Minutes of Full Parish Council Meeting
Bilbrook Parish Council, Bilbrook Village Hall Meeting held on Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 7:00 pm Minutes Present: Councillors: M Adams, S Adams, M Barrow (Chair), G Burnett, V Chapman (Vice-Chair) (Part of the meeting), A Hill, D Hutchinson, P Hutchinson, J Michell, A Morrison, B O’Connor, G Price Also present: K Daker (Parish Clerk), County Cllr B Spencer (part of the meeting), District Cllr I Sadler. Public Forum - The public forum was closed as the Council is following the rules of Purdah for the General Election on the 12 December 2019. The Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm 084/19 - APOLOGIES Apologies: Cllr D Williams 085/19 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATION REQUESTS No dispensations were received. The following declarations of interest were received. Item Councillor(s) 091/19 Cllr M Barrow 086/19 - MINUTES a) Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on the 6th November 2019 having previously been distributed were signed as a true and correct record. b) Minutes from the following committees were noted for information: The Twentyman Playing Fields Committee – 16th October 2019 Resolved: to delay agenda item 087/19 until PCSO Tom Evans arrives. Cllr V Chapman arrived. 088/19 - REPORTS a) Staffordshire County Council (SCC) - County Cllr B Spencer gave a verbal report. - Jaguar Land Rover – Their training centre will be run by Wolverhampton College. The concern is that Bilbrook’s three-tier education puts local students at a disadvantage. - Residents have raised concerns about potential traveller encampments being sited in the area, however, there are no known plans for this.
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