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SA1 14281-15935.Pdf ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΤΑΞΕΩΣ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES: MINUTE PAPERS SA1/14281 - 15935 ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be useci- ΙΓ 14281 ] 1879 Dec- Appointment of Overseer of Works at W.1/1/1 1880 Jan K)'renia Wanting 14282 1880 Oct- The Commissioner of Kyrenia notifies W.1/1/2 Dec that he has appointed Mr Vasilis Vasiliou as foreman of Works in the place of Mr Nicolaides, resigned on account of smallness of salary, viz. 2/6 per diem 14283 1880 Jan- Travelling claim of Mr Williams, Civil W.1/2/1 Feb Draughtsman, proceeding from Limassol to Nicosia. 14284 1880 Mar- Proposal to appoint Mr Williams W.1/2/2 May (Draftsman in District Office, Limassol) as Clerk of Works to be employed in the Nicosia Office, at 10/- per diem. 14285 1880 Mar- Travelling claim, £2, of Mr Williams, W.1/2/3 Apr from Nicosia to Famagusta and back, on duty connected with the establishment of a Meteorological Station at Famagusta 14286 1880 Jan Mr Frangia to conduct the payments on W.1/3/1 roads under construction in place of Mr Israelian, appointed Inspector of Police for special duties. 14287 1880 Jan Instructions for Mr Frangia for W.1/3/2 payment on roads as above 14288 1880 Mar- Mr Frangia's pay as Paymaster on roads W. 1/3/3 Apr to be 7/6 per diem instead of 10/- as hitherto 14289 1880 Feb- Discharge of Mr Frangia, Paymaster on W.1/3/4 May roads 14290 1880 Jan- Lists of Royal Engineers officers W.1/4/1 Jun drawing island pay and of Foremen of Works and Superintendents for payments on roads. Called for on P/19/1 14291 1880 Feb Commissioner Limassol forwards application W.1/5/1 from a Mr Waite for appointment as District Engineer, Limassol. Question of appointing a District Engineer (see P/56/1) 14292 1879 Jan- Horse allowance of 2/- per diem to W.1/6/1 1880 Jun Lieut. Sinclair, Royal Engineers, District Engineer, Larnaca, while employed on civil duties Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be use4- 14293 1880 Feb Application from Captain A.Alexander, W.1/7/1 Royal Engineers, for appointment as Colonial Engineer in Cyprus. 14294 1880 Mar Travelling claim (£1.12.0) of W.1/8/1 Mr G.Dobbin proceeding to Larnaca to examine site of proposed new Konak and Public Offices. 14295 1880 Mar Date from which Mr Dobbin (Surveyor, W.1/8/2 Royal Engineers Department) is to draw pay Island Work 14296 1880 Apr- Travelling claims: Dr Dobbin,Commanding W. 1/8/3 May Royal Engineers, requests that vouchers be not required 14297 1880 Jun The Government Engineer forwards and W.1/8/4 recommends application from Mr Dobbin for leave of absence from 21 June to 5 July 1880 14298 1880 Ju1 - Permission for Mr Dobbin to go to W.1/8/5 Aug Troodos on the condition of his inspecting the work at Nicosia (Pioneer Barracks) once a month 14299 1880 Nov- Authority for payment of Messrs Dobbin W.1/8/6 Dec and Stent 14300 1880 Nov- Termination of Mr Dobbin's services. W.1/8/7 Dec Notice should be sent to Brigade Major that Mr Dobbin will not be required after 31 December 14301 1879 Dec- Travelling expenses, £3.19.4, of W.1/9/1 1880 May Mr Gray Donald, proceeding from Nicosia to Paphos to take up appointment as Engineer 14302 1880 Apr Mr Gray Donald to come to Nicosia, his W.1/9/2 services being required by Lt.Kenyon on works at Kyrenia. 14303 1880 May The Government Engineer applies for a W.1/9/3 tent for Mr Gray Donald, Clerk of Works at Kyrenia 14304 1880 May Government Engineer forwards and re­ W.1/9/4 commends for favourable consideration a claims by Mr Donald for £6.12.3, travelling expenses from Paphos to Kyrenia 14305 1880 Aug- Complaint of Commissioner Kyrenia against W.1/9/5 1881 May Mr Donald, Foreman of works ( 2 files ) Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 14306 1880 Jul- use4- Governmetn Engineer asks for permission W.1/9/6 1881 Feb for Mr Donald to reside in the Fort 14307 1881 Jan- Inspector of Prisons forwards report W.1/9/7 May from Governor of Kyrenia Prison re­ specting Mr Donald assaulting a Corporal of Police, Mustapha 14308 1881 Jan- Question of Mr Gray Donald's retention W.1/9/8 Feb in Government Service 14309 1881 Jun- Government Engineer forwards letter from W.1/9/9 Oct Mr Donald respecting his dismissal and asking that he may be granted 2 or 3 months leave with pay 14310 1880 Apr- Employment of Mr Stent as Clerk of Works W.1/10/1 May at 10/- a day from 8th to 31 March from pioneer vote for 1879-80 14311 1881 May- Pay drawn by foremen and clerks of Public W.1/10/2 Oct Works, viz. Messrs Stent, Philipson, Donald and Remy (the pay of the 3 foremen to be charged to the works on which they are employed) 14312 1882 Mar- Government Engineer requests covering W.1/10/3 May authority for insertion of Mr F.R.Stent's name as Clerk of Works on the Establishment at 10/- a day for months of January and February 1882 14313 1882 Sep Mr F.W.Stent asks to be informed whether W.1/10/4 his son Mr F.R.Stent, Clerk of Works, is still employed under the Cyprus Government as he had heard nothing of him for nearly a year. 14314 1880 Apr Employment of Mr Lazarides as Paymaster W.1/11/1 on Roads, vice Mr Frangia, at 7/6 per diem with travelling expenses from 16.4.1880 14315 1880 Dec- Mr Lazarides' travelling expenses. W.1/11/2 1881 Feb Assistant Government Engineer requests authority to pay 1/6 a day for mule hire and 1/- a day for lodging while away from home from 10 june to 31 December 14316 1881 Apr- Government Engineer requests authority W.1/11/3 Oct for payment of £5.17.0 to Mr Lazarides, 78 days forage allowance at 1/6 a day. Also requests that he may have authority to settle all similar travelling allowances of officers in Government Engineer's Department Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description ]"ormer Reference This margin not to be use4- 14317 1880 Apr- (1) Appointment of an officer for the W.1/12/1 May superintendence of island works at Limassol. (2) Professional assistance in superintending engineering works at Paphos 14318 1880 May Government Engineer asks for a messenger W.1/13/1 @ 1/- a day - say £1.10.0 a month or £18.0.0 a year - or a zaptieh orderly 14319 1881 Mar- Government Engineer recommends that the W.1/13/2 1882 Jan salary of Kyriakos Angeli, Office Keeper, be increased from 1/- a day to £24 per annum 14320 1882 Sep- Government Engineer reports dismissal W.1/13/3 Nov of Kyriakos Angelis, Office Messenger, and appointment of Petri Floretzi in his stead at £2 per month with promise of an extra 5/- at a later date for cleaning latrines, stables etc if he works wel1. 14321 1879 Sep- Appointment of an officer by the W.1/14/1 1880 May Government to superintend the work connected with the water supply of Limassol 14322 1880 Jun The Government Engineer reports that he W.1/14/2 is unable to continue the supervision of the laying of water pipes at Limassol. Lieut Bafnold, having been ordered immediately to England, complains that no remuneration is granted for the work. 14323 1880 May Proposed employment of Mr Remy as clerk W.1/15/1 of the works at Government House,Troodos, at £15 per month from 1st May 1880 14324 1880 Jun- The Government Engineer recommends forage W.1/15/2 Jul allowance, at 2/- per diem, for Mr Remy, Clerk of Works, Troodos, while it is necessary for him to go Journeys to find timber, inspect lime kilns, purchase material etc 14325 1880 Jun- Forage allowance, Mr Remy Clerk of Works, W.1/15/3 Jul Troodos: The Government Engineer re­ commends that the forage allowance of 1/- per diem granted on W1/15/2 may be increased to 2/- 14326 1880 Sep- Complaint by Mr Parsons of Mr Remy W.1/15/4 Oct having failed to keep an appointment for delivery of trees for Government House Troodos Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be usecl. 14327 1880 Oct- Government Engineer forwards application W.1/15/5 1881 Mar for leave of absence from Mr Remy from 8 to 23 November 1880 14328 1881 Mar- Government Engineer submits Mr Remy's W.1/15/6 Apr claims for horse allowance and re­ quests authority to pay 14329 1880 May Employment of a Clerk of Works for the W.1/16/1 building of the temporary Prison at Kyrenia at £15 per month 14330 1880 May Travelling expenses of Lt Kenyon for W.1/17/1 April 1880 14331 1880 Jul Brigade Major forwards application from W.1/17/2 Lt Kenyon for leave of absence from 3 August to 6 November 1880.
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