.9.67 John 1834->51 |------James 4Q62 | | | | 1795CO Eliza WALLIS ======William~ Sarah Philip Mary Ann | 1845StGeo.E,Mx Colchsr 1Q41CO-1Q98CO 1832CO 1827CO- 4Q42CO V (Wapping)- | carpenter/undertaker 8.9.47CO 13.8.62CO= +2.pp 3Q1924CO | of Magdelene St 1861,4 `Benwell LISSIMORE | ------| | | | | | | | | | | | William Eliza Philip Alfred | Emma | Cecilia Daniel Louisa ^^Seth | Ernest 1Q65CO 2Q66CO- James | Ada | 1Q75CO Robert 4Q79CO 1Q83- | 1Q64CO- Plmstd 25.7.67CO 3Q68 | 4Q71-| tailoress 1Q76CO- tailoress 4Q31CO | 4Q1922 1901 | 28.3.| 1Q1919CO =4Q06CO | Coventry painter in | 74CO | | carpenter Stowmarket 1895 | | | 1881 carpenter in | Nelly^ | bricklayer 1901 Lewisham 1901 | Elizabeth | =2Q93CO 3.6.95= | 1Q73CO | |Harriett Stowmarket| | Mary Ann |Rose Martha Blanche| | 1Q87CO- |SMITH 1872Stowmarket| Phillip3Q69CO-2Q84Thanet 27.9.1930CO |1869CO- d.of David Edward| in Margate in Hackney 1901 |3Q05CO PRYKE,shoemaker| deaf & dumb asylum 1881 | | | ------{NB Stowmarket is in Sfk, | | | | {[RD Stow] | Gladys Ellen Edward John | 25.10.96Stowmarket- James Wallace William | 3Q97SudburyRD 9.8.97Stowmarket 1Q1900Brockley | in Lewisham 1901 | Border Rgt/RWKent WW1 | |-Frederick William 1Q94CO(?b.London St Anne’s), in CO 1901 | |-Rose Harriett 3Q96CO-2Q1926CO ` NB Mortlock & Lissimore, bricklayers & | Plasterers adverts in Essex Standard -Maud Ellen 2Q99CO 1.3.1834->

^ married 3Q1900 Kettering RD, Northants, to Herbert HAWKES b.1873Kettering, shoe finisher in Kettering 1881 -> 5s.5d. ~ donkey bolted & fatally skewered a horse with its cart shaft [ES,31.10.1885] ^^ 5’3½”, 33/34 chest, blue eyes, brown hair, enlisted Essex Regt ex militia 17.5.01, discharged ‘unfit’ 6.7.01 [TNA,WO97/5550/153]. Briefly pte DLI 1916 Essex Mortlocks 36 RJHG 05.05.2019 Colchester(CO)(3) ------previous page | 2.4.1820 Peter ======Harriett’MORNEMENT of CO StBotolph 1799-21.10.1865CO# COAllSts 1801Ipswich(Diss,Nfk 1861)- bricklayer of Helen’s Lane | 27.11.68CO# Priory St 1841 | {except mges at All Saints, or of Long Wyre St 1851 emp.3 men | {where shown differently, dates in do.1861 emp.14 men | {this block are from St Botolph’s PR ------| | | | | | | | | | Thomas^ Sarah^ | Harriett | John^ Elizabeth^ | Richard^ Peter 12.12.20 5.7.23- | 19.3.43 | 5.3.28- 3.8.30- | 4.5.33- 2.38CO- (b.1820?)- 18.8.81CO| =21.2.70HT CO | 1Q41CO 4.12.31CO | 3Q41CO* 10.4.38CO <15.7.86WHam | WH NEWMAN | | bricklayer | butcher | 4Q60 John 1832-42CO* L.Wyre St1851 William^ Samuel^(1)==== Elizabeth =3.5.42COAllSts 5.3.26- 8.6.37- CO 1838CO- 2Q66 |Elizabeth 16.11.45CO* 21.1.80CO# | 3Q64CO (2)==== Mahala |1822CO-<20.10.11WHam carpenter | CO 1835CO- |(1881 visitor ------17.4.06CO# |in Gravesend) | | |dau of Thomas PECK Gertrude Samuel Arthur |own means Milton (G’end) 1901 1.61CO- 4Q63CO-1Q84CO | 13.4.64COStMM bookbinder | | ^ b. Colchester & baptised at Stockwell St Independent Chapel [TNA,RG4/357] | Tried (unsuccessfully) to sue the Guardians for his smallpox [ES,15.5.72] |------| | | | | | | | Edward William Elizabeth Eliza Ellen Peter Anne Tom Thomas 1Q45CO Sarah Ann Caroline 2Q54CO- Maria Terry 25.2.43- boatswain, 1Q48CO 7.50CO- 4Q52CO- 27.7.30#¬ 22.1.57- ~Peck 25.6.48 SS Nina of (bp.30.7) <13.1. 14.2.73 bricklayer 25.3.64CO 6.7.59- Cliffe, =4Q68CO 1926 Gravesend Kensington 21.3.64CO Kent |Geo Thos Willesden 1881,1891,1901 1881 |SACH housekeeper Blythe Rd Hammersmith 1911 |1847- Cann Hall =2Q78West Ham |7.3.90 (Waltham Forest) |Elizabeth HARVEY |(run over Stfd Mkt) |1849Colchester->1911 10ch. | ~ PECK family next door 1861 | ¬ S Bank Middlesbrough ------| | | | Sybil Elizabeth Thomas Nellie Westwood Wilfred Harvey’ 30.11.79N.KS 4Q81N.KS- 6.12.83N.KS-1973 3Q87N.KS clerk KS 1901 3Q1950Wokingham,Sy clerk1901 clerk =16.9.03KS cabinet maker’s =15.8.12KS Peter’s 1930 executor Adam Louis apprentice 1901 Albert Edward =8.8.14Willesden BECK in Malling,Kent 1911 FEATHERSTONE Clara F MERRYFIELD =12.4.09Kensington 1886 [witn.Adam L BECK] |Lilian BENTLEY |d.of George {N.KS = North Kensington | Thomas Terry =1938Parramatta NSW,Ella Minnie Lambers WARREN 4Q1909Fulham-18.5.1977Sydney | execr to Thomas William ‘of Yagoona’ 1child

Alice ‘wid’ 1884-3.2.36#Guisborough ?2nd wife for Peter? Essex Mortlocks 37 RJHG 05.05.2019 Colchester(CO)(4) ------2.pp | John James(1) ======Rebecca 1794CO-4Q66Wandsworth 1791CO-1Q55Wandsworth miller in Battersea 1851,61 29.4.1860 (2)======(2)Susannah HENWARD botp St Mary Battersea niece Esther WALSH 1841Battersea & nephew Samuel CHAPMAN 1831 ‘St George Mx’ (also miller) in household 1861

-2.pp | 30.5.1830 Mary Ann ======James Seth WALLIS 5.3.11StN.CO StD.Stepney 1809CO-10.8.82Rochford | 3s.1d ------| | James William 1826-25.11.38 1834-11.10.38

Charles MORTLOCK took over the license of the Colne, South Rd Colchester [ES,18.2.69]; Charles, cabinet maker & innkeeper, resident at the Colne PH, Lexden North St CO 1870 & 1871 for Harry, ‘private’, in Essex Hall asylum see blacksmiths(Lawshall).

Remaining Colchester registrations (see also Peldon(5); & Clare(4), ------Chevington(3), Woodditton(3), & Glemsford(4),Suffolk) Mary Ann = 1Q71CO, Henry SCOTT Eliza = 2Q94CO, (?2)Frederick Abel WHITE -> Aston, Birmingham

George 1Q42Colchester Lily 1864-1Q1949CO

Susan A 1855-3Q1935CO Harriett 1878CO

Rosetta 2Q89CO-2Q90CO Prisilla Ivy MORTLAKE 2Q1891Colchester Alfred 3Q-3Q95CO f.3Q97CO Nellie Allen 4Q02CO for Little Horkeseley, see Shimpling(8), Suffolk

Essex Mortlocks 38 RJHG 05.05.2019 Weeley(Wy) [RD Tendring(TD] ------Lewis ======Ann +12.11.1801Weeley | +8.8.1799Weeley |------? | ? Martha ======Lewis Martha Lucy ?+4Q42TD | 1770Weeley- 3.3.78Wy- | | ?4Q40TD 12.11.93Wy V | ag.lab. V | ------? ? ? ? ? | | | | ? Lewis | Abraham Robert William | Robert Lewis | Elizabeth 1792- | +3.12.1801 +2.10.02Wy +3.10.02Wy | 1.7.04Wy- 1819Wy- | 1827StOsyth 1Q74TD | Weeley,inf. | 9.8.05Wy 1Q89TD | lodger | | ag.lab. | in Jemima 23.9.1839 | unm. Abraham Weeley 1795- Mary ======Robert 18.3.1823Wy 1861 13.8.24Wy REDFERN StBotolph 11.2.1810Weeley bp.13.7.26 Fined 1807 Cambridge sadler/harness mkr V for drunkenness Cambridge- | 1841/7Honey Hill Camb +2.pp 1853&1865[ES] 1Q88Chesterton | +3Q82Chesterton Cambs | ------| {StG=St Giles,Cambridge 3Q67 | | 10.11.68 Char1es D ======Martha Elizabeth ======Leger LUTTERER SMITH Cambridge 5.7.41StG 6.6.47StG St James 13.5.26Cambridge | Clrknwll saddler | | s.of Laurent | issue 1828Rixheim,Alsace------1Q86StGHSq,locksmith | | | | | Sidney Harry Louisa Elizabeth Charles }SMITH; 1868 1869 1873 1875 1878 }all “choristers”

V V | 25.11.1800 23.5.1803 Lucy ======(1)Richard CHILDS(2)======Elizabeth WEBB Weeley Weeley

Great Oakley(GtO) ------James ======Mary lab.1765/70Essex-1Q44TD | 1770/5Essex-1Q44TD < in Tendring Union Workhouse 1841 > | ------| | | Matthew Elizabeth James 28.6.1815GtO 14.6.18GtO 19.9-23.11.20GtO

John = 26.2.1819Gt Oakley, Amey GARROD

4Q41TendringRD Mary 1804GtO ======(2)Robert BROWN(1)=? | | | Alfred 1836GtO 1s.1d 1s

Essex Mortlocks 39 RJHG 05.05.2019 St.Osyth(StO) [RD Tendring (TD)] ------John¬ ======Elizabeth 1778GtClacton-1Q59TD | 1786-19.4.44StO | ~ ‘wid’1851;?b.Gt Oakley? ------| | | | | | 29.11.53 | Lucy | Hannah Elizabeth | Lucy GREEN ======(?2)James~ 4.4.19StO | 30.5.24StO =3.11.36StO | 1821GtClacton- StO 20.4.16StO- = or + | =4Q45TD John CARTER | 3Q1902Leeds | 2Q1901StO as n.p. | |John s.of Chas.lab. | < svts,household of R CROSS 1881 > | |ADDISON | | ag.lab | |1823GtC,lab. | | | | Philip | George^ | 2s.4d BRETT lab. | 2Q56StO-?2Q1933Epping | 21.4.48 | | to E Indies>33rdFoot1873-94;drapr’s porter Louis/Lewis ======Jane | 1875 =10.9.91York 19.2.23StO-1Q1907TD StO 1827- | |Elizabeth WILSON ag.lab.1848; | 2Q56TD | |1860Londesborough- Lit.Bentley 1861,81; | | |1Q1921Leeds shopkeeper 1886 | Mary |in Headingley 1901 back to a lab.1901 | 7.12.43StO= |d.of George, woodman | Joseph ------| GUILDERS | | | | | dealer George Samuel James Wilson | s.of Aaron Frederick Joseph William 3Q1900 | 7.8.92 4Q95York- 4Q96Leeds Leeds ------Bradford 1Q96York | 4Q77 | | =1Q14Leeds | Eliza[beth]Ann’@ ======John Mary Jane |RAINSFORTH | 1854/5Ramsey,Hunts- Poplar 3.9.54StO- 21.7.50StO | V 2Q1909Poplar | 21.1.08# Irene +3.pp | boiler wood pulp mill 1891 3Q1914Leeds------| docks lab.Poplar 3Q1957Leeds | | } Edith Mary A Florence Emma }Methodist family 3Q78Bow 3Q82Cubitt Town- }Cubitt Town =2Q04Poplar }circuit svt Croydon 1901 =4Q1912Poplar, Edward A WALLACE =4Q1913Poplar, William J BOOTH

^ Convicted of stealing mushrooms [ES,22.11.1872]. 5’7½”, 33” chest, grey eyes, light brown hair, he enlisted in the West Riding Regiment in May 1873 and served 21 years, including fourteen years in India 1875-1889, emerging with a Long Service and Good Conduct Medal awarded on 18.1.1892 [TNA,WO97/3509/131]. He was serving in Fulford Barracks, York in 1891.

¬ ag.lab; in 1811 in GtClacton sharing with John JOHNSTON and 2m 5f juveniles @ candidate for Annie aged 49 b.Ramsey, in Cambridge 1901

Tendring RD(not found in St Osyth PR)(& see Ongar) ------Emma Pereman 4Q43TD f.3Q50TD m.2Q54TD James+1Q40Tendring RD Maria+3Q47TD Lucy+2Q50TD Lucy Taylor+4Q50TD

Charlotte =4Q37Tendring, Joseph WEBB/Joseph SALMON/Joseph TIVERTON,o.s.2x Mary Lucy =4Q42Tendring, Wm BIRD/Wm THOMPSON o.s.Susanna

Essex Mortlocks 40 RJHG 05.05.2019 St.Osyth(StO)(2) & Grimsby [RD Tendring (TD)] ------2.pp William COLE lab. | 4Q50 | 2.5.63 Abraham ====(1)Elizabeth(2)======William AINSBURY 18.3.1823Weely-4Q60TD T|D 1830 StO \ 1817 Dovercourt | GtBentley \1881 ag.lab,StO bks | \ ------? | | | | \ Elizabeth Eliza Abraham George` Rosina - Mary‘MORTLOCK’ 23.8.51StO- 31.3.55StO 2Q57StO- 11.9.59StO 1Q63StO 13.10.53StO b.GtBentley- 4Q1934Grimsby servant (bp.28.6.63PL) <13.11.1936SWalden mariner¬ WBulwick svt Orsett1881 1881 servant in =4.82StO | =6.84 | =4.4.85 Wh.Hart,Orsett, |Mary Anne` | |Samuel Eli | StJas.GY housekeeper in |HARRIS | |GRIGGS | Harry Brightlingsea 1901 |1861StO-3Q1934 | |of StO | ANGIER |N.Kesteven, | |(b.30.8.63 | `txcribed MARTLOCK 1901 |Lincs | |Milden, | | | |Suffolk) | ------| | | | | | | | | | | Ernest Frank William` Kate Ada Alice` Frank~ | | | 31.5.1884StO- George Elizabeth 3Q86GY- GertrudeHarold | | Samuel 3Q1938CO 17.5.83StO 4Q84GY 4Q98GY 4Q88GY 12.8.90GY| | Charles 1Q1914= | =4Q1905 =3Q07GY | | | 4.3.88(b.87) (Kingston)| | |(Croydon) V | | Kate| next |George Wm next | George ANGIER| page |SONGHURST page Jannice 11.8.81StO 2.4.82| | 4Q92GY lab.GtClacton 1901 ->1939| 1s.2d Croydon 1911 =1Q13GY =4Q10TD | STEEL Hannah NEWALL | | ------| | | | | Ernest Kathleen Charles Doris F M W 1Q20TD 12.1.15TD 3Q16TD 1Q18TD shipwright Brightlingsea 1939 MSt Osyth’s Priory Lodge,Clacton 21.1.21

` witnesses at George N’s wedding see next page

¬ 4y MN apprentice 29.8.1872 Harwich ‘age 17’; fisherman 1901; 2nd hand HMS Pekin(trawler/minesweeper) WW1; of 31,Hildyard St Grimsby

1Q1955 Frank ======Phyllis M POPPLE Grimsby 30.6.1918-2Q1977GY

Mary 1810/15Essex, servant in Beaumont with Moze 1841; possibly the Mary 1813 given 1 mo. for larceny at Colchester Quarter Sessions 26.3.1845

John 1836-1.3.44StOsyth Charlotte +28.5.41StOsyth,inf

Essex Mortlocks 41 RJHG 05.05.2019 St Osyth etc(3) & Grimsby(2) ------previous page | 2Q1904 ^`William George ======Alice Ann SMITH 17.5.83StOsyth-4Q1963GY StJasGY 1.3.1884 | ------| | | | ? ? | William George George `John(Jack) `Ada A Leslie H Vera Effie 1Q05GY- Norman William M 16.6.06 15.1.07GY 23.10.09GY- 1Q12GY 4Q13GY 2Q14GY 11.5.28 Cleethorpes cmy biscuit factory 17.1.2006 = =23.12.28GY Beverley HOLLAND |Christina railway |BROWN shipping clerk |16.7.1906 1Q1932GY= V Phyllis SNELL| next page 1.8.1910-| 2Q2003E Yks| | Janet M 2Q1942GY =4Q1962GY Brian J MOORE

previous page | 4Q1912 4Q1937 ~Frank Harold ======(1)Gertrude M(2)======Ernest A 12.8.90GY-23.3.1933GY Grimsby SMITH Grimsby SMITH fish house worker 1922 | 4.12.1892 | 21.12.1890 of 144,Castle St Grimsby | | tug boat engr | Derek W ------| 20.6.1939 | | 3Q1947 Margaret A Frank Roland ======Irene NORTH 1.3.1931 9.12.1922GY-1997 Cleethorpes 6.5.1925 /HOBBS =YATES hotel waiter 1939 | with Frank Roland 1939 | ------| | | | Roland Irene | 3Q1973 Richard 1Q51Clthps 1Q52Clthps John ======Brenda P 3Q1958GY =2Q73GY =3Q73GY 3Q53GY Grimsby GOWER |Laura A Frank W | |FORDER ROUTH ------| | | Ben Cheryl Louise Lyndsey Anne 3Q1973GY 1Q1976GY =1998 or 2000

~ sgt 13batt.94bde RFA WW1; wounded; silver war badge

Herbert S Roy Ivy M } mother SMITH 3Q1919Y 2Q1920GY 2Q1920GY

` witnesses at George Norman’s wedding ^ fish house lab.1901; cpl RASC motor transport WW1; 78,Corporation Rd Grimsby; foreman, box maker 1939; at sea WW2[NY 29.4.41) detail on this family provided by Pete Milsom Essex Mortlocks 42 RJHG 05.05.2019 St Osyth etc(4) & Grimsby(3) & Leeds ------3.pp | 2Q1922 James William ======Ethel M SPOWAGE 4Q1896Leeds Leeds engineer | ------1945 | | ~Paraskivou ZAMBA ======George S Norman 1923Cyprus- Cyprus 4Q1922Leeds- 2Q28Leeds 1973*Armley 1997*Armley,Leeds soldier

~ arr Liverpool fm Bombay via Port Said SS Empress of Scotland 8.7.46 Previously in Cyprus; heading for 25 North Hall St, Burley Rd, Leeds

previous page | 1Q1901 George Norman ======Christina BROWN 15.1.1907GY Grimsby 16.7.1906 biscuit factory worker | | ------2Q1953 | | | %Brenda LUSBY ======William G% Alexander J John N 26.11.1931 Grimsby 6.7.1930GY 2Q1933GY 1Q1940GY | lorry driver =3Q1952GY 3Q1961GY= | |Dorothy M GARDNER Sandra| | | ROBINSON| | David Alexander | | 1Q1970Cleethorpes | ------| | | ? ? | Marilyn% Steven% Carole Norman C | 2.2.1954GY 22.8.57Boston 1Q62Cleethorpes 3Q64Cleethorpes | | ------? ? ? ? ? ? Philip R John Darren J Jayne Lesley Michaela A Natalie 3Q1957Cleethps 3Q1960GY 1Q1963Cleethps 2Q1966GY 3Q1966Cleethps 2Q1969GY

%SS Ivernia Liverpool 9.5.1956 -> Montreal; William 'of Boston, Lincs'

3Q1865 Hannah Maria ======Frederick Melville BROOKES 1Q45Gt Clacton Colchester 1838Loughborough Leics. svt St Osyth 1861 | | 3s.2d

Essex Mortlocks 43 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(ex Birdbrook(BB)) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------31.pp ? 19.2.1764 Richard(?1)======Martha SURRIDGE 1743-13.3.1818Birdbrook Birdbrook 1741-18.11.92Birdbrook | (?2)= Clara | 1756------15.8.1821BB | | | | | | | Richard John Elizabeth Alice Susannah Sarah Arbor } all 22.7.64 30.3.66 16.8.67 19.7.72 2.4.75 22.12.76 19.7.78 } Birdbrook | ------| 15.10.1793 Richard ======(H)Ann(ah) YOUNG 22.7.64Birdbrook- P|L ca.1767- 18.12.1825PL | 28.10.1853PL settlement exam 19.10.1793 P/LWR2 | settlement exam 28.2.1801 P/LWR3 | ~ lodging Crown Inn, Rayleigh 1841 | son of‘Emma’1770DArcy(?), wid,1851 ------| | | | | ? | | Hannah Richard~ William John Isaac Mary Ann James Elizabeth 11.7.94PL 19.2.95- 1794/7- 6.3.1803 23.10.08- 1809PL- +15.4.12 18.4.13PL 6.11.67 20.4.60PL | 12.10.77 23.12.87 inf. =19.4.41PL at the lab. | | at the (2)William Lexden & |= V V Union lab.s.of Winstree |Deborah +4.pp next Stanway Jas BRADBROOKE Union Home, | page bur.PL lab.of Stanway |1797Fingringhoe- Colchstr S.Giles |15.7.53PL of ague & fever | ------| | | | | | | | | | Isaac@ | | | Elizabeth Sarah Anne^ George@~! Jane^ | 1829? | John | =16.2.57PL 13.6.41PL 2.5.30PL- 1838PL | bp.4.12.32- | 1824 | Reuben =8.5.64PL 2Q1910 bp.13.6.41 | 13.8.39PL | | | s.of Elijah Colchester 21.5.60PL= | (brain fever) | V | James TRAYLER drover John | | next | WILLSMER s.of Copford HARVEY~ | | page | farm bailiff John lab. 1881 lab.s.of | | | unm. John lab. William@` James’^ Charles^ 1831PL- 1832PL 1835PL 31.5.87WV | | ~ ?groom in W Mersea 1861 farmer V V 30a @ WV +2.pp +3.pp ` killed by horse kick [ES] bp.4.12.32 coachman in Amesbury,Wilts 1861

NB how the children are baptised in two main batches - @ William,Isaac & George were all baptised together 4.12.32 plus note of ‘James [presumably d.inf] & Alice baptised sometime since’ ^ James, Charles, Sarah Anne & Jane all baptised 13.6.41 ~ in 1851 Harvey is living in Isaac’s (n.p.) house as ‘son in law’ (archaic usage for stepson) ! George accused of stealing a heifer at Colchester but discharged 20.10.1877 [ES]

Essex Mortlocks 44 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(2) & Wivenhoe(WV) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------previous page | 29.11.1831PL witn.William & Elizabeth `Isaac ======Mary Ann OSBORNE 1/23.10.1808PL-6.10.77PL | ?1814/7-2Q1938EssexSW husbandman 1830s;lab.1840s;higgler 1867| ------| | | | | | | | | | | Isaac George Elijah | William Emma~ Ann | Julia | 13.5.32PL- 7.5.34PL- 27.11.36PL | 29.12.39- 25.12.42PL 1844PL | 18.6.48PL | 1Q1910LX 10.11.98PL | | 3.11.57PL | | nursemaid | ag.lab | V | of typhus | =2Q65LX | 1861 | (1)=1Q56LX V +2.pp | | |Abraham | 21.9.67= | next Sarah Abraham |GREEN Rosa Henry | page 21.4.39PL- William |of Emma PULLEN | (2)=4Q78LX 13.1.42PL 28.9.62PL- |Mersea (Rosina) lab.s.of | Susannah/Hannah HARVEY <9.4.66PL | 5.10.45PL Elijah | 1851PL-3Q1913CO,laundress1901,charwoman1911 | 3Q70LX= | witn. | 7s&d | Hannah | ?same as Isaac 1840PL in PL 1901 ------| & Rosina | | | | ~ svt Colchester 1861 Elijah John Rosina Mary | 25.10.63PL- 30.8.68PL Benjamin 26.3.64PL [reg3Q67] 1830Essex ?44thFoot(E Esx) 3Q91LX=

` fined for fighting 1858; concussion of spine 1861; crushed left foot in accident with threshing machine 18.9.68 [Essex Standard]

previous page Daniel BAKER lab. | 9.10.1847PL | John ======Sarah 1824PL-9.12.79PL;ag.lab. | 1828PL-4Q1907LX;needlewoman | ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Joanna William | Charles George Alice | | Laura | | 20.3.53PL 26.10.55PL | Henry 26.5.61PL 24.2- | | 17.3.70PL | | =2Q73LX (?b.1853)- | 24.4.59PL- | 5.3.63PL | | 2Q96= | | ?1Q1931Hendon | 3Q1912 V | | Colchstr |Mariana~ lab.Canning Rd | Edmonton +4.pp Jessie | |26.1.51PL Islngtn 1881 | | 29.3.69PL- | | = Phoebe@ V 1Q1916Barnet | | Ann 28.6.57PL +4.pp? seamstress | | 1856Linton =16.9.96PL Deborah | Cambs Edw.Jas 31.7.64PL John RIXON svt PL 1881 24.12.48PL^- 1869 inspector ?1Q98Chelsea s.of Jas coachman 89 foot witn.Jessie&George

~ in 1861 living with her [great]aunt Elizabeth BRADBROOK(E)(see ^ John, a 5’6”, 33” chest labourer, enlisted in 1868 at Westminster in 16th Foot (as MARTLOCK) in 1868 and served 21 years as a private, including eight in Burma from where he was sent home sick in 1880 (see his medical record), and time in Ireland and Scotland. Awarded Long Service and Good Conduct medal [TNA,WO97/3509/95]. Domestic servant in Rugby 1891. @ servant at Boston House College, Chiswick (as ‘MORDLOCK’) 1881 Essex Mortlocks 45 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(3) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------previous page ¬ ?arr.Boston 28.5.1903 | 4Q56LX SS Saxonia ~George ======Sarah Maria AUSTIN 7.5.1834PL-10.11.98PL | 1832Fingringhoe-31.3.94PL ag.lab | tailoress ------| | | | | | | | | | | | |George ¬Charles | | | Henrietta Emma George Benjamin | Mary |Wm Robert | | | Letitia Maria William’ Walter! | Ann |27.2. 31.3.61PL- | | | 13.8.67PL 2Q69PL 29.10.71 5.1.74- |30.12. |59PL- | | | servant (bp.18 | 23.12.31# | 77PL |3.8.61PL@ ag.lab/ | | | 10.70) V lab/horseman/| | shepherd | | | svt in +7.pp mkt gardener | | Hadleigh | | | Nrwich =30.6.00StO | | 1901 | | | 1891 |Matilda ANN | | | | | =1Q92 |BAKER | George Elizabeth Eva | (Norwich) |1879 Alfred Samuel Deborah Thirza | Leonard PECK/ |Mersea Morris/ /Alfred 1Q63PL 5.4.63 | Thos Wm |d.of Maurice 23.11- <---- twins ----> | STANDLEY |Hy Edw. 16.3.76PL 27.11.57PL =2Q95LX 27.6.85PL= | |shepherd | Albert CROWE | ------| V bricklayer | ? | +8.pp s.of George,waterman | Eva Grace L Florence Ethel | 2Q02TD-2Q08TD 26.5.03StO @of abscess on head | | 4Q88LX Nathan Samuel ======Maria 6.11.64PL-1Q1913CO | 1865Langenhoe blacksmith’s lab.Fingringhoe 1901 | tailoress ------| | | | | | | Lily Ernest George^ Gertrude William Victoria Annie Grace Sidney Frederick Maud Nathan Florence 5.8.00 24.2.89PL 1Q89LX 12.7.92 8.10.94 20.10.95PL- 23.8.97 Fingringhoe <--- twins ----> Langenhoe Langenhoe 3Q1906LX Fingringhoe =3Q17LX,SMITH

Harriett [?is this Henrietta Letitia?] | {in Hull 1911, niece of Bertie Lewis = Isabella1887<{Emma WARREN,laundress 31.7.87PL-4Q1913Sculcoates(nr Hull) | {1836Stampford Nfk, servant Beverley 1901;‘g.son of George’|------gardener Hull 1911 | | William Alfred W George H 28.10.07Sculcoates-3Q1931Hull 3Q10Sculcoates ? pilotage service apprentice, Mercantile Marine medal WW1 in Bridlington 1919 ^ Frederick George (or George Frederick) was a carman in Fingringhoe when he enlisted in the Rifle Brigade 20.11.1915. On 17.8.17 he was wounded in the thigh and upper arm [PRO,WO363/M2030]. ~ George of Peldon, 14 d.hard labour for begging 4.1.86 & 4.11.92[ES] ! Walter (?this one?) case dismissed for indecency in New St Chelmsford 16.8.1895 after his defender pointed out the ‘inadequate provision of places of accommodation’.

Elizabeth Maud 3.91PL-19.5.92(¬ in PR);‘g.dau.of George’1891

Essex Mortlocks 46 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(4) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------3.pp | 4Q62 Charles ======Elizabeth’BRADBROOK 1834/7PL-23.6.87WV# Clchstr 1841Old Heath(Colchester)- miller, Rectory Rd steam mill | 9.12.14WV# | ------| | | | | | ’ | | | | | Elizabeth Emily Eliza | Ellen~ Charles Emma Albert Ethel | Ella 1862BS 3Q64BS- 4Q65BS | Bessie William Jane Edward Hannah | Mary B 21.1.36WV# | | 4Q69WV- 2Q70WV- 4Q73WV- 21.7.75 Y | 2Q86WV unm. of V | 1Q1934LX >1946 4Q32LX WV- 1Q80WV- | 4Q06LX= MillHo.WV +5.pp | svt in grist unm. 27.6.46 2Q1923LX| Willie| dressmaker | Saxmundm miller WV £870 SPARLING| Colchester | 1901 1917 | | 1901 | =2Q35Lexden Elsie Ada Ella Edith I G Edith Martin HARRIS Bradbrook D BS=Brightlingsea } 20.9.67WV- 1871- 3Q82WV 14.1. 20.2.42WV# 12.7.1949Nayland# 22.2.1922= 1907 1939 incapacitated & living [Reg.SB]# St Gabriel Pimlico with Albert & Ella D SPARLING Sydney BINGHAM in Woolwich she draper’s asst CO 1901

~ Ellen Bessie with Joseph & Eliza (see +5.pp) in 1911

(?plus)Ethel Mary1888/9 =4Q10Lexden, Edwin John DIXON 1888/9

-2.pp Henry MOSS, lab. | 25.12.58PL | Elijah^ ======Hannah 27.11.1836PL-4.4.1926Catford | 1838Cressing-29.11.94PL ag.lab.; widower in Peldon 1901 | tailoress | ------| | | | | Isabella Laura Emily Maria Arthur William Flora 31.3.59PL 8.6.64PL 29.8.69PL 29.5.74PL 9.6.80PL(bp.27.6)- =16.2.78LX 1881 svt =1Q99StGHSq (?b.29.5.74)- 3.2.74Spokane |Geo Alfred EDonyland; |John Wm 1.3.1964NYork Ellis I.4.2.95 |KING 1858 svt Claife |COOKSON of Nassau NY SS Aurania with AWM |lab.s.of Wm Jas Lancs 1891 |1875Putney (Manhattan1900)Bronx NY1900 | =2Q91 | draft cd 1917 (1)=17.10.00Manhattan 6s.1d Marylbn John Mortlock =20.11.02Bronx Frank O BANTA V William 1900Camberwell |Hannah V RIDOUT 1901 in |CORNISH (2)=18.10.04Manhattan emigr US 1865- Lewisham |1882NY Charles ENGELMANN 30.11.38 | ?(2)=1930-1940 emigr US | Grace 1876CA ? Stanley = Kathryn } in Nassau NY 1940 1908 ? 1911 ? David 6.03.1954-.09.86W Hempstead (in Nassau county) NY see for further details of this family (link from Deborah Sena; other details from Jane King)

Essex Mortlocks 47 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(5) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------William MOOR lab. -4.pp & Mary-Ann RUSE William CLARK butcher | 4.12.1832PL | 10.3.71PL | John MORTLOCK ======(1)Mary Ann(2)======William pensioner 6.3.03PL-14.5.70PL;lab. | RUSE witn. fined 1s. for allowing witn. 1813PL Robert & Fanny his donkey to William & Elizabeth MORTLOCK stray 30.1.66[ES] | | {BbB=Bromley by Bow[RD Poplar(PO)] ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Ellen~ Sarah(Susan`) | Agnes | Arthur Robert`¬ Frances | | | 1839PL 7.9.43PL | 27.7.45PL | 19.4.47PL William 25.5.56PL | | | =4Q62 bp.12.10.45 | =4Q66LX% | | 28.8.53PL- “c/o” | | | Little | | | V 19.3.81PL Ebenezer | | | Wigborough V | | +2.pp COWELL | | | V | | Martin London, | | | Geo.KING lab. | | RADFORD lab. 1881 | | | | 18.3.54 | | 6.4.63 | 4Q89LX= | | | Frederick ======Susannah Mary Ann ======John lab. | | Sarah` lab. Peldon 26.5.33PL- 14.5.37PL Peldon Hannah | 1Q41LX- 1833- V 9.92 ?svt in 1833PL | 1Q42LX 92 issue Abberton 1861 svt W Mersea 1851 | 29.11.1857 | Peter ======Sarah GILLETT Mariana ` BMD txcribed MORDLOCK 1833PL- Bethnal Grn 1834BbB- 31.1.58PL ~ svt Colchester 1861 <25.11.93 | 3Q1919 4Q85LX= ^ to Charles KERRY carmanBbB/Lmhse Shoreditch b.1867Lexden mechanic 1861 | /Charlotte Agnes2Q78PO-<17.10.82BbB ------| | | | | | | | |$ Emily Ellen William | Hannah Elizabeth Deborah Ruth Walter Edgar Agnes 14.6.59PL Peter | Maria 24.10.68BbB 3Q71PO 5.9.72BbB Peter 2Q77 3Q62PO =3Q76PO 3Q60PO- | 4Q66BbB- =4Q87PO =4Q90^ =1Q94 Limehouse =10.3.95 Edgar <5.8.63 | <21.8.82 Stepney Stepney hammerman |St Anne PALMER PO Mary Ann PO 4Q96Poplar= |Limehose 1846 3Q64Poplar Georgina Sarah Ellen SHELDRAKE| |Benjamin Stowmarket svt Bethn.Grn1891 1874Poplar-4Q1918PO(of BbB 1901)| |RICHARDS customs offr =27.9.08 | |1863PO St Peter Mile End ------| |Shoemaker (2)James John ROSE | ? | | | 1849 carman Ellen Walter Peter| Walter Edgar 2s.3d 2.2.98PO 3Q99PO | 20.5.1903PO ? in Mile End 1911 William George 3.10.1901Poplar bp.12.5.04All Hallows,E India Docks

% Agnes married Samuel ABBOTT. She died 1877 in Durham whither he and Samuel had gone to work in the coal mines (this info from Mark Hindle). ¬ Robert, drunk & riotous in Peldon 26.12.72[ES]. As a 5’6” & 37” chest labourer with grey eyes and light brown hair, he enlisted in the Royal Artillery in 1877 and went out to India in 1878 where he served 3 months for desertion. He was invalided home in 1879 permanently disabled by pneumonia and pleurisy and unable ‘to earn his livelihood in civil employ’ [TNA,WO97/1819/56].

$ +2Q1957Stepney. ? Walter 1878, potman, in Westminster workhouse (Sheffield St, Edmonton) 14.10.-5.11.1909, from St Martin/Fields ? the Walter, barman, b.1880 in Southwark workhouse 14-17.8.1905 Essex Mortlocks 48 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(6) [RD Lexden(LX)] ------Samuel LEVETT engine driver -4.pp ------| 1Q69 | ? James ======Susan - 1834PL-18.6.99Hornsey EdmtnRD 1852SteepleBstd | lab;in Layer de la Haye 1861 | : Ann | : 1860SpB ------| | | | Alice Susan Elizabeth Maud William James’ }in W Ham 1911 1Q70Tottenham 2Q72Tottenham 2Q74Tottenham[RD Edmonton] )with Rosina =28.9.89Edmonton motor engineer }& Frederick |Moses Isaiah RANSON =2Q01Edmonton |1867Tottenham |Rosina HARVEY1876-?1Q1930Woodbridge |paperhanger, painter etc | | Frederick 2Q02Edmonton 3s -?4.pp : ‘s.of John ag.lab. decsd’ | : 1899 | 1.10.99 : Charles MORTLOCK ======(2)Susan MORTLOCK 1855Peldon StMM 1853Steeple Bumstead- Brmndsy 4.12.1908Bermondsey#bur.ManrPk builder’s excavator,Bermondsey1901 execr William James motor engr

-4.pp Thomas WYNCOTT,lab. | 7.11.91 | George ======Lucy 26.5.61PL-2Q1929LX Langenhoe 1871Lagenhoe-1Q1929LX higgler; | stockman then poultry dealer | of Rolls Farm cottages, Pete Tye | | ------| | | | Grace May Arthur George Percy William¬ Stanley 13.8.93Langenhoe 26.1.1896Peldon- 3Q98PL- 11.1900PL- 3.3.1956Greenwich# 14.3.1915France 6.9.1944Colchester steel erector pte 2/Northants =3Q29CO Lewisham 1939 kia Neuve Chapelle Ivy Charlotte CANHAM =22.9.1934Greenwich 1907-1.12.53CO Jane Emma WATERS’ 11.5.1899-1.4.1988estate unclaimed

?Arthur George =2Q21Woolwich Agnes M BARRY ??3Q1896Woolwich-3Q1929Lexden


previous page V 6.8.1865 Sarah ======James GROVES 1842 d.of John, lab StDunstan‘s Stepney 1840 coachman

Essex Mortlocks 49 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(7) & Bromley by Bow [RD Lexden(LX) & Poplar(PO)] ------2.pp | 15.9.72 Arthur ======Amelia(Molly)ADKINS 31.3.47PL-15.5.1915PO(pneumonia) Stepney 1852Merton Surrey- chemical lab. Bromley by Bow 1881 | <19.4.1929BbB docks lab.1901 | {BbB=Bromley by Bow | {RDPoplar(London)(PO)] ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Arthur | Alice Ada Jane Charlotte Florrie |Benjamin | Sarah | Lily | William | 1875BbB 26.3.76 Agnes 26.10.80 |1884BbB |1892BbB | Lavinia| 3Q73PO | svt BbB Poplar- 2Q78PO- Bromley |dock lab | | 1.93PO | ?b. Amelia 1901 10.11.33 <17.10.82 by Bow |BbB1901 | Albert | Merton Jane 1901 svt BbB =21.12.12 | | 1Q90PO- Robert | 4Q74PO- Paddngtn BbB Annie George 1Q91PO 4Q84 V 2Q75PO ? Edw.A 1880BbB Alexander Poplar V Lavinia WALLACE 27.3.88BbB | 4Q1915PO-<27.1.1931PO | VW V V V +2.pp | 25.12.95 Arthur William ======Sarah Anna Jane DAVIS 14.6.73Poplar-29.2.52Ilford StGabriel 10.7.75Mile End-8.4.56Romford 21 Goodliffe St Poplar 1918 BbB advertising agent 1935 | | (*Rippleside cemetery,Barking) ------| | | | | | | | | | Arthur Herbert¬ Charles^ | Henry Emma Ernest John | Ivy William 11.1.00PO Thomas | Robert 3Q06 30.8.08 3Q12Poplar- | Ethel 4.9.96Poplar- 1.02PO- | 2Q04 Poplar Poplar 16.4.41* | Lilian 1963Barking* = 1967* | Poplar | kia | 1917- =4Q16Poplar Matilda B = | V (firewatcher) | 1999 Emma M PAVITT Mary | +4.pp = | WHALEY 1900-85 JAMES | Lilian E | | | 6.1920 | 18.2.61 Lavinia(Winnie) William George BOWLES ======(1)Mary Jane(2)===== Frank 1915-31 +19.10.1955 | 1.4.98Poplar- LOADER -----| 1974Teddington Mary Jane 6s ^ had shop at 43 Crown St Dagenham

¬ Herbert was conscripted into the Rifle Bde 5.4.18 and discharged 10.2.19 ‘unfit, poor physique from childhood’ & ‘has always been small’(as if it was his fault!) Called up and spat out in fact. [TNA, WO364]

VW | 20.5.1906 Robert ======Mary Ann CANTY 21.10.84Poplar-2Q70Barking Bromley by Bow 1883/4 | ------| | | | | | | | Ada Nellie Robert Charles Mary Julia Elsie Leonard Florence Winifred 2Q11PO A G A G 1Q25Poplar- 1Q08Poplar 1Q10PO 4Q13PO 2Q16PO 2Q19PO 3Q21PO 20.10.2014

Essex Mortlocks 50 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(8), Limehouse, Lambeth etc (MORTLOCK becomes MODLOCK) ------James MORTLOCK or MODLOCK 1792-3Q69Rochford RD | (MORTLOCK in 1841 census) ------| | | 23.5.1858 Joseph Mary Ann ======(1)Samuel`(2)======(2)Sarah A CORAM 1815/20¬Sy 1805/10Surrey | 1804 Stepney 1806StaplehurstKent- ~ Harriett | BradfieldEsx 4Q74Stepney | HEAD | (nr Harwich)- Mary Ann | 4Q78Stepney 7.9.1838SS-3Q39SS ------| ` waterman Limehouse 1832 | | bargeman S.Saviour Southwark 1841 Elizabeth John Thomas MODLOCK engine stoker Limehouse 1851 | 23.5.32- lighterman 1858; dock lab.1871 V 2Q62Lambeth In 1871 a CORAM living 3 doors away next =7.9.1851 page |Lambeth This whole family is consistently |(1)Ann COOTE MODLOCK in London Prs, BMD | (2)=9.12.63L & 1901 census; in 1901 is in | Francis Edw.FARROW St George Martyr parish, Southwark ------| | | | | John Richard Samuel Richard Richard Joseph Thomas Donald¬ Annie¬ 7.3.52-1Q53SS 4Q53SS-3Q54SS 3Q55SS | 2Q57Lambeth Elizabeth | =28.3.75Lambeth 8.9.61L ¬ bap.8.9.1861Lambeth V |Hannah MORBIN housekeeper next page |1858‘London’ Lambeth 1901 | ------? | | | | | | ? | | ? Eliza ^Richard ^Hannah ^Thomas Mary Ann John | James | William | 3Q75SS- John 1Q79SS William 9.3.84WL Edward | Bertie | 4Q95SS | 3Q75SS 4Q76SS =4Q99SS 1.5.81L printing 1Q86SS | V | | cycle packer William lab. m/c printing | n.p. | | 25.12.98L= TREV- =2Q1901Sthk girl m/c boy Annie Harriett | Agnes| ATT |Florence 28.1.06= =4Q08 Louise Elizabeth | Elizabeth CADE| |ANDREWS WL |Sthwark 20.7.88 21.5.93L Edward 1878London| | Harry |Minnie WL =9.8.12 27.3.98 | | WATSON |Jane DAVIE StGM L | | | Fredk PAGE WL=Walworth} | | ------| ------|-Lillie | | | | | | | | | Sophia | Thomas Florence May Lily Matthew Hilda Roy | 2Q10Sthk | Donald Emma Violet Maud John Ruby L | | 4Q01L 3Q04L 3Q06L 3Q08L 2Q09L 2Q10L 1Q12L -Minnie L ------1Q12Sthk | | ? | | | Richard Henry Henry Mary Ann John Thomas Henry John George Agnes Francis Donald 4Q99-1Q00SS 1Q02Sthk 1Q03Sthk 4Q04Sthk 1Q09Sthk 1Q13Sthk

^ Richard, Hannah and Thomas were taken into care in May 1886 (actually taken first to the Workhouse and then placed in an Industrial School) because 21, Burman St, Southwark where they were living was ‘a house frequented by disorderly women’ (i.e. a brothel) [Pall Mall Gazette 20.5.1886]. The form of the proceedings, bizarre to our view, was that they were hauled before the court and charged with this: at 9, 8 and 5 they must have been terrified. Essex Mortlocks 51 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(PL)(9), Limehouse, Lambeth etc MORTLOCK becomes MODLOCK(2) ------previous page | 22.11.77 Richard Joseph MODLOCK ======Amelia Arabella G[?resham]FITZGERALD 3Q55SS Greenwich 1859Woolwich,pianist clerk ‘submarine engineers’1881 | 59 Solon Rd Lambeth 10,Crescent Rd,Plumstead 1881 | 1891,1901 | she ‘wife’ 1891,1901 ------| (NB NOT‘widow’) | | Herbert Stewart Arthur Gresham 11.4.79Woolwich 18.12.81Woolwich lithographer’s clerk banker’s clerk 24.3.06L= Emily Maud SPOONER

previous page Robert WILLIS | 6.9.1839 | Elizabeth MODLOCK ======Robert Wivenhoe mariner | Mary Ann = Joseph James BRUCE, master mariner 25.7.57Wivenhoe | 4.7.59St Osyth V V Robert Bruce AUSTIN (see

previous page | 25.12.10 James Bertie ======Louisa Sarah May PAWSON 1Q91SS SS

-2.pp | 2.8.1915 George Alexander ======Jane Elizabeth SPRINGHALL 27.3.1888-21.11.1959Poplar All Snts 3Q1892Poplar-2Q1929West Ham cleaner LCC tramcars Poplar

-5.pp | 3Q1903 Eliza ======Joseph SADLER 1850 1865Brightlingsea Lewisham 1850Brightlingsea svt Saxmundham 1901 | clerk | Ida Mortlock Eliza’s sister Ellen 1897Lewisham Bessie with them 1911

Ella MODLOCK 1869Wivenhoe, ‘lady help’ in Hampstead 1901

Elizabeth MODLOCK = 4.11.1793Purleigh, Jacob CHANDLER

Mary 6.3.57Peldon-9.6.1940#Palmers Green[RD Edmonton] wid ret housekeeper in Edmonton hospital 1939

Essex Mortlocks 52 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(10) ------7.pp | 1Q1896 George William/William George(1)======Juliet Frances JONES 29.10.71PL-2Q1950CO Colchester 1871CO-1Q03CO bricklayer1901,motor eng’r1931 of Atterbury, CO 4Q1903 (2)======Kate PLUME Colchester | ------| | | | | | | Nathan Albert Basil Percy Elsie | William Charles W John d.aet.5 | 4Q05CO 4Q09CO 2Q12CO 1Q14CO-89 | V | | V Richard Adrian | his tree fm Tony M’s website | 2Q36ED George Bramwell ======Gladys Sylvia GRIGG 4Q04Colchester | 31.8.1912Edmonton-21.2.2013Walsworth | ------| | | Brian = Christina | Richard = FISHER | 1Q47ED | 1Q50ED | | | | ------| ------| | | | | | Claire James | 2Q1969 Mark Joanna Catherine Graham John ======Joan M 1Q44ED-5.2009Walsworth Herts Enfield MANNING | ------3Q55 | | RUDD ======Nicola Joanne Louise Hitchin 3Q72NBucks informant for this section

V V 3Q1939 ^Rev.Albert Charles ======Olive E CAYLESS 17.11.1909CO-1.6.1991Bath Battersea 2Q1914Wandsworth

^graduated Methodist college 1935; served Walsall, Bristol, Cleveden [Western Daily Press 14.8.1942]

Nicola Rudd posts that the family were very much involved with the Salvation Army in Colchester. George and Gladys moved to Enfield, North London where George worked for London Transport looking after the 'time-keeping'. He was a watch and clock maker by trade. Gladys was a hairdresser and in the 1950's - 1960's owned two hairdressing shops in North London

Isaac 1718-<30.3.1808Peldon (+ smallpox) William 1806-<27.6.1820Peldon

Essex Mortlocks 53 RJHG 05.05.2019 Peldon(11) & Norwich & Grimsby ------

-8.pp | 4Q1904 %Alfred Maurice ======Emily MILLS 16.3.76PL-3.1.1958Norwich Norwich #£257.8.8d | | 1Q1938 Francis Maurice ======Doris M PEARSON 3Q1908Norwich Grimsby shoe operative 1958 | | ------| | Pamela W Brian W 2Q1938Grimsby 4Q1940Grimsby

V Keith of Swardeston Nfk

% bricklayer Felixstowe 1901 then builder Nfk; sapper RE WW1; of 16 Shipston Rd Norwich, later 46 Albany Rd [TNA,WO363/M2030]

-4.pp | 1Q31 Ernest ======Selina May STARKEY 30.8.1908Poplar-10.1.89Billericay Poplar 1909-91 | ------| | Ernest Charles Frederick Joyce Winifred May 22.5.31Poplar-2.5.2002Newham 4.7.32Canning Town-30.3.48London (1)=3Q54WHam, Iris L MARUS

(2)=4Q84Newham, Mary M COLLINSON ~1955

Essex Mortlocks 54 RJHG 05.05.2019 Latchingdon(LT), Purleigh(PRL), Cold Norton(CN), Maldon(MN)& Chelmsford(CM) ------(& see Ridgewell, & Hempstead; & Haverhill, Glemsford(5), Shimpling(1), Bury St Edmunds(4),& Lawshall(4), Suffolk)

John M’ a juror in Chelmsford midsummer 1589 (?of Birdbrook) Thomas = 1603 Chelmsford, Ann PAKE Ann = 1678 Burnham, John CHALTERS Robert = 2.2.1780Burnham, (2)Sarah FARRANCE botp Elizabeth = 29.11.1819Purleigh, John HATCH

John ======Hannah 1763-4-21.1.45PRL | 1771-25.5.47PRL ------| | | | | | Hannah William Susannah | Mary Emma 3.5.1801LT 29.4.04LT 15.6.11LT | 1808-2.3.1878MN# 1804Essex =8.11.28PRL =28.9.29PRL | (+Bradwell on Sea) in family 1841 |Jane NASH John WILLIE | ? |<1808 | Marian Lucy 2.5.30PRL | 28.6.1840H.Ongar- (b.Latchingdon) | ?<30.7.70StGHSq 27.9.28 | 30.4.1837 bur.Brompton Cemy Sarah ======(1)Richard(2)======Susan(na) HATCH Purleigh 15.6.06LT- C.|Norton M/HARDLOCK 1804-23.1.35CN | 2Q76MN lab. | 1817Downham- | | 10.10.62PRL(?26?) ------| | | | | {LT=Latchingdon John Hannah Mary Ann’ | {CN=Cold Norton (nr CM) 2.11.28CN Susannah 2.6.33CN | {PRL=Purleigh | 17.4.31CN 3Q52MN= | V cook in James PERRYMAN’| | {Wickford is nr Billericay next page Rayleigh 1861 | | =3.10.61Rayleigh 2s.2d | (2)John Alfred lab. s.of | Samuel PRIER lab. | ------| | | | | | | | | | Susan Emma | Robert James Sarah Joseph Alice | 15.12.39- 6.6.41PRL | Richard Arthur 30.11.51PRL 30.3.56 24.4.59 | 23.6.42PRL =26.9.61 | 30.4.45 8.8.48PRL =29.10.70 Mundon- Mundon- | (Mundon) | Purleigh -2Q1919 (Mundon) <-- [RD Maldon]- -> Eliza George | | Greenwich Alfred 5.11.58MN 5.11.71MN 10.12.37PRL- MARTIN | V brewer’s NICHOLLS 9.11.1932 | +2.pp porter =5.6.64Maldon | =4Q79Poplar |William %William |Rosina Ann KNIGHT |TWINN 3.3.44PRL- |1855Walworth-9.3.1943Brockley# | 3Q1881E.Stonehouse | issue Lydia Rose } see also, speculatively, 3Q82Mile End } births & associated Mary+2Q58Maldon RD 3Q05MEnd= } deaths in Camberwell

% MN apprentice 1.6.1860Maldon ?later Royal Marine?

Lucy 1779Latchingdon-4Q51Chelmsford, servant in Chelmsford 1851 John 1803-13.8.68Latchingdon, ‘a poor man of Althorne’ killed by lightning. Possibly the ‘aged labourer’ given 14 days for stealing mangel wurzels 20.10.65 [Essex Standard]. Essex Mortlocks 55 RJHG 05.05.2019 Chelmsford(CM) & Maldon(MN)(2) {Rnl=Runwell(nr Billericay)[RD Chelmsford] ------previous page Richard = Sarah V WHITE | 1795Rayleigh | ?1855 | blind in 1871 John ===== Mary-Ann 2.11.28ColdNorton-?1Q1925Orsett RD | 28.7.39Runwell-3Q95Billericay RD corn porter, 12 mo. Old Bailey ‘larceny by servant’ for stealing corn 1869 Wickford 1881,1901 | on his own in Wickford 1901 | drunk i/c of a horse at Chelmsford 16.2.94[ES] ------| | | | | | | Sarah Martha Jane Dick John | (H)est(h)er Elizabeth 8.11.57CM Emily 4.8.61Rnl 12.7.63Rnl | Emily 16.1.56CM- ?=2Q75CM 8.1.60Rnl ?+<1871 [reg.2Q]- | 8.6.66Rnl 2Q56CM =1Q87 1Q64CM | 4Q94= Billericay | Billericay 1Q87 | Louisa ELSDON ======Henry William Wck=Wickford 1869Wickford- B’rcy RD 7.4.65Runwell-1Q1923Edmonton [RD Billericay(BC)] 1Q1935RochfordRD | gas worker Shoeburyness ------| | | | | | | | Daisy James Thomas Frederick Violet | Bernard | Annie Arthur William Charles^ Evelyn | Henry | 6.11.87Wck 11.4.89Wck- 30.6.91Wck 2Q94Rochfd- 4Q97Shoeb | 4Q1900 | svt S.Shoebury 1Q1930 =1Q12Rochfd 1Q46Rochfd | Rochfd | 1901 Orsett RD |DWIGHT brickfield lab. | | =4Q09Rochford railway | =3Q18Rochfd ~Leonard Irena fireman |------Beatrice V John Louise =4Q13Orsett | | BURDER 19.5.03 2Q06 COTTIS Elsie M Thomas M < Shoeburyness > 3Q12Rochfd 3Q14Rochfd bus driver 3Q24Rochford= Edith A SMITH| ------| | | | Joyce E B Alan C Philip J all Rochford } 2Q1927 1Q1933 4Q1937 1Q1965= Llanelly| Myra Kate Francis EVANS| 3Q1939WGlamorgan| | ------| | | Helen Francis Rachel Elizabeth 1Q1966Havering 2Q1968Havering

^ Frederick Charles (born 5.1893 according to the Army), enlisted in the Essex Regt 13.12.1915, but was discharged in May 1916 because of pre-existing arthritis incurred from falling off a cart in 1911.

~ in hospital in Southend 1939

Essex Mortlocks 56 RJHG 05.05.2019 Chelmsford(3) ------2.pp | 4Q69MN 4Q99MN Robert Richard ======(1)Maria(2)======John NEWELL 30.4.45PRL-2.10.75LexdenRD | 1853MN see narrative at head of this section pea sorter ^discharged Beds&Herts Rgt | for enlisting under age ------28.4.15 | | | Ernest | 3.2.1897 Lilian Robert Herbert William ======Gertrude Mary 3Q-3Q70MN 3Q72MN-3Q1969H’smth Maldon RIDGEWELL 2Q75MN foundry lab. | 1876S.Church- =2Q99MN 16Ch.St,StMary’s MN 1901 | 2Q1927Maldon driver,RASC WW1[PRO,WO363/M2030] | | ------| | | | | | | | Leslie Herbert Aubrey Victor Ivy Herbert Elsie Harold Robert Stanley Leonard Norman May William Lilian Reginald 18.12.97MN 1Q-3Q99MN 20.5.00MN 9.6.01MN 6.8.03MN 8.3.06MN 16.3.07 18.3.14MN lab/postman RNVR 1917-18 +2.2003 MN postman Manningtree 1938, [TNA,ADM337/45/831] MN Gravesend 1939 Gravesend 1939 =3Q1926Maldon |Annie Florence CHISNALL12.6.1902-3Q1972Dartford | |------| | | | | Leonard R Sylvia F Brian K Doreen I Dennis C 4Q1927Elham 3Q1929Bedford 1Q1932Alton 2Q1935Colchester 4Q1942Chatham =1Q1951Chatham =4Q1950Chatham =2Q1955Dfd in care home ?=1Q1969Dfd |Dorothy Julia Edward J |Patricia J Benfleet 2012/3 Kathleen A |WOOD STRONG |KERSHAW as MORTLOCK-KING SMITH |1921 | OR mges 1953, 1974 |23.2.2013Luton | | | |------|------| | | | Carole A Steven P Paul K Ian J 4Q1957Dartfrd 1Q1960Dfd 2Q1959 3Q1960}Dfd

Essex Mortlocks 57 RJHG 05.05.2019 High Ongar etc [RD Ongar(ON) & Epping(EP)] ------(see also St Osyth; & the China Mortlocks, ‘William the Surveyor’; & Attleborough/Hingham(3), Norfolk)

8.3.1791 John ======Elizabeth DEED High Ongar | ------| | | 30.1.1819 ‘with consent of parents’ John Thomas ======Sophia PAINE 30.10.1796 1798H.Ongar- NWealdBst 1800/4NWeald- H.Ongar 2Q59Bermondsey;farmer & miller | 2Q74EP ?=27.6.1830(Shelley) | Elizabeth BUSH | ------| | | | | | | | | | Thomas Mary | Charles William Henry Elizabeth Sophia | Catherine 6.2.20 Ann | 1822 Frederick 30.4.37 1834H.Ongar 19.4.40 | 9.10.42 N.Weald | | | 13.3.1831 H.Ongar- with bro. H.Ongar | H.Ongar Bassett | | V Navestock 1Q39Ongar Thomas | | 3Q62EP= | V | +2.pp /Stanford 1851 V Matilda V X | Rivers Y 2Q40 next Emma C \ page V \ Z \ \ Andrew KERR = Caroline James BASSETT \ | 1798StA.Holborn farm lab. \ | victualler 1861 | 22.10.1854 \ 24.7.57 | (blind) Matilda ======(1)William(2)======Louisa +1Q55Ongar All Souls Frederick Whitechapel 1838Wennington Esx- Marylebone <13.3.1831 15.2.1910in Bermondsey | Stanford Rivers- workhouse,Lewisham | 1Q92Bermondsey barmaid Bermondsey 1861 | miller in ‘wid’‘gen svt’ in 1861 had niece Frederick Romford 1854&61 Bermondsy workhouse 1901 Amelia CROW William beerhouse kpr StGE 1871 1832Clerkenwell 1Q-1Q55ON millstone dresser Bethnal Green 1881; with them ‘stonemason’1910

Edward BOLTON V tallow chandler 1849 V X drug sampler 1866 Y | 1.4.1849 | 8.9.66 | Mary Ann ======(?1)Charles(2)======Sophia }b.o. Bobbingworth Shoreditch Shoreditch dressmaker 1861}Shoreditch

V Z | 1Q49 Emma C ======(2)Edward GROUNDWATER(1)===== } in 1851 1823Bobbingworth Bermondsey 1811HalsteadEsx | } all in svt Epping 1841 | | } Shoreditch Edward Matilda } with Charles 1850Peckham 1839H.Ongar } & M-A BOLTON

Thomas JAVIS alias MORTLOCK, journeyman painter, 2 mo.hard labour at Heybridge 8.7.1876 for deserting wife and 2 children [ES] Essex Mortlocks 58 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ongar RD(ON) & Epping RD(EP)(2) ------~‘inmate’ in Essex county asylum S Weald 1871(stone dresser) ? Colney asylum 6.7.72-18.2.74 previous page ‘pauper’ ‘recovered’ V patient in Watford Metropolitan 2Q45 | District asylum, Leavesden 1881 Emily Caroline ======Thomas THOMPSON~ ON 6.2.19N.WealdBassett-26.11.84Leyton#[RD WHam] 1821Marylebone- | lodging in Stanford Rivers 1841; <4.1.96Holborn | in Bermondsey 1851; miller, Dagenham 1855 (?Thos M snr) | corn dealer of Bosworth, Romford 1861; miller 1854&81 | Of 7 Shafton Rd South Hackney 1871 when he exhibited | a patent millstone dressing machine in Dublin | [Freeman’s Journal, Dublin 2.8.71] | Sought patent for potato peeler[Glasgow Herald 11.6.74] ------| | | | | | | | | Julia | Marion Lilly Thomas `Frederick William | Emily | 4Q53RM ?Gertrude 1Q59RM- Herbert 4Q64RM- [RM=Romford RD | 1Q49 | =4Q76HK 1Q56RM 12.11.86 6.9.61RM- 28.7.90 | Bermndsy | Hackney Hackney 10.2.98HB Hackney | =17.1.72 | Joseph bur.MPk engineer/ Holborn | |Hackney | WILLIAMS turner cabinet maker | |TGA | | | ( StP 1881) | |SPURIN | 11.5.85(1)= | | | | Ernest’ StMFields London | | | 2s.1d 1Q51Bermondsey (div.1895)% | child 9.12.89 by Sarah BOOTH | | Annie Mary | | V 1866 Ford Street, Aldham child 6.9.92 by Eleanor GASSON | V d.of John GASSON baker (AMG’s niece!) Elizabeth cook in Colchester 1901 Joanna 9.8.1902St Marylebone=(2) %divorce papers make 3Q46ON- William Hy HENLEY interesting reading 2Q55ON 1872 butler `?ex-RN [ADM 188/424/238916]; Camberwell asylum ‘pauper’ ‘recovered’25.5.-1.7.1896 V 3Q76 V 4Q1918 Helen HOLMES ======Ernest’^ ======Lillie HILLIER 1852Paddington or 1849Kew- Sthwark 1Q51 Willesden 1875Battersea- 3Q1918Uxbridge | Bermondsey- | 7.9.1937Walworth# school mistress | ?2Q1924 | dressmaker,Willesden in Willesden 1901‘Ellen’‘wife’ | TendringRD | 1901 | |------| ? | | | May Dorothy Annie Frances Beatrice Helen | 1893 1894 Ruby 21.2.84Hampstead | =3Q1913 in Willesden 1901 16.3.82Hampstd schoolteacher | Willesden but not with teacher Bangor Willesden 1901 | CLARKE other Mortlocks N.Wales 1901 | 4Q04Hendon= Alice Dorothy ‘WILLIAMSON’ 1901 1889Kew ‘d.of Ernest +<1916 clerk’ =3Q1916Hillingdon L/Sea Joseph Charles ROWLAND RN 1892 ^ railway clerk W Hampstead 1881,4,1891; assurance agent of 3,Laurel Terrace Cricklewood 1901. Appearances to the contrary, Lillie is clearly identified in the 1901 census as the wife of Ernest. Essex Mortlocks 59 RJHG 05.05.2019 Ongar RD(ON) & Epping RD(EP)(3) & Harlow ------previous page {all Harlow baptisms are at St Mary’s | Charles ======Rachel’ 9.6.22Bobbingworth-17.11.1861# | 1828Coopersale-3Q86EP innkeeper “Halfway House” Ealing | ------| | | | | | | | Thomas^ Charles Frederick$ Alfred Elizabeth Frances Ernest | John Samuel James William Ann Sarah Joseph | 29.11.46 29.4.48 12.50-2Q1927 4Q53 6.5.55 2Q56 1Q58 | Harlow Harlow Harlow Harlow Harlow Harlow (bap.26.9) | bricklayer [reg.4Q]- (bap.18.5.51) (bap. [reg.1Q] =1Q82 Harlow | BethnalGrn 1Q53EP chimney sweep 29.1.54)- =25.11.72 |Camberwell | | 1881 Kensngtn 1891 1Q54Harlow SJamesGt |Albert V | +4Q1920WHam = BthGrn |JARVIS next | (1)=4Q72Mile End |Sarah George | page | |Rosetta Mary N H |1859Chelsea- ROGERS 2s.3d | |1854Stepney- |3Q93EPreston Sx hay Mary Ann Alice |3Q96Whitechapel | binder ?1860 | William H 14.7.78= Charles Joseph~ 1886Borough(Southwark) St Thomas Bethnal Green 7.1.73Bow-7.4.1936#Brighton David James KING of 6,Colbourne Ave Moulscomb 1925,then Bevendean looking glass frame maker PO sorter Hendon 1901,1918 1857 =3Q97Paddington |(1)Hilda Mary Maude McLeish(she 2)=4Q1940Staines, BAKER | 1873Marylebone, d.of William 1836Kerriemuir,Angus |------| | | | Christine Rosetta~ George Lucian¬ Wilfred Alban% Monica Mary 15.11.97Forest Gate[WHam] 8.1.1900Hampstead- 4Q06Leyton-1988 1.4.08Leyton- =9.12.18SMatthias EarlsCt 1Q1974Harrow shop asst 3Q1979Kensingtn William Clarence Way AHANG =3Q26Kensington to Aus.12.4.23 lived Ruislip& pte Australian army GUTHRIE SS Balranald Hillingdon 1887SAustralia = Blanche Violet (div.1943 Adelaide) 2Q1898 ^Thomas John(2)======Mary Ann Elizabeth BENNETT 1846 W.Ham 1858Poplar-2.7.1938Essex SW bu.Manor Pk,Leytonstone 1911

$ labourer. Given 21 days for stealing a whip in Epping 5.3.1869; then 18 months (larceny with previous) at Hertford Assizes 5.3.1877 for stealing four fowls at Sawbridgeworth. Acquitted of stealing a bicycle pump (‘bill ignored’} 1898. ~ Charles & Christine may be the ‘C adult’&‘C 16’ arr.Montreal fr. L’pool 1913 ¬ conscripted 14thLondon Regt 18.12.17; ‘clerk’; 5’8”, 122lb, chest 34/37”, brown eyes, brown hair % signwriter of Bent St, Adelaide, 6 mo gaol for procuring a miscarriage; ‘a Barwell boy who had made good in Australia’[Adelaide Advertiser, 23.8.1945] Barwell boys were farm apprentices shipped out to S Australia 1922-4.

Charles ------Susannah FRANKLIN } employed in ?1815 journeyman miller | ?1815Orsett } Orsett Mill is this Chas 1822 above? | 1841 James Franklin 2.9.1842Orsett | issue/ Essex Mortlocks 60 RJHG 05.05.2019 Harlow(2) [RD Epping(EP)(4)] & Paddington, London ------previous page {CW = Camberwell, S.London | 1Q82 {Pad = Paddington,London Ernest Joseph ======Louisa WHITE 1Q58Harlow(bap.26.9)-2Q1906Pad Camberwell 1861Pad-4Q1933Kensington engineer S.Mary’s Hospital | charwoman 1911 ------| | | | | ? | | | | | ? | | | | Lily John | | Ernest Henry William¬ | Rose Joseph Philip! | | | Jane 1883Lon | | Joseph George 5.89Pad | Louisa Charles Charles | | | 21.10.82 | | | 1888- 2Q89Pad fitter | 3Q92Pad 3Q- 14.8.1900 | | | Peckham V | | 28.12.93 ? | =3Q1911 3Q98Pad Chelsea | | | =3Q05 next page | | Pad^ ? Willy Reigate : | | | Paddngtn | | 5.91Paddington (twin) | | | Frederick Harold A/Sgt 9Lancs WW1 : | | Ernest Thomas Chapman Merton,Surrey 1919 Clara Dorothy-| | Joseph 4Q84 1Q-2Q86 later decorator 14.8.00Paddington- | | 2Q87Pad- <-Kensington-> 4Q1910Marylebone= 1Q1917Paddington | | ?21.2.18 hot water Agnes Margaret NEARY| | | kia France fitter ?1892-4Q1927Uxbridge| %Albert Edward | 23.5.1910= | 9.11.01Paddington | StM.Newington Sthwrk| ------| Ada Virginia COOPER| | | | | 1Q88Southwark| Ernest Leonard Willey | | Joseph Frederick 11.5.14 | ------20.8.1910 14.8.12 Marylebone | | | | | Marylebone Marylebone | Frederick Sidney William Ada 16.11.41= !Army 16.9.18-31.1.19 | J H James V M Sandylands,Lancs disch.phys.unfit | 2Q11 23.2.14 2Q1920 3Q1922 Ethel1907 (silver war badge) | Sthwark Lambeth < Southwark > (d.of Walter H at school Lancs 1911 | -7.1991 SCOTT journeyman) | TrHamlets | arr.NY 30.3.1951 RMS Queen Mary % merchant seaman, 1956 P&O | =1945Lambeth, HENDON transferred from Chusan | to Nevassa, '2nd stores' | 25.9.1910 George Henry Seely ======Caroline GILES 1889 St Mary 1890 picture frame mkr PddngtnGrn | ------| | Cecil A 11.1910Pad Lilian G 2Q13Pad

¬ William enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers 14.9.1908.

^ EJ burned himself to death playing with matches and a candle on Boxing Night [Huddersfield Daily Chronicle,4.1.94]

Essex Mortlocks 61 RJHG 05.05.2019 Harlow(3) ------

previous page | | 4Q1902 John ======(2)Esther(1)= KERSLAKE {in Bayswater 1903 1883London->1911 Kensington Alexandra | {Notting Hill 1911 warehouse porter sep.<1911 ALEXANDER | | 1865KS- 4s+1s/d 1884-1892 | 1Q1923 in Southall } | Paddington 1944,1949 } | Albert Edward% 18.6.1903Kensington-17.8.1988Didcot#£77,386 ?Wakeman Rd, Kensal Rise Willesden 1928 he & Edith passengers to NY 3rd class 1938 1.1950 etc., SS Stratheden Soton-NY as 'dispenser' 5'8" =4Q1926Evesham |Edith Annie HORNE |1.2.1904-4Q1976Oxford (?hospital) | ------| | | | David E John D Avery J Clive R 4Q1927Willesden 3Q1931UX 4Q1934Uxbridge 4Q1944UX =1Q1957 39,Melbourne Ave of Didcot 2014 Ealing West Ealing ?of Gosport Maureen BAKER W13 9BX 2003 ?=3Q1979SEHants Jacqueline A NOON

% but Albert Edward 4.11.1905-17.10.1983Putney#£<40,000 SS Stratheden 'dispenser' 'ex army' also 5'8" ?enlisted RA 1939, trng regt 16.11.1943, Class P reserve 1954

Essex Mortlocks 62 RJHG 05.05.2019 Downham(DM), Hadleigh(HL)& Cranham(Crm) [RDs Billericay(BC), ------Rochford&Romford(RM)] (see also Peldon(3); NOT Downham(Nfk)) ------William 1803-7.4.31Downham 21.4.1816 James ‘MURDLOCK’ ======(2)Martha BUTTON or BULLEN 1778-16.11.51Downham Downham 1787-8.8.64Downham farmer, ‘MARDLOCK’ 1849 | ‘of Ramsden Bellhouse’ at death | ~~Mary =15.5.36Downham, Henry BARKER | ------| | | | | Mary~~ Susan | Martha Hannah~ 24.8.16DM 18.10.18DM | 4Q53BC 21.5.21DM 16.9.27DM- | | William ======Susan 26.5.49= 4Q80Fulham Henry V 5.11.23Downham- | 1834/6 StJ.Ev. | Edward next 1Q97Romford | Wickford- Lambeth | 5.6.36Dm- page lab; horsekeeper | 3Q99 Edw.Wallin Alice Maria 10.10.62 S.Wheen 1855 | Romford BIRD 23.4.1859 =2.9.1860 | 1813Mx Marylebone/ (Purleigh) | portmanteau maker Westminster (?1)Lucy d.of | dressmaker Joseph CARTER | 74,Devonport Road (?2)=2Q63Maldon | Hammersmith 1881 | ------| | | | | | | | |William Susan George Mary Jane David@ William^ |27.3.57HL- Louisa James Ann Elizabeth Henry Robert |3.5.59HL 28.8.59HL 1.6.62HL- 9.64HL 30.9.66HL 3.5.68HL 1Q70HL- | ?=4Q82 22.8.63HL (bp.6.11)- -1Q45 (bp.3.5.)- 24.9.40 | B’rcay 10.10.65HL RochfdRD 4Q1944 rly porter Martha Bird Deben RD Cranham1901 1Q55S.Benfleet =3Q93 =1Q97 | |(RomfordRD) |StPancras | =3Q75OrsettRD |Ada Mary |Fanny^ |------|BARR |Rebecca | | |1864 |MONEY Laura Annie Arthur Edwin/ard |Fryerning |1870 1870-2Q75Orsett 3Q74OR-2Q75Orsett | |Barking- | |24.9.40 ------| | | | | ? | George William Ethel May Eva Rose Stanley Gladys Ada Leonard Doris 14.10.97Cranham 21.4.95Crm 1.5.98Crm Leonard 6.8.02Crm John Edith | 3.12.1945# 9.8.1900Crm 2Q1903 2Q08 V 1,John St Cambridge Rochfd Rmfd next page execr John Thomas ret.postman ?d.inf

@ in railway carriage works, later Prudential Assurance agent; Cranham parish councillor 1904; M1920 Loughton ^ both killed by German bombs on Victoria Row Cottages, Upminster

OR Charles MARDLOCK = Hannah~ commercial traveller +<1871 | 1827DM | 6.9.1881 Alice Maria ======Richard Frederick KNIGHT 28.4.1859Westminster St Pancras 1857, salesman of St Paul’s Hammersmith 1881 Essex Mortlocks 63 RJHG 05.05.2019 Cranham(Crm)(2) [RD Romford(RM)] ------previous page | 29.6.1918 George William~ ======Peggy Florence Henrietta 14.10.97Cranham-12.7.1932Upminster | TUNDRIDGE 1898 | ------| | | | Marjorie Kenneth George Anthony Ivor Robert James Florence 28.5.23- 26.3.27- 16.11.31 4.10.19 2.10.43Newham 1Q2005 Flt SgtRAFVR WW2 Wandsworth air gnr 619sqn = |Janet Sandra ------|GRAY | | | | | 11.7.89 | 29.7.03 Lorraine Peter Julie DYAS ======Carrington John ======Claire H June Kenneth | 4Q72Hammersmith | KING 1969 1971 | | Charlie AAJJ 5.4.94 Jayne R King25.10.02

~ George William enlisted 23.9.14, by which time his father had been promoted to carriage and wagon examiner, but was discharged eventually due to ‘debility’. Awarded Silver War Badge. By now a cable joiner in Harold Wood, he reenlisted in the Royal Engineers (possibly as a Territorial) 2.2.28, rising to corporal. He was electrocuted at Upminster, where he lived at 8,Victoria Rd, whilst serving [TNA,WO363/M2030]. RNVR WW1 [TNA,ADM337/44]

previous page | 4Q78 Susan ======(?2)William COTTIS(?1)======1820Downham Chelmsford 1830Beerchurch | lab. | Ishmael 1865Mountnessing,lab. other Billericay RD(BC) & see Suffolk (miscellaneous) & Clare(8 & 15) ------(and see Haverhill Sfk, Samuel ‘of Paglesham’, & Ridgewell)

Samuel +1Q1839Billericay RD

Orsett RD(OR)(nr Thurrock /Grays)(& see Hackney, & Poplar, London); ------& for Fobbing, see Cavendish(3), Suffolk; & see High Ongar etc

John = 1678 Thurrock, Mary TAILOR Thomas = 1684 Thurrock, Mary MURRELLS

George of S.Ockendon (nr Thurrock) scythe stolen 18.6.1841[ES]

Essex Mortlocks 64 RJHG 05.05.2019 Other Rochford RD (nr Southend)(RF)(see also Chelmsford(2)(for Wickford); ------Hundon, Cavendish, & Glemsford(5), & Lakenheath(6), Sfk) (includes Hadleigh (see Gt Cornard, Suffolk), Leigh on Sea & Rayleigh)

Sarah = 13.5.1667 Gt Stambridge, Jos. HART

William 1774Rochford-?1Q1859Orsett RD William 1785/90 in Shopland 1841

William was returned from Rochford to Hundon, Sfk (q.v.), in 1792 under the Settlement Acts, and Ann + 1 followed in 1796. Also in 1796 (another?) Ann was returned to Eastwood.

William 1794Rochford, lodger in Grays 1851 for George Walter,1865-19.5.1941Wellington,Somerset, but ‘of Westcliff on Sea’, see Clare(8),Suffolk for Southend (Mortlock KEMP) see Chevington(10), Suffolk for Ilford see Lakenheath(6), Sfk

Romford RD(includes Chingford) ------see the Hertford branch of the China Mortlocks; Shimpling(3,7,12,18), & Clare(18), & Lakenheath(6) Sfk; & London (see also backsmiths(Freckenham(4)) for three births in Barking)

William 1806-27.6.20Barking ‘of Barking’


Walthamstow (& Dagenham (& see High Ongar)) ------see also Chevington & Barrow, Suffolk; & Mundford(13), Norfolk

17.6.1817 William ======(?1)Elizabeth(?2)======William THOROGOOD ?+1812/1817 | StP&StP,Dagenham victualler | | 2.1.1838 (IGI & registered but ¬ in PR) Mary Ann Thorowgood MORTLOCK ======Samuel BOYTON 3.5.1812Walthamstow StD Stepney 1813Dagenham, tanner dressmaker s.of William, tanner

(& see http:/ ) & John & Mrs Ann THOROGOOD (separately) farmers in Dagenham 1855

28.5.1820 Susannah ======Robert HARRISON Walthamstow

Essex Mortlocks 65 RJHG 05.05.2019 West Ham RD[includes Canning Town, East Ham, N.Woolwich, Plaistow, ------Stratford E, Walthamstow & the parish(es) of West Ham proper] (see also Poplar, Shoreditch, Holborn, Brentford & Southwark(St Saviour), London; Shimpling(16), Glemsford(5), Cavendish(3 & 5), Brettenham, Hundon(9, 10 & 14), Clare(8 & 10), Chevington(10)/Barrow, Brandon(3), Lakenheath(6), & blacksmiths(Freckenham(4)), Suffolk; Suffolk(misc); Mildenhall(Attleborough/Hingham(3), & Norwich), Suffolk; Colchester(3), Peldon(6), & Ongar & Epping, Essex; & the China Mortlocks (Skirrow & Mortlock, & Hertford))

Amelia?1776Holmbury Essex-21.12.51WHam, widow visiting DENNIS family 1851

Mary +4Q42WHam

James 1858-4Q1935W.Ham Walter 1863-4Q1911W.Ham

Alfred Patfield 1Q-1Q78W.Ham Alfred James 1Q-2Q1896 }W.Ham George Albert 1Q1904-3Q05}W.Ham } for one of these, see (perhaps) Edith Lottie M 2Q1908-1Q15}W.Ham } Sudbury, Cavendish(3), Suffolk for East Ham see Shimpling(14), & Denham(9), & Brandon, &Lakenheath(6), Sfk; Attleborough/Hingham(3), Norfolk (& for Manor Park) & blacksmiths (Freckenham(4)); & Holborn, London for Canning Town(CTn) see Clare(8), Suffolk; & Mundford(11), Norfolk; for Forest Gate District School see Poplar,& the China Mortlocks (Hertford(6)) for Plaistow see Cavendish(3) & Mildenhall(Mundford(11)),Suffolk Ann 1804-<7.1.61Plaistow for Stratford(E) see Hundon(10), & Chevington(5),Suffolk, & Attleborough/Hingham(3),Norfolk

Elizabeth = 1830StMary,Stratford le Bow, Robert JARVIS

William MORTLOCK, 1851Essex, of 65, Marley Rd, Leytonstone Rd Stratford, mate of Harrison Line SS Hardy, lost at sea after explosion of its cargo of chemicals (including two tons of metallic sodium) off Tréport while plying between there and London 11.12.1911 [Times,24.12.11; 19.3.12; 29.5.12]

Harwich (& see Peldon, & Colchester) Richard = 1603 Harwich, Elizabeth HAPPIN John = 8.9.1715 Harwich, Elizabeth COLEBORN lic.(too fragile for retrieval) Mary = 25.5.1716 Harwich, Benjamin STEVENS

May 1717: James has yard & 2 sheds at Harwich [Calendar of Treasury Books]

John b.1809Harwich, merchant seaman

Essex Mortlocks 66 RJHG 05.05.2019 Essex miscellaneous (& see unassigned): ------Thomas BAKER 15.5.1654 | MORTLOCK ======(1)Elizabeth(2)======(2)William PETLY(1)======--- Lexden

6.6.1726 Richard ======Sarah STAMMERS Kelvedon

25.9.1752 [may not be Richard ======Hannah SMITH both of Ousey Farm, MORTLOCK] Fobbing Fobbing (nr Thurrock)

17.7.1778lic Elizabeth ======Ferdinando MYON } botp Kelvedon Hatch 1753, plasterer

3.3.1796 John ======Amelia CRACKNELL } botp Leyton

Mary 1780/85Essex in Leyton 1841

1.11.1818 Sophia MORTLAKE ======William GREGORY, witn Wm SKINSLEY 1798Wanstead St James 1800Leytonstone-1861/71 (see Hundon(2),Suffolk) Clerkenwell cordwainer Bermondsey 1861

James Little = 5.4.1833Foulness, Elizabeth HALE for Eliza 1832Belchamp Otten, housekeeper on farm in Pentlow 1901, see Clare(8), Suffolk

Sarah 1859-3Q1900Epping for Braintree see Glemsford/Gt Cornard, Suffolk for Brentwood see Bury St Edmunds(4), Suffolk) & unassigned for Essex SW see Attleborough/Hingham, Norfolk & West Ham for Loughton see Hundon(10), & Bury St Edmunds(4), Suffolk; & unassigned for S Weald see Hundon(4), Suffolk for Arthur William, “imbecile”, 1858 Tottenham, boarder in Bentfield End, Stansted Mountfitchet 1891, see China Mortlocks (Skirrow & Mortlock)

Mary Ann widow 1858-8.8.1934# of Winchester Rd Highams Park Esx died at St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney; buried at Feltham => Alice Valentine Elizabeth SPICER unm.?1882Clerkenwell

1648: a Thomas MORTLOCK witnessed a document in Pitsea

2013: Chris MORTLOCK, 25 wanted in connection with Southend burglary 31.3.2013

Essex Mortlocks 67 RJHG 05.05.2019