Operation Manual



2001, Mercury Marine 90-10229021 501 0 formance fromthem. formance Please descriptionsbelowtoidentifythesysteminboat. the boats equippedwithSmartCraftgaugesystems,lookto For Part flash onscreenatstartup Softwareversionwill NOTE: System System Tachometer andSpeedometer Part letters“VDO” NOTE: Lookfor Part Smart Smart Tachometer andSpeedometer 1.02 & 1.01 Version Software arrows and Brightness LookforRESET Note: PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION read abouttheSmartCraftsystemtogetbestper-


3 1 4 Monitor flash onscreenatstartup NOTE: Softwareversionwill Part 1 Software Version 2.00

2 Monitor

Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 SMART TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 2 els thataredesigned forusewithSmartCraft. els 2001 with compatible 1.02 Monitor withSoftware Versionis and 1.01 of engine,notallthesescreens willapply. that areavailable.Dependingonyourtype screens NOTE: 1.01 and1.02 withSoftwareVersionMonitor A airto 1-12 1-9 1-7 1-1 1-7 1-6 1-2 CAL 2Calibration CAL 1Calibration 1-3 Warning DisplayScreens Warning System Shallow Water Alarm Standard InformationDisplayScreens Basic Operation Legend model yearand newerMercuryOutboard mod- This manualshowsallthe Monitor display This . . . : ...... Part ...... 1 . . .

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 1-0 MONITOR – VERSION 1.01-1.02


A = L =

B = N = MONITOR 1.01-1.02

C = O =

D = P =

E = S =

F = T=

I = U=

= Engine

= Fuel

= Water Temperature

= Water Pressure

= Oil

= Alarm

1-1 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 plays canbeactivatedusingthe plays This Basic Operation The backlightbrightnessisadjustableusing The displayincludesabacklightwhichallowsyoutoread it at night. The The SystemMonitorwillpowerupwhentheignitionisturnedon. (if equippedwithtransducer). ter pressure,batteryvoltage,range(ifcalibrated),andwaterdepth tachometer (RPM),fuelflow,position, enginetemp,wa- powertrim In theeventofawarningalarm,icon(s)willbedisplayed. In Pressing the Pressing monitor isanLCDmulti-functiondisplaygauge.Avarietyofdis- MONITOR buttonscrollsthefollowingdisplays:fuelused, – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-2 button. button. Standard InformationDisplayScreens MONITOR

VERSION1.01-1.02 1-3 Fuel Used use. showing hoursofengine play ute (RPM). ute in RevolutionsPerMin- speed Tachometer –Displaysengine Engine RPM sion, monitor softwarever- current screendisplays the second) Atpowerup,amomentary (1 Initial PowerUp Liters perhour (Ltr/hr). Liters Gallonsper hour(Gal/hr)or in consumption enginefuel vidual current estimatedindi- Displays Fuel Flow buttons togethermomentarily. and pressing You can displaybackto0. return since thelastreset. since approximatefuel Displays followed bya4second Reset anytime by Reset used will dis-

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 Standard InformationDisplayScreens MONITOR – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-4 or Celsius( or Celsius( or ture in degreesFahrenheit( ture the enginetempera- Displays Water Pressure in degreesFahrenheit( ture theenginetempera- Displays Engine Temperature of battery. of Displays level voltage (condition) Battery Voltage ibrations. used.Refertothe CAL 1 is Cal- pop upwheneverthetrimswitch NOTE: 25 =fulltrailer. 10 =fulltrim 0=down, the trailerposition. trim position,andthen displays up tothemaximum unit pulsion Displays Trim Position This screencanbesetto trim positionofthe ° ° C). C). pro- ° ° F) F) Standard InformationDisplayScreens MONITOR – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-5 der thetransducerifconnected. der the depthofwaterun- Displays Water Depth operate. to screen this for inorder system transducer connectedto the NOTE: transducer). pitotpressure (paddleor wheel device connected the systemto You speed a inputhave 2. must tion. theCAL2CalibrationsSec- to in CAL2.Refer calibration tank youmustperformthefuel 1. thisscreen, tivate TwoNOTE: requirements toac- atcurrentboatspeed. fuel cantravelontheremaining you estimate ofthedistance an is Thenumberdisplayed system. thatisconnectedtothe tank fuel remaininginthe and tion oncurrentfuelconsump- based estimatedrange Displays Range You must have a depth a You have must

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 Shallow Water Alarm 7. 5. 2. 1. Setting ShallowWaterAlarm thanthealarmlevel. shallower You cansetanalarmtotriggerwhenevertheboatmovesintowater 6. 4. 3. depth and2ftminimumdepth. depth flashingnumbertodesiredalarmdepth.100ftmaximum the Push Push Press both onin turned waterdepthscreenmustbedisplayed.BesureDepthis The The depthnumberwillbeflashing.Pressthe The Press the The alarmonoroffappear.will menu MONITOR CAL 2 buttontosave. buttontosave. buttontotoggleON. and . Referto – VERSION1.01-1.02 . 1-6 CAL 2 buttonstogetherfor3seconds. Calibration Section. buttontoset signal willremainflashingtoindicatetherestillisaproblem. signal If themodebutton isIf actiontotake. correct Manualforfurtherexplanationoftheproblem andthe Maintenance the to idle. Refer to ately reduce speed l problem System by will the to respond problem If cause immediatecan damage, Engine engine the Guardian lem andthecorrectactiontotake Operation,MaintenanceManualforexplanationoftheprob- Engine willalerttheoperatortopotential problem.Referto the screens aproblemisdetectedwiththeengine,warningdisplay When Warning System action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens MONITOR pressed toadif – VERSION1.01-1.02

Engine Operation,Maintenance 1-7 . reservoir tank. reservoir low in the enginemountedoil oil leveliscritically The played. bellandoil iconsaredis- The Low OilReserve cooling system. cooling waterpressureinthe sufficient aredisplayed.Thereisin- icons BellandWater Pressure The Low Water Pressure ing system. ing water pressure incient displayedThereisinsuffi-are BellandT The Engine Overheat ferent screen,theflashingalarm imiting engine power. power. Immedi- engine imiting Engine Operation, emperature icons the cool-

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 IMPORTANT: Refer tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual MONITOR – VERSION1.01-1.02

Engine Operation,Maintenance 1-8 level. level. fuelfilterreachedthe arating Water inthewater-sep- played. BellandFuelIconaredis- The Water inFuel totheengine. plied lubricatingoilisbeingsup- No functioningelectrically.stopped displayed.Theoilpumphas are Engine andoilicons Bell, The PumpFault Oil an engineproblemoccurred. an toinformthedriverthat appear BellandEngineIcon The will Engine Malfunction maximum allowable RPM. allowable maximum the exceeded speed engine The displayed. is icon Bell The Engine Overspeed full 3. CAL 1 1. the Press 2. 1. the CAL 1 calibration 1 screen. CAL the NOTE: 2. • • • • • Cal 1 English or Metric Readings Selection Readings Metric or English Fuel TankFuel CapacitySetting Range ReadingsSelection Trim SensorSetting Trim PopupScreen(OnorOff) Press the 0 =off 1 =on CAL 1 CAL Have thenumber Have hold and Press Turn ignitionkeytotheonposition. Press the MONITOR Display Calibrations: Press andhold Calibration calibrationscreen. button to move to the next calibrationnext the screen. to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselect. “ flashing – and and VERSION1.01-1.02 and and ” ondisplayscreen. 1-9 Cal 1 activated wheneverthetrimswitchis up power whetheryouwantthe Select (Turn on or off) Trim Pop-upScreen for 3 seconds to bring up the up bring to seconds 3 for for 3 seconds to get out of out get to seconds 3 for StartScreen trim display screentopop trim .

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 CAL 1 11. 10. 9. 7. 6. 5. 3. 2. 1. 8. 4. 12. Press the Press tion. posi- trailer maximum the to out unit trim and switch trim the Use word The Press the Trim unitouttothemaximumtrim(nottrailer)position. word The Press the trim unittothefullDown/Inposition. word The Press the Press the Press the MONITOR Calibration “ “ “ Trim Trim Trim ” ” ” anduparrowshouldbe blinking. anddownuparrowsshouldbeblinking. anddownarrowshouldbeblinking. button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontosave. buttontoadvance10.0setting. buttontosave. buttontosave. buttontoadvance25.0setting. – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-10 0.0 Setting Trim Sensor 10.0 Setting Trim Sensor 25.0 Setting Trim Sensor 3. alarm. constant levelisnot goingtobecalibrated.Thiswillpreventa tank IMPORTANT: 1. CAL 1 2. 2. 4. 1. SAE EnglishSystem SAE Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the MONITOR Calibration Set the fuel tank capacitysettingat0ifthefuel fuel the Set Metric System button to move to the next function. next the to move to button function. next the to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontotogglebetweenunits. buttontotogglebetweenunits. buttontoinputtankcapacity number. – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-11 system ortheMetricsystem. system intheSAEEnglish readings whetheryouwantthe Select English orMetric has thesensor.has capacityofthefueltankthat the tothemonitor,wired enter than afueltanklevelsensoris If toread0. ting thefueltankcapacity set- brate tothemonitor,wired cali- then fuel tanklevelsensor the have boat installationdoesnot the If Fuel Tank Capacity Kilometers. or in readings whetheryouwantthe Select Range Readings Miles, NauticalMiles

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 Press the CAL 2 Press the the Press 2. 1. NOTE: the CAL 2 calibration 2 screen. CAL the Input Setting • Setting • • Setting • Cal 2 Pitot WaterPitot PressureSensor Paddle WheelSpeedSensor Dual StationSetting Single orMulti-engineInstallation for 3 seconds to bring up the the up bring to seconds 3 for CAL 1 CAL Press and hold hold and Press Turn ignitionkeytotheonposition. MONITOR Display Calibrations: Press andhold Calibration calibration screen. Press hold and button to move to the next function. next the to move to button calibrationnext the screen. to move to button – and and VERSION1.01-1.02 and and 1-12 CAL 2 Cal 2 • • • • • • Setting Single orMulti-Engine is connectedto. positionthattheMonitor engine screenletsyouselectthe This Water Pressure Screen (On or Off) or (On Screen Pressure Water Voltage Screen (On or Off) or (On Voltage Screen Oil PressureScreen(OnorOff) Coolant Screen(OnorOff) Depth Screen(OnorOff) Fuel Tank Calibration for 3 seconds to bring up the up bring to seconds 3 for calibrationscreen. for 3 seconds to get out of out get to seconds 3 for StartScreen and and again 2. 1. Press the Press the CAL 2 Press the 2 =200PSI 1 =100PSI Press the MONITOR Calibration button to save and move to the next function. next the to move and save to button button to save and move to the next function. next the to move and save to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselect. – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-13 be 200Psi. be Outboardit could Performance is100PSI. OnaHigh boards onproduction Mercury Out- put standardspeedin- NOTE:The engine. water pressuresensoron the tot thespeedinput ofSelect Input Water Pressure Sensor byMercuryMarine. provided the paddlewheelspeedsensor sensors. 4.9isthefrequency of requirementsof match different canbechangedto Frequency Sensor Frequency Paddle WheelSpeed beSt2. should canbesetSt1andtheother one engine, tothesame connected youhave2 If Monitors Dual StationSetting the Pi-

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 4. 3. 2. 1. CAL 2 25 Percent vance to50%setting. vance to25%setting. vance Press the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. the Press Press the MONITOR Calibration Fuel toAdd buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe buttontoselect1=on,0=off. – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-14 CAL 1 capacitytank enterednumberin fuel the by determined is Add” NOTE:The quantity“Fuel of to cent. per- 25 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting 25% Fuel Tank Calibration empty. thefueltanklevelat Have Setting 0% Fuel Tank Calibration ue fueltankcalibration. Selecting “1”willcontin- NOTE: thefueltank. brate whetheryouwanttocali- Select Fuel Tank Calibration buttontoad- buttontoad- 10. 9. CAL 2 8. 7. 6. 5. Full Percent 50 Percent 75 Percent vance to nextfunction. vance tofull%setting. vance to75%setting. vance Press the Press Add theamountoffuelto fillthefueltank. Press the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. MONITOR Calibration Fuel toAdd Fuel toAdd buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe Fuel toAdd – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-15 NOTE:The quantity of cent. per- 75 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting 75% Fuel Tank Calibration NOTE:The quantity of cent. per- 50 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting 50% Fuel Tank Calibration fuel tank. fuel fill the to fuel of amount the Add Full Setting Fuel Tank Calibration Add Add CAL 1 capacitytank enterednumberin CAL 1 capacitytank enterednumberin ” ” is determined by the fuel the by determined is fuel the by determined is buttontoad- buttontoad- buttontoad- “ “ Fuel to Fuel to

MONITOR 1.01-1.02 MONITOR 1.01-1.02 1. 1. 1. CAL 2 2. 2. 2. Press the Press Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the MONITOR Calibration button to move to the next function. next the to move to button function. next the to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. – VERSION1.01-1.02 1-16 (on or off) Oil PressureDisplay displayed. be temperaturescreen coolant to whetheryouwantthe Select Display (onoroff) Coolant Temperature screentobedisplayed. depth whetheryouwantthe Select off) Depthor Display(on played. screentobe dis- pressure whetheryouwanttheoil Select 1. 1. CAL 2 2. 2. CAL 2 calibration 2 screen.CAL Press the Press the Press Press andhold Press the MONITOR Calibration button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. – and and VERSION1.01-1.02 1-17 played. voltagescreentobe battery whetheryouwantthe Select (on oroff) Battery Voltage Display played. pressurescreen towater be whetheryouwantthe Select (on oroff) Water PressureDisplay for 3 seconds to get out of the of out get to seconds 3 for dis- dis-

MONITOR 1.01-1.02

MerCruiser model 8.1/496 thataredesigned forusewithSmartCraft. els 2002 modelyearandnewer MercuryOutboardMod- with Monitor of engine,notallthesescreenswillapply. that areavailable.Dependingonyourtype screens NOTE: 2.00 Monitor withSoftwareVersion A airto 2-16 2-11 2-9 2-4 2-9 2-8 2-1 2-2 2-2 CAL 2Calibration 2-5 CAL 1Calibration Warning DisplayScreens Warning System Shallow Water Alarm Standard InformationDisplayScreens Reset Master Initial PowerUp Basic Operation Legend : This manualshowsallthe Monitor display This with Software Version 2.00iscompatible ...... Part ...... 2 . . .

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 2-0 Legend MONITOR –VERSION2.00 I = F = E = D = C = B = A = = Alarm = Oil = Water Pressure = Water Temperature = Fuel = Engine 2-1 U= T= S = P = O = N = L =

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 The unit will begin it’s it’s begin will unit The AUTO-DETECTION played. Press the tion withengine icon. word the flash then level software display will Unit Initial PowerUp(OrAfterMasterReset) canbeactivatedusingthe plays MonitorisanLCDmulti-functiondisplaygauge.Avarietyofdis- The Basic Operation In theeventofawarningalarm,icon(s) In The backlightbrightnessisadjustableusing The displayincludesabacklightwhichallowsyoutoread it at night. The The Monitorwillpowerupwhentheignitionisturnedon. (if equipped withtransducer). pressure,ter battery voltage, range (if calibrated),waterdepth and tachometer (RPM),flow,fuel temp,wa- powerposition, trimengine the Pressing The intention is to make initial setup easier. setup initial make to is intention The used functions an these as in engine not tions inboard are installation). network data willit the to connected turn off all engine/drive TRIM func- accordingly, screens toring engineinboard detects Monitor an If (e.g, (ECM) presets engine and have type of you to what see data moni-the control module engine the Monitor procedure checks with this the MONITOR button. button scrolls the following displays: fuel used, fuel displays: following the scrolls button “ Auto-detection – VERSION2.00 2-2 ” of engine type procedure. In type engine of button. (continued onnextpage) “ SEt button. ” in conjunc- willbedis- Initial Auto-DetectionErrorMessages: Initial Initial Power Up(OrAfterMasterReset) MONITOR – VERSION2.00 2-3 Presstocontinue. =Outboard4Stroke. Out4 Drive, Out2=Outboard2Stroke, Drive, Inbd=Inboard,JEtd Jet through thechoices.Stnd=Stern Use thebuttontoscroll manually selectyourenginetype. Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Quicksilver DiagnosticTool.Quicksilver gine locationbyusing a DDT or gine computers(ECM (ECM computers engine any see not must bemust gines maynotbecompatibleor a starboardengine. En- as ured resistors. terminator of amount proper for and connections DDT orQuicksilverDiagnostic T DDT properengine for location using a The engines mustbeprogrammed configured asastarboard engine. the enginecomputers(ECM ’ s). Pleaseforbadcheckwiring s). programmed forproperen- “ “ “ “ nonE 2001 Stbd noSt ” ” ” ”

– – – – You willneedto Morethanoneof Noneoftheen- Thegaugedoes ’ s) areconfig- ’ s) are ool.

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 3. 2. 1. product. of up set during performed tions calibra- installation any eliminating thus defaults, factory all to PerformingIMPORTANT: amaster r command. Reset You canreturnthegaugebacktofactorypresetsthroughMaster Master Reset unit hasbeenresettofactorydefaults. unit The The countsdowntozero unit Immediately Immediately theword see Hold inHold “ SEt MONITOR ” messageflashingonthescreen indicates that the press andholdin

“ and dFLt ” letgoofthebuttons. – forapproximately12seconds.You will “ 0 VERSION2.00 ” 2-4 . eset will reset the unit unit back the reset will eset and againuntil the will apply. Dependingonyourtypeofengine,notallthesescreens available. NOTE: Standard InformationDisplayScreens This manualshowsalltheMonitordisplayscreensthatare This


– VERSION2.00 2-5 Fuel Used ute (RPM). ute in RevolutionsPerMin- speed Tachometer Engine RPM hoursofengineuse. showing bya4second display lowed softwareversion,fol- monitor ond) screendisplaysthecurrent Atstartup,amomentary(1sec- Start Up Liters perhour (Ltr/hr). Liters Gallonsper hour(Gal/hr)or in consumption enginefuel vidual current estimatedindi- Displays Fuel Flow buttons togethermomentarily. and pressing You can displaybackto0. return thelastreset. since approximatefuel Displays Reset – Displaysengine anytime by Reset used will

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 Standard InformationDisplayScreens MONITOR – VERSION2.00 2-6 or Celsius( or ture in degreesFahrenheit( ture the enginetempera- Displays Water Pressure sius ( in degreesFahrenheit( Displays Oil Temperature or Celsius( or ture in degreesFahrenheit( ture theenginetempera- Displays Engine Temperature ibrations. used.Refertothe CAL 1 is Cal- pop upwheneverthetrimswitch NOTE: 25 =fulltrailer. 10 =fulltrim 0=down, the trailerposition. trim position,andthen displays up tothemaximum unit pulsion Displays Trim Position ° C). This screencanbesetto the engine oil temperature the engineoil trim positionofthe ° ° C). C). ° F) orCel- pro- ° ° F) F) Standard InformationDisplayScreens MONITOR – VERSION2.00 2-7 of battery. of Displays level voltage (condition) Battery Voltage or Bar. Displays engineoilpressureinPsi Oil Pressure transducer). pitotpressure (paddleor wheel device connected to the system 2.You speedhave must a input tion. theCAL2CalibrationsSec- to in CAL2.Refer calibration tank youmustperformthefuel 1. thisscreen, tivate TwoNOTE: requirementstoac- atcurrentboatspeed. fuel cantravelontheremaining you estimate ofthedistance an is Thenumberdisplayed system. thatisconnectedtothe tank fuel remaininginthe and tion oncurrentfuelconsump- based estimatedrange Displays Range

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 7. 5. 2. 1. Setting ShallowWaterAlarm thanthealarmlevel. shallower You cansetanalarmtotriggerwhenever theboatmovesintowater Shallow Water Alarm Standard InformationDisplayScreens 6. 4. 3. depth and 2 ftminimumdepth. depth flashingnumber todesiredalarmdepth.100ftmaximum the Push Push Press both onin turned waterdepthscreenmustbedisplayed.BesureDepthis The The depthnumberwillbeflashing.Pressthe The Press the The alarmonoroffappear.will menu MONITOR CAL 2 buttontosave. buttontosave. buttontotoggleON. and . Referto – VERSION2.00 . 2-8 CAL 2 buttonstogetherfor3seconds. NOTE: NOTE: thetransducerifconnected. der thedepthofwaterun- Displays Water Depth der for this screenoperate.to ly) connected to the system in or- transducer (purchasedseparate- Calibration Section. You must have a depth a have You must buttontoset action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens willremainflashingtoindicatetherestillisaproblem. signal themodebutton isIf actiontotake. correct Manualforfurtherexplanationoftheproblem andthe Maintenance the to idle. Refer throttle to ately reduce speed l problem System by will the to respond problem If cause immediatecan damage, Engine engine the Guardian lem andthecorrectactiontotake Operation,MaintenanceManualforexplanationoftheprob- Engine willalerttheoperatortopotential problem.Referto the screens aproblemisdetectedwiththeengine,warningdisplay When Warning System MONITOR pressed toadif –

VERSION2.00 Engine Operation,Maintenance 2-9 . reservoir tank. reservoir low in the enginemounted oil oil leveliscritically The played. bellandoiliconsaredis- The Low OilReserve ing system. ing water pressure incient displayedThereisinsuffi-are BellandT The Engine Overheat cooling system. cooling waterpressure inthe sufficient aredisplayed.Thereisin- icons BellandWater Pressure The Low Water Pressure ferent screen,theflashingalarm imiting engine power. power. Immedi- engine imiting Engine Operation, emperature icons the cool-

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens MONITOR –

VERSION2.00 Engine Operation,Maintenance 2-10 an engineproblemoccurred. an toinformthedriverthat appear BellandEngineIcon The will Engine Malfunction level. fuelfilterreachedthe arating Water inthewater-sep- played. BellandFuelIconaredis- The Water inFuel plied totheengine. plied lubricatingoilisbeingsup- No functioningelectrically.stopped displayed.Theoilpumphas are Engine andoilicons Bell, The Pump Fault Oil maximum allowable RPM. allowable maximum the exceeded speed engine The displayed. is icon Bell The Engine Overspeed full 3. 1. the Press 2. 1. CAL 1 the CAL 1 calibration 1 screen. CAL the NOTE: 2. Simulator pages. Simulator Data and Hours, Engine Volts, Pressure, Temperature,Water • • • • • Cal1 (On or Off) Depth, Trim, Engine Temperature, Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature,Pressure, Oil Engine Trim, Depth, Off) or (On Selection Units Range Selection Units Metric or English Calibration Trim Screen up Pop Trim Off) or (On Press the 0 =off 1 =on CAL 1 CAL Have thenumber Have hold and Press Turn ignitionkeytotheonposition. Press the Display Calibrations: Press andhold Calibration calibrationscreen. MONITOR button to move to the next calibrationnext the screen. to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselect. “ flashing and and – and and ” VERSION2.00 ondisplayscreen. 2-11 Cal 1 (Turn on or off) Trim Pop-upScreen activated wheneverthetrimswitchis up power whetheryouwantthe Select for 3 seconds to bring up the up bring to seconds 3 for for 3 seconds to get out of out get to seconds 3 for StartScreen trim display screentopop trim .

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 7. 6. 5. 11. 10. 9. CAL 1 12. 8. 4. 3. 2. 1. Press the Trim unitouttothemaximumtrim(nottrailer)position. The word Press the Press tion. posi- trailer maximum the to out unit trim and switch trim the Use The word Press the Press the Press the Press the trim unittothefullDown/Inposition. The word Calibration MONITOR “ “ “ Trim Trim Trim ” ” ” anddownuparrowsshouldbeblinking. anduparrowshouldbe blinking. anddownarrowshouldbeblinking. button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontosave. buttontoadvance10.0setting. buttontosave. buttontosave. buttontoadvance25.0setting. – VERSION2.00 2-12 (Full (Full Trim inPosition) 0.0 Setting Trim Sensor (Full (Full Trim OutPosition) 10.0 Setting Trim Sensor (Full (Full Trailer OutPosition) 25.0 Setting Trim Sensor 1. 1. 1. CAL 1 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. SAE EnglishSystem SAE Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the Press the Calibration MONITOR Metric System button to move to the next function. next the to move to button function. next the to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button function. next the to move to button buttontotogglebetweenunits. buttontotogglebetweenunits. buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. – VERSION2.00 2-13 system ortheMetricsystem. system intheSAEEnglish readings whetheryouwantthe Select English orMetric depth screen tobedisplayed. depth whetheryouwantthe Select off) Depthor Display(on Kilometers. or in readings whetheryouwantthe Select Range Readings trim screentobedisplayed. whetheryouwantthe Select Trim Display(onoroff) Miles, NauticalMiles

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 1. 1. 1. CAL 1 2. 2. 2. Press the Press the Press Press the Press the Press the Press the Calibration MONITOR button to move to the next function. next the to move to button function. next the to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. – VERSION2.00 2-14 played. screen to bedis- temperature whetheryouwanttheoil Select play (onoroff) Oil Temperature Dis- played. screentobedis- pressure whetheryouwanttheoil Select (on oroff) Oil PressureDisplay displayed. be temperaturescreen coolant to whetheryouwantthe Select Display (onoroff) Coolant Temperature 1. 1. 1. CAL 1 2. 2. 2. CAL 2 calibration 2 screen.CAL calibration 2 screen.CAL Press the Press Press the Press the Press Press andhold Press andhold Press the Calibration MONITOR button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. buttontoselectonoroff. and and and and – VERSION2.00 2-15 played. voltagescreentobe battery whetheryouwantthe Select (on oroff) Battery Voltage Display pressurescreen towater be whetheryouwantthe Select (on oroff) Water PressureDisplay played. hours screentobedis- gine Select (on or off) Engine HoursDisplay played. for 3 seconds to get out of the of out get to seconds 3 for the of out get to seconds 3 for whether youwanttheen- dis- dis-

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 2. 1. Press the the Press 2. 1. CAL 2 NOTE: the CAL 2 calibration 2 screen. CAL the • • • • Display Calibrations:CAL2 Fuel Tank Calibration WaterPitot PressureSpeedSensorMultiplier WaterPitot PressureSpeedSensorInputSetting Paddle WheelSpeedSensorFrequencySetting Press the 2 =200PSI 1 =100PSI the up bring to seconds 3 for CAL 1 CAL Press the Press and hold hold and Press Turn ignitionkeytotheonposition. Press andhold Calibration calibration screen. Press hold and MONITOR button to save and move to the next function. next the to move and save to button calibrationnext the screen. to move to button button to move to the next function. next the to move to button buttontoselect. and and – and and VERSION2.00 2-16 CAL 2 Cal 2 require a200Psiinput. require applications Performance may is100PSI.CertainHigh boards onproduction Mercury Out- put standardspeedin- NOTE:The engine. pressure sensoron water the thePSIinputofPitot Select Sensor Input Pitot Water Pressure for 3 seconds to bring up the up bring to seconds 3 for calibrationscreen. for 3 seconds to get out of out get to seconds 3 for StartScreen and and again Press the an estimatedrangevaluethatfactorsin thetankshape. an includes addingfuelatcertaincalibrationpoints. Monitor willdisplay Third: inirregulartankshapes. factor on defaultsensorvalues.Thismodedoesnot based value range fuel tothetank.TheMonitorwillsupplyanestimated adding tually Second: doesnotfactorinirregulartankshapes. mode First: LEVEL MONITORING FEATURE: ARETHREEMETHODSTOTHERE SETUPTHEFUELTANK Fuel Tank Calibration CAL 2 Donothing.Linearreadoutbased on raw sensor values. This Byfollowingthetankcalibrationprocedurecompletely, which Calibration Byfollowingthetankcalibrationprocedure,butwithoutac- MONITOR button to save and move to the next function. next the to move and save to button – VERSION2.00 2-17 provided byMercuryMarine. provided the paddlewheelspeedsensor sensors. 4.9isthefrequency of requirementsof match different canbechangedto Frequency Sensor Frequency Paddle WheelSpeed

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 3. 3. capacity. a enter to able be will connected, you system.not tank the no With to connected NOTE: 4. capacity. a enter to able be will connected, you system.not tank the no With to connected NOTE: 4. 2. 1. 2. 1. CAL 2 Enter the capacity of tank 2 in gallons using the gallons using the in 2 tank capacity of the Enter displayed. gallons using the in 1 tank capacity of the Enter displayed. Press the the Press the Press tion. Press Press the tion. Press Press the The word word The The word word The Calibration MONITOR “no” “no” oncemore.The word oncemore.The word button until until button button until until button button to save and move to the next func- next the to move and save to button button to save and move to the next func- next the to move and save to button will not go away unless the gauge sees a tank a sees gauge unless the away go will not will not go away unless the gauge sees a tank a sees gauge unless the away go will not – VERSION2.00 2-18 “ “ t1 t2 an oilan tank for example. couldtank. fuel It a representbe to have not does NOTE:Tank 2 Tank 2CapacitySetting Setting Tank 1(fuel) Capacity “ ” ” “ t2 t1 is displayed. displayed. is is displayed. displayed. is ” ” = tank 2 tank = = tank 1 tank = “ “ no no ” ” and the fuel icon will be will icon fuel the and be will icon fuel the and “ “ t1 t2 ” ” = tank 1. tank = = tank 2. tank = key. key. 4. 3. 2. 1. CAL 2 5PretFueltoAdd Percent 25 continue fuel tankcalibration. continue vance to50%setting. vance to25%setting. vance Press the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. the Press Press Calibration the MONITOR buttontoselect1=on,0=off. Selecting buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe – VERSION2.00 2-19 tank capacitytank number entered fuel the by determined is Add” NOTE:The quantity“Fuel of to cent. per- 25 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 1Calibration 25% empty. thefueltanklevelat Have Setting Tank 1Calibration 0% entered). been pacity had until ca- tank calibrate the fuel the NOTE: tank1 fuel youwanttocalibrate whether youneedto.Select entered, thecapacitieshavebeen Once Tank 1Calibration The gauge will gauge youlet The not ”

’ t1 ” . buttontoad- buttontoad- “ 1 ” will

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 10. 9. CAL 2 8. 7. 6. 5. 50 Percent Full Percent 75 Percent vance tonextfunction. vance tofull%setting. vance to75%setting. vance Press the Press Add theamountoffuelto fillthefueltank. Press the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. Calibration MONITOR Fuel toAdd Fuel toAdd Fuel toAdd buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe – VERSION2.00 2-20 NOTE:The quantity of cent. per- 75 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 1Calibration 75% NOTE:The quantity of cent. per- 50 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 1Calibration50% fuel tank. fuel fill the to fuel of amount the Add Setting Tank 1CalibrationFull Add Add tank capacitytank number entered capacitytank number entered ” ” is determined by the fuel the by determined is fuel the by determined is buttontoad- buttontoad- buttontoad- “ “ Fuel to Fuel to 3. 2. cedure. willbeneeded. Iftank2willbeforfuel,continuepro- ibration NOTE: 1. 1. 3. 2. CAL 2 Press the tank 2calibration. continue Press the Press water/waste).or vance to 25%setting. vance Press the the Press Press the Press the Press Press Press If youchooseoilorwater/wasteicon,nofurther tank2cal- Calibration the MONITOR button, select which icon you want tank 2 to be, (oil, fuel, (oil, be, to 2 tank want you icon which select button, button until until button buttontoselect1=on,0=off. Selecting buttontosave.Pressthe button, you will see a blinking icon. Using the Using icon. blinking a see will you button, buttontocontinue. buttontocontinue. – VERSION2.00 2-21 “ t2 ter/waste, fuel). ter/waste, 2displayscreen.(oil,wa- tank oneofthreeiconsfor Select Selection Tank 2Calibration Icon entered). been had ity calibrate until tank capac- the the TheNOTE: g oilan tank for example. couldtank. fuel It a representbe NOTE: Tank does not have 2 to tank2. brate whetheryouwanttocali- Select Tank 2Calibration empty. thefueltanklevelat Have Setting Tank 2Calibration 0% ” is displayed. displayed. is auge will youlet auge not “ t2 ” = tank 2. tank = buttontoad- “ 1 ” will

MONITOR 2.00 MONITOR 2.00 7. 6. 5. 4. 9. 8. CAL 2 5PretFueltoAdd Percent 25 50 Percent 75 Percent vance to full%setting. vance to75%setting. vance to50%setting. vance Press the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. the Press Add thedisplayedamountoffueltotank. Press the Press Add thedisplayedamount offueltothetank. Calibration MONITOR Fuel toAdd Fuel toAdd buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe buttontosave.Pressthe – VERSION2.00 2-22 pacity number entered. is determinedby the fueltank ca- NOTE:The quantityof fuel to add cent. per- 50 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 2Calibration 50% pacity number entered. isdetermined by the fueltank ca- NOTE :The quantityof fuel to add cent. per- 25 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 2Calibration25% pacity number entered. is determinedby the fueltank ca- NOTE:The quantityof fuel to add cent. per- 75 to level tank fuel raise will shownfuel of amount the Adding Setting Tank 2Calibration75% buttontoad- buttontoad- buttontoad- 11. 10. CAL 2 Full Percent vance tonextfunction. vance Press the Press Add theamountoffueltofilltank. Calibration MONITOR Fuel toAdd buttontosave.Pressthe – VERSION2.00 2-23 fuel tank. fuel fill the to fuel of amount the Add Setting Tank 2CalibrationFull buttontoad-

MONITOR 2.00 MerCruiser model 8.1/496 forusewithSmartCraft. designed modelyear MercuryOutboardmodelsthat are 2002 with: System Tach andSpeedometerarecompatible of engine,notallthesescreenswillapply. that areavailable.Dependingonyourtype screens NOTE: System Tach andSpeedometer rl oto 3-8 3-10 3-24 3-22 3-18 3-11 3-3 3-15 3-6 Cal 2SpeedometerCalibration Cal 1SpeedometerCalibration 3-4 Cal 2Tachometer Calibration Cal 1Tachometer Calibration 3-3 Warning DisplayScreens 3-1 Warning System Troll Control Tachometer DisplayScreens DisplayScreens Reset Master DetectionEngineFunction Auto Basic OperationandFeatures This manualshowsallthe Monitor display This ...... Part

. . . 3 ......

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED 3-0 Buttons: Lights: willstayonaslongtheignitionison. Gauges up:Power Basic OperationandFeatures the warning message.the Warning System: condition.ing operat- safe maintain order a to in problem speed by reducing engine early any for indications problems. of The system will a to respond Engine Guardian System: theenginefortrollingwithoutusingthrottle. of Troll Control: control and settinggauge calibrations. The SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER “+” Thebrightnessandcontrastareadjustable. and and The The Eachgaugewillpowerupwhentheignitionisturnedon. “–” Allowstheoperatortosetandcontrolidlespeed MODE buttons are used for settingengine speedduring troll ahmtrSpeedometer Tachometer The system The will display warning and the horn sound 1 0 2 button is used for selecting information screens. 34 engine Monitors criticalthe the sensors on 5 7 6 3-1 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 80 70

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED Basic OperationandFeatures Digital DisplayScreen: Digital Depth RPM Used Fuel and Flow Fuel Hours Engine and Voltage Battery PressureWater Trim andWater Pressure RPM and Trim Oil Psi TemperatureEngine Break–in Engine TYPE ENGINE ON DEPENDING Tachometer DisplayScreen: SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Displaysthefollowingengineinformation. 3-2 Trip Trip Economy Fuel Range Fuel – Synchronizer RPM and Trim Engine Dual or Water Level(s) Waste Fresh Water Tank2 or Level(s) Tank Oil Levels Tank Fuel Levels Odometer Trip Economy Fuel Ave. and Inst. Clock –Air/SeaTemp optional GPS if waypointprogrammedinto Distance andfueltowaypoint– Input GPS If – COG/SOG Used Fuel Speed TYPE ENGINE ON DEPENDING Speedometer DisplayScreen: the unitbacktofactory presets. the Auto-Detection EngineFunction By pressing By product. of up set during performed tions calibra- installation any eliminating thus defaults, factory all to PerformingIMPORTANT: amaster r command. Reset You canreturnthegaugebacktofactorypresetsthroughMaster Master Reset warningof a shows gauge screens accordingly.easier. initial make setup to intention is The If monitoringdata matically preset the This determinewilltype. engine show after a or gauge first of timeOn power up seconds (Untilthegraphicbars Stbd) using a Mercury engine diagnostic tool. diagnostictool. engine Mercury using a Stbd) Enginesboard System tachandspeedcomestandardwiththe System “ gure thegaugetomatchthatvesseltype. gure detectwhichenginetypeyouareusingandpreconfi- automatically detection Screen detection Auto detect Auto SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER “ Auto detect Auto ” again. (Refer to to (Refer again. TROLL ” , engine will need to be properly be to engine willselected need and(Port , – ” ” and . Upon pressing Upon button, . the willmode gauge auto-

this screenletsthegaugeonitsinitialpowerup TROLL + “ No Starboard Engine Starboard No “ Master Reset Master simultaneouslyforapproximately10 “ 3-3 collide eset will reset the unit unit back the reset will eset ” ). You willbeabletorestore “ ” Master Reset Master ). “ Master Reset Master ” or or “ Engine Auto “ Multiple Star- Multiple ” , gauge gauge will, ” and –

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED 5. Trim Synchronizer Trim Synchronizer 5. Synchronizer RPM 4. Level Oil 3. .FuelLevel 2. Clock -Temp 1. dependingonenginetype. changes NOTE: will reversethedisplay rotation. NOTE: Calibrations. to previous screen by pressing and holding Press screen thatwasdisplayedbeforetheignitionturnedoff. When theignitionisturnedon,speedometerwillshowlast ALLSCREENSMAYNOT APPLY TYPE. ENGINE TOYOUR Speedometer DisplayScreens tionsengines. of both tanklevel (ifattached). ter/waste TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER tion of both engines. Simplifies both of tion trimkeeping levels equal. obtaindisplayto readings. airThe and water temperaturesensors willhavebe connectedto 4 5 3 2 1 Readings canbedisplayedinEnglish(U.S.) or Readings Descriptions Descriptions MODE Continued NextPage to change displaychange to screens. You revert can to the back –

– Displays theamountofengine oilremaining,orwa-

Displays theamountoffuelremaining.

– Clock,temperaturewaterair temperature. and are not necessarilyinorderonthegauge.Order – –

Dual Engines Only Only Engines Dual

Dual Engines Only 3-4 Speedometer MODE 10 0 20 – 30 Displays the trim posi- trim the Displays – Monitors the revolu- the Monitors for 2 seconds.for 2 This 40 50 60 80 70 Metric. Refer 7. Fuel Economy Economy Fuel 7. Range 6. Speedometer DisplayScreens .Trip Odometer 8. 9. Digital Speedometer Digital 9. numbers displayed indicatemilesgallon per sumption as well as Instantaneous gauge to zero. to gauge SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Fuel Reset per liter GPS).or maining fuel. Speedinput required(Paddle Wheel,Pitot Pressure the re- travel with can you distance the of estimate an indicates displayed numbers The tank. the in remaining fuel and sumption press press speed readings. (Transitionspeed pointsettingisdescribedin Cal2). butwillswitchtothespeedoorGPS (ifconnected)forhigh ings willusethepaddle wheelforitslowspeedread- speedometer hour,per hour,kilometer or nauticalmilesperhour. The MODE 9 7 6 8 MODE and and – “

KM/L The estimated rangeboat basedfuelisspeed, on con-

and and – TROLL To reset, select the display screen and press and screen display To the select reset, Trip Reset ” – – . – Tells how far you far Tells how

The display shows average buttons. TROLL – – buttons. Candisplayboatspeedinmilesper

– To reset, select the display screen and screen display the To select reset, 3-5 ’ ve gone since you last reset the reset last you since gone ve “ INST Speedometer 10 0 20 30 ” fuel economy. fuel The “ MPG 40 “ AVG 50 ” 60 80 70

or kilometer or ” fuel con-

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED .Temperature 2. previous pressingscreen by holding and NOTE: will reversethe display rotation. 3. Power Trim Power Angle 3. Engine Break-in 1. Calibration. to .Water Pressure - 5. Power Trim Angle - Water Pressure 4. Press Press screen thatwasdisplayedbeforetheignitionturnedoff. When theignitionisturnedon,tachometerwilldisplaylast ALLSCREENSMAYNOT APPLY TYPE. ENGINE TOYOUR Tachometer DisplayScreens break-in complete. period is screen automaticallywill engine. This new after the disappear a of SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER engine. and coolingengine system water pressure. trailer angle.0=down,10 =maximumtrim,and25fulltrailer. uptothemaximum trimangle,andthendisplaysthe sterndrive 4 5 3 2 1 MODE Readings canbedisplayedinEnglish(U.S.) or Readings Continued NextPage to change display change screens. Youto the to revert back can – PSI

WATER Displays enginecoolanttemperature. – ENG Displays cooling system water pressure at the at pressure water system cooling Displays

PSI ° Displays time remaining on the break-in period break-in the on remaining time Displays F –

Displays trimangleoftheoutboardor 3-6 1 – 0 MODE Tachometer 2

Displays trimof Displays theangle 3 for 2 seconds. seconds. This 2 for 4 5 7 6 Metric. Refer connected to the systemthe orderto connected for thisin operate. screento NOTE: 0 Water 10. 9. Digital Tachometer Digital 9. 8. Fuel Fuel 8. Voltage Battery 7. Pressure Oil 6. Tachometer DisplayScreens 8 7 CAL 2 Calibration for water depth alarm and offset settings. CAL 2Calibrationforwaterdepthalarmandoffset movesintowatershallowerthanthealarmlevel.Referto boat 1Calibration.YouCAL can setanalarmtotriggerwheneverthe if connected.Thewaterdepthscreencanbeturned onoroff in Per Minute (RPM). Per per hours. per SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Also recordstherunningtimeofengine. 9 6 You depth transducer a have must (purchased separately) 2.4 13.6 VOLT Flow 3200 Depth FUEL –

Displays enginefuel – – 22.3 HRS

DEPTH Displays thedepthofwaterundertransducer Displays engineoilpressureinunitsofPsiorBar. USED 22.0 FEET OIL PSI –

Displays voltagelevel(condition)ofbattery. –

Displays enginespeedinRevolutions 3-7 use ingallonsperhourorliters 1 Tachometer 0 2 3 4 5 7 6

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED of the display to indicate troll indicatedisplay stillcontrol to is running. the of onds of no activity. no of onds the Push sec- 10 after screen previous the to back revert will screen display The re-engaged. when speed that to troll the control, system will the and remembers speed returnset the offshut you then and desiredspeed a troll have at control you set If when inthetrolldisplayscreenorbymoving throttle. screen, a flashing signal screen, a troll the of out troll are controlthe you When and control engaged is display screen. You canshutoff troll control anytime by pushing the KN.or eterMPH,Kph willin speed the set speedometer. Tachometerand speedom- willin RPM the speed set or tachometer the either by using troll control the You set can gine type. NOTE: usingthethrottle. without With NOTE: Operation Basic Troll Control TROLL SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER – troll controlyoucanmaintainatrollingspeedof550to1000rpm Actual Speed Troll controlmin/maxrangemaychangedependingonen- Troll controlmaynotbeavailableonallenginemodels. Tachometer 1 0 2 3 4 a 5 7 6 Set Speed TR “ TROLL TR + ” TROLL

(a) will appear in the upper left corner left upper the in appear will (a) + 3-8 or or TROLL TROLL – – Actual button to reactivate the reactivate to button Speedometer Speed 0 80 MODE Set Speed TROLL button + 3. There arethreewaysto turnoff the trollcontrol: To GetOutofTrollControl • • • 4. 2. 1. To SetTrollControl Troll Control 6. 5. a Shift engine intoneutral. speed. Move thethrottletoadifferent Press the TROLL Press screen.play pear. Increasetroll speed. to increasespeedand to SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Use the Use the in Push idle.at With the enginerunning, shiftengine intogear. Setengine speed the boat to, the the to, boat the bring trollcan rpm the than slower troll speed a set control to you If pear.troll Reduce speed. the boat to, the youIf settroll control to a higher speedthan thetroll rpm can bring – culSedSetSpeed Actual Speed Tachometer MODE 1 0 2 TROLL 3 MODE + 4 TROLL toengage(turnon)thetrollcontrol. 5 +

7 6 TARGET TOO SPEED SLOW TARGET SPEED TOO FAST buttonwheninthetroll display screen. TROLL – or or TROLL buttonstosetthedesiredspeed.Use + TROLL ( – – ) todecreasespeed. button to bring up the troll the button bring control to up dis- 3-9 b TROLL – Actual Speedometer Speed 0 (a) messagewill ap- (b) messagewill ap- 80 Set Speed TROLL + (+)

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED still problem.is a signal theIf button mode ispressed different to a screen, theflashing alarm five-second intervals. at display the on will cycle these alarms, multiple are there If pressed. is button mode the until displayed stay will message alarm The take. to forfurtherexplanationoftheproblemand correctaction Manual following the pages. Refer the to on warningand refer the to idle diately throttle to messagesreduce speed l problemby the will (b) System to respond problem If cause immediatecan damage, Engine engine the Guardian alarmappearsonthedisplay(a). offending Alarms Warnings Warnings Alarms Warning System SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER b “ AL ” (c) will appear upperin the right corner to indicate there 1 0 2 –

When aproblemisdetected,thenameof 3 4 5 7 6 a 3-10 Engine Operation,Maintenance 080 imiting engine power. power. Imme- engine imiting 2 c Warning DisplayScreens WARNING DISPLAYSCREENS lem andthecorrectactiontotake Operation,MaintenanceManualforexplanationoftheprob- Engine willalerttheoperatortopotential problem.Referto the screens aproblemisdetectedwiththeengine,warningdisplay When TPS MAT MAP WATER FUEL IN OIL RESERVE PRESSURE SPEED OVER OVERHEAT PSIOIL TEMPOIL OIL LOW FUEL LOW FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT DATAENGINE BUS BATTERY SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER PROBLEM – – – – – – WATER TEMP INJECTOR IGNITION SENSOR HORN OIL PUMP OIL TACHOMETER DISPLAY F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 3-11 SPEEDOMETER . DISPLAY F F

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED 8. FAULT-INJECTOR FAULT-INJECTOR 8. PUMP FAULT-OIL 7. 6. RESERVE OIL LOW LOW RESERVE OIL 6. FAULT-HORN 5. 4. WATER IN FUEL WATER FUEL IN 4. OVERSPEED 3. 2. PRESSURE PRESSURE 2. OVERHEAT 1. action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens 4 3 1 2 functioning electrically. engine. lubricating the No supplied being to oil is is critically oil engine mounted reservoirthe low in tank. reached the full full level. the reached RPM. system. SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER – – There is insufficient water pressure in the cooling the in pressure water insufficient is There The engine has overheated. – – Warning horn is not functioning correctly. functioning not is horn Warning Engine speedexceeded the maximum allowable – – Oil pump has stopped functioningelectrically. stopped has pump Oil – One or more of the fuel injectors have stop have injectors fuel the of more or One – Water the water-separatingin fuel filter 2 OUTBOARD ONLY OUTBOARD STROKE 2 1 0

2 Engine Operation,Maintenance 3-12 3 4 5 7 6 – Oil level Oil 5 6 8 7 5 MULTIPLE STARBOARDENGINE 15. STARBOARD ENGINE NO 14. 6 OIL TEMPERATURE16. Quicksilver a Diagnostic with Tool.engine portfirst application, programengine the must dual you a have you If Toolnostic system properly.will function the before Quicksilver a port2) or with starboard2Diag- (starboard,port, position multipleIn applications, engine assigned engine a firstmust each be 2 FAULT-SENSOR 12. DATA ENGINE BUS 11. BATTERY10. 13. FAULT-WATER TEMP TEMP FAULT-WATER 13. 9. FAULT-IGNITION FAULT-IGNITION 9. Warning DisplayScreens 10 11 12 9 port location using a DDT or Quicksilver or DDT usinglocation a port Diagnostic Tool. ECM both sure Make bus). the in installed terminator resistors both are sure (Check wiring,make also gauge. engine the from transferred being is data no that starboard computer.engine the see not does Usually indicates functioningtemperaturewater not correctly.sea is recognizing multipleenginesasstarboard. recognizing tachometer and engine is not connected.not is engine tachometer and low. is charge tem. SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER –

The electrical system is not charging or the battery the or charging not is system electrical The – – One of the sensors is not functioning correctly. A problem A has developedignition in the sys- – –

– The data communication data The between link the

Engine oil oil overheating.Engine is The sensor for measuring outsidelake/ measuringfor sensor The 1 0 2 3 3-13 –

4 Informs you that the Instrument the that you Informs 5 7 6 – SmartCraftGaugesare ’ s are not configured are not for s Starboard Engine no starboard ’ s computer to the to computer s engine Multiple 16 15 14 13

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED Warning DisplayScreens 22. FAULT-TPS FAULT-TPS 22. 21. FAULT-MAT FAULT-MAT 21. 20. FAULT-MAP FAULT-MAP 20. LEVEL OIL LOW 19. LOW FUELLEVEL 18. OIL PRESSURE 17. 19 18 17 SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER checked by your dealer. your by checked checked by your dealer. your by checked checked by your dealer. your by checked mediately avoid out.running to low. remoteis tank oil the Youim- tank oil refilland the should stop immediately to avoid running out. fuel level in the fuel tank is critically low. You should stop for fuel E E – – – problemEngine occurred. engine the Have problemEngine occurred. enginethe Have F F problemoccurred. engineEngine the Have – –

OUTBOARD 2 STROKE ONLY STROKE 2 OUTBOARD There is insufficient oil pressure. oil insufficient is There –

This messageserves as a warningthat the 1 0 2 3 3-14 4 5 7 6 –

oil level in level oil 22 21 20 Quick Cal Calibration Cal Quick Cal 1 1 Cal 1 CAL 2. 1. Cal Quick 2. 1. prefer. you as information screens. You may configure the system to display as little or as much [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Press QuickCalscreen. to inPress Press mately secondsuntil 7 the see you Press in the the in Press REMOTE LCDCONTRAST? – This calibration level lets you turn on and off the system the off and on turn you lets level calibration This TachometerCalibration REMOTE LCDLIGHT? REMOTE SCREENS? MODE MODE – the Thiscalibrationisforsettinglightingandcontrast. TRIM POPUP? [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] MODE toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. MODE and and and [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] TROLL + TROLL 3-15 + buttonsforupto2secondsget turned to “Yes” for this function to work. to function this for “Yes” to turned NOTE: otherSC1000tachinthesystem. any made onthisSC1000tachwilleffect If yesisselected,thenlightinglevels work. to function this for “Yes” to turned NOTE: otherSC1000tachinthesystem. any on this SC1000tachwilleffectmade If yesisselected,thenscreenchanges the engine? to popupmomentarilywhen you trim Do youwantpowertrimdisplayscreen work. to function this for “Yes” to turned NOTE: otherSC1000tachinthesystem. any onthisSC1000tachwilleffectmade If yesisselected, then contrast levels buttons and hold for approxi- for hold and buttons Cal 1 all tach will need to have this screen this have will need to tach all screen this have will need to tach all all tach will need to have this screen this have will need to tach all (continued onnextpage) (continued screen.

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED CAL 1 CAL [NO] [DOWN] [DOWN] [NO] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER THEN PRESSPLUSBUTTON ENGINE TEMPSCREEN? TRIM TO TRAILERPOINT TachometerCalibration TRIM FULLDOWNTHEN TRIM CALIBRATION PRESS PLUSBUTTON PRESS PLUSBUTTON TRIM FULLUPTHEN DEPTH SCREEN? DISPLAY UNITS SPEED UNITS [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [EDIT] [SAVE] [UP] [UP] [YES] [YES] 3-16 (Kilometers PerHour). (Nautical MilesPerHour)or KMH choose you selectspeedunits.YouLets can English(standard)orMetric. between change unitsofmeasure you Lets 11and gaugetothestandard0 the editallowsyouto Choosing calibrate screen? temp engine the on turn to want you Do operate) system forto screen this the to connected Craft transducer depth (Remember: You Smart a must have youDo want to turnon thedepth screen? – from MPH(MilesPerHour),KN 25 trailerpositionscale. (continued onnextpage) (continued – 10 unittrim CAL 1 CAL [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER TRIM ANDRPMSCREEN? TRIM ANDPSISCREEN? TachometerCalibration SIMULATOR MODE? WATER PSISCREEN? OIL PRESSSCREEN? OIL TEMPSCREEN? OIL RPM SCREEN? [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] EXIT? [CAL2] [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] 3-17 screen? to turnonthedigitalRPM Do youwant split screen? youwanttoturnonthetrimandRPM Do screen? pressure water the on turn to want you Do water pressuresplitscreen? Do youwanttoturnonthetrimand screen? Do youwanttoturnontheoilpressure screen? Do youwanttoturnontheoil temp straight intocalibrationlevel2? youwanttoexitcalibration?Orjump Do purposes). demonstrationfor (used mode? a simulation on turn want to you Do

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED 1. inputs. CAL 2 CAL 2. CAL 2 N][SAVE] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] [NO] Press in the the in Press SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Press calibration2for seconds ( 10

– TachometerCalibration EXTERNAL SENSORS Thiscalibrationlevelletsyouconfigurethesystemsensor INVERT STEERING PADDLE SENSOR? PITOT SENSOR? MODE TRIM SENSOR? SEA TEMP? SEA [SAVE] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] MODE toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. and and [EDIT] [YES] [YES] [YES] [YES] TROLL [YES] + Cal2 3-18 buttons and hold for approximatelyfor hold and buttons Is theboat equipped withatrimsensor? Is wheel tomeasureboatspeed? Is theboatequippedwitha paddle to measureboatspeed? Is theboatequippedwith a pitot sensor the followingexternalsensorinputs. This sectionletsyouenableordisable signal so it displayed it properly.is so signal be? If it is then this feature will reverse the oppositegauge thedirection thatit should the steering up on link angle Is showing temperature sensor? the boatequippedwithawater Is ) screen.) (continued onnextpage) (continued CAL 2 CAL tank shape. tank System Tach willdisplay anestimatedrangevalue thatfactorsinthe completely,page whichmeans addingfuelateachcalibrationpoint. Third: values.Thismodedoesnotfactorinirregular tankshapes. range estimatedrangevaluebasedon linearinterpolationofthesensor an page,butwithoutactuallyaddingfuel.SystemTachnext willsupply Second: doesnotfactorinirregular tank shapes. mode First: monitoring feature: There arethreemethodsforcalibratingfuel tanklevel [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [NO] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER TOR PADDLE SENSORPULSEFAC- PADDLE TO PITOT TRANSITION PITOT SENSORMULTIPLIER Donothing.Linearreadoutbased on raw sensor values. This Byfollowingthetankcalibration proceduredescribedonnext TachometerCalibration Byfollowingthetankcalibrationproceduredescribed on PITOT SENSOR? SPEED OPTION [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [EDIT] [YES] [UP] [UP] [UP] 3-19 using pitottomeasureboatspeed. using atthepaddlewheelandstarts looking thespeedatwhichgaugestops Set high/low.readings arethat to Adjust paddlewheel frequency for display high/low. readings thatareto display correcting Adjust thepitotpressuresensorfor most common) 100or200PSI.(100PSIisthe choose Select pitottransducertype.Youcan following speedsensors. This sectionletsyouconfigurethe (continued onnextpage) (continued

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED CAL 2 CAL [DFLT] [DOWN] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER CALIBRATION FUELTANK PRESS PLUSBUTTON PRESS PLUSBUTTON PRESS PLUSBUTTON PRESS PLUSBUTTON PRESS PLUSBUTTON TachometerCalibration EMPTY TANK THEN FUEL TANK CAPACITY FILL TO FULLTHEN FILL TO 3/4THEN FILL TO 1/2THEN FILL TO 1/4THEN [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [EDIT] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [UP] 3-20 pacity ofthetank. value hitSAVE,and orhitDFLT andadefault You canchoosetohavetankat3/4 pacity ofthetank. value hitSAVE,and orhitDFLT andadefault You canchoosetohavetankat1/2 pacity ofthetank. value hitSAVE,and orhitDFLT andadefault You canchoosetohavetankat1/4 ofthetank. capacity willbeenteredbasedonthe value and hitSAVE, orhitDFLT andadefault You can choosetohaveanemptytank 1asitisfortank2. tank calibration procedureisthesamefor calibrate yourfueltank.Fueltank Lets for tank1asitis2. fueltank.Thisoptionisthesame boats you enterthecapacityofyour Lets pacity ofthetank. value hitSAVE,and orhitDFLT andadefault You canchoosetohave tank at full you enterthemodewherecan will beenteredbasedontheca- will beenteredbasedontheca- will beenteredbasedontheca- will beenteredbasedonthe ca- (continued onnextpage) (continued CAL 2 CAL [DOWN] [DOWN] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER DEPTH SENSOROFFSET TachometerCalibration DEPTH [SAVE] [SAVE] ALARM [UP] [UP] 3-21 below, theshallow water alarm will sound. or value that transducer depth reads value. When the depth enter a you Lets offset. keel a you gives a wateryou lineoffset. positiveA number offset. number Enteringgives negative a electronically you configure depthLets a

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED Quick Cal Calibration Cal Quick Cal 1 1 Cal 1 CAL 2. 1. Cal Quick 2. 1. prefer. you as information screens. You may configure the system to display as little or as much [DOWN] [DOWN] [NO] [NO] [NO] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Press QuickCalscreen. to inPress Press mately secondsuntil 7 the see you Press in the the in Press REMOTE LCDCONTRAST? – This calibration level lets you turn on and off the system the off and on turn you lets level calibration This Speedometer Calibration Speedometer REMOTE LCDLIGHT? TIME FORMAT USE GPS TIME? USE MODE MODE – the Thiscalibrationisforsettinglightingandcontrast. [SAVE] [SAVE] TIME [SAVE] [SKIP] [SAVE] MODE toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. MODE and and and [EDIT] [YES] [YES] [UP] [UP] TROLL + TROLL 3-22 + buttonsforupto2secondsget simultaneously fromthisgauge. from anotherSystem TACH/Speed youtocontrolthecontrast Enables this gauge. alltheSC1000 simultaneouslyfrom on youtosetthelightinglevels Enables GPS updatethegaugesinternal clock. feature enablesthegaugetolet the If youhaveaGPSconnectedthis Choose Allows youtosetthetime. format. buttons and hold for approxi- for hold and buttons Cal 1 between a12hourand24 (continued onnextpage) (continued screen. CAL 1 CAL [DOWN] [NO] [DOWN] [DOWN] [NO] [NO] SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER TO WAYPOINT SCREEN? Speedometer Calibration Speedometer SIMULATOR MODE? DISPLAY UNITS HOUR CALIBRATION SPEED UNITS [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] 12:00 AM [YES] EXIT? [CAL2] [YES] [YES] [UP] [UP] [UP] 3-23 purposes). (Usedfordemonstration mode? Do youwanttoturnonasimulation andfueltoawaypoint. distance turn onthescreenthatshowsyour have aGPSconnected youcan Ifyou (Kilometers PerHour). (Miles PerHour),KTS(Knots),orKMH Youdisplayed. is can choosefrom MPH Lets between English(standard)orMetric. Lets youchangeunitsofmeasurement minutes. then pressMODEbuttontosetthe match Adjust thegaugesinternalclockto straight intocalibrationlevel2? youwanttoexitcalibration?Orjump Do you selecttheunitsatwhichspeed your localtime.First set the hours

SYSTEM TACH & SPEED SYSTEM TACH & SPEED 1. inputs. CAL 2 2 CAL 2. CAL 2 [DOWN] [NO] [NO] [NO] Press in the the in Press SYSTEM TACHSYSTEM &SPEEDOMETER Press calibration2for seconds ( 10

– Thiscalibrationlevelletsyouconfigurethesystemsensor EXTERNAL SENSORS Speedometer Calibration Speedometer WATER TEMPERATURE USE GPSSPEED? MODE AIR TEMP? AIR [SAVE] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] ADJUST GPS? MODE toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. and and [EDIT] [YES] [YES] [YES] [UP] TROLL + Cal2 3-24 buttons and hold for approximatelyfor hold and buttons display? the GPSinputtodrivethespeed Use Do youhaveaGPSsensorinstalled? Are youusingaairtemp.sensor? inputs. sensor This actual seawatertemperature. Adjust ) screen.) lets youenableordisableexternal water temp.transducertomatch VDO

Part 4 Smart Tach and Speedometer Basic Operation and Features...... 4-1 Speedometer Display Screens...... 4-2 Tachometer Display Screens...... 4-4 Troll Control...... 4-6 Warning System...... 4-8 Warning Display Screens...... 4-9 Tachometer Calibration...... 4-12 Speedometer Calibration...... 4-17

NOTE:This manual shows all the Monitor display screens that are available. Depending on your type of engine, not all these screens will apply.

Smart Tach and Speedometer are compatible with: 2001 model year and newer Mercury Outboard mod- els that are designed for use with SmartCraft. SMART TACH & SPEED TACH SMART SMART TACH & SPEED 4-0 gog95 play thewarning message. play Warning System: operating condition. engine speedinordertomaintainasafe reducing by problem a to foranyearlyindicationsofproblems. Thesystemwillrespond gine GuardianSystem: Engine theenginefortrollingwithoutusingthrottle. of Troll Control: trollcontrolandsettinggaugecalibrations. ing screens. Buttons: Lights: willstayonaslongtheignitionison. Gauges up:Power Basic OperationandFeatures osl1 Water Pressure Battery Voltage Engine Temperature Fuel Flow Power Trim Angle Screen: Display Speedometer Hour Meter Digital Tachometer Tachometer DisplayScreen: SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER Thebrightnessandcontrastareadjustable. The + and –buttonsareused forsettingenginespeeddur- TheMODEbuttonisusedforselectinginformation Eachgaugewillpowerupwhentheignitionisturnedon. Allowstheoperatortosetandcontrolidlespeed ahmtrSpeedometer Tachometer The systemwillsoundthewarninghornanddis- Monitorsthecriticalsensorsonen- 4-1 Barometer Reading Digital Speedometer Trip Odometer Fuel Range Fuel Economy Oil Tank Level(s) Fuel Tank Level(s) Clock andTemperature

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED 5. Trim Synchronizer – – Trim Synchronizer 5. 4. RPM Synchronizer – – Synchronizer RPM 4. OilLevel– 3. FuelLevel– 2. previous screenbypressing and holding gog95 Press Press screen thatwasdisplayedbeforetheignitionturnedoff. theignitionisturnedon,speedometerwillshowlast When Speedometer Displays osl2 NOTE: will reversethedisplayrotation. 1. Clock - Temp Clock 1. Calibrations. to both engines. Simplifiesboth trim keeping levels equal. uniformly. runningeach Allows engines. throttleadjustmentskeep both to nected toobtaindisplayreadings. nected airandwatertemperaturesensors willhavetobecon- The SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER 4 5 3 2 1 MODE Readings canbedisplayedinEnglish(U.S.) or Readings Continued NextPage tochangedisplayscreens.You canrevertbacktothe Displays theamountofengineoilremaining. Displays theamountoffuelremaining.

– Clock, airtemperatureand watertemperature. Dual Engines Engines Dual Dual Engines Engines Dual 4-2 – – Displays the trim position of position trim the Displays Monitors the revolutions of revolutions the Monitors MODE Speedometer for2seconds.This Metric. Refer gog95 .FuelEconomy 7. Traveling Range 6. Speedometer Displays osl3 10. Barometer Barometer 10. Speedometer Digital 9. Trip Odometer 8. press press per liter per displayedindicatemilespergallon numbers gauge to zero. to gauge sumption aswellInstantaneous sumption travelwiththeremainingfuel. can numbers displayedindicatesanestimateofthedistanceyou fuel consumption andfuelremaininginthetank.The current press press time the ignitionwasturnedon. time readings. speed butwillswitchtothespeedoorGPS (ifconnected)forhigh ings willusethepaddlewheelforitslowspeedread- speedometer increase evenifneedleisatmaximum.The to continue hour, kilometer perhour, orknots.The digital speedometer will SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER 10 9 7 6 8 MODE MODE “ KM/L – and and and Showsthebarometricpressure readingonlyatthe Trip Reset ” – . – Tells how far you Tells far how Reset

The displayshowsaverage – TROLL TROLL

– – The estimatedtravelingrangeisbasedon –

buttons. buttons. – Candisplayboatspeedinmilesper

– To reset, select the display screen and screen display the Toselect reset, To reset, select the display screen and screen display the To select reset, 4-3 ’ ve gone since you last set the set last you since gone ve “ INST Speedometer ” fueleconomy. The “ MPG “ AVG ”

or kilometer ” fuelcon-

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED .Battery Voltage 5. Temperature 4. 3. Fuel Fuel 3. Trim Power Angle-WaterPressure 2. previous screenbypressing and holding gog95 Press Press screen thatwasdisplayedbeforetheignitionturnedoff. theignitionisturnedon,tachometerwilldisplaylast When Tachometer Displays osl4 NOTE: will reversethedisplayrotation. 1. Engine Engine 1. Calibration. to to Hot. to hours. per the outboardand cooling systemwaterpressure. the thebreak-inperiodiscomplete. ter ofanewengine. Thisscreenwillautomaticallydisappearaf- od SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER 4 5 3 2 1 MODE Readings canbedisplayedinEnglish(U.S.) or Readings Continued NextPage Flow Break-in tochangedisplayscreens.You canrevertbacktothe –

Displays enginefuel –

Displays enginecoolant temperature fromCold – – °


Displays voltagelevel(condition) ofbattery. Displays timeremainingon the break-in peri- 4-4 use ingallonsperhourorliters Tachometer MODE –

Displays trim angleof Displays for2seconds.This Metric. Refer .HourMeter: 9. Tachometer: Digital 8. gog95 .PowerTrim Angle: 7. Water Pressure: 6. Tachometer Displays osl5 7 6 9 Minute (RPM). Minute 10=fulltrim, and25=fulltrailer.down, trimangle,andthendisplays maximum the trailer angle. 0 = engine. 8 SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER Recordstherunningtimeofengine. Displayscoolingsystemwaterpressureat the Displaystrimangleoftheoutboardupto Displays enginespeedinRevolutions Per 4-5 Tachometer

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED You canshutoff troll control anytime by pushing the willsetthespeedinMPH. eter Tachometerspeedometer. will setthespeedinRPMandspeedom- You cansetthetrollcontrol byusingeitherthetachometeror of time.od Doing so could result low-battery in a voltage condition. NOTE: seconds ofseconds no The displayscreenwillrevert backtothepreviousscreenafter10 thatspeedwhenre-engaged. to trollcontrol,thesystemremembers thesetspeedandwillreturn the youhavetrollcontrolsetatadesired speedandthenyoushutoffIf when inthetrolldisplayscreenormovingthrottle. gog95 without usingthethrottle.See without With Operation Basic Troll Control oso6 of thedisplaytoindicate trollcontrolisstillrunning. of screen, aflashing signal thetrollcontrolisengagedandyou areoutofthetrollcontrol When displayscreen. the TROLL SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER troll controlyoucanmaintainatrollingspeedof550to1000rpm – Actual Speed Avoid using a very low rpm trolling s very low a using rpm trolling Avoid Tachometer activity. a Set Speed TR Push the “ TR TROLL + ” (a)willappear intheupperleftcorner NOTE: 4-6 TROLL + or following. TROLL – peed for an extended peri- Actual TROLL – Speedometer Speed buttontoreactivate MODE Set Speed button TROLL + 3. gog95 • • • 4. 2. 1. To SetTrollControl Troll Control osl7 5. There arethreewaysto turnoff the trollcontrol: To GetOutofTrollControl 6. a Shift outboard intoneutral. speed. Move thethrottle toadifferent Press the TROLL to increasespeedand to Press display screen. Use the Use Push inthe atidle. speed theenginerunning, shiftoutboardintogear.With Setengine bring theboatto, bring yousettrollcontroltoahigher speedthanthetrollrpm If can will appear.will Increasetrollspeed. bring control toaslowerspeedthanthetrollrpmcan troll set you If appear.will Reducetrollspeed. – SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER culSedSetSpeed Actual Speed the boatto, Tachometer MODE TROLL MODE + toengage(turnon)thetrollcontrol. TROLL

+ buttonwheninthetroll display screen. TROLL the – or TARGET SPEED TOO SLOW TROLL TARGET SPEEDTOO FAST buttonstosetthedesiredspeed.Use + ( TROLL – – ) todecreasespeed. 4-7 buttontobringupthetroll control b TROLL – Actual Speedometer Speed Set Speed (a)message (b)message TROLL + (+)

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED still problem.is a signal theIf button mode ispressed different to a screen, theflashing alarm five-second intervals. at display the on will cycle these alarms, multiple are there If pressed. is button mode the until displayed stay will message alarm The take. to forfurtherexplanationoftheproblemand correctaction Manual following the pages. Refer the to on warningand refer the to idle diately throttle to messagesreduce speed l problemby the will (b) System to respond problem If cause immediatecan damage, Engine engine the Guardian alarmappearsonthedisplay(a). offending Alarms Warnings Warnings Alarms Warning System SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER b “ AL ” (c) will appear upperin the right corner to indicate there 1 0 2 –

When aproblemisdetected,thenameof 3 4 5 7 6 a 4-8 Engine Operation,Maintenance 080 imiting engine power. power. Imme- engine imiting 2 c Warning DisplayScreens WARNING DISPLAYSCREENS lem andthecorrectactiontotake Operation,MaintenanceManualforexplanationoftheprob- Engine willalerttheoperatortopotential problem.Referto the screens aproblemisdetectedwiththeengine,warningdisplay When WATER FUEL IN (MULTI ENGINE) MISMATCHUNIT OIL RESERVE PRESSURE SPEED OVER OVERHEAT OIL LOW FUEL LOW FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT DATAENGINE BUS BATTERY SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER PROBLEM – – – – – – WATER TEMP INJECTOR IGNITION SENSOR HORN OIL PUMP OIL TACHOMETER DISPLAY F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 4-9 SPEEDOMETER . DISPLAY F F

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED 8. FAULT-INJECTOR FAULT-INJECTOR 8. FAULT-OIL PUMP 7. 6. RESERVE OIL LOW RESERVELOW OIL 6. FAULT-HORN 5. 4. WATER IN FUEL WATER FUEL IN 4. OVERSPEED 3. 2. PRESSURE PRESSURE 2. OVERHEAT 1. action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens 4 3 1 2 functioning electrically. engine. lubricating the No supplied being to oil is is critically oil engine mounted reservoirthe low in tank. reached the full full level. the reached RPM. system. SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER – – There is insufficient water pressure in the cooling the in pressure water insufficient is There The engine has overheated. – – Warning horn is not functioning correctly. functioning not is horn Warning Engine speedexceeded the maximum allowable – – Oil pump has stopped functioningelectrically. stopped has pump Oil – One or more of the fuel injectors have stop have injectors fuel the of more or One – Water the water-separatingin fuel filter 2 STROKE OUTBOARD ONlY ONlY OUTBOARD STROKE 2 1 0

2 Engine Operation,Maintenance 4-10 3 4 5 7 6 – Oil level Oil 5 6 8 7 14. UNIT MISMA UNIT 14. 16. LOW OIL LEVEL LEVEL OIL LOW 16. LOW FUELLEVEL 15. 2 FAULT-SENSOR 12. DATA ENGINE BUS 11. BATTERY10. 13. FAULT-WATER TEMP TEMP FAULT-WATER 13. 9. FAULT-IGNITION FAULT-IGNITION 9. action totake. of theproblemandcorrect explanation further for Manual tothe Refer IMPORTANT: Warning DisplayScreens 10 11 12 9 sea water functioningtemperaturewater not correctly.sea is mediately avoid out.an running to low. remoteis tank oil the Youim- tank oil refilland the should stop immediately to avoid running out. fuel level in the fuel tank is critically low. You should stop for fuel Re-calibratethetachometers. Metric. reading isEnglishandtheotherin tachometer one if happen tachometersarenotcalibratedalike.Forexample,this could the tachometer and engine is not connected.not is engine tachometer and low. is charge tem. SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER –

The electrical system is not charging or the battery the or charging not is system electrical The TCH – – – – One of the sensors is not functioning correctly. OUTBOARD 2 STROKE ONLY STROKE 2 OUTBOARD A problem A has developedignition in the sys- (MultiEngines)Thismessagetellsyouthat – –

This messageserves as a warningthat the

– The data communication data The between link the 1 The sensor for measuring outsidelake/ measuringfor sensor The 0 2

Engine Operation,Maintenance 3 4-11 4 5 7 6 –

oil level in level oil 13 14 15 16

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED 2. 1. selections. 4. 2. 3. Tachometer Calibration osl26 Advanced Calibration Advanced Calibration Simple onforallthetachometers. tion NOTE: 1. commonscreenscanbemadewhileengineisrunning. other [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] Hold Turnposition. ignitionkeytotheoff Press screen. Press Press andhold Press Press inthe [ NO] SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER REMOTE SCREEN?YES When calibratingmultitachometers(multiengines)turnigni- When SET ALLINSTRUMENTS? SET ALLINSTRUMENTS? CONTROL OPTIONS TROLL MODE MODE CALIBRATION BRIGHTNESS + CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CONTRAST CALIBRATION BRIGHTNESS CALIBRATION CONTRAST [ NO] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE]

toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. MODE TROLL – MODE –

This calibrationforsettinglightinganda few andturnignitionon. and [ YES] – [ YES]

for2secondstobringupthecalibration – This calibrationgoesthroughall mode [UP] [UP] NO [UP] TROLL + 4-12 for yes. el forallSmartCraftgauges? Do youwantthesamebrightnesslev- MODE Press MODE er? ter displayscreenstoadvance togeth- Multi Engine for allSmartCraftgauges? Do youwantthesamecontrastlevel Press yes. MODE buttonsforcalibrationscreen. Press +or Press MODE – tosavesetting tosave. tosavesetting – Press MODE or+ or+ (continued onnextpage) (continued – to adjustlevel. to adjustlevel. Doyouwanttachome- –

to select. forno. forno. Press + Press Press Press Press + for Tachometer Calibration osl17 DW][UP] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] SINGLE-PORT-CENTER-STARBOARD PADDLE WHEEL SENSOR ? YES/NOPADDLE ? SENSOR WHEEL WATER TEMP SENSOR ? YES/NO WATER ? SENSOR TEMP SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER SPEEDO SENSOR ? YES/NO ? SENSOR SPEEDO TRIM POPUP?YES EXTERNAL SENSORS EXTERNAL SENSORS EXTERNAL SENSORS EXTERNAL SENSORS CONTROL OPTIONS ENGLISH -METRIC DISPLAY UNITS ENGINE POSITION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION KN -KPHMPH SPEED UNITS CALIBRATION [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SKIP] – NO [UP] [UP] [UP] [UP] [UP] [UP] [EDIT] 4-13 next sensor Press MODE Press +or No =not used Yes =in use Chose YesChose No or Editing ExternalSensors SmartCraft System. deleting anyexternalsensortothe play. Press MODE (miles perhour). KPH (kilometersperhour),MPH Display boatspeedinKN(knots), MODE Metric. Select displayreadingsinEnglishor gine. Match tachometertothecorrecten- Press MODE the outboard? screen topopupwheneveryoutrim Do youwantpowertrimangledisplay MODE lect setting. Press + Press + tosave. tosave. Press +or (continued onnextpage) (continued – Press MODE

for correctsetting tosaveandadvance toskipthenextdis- tosave. (edit) ifyouraddingor to selectengine. Press +or for each sensor for each Press +or –

to select tosave. –

– to select. Press tose- Press

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED Tachometer Calibration osl18 [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DOWN] THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER CALIBRATING 3/4VALUE CALIBRATING 1/2VALUE CALIBRATING 1/4VALUE CALIBRATING FULL FUEL TANK CALIBRATION FILL TANK TO FULL FUEL TANK CAPACITY CAPACITY XX.XX = FILL TO X.XG. FILL TO X.XG. FILL TO X.XG. CALIBRATION CALIBRATING EMPTY TANK CALIBRATION [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [UP] [EDIT] 4-14 The fueltankisnowcalibrated full, to tank Fill 5. full, 3/4 to tank Fill 4. full, 1/2 to tank Fill 3. full, 1/4 to tank Fill 2. 1. Empty tank,1. fuel the follows:Calibrateas tank fuel the return tooriginalvaluesetting Pressing DFLT (default)duringeditwill tank. play. Press MODE fuel rangecannotbedisplayed NOTE: Ifthefueltankisnotcalibrated, fuel levelsendingunitinthetank. This calibrationaccuratelyadjuststhe Press +or Add thecapacityoffueltank. to save. Press + (continued onnextpage) (continued –

to select. toskipthenextdis- (edit) tocalibratethefuel Press + Press + Press + Press + Press + Press MODE tosave. to save to tosave. tosave. to save to Tachometer Calibration osl19 [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] [DOWN] THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER CALIBRATING 3/4VALUE CALIBRATING 1/2VALUE CALIBRATING 1/4VALUE OIL TANK CALIBRATION OIL TANK CAPACITY FILL TANK TO FULL CAPACITY XX.XX = CALIBRATING FULL FILL TO X.XG. FILL TO X.XG. FILL TO X.XG. CALIBRATION CALIBRATING EMPTY TANK CALIBRATION [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [UP] [EDIT] 4-15 The oiltankisnowcalibrated full, to tank Fill 5. full, 3/4 to tank Fill 4. full, 1/2 to tank Fill 3. full, 1/4 to tank Fill 2. Emptyoil tank, 1. the follows: as tank oil the Calibrate return tooriginalvaluesetting Pressing DFLT (default)duringeditwill tank. play. Press MODE oil levelsendingunitinthetank. This calibrationaccuratelyadjuststhe + or Add thecapacityofoiltank. – Press +

to select. (continued onnextpage) (continued toskipthenextdis- (edit) tocalibratetheoil Press MODE Press + Press + Press + Press + Press + tosave. to save to tosave. tosave. to save to tosave. Press

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED Tachometer Calibration osl20 [DFLT] [DFLT] [DFLT] DW][UP] [DOWN] [DOWN] THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN THEN PRESS PLUS (+) BUTTON (+) PLUS PRESS THEN SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER TRIM TO TRAILERPOINT PADDLE WHEELSENSOR MULTIPLIER 1.00 MULTIPLIER MULTIPLIER 1.00 MULTIPLIER PITOT SENSOR TRIM CALIBRATION SPEED SENSORS CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION TRIM FULLUP EXIT ? CALIBRATION TRIM FULLUP CALIBRATION CALIBRATION CALIBRATION [ NO] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SKIP] [SKIP] [SKIP] [ YES] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [UP] [EDIT] [EDIT] 4-16 for no. + Trim3. outboard full down, than to save. trim cylinders over, takes than Trim2. outboardpoint where the the to to save. Trim1. outboard full up, than sensor. play. Press MODE return tooriginalvaluesetting Pressing DFLT (default)duringeditwill brated tocorrectthesetting. rectly, thetrimsensorcanbere-cali- If thetrimsettingisnotreadingcor- Press reading will increaseordecreasethespeed Increasing ordecreasingthemultiplier sensors. play. Press MODE calibrated tocorrectthesetting. rectly, thespeedsensorscanbere- If thespeedometerisnotreadingcor- mode? youwanttoexitthecalibration Do Press MODE tosave. Press + Press + – Press + or+ forchangingsetting. toskipthenextdis- toskipthenextdis- tosave. (edit) tocalibratethe (edit) tocalibratethe foryes. Press MODE Press+ Press + Press 4. 2. 3. Speedometer Calibration osl27 2. 1. selections. mode Calibration Advanced Simple 1. clockcanbemadewhileengineisrunning. the [DOWN] [DOWN] Press screen. Press Press andhold Press Hold Turnposition. ignitionkeytotheoff Press inthe SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER SET ALLINSTRUMENTS? SET ALLINSTRUMENTS? Calibration TROLL MODE MODE CALIBRATION CALIBRATION BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST + CALIBRATION BRIGHTNESS CALIBRATION CONTRAST [ NO] [ NO] [SAVE] [SAVE]

toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. toadvancethroughthecalibrationselections. MODE TROLL – – MODE

This calibrationforsettinglightingand andturnignitionkeytotheonposition. and – [ YES]

[ YES] for2secondstobringupthecalibration This calibrationgoesthroughtheentire [UP] [UP] TROLL + 4-17 for yes. el forallSmartCraftgauges? Do youwantthesamebrightnesslev- MODE Press for allSmartCraftgauges? Do youwantthesamecontrastlevel Press yes. MODE buttonsforcalibrationscreen. Press MODE – tosavesetting tosavesetting – Press MODE or+ or+ (continued onnextpage) (continued to adjustlevel. to adjustlevel. forno. forno. Press + Press Press Press + for

SMART TACH & SPEED SMART TACH & SPEED Speedometer Calibration osl22 [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] 12H 12H SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER UTC CORRECTION =XH CALIBRATION HOUR CALIBRATION MINUTE – ENABLE or DISABLE or ENABLE M,D,Y, 24H or 4:15 CALIBRATION 4:15 CALIBRATION CALIBRATION TIME FORMAT CALIBRATION UTC ZONE NMEA [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SAVE] TIME [SAVE] [SKIP] PM PM – D,M,Y [UP] [UP] [UP] [UP] [EDIT] [UP] 4-18 Press versal timeconstant) MODE Press Press Select 12houror24clockset. To setorresettheclock MODE If theclockdisplayiscorrect,press Press cally. NMEA datawillsetthetimeautomati- ceiver isconnectedtothegauges, time calibration. IfaGPSnavigationre- Press Press Press Press save. Press MODE – MODE – MODE – – – tosave.(Houroffset fromuni- toskip.

or + or or + or+ or or (continued onnextpage) (continued + + tosetthehour tosettheminute to add UTC correction. UTC add to to enable or disable or enable to GPS tosave. tosave. to select.Press tosave. Press + MODE to Speedometer Calibration osl24 DW][UP] [DOWN] [DOWN] SMARTTACH &SPEEDOMETER AIR SENSOR SENSOR ? YES/NO ? SENSOR SENSOR AIR GPS CONNECTED ? YES/NO ? CONNECTED GPS EXTERNAL SENSORS EXTERNAL SENSORS EXTERNAL SENSORS CALIBRATION CALIBRATION EXIT ? CALIBRATION CALIBRATION [ NO] [SAVE] [SAVE] [SKIP] [ YES] [UP] [EDIT] 4-19 next sensor Press MODE Press +or No =not used Yes =in use for no. mode? youwanttoexitthecalibration Do YesChose No or Editing ExternalSensors SmartCraft System. deleting anyexternalsensortothe play. Press MODE Press + Press + –

for correctsetting tosaveandadvance toskipthenextdis- (edit) ifyouraddingor foryes. for each sensor for each Press MODE