Bilbrook Parish Council, Bilbrook Village Hall Meeting held on Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 7:00 pm Minutes Present: Councillors: M Adams, S Adams, M Barrow (Chair), G Burnett, V Chapman (Vice-Chair) (Part of the meeting), A Hill, D Hutchinson, P Hutchinson, J Michell, A Morrison, B O’Connor, G Price Also present: K Daker (Parish Clerk), County Cllr B Spencer (part of the meeting), District Cllr I Sadler.

Public Forum - The public forum was closed as the Council is following the rules of Purdah for the General Election on the 12 December 2019.

The Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm

084/19 - APOLOGIES Apologies: Cllr D Williams 085/19 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATION REQUESTS No dispensations were received. The following declarations of interest were received. Item Councillor(s) 091/19 Cllr M Barrow

086/19 - MINUTES a) Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council on the 6th November 2019 having previously been distributed were signed as a true and correct record. b) Minutes from the following committees were noted for information: The Twentyman Playing Fields Committee – 16th October 2019

Resolved: to delay agenda item 087/19 until PCSO Tom Evans arrives.

Cllr V Chapman arrived.

088/19 - REPORTS a) County Council (SCC) - County Cllr B Spencer gave a verbal report. - Jaguar Land Rover – Their training centre will be run by College. The concern is that Bilbrook’s three-tier education puts local students at a disadvantage. - Residents have raised concerns about potential traveller encampments being sited in the area, however, there are no known plans for this. - There was an incident of youths from outside the area being caught with imitation firearms and drugs leading to concerns it is “county lines drug dealing” Resolved: Clerk to raise the issue with SSDC and Chief Inspector Mark Ward. - Flooding at Pendeford Hall Lane to be raised in addition to the flooding already raised. Cllr Spencer left the meeting. b) District Council (SSDC). (See Appendix 2). District Cllr Gary Burnett’s and District Cllr Ian Sadler’s reports were received and noted. Matter of Report: The Clerk and Chair & Vice-chair are attending a meeting with SSDC on the 5th December relating to the three-tiers of Government working more closely together.

089/19 - CLERKS REPORT & OTHER CORRESPONDENCE a) Clerks Report (Appendix 3) Matter of Report: The following updates were received: Page 1 of 10

- Woodman – Free times for parking are confirmed as 6.00 am-12.00 noon and 3.00-4.00pm weekdays. They are awaiting the machines to be updated before this can be implemented. - Grange Pub – Resolved to write to SSDC to ensure the site is secured following demolition. - The road sweeper will be extra £50 a day as they can only spare it on a weekend – Resolved: clerk to use delegated powers to cover the extra £50 a day. To review the work done and decide if it is worthwhile. If so, to get a quote from a private company. - Christmas Light Switch on – it was a great success. The Parish Council chocolate tombola raised £220 for the Cancer Support Group. Rotary raised £141 for their various charities. The date for the 2020 light switch on will be Friday 27th November. Resolved: To accept the monthly report previously distributed.

PSCO Tom Evans arrived 087/19 - POLICE CRIME AND ASB REPORT (See Appendix 1) PCSO Tom Evans was in attendance. There has been an increase in anti-social behaviour by local youths on Bilbrook Road and the Grange Pub. There has also been an increase in car thefts. The Parish Council thanked Tom for his work relating to the Grange Pub. He will be leaving in late January to become an officer. Concern was raised about County lines drug dealing. PCSO Tom Evan left the meeting

089/19 - CLERKS REPORT & OTHER CORRESPONDENCE b) Planting up verges with wild meadow flowers- Following a request from SSDC. Resolved: to con- sider the major roads rather than areas where there are houses. To recommend to SSDC to trial planting up the verges coming into Bilbrook on the Wobaston Road and Pendeford Mill Lane. c) SSDC Strategic Plan – Resolved: to respond as follows: Bilbrook Parish Council’s preferred option is Option A: Their concerns about option G are: - There is nowhere in Bilbrook to build the large numbers of houses required under option G other than on greenbelt, therefore, all of the development allocated to Bilbrook will eat into the re- maining greenbelt. This high-quality greenbelt separates rural South Staffordshire and its villages from a large urban area, the City of Wolverhampton. (in particular parcel 503) This greenbelt is a very narrow band and a strategically critical defence of the countryside and rural character of South Staffordshire. - Bilbrook is classed as a 1st tier village as it has a train station but this has no carpark or room for parking near the station, therefore, the Parish Council objects to this classification. - The infrastructure is not in place to sustain this growth. One of the main areas of concern is road access into the Village from Pendeford Mill Lane/Wobaston Road. The S bend near the Woodman Pub is not fit for purposes and results in regular queues of traffic on Pendeford Mill Lane/Wobas- ton Road stretching back to and often beyond Pendeford Business Park. This is even before the proposed Bloor homes development on Pendeford Mill Lane of 168 new homes. The Parish Council understands there is a proposal for a road linking Pendeford Mill Lane to Lane Green Road, however, it is the view of the Parish Council that this will not significantly ease the traffic passing through the Village. d) Highways Supplementary Consultation – This doesn’t appear to affect Bilbrook. Resolved: Councillors with any objections to respond personally. e) Parish Council 2nd car park – Following a request from a local business for their staff to use it. Resolved: To trial opening the car park for three months from January 2020. The Parish Operatives to open it at 8 am and close it at 6 pm Monday- Friday. A notice to go on the gate of the car park to inform of this and inform that cars are left at the owners’ own risk. f) Dog Fouling equipment – Following the receipt of a dog bag dispenser and dog fouling “buddy”) Resolved: to use both at the Village Hall. To request a new bin from SSDC for the alleyway be- tween Bilbrook Road, Lime Tree Gardens and Cherry Tree Gardens. g) The West and Shires Permit Scheme consultation - Resolved: No objections. To request that the Parish Council is informed in advance of when work is done. Page 2 of 10

090/19 - FINANCE a) Monthly Finance Reports. Resolved: To receive the Payments, Receipts, Cashbook, Budget Comparison Report and Bank Reconciliations to 30th November 2019 (Appendix 4) Matter of report: Cllr S Adams has signed the bank reconciliation to 30th November. Payments are now being made electronically following the recommendation of the internal auditor. b) Clerks Timesheet - Confirmation by the Chair of the authorisation of the Clerk’s timesheet.

091/19 - APPROVAL OF EXPENSES a) SLCC Annual Subscription - £140 – Resolved: Approved b) Grant request from the Codsall and Bilbrook Cancer Support Group - £300 Resolved: Approved c) Tree Works – Resolved: to select the quote for £3,000 from M Bissell and to budget £3,000 for works in 2020-2021. d) Training – following an invitation from Perton Parish Council for employees to attend first aid training (approx. £35 per person) and Legionella training (approx. £33 per person). Resolved: The two parish operatives to attend the Legionella training. Clerk to attend the First Aid training. 092/19 – PLANNING AND LICENCING – No planning applications received.

093/19 - POLICIES FOR REVIEW - Grant Request Policy. Resolved: To adopt the revised policy.

094/19 - ITEMS FOR FUTURE - To look into a complaint from a resident regarding the 32 tonnes articulated Lorries that park outside of the one-stop on Bilbrook Road. - To consider areas that trees can be planted following an offer from SSDC to provide saplings.

095/19 - DATE OF NEXT MEETING – to be held Bilbrook Village Hall, Joeys Lane: Meeting of the Parish Council – Friday 3rd January 2020 at 7.00 pm

Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 - To acknowledge responsibilities under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 – this places a duty on a local authority to consider crime and disorder implications and to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions and to do all that it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area. Unless otherwise stated it was not considered that the resolutions moved herein would have any adverse impact for the purpose of the Crime and Disorder Act.

Cllr Ian Sadler left the meeting Meeting suspended at 8.49 pm PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above Act, I move that the press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest. Meeting re-commenced 8.49 pm 096/19 – Report from the Twentyman Working Party Resolved: The Chair of the finance & personnel committee to go through costs with someone from the Twentyman Association. To take advice from SSDC Legal Services on the Parish Council becoming a sole trustee and drawing up a new lease. Meeting closed at 8.51 pm

Signed: ...... Dated: ......

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Appendix 1 - Police overview report for Bilbrook Parish Council Dates: 03/11/2019 - 01/12/2019 Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it. The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent. The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner. Main headlines since the last meeting: Anti-social behaviour: During the last month there has been an increase in ASB along Bilbrook Road. On 6th of November a large group of youths were aiming fireworks at resident’s cars, both stationary and moving. Officers attended but the group had split up and ran off. No serious damage caused to any persons vehicle. Furthermore, along Bilbrook road on 29th November, a group of children were seen taking bricks and rocks from peoples gardens and throwing them at an address along the street. On arrival, officers spoke to a large amount of teenagers and all details have been passed on to local officers to deal. Numerous calls regarding The Grange Pub. Youths have pulled the slabs from the rear steps off and thrown them against the boarded up conservatory, gaining access and starting a fire inside. Electrical wires have been pulled from beneath the ground and one of the street lights on the perimeter of the building. PCSO Evans spoke with the head of estates of the company who own The Grange and he has agreed to visit the grounds and re-board any windows and doors. Vehicle Crime: A caravan was stolen from a private driveway on Lawn Lane. Offenders cut open a locked gate to gain entry to the driveway and subsequently steal motor home. No CCTV or lines of enquiries at this time. A Mercedes was stolen from an address on Bilbrook Road near to Joey’s Lane. Offenders used a device to open the car and drive off without having access to the actual keys. Therefore no entry to the property was gained or required. police through an operation found this vehicle in a ‘chop shop’ in Birmingham a few days later. Burglary: A house on Wesley Avenue was broken into and the keys to an Audi S1 were stolen. Offenders gained access to the rear of the property although the porch door was also left open. Other news: I have been in contact with the district council in regards to parking issues along Bilbrook Road, especially during school pick up times. They have sent a traffic warden down to issue tickets and will be down again in December. I have had an in-depth conversation with the estates manager of The Grange who has ensured me that they are looking into long term outcomes to reduce the amount of ASB and police calls regarding their property. If you know of any anti-social behaviour or drugs hotspots, please let us know by calling 101 or speak to your local PCSO.  Please follow South Staffs Police on Twitter; @SStaffsPolice. Also please consider following your local PCSO on @PCSOLouiseJones for anything relating to Codsall & Bilbrook - and around rural crime too.  We are looking for volunteers for Speed Watch. If any residents – or Councillors, are interested please reply direct to them to community/community-speed-watch  Please consider signing up to and recommending Smart Alert to any residents interested to know what is happening in the South Staffordshire area. Most incidents of crime are put out on this system as they happen or shortly afterwards.

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Appendix 2 - Reports

DISTRICT REPORT – GARY BURNETT  CONSULTATION ON LOCAL PLAN - Consultation continues on the second stage of the Council’s Local Plan, which is focused on broad locations for housing growth and the infrastructure required to deliver the growth. This consultation is not site-specific but looks at seven different potential options to deliver housing to meet South Staffordshire’s own housing needs and a contribution towards unmet housing need in the wider region. The consultation runs until 5 pm on Thursday 12 December 2019.  FACILITIES UPDATE - Over three weekends, starting on Saturday 9 November 2019 roof repair work is taking place to rectify leaks around the District Council building in preparation for the Community Hub. Also, from Monday 25 November 2019, the Histons Hill car park entrance will be closed for a week. The entrance will be widened, implementing a one-way system for delivery vehicles and allowing larger ve- hicles access during building work for the Community Hub.  REQUEST FOR HELP FROM 4X4 OWNERS - In the event of heavy snowfall on Election Day, we need own- ers of 4x4s on standby to help collect and deliver ballot boxes from polling stations in the district to the Count venue in Codsall and for any other election duties. If you, friends or family have a 4x4 and can be available on Thursday 12 December 2019, please contact Emily Ogram on telephone number 01902 696289 as soon as possible. Please note, your mileage will be reimbursed and payment will be provided for your support.  SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAILWAY WALK – ASH DIEBACK DISEASE - Unfortunately, the disease ash die- back is affecting woodland in the Railway Walk and a number of trees are showing symptoms. The dis- ease is not harmful to people or animals but it can kill ash trees of all ages. To ensure the safety of visi- tors, we will be starting to undertake preventative work measure this autumn. Following consultation with the Forestry Commission, our plan is to begin felling ash trees at the Castlecroft end and then work back through the Railway Walk over the next few years. Some ash trees may be tolerant and immune to ash dieback so we will leave the larger more mature trees where possible until we know for certain whether they will be affected. It is anticipated that ash dieback will kill up to 95% of ash trees across the UK and there will be a dramatic change to the landscape. We have significant stretches where ash is the predominant tree so the change will be dramatic but by acting and felling ash trees as well as adding tree species such as wild cherry, crab apple, field maple and hornbeam we can create a woodland structure along the Railway Walk that will be more diverse and robust for the future.  SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY GIFT CARDS - Looking for a little inspiration for a Secret Santa or Christmas stocking filler? Why not purchase a Community Lottery Gift Card and give someone the chance of winning weekly cash prizes, including the jackpot of £25,000. Gift cards start from as little as £5 and 60% from your donation goes to support good causes, charities and community groups in South Staffordshire. To buy a lottery ticket, simply register on the website or telephone 01902 213777.

DISTRICT REPORT – IAN SADLER The forthcoming General Election (which will follow the established routine in Bilbrook for Polling Stations etc.) has led to a number of things being affected by “purdah” rules, but most business has continued as usual. A couple of perennial matters are still outstanding:  The review of The Grange has concluded that, as it has once again been made secure, at least for the time being, no useful purpose would be served by seeking to impose an order at this stage. It might be worth raising this again when, as we must anticipate, the security measures are vandalised once more.  Traffic on and around the extension is still causing delays and nuisance as HGVs ignore the notices.

The attendance at Remembrance Sunday was impressive – it shows the community spirit in Bilbrook is strong, many larger places would be hard put to match the display of wreaths. On the 26th November, there was a locality 4 meeting at District Council, at which the topic of closer partnership working between County Councils was explained. The next steps in this will now take place in the New Year (since further Locality meetings have been hit by “purdah”. I am looking forward to attending the Christmas Lights switch on later this week.

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Appendix 3: Clerks Report – December 2019 05.11.19 - Cheque received for the Insurance claim for damage to Village Hall Car Park Gates. 07.11.19 - 2nd request for a problem profile for the grange pub sent to South Staffs District Council. 07.11.19 - Complaint about parking at the Woodman pub escalated to Greene King. Ref no: GS0501466. 08.11.19 - South Staffordshire Council survey on Parish owned indoor and outdoor sporting facilities completed. 01.11.19 - Broken glass on alleyway report to SSDC 12.11.19 - Verbal confirmation by the Woodman pub that they have considered the Parish Councils request to remove the parking charges. Parking will be free 6:00 am-12noon and 3:00-4:00 pm. 14.11.19 - Request received from local business to use the 2nd car park weekdays for their staff. Referred them to the Twentyman Playing Fields Committee who manage the car park. 15.11.19 - Complaint from a resident regarding flooding on Barnhurst Lane. Referred to the highways problem portal and reference 4176181 which shows that works are needed. 18.11.19 - SCC Community Highway Engagement Officer has confirmed they will be sending a jetting team to Barnhurst Lane as soon as resources allow. 25.11.19 - Resident request for help relating to noisy neighbours. Forwarded them a link to the SSDC website and asked them to contact SSDC. 25.11.19 - Leaning trees on Joey’s Lane reported again (previously in Oct 2018) to SCC Highways. Ref: 4178924 25.11.19 - Confirmation received from Greene King that the Woodman car park will be free of charge between 3:00-4:00 pm Monday-Friday. They are currently awaiting their machines to be altered to reflect this. 25.11.19 - Resident complaint about the car park at Motorworld. The issue has been raised with their head office. 27.11.19 – Complaint received regarding tire tracks on verge of Manor House Park. Consider putting down cones. Maintenance 29.10.19 – Graffiti on Skatepark removed. 05.11.19 – War memorial cleaned by workmen, Councillors and friends of Bilbrook 06.11.19 – Floral displays planted up by the Parish Operatives. 18.11.19 – Flower bed under the Christmas tree weeded. 19.11.19 – 10 of the free trees and shrubs from the Woodland trust planted by Severn Trent road and the Skate park. The rest planted on to be used by Bilbrook recycling centre. Items emailed to Councillors Nov SPCA Bulletins 07.11.19 - Guidance for outdoor advertisements and signs. 07.11.19 - LGPS Employer Newsletter Focus Newsletter Nov 2019 (F&P Committee) 21.11.19 – SPCA AGM – Monday 2nd December 6:45 pm 26.11.19 - Street scene update 25-11-2019 26.11.19 – Woodman Car Park 27.11.19 - The West and Shires Permit Scheme (WaSP) 28.11.19 – the Grange Pub On-going Matters Woodman car park charges – Press release to be organised Village Hall car park – On hold. Woodman Junction feasibility study – Awaiting result from Highways. Twentyman Working Party – Meeting took place on 18th November. Hire of Road Sweeper – 3 days booked. Only available at weekends. Awaiting additional charge Sign down on Public right of way of Wobaston Road – Awaiting Wolverhampton City Council to repair VE75 Bench – to be ordered in the New Year to come out of 2020-2021 budget. Planning Decisions Issued by SSC Planning Dept.: 19/00539/FUL – Approved subject to Conditions Publications Available in the Parish Office: Allotment & Leisure Gardener Issue 4 2019, Cuttings Winter 2019 Website Posts - Various Police Community Messaging Alerts - South Staffs Council News - Christmas Light Switch on Poster - BT notification of the removal of 27 payphone kiosks within South Staffordshire - Codsall Community Arts Festival.

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Appendix 4: Finance Reports

Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/11/19 and 30/11/19 Start of year 01/04/19 Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Details Heading FP20191120S 21/11/19 111 £1,945.54 £0.00 £1,945.54 Salary - Nov Salary - Nov 100/6/1 FP20191120h 21/11/19 115 £236.46 £0.00 £236.46 HMRC Salary - Nov 100/1 FP20191120spf 21/11/19 116 £252.19 £0.00 £252.19 Staffordshire Pension Fund Salary - Nov 100/1 DD20191105tt 21/11/19 117 £36.00 £6.00 £30.00 TalkTalk Business Ltd Broadband, Line Rental, Calls - Oct 110/1 DD20191118d 21/11/19 118 £829.99 £138.33 £691.66 Ditton Services Ground Maintenance 8th Instalment 170/3 103774 21/11/19 119 £34.00 £0.00 £34.00 The Royal British Legion 2 x Wreaths for Remembrance 200 FP20191120t 21/11/19 120 £198.00 £33.00 £165.00 Timmins Waste Services Ltd Skip for Allotment Clearance 180/3 103775 21/11/19 121 £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 2078 (Boscobel) Squadron Grant 160/3 103776 21/11/19 122 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 Codsall Arts Festival Grant 160/1 103777 21/11/19 123 £42.00 £0.00 £42.00 Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Ltd Membership Oct 2019 - Sept 2020 140/5 FP20191120 21/11/19 124 £132.00 £22.00 £110.00 SGS Systems Limited CCTV Annual Service 110/8 FP20191120tf 21/11/19 125 £8.19 £0.00 £8.19 Telford Farm Machinery Grass Seed 170/99 FP20191120ts 21/11/19 126 £642.00 £107.00 £535.00 Turnocks Ltd Christmas Lights Cleaning Testing & Storing 190/3 FF20191120pn 21/11/19 127 1976 £1,332.00 £222.00 £1,110.00 The Parish Noticeboard Classic Notice Board for Village Green 170/13 103773 21/11/19 128 £196.55 £16.41 £180.14 Petty Cash Petty Cash to 5/11/2019 110/4

Total £6,584.92 £544.74 £6,040.18

Received Income Transactions between 01/11/19 and 30/11/19 Start of year 01/04/19 Paying Received Tn no Invoic Gross Vat Net Heading Details ref. date 100135 18/11/19 19 £1,215.00 £0.00 £1,215.00 20 Mr P W Banks Land Rent for Oct 2019 – Mar 2020 100136 18/11/19 20 £243.86 £0.00 £243.86 90/2 Ageas Insurance Claim for Damage to Village Hall Gates Total £1,458.86 £0.00 £1,458.86 1

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Financial Statement - Cashbook Statement between 01/11/19 and 30/11/19 inclusive. Balances at the start of the year Ordinary Accounts Business Premium Account £39,903.24 Community Account £15,082.09 Nationwide Building Society Instant Save £40,317.14 Petty Cash £200.00 Total £95,502.47 Balances at start of period Ordinary Accounts Business Premium Account £74,943.05 Community Account £6,738.32 Nationwide Building Society Instant Save £40,317.14 Petty Cash £200.00 Total £122,198.51

RECEIPTS Net (£) Vat (£) Gross (£) 20 Land Rent 1,215.00 0.00 1,215.00 90 Other Income 243.86 0.00 243.86 Total Receipts 1,458.86 0.00 1,458.86 PAYMENTS Net (£) Vat (£) Gross (£) Bilbrook Parish Council 100 Staff Costs 2,434.19 0.00 2,434.19 110 Administration 180.16 28.83 208.99 120 Personnel Cost (Training/travel) 38.10 0.00 38.10 140 Subscriptions 42.00 0.00 42.00 160 Grants/Donations 700.00 0.00 700.00 170 Open Spaces/Village Improvements 1,887.73 375.91 2,263.64 180 Allotments 165.00 33.00 198.00 190 Christmas Lights Switch on 559.00 107.00 666.00 200 Remembrance Day 34.00 0.00 34.00 Total Payments 6,040.18 544.74 6,584.92

Closing Balances Ordinary Accounts Business Premium Account £74,943.05 Community Account £1,612.26 Nationwide Building Society Instant Save £40,317.14 Petty Cash £200.00 Total £117,072.45 Uncleared and Unpresented effects Community Account -£134.00

Statement Closing Balances Ordinary Accounts Business Premium Account £74,943.05 Community Account £1,746.26 Nationwide Building Society Instant Save £40,317.14 Petty Cash £200.00 Total £117,206.45

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Financial Budget Comparison Comparison between 01/04/19 and 30/11/19 inclusive. 2019/20 Actual Net Balance Revised

INCOME 5 Precept £71,725.00 £71,725.00 £0.00 10 VAT Repayment £3,638.17 £3,638.17 £0.00 15 Solar Farm £2,369.15 £2,369.15 £0.00 20 Land Rent £2,430.00 £2,430.00 £0.00 30 Allotment Rent £521.00 £521.00 £0.00 40 Grants / Donations £1,500.00 £1,500.00 £0.00 50 Bank Interest - Barclays £80.00 £39.81 -£40.19 60 Bank Interest Nationwide £236.00 £0.00 -£236.00 90 Other Income £243.86 £243.86 £0.00 Total Income £82,743.18 £82,466.99 -£276.19 EXPENDITURE 100 Staff Costs £31,503.00 £20,581.54 £10,921.46 110 Administration £2,097.00 £1,338.96 £758.04 120 Personnel Cost (Training/travel) £383.00 £116.40 £266.60 130 Insurance / Audit / Legal Services £3,274.00 £2,774.32 £499.68 140 Subscriptions £817.00 £677.00 £140.00 150 Elections £717.00 £716.71 £0.29 160 Grants/Donations £4,000.00 £3,100.00 £900.00 170 Open Spaces £38,776.00 £24,842.88 £13,933.12 180 Allotments £996.00 £896.61 £99.39 190 Christmas Lights Switch on £5,565.00 £693.16 £4,871.84 200 Remembrance Day £118.00 £34.00 £84.00 210 Civic Sunday £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 220 Chairman's Allowance £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 240 Misc. / Contingency £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 300 Reserves (Ring Fenced) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Expenditure £89,746.00 £55,771.58 £33,974.42

Total Income £82,743.18 £82,466.99 -£276.19 Total Expenditure £89,746.00 £55,771.58 £33,974.42 Total Net Balance -£7,002.82 £26,695.41

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Bank Reconciliation - Barclays Community Account At 30/11/19 £ £ Balance per Cash Book 1,612.26

Plus unpresented cheques

21/11/2019 103774 Royal British Legion 34.00

21/11/2019 103775 ATC 100.00


Less uncleared payments into bank


Balance Per Bank Statement 1,746.26

Bank Reconciliation - Barclays Business Account At 30/11/19 £ £ Balance per Cash Book 74,943.05

Plus unpresented cheques


Less uncleared payments into bank


Balance Per Bank Statement 74,943.05

Bank Reconciliation - Nationwide Instant Saver Issue 5 At 30/11/19 £ £ Balance per Cash Book 40,317.14

Plus unpresented cheques


Less uncleared payments into bank


Balance Per Bank Statement 40,317.14

Interest due 31 March 2020

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