Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):90-98, May 2020 e-ISSN : 2541-4208 p-ISSN : 2548-1606



Arifin Surya Dwipa Irsyam1*, Muhammad Rifqi Hariri2, Rina Ratnasih Irwanto3, Wendy Achmmad Mustaqim4

Received : January 27, 2020 Abstract. According to the Flora of Java, there is only one species of Accepted : May 03, 2020 Evolvulus in Java, namely . Since then, a second species was reported in 2017 from Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v5i1.7502 Java, as an alien naturalized species. Some recent field studies have 1Herbarium Bandungense (FIPIA), been conducted to provide updated taxonomic information of the ge- School of Life Sciences and Technol- nus on this island. The field observations were carried out in Banten, ogy (SITH), Institut Teknologi Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta and East Java from March to Decem- Bandung, Labtek VC Building, ber 2019. The herbarium studies were also conducted in Herbarium Jatinangor, Jawa Barat, Sumedang Bogoriense, Herbarium of Bogor Botanic Gardens, Herbarium Band- 2 Center for Conservation, Bogor ungense and Herbarium of the Department of Biology, Universitas In- Botanical Garden, Indonesian Institute donesia. Our study reveals one newly recorded species of Evolvulus in of Sciences (LIPI), Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 13, Bogor, West Java Java already grown in cultivation, namely E. glomeratus Nees & Mart. 3School of Life Sciences and Technol- subsp. grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. Besides that, Evolvulus nummu- ogy (SITH), Institut Teknologi larius is now also reported to occur in other sites of West Java and ex- Bandung, Labtek XI Building, tended to Central Java. An updated key of Evolvulus in Java, descrip- Jl. Ganeca No. 10, Bandung, West Java tions to both species, photographs and brief discussions are provided. 4Botany Division, Generasi Biologi Indonesia (Genbinesia) Foundation, Keywords: Convolvulaceae, Evolvulus, exotic species, Java Jl. Swadaya Barat No. 4, Semampir, Cerme, Gresik, East Java e-mail: *[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

*Corresponding author

Citation Irsyam, A. S. D., Hariri, M. R., Irwanto, R. R. & Mustaqin, W. A. (2020). A Note on the Genus Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae) in Java, Indonesia. Jurnal Biodjati, 5(1), 90-98.

INTRODUCTION presence of two-branched trichomes, corolla with purple, blue or white color, two forked Evolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae) com- styles, filiform stigmas and glabrous seeds prises as many as 100 species widely dis- (Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink, 1965; tributed in the Neotropics (van Oostroom, Junqueira & Simão-Bianchini, 2006; Staples, 1934; Junqueira & Simão-Bianchini, 2006). 2010; Simões et al., 2011). Two species of the Morphologically, the genus is characterized genus, Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. and Evol- by its non-twining habit, unlobed leaves, the vulus nummularius (L.) L., have been natural- Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):90-98, May 2020

http://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/biodjati ized in the Old World (van Oostroom, 1934). (SITH), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The taxonomical information on Evol- Two herbarium studies have been car- vulus of Java was published by Backer & ried out between 2016 and 2019. In August Bakhuizen van den Brink (1965) and van 2016, the first have been done in Herbarium Oostroom (1934; 1953). They recognized of the Department of Biology, Faculty of only one species of Evolvulus in Java, name- Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univer- ly E. alsinoides. Since then, one alien species sitas Indonesia. Three years later, in August was recorded from Depok, namely E. nummu- 2019, further examinations of herbarium have larius (Nisyawati & Mustaqim, 2017). Some been done in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), recent field botanical explorations were made Herbarium of Bogor Botanic Gardens (KRB) in some areas of Java which reveal that there and Herbarium Bandungense (FIPIA). is another species of Evolvulus already pres- The collected Evolvulus specimens were ent in Java. A thorough examination of the identified by comparing the description of the herbarium and literature has shown that the specimens to the previously published liter- species is E. glomerulatus Nees & Mart. sub- atures for Evolvulus (van Oostroom, 1934; sp. grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. Therefore, van Oostroom & Hoogland, 1953; Backer there is a need to provide updated taxonomic & Bakhuizen van den Brink, 1965; Staples, data on the genus Evolvulus in Java as a part 2010) and literatures for weeds and alien spe- of the Alien Flora of Java treatment currently cies in Java or Indonesia (Backer & van Sloo- undertaken by the authors. ten, 1924; Everaarts, 1981; Soerjani et al., 1987; Setyawati et al., 2015; Tjitrosoedirdjo MATERIALS AND METHODS et al., 2016; Kementerian Pertanian, 2017; Ni- syawati & Mustaqim, 2017). The field study was conducted using the exploration method according to Rugayah RESULTS AND DISCUSSION et al. (2004) from March to December 2019. The plant materials were collected using van A total of ten specimens of Evolvulus Balgooy’s method (1987) from several urban were collected from our recent explorations. localities in Banten (Serpong), Jakarta, West Four of them belong to E. nummularius, Java (Bandung, Bogor, Depok, Garut, Jati- a species recorded for the first time in Java nangor, Pangandaran, Sukabumi), Yogyakarta by Nisyawati & Mustaqim (2017). The oth- (Bantul) and East Java (Bondowoso, Malang, er six were identified as E. glomeratus Nees Surabaya, Madura Island), i.e. campus areas, & Mart. subsp. grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. pedestrian paths, city parks and agritourism (Figure 1). The latter Specimens were collect- places. These explorations were conducted in ed from West Java (Bandung and Bogor) and urban areas because the spread of alien species East Java (Bondowoso and Malang) (Figure often begins in urban ecosystems (Mayer et al., 1). No addition to the specimens of E. alsinoi- 2017). The plant materials were preserved and des, only one species recorded from the island observed in Herbarium Bandungense (FIP- before present publication. IA), School of Life Sciences and Technology

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An updated key to the Evolvulus species in Java 1. A. Leaves orbicular, base cordate, glabrous above; ovate; corolla white ...... Evolvulus nummularius B. Leaves otherwise, base acute to rounded, hairy above; sepal lanceolate; corolla blue ...... 2

2 A. up to 3 cm; up to 2 mm long...... Evolvulus alsinoides B. Peduncle very short or absent; petiole 2 mm or longer ...... Evolvulus glomeratus subsp. grandiflorus

Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart. subsp. Notes grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr., Meded. Bot. Evolvulus glomeratus subsp. grandiflorus is Mus. Herb. Rijks. Utrecht 14: 232 (1934). native to Tropical America (van Ooststroom, 1934). The species has been widely cultivated Herb, perennial, prostrate or ascending and as an ornamental due to its beautiful blue-lilac stem woody at the base. Stems reddish-brown, flowers (Staples, 2008; Staples, 2010). The with a dense indumentum of white villose or species has also been commonly grown as or- villose-tomentose hairs, appressed. Leaves namental in some regions surrounding Indone- alternate, oblong, elliptic-oblong or obovate, sia, including Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan 16‒29 × 8‒14 mm, base acute to rounded, (Chen, 2007; Staples, 2008; Chen et al., 2015; margins entire, apex obtuse, triplinerved at Ketjarun et al., 2016). Based on an examina- the base, adaxial surface sericeous, green, tion of material in BO, KRB and FIPIA, Evol- abaxial surface covered by white hairs; peti- vulus glomeratus subsp. grandiflorus has not ole 2‒4 mm long. Flowers solitary in the axils previously been recorded in Java. We found of leaves or aggregated into a terminal capitu- that this species already cultivated in Java as lum, sessile. free, 5, linear-lanceolate, an ornamental plant, but the information about 7 mm long, green, villose and ciliate. Corolla when it was introduced in Java is uncertain. salverform, plicate, blue or lilac, white at the There is no record that the species has escaped centre, tube 5 mm long, limb 5-lobed, up to 25 from cultivation and become naturalized. mm in diameter. 5, exserted, adnate Specimens Examined to the corolla tube; filaments white, filiform, 5 West Java: Cibeunying Park, Bandung, 07 mm long; anthers oblong, white, 2 mm, dorsi- March 2019, ASD Irsyam 212 (FIPIA); near fixed. Ovary superior, ovoid, yellowish-green. the West Ceremonial Hall of Bandung Insti- Styles 2, each 2-branched; stigma 2, filiform, tut of Technology, Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. white, 12 mm. Fruits and seeds unknown. 10, 08 July 2019, ASD Irsyam 280 (FIPIA); Distribution Bandung, Jl. Riau, 08 July 2019, ASD Irsyam Southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, 281 (FIPIA); Jl. Raya Bogor, Cibinong, 08 to North Eastern Argentina (van Ooststroom, August 2019, ASD Irsyam 282 (FIPIA). 1934). Introduced as cultivated species in Ma- East Java: Bondowoso, 03 March 2019, MR laysia, Singapore (Chen et al., 2015) and Java. Hariri 41 (FIPIA); Kota Batu, Malang, 03 Habitat March 2019, MR Hariri 42 (FIPIA). It is usually planted in open areas, shady areas and roadsides.

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Figure 1. Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart. subsp. grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. (A) habit, (B) hairs on the abaxial leaf surface, (C) flower

Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) nous, ca. 1 × 0.5 mm, minutely tuberculate. 1: 391 (1762). Distribution This species is native to Continental Ameri- Herb, perennial, prostrate, pubescent. Stems ca from Mexico to N. Argentina, West Indies; slender, brown, villous or scabrous, rooting at tropical Africa, Madagascar: British India nodes. Leaves distichous; orbicular to orbicu- (Van Ooststroom, 1934; van Steenis, 1953). lar-obovate, 1.3–1.7 × 1.2–1.4 cm, base cor- Habitat. The species grows on open areas, date to rounded, apex rounded or emarginate; gaps area between paving blocks or stones, glabrous or appressed pilose abaxially, rarely and along the footpath at BBG, Universitas sparsely pubescent beneath; lateral veins 2 or Indonesia (UI) and National Nuclear Energy 3 pairs; petiole 2–4 mm. Flowers axillary, 1 or Agency of Indonesia (BATAN). 2 per leaf axil, peduncles up to 5 mm long. Se- Specimens Examined pals persistent, oblong-ovate to oblong, 3–4 × Special Capital Region of Jakarta: research 2–3 mm, outer 2 sepals slightly longer than the garden of BATAN, Pasar Jumat, 20 June inner sepals, pilose abaxially, margin ciliate. 2019, MR Hariri 40 (FIPIA). West Java: Bo- Corolla white, broadly campanulate or nearly gor Botanic Gardens, Bogor, 20 March 2019, salverform, ca. 6 mm wide; limb ca. 7–8 mm MR Hariri 21-22 (FIPIA); Universitas Indo- in diam., 5-lobed. Stamens 5, inserted at mid- nesia, Depok, 2015, WA Mustaqim 1217 (UI). dle of corolla tube; filaments ca. 1.5 mm long, Central Java: Wonogiri Regency, near the city glabrous basally; anthers oblong. The ovary center and settlement at near limestone hill, is superior, globose. Styles 2, lobes linear, 28 September 2015, WA Mustaqim 1363 (UI); ca. 3 mm; stigma 2, minutely capitate. Fruits Wonogiri Regency, Jatisrono, open fields, 28 ovoid capsule, 2–3 mm in diam. Seeds 2–4 September 2015, WA Mustaqim 1368 (UI). per fruit, brown to black, shiny, ovoid-trigo- Irsyam et al. 93 Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):90-98, May 2020


Figure 2. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. (A) habit, (B) flowers, (C) fruit

Evolvulus nummularius is distribut- found in two of three main phytogeograph- ed from Central to South America and it has ical regions of Java, a quite significant -ge just been recently recorded in Java. Although ographic extension from the previous pub- there is no clear evidence, there is a possi- lication by Niswayati & Mustaqim (2017). bility that it was accidentally introduced to There is no record on the intended intro- Java as a soil contaminant. Previous studies duction of E. nummularius according to our showed that some small-seeded alien species examination in many previous publications were unintentionally introduced into Java as (Blume, 1823; Binnendijk & Teysmann, 1855; a contaminant, such as Erechtites valeriani- Boerlage, 1901; Boldingh, 1914; Danimihard- folia (Link ex Wolf) Less. ex DC. and Praxe- ja & Notodihardjo, 1978; Danimihardja & lis clematidea (Griseb.) R.M.King & H.Rob. Notodihardjo, 1985; Astuti et al., 2001; Sari et (Tjitrosoedirdjo et al., 2016; Tjitrosoedirdjo al., 2010; Nisyawati & Mustaqim, 2017; Ari- & Wahyuni, 2018). Evolvulus nummularius ati et al., 2019). Therefore, we concluded that was collected for the first time from Wonogi- the presence of this species in BBG was not ri Regency, Central Java, in September 2015, made by the human. Evolvulus nummularius but this information still not published else- is a small-seeded species, and the seeds are where until now. Later, the species has been possibly dispersed by wind, water and ecto- previously reported from Depok (Nisyawati zoochory, i.e. by transported on human feet & Mustaqim, 2017) and Jakarta (Mustaqim at BBG. Lakshminarayana & Raju (2017) re- et al., 2019). In this study, the species was ported that the seeds of E. nummularius had also collected from Bogor Botanical Gar- been dispersed by wind and rainwater in India. dens (BBG) and the National Nuclear Ener- The pollination mechanism of E. num- gy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), Jakarta. It mularius in our research sites is not known. is now concluded that this species has been But, the previous study has suggested that the Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):90-98, May 2020 94 Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):90-98, May 2020

http://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/biodjati pollinator of E. nummularius during a rainy the pharmacological studies of E. glomeratus season in India is a snail (Lamellaxis gracile), subsp. grandiflorus are not provided yet and due to its flower position is located close to require further research. the ground surface (Sarma et al., 2007). More- Three species of Evolvulus (Convol- over, E. nummularius also produces nectars vulaceae) are now recognized in Java. Evol- and pollinated by several species of bees (Apis vulus glomeratus Nees & Mart. subsp. gran- cerana and Trigona iridipennis) or butterflies diflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. is a new record for (Zizeeria karsandra, Zizina otis, Chilades lai- Java which has been collected from Jakarta, us, Chilades pandava and Euchrysops cnejus) West Java (Bandung and Bogor) and East (Lakshminarayana & Raju, 2017). Java (Bondowoso and Malang). Evolvulus Other than Indonesia, E. nummularius nummularius, previously only known from was also reported as a newly recorded alien West Java, is shown to have a much wider ge- species in Southern China, Singapore and Tai- ographic range within Java. The results of our wan (Fang & Staples, 1995; Chen et al., 2009; study suggested that the of Con- Chua, 2016). The further ranges of E. num- volvulaceae in Java needs to be updated to mularius in Java after Nisyawati & Mustaqim accommodate the species that have not been (2017) needs to be noticed, due to its potential included in Flora of Java. as an invasive alien species. Moreover, it has been considered as invasive alien species in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS India and Vietnam (Tan et al., 2012; Desmukh et al., 2017). In India, the species has also The authors would like to thank the Di- been reported as a weed of agricultural fields rector of Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), Head (Naidu, 2012; Gaddeyya & Kumar, 2014; of Department of Biology and herbarium staff, Khobragade & Sathawane, 2014; Kaur et al., FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia. We would 2018). also like to give our thanks to Mr. David J. Evolvulus nummularius are traditionally Middleton from Singapore Botanic Garden used as Asian herbal medicine, especially in for his valuable comments and suggestions to North-East India (Ketjarun et al., 2016; Saha the manuscript. et al., 2016). Previous pharmacological stud- ies showed that E. nummularius has antibac- REFERENCES terial, anthelmintic, antioxidant and wound healing activities (Dash et al., 2003; Saini et Ariati, S. R., Astuti, R. S., Supriyatna, I., al., 2007; Pavithra et al., 2009; Saha et al., Yuswandi, A. Y., Setiawan, A., Saftan- 2016). The methanol extract of E. nummular- ingsih, D. & Pribadi, D. O. (2019). An ius is effective againstBacillus subtilis, Pseu- Alphabetical List of Plant Species Cul- domonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae tivated in the Bogor Botanic Gardens. and Escherichia coli (Pavithra et al., 2009). Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan The presence of tannins, flavonoids and trit- Kebun Raya-LIPI. erpenoids in the methanol extract might play Astuti, I. P., Soewilo, L. P., Said, T. D. & Ko- an important role as antioxidant properties sasih, R. N. A. (2001). An Alphabetical (Pavithra et al., 2009). Based on these stud- List of Species Cultivated in the ies, the species can be developed as a medic- Bogor Botanical Garden. Bogor: CV. inal plant in Indonesia. On the other hand, Riza Graha Jaya.

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