Bosnia: Main Cities, Locations and UN Routes N) (Jt Mountains O'l
Maps 255 Bosnia: main cities, locations and UN routes N) (jt Mountains O'l N t ~ ~ o, 2, 4I 1i 1//,- Miles Mtlgman ........ "'-,- \\l~~l~ c=::::!l Airport -- Milj acka River \'li '11/"-- "" _- Mt Jahorina -- Cease fire lines (approx.) Mt Bjelasnica ........ " -./ $: Built-up areas ,\,\,-, Mountains -Roads Sarajevo 1993 Maps 257 N f ~Sorb$ IIlIIill Muslims () ~Cr08IS ~o EI Sarajevo (muIU' elhnic) The Vance-Owen Plan 258 Ma~ __~ __________ _ SLOVENIA ·Prijedor BOSNIA Miles Krajina Maps 259 SERBIA SEA ~ Held by Muslims (Gov.) N ~ Held by Croats t • Held by Serbs e Cities - .rea held by 20 Muslims ! Miles Bosnia: March 1994 Index Note: the following are not included in this index as they are mentioned on most pages - Bosnia(n)(s); Croat(s)(ian); Muslim(s); Serb(ian)(s); UN. Abdic, Fikret 176, 191,216-18,221, Austrian Neutrality Law 95 230,231 Austm-Hungarian 17,27 Action Humanitaire France 161 Austro-Hungarian Army 27 Adamishin, Anatoly 129 Autonomous Province of Western 'Adil' 130 Bosnia 216 Adriatic (Sea) (coast) 25, 59, 62, 70, AWACS 17, 109-10, 124, 148, 159-60, 87, 109, 124, 159, 174, 200, 207, 200 248 Aziz, Abu Abdul 94 Mghanistan (Mghans) 94, 95-6 Mrica 94 Babic, Mohammed 95 Agenda for Peace (UN) 103-4 Bajina Basta 141 Agrokomerc 117 Baker, James 52, 59, 62, 128 AK-47s 95 Balkans 59, 95, 115, 119, 137-8, 140, Akashi, Yasushi 236, 239 149, 156, 163-4, 166, 171, 174, Akmauzic, Mile 123 192, 210, 245, 253 Albania(n)(s) 24-5, 59, 85, 156, 198 Balkan Axis 8 Albright, Madeleine 208, 236, 242 Baltic (states) 128 Alegic, Mehmed 219 Banja
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