Promotion of Rice Development Project PRiDe Project Rice in Uganda: Viewed from Various Market Channels A Survey Report December 2013 Japan International Cooperation Agency Copy right Ⓒ2013 Japan International Cooperation Agency The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official positions of JICA. Use and dissemination of this report, with due acknowledgement, is encouraged. It is highly appreciated for those who use some information provided by this report in any publication to send a copy of that publication to JICA at the following e-mail addresses:
[email protected] Rice in Uganda: Viewed from Various Market Channels A Survey Report Masao Kikuchi, Kunihiro Tokida, Yusuke Haneishi, Natsuko Miyamoto, Tatsushi Tsuboi and Godfrey Asea Table of contents I. Introduction .......... 2 II. Data Collection and Methodology .......... 5 III. Structure of Rice Consumption .......... 17 IV. Production and Distribution of Rice .......... 46 V. Structure and Workings of Rice Markets .......... 64 VI. International Competitiveness of Rice Production .......... 92 VII. The Rice Mill Industry .......... 109 VIII. Summary and Conclusions .......... 146 References ………. 156 Appendices ………. 162 December 2013 NaCRRI-JICA PRiDe Project 1 Chapter I. Introduction In the history of crop cultivation in Uganda few crops have hardly attracted such a sudden attention as rice has been attracting since around the turn of the century. Rice being not a traditional staple crop in Uganda for consumers as well as for farmers, the production and consumption of rice used to be negligible. At around the time of independence in 1960, rice took only 0.5% of total per-capita calorie intake of Ugandan people and 0.05% of the total area planted by Ugandan farmers to major staple food crops (plantains, cassava, sweet potatoes, millet, sorghum, maize and rice, in descending order), according to the „official‟ statistics as reported to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAOSTAT 2012).